vedanta sanskrit glossary

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  • 7/22/2019 Vedanta Sanskrit Glossary


    The words in this glossary were and are used by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati in his classes during the three-

    year course in Vedanta and Sanskrit. The glossary is available at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam bookstore in Saylorsburg,

    Pennsylvania, along with the texts that the words cover. The introductory Sanskrit Vedanta text "Tattvabodha" is in the

    book "Virtuous Reality." The manuscripts "Taittiriya Upanishad As Taught by Swami Dayananda," "Chandogya

    Upanishad As Taught by Swami Dayananda" and "Mandukya Upanishad As Taught by Swami Dayananda" cover those

    Upanishads. The manuscript "Brahmasutras with Shankara Bhashya as Taught By Swami Dayanada" is also available.

    This is the fifth edition of this glossary, and it adds the words from the Brahmasutras and the bhashya. John Warne,

    Editor. [email protected]. Copyright 2013

    Vedanta-Sanskrit Glossary ATBSD 2013from class with

    Swami Dayananda

    Abbreviations:comp. - compound

    ind. - indeclinablelit. - literallynom. sing. - nominative singularp.p.p. - past passive participle

    a A an An! beforevowels; The negative particle na; sense of: absence, inadequacy, difference, diminution,impropriety, opposition, likeness.

    Aa The limit exclusive or conclusive, till, until, up to; maryd limit, boundary.abdhita Abaixt Not subject to negation; unimpeded.bhsa Aaas> Resemblance, likeness; light; false appearance, fallacy, erroneous argument.bhsanam Aaasnm! Making apparent or clear, illuminating.

    abhva Aav> The state of non-existence; total absence.abhayadnam Aydanm! Giving a promise, assurance, or guarantee of safety or protection.abhayam Aym! Absence or removal of fear.abheda Aed> Identity; absence of difference.abhidbhvan Aidaavna Idea of non-duality (between brahmanand self).abhidh Aixa To say, speak, tell; mention; passive abhidhyate is called , is said to be.abhidhnam Aixanm! Name; dictionary.abhidheyam Aixeym! What is named; meaning, sense.abhihita Aiiht Asserted, predicated; mentioned, said, addressed; placed upon.abhilpa Ailap> Expression, word, speech.

    abhimna Aiman> Identification with a position which is not an intrinsic part of oneself; pride.abhimn AimanI The one who identifies with the physical body.abhinaya Ainy> Body language;theatrical action, dramatic representation.abhinivea Aiinvez> Commitment, attachment, devotion; resolution, perseverance.abhinna Ai Undivided, whole, unaffected, not changed, unbroken.abhipravtta Aiv& Engaged or occupied in (with locative); occurring.abhiprya Aiay> Contention, intention, meaning, implied sense, relation.

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    abhieka Ai;ek> Ritual sprinkling, bathing; coronation.abhisandhnam Ais Extreme attachment, possessiveness.abhivyakta AiVy Manifested; revealed.abhivyakti AiVyi> Declaration; display; revelation; manifestation of a cause as an effect.abhivyajanam AiVynm! Manifesting; revealing.abhta AUt Non-existent, what is not or has not been, not true or real.abhyantara A_yNtr Interior, internal; being included in.abhysa A_yas> Repeated practice.abhyasta A_ySt Repeated, frequently practiced; accustomed to; learned.abhyudaya A_yudy Accomplishment of a desired object; celebration; rise; prosperity.abhyupagama A_yupgm> Acceptance, admitting;approach, arrival.cak Aac]! To speak, announce, declare, relate; cakateacala Acl Unmoving, steady.camanam Aacmnm! Sipping water from the palm of the hand before religious ceremonies and before mealcra Aacar> Conduct, behavior; response to the world.caraam Aacr[m! Conduct, behavior; practising, doing.crya AacayR> A teacher.cchdanam AaCDadnm! Clothes; covering, sheath.acetas Acets! Without viveka; inanimate.acintya AicNTy Not available for objectification.acyuta ACyut> A name for Vishnu; not fallen, firm, fixed; imperishable, Ad To eat. attiadambhitvam AdiMTvm! Free from hypocrisy; free from deceit and self-deceit; genuineness.dara Aadr> Respect; attention; beginning; effort.adbhutam Atm! Increase; a wonder, unexpected occurrence.dea Aadez> Substitute, replacement; instruction, teaching; order; advice; illustration; command, rule.adhama Axm Lowest.adhamaguru Axmgu> A teacher who is established in the self but does not have teaching skills.dhnam Aaxanm! Keeping the sacred fire; performing; imparting moral instruction.adhara Axr Lower (lit. not held up), low.dhra Aaxar Support; stay.adharma AxmR> Improper action.dheya Aaxey To be attributed; to be held; to be placed.dhibhautika AaixaEitk Caused by earthly events; relating to natural causes.dhidaivika AaixdEivk Relating to deities; caused by fate.adhigama Aixgm> Mastery, knowledge; acquisition, gain,adhigata Aixgt Studied; known; acquired.adhika Aixk More, additional, greater.adhikra Aixkar> Choice; authority; position; effort; context; beginning; watching over; a word or stra

    carried over into the following stras.

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    adhikaraam Aixkr[m! Agreement; grammatical relation; location; topic; chapter, section; the sense of thelocative case; placing at the head, appointing.

    adhikr AixkarI One qualified for self-knowledge.adhikta Aixkt Authorized; one who has authorized qualifications.adhiktya AixkTy ind. With reference to, regarding; aiming at, alluding to , referring to.

    dhikyam AaixKym! Abundace; preponderance; excess.adhimtram Aixmam! Beyond measure.adhihnam Aixanm! The substance of which something is made; basis.adhihnnanyatvam AixananNyTvm! Not enjoying the status of being other than the substance.adhta AxIt Studied, learned.adhun Axuna ind. Now, at this time.adhvaryu AXvyuR> An officiating priest along with hot, udgt, and brahman.adhyhra AXyahar> A mode of interpreting a sentence by supplying extra words; inferring .adhyaka AXy] Perceptible to the senses, visible.adhyakaram AXy]rm! The syllable o; above all syllables.

    adhypanam AXyapnm! Teaching, instuction - especially of Veda.adhyropa AXyaraep> Superimposition; attributing the properties of a thing to another; erroneous knowledadhysa AXyas> Imposition; false attribution.dhysika AaXyaisk Caused by adhysa( attributing the nature and properties of one thing to anotheadhyasta AXySt Attributed; wrongly ascribed; placed upon.adhytma AXyaTm Belonging to self. adhytmatvam ind.Concerning self.dhytmika AaXyaiTmk Belonging to the person; concerning an individual.adhyavasnam AXyvsanm! Identification of two things in such a manner that one is completely absorbed in

    the other; final conclusion.

    adhyavasya AXyvsay> Determination; perseverance; effort, exertion; resolution, resolve.adhyya

    AXyay>Chapter; study;student of the Vedas.

    adhyayanam AXyynm! Study of the Veda; learning; from ad to study adhyetavya adhypayati.di Aaid First. primary, principal in comp.- beginning with. di Beginning; cause, at the end of compound

    'beginning with', 'et cetera', 'and so on'.

    dimat Aaidmt! Having a beginning.aditi Aidit Free; boundless, unlimited; whole.ditya AaidTy> The sun; the solar deity.ada A Unseen (karmic results).advaita AEt Non-dual; without a second; without fear.advaya Ay Not two; unique; undivided.advitya AitIy Without a second; matchless.dya Aa* First; primitive; being at the head; foremost; immediately preceding.dyanta Aa*Nt Having beginning and end.gama Aagm> Sacred text; stram, ruti; coming; arrival.gantuka AagNtuk Event, coming, arriving; incidental, accidental.agni Ai> Fire; the deity of fire.agnihotram Aihaem! Maintaining and offering to the sacred fire; oblation toAgni; both obligatory and

    optional ritual.

