v. d woodward lotip, lothip, da d sm.a ualtar nmw. dini … · 2017. 12. 26. · marve~st v.. nos=...

marve~st V. . Nos= & "0NI, ist bU! abe ndM O Oe UAW. svt Wee. 1ITE A"D INTh N.W. D 0 - Dini Rooms Can be besatiled I the 0 magnif- nt D13130 BOOM EXTENSION TA-ES we'U plaae m sale M3- Z).tV. There we occasinas in every business , Men Is VvMa -bringis shows EXTRAORDINARY BAWMAIN OFFEING. Such rta oxetoT will ennfromt the easer bnyerS that are suwre to throzz our ato-re early Monday mors- law. Ana V:& waa to ie early,. too. for the"e TABLE4 may all be go by might. All Solid Oak Ei-ension Tab:p.. hbrhly pohIthed and beautifully finished. kver heard of soweh yricaa? B 0ua 14 Table. X feet Q 7 kg " F.'r Mondav ,-'m 89.75 Regular *tuL.:n Taboe. 10 feet ."a" For Monday I. Regular *It#.1) Table. 1' feet wa ....... ...... ...... . 75 ANOTHEU STYLEO Antique Oak Extension Table. All tain.Udd in the car load of Tables whirb go on sale NONLDAT. Prices 0et as remarkable e thaoew abeve. R.1111a (10 Table. 8 feet Fag. For Monday PegUlar 12&A M) able. 10 feet . For m day 1775 lawt..gularSXZ-O Tabe. 12 fet VIS 9................qL~j bteom look at them if von want a suberb DINIA0 ROOM Ta3rL You dam' ed to by. ID esks A leadingw factory. deciding t> reduce the snmber of Ita patteras in ROLL- lOP DESKS. ofered uas et choles .t their large stoek at 3W%6 PER CENT of the lowest fbernr priem. Meuce we bones ia car load quanti- tes becinim it wea indeed a ra op- pertunlty hat was offered OI. All these ROLL-TOP DS1 are made of quartered oak, wtah beve ed 0am0as an ..At rubed-pohiad .ILh. *31'.O0 DESKS FOR..........23 .T.-) DIESE: FOR................ 2.2 350 DESKS FOR............... 3M50 W. can rve pew ay kind of a DESK aem weant W a ery &ee p. ife A certain ROLL TOP DESK Ia beftg r.vertised -oand town as £ cleat 0-rryssa at S20.0 and an beingj worth WIN or d0. We always In- lend to bas the processom ia every particular. aL as you all know we alape lead for low vri-ea We've bee. .ln, ski. .ame DESK at f.' Z.. and we'll take orders for it UO3DAY at that ASure 2s ADA F ST. N. W. D.. SAMc. IMTaa T1 ElIectropcise V T1CTORY lIfe w. rk of the em- inent Dr. Ii. S.aarhe. who haa worked as the 'aveatiao and per ection of thia little Iaetratacat 31 on eara II .s evident then that Ike Electropoise VICTOR Y was not the though~t of a mousenter a day or a month. but an ordinar-y life tme of coatsat labo hoss researh od muSad. The E3ee tr op olaee SECTORYhaesprovelsedcally effieacious Se the case of Catar. Aethma. Ia Uhumaa. tndireatlon. Chille and Fevea Stmal trwaubles, Kad- s and Liver Dtiwaes.kc. he wea to est the 7.etroposse VICTORY fruin Dr. ianecbe's enly auhe'red Wahiag- Sen ajar... with propie tar- to~ as to its op leation from the 1 .Yensor. Cill foe heof teet imou- lis and ta- WA.sUIToIO-s OxxY.? AGE3T. 929 F ST. N.WV. MWs Leuman has studled gae Dr. Sanehe and Ia empetebt to give the proaper advie., OeeheaS.12 to:2. 3bt&6p. n. 3t Asrieraan's oetput eamily lead In thae world of Ginarham. You will and Amier- sna's Oteanes a every well-eegulazett Dry tludieae-but not oeah daiafv 5atfea and.. attrctare eeleriaue ae seera by we. We setect eur patteraS. ast critically. Meet ether deiea Ste rum er lack taa.. D) op im md seeor ceiectem et Ambeeoa's abingham--4nfet -u esatore Lane vf N'aeh IF YOU'RE PARTIGULAI e4aer themn hm a. Punctual delivery Ia em elmiy. Another epeial- enaday -wlt be cAUDATIlOP-larue, wel-cubts- gened CASRATIOND. Seep ia and se the smagents diestag. and eaen N you dent Want them. yea hee an seener wa= The A..isms Merraei uhirb we game me batang as well as amul. They-e the vicem deeretae Lower. Pies aederaer. A.ORU&IB!: 1224FS: N.W. BTT VENYTUATION FOR TEE SUMME MONTES. On moam's thoarlt will eevince yan of the unefbses of ow ADJUSTABLZ WINDOW SEZAl Fn~um Tour Windjw Shade when drawn down to ez- elud, the ight alsoet oe' all ventilattoa. THIS HAS BEEIN CHANGED. With our fixture you ae enabled to drop the shade to any part of the window. thus giving light and free ventilation with perfect privacy to your entire room. TIis Siture canL be attached to any window shade. esaly adjusted. strong and durable. Vlitour Upholstery Department and we will show you how it works. Complete irdy to put up 35...h. unarkeepers in need of SPRING and SUM- NER BED WEAR shou:d not forget the fact that we carry the ma1Mst stock af SPREADS sad BLANKETS of say store in the city and at the lowest prices. 2 cases Manhatta= Spreads. Reduced from 90touL-. 3cases B-atol Spreads. Reduced from Si to S0r. 7 cases Elswcrth Srreads. Reuced from 41.15 to 95c. 2 see Bates Spreads. Reduced from 91.40 to $1.13. 3 cases Howard Spreads. Reduced from 91.50fJ *1.2a 3 c- MagnoliaSpreads. Reduaed from 91-75 to $1.43, 3eaRsedaleCriblSpreads. 4.5e. 7-4. 1 case colored liteeline Marsefles Spres., fhat colors. o blue. smon. pink ad e.ary. Reduced from S3.0 to 4a2., Also a large line of WHITE MARSEIr.-7 SPREADS at lowest prices. A large aesortment of LAP ROBES for .ring ad .ummer wear. Jersey lin. and momle cloth. On asl today".5.000yards of 24-inch WRITE EMBROIDERY FLOUNCIEG. woath 50. s. Irk- Chasme 25c. per,." LAincBRGD" RROC g 420. 4= 4-4. "26TZ "T. sao St ?,oU~.. IO PARASOLS IN ALL nZW At LVT'rRELL'S. P,.Zw 'Ih . * and Pa. sve. The Electropoise INSOMNIA. CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY TROUBLES. SPINAL DISEASES.e.. be. Also Pariles the blood and is uarseg'vd as a spring tonic. aII for testimntals of gratmol people eerywhere. AnrANTnc EL~cnaO,0r.E CO.. 1405 NEW YE ATE. t Ladie' Saillors. Q~a.t --h.e ah hs .,rin, .. .... for ladles and missee will be lmfge broad- brim .tr.. Sano,.. We ha.. al the latest Amer.... 4 Em..,e. ...0,...a, 905 PA. AvE N.W. ... D B.e~aerm Glsghamst 7c..worth 10o. as&w x "' at an Pa. are. 000 00000000000000 00 8 "Things." 8 0 ( f AND SES I s e t. Oid f snse. Hard wheat to the'- best kind of wheat. Rot all 0 0 wheat e s ho ard, hut eau goedo 0 whe bst hrdwetI h ol - aeAN.1 quality of Mtnneaota andt DaketA Wheat. This is the kind0 () " wim-a tha -ah- the celerate 0 90O O - 0 II E 8 0 -ce. t a 2. at .he 0 O - ---- "C------ "0 -)Pa a you--- satan b. etAa. 0 0 ~. .aybe ye. hae..tta... awful0 0 - th e---l hoe for. ye .a, o you-l bensue and aske yea m a 0 0 0 W M. M.(hLT.,& (1... O o e-. let - m~. a.. . n Oi j00000000000000( A i L . "O0**AnE= SMSA D DA 416 7T ST. NO CREDIT. QUICK SALES. EMALL POfIto. Novel efects Is Millinery at popular pries. Trunks and Traveling R at maney-saving p.e1m. lae Curtains. Pvrtiere. Russ-pring barinaas, LAseetd Bok Department in the ety-all book. at cut priem. sale agetat fm Weshtingto of tbe famoes Butler- milk Complesion Boap-3 cake 23c. REAT SlLK VALUES. IT'S A GREAT BILK SEASON. AND RIGHT AT TUE HEIGHT OF THEIR POPULARITY. WHEN YOU WANT SILKS. WE OFF'A YOU SOME VERY EXTRAORDINARY VALUES. IT'S LIKE SO MUCH MONE' IyTI INTO YOUR POCKET. BUT WE BOUGHT SILKS AT THE RIGHT TIME. BEFoRE THE AD- VANCE SET IN. AND. AS USUAL. OUR CUSTOMERS GET THE BENEFIT OF Or SAVINGS IN PRICE. NOW I8 IRE RIGHT TIME FOR YOU TO BUT HERE. W'LL SEE IF YOU ARE AS QUICK TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GOOD THING AS WE ARE. @Domngesatfle &acanla FOR DRESSES AND WAISTS. FITREMELY POPTLAI.. AND WE HAVE ALL THE DESIRA- BLECoMBINATIONS. WE CAN MATCHYOURDRESS. VALUE. 0E. "a............................ 7 5 3. CHANGEABLE AND PLAIN EFFECTS. VERY DFSII:ABLE FOR WAISTS AND TRIM- WINGS. TiHE POPULA.R COL- < ORS ARE HERE...... ...... 9aeaoffi maga @hoaeso PRINTED. INCLUDING STRIIF.D WASH STIRS.ThIS SEASON'S IMPORTATIONS. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL AND OTHER DESIGNS., .......... 7 [@qMTMl0MceZ. EXTRA QUALITY IN ALL TE (Z POPULAR TEADES................ I O BLACK BENGALINES. BEST VALUES OF OUR DItECT IM- PORTATION. SLO. SL25 AND *1.50YARD. JAPANESE AND CREPE DE CHINKS. 24 AND27-INCH WIDE WATrR. PROOF JAPANESE SILKS. WAR- RANTED NOT TO SPOT.......... 73. AND 8LO0 22-INCE CREPE DE CHIN'-S IN LIGHT SHADES. SPLE' ID VALUE........................ 416 7TH ST. a6 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FEaDolDova EF0Ulr[E[ID [M2@ OF MY OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION. SBlark Lesther Satchelq morn-co Huead fited4 with three cut-irlas. boutes. for oth and nail )0"0 clon and powder. mirror, hair brpih. comb a file. button kook and paper cutter. Reguileprlce. $7.50. Now $4.50. ~ Turey MooccoSatchel. fitted as above, with Uceoaade n outside pocket Reolarprice. $10.50. Now $6.50. 2O-Inh Gladstone dag. fitted with 3 cut-glass ~Itoilet bottles, msap dimh cloth and hair brusches. mirror, razor, ohaving 6rush. cutlery pad, wti nail file. scissors and button hook. Regular price. $30.00. Now $20.00. .nTurkey Mo-oore Victoria Baw- wlth 4atrln siler-to c utis toilt botls old tworyb' se. huawlt car ca. t'aver soier. portfolio, Reguar pric. $50.00. Now $35.00. it"d?''o., w**haivor, mhanlesara Ee riee. .9,65. Now $45. TUB FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Ever shown In Washinartan. AL.LIGATOR SATCHELS. From $1.40 ., to$18. GRAIN LEATHER SATCHEL.. rrom $1.25 $10. ALLIGATOR 'jiLADOTONE BAG.. From S8.50 p to $28. GRAIN LEATHER GLADSTONER From $2.75 upto $18. Heeyou will dnt eveyhigin lether for travelea TOP]HAW'S TRUNK AND LaEATHER GFOODS MANUPACTORY. 