v s tan .so reasons for buying glasses l in shiny leathers and … · 2017. 12. 12. · «e friday...

«e FRIDAY EVENING, m -i 7 %Ti" -Si, **n Smart - Biack v- *n and J S Tan In Shiny Leathers and Fine Kids. KNOBLAUCH'S NEW SHOE HOUSE 517 Nicollet Ave. Syndicate Block. FOP the Gentlemen Snappy Tan and Black Oxfords on our new Potay and Putter !T:. per . $3.50 See our new Spring Johnston & Murphy styles. They are very swell. Boys' tan and black Blucher Shoe, snappy, per pair For the Ladies Exquisite Patent Colt and ideal Oxford Ties and low Button, pair The new thing in Boots, Patent Colt Button, new Potay toe last, at per &4( KSfl pair ^)%3m%M W Ask for our Gopher Shoe, comes in all styles ft^ E || and leathers... V W w w ANOTHER PIANO AS THE KIMBAIili ALTERATION A N D R E B U I L D I N G S A L E , GOOD PIANOS. WHICH CLOSES SATURDAY NIGrHT P R O V I D E N T P E O P L E , M O N E Y S A V - ERS, E V E R Y B O D Y I N NEED OF AN INSTRUMENT, SHOULD COME AND SELECT NOW TEN ($10) DOLLARS PUTS ONE IN YOUR HOME, PAY BALANCE TO SUIT YOUR CON- VENIENCE. Open Evenings, 727 Nicollet. If you have promised your wife, daughter or son an instrument, now is the time to fulfil that promise, and at the same time save a very goodly sum of money. Now, while we are clearing out our stock preparatory to extensive alterations and the practical rebuilding of our St. Paul store. This sale ends Saturday night, at 10 o'clock. See the following list of bargains. Two $300 New York pianos, each $167, $10 down, $5 monthly. Pour $325 Boston Cabinet Grands, each $187, $10 down, $5 or $6 monthly. Three $350 fine upright Grands, $218, $15 down, $7 or more monthly. -Five $375 standard made uprights, $227, $15 or more down, $8 monthly Five $400, $450 and $500 pianos, $200, $295 to $337; $10 to $25 down, $7 to $10 monthly. The above pianos comprise the best of makes, such as the Kimball, Hallett & Davis and other good, high-class makes, and are new in so far as hav- ing never been sold. Some are, how- ever, a little shopworn, but all are guaranteed fully for five years and are as good as pianos can be. Used Pianos at Half Price. A Hale uoright, walnut case, $5a, Paae upright, dark case, $75, Bush & Gerts upright, $100, Vose & Sons upright, $125, Hinze upright, $130, Whitney upright, $140, Kimball up- right, $165, Marshall & Wendall up- right, $140, Behning upright, $165, Stelnway upright, $190, Kimball up- light, $225. Terms on any of these made to suit your convenience Piano Players at Half Price. A dozen piano players, comprising Apollo, Kimball and other makes, some new, some little used and some slightly shop worn, all guaranteed fully They sell regularly at $250, as every one knows. Come and get one at $100, $125, $135, $150 and $175, and at this low price we give you $30 worth of music, a bench, and adjust them to your piano. Organs, organs, organs. Many are buying organs at this sale. A large number to close, used ones, $8, $12 to $23. New ones with music desk, mir- rors, etc, worth $65 to $125 to close at $37 50 up, cash or payments, $3 to $5 cash, $2 to $5 monthly. Numerous square pianos, all right for beginners, that we are closing out at $15 up. See them before they are all gone. W. W. KIMBALL CO., (Established 1857.) 727 Nicollet Ave. C. A. Elmendorf. Open Evenings. GUS ROHLIN IS NOW A HAS-BEEN NO LONGER ABLE TO BEAT EVEN THIRD RATERS. Rise of the Akron Giant Into Prom- inence Was as Sadden as Has Been His Fall in Public Esteem—Kid McCoy Still After Fitz and O'Brien. KOREAN WAYS Angus Hamilton, in his new book on Korea, says "The inhabitants are pecu- liarly proficient in the art of doing nothing l^racefully There is, therefore, infinite charm and variety in the dailv life of Korea. The nathes take their pleasures passively, and their constitutional incapa- city makes it appear as if there were lit- tle to do but to indulge in a gentle stroll in the brilliant sunshine or to «it cross- legged within the snades of their houses Inaction becomes them, nothing could be more unsulted to the chaiacter of their peculiar costume than vigorous mot ement Tihe stolid dignity of their appoaranoe and their stately demeanor add \astly to the S lcturesqueness of the street scenes. The •hite-coated white-trousered, white- socked, slowly striding population is Irre- sistibly fascinating to the eje" . Scratch it on your Slate with a Nail. Coffee does injure many people. There's but one way out. Quit and use Postum Coffee ftjj.%. "There's a Reason. The passing of Gus Ruhlin, the Akron giant, as he Is popularly known to follow- ers of the ring is peculiar, in view of the comparative youth of the heavyweight It has been quite as sudden and unexpected as hi& rise into prominence A few years ago Ruhlin was a "dub " He was a trial horse for ambitious men like Sharkey and Kid McCoy. The form- er once knocked him out in one minute, and the latter cut him to ribbons in a twenty-round bout No one expected that Ruhlin would ever be more than a second- later Then Ruhlin secured a second match with Sharkey, after the latter had had his strength and spirit broken by the twenty-flve round beating he took from Jeffries Ruhlin, who had gained much in speed and cleverness easily defeated the sailor in fifteen rounds, and later knocked him out a second time in a bout in Lon- don Ruhlin took a position in pugilistic circles second only to that of Jeffries and Fitzsimmons When he was matched to fight the latter, about a year after Fitz had lost the title, quite a number thought he had a good chance to beat the Cornish- man, who was getting on in years Fitz knocked out Ruhlin in six rounds, how- ever, and the latter was no longer a championship posslhilitj tho he secured a match with Jeffries in the fall of 1901 Jeffries beat the big fellow decisively, Ruhlin refusing to come to the scratch af- ter the fouith round. Still Ruhlin was reckoned In the same class with such men as Corbett McCoy and Sharkey A few weeks ago howevei he was outboxed bj Jim Jeffords, a good third-iater, and showed that he had lost his skill and speed In a large degree Then he fought Marvin Hart of Louisville, a fightei whose lecord has been so erratic that he has never been highly regarded and who weighed about twenty-five pounds less than the Akron man Hart beat him decisi\elv and Ruhlin s showing was so poor as to elicit manv sarcastic comments in the eastern press A Philadelphia pa- per reviewing th~ contest says * 'Gus Ruhlin ga\e a remarkable exhibi- tion of courage at the National Athletic club !ast night "For six rounds he bravely stayed in the same ring with Marvin Hart, and stoical- ly concealed all desire to quit and rush for the street "Gus was fighting under a great handi- cap He was not more than a foot taller than the Louisville man, and could not have outweighed him more than twenty- flve pound" Yet in spite of these odds the Akron man never lost heart, and once or twice actually plucked up the nerve to fight back. "Ruhlin is the well-known wrestler who met Sharkey, Monroe and others during the last two years He was once a boxer " Ruhlin is said to have salted down a good roll, which 's fortunate, as he has small chance to accumulate more money in the ring. Kid McCoy is still making a strenuous effort to win the middleweight champion- ship by defeating Fitzsimmons and Jack OBnen The Kid holds that Fitz is still holder of the title, and counts Tom- my Rjan out of it He is provisionally matched with both O'Brien and Red Rob- ert In talking of the middleweight situ- ation recently, he said "I m the boy who will make those fel- lows come thru or drop their claims on the middleweight championship In rav mind, Fitzsimmons is the real champion He beat Dempsey for the honors and has defended them ever since O'Brien and Ryan have no grounds for their claim 'I h e y just filled in while the old fellow tried for every other championship on the boards He has the dope, and they ha\e to best him in order to cop the glory Do I think I stand a chance' Well, I really think I ha\e. He can't last forever, you know. "I'm not saving that I consider him In or anything like that No, no, not for mine That fellow is the most dangerous man in the ring to-day, and he's years older than the oldest I'll beat him, tho Right now I'm better than I have ever been. Don t dope me on that Placke fight I wasn't right then You see, I felt new, it