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  • 8/12/2019 Ussocom Tor


  • 8/12/2019 Ussocom Tor


    USSOCOM D 10-1 25 August 2008

    1. Purpose . This directive provides Terms of Reference TOR ) for United States Army SpecialOperations Command USASOC); Naval Special Warfare Command NAVSPECWARCOM); Air ForceSpecial Operations Command AFSOC), Marine Forces Special Operations Command MARSOC), JointMilitary Information Support Command JMISC) , and Joint Special Operations University JSOU ). TheTOR for Joint Special Operations Command JSOC) is addressed in SM 801-88 , JSOC Charter.

    2. Appli cab ility. Th is directive is applicable to USASOC , NAVSPECWARCOM, AFSOC , MARSOC,JMISC, and JSOU. Ass ignment of forces , command relationships, missions, functions , andresponsibilities contained in this document will remain in effect unless revised by the Commander, UnitedStates Special Operations Comman d CDRUSSOCOM), or superseded by higher authority.

    3. Terms of Reference TOR) . TOR for USSOCOM Component Commands are provided in AppendixesA through F

    4. Definit ions See Glossary, Section II). Definitions are the terms CDRUSSOCOM uses to designateresponsibilities . These terms will be used by USSOCOM in future revisions to currently publishedpublications.

    5. References See Glossary, Section III).

    6. Propone n t. The proponent for this manual is the USSOCOM Center for Special Operations SCSO),Strategic Plans Division SCSO -J52 ). Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvementsdirectly to USSOCOM, ATTN: SCSO -J52, 7701 Tampa Point Blvd. , MacDill AFB, FL 33621 -5323.




    FRANK E WALKERMajor, U.S. ArmySecretary Joint Staff

    S A HUMMERBrigadie r General, U.S. Marine CorpsChief of Staff


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    USSOCOM D 10 1 25 A ugust 200 8


    Headquarters , Department of the Army , ATTN: MOSO -ODF , Washi ngton, D.C. 20310 -0400Office of the Chief ofNaval Operations, Department of the Navy , ATTN: OP -603,

    Washington, D.C. 20350 -2000 ...... ... .............. ..... .. ..... ... .... .. .... .. .. ...... ................... ......... ......... .. .. ...........Headquarters, Uni ted States Air Forces, ATTN: Direc tor of Operations , Plans , and Requirement ,

    Washington, D.C . 20330 -5050 ...... .. ..... ... ....... ... ... ................. ................... ..... ...... ........ .......... ............ ....Commandant of the Marine Corps, ATTN : PO-SOD, 3000 M ar ine Corps, Pentagon RM 1D683 ,

    Washington , D.C. 20380 -3000 .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . 1Joint Military Information Support Comman d, Mac Di ll AF B, FL 33621 .. . . . . .......... 1United States Central Command, ATTN: J5 , 7115 So uth Bou ndary Blvd, MacDill AFB ,

    FL 33621 -5101 . ...... .................. ....... ........... .. .. ..... ...... ....................... .. ....... .... . ....................... ... .......... .. . 1United States European Command , ATTN: J5 , APO New Yo rk 09128-5000 ....... .... ........ ...... ..... ..... ....... 1United Stat es Pacific Command, ATTN: J5 , Box 2 8J1472, Ca mp H.M. Sm ith, HI 96861 -5025 . .......... 1United States Joint Forces Command , ATTN: J5 , Norfolk, VA 23511 -5000 .... ................................ ... .... 1United States Strategic Comma nd, ATTN : J5 , Offutt AF B, N E ..... ... ......... ........... .. ... ....... ............ ..... .... ..United States Southern Command, ATTN : J5, APO Miami 34003-5000 ...... .. ... ............... .... ........ .......... 1United States Transportation Command , ATTN: J5 , Scott AF B , IL 62225-700 1 ............ .. .... .... ........... .. .1United States Forces Command, ATTN : J5 Fort McPherso n , GA 30330 -6000 ...... .. .... .... ... ... ... .......... .. .. 1Commander , Special Operations Command, Central , 7115 So uth Boundary Blvd ,

    Mac Dill AFB , FL 33608 -5101 ...... .. ... ... .... ..... .... .... ......... .................. ...... ........................ ..... ......... ...... ..1Commander , Special Operations Command , Europe, Unit 30400, APO NY 09128-4209 ................. ... ... 1Commander , Special Operations Command , Pacific , Box 640 46 , Camp H.M. Smi th , HI 96861 -4046 . .. 1Commander, Special Operations Command, Joi nt Forces, 1721 Piersey St, Norfolk VA 23511 -2610 . ... 1Commander , Special Operations Comma nd, So uth , 29350 Co ral Sea Blvd, Homestead Air Reserve

    Base, FL 33039 . ........ ..... ...... ..... .. .... ......... .... .......... .... .. ... .. .... .... ..... ...... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ....... ....... .............. .. 1

    Commander, Special Operations Command, Korea , Unit 15622, APO AP 96205 -0328 . .... ..... ...... ....... .... 1


    This directive contains substa nt ial revisio ns and shoul d be read in its entirety.



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    USSOCOM D 10-1 25 Aug ust 2008




    A-1. General. These Terms of Reference TOR) identify the command relationships, mission, functions ,and responsibilities of USASOC.

    A-2. Command Relationships.

    a. Commander, USASOC C DRUSASOC) is designated the Army Service Component Commander ofUSSOCOM. The Army component is under the combatant command COCOM) of the Commander ,United States Special Operations Command CDRUSSOCOM) . Additionally, HQ USASOC is designatedthe USSOCOM alternate command headquarters.

    b. As the commander of the Army component command of USSOCOM, and an Army ServiceComponent Command ASCC), CDRUSASOC is responsible for the organization, administration ,recruiting, equipping, training , maintenance, support, readiness, deployment and education of assignedforces , including those forces temporarily assigned to the operational control OPCON) of other unifiedcommanders. CDRUSASOC shall coordinate as necessary with the Chief of Staff, Army CSA), ASCCs ,and Major Army Commands MACOM) for service administrative , logistic, and organization matters. Onservice-specific issues such as personnel , administration , logistics, and individual training, CDRUSASOCshall communicate with the CSA , keeping CDRUSSOCOM informed.

    c. To accomplish assigned missions, functions, and responsibilities as specified in this document ,CDRUSASOC is authori ze d to establish and maintain liaison and obtain necessary support from otherServices , major commands , and other governmental agencies. This includes authority to executenecessary Executive Agreements as approved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. CDRUSASOC shalladvise CDRUSSOCOM as appropriate . Compo nent commander responsib ilities regarding executiveagreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7 , 0) Staffing Procedures or United States SpecialOperations Command Executive greements U), 3 June 2005.

    d. As authorized by CDRUSSOCOM Command Arra ngements Agreements CAA) with all unifiedcombatant commanders, CDRUSASOC is authorized direct coordination/planning and liaison with andbetween theater components and subordinate commanders. CD RUSASOC shall keep CDRUSSOCOMinformed of all planning , coordination , and liaison .

    e. CDRUSASOC shall designate the Deputy Chief of Staff for Information Management DCSIM) asthe Designated Accrediting Au thori ty DAA), IAW DODI 8510 .01, DOD Information AssuranceCertification and Accreditation Process DIACA P . Copies of all System Security AuthorizationAgreements SSAA ) will be provided to the headquarters , Special Operations Networking andCommunications Center SONC) office .