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    agocara Agaecr Not available for perception or inference; beyond the power of words.agotra Agae Unconnected; without any lineage.agra A First, foremost, best, pre-eminent; excessive, surplus.graha Aah> Seizing, taking; strong attachment.agrahaam Ah[m! Not grasping, non-comprehension.agrya AIy Foremost, best, excellent.ahakra Ah Sense of self; self-image; ego.havanya AahvnIy> One of the three fires burning at a sacrifice; a consecrated fire.ahis Aih Offering; oblation.aicchika @eiCDk Optional, voluntary.aihika @eihk Of this world or place, secular, worldly.aikata @e]t It saw fromfromrootk.aikyam @eKym! Oneness; unity; identity.aivaryam @eyRm! Overlordship; power; wealth; one of six bhgas.aitadtmyam @etdaTMym! The state of having this property or peculiarity.aja Aj> Unborn.ajahallaka Ajh][a Implication where the primary or original sense of a word does not disappear.ajam Ajm! Not born, unborn.ajti Ajait Eternal, not produced, not born.ajaya Ajy Invincible, unconquerable.aj A}a Order, command.ajta A}at Unknown; unexpected.jyam AaJym! Clarified butter.akam Akm! Problem; sorrow, dukam.akmahata Akamht Free from desire, not afflicted by desire; calm.kk Aaka']a Expectancy; desiring; looking at; intention.kra Aakar> Form; appearance; expression.akrpayam AkapR{ym! Immaterial; non-productive.akart AktaR The non-doer;jvanmukta,jn.akrya AkayR Improper; not fit to be done.ka Aakaz> Space.akasmd AkSmad ind. Suddenly; without cause.akathya AkWy Not told, cannot be expressed in words, not fit to be mentioned. akhaa Ao{f Division free; whole, complete.akhila Aiol Whole, entire, complete.khy AaOya Name; appearance.khynam AaOyanm! Story; communication.khyyik AaOyaiyka Narrative story.kti Aakit> Form, shape, appearance.akam A]m! A organ of sense.akara A]r Indestructible; undying; imperishable; immutable.

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    akaram A]rm! A letter of the alphabet; syllable.akaya A]y Imperishable; undecaying.kepa Aa]ep> Objection, doubt; throwing off; censure, blame.akin Ai]n! The eye; one who sees.akita Ai]t Permanent; undecaying; unfailing.alam Alm! ind. Enough.lambanam AalMbnm! Symbol; support; something loaded with something else.alambuddhi AlMbui> False notion; sense of satisfaction.alakra Al Decoration, ornament; act of decorating.alta Alat Fire-brand, torch.locanam Aalaecnm! Inquiry; analysis; perceiving.loka Aalaek> Light; seeing; appearance.alpa ALp Small, little.aluptadk Aluk Unblinking, always awake.amanbhva AmnIav> Free from mind being seen as an impediment to self-knowledge.amnitvam AmainTvm! Absence of pride and arrogance.mantraam Aam[m! Permission; calling out.amara Amr Imperishable, undying.amarakoa Amrkaez>>>> Name of the most popular Sanskrit lexicon.amtra Ama Immeasurable, boundless.mnya Aaay> Advice; instruction; sacred tradition; sacred texts; study.amtam Am&tm! Nectar of immortality; immortality.amtatvam Am&tTvm! Immortality; moka.aa A Share, part, portion; member; A A ray, beam of light; the sun; a small or minute particle.amrta AmUtR Formless; indestructible; subtle.mumika Aamui:mk Belonging to the next or other world.amutra Amu ind. In that place; in the next world; there (in what has been said before).anabhivaga Ani:v> Absence of extreme attachment.andi Anaid Without beginning (e.g. jvah,vara,cidtm,avidy,taccito yoga).anadhigata Anixgt That which cannot be arrived at by perception and inference.anala Anl> Fire.analam Anlm! Never enough.anmaka Anamk Nameless, infamous.anmaya Anamy Free from affliction; healthy.nandabhuk AanNduk A description of tmas sleeper; the enjoyer of svarpa,of self.nanda AanNd> The true nature of happiness; wholeness; ananta.nandamaya AanNdmy> Nothing but knowledge; saturation of degrees of happiness.nandamayakoa AanNdmykaez> The causal body; abiding in ignorance. nandana AanNdn Pleasing, delighting.ananta AnNt Limitless, eternal, endless, boundless, infinite. anantam Limitless wholeness.anantara AnNtr Immediately adjoining; limitless; having no interior space.

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    anantaram AnNtrm! After.nantaryam AanNtyRm! Immediate succession, sequence; after which.ananya AnNy Not different; identical; not other than.anpanna Anap Not gained, not gone to; unafflicted.anapeta Anpet Not deviating from, not leaving, not devoid of.anartha AnwR> Problem; useless object; misfortune; meaninglessness; nonsense.narthakyam AanwRKym! Uselessness, unprofitableness; impropriety.antha Anaw Unsupported; parentless; helpless; having no master.antm AnaTma All that is other than self; all objects of consciousness.anavadhnam Anvxanm! Inattention, inadvertence, carelessness.anavadya Anv* Faultless, blameless.anavasth AnvSwa Infinite regression; absence of conclusion; without resting place.anysa Anayas> Ease, facility, absence of difficulty.aa A{f> Egg.a Aa{f Born from an egg.andha ANx Blind.andhakra ANxkar> Darkness; ignorance.aneka Anek Various; many.agam Am! The body; a limb; AI That which has parts or attachments or limbs.anidra Ain Sleepless, awake.animitta Ainim Causeless, groundless.anirdhrita AinxaRirt Not determined or ascertained.anirvacanya AinvRcnIy Cannot be taken either as satyamor as tuccham; understood by implication only; th

    which cannot be defined.

    an AnI;a Helplessness.ania Ain Unwished, undesirable, disagreeaable; unlucky; misfortune.aniha Ain Subtle, unsteady.anitya AinTy Limited; time bound; impermanent.aniyata Ainyt Causeless; indefinite; not fixed; uncertain; unrestricted.akura Ar> Sproutakua Az> Inhibiting factor, restraint, governor; hook.anndha Aax> The one who eats, eater.annam Am! Food (bhakyam-masticated, bhojyam-drunk, lehyam-licked, coyam-sucked).annamayakoa Amykaez> Food modification sheath; physical body.

    antam An&tm! Falsehood, untruth; deception.anta ANt> End, limit, boundary, border, edge.antakaraam ANt>kr[m! The mind; the instrument inside.antar ANtr ind.Used as a prefix to verbs and regarded as a preposition. Between; in the middle; inside; into.antara ANtr Being in the inside; interior; closely connected; related.ntara AaNtr Internal; hidden. ntaram Innermost.antaraga ANtr Internal; inward.

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    antaraya ANtry> also antarya Obstacle, hindrance, interference.antargata ANtgRt Included; gone into; belonging to.antarikam ANtir]m! Space; sky; between heaven and earth.antarym ANtyaRmI That which regulates from inside; brahmtm.antevsi ANtevais ind. A Vedic pupil in residence with hisguru.antika AiNtk Near; close; lasting, as far as; reaching to the end of.antima AiNtm Immediately following; final.antya ANTy Lowest; perishable, transitory; last, final; immediately following (in compound).anu Anu Either used with nouns to form adverbial compounds, or as a prefix to verbs. After, behind; being indicat

    by; with; by reason of.

    au A[u Subtle, minute.anubandha AnubNx> Binding or fastening on; hindrance; attachment; unbroken sequence; result; connect

    to the stram; an adjunct.anubhti Anuait Shines after; reflects only.anubhava Anuv> Experience; immediate recognition; pure caitanyam; direct perception.anubhti

    AnuUit>Perception; unqualified experience; immediate recognition; knowledge; consciousness

    anubodha Anubaex> Recollectionanudtta Anuda The low or not raised tone in chanting; having neutral accent.anugama Anugm> Comprehending; grasping; following; imitating.anugata Anugt Following; corresponding with; present. anugata Presence.anugraha Anuh> Acceptance; chance; kindness; help.anuj Anu}a Consent; sanction; permission; command.anukti Anukit> Compliance; similarity.anukula Anukl Favorable; agreeable; friendly; pleasing.nulomya AanulaeMy 'In the direction of the hair', produced in natural or direct order, proper arrangement.anum

    Anuma3A. 2P. To infer. anumyate It is inferred.

    anumnam Anumanm! Inference - apramam.anumtra Anuma Determination, conclusion.anumeya Anumey Inferable, to be inferred.anupalabdhi AnupliBx> Means of knowing that which is non-existent - apramam; non-recognition.anupapanna Anupp Inapplicable; improper; irrelevant.anupapatti Anuppi> Failing to be, inapplicability, untenability, inconclusive reasoning; impossible.anupravi Anuivz! To enter into; join; to accommodate, adapt oneself; to follow in entering.anurga Anurag> Devotion, attachment, affection, loyalty.anurpa Anup Like; suitable; according to.anusandhnam

    AnusNxanm!Inquiry; examination; ravaamanananididhysanam; equipping with the

    necessary materials.

    anusaraam Anusr[m! Following, going after, seeking; conformity to, accordance with, consequence of.anusanam Anuzasnm! Command; direction; rule; advice; instruction.anuya Anuzay> Regret; sorrow; anger.anusmti AnuSm&it> Recollection, remembering, thinking of.anuhnam Anuanm! Practice of religious austerities; performance; accomplishment; course of conduct.anuheya Anuey To be performed; followed.