was the first time I fought for a long time and I was as nervous as a stranger In New York I'll be fine in a week or two. tho This week I will meet all comers at Philadelphia, and the newness will wear off. I'm punching bet- ter than ever, and really think there's nothing to it I'm going to get that mid- dleweight title, and the sooner I get in the ring with those fellows the better I'll like it "Don't I consider Ryan a champion' Well, yes; he's a good man, but I beat him once I want these other fellows They've been having it easy too long, and they'll have to pull out their samples soon, because I'm going to try them all. That title •will be mine, or else it's me to the plot with the headstone" PAPER STOCKINGS Paper gloves and stockings are now be- ing manufactured in Europe The stock- ings ha% e been carefully examined by ex- perts, who praise them loudly These stockings will last almost as long as the ordinary stockings. The paper of which they are made is during the process of manufacture, rendered Into a substance closely resembling wool, and is then woven and treated as ordinary -woolP»s , THE MINNEAPOLIS^JOUKNAIx. Candy Specials Saturday... Fresh Peppermint Cream Wafers, lb lOo Hand-dipped Cream Chocolates, extra fine, lb 20o Assorted Candy, special, per lb , lOo At The Soda Fountain..* A Special: Fruited tee Cream, per glass .So S * ^ H « Qreen Trading Stamps... *"** Given with cash purchases only, at time purchases are made in all departments except Patent Medicine, Soda Fountain, and Eastman Co 'a Kodaks and Supplies THE^SHORTV HOUR STO&ET Sb" AVE-FTRSTAVESO-FIFTH 3 T Our Modern Shoe Sale.., CONTINUED SATURDAY. We have the sole Twin City Agency for the Original Bart Shoes and Oxfords for women. Time tested and proven to be the & 4 Kifi best. v Here at pair . Q>0«aP^, Reasons for Buying Glasses At Our Optical Degt. l * * Qtar txgMiiciaas ara itnxjous to jgivc satisfaction Jttch? iaa-v& the ability ana accessary experience to correct any eye defect; they have a complete stock of frames and mountings ana know how to adjust them so they are comfortable and becoming- N ^ Solid gold Shur-on and Finch eyeglasses .... ' ...... '.'i^r/. $5.00 Leases duplicated; bring in the pieces Save on These Saturday Morningff;30'til A Great Store Like This Has Hundreds of Odd Lots Accumulating All tlU Time. * ? ^ ^ They are disposed of in various ways. Seldom are they mentioned in our advertisements. The prices are cut deeply and thev so quicklv enough... mostly to small .dealers who are ever on the alert, and who usually buy entire lots. , ^ Saturday Morning We Intend t o .'Give t,he Great, Buying Public the Benefit of These Extraordinary Savings As stated these are odd lots; some sizes are missing on some lines, color assortments are broken in others, and so on. In order to give all a chance we must limit quantities where necessary. As prices are so much under value we cannot make refunds or exchanges. None of these mentioned will be sold to dealers. if Women's Spring Jackets... Second Fioo-r.. .Fifth Street, About 25 ©nly, nearly all Eton style, and mostly small sizes. Special to close Saturday morning while they tf* 4 last, choice ^ 6 Note...No refunds; no exchanges; no C. O. D'8. on this lot. Bleached Sheeting Remnants... Muslin Department Mill Remnants of Bleached Sheeting 2, 2£ and 2J yard widths, in lengths of one to three yards, values 25c to 35c. Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, yard... Three Millinery Specials... Second FloorFirst Avenue. 150 Flare Trimmed Street Hats...the kind so much in demand just now; worth $1.50 each. Saturday, Q|| A 8:30 a. m. till 12, choice 0«9C About 100 Broad Trimmed French Sail- ors. . the Paris shape.. .in brown, navy, castor; the sensation of the season; worth $1.50. Saturday, 8:30 7 R A a. m, till 12, choice I v u Children's Leghorns, handsomely trim- med with silk mull, bound with velvet ribbons; very stylish and pretty; well worth $1.48. Saturday, 8:30 £Sffli** a. m. fill 12, each W«9U Extra Special in Laces... Arcade Bargain Square. English Torchon, Normandy Valencien- nes, American Laces, and Narrow Venise Bands, insertions to match, widths 1 to 4 inches. Saturday 8:30 a. m. till 12, *5fcjm choice^ard *pl* Children's Headwear... Infant's Wear Dept... 2nd Floor. Washable Hats, Caps and Bonnets, regular 25c and 39c values, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, choice ... ..... Pearl Buttons; Seconds... Trimmings Department. These are two and four hole kinds, come two dozen on a card, Saturday 4 A 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, card 1C Women's Handkerchiefs... Arcade Bargain Table. Three kinds; lace edge... embroidered... and plain hemstitched. Saturday, Jfi *% 8:30 a. m. till 12, choice *M# White Goods Specials... At the Department. AH White Poplin Waistings with embroid- ered mercerized stripes, 25c value, Satur- day, 8.30 a. m. till 12, -g K" tf% yard , I 91* All White Poplin Suitings with embroid- ered mercerized dots in three sizes; 45c value, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, yard f$c Women's Vega-Silk Vests .... Mam Floor. These are in lavender and sky blue, low neck and sleeveless, daintily trimmed. Regular 50c vests that are slightly soiled from display . . . not all sizes » . . choice Saturday—8:30 a. m. tillffiKJH 12. Limit Two. Drug Aisle Specials Eclips# Cocoanut Soap,Saturday 8:30 a. m. till 12 a dozen cakes for }. Woodland Violet Talcum Powder, in paper boxes, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, box " Hunter's Sarsapariila, regular 67 size, Sat- urday 8:30 a. m. till 12, "i^bi* White Waists to Clost... Second Floor. White Embroidered Lawn Waists — white Linen Waists...and white basket weave Waists; all high grade, correct styles; peafect fitting. Regular prices were $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, broken lines and sizes, Satur- ff]i€& A day 8:30 a, m. till 12, choice.. 5FOO Women's Kid Cloves... Nicollet Arcade. 2 and 3 clasp Kid Gloves in black, browns, tans, grays and white, sizes 5J, 5J, 6, 6j only. Odds and ends grouped in one lot to close. Saturday from 8:30 a. m. A A ^ ' till la, choice pair SU. * • « r l * Note...Some soiled; some have-been mended. A remarkable bargain. Men's $1.50, $2.00 $2.50 Soft Hats...39c Hat and Cap Dept.. .2nd floor. Only about 120 in the lot; various shades ...exceptblacks ..assorted shapes; sizes 6| to 7|: these are the remaining twos and threes of a kind from our $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 lines offered Saturday morning while they last, 4&QA at choice ,, U v u * 12c for 25c Wash Ties... Men's Furnishing Dept...Main Floor. New White Figured Washable Four-in-Hand Ties, and new Silk Midget Bow and String Ties in fancy colors, suitable for men ana women. Our regular price 25c each, Sat- urday, 8:30 a. m. till 12— choice 12c Shirtwaist Corsets... Corset Dept...2nd Floor. Miscellaneous lot in white and drab, both Empire and long lengths, in coutil or batiste, all sizes; 59c values, Saturday 8-30 a. m. til 12, A A each V V C Odd Coats from $8, $10 and $15 Suits... "" Clothing Dept... 2nd floor. Saturday morning for a quick closing out we offer the balance of those odd coats from suits that sold at $8.00, $10.00, "$15.00 and some even higher; in blacks, blues and mixtures, in sack and cutaway styles, special Saturday morning, while Q O A they last, choice.* v O v Writing Paper Special... Stationery Department. 1,000 Boxes regular 25 c quality writing paper. Saturday 8:30 a. m. 4j O A W till 12, box. Nottingham Lace Curtains... Third Floor...First Avenue. 200 Half-Pairs—these are manufacturers' seconds...slightly imperfect...no two alike. Worth in the regular way Tip to $2.00 a pair. Saturday 8.30 a. m. till Q"7tf* 12, each a%* M %* Vestee Suits Low as l A Value Boya' Clothing Dept . 2nd floor. About 200 Vestee Suits, 3 to 10 Years, in. plain cheviots and fancy worsteds, blacks, blues, reds, and mixtures, well made; regular prices $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4 50,. $5.00 and $6.00; odds and 1 ends offered Saturday 8:30 a, m. till 12, choice... ^ .... $IB4"5P K Wash Goods Specials. At the Department. 5c ;32-inch Woven Striped Madras and Double- fold Nubbed Suiting; good variety, value 10c yard, Saturday 8:30 a. m. til 12, yard 32 inches Heavy Prints; garnet grounds only, designs in white. 