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    USSOCOM D 10 1 25 August 2008

    j. Serve as the Lead Component for the SOF Multi-Purpose Canine MPC) Program. Recommendresponsibilities, policies , and procedures for the employment, direction, management , and control o f anorganic, multi-purpose detection, patrol, and tracking) canine.

    k. Serve as USSOCOM Lead Component for the Joint Special Operations Medical Training CenterJSOMTC) .

    l Support the USSOCOM Senior Language Authority in all matters relating to JSOF foreign languagetraining policies, programs , procedures , requirements and capabilities as directed by USSOCOM Directive350-8 , Commercial Aviation Oversight Procedures , 4 April2007.

    m. Train , equip, plan for, and provide fo rce s to execute command and control o f CombatantCommand/JTF /SOF headquarters operations lAW USSOCOM Directive 350-12, 0) Joint SpecialOperations Task Force JSOTF) U), 12 December 2003.

    A 5. Responsibilities . The following responsibilities are assigned to CDRUSASOC:

    a. Exercise command authority consistent with ass ignment o f OPCON ove r all active and reserveARSOF stationed in the continental United States Se e Figure A-2, Forces OPCON /ADCON toCDRUSASOC).

    b. Assist CDRUSSOCOM in providing oversight o f promotions, assignments, retention , training, andprofessional military education o f active , reserve, and National Guard ARSOF personnel.

    c. Develop and validate USASOC component intelligence collection , security , and productionrequirements pertaining to general mission and threat includi ng BL UE/GREY) area analyses, exercises,

    Mobile Training Teams /Joint Combined Exchange Training , theater operational plans O PLAN) /conceptplans C ONPLAN), Target Intelligence Packages TIP) , SOF Modernization, NC -directed missions, andoperational support missions. USASOC Headquarters intelligence information and productionrequirements will be coordinated through HQ USSOCOM, where the y will either be satisfied or endorsedand processed for submission to the national intelligence community for action. USASOC componentrequirements wi ll be submitted to appropriate theater SOC validato rs for all theater -related requirements.

    d. Coordinate, monitor, and prepare forces for CDRUSSOCOM -directed SO support to specialactivities.

    e. Identify and define requirements for CDRUSSOCOM validation, development, and acquisitio n o f

    SO-peculiar equipment, and SO -peculiar material , supplies, services, and military constructionMILCON) required for ARSOF. Through membership on Program Integrated Product Teams PI PT),

    assist the Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Ce nte r SOAL) in the planning and execution o fspecial -operations peculiar materiel acquisition programs.

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    USSOCOM D 10 1 25 August 2008





    111 OTH SFG A)




    19TH SFG A)20TH SFG A)



    1/lST SFG A)39th SFDKE /160TH SOAR

    Figure A -2. Forces OPCON/ADCON to CDRUSASOC.


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    USSOCOM D 10-1 5 August 2008


    TOR O


    B-1. General. These Terms o f Reference TOR) identify the command relationships , mission , functions ,and responsibilities o f the NAVSPECWA RCOM.

    B-2 Command Relationships.

    a. Commander, NAV SPECWARCOM C OMNAVSPECWARCOM ) is designated the Navycomponent commander o f USSOCOM. Th e navy component is under the combatant commandCOCOM) of the Commander, Un ited States Special Operations Command CD RUSSOCOM).

    b As the commander of the N avy component o f USSOCOM, and a Navy echelon two commander,COMNAVSPECWARCOM is responsible for the organization, administration, equipping, training ,maintenance, support, readiness, deployment and education o f assigned forces, including those forcestemporarily transferred to and under the OPCON o f other unified commanders.COMNAVSPECWARCOM shall coo rdinate as necessary with the Chief o f Na val Operations CNO ) andother Navy echelon two commanders for service administrative and service common logistic matters. Onservice-specific issues such as personnel, administration , logistics , equipment, and individual training,COMNAVSPECWARCOM shall communicate with the CNO, keeping CDRUSSOCOM informed .

    c. To accomplish assigned missions , functions, and responsibilities as specified in this document,COMNAVSPECWARCOM is authorized to establish and maintain liaison with and obtain necessarysupport from other Services , major commands, and other governmental agencies. This includes authorityto execute necessary Executive Agreements as approved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. Componentcommander responsibilities regarding executive agreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7.

    d As authorized by CDRUSSOCOM Command Arrangements Agreements CAA) with all unifiedcommanders , COMNAVSPECWARCOM is authorized direct coordination/planning and liaison with andbetween theater components and subordinate commanders. COMNAVSPECWARCOM shall keepCDRUSSOCOM informed o f all planning , coordination, and liaison.

    e. COMNAVSPECWARCOM shall designate an 6 as the Designated Accrediting Authority DAA),IAW DODI 8510.01, DOD Information Assurance and Accreditation Process DIACAP). Copies o f allSystem Security Authorization Agreements SSAA) will be provided to the headquarters , SONC office.

    B-3. Mission . The mission o f the NAV SPECWARCOM is to organize, train, man , equip , educate , sustain,maintain combat readiness, and deploy assigned Active Component AC) and ReserveComponent RC) Naval Special Warfare NSW) forces and personnel to accomplish special operationsSO ) missions assigned by CDRUSSOCOM and/or geographic combatant commanders employing SOF.