1231 PA. AVE. N.W. Rave your Trunke repaired now. 14 st I DMTAYWR OPEN ATn MTIEBOT way. Mils. Mo, Also her pupsi1. Mas5 trna e. A H8opital For Horses. Themay advantageaderived fromsboarding ma's Sue boe..esila a thereseAlp equipped and eyaramiu imageds instItutIon for hertes Is msere forcibly apparent with every visia te DOWNKK'S MAMMOTR and MODERN ESTABLIBREENT. Dowaar' ha built and **.ted up'' a eperate buandtng ner by his meda buslneame eapreesly for mmrels ad properly ewner fr SICE NORSES. It's amarveloms how mush mse nasadly herses get well wham esed for In sa aIsists ef this kind! Xe dreughts, us emmibut plenty atAm haS ent earn- ea~a. Espateaced am are ta ataudan- aight and day, whe koew -us whAt to 4. wham a herse bs he slob. an an beamAss year be bosses at Bowae'I yeare uremede a ame ad eaststy besssme y sessessin ha huU he preeey weed per, edh er well. m.upr Sireuts, ea Jas Asess and ,'edNei dedw. - br Aetrmuessaespe's. De~qwnur. uouse Fir H0.. WOODWARD a LOTIP, ROTE. UT AMl P52M. 3.U AN 1300TANT Sm.a In DRESS 0008D DEPARTMENT, MONDAY. ARIL 10. zeery on of our Mees Goods moeem n bolds good thingm special beraan.at all times. It may prott yOU to .4-k Sginng them. Now and then some etra special. snething away out of the uasual. is tfond. Bane is an ea. ample: The result of a reet pesease O- ables us to offer the following thrum nodS Specialties in DSzss STUps. Each Is a rare b ain. this asmen's output. and the quantity is limited and cannot be du. plicated. AT 20c. A Half-wool Fabric. In new spring coleeings and combinationa-stripes, checks and plalde. Regular 27%e. qua:ity. for -20. yard.- AT 37M. Diagonal Checks. in shades of ten and grey. 37 Inches wide. Regular 50s. quality. for --31. yard.- AT S. Ip Sack or Panama Novelty. in a variety of shadings. & inches wide. Regular 7)c. qual- ity. for --50c. yard.- t1st foor.......................101h &t bldg.) HIGH-CLAss CoToy Goo.. The brightest imagination could not pieture the successes in patterns and colors shown by these pretty stuffs. Color heretofore thought esacred to silk and wool ae now meen in cotton. FEAST YOUR EYES 03 THESE 3ORDAT. SWIVEL SILK-So called on account of its peculiar dsagn. A new lot of th"s fabria has jut been receIved. embracing a coomplete line of coloriaga. It will be emlatem omly a very few days. however, as these goods al much faster than the manufacturer eam paedue. them, although the mlls are kept running RUMht and day in order to meet s far as poei- ble. the demand from all over the country. -? inches wide. --4Ms yord.- LACE STRIPES-Pink, lavender. blue and green. 27 inches wide. -73*. yard.- ZOECELIN'S ORGANDIA-platn and Sorel designe-many new -hadlnpf 31 Inhes wide. -37ic. yard.- KOECELIN'S PLUMETIS - handsome, Soral designs. small, medium and large a, facts. 31 inches wide. ---e. yard.- SATINE AND SATIN DZOCXE-plaa olors., dots, check stripes and dainty loral designs. These fabrics areruegainistheireOd popularity. 31 inches wide. -4. 35and 37%o. yrd.- INDIA DII[ITT-e new ahipmnat ust In- neat designs. 30 inches wide. --41e. and 37%e. Wd.- LINN LAWN--emal Sgeues. N Inebes wide. union line. 25. yrd. lure linen. U3e. wad. SCOTCH GINGHAM-queliee and ivies almoet innumerable. Whytlaw's. in plain colos, ehedka, etripee and plaid'.-. good portion of them the blues, pinks, lavenders and greene s popular this esen. 30 inches wide. --25.. yrd.-- Isace-strlped seph tiresely new weaves, 31 Inches wide. --81.. yard.- Others in fancy weaves, -30.. 80s. and 88b. ard.- (lat floor. .. .............. e..0hat. bidg.) ------- F03 MAKIn Houu Am2ACT n. An elagant line of ealoringa and design in China Silka for eeema. p4llow ceuinge, mantle and picture draperis. be. Uzeellent quality, figured. 31 ineb. for --50h. yard.- liner qualtis-60c., 73.. and SI yard. Pergaan LAmar. Stike. 81 Inches wide. ---1.25lyard.-- Shadow efectta nChian mlks. 31 inabes wide, --730. yard.- Japenees Orepe-white. blue ad utnk. printed ia gold. -Ji~. yard.-- iaeneea C'.oth-all the new abed.s. DeainS In gold-30 Inches wide. ---0e yard.- Two special lot. et Sol a Pillows. uenumas .--41.0 and 63.2.-- Two special tot. et Nead Res, umsen values at --80 and 1h.-- (3foo $0r--.............M.bg.) T.5 "Ch!rol, OSInG MACau3. --819.50.- Including a fuR ai et .ano... - Made of the bea matas ad getemed dr Eve Seer.....................3 0. MM) Wotcaui3 & Le.,.. WGDWARD AND LOTHIP, 301L.11TEAND 7 ts. .W. lurOSTA31 UaLTar Nmw. We meug .meeerm biwsa, ecews. befd smaluy UmaMOed to afnmi ur EETAORDINART CSnIAL SALE 0 MANUFACTURERS' REMNANTS OF UPHGLSTERY GODS, MONDAY. APm. 10, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. Th. preat number of inquiies folewing the lolase cc Manaumotre, Esmemnts fs " when we'd have anothr leads us to benes ait osing win at with ageady Imeeme. To thos who have not attended one of these sales we would say: This great coletic toI& eludes "PICEs. OR "SAXPLES- IN SIZES FROM 22 INCHES SQUARE UP TO 39 YARD LENGTHS OF S.. WOOL AND COTTN TpsmmEs. BOCATEL.E. SAN DAMASs. VELOURS. SI... MUsuS. MADRASES AND ALL KINDS OF DaRA M EATRIALI, EVERY LOT OF DRUMMERS* SAMPLEU, EVERY MILLS ACCUMULATION OF ODD LOTS OF CURTAINS AND SHORT ENDS OF PIECE GOODS THAT WE COULD FIND. TOGETHER WITH OUR OWN STOCK OF REMNANTS. MAKING THIS THE LARG- EST AND XOST IIPORTANT SALE OF THIS OrARAsTER WE EVER HELD. WE PROMISE TOC A SATING OF FULLY RALT TRE 1ECE PRICK O EVERY REM- Sale begins at S a'c:W. AT TEN CENTSt Sample pieces of Madram NMsE.. deiss- striped SIlk e.. In ses large enough for eAh eriains, aplashers, seerfe, ea. -C.eAt 10C.- AT VTEZN CENTS: LAger and Saer slecem of Madre, Caan-egt Muslia. be. -.Coi..e 15c.- AT TWENTT-FIVE CENTS: eesiats of Tapestry. Laceand Madse mC.- taft Ends. "e --am. t. 25c.- AT TEIRTT-FIVE CENTS: Estis line ead mpgrseessaSMadres Car taa End. be., .-Ciesfo 5C.- AT IlTT CENT~S Sample piece. of Bik and Wool Tapestee, Velouu., be. .-hef.e.50C..- AT SETENTY-lIVE CETE: Zarger andEmie sees et Telous, Tepee- -sl Cub 7C.. AT 01.50 TO 510: An Wacotet's aemele line of Tapeatrie. bor W% o3 sa. amdalstiatOdd Silk Car- tains emulal dsirbl~e Atmantal draperie. --.oCeiste $1.50 0, $10.- A iadi' aeeum=latieaot odd sa temperfeci lois. elngle patam and half gairec eat ie Petisere. We hae asseted them Itot two lot, fausesm: Weeh U75 to6.00pair Ce.., $1.45 .. caub... 82.50 . a.- ie lee to 0.Rg mSu *.. 1.50 $4.00. 23eW. -o AUDn 525. L.. E1;mem, - ANsqed Pflfsring bi Weahe ae.. 3Eapate. se eez~ sa ue saa = sesuosa or in SerM sass to 3KTZ mm ast-rnacrm-rul nseam O A m VNerseAr=osr. The investigatles Int the workings of the weather bureau was continued at the Agriel. tUral Departmsnt yesterday afternoon. At though it asted nearly two hoeur no startling fete weoe developed and most of the attentios af Assistant Attorney Gewasl Colby ad Chiel Clerk NoCeaig was devotsd to a further consid eration of the ftee already gone over. Iserstery Maoren eame into Mr. MeCut' room and emained thee for some time as nw intareeted witness, though he did not take very active part in the hearing. He happaue to be presset when Gen. Colby was quastleniag Hopfenmaier. the junk dealer who bought ti articles from Capt. Braunon that were said t4 have been stolen from the weather bureau Hopfenmater made a very good impression a the hearing, althaugh he seemed very muc averse to the publicity this cae ha brought him. He insisted that if the good ware staken he had no reason to believ, it. Part of hisbe's was the purchase o condemned property r the government do partaments and he smpposed that all that eamn from the weather bureau hod been properl] condemned. He averred that he had alway endeavored to he as be put it, "an hones junk dealer, though high moral characters an very rare in that profession." WRAT IFLLIYAN amiD. John Sullivan was the first witness called t6 the stand. He has been a laborer in th weather bureau for eleven years. He maid the on the morning of December 17. 