v h p dunkavens charges t i t llama thibet 1 t overcoats …4 = r pa-iv h j p dunkavens charges to...

4 = r I pa- V H J DUNKAVENS CHARGES P TO nKXNrSSTIOATKD 7JT THB KlCI- froait TACJIT civa THKIOIIT III Full Htaitement TTIII De Rend xnd Evl- dcacB In nebnltnl OUrredMember Hntd to Be Divided na to the LUc of Action Called For I > nnc Attendance Expected nerrrhoiri Ilmhiiw y May He There The ipccUl meetlnB of the New York Yacht Club called t consider the charges made by Lord Dunravcn against the management of the Defender during the recent match for the Americas Cup will bo held this evening Com- modore ¬ M Hrnwn proslde anti It- Is cWlr wi attendance members gen- erally ¬ will b tho lariest in the history of the club The wellknown member who were present nt the conference called by Commodore Drown q last Thursday afternoon to consider a plan of procedure vl bo most active in shaping the of club this ovonlnc They are In acton t Commodore E M Urn VIce Commodoru Henry C Ward Hear Commodore James C Bergen and Secretary J V S Oddle representing the officers of the club exCom ¬ Nicholson Kane Chairman Irving moore 1 and Chester Orlswold of the Re ¬ Committee exCommodore James U a gatt SmithChairman A Cass Cantleld Latham A Fish Oouverneur Kortwrllht Archibald ling- ers ¬ J Frederick U husk of the Cup Committee J Plerpont Morgan ex Commodore Edward n Morgan C Oliver Iso Ito Daniel I Worden Lloyd Phcenlx George L lives Philip Schuyler Dclancey Kane Htephen Peabody Woodbury Kane and Fur ham Morris In addition to those named many resident and ontqftown members are expected to bo present whllcNat Herreshoff and Sallmaktr Hathaway may come from Urlstol to add their testimony The Now York Yacht Club now has over IOO members of whom moro than onehalf are resi ¬ dent of this city Tho remainder I Is mode up of outoftown and foreign yachtsmen and of offi- cers ¬ tn the United States navy Of these 1200 members about 350 are yacht owners having the right t vote and to bold ofllco The other mav attend meetings and speak upon any sub jet but may not vote the decision of the yacht owners pre- sent ¬ therefore will depend the result of the At the conference hold Thursday afternoon- It was determined t collect the evidence In rO bnttal of Lord Dunravens charge and to have It ready to lay before the meeting In opposition- to the Earls statement which by that tlmo would have arrived This has been done and the meeting tonight will bo able to make very rapid rjrogreBs In consideration the mater Lord Dunravens statement in the Field of Nov 0 copies of which arrived on tho Campanlayelterdal will first be laid before tho muting It covers over three columns and is Intruce by the following short editorial corn mentThe circumstantial statement we publish A this week from Lord Dunraven la graphic and Incisive and has tho breezy tone of a Iprl man It throws quit1 fierce light on pro ceedings connect the races and tho ar- gument ¬ employed are fully convincing Of course this statement has been made In reply to the report of the Cup Committee of the New York Yacht Club In reply the chatescontalneln Lord Dun t ravens Cup and Regatta committees will b presented together with other evidence has been collected from the various persons connected with the Defenders racing Exactly what action will be taken Is yet a matter of doubt anti speculation It Is known that many members favor the Immediate ex- pulsion ¬ of the offending memoer holding that as he has made the charges not hastily or care- lessly but after full consideration they may be- taken to represent his positive And mature opinion and that it will therefore be useless to communicate further with him in the mater Other members whom E D and C Oliver amonl mentioned while milting fully that the Valkyries owner a clearly rendered himself liable to expulsion urge moderation and slowness In the treatment- of the cue They contend that It will suffice for the present to gather the full proof of the falsity of his assertions and forward it to him with a request that he withdraw his charges Aquatic Lorers of aquatic sport were out In force a the New Manhattan AC Club yesterday after ¬ noon It was tho bglnulnl of the point com- petitions ¬ which on next The pInt will bo competed on the basis of 5 for a for second and 1 for a third Five events made up an interesting programme yesterday The tub race as usual carried no end of laughter Several of the competitors had all they could do tolceep from being swamped- A rather unusual feat was accomplished by w Grace of Columbia Grammar School who staved under water for 3035 seconds He wentthadlstanco of the tank 100 feet then turned around and swam twenty feet before coming to the surface In the ring contest E M Vandervortdid some clever diving Sum- maries ¬ Tub Race 100 FeAt by T B Heynoldi E M Vandervort econds toad Mctiler third Time 4425- Dlvlni for by W W Grace 120 feet DilancWon time aw 35 Adams second 100 feet time 27 iKcondi E 1 Tandervort third UO feet time 21 25 CeroudL Dlvlnz Through an ISlncb Ring Won byE I Van- TWObundredyard drnrort II Metzler second O Bbamberg third Race by Dr C T A anOlep second CL onde Grrenball I seconds third Time 4 minutes I e Hurdle IeIOO Feet Won by E M Vandervort- II O Bnamberg third Time 1 minute 5 a5 tecondt- Hwlmmlnz Itacp 100 FeetFnt bt won br W W Scott w Grace 30 seconds Becond heat won by CF Greonhall E M Vaniler- vort second Time 1 seconds Final hear won by T Jt Vandervort urace second W W Scott third Time x4 2 0 seconds AMunl Bfeetlne or the A A T The annual meeting of A AU legislators to be held at the Astor House today promises to be unusually Interesting For the first time In recent years there will b no President to cal the meeting t order the latest Incumbent B Curtis havlnl been leRlslate out of office by the action NeW A Cln withdraw- ing from membership He could again become eligible by accepting membership In some other club ntlll within the fold but this he declines do The question of nominating his successor t expected to develop some lively Irepulling I rho financial condition of tbe union I Is one of A the most hltclt problems ever presented to the liabilities have been exceed- ing ¬ the assets with disheartening monotony- and I a sweeping revision of tho present scale of dues will ho in order Veteran officials say ther must be a prompt Increase of revcimu Is generally felt that the future useful- ness ¬ of organization hinges on whatever action may b taken today JIANVHAKL- UeUahon Jssd Unrrctt Spirited Play IB the Brooklyn Court The nmAKlyn Clubs court was taxed to It- snlt rapacity on club day the attraction being tle opening games of the match for 200 I between Pat Darrett and Jerry McMahon The enthusiasm displayed was a revelation t all save Veteran followers of the lprt and proved conclusively that the tine game has lost none of Its pristine fascination McMahon was so strongly fancied by Brook l > nltes that somo heavy bets were anticipated- as the liarrctt contingent were apparently will- ing ¬ t take odds to 1 substantial amount Tho quotations however wore not liberal enough to suit them nnd no bet of any Importance was recorded The Jorrettparty grew conservative when they saw as McMahon looked t trained t tbe hour while his rival al- though ¬ clear skinned and Umber was carrying at least twenty pounds of superfluous flesh McMahon won the toss and on W L Jones being Initallod as referee the fun began Mc- Mahon ¬ lost his band on the llrst service and Itarrett ran up eight aces before going out After contributing a single McMahon again let liarrctt In and the New Yorker Increased his score by i been McMahon scored eight In his next hand and then misled Itarrett for three In his next attempt he suede 11 vo whllo liarrctt went out for one They netted one each In the next two hands when Barrett got poesetstou and won by live aces Hnrrttt scored eight aces rn service and McMahon tour the other pint being obtained by long volleying and court play Ilarrett e serrlre In tho second game was killed br a low return but he replied In kindand cucli- plared a three hands without scoring Then liar relt ran up file nnd held his rival dOWllo one 14 3 lie went out for u single In tho a and McMahon plied up eight In the close gfvo and lake play which followed lcllhol proved a bade tliu better and lit won game by nine aces He i ore1l ten on service against Itarrrits five Tho third gnmit was a practical repetition McMahon winning by t lx aces Jerry t I w continued to forcfl the play anti do most of tbe scoring and the fourth game ended Wl to 13 In his favor giving him a lead of three games t oneThe fifth game furnished a sensational con- test ¬ McMahnn scored seven aces In his frt bund anelmt his rival out for love Show IX brlltlnnt allround play ralsothe stores ace bv ace unti tho figures t 1 In AloMahons Then Ilarrott got In asked for a new ball Tho exchange seemed t suit him to a dot and ho ran out the gamp sharp low service Into the left corner which McMahon l failed to return This ended the first series with tbo score a i to S In MrMahons favor Tho conditions cal for the best six out of cloven games and tho will b fought out at the Jersey City court on Nov Before and after the principal event visitors took a lively Interest in the play of tho many other petl on hand Brisk play also ehiarac tcrlpd club lay bunions at the Wit llnmsburgh nnd Greenpolnt courts The days scores AT TUB nitOOKIYN CtUn8 COURT Jprrr McMahon la lit II 21 1504 Vat Sarrett 81 11 15 13 ItlblK- Hullvan 91 Il 2109 II Li smith 13 19 1748- J Iirmiwy 81 19 ttl01 C lAwlor VO 2L 1763 hilly itebmktl 10 accn 11 III 81nl- 1hll Canty 10 IbM MnlnrCarmody 21 17 31Bfl William Terry IU 21 2000- Ihllraney 21 1U40- KxAldrrman Dunne 18 Blatl- MJ Cannon 21 21 XI03 F UHalllan 18 21 043 I Connolly and O Caeelola 21 II 2563- A Clorman and D Uohortv 10 1237 W Schmidt anI Ml OHonnell 21 21 1008- 1etf Connolly nod T llolmei 17 18 2116 AT TiE VYIIMAUSIIIJ1K1 COURT T COrns anti M Kllnh > 21 21 IQAt ICoolteand Vhalen ID 18 ul65 I Iirlicoll end 51 Harper 21 iit 1085 J llreallu and F Hardy 10 20 1700- H vtcclovrrln 17 21 2I0- M McCormlcK 21 10 18fiS TCuli ant TMcOownn St 13 21BB- II MeUorlo and M McCormick 14 at 1061 J Fltuilbbon 21 HI 21DH- I Fltlglbuo 16 21 1H54- JMurphynndJ Madlgan 21 21 2101- I Urlbbln and T Madlnan 17 18 1440 1 Mahon and J Mcilnoan 18 21 21110 Creamer mid IMurphi 21 17 1054 ShetTerelnc 21 IV 21HI M Mccormick 14 21 1J4S 1 leilsgher and S ronly 21 81 I 1RAR- D Brady and M Moran 17 IU 1117- J Iooiey and M lauichnan 21 21 1711 P Olllcjple and J Daly II IH 2112 J Stontajue 21 21 1430 1 McMumi 18 IU 2133 AT TiE OHFKNlOINT COUI- TPluleond 1 Ilmh 21 Ii 17 2177 1 Unvlney U 21 11174 J Drodrrlck 21 21 173U- D Hroderlek 17 13 2151 T ltigginsandj Rush 18 21 at00 P Devlney and VV OConnor21 III 54SI W KinK and J Dwmond 21 II 2101 M Ulj nn and 3L Oclara 11 II 1751 P Kelly and P Devlne2t 81 17 21 787 T lIlggln andV Connor17 18 il 17 2114 Ijiwlor and P Walsh 18 21 2100- T Drlscoll and M D Ulgglns 21 13 1751- M flynn 91 1 20 2173 W Klnt 13 21 1772 W King nnd Hroderlek 21 11 21ea J King and M Doyle 17 21 181- 1Oolp or the Courts A homeandhomr match bas been arranged between J LOUR and City ami T higgins Oren point for 25 a side Hie opening games wi t played at the Long Island city court on Nuv 2 The Thanksgiving Pay feature at the vvilllamiburih I court wits be n match of best rive out of seven games between J Dreilln and D lalllpan and Connor Wind M Moran for a stake of 820 There lyi also ben competition for a cup E Hopkins of Mauhattanvllle la looking for m match with either Mike Rorkeof kla own club or T hIggins of CJreeiiDoInU The latter can have the option of a- re home contest Hopkins suggests should be best six of eleven games 1 rMh a Howling Schedules The opening games la the Uncle Sam National tour- nament will DH played tonight The following I sebed ule has been adopted- Nov IK Cltll Service 01 Llndec and Gtbm Nov 10 Auraula Uosedale anil Golden Ro Nov 20 Pioneer Fidelia and meeker Nov 21 Acme Osterbolzcr and Atalanta Nov 22 Uncle Sam Brlnkuber and Civil Service No2- Nov 25 Orchard Empire and American Nov 2t Manhattan BlcycleClub oriental and Spar tanNov 29Auranla Pioneer oDd Gotham lIce Atalanta Civil ServIce No I and Uncle Sam Dec Bleecker Acme and American Dee Oiterholzer Empire and Golden Rod BC lIce ICivi Service 0 2 Auranla and Manhattan floe Bleecker Spartan and Rosedale- Dec 10 Pioneer orchard ant Oriental Dec 11 IUncle Sail Acme and Gotham De Manhattan B C American and Osterhol zerDec 13 Onlclen Kod Oriental and Civil Service No I UPC in Ataiania nparcan ana jivii service ctoit Dec 17 Orchard Brlnkuber and Bleecker Ur 18Ploneer civil Service No1 and Ace I IEmpir Fidelia and Manhattan C Dec Jlosedale and American- Dec 211 Auranla Oriental and lirlnkuber Dec 27 orchard Uncle Samand Linden Dec Brlnkuber Manhattan HC and Pioneer Jan Fidelia Hosedalp and Gotham Jon Atalanta Bleecker and Empire RLlnden Golden llod and Sparan Jan Empire Itoseclale and Jan 13 Atalanta Auranla and American Jan 14 Oriental osternolzer and Illeecker Jai 15Spartnn Fidelia and Civil Service No1 Ifl Koseclalc Civil SerMcpNo 2 and Orbard Jan 20 Oolden Rod Pioneer and Uncle Jan Jl Civil hervKe No 1 Brlnkuber and Empire Jan 23 Auranla Ostrrholzer and Fhlela Jan 23 Anierliau Oriental and Jan 24 Orchard Atalautfl and Golden Rod Jan 27 Uncle Sam Spartan and Osterbolzcr Jai 2b I liulcn Blepckor and Kosedale Manhattan I II C Golden to and Acme Jan 00 Illeecker Civil Service I and Auranla Jan 31Iedale MelanIe and Plonier Fb Saul and AIIrlcan Empire Oriental and I Feb Orchard Gotham and Manhattan B C Feb 0Aclile Spartan and Hrlnkubrr eb l 10Civil Service No x Golden lIed and telL > cb OHterhoIzer Linden and Pioneer 12 Uncle Sam Oriental and ROle Feb 13 Brlnkubvr AIn and Gotham American CII Service No1 and Civil Service No 2 s Feb 17 Acme Auranla and Linden Feb IdManhattan H C IlliecLer and Uncle Sam Feb 10 Empire Spartan and Gotham Fed 20 Orchard j Acme and lilella Feb 24 Golden Hod Hrlnkubernnd American Feb 25 Oriental Civil Service No 2 and Acme Feb uo Linden Fidelia and Brlnkuber j Orhard Feb Osterholzer Civil Service 10 1 and Feb American and Spartan March Ill I Civil Service No 1 and Man Wren 9Alrlnla Empire and Uncle Sam March Atalanta anti Oriental March Golden RoiIiIeeckersudOtbam March Emplrp Civil hervice so t ana iioneer March 10sparatan Auranla and Orchard March 11 Brlnkuber Onterholzer and Hoscdale March 12 Llndn Manhattan 1 C and Atlanta The Harlem Republican Clubs tournament wilt be- gin lonlRht The schedule I Is as follows Nov 18StandardNo iStaudardNo J and Kismet Nov 21New York No l Now York No 2 and liar I NOT 22 Nameless Palltade and Cherry Diamonds- Nov 25Phrrntr Knlckerboc and Puritan Nov 2U Lotus No I Lotus So2ald Madison Dec 2U Innor I W Bahelor- Deo 5KI mit Puritan and Harlem Dec 6tlllda No 1 Knickerbocker and New York Dec 1 VVIniorNo 1 Namelos and Lotus No 2 n le Standard No I New 1uri No2 and Phoo flee nMadlson Wlnior Ko 2 and Palisade lIce IllPalisade New York No 1 VVInnor No1- IpIUKlsmet New York No 2 nnd Knlckrr bkrr 20harlem Standard No I and Phonlx Dec aNew York No 1 W Insor No2 and