v v- srftf at, no. rakway, union county, n. j., tuesday ... · tufts gave a vqry inttireaunii wad-...

Mijfc*,'-•• - • ,.•••• _ - -• -'.• .• . * S B .•" BBB' V^i-i'." .-jfiSfa.: ' Ha - ' ^ 1 - - - -vi- • * ^B -=i-a* - ^ ^ - — — — - = ^ - " < • •• —< * ^™ "™ ••• '*'••• ~ '• ••••' ' '••'•:•'.':'• -S •.^' il '''^^V,V;<r'";;; ; f^;^jiil^!M -.:•• •-•• : ' ' : % Sfcsocate V " " V- SRftf At, NO. RAKWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 23, tratrr PRICE TWO CENTS I A n&asast stasHa* party was ten- <*ev«& Hr*. HL B~ JQ&Bsi&a, of 134Hoaa- street. on Satarday eve-stag 1 by a of raero&er* of Pirlde of Cnloa ' Cxxracfl. X©» fT» Daughter* of Liberty, in cele&raslca of her htrttday. A we£5 &w<Br3i3ed j r o g n i b was carried oot. cardk, music aad Ctwiaiiftfrle latent WIDE RANGE W <Stt&*XB*> CQI "" ent ef anumber of Eumdaonw and vain- . |: aoite tokiKbs> of thm aanrnsrsiiry. A www g |i those awfiseat werfe; 3Cr*. St. Jo&nscc : of TraacOB; Mrs. X WcSaUaiV Warn jj«anjft«ae 3leIi»U*j&-of. ITaSo* 881: [ Mrs- F. G. Sorter. Mrs. "at" -A- Tomer. Star, and Mrs. N. P, Browen Mr* JL &; LoSferse. M^- and llr*. John Reiser. Mw- JcxwevJi Hof?min. 3tsrsL H. C HuIL Mrs. A. B. Bultaan. MJw i$e£tt* Lea*. | ' Horn* SxeeUent progress was shown Frt- ; day afternoon at the meeting of Ut« Mra. i Home Reading Club held Walter C. TcrriB at the- home of Henry M Woodrtttt or M seminary •*««». in the plan* being mode ftw SafeSam*Natifabl Prepare Dtta j Federation of Women** CLuSw. and i hav* Invited the tnefisbeta of th« Ctrtc f Club and the Athenian Club to par- \ ticinate In the event. The function NUTS AND BUCKS Fran Pitersaa Site Tastsseay at Hen's \ "Riiwsy FraiUi" WHi *. decftamaoces and r««ttatloi» J ittaaie Satter. M>. and XBgk School at the bi-weekty meeting' featd on Friday afternoon. of the Wfeoste Idferaxy Society tner« were debates f •«B the »abi*ct. "Beaotved. that the Al-1 1 ••*•" S&oold Accept G«rraanya Peace.|was teadar«d a oo Friday evening at ot Mr. and Ur*. Ample** sararfse part? " A different decision was-[ by a large cerapaay of yonag people. by the two codetlo*. Section | The dm« waa happily and JL deciding; in favor of the .negative, \ putiratf with games. osuatc aad refresh^ wfeC« Section B deeded Es favor of [ meats: the musical features t&e affirmative. The affirmative tn [ piano selections by Hiss Dora Scheike Section A * u up&eld by Harold Bar- r &ad Miss SJara lin Starah. •cad Bajrrey Wooster. the latter wia- The were Paul Elliott. SranJc Holltass and Fred Bauer. Is Section B the afflrmmtlvw tide was by Samuel Ferster and *• Solomon Isesb«rs. whBe Alexander Christopher and Sad the charch on Friday afternoon. Feb. 9. •"Beaton" was the topic' for Friday** meeting and a s excellent resdtns was ^ ^tno routine of the meeting. r --of was argued by George Toms [ Wtmmer. Marion the former paly Th* jadses tn Section B- were Brown. WQliafia Yucsssas aad Johs Scheik*. Clara Greenberg. Olga. Peter- son. Slargaret WTnMor. Margaret He- Laugh lla. Florence Walch. Grace Pearl Ffesans. Senneth DunSteU. Ar- thur Jardot. Carl Sc&weltaer. Samuel Greenberg* John Knddy. Fay Wolf. Everett Boolton. Edsaond Hopper. Vic- tor Gaskfil. Prank A Tm aw . Donald Fa- Anton ScheBte, George Pagans. Albert Fagana* Mr. and 3£rs. Anipleas Faacana. other parts of the procraas la [ Section A of the Webster Society In- . c£ad«d an eosay, ~^thm tfaHwg at a I GOB.* Everett Alden; BiSTHOAY CELEBRATED in honor of her stxty-etxth birthday reading, i anniversary aCr*. Ida Scfeweltxer. or afoatgomery street, was given a rsiockmdiiiE a Port.** Harrey Wooater; [ recitation. "The Serenade." Samuel [ pleasant sorprise party on Friday eaay, *Tffsan«r» aad Customs of , nIn C b y the "Jolly Slevea.** The time \ social hour and refreshments followed Enjoyabta 3«clat Tjiirtiytet by Active Tader the aus&>K>es ot the Not* Bucks- Bowiisx CZttifc of K-ew Tiwk. social fatderlnx waa 11*1*1 Tmtaro-xykX 23< Jac ra«*. oo Sanintay eirenliK. Tae club - aictored to this city and Join«i by \A local friend* proof-o^cd to carry oat a and pl«a*ing proffram. A } dinawr waa «rved by Mr and ilr*. Tatarcaky to which th* cath«rtnc : - ; did ample Justtee. The entvrtainm«nt j ««.—.—-^7__._ ._ i pnscrsdB consisted of. soa» »«ry nsals*.' EFFECTIVE ADDRESSES BI - ortii y «««• fe y ou " r 3Xorrj»on. atio oredUubl« rocal i*l«ctloaa by Joon ' IVflWvrQ ff IrtP I* I ITPftTfW 'WttklnsoB. Thomas Sca«lb*c3t. Wtt-j VtHfiKa» UiWE- CAJtrJlireif ! llam Clark. Thomas Uottlton and Smll ', = _^_ d«llsht«d •-.••3*2 Past t&e GIFTS FOR XAHAMR AS© tn the ab- i of the tertea c( m«oi satherinxv h«M kii!p on* of h.iatory of to start oa Fsb Ptrst Vice-president Strs. Walter C. TerTtUjfor the Wwlgle «yaag«UsUc cam^ijca had charge of the mwuujt. OUWJ {present were: Mrs. Henry M Wood- » moat eajoyttbl« tny^J* ; tMOt workers to lae campaign club and add«d anccn«r $100,0*30 for a new T. XL C A. ^to th*ir «eri«« of fun-c- r i,,. H«M tfl Ca 11. took place a; .arch. Sunday aft*r- ' c a goodly number gath<rr^d'; Tftomaa 3ch*Ibeck. Oliver ^ r ^^ : _iT^ eii *^L ^ *5* e WSJ not «T«O sCagv^g- t&e deadred goal was S. H Shervood. Ulas Irene White. X£r»- A. B. Wilson, and Sirs. Charles T. Gunn. Athenian Club At the meetlns of the Athenian Club held on Friday afternoon at the home despite the storm and llsteaed to some timely testimony from ceos«crst*d Jworkera from Patersca-. wbo "hiT the I trail"* during BlUy Sunday** treat cam- paign In that city. The vttittiLj ~2tL F. QUINN " Re-elected Prea't. Board *wf Trad* Steady progress in the preliminary efforts the to have made navigable was » DoekaC BwOde» the deavte i tocial I roes^ asid Isstrts- B there v » as easay. "Tfe» | aientmt nittatc and a :ii~he prliktopai ; fJTBsfnu, Hade by t&e HudsoH Aotomobtle/* E3r wood Wright. C. Sheridan served as by nngUwfti *ad cake. of a umnliier ef tadOdtoe s , She also recef»«& of Old Hickory Sodety-r-Debate, salvod. that tae United States Should [ cathorlng. fateryene with Meilco.** afirmatlve. Praser and Bruce Cook: nega- Nathan Yuckman and Fred Tom* and cpasratolatory goodly number of Meads besidee thoae who participated in- tne social decision In favor of negative; Miss Gladys Helmstadter. Miss Harriot Brown, S. Albert Harned; talk. "The National Guard." Walter Mllnea; recitation, "Know the Fellow." Charles Hopidna; readtne. "Hotfoot after VlUa." Henry Crosby; essay. "Mexico and Preparedness," Walter Ritchie; «jitic Kenneth Stmmen. PhilomaUiean. Section A—Debate, "Resolved, that the Electoral College fiheaM be AboUahed and the President Elected by the Direct Vote of the Peo- ple;" affirmative. Miss Ruth Ramsey mud Mi*» B^nlly SUdmorer U^es Dorothy Marah*nd Mies Minnie Softer; decision tn favor of negative four points to three; judges. Miss Doris Howard. Mian Rose Harrigan and Wins Mary tmier; essay, "T&o Eloetoral College," Miss Marforfe Fireman; reading. '"The Father r " Mfos —Catiiartne—Bra fly; OP WM. The funeral of WflUanv SXcGurkin. agad 28, of 34 East MUton avenue, was largely attended at St. Mary's church oa Saturday morning. A high mass of requiem was celebrated by Sev. Father Sexton. Selections were rendered by tae children's choir. The bearers were Patrick McCue, James Keeshan, Thomas Sullivan. Philip Sullivan. Ed- ward L- Kearney and Thomas Pollard. Thoro . were many,, handsome , floral tributes from relatives and friends, including- one marked "Son." another "Brother" and a third ::At Rest." besides a goodly number of other .pieces, including one from the Quintet Rah way river indicated last evening at the meeting of the Board of.. Trade when considerable Interest and enthusiasm were shown fn the project and further steps were taken to bring about the ultimate success ot t h e plan-. Gpon nw«3fflv of EMward gr Savage. President Quian was author- ised to appoint a committee of tores A. Overton. Mrs. William J-Mrs- JW, A . EaiuUetci otoyias a coinpetSBt pers&ft ax a coat: of not more t£tan (100 tcuL)rocur» s a m e aad make It ready tax sti&ulatfeti\ Ueotenant Colonel C. I t AtcKlMsttx, 6t the Third" DIctrfct Untlefl States' Hn- gineer Office, War Department. Upon this data will be determined whether of not Cosgreas will make an appro- priation for the work. - ~ The remarks and motion by Mr. Savage followed the reading of a letter tronrxre^rtenttnt" Colonel Old Man and Jim." MIso E>a Schect- sno; talk, ."How Old U Man?" Miss Xnes Thompson; critic; Edwards and Miss Edith Anderson. lomathoan. Section B—Debate. joolved, that the "Electoral" College Should Be Abolished and that the President of the United States Should -fee—Elected by a Circle, of which the sister of the deceased is a member. Interment was InSt. Mary's -cemetery. The funeral was In charge of Thomas F. Hlgglns; Jr., of Bl&abetn. MACCAQEE3 was a delightful social oes- Rithway Review, No. 14, Wo- man's Benefit Association of Macca- bees. on Friday-evening at the home of Mrs. ,Mary Frank, of Eaoes People;'* afflnnatlve. Mies BeHa Smith and Miss Bllxaboth Burden; negative, Mary Zlemba. antf Mlas EUaabeth- Jeffries; decision in favor of afn^aa- tlve five points to two*, judges, Htsr| Sodto BarteUa, W** Vera AUmdv UIIB Gertrude Casey; reading- "A ChrletmaB Hatch,** HUs Zelma KoMhade; talk, rBleetoral MlBfl Charlotte Hattift; -When Grandfather Was. a_ Little J5oy^t ICIss Helen White; eaeay. '"fftc Life of the Haldmo8, >r Misa. Antonla Glnfrida; erttle^Mlss Vb-glsa Farr. ;.; : : Hypatlan, Sftctlou A^DGbato^ *TR©- «olv©4 that the Training Afforded by th«t-,PJsBiic Schools: JB Superior to that t^ct.ijyiPHyftte^ScIiooifl; r r : Miss Ellxabeth'Helmo and Miss Margaret Gallagher; negative. Irene Ltidlum and. MIBB EllEBbath Tut- ! Mnt"aecIiIb^^Tf&vin^^ street. 3Tle~tIme- passed.- qutckly r with, ar pleasing .program of social diver* slono, incoldlng vocal antf Instrumental music, danctaff and refreshments. Among the notable musical numbeve Klug and piano numbers by Miss Tda King and. Mfoa Kathsrlne JTVanlc which was as follows: "Referring to my letter of Dec. 26, Informing you that the report on the survey of Rah- way river would not have to be sub- mitted until July 1. 1917, I beg to remind you that It will taka consider- able time to digest.. you may send me and report, and that the end year Is largely taken up wtth •Vptk on our annual reports. Anything yo^zisay have to submit relating to- the Railway river should accordingly be received here by May U I shall be glad to re- ceive anything, which seems to you. to throw light on the advisability of ex- pending federal money on this Im- provement. "The moat useful information would be: 1. The kind and tonnage of com moditlea received and shipped by rail which in the opinion of dealers and manufacturers would be diverted from roll to water If the river improvement were carried out. 2. Points, of origin and destination of these comoradltle*- in each case. 3. Present roll rates of Mrs- Herbert P. SCoonuy. of >J«w | *»«? comprised George Arnold. W13- Church street, the study of Taej 11 *** *>- Ptom* Edo Van WlakU. acrf Philippines" waa continued, Mrs. John j Isa » c McCruai. or Pmwrwo; E. L. . Tufts gave a vqry inttireaUnii wad- • ^aUfff-aaqV-Haafty iJoot. o* N«vark: tag relative to^ "Trade and Internal De- A^ *«ept the latter took part la tne neut" and Mrs, E. B- Slater gave ! »rvlce. a splendid reading on -Influences To- j Atter th« meeOntT had b««o called ward Faipino Disunion." to place of j to o" 1 *"' *>y Henry M. Woodruff taere Mrs. Thompson Thorn. Mrs. John A- • *»» «in«tB«"or t&e lively bymn. The Overton led the discussion of cvtscent , events. The next meeting wiU be held at the home of Mrs. C. Seymour Bush. ef- West Milton avanne. Among those present were: President Mrs, W. A. Ransom. Mrs. Walter B. Oowell. Mr«- C. H. Dleckman, Mrs. Karl H«is*n- berg. Mrs. John J. Hoffman. Mrs. Oeorige B. MacWalnney. Mrs. J. C. Meliok. Mrs. R- K. Donglu* Mrs. Joan LACSIHI. Emil Dour. Jovepo Kin- »ler !->^}<i Dour. Aar-on KInsler Cls*rt« H-esaloa. of New York, Thomas ilotil- con. Emll Ballw«g. WllUam Madden. FVe<J Reik«r O G. Hoazland. William Htlb^rt. MTI- T&omas Nolan and Mr Mr*. O'swajd Tatsrcxyk. of tai* I Ramway 1B a slXKlay tn«lr «n«rgetic efforts Up » llw for o-lo«in« the eamDalzn Friday aigkt and poshed the total to jfftteCteoOy JlOT.iwo. of co be exact $liM»fl8sJ3l The raising of tals maxmlflceat sttsl 3ai been a revelation to aU the Pearson. W. S. Scott, Mrs. Joan II. Tufts. Mrs. James Mrs. S. Saymocr Bush. Mrs. S.-B. Slater and Hra. H. F. SXooney. that as the project did not concern Railway alone, bat tteint #ix«a£ deal the .th«atht b» haadled-to Il«entirety by a oflli«v«d:thJittitwoold be advfeable to torm a Rah way improvement Association with mem* bers from Roosevelt, Linden, Wood- bridge and Rahway. In order to seenre the neceasary data referred to in Mr. thcaght PtSfet is CnC foliowed by prayer by tJ»* R«v. B - 8 . Oowcroft pastor- ot] tlfe FUss, JlethodfSt courch. after which "I Am Praying for You" wsa sung. Mr Woodrutr then asked Mr. Van Winkle, of the visting delegation to take- 1 charge of the meeting and a most profitable and inspiring season of personal testimony of religious ex- perience followed, the visitors giving many details of now they bad been led to consecrate their lives to Christ. "The Results to Me of Hitting toe Trail" was the lo&lc under which Mr. Van Winkle reviewed his experiences tn an original and characteristic way that itrock a vital chord m the aqdl- CO»M1TTE.ES At the meeting of Barry Women's Relief Corps held last night Presi- dent ilri Albert Papirnilt announced committee appointments for year as follow*; Relief. Mra. Josena Martin. Mrs- Airah Van VUet. JIr». Mary B. h Peck. Mrs. Harry Van Pelt. Mrs. ! AIOQXO Van Pelt; exwutive committee Mm. Richard Stephen. Mlsa Cornelia B. Putnam. Mra, Effl* Pullen. Mra. Jesse Vanderhoven. Miss Ethal Law- rence: auditing committee, Mrs. Alvah Van Vllec Mrs. Clarence Oliver, Un. Josse Vanderhown; home employ- ment. Mrs. Richard Stephens. Mra. Alonso Van Pelt, Mrs- Frederick Wag- however. tSe reoebed as only $4SUT were lackls< ot the tlOA.900 oa TaSTw-' day nltfit. Keen Rivalry to tfee Flnlah Toat the friendly rivalry betwsaam the teams continued until ts# Isstt moment Is ahowa by the fitet that several of the pennants changed &ftlbqT*v on the last ntgnx- Is PreeooIdW Baa> dolna'a Division A tbm pennant for t te day went to Captain William BUSK, of Team i. Harold L. Sohtaison's ZHvltftatt B Hada close race, taw team f p f insst by A. W. Frame aad called T*«a T ttwk the pennant. Team Now U» ner. Mrs. Harry Van Pelt! Uisa Lena | ****** ^ S^dw T»» CoaMlaal confwrace, Mrs. «aretscw i Sa«ene Millar waltasd off «US. OUver. Mrs. William U Bodlne. Cornells; B. Put Mrs: Joseph- Mar- letter Mr- that it would be advisable to employ a competent person for thirty days on the work and suggested that Secretary Elliott might be able to undertake the work. Mr. Savage said 1 that the mem- bers of the board would be surprised at the amount of tonnage available. "The government wants to see If we are alive and actually need the help' asked for." Plan Industrial Exposition Another Important step for advanc- ing the welfare of Rahway was the suggestion that an industrial exposi- tion be held this spring in some cen- tral, place suitable for the purpose. The idea wair advanced by Mr. Savage and met instant approval by the other members of the board. "I don't think the people as a whole have any Idea what we have here In Rahway,"said Mr; Savage; who then called attention once and held- the closest fiw told 1Hat-iaaat hapw i v e way how h«; aid for a qtfflb«t- pt ywars straght oaly the high and lively spots, hut ta*t ho had not really began to live until e bad accepted Christ and become real, on-tbe-level Christian. He sold that the things worth while In life ore niy obtained by giving the heart to Chrtst- He strongly emphasised the fflcacy of prayer. •*Ye must b* bora again" the word* f Chrtst to Nlcodemu* was the theme upon which George Arnold spoke. At- er showing the need of the Christ-lilt© spirit he then laid stress upon the value of prayers, united church effort and the proper use of money. WllUam 0- Plumb, whe baa aarved- or a number of years on the Board of Education and Tax Commission In 'aterson, told of bis early experiences n the United States Navy and that or forty years he had not been tn a church except to a funeral He em- phasized the great responsibility rest- ng on Christian men. > E. L. Lasher In a -clean-cat, straight- forward way told how he had never paid any attention to religious matters and sought the gay life Instead and portrayed the great change that be to the goodly number of promfiient~|1felt~tou^talran-plase- witiUn-nlnr after- he had "hit the trail** daring the Billy Sunday meetings. His words were, particularly forceful and appealed these commodities: *TBfltnna- ted water'rates on these commodltleir. "These figures should be baaed on the supposition that, a channel twenty- jljra fanf Hnap In tn ha pi«ftvlifad ' firms bealdes many smaller ones. He advocated appointment of four com- mlttooa, one ageneral committee, con- sisting of five members; another a committee for securing location, con- •Slating of three members; the third ffanntv Mfg. Mllgfthftth nf Jersey City; Un. Sehunsbefg and JOss Florence Schunebepff. and tfrs. Sidney Plnkham, of Colonlft; Mrt. Don C. King; MIBB Ida King, Mrs. Mary and Mlas Katherine Prank, of WIN MORE LAUREL* handsome silver loving cap was added to- their notable list of by the American. Fife «ad Arthur Kill to the new proposed pool- tSon ot the Sound Shore bridge, and twelve feet deep-thence to Milton ave* nue, Rahway.' On account of the aar> shoalHBBB of ths: river above Milton avenue and the addi- tional- fact that rock Is found in the bed of the stream lnthat reach, it-will be Inadvisable to carry any ment above Milton aveauB. _I ani- pre- [ pared to make- the" personal canvas* necessary to obtain: the comiHOfcial In- fotmation ^aboyo to If It luur not already bean begun by you. bist the Staton lalan* Boand peep; Water- antf^ HJ latorested '"The flgnrfisohUlued as the only to th« amtmnt of baiUseiB whTeh ;:V Friday evening when V Aaythtor yaa points- to one; jodgca, Mraa Eva Hal- pert,, Mta»: yivlan' Andenon and Miss ^ ^ ^ midred Hohde; F^totloH. "The Little- Scottish Lawrence; ^ have to submit OH the ^ Ambey , pa^clpatod Ta the i:.Hdrace^vJ^. ; tuff i^ for your b^Uet Uittt thl« addl- ^rf^|ptt»Bj^i(j? •.•^~; •?•:- for advertising and publicity, consist Ing of three member* and the fourth In charge v of the proper display of the various articles to consist of five men wav name these committees and have them report at the February meeting of the at once eueeeitted that the palga at the eonur Campb«U street would be a H u e pJae© for the affair and that tt eould atf> doubtedly be ««oured -after the* close of the ev&nseUstlo terrlcev OH March approval. It was estUnsted that the exijositioa would not cost the board morB than $2B0. ft was coiuldered th&t it-would mean a dty awakening: offlcera ^^ ; ^p^rt:~bt?^^raJa^Hirl;^o^ !§• ,v.o^d : ;;'op^^for^tei»::«i torir*;^5Se)itV raefc^Ke^ftJllbw*^ President, M. F, Qulmi; : SJ^eyvj^rgi^. : .OT^tary| . ._ ^;iHU^;^trj»ttBur^ ^rictoMSh^^^JoHa^!^ tin. Sirs. Sarah Lynch- Two proposals for m«mbersbip were received during Tffa eVenlhtf- THo begua and «U1 be contlnoed for *ev- era* meeting*. CONCtRY AT ILOCRAN CLUlt The members of the Ild«r«n Outlay Club are looking forward with pleasant anticipation to the recital to be given by the Aeolian Players, of New York City, an Friday evening. This Is the second appearance of these players In Rahway. their first redtaT astvlng been proclaimed exceptionally good. Toe program on Friday will be entirely different from the one given before, and besides the regular features, will Include selections by Robert J. Toedt. violinist. Mr. Toedt will play, among other things. Berceuse, and Humor- esque, by Aulln. and L'AbeUle, by Schubert. At the conclusion of the recital, dancing will be held until after mid- night. OUd^rsleeve'u orchestra, of New Brunswick, will supply the music. Besides the members and friends of the nderan Club guests will be present from Metnchen and New Brunswick. honors in Slayer Harry sftm^ia*m^ SfcV Tislfln C The winder* hot race by Tt*ra* 13 h«A<d«d fcy forxaer Exdse Coamisaloner John H. th« first six-day sport the diVisioa not held by ChalruuB B, uoyor Sirhrtwme* IMvtstea baatlng thea oat 1B elea* r*c*. Campaign that •ion captaiaa sad dtHslsn •secured the greatest oaoaats t«-i ta* Hsrol* the *«fiHip«ifw Of csofvsv Robinson's dlvtHoti woa which beyqaesi thm pattaanaafc erty of Sir. aoBlHson. tn BC^HsiasVA' the winning team captain was BUs*; Is Division B, WHllani sea, Jr.; InSlvldea C. Sassaa team, and In Divides U Orttm's ttjsuu. IstBa It Is worthy of acts that there PLAN© POR ASSeMBUV BALL The entertainment comWltee of the nderan Club 1 are mairing 'extensive plans for the annual Assembly ball* only aevea daUiUf* the- aafiOQntS MBDld by Df. team and Hhat of 8. 8. Paifsooa. view of this fact Catupalgfi Heckentmry also aw«tfd*d «. tolTr. the Feb. 9. The McKee Orcaeatra; of strongly to the audience. The various talks were- interspersed with some splendidly rendered solos by Isaac McCrum. soloist at the Weiit- minster Presbyterian church'. Pater- son, whose singing elicited much favorable eommeat. He oanr **Wh»Fe -Tonight^-^aki 5 : moat Feraoaded" and "Perfect Day," The closing prayer was mada by tha Rev. P. CK MerrlHriHWter cf the BaptUt churcb, ;._: \ _ New YorkCIty. hie been ensued to | rte| B*todto,« supply the music Frank McKee, lead- er of the orchestra. U the author of "Emnoralda," "CecUe." and other well- known waltEGB, and the McKee Or- chestra furnUtiea tho mnilc for theff records for the Vlctrola CompaavV The Uderon Club'has been fortunfttet In securing music of such esceptToa- 1 . >nr high SOCIAL GATHERING Aa enjoyable social gatherteg witr ins which a number of •ttft*tae*»^ aprunff. Edward K. Coae, Ji the ese<md^ GJfflmlttee seated a magnlflaat bou4»4*t John-W =-.W;S B\..)yi.>'^i' made by Arthur R. the sembors of the_ rnlttee. Oeaerol Secretary John A. ma at 3.30 o'clock: will be held at the Trinity Methodist church and the speaker will be the Her. Philip B. Strong; of Plolafleld, who is on at- tractive gpeakeg. Til music. There will be- WliSTMINrrER GtUILB MHKT» AH Intw^tin** sfliMon of th« We*t- nildtter Goild ot tfisPlHit the Home <sf Kin UUdrad Wralkkt, of is tralou street. The WuHy o£ ' 'h XJvlag. Christ for Eotln continued with readings from-« held: on Sunday evening at the Home of Mr. and Mr*. L«oHard 8«uot«, Rntherferd street, where aaile and re- freahnienu were enjoyed* thoie preseat were: Mr. as A Urs. C. O. Kolb. Floreace and Charles Kislb, Mr. and Mra, Max Start* Mr. aud UVo. daughter. Derlf; Use Mlrae* Mary and JeaBHette Schufcts, Bertha Apgusta BrowB.^CJlttocd Worth. «uoe, Claire; Leoir and Waller ^ wa» noapluiaad by tU*» mo«tan4 crl action of tb» two hunttred 1 or the autorabna: « u Quietly tub«crlb«d per hour^by-tlip BM» and refreJhmentv followad the meeting; . The Oulld 19 endeavw- I t bHtl t tbte filed Ultcf part of the- weelt at the ofleruf the CCAIB^ regiatay 1 ' la lsabeUi' ware the fdnowfatr; Annie tiOnibardt dralrto Chester: C. «0Bth«rly.alde Broadway, wes- terly Bedford^atreet, Rahway ,,r. aad waa pfeseutsd a

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I A n&asast stasHa* party was ten-<*ev«& Hr*. HL B~ JQ&Bsi&a, of 134 Hoaa-

street. on Satarday eve-stag1 by aof raero&er* of Pirlde of Cnloa

' Cxxracfl. X©» fT» Daughter* of Liberty,in cele&raslca of her htrttday. A we£5&w<Br3i3ed jrognib was carried oot.

cardk, music aad

Ctwiaiiftfrle latent


<Stt&*XB*> CQI

"" ent ef a number of Eumdaonw and vain- .|: aoite tokiKbs> of thm aanrnsrsiiry. A www g|i those awfiseat werfe; 3Cr*. St. Jo&nscc: of TraacOB; Mrs. X WcSaUaiV Warnjj«anjft«ae 3leIi»U*j&-of. ITaSo* 881:[ Mrs- F. G. Sorter. Mrs. "at" -A- Tomer.

Star, and Mrs. N. P, Browen Mr* JL & ;LoSferse. M - and llr*. John Reiser.Mw- JcxwevJi Hof?min. 3tsrsL H. C HuILMrs. A. B. Bultaan. MJw i$e£tt* Lea*. |

' Horn*SxeeUent progress was shown Frt-

; day afternoon at the meeting of Ut«Mra.i Home Reading Club held

Walter C. TcrriB at the- home ofH e n r y M W o o d r t t t t or M seminary• * « « » . in the plan* being mode ftw

SafeSam*NatifablPrepare Dtta j Federation of Women** CLuSw. and

i hav* Invited the tnefisbeta of th« Ctrtcf Club and the Athenian Club to par-\ ticinate In the event. The function


Fran Pitersaa SiteTastsseay at Hen's \

"Riiwsy FraiUi" WHi *.

decftamaoces and r««ttatloi» Jittaaie Satter. M>. and

XBgk School at the bi-weekty meeting'featd on Friday afternoon.

of the WfeosteIdferaxy Society tner« were debates f•«B the »abi*ct. "Beaotved. that the Al-11••*•" S&oold Accept G«rraanya Peace.|was teadar«d a

oo Friday evening atot Mr. and Ur*. Ample**

sararfse part?" A different decision was-[ by a large cerapaay of yonag people.by the two codetlo*. Section | The dm« waa happily and

JL deciding; in favor of the .negative, \ putiratf with games. osuatc aad refresh^wfeC« Section B deeded Es favor of [ meats: the musical featurest&e affirmative. The affirmative tn [ piano selections by Hiss Dora ScheikeSection A * u up&eld by Harold Bar- r &ad Miss SJara

lin Starah.

•cad Bajrrey Wooster. the latter wia-The were Paul Elliott.

SranJc Holltass and Fred Bauer. IsSection B the afflrmmtlvw tide was

by Samuel Ferster and*• Solomon Isesb«rs. whBe Alexander

ChristopherandSad the

charch on Friday afternoon. Feb. 9.•"Beaton" was the topic' for Friday**meeting and as excellent resdtns was

^^tno routine of the meeting.r - - o f

was argued by George Toms [ Wtmmer. Marion

the former palyTh* jadses tn Section B- were

Brown. WQliafia Yucsssas aad Johs

Scheik*. Clara Greenberg. Olga. Peter-son. Slargaret WTnMor. Margaret He-Laugh lla. Florence Walch. GracePearl Ffesans. Senneth DunSteU. Ar-thur Jardot. Carl Sc&weltaer. SamuelGreenberg* John Knddy. Fay Wolf.Everett Boolton. Edsaond Hopper. Vic-tor Gaskfil. Prank A Tm a w . Donald Fa-

Anton ScheBte, George Pagans.Albert Fagana* Mr. and 3£rs. AnipleasFaacana.

other parts of the procraas la [Section A of the Webster Society In- .c£ad«d an eosay, ~^thm tfaHwg at a IGOB.* Everett Alden;

BiSTHOAY CELEBRATEDin honor of her stxty-etxth birthday

reading, i anniversary aCr*. Ida Scfeweltxer. orafoatgomery street, was given arsiockmdiiiE a Port.** Harrey Wooater; [

recitation. "The Serenade." Samuel [ pleasant sorprise party on Fridayeaay, *Tffsan«r» aad Customs of ,n I nC b y the "Jolly Slevea.** The time

\ social hour and refreshments followed

Enjoyabta 3«clatTjiirtiytet by ActiveTader the aus&>K>es ot the Not*

Bucks- Bowiisx CZttifc of K-ew Tiwk.social fatderlnx waa 11*1*1

Tmtaro-xykX 23< Jacra«*. oo Sanintay eirenliK. Tae club -aictored to this city and Join«i by \Alocal friend* proof-o^cd to carry oat a •

and pl«a*ing proffram. A }dinawr waa «rved by Mr and

ilr*. Tatarcaky to which th* cath«rtnc :- ; did ample Justtee. The entvrtainm«nt j

««.—.—-^7__._ . _ i pnscrsdB consisted of. soa» »«ry nsals*.'