1M92. twv waon called at the bureau. Mr. Hopfen maier's two men were with the wagons. an they said they were sent for some old type belting and copper wire. About eaven boxe were placed in the wages. They were in j shed where all the property was ket that we to be condemned and old at public auction The men with the wagons mid that this ok staff had been sold by Capt. Brannon. That same morning. witnese continued. Capt Brannon told him that the wagon wonuid be al later for old paper, but he told Brannon the he thought not. as the wagons had already beesi up. On the 22d of the same month the wagon, came again after some old type and paper This laist stuff was taken from the paper s and not from the condemned shaed. The twq sheds adjoin. Witness remembered having seet a roil of linoleum removed from the place. Last fall Capt. Brannon returned from thm west and he overheard Capt. airannon remarl to Capt. Stone that there had been a good des of stealing going on in his absence and if h had not come back when he did the building might have been taken away as well. On 0o tober 20 witnems found about 40 pounds o type and some belting near the printing oici and he called the attention of the storekeepei to it and asked where he wanted it stored. It December he law Won. Plummer packing then same boxesand asked him where they were going Plummer did not know and witness told bin they were going to Hopfenmaler's. Sullivai maid that he met Brannon in front of Horfen- maier's place. Brannon asked him if he wa keeping a watch on hims. Sullivan told hin that he was not; this was to throw him of hii guard. Witness had never had any dificult with Brannon except once when it was in con nectiom with the eondition of the horea' back in the stable. Watness said that about a year ago 2.41 pounds of new ledgers were taken from a she. and turned over to Brannon by Ryan and thea were put in bags by Ropfenaier's men ant carted away. Further, Sullivan soid that i3 one year 25,000 pounds of books were remotec by Brannon's directions to Hopfenmaisr' pUae. They were old records and we sold as old paper. The unused book were marked with the name of thi signal service and this was after thM weather bureau was turned over to the Agri eltural Department. A stone step belonging to the main building and about fifteen aro stringers were also sold at Brannon's directions Some waxed paper was also sold to Hopfen maier as waste paper, Brannon giving as a rea son that it was of no use to the bureau. TI eTONa star. James E Kerr, a' gardener in the employ o the government mince 1861. was next called. H was asked about the stone step that was re moved from the weather bureau, but said the he knew nothing about it. He had seen it, bu did not know anything about its being takei away, and "would like to see the man the could say he did." That was all for Mr. Kerr, and Win. Plummer a colored laborer at the bureau, was put upo. the anxious bench. He told of has havins packed about seven boxes of type at the direc tion of Mr. Ryan. )id not know what becami of it. He also packed the waxed paper an placed it in Capt. Brannon's room, urder thi Impression that it was to be sent out to some o the stations. He did not know whether or aol it was condemned goods. NI. nopFExm 's aTsTIRoWT. Louis Hopfenmaier, the hide and junk deal who plays such a prominent if uncertain par in this investigation, maid that in answer to o telephone message he went to Ryan's house oi M street. R-yan told him that he had som goods for sale and he went down into the cellar where he found a considerable amount of sta tionery, drawing paper, wri* paper, pen and pencils. Ryan. whom he known at tb weather bureau, maid that he wanted to sell tb goods right away. The stationery was new an in the original package.. It was weather bu resu paper and witness refused to have any thing tojlo with it. Ryan's explanataon of hi possession of all this stuff was that it was mar plus matter and had been givea to him by cdi cials of the bureau. "That's a new wayof disposing of a surplus,' remarked Sesretarv Morton. Every one smiled for this was the hrtbrisk in a rather unia teresting hearing. As to the removal of the type, Mr. Hopfen mater stated in the most emphatie mnanner the he had never taken a single pound of tyefros the weather bureau. If any one said headad was a deliberate falsehood. Furthermore. b had never had two waguas at the westhe bureau at the same time. There had neve been enough goods to remove at one time to re quire two wagons. A to the molds for printers rollers he had never, to the beet et his knowi edge, purchesed any. Hopfenamr smad the he made It a rule in dealing with the depart monte to pay in chmchs,to avoid any quistion a all, but Capt. Brannon objected to this em tb ground that It was inconvenaent to bother wil cashngr checks for smal sumsa. lbs only cheel he mada was in favor of Capt. Stains. In Ib other transactions he paid cash ad the meo. was handed over to Capt. Brannon. Hopfe-mat tham tequmsted periand.u t smake a etatemsent to ihow his eemneotion witi Brannon. Whsm Brannon was in the Poe Odica Departament he was in the junk basines as well, and Hlopfenmaler raised the point the he should pay a junk dealers leens, and thi made an unpleasant feln etwesm the. Their relations had beam st iIn the liae a bunss and he wished new he hdnever hei any at all. "'There is commdswable of the Dutek abcs ame," said Hepfemaasr. "I don't oftsm foe give and I never forget. I never went to ma him, for he always came to ee me whem he hes m thnto eml. There have been a number.o oti ukdealers, and I ds't ese why I shoal besigeout from allof thema. I have move hdaydealings with amy other empteye of th wahrbureau." Allen Spencer, tes colored driver of the mal wagon flor the bureau, teetised that he carris some eases ad rag to Capt. Branon's hems Then he brought som goods beck, but eaali not say whether it was all,ashekaptneeeesa He did rseber, however, that he neve bro'o the easeshback. e eoeldanot be su but eeone else had teia them heali H. never took any artselse to the homse et an; .ether edilet ofthe weather basema. A P3acftenesanc=. Detectie inlh=d Weeden was them esfled tI tiR whet he knew of te ems in had. De tab ofithe see, r of tehlt et line. and the ae rest at the foremean at~ pe t isp. Inds litases and Detective Zacey wee dnaIgtod ti find eat about same arels. that wee -isa froms the weather baen. They hanme that th junk deale had -esae esadearahie prep erty e the hoere. lbs baet Me he sat Branme. was at Hepin ands m hams. wa ma drunk ~the eedd nem a him. lhe nest day ~s ~SstoWed that he had said esm. t to EeIa uas hat ten Dat16M..ama acig.s hda eatasi ofme eesto se~t. Mr.weeea enweeken to tbE of es a emesemifu asemi Ga ma~aada et 5ya.'s est TerTe m hs f a assessed wh e essa istd~ahshotsa a athmA haam haiw lm bm LATUEM WATER MAEMS ner the uey Cen be Estesied waer o Capt. Derby has deneree 16 samer IM provisions of 60 permit 8y3ten the wass department wil be able to )ast double de wsh of laying water mains. It aD eame about from the inquiry Ia yt- day's lTas relative to the proper course to par- one to get a water main laid. As is weBl known the appropristiew 1r layt% watet mains and doing other work is the Water department during the current decal yer amounted to but 090.000. The coustaa drais upe this fund has brought it down t 06,0. which will be used to lay new maine. There are over 12, applications for water ssies ew on file, and If the law of precedeare is followed the lest one on the list may not be laid for tw years. At the euggston of Ta Ryan reporter yea %erdap t y laoked itle this matter and dieoet a way to partialy remedy the da- culty. Taere are any number of appdicants who are not only willing to pay cne-belf of the coat of laying the mesia but would wiliingly stand the entire expense. Capt. Derby thinks that the permit 011- temn can lra arntlied to the remainitg money now on hand and today notiied the first twenty er pheants that if they mnade apphantaom within ten days the water dAepartament would pay one-half of the cost of laying the maine, It as expected that the applicants will aad them- eaves of this opportunity to get a water main with alight coast and quickly consume the re- mining funda. Ile appropriation fer thie work the coming fieal year as the same. *A0.000. but it may be that the Commissioners will mno it as a permit fund. and in that way be able to do all the work on the list. Those who do net desire to avail tbeiselves of this offer to get their water mains laid im- mediately and pay one-half the cost therefor can wait until the urgent eases are acted uron and then have the water department do the I work gratias. 2* 11T1E COt TS. EQuItY Corar-Chief Joustie Tinghanm and .edies lagier mets Cor. Yesterday lirame agt. lUramne; continission to get testimonv at hase Oty. Va.. ordered. l&rry agt. Werry: do. at liot iprings. Ark. Blagden agt. Blagden: Arthur Matthoewon ap- pointed guardian ad litem. Anbler act. Whi;- pie; muozi.n fixed for 10th instant. 'Harrison agt. Harrison: divorce granted. Jacobs agt. Jacobs: injunction continued and alimony granted. PaouaTr CornT -Judge Iainer. Yesterday- -state of Marienne . Trueheart; letters of admir.itration to tlara It. ItaldWin- bond #200. Estate of Michael Listos; do. te lary Liston- bend ;?1,000. Estate of Orris W. Brown: do. to R. B. Brown-bond e2.i0O. E. tate of Edward Kane: do. to Julia E. Kame- bond $3.000. E.tate of James Norris: petition for probate of will W1ed. In re Paul H. Doug- la; Martba E. Carter apponted guarian- bond *1.