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SAINTLYSNACKS! All contents Copyright © Creative Catholics, LLC. 2013

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“Jesus in the Eucharist” edition

Saintly Snacks!

Station Leader Guidebook

from Publications, a subsidiary of Creative Catholics, LLC.


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“Saintly Snacks” - Station BLAST 4Station Leader Guidebook

Copyright © 2013 Creative Catholics, LLC.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except in the case of handouts for VBS activities and brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For further information, write:

Printed in the United States of America.Illustrators: Anthony Varsdale and Ben HatkeMusic & Lyrics: David Howie

“Jesus in the Eucharist” edition

NOTE: The teaching contained in this program has been developed for children using the best educational practices. It is our goal to help children learn and practice the truths of the Faith in a way that connects with their age-level psychology. Have fun!

“Saintly Snacks” Station BLAST 4


Introduction to “K4J Summertime BLAST” VBS...............................................5. Meet the K4J Characters!..............................................................................7

“Enter the Clubhouse”................................................................................9 Snack Station sign

Snack Station Leader Responsibilities................................................................11

Station Guidelines & Set-up.................................................................................12

Snack Supply Order & Checklist........................................................................15 Snack Ingredients

Dry goods & props

Daily Saints, Snacks & Scripts

Day 1.......................................................................................................18

St. Edmund Campion

BANANA BOATS..........................................................................20

Day 2.......................................................................................................22

St. Rose of Lima

MISSIONARY TREATS...................................................................24

“Saintly Snacks” Station BLAST 4


Daily Snacks & Scripts, cont.

Day 3.........................................................................................................26

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

HOLY RICE CAKES........................................................................28

Day 4.........................................................................................................30

St. Paul

HEARTS & CHAINS........................................................................32

Day 5.........................................................................................................34

Mary, Mother of the Family

CANA COOKIES............................................................................36

Snack Station Planning Chart................................................................................37

K4J Patterns..............................................................................................................38

K4J Bucks Mr. Tabernacle & Lamplighter

Station Leader Questionnaire..............................................................................40

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 5

At the end of K4J Vacation Bible School, each child can BLAST! through the K4J online virtue meter as they enjoy a personal and captivating experience in K4J Family! ( Each child is able to receive a personal page with their own age appropriate materials Apostles (grades 4-5), K4J (grades 2-3) or pre-K4J (ages 3-1st grade). They will find videos, games, activities and songs for their GOOD IDEAS BLAST Mission! Give your parents the coupon code SUMMERBLAST and the receive the summer membership for only $3.95

During the global, week-long “World Eucharist Mission”, kids collect spare change to go to the Military diocese to support priests who bring Jesus in the Eucharist to our troops around the world. Kids’ coins are collected and counted at the Day 5 “It’s a BLAST” party.

Each day, children at the K4J Vacation Bible School will...Meet in small groups according to grade level if possible. Captains of K4J (grades 6-8) meet at the “Captain’s Clubhouse Hangout” each day where they prepare to help younger kids learn through carefully planned activities including daily opening and closing assemblies, station activities, decorations, and the closing day liturgy and “It’s A BLAST” missionary party on Day 5.Attend the “K4J Clubhouse” Opening Assembly and learn the day’s gospel passage, focus of the day & VBS songs. Watch a skit performance about that day’s saint and join in the World Mission Eucharist project where kids collect spare change in World Eucharist Mission bags. Proceeds are collected at the “It’s a BLAST” Day 5 missionary party!

Kids rotate through five Stations each day:1. Station BLAST 1: Missionaries In Motion -- where kids learn to be missionaries today!2. Station BLAST 2: Get Moving games-- K4J games & excitement3. Station BLAST 3: Cool Crafts – crafts with a purpose4. Station BLAST 4: Snacks -- take a break for a delicious treat & teaching about a saint!5. Station BLAST 5: Party Prep: Music & Chapel Time – preparation for the “It’s a BLAST”

closing day liturgy, show and party.

Attend the K4J Clubhouse closing assembly for wrap-up and closing prayer.

pre-K4J age level (3-1st grade) offers the option of using a separate space designed specifically for the preschool age level in a self-contained classroom with learning Centers.

Children will also...Enjoy a personal Apostles (grades 4-5), K4J (grades 2-3) or pre-K4J (ages 3-1st grade) Mission Pack, designed by K4J for Vacation Bible School. Captains (grades 6-8) receive a Captain leadership handbook!All age-level Mission Packs and materials teach kids fun ways to practice the virtue of INITIATIVE daily at home through the “Good Ideas BLAST” Mission of the Month. This mission helps kids to learn to pray to Jesus in the Eucharist and receive his grace, then “go out” to change the world!

K4J Mission Pack grades 2 - 3

pre-K4J Mission Pack ages 3 - 1st grade

Captain Leadership Handbook

grades 6 - 8

Welcome to “K4J Summertime BLAST” Vacation Bible School

Apostles Pack grades 4 - 5

Order extra VBS Songs CDs for your group

How to set up your program

Consider the format that is best for your parish. Here are two possibilities.


Parents check their children in at a registration table and then take them to meet their K4J Guide in an assigned, small group classroom at the beginning of each day. The K4J Guide gives each child their name tag and K4J bank envelope they will use later on to collect K4J Bucks as they accomplish each station activity. (Reproducibles are included on the VBS Graphics CD that may be used as time-filler coloring sheets until everyone arrives.) The K4J Guide begins the day with K4J Prayer and the K4J Pledge then moves with the children to the K4J Clubhouse BLAST opening assembly that is followed by the various station activities. Some parishes have found it helpful to have the K4J Guides return with their children to the small group classrooms after the assembly and remain there throughout the “Cool Craft”, “Snack”, and “Party Prep: Music & Chapel Time” stations. (The Get Moving station may be held outdoors.) The leaders of these stations have their day’s supplies in each small group classroom and move from place to place to lead their station activity. This option helps promote a calm beginning of the day, cuts down on group travel time, and is a great way for late arrivals to find their places.