10c value, ""J A Saturday 8:30 a. m. till 12, yard ... M U 100 Pieces Silk Embroidered Crapes. . . Penang Silks . . . Lace Stripes and Em- broidered Striped Mousseline de Sole; _ all solid colors: Never sold less than 35c and formerly at 50c yard; Saturday 8:30a. m. till 12, * J A . "Trixy." The Latest... Music Dept.. 2nd Floor. 500 Copies "Trixy" Two-Step—A clever composition by a local composer; regu- lar price 23c. Saturday, 8:30 4 R A a. m. till 12, per copy IO w Nickel Plated Shears... Notion Dept. 6 to 9 inches long; regular low price 17c; Saturday, 8:30 a. m. till 12, f ft#* All Silk Taffeta Ribbons... Nicollet Arcade. Plain colors and cream, white and black, 8 and 3J inches wide. Regular prices 15c and 18c... Saturday, 8.30 a. m. un- til 12, c 4Q1A yard, 1 0 c and 62v Black Hand Bags... Leather Goods Dept Made of Monkey and Walrus Grain Leather, leather covered frames, leather handles; fitted with purse. Regular $1.00 values; Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, J& Q A each *W*9%* Sterling Silver Thimbles... "* Jewelry Dept .. Arcade. AH sizes; Saturday .8:30 a. inv i - 4fe A 'til 12, each /. *.'. € f O Women's Imported Hose at Half... Main Floor. Women's Imported Fancy Hose, full regular made and full fashioned, in round about stripes in all colors, also polka dots, and embroidered boots, regular 25c values, Saturday 8:30 A pairs A C ^ a.m. til 12 & for.. fiOG Spring Suits, Jackets, Shirt Waist Suits ^nmTzJawawmmmBawawmSa^Emm nHaoamnanM wnwmMammaawnMmmm*anw*w*mnmmnmc*wmnmm ^atma^m^a^aaa^a^mm^am ammnmmawmamaam^amamma^m a^mawaaaw^amamma^amm Second Floor... Fifth Street. and Children's Coats... The thought to save is predominent in nearly every woman. We offer these unmatched oppor- tunities. All garments are new... this season's productions...in the late models, and favorite fabrics; altered to fit when necessary. Saturday the choosing will be better than later. $25 Suits Misses , $33 75 Suits, Women's and Misses' at . Spring Suits PRICES REDUCED $13 60 Suits, Women's and Aliases at . ..... $17 50 Suits, TV omens and Misses at $21 50 Suits, Women's and Mi3ses at . ....... Women's and *4.75 Women's and Misses* Jackets Covert Jackets, Women s and Misses' at .. Covert Jackets, Women a and Misses' at Covert and Silk Jackets, Women s and Misses , at ... Covert and Silk Jackets, Women's and Misses' at .—. Covert and Silk Jackets, Women's and Misses* at .... $21 50 Covert Jackets, reduced to $23 00 Covert Jackets, reduced to .. S6.95 SI 2.50 $15.00 $19.50 9,2 ck< $5.00 $6.75 $8.75 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $19.50 Shirtwaist Suits Vew Silk Shirt Waist Suits, at New Silk Shirt Waist Suits at ... New Silk Shirt Waist Suits at New Silk Shirt Waist Snits at New Silk Shirt Waist Suits, at New SUk Shirt Waist Suits at . . . . $12.50 $13.75 $16.50 ,18.50 20.00 25.00 Children's Coats and Dresses Children a Coats, 6 to 14 vears, at Children's Coats, 6 to 14 years at . Children's Coats, 6 to 14 vears at Children's Silk Coats, 6 to 14 years at Children's Dresses, at $ 1 1 . 5 0 ind down to Children's Cravenette Coats, at S l O and down to Children s Suits, at $ 1 9 5 0 and down to „,'Mm^^MA^^ *Ate &^2 Things Needed AboutfeeHome... Ice Cream Freezers, Alaska,' the best made; guaranteed to do better work than any other freezer made. 1-qt.size . SI.75 2-qt. size $2.25 S-qtsize 32.75 4-qt size .... S3.25 6-qt size 84.25 Sizes to 25-qt, proportionately low. Glacier Refrigerators are the best made and best ice savers money can buy All hard- wood, heavy brass locks and hinges. Prices always right. No. 498 30-lb ice ca- pacity, our $C QQ low price ^.VO Jlo. 499 —45-lb ice ca- pacity, our Cfi Eft low price «PO.OV No 500—50-Ib. ice ca- No. 601 —65-lb. ice ca- pacity, onr C I O S(\ low price .*lftiW 1 burner. Double OB Stoves, like cat . $1.49 Ovens for gasolene or oil stoves; the best asbestos lined. 1 burner size .... $1.76 2 burner size $2.48 Gasoline Stoves 1 b u r n e r ...... * . $ 2 . 2 5 2 burner $3.48 3 burner ........ $4.79 Bine Flame Ofl Stoves ...$4.25 I 2 burner, Sat. only..$5.26-' Gas Stoves^ 1 burner at T ~ 1 5 o 2 8 c 4 5 0 ' ^ 2 burner $1.39 | 3 burner $1.69 Garden Hose, only the best here. None but guaran- teed goods sold^ by us. 50 feet Guaranteed Hose with brass nozzle and hard- wood reel complete $5.00 #»<**-* Bicycle Sundries and Baseball Supplies. These Special Prices for only Bridgeport Bicycle Pedals, extra strong . Saturday pair Adjustable Handle Bars, heavy nickel plated.. Sat.. Extension Handle Bars .. Special Saturday Full Leather Toe-clips.. urday, pair U. S Bicycle Wrench, each Graphite, best on earth, stick In Arcade Basement. Saturday Sat- 69c 65c 85c 10c 10c .... to Bicycle Tires... "Powers' Special' single tube, a soft, tough, live-rub- ber tire, a quality never before put in this pricG tires ai CA~ Special price, each .... ,«.„.,$| B Q|J Cigars... Smokers find what they want here, and at lower prices than elsewhere for same qualities Berriman Bros/ Genuine Factory Smokers, Guaranteed Havana fllled Jobber's price $70 00 per M, our special price, bpx of 5 0 for $ 3 OO Lopez La Espartana, clear Havana, the 3-for-a-quarter size, here, each 5c Box of SO for . $2 50 All 10-cent Cigars imported and domestic here, 3 for 25e Box of 5 0 for $3 75 "For Luck," club-house shape, spe- cial box of 5 0 for 98c Wlnecke &. Doerr's A-1 Cigar Clip- pings, extra special., less * than wholesale., lb .... '20o Sanitary Meat Department... Under management of Witt Bios. Nicollet Arcade and 5th St. Entrances. We Sell Exactly What We Advertise. Boiling Beef, lb. 3c Rib Boiling Beef, lb.,. 4c Chuck Roasts, lb. 7c Pot Roast, lb 10c Rolled Roast (no bone), lb... 12&o Rib Roast (standing), lb 12J4c Sirloin Steak, lb...•...„.. 14c Porterhouse Steak, lb ........... 14c Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. ^. ,, .... 7c DAIRY DEPARTMENT* ^ Ferndale Creamery Butter, «P 1-lb. bricks.* v...26e Ferndale Creamery Butter, 5-lb. j a r s $1.30 Fancy Brick Cheese, lb 1 S c Full Cream Cheese, lb. 10c TELEPHONES: ! DELIVERIES N. W.-Main 1237-1275. Twin City—86-116 I To all parts of the city. * <- 1? r I i r Miscellaneous Books... '•: Book Section. About 700 Volumes Miscellaneous Books, Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, 4k A ^ to close, choice K& \* Toilet Water Specials... Perfume Shop. Williams' Swiss Violet and Swiss Lilac Toilet Water; 6-ounce bottle. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. till 12, Ofc*», bottle V 9 C I9c 29c Baseball Supplies—The largest and most complete line shown in the city, from the lowest priced up to the \ery best A special on our catching mitts, Saturday only. Boys' all-leather 25c Jcind . Special, each , Boys' all-leather 39c kind.. Special, each , Boys' and young men's size mitts, with all the latest improvements, made of tough leather, 50c kind... AA. Special Saturday —W «f C Men's large size mitts, with all the latest improvements, the best work- manship, made of the best stock, the $125 kind... Special 7 C A Saturday ..... I DC $150 kind ..Special Sat $ 1 OO $198 kind...Special Sat.-...$1 50 Groceries... Always at lowest prices Note tlfe Specials for Saturday. Powers XXXX Flour, 98-lb. r sack $2-50 Navy Beans, special per pt 7 C Finest Japan Rice, spl per lb .... 5 Q Finest Carolina Head Rice, special per lb ...*. 8c Extra large California Prunes, special per lb .. 8c Fancy California Apricots, lb...l2!/ 2 e Wisconsin Sweet Corn, can ...... 8c Dozen cans ...SOc Standard Tomatoes, per can. 8c Pumpkin, 3-lb can, special ...... 8c Holllday Wax Beans, regularly 15c, special, can ...12c ? 4 Live HEADQUARTERS FOR FANCY, FRESH DRESSED POULTRY. Poultry received daily from our country shippers. v :^,., ?- Nice Plump Fowl, lb 16c | Young Chickens, lb . / ! . * ? . S.160 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. Pork Butt Roast, lb 80 Pork Loin Roast, lb 9c Pork Sausage, lb 9o Veal Roast, lb 10o 12^c Veal Chops, lb 12&e Veal Steak, lb IBo Veal Stew, lb 7o Minn. Lamb Legs, lb .... 19c Minn. Mutton Legs, lb 12c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Pineapple, extra large, each... 18c Asparagus, original bunches, 2 for ,.25c Wax Beane, lb 9o Cucumbers, home grown, 2 for 25c S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given with Cash Purchases and Telephone C. O. D. Orders. A <K D.l.ctiv. Pag. yy^^^^l^f