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    anuubh Anuu! Metre with eight syllables per quarter - common in the Bhagavadgt.anusyta AnuSyUt Imminent; linked to; woven together closely.anutpatti AnuTpi Non-production, without birth; failure.anuvda Anuvad> Repetition of what is already mentioned; illustration; restatement.anuvka Anuvak> A statement in the brhmaasillustrating the mantras; a section or chapter of the Vedas.anuviddha Anuiv Connected with, relating to; filled with; mixed with.anuvitta Anuiv Found, obtained.anuvtta Anuv& Concurrent; conforming; uninterrupted.anuvtti Anuv&i> Continuation; following the example of; conformity; taking up; approval; in grammar

    being supplied or repeated in a following rule, continued influence of a preceding rule.

    anvaya ANvy> Logical connection of cause and effect; invariable concomitance; connection; the natursalorder or connection of words in a sentence, construing grammatical order or relation.

    anvayavat ANvyvt! Having connections or attributes.anvayavyatireka ANvyVyitrek> Co-presence co-absence; logical differentiation; positive and negative


    anveaam ANve;[m! Seeking for; inquiry into; search.anvia AiNv> The desired, the sought.anvita AiNvt Followed or attended by, joined with.anya Any Another, different, other; other than, different from.anypeka ANyape] Dependent on some other factor.anyata ANyt> From another; to another place; from another motive.anyatama ANytm One of many, any one out of a large number.anyatara ANytr One of the two, either of the two; the other one.anyath Anywa ind. Otherwise, in another way or manner; falsely; wrongly.anyatra ANy Elsewhere, in another place; except; otherwise; in the other sense.anyatragrahaam ANyh[m! False or erroneous conception, misperception.anyonya AnyaeNy One another, each other, mutual.anyonydhysa ANyaeNyaXyas> Mutual superimposition.anyonyraya ANyaeNyay> Mutual dependence.ap Ap! pluralpa Water.apa Ap As a prefix to verbs Opposition; contradiction; negation; deterioration; going downwards.apacaya Apcy> Decrease, decline, loss.apdnam Apadanm! Taking away, removal; ablation a thing from which another is removed.pdanam Aapadnm! Causing to arrive at; contributing to; leading to.apahavam Apvm! Concealment, hiding; denial, disowning the truth.apakara Apk;R> Anticipation of a word occurring later; drawing off, decline.apakaya Ap]y> Decline, decay.apaki Api 1. 5. 9P. To bring to an end, destroy. passive apakiyate It declines, decays.apalap Aplp! 1P.To deny, disown, negate.apna Apan> Evacuation - apraseated in the kidneys.apanayanam Apnynm! Taking away; refuting; deduction; injustice.panna Aap Gained, acquired; gone; reduced to; distressed.apara Apr Without rival or second; other, another. apara Learning the four Vedasand sixAngas.

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    apra Apar Boundless, unlimited.aparddha Apra Violated; transgressed; missed.aparavidy Apriv*a Any knowledge other than self-knowledge.aparicchinna ApiriCD Continuous; connected; without separation.aparigraha Apirh Without possessions; renunciation.aparijnam Apir}anm! Lack of clarity, ignorance.aparikheda Apiroed> Enthusiasm.aparoka Aprae] That which is self-evident (i.e.the self); not distant; immediate.apaabda ApzBd> An ungrammatical or corrupted (in form or meaning) word.apasmra ApSmar> Forgetfulness.pta Aapat First sight or appearance; the present, the current moment; rushing upon.ptajnam Aapat}anm! Common knowledege; generally known.ptata Aapatt> General, common ind. Immediately; instantly,at first sight.apaurueya ApaE;ey Of divine origin; not set up by man.apavda Apvad> Negation; refutation; exception.apavarga ApvgR> Accomplishment; fulfilment; exception; special rule; mokshah.apek Ape]! 1A. To require, want, stand in need of; to look for something, hope for, expect. apek Ape]a Requirement; necessity; dependence.pekika Aapei]k Relative, expected, associated.apekita Apei]t Referred to; expected; in a relative sense.apekya Apey To be required; desired, wanted, hoped for.apta ApIt> Entering into; dissolution.apoha Apaeh> Reasoning; removal of doubt; arguing.apohya Apae To be established by reason; to be removed.aprabodha Abaex Ignorance.apracalita Acilt Never movingaprpta Aa Not gained; not arrived at.aprptasya prpti AaSy ai> The gain of that which is not gained.aprasiddha Ais Unknown, insignificant, unsubstantiated.apratibodha Aitbaex Non-recognition.pta Aa> One who knows, one who has gained.; wise man or woman.ptaklasannysa Aakalsyas> Sannysataken by one near death for the sake of gaining knowledge;

    patsannysa.aprva ApUvR Not having existed before; extraordinary. aprvam The adaresults of an act.aprvat ApUvRta Of an incomparable nature, unparalleled; not known by any otherprama.

    pyam AaPym! That which can be gained or reached - one of four possible results of karma.apyaya APyy> Resolution, destruction; meeting, joining; entrance into, disappearance.rabdha AarBx Begun, started.rabhya Aar_y ind. Beginning with; since.rma Aaram> Delight, pleasure.rambha AarM> Beginning, commencement; effort.rambhaam AarM[m! Seizing, taking hold of; the place of seizing.

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    rayam Aar{ym! Forest; wilderness.rtrikam Aaraikm! Waving a light or the vessel containing it before an idol. rti.arcanam AcRnm! Offering; ritual; worship.arcimat AicRmt! Self-effulgent; awareness; flame-like.ardha AxR Half, forming a half.arha AhR Worthy of respect; deserving; entitled to; proper; fit.rjavam AajRvm! Straightforwardness; uprightness; honesty; humility.arjuna AjuRn White; bright. arjuna Hero of the Pavafamily, student of Kain the BhagavadGt.arka AkR> The sun; lightning.arogyat AraeGyta Health, freedom from disease.ropa Aaraep> Attributing the nature or qualities of one thing to another.ropita Aaraeipt The superimposed object - e.g. the snake of rope-snake; antm; fixed.arpaam ApR[m! Offering.ra Aa; Relating or belonging to the is; Vedic.rta AatR Afflicted with, struck by; sick; distressed.arthabodhakatvam AwRbaexkTvm! Ability to convey true sense or meaning.arthdhysa AwaRXyas> See nirupdhikdhysa.artha AwR> Object; purpose; aim; sense; meaning; security; wealth.arthpatti AwaRpi> Presumption; assumption of a thing not itself perceived but implied by what is percei

    - apramam.artht AwaRt! (ablative of artha) ind. As a matter of course, of course, in fact.arthavda AwRvad> Praise; affirmation; explanation; declaration of purpose that recommends a vidhior prarthavat AwRvt! Significant; meaningful; successful; wealthy.arth AwIR One who is interested in something.rthika AaiwRk Significant; substantial; real.

    aruci Aic> Distaste; knowing the impropriety of an expression; aversion; absence of a satisfactoryexplanation.rha AaF Loaded; seated on; produced; mounted.arua A[> Dawn.arvc AvaRc! Being below or behind; turned towards.s Aas! To sit; abide, remain; rest; dwell.a Az! 5A. To pervade, fill completely; to reach. anute It pervades. Aaza Future goal; priority; scheme; hope.asdhraa Asaxar[ Particular; specific.asakt Askt Not once, repeatedly, often.asakta

    AsFree of attachment; not entangled.

    sakti Aasi> Dependence; attachment.asamajasa Asms Indistinct; inarticulate; improper; absurd, foolish.asambhava As

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    ak Aaza Doubt, uncertainty ; fear, apprehension.asakrnta As Failure; a conclusion not warranted by the data.ra AazIr Aaizs! Blessing; prayer; act of giving a blessing.aia Aiz Ill-bred; unrefined.asmad ASmd A pronoun base that derives to many of the 1st person forms; ablative form of aham.asmit AiSmta Egotism.spadam AaSpdm! Basis, position, place, seat, receptacle.aspara AspzR Not touching, not in contact.aspaa Asp Vague, indistinct.asphua AS)q Indistinct, obscure.aspa ASp& Not touched, untouched; not referred to (by a word).rama Aam> Each of the four periods of Vedic religious life - brahmacarya-student,grhasthya-married

    householder,vnaprastha- forest recluse, sannysa-renunciate; dwelling place of religious devoramavyavasth AamVyvSwa Individual life station defined by duties.raya Aay> That on which anything depends or rests; locus; what has an attribute; attaching oneself torita Aait Resting in; located on; placed; inhabiting; using; practicing.adhyy AaXyayI Name of Pin's grammar.aga Aa Consisting of eight parts or letters; agam The eight parts of the body used in prostratio

    asthne ASwane ind. Out of place; inopportunely.stika AaiStk> One who believes in the Vedaas aprama.asura Asur> Evil spirit, demon.asy AsUya Intolerance (someone has virtue and you look for a defect in him to discount the virtue).svdanam AaSvadnm! Tasting, eating.avinau AinaE The two physicians of the gods - sons of the Sun and a mare; two horses.atas Ats ind. Therefore; from this or that cause; hence.atha Aw Now, here (indicating beginning), then afterwards.atharvan AwvRn! Name of priest who first brought fire from heaven; the fourth Veda-Atharvaveda.ati Ait ind. Prefix used with adjectives and adverbs indicating excess, very, too; with verbs indicating over,

    beyond; with nouns indicating beyond, surpassing, superior to.atidea Aitdez> Extended application; transference of one attribute to another; transfer.atndriya AtIiNy Beyond the reach of the senses.atirikta Aitir Surpassed, excelled; redundant, superfluous.atiaya Aitzy Excellent, superior, pre-eminent; exceedingly.atisneha Aiteh> Extreme attachment; over-affection.atta AtIt Transcendent; beyond definition; beyond.atithi Aitiw> Guest, visitor, traveller.