Name- less I 2fl Bachelor Palisade and Lotus No 2 De 27Knlckerbocktr Cherry Diamonds and- Stsridal Dec No I Phoenix and Lotus No 1 Ian 10Klonel Madison and Standard No- 1I Jan Cherry DIamonds and Lotus 7101 Jau H II m knlckrbockcr and VV Insor No I Ilismuomuis Jan I York No I Wlnsor No 2 and Cherry 10Nameless Madison and Standard No I Jai Jai tl Puritan NnmekMand Ba helor 1 Palisade and Harlem JnnIIIluINo 2 Standard No I and New York San 20New York No1 Kismet and Bachelor Jon 21Phonlx Lotus No v and Winsor o I Jan 24 Wlnsor I So 1 Madison i and Kismet Jai U7Ncw York No 1 Puritan anil Lotus BOstandarcl No 2 Harlem and Wlninr No 1 Jan 81 Lotus icnerry Diamondsami I Puritan Feb Ulotus No ol I Numoliss and standard No 1 Feb tIltmrienm BachelorandviadlMin- I eb 7Lotu No 2 Standard No2 and Now York No I ub 10 Cherry Diamonds Standard No I anti WInS I VVliflJPurltan New York No 2 cud Palisade FtU I 14lxtus No J KnlckerbocXer and v Insor N2 eb17Phcrnlx vs MadIson Klimot vs Palisade PKunl V hTuN1ol vs Now York No 2 tlsohelor- vs standard No I 1 Now York No a I Bachelor FcU 21 KUmet V Nainfli Purlluu vs Wlnsor No2Knlclterliockerv a Naniileis Feb 24llioenix vs llneheor luior No1 vs New York No APftciulxvs New orl No 1 Feb 27 Palisade vn tjisiulniil I llarlea vs Nameless Knickerbocker Palliide fell vs Ilitrr Diamonds Knli Ler 2KIImet becker UailUon s Chi rry Diamonds March Puritan htauclurdNo 2 and v Insor No I March Harlem vs cherry Diamonds LotUs N- ova 2 Kismet Harlem vs Lotus No 2 March nNcw York No2 vs Nameless Knicker honker vs Lotus Na 2 Phetnlx v s 711mfletCsL Marchullacbelnr v s Htandard NI 2 Klimct va- Wln or No2 Standard No 1 vs Wlnsor No2 March 121ocus No I vs Wmwr N I Standard No Ivs PalIsade Mandard Ncj 2 vs Lotus No I March i 1iitileiertockcr I vs Bachelor MadUonvs j New York No I Madison va NsW Yori No2 March 10Phcrnlx New YorK I and Chrrry- Dlttinonda III Cuie Eicepllonul from the notion Fitnina Trantcrlpt I dont know as Id dare to sny yes she reid In response to hU proposal clergymens sons you know arc proverbially ba- dYesherplltcl with coernU1 i hut then ray father l Iemit much of u clerujmaii H FLINT1 All the latest iirtUtlo norcltlei for riNi- rtUMTunr I Wedding Prewnti < 6 WEST laD tTrlT t If I Llama Thfbtt Ottrtoat rMea in ten gear well give you a t out for nothing Llama Thibet Overcoats Mncd throughout 1250 with Silk Nothing can be better than the best No blac can be than the black that never fades the black wool- of the black I Llama I Thats the way we do bus- iness or rather I the kind of clothes we Theblaclllhalblol sel Are any good None can be better Nobody else sells them Plain lining Sto oo Silk lined alt through jjo Cxsslmere lined Si Suits also same In Ir Conveniently located Well lighted with sun Well stocked with best of woolensour mer ¬ chant tailonng upper floor E 0 THOMPSON 245 Broadway Opposite City Hall Puk Corair Murray 51871 ARE TXQHr fAf The AURAPKONE win be In YOI I a necrut eniinc I ln eutlim Inn of an > OilS 118 boris iteaf I is luvUllilfi and clous not cattle tin sllkbuot dIatom tort lilstolhafierwnai I tclasscsnie lei the rjoun nrslHslaclr I Enilosw I hemp ror purllculars l I Cunli catpil FREE OK r HA HOB al any of tile JVKV ALUt1JIE COi4 Oftlcesi 71O YOIK clog ilodisolO P4quar N Y 1 Jeloll lIdwIteOlreiUOUtHt I1OUtu- us Bill JJqiillwble UietlellBS lluIss OH HOUSE mmm CROCKERY CHINA AND GLASS K1TCII1IX UTKN- 81LS HNDKlIM ANIflI1ON8 AI HJIR SETS COAt VASES ASD SCUTT1VS- lltAltTM 1IIIU1III8 AND 1IROOJIS 1 11 8CREKX8 ETC ETC fS BUS West 42ti St 010 SIlsr < o- N FIMF- irRtnc USIItIU 41 wMrleaIHr and good tast- ejt it art hand In hand with th- eflflIDWAt IOWMI prku I CAWS SAFETY CANT LEAK f FOUNTAIN AnrWI1oulmlt 11 PEN DW prlcl pen OAW PEN 4 INK CO 16SBro dwa7 New York t = Ucdtr- nIThJITyOIhRP3IlIlEICMtl8z j niarldav station only nilallit over4 > earsof a mlverllkliiK In tIlts paper blood skin ulcers ott- broutnoHi nioiitb IrKM atniibiicklieaaboneacb he urt I lungs klilnij I t I blaililer I btoue graved Irritation painful iirlimllon ssliIlgs Itecurl Kleeu My lulhotlrlu r ous debility had dna ire luuilnv Impo llmenta cmr rlaxf1 weak mull Hoped organs li wise Mpe Ir HnillllllrM IleMopsdliuharKiiiliiiiiiealaKl Many riiliud and i fooliil for month 11111 Clasp Johns fool H- nndlcluia Urllnorcill cut orlnr treatment adlo fret MlidCIMi SIiiiliLpi I cur guaranteed lt OIII llll ChJth4I tearx u perlullut dlofuNfuormru II 1 vluied r tie chose arisinit I I I pi llleii e uriKOManli uiikliiM OUC debility Iwlilriumx lust vliullt weak or shrunken organs i 111111110 to nmrrlatfi nkfrn IIharc ulret rl CM rout nnio Illa b skin kidney ami bluilder trouble 1lr gravel o I ilanu tat I 1n ewitlmitcs Re ejulckiH lyrniuuant curl eifutnner 11 viaraut UCi near BrIi li hart I tours U to U I I WJU fcclniilltli treatiiu HI anti ailve free or1 I it HUS DIr graduate i I or on 1IlllhIuIIrll I5 vera In ill f nn H I ulcers skin dlsehniies kleet utrctiirets kidney bladder jioiIU eure > lor in nous debility weak umli iiloiMd organs liiip llnieiitH I in iiiirrluiu organic KiaKnew Dr tltlMHU icuariinti a eiulrk I p rnianemt euro In alt dlsetaies peculiar lie nun onicn over IS > eara ann VViHl I 1211k si Ulneen nth t mml I Ithnvn Treatment anelulviip I iren MlmeiM i l I Mourn U lo u Sun i i- I isya tttoJ > ocliurii I h as cured i Ai A uncitrsT rEn3sAiWTi- ur ill dUeaiitie of tin M dilliKirilH eabcte sollcltMf relief at once tiio ili > lrliiKonl I> tI ret t c lass Mleiitltlo- irrniiiieiit should rill iho I leading spn lallst Ur- HHNhlIILH i 32 nt 4Tlb 11111 l T luU Wuudajs I into I Dl I lt AMI MRS speelalUt emaleti- rVIIIIrllIta IYINIW J I J rniiii aoil Weal iKl- si fiiim ri > le xliuion- u1H loS ItA II he lentilh1 kllllretl11 I f Jiniile complaint i U7s s t lrlrl > I 01 RM r Chlchftcri English Pennyroyal MsI- ilmuoJ L Briiill urn the Lie at illlIUUfc- T> ii ua MIr Ktol ar um i ur iirlKulvi Hli1 ta Itiu i > i L m D Return Mq liu juu Chlcboaler ChemlcarCo I I lklt la- MTHHTlKKH reiiiovulby without cuillUKor unalaiiKiis I One or inn short sltllnvs only nciury Dr rKitltV 113 I Writ Sbtli st 4 to B P311 ladle tiutuli exiesrt spnclulln W nHSa- trratiueiui Z linuroveil incthoils sow l Ilvuab1 i cesslul Dut1Ol12l0u4U4i I it t 1 SIXT CARL KAPFFS FIGHT IT 1TAH FOR ZHIEJITY TIKE THAT Of JUS FAT1IJHI JV 1848 He Conaent to Tell in nisi nuroalnl Btattcn Inland SnrroandlaiKSi Slow Ite Fought and Finally DerVnted tbe Croibr Sham License nilllllsi Construction of Loan ants VlRoroni Sentences lila Suit Sixt Carl Kapff lives like a baron on Hlch mon road In Staploton Staten Island lila cas- tle ¬ It Is true Is not a structure of medltoval style but it Is largo and roomy and I Is surrounded by spacious grounds enclosed by a buttressed stone waliurmounte by I stout Iron railing There orcl1rclln the rear A reporter who visited Mr Knpft last even- Ing to ask him about 1 certain stiltwas received- In a library off tho main hull The room was a tropical bower with palms and ferns growing In various places and a huge punch bowl on the centre table contained I school of goldfish which occasionally flashed their golden sides at the surface and flipped their tails as they dived blow again lho n ho might b called although his fattIer relinquished all claim t tho title entered clml in I handsome dressing gown and slink into 1 roomy chair Ho Is I portly man with a largo oval face a high forehead with pompa- dour ¬ hair which begins to curl backward front tho earl and a heavy sotdlerllke moustache brushed back on cither side > Ills daughter entered and served some As mnnnshauger with n plate of crisp cocoanut crumpets Under these pleasant conditions Mr Knnff was prevailed on to toll something about hlmlel The reporter learned that his father Slxt Ludwig Kauipff kept the Steuben House In the flowery above Houston street where tho Jerinatila Assembly Rooms now are from 1853 i to 1871 Ho was also the proprietor of Lion Park for a number of j ear Ho was entitled ton claim of nobility but ho said the only noblemen were those that were noble within themselves such men as had joined tho uprUlnc against the King of vVtlrtPmburg In 1848 He was arrested for this and would havo been pardoned hail ho professed repent- ance ¬ but ho Bald ho was sorry only that tho revolution did not buccted and so ho was put II jai was releRsc by the populace who stormed tho jail escaped t Switzerland Ho re- mained ¬ there threo years and then came to this city and opened the hostelry In the Bowery which was frequented by patriots of all nations On Oct in 18H1 he was one of the committee with Horace Ureeloy Oen Avanzano an Italian anti Gen Cluserat a Frenchman and len Slccl which met In the Assembly Hooms to makii arrangements for the reception of the descendants of Baron von feteubeu and Marquis do Lafayette anti other foreign ulcers In the Revolutionary war One of the ancestors of the family was a friend of Pope Slxtus V and on account of thnt friendship tho name Mxlus was adopted by the KaplT family and every male descendant hiss borne It In one form or another The resent Mr KaplT bears the namo Hut because his brother was named blxtus The hero of the Kapff family in the American Revolution was Huron von Steubon and not alone did the elder Kept name hIts horse after the Revolutionary Baron but during the late civil war he formed the Stcuben Regiment- In which all the male Knpffs In this country served The present Baron Kapff was tho Chairman of the committee which erected a monument over the grave of Barn von Steuben in Romsen near Utica He four Revolutionary cannon front PresldentOrant and Congress to mark the- tomband delivered I the orations both at thin cornerstone laying in 1870 and the dedication In 1871 when liov Seymour received it for the State of Now York It was also learned that Mr KapfTs uncle was prelate to tile King of Wurtemburg and Col Edward Kapff another ancestor served with distinction in the SchlctwlRHolsteln army un- der ¬ the fatherinlaw of the present Lmporor William All those facts were brought out Iby question- ing ¬ BO It must not be supposed that Mr Kcpff Is addicted to a display of vanity Now Mr Kapff I lithe plaintiff In a suit against tho United Liquor Dealer Association of Brooklyn for 400 expenses for fighting tho Crosby high License bill In the Leclsiaturo of 1887 Tho suit will comu up for trial In the Supreme Court this week and It was to learn Abut this suit that the reporter had called with considerable reluctance that Mr I wa gave the particulars as be explained that he was not given to fighting his legal battles outside the courts He told however how be had organized the National Society for the Protection of Personal Liberty of American Citizens which passed vigorous resolutions against the Crosby High License bill and favored a bill permitting on Sundays In the i Ities of New York Brook ¬ lyn Albany IlufTalo Rochester Syracuse Utica and Troy thn quiet sale of malt beverages and light wines after church hour amid clotted doors and the restrlcllonsconlln1- In the bill Mr Knpff WIS society and the foregoing words In quotation marks formed the title of a pamphlet which he lied printed and sent to the Governor and mem- bers ¬ of tho Legislature The pamphlet vvas 1 little remarkable for Evartslan sentences and a liberal rse of adjec- tives ¬ It began with I statement about the do fund Prohibition party havini reopened its de- signs ¬ upon the personal liberty and constitu- tional ¬ 1 rights of thecitlrenn and 1 inhabitants of New York under the libellous name of anti saloon Republicans The most striking single sentence in the pamphot Is this which Is given verbatim These antisaloon Republicans composed of shoddy aristocrat narrowminded theorists t- rogant anti bloated autocrats fanatics djmt gogues tyrants despots and wolves In sbeeps clothes who at their said bickering Hall mass meeting have wilfully indolently wantonly or grossly Ignorantly blackmailed tbe good name and preeminent fame of Ih- oworldrenOvne majestic and good cities and Ilrookhn which mighty and for their great virtues justly envied cities with all their cosmopolitan mlxturo of citizens ns to Ibo grossly magnified existence of crimes anti defective means of suppressing and preventing InC satno ran resAliI3 ant ravorauiy be compared as In the actual average of tho commission of crimes and shortcomings with other cities and communities of clvlllred end cultured people and even fo us pres- ently ¬ constituted timid found the cities of Now York and Brooklyn could ho favorably coin pared as to Its respectability commission of crime and shortcomings with a community composed of these tuckering hell people and their fanatical followers numbering In our State 10000 nil told were it possible to place them in one goodly happy little kingdom an- dterritor of their own calls attention to the fact that the Crosby High License bill I Is mode for tho rich Immaterial whether applied to rich hotel or to rich saloon keepersor applied to the rich Union League or Manhattan the like which latter clubs rank among the leavltretnlluuor In the city of consumor spirituous liquors their sales therein- on Sundays especially lartro they can readily pay anti In fact as I matter of business pollc rather favor tile pavment of a JlOOO license fee In that It will pay them lodo so Their prevailing prices per drink or battle are con slderablyhlgher than those demanded and paid- to the smaller dealers Theres nothing much t say about this suit Its simply I cnso of- Wien the devil was sick Tho dvll monk would be When was well Tbe devil a monk asheH Mr Kapff told of how ho buttonholed 128 As- semblymen ¬ and 40 Senators and talked liberal excise Inw to them anti how ho had two Inter ¬ views with Oov Hill of an hour cacti anti how at the first Interview while the hill was In the Hoiiie tile Governor led 1 him lo believe from till trend of lila remarks that the bill would never become a law with his sanction 1 ho lovernor also agreed that there was no warrant of law under the Constitution why the Dehivan House at Albany should pay only I sao for a license whllo a small saloon keeper In Now York city or Brooklyn would have to pay glOOU under thIn proposed law Mr Kaptf also told of how he had to visit Albany three times 1 week while tilts bill was on thu calendarand of Ills addresses to thu com mltlcp and beforo tile lovernor- Hu mid that previous to his engagement as counsel by the llrookbn I association ho hud iilrnoit won over the late Dr Howard Crosby to- Ils way of looking at the matter Then be told without his having spent a djllur outside of legitimate expenses the bill was paused by narrow margins In both Houses- It was tho most troublesome question ho had ever become involved In and Com- mittee ¬ came to bu known as thin Infernal Com- mittee ¬ 1 hen there was the GermanAmerican Independent Citizens As oclatlon of the city of New York whhh represented tho Glro of that period was an Mr Kaplis persnnlherlY league IUlnlu was a conspicuous Uaioo recently > was then President nf the U A- Ie A Then Mr Kapff rotated the story of his nortllu obtitln u liberal Sunday law which uullsolve this w hole to- nI amendment long to the law hlch allowed