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Page 1: v S Tan .So Reasons for Buying Glasses l In Shiny Leathers and … · 2017. 12. 12. · «e FRIDAY EVENING, m -i 7 %Ti" -Si, **n Smart - Biack v- *n and J S Tan In Shiny Leathers





7 %Ti" -Si, * * n

S m a r t - Biack v- *n and J

S Tan In Shiny Leathers and Fine Kids.


517 Nicollet Ave.

Syndicate Block. FOP the Gentlemen

Snappy Tan and Black Oxfords on our new Potay and Putter

!T:.p e r . $3.50 See our new Spring Johnston & Murphy styles. They are very swell. Boys' tan and black Blucher Shoe, snappy, per pair

For the Ladies Exquisite Patent Colt and ideal Oxford Ties and low Button, pair The new thing in Boots, Patent Colt Button, new Potay toe last, at per & 4 ( K S f l pair ^)%3m%M W Ask for our Gopher Shoe, comes in all styles ft^ E | | and leathers. . . V W w w


A S T H E K I M B A I i l i A L T E R A T I O N A N D R E B U I L D I N G S A L E ,

G O O D P I A N O S .


P R O V I D E N T P E O P L E , M O N E Y S A V -

E R S , E V E R Y B O D Y I N N E E D O F A N I N S T R U M E N T ,




O p e n E v e n i n g s , 7 2 7 N i c o l l e t .

I f y o u h a v e p r o m i s e d y o u r w i f e , d a u g h t e r or s o n a n i n s t r u m e n t , n o w is t h e t i m e t o fulfil t h a t p r o m i s e , a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e s a v e a v e r y g o o d l y s u m o f m o n e y . N o w , w h i l e w e a r e c l e a r i n g o u t o u r s t o c k p r e p a r a t o r y t o e x t e n s i v e a l t e r a t i o n s a n d t h e p r a c t i c a l r e b u i l d i n g of o u r St . P a u l s t o r e .

T h i s s a l e e n d s S a t u r d a y n i g h t , a t 10 o ' c lock . S e e t h e f o l l o w i n g l i s t of b a r g a i n s .

T w o $300 N e w Y o r k p i a n o s , e a c h $ 1 6 7 , $10 d o w n , $5 m o n t h l y .

P o u r $ 3 2 5 B o s t o n C a b i n e t G r a n d s , e a c h $ 1 8 7 , $10 d o w n , $5 or $6 m o n t h l y .

