v ^ i hohlemaki r di itonyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-07-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdfito...

m H* V The Meffitfa Paily I ^ i i g a j j & y , £^M$32 Z<!i\uH' Medina Daily Journal J; f I^r0» t petflrtV,., ,, Enlered,,lft the PostofH$e, r ty Me- > dVs/W. YI,r*$'secDn« ela^sf^ah ', Matter. r Di -E S tafi!I S H e( }'f9M. Incorporated 1909' fjrf»fl-.<rarr<ifTlTKrnrir"-flt- rf itfira-TT ,-i i. kv t President » Ik W. JOHr* Hlfabflfe*., \ Sec'y. Treas. , THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Medina, Shelby, Ridgew*y *Bd , Orleans County Hi niki^,i|^ ,f r riitr. ito Effere aie.soma geographical od ftttiis compiled by the National <^ogr*pj^l-'§0eiety;: Successful ^ I HohlemaKi ' ~)6y Glauys'Cresweu {lousehoft Science Institute.' 1 ! rt« Publf&nW every day except Sun* day frorfl 413 Main SfiWet, Medina; life*, •v. % J #f m _, SUbserlptlbrt price: In city of Medina $3.60 a year; on R F 0 routes 92A0 a year. 91 * '$H& 0N6 GREAT MfeCesSltV If Malachi came to tltla Tilth t <tera world, lie would have something to say about thereon- tinu&l pleadings we have made- til order to support the Woik of Gods church He would Save something foieelul to say about the bridge patties, stunt Eights; and other pitiable schemes we have adopted to gain a- few dollars In order to .declare the unsearchable rich- es Of Christ But it is certain jtliat he would reiterate his challenge, in the name of >the Highest, "Bring ye all the tit- hes i into the storehouse . . ., ana 1 prove* Bri? herewith gaith 1 the Btifd'Of heats* if t'Wili net' open you the windows of hea ven and pom ybu out & bless ( ing that, there shall not be i&oih, enough to receive it '•— J, W, G Ward. The City of Reno Nevada, is 100 miles farther west than Los mm.^. '.' '•*"'• .Jacksonville,- ."Florida, is farther One. travels 'south kfrom Detroit tofmmmt&ilFfgttffcfT-ef cauada, Ati-PmmUfjif masses in the Pacific" aaa .sets 4n\the Atlantic— Am to a gigaliMe ,86flff*ia the isth- mus', • ., ••- •' ®e Gtif, oiifc&fr fork-lies west op" th? &$$$&*$£.feast:that vm, ot-m- l%eifie.«iSt-'tb1idHeS Afftea;. IrfclifieT?- 1 -*'' ' ©ger. Recits? For cemren m mi' Weather Here is a simple recipe for sum- ffieTcoWfbr^- concocted by experts jot * the, Holland Institute of Air-* tcoj^ftioiiing; Holland; Mien. i. Cut -down the body's heat !proa , uctidn. Do not indulge in stren- uous exercise; Jteep out Of the hot ; rays of the sim; -do not over-exert J-yottrHelf. The least heat is produ- ced; by the body -when it is at rest. T&erefore, take things easy. % Wear light, loose clothing, jjtiotssg, portfus clothing mates it easier for heat to leave the body. -SiSftBjfefo'f tfbSfiSer'ce', An'd wear clothing of light colors; [these reflect or reradiate the heat "of the stra; -while dark clothing re- trains the heat. •$. Be" careful in your food selec- tion. S0ine are better fuel than others; that is, they produce more ih"eat. Foods 1 </i high lifeat production are - sta'r'cfteB-, meats, shears, fats and nuts. Vegetables airff fruits do" ,},not generate nearly so many heat 1 - (Jnita; Gatige-ybitf diet Sdcdr'dfoglyl ' 4.''i DrThft- pieMy» ot'Hk%t. $&• ture's way of helping us to keep cool is by the sweating process, the body being cooled as the sweat is Beneflc Aspects rule strongly to- da.yy W ebi'r'e'spoii'de'nce' aiid adVe'i<- tisfhg*.' figpinm'eiit Stores rfidufd'i havrtheip swmitmtmts aptsaar in today's paper omsuch items as •lingerie, child!-*'*- w W , i«dje9' dresses, milliifery;- Mttf gbo^s, jewelrjf and/4eilcate9sen goods. $hm&M d*Ma«re Ihere wffl b#. •rittei^afey«i6%*to Jleifeure< ainflS finery. People will be full of emo- evaporated from the skin surface. TOttt well j m«nnered and of ^Svi^fe. e|Bvrne Prohibition Facts feather MsithtW Md PfbttMiM. bf 6k -fiftbrnaif hit lTirW{l» PtQtis*6r df £tt>ndm\t!f " ~ r Harvard l/iit(/'jr*8lty VMht Matttdw, «ie gfeat trislf e^bs'tie of 1 total abstihend^, Is sbme- tiihea held tip as ail efemplg of ffi§ p^oiigr' v)ay to citabat the dfmtf leVit" He used mor'al'siiSsfon. (ffltt 1 •was romarkably successful having nion> good disposition. , March Courtesy till b6i sbffwn -amongst .beauty 4hops and millinery stores, encou- tegiftg greater sales. Domestic affaite will: run along<j lileasatftly! Jiewspaper .will devote lifuelr, space; to social