values based leadership & motivation by: syed hussain haider director, akhuwat institute of...

Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education Services

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Page 1: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Values BasedLeadership & Motivation

By: Syed Hussain HaiderDirector, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and

Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education Services

Page 2: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

“Hold on ! You can’t all have the front seat!”

Page 3: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education


Write 5 attributes of a good leader.

Page 4: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Leadership Matters, Character Matters• Influence others towards a goal and

achievement of that goal

• A Process where an individual influences others to do what s/he wants them to

“A leader is a person who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do and like it” - Harry Truman

Page 5: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

… about coping with change. The greater the competitive forces around you, and the more volatile the world around you, the more the need for leadership.

Leadership is …

Page 6: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

A leader is best when people barely know that he exists

Not so goodwhen people obey and acclaim him

Worse when they despise himBut of a good leader

who talks littlewhen his work is donehis aim fulfilledthey will say:“WE DID IT OURSELVES”

- Lao-tse (c. 565 B.C.)

Page 7: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Develop a leadership


Page 8: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Leadership is about

first thinkingthen decidingfollowed by acting swiftlyand finally, reflecting

Page 9: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Leadership is aboutthinking – explorationdeciding – evaluation/selectionacting swiftly – edgereflecting – analysis/introspection

All of the above are intense intellectual activities.

Page 10: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

“We are not certain you have a mandate anymore.”

Page 11: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

10 Commandments of Leadership1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity2. Set the example for others to follow3. Be active4. Maintain the highest standards of honesty and

dignity5. Insist on excellence and hold your people

accountable6. Build group cohesiveness and pride7. Show confidence in your people8. Maintain a strong sense of urgency9. Be available and visible to your staff10.Develop yourself to your highest potential

Page 12: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

“Quite frankly, we’ve had so many applicants with attitude, over-qualification,inflated egos and hyper aggressiveness that we are looking for someone without a clue.”

Page 13: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

1. Hire people more talented than yourself2. Talented people attract talented people3. Look for the best in each person4. Set standards for selection5. Spend time evaluating and acculturating

prospective team members

Getting The Best

As taught by Theodore Roosevelt

Page 14: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

1. Do not prolong consideration of people who will not receive a position

2. Ceaselessly search for new talent3. Ruthlessly replace individuals who do not meet the

standards of the organization4. Work with the tools at hand

Getting The BestAs taught by Theodore Roosevelt

Page 15: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

The New Rules

Hire and promote:1. first, on the basis of INTEGRITY; 2. second, MOTIVATION; 3. third, CAPACITY; 4. fourth, UNDERSTANDING;5. fifth, KNOWLEDGE; 6. and than on EXPERIENCE.

Page 16: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

The New Rules Without integrity, motivation is dangerous. Without motivation, capacity is impotent. Without capacity, understanding is limited. Without understanding, knowledge is meaningless. Without knowledge, experience is blind.

Page 17: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

MANAGERS• Plan, coordinate• Evaluate and supervise• Negotiate, budget• Reality check, sets time

limits, copes with complexity

• Bring order and consistency

• Planning complementing direction

LEADERS•Facilitate interpersonal interaction•Charisma•Innovate, inspire•Vision, communicate it•Ability to change things, set direction, look at larger picture, align people, look at competition and do better and different, willing to listen and learn, sensitive to concerns•Gains trust, empowers, enable others to reach potential

Page 18: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

LEADERS• Innovates• Is an original• Develops• Investigates it• Focuses on people• Inspires trust• Has a long-range plan• Asks what and why• Has eye on the horizon• Originates• Challenges it• Does the right thing

MANAGERS•Administers•Maintains•Accepts reality•Focuses on system & structure•Relies on control•Has short-range view•Asks how and when•Has eye on the bottom•Imitates•Accepts status quo•Does things right

Page 19: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

1. Relentlessly upgrade their team, using every encounter as an

opportunity to evaluate, coach, and build self-confidence

2. Make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it

3. Get into everyone’s skin, exuding positive energy and optimism

4. Establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit

5. Have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls

6. Probe and push with a curiosity that borders on skepticism,

making sure their questions are answered with action

7. Inspire risk taking and learning by setting the example

8. Celebrate

1. Relentlessly upgrade their team, using every encounter as an

opportunity to evaluate, coach, and build self-confidence

2. Make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it

3. Get into everyone’s skin, exuding positive energy and optimism

4. Establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit

5. Have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls

6. Probe and push with a curiosity that borders on skepticism,

making sure their questions are answered with action

7. Inspire risk taking and learning by setting the example

8. Celebrate

Page 20: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education






Foundation - Values

Transformation to World Class


a Performance Measurementb Rewards Managementc Employee Feedbackd Recruitment Practicese People Developmentf Customer Feedbackg Mission and Values Reviewh Quality Consciousness i Continuous Improvement


Page 21: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

• Transformational or Charismatic Leadership– Leaders who, through their personal vision and

energy, inspire followers and have a major impact on their organizations• Seeks change , are proactive• Innovative, creative and ethically attuned

– Leaders who determine what followers need to do to achieve objectives, classify those requirements, and help followers become confident they can reach their objectives• Inspire others to do more than expected• Raise level to self-actualization• Empower others• Focus on Values

Page 22: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

The Challenge Ahead

Given the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination, and the liberty to try, quite ORDINARY people consistently do EXTRAORDINARY things.

Page 23: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 24: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

What is Required?

Page 25: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

MOTIVATION?• Motivation is defined as “the extent to which

persistent effort is directed towards a goal”

1. Effort - must be defined in relation to its appropriateness to the objectives being pursued.

2. Persistence - relates to the willingness of the individual to stay with a task until it is completed.

3. Direction - measured in terms of how persistent effort is applied in relation to the goals being pursued

4. Goals - individual goals and organizational goals (must be compatible)

Page 26: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Types of motivation

• Extrinsic Motivation • Intrinsic Motivation

Page 27: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 28: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

5 Ways to Motivate a Team

1. Figure out what makes them tick (individual needs)

2. Give clear expectations3. Consistent reinforcement and consequences4. Healthy competition5. Change out team members

Page 29: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 30: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Needs-based Motivation

• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological Safety Relationship Esteem Self-actualization

• The more you move from basic to higher level needs, the more motivation depends on internal factors

Page 31: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Needs-based Motivation

• Alderfer’s ERG Theory: Existence Relatedness Growth

• Similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy in that it focuses on differing levels of needs, which are usually satisfied in order of importance

• Unlike Maslow’s theory in that it allows for higher needs to be met, before lower-level needs under certain circumstances

Page 32: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 33: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Needs-based Motivation

• McClelland’s Theory of Needs: Achievement Affiliation Power

• Concerned with the behavioral consequences of need• Non-hierarchical

Page 34: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 35: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Self Motivation

Page 36: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 37: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education
Page 38: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Akhuwat Values Based Leadership

Page 39: Values Based Leadership & Motivation By: Syed Hussain Haider Director, Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise and Management Group Head, Akhuwat Education

Q & A