T h r e e $ 3 5 0 fine u p r i g h t G r a n d s , $ 2 1 8 , $15 d o w n , $7 or m o r e m o n t h l y . - F i v e $ 3 7 5 s t a n d a r d m a d e u p r i g h t s ,

$ 2 2 7 , $15 o r m o r e d o w n , $8 m o n t h l y F i v e $ 4 0 0 , $450 a n d $500 p i a n o s ,

$ 2 0 0 , $ 2 9 5 to $ 3 3 7 ; $10 to $25 d o w n , $7 t o $10 m o n t h l y .

T h e a b o v e p i a n o s c o m p r i s e t h e b e s t o f m a k e s , s u c h a s t h e K i m b a l l , H a l l e t t & D a v i s a n d o t h e r g o o d , h i g h - c l a s s m a k e s , a n d a r e n e w i n s o f a r a s h a v ­i n g n e v e r b e e n s o l d . S o m e a r e , h o w ­e v e r , a l i t t l e s h o p w o r n , b u t a l l a r e g u a r a n t e e d f u l l y for five y e a r s a n d a r e a s g o o d a s p i a n o s c a n be .

U s e d P i a n o s a t H a l f P r i c e . A H a l e u o r i g h t , w a l n u t c a s e , $ 5 a ,

P a a e u p r i g h t , d a r k c a s e , $ 7 5 , B u s h & G e r t s u p r i g h t , $ 1 0 0 , V o s e & S o n s u p r i g h t , $ 1 2 5 , H i n z e u p r i g h t , $ 1 3 0 , W h i t n e y u p r i g h t , $ 1 4 0 , K i m b a l l u p ­r i g h t , $ 1 6 5 , M a r s h a l l & W e n d a l l u p ­r i g h t , $ 1 4 0 , B e h n i n g u p r i g h t , $ 1 6 5 , S t e l n w a y u p r i g h t , $ 1 9 0 , K i m b a l l u p -l i g h t , $ 2 2 5 . T e r m s o n a n y of t h e s e m a d e t o s u i t y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e

P i a n o P l a y e r s a t H a l f P r i c e . A d o z e n p i a n o p l a y e r s , c o m p r i s i n g

A p o l l o , K i m b a l l a n d o t h e r m a k e s , s o m e n e w , s o m e l i t t l e u s e d a n d s o m e s l i g h t l y s h o p w o r n , a l l g u a r a n t e e d f u l l y T h e y se l l r e g u l a r l y a t $250 , a s e v e r y o n e k n o w s . C o m e a n d g e t o n e a t $ 1 0 0 , $125 , $ 1 3 5 , $ 1 5 0 a n d $175 , a n d a t t h i s l o w p r i c e w e g i v e y o u $30 w o r t h o f m u s i c , a b e n c h , a n d a d j u s t t h e m t o y o u r p i a n o .

O r g a n s , o r g a n s , o r g a n s . M a n y a r e b u y i n g o r g a n s a t t h i s s a l e . A l a r g e n u m b e r t o c l o s e , u s e d o n e s , $8, $12 to $ 2 3 . N e w o n e s w i t h m u s i c d e s k , m i r ­r o r s , e t c , w o r t h $65 t o $125 t o c l o s e a t $37 50 u p , c a s h o r p a y m e n t s , $3 t o $5 c a s h , $2 t o $5 m o n t h l y .

N u m e r o u s s q u a r e p i a n o s , a l l r i g h t f or b e g i n n e r s , t h a t w e a r e c l o s i n g o u t a t $15 u p . S e e t h e m b e f o r e t h e y a r e a l l g o n e .

W. W. KIMBALL CO., ( E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 7 . )

7 2 7 N i c o l l e t A v e . C. A . E l m e n d o r f . O p e n E v e n i n g s .



R i s e o f t h e A k r o n G i a n t I n t o P r o m ­

i n e n c e W a s a s S a d d e n a s H a s B e e n

H i s F a l l i n P u b l i c E s t e e m — K i d

M c C o y St i l l A f t e r F i t z a n d O ' B r i e n .


A n g u s Hamil ton, in h is new book on Korea, s a y s "The inhabitants are pecu­liarly proficient in the art of doing nothing l^racefully There is, therefore, infinite charm and var ie ty in the dailv life of Korea. T h e n a t h e s take their pleasures passively, and their constitutional incapa­city m a k e s it appear a s if there were l i t­t le to do but to indulge in a gentle stroll in the brilliant sunshine or to «it cross-legged wi th in the snades of their houses Inact ion becomes t h e m , nothing could be more unsulted to the cha iacter of their peculiar costume than vigorous mot ement

Tihe stolid dignity of their appoaranoe and their stately demeanor add \astly to the

Slc turesqueness of the street scenes . The •hite-coated white- trousered, wh i t e -

socked, slowly str iding population is Irre­s i s t ib ly fasc inat ing t o the e j e " .

Scratch it on y o u r Slate with a Nail.

Coffee does injure many people. There's but one way out. Quit and use

Postum Coffee

ftjj.%. "There 's a Reason.

The pass ing of Gus Ruhlin, the Akron giant, a s he Is popularly known to fol low­ers of the ring is peculiar, in v i ew of the comparative youth of the heavyweight It has been quite a s sudden and unexpected a s hi& rise into prominence

A few years ago Ruhlin w a s a "dub " H e was a trial horse for ambit ious m e n like Sharkey and Kid McCoy. The form­er once knocked h im out in one minute , and the latter cut him to ribbons in a twenty-round bout N o one expected that Ruhlin would ever be more than a second-la ter

Then Ruhlin secured a second m a t c h wi th Sharkey, after the latter had had his s trength and spirit broken by the twenty-f lve round beat ing he took from Jeffries Ruhlin, who had gained much in speed and cleverness easi ly defeated the sailor in fifteen rounds, and later knocked him out a second t ime in a bout in L o n ­don Ruhlin took a position in pugil ist ic circles second only to that of Jeffries and F i t z s immons W h e n he w a s matched to fight the latter, about a year after F i t z had lost the title, quite a number thought he had a good chance to beat the Cornish-man, who w a s ge t t ing on in years F i t z knocked out Ruhlin in s ix rounds, h o w ­ever, and the latter w a s no longer a championship posslhil itj „ tho he secured a match wi th Jeffries in the fall of 1901 Jeffries beat the big fellow decisively, Ruhlin refusing t o come t o the scratch af­ter the foui th round.

Still Ruhlin w a s reckoned In the s a m e class wi th such m e n a s Corbett McCoy and Sharkey A few weeks ago howevei he w a s outboxed b j J im Jeffords, a good third-iater , and showed that he had lost his skill and speed In a large degree Then he fought Marvin Hart of Louisvil le, a fightei whose lecord has been so erratic that he has never been highly regarded and who weighed about twenty-f ive pounds less than the Akron man Hart beat h im dec i s i \ e lv and Ruhlin s showing w a s so poor as to elicit m a n v sarcastic comments in the eastern press A Philadelphia pa­per reviewing th~ contest says *

' G u s Ruhlin g a \ e a remarkable exhibi­tion of courage a t the National Athlet ic club !ast night

"For s ix rounds he bravely s tayed in t h e same ring wi th Marvin Hart, and stoical ­ly concealed all desire to quit and rush for the street

"Gus w a s fighting under a great handi­cap H e w a s not more than a foot taller than the Louisvil le man, and could not have outweighed him more than t w e n t y -flve pound" Yet in spite of these odds the Akron man never lost heart, and once or twice actual ly plucked up the nerve to fight back.