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    tithya AaitWy Hospitable; suitable for a AaTma The self; that which is unfolded by this teaching.tmaka AaTmk Made of, formed of, of the nature of.tmntmaviveka AaTmanaTmivvek> Analysis by which tmis arrived at: arratrayavicra,pacakoaviveka

    avasthtrayavicra;inquiry into tmand antm.

    tmastha AaTmSw At one's own disposal.tmya AaTMy Belonging to oneself; At the end of comp. Having the nature of.atyanta ATyNt Permanent; excessive; absolute; complete.atyantsat ATyNtast! Totally non-existent.atyantika ATyiNtk Very near, close; distant; excessive.tyantika AaTyiNtk Continual, uninterrupted, endless, infinite, permanent; excessive; supreme.tyantik AaTyiNtkI Final; everlasting, permanent; uninterrupted.audsnyam AaEdasINym! Indifference, apathy.aupacrika AaEpcairk Figurative; secondary; a use of the genitive case.aupdhika AaEpaixk Conditional; pertaining to attributes or properties; an effect produced.

    aupaniada AaEpin;d Contained, based in, derived from, or taught in an Upanishad.auyam AaE:{ym! Heat.av Av! 1P. Protect. avati It protects.avabhs Avas! 1A. To appear, manifest, seem; to shine.avabhsa Avas> Appearance, manifestation; knowledge, perception; light.avabodhaka Avbaexk Indicationg, showing, throwing light on, enlightening.avabodhanam Avbaexnm! Knowledge; perception.avaccheda AvCDed> Distinction, limit, separation.avacchedaka AvCDedk> That which distinguishes or limits; boundary; characteristic property.avacchinna AviCD Separated; divided; cut off; excluded; distinguished; characterized.

    avadhra avadhra Accurate determination; limitation.avadhraam Avxar[m! Covering; obscuring; ascertainment, determination; emphasis.avadhrita Avxairt Ascertained, known.avadhi Avix> Application; boundary, limit; conclusion; standarad, authority.avagam Avgm! 1P. To know; to go down; to come to. avagamyate It is understood.avagama Avgm> Understanding, comprehension, knowledge.avagata Avgt Known, understood, learned. avagata Knowledge.avagati Avgit> Knowledge; perception; comprehension; vision.avaka Avkaz> Space; occasion, opportunity.avntara AvaNtr Not closely connected; standing between; included.

    avpti Avai> Obtaining, getting.avara Avr Lower, inferior.vara Aavr> That which is hidden or covered (by ignorance).varaam Aavr[m! A covering; ignorance removed by inquiry; an obscuring.avara Av[R Without features; colorless.avasdanam Avsadnm! Loss; destruction; removal.avaa Avz> Without power; necessary; unswaying; self-willed.

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    avasnam Avsanm! The end of a verse; conclusion; furthest or highest limit.avaia Aviz Left, remaining.avasita Avist Finished, ended, completed; resolved; gathered.avasth AvSwa State, condition, situation.avasthnam AvSwanm! Basis; position; support; situation; abiding.avasthtrayam AvSwaym! Three states of experience (deep sleep, dream, waking).avasthita AviSwt Abiding; remained; stayed; firm of purpose; steady.avasthiti AviSwit> Abiding; abode.avastukam AvStukm! Unreality, insubstantiability; mithy.avatra Avtar> The Lord appearing in a certain form for a certain reason; descent.avya Avay> Limb.avayava Avyv> Limb, member, part.vea Aavez> Taking possession of, entering into.avibhakta Aiv Entire; undivided; joint; unbroken.avicchinna AiviCD Continuous, uninterrupted; undivided.avidy Aiv*a Ignorance.avidyopdhi Aiv*aepaix> The ignorance updhiof thejva.avikrya AivkayR Immutable; invariable.avikriya Aiviy Not undergoing modification, immutable.avina Aivnaz> Immortality, absence of death.aviakita Aivzit Without doubt; fearless.avitta Aiv Nor properly understood (with regard to logic).v Aav& 5, 9, 10U. To cover, hide, conceal. vriyate It is covered.avjina Av&ijn Straightforward; sincere; loyal.vtti Aav&i> Repetition; repetition of birth and death; coming back; revolving.avyabhicra Avyicar Steady, constant, consistent; non-separate.avyabhicr AvyicarI Not opposed or adverse; true in all cases; not opposed or adverse; favorable. avykta AVyakt Undifferentiated; not manifest.avyakta AVy Not manifest; not apparent; unknown; as noun: avidy; my.avyaktam AVym! The unmanifest condition.avyapadeya AvypdeZy Not to be defined.avypr AVyaparI One who does not perform action.avyasta AVySt Not separated; collected.avyavasya AVyvsay> Absence of determination or conviction.avyaya AVyy Undecaying; indeclinable; unchanging.ya Aay> Gain, acquisition; arrival; means; source; approach; income.ayanam Aynm! Going, moving; path, way; place, abode; entrance; period; method.ysa Aayas> Effort; difficulty.ayata Ayt Unchecked, uncontrolled.yata Aayt Restrained; curbed; long.yatanam Aaytnm! Abode; place; sanctuary; the place of the Vedic fire.ayukta Ayu Improper, wrong, unsuitable, negligent.

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    yurveda AayuveRd> The science of health or medicine - part of theAtharvaveda.yus Aayus! Life; duration of life. yumn bhava May you be long lived.ayutasiddha Ayutis Proved to be inseparable and inherent (in Vaisheshika philosophy).bdaryaa badray[> Vyaasa, author of the Vedanta sutras.baddha b Bound, tied, fastened; caught; confined.bdh bax! 1A. To obstruct, interfere; to wrong, harass, disturb. bdhyate It is negated.bdha bax> Negation; objection; contradiction; affliction.bhaka baFk Refuting; controverting; contradicting; invalidating.bham baFm! Ind. Certainly, surely; all right; oh, yes; very well.bdhanam baxnm! Annulment; suspension; removal; opposing; annoyance.bdhita baixt Negated; opposed; contradicted.bahis bihs! ind. Outside, out of, external; apart, separately.bahu b Much, abundant; many; exceedingly.bahudh bxa ind. In many ways, variously; in different forms; frequently.bahdhaka bxk> A sannyswho lives on the banks of rivers and goes door to door seeking alms. bahula bl Many, numerous; abundant; thick.bahuvrhi bIih Lit. possessing much rice; compound which relates to a word outside the compound - th

    final compound member, a noun, serves as an adjective.

    bhya ba External.bhyrthasukham baawRsuom! Pleasure born of external objects.bhyendriyam baeiNym! External organ (e.g.the eye).bla bal Young, immature, not full grown.balam blm! Strength, power, force.bali bil> Oblation, offering; gift.blia bailz>>>> Ignorance, foolishness,childishness, carelessness.

    bandha bNx> Bondage.bandhu bNxu> Relation, kinsman.bandhy bNXya A barren woman.basti biSt> Bladder, abdomen.bauddha baE A follower of a 2P. To shine, be bright. bhti It shines, isself-effulgent (e.g.the sun or tm).bh a Light; brahmavidy.bhadra Auspicious; sacred; blessed; excellent.bhaga g> All wealth; all virtues; excellence.bhga ag> Part, division, fraction.

    bhgatygalaka agTyagl][a Implication where a word loses its primary sense but a part of the sense retained ('yam devadatta);jahjahallaka.bhagavn gvan! The Lord.bhaj j! 1U. To partake of, share, distribute, divide; to enjoy, honor, worship.bhakti i> The recognition (that the Lord is giver of the fruits of action) which makes one a devotee; lov

    without duality; devotion; committed love.

    bhma am> Brightness, splendor; the sun.bhm amI Shining.