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    USSOCOM D 10-1 25 ugust 2008

    B-4. Functions . Component command functions will be accomplished by NAVSPECWARCOM withassista nce from the USSOCOM staff. The following functions are assigned toCOMNAVSPECWARCOM:

    Lead DesignationTasks Missions Skills Capabilities SOF Advocate Component Source

    Maritime DA VBSS /HVBSS ) USSOCOM NSWC D 10 1

    Maritime Special Reconnaissance USSOCOM NSWC D 10 1

    Maritime FlO USSOCOM NSWC D 10 1

    Combat Swimming Dive Ops USSOCOM NSWC M 350-4 V1

    Undersea Ops Submers ible Ops) USSOCOM NSWC M 350-4 V1

    Maritime Mobility Surf ace Mobility) USSOCOM NSWC D 10 1

    Maritime Spec ia l Operations USSOCOM NSWC M 350-4 V1

    Riverine Operations USSOCOM NSWC M 350-4 V1

    Littoral/Urban Littoral/Coastal Operations USSOCOM NSWC M 350-4 V1

    Maritime Training and Ops - CRRC US SOC OM NSWC M 350-4 V2

    Figure B-1. Summary ofNSWC Functions.

    a. Special Operations Forces Core Tasks.

    (1) Execute Direct Action , Special Reconnaissance , Foreign Internal Defense, and CounterTerrorism missions as primary core tasks assigned by CDRUSSOCOM. Execute Unconventional Warfareand Information Operations missions as secondary core tasks assigned by CDRUSSOCOM.

    (2) Provide support to Combatant Co mmand/JTF /SOF HQs executing Civil Affai rs Operations,Psychological Operations, Counter Proliferation , and Information Operations core tasks assigned byCDRUSSOCOM.

    b. COMNAVSPECWARCOM is USSOCOM s Lead Component for mantlme Special Operationsconducted in undersea, riverine , littoral (also urban littoral) , and all maritime environments. SpecificallyCOMNAVSPECWARCOM shall:

    (1) Serve as the USSO COM Lead Component for .Maritime Direct Action (V BSS /HVBSS) ,Maritime Rec onnaissance, and Maritime Surface Mobility.

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    (2) Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Maritime Foreign Internal Defense (FID).Develop and recommend doctrine to USSOCOM for approval. NAVSPECWARCOM serves asCDRUSSOCOM s senior advisor on all matters pertaining to the training, doctrine , capabilities, andemployment o f special operations forces to support friendly foreign government s internal defense anddevelopment (IDAD) programs in a maritime environment.

    (3) Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Combat Swimming /Dive Operations, UnderseaOperations (Submersible Operations), and Maritime training /Operations (CRRC) with the responsibilitiesoutlined in USSOCOM Manual350-4Nolumes and 2.

    (4) Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Maritime Special Operations, RiverineOperations , and Littoral/Urban LittoraVCoastal Operations with the responsibilities outlined inUSSOCOM Manual 350-4Nolume 1.

    c. Train , equip, plan for and provide forces to execute command and control of CombatantCommand/JTF /SOF headquarter operations in accordance with USSOCOM Directive 350- 12 .

    B 5. Responsibilities. The following responsibilities are assigned to COMNAVSPECWARCOM:

    a. Exercise command authority consistent with assignment of OPCON over all active and reserveNaval Special Warfare units stationed in the United States . (See Figure B -2, Forces OPCON /ADCON toCOMNAVSPECWARCOM.)

    b. Assist CDRUSSOCOM in providing oversight o f promotions, assignments , retention , training, andprofessional military education of active and reserve NSW personnel.

    c. Develop , validate, and oversee NAVSPECWARCOM component intelligence manning , training , andequipment requirements. Provide Special Security Office services to include managing special programsfor NSW. Develop and vali date component intelligence collection, security , and production requirementspertaining to general mission and threat (including BLUE /GREY) area analysis , exercises ,MTT/JCET/MLE /JPAT support, theater OPLANs /CONPLANs, and NC -directed mission are executedas appropriate. NAVSPECWARCOM Headquarters intelligence requirements , and component USexercises or JCA AOR intelligence requirements will be coordinated through HQ USSOCOM, where theywill either be satisfied or endorsed and processed for submission to the national intelligence communityfor action . NAVSPECWARCOM component requirements for theater-related intelligence will besubmitted to appropriate theater SOC for validation and entered into the theater intelligence requirementprocess for satisfaction. Service specific requirements will be submitted to ONI for tasking to be satisfied

    as appropriate.

    d . Coordinate, monitor, and prepare forces for CDRUSSOCOM-directed NSW support to specialactivities.

    e. Identify and define requirements for CDRUSSOCOM validation, development , and acquisition o fSO-peculiar equipment , and the acquisition o f SO -peculiar material, supplies, services , and militaryconstruction (M ILCON ) required by NSW forces.

    B 3

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    USSOCOM D 10 1 25 Aug ust 2008

    Through membership on Program Integrated Product Teams (PI PT ), assist the Special OperationsAcquisition and Logistics Center (SOAL) in the planning and execution of special -operations peculiarmateriel acquisition programs .

    f Develop NSW doctrine , tactics , techniques, and procedures for CDRUSSOCOM , and ensure thatNSW doctrine is consistent with joint SO doctrine. Coordinate SW doctrine with the U.S. Navy, otherservices , and agency schools to ensu re interoperability.

    g Develop an affordable and executable Program Objective Memorandum (POM) to supportNAVSPECWARCOM validated requirements. Program resources and submit POM documentation toCDRUSSOCOM and CNO for inclusion in USSOCOM and US Navy planning, programming, budgetingand execution system (PPBE) submittals. Coordinate with USSOCOM on the Counterdrug (CD) Programand provide budget documentation when required. Prepare budget documents for NAVSPECWARCOMOperations and Maintenance (O M) and Military Construction (MILCON) and execute O M andProcurement resources in support of SW forces.

    B 4

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    USS OCO M D 10 -1 25 August 2008















    NSWG -2 Det SOUTH NSWU -2






    NSWU -3





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    USSOCOM D 10 -1 25 August 2008


    TO R F OR


    C-1. Ge neral These Terms of Refe rence (TOR) identify the command relationships , mission , functions,and responsibilities of AFSOC.