EFFECTIVE ADDRESSES B I -o r t i iy «««• fey o u " r 3Xorrj»on. atiooredUubl« rocal i*l«ctloaa by Joon ' IVflWvrQ f f I r t P I* I ITPftTfW

'WttklnsoB. Thomas Sca«lb*c3t. Wtt-j VtHfiKa» U i W E - C A J t r J l i r e i f! llam Clark. Thomas Uottlton and Smll ', . « = _ ^ _


• - . • • 3 * 2

Past t&e


tn the ab- iof the tertea c( m « o i satherinxv h«Mkii!p

on* ofh.iatory of

to start oa FsbPtrst

Vice-president Strs. Walter C. TerTtUjfor the Wwlgle «yaag«UsUc cam^ijcahad charge of the mwuujt. OUWJ

{present were: Mrs. Henry M Wood-

» moat eajoyttbl« tny^J* ; t M O t workers to lae campaignclub and add«d anccn«r $100,0*30 for a new T. XL C A.to th*ir «eri«« of fun-c- r i,,.

H«M tfl Ca11. took place a;.arch. Sunday aft*r- ' c

a goodly number gath<rr^d'; Tftomaa 3ch*Ibeck. Oliver ^ r ^ ^ : _iT^eii*^L ^ *5*

e WSJ not «T«O • sCagv^g-

t&e deadred goal was

S. H Shervood. UlasIrene White. X£r»- A. B. Wilson, andSirs. Charles T. Gunn.

Athenian ClubAt the meetlns of the Athenian Club

held on Friday afternoon at the home

despite the storm and llsteaed to sometimely testimony from ceos«crst*d

J workera from Patersca-. wbo "hiT theI trail"* during BlUy Sunday** treat cam-paign In that city. The vttittiLj

~2tL F. QUINN "Re-elected Prea't. Board *wf Trad*

Steady progress in the preliminaryefforts theto havemade navigable was

» DoekaC BwOde» the deavte i tocial

Iroes^ asid Isstrts-

B there v » a s easay. "Tfe» | aientmt nittatc and a:ii~he prliktopai ;


Hade by t&e HudsoH Aotomobtle/* E3rwood Wright. C. Sheridan served as

b ynngUwfti*ad


of a umnliier eftadOdtoe s ,

She also recef»«&of

Old Hickory Sodety-r-Debate,salvod. that tae United States Should [ cathorlng.fateryene with Meilco.** afirmatlve.

Praser and Bruce Cook: nega-Nathan Yuckman and Fred Tom*

and cpasratolatorygoodly number of Meads besideethoae who participated in- tne social

decision In favor of negative;Miss Gladys Helmstadter. Miss

Harriot Brown, S. Albert Harned; talk."The National Guard." Walter Mllnea;recitation, "Know the Fellow." CharlesHopidna; readtne. "Hotfoot afterVlUa." Henry Crosby; essay. "Mexicoand Preparedness," Walter Ritchie;«jit ic Kenneth Stmmen.

PhilomaUiean. Section A—Debate,"Resolved, that the Electoral CollegefiheaM be AboUahed and the PresidentElected by the Direct Vote of the Peo-ple;" affirmative. Miss Ruth Ramseymud Mi*» B^nlly SUdmorerU^es Dorothy Marah*nd Mies MinnieSofter; decision tn favor of negativefour points to three; judges. MissDoris Howard. Mian Rose Harriganand Wins Mary tmier; essay, "T&oEloetoral College," Miss MarforfeFireman; reading. '"The Fatherr" Mfos

—Catiiartne—Bra fly;

OP WM.The funeral of WflUanv SXcGurkin.

agad 28, of 34 East MUton avenue, waslargely attended at St. Mary's churchoa Saturday morning. A high mass ofrequiem was celebrated by Sev. FatherSexton. Selections were rendered bytae children's choir. The bearers werePatrick McCue, James Keeshan,Thomas Sullivan. Philip Sullivan. Ed-ward L- Kearney and Thomas Pollard.Thoro . were many,, handsome , floraltributes from relatives and friends,including- one marked "Son." another"Brother" and a third ::At Rest."besides a goodly number of other

.pieces, including one from the Quintet

Rah way riverindicated last

evening at the meeting of the Boardof.. Trade when considerable Interestand enthusiasm were shown fn theproject and further steps were takento bring about the ultimate success otthe plan-. Gpon nw«3fflv of EM ward grSavage. President Quian was author-ised to appoint a committee of tores

A. Overton. Mrs. WilliamJ-Mrs- JW, A. EaiuUetci

otoyias a coinpetSBt pers&ft ax a coat:of not more t£tan (100 tcuL)rocur» sameaad make It ready tax sti&ulatfeti\Ueotenant Colonel C. I t AtcKlMsttx, 6tthe Third" DIctrfct Untlefl States' Hn-gineer Office, War Department. Uponthis data will be determined whetherof not Cosgreas will make an appro-priation for the work.- ~ The remarks and motion by Mr.Savage followed the reading of a lettertronrxre^rtenttnt" Colonel

Old Man and Jim." MIso E>a Schect-s n o ; talk, ."How Old U Man?" MissXnes Thompson; critic;Edwards and Miss Edith Anderson.

lomathoan. Section B—Debate.joolved, that the "Electoral" College

Should Be Abolished and that thePresident of the United States Should

-fee—Elected by a

Circle, of which the sister ofthe deceased i s a member. Intermentwas In St. Mary's -cemetery. Thefuneral was In charge of Thomas F.Hlgglns; Jr., of Bl&abetn.

MACCAQEE3was a delightful social oes-

Rithway Review, No. 14, Wo-man's Benefit Association of Macca-bees. on Friday-evening at the homeof Mrs. ,Mary Frank, of Eaoes

People;'* afflnnatlve. Mies BeHa Smithand Miss Bllxaboth Burden; negative,

Mary Zlemba. antf Mlas EUaabeth-Jeffries; decision in favor of afn^aa-tlve five points to two*, judges, Htsr|Sodto BarteUa, W** Vera AUmdvU I I B Gertrude Casey; reading- "AChrletmaB Hatch,** HUs ZelmaKoMhade; talk, rBleetoralMlBfl Charlotte Hattift;-When Grandfather Was. a_ Little J5oy^tICIss Helen White; eaeay. '"fftc Life ofthe Haldmo8,>r Misa. Antonla Glnfrida;erttle^Mlss Vb-glsa Farr. ; . ; ::

Hypatlan, Sftctlou A^DGbato^ *TR©-«olv©4 that the Training Afforded byth«t-,PJsBiic Schools: JB Superior to that


: Miss Ellxabeth'Helmo and MissMargaret Gallagher; negative.Irene Ltidlum and. MIBB EllEBbath Tut-

! Mnt"aecIiIb^^Tf&vin^^

street. 3Tle~tIme- passed.- qutcklyr with,ar pleasing .program of social diver*slono, incoldlng vocal antf Instrumentalmusic, • danctaff and refreshments.Among the notable musical numbeve

Klug and piano numbers by Miss TdaKing and. Mfoa Kathsrlne JTVanlc

which was as follows: "Referring tomy letter of Dec. 26, Informing youthat the report on the survey of Rah-way river would not have to be sub-mitted until July 1. 1917, I beg toremind you that It will taka consider-able time to digest..you may send me andreport, and that the endyear Is largely taken up wtth •Vptk onour annual reports. Anything yo^zisayhave to submit relating to- the Railwayriver should accordingly be receivedhere by May U I shall be glad to re-ceive anything, which seems to you. tothrow light on the advisability of ex-pending federal money on this Im-provement.

"The moat useful information wouldbe: 1. The kind and tonnage of commoditlea received and shipped by railwhich in the opinion of dealers andmanufacturers would be diverted fromroll to water If the river improvementwere carried out. 2. Points, of originand destination of these comoradltle*-in each case. 3. Present roll rates

of Mrs- Herbert P. SCoonuy. of >J«w | *»«? comprised George Arnold. W13-Church street, the study of Taej11*** *>- Ptom* Edo Van WlakU. acrfPhilippines" waa continued, Mrs. John j I s a » c McCruai. o r Pmwrwo; E. L.

. Tufts gave a vqry inttireaUnii wad- • aUfff-aaqV-Haafty iJoot. o* N«vark:tag relative to "Trade and Internal De- A^ *«ept the latter took part la tne

neut" and Mrs, E. B- Slater gave ! »rvlce.a splendid reading on -Influences To- j Atter th« meeOntT had b««o calledward Faipino Disunion." to place of j t o o"1*"' *>y Henry M. Woodruff taereMrs. Thompson Thorn. Mrs. John A- • *»» «in«tB«"or t&e lively bymn. TheOverton led the discussion of cvtscent ,events. The next meeting wiU be heldat the home of Mrs. C. Seymour Bush.ef- West Milton avanne. Among thosepresent were: President Mrs, W. A.Ransom. Mrs. Walter B. Oowell. Mr«-C. H. Dleckman, Mrs. Karl H«is*n-berg. Mrs. John J. Hoffman. Mrs.Oeorige B. MacWalnney. Mrs. J. C.Meliok. Mrs. R- K. Donglu* Mrs. Joan

LACSIHI. Emil Dour. Jovepo Kin-»ler !-> }<i Dour. Aar-on KInsler Cls*rt«H-esaloa. of New York, Thomas ilotil-con. Emll Ballw«g. WllUam Madden.FVe<J Reik«r O G. Hoazland. WilliamHtlb^rt. MTI- T&omas Nolan and Mr

Mr*. O'swajd Tatsrcxyk. of tai* I Ramway 1B a slXKlay

tn«lr «n«rgetic efforts Up » llwfor o-lo«in« the eamDalzn Friday aigktand poshed the total to jfftteCteoOyJlOT.iwo. of co be exact $liM»fl8sJ3lThe raising of tals maxmlflceat sttsl 3ai

been a revelation to aU the

Pearson.W. S.

Scott, Mrs. Joan II. Tufts. Mrs. JamesMrs. S. Saymocr Bush. Mrs.

S.-B. Slater and Hra. H. F. SXooney.

that as the project did not concernRailway alone, bat tteint #ix«a£ deal


b» haadled-to Il« entirety by aoflli«v«d:thJittitwoold

be advfeable to torm a Rah wayimprovement Association with mem*bers from Roosevelt, Linden, Wood-bridge and Rahway. In order to seenrethe neceasary data referred to in Mr.


PtSfet is CnC foliowed by prayer bytJ»* R«v. B - 8 . Oowcroft pastor- ot]tlfe FUss, JlethodfSt courch. afterwhich "I Am Praying for You" wsasung. Mr Woodrutr then asked Mr.Van Winkle, of the visting delegationto take-1 charge of the meeting and amost profitable and inspiring seasonof personal testimony of religious ex-perience followed, the visitors givingmany details of now they bad beenled to consecrate their lives to Christ.

"The Results to Me of Hitting toeTrail" was the lo&lc under which Mr.Van Winkle reviewed his experiencestn an original and characteristic waythat itrock a vital chord m the aqdl-

CO»M1TTE.ESAt the meeting of Barry Women's

Relief Corps held last night Presi-dent ilri Albert Papirnilt announcedcommittee appointments for year asfollow*; Relief. Mra. Josena Martin.Mrs- Airah Van VUet. JIr». Mary B. hPeck. Mrs. Harry Van Pelt. Mrs.

! AIOQXO Van Pelt; exwutive committeeMm. Richard Stephen. Mlsa CorneliaB. Putnam. Mra, Effl* Pullen. Mra.Jesse Vanderhoven. Miss Ethal Law-rence: auditing committee, Mrs. AlvahVan Vllec Mrs. Clarence Oliver, U n .Josse Vanderhown; home employ-ment. Mrs. Richard Stephens. Mra.Alonso Van Pelt, Mrs- Frederick Wag-

however. tSereoebed as only $4SUT

were lackls< ot the tlOA.900 oa TaSTw-'day nltfit.

Keen Rivalry to tfee FlnlahToat the friendly rivalry betwsaam

the teams continued until ts# Issttmoment Is ahowa by the fitet thatseveral of the pennants changed &ftlbqT*von the last ntgnx- Is PreeooIdW Baa>dolna'a Division A tbm pennant for t t eday went to Captain William BUSK, ofTeam i. Harold L. Sohtaison's ZHvltftattB Had a close race, taw team f p f insstby A. W. Frame aad called T*«a Tttwk the pennant. Team Now U»

ner. Mrs. Harry Van Pelt! Uisa Lena | ****** ^ S^dw T » » CoaMlaalconfwrace, Mrs. «aretscw i Sa«ene Millar waltasd off «US.

OUver. Mrs. William U Bodlne.Cornells; B. Put Mrs: Joseph- Mar-

letter Mr-that it would be advisable to employ acompetent person for thirty days onthe work and suggested that SecretaryElliott might be able to undertake thework. Mr. Savage said1 that the mem-bers of the board would be surprisedat the amount of tonnage available."The government wants to see If weare alive and actually need the help'asked for."

Plan Industrial ExpositionAnother Important step for advanc-

ing the welfare of Rahway was thesuggestion that an industrial exposi-tion be held this spring in some cen-tral, place suitable for the purpose. Theidea wair advanced by Mr. Savage andmet instant approval by the othermembers of the board. "I don't thinkthe people as a whole have any Ideawhat we have here In Rahway,"saidMr; Savage; who then called attention

once and held- the closestfiw told 1H at-iaaat hap w i v e way howh«; a id for a qtfflb«t- p t ywars straghtoaly the high and lively spots, hut ta*tho had not really began to live until

e bad accepted Christ and becomereal, on-tbe-level Christian. He sold

that the things worth while In life oreniy obtained by giving the heart to

Chrtst- He strongly emphasised thefflcacy of prayer.

•*Ye must b* bora again" the word*f Chrtst to Nlcodemu* was the theme

upon which George Arnold spoke. At-er showing the need of the Christ-lilt©

spirit he then laid stress upon thevalue of prayers, united church effortand the proper use of money.

WllUam 0- Plumb, whe baa aarved-or a number of years on the Board ofEducation and Tax Commission In'aterson, told of bis early experiencesn the United States Navy and thator forty years he had not been tn a

church except to a funeral He em-phasized the great responsibility rest-ng on Christian men. >

E. L. Lasher In a -clean-cat, straight-forward way told how he had neverpaid any attention to religious mattersand sought the gay life Instead andportrayed the great change that be

to the goodly number of promfiient~|1felt~tou^talran-plase- witiUn-nlnr after-he had "hit the trail** daring the BillySunday meetings. His words were,

particularly forceful and appealed

these commodities: *TBfltnna-ted water'rates on these commodltleir.• "These figures should be baaed onthe supposition that, a channel twenty-jljra fanf Hnap In tn ha pi«ftvlifad '

firms bealdes many smaller ones. Headvocated appointment of four com-mlttooa, one a general committee, con-sisting of five members; another acommittee for securing location, con-

•Slating of three members; the third

ffanntv Mfg. Mllgfthftth nfJersey City; U n . Sehunsbefg andJOss Florence Schunebepff. and tfrs.Sidney Plnkham, of Colonlft; Mrt. DonC. King; MIBB Ida King, Mrs. Mary

and Mlas Katherine Prank, of

WIN MORE LAUREL*handsome silver loving cap

was added to- their notable list ofby the American. Fife «ad

Arthur Kill to the new proposed pool-tSon ot the Sound Shore bridge, andtwelve feet deep-thence to Milton ave*nue, Rahway.' On account of the aar>

shoalHBBB of ths: riverabove Milton avenue and the addi-tional- fact that rock Is found in thebed of the stream lnthat reach, it-willbe Inadvisable to carry anyment above Milton aveauB. _ I ani- pre-

[ pared to make- the" personal canvas*necessary to obtain: the comiHOfcial In-fotmation ^aboyo to If It luurnot already bean begun b y you. c« bistthe Staton lalan* Boand peep; Water-

antf HJ latorested

'"The flgnrfisohUlued as the

only to th« amtmnt of baiUseiB whTeh


Friday evening when

V Aaythtor yaapoints- to one; jodgca, Mraa Eva Hal-pert,, Mta»: yivlan' Andenon and Miss^ ^ ^

midred Hohde; F^totloH. "TheLittle- ScottishLawrence; ^

have to submit OH the^ Ambey ,pa^clpatod Ta the

i:.Hdrace^vJ .;

tuff i ^for your b^Uet Uittt thl« addl-


• . • ^ ~ ; • ? • : -

for advertising and publicity, consistIng of three member* and the fourth Incharge v of the proper display of thevarious articles to consist of five men

wavname these committees and have themreport at the February meeting of the

at once eueeeitted that the

palga at the eonurCampb«U street would be a Hue pJae©for the affair and that tt eould atf>doubtedly be ««oured -after the* closeo f the ev&nseUstlo terrlcev OH March

approval. It was estUnsted that theexijositioa would not cost the boardmorB than $2B0. ft was coiulderedth&t it-would mean a d t y awakening:



!§• ,v.o^d:;;'op^^for^tei»::«i

torir*;^5Se)itV raefc^Ke^ftJllbw*^President, M. F, Qulmi;

:SJ^eyvj^rgi^.:.OT^tary| . ._^;iHU^;^trj»ttBur^


tin. Sirs. Sarah Lynch- Two proposalsfor m«mbersbip were received duringTffa eVenlhtf- THobegua and «U1 be contlnoed for *ev-era* meeting*.

CONCtRY AT IL OCR AN CLUltThe members of the Ild«r«n Outlay

Club are looking forward with pleasantanticipation to the recital to be givenby the Aeolian Players, of New YorkCity, an Friday evening. This Is thesecond appearance of these players InRahway. their first redtaT astvlng beenproclaimed exceptionally good. Toeprogram on Friday will be entirelydifferent from the one given before,and besides the regular features, willInclude selections by Robert J. Toedt.violinist. Mr. Toedt will play, amongother things. Berceuse, and Humor-esque, by Aulln. and L'AbeUle, bySchubert.

At the conclusion of the recital,dancing will be held until after mid-night. OUd^rsleeve'u orchestra, ofNew Brunswick, will supply the music.Besides the members and friends ofthe nderan Club guests will be presentfrom Metnchen and New Brunswick.

honors in Slayer Harry sftm ia*m^ SfcVTislfln C The winder*hot race by Tt*ra* 13 h«A<d«d fcyforxaer Exdse Coamisaloner John H.

th« firstsix-day sport the diVisioanot held by ChalruuB

B, uoyor Sirhrtwme* IMvtsteabaatlng thea oat 1B • elea* r*c*.


•ioncaptaiaa sad dtHslsn•secured the greatest oaoaats


Hsrol*the *«fiHip«ifw Of csofvsvRobinson's dlvtHoti woawhich beyqaesi thm pattaanaafcerty of Sir. aoBlHson. tn BC HsiasV A'the winning team captain wasBUs*; Is Division B, WHllanisea, Jr.; In Slvldea C. Sassaateam, and In DividesU Orttm's ttjsuu. IstBaIt Is worthy of acts that there

PLAN© POR ASSeMBUV BALLThe entertainment comWltee of the

nderan Club 1 are mairing 'extensiveplans for the annual Assembly ball*

only aevea daUiUf*the- aafiOQntS MBDld by Df.team and Hhat of 8. 8. Paifsooa.view of this fact CatupalgfiHeckentmry also aw«tfd*d «.tolTr.


Feb. 9. The McKee Orcaeatra; of

strongly to the audience.The various talks were- interspersed

with some splendidly rendered solosby Isaac McCrum. soloist at the Weiit-minster Presbyterian church'. Pater-son, whose singing elicited muchfavorable eommeat. He oanr **Wh»Fe

-Tonight^-^aki5:moat Feraoaded" and "Perfect Day,"

The closing prayer was mada by thaRev. P. CK MerrlHriHWter cf theBaptUt churcb , ; ._: \ _

New YorkCIty. hie been ensued to | rte|B*tod to,«supply the music Frank McKee, lead-er of the orchestra. U the author of"Emnoralda," "CecUe." and other well-known waltEGB, and the McKee Or-chestra furnUtiea tho mnilc for theffrecords for the Vlctrola CompaavVThe Uderon Club'has been fortunfttetIn securing music of such esceptToa-1.>nr high

SOCIAL GATHERINGAa enjoyable social gatherteg witr

ins which a number of •ttft*tae*»^aprunff. Edward K. Coae, J ithe ese<md^ GJfflmltteeseated a magnlflaat bou4»4*tJohn-W



made by Arthur R.the sembors of the_rnlttee.

Oeaerol Secretary John A. ma

at 3.30 o'clock: will be held at theTrinity Methodist church and thespeaker will be the Her. Philip B.Strong; of Plolafleld, who is on at-tractive gpeakeg.Til music.

There will be-

WliSTMINrrER GtUILB MHKT»AH Intw^tin** sfliMon of th« We*t-

nildtter Goild ot tfisPlHit

the Home <sf K i n UUdrad Wralkkt, ofi s tralou street. The WuHy o£ ' ' hXJvlag. Christ for Eotlncontinued with readings from-«

held: on Sunday evening at the Homeof Mr. and Mr*. L«oHard 8«uot«, o£Rntherferd street, where aa i le and re-freahnienu were enjoyed*thoie preseat were: Mr. as A Urs. C.O. Kolb. Floreace and Charles Kislb,Mr. and Mra, Max Start* Mr. aud UVo.

daughter. Derlf; Use Mlrae* Maryand JeaBHette Schufcts, BerthaApgusta BrowB.^CJlttocd Worth.«uoe, Claire; Leoir and Waller

wa» noapluiaad by tU*» mo«tan4crl action of tb» two hunttred1

or theautorabna:« u Quietly tub«crlb«dper hour^by-tlip BM»

and refreJhmentv followadthe meeting; . The Oulld 19 endeavw-I t b H t l t tbte

filedUltcf part of the- weelt at

the o f l e r u f the CCAIB^ regiatay1' lalsabeUi' ware the fdnowfatr;Annie tiOnibardt dralrto Chester: C.

«0Bth«rly.alde Broadway, wes-terly Bedford^atreet, Rahway , , r .

aad waa pfeseutsd a

Xl-.?'V V'.'1:. W^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^fSm^B^^^^^^M' . . , _ • •


&cr»*« Snow* Amo«b*

Baa* to

Slssl Will Make Of-

w-vUam K»mu:m a©p*aj la

' -ioti'JC ci;i4<e -i careful

•i ±iiziiTi£>^i± »*rtor's i i r c n j


W .

BHarn 40U-M

"tou of on«

thatI woold cot 1SAT« oth«r^ri*# BiuL Tl&xa &«ec a meat daUg&tfol w«ak.**



MAVYSHELLS t A O«earmJ A. Orastoa is*.n a:


f i l tumH

.-.ii :Uv

still. t£«



ic sot T»ie tla*

Lr*« oi Cocidrac*"*(or I !OJH tiro*

> f-ota ±3 doe* Ult*

us us-e

CStSflk Off K *****«*•of

in i«rpeculiar m m

f l fa CO R«r\}j.<-

t s * Called StaDw L.OT<-ru~mirot_ 10

Lar*ct«j of G-eorx« Baxwr. i&*ji tJie nainlXuf w » o Oi AJo,ni. a**t-him wf-ia CJLCJ tarociia-ttjse rn»j1 r»ce for co.lui. Ls a

liLat ooi* cooiti iw»«r CcrfvCtrtai *c«ct# ia w&ica William

H- -t *r i* : te tliexin 1-s tried lor amurder o£ ™txi<h h« LS uuaoccnt. la IOcmmi-nly WOTeo Th.«.t e3>chf -n TO* <K< tn i h i * r^-f^ * CTi-l.a.r

r ta* OKUS had learmsd to vora* as.

Coo*, also to t&* axaectlT* coo-

sad to ta* women who so

nctoiy sjsistsd- in ^T^'IH^H^M hwprals*d QJS aTset sew^os rsa*Qi#yso tn*

\ smd th* city as a w&al* by


' ajmraans. Jr ,

G. M <3«x* •.R. Jf. Morton .fihfnj MlliSTJ. H.



TalSola "•TKmy a^oai Caiasalca

Hoc aaJbrnrr. C&atrssaa COD« Hid:"Toe ccold hardly b**x Mr. Hoekan-boxT for fee was bora fa N«w J*w*y


13 C- W. Ladlov ..14 3. a. Parses* . -u & a T«Rm ..15 Ut. L». L. Ottoo

Total today




243-U i7«7644

i m




ftS•S• 415








Uln&bo B. Srcinl is*


r tt taaraaa . . . . — - - .. .T —i§0

O. A-

- Ooa«

B. Harxay

H. 3m£tB -•3J*. Hani


S«tfSajg SocietyBahway Chanter No. 73

c t Eastern ScaxJobs. A- WeedJir*. 1L a MartinGeorge A. BalsHaisway Hl ja ScaooiMr. and Mrs. Aaron DeanLady Friend

^TlP t **

Mr. end 3£r«>C C B*a*r 1M

TerrJll Broth*** 1M

Cfeartss H.Mrs. W. H. Pttsnen. Sr.FrtendMr*. C3tas. <K CnCia* v . . . — -John A.Hr*. W- EL


Veteraas' Association, of PranJc-Ua H o « Co. No. S

Hassiflton 7. KeenE. P. HaHdayJ. W.Mrs. JIT,a U HedceaDa-. J. T. BrfeksBPrXaSd

TTSOM wtio

to aU ttiai ytxi ; ca« sacrvt of b±»tsjx "Ftre« of Ooc- j *fi-<1 a &HQT« la all Ihm eaainali|3ts a*s- T tt* gad^ftafcatt.'*i a rood ci«*a j Mr. HocYanbory said: ~Tt*r% Is

LmJd oui



ru.-t. at a .-o*t of M.SiVfirted 10 bund m t w n la*rb

fail rv^-ru

tile fact itsat a British•Carer r«c«atlj btJ lesa ttlaia

rur •tite^so an<t futor the M » T

I US asabt* to at_at« ttitil* English biJ wbe


Lnifl Scot ivyle.tia** ts>d'O<ed sofiwtliliajt In store fort^f^n Wedjwida.y, the e<i"uai of wixicitwtll t»ot a j i in b* »e«n in the pictareddram*- We nsfer to a play caU*d"T s* liauan*er ° ' M*cOr«<oir~ wai-cli

HAS IO do witfi both America and Scot-land- .Vnd th* star Vai«aaUa«s Grant.why ih.i3 btue • v o i a has few aquala

K"»«rybo»l> adutlrea Lhe aort at a jlrl* bo Sjlitj b<jr own b<atllt**. jiml if ta9i* pi«auaj»t full &! fun -and Scotch.

Surf*. :» Ihf -a..-. **r.h Tlii'

Tburwla/ w« luv« t i e nuiown«dA*rtof ETHUJKI* Corrt43111. who madvfaniouj tb# piAy of TTa** tV«p Purpie.**H« <-ome.< to UJ In I'naxlea Kenyon'a

»tury "Huabacd aad Wife." ano*«l to "Wtficklea " In

the cast with Mr Kmia«it w# fladClajrtoo and Holbrook

caa l aay PraaUX endTota bar*

a n d

pie* oX wtii^b ^rv Ocm* »«at tjT«r fortwt ooc yet

ajro v* took an ord^r fur

theae tumes not aufflclflnt OTI-thai th« production will lack

to mika 11 p«rfect-ptctuns for Friday 1* -"Thiof Uiea." with i*l«T«r Edna

by tn ld*al haw fees) c«twttis datsnglBdUlon to fjo oat aad dosom*(Mais worta wtdl« and as a r«-auils Us* <r*wiyig^ has b**a a t^tosdldsuccess. I waat to fir* cr*dit *b«Mit La du*. Tals minpalyn oaa b*«nroQ largely by ta* rnnn—T" in4 •?*-SlnttariisX' of your vxacnuTai cornxslt*t«« hsad«d by roor abl« cftsirmnv Ithjti b*<s a rejuiriablo Hiifnsj inat QoCa linjiis co<oitow of t&A axactitrvsi ''^***mitte« has b*«n sbs«at from any ofth« me«ilncs whan h* was la th* dtygr<H Th io iiinintiiin aaTs b**n b*ldalmost «T«ry alsat tor many wa*fcaTbac 1Oad of loyalty Is on* o< th*

that has a*rr«d to win tMsTnars haT» b«*n ao

ETrery acjxBstlon HasATQ folly aad tli4 ostlTV

has woraad u a onlt-"Valusbl* Byproduct

Sir Hoc&enbury polntsd oot thattn« caj33pait i not only mesnt aucosss(or Ui« Y M. C- A. bat woald har* araluabla by-product la drawins tn«

C K. Cs«»s,Total Today ..

DIVISION-m*. - « •











tng IZMX sight Mayor fflTnraows sx-pfN««d hli personal appreciation tothe captains and workers en the teamsIn Ms division- He said the «**wip*<ywwould hav« a good Influence on t&«city and urred the men In the move-ment to back up the Mayor and coua-dlmen In their efforts to advance thecity's beat Interests. "Come to theCity Hall and flnd oat what Is beingdone and learn of the responsibilityplaced on the shoulders of the offlciaJsand cooperate with them as best yoa

itra- H- Cowto, S&j*. S. B. Uoras, Urs.Waldo Bevry. Mlas JnU* George, lite*Florence Slerrltt. Hlsa Rob-erta. Miss Madeline Pafio&s, Mrs. ELK. Cone. Uias Ada Smith, Miss

h playing tha stir rol«- T&ar* 1 men oi th« city nearejr toc«tn«T,

Credit Where DueTimely appreciation was expressed

b>- Campaign Manager Hockenburyand the other leaders tor the splendidservice given by Mrs. Augt&t Johnson.of 29 W&ahlnfftoa arenae. Plainfleld.who had chars* of the catering. Thewomen of Rahway and Colonia whodid the serving were also complimen-

at a centra- t prlc-* &t $7(33.000, to be<.-«rtalD time or wx


OQ« Ut«as«l7 lntar«atln« ac«n*. I eaminaUn* facUons and cause all to l t e d o n l n e i r *&**&* »°**00 th« «ocl«ty bud. by Miss

iie only •pccifl«*aclooa Cortftat tb«y anall

g aad

i i.oodrlco. d«llb«rataly doatroya h«r

-3—cartaln—«w—snq: eauat pi>w<.*at a certain ^ . ^ j on tin

4MCL It U tuitessltite to foreteil tdtof tbe tests

ire* quantities of a&ell*hi taa pasi which had beeu acc«ptc*lBttt tn placlnc tbis nardcolar ordar tbo

altered tfis anxl* at wnlcbtrafart ah*Us mvst pl*rc« inoor

tllat*. Tt» rcsalt. bow*T«r. has beenInability on oar part to pro-


attractiveness that she may

ts any qaaudty. ahells which winSal ft tbewe nov«t t«ata- In fart, we

of p»iectlle-maktaroosh which It U poaalhle to pro

to qoandtiva ahella which will•«etttorm to to* reqolrsmccta.

resnJt U thst ap to now oa thatof $7HS.000. w* BST* put Into

operating t-xpeas* £447^81.. sodbs4n penailxed for oon-dellrery

a total of 0*3,625.. with DOwhatervr.

was the experience in tha Usht«jif Wblcfi we were culled apoo recentt? to bid for alxteen-lnch abella

hlA oa these- abella at approxl-the i ime a l e Der ixwod •_»

tbat of a foortcen-lnch ahell contractBf_ea* .jear aso upon which the

awarded contracta

baT« oot the aU^htcst Idea whatthere will be ID the ma kin* ofshells. We do not know that

wU3 be any. Tn«r* la no certslu-- €y that it would be possible for us to

Aattrar a shall to meet the testofficers In th* NaTy to assume

hid made ander amen condlta "exorbttanf Is utterly unfair

on the aaw battle-cruisers3s which Navy department experts.