fttnetions and fadings. GnM parties and'.flmuse- rtieaft parksi will be, well-attended/ with mu.cb>-a<itiyity te other outdoor Sports,, snehj as^teimis, bowling, etc. I I This is a day tile radio will likely | lla*3 flae 1 musical pj?ogramsj of much' interest, iespecially in the ictesicg) ; Again 'MStrolagere- foretell in- tense iiiterest-inrlovemSking, courtx isbl^' and' Jngny offierS'.of maiTlage It is„recomjpeHds4 .fihatfa^jwnch Of Salt be added to ea«h glass of water I to replace-that lost ia perspiration. Avoid, ice cold beverages and bev- erages with an alcoholic base. Cold drinks made from- water and fruit {Or vegetable- juices Jiave a more Tasting, pleasant cooling effpet. 5. Bathe r in lukewarm water, j;not cold water. Blasts of cold wa- ter cause the body to produce more: heat, just as does winter cold. A bath in tepid water wili be found j refreshing and more lasting. In com- |\fort effect than a cold bath. 6. And las|i But pledgea tow titimon neoplr or ired ex J>?S^, d .? £ . n,3 l? h, ! Qr , ln B natlon , s . t0 m TfiiSn i r tfc / auspicious day for thinor changes, writing., letters,- h'ea«Hiig,cstt*sft r dingijn.ovies. Jeetures (.'diaB' meetings and* - aee1ting recrea- tiflal. . .vi c: !-- "r •; - / ' Ifncli .triufcnttl jftnderstan-tKlng, is "I've come to collect, Madame,! Sa1iy> erfea. in' great- exBilaraHoAi >W1 turned sharply frctoi the hnge pile of mail that littered my desk. My asslsfrtrtt a*nd ! wer^ atis*werihg every known question that had to dd with tiea'tity, healtii andwoiiian- iy grac6. Saliy was iiS6Uhg rik-< •pletrderit in a cftic Pa - fls mdfl[e!;j frdt'k with Wide b$$e sleeve's' &n&\ a softf? df'arie-d nectiihe". . . "Collect what?" I uaid, still bW wildered from the mass of beaufe' Questions in wliich I bad been soj intensely preoccupied for several* tours. "Let me collect my Waiideringil wits first," I- said,, "and I shall 6e-| Jtveight. Kaf|e the body up- -aiid Mown several .times—tlien quicker gradually lengthening the move pent. This' wTft 'hutfd'up ffie mui fcles. For the facial muscfes, -applj I'Contoof "tJeljfy-' wfilcfi ' strengthen the tissues and keeps your pontaur jroung." ', . "ThaTnks,, Madame"/ said Sallj as she rouged ^ier small curvel lips wfth' tfee' •hew": tfufidittittic lip- Stick, "ft'rfm^n'iS.tti';6n we will erasi ithe deb slouch-from-our books." *"-—'i I-I w. .T i.-^—^r.-ffrT—ri nr— m Artiateuf Athletes f land to total abstinence ThS .j^atner; tea-taW, Mt June, mi fcHiHhls* to' , s•«y , Puritls the five- years of hl« ts>> taU ilfeeslt ,< . . Frfflier faatfleW •wM^He-ve-d-becalrisijvli^ far »lfr great temperance woik iecedln& like a tide Thougn he had pledB»ft| foUP'iniillons -of Deoplei ib Ireland %o t<jtnl-«pstinefioe, Me Wfes COBVIII' ^ed ihat legal banleisi«gdlnst the > ^.li^tW tmifte -were- absoliitbly: riec< Wftry i-lof ?s<^thard 1 the< viotoilss gUllidid by^inorsil suasion' , bttt^o flatters') one* d&ted,C3or»> F6\>. S-l.-lSSg^iind the- other £6iH, Jatft U(\1854, lie came out up.e'dttkj) vobKliyi fonsprdhibltiort'** * ,ittetma offinbplenmntiris tWwor1t<ot)hio^t ewtefon, OtttToi these leUSrS-ifrnvilv' lidhttdrofe>pft^e*B8« 6l ; tlW "MfCr«f (F«tb^rr Mathe.tr" by J> F StaH-alfe, 3b P , ani( ti«~«t^er! it> foujji* »*. »aM*8 : t>t»"0naer ¥aree> Fifes? Q^ofitfe Vfr. S?eppdr.f i f i ., J~ , fflaliirttf «HyvthstUHHtfe**4 # imiWlHid m A*ti«stt<Matlv^HvtllA^ iv«re r eri»trtfl»^ men t o - b s if**««i p*fiit*, vrtte 6tllli *GiiT<J' Ktia r -t]l*t t tli* tfghe-fttiettt resultB-o* hisjWiroia f e««#> WoiiM 'ioeni -bUf ri,ttlHiHjd, ward,tii1arcbUh"ti'yJfor"a? ntiinb§f of ilNISM&'iMil $ ".• si ,' {> £mfc % ( < # ^ B 4 p n t | Wfiiifce will he' bWdeiied ^'with -. a seriOUs, prc%Jel. >*|e% loo^rafc^^ri lesistti spajtij ^;. v- ^ Children born on this day are apt ito be , qtttte dfimon^trajtive and 'musically ^clilfe'i' ,? ' l * ' M i f ^ p i i s r ^ Wftfliin*) "Gftbotrl t t e # r e H W iskflttaatffr paiiitBT whs-j ifofrlamlthiy'dateHQeQtgp Bernard^ [Brtosiirtdr«ifi j at}.sfc 1 '.:ajid ; . pubWcist dldd'-d6le*nitSs ifcata:a i W.rth -days * it -i irtntwiiw, tf*j' I'- iirr the^hoiise-. •*?