    C-2. Command Relationships .

    a. Commander , AFSOC (COMAFSOC) is designated the Air Force component commander ofUSSOCOM. The Air Force component is under the Combatant Command (COCOM) of the Comm ander ,United States Special Operations Co mmand (C DRUSSOCOM ).

    b. As the commander of the Air Force component command of USSOCOM, and an Air Force majorcommand (MAJCOM), COMAFSOC is responsible for the organization, administration , recruiting ,equipping, training, maintenance , support, readiness, deployment and education of assigned forces,including those forces temporarily assigned to the OPCON of other unified commanders. COMAFSOCshall coordinate as necessary with the Chief of Staff, Air Force (CSAF) and other Air Force MAJCOMsfor service administrative, combat support, and logistic matters. On service-specific issues such aspersonnel , administration, combat support , logistics , and individual training, COMAFSOC shallcommunicate with the CSAF , keeping CDRUSSOCOM informed.

    c. To accomplish assigned missions , functions, and responsibilities as specified in this document,COMAFSOC is authorized to establish and maintain liaison with and obtain necessary support from otherServ ice s, major commands , and other governmental agencies. This includes authority to executenecessary Executive Agreements as approved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. Com ponent commanderresponsibilities regarding executive agreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7.

    d. As authorized by USSOCOM Command Arrangements Agreements (CAA) with all unifiedcommanders , COMA FSOC is authorized direct coordination/p lanning and liaison with and betweentheater components and subordinate commanders. COMAFSOC shall keep CDRUSSOCOM informed ofall planning, coordination, and liaison.

    e. COMAFSOC shall designate a Designated Accredi t ing Authority (DAA ) lAW DODI 8510.01, DODInformation Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), for systems USSOCOM has

    accreditation authority over. Copies of all System Security Authorization Agreements (SSAA) will beprovided to the headquarters, SONC office.

    C-3. M iss ion. The mission AFSOC is to recruit, organize, train, man, equip , educate, sustain, maintaincombat readiness , and deplo y assigned AC and RC (U. S. Air Force Reserve (USAF R) and Air Na tionalGuard (ANG)), Air Force Special Operations Forces (AFSOF) to accomplish special ope rations (SO)mis sions assigned by CDRUSSOCOM and/or Geographic Com batant Commanders employing SOF.

    C 1

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    USSOCOM D 10 1 25 August 2008

    b. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for air and space operations. COMAFSOC serves asCDRUSSOCOM s senior advisor on all matters pertaining to doctrine , safety, equipment, andinoperability for USSOCOM.

    c. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component and JTAC Program Manager for all Terminal ControlOperations (TCO) to include Terminal Attack Control invol ving Special Operations personnel with theresponsibilities listed in USSOCOM Manual 350-5.

    d. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Personnel Recovery, including CSAR/JCSAR, withthe responsibilities published in USSOCOM Directive 525-21.

    e. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Combat Weather Support. Plan, coordinate , andconduct meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) operations in permissive and denied areas toprovide battle space environmental situational awareness for AFSOF, ARSOF, and Joint SOF operationsIAW USSOCOM Manual115 -2.

    f Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Aerial Special Reconnaissance (SR). Provide air andsurface reconnaissance to include Operational Preparation o f the Environment, Overhead SR, TimeCritical Targeting, Survey and Assessment , and Special Operations Weather Team (SOWT) operations.

    g. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS ) to include UASairspace management. Assist SOCOM in implementation o f the training standa rds published inUSSOCOM Directive 350-9 . Provide manned and unmanned airborne platforms and forces capable ofsupporting national and regional objectives. Platforms and forces should be sized appropriately and becon:figurable for selected mission requirements . Provide capability to operate in overt, low-visibility , andclandestine environments.

    h. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Assault Zone Assessments and Austere AirfieldOperations. Provide special tactics forces to the joint task force (JTF), joint special operations task force(JSOTF), Joint Special Operations Air Component (JSOAC), joint forces air component commander(JFACC), and combat air forces (CAF) to conduct austere airfield operations , assault zone assessments ,terminal attack control, combat search and rescue (CSA R), and combat trauma care.

    i. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Aviation Foreign Internal Defense (AvFID) .COMAFSOC serves as CDRUSSOCOM s senior advisor on all matters pertaining to the training ,doctrine , capabilities, and employment o f special operations aviation to support friendly foreigngovernment s internal defense and development (IDAD) programs.

    j . Serve as the US SOC OM Lead Component for Intelligence, Surveillance , and Reconnaissance ( SR )exploitation/Processing, Exploitation Dissemination (PED . Coordinate with all applicable componentson matters pertaining to ISR exploitation/PED training, policies , programs , and procedures. Specificall y,COMAFSOC shall :

    ( 1 Manage (tasking and synchronization) distributed ISR PED assets.


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    USSOCOM D 10 1 5 August 2008

    2) Receive and process o f multiple intelligence Mu lti-INT ) ISR sensor data .

    3) Exploitation and analysis correlation and fusion ) of sensor data/information.

    4) Conduct Full Motio n Video and all-source intelligence analysis to create intelligence productstailored to SOF requirements.

    5) Timely posting or dissemination of data, intelligence , and battle space information for furtheranalysis , situational awareness SA), direct threat warning , ope rationa l planning , targeting, preparation,and execution.

    6) Manage SOF peculiar ISR PED enhancements to satisfy unique operational requirements .

    7 Lead development of SOF -specific PED TTPs.

    k. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Fixed Wing Mobility to include non-standardaviation. The SOF Mobility mission area includes the required capabilities to pro vid e rapid, long-rangeairlift of SOF personnel and equipment through hostile or politically sensitive airspace to conduct specialop erations.

    I Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for rapid, global, specialized aerial refueling o f aircraft toincrease their range , endurance , and flexibility. Unless mission requirements dictate otherwise, allAFSOC aircraft should be air refuelable to provide maximum operati onal flexibility and s lf -depl oym ntcapability.

    m. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Forward Arming and Refueling Point FARP )

    operatio ns. Provide forces to conduct FARP operations from USAF aircraft to provide /receive fuelnecessary for the employment of aviation maneuver units in combat. Rearming of Army SpecialOperations Aviation ARSOA ) assets will be joint operations with ARSOA armament personnel andequipment transported by AFSOC FARP capable aircraft.

    n. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Air Component Command and Control as designatedin USSOCOM Directive 525-8. COMAFSOC will pro vide air component capabilities to includeplanning, command, control, and execution of air, space, and information operations across the full rangeof military operations. Be prepared to support two independent Special Operations Liaison Elements andtwo JSOACs in support of U.S. Special Operations world-wide deployments.

    o. Serve as the USSOCOM Lead Component for Rotary Wing/Tilt Rotor infil /exfil operations with theresponsibilities published in USSOCOM Manual 350 -6. Cond uct infil , exfil, restricted visibilityvertical/short takeoffs and landings V/STOL), airdrop o f personnel, equipment, and material, andresupply of designated personnel in a permissive or denied environment to include CBRN environments.