siUocms to keep open lifter S oclock on bunday afternoons providing thieF had I their places well screened end con- ducted ¬ them In an orderly way After 11 said Mr Jull It was not a t4Ilebt oil hul Inch man had to pay lor u moral ciunllllcnllons that should he cor >I ldered llrst of all lie also told how tho bi received 85 votes In tile teen I moro any similar measure When tbe light was over and he had won the Brooklyn Association paid him only SVOO of the StlOO agreed upon lie walk years before bringing suit and for technicalities arising from the fact that tile association was not Incorporated have prevented tho case from being Now however eventhlnr is clear and he Is on tho eve of btlo which ho will win he says Mlrnbeau L ns the poctlaw of Brooklyn Is his counsel antI tile case tRay be a cal so cdebru Uov HIM may be stibpuinaed as tony b other distinguished persons Mr Kapi slumpotho country for Cleveland In party devel- oped ¬ free trade Ideas ho left It Ho wanted It understood that ho left It while tho party was In power He had a talk with President Clove ¬ laud berorl the nominating Convention and ho says suspected tho Presidents free trade tendencies then but decided to go on tIle stump anyhow Since that time he Has been out of active politics although he Is a Republican He lived for thirtytwo years in the Seventeenth ward In this city and eight years ago ho secured his Staten Island castle He Is n lawyer with an office at 24 State street He IIn conspicuous member of the Liedcrkranz Boclet1 and sings In the Maenner chor twice These occasions ho ex- plained ¬ wer I the only times he ventures t the city in evening TUB XJCir TROUT It Was Only Recently DlBCOTercd and I Proving u Five Game Wish QURUFC Nov 17 Canadian anglers ore quite enthusiastic over recent piscatorial discoveries showing the wldo geographical distribution of the newly discovered trout known to readers of Ichth ologlcal literature as Salmo wilt tni Jfursfonl Until the present autumn tho exist- ence ¬ of this variety wn only known to science by the appearance of a couule of specimens The first of these attracted the attention of Mr J G A Crelghton of Ottawa two ears ago I was taken in Lao do Marbre near Ottawa was sent by him t A N Cheney of Glens Falls N > th eiiresont State Fish Culturist- who forwarded It t Prof Agasslzs successor at Cambridge Mass Proto S Garmnn of tho Museum of Comparative ZoOlogy for examina ¬ tion and identification Ho declared It to be I distinct and newly discovered species antI I was called the manlonl at tile suggestion of Mr Cheney who being requested to name It said Call I after Mr Marston founder of tho lythellub of London and editor of the FIIU Uzele Englishman overflowing with halt lol feelnl for everythlnt pertaining to About a year ago another specimen caught In one of the lakes of the Laurentldes club in tho Lake bt John district found its way to Prof- Carman who declared it also to bo ono ot tho Marston variety Within tho last few weeks there has been a large catch of these same INh In nnn fif n larirt series of lake in Ilimouskl county yfev miles back from tbe bt Lawrence called LacuCnssetto hl lists Is the most beautiful of American and Is bound to create Immense Intercut as It becomes better known Irof Harman says bomo artist with his pencil will delight everybody In- torestlln ¬ the Italics if he will give the public 1 of tho splendid colors drawn from life of the mala of Murstona namesake Iho radiant beauty and brilliancy of IllS colorings would almost cause It t pass for a tropical variety It waIt supposed that tho Mansion trout were only bottom feeders but their discovery In the Hlnouolllake and tho method of tholr capture delis to tho theory that they would not to the Hy and place them beyond any question among tho game Unties of tho Ameri- can ¬ continent A club of Quebec sports ¬ men which controls the Rimouskl lakes- Is petitioning the Quebec Government to introduce tho now variety into some of the lakes In the vicinity of this city whore the supply of brook trout has been materially diminished bj overtlshlni It is nut prob¬ able that will h Irano however until It bo made clear tongue of slander has been raised against this handeorno fish or whether there be truth In tho charge brought iiKilnot it by those who have lately endeavored to observe its habits tbat it spends ft good partof tile month of October upon the spawning beds of its cousin Mlino milmuliB feeding upon Its spawn At this time of the year too it rises with avidity nt tho fly not fromnlmost immediately belowosdoca brook but with a rapid sidelong dart through the trout like the dash of a hooked salmon leav- ing ¬ a twirl behind It upon the surface of tho water llko the wash In wake of a small rapid boat It leaps repeatedly out of tho water when hooked and makes a dcspurate light its rapid motions being apparently duo to its slender shape and graceful form A pound fish of this variety Is nearly a third longer than a brook trout of tho same weight in good condition but not more than half the circumference TO LIVE ASIOHa THE LEPERS Pother Dumleasi Brother to Continue III Work at Holokal Father Damlens brother Father Pamphlle Is now on his way across the Pacific from San Francisco to Hawaii to take up tho work among lepers at Molokal which his heroic brother laid down with his life six and a half years ego Father Pamphlle will live among the lepers do the famo service for them his brother did and perhaps like him will dlo among them Ho avoided all publicity of his purpose anti It watt only because he made nt San Francisco one of a considerable plrtyof- monks antI nuns that sailed for on 1 mal steamer a week or so ago that his Identity mission became known Twice before Father Pamphlle lIed arranged to start from his homo In Belgium for Molokal hut each time severe Illness Interrupted his preparations lie Is by no moans a youlig man though he loIters on his mllol with tho ardor of youth He is A8 jiars and his hair I la snow white He Is a distinguished professor as well as n devout priest All his life since ho be- gan ¬ his professional work he has been professor of theology at the University of Lonvaln Bel glum except for two FOIStS when ho helll like place In tho Seminary of Vorsallli I Is a Hebrew tin ok antI Latin scholar antI In also entirely familiar with conversational Eng- lish There are nomo two hundred lepers at Molokal who are Catholics anti at present they are cared for by Father Vandcrll Muller Father Louts Gonrard anti boraISIHter I abhor Cunrrty itt to leave the Father Palphle will take his place Accompanying f our Dominique Bylvnln Soy monkllrolhrl erln are also to work among the lePers In the party are also two other priests and four bisters w tin are going 10 Hono- lulu to engage In educational and religious work thero The party Is In charge of Hlsbon Report VlcarOencral of Honolulu ono of lather Du miens closest friends He went to Iluropo at the request of the Hawaiian iuvcrnmetlt tn BV cure the additional help he takes back with him the Government paying all expenses THINKS HES HOODOOED OKE xfonos aujirovs CHAJIOE- AGAIXKT AXHTIIKK Vnn Ilrlvrr Tnrner Soya lint Ten Onnrr- Inhn > oi Ilondnncil Illx WhIskey Lust lime Had hint lie Is Sow 3ying In Con tquence Ttirnrrn Wile nnil nn Aliened Witness Connrm Hip StoryPollcr May Its n Silly IMreo of Stipmtltlon Mrs Fanny Turner 1 young colored woman living a 21 est Twenlrrhthlh street went to tho ct Thirtyseventh street police station last night and asked for a private Interview with Cnpt Rear The Captain Invited her Into his omre Mrs Turner glanced around tht room Kloole and looked tinder the Captains desk e said I Youre surn to posltlvcncsit that no ones nroundlilenlns V am tho Captain Theres no ono hero but 3 on antI I If thcrod no objections will you push the window shade down continued Mrs Turner All right enid the Captnlu as ha lowered tho shade Sure no ones In that ere closet I Dead sure An no ones under that cro bed 2 No oD- eVoltbeneolllrR Turner this Is a en- grave My been ehwhats that 1 I thought I heard some one coughing In that corner Theres no one hero remarked tile Captain Goon with your story I y husband Is dying said Mrs Turner Been deathly poisoned by on enemy 1 want tlio Coroner quick to take lila antemortom statement quick right away Vhtn was ho poisoned asked the Cap- tain ¬ Juno night time ealoon West Fortysev- enth ¬ street and Johnsons tho conspirator ac ¬ cused said the woman Now said the Captain If you keep cool and dont get so excited you may be able to tell your story so that I will understand it Its no story sir its Gospel truth ready to bo sworn to title vurv night continued Mrs Turner Then she wont on to say that bur husband Jumps If Tur- ner ¬ is furniture van driver was dying at their homo on West Twentyeighth street nnd that ho accused William II lohnnon another colored man of poisoning him by putting a white powder In a glass of whiskey After getting tile womans story In detail dipt Kcur put Detective Wnltrfclder at work on the case The detective went to the West Twentyeighth street houso anti thoro found Turner In a dylne condition Coroner UMcaghpr was Immediately notified and accompanied by ills clerk went to Turners residence where ho took the mans untemortem statement 1 he Turners occupy two rooms on the second floor of the Twentyeighth street house Turn- ers ¬ family physician nnd a StJN reporter wire present when Turner made ills statement fun dying mao was found on n little cot In tho rear room He was conscious of what wits tiunspir Ing but his voice was almost inaudible Ibe death tattle was there tile doctor said amid Turner could only live a few moro hours possi- bly a few more daB A tall thin colored girl held a smoky kero- sene ¬ oil lamp near the bedside so that the Cor ¬ oners clerk might have light enough to see the paper on which he wrote the dying mans state- ment ¬ My name Is James II Turner ho said and I am 43 years old 1 make tills statement under oath believing it to bn my last and knowing that I nut dying I was born in Rich- mond ¬ Va At one time 1 was emoloved bv William II Johnson owner of tho West Shore moving vans Johntou is a negro antI lives atjJ West FortscMiitil street I believe Ito line i olioncd incami that I am dying of pol on which he administered on tile lilclit of June H IHila On that night he antI two other colored men with myself went into a saloon on W st- Fortyseventh street near Eighth avenue We all drank vvhlfku Johnson and 1 hadaqunrrel about a truck or waeon oweronoton good terms Johnson ordered tile drinks anti placed lila hand over my glass after thu whiskey hud been poured Into it I thought he nctid strangely nt thu time and noticed that the palm of his hand was white After placing ills hand on thu glass ins set It before me anti I drunk tho con tents Slmtce that night I have been d > ing anti 1 am satisfied and believe that Johnson put poison into inv whiskey He did something with It with the palm of hit hand which was white and I bellovo that I was poisoned by his action Mrs Turner also made a statement to the Coroner Her opinion was that her husband had been hoodooed and thnthe lsdlng bcrnuo Johnson charmed tile whtitkey wi bit Ills hand so that It turned to poison she said that her husband had returned home on the night of June sick and In u dying ollliltion liporuu II Iluchncr one of tho men who had boon with Johnson nnd Turner In tile West Fortye enth Street saloon also niado a state- ment ¬ underoith to tile Coroner Ho sail I saw Johnson put ins imnu over t turner glats of whlskev and I noticed thnt Johnons humid had turned white after hu had huld it over Johnsons plnx White powder clime out of Johnsons hand end fell Into tho- whUkey triads just slten Johnson touched the glass I thought It an ill slim hen 1 ctw John- son ¬ rnovo the glass of litkey before Turner and I positive swear thnt I lie white powder fell from Johnsons hand Intn tim hiskey When asked why ho hud interfered to pre- vent ¬ Turner from drinking tho whlskev Iluch ¬ ncr reolled that ho was afraid to speak In the saloon after whit he hail see n for ho feared Johnson might do something to him When wo left the saloon eald Buchncr Turner anli I walkid to the corner and there Turner Immediately complained of feeling sick Then Ito went homo to die and lIne not had a well day since After getting these statements Coroner OMeacher sent Detective Waltzfeldcr after Johnson Thin detectlvo went to Johnsons- hau o anti told him ho was wanted at tho West Thlrtysuv enth street police station hcn told what he was wanted for Johnson accompanied the detective wllllngl saying but story was a ridiculous one Johnson soon con- vinced ¬ tho Coroncrthat hIP was not guilty of thin crime charged against him In Turners state- ment ¬ I have known Turner a long time said Johnson Ho Is a harddrinking man anti is dying with consumption We unit alwajsheen friends Wo never had trouble over a truck filth 1 never hoodooed him nor any other man I am not a lioodooer and dont believe in it When they say tile pnlmofmy hands turned vrhlto they deliberately He 1 didnt Bee any white powder on the night wo drank In tho Vet Fortyseventh street saloon and I absolutely deny thIn wholu story If rumor had been poUoncd hed have been dead many weeks ago 1ho only Incident connected with a truck was when 1 had sold a horse to Turners fIlthIer for Turner After thin horse had been given to Turner ho camo and borrowed one of my trucks saylnc that ills father Intended to buy It after n while Ho kept tile truck until his father got tired paying stable rent for It Ho neglected tho lIons nnd then his father took tho liorMo away from him md soul It Then ho brought bucK m > truck lint wo did not quarrel over It vo scro always good friends anti ill is d > Ing of consumption but I did not poison him nor did I hoodoo his witiakey Capt Rear raid ho lout known Johnson for years antI knew him to bu an honi st Indus- trious ¬ fellow win wouldnt harm OnY one After gutting nil tin FO statementH under oath Coroner OMeaisher told Johmon to go home adding that ho vvouM ba nccdtd again when Turners death should oicnr 1hp ormer told tho reporters that Turners dlsuiso was con aumptlon Condition ofthr London Ktock Murkrt- Losnov Nov 17 Tho stock market hni emerged from tho sottlcincnt Heailler than was expected hut brokers gavei mutual assistance freely othorvvlso tbcro would have Ipcn wide- spread ¬ flImsier Many brokers complain thnt their clients pnrtliulatly I rarWunn Inivo not paid them lm mil look IH Cal ml y diicrtul 1 It t Is rrcngniypcl that many nuUtid iiicciinili I inunt- ba llllldiiteil and inn ciilcntl 1lnoM will be conducted cautiously fortoinu ilinu No Iiullen lit This Hull BrnMN J ov 17Tlie Notistiiilt Socialist Society Llcdcsfrolliclt hIlts aiLccl for n JIT- mlt to hold a ball Tile authorities hnvo given their nscont I on condition i t that no ladles shall bj present the soelely bet mtt a politic t nl I one 1 II I is not I Ilkely I that the bull WI 111 taki plnce under the conditions Notes of 1oriljii IIui rnlnKie Elections for members of tile InrtiRilivii Cli sin her of I elttl tieS Wfro held vitterclaj