"Ruhlin is the we l l -known wrest ler who m e t Sharkey, Monroe and others during the last two years H e w a s once a boxer "

Ruhlin is said to have salted down a good roll, which 's fortunate, a s he has small chance to accumulate more money in the ring.

Kid McCoy is still making a strenuous effort to win the middleweight champion­ship by defeat ing F i t z s immons and Jack O B n e n The Kid holds that F i tz is still holder of the title, and counts Tom­m y R j a n out of it H e is provisionally matched wi th both O'Brien and Red Rob­ert In talking of the middleweight s i t u ­at ion recently, he said

"I m the boy who will make those fel­lows come thru or drop their c laims on the middleweight championship In rav mind, F i tz s immons is the real champion H e beat D e m p s e y for the honors and has defended them ever since O'Brien and Ryan have no grounds for their claim 'I hey jus t filled in while the old fellow tried for every other championship on the boards H e has the dope, and they h a \ e to best him in order to cop the glory D o I think I s tand a c h a n c e ' Well, I really think I h a \ e . H e can't last forever, you know.

"I'm not sav ing that I consider h im In or anyth ing like that No, no, not for mine That fellow is the m o s t dangerous m a n in the ring to-day , and he's years older than the oldest I'll beat him, tho Right now I'm better than I have ever been. Don t dope me on tha t Placke fight I wasn't right then You see, I felt n e w , it w a s the first t ime I fought for a long t ime and I w a s a s nervous a s a s tranger In N e w York I'll be fine in a week or two. tho This week I will meet all comers at Philadelphia, and the newness will wear off. I'm punching bet­ter than ever, and really think there's nothing to it I'm go ing to g e t that m i d ­dleweight title, and the sooner I g e t in the ring wi th those fe l lows the better I'll l ike it

"Don't I consider R y a n a c h a m p i o n ' Well , y e s ; he's a good man, but I beat h im once I w a n t these other fel lows They've been hav ing it easy too long, and they'll have to pull out their samples soon, because I'm going to try t h e m all . That title •wi l l be mine, or else it's m e to the plot w i t h the h e a d s t o n e "


Paper g loves and s tockings are now b e ­ing manufactured in Europe The s tock­ings ha% e been carefully examined b y e x ­perts, who praise them loudly These s tock ings wil l las t a lmost a s long a s the ordinary stockings . The paper of which they a r e made is during the process of manufacture, rendered Into a substance closely resembling wool, a n d i s then w o v e n a n d treated a s ordinary -woolP»s ,


Candy Specials Saturday... Fresh Peppermint Cream Wafers, lb l O o Hand-dipped Cream Chocolates, extra fine, lb 2 0 o Assorted Candy, special, per lb , l O o

At The Soda Fountain..* A Special: Fruited tee Cream, per glass .So

S * ^ H « Q r e e n T r a d i n g S tamps . . . *"** Given with cash purchases only, at time purchases are made in all

departments except Patent Medicine, Soda Fountain, and Eastman Co 'a Kodaks and Supplies



Our Modern Shoe Sale.., CONTINUED SATURDAY.

We have the sole Twin City Agency for the Original Bart Shoes and Oxfords for women. Time tested and proven to be the & 4 K i f i best. vHere at pair . Q > 0 « a P ^ ,

Reasons for Buying Glasses At Our Optical Degt. l * * Qtar txgMiiciaas a r a itnxjous to jgivc satisfaction Jttch? iaa-v& the ability

ana accessary experience to correct any eye defect; they have a complete stock of frames and mountings ana know how to adjust them so they are comfortable and becoming- „ N ^

Solid gold Shur-on and Finch eyeglasses . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . 'i^r/. $ 5 . 0 0 Leases duplicated; bring in the pieces

Save on These Saturday Morning ff;30 'til A Great Store Like This Has Hundreds of Odd Lots Accumulating All tlU Time. * ? ^ ^

They are disposed of in various ways. Seldom are they mentioned in our advertisements. The prices are cut deeply and thev so quicklv enough... mostly to small .dealers who are ever on the alert, and who usually buy entire lots. , ^

Saturday Morning We Intend t o .'Give t,he Great, Buying Public the Benefit of These Extraordinary Savings As stated these are odd lots; some sizes are missing on some lines, color assortments are broken in others, and so on. In order to give all a chance we must limit quantities where necessary. As prices are so much under value we cannot make refunds or exchanges. None of these mentioned will be sold to dealers.


Women's Spring Jackets... Second Fioo-r.. .Fifth Street,

About 25 ©nly, nearly all Eton style, and mostly small sizes. Special to close Saturday morning while they tf* 4 last, choice ^ 6

Note...No refunds; no exchanges; no C. O. D'8. on this lot.

Bleached Sheeting Remnants... Muslin Department

Mill Remnants of Bleached Sheeting 2, 2£ and 2J yard widths, in lengths of one to three yards, values 25c to 35c. Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, yard. . .

Three Millinery Specials... Second Floor—First Avenue.

150 Flare Trimmed Street Hats . . . the kind so much in demand just now; worth $1.50 each. Saturday, Q | | A 8:30 a. m. till 12, choice 0«9C

About 100 Broad Trimmed French Sail­ors. . the Paris shape.. .in brown, navy, castor; the sensation of the season; worth $1.50. Saturday, 8:30 7 R A a. m, till 12, choice I v u

Children's Leghorns, handsomely t r im­med with silk mull, bound with velvet ribbons; very stylish and pretty; well worth $1.48. Saturday, 8:30 £Sffl i** a. m. fill 12, each W « 9 U

Extra Special in Laces... Arcade Bargain Square.

English Torchon, Normandy Valencien­nes, American Laces, and Narrow Venise Bands, insertions to match, widths 1 to 4 inches. Saturday 8:30 a. m. till 12, *5fcjm choice^ard * p l *

Children's Head wear... Infant's Wear Dept... 2nd Floor.

Washable Hats, Caps and Bonnets, regular 25c and 39c values, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, choice... . . . . .

Pearl Buttons; Seconds... Trimmings Department.

These are two and four hole kinds, come two dozen on a card, Saturday 4 A 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, card 1 C

Women's Handkerchiefs... Arcade Bargain Table.

Three kinds; lace e d g e . . . embro ide red . . . and plain hemstitched. Saturday, Jfi *% 8:30 a. m. till 12, choice * M #

White Goods Specials... At the Department.

AH White Poplin Waistings with embroid­ered mercerized stripes, 25c value, Satur­day, 8.30 a. m. till 12, -g K" tf% yard , I 9 1 *

All White Poplin Suitings wi th embroid­ered mercerized dots in three sizes; 45c value, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, yard f$c Women's Vega-Silk Vests....

Mam Floor. These are in lavender and sky blue, low

neck and sleeveless, daintily trimmed. Regular 50c vests that are slightly soiled from display . . . not all sizes » . . choice Saturday—8:30 a. m. till ffi K J H 12.

Limit Two.