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    p. Provide a spectrum of capabilities to conduct air interdiction of targets in order to find, fix, andfinish the enemy s military potential before it can be used effectively against friendly forces to includeclose air support for U.S. troops in contact, or in danger close proximity to enemy forces , and againsttargets in urban areas.

    q . Provide space capabilities to AFSOF and augment other USSOCOM components when tasked.Prepare and employ AFSOF Space Support Team to integrate space capabilities into SOF operations.

    r Provide Agile Combat Support for setup and sustainment of AFSOC low density , high demandassets in austere environments employing right-sized logistics and maintenance capabilities to ensureuninterrupted support to Special Operations Forces.

    s. Train, equip, plan for , and provide forces to execute command and control of CombatantCommand/JTF /SOF headquarters operations in accordance with USSOCOM Directive 350-12.

    C-5. Responsibilities. The following responsibilities are assigned to COMAFSOC :

    a Exercise command authority consistent with assignment of OPCON over all active and reserve AirForce special operations forces stationed in the continental United States , to include psychologicaloperations (PSYOP) forces and Air National Guard. (See Figure C-2, Forces OPCON /ADCON toCOMAFSOC. )

    b Assist CDRUSSOCOM in providing oversight of promotions, assignments , retention , training, andprofessional military education of active and Air Reserve Component AFSOF personnel.

    c Develop and validate AFSOC component intelligence collection , security, and production

    requirements pertaining to the general mission, mission letters, and threat area analyses, exercises, MobileTraining Team/Joint Combined Exchange Training, theater operational plans (OPLAN) and concept plans(CONPLAN) , Target Intelligence Packages (TIP), and SOF Modernization . HQ AFSOC intelligence andproduction requirements will be coordinated through USSOCOM , where they will either be satisfied orendorsed and processed for submission to the national intelligence community for action. HQ AFSOCcomponent requirements will be evaluated against a ppropriate Combatant Command Integrated PriorityLists during validation of theater r elated requirements.

    d . Coordinate , monitor , and prepare forces for CDRUSSOCOM -directed AFSOC support to specialactivities.

    e Identify and define requirements for CDRUSSOCOM validat ion, development, and acquisition ofSO-peculiar equipment, and acquisition of SO-peculiar material , supplies, services , and militaryconstruction (MILCON) required by AFSOF units. Through membership on Program Integrated ProductTeams (PIPT) , assist the Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Center (SOAL) in the planning andexecution of so-peculiar materiel acquisition programs .

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    f Develop , AFSOF doctrine , tactics, teclmiques, and procedures for CDRUSSOCOM and ensure thatAir Force Special Operations doctrine is consistent with Joint Special Operations doctrine. CoordinateAFSOF doctrine with the U.S. Air Force , other ser vices , and agency schools to ensure interoperability.

    g Develop an affordable and executable Program Objective Memorandum (POM ) to support AFSOCvalidated requirements. Program resources and submit POM documentation to CDRUSSOCOM andCSAF for inclusion in USSOCOM and US Air Force planning, programming , budgeting and execution(PPBE ) process submittal s . Coordinate with USSOCOM on the Counterdrug (CD ) Program and providebudget documentation when required. Prepare budget documents for AFSOC Operations andMaintenance (O M ) and Military Construction (MILCON) and execute O M resources in support oAFSOF.

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    AFSOC23 AF

    623 AOCIS

    8 FLTS

    AFSOC Field Operating AgenciesElectronic Combat Support FltAir Operations FltComputer Systems Fit

    1 SOW4 sos6SOS8 sos9 sos

    5 sos


    919 sow711 sos5 sos

    16 SOS NOTE 16 SOS w ill move to 27 SOW FY0919 sos2 sos319 sos


    3 sos73 sos318 sos

    720 STG21 STS22 STS23 STS24 STS1 CWS



    352 SOG7 sos67 sos321 STS


    353 SOG1 sos17 sos32 STS


    193 sow193 sos

    1 7 WF181 WF146 WF

    123 STS125 STS28 CBCS2 9 CES227 SOF

    Fig ure C-2. Forces OPCON /ADCON to COMAFSOC.

    C -7

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    TOR FO R


    D- 1. Gene r al. These Terms o Reference TO R) identify the command relationships , mission, functions ,and responsibilities o MARSOC.

    D-2. Command Relationships.

    a Commander, MARSOC COMMARSOC) is designated the Marine Component Commander oUSSOCOM. The Marine component is under the combatant command COCOM) o the Commander,United States Special Operations Command C DRUSSOCOM).

    b As the commander o the Marine component command o USSOCOM and a Marine ForcesCommand , COMMARSOC is responsible for the organization, administration, recruiting, equipping ,training , maintenance , support , readiness , deplo yment and education o assigned forces, including thoseforces temporarily assigned to the OPCON o other unified commanders. COMMARSOC shall coordinateas necessary with echelon two commanders for service administrative and logistic matters. On servicespecific issues such as personnel , administration, logistics , equipment, and individual training,COMMARSOC shall communicate as necessary while keeping CDRUSSOCOM informed.

    c To accomplish assigned missions , functions, and responsibilities as specified in this document,COMMARSOC is authorized to establish and maintain liaison with and obtain necessary support from otherServices , major commands , and other goverrunental agencies. This includes authority to execute necessaryExecutive Agreements as approved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. Component commanderresponsibilities regarding executive agreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7.

    d. As authorized by CDRUSSOCOM Command Arrangements Agreements CAA) with all unifiedcommanders, COMMARSOC is authorized direct coordination/planning and liaison with and betweentheater components and subordinate commanders. COMMARSOC shall keep CDRUSSOCOM informed oall planning , coordination, and liaison.

    e COMMARSOC shall designate the Assistant Chief o Staff, G -6 as the Designated AccreditingAuthority DAA), lAW DODI 8510.01 , DOD Information Assurance Certification and AccreditationProcess DIACAP). Copies o all System Security Authorization Agreements SSAA) will be provided tothe headquarters, SONC office.

    D-3 . M ission. The mission o the MARSOC is to recruit, organize , train, equip, educate , sustain, maintaincombat readiness, and deploy task organized, scaleable , and responsive Marine Corps Special Ope rationsForces MARSOF ) worldwide to accomplish special operations SO) missions assigned byCDRUSSOCOM and/or Geographic Combatant Commanders GCC) employing SOF.

    D-4. Fu nctions. Component command functions will be accomplished by MARSOC with assistance fromthe U SSOCOM staff . The following functions are assigned to COMMARSOC:

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    a. Special Operations Forces Core Tasks.

