vct orientation: background, accomplishments, operations

VCT Orientation: VCT Orientation: Background, Background, Accomplishments, Accomplishments, Operations Operations

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Page 1: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Orientation:  VCT Orientation:  Background, Accomplishments, Background, Accomplishments,


Page 2: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations


1996 – Conceived by TACC1996 – Conceived by TACC1997-98 – Planned1997-98 – PlannedFall 1998 – ImplementedFall 1998 – Implemented

Page 3: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT = Member Colleges



E l P as o

T X S o u th m o s t

S o u th w es t T XC o l. o f M ain lan d

Au s tin

N . Har r is

G alv es to n

L ee

D el M arL ar ed o

F ran k P h illip s

C lar en d o n

T ex ar k an a

Ver n o n

N o r th eas t T X

P ar isS o . P la in s

W es ter n T X T ar r an tW eath er f o r d

C is c o

T r in ity ValleyP an o la

T S T C - M ar s h a llKilg o r eN av ar r o


T em p le An g elin a

O d es s a

W h ar to n

Brazo s p o r tVic to r ia

T S T C Har lin g en

Blin n

T S T C - W ac o

T y ler

C o llin

N . C en tr a l T X

M id lan dHo w ard

Alam o

Alv in

Page 4: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations


Courses Faculty

StudentServices Technology


MISSION: To enhance access to higher o enhance access to higher education by sharing distance learning education by sharing distance learning resources among member colleges.resources among member colleges.

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Decision makerregarding itsrole or scope


Maker of policy or


Referee among


Page 6: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

How VCT Works:Host-Provider Model

Host:Student Services


Page 7: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

HOSTHOST (local) College (local) College ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

Enrolls studentsEnrolls students Collects tuition & feesCollects tuition & fees Receives contact-hour fundingReceives contact-hour funding Provides student services Provides student services Administers testsAdministers tests Awards course credit & transcripts Awards course credit & transcripts

courses courses Pays instruction fee to providerPays instruction fee to provider

Page 8: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

HOSTHOST (local) College (local) College ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

Course Content, Quality, and EffectivenessCourse Content, Quality, and Effectiveness• Local process for getting faculty approval of Local process for getting faculty approval of

all hosted courses, including syllabi review all hosted courses, including syllabi review regarding learning outcomes and indicators of regarding learning outcomes and indicators of quality.quality.

• VCT support: online syllabi. Describe any VCT support: online syllabi. Describe any other local actions taken.other local actions taken.

Faculty RostersFaculty Rosters • Confirms faculty rostersConfirms faculty rosters• VCT Support: Online Faculty Rosters, full VCT Support: Online Faculty Rosters, full

credentials in electronic document systemcredentials in electronic document system

Page 9: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

HOSTHOST (local) College (local) College ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

Inst. Effectiveness plan (include Inst. Effectiveness plan (include Evaluation of Instruction/Services)Evaluation of Instruction/Services)• As a component of your college’s overall As a component of your college’s overall

processprocess• As an activity in which VCT is As an activity in which VCT is

considered as a program or service considered as a program or service “unit” “unit”

Page 10: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

PROVIDERPROVIDER (remote) College: (remote) College: InstructionInstruction

InstructorsInstructors• Define course content and Define course content and

instructional methodologiesinstructional methodologies• Direct class activities, including Direct class activities, including

assignments and testsassignments and tests• Award gradesAward grades

Establishes academic calendarEstablishes academic calendar Invoices host colleges forInvoices host colleges for instructional instructional


Page 11: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Courses that Can Be Courses that Can Be Hosted/ProvidedHosted/Provided

Anything in ACGM Anything in ACGM WECM courses—WECM courses—

• If it can be counted as credit in If it can be counted as credit in local degree/certificate program, local degree/certificate program, at least as electiveat least as elective

Comply with local policyComply with local policy

Page 12: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Instruction FeeInstruction Fee

For each student enrolled on the host college’s For each student enrolled on the host college’s day of record, the host pays the provider a per-day of record, the host pays the provider a per-student instructional fee that is approximately student instructional fee that is approximately equivalent to the state’s contact-hour equivalent to the state’s contact-hour reimbursement in FY 03 for that course.reimbursement in FY 03 for that course.