Parents check their children in at a registration table then take them to meet their K4J Guide in an assigned space in the K4J Clubhouse BLAST opening assembly room. These spaces can be coded by color or K4J Characters (found on the VBS Graphics CD). Post each character on the wall in a particular area of the room, or have the K4J Guide hold a character that has been mounted on a particular colored paper. For pre-K4J, spread a large plastic dollar store tablecloth of the same color on the floor for them to sit on. After the assembly, each small group of children moves through the various stations with their K4J Guide. A K4J Guide has up to 10 children on his/her team. Captains (grades 6-8) may assist with teams during the Station Rotation.


Preschoolers have difficulty moving from place to place. They seem to do much better if they are assigned to one classroom and leave it only to attend K4J Clubhouse assemblies and the pre-K4J Get Moving station. All pre-K4J Station activities take place separately from the older children’s and may be found in the “pre-K4J Summertime BLAST Guidebook”.

Daily Schedule

Most VBS programs are held three hours daily for five days. Here is a possible schedule. 9:00-9:10 Gathering 9:10-9:30 Clubhouse BLAST opening assembly (20-25 min)9:30-11:45 Stations (20 minutes each, 5 minutes between each station, 10 minute bathroom break; K4J and pre-K4J stations are held separately)11:45-12:00 K4J Clubhouse BLAST-OFF closing assembly (10 minutes)

6 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

Spark represents the conscience. Children in K4J are taught that they have to teach their conscience. (CCC: 1783-1785) They do this by learning what is true, by praying, and by practicing virtue (taught through the K4J Mission of the Month). Then that “little voice inside you” will let his “light shine in the dark” (Spark Song from the Summertime BLAST! Party CD) and will help kids make the right choices.

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 7

VICE is the bad guy in K4J. This character represents temptation and bad habits. Vice never gives good advice and is always finding himself in predicaments because he is selfish and hates to obey!

Geronimo is our fun-loving ant who is always up to some crazy ANTics!


Grace is the K4J character that represents actual grace. Actual grace is “God’s intervention” (CCC 2000). The song, Grace (Summertime BLAST! Party VBS Songs CD) tells kids that Grace is like “a little piece of God inside you” and “when you least expect, I’ll come through.” God is always faithful. We can count on his grace every time we ask for it. You will see Grace appear in K4J materials whenever God’s grace is at work in a special way.


Meet the K4J Characters...


Fontini the Baptismal Font

Fontini the Baptismal Font is where we get our start as members of the Church! Filled with the sacramental waters of baptism, Fontini can be found in every Catholic church. At VBS, it is through Fontini that the children learn the beauty of the sacrament of Baptism and the special mission it brings us - to Surf with the Spirit and bring the Good News all over the globe! (If your church baptismal font is different from the holy water font or if it is difficult to recognize “Fontini” when you look at your font, simply tape a picture of Fontini to the side of the font while you are teaching -- this graphic may be found on the VBS Graphics CD.)

...and the 7 Sacraments!


Mr. Tabernacle and his sidekick Lamplighter are the K4J characters that remind kids that Jesus, the Holy Eucharist, lives inside the tabernacle of every Catholic church. The kids learn that when Lamplighter (sanctuary lamp) is lit next to the tabernacle it means that Jesus, the Holy Eucharist, is “at home” inside the tabernacle. We can visit Jesus there in a special way. Jesus is as present to us in the Eucharist as he was 2000 years ago when he walked among us. We find our strength to live as God intends by receiving and visiting Jesus in the Eucharist.

Mr. Tabernacle

Mr. C

Mr. C reminds kids of God’s great mercy. He is the confessional with a ‘light-up nose.’ His light shows that the priest is waiting as “another Jesus” to hear your confession and forgive all your sins. God’s mercy is as big as we want it to be. It is through Mr. C that the children learn the beauty of the the sacrament of Penance and the joy it brings -- to be free of the burden of our sins through absolution. (If you do not have a light on the confessional in your parish, put a picture of Mr. C on the door of the confessional so that children may recognize where the sacrament of Penance takes place -- this graphic may be found on the VBS Graphics CD.)

Big Blaze

“The sacrament of Confirmation is the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost” CCC 1302. Wow! Big Blaze is the character we use when we talk about the sacrament of Confirmation. With Big Blaze lighting our hearts on fire, we become INCREDIBLE Daring Duos with the Holy Spirit! The gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened within us, INITIATIVE to spread Jesus’s love surges, we become closer to each other as members of the Church, and we aren’t afraid to share Jesus’s cross with him, in love. WHAT A SACRA-MENT. Big Blaze gives a permanent mark on our souls that will be seen in heaven!

Mr. & Mrs. W. Ring

Mr. & Mrs. W. Ring are celebrating the sacrament of Holy Matrimony! That’s marriage. They confer this sacrament on each other, and promise to be true to each other and no one else in a special way, and be open to new life -- children -- they will bring up in the Catholic faith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ring are especially blessed by the Holy Spirit as part of this sacrament, who is the “ever-available source of their love & the strength to renew their faithfulness” CCC 1624. He is always there to help!

Fr. Peter

Fr. Peter has given his life for Jesus, just as Jesus has given his life for us. Fr. Peter, like all Catholic priests, has received the sacrament of Holy Orders. The bishop lays hands on the man receiving the sacrament and prays. The Holy Spirit comes and makes the man “another Christ” as “Priest, Teacher and Pastor” CCC 1585. The sacrament of Holy Orders makes the man God’s priest forever, and marks his soul with a permanent mark that will be seen in heaven!


Olivia is an animated cruet containing specially blessed olive oil that is used as an important part of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The priest lays hands on the sick person and prays, then uses the contents of Olivia -- olive oil blessed by the bishop -- to anoint the person. The Holy Spirit comes and gives special gifts of strengthening, peace and courage to the sick person. “This assistance from the Lord by the power of his Spirit is meant to lead the sick person to healing of the soul, but also of the body if such is God’s will.” CCC 1520

8 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

Ready to enter the K4J Clubhouse?

