uwap 2010 july-dec catalogue

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  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    NothiNg about that

    suN-washed July

    morNiNg suggested

    to the cook at the

    elsewhere hotel thatby eveNiNg everyoNe

    there would thiNk

    differeNtly about

    their lives.

    Perpetua de Mello makes sumptuous meals or tired Western tourists who

    stay at Balis Elsewhere Hotel. Amid the dreamy villas and lush gardens

    something shocking happens. With dignity and wisdom, Perpetua tends to

    everyone nourishing them with ood and compassion, and providing the

    sustenance that only comes rom hard-won hope.

    Simone Lazaroo is an award-winning Australian novelist.


    simone lazaroo


    isbn 9781742580715

    304 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    a very coNtemporary

    Heart of Darkness

    ruN through the satire


    wriNgs humor fromNearly every facet of

    coNtemporary culture.

    publishers weekly

    Holy Water

    james p. othmer

    Henry Tuhoe is sent by his boss to the tiny, magical, about-to-be-

    globalised Kingdom o Galado to oversee the launch o a new customer-

    service call centre or a boutique bottled-water company. In Galado,

    Henry muses on the lie he let behind and deals with the attention o

    a steroid-abusing monarch and a woman intent on redeeming both his

    soul and her country.


    isbn 9781742582665

    304 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    a terrific

    iNtroductioN towhat advertisiNg has

    beeN aNd what it is

    becomiNg, a memoir-

    maNifesto with

    warmth aNd iNsight,aNd a must-read for

    those coNtemplatiNg

    eNteriNg the iNdustry.

    max barry

    Somewhere between The Tipping Pointand Mad Men lies Adland.

    James P. Othmer is a ormer creative director o Young &

    Rubicam in New York and now lives in upstate New Yorkwith his wie and children.


    Searching or the Meaning o Lie on a Branded Planet

    james p. othmer


    isbn 9781742582672

    336 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    more thaN aNy military

    coNflict siNce vietNam,

    the iNvasioN of gaZaraises QuestioNs

    about what couNts

    as fightiNg Justly.

    raimoNd gaita

    Raimond Gaita author o the prize-winning memoir, Romulus,

    My Father brings together historians, international law experts,

    philosophers, anthropologists and political scientists to discuss the

    Gaza conict ollowing the Israeli armys December 2008 invasion.

    Mark Baker, Gerri Simpson, Ghassan Hage, Georey Levey, Hilary

    Charlesworth and Anthony Billingsley explore nationalism, intractability,

    the point o no return and jurisdiction over war crimes.


    Morality, Law & Politics

    edited and introduced by raimond gaita

    current affairs

    isbn 9781742580968

    240 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    aN iN-depth aNalysisof the adhd

    pheNomeNoN thatdebuNks maNy of its

    myths. speeD up &sit still explores

    the origiNs aNddevelopmeNt of

    adhd diagNosis aNdtreatmeNt, their

    effect oN childreNaNd the various

    players iN the debate.

    Speed Up & Sit Still

    The Controversies o ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment

    martin whitely

    Is there a scientifc basis or defning a set o childhood behaviours as a

    disorder? Are the drugs used eective in the long term? Are there actors

    other than the wellbeing o children at stake? Bound to be controversial,

    Speed Up & Sit Stillis a must-read or all parents and medical practitioners.

    Martin Whitely, a member o the West Australian Legislative Assembly, is

    a ormer teacher who became concerned about ADHD in the 1990s.

    current affairs

    isbn 9781742582498

    224 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    the loose box is a

    shriNe to fiNe diNiNg,

    yet free from the

    stuffiNess that caN marsimilar experieNces

    iN fraNce.

    matt prestoN,


    Journey alongside renowned French che Alain Fabrgues as he shares

    his passion or fne cuisine. Much like a degustation menu, this stunning

    cookbook is presented in many parts the chapters begin with an

    aspect o Alains lie with ood and recount events that helped shape his

    stellar career. These are then ollowed by detailed recipes, beautiully

    photographed by Craig Kinder, and with many drawn and painted by

    Fabrgues himsel.


    A Master Ches Lie through Menus

    alain fabrgues

    food and wine

    isbn 9781921401510

    384 pp, large format hardback


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    a New selectioN of

    dorothy hewetts

    poems, offeriNg afresh view oN the

    eNduriNg themes

    of love, loss aNd

    political struggle.