Drug Aisle Specials Eclips# Cocoanut Soap,Saturday 8:30 a. m .

till 12 a dozen cakes for } .

Woodland Violet Talcum Powder, in paper boxes, Saturday 8.30 a. m. till 12, box "

Hunter 's Sarsapariila, regular 67 size, Sat­urday 8:30 a. m. till 12, "i^bi*

White Waists to Clost... Second Floor.

White Embroidered Lawn Waists — white Linen Waists...and white basket weave Waists; all high grade, correct styles; peafect fitting. Regular prices were $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, broken lines and sizes, Satur- ff]i€& A day 8:30 a, m. till 12, choice.. 5 F O O

Women's Kid Cloves... Nicollet Arcade.

2 and 3 clasp Kid Gloves in black, browns, tans, grays and white, sizes 5J, 5J, 6, 6j only. Odds and ends grouped in one lot to close. Saturday from 8:30 a. m. A A ^

' till la, choice pair SU. * • « r l * Note...Some soiled; some have-been mended.

A remarkable bargain.

Men's $1.50, $2.00

$2.50 Soft Hats...39c Hat and Cap Dept.. .2nd floor.

Only about 120 in the lot; various shades ...exceptblacks ..assorted shapes; sizes 6 | to 7 | : these are the remaining twos and threes of a kind from our $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 lines offered Saturday morning while they last, 4 & Q A at choice , , U v u

* .«

12c for 25c Wash Ties... Men's Furnishing Dept...Main Floor.

New White Figured Washable Four-in-Hand Ties, and new Silk Midget Bow and String Ties in fancy colors, suitable for men ana women. Our regular price 25c each, Sat­urday, 8:30 a. m. till 12— choice 12c

Shirtwaist Corsets... Corset Dept...2nd Floor.

Miscellaneous lot in white and drab, both Empire and long lengths, in coutil or batiste, all sizes; 59c values, Saturday 8-30 a. m. til 12, A A each V V C

Odd Coats from $8, $10 and $15 Suits... ""

Clothing Dept... 2nd floor.

Saturday morning for a quick closing out we offer the balance of those odd coats from suits that sold at $8.00, $10.00, "$15.00 and some even higher; in blacks, blues and mixtures, in sack and cutaway styles, special Saturday morning, while Q O A they last, choice.* v O v

Writing Paper Special... Stationery Department.

1,000 Boxes regular 25 c quality writing paper. Saturday 8:30 a. m. 4j O A W t i l l 12, b o x .

Nottingham Lace Curtains... Third Floor...First Avenue.

200 Half-Pairs—these are manufacturers' seconds...slightly imperfect...no two alike. Worth in the regular way Tip to $2.00 a pair. Saturday 8.30 a. m. till Q " 7 t f * 12, each a%* M %*

Vestee Suits Low as lA Value Boya' Clothing Dept . 2nd floor.

About 2 0 0 Vestee Suits, 3 to 10 Years, in. plain cheviots and fancy worsteds, blacks, blues, reds, and mixtures, well made; regular prices $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4 50,. $5.00 and $6.00; odds and1 ends offered Saturday 8:30 a, m. till 12,

choice... ^ . . . . $ I B 4 " 5 P

K Wash Goods Specials.

At the Department.

5c ;32-inch Woven Striped Madras and Double-

fold Nubbed Suiting; good variety, value 10c yard, Saturday 8:30 a. m. til 12, yard

32 inches Heavy Prints; garnet grounds only, designs in white. 10c value, ""J A Saturday 8:30 a. m. till 12, yard . . . M U

100 Pieces Silk Embroidered Crapes . . . Penang Silks . . . Lace Stripes and Em­broidered Striped Mousseline de Sole;

_ all solid colors: Never sold less than 35c and formerly a t 50c yard; Saturday 8:30a. m. till 12, * J A .

"Trixy." The Latest... Music Dept.. 2nd Floor.

500 Copies "Tr ixy" Two-Step—A clever composition by a local composer; regu­lar price 23c. Saturday, 8:30 4 R A a. m. till 12, per copy I O w

Nickel Plated Shears... Notion Dept.

6 to 9 inches long; regular low price 17c; Saturday, 8:30 a. m. till 12, f ft#*

All Silk Taffeta Ribbons... Nicollet Arcade.

Plain colors and cream, white and black, 8 and 3J inches wide. Regular prices 15c and 1 8 c . . . Saturday, 8.30 a. m. un­til 12, c 4 Q 1 A yard, 1 0 c and • 6 2 v

Black Hand Bags... Leather Goods Dept

Made of Monkey and Walrus Grain Leather, leather covered frames, leather handles; fitted with purse. Regular $1.00 values; Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, J& Q A each *W*9%*

Sterling Silver Thimbles... "* Jewelry Dept . . Arcade.

AH sizes; Saturday .8:30 a. inv i - 4fe A 'til 12, each / . *.'. € f O

Women's Imported Hose at Half... Main Floor.

Women's Imported Fancy Hose, full regular made and full fashioned, in round about stripes in all colors, also polka dots, and embroidered boots, regular 25c values, Saturday 8:30 A pairs A C ^ a . m . til 12 & for. . fiOG

Spring Suits, Jackets, Shirt Waist Suits ^nmTzJawawmmmBawawmSa^Emm nHaoamnanM wnwmMammaawnMmmm*anw*w*mnmmnmc*wmnmm ^atma^m^a^aaa^a^mm^am ammnmmawmamaam^amamma^m a^mawaaaw^amamma^amm

Second Floor... Fifth Street. and Children's Coats... The thought to save is predominent in nearly every woman. We offer these unmatched oppor­

tunities. All garments are new... this season's productions...in the late models, and favorite fabrics; altered to fit when necessary.

Saturday the choosing will be better than later.

$25 Suits Misses ,

$33 75 Suits, Women's and Misses' at .

Spring Suits PRICES REDUCED $13 60 Suits, Women's and

Aliases at . . . . . . $17 50 Suits, TV omens and

Misses at $21 50 Suits, Women's and

Mi3ses at . . . . . . . . Women's and

*4.75 Women's and Misses* Jackets

Covert Jackets, Women s and Misses' at • . .

Covert Jackets, Women a and Misses' at

Covert and Silk Jackets, Women s and Misses , at . . .

Covert and Silk Jackets, Women's and Misses' at .—.

Covert and Silk Jackets, Women's and Misses* at . . . .

$21 50 Covert Jackets, reduced to

$23 00 Covert Jackets, reduced to

.. S6.95 SI 2.50 $15.00 $19.50 9,2


$5.00 $6.75 $8.75

$10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $19.50

Shirtwaist Suits Vew Silk Shirt Waist

Suits, at New Silk Shirt Waist

Suits at . . . New Silk Shirt Waist

Suits at New Silk Shirt Waist

Snits at New Silk Shirt Waist

Suits, at New SUk Shirt Waist

Suits at . . . .

$12.50 $13.75 $16.50 ,18.50 20.00 25.00

Children's Coats and Dresses Children a Coats, 6 to 14

vears, at Children's Coats, 6 to 14

years at . Children's Coats, 6 to 14

vears at Children's Silk Coats, 6 to

14 years at Children's Dresses, at $ 1 1 . 5 0

ind down to Children's Cravenette Coats, at

S l O and down to Children s Suits, at

$ 1 9 5 0 and down to

„,'Mm^^MA^^ *Ate & ^ 2

Things Needed About fee Home... Ice Cream Freezers, Alaska,'

the best made; guaranteed to do better work than any other freezer made.