Personal missionIt is wonderful that God will never ask anything of us that we are not equipped to accomplish. He gives us all we need to do the mission he has planned for us. He only asks our cooperation and faith in him. First proof of this is the fact that he comes to us in the Eucharist. A simple piece of bread becomes his body and blood: “For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.” He chooses this humble means to give us the opportunity to exercise our faith so we are able to approach the altar with confidence. And then, once we go to him and receive him in the Eucharist, we are equipped to “Do all things in him who loves us.”

Follow the saintsNothing convinces better about the power of God’s love through the Eucharist than a living testimony. K4J kids come to learn that the saints are normal people who loved God without limits. The saints lived daily life for God and this has made them extraordinary. At the K4J Clubhouse assembly, the kids meet saints who had INITIATIVE! Each one of them visited Jesus in the Eucharist, received Jesus and then used their initiative to go out and share Jesus with others. We have the same opportunity to live our own per-sonal missions with the Holy Eucharist guiding us and giving us strength. God asks us to trust him and say YES to his plan. We too can become great saints!

World Eucharist MissionChildren learn to appreciate Jesus in the Eucharist and practice INITIATIVE as they raise money for the global “World Eucharist Mission”. In this mission, the kids at Summertime BLAST VBS are encouraged to work together to raise money for a military missionary priest in the US Military Diocese who are bring-ing Eucharist to our troops. At the end of Day 1, give each child a copy of the “Note Home” (Assemblies Guidebook) and a camo-mission bag in which they may collect change. Each child brings a bag of coins back to Vacation Bible School on Day 5. Checks are made out to: Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.

Send donations to: Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Attn: Office of Evangelization P.O. Box 4469 Washington, DC 20017

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 9

“Saintly Snacks” Station BLAST 4 sign

SaIntly Snacks!STATiON BLAST 4

Your Role & Getting Ready at the“Saintly Snacks” Station

• Take part in VBS training day.• Help your VBS Director recruit volunteers (K4J Guides) to lead teams of children through the stations. • Prior to VBS, meet with the Director to choose snacks and supplies for the week.• Determine how much of each snack is needed and purchase all ingredients. Snack ingredients and dry goods lists are included for the week.• Try to solicit donations from grocery stores or wholesale outlets.• Obtain all general equipment such as napkins, pitchers, cups, utensils, trays, sponges, dish towels, dish soap, ice, etc.• Remind all volunteers to wash their hands very well and wear plastic food handling gloves.• Pay special attention to food allergies of children. Parents should have given this information on their registration forms. Provide a supply of alternate snacks for those who require it.• Have a stock of “K4J Bucks” handy each day. They teach about the day’s saint focus. Kids are given bucks at the end of station time each day. Kids “cash in” bucks at the closing day “It’s a BLAST” party for games, snacks and prizes.• The “Saintly Snack” station is the place where the kids are reminded of the saint they learned about in the Clubhouse BLAST Assembly each morning. If it is pos- sible for you to attend this assembly, it will help you speak to the children about the saint as you serve snack. Dress as the saint of the day, or ask the Captains to take on this responsibility at Snack station.

SaIntly Snacks!STATiON BLAST 4 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 11

General Station Guidelines

Planning your work space• Snack station is designed so children may create their own simple snack as part of a fun learning activity that

centers on the day’s saint. Be sure to consider the amount of space you have to work within. Some of the children may wish to “spread out” and work on a larger table area, but it is possible for kids to decorate or make their snacks on a paper plate. You will want to carry out activities in a way that maintains a clean and orderly environment for the children. Put down butcher paper and/or waxed paper over tables and other working areas that can be thrown out to make clean up easy.

• Each day, different supplies are listed in the “Preparing Your Station” section of the Snack activity. Place enough of these ingredients in separate containers on the tables so they are within easy reach of all the children that will be present in each work area.

• Have plenty of hand wipes available for kids to use both before and after snack preparation.

• Be sure to be aware of any food allergies children may have. This information is noted on each child’s VBS registration form. Each K4J Guide will work to assist with the individual needs of their team members.

Bank K4J Bucks!Explain to kids that they will have the opportunity to earn K4J Bucks each day at Snack station. K4J Bucks will serve as tickets at the Day 5 “It’s a BLAST” party, and may be “cashed in” to play games and purchase snacks that will be available at party booths at that time.

Accommodating Special LearnersSpecial learners will have no trouble at K4J Vacation Bible School. Some activities may not be suitable for children with physical challenges, but there are so many activities going on at the same time they will not feel left out. Make an effort to create “special fun” for these kids, depending on their particular needs.

When working with pre-school & kindergarten aged kids, remember…• A preschooler’s attention span is very short. Kids need to move from activity to activity rather quickly.

• Preschoolers do much better in small group activities and have a more difficult time with large groups.

• Preschoolers need projects that will allow them individual freedom while learning to be a part of the group. For instance, a child will love to push a broom at clean-up time but will need to be directed to work with others who are picking up trash, manning the dustpans & garbage bins, looking for crumbs that need sweeping, etc.

• Sharing is still difficult. To prevent tears, have several of the same supplies.

• Transition time requires planning. Warn kids in advance that they will need to change activities. It is a good idea to sing a song during clean up and transition times. A special clean up or marching song can help.

• It is very difficult for a preschool child to change in the middle of an activity. You need to offer a plan. “Donny, it will be time to clean up the Snack station in one minute. When you hear the clean up song, it will be time to throw your paper plate and napkin in the trash, then wipe the table and bench with this wet wipe."

• Use a signal for quiet. A lifeguard whistle or other instrument is a good idea. Practice before you begin the Station Rotation the first day. Tell the kids to yell, and when they hear the whistle, there is silence. Reward the kids for immediate silence when it happens.

• Be very specific when giving direction. “I want to see your hands in your lap and your eyes on me.” Point out the model examples as they appear. “I see Johnny’s eyes. Now I see Carol’s… Good. We are ready to begin.”

• During quiet activities, such as activity instructions, give the more active kids jobs that will help them focus. “Billy, will you hold this plate for me? Mary, please hold this jar of peanut butter.”