(000. Estate of It. A. telig..on: Alie K. Selig-on to take rsonal propery. Estate of P. Kurnan; orrer resoking letters tests- Ituntary. and letter, of adinaitratoo, with wall annexed. grarted to Joseplune N. I Sanders-bond t7.003. In to N. J. Wight (infantl: order making alowanea. In te Albert Miller (infant'; do. Estate of Thos. W. Phillips: will atmitted to probate and letters issued to Josep& l'hillips on special' bond of k 1.000. Estate of Erminia C. Worrell; letters of administration to Win. War- rell-bond #1.000. Estate of John A. Berger; Iorder confirming auditor's report. Estate of D. L. Morrison: Anal receipts of re-ideary leg- atees fled. Estate of Harriet 1. Newton: let- ters of administration to Minnie L. Newtos- bond @1.000. Estate of Jeremiah Lynch; will filed with petition for probate and letters. Es- tate of Uriah Daley; notice of cavet Aled. Estate of Harriet Tracy Green; administrator relieved at his own request and Jerome P. Johnson appointed-bond 010t. Estate of W. C. Taylor; will Aled. Estate of Temple lark; inventory fled. Estate of Joseph T. Scott; will admitted to probate and letters tee.maestoy esued to Joseph Harper-beand em0. An Waster Seg Se iee. Plymouth Congregational Church was weR filled last night with an appreciative audience. the occasion being an Easter eong service. Quite a large sum of money was realised by the effort. The special features of the program were the selections br the Metropolitan A. . E. shoir, the Amphion Glee Club, which m an excellent organzatio; the Plymouth choir and the solo by Mr. J. Henry Lewi. who has a Gas tenor voice under good controL The Insagural Fand Surplus. The Anal meeting of the general comltlee in charge of the inaugral arrangemeats will be held at the Arlington Hotel co the evening of April 17 ats The executive committee will meet at the same place at 7 o'clok, whew they will agree upon some recamendation as to the disposition of the surplus, which is about 65,000. COmedy at It. Ellzabeth's. The comedy "Mr. Woodcock's Little Game" was given last evening with considerable sue- ess at St. Elizabeth's fpera House. Mr. S. Hazen Bond taking the leading part in his usual pleasing style. Kim Anuah . Fletcher, Miss Grace D. Parker, Kim Marian White, Kim Agnes Brown. Mr. T. C. Tiptoe, Mr. Charles N. Wake and Mr. W. H. Roneaville werealso In the cast and did very creditable work. A cok- eart preceded the play. Mr. Chas. N. Wahe. Mr. &. Hasen bond and Melille D. Measey taki part Plse Shed at Marahatt Malt. The steamers Charles Macaleeter and 3iver Qaeen will ake two tripe to Marshall Hail to- morrow, leaving their wharf at 11 a... and 2:45 p.m. On the graen lawns of the hall there will be toand by those who make the trip the toothsome shad cooked in the anly way in which it should be eaten-roasted os a la before the Ire. Epicures say that this lethe only way to treat the fish propierly ad Itsee- tainly cooks it in a dehicious maaner. The planked shed at Marshall Hall have becamen famous all over the country and me stranger haa a riht to come to Wambngtes awd ge away thout indulging in this luxury. The ride down to the hall he an escedlegly pises- ant one, as the steameres are well appeoted and every care as takes for the esoagert et the Teeing but Prspesee. 'Ehe Ninth Street Christian Charsh, esemr 5th and D streets northeast, oslebrated Ito ese- onel annivernary the p-s week. This chureb bee had a remarkable growth. It ws erg nisediaAprll, '91, with isty-ive smemberefram the Veramost Avesue Chrutian Chureb and it mew has 355 names upos the rail at membe- aship. The avetage attendamce at Sunday achool hat year wa 2IP, and these are muse than sm enolled Is the tieaier end Jasier Endeavor So.ietis. The church is know on Capilel Hill a %e ngpeople's church froma the large sum- of een peplewho attesd the services. E. S. Bagbee. Frank Morriso., C. A. lIEa andA. . Bwenwere elected namabess th emeldal board. The eengregatio sle etgre ing its preset artrsandhaa sees to pastor. Bev. E. B, Bagby, wi begin a two weeks' revival srvice April 5. As Omese Ealtis ea Esteats. The War Departement is interaeed that Idest. Philip Hawley, formerly et the Ith infantry, who was diamai--d froms the ervice haot em- mer for duplicating his pay amset, ha em- listed In the army sea private. Last yea he deserted from his post after being charged with duplicating his accounts. Be remained aa for three months. at the expiratioa eraht timne he was declared a deserter. Yeessseda the recivedword thema Fort Sher- amma, thatthis oSeer has baeaditeewed 'ha oeof the --sa-an=me an amlistel meald that he had bmwe arrested and weati be turned , er to the airS estheritise fer taeal. This he ama af the et eset ymceas whee an neer rdismised bae the asmy has see to eater agi by emnligie th amahe. A e-a Tmm esaInn Maui. Armewtoma have es ms~ tar ten at Inlin Heed today the new sspil-ss ga in- vested by C. W. Spamie, a mmer af e Pratt A Whiney Campey ot Uavrted cane. This is the aese amplas ga hb esne Mr. spe.e iru. Thelse are so af ni de5 maspeateibvemMy by Kdom. Emm.s tepetare Undisd etotes me, mmd meummnme to enem m M LAn eandLeQg ,eta maele ema s i 2. V. UMed eie M e nI --ese et -e 1miness to IapeteS ah-n m anhbmaa WRAbEN WaNe mVNa . neewioUt Formsa anus" s eme -a e --- - -i amesen Tife klime of Ftak I. We4 by ane et 0 mase on te rgh.tweed eileses wemmed 2 day Slgt. es pten ,In to ta @OemWL -m deed by hi smay fteaes resese. use lhe ermrs pary-maide ds--ee be oret me of Qe diae at tir taa, 9alu med --O'""'". The.e ee m. heenir, owe n. chard to be hd t et eV esm Natm ew apssd *9 ,eaer- eeSvesay. As t"4 by the er at es lqmuet be the ta bem Ward's e-dst ad aiesgeene at No a"wa be two ho began f e bneg ft be fe twmed4 to Mase Ibis pat et 4U e ony ew eam. mit esiaide beftere taey. Dan the P0as mne Wed 6ad been 4db lux ad writs"m umae uetsio ft bbilk theo" I le ,ittet ia a I"og eet af a way, he bened is wte is withdrae be sem at. W he en auses ta her d4m he the VOnde he bed emad. 1e letters sere tarmed over to Er. . s Thomm. conaMaN for Mm. Wer. and be east hasband wee gq-s to Uadersead tat a mense. cilation wee psable. Tbe h.usbamn e guts te en fiake eImony mee QM ure. beeh. dd aot%aed bimsef Op b o- tUa.tl. gad bed so dobt eep&a wef Would som be a ues wtRne. lially the eaftrtauste men was tefsmed that the divore case woW be cailed beat J0deP CoX yesterday mar.i ng .. Th Wen meee IO tA deprue hAm. ad. No my other rersoes, he attempted to bems 66 ea roe in rum. His conduct, "are t his rieds any ae that of a maer who bad lost hi reses. e es letters ir~t by hum to hi. wife. ther wey ben fu --rt evideneof hi, a tled wsam' at nunid. As publihed in eesterday' ftaa %be bd of the lead maln wW taen, to the .adertkang eatabiahment of Mr. J. UjiUlam Lem as Peas. Gay aniA arenute iad a fter *" pe" d gr bunal it was reaed to h ~ t Eif Ward. No. 1234 th street Mortiwest. ns fa- eral WIII take plac tonnerrow aftereons at a 0 clock. It is the desare of Mm. Weed to base the suaeral as private as p-imbi. a d oil" th^ . %beI-era aill be selected rem the Ma1onie order. the. Flks anad other sedtim, they will be pere-nal frends a be desesi. 'le ee.- ValIte emadacted by Be. J. J. Muar of t'n E tutreet itantust (tmebs. @&& be mtermsst will be made a Keck Qael ne Ia, Alissmm. ChWi Jnue. Dingham yesterday dAsi that Thomas E. Jacoba. the navy yesg mahiem who recentlT applied for a divoreement pay bb ife almony of (33 a month antil be ee is decae. Mrs. Jacobs was enjeined em M. pining of the hon MAd tat aA4 ether galgut id an her name. Sma s~ niets E1mpet ess. e E m. Br the aill of the Iite Jeremiah Lyie, NA yesterday. the Broodamud athetae C'ina g receive eventusliy mst of the estata, te go leaees the property with the idow jen ha' deth or reularriage. Thea two uephebss en a aiece all wnrecee #1," each and e V" will be held in trust by liahep Emmen %V & tmang"s ras." ter ret Asem. Seweral daye age Jamthan 3. Qwence am amelsed II the Police ('eart by Eesee and Goa ebison of laroe-y. ht eq.at. M . a. eiinat the o -a e .eus a" of d&M. pri---.at. sa.a a Cas, LLIstg ta ses.ms jt bettas's MWra aen an a .lsam VusAsl tft the rodsaea .9 de eassb. M manam~ wultave. *a~ -gl * I.sed mue. OR meed.,. -it~1 10. e12t 1 5*P6 ~ HArEIA. LOCIs i2. U&VWt.4ie; f - .t .eda m.ta.s... Fruat ot take 'uas k% NO .% ~ eree euI~'e5,am t be seme C aah ea da. 4 II at S a ten ftt~rnd em .'e obehl to f~s teEn. HILLJLer. Or Theretar st. 4 4jr O. ~'d UL e.e VAKV 4t 'a, IV lw hfitleary. lahs 171z mese.li Agetl 10 et . a. KTERB. EAp0d7se.ete o Th. aid ie,. i. kart. aer -ma new Iuse-'slawebe p~rivats (.6, hass-sey tee st asdutmes s bh ndar. 4 P., a-. Vo msl.as u . twe. 00tT3IS.gAt w masthu.esus at, sa 4 h. sar- ~ lses ea seese nsldlv ppsme hot. . isl re = . NEasOe .rmesI-~65 WrAr AImeUbMsp. Es, 1133015. Cm10aif e 4. sse. UWmentMm lovied. heLsa a eAn.5.d umaiew m. .ass. I ss s.. I asae o*tnSS~ Vet heeewem mW4 e o "an Jb= ..... .... "ae martt se saeer t am oe esse NTO haiZ Jeleme ama, wessier. .w o'clock "bemp. bit i be a eat e se seee, sT~a~, At Iseeetbe, WJ.&aaae