ami paweti oIl nultli i One iinrrtml and twenl- mcnibcrs F wereilectPil Of I thin iniiiibei twcnt > will I supnort I thu party mm i In power Thu Billlsli t inibns y nt I InrH i bus I linidpdlci tile Kriuiili I iO5ll tttn nIt a jirotest iiilii t v I lih i drawing from tho British untIl trlit sIt U itd It t ito concession tn null I the photplmtc eUpoIt a- Tehessu Algeria Wlirre V trreliijis Ilren IVrre A Ml I 23 I lillHt i lit reel nil I Madison a tIn iie H- Herotlns danmne slUht lUilS 1U2 llonry stroct- P herr htltIltlltg Ililitl I H I ill 34 Ink unlllle I II Ljotis eiamaja II Oil I JO Soa Mntti menu Apirrt Havls no tall 5501 380 u > est Thirtieth sirest tiles Knto- llaiileiacketk ilunnue 8231 U uO 121 East illIcit sIxth Street fin mas Mnrn7 no damage tIlll 105 but hOPs street Illliuii DoueKe danugo HUjliU IllK JIX1 > Ol Aft Old MIXLJt The Dealt of Ilm Itule Unco the Hnptrln- lendcnt of the Comltock7- Vom thf Sdti ranc co Efttmtner Jim Rule known wherever there Is a miner on tho Pacific slope la dead Rule eaton to the const In the early days with a number of Cornlh miners Like many others his first experience was with thin pick nnd nhovcl He drifted Into Brown Valley nnd hccan working hit famous Pennsylvania anti KejHtom mines I hero ho began CPVclop i lIE those talents for underground tliitm log I lint aftcrwanl broutlit him mIllie nmttl wealth Wa- ter ¬ on tho lower levels forced thi owners to abandon bite Drown Valley levels and Rulo went across bite mountains to tIe Colitatoek lode of uititi h ho had heaid 1 so much At llrst ho worked whIt pick anti shovel till fonio ustutp titian hosx perceived that tha man had talents for better things Hu rapidly passed from shift Imss to foreman mId then to superintendent Ono of tho Ilm mutes ha directed sells tile Lady Brian owned by hU- brotluT Jrhn Rule ami W Illlam ONeil when tile Lady llrjnn was laid to rest In tho grave- s ¬ ml of wildcats Kulo found eniplomieniwith- benntor John I P Jon s iolleeownemi a lot of mills on the ComstocK Ihu 1 mines ofTerlng themoro were rnpldli going to w reck Jones taw nn enl to Ills profitable milling unless IIP could stir up business Ho conceived a wny out of thin trouble In leasing tho mines nnd paying the directors no cents a ton for all tIle ora ho took out In airanging fur tills work Jones cm- iilojed Rule us underground superintendent It was whllo ngnged in tItle work that Rulo acquired illS extensive knowledgo of thin In ¬ tricate lower levels of tIle Comstnck lode Thor too lIe gRilled possession of Information that ho used afturard to gieat advanta- gpI I tho contract ho uncovered a number of ore bodies Jones made n barrel of money anti mining stock shares recovered and began to jump about almost as llreli as In the great days of tile 70s Jones and Ruin parted In anger Rulo claimed that he had not been fairly I rented Justbuforu- he quit he got an Inkling that there was a body of valuable ore in tIle mine antI went away without saying anything about About a year later Jones gave up his contract claiming that he had not made an > thing out of It In the SOs the omstock mines were again paralvred for want of ore flutist Consol- idated ¬ Virginia was selling for 2u cents a share with n UUccnt assessment paid Whllo tile market was In tills condition Hula matte u prop osltlon to develop n body of ore In the Gould Curry mine for a share In tile proceeds He was given tho chance hut It transpired that hlx body of ore was not In thin Gould Curry but in tile Savage mine Just over the boundary line Tile flail was enough for the most disgruntled operators nowov er and stocks began to jump After that Rule turned his attention to gold mining He was very successful with tha hut let mlno In Calaveras countv a claim that had long been worked unnrotltahl He remained there off and on until the fall of ISUt when tbo llfelcssnesH of Comstock mining shares again attracted his attention Ho began to talk about a body of ore that ho know of In the Consolidated Virginia mint ho went Into the details of his row w Ith Jones and the reasons sillY ho had never mentioned the discovery before After several conferences thu directors agreed to stay him 4000 a month for MX months and 10 percent on time value of nil thu ore hodlstoveiccj Tho honux however was not to exceed 10000 no matter how largo tIny one body discovered should be Jim hub went to work with the eyes of thousands of stock chlppers and speculators on him The market took an upward heave on the report that Jim Ruin had gone up to Virginia City under contract to find another bonanza But somehow bite discovery lied disap- peared ¬ Tho six months waned palnfullv by and Rule eould not find ore averaging butter titan JJJO a ton borne pcoplo said that Roger Prendor gust the superintendent who succeeded him with Jones had been over the ground mind picked out all thu pay rock Anyhow tile directors anti evorjliodv except Ilm Rule gave up the Job as hopelesn Jim begged for two months more time but tho managers refused to give him an- other ¬ chance Rule never got over the keen disappointment of hlH failure It always rankled with him whenever tho Comstock mines were mentioned From that time on he was not so cheery and hopeful and his spells of not feeling quite well became moro frequent Ho returned to the Lone Star Mute nt Went Point and with his partner Cnpt honey devoted nil his attention to trying to find pay dirt on ills own ground aL4iINE 1vT1LLIGEYCE MISUTCIIK At MANIC TOH DAY Sunrises nVI I Sun sets 4 an l Moon lets 540- moH WArrn Tins DAY Bandy Hook 8 28 Oov Ulaml fl 52 IIcll Gate 1041 ArrlvrdSLMMT Nov 17- Ss Campania alker Liverpool M OMITS rainier Kin Janeiro ha Alrreil mnou leDiiM Bermuda SnUrsoy CIty hewis IJrlRtol- 8s Omit tin HoMnson tiltral tic Ss lit of kliikston CrotttU Port Llmon bs 11 tn Uardner New Oruaua tin Inliipa lliirrows GnlteBton- VorKtonn Sill Ito Norfolk Ss Clu umlottt Walker VV et Point Va- Us Nacoof hoe Smith Hat annahR- H Itoinoke Houz Klchnmiid Slit 51in tattan llrnRf 1orlland Hark Ocean Ixjndon von luter arrivals see First P jelA- ltRIVKU OU- Ts Ia Touralne from Now York at Havre St teens trout Now York at Ualteilim- saOnelilo from New York at Georgetown FIOI1TKD- Ks Merlonptsldre from Sew York for Aden pasted Cipo spartol h IU isravlo from New York for Hull passed Dun net IliailS- H Marti llo from New York for Hull passed Prawle Point tailor rnoM rorno1 coats Es Umlirln from Quccnstown for New York dill nt wilDs DOMESTIC PORTS Bi Herman tVlnter from Boston for New York M Kane City rrom Savannah for New York CCTOOIKO BTEAMllliri Sari Tudui Malt Close iasl emIts Algonquin Charlctton BOOiM ali Totnorrnic Hovel Southampton BOOA5L 10 no AM- riHIo Nosy Orlnhis H 00 P M- lliilam Itottrrdum I II 00 A M 1 00 I V- Ibthleilani Ainsteidnm 11 IIUAM 1 our 5L ill nlnrndav Km W- fltIxilllsSoiltlliililliton HOOAM 11 00AM- hrlohlind Antwerp 10 DO A M in OHM Adriatic Mvtrpojl flII A II MKIAJI- Alllnnia Lolon IOIKIAM i UIIOM- liKladCoinlul Havana I 10I nil A M li11 I r M- iiinmrl llavttiia I nil 1 31 liiiUM- C IItv of 1iirn colon 1000AM U 01 H- brlMlnole Inirli Moil 11101 I M- Ijimpiwaa Ualventon UOOlMI- K011IVO KTKVUaitr- iIrtir TIdal Annnnlal Cllliralmr Oct IH- Hnr < nln Hamburg CM X- Hji ch inui nine Ilium Nin- hiiirtt I t littmirck Olhralmr Nov u ienilnolci Jne oiivimt Nov 13I TaliahaMKi frm tiltittli Nn 1 Aimtcrdui Itolttrdim Not n- Tuormnu his r insco I oiuloii e tui- Hhlopln Jllnsiim Mn Civlp Ilvirpml Nov I h Tim tin Iliivn Nov n- Orlalm Hiulw Nov I 14- LouUmna NtwUrhann Nov U Ill Tufuliia Vt I If- hiulhwnrk vntMcrp Nov n nncho alisioi Not III Adirondack Kliixmoii Not M I luiliiioilo i New Oricillie Nit II Kllll I18lltY Ml lllinilll Nov IS Inif tilnenlnu Sen M MUtMllipl I o idol Nnv 5- 1ilIttiltll i t HutJllu Nov lit cnHiiiini llniin Nov 7 roils liuiidii No fl- Ailiort Navn i4ii Nov 1 tjitd 15- 1I N w Orleans Nov I Lmrolff JueUnoiivlilo Nov 17 Due liuiiuliiv V i It Emits Hrtini Nov 12 VHnmr liriiinn Nov II- Illiiiiicirl I ilit dlnr XIll n- Id I I llilil i SMuola i Nov ri Ails nit 0 olon Nov 14 lye kIiLiIu Nui VI- fr iuil tMiuthiunpton Nov HI I 71 lIt 1511 Not it iMliiiiYln llamouu NOV 10 imiiidnin AiiihlnriUni Nov ill KaiiMo U M 11114111 No n- IIIIITHllI Hull NOV Ni Orleann N Orlians Nov Ill Jlue Safui my Not 23 tlmlirla Liverpool Nov let UllourBoxne Havrr Nov HI- Woiiil < itrstiaitsanil Not U TIlE PEOPLE ARE AROUSED AISAXIIUSIXU itn 1flfltLrtT1O7 07 1ItOJ a lie Wiin Too Inreo Ionic to np Attacked Mllli Imriunltv Scrlmi Helent lor theft KocliillMii In ik Iclp lp Court Dr Ahl viierelt IK < ortilni Ilei pi to Lecture IltlillN Nov 17 It li rppnrtpd that the prosecution of Irof Hans IMbrncck editor of tho IrrumMit Jtilitlillnii r for atloeking herr MIII Korllcr tlic l lniteiiiti Minister of the In ttrlnr flInt tlio political olko Is to ho nban > limited public oplnlni ndiltiHt such action hay Inn been found too Mron to Im nntnRonlrcd with mfety to that Ministry 1 Iho authorities havB been iifctructol 1 tn online their dliol- pllnnr lnin iirc temnallcr pnmc The judgment of llio Supreme Court at Lclp sic In tliu cnsc of herr Xlcinu I is recorded ns a defeat of HID Socialist propaganda The case has UBPII pending flit fl long time Herr Icma upon iho ovo nf t tho calllnic In of t Ito recruits drafted In 1NII4 delivered n harangue to tho young worUniriiion nf llcrllii In which lIe sitli- I Volt nro about to bo dptirlvccl of jour free loin anti enter Into slavery 1 exhort j on to still do your duty as Socialists llo wa rit once nrreMcd The court In Berlin l acquitted him of tlio chargo of Inciting tIle nil Itnry to dlwbey orders on the eround that ha t had not iidiliitMil himself to recruit who had been sworn In Tlio question was then car- ried ¬ to the Supreme Court at Loliwlf bcforo which tha Imperial Prosecutor pleaded that herr Ziemito belonged to the reserves arid there fore fell under thin jiirNdli tlon of thIn miiilitary authorities nnil also tlmt tue military ctslo ap- plied to Socialist nicetings where probable ro emits store assembled The Sunrcmc Court re- versed ¬ tho Judgment of the Berlin court The decision enlarges tho power of repression with which thin authorities are clothed rile matter will now ha the subject of Intm pollutions In the 4 Reichstag The election of n now President of the Itclchtt- net to succeed Huron von liuclllcronberg It being dlscut cd Tile member are nerved tht It Is desirable to raise the protlgo of this office hy selecting aonio parliamentary notable llko Dr von Iennlg < cn though It IB doubtful that ho will consent to leave the lucrative functions of President of tho province of hiammover for the trouble omo anti merely honorary post of IresU- ilentof bIte Reichstag rIm Centrists expect to el let a member of their party to I he Presidency leaving the VIceIresldents to the Conserva- tives ¬ amid National Liberal The Bourses In Ilcrlln anti Frnnkfort have passed well through tho recent prn h There lint been no panic in Ikrlln but prices In Vienna and Hudapcst Tell to pieces While tho scare was on the German bankers attracted by the recent high rates of intcrcnt offered in Vienna where Bourse operator hml been pliinginc recklesls hud n sery anxious time until the panic was lucked In bIte Credit An Htalt nnil other Austrian houses which becnn buying all tho good tuctirltlcn offerod Tho settlement on tile knnu Bourse wiped tint some of thin weaker ecch innis Including con- cerns ¬ run on the American buckctihop plan among them time house of Freund till leadlng bucketshop speculator who WHS found on tho Prater on Krlda night with a bullet from a revolver In his brain lie had killed himself on tile eve of the settlement Empress I rcdrni k Is going to spend lien birth tIny Nov ai with inc daughter Princess Fred crIck of Hese nt Itumi cnh lm The Kinncror lint promised to ho present ntthoi inauguration of thin national monument on tile Ks Ithausur which will shortly take plnce The Merchants Culld of Mettln bus mnde complaint to the Government that Blnre the opening of the llaltlcNorth Sea Canal shtipping at btettln bits Buffered greatly in consotlilenco of tile high tolls charged hj tile canal Dr Ahlwurdt the attl emllir leader and Jew baiter IR making arranctnunts to sail for the United Slates In December for thin purpoio delivering lectures In all tIn Inrco American cities lie goes to America upon tho invitation of a committee of GermanAmerican citizens of Milwaukee The Centrist party in the Kolchstnc have pro Bonted nn illuminated address ts Dr Krnst- Lleber membT of the itelchstac for Wies- baden ¬ conirrntiilatlns him upon thu completion of ills twrnt fifth > ear of service In the Oerj man Parliament herr Herman Dnnath purveyor to the Berlin Court has abniondcd to ttu United States leav- ing ¬ an aggregate indebtedness of 500000 marks a The Krrnz 7fltnna asserts that the military entourage of the Emperor Is Intriguing against ucim lironeart von hchcllindorf the Prussian Minister of War WlI Is pledged to carry out ft scheme of nillltar reforms and to introduce it hill In the Helchatag for that purpose or resign The General IK now charged with desiring to hinder military reforms and the Emperors military aids are determined that ho shall keep his pledge ltiu Kititz Zt ttiiim declares that 16 has doubt that the Intrigues would benefit Gene von Hnhnke Wittlch or Plessen or that they are concerned In the affair which might also compromise Irlnco Hohcnloho- Tho boiler of the German steamer Schwerla exploded whim she was passing through the HI HilticNorth Sea Canal yesterday kllllnK a fire ¬ manA To Bourn was sung In the chapel of the Russian Kmbassy here today In thanksgiving for the birth of the Prlncers Olga of HusBla Only the otlicimuls of the Embassy and tha mem- bers ¬ of the Russian colony in Berlin were present A baaar was held here by the American Girls Club of Berlin In the KurfnrtenstraaB last week for the benefit of the club and the American church It was a pecuniary and social success Mr fickle wife of the pastor of the American church gave an At Homo to tho American colony on Thursday 1 4 Mrs Cloven Symms hue resumed her recep ¬ tions at her residence In IlayreutustraBse United States ViceConsul Zimmerman Raw a dinner to Secretaries Coleman and Jackson and Mrs Jackson at the Palaca lintel yester¬ day The Emperors pet dog a Russian greyhound was maliciously shot and badly wounded a few days ago by unknown persons at Potsdam The Vnrutirrtt the Socialist organ prints a humor- ous ¬ article about it under ihocaptlon Attempt upoti he life of tin Emperor a dog and will nrobfiBly get lots trouble for doing so as the Emperor is greatly Incensed at the article The ITenlirlu FlBdsi a Hubmerced Wreck Qu ESTepvvN Nov 17The Cunarder Urn brln Cnpt Button from Liverpool yesterday for New York which called at this port today reports that she passed a submerged wreck off Balljcottln a short distance east of Queens town U he wreck IH dangerous to navigation A OHle In Greet flritaiaL- ONDON Nov 17A severe pale prevailed Friday and Saturday over the western and northern portions of Great Britain Incoming vessels report much damage There were a number of wrecks and some loss of life of drowning