,r**«ft*r examination of oar books, found^rottld y4»M a profit of laaa than tenfiar^ftfi]^ W* sr*»*d to assum* risks

\ aWtsenaaed costs of materials and t«; 4wr, tnst made It poaatbls that ta«s»

TasitJirranititit ytald Bo profit what-:

Wm easts ran beyond tfe* asnotmt ap*J_ «»rdprla£sd by Conn**s on th* basis c*~

««• eeat eatixsiatM made a year a**.t a d batsna* •alpboUdaa coold aot

r ti*« taexorable eoat facts and r*-^ ; bids to early eattjgatea of ttie

& D^)aitin*Dt tb* bricta er« called

Thi* pictureworth your while.

id erau more thanYou ahouid not

miaa tt. no one should. Tor lt'a Interest-ing from betionlu* to the final acen«.

•Land for & blzser and better Raaway"With this or*ahIiaUon Cn« stayer,tha councilman or the pajtors of thechurche* could do xauca tor th« city's

The campaign as planned, was man-axed by. an eiqcutlva c«vrr*"**tti of.which E. K- Cone was chairman, andconsisted of William Roilinsoa. Dave

adrancement. There Is not athins within the bounds of, reason thatyou could not accomplish." He thenemphasised the value of haTlas; the

Ke«p your eye on this column for j Rahway rlrer dredged and madetha biz pictures are about due and will j naridable so that tae dty coald bene-be aanounc«d tn The Record. Gat | fit by the commerce that coold naa t&eready for "Common Law." "FoolishVirgin." "War Brides'* and others ofequal reputation.

Prepare for the Wsltie.Campaign to be held la this dty be>Slnnins; F>b. 11 and contlnulas; toMarch 36 In the tabernacle tt thecorner of Elm srenue and Campbaustreet.



for several duvs. Work a cupfulof butter until r«*my and add

while beutine constantly, a

Oloald 'j&% real ad^mfilaaw to bethis naTat gattttiaettoa. Tbe

tto£b*aad tbe nspottttlbffll? to enor

W# femv«t detertnlaed to Saaks thb««s%ir to tbe Amertraa Governroent-

you will bond two of the bam»

wOl balld tbe otbar two at th* as*s**alBcA coat of boSldlns the. ahU« in•«b* Government yards, without addl

ezpeaae or commissions of anyWe will also contract to hare

ship* ready for ••utee ahead of

Annual MeeUn* of tna Stock-Bolders ot the Workmen's Bufldtug

Loan Association ot tae City otN. Jv wtn bo hold tn the

Of the association, 136 IrvingJ oa Monday •Tonltis; JanuaryJ> 10. at elsfct-o'clock^. .


•tream. "If yoo ferret everythingelse remember this, that It la not the•lxa of the dty. bat the tix* of theman that counts. With men of thecallhre. auaJlU. ability and Iea4«rsh|pmanifested by you thars Is nothlnjiihat Rahway wants that she coold nothsv«. I hare never worked with agroup In any place where there hasbeen a better spirit sad I shall soaway from Rahway with a very kind-ly feallas; and •hall always b* a Rahway booatsr "

- Conaratulatory Words.Congratulations upon the auccess

of the movement poured forth fromthe Upa of a number of Y. M. C A.workera last nlsjht fotlowins the din-ner Among thoae who appeared veryhighly pleased was State SecretaryCharles A. Cobnrn. He praised Oen-

cunftu and a half of aucar ttad ihre,. e r a l Sccrtstaxy Overton for Ms vision«Ct» w«U beaten. Add a ti-tisixxmful | l h a t le* t o "»• B"*1 movement aadof soda dlsnolT«d tn two «*«d a faair • «*id ao was the man who had takentablespoonfuls of but water aud twocapfula of flour mixed ami virttM x\\tixa teaspoonfni and a half of salt and ateaspoonful of cinnamon. Tneu add ucapful of chopped nut meata. a cupfulof raialns, ae«ded and choi»p«*d, and acoprnl and a fourth of flour. Drop byapoonfula sa inch srart on a butteredsheet an£. bake tn a moderate oven-

Hod? CSocolstl Tarts.—Take pa• tryiaade with a eupral and a half of flour.a laTel teaapeonfol of salt, a half cupfulof cold lard and mix thoroughly. Useeaoogb Ice water to make a atiff dough.Roll and Use c*m pens. Fill with thefollowing: Toils or three esfs, two-thirds of a cBpfal of ancar. with beap-tnx tableapoanfol of floor mixed wttnw t s r , a eapfol of aoor milk, a tabie-apoooxal oC batter, a teaspoonful ofvanlUa and a ettpful of aoar jelly orJam vaeUad. Beat whites of essa atlffand add three tableapooatals of aturstand spread ea tarts after bakta*. Re-.ttsrn to oven and brown.

Dainty Data Poddlnc—• enpfnl offlats*, a ccnfal of

tablespoonfui of floor, a level tsaapoon-rol of baking powder, a half eupfol ofsogar and three essa. XOnce tocetherwell the dates, nats, aaesr, flour andbsklns powder. Stir Into the wellbeaten yolke of * « * e s d lastly fold intbe stiffly beaten whits* of eses- Baketn slow oven one-half hoar. Serve withwhipped cream.

Dutch Apple Cake.—Two cupfuls ofSoar, one-lislf tasspoontul of salt, fourteaspoonfals of baklnjt powder, one-fourth capful of butter, two table-apoonfuls of ausar. ono-fourth tea-spoonful of cinnamon, an ecu. a cup of

and turn aanr -ooplm*. Slf-tbaking powder trad salt. \VorU tn bnt-ter and milk and a beaten ecB-Spread mUturv lit shallow pun. Poreand cut rfpplei* U> soctloud, lay tn rowaou doucu and Bprlnkle the tup with»U£Qr nnd cinnamon, lliiku tn hot orcntweuty-uve to thirty mlnutra. Servewarm, reaches ran bo used Instead ofapples.

the "nlfb" oot of psychology -and patthe "Ran" in Rahway. That the suc-cess ot Rahway would have a bene-ficial influence over all associations lathe atate was pointed oat He paidtimely tribute to the donation ot theMerck Company and to the great aer>vice on executive committee andliberal donation of Dave 8- Joaeph. ofthe Royal Manofactvxiag Go.

First president apeabs.Samuel D. Uersbon. ot 2S3 West

Milton avenue, the first president ofthe Rahway Y. U. C. A., snoka brieflyof the past and of the great nlaaaareIt gavo him to what tha-nun be-ginning had attfiSntod to.

Mr.Water Oommlssloa


r V. W. Lass>•troth, who has always been later Ml adla and Identified with Y- M. C. A. wurkarced all present to bseona TawnTinraot the T. U. C. A. aad ot the Beard of

to boost Hahway In everyway possible.

Permar Saeretary ftaeb*Morton I*. Beebe, ceneral sacrstary

of Montclsir association and formerlytn charce ot the local Y- tt. C. A, re-ferred to bis three yoaxe ot servicehero and praised the treat achieve-ment just registered. He said thathe had susseated Mr. Overton** ap-pointment to the local position.

Actlno President RossellVice-president WUUam T, RoasaU,

who la acting head ot the local Y. It.C A^ said thar« -woulthtmdonbtedly^emany quorleo as to who would handle1 ho money and build the building. "Iassure you that In converting thismoney Into a building will be placedIn the hands of a building committeeof business men who have so mag-nificently conducted this campaign."This statement produced vociferousapproval from the citisens prottont.

MsyQr Slmojons Speak* 'Just at tho cJoae^JMite sn^fcH-Baak-j Qadiay

9. Joseph, JUUIUI -R. Wendell,

Ackley. F. M. Stillman. treasurer; F.C Hyer and Q. W. Merck. This com-mittee appointed tour division chair-men. Division A was headed byfreeholder William H. Randolph; Di-vision B by H. L Robinson. DivisionC. Mayor Harry_Simmons. Jr.; Divi-sion D. Dr. Prank Moore. Tbecaptains of Division A were WilliamBliss, former Councilman H- 8- Buck-ley. L- T. Gibbons aad Sidney Harris.The captains or Division B, Council-man W. Cleary. City Attorney F. V.Dobbins. A. W. Frame. WTT3? Peter-son: Division C captains. CouncilmanG. M. Gage, R J. Morton. Eugene Mil-ler and John H. Williams; DivisionD captains, former Councilman C. W.Ludlow.. S- S. Parsons, Dr. GeorgeL*. Orton and Health Commissioner S.C. Terrlil. Among the members ofthe teams who put Che Job over are:

F. L. Potter. L. K. Lacey, WilliamHolUuga. J. J. Vail. J. H. ArkinatalLA. P. ThrueUon. Prank Kldd. S. MartinW W Pendleton. J C. Hoffman. WU-Uam Pearson. B- J. Maraon. C. W. Boot-wick. T. B. Uudsay. F. BUsa. G. H.Creveling. J. B, Furber, Carl Gravoa,Raymond Smith. Blanchard Durand,C. C. Howard. J. A- Covert RobertGraham. Ethan Lauer, V. C. Shotwell,J. T. Laldlaw G. H- Cooper. D. Arm*strong, F. U. Foulks, Ted Schmidt. L.T. Gibson. Clarence Ludlow. R. C. Car-son. H. D. Tucker. H- J. Charles. G. I*.Klrchgaaaer. J. Oxman. James Smith.W. C. Freeman. X. McCollum. A. N.Sloan, W. 8. Martin. W. P. RosaelUJoseph UolUasou, & H. Meyor. D.Cooper. U Dutrow, Jr, J. B. Mershon,G. Young, C. E- Reed. Jr^ J. W. Urm-aton. F C. Hitchcock, Jaa Van Her-wedea. Claibourae Morss, O. H. Dey.T. H. BaskervUle, O. A. WUkflrsoa.W. P. Potter. John Brdlo, ChesterBuckler. C B. Oehrl&g. V. 8. ShlpJey.A. Ulbrtcb, A. B. Hull. Clinton Baker.C. U. ChaUlet & a. FarHngton, J. U.Pettlu Rev. R- W. Elliott, 7. Hetfleld.C. R. UeUck. B. Blahop. C Dougherty.9. D. Love, M. B. Oandaker. Jr, P. W.UUler. A. M. Bookley, Thos. Plts-patrick. J. H. Jones, H. T. Vaulea, 1.1*.Boat. B. R. Silvers, F* J. Gibbons.Dudley Chase. R K. Iflller. H. Qlbbona,P. H. Plum. E. 8. UacWninney, W. H.Peterson, Clifford BUUer. H. F. HooneyWilliam R. Gibbons, a N. Ludlow, G.W. Mlngus. A. H. Chamberlain. C W.Nichols. R_ Aherlt John Thompeoa.8. B. Uotfett W. A. Ransom. C. P.Haynes. T. Armstrong. J. Bsrroa, T-Black. William Ainsworth. J. »««'««""J. Boland. P. TiUman. C. Howard, W.Orvia, Lee Piero. Edward afllaea. PredMlllor. H. U Lamphear, Pred Frank.Philip Gehrlng. W. P. Uttle, S. Val-

Brown, Mlas Rachel Robinson, SilasDoris Howard. Miss Chartl&e Edwards,Miss Dolly Madison. Mlas MargaretCarson. Miss Lacy Katharine Carson,Mrs. G. A. Brachhansen. Mrs. G. L.Orton. Mlas Gladys Helmstadter, Mr*.H. G. McCalUon, Mrs. Dave S. Josepo.Miss Dorothy Marsh. Mlaa MurielPratt. Miss Orfl Grube, Miss VirginiaParsons and others.

Since the campaign dosed on Fri-day nigh t a«versi hundred dollarshave been received from those whohad not prevoualy contributed and thetotal amount la now well above $107.-000

campaign Manager 33. J. Hocken-bury said that the standard of givinghad been remarkable aad that theworkers had maintained it splendidlythroughout the campaign. That thisU~ true Is sfiown"by the daily con&fta-tlons ai fi?Mows*

H. yW. C- ClariesMatin** T. G*y€£*r!ea Oapron H w lUra. Frank U. Sifltoan


CoieELMiss Marine 3. Sqnler

H J Troow * Bi>y "ScoutsLevy Co.

PtiendE. H- Van laa«n * Co.Mr. James B. Furber' aad familyW. G. BlhbISA

Mft. Mr. and Mrs. Wallsc* Oortafll S ) ! fisJawarXodJE* No. 10715 B: P-

l sv




JoHa Doboins for son Patsr . .Efcaer »ad Edward lltBtal.

Meniortti to fathsr. Wm. H-Mtatel

Bdgerton Iron CoFriendFrederick C Sonler. Jr-D?. Q. E. GaUswayW. V. S- Tht3rne

Daily Journal

P. SCcEcwnJttfllar-O. tt, a. K. Ciricm


Lafiayett* Lodge, Ko. » F. aadA, M

S6.406.SO: Monday. S3.730.60;

S3.S1S.50; Wednesday $S,470; Thurs-day. $8,079.43; Prtday 17.417. To this Uadded the Initial gifts of $47,033 aadthe contributions made' by the work-era as reported on Friday, Jan. l iamounting to J13JG0- The totalamount ot $106,963.93 represents 1.719contributions or an averajcB of about$63~SS for each contributor.

The Record will publish a completelist of contributors Friday wlthdutgi^ng thft nmnnnt ^pftatwl Thfl listof donors ot $100 and over Is as fol-lows:

Merck & Co $36,000Royal MXj. Co. 6,000Edward K. Cone( Chairman

EacecntlTe Committse) 6.000Edwin U. &Quler 6.000Frederick C. Squler 5,000J. Noah H. 81e* (Three-inrOne

OU Co.) UM»0Otto Palm, Jr UBQQU. U Robinson UOOOW. II. RoUlnson UOOOF. M. SUl lman . .^ U0OOE. 3. Savage 1.000Chas. Bumham Saoire LOOOThe Reeina Co LOOOAmftrlcnn Fait Co U00OH. Hoffmann «G0Arthur R. WcndflU 509Sidney G. Johnson, for Edward

and Sidney Dupuy Johnson -a o c e r Nelson BlackJ. W. AckloyFred C. HyerGeo. Hall Cooper '....'.Or. Henry KIppenbergCharles D. Freeman , VtoMr. and "r*. Francis Sueaaa SOOLt F. Lore* SOUR o u Vanderhoven . 300Mrs. Sidney G Jotaato. 3iW

Haasah O.PraakBa Hoae Ko. SFriendDr. W. B. CladakMrs. A- H. QuaaberlalaLambert 4--Gr*lnaTMrs. CafoUas) a\. HarshDr. J. 8. Yo«ftgRahway FoUea Departinenx . .Mrs. J . S. Backlay and C L-

Bacltley, Memorial to J e s s i eM. ITo^fm*!!

FriendMrs, Joseph W. MirttnRobert L. ClarksonW. W. PendXetonW. 3 . PeadletoaFrleadMXsa Ruth E. StffifiiaHRev. Chas. Weigle, BrangeliatOfficer* Asso. N. J. ReformatoryAJbert W. FoaUrC S . BreckenrldgeDr. G- I*. OrtoaRichard B. Ailoth for son Cits*.

EdwardBoland Bros.Union County RoadstersElaine JosephFrleadMrs. Walter C. TerrQlC Wm. Schweitzer, memorial

for Geo. Edward Schweitzer. .MUbury Atlantic Hfg. Co.FriendThe WlllowcrafX Co.Mrs. W. A. Baker tor two cel>

l t d1901991901901W190100



Rutgers Collace Alnmnl of Rah-

W. H. C Cole*

Wffl. T. SCachellW. V. Wells - -.¥tl*a&C- K. OUverv. and B. HeersnWUHaBi H. Portar .Sara. 3*- D- Valentin*:

LindsayW. Kldd .

H5*is*'1041MIswXH.194)im1 0 *






H. Cowte for Oaorce





For any Itching rtin tremble, pfta*.eczema, salt rheum, hives. Itch. »e*Mhead, herpes, scabies. Dean's OtfitmenXIs highly recommended. 50c a box atall stores.

Grace P- WendellLafayette Chapter

R. A- MEleafior S- WendellRahway Hebrew Ccmsre»sJloiiPachsttan Bros.Geoege CraneL. Morray PerkinsToe BabblesMrs- G. H- CTevelingFriend, tn Memory Leon Potter

Bros.Chiefs' Assn.Ffreaien a Assn.





Your Confidenceand OursCONFIDENCE is the basis of all good banking.Your confidence in The Rahway National Bankis justified by its long record, the character of itsservice, the high standing of its directors, itsstrict Government supervision and the financialresponsibility of its shareholders.This Bank is conservative enough to be abso-lutely safe, and liberal enough to satisfy all fair-minded customers.


.--.;• I


online, UaiuUl Ten ill. Chailna CorliterT. Landenbersor. Herman Graves andothers who were substituted.

The ladles tn charge ot aerving thesupper Friday evening were: Mrs,Sidney Johnson, cholrmau; Mrs, W.H. Peterson. Sr.. Mrs. T. H. Roberta,Sr.. Mrs. P. V. Dobbins. Mra. M. M.Parsons, sub-chnlrmon; assistants,Mrs. T. H. BaskerviUo. Mrs. A. H.

Mrs, M.Mft.

A, Coe, Mrs.

Steel Equipment Ccr>Mercy CoaunixiA. EdwardM. A. A- CtsA (Pfev Dr

Stillman)Chas. O.John B.



Mr. aad Ktsv X

Or. Fred R A&m


Plumbing Heating,TinningGENERAL HARDWARE


113 Main Street - RAHWAY, N. J

r. v.4. H.


trwtsaVOarrett S.M ra. C. t t Wisir*.rriaadKariML T.Mr. and Mia. W.T. H. RobertsMrs. F. a 8*atarlira. Clierles T. QVBBJaa VaaLady FHeadJam^a M. PettttJo*. R.a. uChas. O- TfodeT «V Co.

W. A- BarrtmaaRahway Council No. SS4 Royal—ArcanumA. Wataon Mershpa and Miss

Julia MorahonTrinity Ushers* Association..frlaadJas. McColiomR. C. Carson9. C. TflniU3. 0. ParsonsFriendG«o. H. Crer«Uns;BJ M t l ljrWilliam BUaaFrieadr l d


s '•


Adam Geibel Gives Marreddtts ExMbitioa at Concert

•in. Baptist Church


Gathering f !•

Impressive Cetfticcaies ofEssex t o . Ledge No. 27

On* of tt» moat l8£srmda£~ani Ln-•tncUjw sroermms of a musical aa-

TfiffS" •prwsniiea la. ttls city "tatt taassn.was taat g^rea w« p the aas^fcets offh« choir at tha First Baptist c&nrrco.en Friday evening by Adam G40M2.

fsffi^iT alliul fn«if j T_ wsorapt attention ot toe. Zaxge

«nc« for shoot two hears with-*, meri- !

tortoa* program. Dr. G«£bte cave an \account or. Ma btrta, eaoaa of ttitad- 1

early education and *traxti«*!;r«at difficulty in ootaisbis *i

la (he moatcal world. Tnia was {tateraperaod with atuneroos anecdotesand .personal exportencsa that addedestce and color to the I#e£or» part, of


tfc* actmnisssr oftfoa «ax of th* grwsttB dt***™ffHrt'fMTic different.

mote* on Uift piano and a&etU&s words6y the mound, surtax n a a » thai dbeen written en paper andwhatever ofeject any persoa Inroom chose to- held op so thai Msgtaaiat could describe it on th* pianoJceya. A muff, pair of glaasa*. oat andother article* were held aloft by dlt-Zsrent persona in U&e aadlen.ee and.after listening to t&oir description.- onthe ptano ha readily told what they

"were: The ttJaJflasr-qfTaa-gav. y\ OrMerrill, pastor, of tne caarca. aadGears? E- Wnlta w«r» written o»•Vttper aad handed co tne ptanlsx aadwar* Qoickiy read by Dr. Glebe! trcmtfce notes aoended. From an- ordinary-watch, with crystal rosaovod Dr. Gaibtaeooid tall th« exact time by tooc&lsstka aaada and jnriging tromaneir poai-tton.

the early part ot the profcta played a number ot his best

composition* oa the pip? organ andthai Latter part of ch« program wmsdevoted to some of bis popular salec-ttons which, be sang and played ootfyai piano* Tbe plantation lullaby,-Kentucky Babe," and "TheKid*", made a bit with the audience.Sbm» of the other popular seiecctoaason~0W~l>Ia3Hi and^nriuajB wen; "TheKing's Klsa." "Ti« Blessed Faita,""The Recorn ot th* Flock.™ and others.

His greatest demonstration atgenius was the composition of a newtone for any hynm tiiat tae audiencemight stizzmt. **Blest B» tne TieQiat Bindi" was chosen and Dr.proceeded to show his exceptionalhrain power by composing the toorparts, which were written by hisvetary trom dictatloo. Ax the comple-tion of the. hymn WUUam Cook, jotthis city, stepped forward and' playedthe hymn as it had bean written byDr. Geibel. and otter one trial theaudience joined in «*«r<wfr the hymnto the new tune. He named the tune *"Merrill** In honor ot the pastor of the Ichurch. (

"Don't be_ alrald ot getting too muchinspiration.*" was a truth strongly em-poasisod by Dr. Gelbel dnxing. his re-marks, which was couQsel for thosewho follow or have an idea of follow-ing a musical career. In his remark*he said that be was the Axst publicspealtar to congratulate Bahway onraising over $100,00 for a new 7. M.C A~ and he hoped that he might havethe opportunity of coming to the citywhen the building is dedicated.

Adam Geibel was born in Germanyand when 9 months ot age. lost hissight through the error of a physician.At the early age of 6 years his musicaltalent began to develop and was notedT»y his family. He-w*s—brous&t toAmerica by his parents when seven

- yoara of ago and two years later wasadmitted to the Pennsylvania Institu-tion for the Blind In Fhiladelpha.where he studied the violin, piano andorgan, becoming highly proficient onall three Instruments.

He was graduated in 1S72 and re-mained as on assistant teacher takingat the same time post graduate coursesuntil 1875. His first musical composi-tion was published in 1874; since thenhe has been an indefatigable worker,being- th© author ot more than 1,000Church and Sunday school Hymns andnearly 600 songs tor male, mixed and

votcea, together with-many-and cantatas, secular songs

and-instramentaX pieces.

'? 2T. I O . O. F\ &as h«M pofaflc tsatal-

; :auoa eerwoacnie* previously none o£

tiKta have b«ea more efl«cttv<e and eo-

Joyahte tfr.»n the rites carried out Tri-

> day evening la the prettence of a Large

C3.th«najE of members and friends axMechanics Hall under the direction o*

; Dtstrlct Deputy Grand Master G«orsw; EL Now tec &ad staff ot thlj city B*-? sidt s CA« large somber of; citli«ns present ther*{Graad Lodce officers andI vlxlton at the gaihtfrtng. AH pro-* sounced it oaoe ot the moat lXBpresaln*| asd entertatalng gatherings ot its toad\ that ft had bees their privilege to en-


) Tbe newly elected officers Installed! ar«: Xobte Grand. Clement L WXj ker: rice~gran.dk Charles Ansoa; re-j cording secretary. S onrg-e & Neiruui.j secretarT. Rlchsjrd J. Morftoo;[warden.

Hera? v>Trans Smith;

j David H. Trembiey; Joan t

!Pvters; lalt scene supporter. Otto

, HaraUl: right ixapporter to ch«grand, Jamen Barron, left rapporterto th« nofci* sTand, Adoiph Ulbrlch:right lapportgr to th« rlc«-crand, Wai


woman who has her grandmother's old Paisley shawl at handarray herself modlshiy this season. They are used Zor evening wrap*.and the- gtodecn reprodactlons go tnto tnrbans and eren waists. Iftorben were not Paisley U would bare to be Torfclsh.


ter Gladstone; left lopporter to theTtce-graad. George Moore; losidegnardlan. J-uha Morton; ootslde guar- |dlas. H- H- Voorhles; sitting past :grand. John UadLson. •

The sQbszltxitea on the staff at Dis- '4

trlct Deputy N«wtoa while the oth«T !members were being Installed la- 1ciaded the toUowtog: Grand Warden, iC. D. Gray. sscretary. Adoiph Ulhrich,treasurer. Sir. Abbott; chap*»<w. Floyd iR. Borden; gnardlan.-' George Arm- ;strong; marshal. George W. Wright, i

One of the most notable features ofthe proigraa was aa excellent addressby Grand r»*p)«T< B. C. Uppincott^jofSayreTllle. whd spoke chiefly alonglines of Interest to Odd Fellows andduring bis remarks paid Tutjfo tribute

the epienAid- sei Tlca to Odd Fellowship In this district rendered by Dis-trict Deputy George S. 57ewtos. of thiscity. Grand Inside Goardlan Dahmer.of New Brunswick Ledge. No. 4. wmspresent and also made Interestingremarks. Another prominent risitorpresent was THstrlct T)epaty GrandMaster Poetler. of District N'o. 44. sada memb«r of Protection Lodge, of

We are offering Suites and single pieces ©f distinction and beautyfor all the living quarters in the home : Charming new designs in Din-ing Room,* Living Room and Bedroom Furniture, and at prices thatcannot be duplicated. Everything entering into the manufacture offurniture has increased in cost from 10% on certain woods to 500% oncertain coloring materials. If you ne» d furniture B^y Now ? and savefrom 20 to 40%. We have full lines of:

Living Room SuitesDm ing Room SuitesBuffetsChina ClosetsExtension Tables


BureausChiffoniersDressing TablesBrass Bedsteads

KitchexfUedroomA JFine Assortment of -Kew

See Our Assortment ofVICTROLA'S

g in pric«? tTom $15 to $250. No home is complete nowadays without ooe of thes« wonderfill instrrnnont**, which enable vou to eo jo j the greatest singers SJJ<1 musiciacs, as well aform of popular music. Oar stock of Records is sJwa^s up to date. C»I1 ICstrate vh*t the Victrola caji do to make yon happy and enjoy tlie b*«uty of song '


flet ua demon-

Sporting Goods!Full line of Motor Cycle*, Bicycles, Skates, Sleda and e'verytisg for wirter sports for

and girls. Athletic and skating shoes, with ail acceasoriet*!

We have a beautiful lot of Cut Glamm, for every uae, alao Clocks, Lampm, l aeadleaa variety . Baby Carriage* in all grade*. We can sui t you , b o t hatock and prices. Drop in.



TUOSE who llfee to adorn their pillows Instead of taking advantas* of

figured crelonnea will enjoy thbt morninc dory and' be« comblnaQoadone In gay colors on too colored Unco. -The «nd» are finished withcotton fftmp and fringe.

A Bag So e aChild Can Make It

Beside* tne installation cerexnoole*and the apeeca-making thereserentl pleaslax mtulcal wunber*.dnded solos by Mrs MUton Qaakfll.of this city, and Prank Spooler, ofE!Uzab«th. both of whom were warnilycomplimented. One of the dellxhtful {mtulcal features was the •'"tine byMiss Sflldred Terry, ff years old. nice*ot Sir. and Mrs. Samuel H. Terry, of.38 Westfleid aveooe. who made a bit:alt with the audience. There was alsoorchestral music to enliven the pro-gram.

Previous to the public in*t»He.tlonceremonies at Mechanics hall thelodge held a short session at theirrooms la Cherry street. Following theInstallation delectable refreshmentswere served and a social time en-Joyed. A committee from the Daugh-ters of Rebekab, who were guests ofthe lodge, had charge of the refresh-ment*. The committee comprisedMrs. H. C. CooJter. Mrs. George E,Newton. Mrs, S. H. Terry, Mrs. Jean-nette l^wreace, Mn. George &.Cladek and Miss Neltto Long. TheGood and Welfare committee from Es-sex County Lodge consisted of GeorgeE. Newton. Henry V. Melnzer. Richard

Morton. George Armstrong and JohnMoore.


Directly Opposite Public Service

Ulss Imogens Yoong. daughter ofRepresentative and Uxa, James Yoongof Tessa* a. debutante U deddmlly oxwof the moat popular of the season's

She hn* thp bwaty, vivacityand charm which h*T« made Southerngirts score so heavily In the presentDemocratic regime.

On and after February 1, 191? milkwin be gold for IS cents per Quart andG csnta per plat Cream for W castsper Quart and 50 centa pap plat Thl»milk and cream U from tabeaHsti^tested cows. Th» milk. U cooled lift-

and the bottles imcked ia Ice.:Botflsvare washed, and boiled: &eto»{tEainf ,'•Rftw mfflc oiy-Is:-pro4iMMd;-%r«Bwi"are thoroa«hly «tajnin©d «ach week*y;«. cowpetant yeteriaaryr^ AH IsIng done to produce a veryQuality *ftdk «nd creasi and to servothe s*B4© in a aaUaTactory aianiier.

Th$*a$t>\y .at this time U-'^wr:

limited ao4 all who wish to be nearreA**hould act


FOtTH balfe <vf aflt yarn No, B—two balU of oa« ahad« and two of atouting color, Datk brown and old eold mftOe-the bag flltutrated.

Ajay inaterUla co«ld to uv*$* and wool male** up very «ff«eCtvely.Two JuseSte* No, U or 15. Th» flneP seedtea f onsi 6MS» coopaet knl&

ting. Poor beam oe braaa rin^ and?'&& and ona-foatth yard» of rtbooo on«-half lach wld* to match on© ibadeot tJi© «Tncar¥"«BKrB*saftar

.. Cotnc at any time and. «ee for ypor-•olf how tHo mnfc i» prodnc«d and l>eat*ttwd that lio s « k ecaid "b« pro-dtic©d and handled la a more aaflltaryBtaanar.