    1 Execute Direct Action , Special Reconnaissance , Foreign Internal Defense , and Counter Terrorismmissions as primary core tasks as assigned by CDRUSSOCOM. Execute Uncon ventional Warfare andInformation Operations missions as secondary core tasks.

    2) Provide support to Combatant Command/JTF /SOF HQs executing Civil Affairs Operations ,Psychological Operations , Counter Proliferation, and Information Operations core tasks as assigned byCDRUSSOCOM.

    b. Train, equip , plan for, and provide forces to execute command and control o CombatantCommand/JTF /SOF headquarter operations in accordance with USSOCOM Directive 350-12.

    D 5. Responsibilities. The following responsibilities are assigned to COMMARFSOC:

    a. Exercise command authority consistent with assignment o OPCON over all Marine SO units

    stationed in the continental United States. See Figure D-1 , Forces OPCON /ADCON to COMMARSOC.)

    b. Assist CDRUSSOCOM and CMC in providing oversight o promotions , assignments, retention ,training, and professional military education o MARSOF personnel.

    c . Develop and validate MARSOC component intelligence manning, trammg, and equippingrequirements . MARSOC intelligence requirements, gene rated in garrison , are coordinated through HQ,USSOCOM , where they will either be satisfied or endorsed and processed for submission to the nationalintelligence community for action. Service-specific requirements will be submitted to the Marine CorpsIntelligence Center to be satisfied . MARSOC componen t requirements for theater-related intelligence willbe submitted to the appropriate theater SOC for validation and entered into the theater intelligence

    requirement process for satisfaction. Deployed MARSOC unit intelligence requirements will be processedvia their higher headquarters.

    d. Coordinate , monitor , and prepare forces for CDRUSSOCOM -dire cted MARSOF support to specialactivities.

    e. Identify and defme requirements for CDRUSSOCOM validation, development, and acquisition o SOpeculiar equipment , and the acquisition o SO-peculiar material, supplies, services , and militaryconstruction MILCON) required by MARSOF. Through membership on Program Integrated ProductTeams PIPT), assist the Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Center SOAL ) in the planning andexecution o special-operations peculiar materiel acquisition programs.

    f Develop MARSOF doctrine, tactics , techniques, and procedures for CDR USSOCOM , and ensureMARSOF doctrine is consistent with joint SO doctrine. Coordinate MARSOF doctrine with the U.S.Marine Corps , other services, and agency schools to ensure interoperability.

    g. Develop an affordable and executable Program Objective Memorandum POM) to support MARSOCvalidated requirements.

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    Program resources and submit POM documentation to CDRUSSOCOM and Commandant o f the MarineCorps (CMC) for inclusion in USSOCOM and Marine Corps planning , programming , budgeting, andexecution (PPBE ) process submittals. Coordinate with U SSOCOM on the Counterdrug (CD ) Program andprovide budget documentation when required. Prepare budget documents for MARFORSOC Operationsand Maintenance (O M ) and Military Construction (MILCON) and execute O M resources in support o fMARFORSOC.

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    Marine Special Operations Advisor G roup MSOAG))151 Marine Special Operations Batta lion M SOB )2 d Ma rine Special Operations Battalion MSOB )Marine Special Ope rations School MSOS )

    Marine Special Operations Support G roup MSOSG)

    Figure D -1. Forces OPCON/ADCON to COMMARFORSOC.

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    E-1. General. These Terms o Reference TO R) identify the command relationships , mission, functions,and responsibilities o JMISC.

    E-2. Command Relationships.

    a Commander , JMISC CDRJMISC) is designated the Joint Subordinate Command for strategicPSYOP ofUSSOCOM. The Joint Subordinate Command is under the combatant command COCOM) othe Conunander , United States Special Operations Comma nd CDRUSSOCOM).

    b As the Joint Subordinate Command for strategic PSYOP o USSOCOM, CDRJMISC is responsiblefor the administration , maintenance, support, and readiness o assigned personnel. On service-specificissues such as personnel , administration, logistics, equipment, and individual training, CDRJMISC shallcommunicate as necessary with individual services while keeping CDRUSSOCOM informed.

    c. To accomplish assigned missions, functions , and responsibilities as specified in this document,CDRJMISC is authorized to establish and maintain liaison with and obtain necessary support from otherServices, major commands, and other governmental agencies. This includes authority to executenecessary Executive Agreements as approved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. Component commanderresponsibilities regarding execu ti ve agreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7

    d As authorized by CDRUSSOCOM Command Arrangements Agreements CAA) with all unifiedcommanders, CDRJMISC is authorized direct coordination/planning and liaison with and between theatercomponents and subordinate commanders . CDRJMISC shall keep CDRUSSOCOM informed o allplanning, coordination, and liaison.

    E -3. Mission. The mission o the JMISC is to plan, coordinate, integrate and , on order, execute transregional psychological operations to promote U.S. goals and objectives .

    E -4. Functions. Joint Subordinate Command functions are equivalent to those o a Comba tantCommand and accomplished by JMISC with assistance and support from the USSOCOM staff. Thefollowing functions are assigned to CDRJMISC:

    a. Serve as the USSOCOM Component for all matters pertaining to strategic psychological operations,training, and preparation o contingency /war plans and advise CDRUSSOCOM as required.

    b. Develop Strategic PSYOP tactics , techniques, and procedures for CDRUSSOCOM.

    E-5 . Responsibilities. The following responsibilities are assigned to CDRJMISC:


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    a. Identify and define requirements for CDRUSSOCOM validation , development, and acquisition oSO-peculiar equipment , and the acquisition o SO -peculiar material , supplies, se rvices , and militaryconstruction (MILCON) requ ired by JMISC.

    b. Develop an affordable and executable Program Objective Memorandum (PO M to support JMISCval idated requirements. Program resources and submit POM documentation to CDRUSSOCOM forinclusion in USSOCOM planning, programming , budgeting , and execution (PPBE) process submitta ls.Prepare budget documents for JMISC Operations and Maintenance (O M) and Military Construction(MILCON) and execute O M resources in support o JMISC .

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    TO R FOR


    F-1. General. These Terms of Reference TOR) identify the command relationships , mission , functions ,and responsibilities of JSOU.