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Page 1: V. D WOODWARD LOTIP, LOTHIP, DA D Sm.a UaLTar Nmw. Dini … · 2017. 12. 26. · marve~st V.. Nos= & "0NI, ist bU!abe ndMOUAW.Oe svt

marve~st V. . Nos= & "0NI,ist bU! abe ndM O OeUAW.

svt Wee. 1ITE A"D INTh N.W.

D 0 -

Dini RoomsCan be besatiled I the 0 magnif-nt D13130 BOOM EXTENSIONTA-ES we'U plaae m sale M3-Z).tV.There we occasinas in every business, Men Is VvMa -bringis shows

EXTRAORDINARY BAWMAIN OFFEING.Such rta oxetoT will ennfromt

the easer bnyerS that are suwre tothrozz our ato-re early Monday mors-law. Ana V:& waa to ie early,. too.for the"e TABLE4 may all be goby might.

AllSolid Oak

Ei-ension Tab:p.. hbrhly pohIthed andbeautifully finished. kver heard ofsoweh yricaa?

B 0ua 14 Table. X feet Q 7kg " F.'r Mondav ,-'m 89.75Regular *tuL.:n Taboe. 10 feet

."a" For Monday I.

Regular *It#.1) Table. 1' feet

wa ....... ...... ...... . 75


Antique Oak Extension Table. Alltain.Udd in the car load of Tableswhirb go on sale NONLDAT. Prices

0et as remarkable e thaoew abeve.R.1111a (10 Table. 8 feet

Fag. For MondayPegUlar 12&A M) able. 10 feet.

For m day 1775lawt..gularSXZ-O Tabe. 12 fet

VIS 9................qL~jbteom look at them if von want a

suberb DINIA0 ROOM Ta3rL Youdam' ed to by.

IDesksA leadingw factory. deciding t> reduce

the snmber of Ita patteras in ROLL-lOP DESKS. ofered uas et choles

.t their large stoek at 3W%6 PERCENT of the lowest fbernr priem.Meuce we bones ia car load quanti-tes becinim it wea indeed a ra op-pertunlty hat was offered OI. Allthese ROLL-TOP DS1 are made ofquartered oak, wtah beve ed 0am0as

an ..At rubed-pohiad .ILh.

*31'.O0 DESKS FOR..........23

.T.-) DIESE: FOR................ 2.2

350 DESKS FOR............... 3M50

W. can rve pew ay kind of aDESK aem weant W a ery &ee p. ifeA certain ROLL TOP DESK Ia beftg

r.vertised -oand town as £ cleat0-rryssa at S20.0 and an beingjworth WIN or d0. We always In-lend to bas the processom ia everyparticular. aL as you all know wealape lead for low vri-ea We'vebee. .ln, ski. .ame DESK atf.' Z.. and we'll take orders for itUO3DAY at that ASure

2s ADA F ST. N. W.

D.. SAMc. IMTaa T1

ElIectropciseV T1CTORY

lIfe w. rk of the em-inent Dr. Ii. S.aarhe.

who haa worked as the'aveatiao and per ection ofthia little Iaetratacat 31 on

eara II .s evident then thatIke Electropoise VICTORY wasnot the though~t of a mousenter aday or a month. but an ordinar-y lifetme of coatsat labo hoss researh

od muSad. The E3eetropolaeeSECTORYhaesprovelsedcally effieaciousSe the case of Catar. Aethma. Ia

Uhumaa. tndireatlon. Chilleand Fevea Stmal trwaubles, Kad-

s and Liver Dtiwaes.kc. hewea to est the 7.etroposseVICTORY fruin Dr. ianecbe'senly auhe'red Wahiag-Sen ajar... with propietar- to~ as to itsop leation from the1 .Yensor. Cill foeheof teet imou-

lis and ta-

WA.sUIToIO-s OxxY.? AGE3T.

929 F ST. N.WV.

MWs Leuman has studled gae Dr. Sanehe and Iaempetebt to give the proaperadvie.,

OeeheaS.12 to:2. 3bt&6p. n. 3t

Asrieraan's oetput eamily lead In thaeworld of Ginarham. You will and Amier-sna's Oteanes a every well-eegulazett Dry

tludieae-but not oeah daiafv 5atfeaand.. attrctare eeleriaue ae seera by we.We setect eur patteraS. ast critically. Meetether deiea Ste rum er lack taa..D) op im md seeor ceiectem et Ambeeoa'sabingham--4nfet -u esatore Lane vf N'aeh

IF YOU'RE PARTIGULAIe4aer themn hm a. Punctual delivery Ia

em elmiy. Another epeial- enaday-wlt be cAUDATIlOP-larue, wel-cubts-gened CASRATIOND. Seep ia and se thesmagents diestag.and eaen N you dentWant them. yea hee an seenerwa=

The A..isms Merraei uhirb we game mebatang as well as amul. They-e thevicem deeretae Lower. Pies aederaer.

A.ORU&IB!: 1224FS: N.W.



On moam's thoarlt will eevince yan ofthe unefbses of ow


Fn~umTour Windjw Shade when drawndown to ez-

elud, the ight alsoet oe' all ventilattoa.


With our fixture you ae enabled to drop theshade to any part of the window. thus givinglight and free ventilation with perfect privacyto your entire room.

TIis Siture canL be attached to any windowshade. esaly adjusted. strong and durable.Vlitour Upholstery Department and we will

show you how it works.

Complete irdy to put up 35...h.

unarkeepers in need of SPRING and SUM-NER BED WEAR shou:d not forget the fact

that we carry the ma1Mst stock af SPREADSsad BLANKETS of say store in the city and atthe lowest prices.2 cases Manhatta= Spreads. Reduced from

90touL-.3cases B-atol Spreads. Reduced from Si to


7 cases Elswcrth Srreads. Reuced from41.15 to 95c.

2 see Bates Spreads. Reduced from 91.40to $1.13.3 cases Howard Spreads. Reduced from91.50fJ *1.2a3 c- MagnoliaSpreads. Reduaed from

91-75 to $1.43,3eaRsedaleCriblSpreads. 4.5e. 7-4.

1 case colored liteeline Marsefles Spres.,fhat colors. o blue. smon. pink ad e.ary.

Reduced from S3.0 to 4a2.,Also a large line of WHITE MARSEIr.-7

SPREADS at lowest prices.A large aesortment of LAP ROBES for.ring ad .ummer wear. Jersey lin. andmomle cloth.

On asl today".5.000yardsof24-inchWRITEEMBROIDERY FLOUNCIEG. woath 50. s.Irk- Chasme

25c. per,."


420. 4= 4-4. "26TZ "T. sao


P,.Zw 'Ih . * and Pa. sve.





Pariles the bloodand is uarseg'vd as

a spring tonic.aII for testimntalsof gratmol people


AnrANTnc EL~cnaO,0r.E CO..1405 NEW YE ATE. t

Ladie' Saillors.Q~a.t --h.e ah hs .,rin, .. ....

for ladles and missee will be lmfge broad-brim .tr.. Sano,.. We ha.. al thelatest Amer.... 4 Em..,e. ...0,...a,

905 PA. AvE N.W. ...D B.e~aerm Glsghamst7c..worth 10o.as&w x "' at an Pa. are.

000 00000000000000


8 "Things." 80

( f AND SES I s e t. Oidf snse. Hard wheat to the'-

best kind of wheat. Rot all 0

0 wheat e s ho ard, hut eau goedo0 whe bst hrdwetI h ol

- aeAN.1 quality of Mtnneaotaandt DaketA Wheat. This is the kind0

() " wim-a tha -ah- the celerate 0


O - 0II E 80-ce.t a 2. at .he 0O ----- "C------ "0

-)Pa a you--- satan b. etAa. 0

0 ~. .aybe ye. hae..tta... awful00 - th e---l hoe for. ye .a,o you-l bensue and aske yea m a

0 00 W M. M.(hLT.,& (1... Oo e-. let - m~. a.. . n Oi

j00000000000000(A i L. "O0**AnE=SMSA



Novel efects Is Millinery at popular pries.