Page 13: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Common Course NumbersCommon Course Numbers


Critical Factors

Common Accrediting Agency for All Member Institutions (SACS)

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

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Collaborative OrganizationTEX. ASSOC. OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES

Executive Director


General Membership



Page 15: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

TACC RegionsTACC Regions

W est

N o rth

E a stC en tra l

S o u th

G u lf C o a st

Page 16: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Works closely with VCT Works closely with VCT DirectorDirector

Resolves or makes Resolves or makes recommendations recommendations regarding statewide VCT regarding statewide VCT issues issues

Advises TACC on distance Advises TACC on distance learning issues and new learning issues and new initiativesinitiatives

Critical to VCT OperationsCritical to VCT Operations

TACC DistanceLearningAdvisory Committee

Page 17: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators—VCT Coordinators— Serve as first point of Serve as first point of

contact for:contact for:• VCT staffVCT staff• Host & provider Host & provider

collegescolleges Responsible for census Responsible for census

rosters, grade reports, rosters, grade reports, invoices, testinginvoices, testing

Deal directly with studentsDeal directly with students Solve problems, resolve Solve problems, resolve

inter-institutional issues, do inter-institutional issues, do whatever is necessarywhatever is necessary


Page 18: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Ron ThomsonDirector512-223-8030

[email protected]

Aleta GarciaAssistant to Director

Website Manager512-223-8040

[email protected]

VCT Staff

Page 19: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT VCT OperationOperationsManualsManual

being updated being updated with new SACS with new SACS


VCT VCT OperationOperationsManualsManual

being updated being updated with new SACS with new SACS




Foundation Documents

VCT Host & VCT Host & Provider Provider College College Practices & Practices & ResponsibilitieResponsibilitiess

VCT Host & VCT Host & Provider Provider College College Practices & Practices & ResponsibilitieResponsibilitiess

Page 20: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Affirms:Affirms: College’s participation in VCTCollege’s participation in VCT Application of same due diligence Application of same due diligence

and standards for and standards for hosted courses hosted courses as for local as for local coursescourses

College follows provisions of College follows provisions of VCT Host and Provider College VCT Host and Provider College Practices and Responsibilities and Practices and Responsibilities and

Operations ManualOperations Manual Complies with standards and Complies with standards and requirements of SACS, CB, requirements of SACS, CB, professional associations, professional associations, other other accrediting bodiesaccrediting bodies





Page 21: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Details Host and Provider Details Host and Provider practices, processes, practices, processes, responsibilities responsibilities

Specifies host and provider Specifies host and provider responsibilities and actionsresponsibilities and actions

Specifies critical practices Specifies critical practices required for compliance with required for compliance with SACS standards SACS standards

Gives instructions on major Gives instructions on major website applications, e.g., website applications, e.g., Online Schedule and the Online Schedule and the Reservation SystemReservation System



Being updated Being updated with new SACS with new SACS




Being updated Being updated with new SACS with new SACS


Page 22: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Coord. Board Reports-HostCoord. Board Reports-Host

Refer to:Refer to: Reporting and Procedures Manual for Reporting and Procedures Manual for

Texas Community, Technical, and State Texas Community, Technical, and State CollegesColleges

Special section on reporting VCT Special section on reporting VCT classesclasses

Page 23: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Reporting “Classes Offered in Conjunction Reporting “Classes Offered in Conjunction With the Virtual College of Texas”With the Virtual College of Texas”

Guidelines apply to any telecomm-Guidelines apply to any telecomm-

delivered class where the instructor is delivered class where the instructor is employed by another Texas institution.employed by another Texas institution.

Class must be active on institution’s Class must be active on institution’s course inventory or one of the statewide course inventory or one of the statewide course inventories.course inventories.

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Host Coord. Board ReportsHost Coord. Board Reports

Reporting and Procedures Manual for Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community, Technical, and State Texas Community, Technical, and State CollegesColleges

CBM001 - Student ReportCBM001 - Student Report CBM004 - Class ReportCBM004 - Class Report CBM008 - Faculty ReportCBM008 - Faculty Report

Page 25: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

CBM001 (or 00A)- Student ReportCBM001 (or 00A)- Student Report

Receiving institution (Host) reports Receiving institution (Host) reports students enrolled at that institution.students enrolled at that institution.

Contact hours are reported in items #24 or Contact hours are reported in items #24 or #25, NOT items #10 or #11.#25, NOT items #10 or #11.

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CBM004 - Class ReportCBM004 - Class Report Use special coding specified in the CB’s Use special coding specified in the CB’s

Reporting and Procedures Manual for Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community, Technical and State Texas Community, Technical and State CollegesColleges..