« - ,n %M0 '€M Little ArlSfle We%ef daffglJEeT <k ;,'SlF. aiid' MrS". Ernest V^etfefr ot ij&ast Center street b£& tte# iBis^i ZtSrtvcne to stuinble W^&$i$^fjQ iSorSaee tit* and cut a 'g^s|*%#'nl?f' jiea-.tej'e'ii stitches w'Sfetti^eny.' "• .; .risjfti retiearsal win ii„ ffet jaftttlnooni at 2 o'clock rf ITtairfeaay evenins. : -^Nbtiee to .Innmr jbers: the'next r^earsai i maaesday morr; ls liteteaaol Thiirs.lpv •-i Hi Mrs. Edward f sffefcjf vH&t&r ' <i$] I ihe late congresslbafi ^onf'XlBii^j dee, who will seek election to con- gtetii to fiM'.hef- feiflfb'a^aS tinem ' " 'i'4li<*dle#'6fe-jh» : |oorl[ James J- CoflJ«fy Por"ftieT rle^vyj welsh* dhawtplon of ths WdrfM These 4 tttttlev&ftra< Whd ^li'hm\oM}7m"»S4 X M^ -.pared by- Mr* Corhstti iff- (StoUSr*- <ion with the start of tVff BeSSi*.- Come,, dear benefactress, to cofiecfc my correct posture and beauty ex*j );ercises,' "If you will just promise to baj t'jrour natural and graceful selfl Sal: ily, I shall not take it amies." "To' strengthen yoii? tifttecTeBt' Start with tliB' hiffS, wWc»IiasV:e q tendency iff hibSt gerso'ns (S :grov^. illeavy. Now fay" de*ar £}(e stmpfesf dxeroise-for' your:hiR3 frrolling-*^" : ."bolting!** Mi? ei-blaiittea, afrih- I cWfsiflgUhroHSh'atl- the ropms.otJ3 I hmi{H^a. , ;"do"f roll fifil'^sffliif*' Saliy countered c^erHy. rt ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ S S ^ S ^l^W^ytable to meet whatever bills W ^ ^ ^ Z ^ Z Z ^ S This is easily and economically ac- domplished by air • conditioning !equipmen> employing the air-wash-- dhg process, especially designed for honip USQ. A noiseless air-cir< tiulator keeps the home air con< •stantbi! passing thru a series of iflne, cold-^ater: sprays in thewash- ihg chamber ;of t h e - conditioner. The excess heat is literally;washed ijfrom the air, and a constant sup- ;jiD5P ofiiolejaiircool-ail! is constantly "No, ) j tftfr Jfes < t'' i s1feiiy r graHBe'r8 : 't«tt ! j MWefrietirtiQfc'iftSk Wt»«f i, «fiB^oi^Sefe«eft«4. J »itt- sot* their '.plonto>Iffi'Mri.Tmp^ BSyie, ^rltristlgifent lost Week ^lth r ''fflsi'y|lsllr?i(ile. |ffie galls'fib* lh fi'om-the-sea' hnd 1 '.' ' fiiMOw'the' plbwer' 1 *h*6hife'<H6 ftirro-ws tH loant M i\mv ttun'gry cries i [ytratningf and tall, he strides on" tfie* ' rldg«'oi-ifttirnin|r' ' tfarV'tfftn b;is' ! cloun tt birds-dir-'j the golden sldelj' • • - ' -'-^FrfiXrces'"Frost rj Mr^j.^iBe'r^Br^e, is ftn'der' 1% 4hai MMtijfc tit the ^fciifcj^ V*m^'«W^&L'$biB&. ' e r y w W tfftUl t H M V ^ ^* %bheel picnic atotcoft, J a t W a y . ' i,tft for InteTYHinrflnrfi ttnr\ Via va iCi »* ,* ' i,v' "-j everywl cats for intemperance can he re ?traineU,*i>fc fsMr, ""they" Vnf loeat those TOO arfif trying to educate- for f:eiJ)T^ii'4n^ i J » <_W, M& ao« tfy§ Wttltotti \SSam &rM Mr, tCM Mng iPred Msce fret* S»«tfa^( guests of W, *'nil Mrtt FM* Ouisla* in HocheSter; * AV«l r Mr inima-Mumtto jV*H l ftWMrTsbijBontth^VifirtrtitHiin* Akre^-itffroii «~3febtojn iritf W th*| AtttfoitrfwattJ ' v / HWkkr* IPaett tif Sett* I^Mf re- turned home after H;.fm^g *i»l(] wlWHi*-««ia>n«t*telHer, MrtttK& to^'attft*. ,- i *<K an* Mr#{ #f w *F, SWtdettWB ir*M tl 9t«td*r ^ttrstS 1 # t h ^ d W gHWflS Xtw mm TW*i»y t n # l # intty * Stidbli. f Buffule were Sunday callers at Wt\ -WWre.lritrW** W cfrftm' «K citt' Heir it mtimbim*<m v/m&## mtingfibft #, t tU Mntfli <rf W B ^ ^ H iiwf 1 lIU*tfe'»tt«4* wMttrf'jvte i* Ui«t S . 4 ' # * » U U 1H11 be Held oa the nltht tmifa% ^MMT MMf Itfttt Ice j& -tumntrnt «u> aHrwtfr «i< Help P ^ ^ f i f c * * «««•*» UtiiMtf j Mrsf,- 4 l t a A^nstttt woj ihV gue'st' fot Mrs.-Jftena <'Wii6elqr, J Frlday. 'W(r;. qiul.ijlrst fee4eTt Hlil ac- cbmpanlsd' Mr. and' 'l3rs. v Cfrant oss on a trli> J th,r6ngn the_BaStern itrt ofitBe State- » ^ n.i It il-iTii ~i ..iiiihuiilh , Wes^eifr- rftW ¥ofli oriilrieW l»e- 'dldf k -sitbrt crc-jHlilr ygHf wftfe tHf' isbirexiSelltlon or , t'6nlatides ; ; , ' ' ^' - 1 $o1fip'firt i nW rebfeive 1 * fbtrf'cari l6M&'of flour' ~f¥b% 'tnB • Ffeflefal' 3tdi%"foM#%ltrlBpto. f ' --I-, I----!- like a lead,pip^ my-dear.-W^^gij,^^;'; fcrfltliftugh thfffr Btfttridsi ttaes'ttiStldfi'' ' itrio 1ti a"ight times,-' t\«re1V'o - tftne»»=' •eVe-n sMeetf! "Awd dtfn't 1 dvep flfiftbe c>S,t«S' ilawn itt tihlfmnS Uk¥> ttktee* eiii'yV •thiifo college* •daticisT^'?"' • - v -4 > "Ydtt db«antt- late¥. Stfir/d '©¥< slinffld* ea'. hip's?. RuISff ttlg'ega Wm\ \.thf th#-Kifeei-fifst; C-ISB mt Mm jab- othet; TneiS lift the' le-gsV- KnBeS (p'stfetias* Sft'Mghff «ftf8eV efe*ct fof ifelgMt tlfheS iflSfe^first' tK8 Wglrtj tjien the left leg.". "Ami %m 'flo , Wifi^rohea« umm tefifther^*?'' '*•* btettSihsPSiilt. Witt" do: j«St as| Melfi Sail?. Sad nwJr.eStei*, yotl •dofl't'-ii«d..trien1[? StftiiS-jMLntrtr * - r g»ra den ei* off $$m. filti try thftV MS fl&t" fitf y&W stBftafeU; i&iaWttta ^ i H t dit *lt# -palffls of'! «;tn«'«^ias%f«r1nl'th&'»6»Sf f#* &8t? the- im't Wli^sia jftte of jh%-| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin tfhoiJt -the'iCoHtfir^ fft tMB ihfe"rdsT ; | iit the health »f'boys? ahtf gftTs.. ;' Now ..