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Page 1: V H P DUNKAVENS CHARGES t I t Llama Thibet 1 t Overcoats …4 = r pa-IV H J P DUNKAVENS CHARGES TO nKXNrSSTIOATKD 7JT THB KlCI- froait TACJIT civa THKIOIIT III Full Htaitement TTIII

4 = rIpa-






III Full Htaitement TTIII De Rend xnd Evl-

dcacB In nebnltnl OUrredMember Hntdto Be Divided na to the LUc of ActionCalled For I>nnc Attendance Expectednerrrhoiri Ilmhiiw y May He There

The ipccUl meetlnB of the New York YachtClub called t consider the charges made byLord Dunravcn against the management of theDefender during the recent match for theAmericas Cup will bo held this evening Com-


M Hrnwn proslde anti It-

IscWlr wiattendance members gen-


will b tho lariest in the history of theclub

The wellknown member who were presentnt the conference called by Commodore Drown

q last Thursday afternoon to consider a plan ofprocedure vl bo most active in shaping the

of club this ovonlnc They are Inacton t Commodore E M Urn VIceCommodoru Henry C Ward Hear CommodoreJames C Bergen and Secretary J V S Oddlerepresenting the officers of the club exCom ¬

Nicholson Kane Chairman Irvingmoore 1 and Chester Orlswold of the Re ¬

Committee exCommodore James Ua gatt

SmithChairman A Cass Cantleld Latham A

Fish Oouverneur Kortwrllht Archibald ling-


J Frederick U husk of theCup Committee J Plerpont Morgan exCommodore Edward n Morgan C Oliver IsoIto Daniel I Worden Lloyd Phcenlx GeorgeL lives Philip Schuyler Dclancey KaneHtephen Peabody Woodbury Kane and Furham Morris

In addition to those named many resident andontqftown members are expected to bo presentwhllcNat Herreshoff and Sallmaktr Hathawaymay come from Urlstol to add their testimony

The Now York Yacht Club now has over IOOmembers of whom moro than onehalf are resi ¬

dentof this city Tho remainder IIs mode up ofoutoftown and foreign yachtsmen and of offi-


tn the United States navy Of these 1200members about 350 are yacht owners havingthe righttvote and to bold ofllco The othermav attend meetings and speak upon any subjetbut may not vote

the decision of the yacht owners pre-



therefore will depend the result of the

At the conference hold Thursday afternoon-It was determined tcollect the evidence In rObnttal of Lord Dunravens charge and to haveIt ready to lay before the meeting In opposition-to the Earls statement which by that tlmowould have arrived This has been done andthe meeting tonight will bo able to make veryrapid rjrogreBs In consideration the materLord Dunravens statement in theField of Nov 0 copies of which arrived on thoCampanlayelterdal will first be laid before thomuting It covers over three columns and isIntruceby the following short editorial cornmentThe circumstantial statement we publish

A this week from Lord Dunraven la graphic andIncisive and has tho breezy tone of a Iprlman It throws quit1fierce light on proceedings connect the races and tho ar-gument


employed are fully convincing Ofcourse this statement has been made In reply tothe report of the Cup Committee of the NewYork Yacht Club

In reply the chatescontalneln Lord Duntravens Cup andRegatta committees will bpresented togetherwith other evidence has been collectedfrom the various persons connected with theDefenders racing

Exactly what action will be taken Is yet amatter of doubt anti speculation It Is knownthat many members favor the Immediate ex-pulsion


of the offending memoer holding thatas he has made the charges not hastily or care-lessly but after full consideration they may be-

taken to represent his positive And matureopinion and that it will therefore be useless tocommunicate further with him in the materOther members whom E Dand C Oliver amonl mentioned whilemilting fully that the Valkyries owner aclearly rendered himself liable to expulsionurge moderation and slowness In the treatment-of the cue They contend that It will sufficefor the present to gather the full proof of thefalsity of his assertions and forward it to himwith a request that he withdraw his charges

AquaticLorers of aquatic sport were out In force athe New Manhattan AC Club yesterday after ¬

noon It was tho bglnulnl of the point com-


which on next The pIntwill bo competed on the basis of 5 for afor second and 1 for a third Five events madeup an interesting programme yesterday Thetub race as usual carried no end of laughterSeveral of the competitors had all they coulddo tolceep from being swamped-

A rather unusual feat was accomplished byw Grace of Columbia Grammar School whostaved under water for 3035 seconds Hewentthadlstanco of the tank 100 feet thenturned around and swam twenty feet beforecoming to the surface In the ring contest EM Vandervortdid some clever diving Sum-maries


Tub Race 100 FeAt by T B Heynoldi E MVandervorteconds toad Mctiler third Time 4425-

Dlvlni for by W W Grace 120 feetDilancWontime aw 35 Adams second 100 feettime 27 iKcondi E 1 Tandervort third UO feet time21 25 CeroudL

Dlvlnz Through an ISlncb Ring Won byE IVan-

TWObundredyarddrnrort II Metzler second O Bbamberg third

Race by Dr CT A anOlep second CLondeGrrenball I seconds third Time 4 minutes I e

Hurdle IeIOO Feet Won by E M Vandervort-II O Bnamberg third Time 1

minute 5 a5 tecondt-Hwlmmlnz Itacp 100 FeetFnt bt won br W

W Scott w Grace 30 secondsBecond heat won by C F Greonhall E M Vaniler-vort second Time 1 seconds Final hear won byT Jt Vandervort urace second W W Scottthird Time x4 2 0 seconds

AMunl Bfeetlne or the A A TThe annual meeting of A A U legislators to

be held at the Astor House today promises tobe unusually Interesting For the first time Inrecent years there will bno President to calthe meeting torder the latest IncumbentB Curtis havlnl been leRlslate out of office bythe action NeW A Cln withdraw-ing from membership He could again becomeeligible by accepting membership In some otherclub ntlll within the fold but this he declinesdo The question of nominating his successor texpected to develop some lively IrepullingI

rho financial condition of tbe union IIs one ofA the most hltclt problems ever presented to

the liabilities have been exceed-ing


the assets with disheartening monotony-andI a sweeping revision of tho present scale ofdues will ho in order Veteran officials say

ther must be a prompt Increase of revcimuIs generally felt that the future useful-


of organization hinges on whateveraction may btaken today


UeUahon Jssd Unrrctt Spirited Play IBthe Brooklyn Court

The nmAKlyn Clubs court was taxed to It-

snlt rapacity on club day the attractionbeing tle opening games of the match for 200

I between Pat Darrett and Jerry McMahon Theenthusiasm displayed was a revelation t allsave Veteran followers of the lprtand provedconclusively that the tine game has lostnone of Its pristine fascination

McMahon was so strongly fancied by Brookl > nltes that somo heavy bets were anticipated-as the liarrctt contingent were apparently will-ing


ttake odds to 1 substantial amount Thoquotations however wore not liberal enough tosuit them nnd no bet of any Importance wasrecorded The Jorrettparty grew conservativewhen they saw as McMahonlooked ttrained ttbe hour while his rival al-


clear skinned and Umber was carryingat least twenty pounds of superfluous flesh

McMahon won the toss and on W L Jonesbeing Initallod as referee the fun began Mc-


lost his band on the llrst service andItarrett ran up eight aces before going outAfter contributing a single McMahon again letliarrctt In and the New Yorker Increased hisscore by ibeen McMahon scored eight In hisnext hand and then misled Itarrett for threeIn his next attempt he suede 11 vo whllo liarrcttwent out for one They netted one each In thenext two hands when Barrett got poesetstouand won by live aces Hnrrttt scored eight acesrn service and McMahon tour the other pintbeing obtained by long volleying andcourt play

Ilarrett e serrlre In tho second game was killedbr a low return but he replied In kindand cucli-plareda three hands without scoring Then liarrelt ran up file nnd held his rival dOWllo one

143 lie went out for u single In tho

a and McMahon plied up eight In the close gfvoand lake play which followed lcllhol proveda bade tliu better and lit won game bynine aces He i ore1l ten on service againstItarrrits five Tho third gnmit was a practicalrepetition McMahon winning by t lx aces Jerry

t I w

continued to forcfl the play anti do most of tbescoring and the fourth game ended Wl to 13 Inhis favor giving him a lead of three games toneThe fifth game furnished a sensational con-test


McMahnn scored seven aces In his frtbund anelmt his rival out for love Show IXbrlltlnnt allround play ralsothestores ace bv ace unti tho figures t1In AloMahons Then Ilarrott got Inasked for a new ball Tho exchange seemed tsuit him to a dot and ho ran out the gampsharp low service Into the left corner whichMcMahonl failed to return This ended the firstseries with tbo score ai to S In MrMahons favorTho conditions cal for the best six out of clovengames and tho will b fought out at theJersey City court on Nov

Before and after the principal event visitorstook a lively Interest in the play of tho manyother petlon hand Brisk play also ehiaractcrlpd club lay bunions at the Witllnmsburgh nnd Greenpolnt courts The daysscores

AT TUB nitOOKIYN CtUn8 COURTJprrr McMahon la lit II 21 1504Vat Sarrett 81 11 15 13 ItlblK-Hullvan 91 Il 2109II Li smith 13 19 1748-J Iirmiwy 81 19 ttl01C lAwlor VO 2L 1763hilly itebmktl 10 accn 11 III 81nl-1hll Canty 10 IbMMnlnrCarmody 21 17 31BflWilliam Terry IU 21 2000-Ihllraney 21 1U40-KxAldrrman Dunne 18 Blatl-MJ Cannon 21 21 XI03F UHalllan 18 21 043I Connolly and O Caeelola 21 II 2563-A Clorman and D Uohortv 10 1237W Schmidt anI Ml OHonnell 21 21 1008-1etf Connolly nod T llolmei 17 18 2116

AT TiE VYIIMAUSIIIJ1K1 COURTT COrns anti M Kllnh > 21 21 IQAtICoolteand Vhalen ID 18 ul65I Iirlicoll end 51 Harper 21 iit 1085J llreallu and F Hardy 10 20 1700-H vtcclovrrln 17 21 2I0-M McCormlcK 21 10 18fiSTCuli ant TMcOownn St 13 21BB-II MeUorlo and M McCormick 14 at 1061J Fltuilbbon 21 HI 21DH-I Fltlglbuo 16 21 1H54-JMurphynndJ Madlgan 21 21 2101-I Urlbbln and T Madlnan 17 18 14401 Mahon and J Mcilnoan 18 21 21110

Creamer mid IMurphi 21 17 1054ShetTerelnc 21 IV 21HIM Mccormick 14 21 1J4S1 leilsgher and S ronly 21 81 I1RAR-D Brady and M Moran 17 IU 1117-J Iooiey and M lauichnan 21 21 1711P Olllcjple and J Daly II IH 2112J Stontajue 21 21 14301 McMumi 18 IU 2133

AT TiE OHFKNlOINT COUI-TPluleond 1 Ilmh 21 Ii 17 2177

1 Unvlney U 21 11174J Drodrrlck 21 21 173U-D Hroderlek 17 13 2151T ltigginsandj Rush 18 21 at00P Devlney and VV OConnor21 III 54SIW KinK and J Dwmond 21 II 2101M Ulj nn and 3L Oclara 11 II 1751P Kelly and P Devlne2t 81 17 21 787T lIlggln andV Connor17 18 il 17 2114Ijiwlor and P Walsh 18 21 2100-T Drlscoll and M D Ulgglns 21 13 1751-M flynn 91 1 20 2173W Klnt 13 21 1772W King nnd Hroderlek 21 11 21eaJ King and M Doyle 17 21 181-

1Oolp or the CourtsA homeandhomr match bas been arranged between

J LOUR and City ami T higgins Orenpoint for 25 a side Hie opening games wi tplayed at the Long Island city court on Nuv 2The Thanksgiving Pay feature at the vvilllamiburihI

court wits be n match of best rive out of seven gamesbetween J Dreilln and D lalllpan and Connor

Wind M Moran for a stake of 820 There lyi also bencompetition for a cup

E Hopkins of Mauhattanvllle la looking for m matchwith either Mike Rorkeof kla own club or T hIgginsof CJreeiiDoInU The latter can have the option of a-

re home contest Hopkins suggestsshould be best six of eleven games 1 rMha

Howling SchedulesThe opening games la the Uncle Sam National tour-

nament will DH played tonight The followingI sebedule has been adopted-

Nov IK Cltll Service 01 Llndec and GtbmNov 10 Auraula Uosedale anil Golden RoNov 20 Pioneer Fidelia and meekerNov 21 Acme Osterbolzcr and AtalantaNov 22 Uncle Sam Brlnkuber and Civil Service

No2-Nov 25 Orchard Empire and AmericanNov 2t Manhattan BlcycleClub oriental and Spar

tanNov 29Auranla Pioneer oDd GothamlIce Atalanta Civil ServIce No I and Uncle SamDec Bleecker Acme and AmericanDee Oiterholzer Empire and Golden Rod

BClIce ICivi Service 02 Auranla and Manhattanfloe Bleecker Spartan and Rosedale-Dec 10 Pioneer orchard ant OrientalDec 11IUncle Sail Acme and Gotham

DeManhattan B C American and OsterholzerDec 13 Onlclen Kod Oriental and Civil ServiceNo I

UPC in Ataiania nparcan ana jivii service ctoitDec 17 Orchard Brlnkuber and BleeckerUr18Ploneer civil Service No1 and AceIIEmpir Fidelia and Manhattan CDec Jlosedale and American-Dec 211 Auranla Oriental and lirlnkuberDec 27 orchard Uncle Samand LindenDec Brlnkuber Manhattan H C and PioneerJanFidelia Hosedalp and GothamJonAtalanta Bleecker and Empire

RLlnden Golden llod and SparanJan Empire Itoseclale andJan 13 Atalanta Auranla and AmericanJan 14 Oriental osternolzer and IlleeckerJai 15Spartnn Fidelia and Civil Service No1

Ifl Koseclalc Civil SerMcpNo 2 and OrbardJan 20 Oolden Rod Pioneer and UncleJan Jl Civil hervKe No 1 Brlnkuber and EmpireJan 23 Auranla Ostrrholzer and FhlelaJan 23 Anierliau Oriental andJan 24 Orchard Atalautfl and Golden RodJan 27 Uncle Sam Spartan and OsterbolzcrJai 2b I liulcn Blepckor and Kosedale

Manhattan III C Golden to and AcmeJan 00 Illeecker Civil Service I and AuranlaJan 31Iedale MelanIe and PlonierFb Saul and AIIrlcanEmpire Oriental and IFeb Orchard Gotham and Manhattan B CFeb 0Aclile Spartan and Hrlnkubrrebl 10Civil Service No x Golden lIed and telL> cbOHterhoIzer Linden and Pioneer

12 Uncle Sam Oriental and ROle

Feb13 Brlnkubvr AIn and GothamAmerican CII Service No1 and Civil

Service No 2s Feb 17 Acme Auranla and Linden

Feb IdManhattan H C IlliecLer and Uncle SamFeb 10 Empire Spartan and GothamFed 20 Orchardj Acme and lilellaFeb 24 Golden Hod Hrlnkubernnd AmericanFeb 25 Oriental Civil Service No 2 and AcmeFeb uo Linden Fidelia and Brlnkuberj

OrhardFeb Osterholzer Civil Service 10 1 and

Feb American and SpartanMarch Ill I Civil Service No 1 and Man

Wren 9Alrlnla Empire and Uncle SamMarch Atalanta anti OrientalMarch Golden RoiIiIeeckersudOtbamMarch Emplrp Civil hervice so t ana iioneerMarch 10sparatan Auranla and OrchardMarch 11 Brlnkuber Onterholzer and HoscdaleMarch 12 Llndn Manhattan 1 C and Atlanta

The Harlem Republican Clubs tournament wilt be-gin lonlRht The scheduleI Is as follows