Note: Note: Instead of instructor’s SSN, item #13, Instead of instructor’s SSN, item #13,

substitute last name (first nine letters). substitute last name (first nine letters). FICE code of the PROVIDING institution FICE code of the PROVIDING institution

is entered for item entered for item #19.

Page 27: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

CBM008- Faculty ReportCBM008- Faculty Report

The Faculty Report (CBM008) for the The Faculty Report (CBM008) for the Host (receiving institution) should Host (receiving institution) should not not include a record for the instructor.include a record for the instructor.

Instead of instructors SSN, enter first Instead of instructors SSN, enter first nine nine letters of last name.letters of last name.

Page 28: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Provider College & CB ReportsProvider College & CB Reports

For Providers, no special reporting For Providers, no special reporting concerns regarding VCT.concerns regarding VCT.

Providers DO NOT report VCT-enrolled Providers DO NOT report VCT-enrolled students.students.

Page 29: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Instructor IssuesInstructor Issues Hosts’ students not on local rostersHosts’ students not on local rosters Multiple institutions to deal withMultiple institutions to deal with

• Census rosters: verify, sign and returnCensus rosters: verify, sign and return• Grade reports: enter grades online or on Grade reports: enter grades online or on paper and return (learn different systems)paper and return (learn different systems)

Logistics of testing at multiple collegesLogistics of testing at multiple colleges Attaching syllabi to courses in course Attaching syllabi to courses in course

schedule (not an instructor responsibility at schedule (not an instructor responsibility at some colleges)some colleges)


Page 30: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Grades: Occasional ProblemGrades: Occasional Problem

Host’s policy applies Host’s policy applies regarding withdrawals regarding withdrawals and incompletes.and incompletes.

Page 31: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Interactive Video Classes:Interactive Video Classes:

System compatibilitySystem compatibility ConnectivityConnectivity Appropriate support technologies Appropriate support technologies

(e.g. phone, fax)(e.g. phone, fax) SchedulingScheduling Number of sites (provider)Number of sites (provider) Technical assistanceTechnical assistance On-site facilitator (host)On-site facilitator (host)

Page 32: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations
Page 33: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT ParticipationSpring 2006

45 colleges2,233 enrollments439 courses w /students enrolled

Connecting linesdesignate partneringcolleges

F r an k P h illip s

C lar en d o n

Ver n o n

W es ter n T X

M id lan d

S o . P la in s

Ho w ar dEl P as o

N o r th eas t T X

T ex ar k an a

C is c o

N . C en tr a l T XP ar is

T S T C - M ar s h all

P an o la

T y lerKilg o r e

W eath er f o r dT ar r an t

N av ar roHill

S o u th w es t T XAlam o

Blin nAu s tin

LeeN . Har r is

C en tr a l T X T em p le An g elin a

Br azo s p o r tVic to r iaG alv es to nAlv in

C o l. o f M ain lan dW h ar to n

D el M ar

T X S o u th m o s t

T S T C Har lin g en

Lared o

O d es s a T r in ity Valley

Page 34: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Custom Website ApplicationsCustom Website Applications

Key ApplicationsKey ApplicationsOnline State and Local Schedule (with syllabi)Online State and Local Schedule (with syllabi)Reservation SystemReservation SystemClass RostersClass RostersFaculty Rosters (Qualifications)Faculty Rosters (Qualifications)DOR Rosters (Registrars & Instructors)DOR Rosters (Registrars & Instructors)Final Grade Reports (Registrars & Instructors)Final Grade Reports (Registrars & Instructors)

Page 35: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Custom Website ApplicationsCustom Website Applications Support ApplicationsSupport Applications

• Contact information for key personnel Contact information for key personnel at each at each collegecollege

Student AdministrationStudent Administration• Record of basic information for each Record of basic information for each

student student enrolling in VCT course(s)enrolling in VCT course(s)• Record of courses taken by each Record of courses taken by each

studentstudent Security System (passwords, access Security System (passwords, access

levels)levels) VCT InformationVCT Information

Page 36: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Collaborative Degrees and Collaborative Degrees and CertificatesCertificates

Basic StrategyBasic Strategy

Students—Students— Take core courses and electives, to Take core courses and electives, to extent possible, at home colleges. extent possible, at home colleges. Transfer to other colleges to complete Transfer to other colleges to complete

degrees not offered by home colleges.degrees not offered by home colleges.