-Far- Tittt Sumwih# up f. In the twelve formed aflfcleS ifils seriedw«rliaiv«iWifitga o'tit Hbw ^any boy or girl can fit himself or herself for participation in sports, hW to .'get' o'ri? £fce' road-! t o ' M a l t n s #rd W 'DulldVUp? strength- ahi S;ta- iiin. f Not oi|8'<jftHB-ru^s" m have laid lows IsWMfdfHb cpnlpl^.with. And these- who will fellow "them will bptter in every i#hile speaking on behalf of the sol- piers' bonus,- ' Edwaiof&aiapisWn, li, 'Si 'fiffiftS,- while- BaHUng-avt S»<Ms*>Point, wsWl pdi'dwifed-wBeili' KiS'-w'ttlv cSiigKl- ifTf Ifetfe? DsaViK;. ttffl, at CeiTeYii.,, 'whiW Siting i8rtft# gardetf ut'nm] Mm,. m<S6V6rM A f2?2^a#o1af qdia. it- m$ afea issu 'w'iffc Tlf8se 'wild did ^ O l W diem !i drkoubt«i»Tfote'a" gretitet $lU&sttt'ti• fjiitisports) too. . • *!-<ifcll the articles-were besM oh :.t|i6 rhies of health that are follow-- 'm;By healthy grown-ups. fhey were Mi8hdeu"not (My t'6 dfiabre you to 'enjoy sporte, but to build ybn'r t>B- y'lls* "afla 1 nJItrag-^to* dg(Uitf y'oli for kW liaHte- of life, ttx a few years -yb'tt* wllf Be ifie'h atio" wonfeii and'; W^o1i1faV8 mM'tdtlte a-nd'nilnas:| -JlcHl^way in'this w^rffwlrfDemtae' rkteti efigfef. mwtmmim EXCEL EllCTftfC ^^»^^^fe^ Vl«fSnl• Si StSfiBW 66;. balSkeri .hna'WMfidSi tBfin 8itfa'*t SlS'licntie,- ^6. HI ftBferS ate%TO; BnBBl^ ^atttrfaV eVe-Wing, fi^^ofirferir oVgr' flklWW ttt- getr emptoyin^ht, Viiae'ntJfi* Trost, 65; '^tilfalb, fcB*gertn*ru8*tf1h tllS attiof of mS hbrh.6'. Miss fclkTihotfe TOclT, S8 t Newark", i\M as" the- result of irfjli^iesf stis^ ,t«lned In an automobile Occident ilea f&lerilielnit Oftt! fibchdSteli-KRs s t S f M fc cTrtVe to goi Botli the HSpublican Srifl Oerrttf. crfitlc attte 1 coriVoHtldrtS-to Tiff halo in AHfgiiSE ?ihd SBjit<$m.b8r; SoKir r 6 1 e # , ; * ^ feiter, flremelt, Htelfes'le^ litis bge^i fddnt!ft§d as iW tbi 'wlio'teUtt ltls'«Satli IBS 'feet iftto'the- g6tl« ot the Getieswe *h«t a^s Briar y*tf wtbtwatitm' ttWt #Jtl«*. sty^^antf jffioe. NMMNNWNMIttMiMMIM MEDINA LO. ASSOOA3MON ftKan 1—Save &6. t)r ftfcrt' j|%eefcly.- B*»gitt any time* tdrfft- dividend* credited twiwi m 3*1*^ J * l a * ' ^ - - S a v i n g s BWbk^ Awy 1 **tin>liA«y time. tyj% fMan $-tlnvesimenT 1 (iferTOw of us Ao build,^ l iuy s «r> improve the home. ' ^ W W jjtanN». i) r -AifSMSiA Collins to>A THE tOAIf J ASSOCIATKWf wl(itti»iiiuiiiwwti!ig» .shares, t* Advise NOW ONLY cooking cost. Roasts^ browns, stews, Bo3s and" Steatrlsi, ^ e e p s foodf t i b t \i»hb*i*ymmt electric- ity. Both "high and low Itttttti %ec1»f $SM <ash» or #1.45 dowfty-S Abnths ]to pay. ion w,Kc*iae ebttetA *wYOUR ArruANCisMiikcnAwrjOJt OIMWOKI N lAGATtAV t c f c a r i t i R T & O^AKK) *OW«lt CO. •ilmj^Mmbjftz mitt, •ttHk^Jt'ti^^ WA«AAxl|fci*W$ON 'pwj^w«f w **r*iw^wri^iff#Br*(w»M»ww fc MM GOOD COpMEf | Whaf &> lot; *Iii(t7:«ieaj«i Wg-< lutol'S* Gofleo is |«if. thSirii -ectfieiislV* lieaiiJ^. jrtfel>f«' ** Vdiaiiy? * w i « § i ^ ttfUHS^eoISi!:; tlnued use of Rignel's SpScSalij Blend. And , < . "they fllways, come back for motet"-. It fiaS: all tho' good equalities of the'l best blendi wfb Iha tiiWe^ feature" 6f r locwjp*lce. y of FIRE AIWEKTISING Ms . . j^tlM *flf injccl altraa iefes. aMdKre-gtiulhess in eftdrts*-IS IboW'at'yOtir disposal Free in the ,. 7 ^^C'|fey^"Both - ; ^Service -..'^'•'^iir^ Issue ' : 'M AHveriisin.q- Dept.| i; [LY JOURNAL fee—Solfywood ia att its GlamourJ Grand! PfeTtnieS'fis Lights Stars - Parties -by Inserting" a New Cfassiiled A^tlor 2 6rWm$ Days iff TlifeMe^&i^ t)ai * Ticket t& th€ Kaft*1»tfitt. 'iiiii - l ^ a --" -if tT- J -|f Cash ia OD the € I ^ I B M > Ads! Ctaft' ia 6ft KOM*tW0Ol> SPEAKS an<f lea^n tlt^ iifei^ story, of Ai* Extra Oirl! |er! How h.aVe> yon solve 1^| 111 the ke$3WPj5 L is the >t c4l |t Farm Wife** or 393J. -Houao aud'f f . (1 Sc quart. P! ; uv write Trum Hnr-^ Basin rqad | «*>** fend The Wants ^w