Nov 18StandardNo iStaudardNo J and KismetNov 21New York No l Now York No 2 and liar

INOT 22 Nameless Palltade and Cherry Diamonds-Nov 25Phrrntr Knlckerboc and PuritanNov 2U Lotus NoI Lotus So2ald MadisonDec 2U Innor I W Bahelor-Deo 5KI mit Puritan and HarlemDec 6tlllda No 1 Knickerbocker and New

YorkDec 1 VVIniorNo 1 Namelos and Lotus No 2

n le Standard NoI New 1uri No2 and Phoo

flee nMadlson Wlnior Ko 2 and PalisadelIce IllPalisade New York No 1 VVInnor No1-

IpIUKlsmet New York No 2 nnd Knlckrrbkrr20harlem Standard No I and Phonlx

Dec aNew York No 1 W Insor No2 and Name-lessI

2fl Bachelor Palisade and Lotus No 2De 27Knlckerbocktr Cherry Diamonds and-Stsridal

DecNo I Phoenix and Lotus No 1

Ian 10Klonel Madison and Standard No-

1IJan Cherry DIamonds and Lotus 7101Jau H

II m knlckrbockcr and VV Insor No I

IlismuomuisJan I York No I Wlnsor No 2 and Cherry

10Nameless Madison and Standard No IJaiJai tl Puritan NnmekMand Ba helor1 Palisade and HarlemJnnIIIluINo 2 Standard No I and New York

San 20New York No1 Kismet and BachelorJon 21Phonlx Lotus No v and Winsor oIJan 24 WlnsorI So 1 Madisoni and Kismet

Jai U7Ncw York No 1 Puritan anil LotusBOstandarcl No 2 Harlem and Wlninr No 1

Jan 81 Lotus icnerry DiamondsamiI PuritanFeb Ulotus NoolI Numoliss and standard No 1

Feb tIltmrienm BachelorandviadlMin-I eb 7Lotu No 2 Standard No2 and Now York

No I

ub10 Cherry Diamonds Standard No I anti WInSI

VVliflJPurltan New York No 2 cud PalisadeFtUI 14lxtus No J KnlckerbocXer and vInsor

N2eb17Phcrnlx vs MadIson Klimot vs PalisadePKunl VhTuN1ol vs Now York No 2 tlsohelor-vs standard No I1Now York No a I Bachelor

FcU 21 KUmet V Nainfli Purlluu vs WlnsorNo2Knlclterliockerv a Naniileis

Feb 24llioenix vs llneheor luior No1 vsNew York No APftciulxvs New orlNo 1

Feb 27 Palisade vn tjisiulniil I llarlea vsNameless Knickerbocker Palliide

fell vs Ilitrr Diamonds Knli Ler2KIImetbecker UailUon s Chi rry DiamondsMarch Puritan htauclurdNo 2 and vInsor No I

March Harlem vs cherry Diamonds LotUs N-ova

2Kismet Harlem vs Lotus No 2

March nNcw York No2 vs Nameless Knickerhonker vs Lotus Na 2 Phetnlx v s 711mfletCsL

Marchullacbelnr v s Htandard NI 2 Klimct va-

Wln or No2 Standard No 1 vs Wlnsor No2March 121ocus No I vs Wmwr N I Standard

No Ivs PalIsade Mandard Ncj 2 vs Lotus No I

Marchi 1iitileiertockcrI vs Bachelor MadUonvsj

New York No I Madison va NsW Yori No2March 10Phcrnlx New YorK I and Chrrry-


III Cuie Eicepllonulfrom the notion Fitnina Trantcrlpt

I dont know as Id dare to sny yes shereid In response to hU proposal clergymenssons you know arc proverbially ba-

dYesherplltcl with coernU1 i hut thenray father lIemit much of u clerujmaii

HFLINT1 All the latest iirtUtlo norcltlei for



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Llama ThibetOvercoats

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Thats theway we do bus-

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Plain lining Sto ooSilk lined alt through jjoCxsslmere lined SiSuits also same InIr

Conveniently located Welllighted with sun Well stockedwith best of woolensour mer ¬

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ARE TXQHr fAfThe AURAPKONE win be In YOI I anecrut eniinc Iln eutlimInn of an > OilS 118 boris iteaf IisluvUllilfi and clous not cattle tin sllkbuot dIatomtort lilstolhafierwnaiI tclasscsnie lei the rjounnrslHslaclrI EniloswI hemp ror purllcularsl I Cunli

catpil FREE OK rHA HOB al any of tile JVKVALUt1JIE COi4 Oftlcesi 71OYOIK clog ilodisolO P4quar N Y 1Jeloll lIdwIteOlreiUOUtHt I1OUtu-us Bill JJqiillwble UietlellBS lluIss OH




fS BUS West 42ti St

010 SIlsr < o-




41 wMrleaIHr and good tast-ejt it art hand In hand with th-

eflflIDWAt IOWMI prku


OAW PEN 4 INK CO 16SBro dwa7 New York t= Ucdtr-nIThJITyOIhRP3IlIlEICMtl8z j

niarldav station only nilallit over4 > earsof amlverllkliiK In tIlts paper blood skin ulcers ott-

broutnoHi nioiitb IrKM atniibiicklieaaboneacbhe urt Ilungs klilnijI t IblaililerI btoue graved Irritationpainful iirlimllon ssliIlgs Itecurl Kleeu My

lulhotlrlu rous debility had dnaire luuilnv Impo llmenta cmrrlaxf1 weak mull Hoped organs li wise Mpe IrHnillllllrM IleMopsdliuharKiiiliiiiiiealaKl Manyriiliud andi fooliil for month 11111 Clasp Johns fool H-

nndlcluia Urllnorcill cut orlnr treatment adlofret MlidCIM i SIiiiliLpiI cur guaranteed ltOIII llll ChJth4I tearx u perlullutdlofuNfuormru I I 1 vluied r tie chose arisinit II Ipi llleii e uriKOManli uiikliiM OUC debilityIwlilriumx lust vliullt weak or shrunken organs i111111110 to nmrrlatfi nkfrn IIharc ulret

rl CM rout nnio Illa bskin kidney ami bluilder trouble 1lr graveloI

ilanu tat I 1n ewitlmitcs Re ejulckiH lyrniuuant curleifutnner 11 viaraut UCi

near BrIi li hart Itours U to U I I WJUfcclniilltli treatiiu HI anti ailve free

or1 I it HUS DIrgraduate i Ior on 1IlllhIuIIrll I5 veraIn ill f nn H I ulcers skindlsehniies kleet utrctiirets kidney bladder jioiIUeure


lor in nous debility weak umli iiloiMd organsliiip llnieiitHI in iiiirrluiu organic KiaKnew DrtltlMHU icuariinti a eiulrkI p rnianemt euro In altdlsetaies peculiar lie nun onicn over IS > eara annVViHl I1211k si Ulneen nth t mmlI Ithnvn Treatmentanelulviip Iiren MlmeiM il IMourn U lo u Sun ii-IIisya tttoJ >ocliurii Ih as cured iAi A uncitrsT rEn3sAiWTi-ur ill dUeaiitie of tin M dilliKirilH eabcte sollcltMfrelief at once tiio ili > lrliiKonlI > tI rett c lass Mleiitltlo-irrniiiieiit should rill ihoI leading spn lallst Ur-HHNhlIILH i32 nt 4Tlb 11111l T luU WuudajsIinto I

DlI lt AMI MRS speelalUt emaleti-rVIIIIrllIta IYINIW JI J rniiii aoil Weal iKl-

si fiiim ri > le xliuion-u1H loS ItA II he lentilh1 kllllretl11I fJiniile complaint iU7ss t lrlrl> I

01 RM r Chlchftcri English Pennyroyal MsI-ilmuoJL Briiill urn the Lie at illlIUUfc-

T >ii ua MIr Ktol ar um i ur iirlKulvi Hli1ta Itiu i > iL m D Return Mq liu juu

Chlcboaler ChemlcarCoI Ilklt la-MTHHTlKKH reiiiovulby without

cuillUKor unalaiiKiisI One or inn short sltllnvs onlynciury Dr rKitltV 113I Writ Sbtli st 4 to B P311

ladle tiutuli exiesrt spnclulln W nHSa-trratiueiuiZ linuroveil incthoils sow l

Ilvuab1 icesslul Dut1Ol12l0u4U4i Iit





He Conaent to Tell in nisi nuroalnl BtattcnInland SnrroandlaiKSi Slow Ite Foughtand Finally DerVnted tbe Croibr ShamLicense nilllllsi Construction of Loanants VlRoroni Sentences lila Suit

Sixt Carl Kapff lives like a baron on Hlch

mon road In Staploton Staten Island lila cas-


It Is true Is not a structure of medltoval stylebut it Is largo and roomy and IIs surrounded byspacious grounds enclosed by a buttressed stonewaliurmounte by I stout Iron railing There

orcl1rclln the rearA reporter who visited Mr Knpft last even-

Ing to ask him about 1certain stiltwas received-In a library off tho main hull The room was atropical bower with palms and ferns growing Invarious places and a huge punch bowl on thecentre table contained I school of goldfishwhich occasionally flashed their golden sidesat the surface and flipped their tails as theydived blow again

lho nho might bcalled although hisfattIer relinquished all claimttho title enteredclml in I handsome dressing gown and slinkinto 1roomy chair Ho Is I portly man with alargo oval face a high forehead with pompa-dour


hair which begins to curl backward fronttho earland a heavy sotdlerllke moustachebrushed back on cither side> Ills daughter entered and served some Asmnnnshauger with n plate of crisp cocoanutcrumpets Under these pleasant conditions MrKnnff was prevailed on to toll something abouthlmlel The reporter learned that his father

Slxt Ludwig Kauipff kept the SteubenHouse In the flowery above Houston streetwhere tho Jerinatila Assembly Rooms now arefrom 1853i to 1871 Ho was also the proprietorof Lion Park for a number of j ear Ho wasentitled ton claim of nobility but ho said theonly noblemen were those that were noblewithin themselves such men as had joined thouprUlnc against the King of vVtlrtPmburg In1848 He was arrested for this and wouldhavo been pardoned hail ho professed repent-ance


but ho Bald ho was sorry only that thorevolution did not buccted and so ho was put

IIjaiwas releRscby the populace who stormed

tho jail escaped t Switzerland Ho re-


there threo years and then came tothis city and opened the hostelry In the Bowerywhich was frequented by patriots of all nations

On Oct in 18H1 he was one of the committeewith Horace Ureeloy Oen Avanzano anItalian anti Gen Cluserat a Frenchman andlen Slccl which met In the Assembly Hoomsto makii arrangements for the reception of thedescendants of Baron von feteubeu and Marquisdo Lafayette anti other foreign ulcers In theRevolutionary war

One of the ancestors of the family was a friendof Pope Slxtus V and on account of thntfriendship tho name Mxlus was adopted by theKaplT family and every male descendant hissborne It In one form or another The resentMr KaplT bears the namo Hut because hisbrother was named blxtus

The hero of the Kapff family in the AmericanRevolution was Huron von Steubon and notalone did the elder Kept name hIts horse afterthe Revolutionary Baron but during the latecivil war he formed the Stcuben Regiment-In which all the male Knpffs In this countryserved

The present Baron Kapff was tho Chairman ofthe committee which erected a monument overthe grave of Barn von Steuben in Romsen nearUtica He four Revolutionary cannonfront PresldentOrant and Congress to mark the-tomband deliveredI the orations both at thincornerstone laying in 1870 and the dedicationIn 1871 when liov Seymour received it for theState of Now York

It was also learned that Mr KapfTs uncle wasprelate to tile King of Wurtemburg and ColEdward Kapff another ancestor served withdistinction in the SchlctwlRHolsteln army un-


the fatherinlaw of the present LmpororWilliam

All those facts were brought out Iby question-ing


BO It must not be supposed that Mr KcpffIs addicted to a display of vanity

Now Mr Kapff Ilithe plaintiff In a suit againsttho United Liquor Dealer Association ofBrooklyn for 400 expenses for fighting thoCrosby high License bill In the Leclsiaturo of1887 Tho suit will comu up for trial In theSupreme Court this week and It was to learnAbut this suit that the reporter had called

with considerable reluctance that MrIwagave the particulars as be explained thathe was not given to fighting his legal battlesoutside the courts

He told however how be had organized theNational Society for the Protection of PersonalLiberty of American Citizens which passedvigorous resolutions against the Crosby HighLicense bill and favored a bill permitting onSundays In the i Ities of New York Brook ¬

lyn Albany IlufTalo Rochester SyracuseUtica and Troy thn quiet sale of maltbeverages and light wines after church houramid clotted doors and the restrlcllonsconlln1-In the bill Mr Knpff WISsociety and the foregoing words In quotationmarks formed the title of a pamphlet which helied printed and sent to the Governor and mem-bers


of tho LegislatureThe pamphlet vvas 1 little remarkable for

Evartslan sentences and a liberal rse of adjec-tives


It began with I statement about the dofund Prohibition party havini reopened its de-signs


upon the personal liberty and constitu-tional

¬1 rights of thecitlrenn and 1inhabitants of

New York under the libellous name of antisaloon Republicans The most striking singlesentence in the pamphot Is this which Is givenverbatim

These antisaloon Republicans composed ofshoddy aristocrat narrowminded theorists t-

rogant anti bloated autocrats fanatics djmtgogues tyrants despots and wolves In sbeepsclothes who at their said bickering Hall massmeeting have wilfully indolently wantonly orgrossly Ignorantly blackmailed tbe goodname and preeminent fame of Ih-oworldrenOvne majestic and good cities

and Ilrookhn whichmighty and for their great virtues justly enviedcities with all their cosmopolitan mlxturo ofcitizens ns to Ibo grossly magnified existence ofcrimes anti defective means of suppressing andpreventing InC satno ran resAliI3 ant ravorauiybe compared as In the actual average of thocommission of crimes and shortcomings withother cities and communities of clvlllredend cultured people and even fo us pres-ently


constituted timid found the cities of NowYork and Brooklyn could ho favorably coinpared as to Its respectability commission ofcrime and shortcomings with a communitycomposed of these tuckering hell people andtheir fanatical followers numbering In ourState 10000 nil told were it possible to placethem in one goodly happy little kingdom an-dterritorof their own

calls attention to the fact that theCrosby High License bill IIs mode for tho rich

Immaterial whether applied to rich hotel or torich saloon keepersor applied to the rich UnionLeague or Manhattan the like whichlatter clubs rank among the leavltretnlluuorIn the city ofconsumor

spirituous liquors their sales therein-on Sundays especially lartro they canreadily pay anti In fact as Imatter of businesspollc rather favor tile pavment of a JlOOOlicense fee In that It will pay them lodo so Theirprevailing prices per drink or battle are conslderablyhlgher than those demanded and paid-to the smaller dealers

Theres nothing much tsay about this suitIts simply Icnso of-

Wien the devil was sickTho dvll monk would be

When was wellTbe devil a monk asheH

Mr Kapff told of how ho buttonholed 128 As-semblymen


and 40 Senators and talked liberalexcise Inw to them anti how ho had two Inter ¬

views with Oov Hill of an hour cacti anti howat the first Interview while the hill was In theHoiiie tile Governor led1 him lo believe fromtill trend of lila remarks that the bill wouldnever become a law with his sanction

1 ho lovernor also agreed that there was nowarrant of law under the Constitution whythe Dehivan House at Albany should pay onlyIsao for a license whllo a small saloon keeper InNow York city or Brooklyn would have to payglOOU under thIn proposed law

Mr Kaptf also told of how he had to visitAlbany three times 1week while tilts bill was onthu calendarand of Ills addresses to thu commltlcp and beforo tile lovernor-

Hu mid that previous to his engagement ascounsel by the llrookbnI association ho hudiilrnoit won over the late Dr Howard Crosby to-