, . Ths bat-C<mal#ts of fbor «CCOOD»—two of «ach color. Cast onloops anH Icnlt til* *trtp» nlno or ten incb« la lenetit-wtth a Mca«lnw « d » t*each atrip a« foUowat^Iiuert needW a» for jrarllnjr and «Hi> off th» loop,the wool retrod to the back ready for; knitting: plabt and continue. Ufa nece*•atX to k » p the knitting /very recnlar, as tha beauty * t th« work to lt« mtf-

Th* cofiiew of tfaa atrtpa are Itfaced alternately a* wsard* eoJor and are•6 ihat tb* caat-on edire of on© atrlpjj_pjac«d: to the «lde of tb* ad-

•ew the ttripe oa tiwcast le eda* which m&t

ttrin-. S(art-from toe '• center bit thewroni: atje tor:-fKri^r^tliKHiJuD«'>.1aicll!t':aot b * t b e . O n a f f T Jfthread, o«ln« eacb chain stitch, -sad wbsa sewed tbe «xtr«asa-|»tnts win join,tei j t i t th d f tri Th wlfffiy thw sids « Jined

o « eacb n t i , | ja projection to the end of strip- Th* wtnwlftffiiy thrw- sides « w Joined

in exactly tbe aamo way. It Is fmportaat that the work Ss,noe packewd la thesewing; especially at tbaeorners; otberwUa tn» potati wflj not «ptwir «ym-

Atrttstenlaff* wast be-T«ryh b



•'A\' "-Ci1"""1-"'* '* •"*-"


:.*• •'•;''•. CJ-->-\-'},'

&3SS& &&£

metrtcally ananffetL ff yBono or brans rlnxB (whlcb might b* tmttonbAted If Urrferred) aw sewnd to

iha tout polnte of tb* upper part,-and- ribbon Is passed tbrongb h thandle & frb bp

_T*ro tengihsallfc i» taat^fa ft<0*faini^ tb* b*jg Wtfalg fc» nsefcl for

. - ^_



With no Appetite. All Run-down, Tell*Mow Vine! Helped Him

So many cases like thla are com-ng to oar, attention that we are pub-

lishing this letter for tbe benefit ofRailway people who are In lit Kelly'scondition. Read oar otter below.

Clfljltrville. Tran.~ * **I am-s-€otintyCourt Clerk, and became ma-down,no appetite, was drowsy and felt bad-y most ot Uie Uma. I b»d UUd sey

oral, remedies without benefit. Oneday I read as advertisement oc.yuuuand at oac« tried IL In a ahoTt timemy appetite improred, my «tF«agth

aad I felt better to «v«ty

The reason Vlnol is so soeesaafal Ini*—b«c»as»-U-U- aa aa^

t?m andneptooatiw

llhonBhatea. the old««t and Boatimotjs tonic* known to medlrine.J3o'at»as U oar faith 1n TlaoX Utat

w e ^ b H e r ,'•.!©••

money Infall- to ci»» aatUfactory •wmUmS:''^

^heleadlHK «lrng Hor«-ta allM«r :

retora thecase If Vtnot

•: Pt*&*r*tur th« WeisKCaapalgit to b> h«M tn this city (M»-

11 an* eotttfamlaa" :telaareb t t l n

I *•i*i)iiWi«iP*;ta)v


. C. T. U. Anxious to Hsv« Prohibi-tion Adopted by Nation

Fervent prayers for the tuccesa oftbe proposed Prohibition amendmentto the constitution of the UnitedStates marked the meeting of the Rail-way w . C. T. U. held on Saturdayafternoon at the home of Mrs. I*. M-

raptOHj of ftS Ja^ues avanu* In «eoo-nsction with the prayen for tne ados*'tton ot tko 'amendment there wasthanksjvinK for the success** of thepast year It being tbe first ueetln* of

sttirw thm yew Tearstarts^ Th« declaring valid by theeoorts of the Webb-Kanyon. law, whichaak* It an offease to ship Uqsor tivmwet to dry territory; Is considered* u»xt

tsiBdrtimcs to the eoBstltattonalYhete was also r*Jolciag

fear more euts* had

wac taade byOertrodt Otyts that a-bl» iatheHHEwlU be held at the « r t t Metltodlstchorch oa attsd*y» April i i . wh«» lira.Dfibarah Knot' JJvtflt^ton. sap«ifi>

the National W. C

Continuing in Triumph

, will b# th»

It wa» aJ«* ataud m t the.o&i-ipt 'tiit l ; ^bm:>^B94Mtiu| f :;'l . tne«nt l*« !&Uta»n«dbMn takesth« m«ttb«r« <tf the U t l i l a t u N f ^ .'i^iSftTVSW


BR liliP1—1

it^^i^:*;. . I f " : '


»H«s«s .P lgriToc°*~ Ulan J emails

Section*uiv&d. ih** tae Training

Public Scaoois-U Superior toAfrord«d by Pnv-at* Sctcois;" i f lrm-iatir*. Mtss Gr**ca Brokers xa«3 Ulss ,

H*rt.». T3*caiiv», Itts*

•••*»••••<*> •*• • • ••w- • • • • • «§> •}• •t • CHOOeWWO A WIJ*7!- <§>I * v

'< • Use will eajtfpry a fiaol that •

! • Iftarsed to sco£. — D?. Waits*- •

of a:fllrm*iiv« sixJail***. ili*a 11 B«r

Moor* uud Ills*"How A L*dy

a Town." Miss Ba4*l HO4-"Pnor

App**nac«.' Mis* Aaaar talk. "Wuh th* O-piom

.'.r Pvraix.' ili»» O U n lUH reading,"Socfcery Setting » H«a.


la bqyfaqtwif» s&ot

' acevcM ams *Tt"iin arwffe

ia*orf yonrwW •Pro»«cti.

That's »*Wiji OMStljnitre o' ocitwt**. B m <t!io wf oat iC3 HC& O° t fin

thai* s how i


tat a

f«DO2 a


[ t i l t

! • •

e n * utal w © -tu God.—-Italian

r ""Ttac* t o tauSgus"Q t*Q ISian bv*a'• SKMSXIS oasm ca»

tfcty ta&nfc toT«I *"re*dy. aa'&«*« a cM becbe-



em AY


TwfeftaWy* «*d Friday*.


m:o four.




K«ttyl«. of tisJL* dxj. two moam.John R- Clart o( W««ti«id. andHATTT U Clark, of Hamilton

by tw-eir*

d«dslcn in favor of sffrmstlv'e; reelMl** Aetna Ii«nD*rw: »oc*l icta

Caih*rln KJ chard*.Sickle.

tor (J&« trwial«r partRAH WAY

of *lity mec who winTor th« criminal

wa* afl«id ajad vui a SMsalMir of th* FtntPrea&ytartaa ci&sr«9l of ttiai piac* for

hasQ£ the tCXWSt, Clara. Ki«*h?1j TOOIOS t s )'

Feast of Life." a d n s a of jsa»-l

and UstrUn*. Oar* t



and r«4u«.-tion ot miiotfUAUM cost oat-sld* ta« »po«r« oi bu*is*ous u tn« or-

of th* Roman CatooHo*isurvQ is d94lu*Ml suifi

(or a commanlty MX*a c d Lh# *ltU>&UOll LI lillp

wn«r» throuxbout the cocntr?On e*»*ry hand wt htrur ta»t

has Too many Protestant cnurcheaTor y««rs they hav« had a struxxl* foraxtstsnoc .iud som^ o' tn^ns arv Lo*laytn a notably bad flnaa*:t*i coodiuooThis ts dn« to dnpiic»ttoc of

Lxck of c«nc*iuraUon o/ forv«»axv th« ita.j * of ciaurch unity j

.* a«wapaper* are Tun ol reports of T

Jury i'ooiBsl*aaoa«r Char***-*Jud«» J C (,'cainoUy

Sujir«n3«csse*~ by

P RoasIncluded

t'aritliufT. Arthur E- M<>a4. Jooa JJ«ftr1«i*- WlUanl t* KIT**;man. Joon R.Baumann and John J H \l**on Jury

thai Juryni^u drawn on the punW must

>ub»-*rv»«ot t*a tti«tr Jury duty *o tnat yihtfy c»c §«rvu for two wtwta* botlH-- 5LiJUK next Monday U ts exported tlist \ih«rv will b« s grvai deal of criminaland (Mvll business to be handled astharv will probably b« a goodly uum-ber of indictment* mud* by th« GrandJurv in addltluu to th* nues

Ur» Clarkto* Hsr ho as* sad

no tacrlficv was too greatfor her to male Cor th«*r w«l£ar«. S&0p«7«»** »*?«l a flrta Clulstlasi chanfcctsTxcd many *ieriinc quaUti** sad kindlyiralts ihat *cd«arvd h-er to s widsi-ircle of frt*ad» wUo mourn ftwr d«ai&.

The fua«ral will t» lieM at her latfthiom« tomorrow s/teraoon at 3 o'clock.tlie R«v L, Y OraJaaiu. Jr. pastor ofthe First Prwabytertan cijurvb. ofllcla-

lnterxn«nt will tw in Rahwmy

of daoomlni-units charch««Usoa.

Historically we saw Ui« RUQUUJ

ma Ui« State Chorch, and tr&osof cirllliatloa from that.

h« R*?onnAtlott. tovmphaala or Individual

u c u . Today wo a«« lndtvldaal-Coa« to t«ed. The pendulum ta

back thm other way to acfcurch unity. Fifty y«ara a«o Preaby-tartas and 12«Chodlst, and all the otherSUBS fceld aiooX from «ach other to thepoint of aatipathy Happily th« daya



Men aro BTIU1"! on fondam«ntalsr«tsinliK their individual

on ooo-«as«nUsis. It ts cotfrom a standpoint ot apk««p

aficlency. that each little group oftadivldttais shall hav« tu own churchlb * ssaall community."

Tbarv has b««n a groat deal of talkfetal? about the uniting of th« church-«a ill Rah way. Union services hav«

bald frequeotly. brtnslcg the dlf-eoiisprecations together, and now

have the Evangelistic Campaign.wfeleb will do more to break down

-&B&afiBlaalionaJ barriers.To tbe business mind there seams

Uttle Justifications tor the large num-churches In Rah way. One PrflB-

cbarcb. and one Methodist,one Episcopal church will cover

tn« aitn*tion adaaoately. U Is tarbatter to have tares strong churches•fcaw savttral weak and strugglingchurches. Of course there Is a greatbody ot sentiment and conservatismwnlcs will not easily glv« ap *ny °*

«horchea, bat it does seem theet wisdom that steps should be

to imw'p«"«'* our chorchea.«Bit3as the Second with the First

presbvieHan Church a strong Pr«sbytartan church could be made. Thosewho live down town could go to th«

INSTALLED\) -tl. e n for tn« ensuing t*rm of

Washinatou Oanap. No 154. PatrioticOrder Sons of America, were bistsiied

KYidaj oT«uiag aa follows: Pasti-rnatdem. Joaenh H_ Jcnninga; preai-d«nc O V. Bo«rm, vice-president.

Uuakeli. master of tvrm. WU-Sordmeyer, rei-ordl&jc secretary.

R K Dunknll. nnancJai

ter of

RactteJ OrQroot SwanBaea«l IMlnxrt Swan, daugh-che tai« J«dldl3th and \Iarta

Swin, and grand-danshter ofDr Samu«i Swan, of Bound Brook, am«ra»«r of Conjrej* for »rY«ral terms.and s descendant at Judxc Jacob D«-Groot and Captain Jedldlah Swan, offi-cers in the Oostl3i«ntal army durtn*th« Revolutionary War. died Jan. 14MU3 S v u formerly llred In Newarksnd was* for a soctlMr of years a mem-

ber of the South Baptist churchand an a«tlre worker In the Sundayschool. uxrtU flftiliBff health forced herto relinquish th»»# actlTiU'S»-

Clifford Comer. Lrwa»ur*r. Martin H. {FYanko; conductor. P-inr*y Brown. t&

ttctor. George C Way: sward.H Hardy: chaplain. Chazi«* Jsin; assistant recording secretary,

Ktrgv ScheU; trustee, William C-Rapkie: good and welfare committee.

io*ge Hardy. Joaaph, H. Jonntngs.WlUlam Nordmeyer. Qlann Dunkall.Charles Held. As District DeputyTownloy. of KUaalMth. eould not bepresent he delegated Martin H ETankeof this city, as Installing officer. Dale-gatlous were present from Camps 73and 300. ot Elizabeth. During tbe

oetlng throe applications were re-ceived and two previous applicationsware roted upon. A large delegationfrom Camp 154 will leave this city onthe S.03 p. m. train on Wednesday we-nine Jan. 31. to attend the meetingof the county organization atboth.

and three sisters, the Mtases Sarahand EUxabeth Swan, of Irrincton. andMrs. W. ML Lodlow of LAnden. Funeralservices were held Jan 17 from her

ts oe*. cf tn« b«ax loicwa me- [trvsae* on th« icr««n today $MA *>\** \

Important Matters 3rvu$ht toPublic Attention By In

:er«3t«dDo net fail to *#• n*r ai tsa Loftitt.

Wedn«ailay will be t&* day ofPoUdcai Units

Orey tn ~Th« Flower otIt la th« story of th* great ttit3n os* aalms!* country girl, thw daaxhter of a sitinerant evangelist. Tt U th« story ofthe titomph of faith ov«r sov^de-tszn and Infidelity of ao oetes*t maid•osbellaver. It la one of tihas» reallsctedramas of timjji* coantry Ufa wbic&sjwAT* dsUshta 00 the screea or

Thursday another "Girt &oa11 ary, an KaaaTisy drama. "SorrowedSooaihin*. ~ wttJi Ham sad BvuS and a\1m coosedy.

Saturday. ClbarUs diaplta in "Be-hind thw 9c*a*s-** m

° t d * ? Can you t»G It a bo*laai» (OSM inin-T *

so. what a fonoy TTntmt to do!ia*.

Woat's c&a ld«a do VOQ mvpamt?

tutor Utis ntiaatooaxv basral OP &• 1for tii* b*c«at of tiis c&afe&«a or COWTL ;or »v»c fur Su£Crax«- To tMHi of *«Cr '

t&a>9—-f% no cood rBuwnt m^ ^tr-!hag. ttaw to it. to&. It"* mwteStr',



wlsliautto on* to j

events. There are people *b«and ooiuZy and tauu wmsthat doeaa't go their way. Tb*eet Intsvrvptlon dlstnros them axulo u k w thevi mad. They act as_Lf &jb«fworld w u ozmdm tor ttbsm aod a* iftheir dJsapjwIaWJuani—xis—M.—arusr

i s tsld ar* som* ofEditor: a» Otai I am

to aak t&* prtnicc* «T a ttol*to tall Ttis Sseord r«oi|«rt Joss wthis enlofpYlsw la. w&y wv are |tt and how it U wt)ffktn« ottl. Txst It Ls faot a &ubi*a* tea« euly C*e»«n*ty-|

c o i n s bomt and.;b«aa«flt. la Vkm first

rt|f<rtyas well as every tadlvldiaai. I*

or If not too many,that are noc Jvst thm fisr

and ornaments and tTts ourchases in th« togic ot ev«ota. Ttai» tenot a sihow o€ guchd breeding. A pertoo wfcose oatnrv im nobto will «L-o«pcthe little mtsflt» to Bfe a« «om*wnat tob^ expected and bear them with abrav« and uaseiitsb ijrfrlt- We har«i w o men who meat their little d3aap>potntmeota with a pots* that la beauti-ful Tbey are tho real heroes of lire.TTwlr disappointment naalEes thmmirrsad, for in their cstocomnture tbelr

Is a* gviatle sa a fumm«r ttm^wt.with luaw otQtir* it te not so.

They rsee st a little mlsfeap. Tbey denoanw •verytliioaT and1 everybody Inth**tr dteaptx>lntmeot- Tb«y srv simply1U- bred. It Is not to wttl> a CKnttecianor a la^y. Tbey aci-epc a f e v e m as a jtuattev of coarse and mtfrg a. rlzsos; j.out of a disappointment.—Coinmboa I M t productive• O> Stats* Jocn:al j

kitcbea and dining room Qtaoaila; oursQtooiobOse aiuS DOT booldn aa we owe*grow otsr clothes. We have im-

tortnnatsly most of as vmriova misflSavtlcles waela as lamp*, oartains.turee. eOr^ that are Just a.to' the fee* expression of tn*

spirit as a miaflt ahp t or glov« Ls {eo-tae free spirit of o c V v l

parsov. even when excellent xnd beca- \• tlful iw rtxeiT ~ !

rsr tne- word ~3Tink~ ls It not !to any «ort of chins ac-}and not needed for oor« *

deveiootsent ? Bat what isto one Is treasure to another.


• • » ! ; • .1 rWS

4 The New BookGoes to Press

Feb. 1

All new Estings for the tele*p^/>n^ directory and changesor adiiitions in present list-

must ke^aarajigrei for on—r—of pcrore zaaz date, IB €IUCS

A, to.appeajr in this new issue

Office forfull particulars.


jand ts reclalmable la |

Juiik and- —Mm* to me should be con-verted into money vmla*. eveo. ta th*


If' ladse^iuo runs inarouse yourself and stranglealilloua- fee tu your achlovocosHUfore It saxps your energyyour U£w di«ace. Do not wsiit uctfltomonw, oo£ betfln todayyuuzself la <tov«lop the oppositety by cfisr eotwttuit practkv u€ Oraxdecision. .ajsalyxe thoroughly everyaffair before deciding. Tbeayour daclstoo to made U?t It be Seal

btte reaidenee. IX Rnta strceCton, conducted by her pastor.Charles BrowneO. IntermentMt. Pleasant cematary .


| Development of PopularGovernmentMeans of Securing

Permanent Peace

By FWaui FEUX ADLER. Head olElfakai Cuilore Society

Tftaity Methodist ^ church. If ,Ffwbytertan scruples would no* inter-

•ttnrand uuyThe


POLICE ACT1VIT1C*Pretending that he was deaf and

dumb m slick stranger collected, con-siderable coin shortly before noon to-day in the business center of the city-One or two suspicious persons whohad contributed trailed the atrangfirto the Pennsylvania Railroad platformwhere he asked for A match asnonchalantly as ir nsfthlng bad everaffected his power of/snaecn. He par-chased a ticket for i*rtnceton and leftthe city. After am had left a partynotified the pol'c* and than thoughtIt strange that tsm p6Ue* did aat catchthe pretender. JL description of th«man waswlnd to th« Prtncetoo aa-thorities. -

Michi A StawarC o* Bond street, afr»* "* fint visits? s.t poUoa Quartera)«aa committed to Jsili today by JudgeLlblett tor thirty daya !a default of a

. Ha was arrested by OfficerCfmhan tu Muiuoe s t w t ye»


ritareh should wrils wltfe tn© d m -

ahftrtU*tno4I»U h&v« butto walk to th« other Sfotho-

_. eJinrtli. or tka* could easily gofct tfca Pmbytsriaa tib veh across the

Thla also holds good tor ths

nnitftd actionThe difficulties of*r« aX.ence appawnt, butihey a n not85 g n a t or inwoaaibl* tnaX tn«y can

l i UfB*t b* ftvaroofiu. The religious Uf« ofbacaoae

thn snjyirinr nfflnlftnnT ot the news*Tan«eB*at «ad the dty itsMt would

mscb money by the reduction ofand duplication ot efforts,

of any two of theseChurch orsanlntlons would beheroic service to render tbe city, andW further proof of the progressivespirit which we beyeve U growlitt onr eotttsflaaJty. t-ast March TheOeoord «aj>haalied the value of suchaction and the various circumstances

have since developed have onlysho_w t&ore dearly the ad-

vlsshllJty of such a plan.


CoafribatiOBS ooaUnue to come Infor the new Y. M. C. A- buildlnf- Froa

. C. Van Antwerp ISOO has been re-ceived, from IL H. Macy ft Co^ $100.from U S, PUot * Co^ Newark. MS-The auditing committee consisting; ofB- M. S^uler, Qarrett S. Jones and H-H. Jardlne wtU meat today and coover the campaign books. The execu-tive committee or the campaign willmeet with the board of directorsthe V. M. C. &. Thursday evening.


Samuel Dockat. ot Philadelphia, hasbeen spending a few days with hisbrother. Joseph Ducfcat. and family, o149 Main street.

Atlanta.Piedmont lo

Whisky HlQh«r.Go.—M.oeu&hlners of th

the variou* ili *ic&neii propcwiuona for neoitnng permanent peacewhicli huve atirady bgeo put Jjfi ojre MM. aocoe »w;tim to mo to- beessentially mischievous. My purpose hero- is drat to subject to

criticism one sucia proposal—that America after the war shall combinewith the nation* of Europe in "keeping th« lid on*" thus preventing aurtlicr explosion.

Then 1 shall indicate my own thought—that the great role of THEUNITED STATES SHOULD BE TO STAND FOR THE CREA-TION OF A NEW KIND OF PARLIAMENT, A PARLIAMENT OFPARLIAMENTS, and to encourage thereby thoec forces in Bnropowhich make for free government, but are at present kept in check, by tnegoverning clas^ea and especially by those who are in control of theworld's foreign policy.

The commercial and militarist classes are tha- great obstacle t» the de-velopment of popular government in Europe. It should be our aim tohelp th« movement toward putting the people in charge of their rela-tions to one another, thereby enlarging and: giving grandeur to theirmind—to speed democracy in Europe rather than to combine with mon-archists, with czars and kaisers merely to puniah some unruly member ofthe European group who seeks to make trdutte.

YH« OREAT THING tS TO PftSPAftS t r l l TRUt PQiUNfisVrtQN FOR;e, ANQ THI» MUST mm SOUGHT i f i t w i CONTROL o r TMB » « O .


may b«s inveacetf &» better porpose, tornearly everything Is racialmaNe ttproperty used. Bat the questloxicome*. "wJxy not «tve away what yoadon't want'" Beaeose 11 cot onlyrequires smc& skliL taewi«dye andtact to elve a-vKtsy i o u t o really helpanother, bat t&a* otner must beknown and most need Just tne thin*that yoe want tt> get iM of. edw

Universal MiliOur

ould Promote

Dt. LVMAN ABBOTT Etfor « d Atffcar

1 would interfere with the pacific pursuit*universal militaryof the American people* t&at objection might eoaceivgbly jus\i|y ourresorting to tho militu, ol the state, which to orgaiuxea for e," to-

d i f f t E t l f t i ^ l illg ,tally different purpose. Eat, la fact, univ^rtal millAVOULb PBOM0TB THE PACIFMrPXTHatriTS Ol


Alabama. Tenntw-see and the Carollnaa sre not so slow.They have taken advuntatttuf-tho Wgticoat of living nrgumenta put forth bythe city manufacturers and as « resultmoonshine liquor that^used to sell fur75 cents a gallon now couunands 94 a

It would develon a habit «f prompt ob*diwac« to law. ^jT It'vonld develop tho team •pint, the HaUt of cb^opentiofi for a com-

mon purpose.It would break down class barriers and pat the employer and the em-

ployed, rich and poor, on the same level engaged in the same under-taking. It would thus greatly promote the democratic spirit

It would promote % spirit of real patriotism—a patriotism which rec-ognizes tho truth that toe people owo some thing to the government aswell 03 the government something to the people; a patriotism that wottldexpress itself, net in Hearing orations and waving flag* and firing ftw-craakers, but m roaT pracfichl ntrfl self denying service.


ytse merely- sb0«- taw- «nisa o-profit. Tae practical trat&of (&» oldBible saytns "TU more Messed to givethan to receive." is so plain that oneshould stop and tfttnk of what reallyhapoeo»-to--the otter fellow who re-ceives.

The Economic Bsmuaax* ExchangeIs designed to be » Wesstax to allaides. It takes whatever is not otvalue to you and find* the person whoreally wants- It enmxgfi ta pay some-tnlnx for It, thereby eatabUsninsr ffood-feeUnx. thrift, and Independence andnot as Is so often tne case. Ingratitude,shlftlessness-or servile1 ofc&cailoa. forsomething we do not care for. whathas not coat us- something; and to be inany sense obligated ts to be per-sonally uncomfortable. T&at we hap-pen to run to clothing at the momentls due to the tact that more homes arecongested with personal possessionsthan with any other on* line ot ar-ticles. Moat people bar more clothesthan they can possibly wear out beforetho fashion, the fancy, er the figurechanges, we- tnink wu are going toneed something and then the occasiondoesn't demand It. and so we find anaccumulation of misfit or partly wornshoes, glovasw hats, coats* suits, etc..perfectly good for someone and yet weancot wear them an* should be glad

in inuat cases to realize a third, aquarter- or even a tenth ot USetr cost,to reinvest moro property because otsuch sconova! experience.

Hawevw. the Exchange is notlimited! to old dothaa by any means.We haire for instance solid silverpiece* that have been us Tiffany stor-age ustfl the owner realised that tosell ts* even Svw ao little mow tfeanthe- v*l»e Qf the silver would be moreprafttahtg to her than Baying tu-farilfca dftftd tnvestmeat. Tbe same ts -true-of aome cut class* chins, and Jewelrythat was taken troaa storage and seatto us, besides tae numerous artiste*from people's attics and store roosmaand the larger pieces ot furnttufiw sadequipment that can be seen 1B tnedifferent hoaea ot the owners*, by sim-ply applying to us for name* aad address.

Watch the advertUemeBta In theRecord each Tuesday. It w3H alwayshave something cood. Attheach allnames of 'depositors an* purchasersare kna-wn only to th* manager, ttmight Interest youto-JEBow of someot the eases that hav* been benefitedtn afferent ways. ~£ bride, for In-stance was unexpectedly- transportedby her husband's profession to someneighboring engineering wofic thatwill probably consume a year. Al-though domestically Inclined and froma lovely home la the South tt seamedhardly worth while to go to the ex-panse of ©QtttppiHX an apartment forso short a time up here tn the North.We heard ot the situation and wereable to furnish her with nearly every-thing- she * wanted, thereby making, ItpeatitUu tar her to lira to her

Cahway TrustCompany

We want tbe people of this city to feel thatthis is THEIR BANK.

Wfaar can: we do to impress this on

Let us know. Perhaps you can think" ofsomething; we have n«t thought of.

ftom 9 to, for tniferosatlotl only, open

noratag, at I+M Ir^tn« at.


home wfaflS- here, which. w3» very macnlonged- tt* diB\ and Instead! o£ this being Railway Fire Alarm Stationsan additional cost to her husband. She jls quite sare that at th* end of the .time, sh» wU3 be able ta seU what jshe purchased at the Exchange for aa 1much or more than she paid far them, t

Another case was a man who foundfor $10 a 930 overcoat that b&% practi-cally naxoir been wons* awing to the

13—UsJa. and Gharry 8tr«eta<IS—Hasalwood and LisswV'Ptoli—Main and C«an»rc* Streeta.15—Kew Bamsawlek. and

> 33—Haaarwosw soU J: S*—Maple a»d St. George A

death of the owner. Aa ae put It on to ! »6—aUlton Avenne and Bryant Street.31—CaasbaU and Oharry

: 3 3 - ~ U U A atXwat and BUSAfcttffe1 35—Gfand tad IrtinS- Bllasts >j 43—Uiaton Ave. and Montgomery St.i 43^-Qrasd, Beao. ana M U M * ttreate.

go away he said, "the high cost ofliving has kept me from, oarving a goodovercoat for many a y«ar. 1 alwayscould da best when I dMssed veil as ayoung nan and this- awning I feellike a> young man agate." And an-other- who was fitted eat with three i *. Bni-*.*^*^ . . ^ T- *—

* ^ . tfc_ _, , I *4—witBh—h and Jackson Avenu -a.pairs ol shoes for tfts price of one ; 6 l_centr«l Avaww axdlbni-Tefnaithat te said would M him anreohan 61_^hmu ^ ^ ^ ^ *****a year and made him tool as If he"couM do anything^ they wore BOcomfortable alter the poor and illy- ]uhatnd shoes he h*4 been forced tobuy for •bimselL And tbe new babythat found a much) better outfit than Itexpected for whs* the parents could,easily afford to pay. As well as themany other lnafcucea where good;quality has been found at imall oostsad stltchaa aaa*J tnr msnv s wnmnnFor everythlns- from aprons and, kit-chen soaps, olsi blankets and china, to-camels hair shawls, thread, lace- andgold'rings hmve eome tn.

Our Idea to not to benefit any oa»class of peavie, hat all clasaas,. OTWT>body, Innteaiws; ooraelvea. Aitrteefrom _all U. welcome—that tl may hathe moat aseful institution, poaathle.Trains are fairly oonvuitent and thetare only twelve cents' or two centsmore than the trolley. So cona andvisit us and watch The Record adaeach: Tuesday. ,

Very truly yours.MART FATTISON-

CA-RD OF THANKSOar* deepest •npreclaUon and most

heartfelt thanks ate tnrtwnded to themany fHenda and neighbors who sokindly aaiiate^ comforted and min-istered unto us during the Ulneas anddeath ot onr beloved daughter, andespecially da we thank tho Mayor,member* ot the Common Council, vari-ous city official* and others who sentfloral tributes and in any way mani-fested their sympathy to us In ourttww-pf bereavement. *•-

. AND MRS. Z. HOBUTZBLU• ^ • - - 4S Fterce streetl

W—Orand andtl—St. Oaorce Ave^ WTusy CssMt.«*—N. j . ftaformatory

Bnpare for theCamnaign to be held: l a this city tta>ginning Feb. 11 and ^ n w » < 1 t ^March S5 In the taharmele at thecorner of Elm aveaoe and Cantubel.StMS*.


HORSE POE SAIiSS CHEAP wlk«w*good hom« ts cuarmBteed. Bee**has been a family pet and a coothome 1a c*J«f conslderaUon> u. CL.'Cloke. n 5 Kast Haselwoodi

WANTED—Young lady as bookkeeper: tnd assistant cashlar. Hast be: curate la figures. Address« ofttee Bos I*.

TO HBNT—A heated fur&tahe«with use of bath.Grand street.

—Wednesday evening, betweesVthe Y. M. C. A. and Bryant streetgold locket, book shaped. Reward1 ttreturned to Mrs, J. 7. Vail,Bryant street.

SA1*E CHEAP—Balance ofhousehold furniture. Miss Balmm

• ; U .96 Main .'street.



laW- i

STUB BYUsl B^etiaBB^B: f FSB^^2tislB^BlAfOUsf Ifss)

K*rta**d <e He FerTttatt to tfc • *

MMBJ^PBysswj^ vP^BuPul^Cd' 1 &

• wtthoat a atrfte by t&it t n * defunct Fedatal tessoe

thw apart sa tnat f ins soarntnetr frerfr"* and &&w befeteaB

of doQajs.

and Aiaejrfiaufc iMgus-of t s » unftaa.

contracts for. this, year

Itplayers have been adjusted.1* fmnVrty admitted by t&e leaden otwte ^TnioQ. that tf&ere are no gxlevaaceeSjctfssx *oe ciUv o^^uiftcs to tne •"•sfiflMfr*at and American leaguee, Tne flsat IaaajCtasx the T**M*< leasoe d o b ownen*

ef w t o m say tnay are on tne>of bankruptcy and are reedy totbetr baQ parks. The he-wheii

wttfch pays the freight. Iswtta

is caiculatsd toaaftewil gsjase. Tb» fmas have


aow wtta \TQSWME

W wsJfce&.tnCB a pfctcv in SL Lroto tf8f *%f a i u fwl a 'bewJUaJbta*! otd nTStf gftT^wnpt** fcnoctlajif _ tow fc*^&* SffV axoomd th** caibta. Tfe* oA& B I S B t£

QjsHiffL % K^oeW»• oat-tOaVsTAaTtw

* asfed. '

91 "Bat what SBSJQ we ptey forT*

S beat yuoJ* s a i lH* T»SM **Wis3urd"*

for tfis* Jtawwe Xee olai w i »

5av iv* tsfcS sr*W ~ Jfc*" taM t&»IK f<n te*T» €Btt>ttaSa jusc a a j so-**M Tney lagged, and the ~W&ani~

BT ed t&v fiat siwt—e aaut ti&ax toW OMsaidaeeid a "set «Hp~ foe a ctac*V player.-e/ TAB* o£d *p ** fflifiifirrt crooffid*f| giniiiiiTt carefitliy a s d made ate


to t&» Eftci; cad pas op M» cov--l>w ted •noi^ft." te said.

majorper cent of


data , more r**•••** TO'

for tneto

Bet one cicb i s tilewill work oo£ t se maacte-

flft a new fieid. Xne KatSmiSitemma snow a more reazless

ot tbe eisne clubs aavtas scaited.that tbeir players wlU preperw for

battles rrT «w different

Mow Cf—tarf


b* to

bad Tuna


«*d* wvraIt was doe&> tHn-t toe nisteCy*

boy t&e flstic ewwatton erf tbe i

to the fact tnat the bisball players. In many Instances.