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Page 1: V ^ I HohlemaKi r Di itonyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-07-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdfito Effere aie.soma geographical od ftttiis compiled by the National



V The Meffitfa Paily I ^ i i g a j j & y , £ ^ M $ 3 2 Z<!i\uH'

Medina Daily Journal J; f I^r0» t petflrtV,., ,,

Enlered,,lft the PostofH$e,rty Me-> dVs/W. YI,r*$'secDn« ela^sf^ah ', Matter.

r Di

-EStafi!ISHe(}'f9M. Incorporated 1909' fjrf»fl-.<rarr<ifTlTKrnrir"-flt- r f itfira-TT ,-i i.

k v t President »

Ik W. JOHr* Hlfabflfe*., \ Sec'y. Treas. ,

THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Medina, Shelby, Ridgew*y *Bd

, Orleans County

Hi n i k i ^ , i | ^ ,f r riitr.

ito Effere aie.soma geographical od

ftttiis compiled by the National <^ogr*pj^l-'§0eiety;:

Successful ^ I HohlemaKi ' ~)6y Glauys'Cresweu

{lousehoft Science Institute.'1!


Publf&nW every day except Sun* day frorfl 413 Main SfiWet, Medina; life*,


% J



_, SUbserlptlbrt price: In city of Medina $3.60 a year; on R F 0 routes 92A0 a year.



'$H& 0 N 6 GREAT MfeCesSltV If Malachi came to tltla Tilth

t<tera world, lie would have something to say about thereon-tinu&l pleadings we have made-til order to support the Woik of Gods church He would Save something foieelul to say about the bridge patties, stunt Eights; and other pitiable schemes we have adopted to gain a- few dollars In order to

.declare the unsearchable rich­es Of Christ But it is certain

jtliat he would reiterate his challenge, in the name of >the Highest, "Bring ye all the tit­hes i into the storehouse . . ., ana1 prove* Bri? herewith gaith1

the Btifd'Of heats* if t'Wili net' open you the windows of hea ven and pom ybu out & bless

(ing that , there shall not be i&oih, enough to receive it ''•— J, W, G Ward.

The City of Reno Nevada, is 100 miles farther west than Los m m . ^ . ' . ' ' • * " ' •

.Jacksonville,- ."Florida, is farther

One. travels 'south kfrom Detroit

tofmmmt&ilFfgt tffcfT- ef cauada, Ati-PmmUfjif masses in the

Pacific" aaa .sets 4n\ the Atlantic— Am to a gigaliMe ,86flff*ia the isth­mus', • ., „ ••- •'

® e Gtif, oiifc&fr fork-lies west op" th? &$$$&*$£. feast: that vm, ot-m- l%eifie.«iSt-'tb1idHeS Afftea;. IrfclifieT?-1-*'' '

©ger. Recits? For cemren m mi' Weather

Here is a simple recipe for sum-ffieTcoWfbr^- concocted by experts

jot * the, Holland Institute of Air-* tcoj^ftioiiing; Holland; Mien.

i. Cut -down the body's heat !proa,uctidn. Do not indulge in stren­uous exercise; Jteep out Of the hot

;rays of the sim; -do not over-exert J-yottrHelf. The least heat is produ­ced; by the body -when it is at rest. T&erefore, take things easy.

% Wear light, loose clothing, jjtiotssg, portfus clothing mates it easier for heat to leave the body.

-SiSftBjfefo'f tfbSfiSer'ce', An'd wear clothing of light colors; [these reflect or reradiate the heat "of the stra; -while dark clothing re­trains the heat.

•$. Be" careful in your food selec­tion. S0ine are better fuel than others; that is, they produce more ih"eat. Foods1 </i high lifeat production are - sta'r'cfteB-, meats, shears, fats and nuts. Vegetables airff fruits do"

,},not generate nearly so many heat1-(Jnita; Gatige-ybitf diet Sdcdr'dfoglyl ' 4.''i DrThft- pieMy» ot'Hk%t. $&•

ture's way of helping us to keep cool is by the sweating process, the body being cooled as the sweat is

Beneflc Aspects rule strongly to-da.yy W ebi'r'e'spoii'de'nce' aiid adVe'i<-tisfhg*.' figpinm'eiit Stores rfidufd'i h a v r t h e i p swmitmtmts aptsaar in today's paper omsuch items as •lingerie, child!-*'*- w W , • i«dje9' dresses, milliifery;- Mttf gbo^s, jewelrjf and/4eilcate9sen goods.

$hm&M d*Ma«re Ihere wffl b#. •rittei^afey«i6%*to Jleifeure< ainflS finery. People will be full of emo- evaporated from the skin surface.

TOttt welljm«nnered and of

^ S v i ^ f e .


Prohibition Facts f e a t h e r MsithtW Md PfbttMiM.

bf 6k -fiftbrnaif hit lTirW{l» PtQtis*6r df £tt>ndm\t!f "

~ r Harvard l/iit(/'jr*8lty

VMht Matttdw, «ie gfeat trislf e^bs'tie of1 total abstihend^, Is sbme-tiihea held tip as ail efemplg of ffi§ p^oiigr' v)ay to citabat the dfmtf leVit" He used mor'al'siiSsfon. (ffltt1

•was romarkably successful having

nion> good disposition. , March Courtesy t i l l b6i sbffwn -amongst .beauty 4hops and millinery stores, encou-tegiftg greater sales.

Domestic affaite will: run along<j lileasatftly! Jiewspaper .will devote lifuelr, space; to social fttnetions and f a d i n g s . GnM parties and'.flmuse-rtieaft parksi will be, well-attended/ with mu.cb>-a<itiyity te other outdoor Sports,, snehj as^teimis, bowling, etc. I

I This is a day tile radio will likely | lla*3 flae1 musical pj?ogramsj of much' interest, iespecially in the ictesicg) ;

Again 'MStrolagere- foretell in­tense iiiterest-inrlovemSking, courtx isbl^' and' Jngny offierS'.of maiTlage

It is„recomjpeHds4 .fihatfa^jwnch Of Salt be added to ea«h glass of water

I to replace-that lost ia perspiration. Avoid, ice cold beverages and bev­erages with an alcoholic base. Cold drinks made from- water and fruit

{Or vegetable- juices Jiave a more Tasting, pleasant cooling effpet.