12 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

Tips for a Great Start at

“Saintly Snacks” Station BLAST 4

The goal of the K4J Clubhouse setting is to help kids learn to INITIATE missionary acts for Jesus. It’s a great way to make learning and sharing the faith a summertime BLAST!

Follow these ideas to make your “Saintly Snack” station a BLAST:

• Snacktime is not just a bag or plateful of food, it is a learning event! SNACK station fun follows the clubhouse theme, and the saints are club members too -- in fact, they are the leaders! Learning takes place through scripted introduction and activity. Please use the daily scripts and props that teach.

• The central teaching focus of the SNACK station is on the K4J Holy Heroes – daily missionary saints who serve as great examples to the kids. All snacks help kids engage in further learning and reflection on the missionary spirit of the special saint presented at each day’s Opening Clubhouse Assembly.

• Kids practice initiative when they concoct their own snack creations, designed along the teaching theme of the day. After eating, kids practice good habits of cleanup under the direction of the SNACK Station Leaders and individual K4J and pre-K4J team Guides.

• In addition to the main “snack activity” project kids create and eat each day, please see daily suggestions for very simple theme-related snack ideas. Be sure to have alternative snacks on hand each day for those who have food allergies.

• You may wish to give each child a K4J Buck (pattern included on the VBS Graphics CD) at the end of station time each day. There is a different Buck each day, and it features an image of that day’s saint! Bucks can be used as tickets at the Day 5 “It’s a BLAST” closing celebration and may be exchanged for food, games, and prizes.

• Station Leaders may wish to stop for a quick “visit to Jesus” in the tabernacle before morning drop-off or after VBS each day.

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 13

KIds J


Supply Checklist & Order info“Saintly Snacks” Station BLAST 4

Use this handy checklist to plan your station arrangement and material needs, and check the items off as each is accomplished or collected at the station.

Grocery ListGroup size: 15-20 students (2 teams)

Day 1 Banana Boats• Bananas (1 per child)• Granola pieces, or other cereal (1 box per group)• Raisins (1 large box per group)• Other dried fruit, if desired (1 mixed bag per group)• Pretzels (1 bag per group)• Mini marshmallows (1 bag per group)• Water (1 gallon per group)Optional:• Goldfish (1 box per group or individual bags)

Day 2 Holy Rice Cakes• Graham crackers (2 boxes per group)• Squeezable peanut butter (1 per group) AND/OR marshmallow crème (marshmallow crème provides an

alternative for those with peanut allergies)• Decorator frosting gel (2-3 tubes per group)• licorice twists (1 bag per group)• mini-marshmallows (1 bag per group)• Lemonade & waterOptional:• Yogurt with “hidden fruit” on the bottom (1 per child)

Day 3 Missionary Treats• Rice cakes (2 per child)• Peanut butter or Nutella (1 jar or bottle per group)• Cream cheese for those students allergic to peanuts (1 8-oz container per group)• Thin Pretzel sticks (1 bag per group)• Fruit juice & waterOptional:• Bread (1 slice per child) or Crackers• Grapes (1 large bunch per group, to be divided into smaller bunches for each child)

Day 4 Hearts & Chains• Fruit roll-up tape (about 1 foot per child)• Heart-shaped cookies (1 per child)• Tonic water or mineral water with lemonsOptional: • A trail mix or Chex mix (1/2-1 cupful per child)

Day 5 Cana Cookies• Danish wedding cookies (1 box per group)• Water• Grape juice concentrate

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 15

Dry Goods & Props

Each day:• Provide at least 2 hand wipes per child per day for hand washing before and

after snack station fun.• Provide at least 2 hand wipes per child per day for hand washing before and

after snack station fun.• Use CD player to play songs from “K4J Summertime BLAST” CD as

background music while kids prepare snacks or between stations.

Day 1 Live the virtue of INITIATIVE with St. Edmund Campion• St. Edmund Campion poster from the VBS Graphics CD• Chef hats• Cask for water• Ladle for water• Paper or Styrofoam bowls; plastic cups

Day 2 Live a life of prayer with St. Rose of Lima• St. Rose of Lima poster from the VBS Graphics CD• “Crown of roses” (St. Rose costume) per Station Leader• Mr. Tabernacle & Lamplighter poster from the VBS Graphics CD• Plastic cups• Napkins

Optional:• Plastic spoons (1 per child)

Day 3 Become a missionary with the best -- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta• Blessed Teresa of Calcutta poster from the VBS Graphics CD• Plastic knives for spreading• Plastic cups

Day 4 Bring the message of Jesus to the world with St. Paul• St. Paul poster from the VBS Graphics CD• Paper plates• Paper cups• A ½ cup measuring cup

Day 5 Do whatever he tells you with Mary, Mother of the Family• Mary, Mother of the Family poster from the VBS Graphics CD• Wedding cocktail napkins• Paper doilies• Pitcher• Paper cups• CD player• CD of Jewish/Middle Eastern festive music

16 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


taste temptIng

SaIntly Snacks!

K4J Summertime BLAST

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 17

18 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

DAY 1“K4J SummertIme BLAST”


Discover…the teaching of today!We make a special place called the K4J Clubhouse where we come up with good ways to share the love of Jesus in the Eucharist! We “come on in” and join the club where we learn how to KNOW Jesus & LOVE Jesus, and work as teams to go out to SHARE the love of Jesus with others and change the world.

Theme: K4J Clubhouse

Scripture: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39

K4J Holy Hero: St. Edmund Campion

In 1579, secret police & spies were stationed along the coast of England on the lookout for those spreading the Catholic faith. Fr. Edmund Campion, a Catholic priest, returned to the country disguised as a jewel merchant so he could slip in unnoticed. He went about in various disguises and secretly celebrated mass so the people could once again receive Jesus in the holy Eucharist!

Discover the hidden treasure...Here is what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:CCC No. 3 Those who with God’s help have welcomed Christ’s call and freely responded to it are urged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world.