[been overpaid and also have beentreated.baseball pabUe in the major

Fe cities naturally has no sympa*for the alleged troubles of players

the minor lessee cities. Tbe fansM&e .salaries of tlie diamond stars,

they are eager to see the sport re-I* to Its former prosperity. It

atae fa tbe prevalent opinion tlat tbesseft who finance tne bis lessees are—rfniin! to a square deal and tbat if

axe determined to make a finishfor the control of the same DOcan be justly found with them.

If the major league players, there-asn. carry oat the plan to strike inarsapatby with their minor leagueeSathers it is predicted that the public

stand by the magnate*, who de-that they will not submit to die- I

and will bar the sates of their,If necessary. Baseball has re-no many hard knocks florins the

three years that a players' strikeJt become popular. The fans own

taa ganw,—ftgd—they—«w

Xaitooaia will train atCaJ.. tMa ajprins Ui place of

£ta-: Plttstooxe^ bas planiactito %hitX ttom Hoc Spcinga. Arte- to Co-

wbilv Broocxys Is*to Ueaert Dajtona, Fla-, for the

left vacant by PUtatHizsn at

Clark Griffltii win take thetoe team to A.usosta. Go— instead of

to Cnariottwine . Va, wbcreths Nationals bsrs trained for s e v e n !

All the other Junior leagueclubs win journey to their oliX camps.

fun list of the National andft^iiH^n^*^* league1 c ^ ^ jj » w.-*w y xocthe coming spring are as follows*:



d*e I s Isss tStaa a rotiod*O«T«- aafflscgd aad be oas foment tn«m ail wtili—FSwJdy WajsJb^ ^ooaay.CJtartey WMtv. WUH« Bitcisi* andscrtns of otners

Todaythe oajse of Wdie Jajckson iM» realnaaae la Oscar Tobies, of Jevisn par*eatajrel. Is to t posltioct to deiaaud 9X--000 for hiSi n«xt ruur aippearaace. Andwho fc» U n* wantt to fishr uexi ? Wby,uooody bqt Freddr Welsh. Uw Ujeat-weigst coampion. Justly prood, of Mlfeat of pticrtnc Dnxtdce away, tftis boytb* w o n t be twenty UU Jfaly> is bab-bUag OTW wiiis confl*lence tfimt Ji« cando the came thins to Welsh. T'wetrhonly 129 pounds, bat I win tet WelshooGie i s at 133h ols own KTig1**** Usoit."'fi* said, and nls e7es~HpajlCl«d at tneprospect of knocfels^ the i*biitTir*'*" oct.

• H o w abocu Johnny SDbaneT" heasbed. Jackson plainly showed

T«x.Colmnbtn. G

he wasn't over enthusiastic aboot thatpropositian. havlns; foctsnt SUbane

year, the referee stopping th* con-ta tbe-fifth rotxnd.

'Snbane. Z »***" Is th« sreatastflsater 1B the world." Jackson finallyanswered, and. added Manager Bagley.

! "We would sooner flgnt Welmo at 1-tO


St. Fvterstmstf, Fla.- • •«.- , .- . ,-- -Hot Sprines> Ar*.

. San Astonio, T«X-^itiairJ. PTs.


ofusta. Go.Softca. Hoc Sprinss. Ark.Chtcaxo. Mineral Sprtnam Tms.Sm*r TorSt. Uaroa, Ga.St. Louis- Pal««cia*. T«x.Detroit- Wajcaliactii«, Tvx.Philadelphia Jacksonville, Fla-CUtvmlaxtd . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans, La.

HOPPE CLEANS UP $76,000.Billiard King Aiitassa* Fortun* Und«r

flobaft Banjamin.As the world's champion balk Une

player—further than that, tbe e r e a t s ttbe world has ever seen Willie Hoppa*

bm_fair-soccess flnandaJly foragr-years. H» became so perfect In

alt alone the line.Vt l tbe strike order keep players al-

wsjiy under contract out ot the game?Wtyeica who hav© »Igned win violate

coBteacts If they do not reportspriiis practice. In mans >ach

S big salaries will be forfeited,if these playcn decide to report In

to collect their "iro&clad" sal-bow will the unsigned playeru

SSB strike feel about Itt A strike, to bessar nifal, must mvolve »11 members


Igist *p • ar &rttte, wOl result In

>W t f H

* «B1OB wh«tn«r tney arecontract or not.

plsyera «n the ball field*clab owii*rs to

>Wa» Hw nnirw.the rales no player can report

pwctie* unless he b u atcn-

otdered to arHve at than?camp* oa or aboat

L At that tEnie the clnb ova-vffl beffin to obtain ft food Una ftuInt«ntlAos of tbeir playeea. . If

sMCasi sb'jTtUJtrxliii.' -eVftafls> *a*sw4e1jUsa wiftaiawsB^.es^a^H nsOadsT^Xe^aT U J B 1 W LXW^M^r aJSaBJavav*'

win proceed to essase snhetltatesthe recslcttnnt refnlsrs. *En«i»B«e v i a Include seml-pr6fe**lon-

wlnor Itrngwun and «0l«ce play-^ham-witt be plefe*dmsnitftfi to fiutJbsH

on tbe field to betfa t&e canvof reiulta. Tb«r«

leeaise bx th#iS^ji »BH*dinfc\ to the latest, adrteea. TUcy

. iptesd to fstand pat If .they are sotetted-to pay aalaHBa they^asswUtfey esaaot loss) much, and that

* wilt Be creator thanttat ef th*lr players.

his fleld that he was without oompcti-tlon. and bis rivals t*tused to post theforfeit to try for the title, mo tormonths Che sport field nn*i a championwho was not an attraction.

Then along came Robert BarnardBenjamin, entitled "Promoter and

Benjamin attached his Ideasto Hoppe, and between them they havecleaned Op aPProXUnaTSly

Tbla can be accounted for as follows;Hoppe and Melbourne Inmaa tonr of

Canada and United States from Octo-ber. 1914, to February. 1915, $11,000;Hoppe and Yamada toor of UnitedStates and Honolulu from October.1915, to April, 1010, $35,000; presenttour to date, $S.<KKfc Boppe and GeoegeBatter Sutton championship match.$2,000;- total. $70000.


Baseball mea were eorptised recently'hy rrwtifwi t*fWeecmnan of the Cubs that ha coaldhave signed Geofffe Stslllnss to »up*plant Jo» Tinker, bet preferred to «o-eas» P*ed UltcfaeJL Sha fact la tnarWeeghinan mad»'s rtsefittooji tttemirtto^secmie the Eetoasv of gtafflfigs ttomUi» Braves and that Stilling* was «e>

to lasv* Boston.SossJps say that StalBass teM

that.be conld not gst sloe**aaHBOBlously .wltn Presidene HAHSB-

jfcStti ^KXTdL^brfhtaHttfflSi s> • • • et^pesss • t s s n S F sVdSh AdSi B^AW'^^ssKzashsjss wtf •"FrTgfFjJales •J --^Wm^Kf ^^CBJULJ C^r LaL#La7 awy^sssf

AsUlngs* tSSjOOO eontnc^ which has?out yaars to- raa» bvt Haaghton posi-tively declined to Oo bnalacaa.^WeecbiHitt signed fttStfesell

f _ "~t *Cuetrill

bUflara cbsjnpIott*Wpy«s fBafvBO roornament thisplavscs may Joltt tbe

bafoM plsy starts, ao It wasnot te hold

pounds than Johnny at ISO."fcToo interrupted at this point toa Un» oa his career so fa*. He

aaid he had scored- only fear kaock-outs* liK'lTi'llng Dundee.

"I would have had more," h« ex-plained, "only 1 was too njtbt- Nowthat X have pot on some weight watchme. i fou«bx only one four-round bootand three sixes before I sot into theten roond class. One ot my first tecswas with £*rankle Boras of JerseyCity, fie Vett&wi 130 and I^was UZTea. he beat me." Jackson frankly ad-mitted.

Manager Bazley wantedthing now, and Jackson Uthe floor.

-Understand." he began, "thsV therewas nothtne of a flake aboot this Dun-dee knockout. It was moat deliberate.Dundee tore in and belted WQUe overthe heart with bis risht, and as be didWillie^ booked him on the Jaw. Tooknow'bow Johnny sticks him headdown and tears in when he's strong.Well, In he coma again. Willie tried'stabbinjr Mm off with his good left,but Johnny cot to dose enough to bookhis right for the heart again. Wtniewas walttac 'or him this time. Hohad his right drawn hack to bis aide,potecd In mach'the same way SUbsneholdg his right tfll It's ready for use.Ue just moved u enough to let Joaa-oy*s hook to the body glance off his el-bow and then let It go to Dundee*achin. They were up against the ropesat the time, and after landing his wal-lop Willie skipped back and tot JohnnyfaQ right oa his face. That*sail therewas-to 1jt«.'

Jackson Is tall and rangy. He li re-garded as a shifty eoraMaatioa of thefighter and boxer and, as he repeated*li "fast oa bis feecr He leaks Ufce acroas between Aba Attan asd JlmayCoSey, tbe Mohawk Indian. He mightbe- taken for an Italian, but he's Jewish.


Jack *ou*nl*r, mflity n u ef the

y good room at bla bo«« la Aber-dees, Wasb^ to ressla. If poMfble* bisbatting «y«, .. • ' • *<; ' • . . j .

Ear has Hggeft Bp » beSSbftB O i lrubber card and swings at It with blibat^ /S*# ItavdaY be htts lit tha hard*rIt returns, and t£Js> macmmts? tst Ma

stant to a*o*d «rvH eseae4tt«6sav *r«oml*r slipped la l*lff and wound

m> tbe aeasoe wftb-* peflwitaas of| JMa H* tassets that t» « U be

to th* JS» MM* the «n»ter s*«-

pla thlrty-rlvw s*»od» OD bis- -

« » « e y W aa Adelaide (Aflstrslia)ssad In tlie ceeeat tpa«d> ra>*s there.


"Woodstock Perm, the only repr*****-l«ir*w of «sJxwsy at tha Mmistmm*waltrysirtw;is^We*Xfcldede*v*lfsJ

statA-wfde repntaHoHj haviay b**aawarded first, laoond and third OBcockerel sad first sad «*afled Vwllctia tit* ataftla esmb

CatnpeiStt to « • held Is thli eliy

Aay of



NOTICE-and HaU»y sbr««ts.

PabUeplace, Kewmfk.

atr^el c»ra ^Ha^ »OG oloos to thi*


n*w Twfiiiinai stfttioa. ai P*rfcwMe& is oa

from st^tios

••- ..n«ti


Great icClose Out" ofs i to Less

A 1 oflderfol Furaitnre Success! lake Selections Early Temorroi loraingTbcse "Close-Oat" Reduction* t,ic IB addition to our liberal January Sale prices, whitfa make the prices

very, very low for such high-grade Fnraitnre. At a time like this—in avalc like this—it doesn't pay to waitSelect Tomorrow morning early aod get the exact suite or piece yon want-$189.49 Mahogaay Bedroom Suite

3- Pi*cm tftsnacaay Bedroom Suite, cnnsisf.ing of

Mahoj*nT Dresser. I Larra Mahooany Cnlflonlar. 1 Full Slaw Mahogany Bed.

$216.00 (7.PcJ Black EnamelBedroom Suiic, $145-00

Bodrooia Snlta,. consistins; or1 Black Ensjn«l Dreaaor. 1 BUck P>«-m*i

CMSonler. 1 Black Enam*»l Toilet TaJiJe. 1BUck Enamel 4-ti Bed. l Black Enamel Bad-room Cnair. 1 Black Enajnel Bedroom Rocker.1 Black Snam«t Drvsslnx Table Chair.

$145.00Ivory Eaamel Bedroom Furni-

ture (in Odd Lots)$45 Irory E^iaiB«l Dresser, now $35$56 iTory Enamel Dreamer, BOW $35$4& Irory Enamel Drewer. BOW $35$65 I Tory Enamel Chltlonler. BOW $35*33 Ivory Enamel Chiffonier, BOW $ »S39 Irory Bnamel Chlflonier. BOW $48$65 Ivory £namel Toilet TaD*e. now $45fSS Ivory Enamel 4-6 Bed. now $43$35 Sheraton Mahogany Con turner, now . . .$15

$390 00 (10-Pc.) Enamel Dining-Rooffl Suite, $110.00

10-Piece Wnitu Eoantel Din In*-room Snite,conaitin* of

1 Wnlre Cnamet BuffeC. 1 White EnamelChina Closet. 1 White Enamel Extension Tsbl*.I White Eaajnel Serrlnx Table. S WaltsEnamel Upholstered Chain, 1 White d i s m a lUpholstered Arm Chair


$315.00 (10-Pc) Fumed OmkRnnm

Oak Dtainf-room Salts,consisting ot I Pomed Oak BuS«C 1 rnm«d Oak

$344.00 (6-Pc-) Mahogany LivingRooi



stared to tap«*cry to Japas««e* dasica; mt coo-of . . ____.

1 Uahosmny Oav«apon. 1 UsJfcOgxarSide Caalr. 1

Tahle. 1WMtiss;

$232.00 (3-Pc.) JacobeanDining Room Sntte,


Couls t lns ofTable,


1 BofTvt. l China Closet. 1

$165.00 (3.Pc) Ivory Enamel Dec-orated Bedroom Suite, $110.00

3-Ptec« Ivory Enam«i Bedroom Suit*, oon-ilatlnc of

1 Ivory S u m s ] Dreas«r 1 Ivory EaamaiToiJec Table. t-J^ory Enamel 3-3 B««l


$110.00$258.00 (3-Pc.) Blue Velour Liv-

ing Room Suite, $195.003-Ptec* Blue Velour LlYlnaroooi Soite, con

tlstlnx of1 Lars;e Sofa. 1 Larse Arm Chair 1 Arm


$195.00$578.00 (4-Pc.) Walnut Bedroom

Suite, $205.004-Ptece Walnut Bttdroom Suite. William

and Mary pertodr' uauaistianno1 Walnut Dreaaer. I Walnut Chiffonier.

Walnut Dressing Table. 1 Walnut 4-8 Bed


Mxhoaany Do** Caair

$195.00$300.00 (4-pc.i MabotTMy Bed-

room Suite, $195.OCr4-Piece aiaaocany Bedroora Ssit*.

and UMTJ period; tmt consist ot1 Maaoa^uiy Pr^wtr i M ^ o c u

fooler, I Ua&ocaay Dre«alas TB>I«. Iany 4-* B«4-

$195.00Dinlns-RwM Furniture (is CWs Uts)133 American Walnat Serrtnx Tablsw BOW . . St5J24 American Walsvt Strrlnf TabJ«, D O W . . $ 1 S133 American WaJnnt Cnlna Ctosac. aow. . . .$1S

$37800 (4-Pc.) Jacobean OmkDining-Room Suite, $195.00

4-plece Jarobcaa Oak Dtnlns>rooin Sattaw

1 Jacobean Oak Buffet. 1 JacolMan OakChina Cloa«c 1 Jacobean Oak £zt«naloii Talsla,1 Jacobean Oak Serrtax Table

$49&w&$308.00 (4-Pc ) Mafaocany Din-

ing Room Suite, $245.00^4-Piece Mano**ny Dinlnx-room Salsa.

1 \U

hofiny S

ao _ ny BqfTac. 1 Mahocany CfefnftMahocany SSiteaatlon Tmat*. 1 Star



SUiTC4-Plece Butlor Oak Dtnin&vRoom Suite, eon-

al»tlna- ofr~BgtlBr OaJi Buffet. 1

Closet, 1 Butter Oak Eitenjtoa_T«bi*. IOak Sflinimr Tasls.



4-Pi«cfl Jacobean Oak Dlnlnsj^oom CNUta,

conslstlns of~l Jacobean Ballot, 1 Jacobean China. Closet.

1 Jacobean. Extension Table, I JacobeanSorrins Table.



4-Plcc* Solid Oak Dlnlnc-Room Suits, intwo-tone Avon finish, consisting of

1 ATon Buffet, 1 Avon China Closet. 1 AvonExtension Table. 1 Avon Sereins Table.

- U96JK

Remarkable Saving ia Mahogany Dining-Raaa Furniture$190 llahocany


BurT* l. now . . $110Bull at. now f4oBuffet, now $&S

Uahosany Servinx Table, now $10Mahogany Serrins; Table, now fgflUahocany China Closet, now 930Itfafiociny Serrlnc Table, now »10

9T& Mahoaany$75 Mahogany$*8$84wsISO liaoocaziy Table, now $15

Uanocsny Senrins Taibe. now *18UsnoKsny Buffet, now $38Mahogany Serrins; Table, now


$53 Mahocany BufftM now$41 Uahu«;.n> Buffet, now130 Mahogaaj S«*rvins Table, now$S5 Mahogany Buffet, now$3X Mshosaixy Sarctna; Tanle, now$33 Mahogany China Cloaet. now$75 Maaogsny Buffet, now $»$39 Maaogsny China Closet, now $1S$40 Mahogany Buffet, now$4S Mahogany China Closet, now$75 Mahogany Buffet, now $48

Dining-Room Furniture (in Odd Pieces)$33 Fumed Oax Serving Table, HOW $19$70 Fumed Oak. Buffet, now $44$49 Fumed Oak extension Table, now $39$43 Fumed Oak Buffet, now $45$80 Fumed Oak Chins Closet, now $SA

(4-Pc.) SOLID OAK 0INING-A0OMSUIT. $199:00

4-PIece Jacobean Dlnlnj-room Suit*, con•Istlng of,

1 .TocobeAa Oak Buffet. 1 Jacobean OmkCblne Closet, 1 Jacobean Oak Ext en J Ion Table.1 Jacobean Oak Serrlas Table*


$30 F u s e d Oak Buffet, now$38 Fumed Oak Extension Table, now$17 Fumed Oak Extension Table, BOW .$«5 Famed Oak Buffet, now

Fumed Oak Chins, C1oe*c sow . .


U i « J » (10-Pe.) FUMED OAK OINHiG-MOQefSUITE, $14SU»

10-rHece Fumed Oak Dlnlna>room SalUucoruirtin* of l f u s e d ak buffet, 1 fvued eafechina closet. 1 famed oak extension ta&te. 1fumed oak s e m n g table, 5 famed osJcchalds. 1 fumed oak ar emhsir. $14ttJS0.C«me-early tomorrow for this





Pmm •»•#* Om)

Usor U, Wendell, Sidney Harris.Thomas H. Roberts, John J. Hoffman.These ofiowv- were uasnUnooslychona. The aoralastSas ©ommltteecomprised Edward 8. Ssvcjpr HenryU Lsaph#af and George C Uffler.

Qaton espriWed his «p-of sssin bctnY Ml«eC«l as

n«*d of Ute ofssalsatSoa sad «fg»* thmofflowrm, «omnllttB«s and BWBtorg. to

"If 1 a s t» b«Id«ititt4A as an olBetol I want the

wsarto aake this board wmetWng tbat t i»ellr wOl be wood ot. Afi*f ttw

hava obtain**will g«t tfic*ik«f siftwertiithinm w» wsat

get alOoet 9S&*if we oalr

Karl Hefsjtabggg mggaiik** tha boafj^ its whdlm

at« Qsssilit

be Hs peteUd ooitm tfangey ot w^stwBlwg

tlw wortc jfy auS« a&UMr too

Bftvfd Arastrottjaua of the annielEwl nBaSmtoe* lw«0ft«4 that ths ttoatsst tot

ot u, soUsbl« stotma to DSoa sjgBtoffl* t» tm «m&*&*k

tfi» ©rfaicip*! itrtrsDCM ti» fha:Hfr 1**4b*»» elb«tl mad'tkstib* Soattnltta*

A 4 o ^ T U»* *a«#*t4*sVi* &«ofs*

four In the summer.Rsiwif) Mslcas Sugesstlans

ReferHns to action taken brothermuBldpalftles Where explosive* aremanufactured If j Bassos nttgestsdtret tha secretarythe) Common Coune^Tsskiaff; that bodyto secure an Indemnity bond protestingthe city freia any lots tbat mlsht oesattbraogh the asaafaetur* ofraatcrlsif here. The suggasttoB v uusaslBiotvly adopted. . "

(act thsX tBrooth tbs settaa of thsatfsJ^Co&Unltt** tfee stsi^

a on tits

ncaaL Y,about flfteen other soss«stlons from [ tbe executive eammlttea In eftarw ofiir. Ulnsus, whllu about m, dosenothers sent in slotmns. Mr. Heisan-bert; asJd that attention oufnt to becal!od to the train service, with aMfhty-

C. A. campaign, waselected to membership.

Mr. Savase said that General Bee-

furnish a Usl of the workers In thecampaign sad that their meab«r«hipIn the Board or~Trao> ouaht to be as-corsd at ones.

Water CommHilmier **. W. f »wj»•troth said that Uu advertiftjas fcalved dorlnc the past VMbanything before In the hlitafy ofdty. with the Dosalblethe Burdsr ayttery. He alsoreference to the fine train


and tbs remarkable fseffitles that U»city hss.exseotive eaeuittseT to get

VemtbOttnvS alto at thestatioo had b**ti-6e*as& afisrelos»4 for ft >iHd« fotldtl of » eoverfflft*. U* ftsltf tb» delayh*A ft iBiJ wBmtfmmrr am$ tttat fc*

and d*ria« g»»H> the) t*WS"ii it?


Koilce was nealTtd of *8Ute» Civil Servicethe mar future for the poaltlfift o£ as-sistant chief la SUrfcats and ftersi

Departent of Agriculture.The New York Dayhgnt 8ftvtt«

CosuaiUee asked that dsletmtesbaseittto tbe convention to be haUHaYork Jan. » aod 91. David JUnV

W. Langstrotb and W, 2 -were selectsd aa d*lsgsJ**V-

Tn« Aero Club of AaMflcs> asked fiartes dslesats*' in be swat to thr tat.Pan-American Aerostatic f i lm sit In*!to bo held at the GrandNew Tofk. fab. t to IS.'- fto^jaaatt—ot-H. Roberts (or the) Hoaflt sn4 Ids* tk*year wetw-' gfiiiofsd. abowfotf ft es><•eevMgat.II «• settd ml-I

as a msuber of ttetaheertswrnisrfir uy wtt* tk«mad tmssdlsltt^ aeUoa we* tslceevsaid ttarf tfir trowing 90WW ot t*»


EWou aald4sy« appear t& e« at nano'lof'

tsr ttpm a to«otbttr who4a Baa* a*i wottid not dlvoUe* Vfco war not ***%•

onedaefiw gof Berate* aBft %sd w*

pi'anni/1't *rftifniiian to safm AOAsf^ tliw^sltstt slUUwSwwlvtf W*ASBS& fUftwSB^uV

ijfimtd, top* that otfcsffwshow- di» asms wfilfmrnaw

•&tm fo* awrfea.saJd « v » ikroiaiBsmCfcinir Vk*y xWwOA~i6m%

. -W. *P - J . L_ J «• ..li.il J j_ u . t - T . 1 , _ '

. i i

of Cossmsv«e Wetw a«Ud ttp*on by ths misflhira of tto totd. KovII StlAttd t»to tbe> fseVfalths PVasiftat tsr ve<« eSjireTte fliaigla «ppfo^Hattett bffift.ttam v ia takes s r thasT&VCV^^B^SsVHBB l u s ^ . I M ftsWB

tho 9rwV«atlBa


aVWtraBoei ffowplaiaeYy- TkSplan was also^Cft«6i«d, tagwtturths second sc*9 rfaassteg

afanda najflrity

taw fittaaltSfia «£ ftta <^aa»ettes> with tbv'Intsretsls Gem-

6f"daUt ••*# wmntttrBw4do«sIby taa tocaJ fcoardf htfttiii* li wsa itatotttnlan ttist th« lBt*#»tst# *1iiww^*B

th* grlaiss1 ba«t efOut* ftfr,. 'lattA atfst thai

tha yvar. Cscffaury KUoU•iaitfMisl reqafraa


Harris re»ertse! the)ef ft credit

w«r«if th« boarttHlsit

PtsttfdaatltV^sP* s P l l l l l l l ^stsHTsia t

W; LaatstroU^ W, JL


H. 8totaett.

Jd&a 1W. Y. Jhsseel






^ v ' " ' ' " " ' " V : : "T^1"1 '*1* "" "; : ";'' •' ••''''ioi&w&wSfi&w . : ! ^ ' y : . i i a : - - : ' ^ ; - 1 . - : > • ; . . • : • : • •••-,.---/;•--•' ' ' ^ - i - S , " ^ - , - ^ - ^



tCeteneJ KoJpactalkofT Descries Exp*rienc« In Deadliest Service

Oiscioscd by War—Under Fire in First line as 40,-000 Shrink to 4,000—-Sevens Americans

Serving in the Ranks.

a«*n5«W Tort—StlrrtB* uithat Aas-ertca has co:

til*th* j w t w v tSUs ocustry

bj JOf John hur«v«s OunaC

forcer mX»cfa« of

ia tn# ayrr^i <*rj5on n me from.£rvei:ec ^nrt of whicii IUL» bwn

by TU« to pthe holder to hvild by


Kama.—From 30tnan dl«1aCCO aivo—«rv kepttfa*> Italian frwat.


* a

adds tisItaiy »ot«vtj tb« war tt bos coo-QT3«r«l 1.200 «}<un mile* of ter-ritory, a&OTttfOiax th» w«r froot

500 to 375 iali*«. wt^S «sof 1J373 mll^« of La-

War mat«rtal 1» b»"* x ciarra-factnr«d by 2-1 TO Italian f»c-


Explore Mine-OefsratefFeto Har-




ca«* bwH ctted b j m<» la myerf th«* daj to t£« troop« com-

by m«. but I consider It t oan ajrrw«M« doty to express

to ywa frvra th« bottom of mjuxj pratitu<ile for your

t o w head oi»tuvtt

than th* »o»iiacehunca "At tfc* bead of jour clarions fly- ,

coi«J3ia yea. vt?r« alwuyj at the

tii* «cre*o of


torpedo boats'tfaff booat

moat'Pols, tt&e, w v farttiU'4 n*Tal harbor

They sCMOt two boorsm few hoatiJ^da Of lard* from

forts and- casue oot-



Cbicftxo* was •wtadled crot 3cf *3O by E CT

lUry Stanico. twenty year* J|old. was arrested oa &U coco-plaint.

"Sljto your nans*) to tM* c s a -pUlaC* aaid Dwtfc Sergeantrick Brady. «tw*te»blank toward Fooie.

"Bat what U 51? Xot <m yoorlife. They «o< tn* once, bat tfc*y<Joot catch, m* twlcww" cxtadPoole.

Serveaat Brady retl«^cd t&etltnaGon by fln<wy out tiae co®-plalnt. Thea Pool*, after ra*d-

sfflx«d bis s&saatxsre.


tbttujui bevaas* Gerxoonj

cm fee th« way. cad LeUf* of »>unuie and seeXttitat*3**" J^^c t -* •am* as tb» hail

Are Made AJfirastand Some Oiptomats Are



Of 429360 War*

In Last Six

pU«attftl tax a faniucs ca*e ofOJ the uruidptil acvompUc« erf &»ami «iso tb* fuitorwcat Gesassa i•crrtea) s^y. Adolf lk

Tfew lady and b<*to tnre*

and expelledOtg Ujbdy Ratunu

Poor raoctfc* after tb» o i a l t i * olsTlady wnia asaio In- Swttnertand. oosty, of cuane. apd tnls Qou *t-*caped. tut it washad acojuipaol«4

to XJ^L. in




coaCbanea* and tuu> tfimir ifirst of *U come til* wouaded

fltai ar» lat«r carried by tfc* ajatotU-corps to th* hospitals In tbe rviar.

UV» Tr*«e*.Ufce tin? troops th*y TOO

th« "Flyers** may ooiy b* toldfrom them by tn* fact that they Jo

b**»r inns and that1 n«itxUa of th*» R**d

Ben la th»? foxsi uf bra«ar\is ualeft arm*, th* officer* la the form of

straptlie hasards to

flyers tn? mentionedtn ff*o«?ral order*. tad

tbem hav* be*>a d«cora;t«d by lm-


oo* of these, tbe Cross of the Or-of St. O o i x * beUix Ma. th« dl*-

the most covetfd of the Ru»-•alan rewards for mlox.

Colonel K.o*pa**onikoff bWonss to 0family of Penza. o*e of

rich nrovtnces to tbe «outh*est *»{


Siberian fighters.of them ihall

by th<ra. aad th«y wfflTri Ofelr prayers;

arc taJtlnjf op 4 loojra r^**! cause, and a*ain In

of tS* entire eos-p* l«t n&«a rood Journey. May *occ*sai at-

tsed yoor «T«?ry effort and un-Jertax-Wt are looking tovm aid witaplett*Tjre to TOUT ritnra to th«

Wd i*t>anjan«l tn the corpa thatyoa *o much. Yours*

"M. PI.ESHKOETT._ Flmt Siberian

Army No. 35.**In CicfctMit Battles.

battles of firststand now to Colonel Kol pa chalk off*vcredit In three of these. Tehervonsla.

sod T>cald!or»kala. wh«r«wort of tbe Tweoty-flrst

carried oa under *heU-flrw thatan hesTy as tt wma ualalerrupted. Colo-nel Kolp«chnikofp was nccotnpanied byF\ntt Ueot . Sberraan Miles. U. S. A-mtlltary attache of tbe American ein-

to Russia.K»r Amerlonna Oolon«'l Kol-

flcvSt%WBd d«iicat« mtsstoss. wben flffl-

8«. CJood. Ulch-—-Weodnsanthat tree; touch not a tiuj^-

,XhSl* !IQ«ted_ lira. Uary Jftptcer,ow, as the pleauUd-f or til*tloc of trees planted by hsrloo^ dead.

It w u tbr*» years ago that Mrs.Spicer atartsd her battto with city ofiV.dais ov«r tn« maintenanoa of thtt ar-'borlaa lalwrttaaea. SJa# w«a caUed np-'oa to enter axtotber aklrmlab this w«eicwHen Bld«w«ik bids w«re op5»B*d. to'which proTlatoo was to haf* beeomade for the remoTal of tb4T treea. !