5. Bathe r in lukewarm water, j;not cold water. Blasts of cold wa­ter cause the body to produce more: heat, just as does winter cold. A bath in tepid water wili be found j refreshing and more lasting. In com-

|\fort effect than a cold bath. 6. And las|i But

pledgea t o w titimon neoplr o r ired exJ>?S^,d.?£ .n,3l?h,!Qr,lnB n a t l o n , s . t 0


TfiiSn i r tfc / auspicious day for thinor changes, writing., letters,-h'ea«Hiig,cstt*sftrdingijn.ovies. Jeetures (.'diaB' meetings and*-aee1ting recrea-tiflal. . .vi c: !-- "r •; - / ' Ifncli .triufcnttl jftnderstan-tKlng, is

"I've come to collect, Madame,! Sa1iy> erfea. in' great- exBilaraHoAi >W1 turned sharply frctoi the hnge pile of mail that littered my desk. My asslsfrtrtt a*nd ! wer^ atis*werihg every known question that had to dd with tiea'tity, healtii andwoiiian-iy grac6. Saliy was iiS6Uhg rik-< •pletrderit in a cftic Pa-fls mdfl[e!;j frdt'k with Wide b$$e sleeve's' &n&\ a softf? df'arie-d nectiihe". . .

"Collect what?" I uaid, still bW wildered from the mass of beaufe' Questions in wliich I bad been soj intensely preoccupied for several* tours.

"Let me collect my Waiideringil wits first," I- said,, "and I shall 6e-|

Jtveight. Kaf|e the body up- -aiid Mown several .times—tlien quicker gradually lengthening the move pent . This' wTft 'hutfd'up ffie mui fcles. For the facial muscfes, -applj

I'Contoof "tJeljfy-' wfilcfi ' strengthen the tissues and keeps your pontaur jroung." ', . "ThaTnks,, Madame"/ said Sallj as she rouged ^ier small curvel lips wfth' tfee' •hew": tfufidittittic lip-Stick, "ft'rfm^n'iS.tti';6n we will erasi

i t h e deb slouch-from-our books."


I-I w. .T i.-^—^r.-ffrT—ri n r — m

Artiateuf Athletes f

land to total abstinence ThS .j^atner; tea-taW, Mt

June, m i fcHiHhls* to',s•«y,• Puritls the five- years of h l« ts>>

taU ilfeeslt ,< . . Frfflier faatfleW •wM^He-ve-d-becalrisijvli^ far »lfr great temperance woik iecedln& like a tide Thougn he had pledB»ft| foUP'iniillons -of Deoplei ib Ireland %o t<jtnl-«pstinefioe, Me Wfes COBVIII' ^ed ihat legal banleisi«gdlnst the

> ^ . l i^ tW tmifte -were- absoliitbly: riec< Wft ry i-lof ?s<^thard1 the< viotoilss gUllidid by^inorsil suasion' ,

bttt^o flatters') one* d&ted,C3or»> F6\>. S-l.-lSSg^iind the- other £6iH, Jatft U(\1854, lie came out up.e'dttkj) vobKliyi fonsprdhibltiort'** * ,ittetma offinbplenmntiris tWwor1t<ot)hio^t ewtefon, OtttToi these leUSrS-ifrnvilv' lidhttdrofe>pft^e*B8« 6l;tlW "MfCr«f (F«tb^rr Mathe.tr" by J> F StaH-alfe, 3b P , ani( ti«~«t^er! it> foujji* »*. »aM*8 :t>t»"0naer ¥aree> Fifes? Q^ofitfe Vfr. S?eppdr.f ifi . , J~

, J » fflaliirttf «HyvthstUHHtfe**4 # imiWlHid m A * ti«stt< Matlv^HvtllA^

iv«re reri»trtfl»^ men to-bs if**««i p*fiit*, vrtte 6tllli *GiiT<J' Ktiar-t]l*t t t l i* tfghe-fttiettt resultB-o* hisjWiroiaf

e « « # > WoiiM 'ioeni -bUf ri,ttlHiHjd,

ward,tii1arcbUh"ti'yJfor"a? ntiinb§f of ilNISM&'iMil $ ".• s i ,'

{> £mfc % ( < # ^ B 4 p n t | Wfiiifce will he' bWdeiied ^'with -. a seriOUs, prc%Jel. > * | e % l o o ^ r a f c ^ ^ r i lesistti spajtij ^ ; . v - ^

Children born on this day are apt ito be , qtttte dfimon^trajtive and 'musically ^clilfe'i' ,?' l * '

M i f ^ p i i s r ^ Wftfliin*) "Gftbotrl t t e #reHW iskflttaatffr paiiitBT whs-j ifofrlamlthiy'dateHQeQtgp Bernard^ [Brtosiirtdr«ifijat}.sfc1'.:ajid ;. pubWcist dldd'-d6le*nitSs ifcata:aiW.rth -days

* it -i irtntwiiw, tf*j' I'- iirr

the^hoiise-. •*?« - ,n

%M0 '€M Little ArlSfle We%ef daffglJEeT <k

;,'SlF. aiid' MrS". Ernest V^etfefr o t ij&ast Center street b£& tte# iBis^i ZtSrtvcne to stuinble W^&$i$^fjQ iSorSaee tit* and cut a 'g^s|*%#'nl?f' jiea-.tej'e'ii stitches w'Sfetti^eny.' "• .;

.risjfti retiearsal win ii„ ffet

jaftttlnooni at 2 o'clock rf ITtairfeaay evenins. : -^Nbt iee to .Innmr jbers: the 'next r^earsai i m a a e s d a y morr; l s

l i te teaaol Thiirs.lpv •-i H i

Mrs. Edward f sffefcjf vH&t&r ' <i$]

I ihe late congresslbafi ^onf 'XlBi i^ j dee, who will seek election to con-gtetii to fiM'.hef- feiflfb'a^aS tinem ' " 'i '4li<*dle#'6fe-jh» : |oorl[

James J - CoflJ«fy Por"ftieT rle^vyj welsh* dhawtplon of ths WdrfM These4 tttttlev&ftra< Whd ^li'hm\oM}7m"»S4XM^

-.pared by- Mr* Corhstti iff- (StoUSr*-<ion with the start of tVff BeSSi*.-

Come,, dear benefactress, to cofiecfc my correct posture and beauty ex*j

);ercises,' "If you will just promise to baj

t'jrour natural and graceful selfl Sal: ily, I shall not take it amies."