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    bhnam anm! Light; perception, knowledge; pertaining to the sun.bhaga > Breaking down, decay, destruction.bhrata art India; descendants of a;a Language; speech; common vernacular or dialect.bhyakra a:ykar> Author of a commentary; akara.bhyam a:ym! Commentary.bha a> A follower of Kumarila Bhatta, Mimamsa philosopher.bhva av> Existence; state of being; existent.bhvan avna Attitude; conception; hypothesis; feeling of devotion; meditation.bhavanam vnm! Being, existence; production.bhavaroga vraeg> The universal disease, ignorance.bhavat vt! Present; happening; that which is now.bhaviya iv:y Future; that which will come.bhavya vy Existing, being; future, about to be; suitable, fit, proper; auspicious.bhayam ym! Fear.bheda ed> Difference; separation; duality; disturbance.bhi i 3P. To fear, be afraid of. bhibeti He fears.bhid id 1P. To divide or cut into parts; split, pierce. bhidyate It is divided, split, separate from.bhik i]a Anything given as alms; begging.bhinna i I;a The act of terrifying; fright, terror.bhma I:m> The sentiment of terror; dread; name of a controversial hero of the Mahbhrata.bhoga aeg> Enjoyment.bhogasdhanam aegsaxnm! Means of enjoying; skmasarram.bhogyam aeGym! An object of experience or enjoyment.bhokt aea Enjoyer; experiencer.bhrama m> Error, mistake, misapprehension; circular motion, rotation.bhrma am> Delusion, error, mistake.bhrntam aNtm! Ignorance; error, mistake.bhrnti aiNt> Confusion; U> The earth, land, ground; the first of the three vyhtis.bhuj uj! 7U To eat, consume; to enjoy, use.bhujaga uj> A snake, serpent.Also bhujagam andbhujaga.bhuk uk at end of compund The enjoyer, the one who enjoys.bhkampa UkMp> An earthquake.bhman Umn! Virt; abundance; the earth; brahman.bhmi Uim> The earth.bhta Utm! Past, gone; that which was.bhtam Ut> A being; an element; an object.bhti Uit Wealth, fortune; success; being, existence; birth.bhuva uv> The air; sky,;atmosphere; the second of the three vyhtis.bhyas Uys! Comparative of bahu More, larger.

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    bjam bIjm! Seed; source; cause.bimba ibMb> Reflection; object; mirror.bodha baex> Knowledge, understanding; consciousness.bodhaka baexk Informing; instructing, teaching; awakening.bodhik baeixka That which reveals or conveys.bodhisattva baeixsv Buddhist saint.brahm a Deity of the buddhi; the creator who is part of the supreme triad with ivaand Viu.brahmacr carI A Vedic student - the first of four stages in Vedic life.brahmacaryam cyRm! Religious studentship; the first stage of Vedic life.brahman n! The truth of everything; the meaning of satya jnam anantam; one of four tvijs or priests

    employed at a Soma sacrifice.brhmaa a[> A man born into the first vara; priest.brhmaam a[m! A specific portion of each of the four Vedas containing rules for use of hymns and

    explanation and illustration of their origins.

    brahmam a{fm! Lit. the egg of brahman; the cosmos.brhmayam

    a{ym!The station or rank of a brhmaa; priestly or pious character.

    brahmarandhram rNm! An aperture in the crown of the skull involved in rebirth.brahmavidy iv*a The teaching with reference to b&h To grow; to increase; to expand.budh bux! 1U, 4A. To know, understand; to perceive; to wake, wake up. bodhati budhyate.bhat b&ht! Great; large; strong; that which sustains everything.buddhi bui> The intellect; reasoning; knowledge; recognition; will; deliberate thought.caitanyam cEtNym! Awareness, consciousness, cit.caityam cETym! Things objectified (by mind).cakram cm! Wheel; circle; ring; Vishnu's disc.cakrtmakam

    caTmkm!Circular logic.

    caku c]u> The eye.cala cl Moving; movable; unsteady; perishable.calanam clnm! Moving, shaking, roaming.calitam ciltm! Moving, agitation, shaking.candra cN>>>> The moon.candram cNma> Deity of cittam; memory; the moon.cndryaam caNay[m! Religious discipline related to phases of the moon over one cr> 1P. To walk, move, wander; to perform, do, act; to conduct oneself; to live.cra car> Going, wandering about; motionprogression; practicing.crvka

    cavaRk>A materialist philosophy.

    caturdh ctuxaR Fourfold, in four ways.caturtham ctuwRm! A quarter, a fourth part.caturth ctuwIR The fourth; the fourth case - dative (for the indirect object).catupad ctuZpd Having four limbs.catupd ctuZpad Consisting of four members or parts, quadruped.catuaya ctuy Fourfold, consisting of four.ced ced ind. If, provided that, although.

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    cheda Ded> Cutting, breaking down, dividing; solving; termination.ce cea Movement of limbs, motion, action, behavior.cetana cetn Alive; sentient; living.cetoava cetae The individual understood in terms of anupravittm, not each individual a separate

    consciousness but consciousness universally manifest.

    cetomukha cetaemuo> The mind as gateway for antakaraa to become awake to dream or awakening.chalam Dlm! Fraud, trick, deception.chanda DNd> Free will; desire, wish, liking.chandas DNds! Discipline of prosody and metre - one of the six vedgas; the Vedic hymns.chndasa DaNds Vedic, relating to the Vedas; studying the Vedas.chndasam DaNdsm! Grammatical exceptions found in the Vedas; peculiar to the Vedas; metrical.chy Daya Shade, shadow; a reflected image, likeness, reflection.chid iDd 7U. To cut, break, split, divide. chinatti ciccheda.chidram iDm! Hole, opening; defect, weak point.cikr ickI;aR Desire for doing; will.

    cikits icikTsa Medical treatment; healing; therapeutics.cinmayam icNmym! Pure intelligence; nothing but awareness.cintaka icNtk> One who holds to a philosophy or point of view.cintanam icNtnm! Mental prayer; thinking.cintya icNTy To be considered; thought over; requiring consideration.cira icr Long, lasting a long time. ciram A long time.cit ict! Limitless self-effulgent awareness; the self-revealing.citta ic Perceived, observed; considered, meditated on.cittam icm! Memory; mind; thought, thinking; reason, intellect; desire, intention.codan caedna Scriptural injunction, sacred commandment; sending, directing; urging, prompting.

    codita caeidt Put forward as an argumnet; appointed; ordered; sent.cyuti Cyuit> Falling down; deviation from; losing.dagdha dGx Burnt.dah dh 1P. To burn, scorch.dhanam dahnm! Burning; reducing to ashes.daivam dEvm! Influence of the deities; the Lord's influence; destiny; fate; luck.daivika dEivk Relating to the gods, divine.daka d] Able; confident; fit; clever.dakia di][ Able; skillful; right (side); southern.daki di][a Offering, gift or honorarium to brhmaasorguru.

    dakimrti di][amUitR> Sadivathe teacher; deity of tmavidy; Lord ivaas first teacher.dama dm> Mastery; control of sense organs and organs of action.dnam danm! Giving; gift.daa d{f> Stick, staff; the rod as a symbol of authority and punishment.dnti daiNt> Self-restraint; self-control; endurance.darbha dR> A kind of sacred grass used in rituals.drhyam daF(Rm! Hardness, tightness; confirmation, corroboration; strength, energy.

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    daranam dzRnm! Seeing.darapramsanyya dzRpU[RmasNyay> Jaimini's rule which says one act can yield all desired objects one a


    drnta daaRNt That which is the subject of an illustration; explained or illustrated by a dnta.dt dat& Giving; Nom. sing dt Giver; donor.

    day dya Compassion; empathy.daylu dyalu Kind, tender, compassionate.deha deh> The body.deh dehI The tm taken to be the body; the indweller; a living being, especially a man.dea dez> Country, place; spot.deaklavastupariccheda dezkalvStupirCDed> Being bound by time, space, and attribute.deika deizk> Teacher;guru.deva dev> A god or deity.devat devta A deity.deyam deym! To be given, offered or presented.

    dh xa 3U. To put, place; to fix or direct the mind on; to bestow, cause, create. dadhti hita.dhairyam xEyRm! Courage; strength.dhman xamn! Abode; place; ray of light; splendor, power.dhanam xnm! Wealth; property; treasure.dhraam xar[m! Mastering the mind; a capacity to concentrate - one of the eight agasof Patajali'sYoga;

    act of bearing, holding, supporting; firmness, steadiness.

    dhrin xairn! Carrying; bearing; holding.dhrita xairt Held; supported; maintained.dharma xmR> Law; practice; custom; virtue; duty; propriety; order; attribute.dharm xmIR The one who lives a life of dharma.dhrmika

    xaimRkVirtuous; pious; righteous.

    dharmin ximRn! Virtuous, just, pious; knowing one's duties.dharmya xMyR Consistent with duty; in keeping with dharma.dht xat& Creator, maker; preserver, destroyer.dhtu xatu> Verbal root; essential part.dhtupha xatupaQ> A list of verbal roots arranged according to Panini's system.dh xI> Antakaraa; knowledge; all thought; the subtle body; the mind; intellect.dhmat xImt! Wise, learned.dhra xIr> A wise man; hero; the one with direction.dhti x&it> Resolution; perseverance; satisfaction; concentration; firmness; fortitude.dhruva

    uvFirm; fixed; permanent; unchanging.

    dhma xUm> Smoke; vapor.dhvani Xvin> A sound.dhynam Xyanm! Religious meditation; abstract contemplation - one of the eight agasof Patajali'sYoga.dhyeyam Xyeym! Object of meditation.dik idk Nom. sing. of di. Deity of the ear dI]a Initiation.dna dIn Helpless; poor; distressed; frightened.