    F 2 . Command Relationships.

    a. President , JSOU is designated as the joint SOF educational component of USSOCOM . Thiseducational component is under the combatant command COCOM) of the Commander , U nited StatesSpecial Operations Command CDRUSSOCOM).

    b. As the President of the joint SOF educational component of USSOCOM , the President, JSOU isrespon sible for the administration, training , maintenance, organization, support , and readiness of assignedforces , including those forces temporarily assigned to the OPCON of other unified commanders.

    c. To accomplish assigned missions , functions , and responsibilities as specified in this document, thePresident, JSOU is authorized to establish and maintain liaiso n and obtain necessary support from otherServices, major commands, and other governmental agencies. This includes authority to executenecessary Executive Agreements as appro ved or directed by CDRUSSOCOM. The President, JSOU shalladvise CDRUSSOCOM as appropriate. Component commander responsibilities regarding executiveagreements are outlined in USSOCOM Directive 1-7.

    d. As authorized by CDRUSSOCOM Command Arrangements Agreements CAA) with all unifiedcombatant commanders , the President, JSOU is authorized direct coordination/planning and liaison withand between theater components and subordinate commanders . The President , JSO U shall keepCDRUSSOCOM informed of all planning, coordination, and liaison.

    F-3. Miss ion . The mission of JSOU is to develop SOF and SOF enablers for strategic and ope rati onalleadership; educate military and civilian professionals on the employment of SOF in a joint, interagency,and international envi ronment ; and research and publish on national security issues critical to the SOFcommunity.

    F-4. F unction s. Component functions will be accomplished by JSOU with assistance as required fromthe USSOCOM staff. The following functions are assigned to the President, JSOU:

    Lead DesignationTasks Missions Skills Capabilities SOF Advocate Component Source

    oint SOF Education SOKF JSOU D 10 1

    Figure F-1. Su mmary of JSO U Functions.


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    a. Serve as the USSOC OM Lead Component for all matters pertaining to joint SOF education . JointSOF Education is the professional preparation of all SOF personnel to lead integrated forces effectively inpeace and in war. This education consists of the full spectrum of learning activities in an environmentdesigned to promote a theoretical and practical in-depth understanding of Joint SOF matters. t seeks toinstill an understanding of abstract principles and theory in order to develop critical and creative thinkersserving as 21St Century Warrior Diplomats. Joint SOF Education is delivered to the military, inte ragency,and international communities in a. variety of methods to include professionally developed residentcourses; tailored lessons to support JPME/PME curriculum , electi ves, or exercises; educationalsymposiums; and mobile educational teams (MET).

    b. Act as the USSOCOM representati ve to the Military Education Coordination Council (MECC),synchronizing the command's education strategy with the Joint Staff, Service, and Joint PME institutions,and officials within the interagency community. Serve as the CDRUSSOCOM representative to theMECC, the Enlisted Military Education Review Council (EMERC), and the Distance Learning

    Coordination Committee (DLCC).

    c. Co -chair the SO Educational Council, which will be the approval authority for joint SOFprofessional education requirements.

    d. Serve as the CDRUSSOCOM experts on faculty development and assist SOKF by assessing thequality of instruction in relation to SOF education. Provide SOF-specific faculty development for all SOFpersonnel assigned as SOF Chairs and o ther assigned as SOF instructors in joint PM institutions.

    F-5. Responsibilities. The following responsibilities are assigned to JSOU.

    a. Organize elements within JSOU as necessary to carry out assigned missions . Exercise commandauthority consistent with assignment of OPCON over all active and reserve JSOU elements stationed inthe continental United States (See Figure F-2, Forces OPCON /ADCON to JSOU) .

    b. Develop an affordable and executable Program Objective Memorandum (POM) to support JSOUvalidated requirements. Program resources and submit POM documentation to CDRUSSOCOM and CSAfor inclusion in USSOCOM planning, programming , budgeting, and execution (PPBE) process submittals.Prepare budget documents for JSOU Operations and Maintenance (O M) and Military Construction(MILCON) in support of SO units.

    c. Develop and execute the institutional strategi es , policies, plans, and programs required to implement

    CDRUSSOCOM guidance for join t SOF , interagency, and international education. Monitors and supportsjoin t education programs conducted by USSOCOM and its components.

    d. Design prog rams for the SOF community that develop competent, capable strategic and operationalleaders based on the Joint SOF Leadership Compete ncy Model.

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    e Provide joint SOF educat ion and human performance improvement support content by multipledeli very methods including resident and non -resident classrooms , tailored mobile education teams , videoteleconferenc ing , web -based systems , and other technology assisted methods.

    f Provide executive , senior, and intermediate -le vel resident and non -resident courses of studyfurthering the education of SO leaders and non-SO decision -makers in the art and science of joint ,interagency , and combined special operations. These ed ucational op portunitie s will focus on theapplication of SOF unique capabilities in joint, interagency , and international environments.

    g . Integrate SOF curricula into formal JPME/PME institutions , DOD Regional Centers , Interage nc ySchools , and selected civilian academic programs that support SOF students or contribute to theUSSOCOM mission. Assist these programs by developing , delivering, or acti vely teaching joint,interagency, and combined special operations-relevant content, as requirements and resources allow.Actively support SOF Chairs and faculty representatives at these educational institutions with theintegration of special operations education into that ins titute s established curricula. Assure relevance ofjoint SOF curricula by periodically assessing impact on SOF end users.

    h Coordinate advanced educational professional development for the SOF community through existingService programs or through USSOCOM-unique o pportunities . Conduct programs to enhanceprofessional development ofUSSO OM headquarters leadership and staff.

    i. Promote and conduct joint special operations research, analysis , and publication of scholarly articlesat the operational and strategi c levels of learning that are critical to SOF success . Develop and manage arepository of Special Operations analysis and research. Serve as the USSOCOM research coordinator forall MFP - 11 funded academic programs.

    j . Provide a tiered , multifaceted interagency education program that improves mutual understandingbetween SOF and interagency partners concerning how the interagency process works and ways toimpro ve the process.

    k Provide educational support to TSOCs and USSOCOM components with mobile education teamsthat meet the requirements for both U .S. SOF staff members and international counterparts.

    I Apply proven technology to deliver joint special opera tions knowledge and performance support toUSSOCOM and the SOF co mmunity . The President JSOU is designated the USSOCOM LeadComponent for Joint Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL).

    m Ensure all new joint SOF courses (w here appropriate) meet civilian degree granting institutionsaccreditation standards, and estab lish a time line to make all joint courses capable of meeting accreditatio n.

    n Provide SOKF with education relevant lesso ns learned and use lessons learned to impro ve curriculaand content for SOF.