"To' strengthen yoii? tifttecTeBt' Start with tliB' hiffS, wWc»IiasV:e q tendency iff hibSt gerso'ns (S :grov^. illeavy. Now fay" de*ar £}(e stmpfesf dxeroise-for' your:hiR3 frrolling-*^"

: ."bolting!** M i ? ei-blaiittea, afrih-I cWfsiflgUhroHSh'atl- the ropms.otJ3Ihmi{H^a.,;"do"f roll fifil'^sffliif*'

Saliy countered c^erHy. r t ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ S S ^ S

^ l ^ W ^ y t a b l e to meet whatever bills W ^ ^ ^ Z ^ Z Z ^ S

This is easily and economically ac-domplished by air • conditioning

!equipmen> employing the air-wash--dhg process, especially designed for honip USQ. A noiseless air-cir< tiulator keeps the home air con< •stantbi! passing thru a series of iflne, cold-^ater: sprays in thewash-ihg chamber ;of the- conditioner. The excess heat is literally;washed

ijfrom the air, and a constant sup-;jiD5P ofiiolejaiircool-ail! is constantly


) j tftfr Jfes<t''is1feiiyrgraHBe'r8:'t«tt!j MWefrietirtiQfc'iftSk Wt»«f

i , «fiB^oi^Sefe«eft«4.J»itt- sot* their '.plonto>Iffi'Mri.Tmp^ BSyie,

^rltristlgifent lost Week ^ l th r ' ' f f l s i ' y | l s l l r ? i ( i l e .

|ffie galls'fib* lh fi'om-the-sea' hnd1

'.' ' fiiMOw'the' plbwer' 1 *h*6hife'<H6 ftirro-ws tH loant M

i\mv ttun'gry cries i [ytratningf and tall , he strides on" tfie*

' rldg«'oi-ifttirnin|r ' ' tfarV'tfftn b;is'!cloun tt birds-dir-'j

the golden sldelj' • • - ' -'-^FrfiXrces'"Frost

rj Mr^j.^iBe'r^Br^e, is ftn'der' 1 %

4ha i MMtijfc tit the ^ f c i i f c j ^ V*m^'«W^&L'$biB&. ' e r y w W tfftUl t H M V ^ ^ * %bheel picnic atotcoft, J a t W a y . ' i,tft for InteTYHinrflnrfi ttnr\ Via va %» iCi »* ,* ' i ,v ' "-j

everywl cats for intemperance can he re ?traineU,*i>fc fsMr, ""they" Vnf loeat those TOO arfif trying to educate-for f:eiJ)T^ii'4n^

i J » <_W,

M& ao« tfy§ Wttltotti \SSam &rM Mr, tCM Mng iPred Msce fret* S»«tfa^( guests of W, *'nil Mrtt F M * Ouisla* in HocheSter;

* A V « l r M r inima-Mumtto jV*Hl ftWMrTsbi jBontth^VifirtrtitHiin* Akre^-itffroii «~3febtojn iritf W t h * | AtttfoitrfwattJ ' v /

HWkkr* IPaett tif S e t t * I Mf re­turned home after H;.fm^g *i»l(] wlWHi*-««ia>n«t*telHer, Mrtt tK& to^ 'a t t f t* . , - i

*<K a n * Mr#{ #fw*F, SWtdettWB ir*M t l9t«td*r ^ttrstS1 # t h ^ d W gHWflS Xtw mm TW*i»y t n # l # intty * S t idb l i . f

Buffule were Sunday callers a t Wt\

-WWre . l r i t rW** W cfrftm' «K

citt' Heir it m timbim *<m v/m&## mting fib ft # , t tU Mntfli <rf WB^^H i i w f 1 lIU*tfe'»tt«4* wMttrf'jvte i * Ui«t

S . 4 '#*»UU 1H11 be Held oa the n l th t tmifa% ^MMT MMf I t f t t t Ice

j& -tumntrnt «u> aHrwtfr «i< Help P ^ ^ f i f c * * «««•*» UtiiMtf

j Mrsf,- 4l ta A^nstttt woj ihV gue'st' fot Mrs.-Jftena <'Wii6elqr,JFrlday. 'W(r;. qiul.ijlrst fee4eTt Hlil ac-cbmpanlsd' Mr. and' 'l3rs.v Cfrant

oss on a trli>Jth,r6ngn the_BaStern itrt ofitBe State- » ^

n.i I t i l - iTi i ~i ..ii i ihuiilh

, Wes^eifr- rftW ¥ofli oriilrieW l»e-'dldf k -sitbrt crc-jHlilr ygHf wftfe tHf' isbirexiSelltlon or,t'6nlatides;;, ' ' ^ ' -1 $o1fip'firtinW rebfeive1* fbtrf'cari l6M&'of flour' ~f¥b% ' t nB • Ffeflefal' 3tdi%"foM#%ltrlBpto. f '

- - I - , I----!-

like a lead,pip^ m y - d e a r . - W ^ ^ g i j , ^ ^ ; ' ; fcrfltliftugh thfffr Btfttridsi ttaes'ttiStldfi'' ' itrio 1ti a"ight times,-' t\«re1V'o- tftne»»=' •eVe-n sMeetf! • "Awd dtfn't 1 dvep flfiftbe c>S,t«S' ilawn itt tihlfmnS Uk¥> ttktee* eiii'yV •thiifo college* •daticisT^'?"' • - v -4 > "Ydtt db«antt- late¥. Stfir/d '©¥< slinffld* ea'. hip's?. RuISff ttlg'ega Wm\

\.thf th#-Kifeei-fifst; C-ISB mt Mm jab-othet; TneiS lift the ' le-gsV- KnBeS (p'stfetias* Sft'Mghff «ftf8eV efe*ct fof ifelgMt tlfheS iflSfe^first' tK8 Wglrtj tjien the left leg.".

"Ami %m 'flo,Wifi rohea« umm tefifther^*?''