Trunks and Traveling R at maney-saving p.e1m.lae Curtains. Pvrtiere. Russ-pring barinaas,

LAseetd Bok Department in the ety-all book.atcut priem.sale agetat fm Weshtingto of tbe famoes Butler-

milk Complesion Boap-3 cake 23c.





9aeaoffi maga @hoaesoPRINTED. INCLUDING



POPULAR TEADES................ I O





416 7TH ST. a6



SBlark Lesther Satchelq morn-co Huead fited4with three cut-irlas. boutes. for oth and nail)0"0clon and powder. mirror, hair brpih.comb a file. button kook and paper cutter.

Reguileprlce. $7.50. Now $4.50.~Turey MooccoSatchel. fitted as above, withUceoaade n outside pocket

Reolarprice. $10.50. Now $6.50.2O-Inh Gladstonedag. fitted with 3 cut-glass~Itoilet bottles, msap dimh cloth and hair brusches.mirror, razor, ohaving 6rush. cutlery pad, wtinail file. scissors and button hook.

Regular price. $30.00. Now $20.00..nTurkey Mo-oore Victoria Baw- wlth 4atrlnsiler-to c utis toilt botls old tworyb'

se. huawlt car ca. t'aver soier. portfolio,

Reguar pric. $50.00. Now $35.00.it"d?''o., w**haivor, mhanlesara


Ever shown In Washinartan.AL.LIGATOR SATCHELS.

From $1.40 ., to$18.GRAIN LEATHER SATCHEL..

rrom $1.25 $10.ALLIGATOR 'jiLADOTONE BAG..From S8.50


From $2.75 upto $18.

Heeyou will dnt eveyhigin lether for travelea



Rave your Trunke repaired now. 14


way. Mils. Mo, Also her pupsi1. Mas5 trna e.

A H8opitalFor Horses.

Themay advantageaderived fromsboardingma's Sue boe..esila a thereseAlp equippedand eyaramiu imageds instItutIon forhertes Is msere forcibly apparent with everyvisia te DOWNKK'S MAMMOTR andMODERN ESTABLIBREENT. Dowaar' habuilt and **.ted up'' a eperate buandtngner by his meda buslneame eapreesly formmrels ad properly ewner fr SICENORSES. It's amarveloms how mush msenasadly herses get well wham esed for In saaIsists ef this kind! Xe dreughts, us

emmibut plenty atAmhaS ent earn-ea~a. Espateaced am are ta ataudan-aight and day, whe koew -us whAt to 4.wham a herse bs he slob.

an anbeamAss year be bosses atBowae'I yeare uremede a ame adeaststy besssmey sessessin hahuUhe preeey weed per, edh er well.m.upr Sireuts, ea Jas Asess and

,'edNei dedw. -br Aetrmuessaespe's.

De~qwnur. uouse Fir H0..


AN 1300TANT Sm.aIn


zeery on of our Mees Goods moeem n

bolds good thingm special beraan.at all times.It may prott yOU to .4-k Sginng them. Nowand then some etra special. snething awayout of the uasual. istfond. Baneisan ea.ample:The result of a reet pesease O-

ables us to offer the following thrum nodSSpecialties in

DSzss STUps.Each Is a rare b ain. this asmen's output.and the quantity is limited and cannot be du.plicated.

AT 20c.A Half-wool Fabric. In new spring coleeings

and combinationa-stripes, checks and plalde.Regular 27%e. qua:ity. for

-20. yard.-

AT 37M.Diagonal Checks. in shades of ten and grey.

37 Inches wide. Regular 50s. quality. for--31. yard.-


Ip Sack or Panama Novelty. in a variety ofshadings. & inches wide. Regular 7)c. qual-ity. for

--50c. yard.-t1st foor.......................101h &t bldg.)

HIGH-CLAss CoToy Goo..The brightest imagination could not pieture

the successes in patterns and colors shown bythese pretty stuffs. Color heretofore thoughtesacred to silk and wool ae now meen incotton.FEAST YOUR EYES 03 THESE 3ORDAT.SWIVEL SILK-So called on account of its

peculiar dsagn. A new lot of th"s fabria hasjut been receIved. embracing a coomplete lineof coloriaga. It will be emlatem omly a veryfew days. however, as these goods al muchfaster than the manufacturer eam paedue.them, although the mlls are kept runningRUMht and day in order to meet s far as poei-ble. the demand from all over the country. -?inches wide.

--4Ms yord.-

LACE STRIPES-Pink, lavender. blue andgreen. 27 inches wide.

-73*. yard.-

ZOECELIN'S ORGANDIA-platn andSorel designe-many new -hadlnpf 31 Inheswide.

-37ic. yard.-

KOECELIN'S PLUMETIS - handsome,Soral designs. small, medium and large a,

facts. 31 inches wide.---e. yard.-

SATINE AND SATIN DZOCXE-plaaolors., dots, check stripes and dainty loraldesigns. These fabrics areruegainistheireOdpopularity. 31 inches wide.

-4. 35and 37%o. yrd.-

INDIA DII[ITT-e new ahipmnat ust In-neat designs. 30 inches wide.

--41e. and 37%e. Wd.-

LINN LAWN--emal Sgeues.N Inebeswide.

union line. 25. yrd.lure linen. U3e. wad.

SCOTCH GINGHAM-queliee and iviesalmoet innumerable.Whytlaw's. in plain colos, ehedka, etripee

and plaid'.-. good portion of them the blues,pinks, lavenders and greene s popular thisesen. 30 inches wide.

--25.. yrd.--Isace-strlped seph tiresely new weaves,

31 Inches wide.--81.. yard.-

Others in fancy weaves,-30.. 80s. and 88b. ard.-

(lat floor................. e..0hat. bidg.)


F03 MAKIn Houu Am2ACT n.

Anelagant line of ealoringa and design inChina Silka for eeema. p4llow ceuinge,mantle and picture draperis. be. Uzeellentquality, figured. 31 ineb. for

--50h. yard.-liner qualtis-60c., 73.. and SI yard.

Pergaan LAmar. Stike. 81 Inches wide.---1.25lyard.--

Shadow efecttanChian mlks. 31 inabeswide,

--730. yard.-Japenees Orepe-white. blue ad utnk.

printed ia gold.-Ji~. yard.--

iaeneea C'.oth-all the new abed.s. DeainSIn gold-30 Inches wide.

---0e yard.-Two special lot. et Sola Pillows. uenumas

.--41.0 and 63.2.--Two special tot. et Nead Res, umsen

values at

--80and 1h.--(3foo$0r--.............M.bg.)

T.5 "Ch!rol, OSInG MACau3.--819.50.-

Including a fuRai et .ano... - Made ofthe bea matas ad getemed dr Eve

Seer.....................3 0. MM)

Wotcaui3 & Le.,..


lurOSTA31 UaLTar Nmw.

Wemeug .meeerm biwsa, ecews.

befd smaluy UmaMOed to afnmi ur






Th. preat number of inquiies folewing the

lolase cc Manaumotre, Esmemnts fs "

when we'd have anothr leads us to benes

ait osing win at with ageadyImeeme.

To thos who have not attended one of these

sales we would say: This great coletic toI&


















Sale begins at S a'c:W.


Sample pieces of Madram NMsE.. deiss-

striped SIlk e.. In ses large enough for

eAh eriains, aplashers, seerfe, ea.

-C.eAt 10C.-


LAger and Saer slecem of Madre, Caan-egt

Muslia. be.

-.Coi..e 15c.-


eesiats of Tapestry. Laceand Madse mC.-

taft Ends. "e

--am. t. 25c.-


Estis line ead mpgrseessaSMadres Car

taa End. be.,

.-Ciesfo 5C.-


Sample piece. of Bik and Wool Tapestee,

Velouu., be.

.-hef.e.50C..-AT SETENTY-lIVE CETE:

Zarger andEmie sees et Telous, Tepee-

-slCub 7C..

AT 01.50 TO 510:

An Wacotet's aemele line of Tapeatrie.

bor W% o3 sa. amdalstiatOdd Silk Car-

tains emulal dsirbl~e Atmantal draperie.

--.oCeiste $1.50 0, $10.-

A iadi' aeeum=latieaot odd sa temperfeci

lois. elngle patam and half gairec eat ie

Petisere. We hae asseted them Itot two

lot, fausesm:

Weeh U75 to6.00pair

Ce.., $1.45 ..

caub... 82.50 .


ie lee to 0.Rg mSu

*.. 1.50 $4.00.

23eW. -o AUDn 525. L..

E1;mem, -ANsqed Pflfsring biWeahe ae.. 3Eapate.se eez~sa uesaa = sesuosa or in

SerMsass to 3KTZmm ast-rnacrm-rulnseam O Am VNerseAr=osr.

The investigatles Int the workings of theweather bureau was continued at the Agriel.tUral Departmsnt yesterday afternoon. Atthough it asted nearly two hoeur no startlingfete weoe developed and most of the attentiosaf Assistant Attorney Gewasl Colby ad ChielClerk NoCeaig was devotsd to a further consideration of the ftee already gone over.

Iserstery Maoren eame into Mr. MeCut'room and emained thee for some time as nwintareeted witness, though he did not takevery active part in the hearing. He happaueto be presset when Gen. Colby was quastleniagHopfenmaier. the junk dealer who bought tiarticles from Capt. Braunon that were said t4have been stolen from the weather bureauHopfenmater made a very good impression athe hearing, althaugh he seemed very mucaverse to the publicity this cae habrought him. He insisted that if the goodware staken he had no reason to believ,it. Part of hisbe's was the purchase ocondemned property r the government dopartaments and he smpposed that all that eamnfrom the weather bureau hod been properl]condemned. He averred that he had alwayendeavored to he as be put it, "an honesjunk dealer, though high moral characters anvery rare in that profession."