Ura. Spider's "v«tJ" fring* a lot oa;which her modest llttl« bom« ts ballt.;"Wait nntSI I am gone and you mayrvznore them," ih« told. tb« city coca-mlssloavr*. who took b«r words toheart- Wheo sidewalk bid* w«raop«n«d theni were proposed contractsoa other jobs, bat oa tbe Widow Spi-c«r*» property^—oo€ a word.

i t y msd sea and tb* bat- •.wlidly and Uaefflctentl^." 1

Tn« moat dUBcolt and deUcat* ml*- [

"WMtomary aachoragB- at


C*ar AlexamSer IT. wni descendedNa.ths.lLi Narischllne, mother «(the Grvat. and was a frand ole*-«

W Geoetml Clepaoff, oae of the con-fjnervrs of the Cauouia, wbo died attblrty-rwo, a foil rrneral. Tbe yoaajflban's paternal ereat-craadfatber wa<ft peoerai officer, who died ta tbe Freeh«c tory of Borodtn* In TSt2.


pachoikoff coants nmoos bis pemoaalfrteods. Foremost among1 these IsDr. Malcolm Grow of Philadelphia,who Is chief suravoQ of th« TweoQr-firnt. and who w«a a medal of th« or-der «f St. Oeonre for his work. Colo-ael Kolpachalknff tells bow, when this jmedal was conferred, the commanderof the Tenth army wild to Doctor

Colonel Kotpachnilcnff elected dl-aa his profession. His fa-

slxter married John BnrcvsaGunac yearn ajpo and made her boneIBs Parts. Her nephew spent mo*t ofm« boyhood with her and tn 1013^r«a allowed, by Imperial decree, to(fedd Caraac to hln pntronymlc. «n that*%B Is really Andrew KolpachnUtoff-Camac.

While he still lived In Paris he took ,ft course In tho Sorboone. then re-1ffirncd to Rujatla to take his doctor's {

tn International law. Then ho ,aent to Washlncton In a position

f i n t corresponda wtth third «iKTi»tary ;«f embassy ID the American diplomaticMl vice. Bndlnff IS months tn that ca- [pacity at the close of 101S, tho yoansman retnrn»Hi to Petroffmd to Join the'forelen office. ;

Joins "Flying Colunrn." \He wn« there when war waa dfr j

Glared In 1014. As a diplomat he waacaempt from raillrnr>* RerA-ice. but likethousands of nthvr* of yonmr Rn«*lansalmllarly slttinted be did not rent an- ItU he had found a place with the Rwl!Cross, where ho could work In spite!of his l»<*k of trnlnlnc IT»» chow* a**flylnc column" rnthor than th«» ninr\*routine iwrvlco nf th<» orcnnlrntion be*bind tlie linen nnd th<» hospltnls.

Attached to ihi* Twenty-flrst col-mnn. •Hinlprw*! by Counters Tolstoy oflfj)*cmv, nnd [*»tpnltirly knnwn hy hername. Kolpn«*hnlk»ifT was un«U*r fire In•even bnttl**« within th<» firstmonths tn the fM*L Thwere abont XVitr»«w andainr*1 ilw T>v«*nty-flp<«t wasthe Flr«t SlbtTtnn rnrp*.

p*« Oft£M f°od roadstead InFisuaa. tiw entrance of whichhad nseceaaXally forcod, torpedoeoilw«r« fired ajgunat a tarzo enemy war[rvsasi. bat tt was ascertained ttiat'both remained entangled In the nets'protective the tblp and as they failedto ttrlkv a hard sobstance tselr .chaxrvs- were not Ixnlted and th« tor*9«do>a did not expiod*. •

8av«d by N*ts. |Bad the torpedo** exploded the

Italian warships would not bav« o«eoable to com* oat of Pola and probablywould har« bean lost. In fact, theyowed tfcsir safety to the aoaexploslonif th« torp«dcMa.

• Tnree Italian torpedo boats left porton the ereninx of Kores3ib«r 1. andtoward TwidT gt"* they were off Pola.

Shortly after wrtrtntghr tfce warahipsn**T ttltff i»ntri|ggp of tb** B^mm»

A handsome woman, accompanied bytrreproacbably Broomed collie, who

a t a^ New York hotel oa

"T hope that by tne•nd9 Americans will like us as sincere-ly mn we like yoa and all your peoplewho have visited ray array. X am veryglad to see imonf my Siberians a rep-reseetatlTe of the glorious nation ofthe Stars tnd Stripe*."

The rwo other Americana of whomthe colooel speaks affectionately areStanley Washhara and Walter CWhlflVn, correspondents. Wfciffen waswounded by an explosive ballet when |at the front with the Twenty-first.

Colonel KolpachnlkofTs column em-brace* 200 men. All are mounted, andIn mobility they equal lljrht cavalry.Three surgeons are attached to thecolumn, two nurses and five medicalstudents. <3ne of these students. Alex-ander Prallovsky, has comported him-, , .„„ .„„^^ „._ _ .. ™ . __self with such jmllnntry that he wears ! Eruaa Wrlaht, attracted only passtnu

attention. A few days later cam* Sa-leem, ail the way from Egypt, and,prostratlns himself before the stranger,addressed her as "Madame la Coun-teaaa."

Miss Wright admitted then that inItaly she hud been tho CounteBa MlraFlorU cousiu by luarriage of the pres-eut klnj?. Shu bud been traveling In-co'gnito in Ouilfornlu until a romuncvbL'K u lu u moonlit garden In uuclentEgypt^ followed her half way aroundthe Kt"t>« . »ud disclosed hor Identity.The enunU'Ks la an American by birth.She hast spent much of hor time InItaly, when* under the stucu name ofMile. BUtnche Duqufsno, she becamepopular as un opera tilnxe.iv- After hermarrtuse to the Count Hort she spentnoverul year* uuious the nobility ofItaly.

Overy brunt of th«» G<'rniiin ottnek.

One of the thine* <"*olon<»l Kolpnch-f rpcnliM In th«t the Oen* "hells In these

for the first time. It wns not nntilttuiiK months later that they wenstried on the western front nnd tncre-fcy* camei Into notoriety. Even more

doea he recall the crisis

mmand the Eamrlana were hnrledacalnst PteankofTs Slborlaoa. only tobe best<m hark.from the cntcrf of War*

i h 8 dJSrti the 8!bertnns countedbut 4j000 still tn their ranks *Hit of<0,000 wh»a *hl» tremendous feat had

on his brvn^t tbe medals nf all four ,decrees of the Order of St. George.H!s distinction Is. In a way. nn greatas his commnnder, who was the firstof the three colonels now decorated tobe dven th*» Cross of St. Oeorffe,

**nn«Mlii. like America. Is A land ofTnst distances,™ he suld to a New YorkWorld reporter. "You. however, havemastered the art of conquering space 'as we have not. Our fighting fronts ',nre well wuppllfd with ronds, but welack ndeqimte moans of swift locomo-tion, nt »ny rntc for those In who.sewelfare I nm most deeply Interested,the wounded. Rapid tntn-slt To therenr means the snvln^ of thousands ofHveB.

Needs Motor Ambulances,hnve. after two ypfirs* effort, «nc-

In mustering 14 motor ara-f<ir ni£ *flyer,' but what are

14 ambulances for work with such 'flsbtern an the Siberian Ironsides?

"Our whole Hed Cros» ortranlsntlon. 'which has 31.000 trained nurses work- 'Ihjr ot tho front, does not boast more !than 400 motor ambulances altogether^

"Instead of 14 a rabalance*, I oughtto have, to serve such m carps as theFlrwt Siberian, from 100 to 150. 1 hadfeeen—promised • somo cars—by- Twtoua-BHtlah oreBDlcations, bat they needall they have and friend* have, encour-aged me to hope that In the neverfalling eeneroslty of Americana I mayfind some assistance toward providing


«ttd of these first two monthsfoend JCel|HUAniUon' second In comHjand of the Twenty-first Within ane t h « two woatb*. when his chief hadbeen wounded a second time and compalled to retire. KoInachnlkofT tookover fbm eommand with the rank oi

•eoloneL He stfll holds to hit placeand his present rlsit to the United

; 8tat«s Is belne made under two

Praised by Commander.h« tt«»ort for New York, lie

Boarding Halt at Kentucky InstitutionGhows Profit—Feeding 1,400 at

This Rat*.

Berea, Ky.—In order to proro thathlch cost of tlvtns has not reached everypart of the country. Berva college, tn

Cbansel, cioaed by means of Iron«*jniiT)«, st«al cables, enonnoqs beams:a M nets eztendlns; across the mouthof Ota cfcaxLiial as a protection ffijpH™*1

submarines. The barrier ts formidableand: Its removal teems Impossible, Apatrol boat Is moored alongside taeboom.* The m«n on oourtJ are supposedto be on watch; Instead, they arcasleep.

Two- out ot the three torpedo boatsaUsntly apjjroaciicd the barrier and {their crews cot to wars. In less thantwenty minutes tbe boom was tow*«red «ufflcieotly to allow tHelr nasansa

One of the torpedo boats entered t s sharbor of Pola and came out after tweboors. There waa absolutely no alsoot life inside the port and few lightswere to be seen 00 shore. The Aus-trian* relied so much oa their mln«fields, barrier* and batteries, that theywere Quits coavtuced an attack w wImpossible either by day or by night,and they slept soandly without watch-

l&£-Reaults Not Known. 1

The resalts of the torpedo boat's ex*ploratlon Inside Pola are of course 001known. Undoubtedly they must hav«ibeon vary valuable, Jwtg4wg by the faeJUthat no attempt was made to torpedcany of the enemy ships before twohours, and It la to be presumed thatall this time was not lost. Seattlea* ha<lnot dawn been so near the torpedo boutwould have surely^ prolonged her ex-ploration inside PoLa. It was aboutfive o'clock In the morning when thetwo torpedoes were fired against theAustrian battleship In the Fuaanachanp<U, almustt simultaneously and ata very close range. They both But en-tangled In the nets protecting the ahiij.Evidently three nets protected theship, because two were cut, butthird" preveuted the torpedoes from'strlkiutf the hull, and their propellers;kept going outside tbe water with aloud solse resembling that made by the,propellers of an alrpluae. >

[ In fact, the Austrlans oa board the,i battleship, as well as those on board'

other ships und on yhore, mistook the,noise and took It for granted that Pola 'had been attacked by hostile air craft.!The alarm was raised a t once with therapidity of lightning, SearchlichtsJWere put on and illuminated the sky.

BeroA, SwUxerisud.—Aeeordinjc to^ \ Swlia law in j«D«rui and a special or-

al til* tetj^jsj caancU dated4. 131-i. tn partlcnirr, «»piuaax«

No focelcwr l» allowed > 4or carry out espioo |

on beitilf of any b-eUltferent "stnea tbe cotbrwai of Use war and

been f orbldtlwo.

Chas. Rowland

Germans, are arrested a i m c «day in Switzerland. tuzA moax ofare tried and cvovictati. In *wtu* cas*-*,tuwrret;-tso tris i to&a**m the- arrest •«*-a spy, axtd this himpr^n- whtfnervvr the

can prow by doexuneotarythat he U a diplomat. £vceraily a coo-sular officer or cuouiiaerclai ageot. aduly accrvdUed military attache or as

officer.In snch ca*e» the S « l u poUce ln-

vajlably acwmpu-njr the spy to the froo-tier and there let him loc™-?, and after

rcpairiatloci an officijii announce-ment is made to the effect chax hebeen recalled home by his

Ordinary »pi*« are i n?» trmi tried amisentenced to 4 term uf iutprtsoQin«nland a heavy floe. Th«y are moreerer,expelled from Switzerland, afier serv-ing; liueix s«ate<ice. of cuurs^. andthreatened with imto<ediaie arrest ttthey come back.

Espionage Flouris***.A3 a roie api«« of Swiss nationality

are more swerely ptmlahtni than for*eijsnera, as Switzerland Is determinedoa absolata neacrailty. bux ail the same

flmirlahca everywhere tc


General Contractor

Resiccnc«. Whitticr St.


r« »t Ch*rl««

Irvine Str««t-

Mr*. Angela dc Aeoatx S«weB ofBoston. J»ho has Just arrived In thiscountry after aa absence of six years.spent hunting bis; game In Africa.After marrying W~ E. Sewell. a big-game hunter and friend of Paul Bai-aey, six years ago, the couple went toAfrica to hunt game on their honey-moon. Sir. SewtiU is at present in the

h army.


Laborer's Wife Works at All Sorts ofTasks to Provide Sepulchre for


such a great ext«*ot matthe foreigners la Svritz«*rlaod, aeutralsor belU£vrvnts, are spies or dabble LD

cuuater e3V»ocui«e.ar« odious, bat It Is s

fact that out of •£» CIUM-3 of. espiooasebrooshx before tbe Swiss courts daring.the Uut six moo tils 330 deult with ALL*-tro-Gennaii spies or wtib people whowere working for the central empires,and tbe charges In these latter CSIASB ;were not of es»piotui£e. pure and sixople,lnamely, the s*H.-uria£ of tniormatloo^about the enemy, bat of a criminal oa-;ture, such as attempt* against Life andproperty, arson, blowing up of railroadsand factories and sucb Uke. Aodtro-Germaa spies are, after all, oothinyelse but urdinao' criminals.

It must b« admitted that the Swisspolice have a very difficult task lxcatching Austro-Oerauin spies who, x>a rule, ure very clever gpd Invariablyhave giMxl acoJuapUces. For instance*who would have suspected Unit a mostrespectable German lady, tne widow oi

a resident for more



This is a sectionalview of v

economical boileryou can buy. TheBoyntcn SquareFirepot is built to give 15cent more heat withamount of coaL Thejeasily controlled and fitributed in every radialtop to bottom.It is impossible for ashes to


than thirty years in the small viiiog« | the square comers of the Boy

Newark. N. J.—After months of pa-tient labor with her own bands. Mrs,Pbilomeoa Tounelll of this city hascompleted a cement tomb la the ceme-tery of the Holy Sepulchre, there. Shehud tbe bodies of nve of her twelvedead children moved Into It recentlyaad In a short in;rio<i she hopes thatthey may all rest thenj.

Mrs. Tonnelll Is the wife of a la-borer, and uU except one of her chil-dren have dletl soon after birth. After ;the first one died years ago she desired, jthat the family should have a cementtomb, and when one after the other•was taken froin her this dealre grew, •

of Oberklrcn, near Lucerne, was thtaccomplice of a famous spy?

S old I adj.. wlu;. hated Mrnr. loudli


Counselor* at La*

3v Njttmiat Rank Rat I dint

aceortllnc to her friends. She was able j „to rear a sou until he was seventeen 1yeftrs/tilcl, and he died, last summer. 11

Since then Mrs. Tonnelll has worked 'at houses leaning and washing, at allsorts of odd jobs, and with the money {she bad purchased cement. She learned ito mix it, out) during her spare hours,.which have nqt been -many, she has-jbuilt tbe tomb. It la 15 feet long byseven feet wide, and its walls are 15Inches thick. Mrs. Tonnelll is forty-eight years old.


C O U N S E L L O REquitable



the Russian Red Cross with this sore-ly needed equipment.

"Modern warfare rooltes such terri-ble demands upon the physical andnervous powers that unles* a wound- ipd man can be pot swiftly away from |the Inferno In which he has been at iwork, his chance* of recovery are s»*l

tHously traperUed. Motor ambulanceswtH do this, nnd no motors are BO ad-mirably adapted to use tn Ru«s!a aayour American makes. If I know, andI think I do know, the heart of tfa*true American, my mission will provean easy one,"

the Kentucky mountains, ta responsibletor the statement that Us 1,400 stu-dents are fed at a cost of seven centsper meal, that they gained "severaltons** tn weight, and that tbe boardinghall made a net sain ot $&QS>,40. In ex>plalnlne this record President1 Frostof tbe collect) refers first to the econ-omy of numbers, some 1,400 studentspeJua tn constant attendance In thefive departments. Another explanationof tho seven-cent meal Is the fact thatmost of the students are accustomedto plain fare, BO thatunanimously choose to go without tea,coffee and butter to reduce expenses.To offset these omissions tbe "balanceration" has been Introduced.

'Was accorapimlcNl by Alexandra Vor*,'biunsky, a creot oil oyerntor of thep Bnlra and Ural districts, who found toVLnA Grosa work the part in the war

[ho could not take tn tbe army. In bli; party waa also Dr. Thomas M.•alday of New York, a younirI who has. been find Inn In Itumriu •

continuation of the activity lie had fornome ilrao with VUla In Mexico.

TJpoa his departure from tl\e Iroo-a ^ l f f d d ^ |

Traps Two Deer In HI* Barn.UoQuah, Wla.—JSL J. Qalek captured

two deer In bis burn. Be was chop-ping wood In his field when bo saw nlurgo buck and doe approaching. TheyJumped over bis fence and ran Into theopen door of the barn, seeking to en-capo. Ho closed the, door uud cap-tured luem.

| SHARK SPOILS TUNA CATCH1 Kills Bia F'«h Aftar Angler Hadj Fought Him for More Than

Twe Hours.

Avutou. Cal.—James Leuvy of SaltCity fought a blue-fin tuna tor

over nu hour when a torpedo sharknttucked tho game tlsh nu tt was vainlytrying to tHwtiuagv itself from Leavy'u

ttackle, Tbe cuna was budly mutllutod,about fifty pound** being turn troin It.

Deer Andre Ivanqrltch;f*w days ajo wag tbe

•atti&t. wooodrseJAT xrf

No Friendship In Pinochle*.

PtiaiycwnfrQf mocWe, saidRuaH^^ and a f i ^ - t o 7 i i c $ » ; a ^ ^ ^tf^o^pTtfvmwr

while all the guns of the aerial defenseon the hills and on the Islands as well

the ih1pa ff"*1 .of.ahore batteries, opened fire elmnltano-ously, wildly and Inefficiently.

The ltaHnn__ton«tlo boat headedjtroleht for th« barrier. The Austrlanatn the patrol boat watching th» en-trance of the channel, who were notquite awake, assumed that ahe wasone of their torpedo boats coins; out toaea to search of the Italian alrplaneathat were raiding Pola.


W«ct Virginia a* ParmMln«With



Raiatlvee Are GOIRQ to Try Break Wil lof a Dead Illinois

.Morgnntowcu W. Va*—Tho queererthe place selected for a mushroom gar-den, the flner.it aeeraa, la the growthof this popular table delicacy. Tholast word In a mushroom farm, how*over, Is such a garden placed In thedepths of a deserted coal mine, hun-dreds of feet below tho ground.

Not far from Uorgontown there Islocated this old coal mldo, known asthe Pittsburgh coal seam In Pennsyl-vania and West Virginia. TheodoreF. Imbach, an assistant In tho state

Cnrlyle, HI.—Kate Hulcahy, gray*haired and rheumatic, is heir to aneatate between;$100,000 and $300,000.left by her mistreas, Sirs. John Me-Gabe, but relatives of th© dead womaiaare going to try to break tho wUL

Rate served Mrs* McCabe 41 years.Mra. UcCaUo's husftand was a prosper*ous phyaldan when Kate came to workfor them. Be died, leaving little prop-erty. Kate left for a time, but Mrs,McCabc't, argent pleas caused her toreturn at a financial sacrifice.

Mre. UcCabe said Kate- should b«tho sole heir to the mistress1 prop-erty if Kate ?*wonld stick by her tilldeath."

Then oil was struck on the McCaboproperty, making Mrs. McCabe thorichest woman In Clinton county._Jghekept her promise to Kate Just thesame.

Saloon Money for Streets.Blartinei, GaL—From the

profits of a municipal saloon in BayPoint the cltUens of that town navestarted street Improvement work tothe extent of $3,000. The saloon,which was owned two yean ago by

•grtcaltural experimenting station at1 nr lumber; company owning t&e town' " • " " : • "• — *~ aipo wa» jrtvea t o t h e d t l -

nnd made



BAKERSOur •teadfaataee* in ree*M to

quality m i i oor modesty to privintjoar ffoods ar* two ibinj£» that attractto us the people who appreciatequality and practice wise oconomv

2O Cherry St. Tel. 2O7-J

Square Firepot. No clinkeieilber. A cutting bar smashes

them. Remember, thesefeatures are iourd only in

furnaces and boilersmade by the

Every convenienceembodied in the SquarePot Boiler is perfected withtbe one idea of saving rnontabor and giving more faeaL Notethe fuel-saving square firepot below."You'll never .realize its importanceuntil you have it iostalleQ.Ask your dealer to explain the otheradvantages of the Square Pot BoQerand Square Firepot- tt he canttettyou, write us. we'll also give yousome interesting information oaBoynton Furnaces and Newport



Save Time and Money- Be up-to-date.Use Gas for Cooking and Heating your Water

Mantles and Chimneys, Reflex and Upright Lamps.• Humphrey Gas Iran, 4

cnalTsU'Af tlm «ietv tnU. [' pwwodt' io iSi^ _


g | | g | ^ :-• -• - :•• '• -: •'-'l • : - : - - V ' " - ' " : • / ' ' • C - 1 V - ' ; " " ' ' ' : ' " : ; L ^ : C ? ^ ^

Lneike of 3*$ C*orx% Jtaifttf

by a<rf St.

* < & ; • • • i * Us Ots£ of f£fcS Sky.

AS saCfiHJaadairiu '

tsresesl were: to* O* W<&3«

to load Caraaertjef U*r* C BIwfcaTg;iff^-y anvXSjvirly mx.



tea Jm «t * toot!Biirww: wmm i

CMCyof U. T«s»cr; tteoc*

rift- ,r. Cbartes Gibfe*.

a* U ISmWimmu* g«»y a*. * * • • • * T*£.i.ltartJ» GettSaci. ^Hteftard Earty. t i eWitay yiliqfcr ta> £srtfci. J Miss** 3asx£*svt GlblM* M.ffPfw K. <3aJ*

GXa<ty* V1T*"MI.II Fvmi* and

yen erw raattcrd tew";^-*111* B«ra*-


r Harefc IS la tb* tafcensac!* at tit*

ost • mliTin hf tSts day. Tiiifrt ft


t&» bj tsa> i | w**r«. Stud peatafe Zss% 43S Hir

I f l i CSTITt fW

Xa fvw

TriTTrWTT n*aiTlaaMr*. Ik £ .


w s t t aad cast*

BOAHD W i » n m

A fttAL ESTAT* OPPOJt- P««y. « »wot boy m EN- »**•

far SawtW mtawwacartr <»racr rf » •ertp

Vmil toe ilwulT aad MM.W«(i5K> S»

said B- P Vail

Gwarc* B. wtt» txtf Incat cons for jg*t wttat It coat«,



ssjC of t>e Couatj <nf Lmto*.Tto Flft* Tr*« :—»«*•« p*rt

« mst7'«tK C3Si» mnti alas


«• J "Stan

w—tarty eocver «* tuCCSi «B laid davm • * imU aMB.

la IS* ««3tt «f J i m U-


cwat j

abeot 2GO r « » bef or* Onto*!

ttroccion utd wlB stmad t&taap*<rtloii. Pvfar. * ^ f rocaas sadIs««r hall are beautifully "factored.

THK RAKWAY aAY13«0T1ON »*y* £ w **r eta*.

« £ it Is

fc*t and Twrerwf a* one of tbe boQ«R at<reat Casas Grandes troa.

about SJOOO poeauH. ncrw iafla#_ aatltwel coOseibaB at

fwusd la. aa andetu Mexican•watbed ta mommy <.-l*?tti** ta a nssua-aar to isdlcaSv t ^ f tz was held las

Teotntim I

price ts only S2S6B—DO more ami noT%s location Is exceHemt be-

•S40OQ& ClsTO ^^1 f* Qtfftl W^JC I D

It ts located on Union street.near St. Gears* aream*. AS kinds ofnssXerlal entertac b*to the construe-doa at a boose. h*.T« areaily adrancedla price alsce this house was finished

months axo. and this Is aBARGAIN al the ahoT*.



Tbe first

are those of ;

mentkxicd Is ' west of Hxhway.

atone,to fall OB Kor. 16L lfiKL sbact tb* tiaa«

^ mads bis dlwsrrwte*.vitb a loed oaxh

Portions of tM» atOD« ai» to

Ttie fall of s asctcorlta Is nsnaJly *c-by sofsea Tartocaly descrfb-

faB ttre of ramteor.or «r*n tbimdvr. If t&e

# i f t W & a « «ecofflp»tod by *fitaft of lfg&t and. fallowed by a tnml-

s s rock^-Uke txsfi. Tb«se pbenonae-are doe to ete ratdd passase of tits

js the air aad a conae-rise In" terapeaturtt. sufficient to

fusion, of tiie ooter erirfaee

this, dsrlc f*e—H%^ croatts foond to cover all atony meteotltes.

time of paasace through the at-ta, bowjeT*x. too ahuvt to per-

Stt ' the be*t to peo«tnte toaearly all meteorites

cool, or scarcely warm, pn reach-the aurface of the gromsd. It is

to the firtden rise i s tesspeiBtnre andof fh^ atmnaw^aw that

T«irbeJldt city watnr aad

AlsoH_ P. D. aad

study Isvm. s«daB. «tcany of my 26 hwnw laT « B S S to avtt. Write Cmu. T-

K. Y. d»-ti



Sheriif*s SaleSALS—4n

la a ao«ta*rt7Use ef aaid lot wasber

Iw talzty *3D» ftart exactB^tas ta* a^Bw premli

t a , uSd l^CBTil *- Caaae by U o a a

m«l>«r t. I*Ofi aad r»«. uril**i ta car•*"•- •<•« la Bon* 43M a

-«»i.* OMsatr paa* 433 Ac.



plalmat. sad 8«xa C.Cwwiaat. Fl. It. fvr

4 writ <rf floritxpum* tor aJ«

BlSxxbcCS. S.


By Tirtnr a« t i»i d l J T

by pobU* ««Bdac as tta St i e CovrC H O O K tat tB« ci»yJ . vaWEDXB9DAI. T B S T

«l r«» «"ciack 1B tfe*day. -Ul tkax oBrtsla Crsrt or pafvdland Mul prvxalflcs attsaXc^ t f iac « s dla t&* CUy «>f BjUiway. Covaty oT»a*l saotr of 7C*v Jcraay mad mnrw par-ticularly deaeriitad « s fa lWw: Bi^Lonta*a s stalbe plxsod la ts« Xarttwwti f l j

of Tl*>ra fO«K «a laid oat by (X*ppolax»d to t*y , 9Ut

•treats, l i u i u asd •qaarca i s Ube C3tyof B J n id ttk b t d J t t XKSy « b e « data•ad 4 btuidzvdXas £«< l a c t V r a t n t r


Sheriffs Sale.SuAXE la t.'aaarvrj

El U d


in some otlter dty or town who does not know

Has she chiltiren?We would like to sead her a sample of a

Rahway product; that is a sample package ofWheatena and our little receipt book.

Will You Help Us?Send us the name and address of your

friend carefully written on a post card- Let ushave also your name and address.

We Will Send You Freefor your trouble, four lithographed souvenirpesse cards tn colors, and send the sample pack-age and receipt book free Q£ charge "ta^yourfriend*

Write today-

The Wheatena CompanyWheatenaville, Rahway, N* J.

I * * writ <*f Svrl

at ta«La tae <rttj of


byIn tar t~w«n

i- J . wWTOSESDAT. TUB F n r B T E a > T n DAI

OF nCBRfAKT A D . 131?•x r«» o'«^ort In•ijj. Ail

tse nboo*

Lalrf 'Iowa

Ua* at a po.bUr

x Northy •Urvrtloa at rtx^t aaxlc* vtZB

Tbara atreve US b«c aa«l K bvsdrtdcssjf a foot ta a etaxc; I S R K » la a XotXb-caatartr dlsactlaa and al ricat aayV— wttaUKori-«oo4 iTfnia 70 tmmt tad «5. Baa-<lf«dtiw of a toot to a atafeja: d>—*!.< la aSowtaassonrty dlxwctloa aad «* rtxJWaadca vtta Tbarn BCXVBC 1*8 tmmf. asd 7rratira ftaC-ta a-«OJcav4n^tse jCoBChwajmiy«tda> of Ta«ra S t n t t ; Cacoc« ta a Soata-vcwtariy dlrwrtSoo aloaa- ta* XofCswatcrlyaide of Tnom stravc TO tec to taw Biacv of





Real BMats aad Ajtaats tat tW toOam-Dei

CnmiHirrtii TJadae, WaHa—l ofHartftra. HatfcsoaJ 0slaa

Bond, AuiiMihobDm a»* UaMBtysea. Cftw

MONEY TO LOAJI an bond madHyer ft Aratatroaa^ At-

tarncya. B a l m y BZat.Baa?«sy. K- J- act Utf

i f It. FSTITF FOE «BfTc p of & meteorite asd its

9tmchiaz tbe eroond as a sbowcr ofratber than a «lncV lndivid-

WMl a*UtUe to Jcolde as In

thcT speed mt which a meteoritethe earth and its consequent

power of penetration. The relocttiesmm riven by various observers rarj be-tween two- and forty-tire miles a ser-

The ^remtest recorded depth oftrf a meteoric stone* Is that

jsf Knyahtoya, Hunsary. where a <5S>stone penetrated to a depth offeet. On the other hand, stfll

hare been fotmd underigart_condiHocs as to lead ooe to Inferttst they scarcely Irarted themselves.

relative to tbe remper-of meteorltea iw^m^rtietoir after

FOR RENT—Pm-nlahed room for ooeor two pentlemen. 52 Weat Grandstreet- — ]234t


tbe croimd most be acceptedto tbeir extremely

WWch feU In Styria !a 1SSD are stated•« BAV« **tnaln*d In a «at» ot lacao-•hfimc^ fof b«e? fire aeeoods and fora qeartw of. an boar-wew too hot toI * smodled. Oft tbe other band, tb*

stone Is aaUt towten sicked op

p fcx»nr& matWile s i n IsVast feotitfit by. C«HMsBd*e P«e?yfftm Cape Yotte, QtwmTiiwT Itv«lgsV*tv13JttO paoBds. TU© wort lastfest

v ta th# plain aatif B«*i»H». Isd d h u o««a •sttinated to

WBW s a w e poBsdc wMU «*•ti tllat Of WDIsW*«e. O

acrollt* o£ nsteode


s«a»«k©op«r; Mor»U

Modc« H. W1- Riblott on Sraday wosn-tatg a»d w u fined %&. SB asr»*t waswade by Offleer Harry Orr. ;

for tbe W*lslato be held lav thl* city fee-

aiaajas: P^b. I t iad wotibittlair 'toasm tiu

TO LET—One or two neat rooms;batn. heat; nrtrate family; near sta-tion. 97 Cherry street. It

FOB RENT—Large neatly farolslledrooms; conronieni to beib.' 96 lrt-tnz street. )S3-2t


Mrs. has been sent to tSteEconomic Rnmmase Bzcbancje, ODI*onis. to be sold for nnnmaxo prices.Many useful and beantlfnl tbincs ofan sorts may be bad Cor a ""sentrapiece.* Trains tear* Hshway 12o'clock, retnrnlnc Li5 p. a , or 4p. m-r returning at C p. m. It

PIANO FOR SAtE—Enabe, bestpiano made; east abort $*M winsen it at half pries for casb^ act<jolcJt iff intetvsted. Addf«ms box~M" care Reeard. ' It

TOR SALE—8. a Black lflnore* andWhite Letbora ceeker«ls fartat% Woodstock Vmrn, LJndeaRahvay. m i l t

FOK store Indftiea.. Mrs. Decenbafdt. a


class emdttloa.street.

e*rriaf« Inl ie Bryant

.j «GJ»"WANTED—r«sial« atetMcrai>ti«i' With

at lean tbT«« y«« "

„__ _^,,< ,^^;I^^:|J^HiL

Sheriff's Sale.Csaacsry

Aaaiv ArfmJBSTb* Oas

«< Kesr

i £ « pessftteaa.By rlrtsVwf Clkc aboravataXad writ of

tar aalc fry poallc veiulott. at toi JSaartfTata tin> Coort B««ac la tfta- city of

t S- J-, onTHE FUCBTlUtXTa DAT'•eta*»«i »a>.»* * * • • • C W w A v e T - * * * *

Uf fr-KBELABX. «_ D , 1917.at two o'doca is to* afUnraouo of aaMoil rftraac certaJa lots, tracts or parcela ofii*T asor nnmTH I • nriTii • n«i JjutSealarljr

•thid alCwte* lylas; asd helnj la tileo< Basway fa tte Gtmaty of CaieaiState of New Jersey.