Once children feel a sense of belonging, they have the confidence to give the best of themselves. Your goal by the end of the week is to make the

kids feel a part of something BIG. They are joining K4J kids all over the country and becoming missionaries together. They are part of the K4J Club!

Send us your best stories and photos. We would love to highlight them on the K4J website, . Please include parental permission.

ST. EDMUND CAMPIONMissionary Master of Disguise


Kids come to the snack center, where “St. Edmund” (Snack Station Leader dressed in a chef hat) presides, disguised like a chef as in today’s Clubhouse Assembly skit. “St. Edmund” acts surprised, then in a stage whisper asks, “Are you K4J? I was expecting you – thanks for coming! The captain of the ship doesn’t know that we are Catholics working to spread the love of Jesus in the holy Eucharist. He thinks you’re my new helpers for the galley.”Then, in a loud voice, heard from behind the scenes:“Here! Put on your chef hats and get to work! We’re out of hardtack so today we’re making banana boats to feed the crew. Step lively, maties!”Again, in a whisper to the kids:“You’ll be surprised what we can do with the grace Jesus gives us. He can help us in any situation, so let’s say a quick prayer for our mission.”Demonstrate how to make a Banana Boat, using the steps to the right.Say grace, then kids begin assembling snacks!

St. Edmund Campion was always ready with a new disguise to go on a mission for Jesus!

Day 1

Banana Boats

Get Ready for...

Day 1 Banana Boats

You will need:

Snack ingredients• Bananas (1 per child)• Granola pieces or other cereal (1 box per group)• Raisins (1 large box per group)• Other dried fruit, if desired (1 mixed bag per group)• Pretzels (1 bag per group)• Mini marshmallows (1 bag per group)• Water (1 gallon per group)

Optional Quick Snack:• Goldfish crackers (1 box per group or individual bag/child)

Dry goods & props• Optional: St. Edmund Campion poster from the VBS Graphics CD, posted at the station• CD player & “We Can Be Saints Too,” K4J Summertime BLAST Songs CD• Cask for water• Ladle for water• Lemons or limes• Paper or Styrofoam bowls• Napkins/hand wipes• Cups & beverage• Chef hats

In 1579, secret police & spies were stationed along the coast of England on the lookout for those spreading the faith. Fr. Edmund Campion returned to his country disguised as a jewel merchant so he could secretly help keep the faith alive…

St. Edmund Campion, K4J Holy Hero

20 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


Decorate the snack station with a nautical theme. Keep it simple but give the kids the idea that they are on the boat with St. Edmund. How about covering the tables with paper and drawing waves, an anchor, ship or life ring. You can also have the kids walk in the station by holding onto a rope and pretend you are rocking on the boat as you walk!

You will need a barrel or cask for the drinking water, with a ladle. On the table will be bunches of bananas and bowls of granola, raisins and other dried fruit, and pretzels and mini marshmallows. Have chef hats ready for the children, as well as paper goods such as bowls and cups and napkins. The Station Leaders will be dressed as St. Edmund Campion, simply by wearing chef hats!


1 Kids each peel a banana and lay it in a bowl so it curves up like the hull

of a ship.

2 They decorate it using granola, raisins and other dried fruit, andpretzel sails.

3 To make pretzel sails, push the ends of pretzel sticks into mini marsh-mallows to form a sail shape. Press the “mast end” of the sail into the banana.

4 Enjoy!

Another galley worker (or parent) will ladle water out of the cask as the kids pass by with cups – it’s rationed just like as it was for St. Edmund on the ship! You can have lime or lemon wedges floating in the water to combat scurvy.


There is a K4J Buck for everyone! But first…let’s inspect the ship. K4J Guides help the children check their areas for proper cleanup. When everything is ready, kids place their buck in their K4J “Treasure In Heaven” Bank envelopes and “wear” the banks as they move with their K4J Guides to the next station.

You may wish to play “We Can Be Saints Too!” from the VBS Songs CD as the kids work, eat, or move between stations. The background music enforces the station lesson in another way!

Snack alternative:Serve goldfish crackers

in little cups.

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 21

22 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

DAY 2“K4J SummertIme BLAST”


DISCOVER..THE TEACHING OF TODAY! Today we learn that as members at the K4J Clubhouse, we need to pray. This is the first step in practicing the virtue of INITIATIVE. Jesus will help us come up with Good Ideas to share the love we receive from him. We just think of Jesus in the Eucharist and ask him what we can do to help others love him more!

THEME: Pray to Jesus in the tabernacle. Children recognize where the Eucharist is located at church and how to pray to Jesus in the Eucharist through spiritual communion. Help children develop the habit of prayer to the Eucharist and the virtue of INITIATIVE -- carrying out Good Ideas to share the love of Jesus with others.

SCRIPTURE: “Go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” Matthew 6:6

K4J HOLY HERO: St. Rose of Lima, PeruSt. Rose of Lima, Peru lived at home with her family many years ago. St. Rose loved Jesus very much. She wanted to spend her best time with him. So, she built a little house in her backyard garden. It was a secret prayer place! Rose worked and talked to Jesus all day long. Soon she was having many Good Ideas about how to share Jesus’ love with others. Little by little, the backyard garden became a place for the homeless, the hungry, those who needed love. Soon they also learned to pray....

DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TREASURE...Here is what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

CCC 2696 The most appropriate places for prayer are personal or family oratories, monasteries, places of pilgrimage, and above all the church, which is the proper place for liturgical prayer for the parish community and the privileged place for Eucharistic adoration.

We may be tempted to think that children do not like to pray. The problem often is that children are not taught how to put prayer into daily life. When they have sorrow, joy, or need help of any kind, it is an occasion to teach them to pray. I once saw a priest playing basketball with a group of 5th graders. One of the teams called a timeout to regroup and create their strategy. At the end, Father said, “Who is on our team?” The boys looked confused. “Jesus!” Father said. “Run and tell him you need help.” The boys ran to a nearby chapel, genuflected quickly while making the sign of the cross and went back to their game. That is prayer, and that is how you make it real for kids!

ST. ROSE OF LIMASecret Prayer Place Planner

Get Ready for...