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    dpa dIp> Light.dptimat dIimt! Brilliant, shining, splendid.drgha dI"R Long; long lasting.di idz! Direction; cardinal compass point.divya idVy Heavenly; self-effulgent; extraordinary; not worldly.dohanam daehnm! Milkpail; milking.doa dae;> Defect; error; fault.drk ak ind. Quickly, immediately.draavya Vy Fit to be seen, investigated, or examined; visible; perceptible.dra & A seer, one who sees mentally.dravyam Vym! Creation; thing; substance; object; material ingredient of anything.dhanicaya Finy> Firm conclusion.dhkta FIkt Confirmed.dgdyaviveka GZyivvek> Method of seer-seen inquiry; discrimination between seer and k The seer.d z! 1P. To see, look at, observe; to perceive with the mind, know. payati dadara.da Seen (karmic results); regarded, considered; appearing.danaasvabhvatvam nSvavTvm! The nature or state of constantly changing while being seen.dnta aNt> An example; illustration.di i> Vision; knowing, knowledge; conclusion, theory, doctrine.dya Zy To be seen, visible.dyam Zym! Object of sight.dukham >om! Sorrow, pain, grief; displeasure.dre re Far away.duritam irtm! An evil; difficulty; danger.durlabha lR Difficult to be attained or accomplished.durvijeya ivR}ey Difficult to understand; e.g vastu.duktam :ktm! Misdeed;ppa; adharma.dupra :pUr Hard to fulfill, impossible to satisfy, insatiable.dua Spoiled; damaged; violated; wicked; guilty; faulty.dvaidhbhva ExIav> Duality, separation into two, difference.dvaitam Etm! Duality; dualism in philosophy, doctrine that spirit and matter are different and real.dvandvam Nm! Pair; compound of two or more things which are translated with 'and.'; a type of samsadvram arm! Door; entrance; access; means.dvayam ym! Two-fold nature; duplicity; pair.dvea e;> Dislike; distaste.dvidh ixa ind. In two parts; in two ways.dvija ij> A brhmaa,katriya, orvaiyaman; twice-born.dvipad ipd Two-footed, man.dvitya itIy Second; the second of any group or family.dyo *ae Nom. sing *aE> The sky; heaven; brightness.dyotana *aetn Bright, shining; illuminating.

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    dyuti *uit> Brightness, light,.eka @k One; alone; identical; unchanged; singular.ekadea @kdez Occupying the same space.ekadein @kdeizn! A disputant who only knows part of the situation.ekgrat @kata Having one object (of pursuit); concentration.ekntena @kaNten ind. Totally, wholly; solely, exclusively.ekntika @kaiNtk Final, conclusive.ekarasa @krs Nothing but that; non-dual.ekat @kta Oneness; unity; union; identity.ekbhva @kIav> Combination, association; common nature.ekbhta @kIUt> The name fortmin sleep;jtjnajeya as one.ea @;[a Desiring; seeking.eva @v Used to emphasize and strengthen the idea expressed by a word. Indeed; truly; exactly.evam @vm! In this way; thus.gaganam ggnm! Sky, atmosphere. gah 1A. To enter; to dive or plunge into; to agitate.gamanam gmnm! Going; knowledge; motion; aproaching.gambhra gMIr Lotus; profund; deep.gmbhryam gaMIyRm! Depth of meaning or of water; gamI The one who goes, the goer.gaa g[> Group, troop, tribe, collection; series, class; in grammara of roots or words belonging to the sam

    rule and called after the first word of that series.

    gaanam g[nm! Counting , calculation; adding; consideration.gandha gNx> Smell; arrogance, pride; connection, relationship.Also gandham.gandharva gNxvR> A class of demi-gods; celestials regarded as spirited musicians.

    gaea g[ez> Lord Gaapati; Lord iva'sson; god of wisdom and remover of obstacles.garbha gR> Womb; interior chamber; the inside of anything; embryo.grhapatya gahRpTy> One of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by the householder.gata gt Gone; past; achieved; arrived at; dead.gati git> What you actually want (i.e. moka); going to; end; obtaining; position; state.gaua gaE[ Attributive; secondary; indirect; metaphorical, figurative, used in a secondary sense; increase.gaurava gaErv Complicated; heavy.gyatr gayI Vedic mantraused for initiation and daily worship.ghana "n> Cloud; collection, assemblage; hardness, firmness.ghaa "q> Clay pot; earthen water-jar.

    gha "aq> Landing place.ghora "aer Terrible; frightful; awful.ghoa "ae;> Noise; thunder; proclamation; report.ghoa "aeq> Horse.ghram a[m! Nose; sense of smell.ghtam "&tm! Ghee, clarified gIta A name given to certain sacred writings in verse which are devoted to particular religious

    sentiments; Bhagavadgt.

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    gti gIit> A song.glni Glain> Destruction; exhaustion; decay.go gae A cow; earth; word.gocara gaecr Within range of (particularly of the senses); dwelling; grazed by cattle; object.golaka gaelk> A ball, globe; eyeball.gohi gaei> Assembly, meeting.gotram gaem! Family headed by a i; family.govinda gaeivNd> Name of Ka; Bhaspati; the one understood by the words of the Veda.grhaka ahk One who takes or receives.grahaam h[m! Acquiring; perception; comprehending.grhya a The object of perception; comprehending; acquiring.grma am> A town, village.grantha Nw> Book, treatise; stringing together, binding, knot.ghastha g&hSw> A married householder; the second of four stages of Vedic g&hI Householder.gha gUF Hidden, concealed; secret; solitaryguh guha A cave; the heart.gua gu[> Attribute; quality; particular modification; adjective; sattva rajas tamasas constituents of my

    knot; the vowels a, e, o.

    guru gu> Remover of ignorance; teacher of tmavidy.gurukulam guklm! Guru'sresidence where teaching and study take place.h ha 3P. To leave, abandon, give up. htavya To be given up.hnam hanm! Loss, lack, cessation.hananam hnnm!!!! Killing, slaying.hni hain> Omission; neglect; loss; abandonment; decrease.

    hrdam hadRm! Affection; love; will; intention.hara h;R> Joy, delight, pleasure.hra har> Taking away, removal, seizing.hasta hSt> Hand.hsyam haSym! Laughter; mirth; ridicule.haha hQ> Force; obstinacy; a particular mode of Yoga.havi hiv> Offering; oblation.hetu hetu> Cause.hetuka hetuk Causing, producing; cause.hetumat hetumt! Having a reason or cause; an effect.

    heya hey That which is to be given up.hi ih ind. Never at the start of a sentence; Indeed; for; because; for instance.his ih Brahmji.hirayagarbha ihr{ygR> Name for brahmanas the total subtle body; vara.hita iht Placed; taken; suitable; proper; fit; beneficial; wholesome.

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    hitokti ihtaei> Kindly or friendly advice; pleasing haet& A principal priest at a sacrifice who recites hymns of the gveda.h 1U. To take, carry; to carry off or away; to captivate. harati jahra hriyate.hrasva Sv Short.hd d Heart,buddhi.hdayagranthi dyiNw> Knot of the heart (i.e. avidy kma karma).hdayam dym! The heart.hkea ;Ikez> Lord of all the senses; Ka.huta taz> The fire that accepts the ritual oblations.icch #CDa Desire; wish.icchakti #CDazi> Power to desire or wish.icchu #CDu> The one who wishes or desires.i #fa A duct running up the right side of the body.idam #dm! This, here, referring to something near the speaker. ayam iyam.idnm #danIm! Now, at this moment, just now, in this case.idat #d The lord of gods; Aryan deity; leader.indriya #iNy> Sense organ.indriyapratyakam #iNyTy]m! Perception through sense organs.indu #N> Deity of the hands - grasping.psita $iPst Desired, wished for.i #z! 6P. To wish, desire; to choose. icchati ia.a $z> The $zan> The Lord, ruler.iai #;i[> Wish, $;t! ind. Slightly, to some extent, a little.iam #m! Desired; beloved; worshipped; Vedic ritual or sacrifice (p.p.p. ofyaj).iprtam #apUtRm! Altruistic deeds, acts of charity.vara $r> Lord vara; jagatkraam; brahmanmanifest as the entire creation.itara #tr Another, the other (of two); the rest or others, what is left; different from; opposite of.itaretara #tretr One with another, reciprocal.iti #it Ind. A particle used to indicate or refer to words spoken or quoted. itihsa #ithas> History (legendary or traditional); how it was.iva #v Like; as though.jaam jfm! Inert object.jai jif> An assemblage, multitude; clotted hair.jgaritam jagirtm! Waking, waking state.jagatkraam jgTkar[m! Cause of the world; vara.jgradavasth jadvSwa The waking state.jgrat jat! Being awake, watching.