The First Tract:—Beginning ax « pointi tte aoftbcaateriy aid* oi Hasatwoed

. dlataat oat bssdrad aad tw«auxelxlu foat wwlerly from Uw l t Oo f t t e add iwtftaanMerljr aids of•TCOM wlUk t in nnrftianari tlj aid*Brzaat «tre«t; (bcsc« manias;ruor desrea aa-raotseu mlnota*boiHSs«<t:'«ad atx <e«t ao«l niaetywie boo

of a foot to a a!-***; tbeocw mataoata OAjr-oov <l»87*ea v m o aln-

utea east deTcn flaat and t*ixty-niaai bwo-drvdtos of a Cowt to a stake; tneoce rua-

oortb larty-ftwe de^xess QDM tp>*1t'ff*aixij-STe u> a «t3i»: Lbeoee rvaalaaT

mlaatea weat aewaty-ooe feet and aareaty-ua* sasdredtas of a toot to a atasa-;taenee soots Utlrty-Coor deaTvca aereBteesmlanua west ooe kttadJMl asd sixty feetta Hi* a&anmaUt aartteaaterij aide of

fortj-diree minotcv aatst fifty faatto-placa> of P*g1niri na;,

Tiw aJbovv Jgacyipctoa Isdadae all a€lot a amber forty-saras 147> as laid downon n » p of property batons-ins; t o toe K.F. Vail catat*. located baewcea. Brjuat asdVlcrpoat stnetM and UHtoa asd Haxct-woou avefloca. KaJiwaj. X J. <n file In ta*UearUtar'a ofllca- of G o a t y of Colas,also a auuUl place of b a d TfJ"ll>fa*rtae aoatbaaac aid* taecaof. .

ltd [»fft of Trjift TTIB linilii tthe ooctbweat corner ofand Bryant atx eat; thenceilaxdwood avenue Is a w«_ _one aosdred asd tweoty-eisat test to Useof lssd of lot nnmtmnd furty-nwan Off)as laid d»wa oa B I B of property selaaa-ing lo ito B. F. Vail a u t t , locstad b*-twoav Bryaat and Ftorpomt atxesc mad MU-toa and Basdwood HIBBM. Haoway, N-J^ vsn which man Is Sled Is «*s oflce ef

T?«si»taT -ot—Calw—CsaatyHaoftseriy aloar Use of let r.flfty tort rhann eastarty

lbl t» B t do a ••»*tee «a» ass*

or luacwesty^to'Bryaat atsaaL ta* aatdV _Ilsvbaiaa- la all ealats tafaeaf atty Saet~ Brtftvrly Un» «f Hasetweed «vease

s««tberly alsar Us* of ttryaatHty ,fwt to alar* sf TTtiinntna"Vidro Trset^—ittaiawlwa- «• ta*

aeetliwatiTly Has of Bryaat stfeet. at tteearaer «r lasat IX«rU» astf aaM

. _ r dSetaet Blfieff-atX feet#tcbty-av« ossdfsdtaw of a toot Is asaatarly- dlfc^Sos amsssavsd aloejr s«Mald> «i Brysat Hiiw tinm tta fafa^iaiiUoa of moUhmmtwMiy alo>«f Bryaat «t»eataad the BftHTmiHily sftaa of Bsselveed

s tkeace rsswlay u a m a n m u l l— said mwtawawterty atd« • "

Bwty-olg—l iit as a-Sve keadf«dia«. «r a foot te ts*r Use at 1st laae atow d A M W ;taasc* teasta* s«rCsmBtsrty S1*BSJ <**said Ha*, of salor lot UM ateve H m n l

fed d l «s i d Ha* s t M ate* • * feoatfxvd and tvMtr-alfmt «M* Hetw«rl«as te taw aoot**««*riy «U* «f lac sent*bar orty-wiiw « n as Ultf dow» -mm supof (TroslMty oalaaalaaT ta> ts* B» r. Vaficaiste, locatad b*tw*#a Brraat aad .Ptor*poat stiwMs ami lIUtM l td Bascl«r*ewsimecai, Railway. X. J , , i m . » n d »>Mea» U <l#4 Is ta* oate» «f ta* Vsslatir•T CilMTaviCy; tafBff resolae; alevffIsa aaM Use «t tte lest abovw n£«inr*d to

h W - f « r J i i iHi wnaUH as|a-& as* sUMMy n »

f_a Toat ta a tUte ; lsas»*t a i JJjJ <aw deMFSes eawsa- oala~

sf-sabt Cba#»

Koatb <«e*r liasdr«a•adforty^li«f ;'»:;.*fc«t'-tO;_. ttof ta#> laad . awl •• guniaTaaa « asab! v ISA ward «. Cb*** by Hit a»ta tte K««Wc^ *»«w «< tfe« O



b a dJ r .



U n r&• ta*-*«a to the

Ljad tfcta day ooo««y«<l *>J taeta^ ttrat - — -

d «fy Use two aoadxw4 aad lairtj

f*« o u f t »r leaa t s Ca* BoetH—Use of taad of taa partj of tas> Sxst pLbeoee Soexa forty-av* (43) itifiaai fortyo>«- h&t aria-ate* W#at alwaa* aeufl lla* treebaadrail aad Hi«at7-tv<> UTS') C*et •»<«*or leas to tB* W—taiir Us* of aaM Haa-wmTm lasd t iwwid to u a n a funsaid, aadt aloec tait Use aad baanatlBC *a

Beajarala L. Otaa. Xottt twvaty-3> > d f CMt

!aad of(3s>a V

yast two haodrad astf t

als* t2») Cavt oo* tlj lac* to ck*of B**Jaa]>ta.


EDJABlt , Fart. SiaU3

SOBCB 19 &EBSBX GmttI, Tfcat ts*aceooat of ts* aabserilwr. Kxeeattor of

«sd stated by ts# Sorrocsts. asdteportvd for ectUesseat t» tss* OlOOCBT of Cft* Coaaty of Caloa. on rrtday.tbm gtraai day of Fearvary mmxt.

Dated Pwemtui 30. 1»ULLTXN O. COOTSfi.

UeCASTST Jfc nECLSS. Proetoca,Jaa S osw * •

Eatats- of JAXKB UAUCQIM BSOOK-FIBLU. dsrasswl

pBrsaaat to ts* ortir of GEORGE T.terrocste of Tae Coaaty «f

aaot oo tb* Tblit— ta day of. . .»««y JL D- 1317. opoe, Che appUeatSoaof the aaderstapuBd. «* Bzantor* of tseestate of said ill UP is • ! . noUce Is aarcoyalwo to toe creditors of eaid deeeaaed tsexnlMt to ta* avbeetfhera oad*r oatft orafflnRatfan dtdr ctaJasa aad deecaadaassniat tfe* eatat* of add 4«*astM wtOtisnine aaoatba from the date of aaid order,or they win be foum benvd. Crosi



i s oawffw

FOK CKtTSHBB ffVOXESealad proposal* wtU be f fc««J »1

Coanalttc* oe Coaatr Boada of Ik* CnCounty Board of Chuiia P n e e o U m

Why Pay Rentyon cam bay or


The Industrial Buildingand Loan Association

will adTtnce jon tb« money

INQUIRE NOWF. C Bauer's Store

125 It-Hi* Strtert, Safewsy. It J.



CHE9TEE F,twawaw

Finaelal SsavwtsryRALPH * i RlTTgR-ptseordlsv Saeretaiy



Boys and Girls WantedS6.OO to atart. Second week piece work^work«r« are rua citu* from 98.OC


Rahway Homa9t9ad, rutar N. J. Rmformatmy*TELEPHONE 2O4.

Malto BrauA rich toele ami body


Liquor Store162 Ifiii St. Rahway. H -I


»«tfee Coart How*, Kll«lbsrs. S. 3- mtP U. on TDsaaay. Jas . SX ISTT for ts*foOowlas- dcacrUtod work.

CD » . -«• Of TTaSlnJ "* «• WaalGrssd street «sd First _„ _D*Oart Plaew. BUabetk «sd Walset

_*2i » toas of ersahsa scoaw *o Cateau.Road 1a tk» cftr «g K*Mwmy ~t* «O to U l i l ^ i_ _ _ _ _ «• UlfillseeT . _ _ _

Yte sB*dseatla*s tor Ud* werk aaay beta9~jtroaa otiim.

aaesay be inirpit . _tte Coesty ef Dales.

^ ^ ^ JACOB


is* i* » ts as


otli«ai Artval Udft




. k,nmPraotleal

Steady Work•for-Qood Men

Good men can secure good positionsas Motormea or Conductors on PublicSerHee Railway, "


e «aiiway, isyMpptjto& W G i i -boase. East Jersey aad Livington Streets*Elinbeth, any we«k-day between 11A. M. and 1 P. ML

and dkmth bmwfitm paid.

Pbat, SpfHfjftipsW u i Sifiattlfs Pexiitei.AJ1 Work Guaranteed—Proajpt

taatoo Court. Rahway. N.m

for all oe£asi0fi»u Caraatiaaa, Sotea* «te FcraDiate^filled.

7 0 8,

or will JOB eosftaree tate.altiftkss a&&%sdietke Abmgises ? -,

A liose is within ike tesdi ofkefe toheipyott la tltesiwsstprmctical

* i .


«- • - - «

A*ternoo«, January 23,

$12,000,000 DAMA0E "BATTLE OF JERSEY**

Brief litm «I Local Iateresliri:

W H Burtoo.street* 1* en tfce sic*

Sire. Joci C. Sharp*, of J3 WilliamStreet. 1* rtsiunx; h«r Aaosntes- »t

" Mr »nd U n Jam«t 11 PeciK of STIrvtnx street, spent Sunday w1t£ reia--ISves In PlxinAelal

Miss EHxalwOi Rovts- oi Bryantstreet, naa b«*n rtsitlns trteods for strw days at PuUsd

Edward S- Sa^ax*. of w#«t MUtooirvaM. has returned rronitrip to St. Louis. Uo

Un. J P U«*4 and \Us» MabelJlatsjr. oi 164 Himilwo >trwet. ereSpending the w««* ta AUantic OUj

llr sn«i Mrs J H P RJtter andslaughter \tarxar>>i of WMJ S^ott ST#-woe. «p*at SURJA? witn Dr and. Mrs.G«or*e K. Und«r* of Moirlstown

Mr sad U n Ab«? W^t« and

lay from a vtstt wttn relatl-re* tn New •

Tor*. CityA Fytto.

bid cooaeation of the tunes ami 'v a j tor«ateo««j wito pneumonia. Is ;Bomewhat b«*ttar today

Mrs- F C Hjer of Milton avenue.will entertain th« Rahway Braach oftae Mercy Committee of New Jerseyat her bome tomorrow afternoon

D«.v« S Jos«-pc. ot the Royal Mauutacturvnc *"o tiad president oi ihe

r«U hmkro In two bT tb* fort» of on* shell. wfa»» aB-

A well ittait&ad dsusAs waaUi* Jmnlora. Ftidsy eigiit Is t£*ac&ool aadltoHam. Tib* cba>*roo*«W N : Sapc and Mr*, W. P. Uttlt,Prladpal and Ura. P. Jr 3Jy««. Mr.and Mr*. H. P. iTsiHf^w Mi»» AH*aand Mr. Rice. The foUowins commit-tee appointed by the claas preald«fit

the a££air: Ulsa HOD« Barry. MissMyrtle Udddtfll. New«B Chaaa asd


TO-OAY'S Sp#«i*l


C l u b M-atc*Tourr*ty

Prank Unti . Jr an<i cat Id. otI*sjrk. w u tn« <^*)*i y«Jt^rtlay

Of her mother. Ur* Joha 9ciar1nb«T, ofWest Grand street, aad Mr and Mrs

Mr and Mrs Klmer M Intel, of 3ftCUntOO street. arv rwcei vlna con-aretulatloua upon the arrival ot adaughter Friday nls;nl.

Christina William*, of t* Irv-street. ia gruduaUy

from a MT«n» sttiLcx ofthe thtrtt sne has scfTered within tae

few years.

Ifsecond tULlf oi Ui« City Leesrueat the Y M C A alleys is any indi- \cation ot the maitaes to come the Isch«duJ« will b« a corfcer The Y M.C A lesun won a gam* by two pinsand lb«» Seminary t'lob took anotherb» thrue puss. The deciding xaosvwent to the Seminary Club by •«Tenty-•*• f «n Harrlmaji m^da 230 and HGibbons 210 Harrlman had beatawraxe, 1S1 3 Miller led the Semin-ary Club followed clos*ly by H andF Gibbons and Bo*twl<-lt C W Ladlow was second bisjh for th« Y M CA. team The scores

SEM1.NAHY CLL'BYounf 1&" 153 ISJJMiller 17« ITS 169H Gibbons 149 157 210

Gibbons U£ 1W


Take Two From Cubs.YJ nke«» Beat Giants

Two Games

Mr and Mn Geoncv B Mof Metuchen. tortneriy vt•prat Saturday with th«lr cousins.Mrs. W. C UcCann tnd MUa LUllaztHcCann. of EUxabfltn

U*fc HSttJy Ballw«c. of J « w y City.wma the cueat Sunday of her tlauxbterHr*. Tnoma* Moulton. of HamlUoosir«#t. and her ion. Kmil B*llw«»;. of

'8nth«rford ttr«et.Mr. and Urs. William BUaa. of

J&QQe* av«un«, have cone to PtoehurmtK. C^ for a aojoarn.

Mr*. F. C Squl«r and Mn U AParson*, of St. O«org« aT«nu« ar« InH«w York for a few day*.

Frederick Squior, Je, who la aStudent at Prtnceton L'uiv«r*lty. ap«olthm wvek end with als parvnta. Mrand Mrar K C Sfluler. ot St. Oeorgeavenue.

Attorney W. Ifc-itertOTej. oi Otm

Th« Yankees cave the Giants a b**t-IJIK iu two IUD**« in the Rah way

League Last night at McCartney'! al-leys- The wlnn«r» had • lead of four-teen in the first and slxty-aevon In th«secuud. The Giants were resuscitatedand won the tlhrd by ninety-one Uool-too r«clster«d 211. McCartney hadbis& «v«ra«e with Ul. i , while BillSchweltser was a close second with1S1 Kuopa and Moultoc were next Inorder The scores:


L«aQU« Stand JAQW.I- H-S-: i na3 $ &i«S 3 SSI

Cubs .Pirates


A number of hlfJs school itndentn at-tended a reception dv«o Friday a bentby Mia* Catherine Jones. In honor orher guest. Mlas Nettle Tnoroe. otBoood Brook. The creator part of the

v u spent in dan«lac.Delectable refreaamenta wers servedat a late hour. Amon* tnoae pr«s«ntw«re: MUs Nettle Ttiorne. of BoundBrook; Miss Esiella N'erlUe. of N'ewYork; Miss Cnarllne Edwards. Mlu

Chase. Mise SloH«l Pratt.; Miss Thlrxa <Hanx*terf ar. Ml*s Viol*! Flan. Jilsses Adflle and Catnerintt

«nd Otis Mills Albert Hxrned.G«or]i Toms. Brainard Lindsay.etl and Harrison C&a««*Br*di3ia3i*9Bi and Carictsn

X «pttlUa* contest waa held FridayaXtaroooa. between the various dus«a

HytiTtr cxade. Tas imiOl* «11jaioired tksm*elvws_ eiceilent spellers,j and ft was only after a keen contast

that any class was able to secure anyadvantage- Miss Farrell's class, 8A.won the contest oavlus nlno standiss;

tnu< was called. OD


Wiliam Farnuisapi«y^n«


'Pearl of the Army11


Pearl White

Daughter ofMcGregor"el Assana sad Scatlsad

**• WrvhmmM Stsr

Totals S19 $24 3SSY M C A

C V LudlowHarrimanTerrtllHortonC W Ludlow

Totals . .




Mo alt onAyrus



831 323 804

NeiOHBORHOOO MEETINGSThe Neighborhood meetings for Fri-

day evening la preparation for theWol«ie evansjellstlc campaign will beheld at the tollowlnx homes: MissVrrna Belle Reed. 33 Campbell street;

' Miss Emma Kinter, 141 Seminary avo-1 nue, Mrs. J. Q Smith. 93 Bryant streeti Mrs- Grace Cortnsh. 35 Williamdirect; Mrs. T Ropell. « Elmav«nue. Mrs. Anna Watson. 34 Clintonstreet; Mrs J A- Joseph son, 13 Staii-ton court; Mrs. George W. Harvey. 87Monroe street; Mrs. Edward Cook. I l lHamilton street, and Mrs. U. Y- HOT-

I. has cone to California on a bosbless trip.

WUtiam J. Adams. suj>ortnteudent ofthe Regina plant, severed his connec-tion with the company yesterday andbaa been succeeded by K B Jacksou.vho baa been connected with theplant for some time.

Miss Sadie Mlntel. daughter of sirand Mrs. C. William Mlntol of 333Jackson avenue, was teudered a plea-aant surprise party on Saturday even-ing by a targe company of young peopis from Elizabeth. Woodbrldge andRahway, MUa Marjorio Squier of St- George

'avenue, la vtauiutf at Syracuse. N. Y.Tho Union Missionary Society, rep-

resentiac tho various churches of the ( n l _ n U . • • • •City, will hold a m<*Uu« Tuesday ovo- , ^ e n j o y . b t o m<wUug of the Y. C. Q



Totals &U 814 ?MIn the league match Friday night at

McCartney's alleys the Athletics tookthe odd game from the Cubs. Theygrabbed the flrst game by seven pu»~and the Cubs took the second by ill-

The Athletics captured










M«k«s Spars from SpiH and Qtve* jRaMway Masons Victory ;

Upon the making of a difficult *j«»rw ,from a split with pins 5 and 7 stand!os !depended tho odd game In the Masonic 1League mutch at Elisabeth last nightbetween Lafayette Lrfsdge, of this dtyand Orient Lodge The task was up toClifford Miller to perform and he deLive red the goods and won the gameand match for the Rahwayans by threepins The home team won &• firstgame by eighty, but the Rahwayanstook the second by three and the thirdby thirty six Schmidt had high singlewith 333 and an average ot 100. Ml Heraveraawd 18 .3. Fleming and South

with seren. And SC and SB wesv tied.«ach having foox contestants Itft. SXand 3D will meet next Friday to de-cide the spelling championship of theeighth grade.

A meeting of the Caxreot EventsDebating Club will be held tomorrowafternoon. The debate wiU be ex-temporaneous.

Joseph Karp. formerly a student Inthe high school, and now a student InRutgers College, visited school Fri-day atfsraooa.

The high school orchestra will fur-nish the music at the Junior play.

Miss Greta Broberg* acted as sub-stitute teacher in the Columbianschool Friday and Moaday.

The Rev. H. L, Everett will deliver& lecture on "Lincoln** in the schoolauditorium, next Friday night. The


Emnoet CorrifianEthel Clayton



Edna Gftodrichwr

The Hoase of


ard lad the Orients. The scores:LAFAYETTE LODGE

HobUtMl 144 14SVan Sant 133 lflSLudlow 146 173Schmidt 1£& 333C. Miller 1»1 303


Totals 803 833 893ORIENT LODGE

Merrill 185 156 198Fleming 189 208 170Smtong 160 186 183Heald 137 I«> 173Southard Sl l 179 158

Totals 883 919 857

ree public lectures, arranged by thsBoard of Education.

Miss Estelle NoviU. of New York,ho Is vfsltlnff Miss Cnartlne Edwards

at Uxa Junior daa*. w«a a schoollsltor Monday.

SUss ToUey has received word thather brother, who recently underwenta serious operation to his head. Is rap-dly recovering.

Mr. Myers has given out the follow-ng exaalnatlaa «chednle: Monday.

Jan. 39—A. M. English. P. M-. History;Tuesday. Jan. 30—A. M, Science, P. M.

lominercial; Wednesday. Jan. 31—A.M. Mathematics. P. M. German; Thar*-

MATCH S3The Ilderan Club of the Athletic

will bowl ta« Columbia Club

ion, 10*1 rnlon atreet.

THIEVES BREAK INTO CAFEThieves gained entrance to the cale

of Alexander G Fyffo. 13 Cherry streetearly this aiurulng by praying open arvar window aud obtained 921 fromthe cash reglstor

James Laliur. George Stewart, Wil-liam Ruddy and EUswroth Terrlll. ofthis city, will take part In the "SocietyCircus" to be given by Company F at

A r m o r y l n euaabeih on Saturday

Una! by seventy. Joe Kelly had highaverage with 180.1a hard run with 178.Daly gave Kelly the

at Hoboken tomorrow evening. TheLangton gav* him n<fc*rans lead the league with New

O'DonneU and Y o r k » n d N o r t h B a d - Newark, tied forbest support, "«cond place, two gamea behind th«

while Mnck^y foHowfidscores:

ATHLETICaO'Donaell 161

leaders.The El Mora Country Club will

ning, Jan. 30 at 5 o'clock at_the First t O l t t b w m a h e W l a i r t

Baptist church, wlierw ITsa ScajNTe-fls)Mr a tulaatonary trom Arubla will

15ve a lecture. She wiU be attired Innative costume. AM axe Invited.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Searing of theBronx. New York City. w«re week-endguests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weberof 41 Fulton street With Mr. andMm. Weber they enjoyed an auto tripto the Orange Moiinjwi"*. and on Bun-day went to Asbury Park.

Rahway Aerie. No. 1863, FraternalOrder of Eaglea. will hold an Im-portant meeting tonight.

It la expected that there wlU be alarge Catherine on Friday evening atthe second annual ball ot the BamblerA- C. in Koenlg's halL Mualo will beprovided by Halbtorater'e orchestra.Elizabeth The committee comprises

at the homeof 28 Essexof Mrs. Frank Cowan,

street. Various amusements, musicand a delectable supper made the timepeas pleasantly. Plant were made for



MuckeySullivanMcCormickJ. BrennanUangton



make an effort to pall the Ilderan team152 177 ' oILlhe County League from the top

140 rang In the match at the Uderan alleys171 ! tonight.

The Rahway Eagles will bowl the167153156


CUBS813 793 791

167 146163 166119 178173 137194 101


806 S08 721

Somervlllo Aerie In a league match atMcCartney's tomorrow night.

T h e pttterson EUka will tackle theRahway BlUa at McCartney's alley*on Thursday eventns*.

In the Rahway League th^ Plratooand Athletics will bo the gladiatorsFriday night, while the Cubs andGiant a are slated, for a bout nextMonday.

Waiting For the Suoy

James Uayo.Heaiy. Ralph Uartln. Raymond

AmolA. CUnton v Smith and Oeorcepitnawa. J_""

Gratifying progress ts being BiavSeby the hall committee of the OlahwsyLodge ot Uoose for the big annualtanctlon to be held at Koenlg'a hall« Feb. 1*.

A iv Informal dance under the aus-pices of the Ladies' Auxiliary to theElks will be held In Koenlg's hall to-morrow evening si S-30. Corlelyou'sorchestra, of Nuw Brunswick, will

.famish music. Admission cards may.be obtained from members. Tho com-mittee comprtsoa Mlaa M»e Neuge-bauer, MlaV Bstello Rose. CharlesLeo&ard, Fred W, Frank. Frank C. Kn-8elhart and Theodore Schmidt.

RnraiAr Onnncllmmi SftTOUel H. Mor-ion. ot Lawrence street, has been suftaring from an atts.cU of tonaiUtia forthe past few days.

celvbruting the Hrst annivqraary of theclub next week. Among those preaentwere: Mrs. N. P Brower, Mrs. R CHull. Mrs. Jeannette Lawrence, Mrs.M A Turner. Mrs. Frank Cowan. MissMarguerite Brower and Ulsa ISUa Fits*Patrick.

Miss Josephine White, daughter olSir. and Mrs. AJmoth White, of 38Maple terrace. Is nursing a brokencollarbone at the result of % fall onthe tee.and MUs Mae Neugebauor. of 63 Elmavenue, were guests of friends InRutherford Sunday. ~~

The Forget-me-not Sewing Circlehad a pleaaantjneetlng last evening atthe bome of Miss Eleanor LaForg*. ofSS Seminary avenue.

Five candidates received the firstsecond and third degrees last eveningat the meeting of Union Council. No.31, Junior O, U- A. U. Among thevlsltorsp resent was Deputy StateCouncilor Fred Mauthe. of KlUabetn,also other visitors from Klliibeth,Perth Ainboy and Qarwood. Two »p-plicatlons for membership were rs*osived-

Three candidates wure received lastnight at the meeting of LafayetteLodge. No. 27. F. and A. M.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stephens andson. Robert, of 38 Lufberry street,were among friends In New York overSunday.

Mrs Jesse Vanderhoven. of 272 Mainstreet, waa the guest of friend* inNewark Saturday.

Mra. Alrlh Van VUeC of 53 Williamstreet, was a wsfilcend. yJsJtpr smong

M, Ttrfnw Whltf ;Bt5WJ--fltT*»t;

9EWINQ SOCIETY MEETSVarious routine matters occupied

tho tlmo of the meeting of the Ladles'Sewing Society of the Second Presby-terian church at the homo of Mrs. H.D. Crowwll. of 27 Commerce atreet.yesterday afternon. It was deddedto hold the next meeting with Mrs. E.T. Valentino, of SO Jaques avenuo.next Monday afternoon. A delightfulsocial time and refreshments followedthe meeting. Aniong those presentwere: President Mrs. W. H. MaysMrs. Francos Cowle. Mrs. George GUby. Mrs. B. T. ValonUn*. Mrs. 8.Harenoii. sir*. Catherine Gray. Mrs,J. Henry Flake, Mrs. U B. Mundy.Mrs. PfaiUp p6ttms.B. IHIBS Atnanito

U n . Walter CroweTl sa3Mrs. H. D.

The Read taThe average boy wanes to becuoae

vice president In a year or two. Pa-tience Is Indispensable- But if a yuungman alwaj* strives to be. agrveableand to do bis full duty without spend-ing any time watching the dock be Iscertain to- have a fair measure of sac-

man wop mak.es1 a

day. Feb. I—A.p. M.

M. Latin. Commer-Commercial

Arithmetic.Mr. Rice passed the automobile ex-

aminations in Newark"." TIc^Say"aTia*noon, and secured his driver1* license.


NOTICE TO THE PUBLICOn and* after Jan. 23 1917, coaches

to istre in- RahweyWr« In Unden. $7.00.


success is the one who does toe task aUJrte better than the other fellows andwho shows a little keener Inaisnt Intomen and y 1i>g»-

tf a man etects to piay poter five c*atx dmes a week and shine In society.he most not complain If he does notshine In his business. The man. oathe other band, who makes riches hisall consuming cooalderatluu and u s -MtlOB meat Hot be surprised If peopleturn their backs oa him because hisfiner Instincts have become bluntedand stnntsd.

You cannot undertake to developcertain qualities In others wlthoat un-consciously developing the same qual-ities in yooraelf.

One of the Greatest forma of satis-faction cornea from doing somethingfor other people.

To sum ap, it is personality thatcounts. Personality embraces manyqualities, such as neatness, cbtHsrfnl-nesjrr courtesy, alertness), intellicenceand a sound knowledge of bo map na-ture. These qualities spell efficiency.and efficiency spells success. The "ailround" man & the highest type of bu-

OF MISS MO8UT2«LLTfce funeral of Miss Aona HcbTHw.fl.

tax n»c«i v<er and dty tress*orer. wua held Saturday afternooa atthe hom* of h«*r parents. Mr. and Btm.Zachaxlah Hobliuell. of 4S PSaosstreet. vh*r* a large concourse effriends r-"li*r«d' to pay theirtrlbate oi respect. The serviceconducted by the Rev. L. Y.Jr. paator of the First PresibytetlaBichurch. Interment followed atway cemetery The bearers were

of the deceased, includingPrice. William. Waiter andHoblltzeU. and two from the munli IsaijaX_9fflc«- Including TaJC Receiver

L- B Helmstadtar and D r s t rCoUector Fred M. Williams. Tttsss*was a gT-ant profusion of floral trfsvtaasfrom relatives and friends. lnclTsBaat*an elaborate piece from the Miyswand Common Council andfrom the other city officials andcupants of the City Hall buildros-

Prepare for the Wedgis)Campaign to be held bi this dty et>r<T>»i-Ht pab. U and. caeanuln* •*March SS In the tib«rns*i* atcorner of Elm a*street.



Prepare for the WeTtfleCampalffn to be held In tWl-city b«-ginnlna Feb. 11 and cofittnulus t 0

March 36 ID the tabernacle at thocorner of a venae and Campbell

man product. Tilgher tnan the-lsts. because the all round oian mustbe able to bundle specialists an well asothers.—George M. Reynolds, ChicagoBanker. In Leslie's.



DOftfe feLlGHT DAMAGEThere was a brisk blase yesterday

at illSS m. m. tn the ouartes occupiedby "Ctttford N. Tmytor, dealer in e lectrtcai stlppHes in the J t m w T . Kelly

109 Irving street. "The lirewas discovered by Oeorfo Cook, of 77Church street and John Ayres, who tsemployed st Henry Grother's in tlisadjointng Kelly property. *pboned tolire headquarter* and the new motorapparatus driven by Joseph Mohr wasQuickly oa the seene. Chemicals wereused and the flames quickly extln-guilahed. The flre statred In the rearot a 8 mall stove and had eaten a bighole tn tho floor and scorched the wallbefore It wan extinguished.

MERCK VS. MAHCONlThe Merck bowloift will tscklft the.

Marconi Five at the Tuxedo alleys InElizabeth on Thursday eventa*?.


TUESDAY—To-DayCUrt Kimbtl T«ttfl| ia

The Feast of Liferfcllie B.rke in

"Gloria9* Romanc*9*^

WEDNESDAYThe Woman1* Political

Union B*n*fliSane <Grey

'"TheFlBwer ofFvUti"

Scenic and Cartoon

THURSDAY6kl frtsf-Fimt Slt*7

"Th* Harv**t of Gotd"-Sssauy Drtaa

v Borrowed Sunshine"Him u i


On* Man Who Got a Pardon WithoutEven Asking Per It.

Amonc the Innumerable uuiaunceaand ''crank**' who called on Lincoln, atthe Wblte House were mauy wbusought to win favor by showing tlwtthey bud been the an>t to sugsest bisaoininatioa as iirealdent. One uf thesemen, says Francis *". Browne In "Tin-Everyday Life of A bra hum Lincoln,"was the editor of a weekly paper pub-lished 122 a little village tn Missouri.He totd the president that ho was thuman who lirst suggested Lincoln***name for the presidency and. pullingfrom his pocket an old. worn, defacedcopy oThla paper. "exhtDttedto thepreir-ident an Item on the subject.

