utpt '10 general quiz finals - 2

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Dry Round I say

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2



    X is source or mach ine code that has been made d ifficult tounderstand . Programmers may del iberately X code to concealits purpose (a f orm o f secur ity through obscur ity), to deterreverse eng ineer ing, or as a puzzle or recreat ional challengef or readers . Programs known as X trans f orm human-readablecode into ob f uscated code us ing var ious techn iques . Some languages may be more prone to ob f uscat ion thanothers C, C++ and Perl are most o f ten c ited as easy to X . Macro preprocessors are o f ten used to create hard-to-readcode by mask ing the standard language syntax and grammarf rom the ma in body o f code .

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    # include ma in(t,_,a)char *a;{return!0

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Obf uscated Code

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    2 .

    In Greek mythology, the X were three dangerous b ird-women,portrayed as seductresses . Accord ing to Ov id (M etamorphoses V, 55 1 ), the X were thecompan ions o f young Persephone and were g iven w ings byDemeter to search f or Persephone when she was abducted . The ir song is cont inually call ing on Persephone . The term Xsong" re f ers to an appeal that is hard to res ist but that, if heeded, w ill lead to a bad result . Xs comb ine women and b irds in var ious ways . In early Greekart Xs were represented as b irds w ith large women's heads,b ird f eathers and scaly f eet . Later, they were represented asf emale figures w ith the legs o f b irds, w ith or w ithout w ings,play ing a var iety o f mus ical instruments, espec ially harps .

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    S iren

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    3 .

    The organ izat ion was f ounded in 200 1 by Larry Less ig, Hal Abelson andEric Eldred w ith support o f the Center f or the Publ ic Doma in . The first setof copyr ight l icenses were released in December 2002 . In 2008 there werean est imated 1 30 m illion works l icensed under X . Xis governed by a boardof directors and a techn ical adv isory board . Esther Wojc icki, journal ismteacher f rom Palo Alto, CA, is currently the cha ir o f the board . X has beenembraced by many as a way f or content creators to take control o f howthey choose to share the ir intellectual property . There has also beencriticism that it doesn't go f ar enough .

    These l icenses allow creators to commun icate wh ich r ights they reserve,and wh ich r ights they wa ive f or the bene fit o f rec ipients or other creators . An easy to understand one-page explanat ion o f rights, w ith assoc iatedvisual symbols, expla ins the spec ifics o f each X License .

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Creat ive Commons

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    4 .

    A X is a plot dev ice whereby a prev iously intractable problemis suddenly and abruptly solved w ith a contr ived introduct ionof a new character, ab ility, or object . It is generally cons ideredto be a poor storytell ing techn ique because it underm ines the

    story's internal log ic. The 2002 film Ad aptation employs a X in the f orm o f analligator that k ills a character as he is about to shoot theprotagon ist, Charl ie Kau f man . In th is case, the dev ice is usediron ically as a re f erence to an earl ier scene where Charl ie isspec ifically warned aga inst the use o f X by creat ive wr it inginstructor Robert McKee (played by Br ian Cox)

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Deus ex machina

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    5 .

    S team tractors were extremely heavy, somet imeswe igh ing 1 ,000 pounds (450 kg) per horsepower, andof ten sank into the r ich, so f t earth .. Holt thus

    replaced the wheels w ith a set o f wooden tracksbolted to cha ins . The company photographer made an observat ionthat caught Holt's attent ion, and he dec ided to makegood use o f it . Put Funda

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    6 .A logical f ormulat ion o f th is situat ion is:(E => (I^R)): (Prem ise)(I => ~R): (Prem ise)(~I V ~R): ( Definit ion o f impl icat ion)

    (~(I^R)) : (De Morgan)(~E) : (Modus Tollens)

    These log ical rules were f ormulated by X and served as the bas is f or avery popular p iece in pop culture by h im .Id the work

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    7 .E. S .Patanwala a budd ing entrepreneur o f the early1 900'sestabl ished contact w ith Leon G ivaudan, the largestmanu f acturer o f aromat ic chem icals in the world .With the irtra ining and gu idance he developed a f ace cream that wasto become a household word f or sk in care in Ind ia .

    His Majesty K ing Zah ir convened an aud ience w ith Mr . E. S .Patanwala along w ith a f ew other select entrepreneurson h is visit to Ind ia . The k ing was presented a hamper; in itwas a jar o f pearly wh ite cream w ithout any name . His

    majesty was impressed and commented that it rem indedhim o f the _____ in h is home country and thus the namestuck . What?

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Af ghan Snow

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    8 .

    A list o f tr ibes that ha il f rom the reg ion shown in the map is given . Idreg ion or the collect ive name g iven to the tr ibes

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Abkhaz ians ( includ ing Abaz ins)Adyghe ( includ ing Kabard insand modern day Cherkes)Ubykh

    AvarsAgulsDarg insKhinalugLaksLezginsNakh peoples:BatsKists








    Kartvel ianGeorg ians

    Mingrel ians



  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Caucasus/ Caucas ians

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    Aud ience

  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2




  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


    5 sl ides . Scores on each sl ide

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    1 5/- 1 5

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    1 0/- 1 0

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  • 8/9/2019 UTPT '10 General Quiz Finals - 2


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