    Dorothy Hewett is one o Australias best known poets. She had a long

    and requently controversial career during which she produced twelve

    collections o poetry, three novels, an autobiography, thirteen plays and

    countless articles and short stories. This very special volume has been

    compiled and introduced by Kate Lilley, a poet, scholar and

    Dorothys daughter.

    Selected Poems o Dorothy Hewett

    edited and introduced by kate lilley


    isbn 9781921401473

    208 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    this careful

    examiNatioN of

    public policy draws

    oN documeNtsaNd iNterviews

    with key people

    duriNg the gallop


    The Lure o Politics

    Geo Gallops Government 20012006

    lesley van schoubroeck

    The Lure o Politics ocuses on the pivotal moments o Geo Gallops

    fve years as premier o Western Australia. Lesley van Schoubroeck

    worked in Gallops department while he was premier and in this book

    she analyses not only the opportunities Gallop had and the initiatives he

    implemented, but how they contrasted and complemented political and

    public sector expectations.


    isbn 9781742580692

    288 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    australiaN JourNalist

    victoria laurie, takesus oN aN exhilaratiNg

    JourNey arouNd the

    kimberley, providiNg

    iNformatioN oN up-to-date

    scieNtific discoveriesaNd a thorough

    uNderstaNdiNg of the

    delicate balaNce of its

    maNy ecosystems.

    The Kimberley: Australias Last Great Wilderness is a breathtaking

    love letter to this astonishing region an area bigger than Italy or

    Germany and twice the size o the UK located in the remote north-

    western corner o our country. Featuring over 200 stunning images in

    ull colour, The Kimberley conveys the excitement o discovering new

    species in this rich landscape.

    The Kimberley

    Australias Last Great Wilderness

    victoria laurie

    natural history

    isbn 9781921401329

    304 pp, hb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue




    february oN abc

    radio NatioNal are

    the latest masseylectures preseNted

    by acclaimed


    wade davis.

    The Wayfnders

    Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World

    Wade Davis

    Broadcast throughout February on ABC Radio National are the latest

    Massey Lectures presented by acclaimed anthropologist Wade Davis.

    The Wayfnders takes readers on a journey through time on a discoveryo ancient wisdoms, languages and cultures while cautioning us o the

    encroaching dangers posed by unchecked globalization

    cultural studies

    isbn 9781742580524

    272 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    Must eatis about

    classic moderN

    freNch bistro foodmade from love aNd

    top-Quality produce,

    featuriNg its two

    hallmarks oysters

    aNd charcuterie. thisis geNuiNe freNch

    cookiNg at its best aNd

    sure to iNspire

    the home cook.

    My early years on the arm gave me an education in provenance and

    seasonality that has been invaluable in my career as a che. I have an

    understanding, respect and admiration or my suppliers and growers, all

    o whom are an integral part o my success as a restaurateurThis book

    is as much their story as it is about the recipes that use their products.


    Must Eat

    russell blaikie

    photography by craig kinder

    food and wine

    isbn 9781921401671

    304 pp, large format paperback


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue




    february oN abc

    radio NatioNal are

    the latest masseylectures preseNted

    by acclaimed


    wade davis.

    The Wayfnders

    Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World

    Wade Davis

    Broadcast throughout February on ABC Radio National are the latest

    Massey Lectures presented by acclaimed anthropologist Wade Davis.

    The Wayfnders takes readers on a journey through time on a discoveryo ancient wisdoms, languages and cultures while cautioning us o the

    encroaching dangers posed by unchecked globalization

    cultural studies

    isbn 9781742580524

    272 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    a pastiche of complexuNderstaNdiNg that

    briNgs to life aN

    area aNd preseNts it

    iN the past, preseNt

    aNd future.GrounD

    trutHinG offers a

    uNiQue take oN Natural

    history, mappiNg aNd

    urbaN plaNNiNg.

    Historian, writer, philosopher and artist, Paul Carter maps Victorias

    Mallee region by exploring the visible and invisible aspects o place.

    Using the region as example, Carter digs deep, exploring andruminating on literature, art, oral history and the historical record

    as it is laid out.