"Do you really think," said Lincoln."that that was the cause of my nomination r

"Certainly." said the editor. Thesuggestion waa- so opportune that Itwas at once taken up by other papers,and yon were nomlnated_and elected.1*—^Ahf-weUr1-said-Uneoln--with-« also,"I am K sd to sco you and to knowthat, bat you will hav© to excuse me.I am Just polnc to th© war departmentto see Mr. Stanton."

"Well/* said the editor, "I will walkover with you/*

Tbo proaidenC with that eood natureso chflracterlstic of him, took up hishat and said. "Come alons!" .

When they reacntit tne" door of tb*aecretary's offlc* Ur. Lincoln turned tohis ^orapanlOB and said, "I shall hav«to see Ur. Stantoo alone, and you mustexcuse me." And tnen, tsktnff him bythe band, he continued: "Goodby. 1hope you will feel perfectly easy abouthaving nominated me; don't be trou-bled about it; 1 forgive vou.w

ooooooooooooooooooooooo oO KEEP ON PLUGGING. Oo <. oO Dot Don't say It can't be done OO Bs> dolnsT wtall* th^« shines a sun. OO While stars snail situin and In a pall OO Th« world ta wrapX or lost seems alL OO "Dol And. having done, so on. 0O The n«xt Job ts hair b«sun OO If you but say vou'v» done tb.« last oO And esek another, harder task. oO And ka«p a-plusslna. on ths> run. O-O~- Xhayjslla««m.€*sy wtwn they're don«. oO —Star ot Hope, oO «oooooooooooooooooooooo




Loin PorkChops 241b

Fresh BeefLiver


Loins Porkwith Rind on



Via f"Twin Flits" For ewwp-ttr sore throat, use Dr.

['Them*** Keteetlc OIL Two six**, t8o

^ J ^ ^ ^ L ! ! - ^ ! ! ^ ^ ^ . : ^ ^ ^

Large SizeSmelts



'" ' ' 1 : : ""' : ' ' y i f ' ' t :X"' '' ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ' : i " T ^ : ' ": " ":r: • ' '"""





Sip't little Uffa


Cooperation ot pax«nis with teach.-

A. j . Qoieav tha advattoe man torDr. Wel«J«. Is h*r* to aaparltitead tiie

i of tb« taberoad*. B e U apractical. soecSiastte. sjut

tor t&a past tew y**dal attsBtSoai to tais aind o i

Els -mmbod* ac« t&» T«rypoaaibl*. and yet s«aires><a boildln«warm.' dry. weQ-QSntsd aad vvatflatad.His laode o t wms T t tf* f fffWw himto erect a tatersoete at oolite awhen compared -with some olii«r plitsstor rtAiTHjf tht~y fc^^^j o f wtjsfe.

Federation of Ghardlea m tie

dty max aav« wort* unopals^s artt to tm ccosaeaded for tbe•plrlt of unity that Has cfaaratitarised

ar. -It 1*- *. ct*4esnrr. rrr: m nrass rvst i ITIJS r.T7 -IT. as i jr. sr i

M. EL Cofll«l«a«H«ut2yRe?. B. C Crow*

croft to Coatkae

TAKES FOR EREC-Bf OF PABSONACE prettily dsccretsd for the. fu&ctloa.

At the fourth qaartartr coafw*n«

W? .

«nce. coasiderattoo for tbo rixiits ofaad respect tor elders, sad

tocsther raneraHy for themorsJ and avlritaal der«lop-

saent of the child was crr»d moat af-fectlT«ly &y Sm*rint«udant of School awmiaxa F. Uttle on TaesdJty flight laan address before the Psxeat*TeacheTs\ssodatloo of CoimnHau School.Ia Ieadlnx op to tStese vital points 8a-

perlateAdeat Little traced the chanceand daTaloptcent of odncatioittl tadllties) ftroca early times. He went backto jthm t f sus when people dwelt la(sets* aad roain sheltars and th»

had aach of the burden of la-the children; that the steady

of population led to the form-of Hconunanltles and the establish-

CsTscIioois. Haferflnc* was raada

worthj of the support aad hearty co-operation of aH.

Then It coea wKhont.sayias that thethlnf to do Is to posh It- Hr. Quickcan ose a number of nanda that arenot iklUed woffcssaa. Tho«« who

coold «rro some time la tMs waywould help «trrt*f; and |Wnt**r1iHyessen t&e cost of the work. Tho

Tabernacle Committee will creatly aj>-

to Roma and the teaching done by thealavesv

It waa then shown that much of thepresent rearing of children Is placedepon the schools and that the homes

preciats the help of any volunteers.Uost anytfae can drive naili. Comealons; and try your hand.

The tabernacle U to be «6 fast by112 feet on the sxotrad. U will seatwithout extra chairs fully fifteen hun-dred. As soon aeythe buttdiasTls in-closed stoves will-be set np and the(round floor th.fipouf&ly dried* nft*wwhich It will be. well cohered withshavlnys; this wfll keep the floorwarm and dry. The building can be

aaare of the worlc Mach stress wasthen laid apon the necessity of the twoInstitations of home and school work-ins; together If the most advantaseoasresults are to be obtained for the wel-faro of the child. Because of the fail-ure In many homes to provide for the

training of the children Mr.showed how essential it Is that

b«at t«aeo«rs possible Bias* be bfaT. file pablie ichboZK-aad. that

t e a c f a o r s T e i n n o t ; " ^ ^ t e

weather. It is located on the corner ofElm avoaae aad Campbell street.

m:* vless too eomnianSty Is willing to pay afair amoont for their services. Hethen poiated oat that some janitorsare recetvlas; more than capable teach-

Lotto "t»wwmwT~warden. Miss SmrtrWood; coadactress. Mra. F. R. '&ori'

ers. , den; chaplain. aCrs- Harry C. Coolter;During his remarka Saperlnteadenf right supporter vice-graad. Urs. Mary


Little made several sharp thrusts atthe liquor evil and showed the dnty ofvaxvntaragainst It-

chiidrexsrHe. said that U be could


read the signs ot the times aright thetraffic would be ultimately wiped out.We may not see It, but oar children

Tt In n*>t nwflsfisry ^ir ft hoy tnbo,a "good felloW* by taking some-tnJas^tnto bis system that may brinei$&at~his downfall and failure In life.In'conclusion Mr. UttXe said that It Isthe aim of the local schools to makethe • training of the most practicalnature possible and to fit into theeveryday life of the boy or girl, to ro-moy*" If possibl© any handicaps theymay have and-tojievelop their Ufa andfaculties along Unas that will makethem of the greatest possible serviceto the- world.

w Office ra ElectedDuring the meeting the annual elec-

tion ot officers was held aad resultedas follows: President,, Mrs. Prank-H-Bllss; flre vice-president. Miss EmilyHalliday; second vice-president, Mrs.D. B. Paetorius; treasorer, Mrs. J. V.Robinson; secretary, Mrs. Walter B.CrowelL- -

Seventh Grade Wins Picture fIn accordance with the plan an-

nounced at the previous meeting ofthe association a picture was awardedtoother grade having the greatest num-ber ot parents and friends present atthe meeting; This probably accountedIn a measure for pie exceptionally naeattendance.. Miss Tingleysfcrade \i;on; the' honors Taesday alshtaad the- picture w!Ub« in the posses-sloa of this grade until woe hy aaothefgrade atssMDaeqnentmeeting.

It was voted to dons\t#:flSbooks for the school UfersuyrYhe State

s>ted so Ui*t there will b« *«0 t o

,fef aew books. ^ i

of all. This ts a time ot wide-spreaderanxellsaa. let as- hope that great andLastlns; food shall come to ihls city.

ofThis la a

last nlshz with District Supstinted-dent Rav. p. J. Huhach, of Plalnfleld.preaidiss;. a unanlmoua request waswwrti for the Hav. B- C Crowcroft,pastor, to remain as pastor. The c*31was extended to Ur. Crowcroft In amoat hearty manner, showing* the «£•foctlve "wnrtt ha has*

w«re taken by the appoint-ment of a building committee whoseduty it wttl b* to solicit funds andtake other necessary steps beforetiennite plans for the buUdiag rn* beundertaken. The committee appointedfor this work comprises Joha V. Bob-inson. treasurer; John H. ArWntrsREnoch Cramer. Mrs. Hattle A. Ktoterand Mrs. Joha Huusman.

Other officers and committeesaamed at the meettes; were: Stewards,J. V. Bobtoson. S. A. .Vickie. Ira Os-born. Joha H. ArklnstaU. AlfredPcarco, George Scaaefer, Miss Prances

aapi xoro

REBCKAHS* INSTALLATIONThe aevly elected officers of Rah-

way Lodge. No. 57. Daughters of Be-bekah. w«re installed oa Wednesdayevening by District. Deputy Mrs. Josaphlne Murray, of EUjabeth. as foi-

, M**- S. H. Terry;

elaltreasurer. Urs. George B. Clfldek; l*ftsapporter- of noble grand. Mis. Jean*

Bodricues. Mrs. R. B- Donkell wasdeputlxed to install the remaining offi-cers who -wore aot yresant atmeetiag Wednesday eveaing^ Mrs.Webb, of Portland. Ore., was uaoagthe visitors. A social time and re-freshments followed the meeting.

OFFICERS ELECTEDOfficers for the ensuing year were

elected on Wednesday evening at thequarterly meeting of the Workmen'sSick and Death Benefit Associationheld at Stamler's hall as follows:President Bernbard Wlmmer; vice-president, E. G. Barteils; recordingsecretary. Bmil Hamtil; financial sec*rotors,. Karl S.. Scbjalefi. treasurer.August Wosely; phytldanf Dr. GeorgeB. Gallaway; aad^tors, Leonard M.Saners, Joseph Heidt, William Degen-hardt; trustees, Thoodbre Landenber-ger; Joseph Bauer. Two-candidatesw e n admitted to membership and twoapplications for membership were re*ceived.

DON'T MI88 IT TONIGHTWhat shooJd be one of tho best

numbers of the tree lecture course tobe given: during the season at the highschool auditorium.-under the auspicesof the Board of E^cation will be pre-sented tonightTwhen the Rev. H.Everett will give an addroas on "coin." which Is the first of the series.The- lecture coarse daring thotwo-yesm^Hsf-sorae excellent numbers of an Instrue-

-and inaplring aatar« hate beeaipabUc

are looking forward wltlj keen antici-pation to the eood things of the. pr**-


VVHI#T nerrs

d a b hsl a, pleasant gathering

less than a y«ejp ot service of his pas-torale.

PreUmlsarr steps pavinx tM way'.or the probable erection of a par*

Auxiliary ** Sites Held* Puna>In ttottdtf* Hsil

Under the ansjjflee* of the LduUss*Axxfiliry to the £3ks a tfeUghtfui In-formal dance was. held oaevening In Roefilg'* hall. Sxcelleatcaasic was provided by Cortalyoo.'sarcaeatra, of N*#* Brunswick, aad apo^ilar ordtf fijErdancea was carriedoat. Toe comsstttse tn charre eom-prtaod Miss MssV Neusebauer. MissBstalle Boss, C&stHes Leooard. formerOovadSman P H A W. frmnk. formerCouadtman Frank C. Ek&gelhart andTheodore; f u l f i l * TBA ***T was

; Mr. and Mr*. Jo-sash SL Hyan. M& aad Mrm. Alexander


m Cafflfaiin Unite WitiOffidtb for Reor&ui*2at»s



%•> W l l .

Mra. William UsJawwaX Ur aad Urs.William F. Web**, Ur. aad Mn. WU-ham Jtder. Ur. aad Urs. HaaryGrother, Cooacilfl£sa aqd Mrs. John JJ."

Mr- asd Ura. ThomasBoas, former CcRtmeilman Samu«l R.Morton. Alfred Csark. Mr. and Mrs.

Following doeelv on th«erewH?. U C, A. boi

W**tfl«Jd Delegation PaHieipataeCer«fnonl«s ef Advance

N"«wiv elected officer* of AdvanceCouncil. No 104, LoTai AT««v:1iti Tkw*re Installed on Tuesday •vaainx bySupervisins; EVpaty \V O WTjeeier, ofWeatfteld. as follows; Councilor. CRoOert Davts, Tice-coundlcr. A. I*Connolly; sitting past councilor. J

Darts; orator. Herbert T.marshal. Edward C. Fox; chap-

lain. Mayor Harry Simmons; treasurerLather B. Mundy; reeordar, J. HenryJ*Iake; tTiard. James LaBar: sentinel.Ralpo Woodward. Councilor Da.vis

his coounittees for tae easnlxis;

Harry Simmons. A. L. CcanoUy, HenryM. Woodruff; orator's committee. Her-

i best T. Pm* >. 2. Stanley

was an Important Joint meetIns last night ot tae directors aadtrustees of the association and th«^Deco&ere of u e casxselsrn axeouUT^cosunictee at which a number ofnotable aanoaac«in«nlts w«ra made.

Henry U f^wtf -rr ITirrrJoha. SomerladySce* Louis Sabin. MissUsry Dackxl. M3ss Ethel Ryno. Miss

Sixer, thai Ulsseesad Grace Rose, SiQsa Bt&el LawrenceMlsa-HUda DoaSach. the Misses Idaand MJsHe Oeshtayltcz^ th* Mlaaea. ffi*-xabath. and E33* &*&. Alexander HertsMUs Bonnie Cow%a> Silas Sadie Shan-noi3« Uuc& f<4i f yfft tti «red 8co*sjnarta.Miss Eleanor La^iorfe- Uisa Uarle

Roy IflH. saaja> Katherise Kler*SUsa Aaasr.^i^Ceefe, Miss Id*

llarstallax. Walter C.Jaokaon. Pred yoorfales. Pred W.

Frank G. Easelhart. Miss Es-&osev CbarJaje L*ooard- 3«Uss Mar-

Scfiwotxer.( o B

John Honsmsn. Mrs. Hattle Slntsr.DeWltt Co-srins. Urs. Oeorge B. MaoWhlnney. Cnoch Cramer; parsoaagecommittee, Mrs. John Heusmaa, MissFrances LdtForge. Mrs. Cteorge B. Slac-

ruff. James LaBar; finance. L.Slundy. H«?nrTf M Woodruff,A. U Connolly. J Stanley Darts. sick

EMwajTi C. Fox J HenryHarry Orr. press committ*^, J

n*.Tls. J Henry Flake.Supervtalnx Deputy Wae«ler

OF F1REALARIExpert iosyedka S&owsNeedel

Repiirs - Giia£e ia FireLsaits Proptsei


wtrtaji i& the storage cellsth*» nth^r Hrf alarm a t

-Dr. T. W. Sell presented histioa as treasurer and It was acceptedaad former City Treasurer Frank 11-StlUman. wao Is also treasurer of mebuildlog campalsjs committee.

pumping statloa is tn rery bad ooadl*Uoo. bath eiectncaUy and mecnanl-cally." were the words ased by OeuaraSAjprnt William McHarj. of New Torfc.for th* New Yor* Tviepaone Company..) n a commanicatlon to the

ofchoaen to nil th« vacancy

The reorganlxsilon of th« boarddirector* and board ot trastaesannounced as follows: Directors—David Armstrong. WUiUm Bliss.Henry W. deary. A. W. Frame. F. C

V Or Q. U Orton. Otto Palm. Jr,P. ROSMII. WlUUm H. EolUn-

aon. Harold L. Robinson. Dr. F. W.8«13, Edward S. Savage. Frank M.gunman, S. C. Tvrrill. Joan U. Wil-liams; Trustees—Edward K. Cone.Daw S. Joseph, Frank M SUUman. J.Jervts Vail. Arthor R. Wendell. John

there w«r« a numb«r ot oth*r visitorslncludlca Grand Marshal CdwardWutke. oi Westfleld. and a Imrxe dei«gatiua from Union Council. Mo. 5* ofWf«m«M There w«re able addresseaby U«Mn Woe«l«r and Wlttke and,aisu hj .S. L ft«-hrtfl^irt f irfiT^T otUnion Council Plans w«re made fora bowline matcb b«twvca Advance andUnion Councils to take place at West-field ear y In February.

ENJOYABLE STRAW R1DCA goodly number of m«mbers of St.

Mark's l>ramatlc Clob held a delight-ful straw ride on Wednesday «v«nlns;-Chartea Ramain's large track wasfilled wltii "Joy riders." and a pleasanttrip was taken to Kenilworth. wher*a one supper was enjoyed at the Ken-

trodaoed In Uie form of an Advisory strumetiiai maalc. dandng sndthe auspices of tn« CH«erful Workers r Committee, conslstloc ef the foUowlns **>et l ii^ervoune Tb« affair was oa«

Whinney. Mix. Jull* fiyao; appoTtion-naent of benevolence*, Joha H- Ar-tinstall. S. A. JJlckJc. Mrs. John Hcas-man. Miss Julia Byno; sstimstlnj. J.H. Arfelnst&a S. A. Nlckl*. J. V- fis*-Insoh; cttnrch records and •w«w»<«y. J.

Cmrtas, Craser. Charles Bed-man; charcb mnaic. 8. A. Nlckle, Mrs.John-Hoosaiait, Mrs>. W. IL Clarksoo^Horace D. Shep3>aru.

The meetlas: as a whole was ef amost enoctxraxlaff nature,wel for the future. The various re-ports showed much activity aad suc-cess In on 4«partaieats of the work.The meetlas; was well attended:

MERCY COMMITTEE MEETSexcellent progress was made In the

plans for the war relief work beingdone t>y~Tne Kan^ray^^raHcn~or ine"Mercy Committee of New Jersey atthe meeting held on Wednesday after-noon at the home of Mrs. F. C. Hyer,

of the First Preaaytssian dtarch atthe home of Mrs. Cheater P. Haynee.of 77 Seminary avennfe. Vartotsa Ittas-ary dlveralona, vlcCrolSi selectloaa •iyisocial intercourse, followed by delec-table refreshments aiade the timepaaa aaickiy. Misa Emma Johnson.of Weetneld, forsaerly of this city* wasCheJfcnett et Jiono* aaitwaa oo»of.tme

* * ! * • •

her nf arJenatiiT .ffjadbqgaVand ateries. Among those present wereTraeidsat Mrs. Oeorc« xtr.Miss tiVtiia white. Mrs. Qaaiel Ura-aton. Hiss Emma Johnson, Mlsa,J«n-ole McDonald. Mrs. Saaael Took\cr,Mrs. SOas K. Tombs. Urs. Lawrence

Mrs. W. I* B. Helm-'Edward: Milnes, iCrsv

Ba igartner.stadter. MrsvCyras Sauler. Miss Louise Urmstoa,Mrs. Thomas Urmtson. Mrs. WalterSmith. Urs. Charles Woodruff, Urs.L. Y- Graham. Jr, Mlis Emily Grahaff,Mra. EL L. Cook. Mrs. H. Kip Woodraff

W. Ackley. Roger N. Black SidneyG- Johnson. George W. Mtrck, WUUam H. Peterson. Thomas H. Roberts.Sr^ Sdwin M. Squier. P C. Sqoier.Ross VanAsrsoven.

Definite steps in preparation of plansfor the proposed new boildlng w«reIndicated by the appointment of com

of the best of its kind held by ihmpopular dob. Among those participsvting were: The Misses Mary snd AnnaReddlns. Agnes RKter. Florence andOertmde Bartell. Florence McCarthy.Emma Greiner. Myrtle SulllTan. Mar-caret Moultoo. Anna Saner, CatherineSchoeneman. Johanna Rack. Loqisa

inltfes) «i» site, teefurttng F. C Hyer. QucUnck. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Moul-jSw. Xekl*y, D*v» 8. JosejIU-TnOHasjton. Radolth J. Baaer, Adas J.H. Uoberta, &i, WtUtaiB S. RoUlflsKm. j Schwindluger. George Schwindlnge^£dward& Savage, Boss VandaffeOTsn. Carl Bozung. John McCarthy. George

purpose of Inspecting 7. al-Iztrwes. John TC. A. buildings and incorporating inthe local stnxcturo all that Is advisableand desirable within the limits of thefond* obtained a coaunites was ap-pointed consisting of Prank M. SUtt-toan. Edward K. Coae. George Merck*E. M. 'flqufer and a C- TerrUL

The campaign executive committee

Aacust Bast. Charles Murtnger. WU-liam Lelchtnaso and Thomas Sullivan.

CMARMtNO PUAVUCTThose who enjoy borne taJeflV pro-

ductions shoo Id not fail to take- swt-vantage of a splendid opportunitywhich will be afforded 4nem nest Tuesv-

of Milton avenue. Amons thoseent were: Mrs. E. K. Cone. Urs. F.M. SUUman. Blrs. E. S. 8ava<e. Urs.W. H. HolUnson. B£rs. Sidney O. John-son, Mrs. H. A- L. Sadtlor, Urs. Wil-liam S. Martin. Mrs. David 8. Joseph.Mrs. A- H. Chamberlain. Urs. M- D.Martin, Mrs. I. O. Bans. Urs. A. B.Hall, Urs. Irving Joseph, Mrs. G. L.©rton. Mrs. Bari R. SUvers. Urs. E.McKendree Hayden. the UlssesRachel Robinson. Edith Collins. Ger-trude Van Canpen. Mildred Terrllland Mrs. P. C. Hyer.

Mrs, C. A. Grove. Mrs. Anna A. Terrlll.Miss Lodlow. Mrs. Georce Sqaler. Mr.aad Mrs. Chester F. HayBes aad MissMarcaret Hayncs. .

for the first time dlYulsed a splendid day eventns; at the Second Presbyter*offer made by the Wheatens Company j ten church lecture room where **BSa-in ' connection, with the plans tor a gaging Janet." a pleasing playlet, willbuilding site for the proposed strac- [ be given under the auspices of thetare. The company offered to give the , Welfare Association with Mrs. James

8IRTHDAV CELEBRATEDIn celebration of the fifth

ENJOYABLE OATJ^fifflHQAnother delightful social function

was held last night under the auspicesof the I. B. A. at the bome of FrankB. Ellsworth, of 44 S^mlary avenue,where a one sauer kraut supper wasserved by Mrs.* Snsworth and Mrs.Almond Bchmeyer. Officers wereelected as follows: President. GeorgeLoveland; vice-president, John Mlntef.recording secretary. Frank EL Ens-jrarth; flnan«»tn| secretary. Harry Xhtn*ham; treasurer, DeWltt Foulks; ser-geant-at-arms, Charles EHcomo; stew-

Others presentSchmeyer. JosephSolllvaa. Edward

LaForare. and Fred

^anniversary of Theodore Clarke Lit**teU. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence- C . } R u d d T - WalterUttell, of IS? Church street, a large j S*11**'**' A. 8company of yonng folks assembled by Mamellar. Music-and rartons social

diversions added to the enjoyment ofthe gathering following the sapper.

Invitation at their bome on Wednesdayafternoon. A splendid program had.boon arranged for the ontertalninenl*of the boys and .• girls, consisting ot

and rafrwTrfflftnts, TTm-little celebrant was the recipient of agoodly namber of pretty gifts. Amongthose present were; . RnthT Uolland.Kenneth Aden Jean Bailey, BichardBailey. Edith Dempster, FlorenceOchUtree. Doris BordeH, Dorothylas-, Dorothy Noenaleh, w a i l a a yUaa-gan, Ethel Thornton, Ffands Moore,

Robert Walker, K orence Uttelld U t t l l l t P W B d

j«W«d «W^ ^eptanes-of ••«->entertainers.

FIRE IN BEDROOMThere was a brisk flre at the bora*

of-Mr. and-Urs. Jaae* J. -Dooley- s s4famfly. of 803 Jaaaes mveo«f OB -Ttt*svday evening about «.45 wb«n atress b#eame Ifnlted In oos et the

Aa-alaJBi was saoajtedtwm*.bos M. eorneV of Jute** and Ha*st«

st tH^ wwlt tf g*pbaae call and all fire esapaalMspeeded. > LlntiOtn Hodk sad ladder wltb c*ah bera>

that we find u o f Jsinury street. -8Mf4«s the thetwjir«r«jmasie and r*fr«ahnsau to add to thm

at the home of dore Uttell, ltfs> P. W. Bttrdge. ItravCompany was first ea the sc**w,

cbATs)s)d Wst tmast

«T 8*wmns;Hr.wmssmm

i^ WU1UB HftHtt, Westftsld; l l r«arf Mr*. >BWSi«tt C Jtspklsv llr.

Hflfa V. tWwftffi. 1IK »nrt Mrshad been carried out and a $59 to »tKGarth w*ltetMisi win be held at Trinity Meth Martin H. Pranke. Un. Amudared to^£dward K. Cone, who itervsdsuitable chair obtained. on Sunday aftemooa at «>• sesns ol tto life Swittll w%fcb t« Boetuu$ HlVit VGUOB aad Keanetb DaaksJf. HaroldMuch interoflt In the association sad steamer broke tbe •»>* filtftftipy ana cnlefeatly as chair-

f\th l x u t l oaB.K. Miner. o'clock. Tb« nmr. PhlUp B. Strong»: of Plalaflald. wiU b« the speaker.

" "."*'". """".••-~;",,,/.',-,-N«f

and AuU Bord4». Mr. and Urs. ft.its -work was maalfested dorias; theevening and slitften new nwmber*were rflcelved. ajaldaf a total mew-bersbip c< aeariy seventXr; The

of\ths> eaasftlgs exseutlvv eoa*eNQAQKUsTNT AMNOUNCSS

board tit directors voted to atJesse Vajflderiioy«n, VouHg Ps»pJ**s So-gciety or thU"eTT/aitskd*d

tit« WbJMUeu*George. Mr. aad Mfs. I.fiL C. Gslla^w, People's) ttadety

o>9 had a very'iifiiii>fiil|i''J-*i'Vii!r":!Vi'!hmr 7Tr :iii 'Tr i l 'sw'.i1'TiyiT> iii ' t lip

Council on Tuesday ewalng tn walcs»tae findings of the re««nt inspactfosi.of th« entire lines of the flre i b i ssystem in Rahwajr by telephoneciaJa were glv«a in detail and^HIT * s ^ ^ fwf nny HT TT

pair and UnproTemenx Thecovered all phase* of the ftrvsystem.

The letter was submitted by Gen-era! Acent McHars; to CooncflacB:Gage on Dec 23. Mr. Gage at that t£oass>prior to the reoi^anixatlon of tfls>manidpaJ body on S'ev Year's Day*was chalruaa of the flre aad waia*?committee. Mr Gage said that he aastnot brouxht the matter before tn«council at that time owing to the e&sV

take place In the mnnldpal body. Af-ter the readinc of Use reps**- by CityClerk Lambert U was referred to tn*flre and water committee for coas£dsi>atlon and report.

Owing to the vital Importance of tA*report by the telephone offlHilS It IsStrmn tn full as followe:

"After completing- oar Inspection fttest made from the pumping ffa*frrttshowed (he line to be In good eoussTtlon, but aae&smd mm fact Oka*forty Edison type storttgw callssupply the snergy to operate

wenty wurv IUUIU ur tsnUve. The wlrtns U> the •torage cftfisYand the other fire alarm equipment atthe pumping station ta tn verycondition, both electrically andchanically. The following suggestifiaaare offered^ ta- order-may be placed and maintaia*d ta #•*good and rellabe working candltbBL.

8toreo« Batteries)"Have the five trays of storage e«tt»-

nnw In the gisia

I . M. C, A, a plot of land In Elizabeth Vanderboven and Miss Elsie Daraaaavenue jost beyond the Rahway rtver I h Th t i thaad adjoining the improved propertyof the Wheatena Company. This plotwas appraised by disinterested partiesand valued at $2,500. It Is known on

In .charge. The cast comprises theMisses Rebecca Chase. Bessie Toms.Helen Gibbons, Elsie Haraed. d a l eDurand. Mrs. James Vanderhoven andMrs. D. B. Pastor!us. Besides the play-

the dty tax maps aa Lot 32, Block 396.! let Caere will be violin selections byThe central location was referred to j Ethan Lauer and plafao numbers byIn the letter from the Whsstesa Com-; Mrs. Walter Pratt. Following the play-paay. which, by the way. was dated let there will be a sale of ice creamDec 15. and the fact that it Is on the and a social time.proposed trolley line to Linden and •Bliiabeth and near to the river, which BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAIN EDwtn be of value when the plans tor [ M r - * n d U n •» Stanley Davis, of

5 9 J a " • • •»« leasantly entertslnp [

the sewage from the stream 5 9 J a ( * a " . Pleasantly entertsln-

overhauled and pot In propercondition.

Una *h«ae**t"Install a satiable discharge

In the line circuit so *|tat the caffsatdensity in circuit m*y b« kept Vfilfeast.This Is abaolittaly Mriwiry a» tba>current shall never be lass, tnan ftJsVnor more than 0.11 aaperev If fn# Isv-dlcators are to be itagitrfrt. Vpflst;Should the current Call below; QJMhampere Use electro-aa^Mts say WsV.be strong enooali to operate the te£&~~cator proparlr. while If itexceed 0Oi ampere* the Iwa

are completed^and also wosa the river;f«* members of the Portaightly

U made 'navigable. This site 1« only j B r ^ s C™\»< ^ f 1 . 0 ™ * * : °*900 feet from the present site tn Irvingstreet. This offer will probably b«followed by proffers of other sites Inthe central portion of the dty and-nodefinite action was taken toward ac-cepting it. but all expressed their ap*prfeciaUon Qf its importance. The ae*

sits) of-the Whaatena Company mastfee made before May 1. The matterwas referred to the boardto Investigate.

tse ef the aew b&Udins fund was ai"We, the ttadersicnsd, hsv-

tug- been-daly appoiHtsd as a coramlt-tag, to report on Uis fiairwwt

is m« T; st, c. A.as wrW*nrwi hy I ho tigMd tardg

ia pQsTWalOn of ytwr cflmmltle*. to-

aesda-y evening. Honors were won byMrs. Edwin P. Booth, of Newark andHarold Bender, of Brooklyn. Music,dancing and a sumptuous sapper add*ed to the evening's program of enjoy-ment. All declared Mr, and Mra. Davisdelightful entertainers. Among thosepresent were: Mr. and Mrs. AlbertO; Ackerman. of East Orange; Mr. aadUrs. Harold Bender, Brooklyn; '' Vr .mad Kswa»fci- -nrMiss Hazel Smith. Meatclair; BlissOeee vi«ve Sbsrpe, East Orang*. Dr.

Waite. Upper MontctsinTeal Hae. Garden city.

PINOCHLE 8NTBfrTAINsl8A dalijEaOol ewetlng of the 8 « U I

Clrclg Pinoebte d a b was held oaevening at the home of Mr.

and ilrf. I t S. DtrnksO. of 1*4 Cbttreh

of the magnet may become perrnSTi«nt>y Tyff nffiTiHt'and not sicator to operato at alL T3» aasetrue of the gonss of strtkarm.

.. W;

atlon In the coirsnt density whWa. t i torheostat Is daslgiied t o eorract ^

tae difference to voltage-ofbattery at end of charge aswith tu voltage at ead ofWith the Edison type bsUtary thto-varf^ation amounts to

sigh tees per cent.

Lnatsll a suJtaUemeter vrltb a < DC Cross

of M lso that the

may be r«ady&UUUtil* Una rttfoeUt

bat woald reQulrv f u ? Itttss)as s4Jfistm«Bts> wwild ttaty bewuy at tfttavwis ef e«*ejf«]