Day 2 Missionary Treats

You will need:

Snack ingredients• Graham crackers (2 boxes per group)• Squeezable peanut butter (per group) OR Marshmallow creme (beware peanut allergies)• Decorator gel• One-inch red licorice piece OR birthday candle (per child)• Red fruit punch and water

Optional Quick Snack:• Yogurt cups with fruit on the bottom & spoon (per child)

Dry goods & props• “Crown of roses” (St. Rose costume, per Station Leader)• Mr. Tabernacle & Lamplighter poster/VBS Graphics CD• St. Rose of Lima poster from the VBS Graphics CD, posted• CD player & “We Can Be Saints Too,” VBS Songs CD• Red plastic cups with marker pen smile drawn on (K4J character - Lamplighter)• Small plates• Napkins• Hand wipes


“St. Rose of Lima made a secret holy place in her garden where she could pray and spend time with Jesus. Can you think of a place you could go to spend time with Jesus?” Call on a few volunteers.

“Very good! We can always find Jesus in the tabernacle! It’s like his own secret fort where he waits for us. The tabernacle is where we get the strength we need from JESUS to act as his missionaries.” Hold up an enlarged picture of Mr. Tabernacle. “And next to the tabernacle at church is the red sanctuary lamp. it is lit when Jesus in the Eucharist is ‘at home’ inside the tabernacle.”Now make a Missionary Treat as you describe what you are doing:

“We will use graham crackers and peanut butter to build a secret clubhouse prayer place for snack, to remind us of the secret prayer place that St. Rose built in her backyard. A special clubhouse is a place we can go to think up fun, new ways to be missionaries for Jesus. it is a good place where we can be alone with Jesus and speak with him in our hearts! Say grace, then kids begin assembling snacks!

St. Rose of Lima found the very best secret prayer church in front of the tabernacle with Jesus!

Day 2

Missionary Treats

St. Rose lived with her parents and brothers and sisters in Lima, Peru, in the 1500s. She loved Jesus very much, and wanted to spend her best time

with him. So, she built a little house in her backyard garden. it was...a secret prayer place!

St. Rose of Lima, K4J Holy Hero

24 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


Today the snack center is to remind the kids of St. Rose of Lima and her garden. Station Leaders can dress as St. Rose, simply by wearing a crown of artificial roses! You can also get a bit more creative and put a pot of flowers on each table or drape artificial vines on the backs of their chairs.

On the tables where the kids will work, set out platters of graham crackers, jars of squeezable peanut butter OR marshmallow creme, bags of mini marshmallows, licorice sticks cut into one-inch pieces OR small red birthday candles, and tubes of decorator gel to make the Missionary Clubhouse smile!

Serve Lamplighter red punch in a smiling red cup!


1 Kids lay two graham cracker squares on the table and spread one

with peanut butter or marshmallow crème.

2 Place a the other graham square on top as a “lid.”

3 Squirt on eyes and a smile with decorator gel.

4 Enjoy!


There is a K4J Buck for everyone! But first…let’s clean up the garden! (Remind kids about St. Rose’s secret prayer place garden, where Snack station is taking place today!) K4J Guides help the children check their areas for proper cleanup. When everything is ready, kids place their buck in their K4J “Treasure In Heaven” Bank envelopes and “wear” the banks as they move with their K4J Guides to the next station.

You may wish to play “We Can Be Saints Too!” from the VBS Songs CD as the kids work, eat, or move between stations. The background music enforces the station lesson in another way!

Snack alternative:Serve yogurt with fruit hidden on the bottom. It’s like God’s plan for us -- we never know

what wonderful things he has in store!

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26 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

DAY 3“K4J SummertIme BLAST”


DISCOVER…THE TEACHING OF TODAYWe receive Jesus. Jesus gives us the strength to do his work by giving us his body and blood in the Eucharist. On our own we cannot do anything but when we open our hearts and ask God to come in he is ready to give us all we need. We receive him and ask him to help us be his hands and his voice in the world. We think BIG in the K4J Clubhouse. When we receive Jesus, he gives us all we need to do our INITIATIVES.

Theme: Receive Jesus. Children learn that the consecrated “little white host” called the holy Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus himself. Jesus wants us to receive him in this sacrament when we are old enough. He wants us to prepare ourselves to receive him well.

SCRIPTURE: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.” John 6: 56

K4J HOLY HERO: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, IndiaAlone, Teresa approached the Archbishop of Calcutta with an idea she had received kneeling before the holy Eucharist. She did not know exactly what it meant or where it would lead, only that Jesus asked it. He was asking her to form a group that would bring his great love to the poorest of the poor in the world. Only by receiving Jesus in the holy Eucharist and contemplating his love each day would she be able to do as he asked....

DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TREASURE...Here is what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

CCC 1391 The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus. Indeed, the Lord said: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” Life in Christ has its foundation in the Eucharistic banquet: “As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me.”

Your goal today is to teach the kids that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, truly present and alive. We can visit with God when we approach the Eucharist just as the people in the time of Christ listened to him on the hillside. When we visit Jesus in the Eucharist, he most often speaks in silence. But being in the presence of the one we love speaks to our heart just through a glance. You know it is true because when you leave him, you know him just a bit better & love him more.

Take the time to visit him this week and ask him to make your work in Summertime BLAST be more than just a good activity. If you ask, he will speak through you and you can be his instrument in changing hearts.

BL. TERESA OF CALCUTTAFriend of the Eucharist

Get Ready for...

Day 3 Holy Rice Cakes

You will need:

Snack ingredients• Rice cakes (2 per child)• Peanut butter OR Nutella (beware peanut allergies - 1 jar per group) Cream cheese is another option• Thin pretzel sticks (small bag per group)• Fruit juice and water

Optional Quick Snack:• Bread or crackers & grapes

Dry goods & props• “Missionary sari” (Bl Teresa costume, per Station Leader - dishtowel veil over head or white sheet sari)• Mr. Tabernacle & Lamplighter poster/VBS Graphics CD• Bl. Teresa poster from the VBS Graphics CD, posted• CD player & “We Can Be Saints Too,” VBS Songs CD• Plastic cups• Rice milk or juice and water• Plastic knives for spreading• Small plates• Napkins• Hand wipes

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta prepared to receive she could bring his love to the world!