    Ground Truthing

    Explorations in a Creative Region

    paul carter

    cultural studies

    isbn 9781742580708

    272 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    it is better to

    live iN a state ofimpermaNeNce thaN

    iN oNe of fiNality

    gastoN bachelard,

    tHe poetics of space

    Halway Houses

    The Poetics o Australian Spaces

    edited by jennifer rutherford & barbara holloway

    Halway Houses explores various notions o space by analysing dance;

    displacement and migration; artistic space in the bush; the connection

    between virtual and hyper-real space rom video games to detention

    centres; Indigenous ideas o space; urban and suburban space.

    cultural studies

    isbn 9780980296464

    304 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    Vite italiane

    documeNts themigratioN flow of

    italiaN immigraNts

    from the late 1800s to

    the preseNt day.

    This work integrates the history o the largest non-English-speaking

    migrant group in Western Australia into the mainstream historical

    record and in so doing shows how the Italian-speaking community

    has become an integral part o Western Australias, and indeed the

    nations, social, economic and cultural abric.

    Vite Italiane

    Italian Lives in Western Australia

    susanna iuliano


    isbn 9781921401503

    400 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    the remarkable

    story of marygaudroN ac Qc, the

    first female Justice

    of the high court of


    From Moree to Mabo

    The Biography o Mary Gaudron

    pamela burton

    With wit, astonishing intellect and the tool o law, Gaudron exposed

    inequality and discrimination in the workorce and campaigned

    vigorously or women to be accorded equal pay and equal opportunities.

    Years later, Gaudron went on to become one o the justices who ruled

    on Eddie Mabos landmark case on Aboriginal land rights.


    isbn 9781742580982

    368 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    isbN 9781921401657

    $29.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401343

    $24.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401350

    $32.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401596

    $55.00, hb

    isbN 9781921401336

    $55.00, hb


    stories aboutiNdividuals

    faciNg theuNpredictabilityof desire, death,

    hope aNdits retreat.

    simoNe laZaroo


    stories aboutiNdividuals

    faciNg theuNpredictabilityof desire, death,

    hope aNdits retreat.

    simoNe laZaroo


    isbn 9781742582689

    The eminent critic Sir Herbert

    Read stated that Webb was one

    o the greatest poets o our

    timeone o the most unjustly

    neglected poets o the century.

    In recent years Webb has againattracted substantial critical

    acclaim or his astonishing vision

    and unique spiritual quest to get

    to the heart o things.

    Francis Webb

    Collected Poemsedited by toby davidson


    isbn 9781921401534

    Follow the ight o majestic birds

    as they migrate rom Australia

    and Malaysia to Japan and France.In this stunning book, acclaimed

    artist John Wolseley and poet

    Barry Hill imagine travelling

    alongside these migratory birds,

    capturing their beauty in image

    and verse.

    Lines or Birds

    john wolseley

    and barry hill

  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    isbN 9781921401657

    $29.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401343

    $24.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401350

    $32.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401596

    $55.00, hb

    isbN 9781921401336

    $55.00, hb


    stories aboutiNdividuals

    faciNg theuNpredictabilityof desire, death,

    hope aNdits retreat.

    simoNe laZaroo

    A classic Christmas git and UWA

    Publishings best-selling title

    A mouth-watering, delicious

    tome ... equal parts beautiul,

    surreal and practical.


    Theo & Co.

    The Search or the Perect Pizzatheo kalogeracos

    food and wine

    isbn 9781921401336232 pp, hb


    This is a collection o recipes

    bursting with Kates trademark

    generosity o avour and strongsense o seasonality, all beautiully

    captured by Frances

    eye-popping photography.


    Wine and Food

    kate lamont

    photography by frances andrijich

    food and wine

    isbn 9781921401404

    200 pp, pb


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


    isbN 9781921401657

    $29.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401343

    $24.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401350

    $32.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401596

    $55.00, hb

    isbN 9781921401336

    $55.00, hb


    stories aboutiNdividuals

    faciNg theuNpredictabilityof desire, death,

    hope aNdits retreat.

    simoNe laZaroo

    isbN 9781921401305

    $34.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401312

    $32.95, pb

    isbN 9781742580975

    $32.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401213

    $99.95, hb

    isbN 9781921401657

    $29.95, pb

    isbN 9781921401596

    $55.00, hb

  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue


  • 8/7/2019 UWAP 2010 July-Dec catalogue