1-qt.size . S I . 7 5 2-qt. size $ 2 . 2 5 S-qtsize 3 2 . 7 5 4-qt size . . . . S 3 . 2 5 6-qt size 8 4 . 2 5

Sizes to 25-qt, proportionately low. Glacier Refrigerators are the

best made and best ice savers money can buy All hard­wood, heavy brass locks and hinges. Prices always right.

No. 498 — 30-lb ice ca­pacity, our $ C QQ low price ^ . V O

Jlo. 499 —45-lb ice ca­pacity, our C f i E f t low price « P O . O V

No 500—50-Ib. ice ca-

No. 601 —65-lb. ice ca­pacity, onr C I O S(\ low price . * l f t i W

1 burner.

Double OB Stoves , like cat . $1.49

Ovens for gasolene or oil stoves; the best asbestos lined.

1 burner s i z e . . . . $ 1 . 7 6 2 burner size $ 2 . 4 8

Gasoline Stoves 1 b u r n e r . . . . . . * . $ 2 . 2 5

2 burner $ 3 . 4 8 3 b u r n e r . . . . . . . . $ 4 . 7 9

Bine Flame Ofl Stoves . . . $ 4 . 2 5 I 2 burner, Sat. only..$5.26-'

Gas S t o v e s ^ 1 burner a t T ~ 1 5 o 2 8 c 4 5 0 ' ^ 2 burner $ 1 . 3 9 | 3 burner $ 1 . 6 9 G a r d e n Hose, o n l y

t h e b e s t here. None but guaran­teed goods sold^ by us. 50 feet Guaranteed

Hose with brass nozzle and hard­wood reel complete

$5.00 #»<**-*

Bicycle Sundries and Baseball Supplies.

These Special Prices for only

Bridgeport Bicyc le Pedals , extra strong . Saturday pair

Adjustable Handle Bars, heavy nickel p l a t e d . . S a t . .

Extens ion Handle Bars . . Special Saturday

Full Leather T o e - c l i p s . . urday, pair

U. S Bicycle Wrench, each .»

Graphite, best on earth, st ick

In Arcade Basement. Saturday


69c 65c 85c 10c 10c

. . . . t o Bicycle T i r e s . . . "Powers' Spec ia l '

s ingle tube, a soft, tough, l ive -rub­ber t ire , a quality never before put in this pricG tires a i C A ~ Special price, e a c h . . . . , « . „ . , $ | B Q | J

Cigars... Smokers find w h a t they w a n t here,

and at lower prices than elsewhere for same qualit ies

Berriman B r o s / Genuine Factory Smokers , Guaranteed H a v a n a fllled Jobber's price $70 00 per M, our special price, bpx of 5 0 for $ 3 OO

Lopez La Espartana, clear H a v a n a , the 3-for-a-quarter s ize , here, each 5 c B o x of S O for . $ 2 5 0

All 10-cent Cigars imported and domest ic here, 3 for 2 5 e B o x of 5 0 for $ 3 7 5

"For Luck," c lub-house shape, spe ­cial box of 5 0 for 9 8 c

Wlnecke &. Doerr's A-1 Cigar Clip­pings, extra spec ia l . , l ess * than w h o l e s a l e . , lb . . . . ' 2 0 o

Sanitary Meat Department... Under management of

Witt Bios. Nicollet Arcade and 5th St.

Entrances. We Sell Exactly What We Advertise.

Boiling Beef, lb. 3 c Rib Boiling Beef, l b . , . 4 c Chuck Roasts, lb . 7 c Pot Roast, lb 1 0 c Rolled Roast (no bone), l b . . . 1 2 & o Rib Roast (standing), lb 12J4c Sirloin Steak, l b . . . • . . . „ . . 1 4 c Porterhouse Steak, l b . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 c Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. ^ . , , . . . . 7 c

DAIRY DEPARTMENT* ^ Ferndale Creamery Butter, «P

1-lb. bricks.* v . . . 2 6 e Ferndale Creamery Butter,

5-lb. j a r s $ 1 . 3 0 Fancy Brick Cheese, lb 1 S c Full Cream Cheese, lb. 1 0 c

TELEPHONES: ! DELIVERIES N. W.-Main 1237-1275. Twin City—86-116 I To all parts of the city.

* <-1? r

I i


Miscellaneous Books... '•: Book Section.

About 7 0 0 Volumes Miscellaneous Books, Saturday 8:30 a. m. 'til 12, 4k A ^ to close, choice • K& \*

Toilet Water Specials... Perfume Shop.

Williams' Swiss Violet and Swiss Lilac Toilet Water; 6-ounce bottle. Saturday, 8:30 a. m. till 12, O f c * » , bottle V 9 C

I9c 29c

Baseball Supplies—The largest and most complete line shown in the city, from the lowest priced up to the \ e r y best A special on our catching mitts , Saturday only.

Boys ' al l - leather 25c Jcind . Special, each ,

Boys ' al l - leather 39c k i n d . . Special, each ,

Boys' and young men's size mi t t s , wi th all the latest improvements , made of tough leather, 50c k i n d . . . A A . Special Saturday —W «f C

Men's large s ize mitts , w i t h all the latest improvements , the bes t work­manship, made of the bes t stock, the $125 k i n d . . . Special 7 C A Saturday - » . . . . . I D C $150 kind . .Spec ia l Sat $ 1 OO $198 k i n d . . . S p e c i a l S a t . - . . . $ 1 5 0

Groceries... Always a t lowes t prices Note tlfe

Specials for Saturday. Powers X X X X Flour, 98-lb. r

sack $ 2 - 5 0 Navy Beans, special per pt 7 C

Finest Japan Rice, spl per l b . . . . 5 Q

Finest Carolina Head Rice, special per lb . . . * . 8 c

Extra large California Prunes , special per lb . . 8 c

Fancy California Apricots, l b . . . l 2 ! / 2 e Wisconsin Swee t Corn, can . . . . . . 8 c Dozen cans . . . S O c Standard Tomatoes , per can. 8 c Pumpkin, 3-lb can, special . . . . . . 8 c Holllday W a x Beans , regularly

15c, special, can . . . 1 2 c

? 4

L i v e H E A D Q U A R T E R S F O R F A N C Y , F R E S H D R E S S E D P O U L T R Y .

Poultry received daily from our country shippers. v :^,., ?-Nice Plump Fowl, lb 16c | Young Chickens, lb . / ! .*?.S.160

SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. Pork Butt Roast, lb 8 0 Pork Loin Roast, lb 9 c Pork Sausage, lb 9 o Veal Roast, lb 1 0 o 1 2 ^ c Veal Chops, lb 1 2 & e Veal Steak, lb I B o Veal Stew, lb 7 o Minn. Lamb Legs, lb . . . . 1 9 c Minn. Mutton Legs, lb 1 2 c

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Pineapple, extra large, each. . . 1 8 c Asparagus, original bunches,

2 for , . 2 5 c Wax Beane, lb 9 o Cucumbers, home grown,

2 for 2 5 c S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given with Cash Purchases and Telephone

C. O. D. Orders.


<K D. l .c t iv . Pag.