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    o Develop and sustain a SOF -wide education framework that links all USSOCOM funded joint SOFeducational programs into a focused and effective career -long learning and professional developmentsystem.

    p Employ a comprehensive education management st rategy that places the right person into anacademic program monitors his /her progress and subsequently uses the newly developed intellectualcapability in an appropriate assignment.




    JSOU MacDill-DetachmentJSOU SOF Chair to N UJSOU SOF Chair to NPSJSOU SOF Chair to MCU




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    RDT E


    USSOCOM D 10-1 25 August 2008



    Active ComponentAir Force Special Operations CommandArmy ReserveArmy National GuardArmy Special Operations ForcesArmy Service Component CommandAdvanced Special OperationsCommand Arrangements AgreementsChief of Staff, ArmyCommander, United States Special Operations CommandCombatant CommandClose Quarters BattleDesignated Accrediting AuthorityDOD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation ProcessForeign International DefenseFast Rope Insertion/Extraction SystemInternal Defense and DevelopmentJoint Military Information Support CommandJoint Special Operations UniversityMajor Army CommandMarine Corps Forces Special Operations CommandMilitary Co n structionMulti -Purpo se Canine

    Military Free FallNaval Special Warfare Co mmandNon -conventional Assisted Reco veryOperational Cont rolOperations and MaintenancePreparation o f the EnvironmentProgram Integrated Product TeamsPlan o f Action and MilestonesProgramming , Budgeting, and ExecutionReserve ComponentResearch Development, Test and Eval uation

    Reserve Personnel ArmySpecial OperationsSpecial Operations Acquisition and Logistics CenterSpecial Operations ForcesSpecial Operations Urba n CombatStabilized Body

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    Short Take-off and LandingTerms o ReferencesUnconventional Assisted Recovery

    USSOCOM 0 10 -1 25 A u .

    United States Army Special Operations Command


    Spec ial O pera ti ons Forces (S O F) A dvoca t e. For an area o interest, the SOF advocate is responsiblefor approving SOF baseline standards within that area as well as adjudication and approval o thefollowing: concepts , tactics, techniques , proced ures, doctr ine , tra ining programs, training supportrequirements , research, development, test and evalua tion (RDT E) and equipment. USSOCOM hasapproval, validation and certification authority.

    Lead Co mp onen t . The Lead Component will recommend standardized SOF baseline qualifications forall Components in the designated skill, capability , or task. This includes evaluation o the skill levelsproduced at all USSOCOM Component schools and training facilities against SOF baseline qualificationrequirements. Testing , validation and standardization o equipment is essential to ensure SOFinteroperability and safety . Lead Components must also develop, publish, and distribute safetymessages , equipment bulletins , and quality deficiency reports. Authorities will be assigned at time oassignment.

    Coor d ina tin g Co m po n ent. Component responsib le for coordination o forces with equity in a subject(skill , capability , project , activity) for the drafti ng or revision o polic y for training standards , safety

    standards , doctrine , RDT E, or equipment that apply to multiple U SSOCOM components. This is atemporary assignment for the duration of the specific project. Coordinating components have theauthority to call meetings , establish agendas , establish Plan o Action and Milestones (POA M ),establish tasks , conditions , and standards for project deliverables.

    F un cti on s The specific responsibilities assigned by CDRUSSOCOM to a component to fulfill theirrole within the SOF community.

    SOF Co r e Tasks. SOF capabilities and acttvttles fundamental to SOF performing its assignedfunctions. This directive lists SOF core tasks for each component as follows:

    Pri m ary Co r e Task . Core mission areas which a com ponent is expected to execute often with multipleunits.

    Seco nd ary Co re Task. Core mission areas that a component is expected to execute less frequently andwith fewer units than a primary task.

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    Title 1 United States Code Chapter 6 Sections 164 and 167.

    DOD Directive 5100.1 Functions o f DOD and its Major Components, 1 August 2002 .

    Joint Publication 1 Doctrine for the Armed Forces o f he United States , 14 May 2007 .

    Joint Pub 3-05 Doctrine f or Joint Special Operations , 17 December 2003.

    Unified Command Plan UC P), 5 May 2006 .

    CJCSI 3110.06 Special Operati ons Supplemental to the Joint Strategic Capabilities PlanFY 2006, 29 December 2006.

    Memorandum of Agreement Between US Army and USSOCOM dated 19 February 1993 .

    Memorandum o Agreement Between US Navy and USSOCOM dated 28 August 1992 .

    Memorandum o Agreement Between US Air Force and USSOCOM dated 20 October 1993.

    USSOCOM Directive 40-2 Joint Special Operations Medical Education and Training , 9 June 2006.

    USSOCOM Directive 1-7 0 Staffing Procedures for United States Special Operations CommandExecutive Agreements, U) 3 June 2005.

    USSOCOM Manual 350-3 Airborne Operations Parachuting) , 30 Octobe r 2007.

    USSOCOM Manual 350-4Vl 0 Maritime Training and Operations Manual VOLJ -- CombatSwimming / Diving Operations U ), 30 October 2007.

    USSOCOM Manual 350-4V2 0 Maritime Training and Operations Manual VOL2-- Combat RubberRaiding Craft Operations U), 30 October 2007.

    USSOCOM Manual 350-5 Joint Terminal Attack Controller JTAC ) Training andStandardization/Evaluat ion, 14 December 2005.

    USSOCOM Manual 350-6 0) Special Operations Injiltration/Exfiltration Operations ,18

    June 2007.

    USSOCOM Manual 350 -7 Special Operations U rban Comba t SOUC ), 30 October 2007.

    USSOCOM Directive 350 -8 Commercial Aviation Oversight Procedures , 4 April 2007.

    USSOCOM Directive 350-9 Unmanned Aerial Syste m, 30 October 2007 .

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    USSOCOM Directive 350-12, 0) Joint Special Operations Task Force JSOTF ) U), 2 December2003.

    USSOCOM Directive 525-5 , S/NF) Advanced Special Operations U), 19 August 2004.

    U SSOCOM Directive 525-8 , 0) Joint Special Operations Air Component JSOAC) U) , 8 June 2007.

    USSOCOM Directive 525-16, SINF) Preparation o f he Environment U), 21 August 2007.

    USSOCOM Directive 525-21, Personnel Recovery, 3 August 2006.

    USSOCOM Directive 621- I , Joint Special Operations Education System , 9 March 2001.

    U SSOCOM Manual 5 -2 , METOC Supportto SOF Operations, 17 June 1999 .

    USSOCOM 1515092 NOV 07, Governance o f he SOF Information Enterprise SIE).