Day 3

Holy Rice Cakes


Welcome the children and say, “Have you heard of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta? What can you tell me about her? Where did she work? What did she do there?” Call on volunteers and let the children tell what they know. “Rice is a main part of their diet in India. Mother Teresa served the poorest of the poor, which means she took care of the sick, helped give them clothes, found them shelter, and fed the hungry. She probably fed them rice much of the time. By doing this, she was sharing Jesus’ love.” “Let’s turn this rice cake into a symbol of the Eucharist to remind us of Blessed Mother Teresa’s work. Bl. Teresa visited Jesus in the Eucharist each day, then went out to share his love with the world.” Make a Holy Rice Cake following the steps to the right as you describe what you are doing. Say grace, then kids begin assembling snacks!

“Unless we have Jesus, we cannot give him; that is why we need the Eucharist.”

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India, K4J Holy Hero

28 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


Today’s decorations should give the children an idea of how Blessed Teresa of Calcutta helped share Jesus’ love through her work in India. The Snack station should remind the kids that the poor are loved by God and that God is happy that Mother Teresa said YES to God when he asked her to take care of them.

Have pictures of Missionaries around the room. You might also place pictures of Mr. Tabernacle and Lamplighter on the kids’ tables. Mount them on pieces of card stock that are folded to stand up.

On tables where the kids will work, have bowls of pretzel sticks ready, plus peanut butter and/or cream cheese or Nutella for those children with peanut allergies.

Serve rice milk or juice.


1 Spread a rice cake with peanut butter, nutella or cream cheese.

2 Arrange pretzel sticks in a cross shape on the spread to form a flat cross.

3 Enjoy!


There is a K4J Buck for everyone! But first…let’s clean our missionary house! K4J Guides help the children check their areas for proper cleanup. When everything is ready, kids place their buck in their K4J “Treasure In Heaven” Bank envelopes and “wear” the banks as they move with their K4J Guides to the next station.

You may wish to play “We Can Be Saints Too!” from the VBS Songs CD as the kids work, eat, or move between stations. The background music enforces the station lesson in another way!

Snack alternative:Since this day celebrates the

Eucharist, serve simple bread or

crackers & grapes.

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30 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

DAY 4“K4J SummertIme BLAST”


DISCOVER…THE TEACHING OF TODAYI have an important role to play in the K4J Clubhouse. We need to work together to do our initiatives for Jesus. I am in the Church, so I am called to serve. God has a mission to serve the Church that is just for me! I discover it when I pray to Jesus in the Eucharist.

Theme: Vocation. Jesus calls us personally to love him and serve him!

SCRIPTURE: “This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you.” -John 15: 12

K4J HOLY HERO: St. Paul.“I want to fight the good fight!” Paul of Tarsus was on God’s side. He never tired of defending God and the faith. But Paul did not understand that Christ had come and fulfilled the old beliefs and made them new. The Christian faith was not something for Paul to fight, but to discover, along with Christ’s love. One day Christ revealed himself to Paul in a way so personal and powerful that Paul’s life and “fight” for the faith took an entirely new direction...

DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TREASURE...Here is what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

CCC 2253 Parents should respect and encourage their children’s vocations. They should remember and teach that the first calling of the Christian is to follow Jesus.

God has planned a vocation for each child. This vocation, whether it be priesthood, religious life, married life or single life is the plan which will best help them discover their mission from God and put them on the path to heaven.

You have the distinct grace today to help parents see the beauty of allowing their children to dis-cover their vocation from God and to encourage a vocation to priesthood or religious life, if that be the will of God. The best way I have found to do this is to help parents see that they can trust God with their child’s happiness and to help them learn to pray for vocations in their own family.

ST. PAULFighter of the Good Fight

Get Ready for...

Day 4 Hearts & Chains

You will need:

Snack ingredients• Fruit roll-up tape (about 1 foot per child)• Heart shaped cookie (per child)• Tonic water mixed with fruit juice or mineral water with lemons

Optional Quick Snack:• Trail mix or party mix (1/2 to 1

cup per child)

Dry goods & props• “Missionary robe” with tent pegs at the ends of the tie belt (St. Paul costume)• St. Paul poster from the VBS Graphics CD, posted• CD player & “Fight the Good Fight,” VBS Songs CD• Plastic cups and plates• Napkins• Hand wipes

St. Paul said YES to Jesus......and he became able to FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT!

Day 4

Hearts & Chains


Welcome the children. Play “Fight the Good Fight (St. Paul Song)” from the K4J Summertime BLAST Songs CD as the kids walk into the station. Encourage them to make the fighting hand motions to the music. Once they are all in their seats, stop the music. “Remember the skit we saw today at the Clubhouse Assembly? Can you tell me about it? What happened to St. Paul and the other Christians?” Take a few minutes for answers.“Yes they were in jail. But how did they feel? Were they sad? What were they doing? ... Yes, they were singing and dancing, glorifying God! Just like the song says – ‘My name is St. Paul and I’m locked in chains, but in my heart I’m free.’ it seems like a person should be sad or lonely in jail, but when we are doing a mission for Jesus, even when it seems bad on the outside, we can be happy on the inside. For snack, we’re going to make a special St. Paul treat!”Make a plate of Hearts & Chains by following the steps to the right as you describe what you are doing. Say grace, then kids begin assembling snacks!

One day, on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, Paul was suddenly surrounded by a great light and struck blind. Jesus said, “Saul, Saul, why are you

persecuting me? Go into the city and you will be told what you are to do...”

St. Paul, K4J Holy Hero

32 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


Make paper chains and draw bars on the paper covering the tables to give a jailhouse atmosphere.

On tables where the kids will work, place platters of fruit roll-up tape divided into foot-long lengths per child, and a platter of cookies or brownies shaped like hearts.

Serve the snack with a drink that has a punch to it!