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    jahallaka jh][a Implication where a word loses its primary sense but is used in some way connectethat sense (e.g. 'a village on the Ganges').

    jaimini jEimin Author of prvamms.jalam jlm! Water.jalanidhi jlinix> The ocean.

    jalpavda jLpvad> Useless discourse, both conversants are certain they are right.jan jn! To be born, produced. jyate is born.janaka jnk> A father.jagama jm Moving, mobile, living, movable.janita jint Produced; created; happened.janma jNm Birth, origin.jantu jNtu> Creature; beings subject to birth.japa jp> Mental repetition. Also jpa.jar jra Old age; infirmity.jtam jatm! A collection of things forming a set or class; living being; production.

    jti jait> Family; group; series.jaya jy> Victory, conquest, success, winning; restraint.ji ij 1P. To conquer, defeat; to be victorious; surpass, excede; to win; to restrain, control. jayati jita.jihv ija The tongue.jijs ij}asa Desire for knowing; thirst for knowledge.jijsu ij}asu> One who desires tmavidy.jva jIv> The person identified with the physical body; the individual.jvana jIvn Giving life; enlivening.jvanmukta jIvNmu> The one freed while living.j }a To know (in all senses), to learn, become acquainted with. jnti.

    jndhysa }anaXyas> See sopdhikdhysa.jnaka }anka{f> The part of the Vedasdealing with self-knowledge; Upaniads.jnam }anm! Knowledge, abdhita asandigdham(not negatable and free from doubt).jnanih }anina Abiding in the knowledge that is limitless wholeness.jnaakti }anzi> Power to know.jnasvarpam }anSvpm! The true nature of knowledge (i.e. cit).jnayoga }anyaeg> A life devoted to knowledge and free of life's roles; sannysa.jnendriya }aneiNY> The organs of perception: skin, tongue, eyes, ears, nose.jn }anI The knower of brahman.jpaka }apk Making known; teaching. jpaka A teacher. jpakam Precept; suggestive rule.

    japti }i> Understanding; pure awareness; svarpaof the knower.jta }at Known, ascertained, comprehended.jeya }ey To be investigated or learned or understood; perceptible, cognizable.jvara Jvr> Temperature; anxiety; concern,; anger; frustration.jyeha Jye Eldest, senior; best.jyoti Jyaeit> Awareness; light; brightness.jyotiam Jyaeit;m! Discipline of astronomy and astrology - one of the six Vedgas.

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    jyotioma Jyaeitaem> A kind of soma sacrifice requiring sixteen priests.kaimutika kEmuitk 'How much more' (a nyaya maxim), 'what to talk of''.kaivalyam kEvLym! Perfect isolation; identification with the supreme spirit; moka.kal kla A sixteenth part; a small part of anything; facet; feature.kla kal> Time.kalaha klh>>>> Quarrel, strife; battle; deceit.kalajam klm! The flesh of an animal.kalaam klzm! A pitcher, water-pot; rounded pinnacle at the top of a temple.klatraya kaly> The three periods of time: past, present, future.kalpa kLp> Rule; proposal; resolve; procedure; a day of Brahmji- 432 million years; a termination added

    the sense of 'a little less than', nearly equal to'.

    kalpam kLpm! Science of prescribed rules for rituals - one of the six Vedgas.kalpanam kLpnm! Speculation; imagination; device; set up.kalpita kiLpt Superimposed; formed; imagined; visualized; mithy.kalpitam kiLptm! Duality.

    kaluam klu;m! Impurity; dirt.kalya kLya[ Fortunate; beautiful; auspicious.kam km! To love; to desire. akmayata it desired.kma kam> Pleasure; object of desire; desire.kmakm kamkamI One who follows the dictates of passion; one who desires pleasures; sasr.kamaalu km{flu Begging bowl: a ligamof a sdhu.kmyakarma kaMykmR Action (ritual) performed for producing a desired result - one of four vaidikakarma.kpla kapal Relating to skulls.kapha k)> Phlegm; one of the three body-elements of Ayurvedic medicine.kara kr (At the end of comp.) Maker; doer.

    kra kar (At the end of comp.) Maker; doer.kra kar>>>> A term denoting the letter it is affixed to.krakam karkm! The relation between a noun and a verb in a sentence - corresponding to the grammatical

    cases less the genitive.

    karaam kr[m! Action; sense organ; sense; sense expressed by the instrumental case.kraam kar[m! Cause; instrument; means.krayit kariyt& Causing to do, perform, effect.krik kairka Independent exposition; text; collection of verses.krin kairn! Fashioner; maker; doing.karman kmRn! Nom. sing karma. Action from free will; certain consequences of action; duty.karmaka

    kmRka{f>The part of the Vedadealing with rituals and results.

    karmaphaladt kmR)ldata vara as the giver of the fruits of action.karmayoga kmRyaeg> A life devoted to knowledge including performance of life's roles.karmendriya kmeRiNy> Organ of action.kara k[R> The ear.krpayam kapR{ym! Poverty; miserliness.krpaa ka;aRp[> A coin or weight.kart ktaR The doer; thejva.

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    karu k[a Compassion; empathy; understanding.krya kayR Object; what is to be done; product; effect.kryakraasambandha kayRkar[sMbNx> Relation of cause and effect.kaya k;ay> Stain; coloration of the mind.kamalam kZmlm! Depression; despair.katara ktr Who or which of two.kathanam kwnm! Narration; description.kaupnam kaEpInm!!!! Undergarment, loincloth.kaualam kaEzlm! The disposition of discretion; expertise; well-being; skill.kaualyam kaEzLym! Skill; skillfulness.kavi kiv> Poet.kya kay> The body; collection.kyika kaiyk Relating to the body.kea kez> Hair; hair of the head.keava kezv Having much or luxurious hair. keava An epithet of Viu.kevala kevl Whole; absolute; perfect; peculiar; pure; simple; only one; non-dual.khalu olu ind. Indeed, certainly.khila iol> Fraction.khyti Oyait> Knowledge; fame; name. title.kila ikl ind. Verily, indeed, certainly; as they say.kiraa ikr[> A ray.krti kIitR> Fame; light.krtita kIitRt Said, asserted.klea ez> Suffering; pain; anger.klp p! To be fit or adequate; to bring about, accomplish, produce. kalpate; Causative kalpayati.klpta Arranged, prepared, done; caused, produced; fixed.kopa kaep> Anger, passion.koa kaez> Sheath (five of which as though cover tm); treasury; dictionary.koi kaeiq> End, extremity; highest point; one side of a question or a dispute; a contention.k k To do; to make, prepare, manufacture; to form, build; to perform. karoti kurute cakra akta.krama m> Order; regular course; steps.kramamukti mmui> Gradual liberation.kratu tu> Sacrifice.kcchra kC> Penance; tapas; trouble; Ifa Pleasure; play using external objects.kriy iya An action; doing.kriyakti iyazi> Power to do act.kriyvn iyavan! One endowed with or capable of activity.krodha aex> kpa Grace; compassion.kpaa kp[ Miserly; helpless; pitiable; unable to discriminate.k k;! 1P. To draw, drag; draw towards oneself; karati

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    ka k:[ Black, dark; k:[> Deity Viuin his eighth incarnation; hero of Indian mythology and teacherthe Bhagavadgt.

    kt kt! Maker; doer; composer; a class of affixes used to form derivatives from roots.kta kt Done, made, accomplished.ktartha ktwR> One who has achieved his purpose.

    ktsna kT All; whole; entire.kam ]m! The earth, ground.kama ]m Patient; enduring; competent; proper; forgiving.kaika ]i[k Momentary; transient.knti ]aiNt> Accommodation, patience, forebearance, forgiveness; saintly abstraction.katriya ]iy> A member of the military or second class.kaya ]y> Loss; decay; removal; disease.kema ]em> Protecting what you have; well-being; peace; retaining what is valuable.ketram ]em! Place; field; i] 1P. To decay or waste; be diminished; passive kiyate.

    ka ]I[ Diminshed, thin, small, weak.kra ]Ir> Milk; milky tree sap.kobhaam ]ae[m! Agitating, disturbing.kudra ]u Minute, small, trifiling; mean; poor; short.kukku kqI A hen.kulam klm! Race; family; community.kumra kmar> Son; boy; youth.kumbha kM> A pitcher, water-pot, jar.kumbhaka kMk> A Yoga exercise stopping the breath with one's fingers.kualin k{filnI Yogic force said to be coiled at base of spine and tapped by disciplines.

    kua kz> A kind of grass considered holy and essential for use in rituals.kualam kzlm! Discretion; ability to interpret dharma; a happy or prosperous condition; skillful, clever;


    kastha kqSw Immovable; perpetually the same.kastha kqSw> Anvil.kucaka kqIck> A sannyswho devotes himself to meditation and tapasafter entrusting care of his fam

    to his son.

    lbha la> Gaining; obtaining; acquisition; profit.lghava la"v Simple; lightweight.lghavam la"vm! Smallness; thoughtlessness; disrespect, contempt; quickness; ease; verastility.laka l][a Definition; attribute; quality; mark.lakaya l]{y Serving as a mark, having good marks.lakita li]t Indicated; aimed at.lakm lmI Fortune, wealth, prosperity; the goddess of fortune; wife of Viu.lakyam lym! Intended or implied meaning.lamba lMb Dangling, hanging down; attached.laukika laEikk Worldly.lava lv> Fraction; portion.