Ils way of looking at the matter Then be toldwithout his having spent a djllur outside

of legitimate expenses the bill was paused bynarrow margins In both Houses-

It was tho most troublesome question ho hadever become involved In and Com-mittee


came to bu known as thin Infernal Com-mittee


1hen there was the GermanAmericanIndependent Citizens As oclatlon of the city ofNew York whhh represented tho Glro ofthat period was an MrKaplis persnnlherlY league

IUlnlu was a conspicuousUaioo recently > was then President nf the U A-

Ie A Then Mr Kapff rotated the story ofhis nortllu obtitln u liberal Sunday law which

uullsolve this w hole to-nI amendment long to the

law hlch allowed siUocms to keep openlifter S oclock on bunday afternoons providingthieF had Itheir places well screened end con-ducted


them In an orderly wayAfter 11 said Mr Jull It was not a

t4Ilebt oil hul Inch man had to paylor u moral ciunllllcnllons thatshould he cor > Ildered llrst of all

lie also told how tho bi received 85 votes Intileteen I moro any similar measure

When tbe light was over and he had won theBrooklyn Association paid him only SVOO of the

StlOO agreed upon lie walk years beforebringing suit and for technicalitiesarising from the fact that tile association wasnot Incorporated have prevented tho case frombeing

Now however eventhlnr is clear and he Ison tho eve of btlo which ho will winhe says Mlrnbeau L ns the poctlawof Brooklyn Is his counsel antI tile case tRay bea calso cdebru Uov HIM may be stibpuinaedas tony bother distinguished persons

Mr Kapislumpotho country for ClevelandIn party devel-oped


free trade Ideas ho left It Ho wanted Itunderstood that ho left It while tho party wasIn power He had a talk with President Clove ¬

laud berorlthe nominating Convention and hosays suspected tho Presidents free tradetendencies then but decided to go on tIle stumpanyhow

Since that time he Has been out of activepolitics although he Is a Republican He livedfor thirtytwo years in the Seventeenth ward Inthis city and eight years ago ho secured hisStaten Island castle

He Is n lawyer with an office at 24 Statestreet He IIn conspicuous member of theLiedcrkranz Boclet1 and sings In the Maennerchor twice These occasions ho ex-plained


werIthe only times he ventures tthecity in evening


It Was Only Recently DlBCOTercd and IProving u Five Game Wish

QURUFC Nov 17 Canadian anglers ore quiteenthusiastic over recent piscatorial discoveriesshowing the wldo geographical distribution ofthe newly discovered trout known to readers ofIchth ologlcal literature as Salmo wilt tniJfursfonl Until the present autumn tho exist-ence


of this variety wn only known to scienceby the appearance of a couule of specimensThe first of these attracted the attention of MrJ G A Crelghton of Ottawa two ears ago Iwas taken in Lao do Marbre near Ottawawas sent by him tA N Cheney of GlensFalls N > th eiiresont State Fish Culturist-who forwarded Itt Prof Agasslzs successorat Cambridge Mass Proto S Garmnn of thoMuseum of Comparative ZoOlogy for examina ¬

tion and identification Ho declared It to be Idistinct and newly discovered species antI I

was called the manlonl at tile suggestion ofMr Cheney who being requested to name Itsaid Call I after Mr Marston founder oftho lythellub of London and editor ofthe FIIU Uzele Englishman overflowingwithhalt lol feelnl for everythlnt pertaining to

About a year ago another specimen caught Inone of the lakes of the Laurentldes club in thoLake bt John district found its way to Prof-Carman who declared it also to bo ono ot thoMarston variety Within tho last few weeksthere has been a large catch of these same INhIn nnn fif n larirt series of lake in Ilimousklcounty yfev miles back from tbe btLawrence called LacuCnssetto hl lists Isthe most beautiful of American and Isbound to create Immense Intercut as It becomesbetter known Irof Harman says bomoartist with his pencil will delight everybody In-


the Italics if he will give the public 1of tho splendid colors drawn fromlife of the mala of Murstona namesake Ihoradiant beauty and brilliancy of IllS coloringswould almost cause It t pass for a tropicalvariety

It waIt supposed that tho Mansion trout wereonly bottom feeders but their discovery In theHlnouolllake and tho method of tholr capturedelis to tho theory that they wouldnot to the Hy and place them beyond anyquestion among tho game Unties of tho Ameri-can


continent A club of Quebec sports ¬

men which controls the Rimouskl lakes-Is petitioning the Quebec Government tointroduce tho now variety into some ofthe lakes In the vicinity of this city whorethe supply of brook trout has been materiallydiminished bj overtlshlni It is nut prob¬

able that will h Iranohowever until It bo made cleartongue of slander has been raised against thishandeorno fish or whether there be truth In thocharge brought iiKilnot it by those who havelately endeavored to observe its habits tbat itspends ft good partof tile month of October uponthe spawning beds of its cousin Mlino milmuliBfeeding upon Its spawn At this time of theyear too it rises with avidity nt tho fly notfromnlmost immediately belowosdoca brook

but with a rapid sidelong dart through thetrout like the dash of a hooked salmon leav-ing


a twirl behind It upon the surface oftho water llko the wash In wake of a small rapidboat It leaps repeatedly out of tho water whenhooked and makes a dcspurate light its rapidmotions being apparently duo to its slendershape and graceful form A pound fish of thisvariety Is nearly a third longer than a brooktrout of tho same weight in good condition butnot more than half the circumference


Pother Dumleasi Brother to Continue IIIWork at Holokal

Father Damlens brother Father Pamphlle Is

now on his way across the Pacific from SanFrancisco to Hawaii to take up tho workamong lepers at Molokal which his heroicbrother laid down with his life six and a halfyears ego Father Pamphlle will live amongthe lepers do the famo service for them hisbrother did and perhaps like him will dloamong them Ho avoided all publicity of hispurpose anti It watt only because he made ntSan Francisco one of a considerable plrtyof-monks antI nuns that sailed for on 1mal steamer a week or so ago that his Identity

mission became knownTwice before Father Pamphlle lIed arranged

to start from his homo In Belgium for Molokalhut each time severe Illness Interrupted hispreparations lie Is by no moans a youlig manthough he loIters on his mllol with tho ardorof youth He is A8 jiars and his hair Ilasnow white He Is a distinguished professor aswell as n devout priest All his life since ho be-


his professional work he has been professorof theology at the University of Lonvaln Belglum except for two FOIStS when ho helll likeplace In tho Seminary of Vorsallli IIs a

Hebrew tin ok antI Latin scholar antI In

also entirely familiar with conversational Eng-lish

There are nomo two hundred lepers at Molokalwho are Catholics anti at present they are caredfor by Father Vandcrll Muller Father LoutsGonrard anti boraISIHter I abhor Cunrrtyitt to leave the Father Palphlewill take his place Accompanyingfour Dominique Bylvnln Soymonkllrolhrlerln are also to work amongthe lePers In the party are also two otherpriests and four bisters w tin are going 10 Hono-lulu to engage In educational and religious workthero The party Is In charge of Hlsbon ReportVlcarOencral of Honolulu ono of lather Dumiens closest friends He went to Iluropo atthe request of the Hawaiian iuvcrnmetlt tn BV

cure the additional help he takes back with himthe Government paying all expenses



Vnn Ilrlvrr Tnrner Soya lint Ten Onnrr-Inhn >oi Ilondnncil Illx WhIskey Lustlime Had hint lie Is Sow 3ying In Contquence Ttirnrrn Wile nnil nn Aliened

Witness Connrm Hip StoryPollcr May

Its n Silly IMreo of StipmtltlonMrs Fanny Turner 1 young colored woman

living a21 est Twenlrrhthlh street wentto tho ct Thirtyseventh street police stationlast night and asked for a private Interviewwith Cnpt Rear

The Captain Invited her Into his omre MrsTurner glanced around tht room Kloole andlooked tinder the Captains desk e said

I Youre surn to posltlvcncsit that no onesnroundlilenlns V

am tho Captain Theres no onohero but 3 on antI I

If thcrod no objections will you push thewindow shade down continued Mrs Turner

All right enid the Captnlu as ha loweredtho shade

Sure no ones In that ere closetI Dead sure

An no ones under that cro bed 2

No oD-

eVoltbeneolllrR Turner this Is a en-grave My been ehwhatsthat 1 I thought I heard some one coughing Inthat corner

Theres no one hero remarked tile CaptainGoon with your storyI y husband Is dying said Mrs TurnerBeen deathly poisoned by on enemy 1 want

tlio Coroner quick to take lila antemortomstatement quick right away

Vhtn was ho poisoned asked the Cap-tain


Juno night time ealoon West Fortysev-enth


street and Johnsons tho conspirator ac ¬

cused said the womanNow said the Captain If you keep cool

and dont get so excited you may be able to tellyour story so that I will understand it

Its no story sir its Gospel truthready to bo sworn to title vurv nightcontinued Mrs Turner Then she wont onto say that bur husband Jumps If Tur-ner


is furniture van driver was dyingat their homo on West Twentyeighth streetnnd that ho accused William II lohnnonanother colored man of poisoning him byputting a white powder In a glass of whiskey

After getting tile womans story In detaildipt Kcur put Detective Wnltrfclder at workon the case The detective went to the WestTwentyeighth street houso anti thoro foundTurner In a dylne condition

Coroner UMcaghpr was Immediately notifiedand accompanied by ills clerk went to Turnersresidence where ho took the mans untemortemstatement

1 he Turners occupy two rooms on the secondfloor of the Twentyeighth street house Turn-ers


family physician nnd a StJN reporter wirepresent when Turner made ills statement fundying mao was found on n little cot In tho rearroom He was conscious of what wits tiunspirIng but his voice was almost inaudible Ibedeath tattle was there tile doctor said amidTurner could only live a few moro hours possi-bly a few more daB

A tall thin colored girl held a smoky kero-sene


oil lamp near the bedside so that the Cor ¬

oners clerk might have light enough to see thepaper on which he wrote the dying mans state-ment


My name Is James II Turner ho saidand I am 43 years old 1 make tills statement

under oath believing it to bn my last andknowing that I nut dying I was born in Rich-mond


Va At one time 1 was emolovedbv William II Johnson owner of tho WestShore moving vans Johntou is a negro antI livesatjJ West FortscMiitil street I believe Itoline i olioncd incami that I am dying of pol onwhich he administered on tile lilclit of June H

IHila On that night he antI two other coloredmen with myself went into a saloon on W st-Fortyseventh street near Eighth avenue Weall drank vvhlfku Johnson and 1 hadaqunrrelabout a truck or waeon oweronoton goodterms Johnson ordered tile drinks anti placedlila hand over my glass after thu whiskey hudbeen poured Into it I thought he nctid strangelynt thu time and noticed that the palm of his handwas white After placing ills hand on thuglass ins set It before me anti I drunk tho contents Slmtce that night I have been d > ing anti1 am satisfied and believe that Johnson putpoison into inv whiskey He did somethingwith It with the palm of hit hand which waswhite and I bellovo that I was poisoned by hisaction

Mrs Turner also made a statement to theCoroner Her opinion was that her husbandhad been hoodooed and thnthe lsdlng bcrnuoJohnson charmed tile whtitkey wi bit Ills handso that It turned to poison she said that herhusband had returned home on the night ofJune sick and In u dying ollliltion

liporuu II Iluchncr one of tho men who hadboon with Johnson nnd Turner In tile WestFortye enth Street saloon also niado a state-ment


underoith to tile Coroner Ho sail Isaw Johnson put ins imnu over t turner glatsof whlskev and I noticed thnt Johnons humidhad turned white after hu had huldit over Johnsons plnx White powderclime out of Johnsons hand end fell Into tho-whUkey triads just slten Johnson touched theglass I thought It an ill slim hen 1 ctw John-son


rnovo the glass of litkey before Turnerand I positive swear thnt I lie white powderfell from Johnsons hand Intn tim hiskey

When asked why ho hud interfered to pre-vent


Turner from drinking tho whlskev Iluch ¬

ncr reolled that ho was afraid to speak In thesaloon after whit he hail see n for ho fearedJohnson might do something to him

When wo left the saloon eald BuchncrTurner anli I walkid to the corner and there

Turner Immediately complained of feeling sickThen Ito went homo to die and lIne not had awell day since

After getting these statements CoronerOMeacher sent Detective Waltzfeldcr afterJohnson Thin detectlvo went to Johnsons-hau o anti told him ho was wanted at tho WestThlrtysuv enth street police station

hcn told what he was wanted for Johnsonaccompanied the detective wllllngl saying butstory was a ridiculous one Johnson soon con-vinced


tho Coroncrthat hIP was not guilty of thincrime charged against him In Turners state-ment


I have known Turner a long time saidJohnson Ho Is a harddrinking man anti isdying with consumption We unit alwajsheenfriends Wo never had trouble over a truckfilth 1 never hoodooed him nor any otherman I am not a lioodooer and dontbelieve in it When they say tile pnlmofmyhands turned vrhlto they deliberately He 1

didnt Bee any white powder on the night wodrank In tho Vet Fortyseventh street saloonand I absolutely deny thIn wholu story Ifrumor had been poUoncd hed have been deadmany weeks ago

1ho only Incident connected with a truck waswhen 1 had sold a horse to Turners fIlthIer forTurner After thin horse had been given toTurner ho camo and borrowed one of mytrucks saylnc that ills father Intendedto buy It after n while Ho kept tiletruck until his father got tired payingstable rent for It Ho neglected tho lIons nndthen his father took tho liorMo away from himmd soul It Then ho brought bucK m > trucklint wo did not quarrel over It vo scro alwaysgood friends anti ill is d > Ing of consumptionbut I did not poison him nor did I hoodoo hiswitiakey

Capt Rear raid ho lout known Johnson foryears antI knew him to bu an honi st Indus-trious


fellow win wouldnt harm OnY oneAfter gutting nil tin FO statementH under oath

Coroner OMeaisher told Johmon to go homeadding that ho vvouM ba nccdtd again whenTurners death should oicnr 1hp ormer toldtho reporters that Turners dlsuiso was conaumptlon

Condition ofthr London Ktock Murkrt-Losnov Nov 17 Tho stock market hni

emerged from tho sottlcincnt Heailler than wasexpected hut brokers gavei mutual assistancefreely othorvvlso tbcro would have Ipcn wide-


flImsier Many brokers complain thnttheir clients pnrtliulatly IrarWunn Inivo notpaid them lm mil look IH Cal ml y diicrtul 1IttIs rrcngniypcl that many nuUtid iiicciiniliI inunt-ba llllldiiteil and inn ciilcntl 1lnoM will beconducted cautiously fortoinu ilinu

No Iiullen lit This HullBrnMN J ov 17Tlie Notistiiilt Socialist

Society Llcdcsfrolliclt hIlts aiLccl for n JIT-mlt to hold a ball Tile authorities hnvogiven their nscontI on conditioni tthat no ladlesshall bj present the soelely bet mtt a politict nlIone 1III is not IIlkelyI that the bull WI111 taki plnceunder the conditions

Notes of 1oriljii IIui rnlnKie

Elections for members of tile InrtiRiliviiCli sin her of I elttl tieS Wfro held vitterclaj amipaweti oIl nultlii One iinrrtml and twenl-mcnibcrs

FwereilectPil Of Ithin iniiiibei twcnt >

willI supnort Ithu party mm iIn powerThu Billlslit inibns y nt IInrHi bus Ilinidpdlci

tile Kriuiili I iO5ll tttn nIt a jirotest iiilii t v Ilihi

drawing from tho British untIl trlit sIt U itd Ittito concession tn null Ithe photplmtc eUpoIt a-Tehessu Algeria

Wlirre V trreliijis Ilren IVrreA MlI 23I lillHti lit reel nil I Madison a tIn iie H-

Herotlns danmne slUht lUilS 1U2 llonry stroct-

Pherr htltIltlltg Ililitl

II H I ill 34 Ink unlllle I II Ljotis eiamajaII Oil I JO Soa Mntti menu Apirrt Havls no tall5501 380 u > est Thirtieth sirest tiles Knto-llaiileiacketk ilunnue 8231 U uO 121 East illIcitsIxth Street fin mas Mnrn7 no damage tIlll 105but hOPs street Illliuii DoueKe danugo HUjliU