'*•* btettSihsPSiilt. Witt" do: j«St a s | Melfi Sail?. Sad nwJr.eStei*, yotl •dofl't'-ii«d..trien1[? StftiiS-jMLntrtr * -rg»ra den ei* off $$m. filti try thftV MS fl&t" fitf y&W stBftafeU; i&iaWttta ^ i H t dit *lt# -palffls of'! «;tn«'«^ias%f«r1nl'th&'»6»Sf f#* &8t? the- im't Wli^sia jftte of jh%-|


tfhoiJt -the'iCoHtfir^ fft tMB ihfe"rdsT;| iit the health »f'boys? ahtf gftTs.. ; ' Now ..-Far- Tittt Sumwih# u p f. In the twelve formed aflfcleS i« ifils seriedw«rliaiv«iWifitga o'tit Hbw ^any boy or girl can fit himself or herself for participation in sports, h W to .'get' o'ri? £fce' road-! to 'Mal tn s#rd W 'DulldVUp? strength- ahi S;ta-iiin. f Not oi|8'<jftHB-ru^s" m have laid lows IsWMfdfHb cpnlpl^.with. And these- who will fellow "them will

bptter in every

i#hile speaking o n behalf of the sol-piers' bonus,-

' Edwaiof&aiapisWn, li, 'Si 'fiffiftS,-while- BaHUng-avt S»<Ms*>Point, wsWl

pdi'dwifed-wBeili' KiS'-w'ttlv cSiigKl- ifTf

Ifetfe? DsaViK;. ttffl, at CeiTeYii.,, 'whiW S i t i n g i8rtft# gardetf ut'nm] Mm,. m<S6V6rM A f2?2^a#o1af qdia. it- m$ afea issu

'w'iffc Tlf8se 'wild did ^ O l W diem !idrkoubt«i»Tfote'a" gretitet $lU&sttt'ti•

fjiitisports) too. . • *!-<ifcll the articles-were besM oh :.t|i6 rhies of health that are follow--'m;By healthy grown-ups. fhey were Mi8hdeu"not (My t'6 dfiabre you to 'enjoy sporte, but to build ybn'r t>B-y'lls* "afla1 nJItrag-^to* dg(Uitf y'oli for kW liaHte- of life, ttx a few years -yb'tt* wllf Be ifie'h atio" wonfeii and'; W^o1i1faV8 mM'tdtlte a-nd'nilnas:| -JlcHl^way in'this w^rffwlrfDemtae' rkteti efigfef.




Vl«fSnl• Si StSfiBW 66; . balSkeri .hna'WMfidSi tBfin 8itfa'*t SlS'licntie,-^6. HI ftBferS ate%TO; BnBBl^ ^atttrfaV eVe-Wing,

fi^^ofirferir oVgr' flklWW ttt- getr emptoyin^ht, Viiae'ntJfi* Trost, 65; '^tilfalb, fcB*gertn*ru8*tf1h tllS attiof of mS hbrh.6'.

Miss fclkTihotfe TOclT, S8t Newark", i\M as" the- result of irfjli iesf stis^ ,t«lned In an automobile Occident ilea f&lerilielnit Oftt!

fibchdSteli-KRs s t S f M fc cTrtVe to goi Botli the HSpublican Srifl Oerrttf. crfitlc attte1 coriVoHtldrtS-to Tiff halo in AHfgiiSE ?ihd SBjit<$m.b8r;

SoKir r61e# , ;*^ feiter, flremelt, Htelfes'le^ litis bge^i fddnt!ft§d as i W t b i 'wl io ' teUt t ltls'«Satli IBS 'feet iftto'the- g6tl« ot the Getieswe

*h«t a^s Briar y*tf wtbtwatitm' ttWt # J t l « * . s ty^^antf jffioe.



ftKan 1—Save &6. t)r ftfcrt' j|%eefcly.- B*»gitt a n y time*

tdrfft- dividend* credited twiwi m 3*1*^

J * l a * ' ^--Savings BWbk^ Awy 1 **tin>liA«y time. tyj% fMan $-tlnvesimenT

1 (iferTOw of us Ao b u i l d , ^ l i uy s «r> improve t h e home. ' ^ W W j j t a n N » . i ) r -AifSMSiA Collins to>A




t * Advise


c o o k i n g c o s t . R o a s t s ^ browns, s tews, Bo3s and" Steatrlsi, ^ e e p s foodf t ib t

\i»hb*i*ymmt electric­i t y . Both "high a n d low Itttttti %ec1»f $SM <ash» o r #1.45 dowfty-S A b n t h s ]to pay.

ion w,Kc*iae ebttetA *w YOUR ArruANCisMiikcnAwrjOJt OIMWOKI

Nl AGATtAV tc fca r i t iRT & O ^ A K K ) * O W « l t CO.

•ilmj^Mmbjftz mitt, •ttHk^Jt'ti^^

WA«AAxl|fci*W$ON 'pwj^w«fw**r*iw^wri^iff#Br*(w»M»wwfc


GOOD COpMEf | Whaf &> lot; *Iii(t7:«ieaj«i Wg-<

lutol'S* Gofleo is | « i f . thSirii

-ectfieiislV* lieaiiJ^. jrtfel>f«' * * Vdiaiiy? * w i « § i ^ ttfUHS^eoISi!:; tlnued use of Rignel's SpScSalij Blend. And , < . "they fllways, come back for motet"-. I t fiaS: all tho' good equalities of the'l best blendi w f b Iha tiiWe^ feature" 6f rlocwjp*lce. y



Ms . . j^tlM *flf injccl altraa

iefes. aMdKre-gtiulhess in eftdrts*-IS IboW'at'yOtir disposal

Free in the ,.7^^C'|fey^"Both - ; ^Service -..'^'•'^iir^ Issue

' :'M AHveriisin.q- Dept.|



fee—Solfywood ia att its GlamourJ

Grand! PfeTtnieS'fis Lights Stars

- Parties

- b y

Inserting" a New Cfassiiled A^tlor 2 6rWm$ Days iff TlifeMe^&i t)ai

* Ticket t& th€ Kaft*1»tfitt. ' i i i i i - l ^ a - - " -if tT-J-|f

Cash ia OD the € I ^ I B M > Ads!

Ctaft' ia 6ft KOM*tW0Ol> SPEAKS an<f lea^n tlt^ iifei^ story, of

Ai* Extra Oirl!

|er! How h.aVe>

yon solve 1^|

111 the ke$3WPj5 L is the>tc4l

| t Farm Wife** or 393J.

-Houao aud ' f f

. (1 Sc quart. P! ; uv write Trum Hnr- Basin rqad | «*>** fend The Wants

^ w