WRAT IFLLIYAN amiD.John Sullivan was the first witness called t6

the stand. He has been a laborer in thweather bureau for eleven years. He maid theon the morning of December 17. 1M92. twvwaon called at the bureau. Mr. Hopfenmaier's two men were with the wagons. anthey said they were sent for some old typebelting and copper wire. About eaven boxewere placed in the wages. They were in jshed where all the property was ket that weto be condemned and old at public auctionThe men with the wagons mid that this okstaff had been sold by Capt. Brannon.That same morning. witnese continued. CaptBrannon told him that the wagon wonuid be allater for old paper, but he told Brannon the

he thought not. as the wagons had already beesiup. On the 22d of the same month the wagon,came again after some old type and paperThis laist stuff was taken from the paper sand not from the condemned shaed. The twqsheds adjoin. Witness remembered having seeta roil of linoleum removed from the place.Last fall Capt. Brannon returned from thmwest and he overheard Capt. airannon remarlto Capt. Stone that there had been a good desof stealing going on in his absence and if hhad not come back when he did the buildingmight have been taken away as well. On 0otober 20 witnems found about 40 pounds otype and some belting near the printing oiciand he called the attention of the storekeepeito it and asked where he wanted it stored. ItDecember he law Won. Plummer packing thensame boxesand asked him where they were goingPlummer did not know and witness told binthey were going to Hopfenmaler's. Sullivaimaid that he met Brannon in front of Horfen-maier's place. Brannon asked him if he wakeeping a watch on hims. Sullivan told hinthat he was not; this was to throw him of hiiguard. Witness had never had any dificultwith Brannon except once when it was in connectiom with the eondition of the horea' backin the stable.Watness said that about a year ago 2.41

pounds of new ledgers were taken from a she.and turned over to Brannon by Ryan and theawere put in bags by Ropfenaier's men antcarted away. Further, Sullivan soid that i3one year 25,000 pounds of books were remotecby Brannon's directions to Hopfenmaisr'pUae. They were old records and wesold as old paper. The unused bookwere marked with the name of thisignal service and this was after thMweather bureau was turned over to the Agrieltural Department. A stone step belongingto the main building and about fifteen arostringers were also sold at Brannon's directionsSome waxed paper was also sold to Hopfenmaier as waste paper, Brannon giving as a reason that it was of no use to the bureau.

TI eTONa star.James E Kerr, a' gardener in the employ o

the government mince 1861. was next called. Hwas asked about the stone step that was re

moved from the weather bureau, but said thehe knew nothing about it. He had seen it, budid not know anything about its being takeiaway, and "would like to see the man thecould say he did."That was all for Mr. Kerr, and Win. Plummer

a colored laborer at the bureau, was put upo.the anxious bench. He told of has havinspacked about seven boxes of type at the direction of Mr. Ryan. )id not know what becamiof it. He also packed the waxed paper anplaced it in Capt. Brannon's room, urder thiImpression that it was to be sent out to some othe stations. He did not know whether or aolit was condemned goods.

NI. nopFExm 'saTsTIRoWT.Louis Hopfenmaier, the hide and junk deal

who plays such a prominent if uncertain parin this investigation, maid that in answer to o

telephone message he went to Ryan's house oiM street. R-yan told him that he had somgoods for sale and he went down into the cellarwhere he found a considerable amount of stationery, drawing paper, wri* paper, penand pencils. Ryan. whom he known at tbweather bureau, maid that he wanted to sell tbgoods right away. The stationery was new anin the original package.. It was weather buresu paper and witness refused to have anything tojlo with it. Ryan's explanataon of hipossession of all this stuff was that it was marplus matter and had been givea to him by cdicials of the bureau.

"That's a new wayof disposing of a surplus,'remarked Sesretarv Morton. Every one smiledfor this was the hrtbrisk in a rather uniateresting hearing.As to the removal of the type, Mr. Hopfen

mater stated in the most emphatie mnanner thehe had never taken a single pound of tyefrosthe weather bureau. If any one said headadwas a deliberate falsehood. Furthermore. bhad never had two waguas at the westhebureau at the same time. There had nevebeen enough goods to remove at one time to require two wagons. A to the molds for printersrollers he had never, to the beet et his knowiedge, purchesed any. Hopfenamr smad thehe made It a rule in dealing with the departmonte to pay in chmchs,to avoid any quistion aall, but Capt. Brannon objected to this em tbground that It was inconvenaent to bother wilcashngr checks for smal sumsa. lbs only cheelhe mada was in favor of Capt. Stains. In Ibother transactions he paid cash ad the meo.was handed over to Capt. Brannon.Hopfe-mat tham tequmsted periand.u t

smake a etatemsent to ihow his eemneotion witiBrannon. Whsm Brannon was in the PoeOdica Departament he was in the junk basinesas well, and Hlopfenmaler raised the point thehe should pay a junk dealers leens, and thimade an unpleasant feln etwesm the.Their relations had beam st iIn the liae abunss and he wished new he hdnever heiany atall.

"'There is commdswable of the Dutek abcsame," said Hepfemaasr. "I don't oftsm foegive and I never forget. I never went to mahim, for he always came to ee me whem he hes

mthnto eml. There have been a number.ootiukdealers, and I ds't ese whyI shoal

besigeoutfrom allof thema. I have movehdaydealings with amy other empteye of thwahrbureau."

Allen Spencer, tes colored driver of the malwagon flor the bureau, teetised that he carrissome eases ad rag to Capt. Branon's hemsThen he brought som goods beck, but eaalinot say whether it was all,ashekaptneeeesaHe did rseber, however, that he nevebro'o the easeshback. eeoeldanotbesu

but eeone else had teia them healiH. never took any artselse to the homse et an;.ether ediletofthe weather basema.

A P3acftenesanc=.Detectie inlh=d Weeden was them esfled tI

tiR whet he knew of te ems in had. De tabofithesee, r oftehlt et line. and the aerest at the foremean at~pe t isp. Indslitases and Detective Zacey wee dnaIgtod ti

find eat about same arels. that wee -isafroms the weather baen. They hanme thatthjunk deale had -esae esadearahie preperty e the hoere. lbs baet Me he satBranme. was at Hepin andsm hams.wa ma drunk ~the eedd nem ahim. lhe nest day~s ~SstoWedthat he had said esm. t to EeIa uashat ten Dat16M..ama acig.s hdaeatasi ofme eesto se~t.

Mr.weeea enweeken to tbE of es aemesemifu asemi Ga ma~aada et 5ya.'s est

TerTem hs f a assessed wh eessa istd~ahshotsa a

athmA haamhaiw lmbm


ner theuey Cen be Estesied waer o

Capt. Derby has deneree 16 samer IMprovisions of 60 permit 8y3ten the wassdepartment wil be able to )ast double de wshof laying water mains.

It aD eame about from the inquiry Ia yt-day's lTas relative to the proper course to par-one to get a water main laid.As is weBl known the appropristiew 1r layt%

watet mains and doing other work is the Waterdepartment during the current decal yeramounted to but 090.000. The coustaa draisupe this fund has brought it down t 06,0.which will be used to lay new maine. Thereare over 12, applications for water ssies ewon file, and If the law of precedeare is followedthe lest one on the list may not be laid for twyears.At the euggston of Ta Ryan reporter yea%erdapt y laoked itle this matter and

dieoet a way to partialy remedy the da-culty. Taere are any number of appdicantswho are not only willing to pay cne-belf of thecoat of laying the mesia but wouldwiliingly stand the entire expense. Capt.Derby thinks that the permit 011-temn can lra arntlied to the remainitgmoney now on hand and today notiied the firsttwenty erpheants that if they mnade apphantaomwithin ten days the water dAepartament wouldpay one-half of the cost of laying the maine, Itas expected that the applicants will aad them-eaves of this opportunity to get a water mainwith alight coast and quickly consume the re-mining funda.Ile appropriation fer thie work the comingfieal year as the same. *A0.000. but it may be

that the Commissioners will mno it as a permitfund. and in that way be able to do all thework on the list.Those who do net desire to avail tbeiselves

of this offer to get their water mains laid im-mediately and pay one-half the cost thereforcan wait until the urgent eases are acted uronand then have the water department do the

I work gratias.2* 11T1E COt TS.

EQuItY Corar-Chief Joustie Tinghanm and.edies lagier mets Cor.

Yesterday lirame agt. lUramne; continission toget testimonv at hase Oty. Va.. ordered.l&rry agt. Werry: do. at liot iprings. Ark.Blagden agt. Blagden: Arthur Matthoewon ap-pointed guardian ad litem. Anbler act. Whi;-pie; muozi.n fixed for 10th instant. 'Harrisonagt. Harrison: divorce granted. Jacobs agt.Jacobs: injunction continued and alimonygranted.

PaouaTr CornT -Judge Iainer.Yesterday- -state of Marienne . Trueheart;

letters of admir.itration to tlara It. ItaldWin-bond #200. Estate of Michael Listos; do. telary Liston- bend ;?1,000. Estate of Orris W.Brown: do. to R. B. Brown-bond e2.i0O. E.tate of Edward Kane: do. to Julia E. Kame-bond $3.000. E.tate of James Norris: petitionfor probate of will W1ed. In re Paul H. Doug-la; Martba E. Carter apponted guarian-bond *1.(000. Estate of It. A. telig..on: AlieK. Selig-on to take rsonal propery. Estateof P. Kurnan; orrer resoking letters tests-Ituntary. and letter, of adinaitratoo, withwall annexed. grarted to Joseplune N.ISanders-bond t7.003. In to N. J.Wight (infantl: order making alowanea.In te Albert Miller (infant'; do.Estate of Thos. W. Phillips: will atmitted toprobate and letters issued to Josep& l'hillips onspecial' bond of k 1.000. Estate of Erminia C.Worrell; letters of administration to Win. War-rell-bond #1.000. Estate of John A. Berger;

Iorder confirming auditor's report. Estate ofD. L. Morrison: Anal receipts of re-ideary leg-atees fled. Estate of Harriet 1. Newton: let-ters of administration to Minnie L. Newtos-bond @1.000. Estate of Jeremiah Lynch; willfiled with petition for probate and letters. Es-tate of Uriah Daley; notice of cavet Aled.Estate of Harriet Tracy Green; administratorrelieved at his own request and Jerome P.Johnson appointed-bond 010t. Estate of W.C. Taylor; will Aled. Estate of Temple lark;inventory fled. Estate of Joseph T. Scott; willadmitted to probate and letters tee.maestoyesued to Joseph Harper-beand em0.