IllK JIX1 > Ol Aft Old MIXLJt

The Dealt of Ilm Itule Unco the Hnptrln-lendcnt of the Comltock7-

Vom thf Sdti ranc co EfttmtnerJim Rule known wherever there Is a miner on

tho Pacific slope la deadRule eaton to the const In the early days with

a number of Cornlh miners Like manyothers his first experience was with thin picknnd nhovcl He drifted Into Brown Valleynnd hccan working hit famous Pennsylvaniaanti KejHtom mines Ihero ho began CPVclopi lIE those talents for underground tliitm log I lintaftcrwanl broutlit him mIllie nmttl wealth Wa-ter


on tho lower levels forced thi owners toabandon bite Drown Valley levels and Rulowent across bite mountains to tIe Colitatoek lodeof uititih ho had heaid1 so much

At llrst ho worked whIt pick anti shovel tillfonio ustutp titian hosx perceived that thaman had talents for better things Hu rapidlypassed from shift Imss to foreman mId thento superintendent Ono of tho Ilm mutes hadirected sells tile Lady Brian owned by hU-brotluT Jrhn Rule ami W Illlam ONeil whentile Lady llrjnn was laid to rest In tho grave-s


ml of wildcats Kulo found eniplomieniwith-benntor John IP Jon s iolleeownemi a lot of millson the ComstocK Ihu1 mines ofTerlng themorowere rnpldli going to w reck Jones taw nn enlto Ills profitable milling unless IIP could stir upbusiness Ho conceived a wny out of thintrouble In leasing tho mines nnd paying thedirectors no cents a ton for all tIle ora ho tookout In airanging fur tills work Jones cm-iilojed Rule us underground superintendentIt was whllo ngnged in tItle work that Ruloacquired illS extensive knowledgo of thin In ¬

tricate lower levels of tIle Comstnck lodeThor too lIe gRilled possession of Informationthat ho used afturard to gieat advanta-gpII tho contract ho uncovered a number ofore bodies Jones made n barrel of money antimining stock shares recovered and began tojump about almost as llreli as In the great daysof tile 70s

Jones and Ruin parted In anger Rulo claimedthat he had not been fairly I rented Justbuforu-he quit he got an Inkling that there was a bodyof valuable ore in tIle mine antI went awaywithout saying anything about About a yearlater Jones gave up his contract claiming thathe had not made an > thing out of It

In the SOs the omstock mines were againparalvred for want of ore flutist Consol-idated


Virginia was selling for 2 u cents a sharewith n UUccnt assessment paid Whllo tilemarket was In tills condition Hula matte u proposltlon to develop n body of ore In the GouldCurry mine for a share In tile proceeds He wasgiven tho chance hut It transpired that hlx bodyof ore was not In thin Gould Curry but in tileSavage mine Just over the boundary line Tile

flail was enough for the most disgruntledoperators nowov er and stocks began to jump

After that Rule turned his attention to goldmining He was very successful with tha hutlet mlno In Calaveras countv a claim that hadlong been worked unnrotltahl He remainedthere off and on until the fall of ISUt when tbollfelcssnesH of Comstock mining shares againattracted his attention

Ho began to talk about a body of ore that hoknow of In the Consolidated Virginia mint howent Into the details of his row w Ith Jones andthe reasons sillY ho had never mentioned the

discovery before After several conferencesthu directors agreed to stay him 4000 a monthfor MX months and 10 percent on time value ofnil thu ore hodlstoveiccj Tho honux howeverwas not to exceed 10000 no matter how largotIny one body discovered should be

Jim hub went to work with the eyes ofthousands of stock chlppers and speculatorson him The market took an upward heave onthe report that Jim Ruin had gone up to VirginiaCity under contract to find another bonanza

But somehow bite discovery lied disap-peared


Tho six months waned palnfullv by andRule eould not find ore averaging butter titanJJJO a ton borne pcoplo said that Roger Prendorgust the superintendent who succeeded himwith Jones had been over the ground mind pickedout all thu pay rock Anyhow tile directors antievorjliodv except Ilm Rule gave up the Job ashopelesn Jim begged for two months moretime but tho managers refused to give him an-


chanceRule never got over the keen disappointment

of hlH failure It always rankled with himwhenever tho Comstock mines were mentionedFrom that time on he was not so cheery andhopeful and his spells of not feeling quitewell became moro frequent Ho returned tothe Lone Star Mute nt Went Point and with hispartner Cnpt honey devoted nil his attentionto trying to find pay dirt on ills own ground


Sunrises nVI I Sun sets 4 an l Moon lets 540-moH WArrn Tins DAY

Bandy Hook 8 28 Oov Ulaml fl 52 IIcll Gate 1041

ArrlvrdSLMMT Nov 17-

Ss Campania alker LiverpoolM OMITS rainier Kin Janeiroha Alrreil mnou leDiiM BermudaSnUrsoy CIty hewis IJrlRtol-8s Omit tin HoMnson tiltral ticSs lit of kliikston CrotttU Port Llmonbs 11 tn Uardner New Oruauatin Inliipa lliirrows GnlteBton-

VorKtonnSill Ito NorfolkSs Clu umlottt Walker VV et Point Va-

Us Nacoof hoe Smith Hat annahR-H Itoinoke Houz KlchnmiidSlit 51in tattan llrnRf 1orllandHark Ocean Ixjndon

von luter arrivals see First P jelA-

ltRIVKU OU-Ts Ia Touralne from Now York at HavreSt teens trout Now York at Ualteilim-saOnelilo from New York at Georgetown


Ks Merlonptsldre from Sew York for Aden pastedCipo spartol

h IU isravlo from New York for Hull passed Dunnet IliailS-

H Marti llo from New York for Hull passed PrawlePoint

tailor rnoM rorno1 coatsEs Umlirln from Quccnstown for New York

dill nt wilDs DOMESTIC PORTS

Bi Herman tVlnter from Boston for New YorkM Kane City rrom Savannah for New York

CCTOOIKO BTEAMllliriSari Tudui

Malt Close iasl emItsAlgonquin Charlctton BOOiM

ali TotnorrnicHovel Southampton BOOA5L 10 no AM-riHIo Nosy Orlnhis H 00 P M-

lliilam Itottrrdum III 00 A M 1 00 I V-

Ibthleilani Ainsteidnm 11 IIUAM 1 our 5L

ill nlnrndav Km W-

fltIxilllsSoiltlliililliton HOOAM 11 00AM-hrlohlind Antwerp 10 DO A M in OHMAdriatic Mvtrpojl flII A II MKIAJI-Alllnnia Lolon IOIKIAMi UIIOM-

liKladCoinlul Havana I10I nil A M li11 Ir M-

iiinmrl llavttiia I nil 1 31 liiiUM-C IItv of 1iirn colon 1000AM U 01 H-

brlMlnole Inirli Moil 11101 I M-

Ijimpiwaa Ualventon UOOlMI-

K011IVO KTKVUaitr-iIrtir TIdal

Annnnlal Cllliralmr Oct IH-

Hnr < nln Hamburg CM X-Hji ch inui nine Ilium Nin-

hiiirttI tlittmirck Olhralmr Nov uienilnolci Jne oiivimt Nov 13I

TaliahaMKi frm tiltittli Nn 1

Aimtcrdui Itolttrdim Not n-

Tuormnu his rinsco Ioiuloii e tui-Hhlopln Jllnsiim MnCivlp Ilvirpml Nov IhTim tin Iliivn Nov n-

Orlalm Hiulw Nov I14-

LouUmna NtwUrhann Nov UIll Tufuliia Vt IIf-

hiulhwnrk vntMcrp Nov nnncho alisioi Not IIIAdirondack Kliixmoii Not MI luiliiioiloi New Oricillie Nit IIKllll I18lltY Ml lllinilll Nov IS

Inif tilnenlnu Sen MMUtMllipl I o idol Nnv 5-


tHutJllu Nov litcnHiiiini llniin Nov 7

roils liuiidii No fl-

Ailiort Navn i4ii Nov 1


1I N w Orleans Nov I

Lmrolff JueUnoiivlilo Nov 17

Due liuiiuliiv V i ItEmits Hrtini Nov 12VHnmr liriiinn Nov II-IlliiiiicirlI ilit dlnr X Ill n-


II llilili SMuolai Nov riAils nit 0 olon Nov 14

lye kIiLiIu Nui VI-

fr iuil tMiuthiunpton Nov HII 71 lIt 1511 Not itiMliiiiYln llamouu NOV 10imiiidnin AiiihlnriUni Nov illKaiiMo U M 11114111 No n-

IIIIITHllI Hull NOVNi Orleann N Orlians Nov Ill

Jlue Safui my Not 23

tlmlirla Liverpool Nov let

UllourBoxne Havrr Nov HI-

Woiiil < itrstiaitsanil Not U


AISAXIIUSIXU itn 1flfltLrtT1O707 1ItOJ a

lie Wiin Too Inreo Ionic to np AttackedMllli Imriunltv Scrlmi Helent lor theftKocliillMii In ik Iclp lp Court Dr Ahlviierelt IK < ortilni Ilei pi to Lecture

IltlillN Nov 17 It li rppnrtpd that theprosecution of Irof Hans IMbrncck editor oftho IrrumMit Jtilitlillnii r for atloeking herrMIII Korllcr tlic llniteiiiti Minister of the Inttrlnr flInt tlio political olko Is to ho nban >

limited public oplnlni ndiltiHt such action hayInn been found too Mron to Im nntnRonlrcdwith mfety to that Ministry 1Iho authoritieshavB been iifctructol 1 tn online their dliol-pllnnr lnin iirc temnallcr pnmc

The judgment of llio Supreme Court at Lclpsic In tliu cnsc of herr Xlcinu Iis recorded ns adefeat of HID Socialist propaganda The casehas UBPII pending flit fl long time Herr Icmaupon iho ovo nf ttho calllnic In of t Ito recruitsdrafted In 1NII4 delivered n harangue to thoyoung worUniriiion nf llcrllii In which lIe sitli-

I Volt nro about to bo dptirlvccl of jour freeloin anti enter Into slavery 1 exhort j on tostill do your duty as Socialists

llo wa rit once nrreMcd The court In Berlin lacquitted him of tlio chargo of Inciting tIle nilItnry to dlwbey orders on the eround that ha thad not iidiliitMil himself to recruit whohad been sworn In Tlio question was then car-ried


to the Supreme Court at Loliwlf bcforowhich tha Imperial Prosecutor pleaded thatherr Ziemito belonged to the reserves arid therefore fell under thin jiirNdli tlon of thIn miiilitaryauthorities nnil also tlmt tue military ctslo ap-plied to Socialist nicetings where probable roemits store assembled The Sunrcmc Court re-versed


tho Judgment of the Berlin court Thedecision enlarges tho power of repression withwhich thin authorities are clothed rile matterwill now ha the subject of Intm pollutions In the 4

ReichstagThe election of n now President of the Itclchtt-

net to succeed Huron von liuclllcronberg Itbeing dlscut cd Tile member are nerved thtIt Is desirable to raise the protlgo of this officehy selecting aonio parliamentary notable llkoDr von Iennlg < cn though It IB doubtful thatho will consent to leave the lucrative functionsof President of tho province of hiammover for thetrouble omo anti merely honorary post of IresU-ilentof bIte Reichstag rIm Centrists expect toel let a member of their party to Ihe Presidencyleaving the VIceIresldents to the Conserva-tives

¬amid National Liberal

The Bourses In Ilcrlln anti Frnnkfort havepassed well through tho recent prn h Therelint been no panic in Ikrlln but prices InVienna and Hudapcst Tell to pieces While thoscare was on the German bankers attracted bythe recent high rates of intcrcnt offered inVienna where Bourse operator hml beenpliinginc recklesls hud n sery anxious timeuntil the panic was lucked In bIte Credit AnHtalt nnil other Austrian houses which becnnbuying all tho good tuctirltlcn offerod Thosettlement on tile knnu Bourse wiped tintsome of thin weaker ecch innis Including con-cerns


run on the American buckctihop planamong them time house of Freund till leadlngbucketshop speculator who WHS found on thoPrater on Krlda night with a bullet from arevolver In his brain lie had killed himself ontile eve of the settlement

Empress I rcdrni k Is going to spend lien birthtIny Nov ai with inc daughter Princess FredcrIck of Hese nt Itumi cnh lm

The Kinncror lint promised to ho present ntthoiinauguration of thin national monument on tileKs Ithausur which will shortly take plnce

The Merchants Culld of Mettln bus mndecomplaint to the Government that Blnre theopening of the llaltlcNorth Sea Canal shtippingat btettln bits Buffered greatly in consotlilencoof tile high tolls charged hj tile canal

Dr Ahlwurdt the attl emllir leader andJew baiter IR making arranctnunts to sail forthe United Slates In December for thin purpoiodelivering lectures In all tIn Inrco Americancities lie goes to America upon tho invitationof a committee of GermanAmerican citizens ofMilwaukee

The Centrist party in the Kolchstnc have proBonted nn illuminated address ts Dr Krnst-Lleber membT of the itelchstac for Wies-baden


conirrntiilatlns him upon thu completionof ills twrnt fifth > ear of service In the Oerjman Parliament

herr Herman Dnnath purveyor to the BerlinCourt has abniondcd to ttu United States leav-ing


an aggregate indebtedness of 500000marks a

The Krrnz 7fltnna asserts that the militaryentourage of the Emperor Is Intriguing againstucim lironeart von hchcllindorf the PrussianMinister of War WlI Is pledged to carry out ftscheme of nillltar reforms and to introduce ithill In the Helchatag for that purpose or resignThe General IK now charged with desiring tohinder military reforms and the Emperorsmilitary aids are determined that ho shall keephis pledge ltiu Kititz Zt ttiiim declares that 16has doubt that the Intrigues would benefitGene von Hnhnke Wittlch or Plessen or thatthey are concerned In the affair which mightalso compromise Irlnco Hohcnloho-

Tho boiler of the German steamer Schwerlaexploded whim she was passing through the HIHilticNorth Sea Canal yesterday kllllnK a fire¬

manA To Bourn was sung In the chapel of theRussian Kmbassy here today In thanksgivingfor the birth of the Prlncers Olga of HusBlaOnly the otlicimuls of the Embassy and tha mem-bers

¬of the Russian colony in Berlin were

presentA baaar was held here by the American

Girls Club of Berlin In the KurfnrtenstraaBlast week for the benefit of the club and theAmerican church It was a pecuniary and socialsuccess Mr fickle wife of the pastor of theAmerican church gave an At Homo to thoAmerican colony on Thursday1 4

Mrs Cloven Symms hue resumed her recep ¬tions at her residence In IlayreutustraBse

United States ViceConsul Zimmerman Rawa dinner to Secretaries Coleman and Jacksonand Mrs Jackson at the Palaca lintel yester¬

dayThe Emperors pet dog a Russian greyhound

was maliciously shot and badly wounded a fewdays ago by unknown persons at Potsdam TheVnrutirrtt the Socialist organ prints a humor-ous


article about it under ihocaptlon Attemptupoti he life of tin Emperor a dog and willnrobfiBly get lots trouble for doing so as theEmperor is greatly Incensed at the article

The ITenlirlu FlBdsi a Hubmerced WreckQu ESTepvvN Nov 17The Cunarder Urn

brln Cnpt Button from Liverpool yesterdayfor New York which called at this port todayreports that she passed a submerged wreck offBalljcottln a short distance east of Queenstown U he wreck IH dangerous to navigation

A OHle In Greet flritaiaL-ONDON Nov 17A severe pale prevailed

Friday and Saturday over the western andnorthern portions of Great Britain Incomingvessels report much damage There were anumber of wrecks and some loss of life ofdrowning