1 Rip roll-up tape into 2-3 equal strips, and join them on the plate

as chains.

2 Add a cookie to an end link and repeat the words to the song, pointing to the objects – “My name is St. Paul and I’m locked in chains, but in my heart I am free!”

3 Enjoy!


There is a K4J Buck for everyone! But first…it’s time to inspect the jailhouse! K4J Guides help the children check their areas for proper cleanup. When everything is ready, kids place their buck in their K4J “Treasure In Heaven” Bank envelopes and “wear” the banks as they move with their K4J Guides to the next station.

You may wish to play “Fight the Good Fight!” from the VBS Songs CD as the kids work, eat, or move between stations. The background music enforces the station lesson in another way!

Snack alternative:Have the children

sit on the floor with paper plates. Scoop

up some trail mix and distribute it to each

child. For a nice twist, have each child serve

his neighbor.

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34 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

DAY 5“K4J SummertIme BLAST”


DISCOVER…THE TEACHING OF TODAYMary is a good mother. She leads us to Jesus and reminds us to “do whatever he tells you to.” She will help us discover our mission by leading us to Christ and helping us live faithful to him.

THEME: Mary teaches us how. We learn how to share Jesus’ love with the world from Mary. She was present at Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding at Cana.

SCRIPTURE: Jesus’ mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2: 5

K4J HOLY HERO: Mary, Mother of My FamilyMary is Jesus’ mother, and she is my mother too. Jesus gave Mary to me to teach me how to come close to Jesus and live as he wishes me to. Mary will care for me all of my life. She says, “Do whatever he tells you to.” This will make me truly happy.

DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TREASURE...Here is what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

CCC 725 ...Through Mary, the Holy Spirit begins to bring men, the objects of God’s merciful love, into communion with Christ. And the humble are always the first to ac-cept him: shepherds, magi, Simeon and Anna, the bride and groom at Cana, and the disciples.

Every mother is the heart of the home. She brings the faith to life in the hearts of her children. Mary is the mother of our Church family. She will help us bring our faith to life, lead us to Christ and help us to be more generous to God. Mary says, “Do whatever he tells you.”

Please be sure that every child knows the Hail Mary prayer this week. If they do not, please give them a copy of the prayer as a gift. Purchase copies of the “Mary, Mother of the Family” Holy Hero card. The prayer is on the card.

MARYMother of the Family

Get Ready for...

Day 5 Cana Cookies

You will need:

Snack ingredients• Danish wedding cookies (1 box per group)• Water• Grape juice concentrate (1 can per group

Optional Quick Snack:• Wedding cake (plates & forks)

Dry goods & props• “Blue veil” (Mary costume)• Mary, Mother of the Family poster from the VBS Graphics CD, posted• CD player & “Do Whatever He Tells You To,” VBS Songs CD• Pitchers & large spoons• Paper doilies• Plastic cups and plates• Napkins• Hand wipes

Mary said......”Do whatever he tell you to.”

Day 5

Cana Cookies


The Station Leader greets the kids wearing a veil. As the children approach, announce, “Welcome to the wedding feast! Let’s celebrate!”

“Be seated, my friends and honored guests. Let us pray over this food.”

Say grace and have K4J Guides hand out the snacks with the children still seated. Serve grape juice to the kids. As the kids enjoy their snack, read the Snacktime Story from the following page.

The angel said, “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”

Mary, Mother of the Family, K4J Holy Hero

36 K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School

KIds Jesus


Decorate the Snack station to look ready for a wedding. Lots of lacy paper doilies and a few flowers would do it. Have the Danish wedding cookies ready on a platter and a stack of cocktail napkins next to it. You’ll need empty pitchers plus a gallon of water and a can of grape juice concentrate per pitcher. Play “Do Whatever He Tells You To” from the VBS Songs CD.


Let me tell you a story while you enjoy the wedding feast!

Many people were invited to the Wedding in Cana. The bride was just beautiful, and the groom was so happy! Everyone was focused on having a good time. Mary, our Blessed Mother, was having a good time by focusing on others. She noticed before anyone else that the lovely young couple was running out of wine for their guests and she saw how embarrassed and ashamed they were. She showed great initiative and decided to go to the one who can make everything better, her son and Lord, Jesus. Mary said, “They have no wine”. Jesus answered, “Woman, what is that to me?” But Mary turned to the servants and said, “Do whatever he tells you,” because she trusted in Jesus. Jesus told the servants to fill 6 jars with water (fill a pitcher with water here). Then Jesus told them to pour the water jars into 6 empty jars and to take them to the head waiter. (Pour in the grape juice concentrate and stir.) When the head waiter tasted what was in the pitcher, he was amazed at how delicious the wine was. The servant were even MORE amazed -- they knew that Jesus had performed a MiRACLE. What had been only water moments before was suddenly!”


There is a K4J Buck for everyone! But first…let’s not leave the bride with a mess! K4J Guides help the children check their areas for proper cleanup. When everything is ready, kids place their buck in their K4J “Treasure In Heaven” Bank envelopes and “wear” the banks as they move with their K4J Guides to the next station.

You may wish to play “Do Whatever He Tells You To” from the VBS Songs CD as the kids work, eat, or move between stations. The background music enforces the station lesson in another way!

Snack alternative:Serve wedding cake, of


K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 37





Mr Tabernacleand Lamplighter

“K4J Summertime BLAST” Vacation Bible School

K4J Station Leader Questionnaire


Email address:___________________________________________________________

Age Group you taught:____________________________________________________

Number of children that attended your station: ________________

Your Vacation Bible School sessions were ___ hours each day

Please rate the following items for their overall quality and helpfulness:

1=Poor 2=Fair 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent

Leader Guides 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Graphics CD 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Music CD 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Mission Packs 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Game Ideas 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Snack Ideas 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Craft Ideas 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Faith Presentation 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Large Group Assemblies 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Closing Celebration Ideas 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Comments or Suggestions:________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

K4J Summertime BLAST Vacation Bible School 40

The K4J Guide Book is a product of Creative Catholics,