Page 37: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT VCT Operations ManualOperations Manual

Personnel InvolvedPersonnel Involved VCT CoordinatorsVCT Coordinators InstructorsInstructors Registrars PersonnelRegistrars Personnel Registrars OfficeRegistrars Office Business OfficeBusiness Office Human ResourcesHuman Resources

Page 38: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Host ModeHost Mode

DURING REGISTRATIONDURING REGISTRATION Support enrollment processes: Support enrollment processes:

use reservation systemuse reservation system Respond to ad hoc calls from studentsRespond to ad hoc calls from students Respond to issues, situation, problems as Respond to issues, situation, problems as


Page 39: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Host ModeHost ModeDURING COURSEDURING COURSE Monitor, trouble shoot, assist:Monitor, trouble shoot, assist:

• Accessing instructor’s orientationAccessing instructor’s orientation• TestingTesting• Access to learning resourcesAccess to learning resources• Technical assistanceTechnical assistance• Keep online rosters current /accurateKeep online rosters current /accurate• Withdrawals: ensure withdrawal dates are Withdrawals: ensure withdrawal dates are

honored; inform providershonored; inform providers• CB reports (CBM001 and 004 for credit)CB reports (CBM001 and 004 for credit) (CBM00A and 00c for Continuing Ed)(CBM00A and 00c for Continuing Ed)• Paying invoices of provider collegesPaying invoices of provider colleges

Page 40: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Host ModeHost Mode


Monitor, troubleshoot, assist:Monitor, troubleshoot, assist: GradesGrades

• Send reports to providers (online or paper)Send reports to providers (online or paper)• Ensure grade reports are returned and Ensure grade reports are returned and

forwarded to registrarsforwarded to registrars

Instructional Fee PaymentsInstructional Fee Payments• Ensure invoices are paidEnsure invoices are paid

Page 41: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

Registrars - Registrars - Host ModeHost Mode

DURING COURSEDURING COURSE Generate student rosters for provider cols.Generate student rosters for provider cols. Withdraw students when they drop.Withdraw students when they drop. Submit CBM 00A and 00C reports to CB.Submit CBM 00A and 00C reports to CB.

END OF COURSEEND OF COURSE Generate completion rosters; send to Generate completion rosters; send to

providers.providers. Receive returned completion rosters and post Receive returned completion rosters and post

to transcripts.

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Business Office - Business Office - Host ModeHost Mode

Pay provider colleges’ invoices.Pay provider colleges’ invoices. Ensure all providers have been paid.Ensure all providers have been paid.

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Human Resources – Host ModeHuman Resources – Host Mode

Prepare or support preparation of faculty Prepare or support preparation of faculty rosters.rosters.

Handle, as appropriate, issues related to Handle, as appropriate, issues related to faculty rosters.faculty rosters.

Page 44: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Provider ModeProvider Mode

BEFORE COURSEBEFORE COURSE ID courses for VCT online schedule and ID courses for VCT online schedule and

enter them, including VCT spaces, fee.enter them, including VCT spaces, fee. Brief faculty on VCT responsibilities.Brief faculty on VCT responsibilities. Prepare VCT student orientation info.Prepare VCT student orientation info.

Page 45: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Provider ModeProvider Mode

DURING REGISTRATIONDURING REGISTRATION Monitor availability of classes in schedule.Monitor availability of classes in schedule. Inform hosts of canceled classes.Inform hosts of canceled classes. Provide students VCT orientation info.Provide students VCT orientation info. Respond to student ad hoc calls.Respond to student ad hoc calls.

Page 46: VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations

VCT Coordinators - VCT Coordinators - Provider ModeProvider Mode

DURING COURSEDURING COURSE Receive/return census (date of record) rosters. Receive/return census (date of record) rosters.

Facilitate testing logistics, as appropriate.Facilitate testing logistics, as appropriate. Address ad hoc issues as they arise.Address ad hoc issues as they arise. Invoices: monitor sending invoices and Invoices: monitor sending invoices and

receiving payment.receiving payment.

END OF COURSEEND OF COURSE Receive and return grade reports.Receive and return grade reports. Ensure all instructional fees are received.Ensure all instructional fees are received.

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Business Office - Business Office - Provider ModeProvider Mode

DURING COURSEDURING COURSE Send invoices to host colleges.Send invoices to host colleges.

END OF COURSEEND OF COURSE Ensure payments are received from Ensure payments are received from

host colleges.