An Waster Seg Se iee.Plymouth Congregational Church was weR

filled last night with an appreciative audience.the occasion being an Easter eong service.Quite a large sum of money was realised by theeffort. The special features of the programwere the selections br the Metropolitan A. .E. shoir, the Amphion Glee Club, which m anexcellent organzatio; the Plymouth choir andthe solo by Mr. J. Henry Lewi. who has a Gastenor voice under good controL

The Insagural Fand Surplus.The Anal meeting of the general comltlee

in charge of the inaugral arrangemeats will beheld at the Arlington Hotel co the evening ofApril 17 ats The executive committee willmeet at the same place at 7 o'clok, whew theywill agree upon some recamendation as to thedisposition of the surplus, which is about65,000.

COmedy at It. Ellzabeth's.The comedy "Mr. Woodcock's Little Game"

was given last evening with considerable sue-ess at St. Elizabeth's fpera House. Mr. S.Hazen Bond taking the leading part in hisusual pleasing style. Kim Anuah . Fletcher,Miss Grace D. Parker, Kim Marian White, KimAgnes Brown. Mr. T. C. Tiptoe, Mr. CharlesN. Wake and Mr. W. H. Roneaville werealso Inthe cast and did very creditable work. A cok-eart preceded the play. Mr. Chas. N. Wahe. Mr.&. Hasen bond and Melille D. Measey takipart

Plse Shed at Marahatt Malt.The steamers Charles Macaleeter and 3iver

Qaeen will ake two tripe to Marshall Hail to-morrow, leaving their wharf at 11 a... and2:45 p.m. On the graen lawns of the hall therewill be toand by those who make the trip thetoothsome shad cooked in the anly way inwhich it should be eaten-roasted os a labefore the Ire. Epicures say that this letheonly way to treat the fish propierly ad Itsee-tainly cooks it in a dehicious maaner. Theplanked shed at Marshall Hall have becamenfamous all over the country and me strangerhaa ariht to come to Wambngtes awd geaway thout indulging in this luxury. Theride down to the hall he an escedlegly pises-ant one, as the steameres are well appeotedand every care as takes for the esoagert et the

Teeing but Prspesee.'Ehe Ninth Street Christian Charsh, esemr

5th and D streets northeast, oslebrated Ito ese-onel annivernary the p-s week. This churebbee had a remarkable growth. It ws ergnisediaAprll, '91, with isty-ive smembereframthe Veramost Avesue Chrutian Chureb and itmew has 355 names upos the rail at membe-aship. The avetage attendamce at Sundayachool hat year wa 2IP, and these are musethan smenolled Is the tieaier end JasierEndeavor So.ietis.The church is know on Capilel Hill a %e

ngpeople's church froma the large sum-ofeen peplewho attesd the services.

E. S. Bagbee. Frank Morriso., C. A. lIEaandA. . Bwenwere elected namabess th

emeldal board. The eengregatio sle etgreing its preset artrsandhaa sees to

pastor. Bev. E. B, Bagby, wi begin a twoweeks' revival srvice April 5.

As Omese Ealtis ea Esteats.The War Departement is interaeed that Idest.

Philip Hawley, formerly et the Ith infantry,who was diamai--d froms the ervice haot em-mer for duplicating his pay amset, ha em-listed In thearmy sea private. Last yea hedeserted from his post after being charged withduplicating his accounts. Be remained aafor three months. at the expiratioa erahttimne he was declared a deserter. Yeessseda

the recivedword thema Fort Sher-amma, thatthisoSeer has baeaditeewed

'ha oeof the --sa-an=me an amlistel mealdthat he had bmwe arrested and weati be turned, er to the airS estheritise fer taeal. This heama af the et eset ymceas whee an neerrdismised bae the asmy has see to eateragi by emnligie th amahe.

A e-a Tmm esaInn Maui.Armewtoma have es ms~ tar ten at

Inlin Heed today the new sspil-ss ga in-vested by C. W. Spamie, a mmer af ePratt A Whiney Campey ot Uavrted cane.This is the aese amplas ga hb esneMr. spe.e iru.Thelse are so af nide5 maspeateibvemMy by Kdom. Emm.stepetare Undisd etotes me, mmdmeummnme to enem m M

LAn eandLeQg,eta maele ema s i

2. V. UMed eie M e nI--ese et -e 1miness to IapeteSah-n m anhbmaa

WRAbEN WaNe mVNa .

neewioUt Formsa anus" seme-a e --- - -i amesen

Tife klime of Ftak I. We4 by ane et0mase on te rgh.tweed eileses wemmed2day Slgt. es pten ,In to ta @OemWL -mdeed by hi smay fteaesresese. use

lhe ermrs pary-maide ds--ee be

oret me of Qe diae at tir taa, 9alumed --O'""'".The.e ee m. heenir, owe n.

chard to be hd t et eV esm Natm ewapssd *9 ,eaer- eeSvesay. As t"4

by the er ates lqmuet be the ta bemWard's e-dst ad aiesgeene atNo a"wabe two ho began f e bneg ft be fetwmed4 to Mase Ibis pat et 4U e ony ew eam.mit esiaide beftere taey.

Dan the P0as mne Wed 6ad been 4dblux ad writs"m umae uetsio ft bbilktheo" I le ,ittet ia a I"og eet af away, he bened is wte is withdrae be sem

at. W he en auses ta her d4mhe the VOnde he bed emad.1e letters sere tarmed over to Er. . s

Thomm. conaMaN for Mm. Wer. and be easthasband wee gq-s to Uadersead tata mense.cilation wee psable. Tbe h.usbamn e

guts te en fiake eImony mee QMure. beeh. dd aot%aed bimsef Op b o-tUa.tl. gad bed so dobt eep&awef Would som be a ues wtRne.lially the eaftrtauste men was tefsmedthat the divore case woW be cailed beat

J0deP CoX yesterday mar.i ng .. Th Wenmeee IO tA deprue hAm. ad. No myother rersoes, he attempted to bems 66 earoe in rum.His conduct, "are t his rieds any aethat of a maer who bad lost hi reses. e es

letters ir~t by hum to hi. wife. ther wey benfu --rt evideneof hi, a tled wsam' atnunid.

As publihed in eesterday' ftaa %be bdof the lead maln wW taen, to the .adertkangeatabiahment of Mr. J. UjiUlam Lem as Peas.Gay aniA arenute iad after *" pe" d grbunal it was reaed to h ~ t EifWard. No. 1234 th street Mortiwest. ns fa-eral WIII take plac tonnerrow aftereons at a0 clock. It is the desare of Mm. Weed to basethe suaeral as private as p-imbi. a d oil"th^ . %beI-era aill be selected rem theMa1onie order. the. Flks anad other sedtim,they will be pere-nal frends a be desesi.'le ee.- ValIte emadacted by Be. J. J.

Muar of t'n E tutreet itantust (tmebs. @&& bemtermsst willbe made a Keck Qael

ne Ia, Alissmm.ChWi Jnue. Dingham yesterday dAsi

that Thomas E. Jacoba. the navy yesg mahiemwho recentlT applied for a divoreement pay bb

ife almony of (33 a month antil be ee isdecae. Mrs. Jacobs was enjeined em M.pining of the hon MAd tat aA4 ether galgut

id an her name.

Sma s~ niets E1mpet ess.e E m.Br the aill of the IiteJeremiah Lyie, NA

yesterday. the Broodamud athetae C'ina greceive eventusliy mst of the estata, te goleaees the property with the idow jen ha'deth or reularriage. Thea two uephebss ena aiece all wnrecee #1," each and e V"will be held in trust by liahep Emmen %V &

tmang"s ras." ter ret Asem.Seweral daye age Jamthan 3. Qwence am

amelsed II the Police ('eart by Eeseeand Goaebison of laroe-y.ht eq.at. M .a.

eiinat the o -a e .eus a" of d&M.pri---.at.

sa.aaCas,LLIstgta ses.ms

jt bettas'sMWra aen an a .lsam

VusAsl tft the rodsaea .9 de eassb.Mmanam~ wultave. *a~ -gl * I.sedmue. OR meed.,. -it~1 10. e12t 1 5*P6 ~

HArEIA. LOCIs i2. U&VWt.4ie;f - .t.eda


Fruat ot take 'uask% NO

.% ~ eree euI~'e5,am t be seme

Caah ea da. 4 II at S a ten

ftt~rnd em .'e obehl to f~steEn.

HILLJLer. Or Theretar st. 4 4jrO. ~'d UL e.e VAKV 4t 'a,

IV lw hfitleary. lahs 171z mese.liAgetl 10 et . a.

KTERB. EAp0d7se.ete

o Th. aid ie,. i. kart. aer -ma newIuse-'slawebe p~rivats (.6,

hass-sey tee st asdutmes s

bh ndar.4P., a-.

Vo msl.as u .twe. 00tT3IS.gAt w

masthu.esus at, sa 4 h. sar- ~ lses ea

seese nsldlv ppsme

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