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    laya ly> Mental absorption with return - as in deep sleep; sloth; dissolution as part of cycle of creation.lea lez> Portion; remainder; a small bit; leftover.l lI To stick or adhere to;to be dissolved, melt away. na lyateDoes not dissolve.ll lIla Play; sport; diversion; pleasure.lna lIn Completely absorbed; dissolved, unmanifest.ligam ilm! That by which you understand something else; a form that indicates all forms; the form by

    which one knows iva; subtle; the basis for a conclusion.lipi ilip> Writing, hand-writing; written characters, alphabet; document, a writing.lipta il Stained; covered.lobha lae> Miserliness; greed; avarice.loha laeh> Any metal; copper; gold; iron.lohita laeiht Red, red-colored.loka laek> The world; a division of the universe; a heaven; common or worldly (as opposed to Vedic) usa

    or idiom.

    lolupa laelup Very eager; desirous; ardently longing for.lopa

    laep>Loss; taking away; disappearance; cancellation.

    mada md> Vanity, pride, arrogance.madhu mxu Sweet; pleasant; noun honey.madhura mxur Attractive, agreeable; sweet.madhya mXy Middle; central; intermediate.madhyamabhga mXymag> The trunk.madhyamaguru mXymgu> A teacher of brahmavidywho is a knower of strabut who is not a brahmanimdhyamika maXyimk Name of a Buddhist school.madya mdIy My, mine, belonging to me.maghavan m"vn! Name of Indra.mahbhyakra

    mhaa:ykar>Patajali- a commentator on Pini'sstrason Sanskrit grammar.

    maha mh> A word for the whole - called the fourth vyhti.mahat mht! Great; large; chief. mah Substitute for mahat at beginning of compounds.mahvkyam mhavaKym! A sentence which reveals the self (e.g. tat tvam asi- you are that); akhartha bodhimahiman mihmn! Glory; majesty; might; power; exalted mala Necklace; garland; ligaof a sdhu.mala ml> alsomalam Impurity; dirt.malina miln Impaired by rajasor tamas; unclean.mamatvam mmTvm! Sense of ownership; regarding as 'mine' or one's own.mna man> Proof, means of proof.mananam

    mnnm!Reasoning; analysis; thinking about the teaching.

    mananala mnnzIl> The one disposed to proper thinking; muni.manas mns! Mind - doubt, desire, emotion, perception, ego, memory; see buddhi.mnasa mans Pertaining to the mind; mental.manda mNd Dull-witted, slow, ignorant.maala m{fl Round; circular. maalam Circle; wheel; ring; globe; disc.magalam mlm! Prayer; good fortune; blessing; auspicious mnI;a Intelligence; understanding; desire; wish.

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    manina mnIi;n Wise, learned.mano nigraha mnaeinh> Mastery of the ways of thinking.mantra m> Vedic mental prayer.manuya mnu:y> A man; human being.mnuya manu:y Of or pertaining to humans. mnuyam Humanity; human nature.maraam mr[m! Death; dying.mrga magR> Path.marci mrIic> Illusion; mirage; ray of light.martya mTyR Mortal, subject to death.maryd myaRda Limit, boundary; fixed rule.matam mtm! Vision; thought; idea; creed; advice; intention.maha mQ> Temple; monastery; seminary.mathanam mwnm!!!! Churning, stirring up; injuring; destroying.mati mit> Intellect; understanding; mat& A mother.mtra ma An affix to nouns in the sense of 'measuring as much as'; a measure of any kind.mtram mam! Mere; only; even; adverbially merely; simply; nothing else but.mtsaryam maTsyRm! Seeing excellence in another's possession, position, or disposition creates a discomfort

    the mind.

    matsya mTSy A fish.maya my At the end of compound Made of, consisting of, full maya vara'supdhiwhich accounts for mithycreation; saccidnanda'spower to create.myvin mayaivn! A magician, deceiver.myopdhi mayaepaix> The mycondition of tmyielding vara.medh mexa Capacity to remember; retentiveness; intelligence.

    medhv mexavI Wise man.medhya meXy Fit for a sacrifice.meya mey Discernible, capable of being known; measured.milita imilt Meeting, joining; happening, occurring; connected.mms mIma Measuring, measure, weight; accurate knowledge; proof; maed> Happy; a degree of happiness (a desired object is obtained).

    moha maeh> Confusion; delusion.mohita maeiht Bewildered, deluded; fascinated.moka mae]> Liberation; not returning to sasra; tmavidy.m m&&&& To die, perish. mriyate It m&d Clay; earth.m m&;a ind. Falsely, wrongly. Mithy.mttik m&ika Clay.

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    mtyu m&Tyu> Death; Lord Yama; deity of elimination of waste.mha mUF> Ignorant person; delusion.mudh muxa ind. Wrongly, falsely; in vain, uselessly.mudr mua Names for certain positions of the hands and fingers.mukham muom! Mouth; face; opening; chief, principal, prominent.mukhya muOy Foremost; pre-eminent; primary; chief; relating to the mouth or face.mukhyrtha muOyawR> Primary meaning of a word or sentence.mukti mui> Liberation; moka.mlam mUlm! Basis; principal; root or base of anything.mlvidy mUlaiv*a Original ignorance; self-ignorance.mumuku mumu]u> One desirous of liberation.mumukutvam mumu]uTvm! The state of desiring moka.muni muin> One capable of proper inquiry; one who has thought over the subject matter; sage. mrdhan mUxRn! The head in general; forehead; summit; chief.mrkha mUoR Foolish; deluded.mrta mUtR Having form; material; embodied.mrti mUitR> Form; visible shape; personification; image; statue; body.muita mui;t Carried off; stolen; deprived of, free from.ndabrahma nad Primal sound.nda nad> Sound; cry, shout, loud roar.nad ndI River, stream, naif> Any tubular organ of the body; hollow stalk.naimittika nEimik Occasional; periodic.naimittikakarma nEimikkmR An occasional, periodic, or conditional rite; one of the four vaidikakarma.naipuyam nEpu{ym! Expertise, skill, dexterity, cleverness; strictness.nairantaryam nErNtyRm! Without interruption, continuous; close succession.naia nEz Nocturnal, belonging to the night, nightly.naicalyam nELym! Immovability; solidity; fixedness.naikarmyam nE:kMyRm! State of actionlessness; perfection; self-knowledge; sarvakarmasannysa.naivedyam nEve*m! Food offered to a deity.naiyyika nEyaiyk> A logician, a follower of Nyaya system of philosophy.nakatram n]m! Star; constellation.nma nam Name.nmadheyam namxeym! Name; appelation.namas nms! ind. Salutation; reverential obeisance; n|! The technical term for the negative particle; n|> = a negative particle.nn nana ind. In different ways; many; variously; diverse; separately.nntvam nanaTvm! The state of diversity or plurality.nanu nnu A question or objection.napusakam npu A man.naraka nrk> Hell; the lower regions.

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    nryaa naray[> The Lord; Viu.naanam nznm! Destruction; naz> Destruction; disappearance.naa n Lost; destroyed.nstika naiStk> One who does not believe in the Vedaas apramam.navara nr Perishable, transitory, impermanent.nyaka nayk> Apre-eminent or distinguished person, leader.n nI To lead, carry, bring, take; to guide, direct, govern; to lead away, carry off. nayati nayate.nibandhanam inbNxnm! The act of fastening, binding; connection; cause, origin.nidh inxa To place, put, set down; to resolve, determine; to confide or entrust. nidhyate Is resolved.nidhnam inxanm! Greatest treasure; moka.nididhysanam inidXyasnm! Absorbed meditation; meditation on the nature of brahman; dwelling on the

    Vedantic teaching.

    nidr ina Sleep.nigamanam ingmnm! (In logic) The conclusion in a syllogism, a deduction; going into.

    nigraha inh> Restraint; obstruction; putting down; defeat; destruction, control.nighta ing&hIt Restrained, checked; defeated in argument; seized.niga ingUf Hidden; concealed; secret; obscure.nihita iniht Situated; placed; entrusted; bestowed.nihnu in To hide, conceal; to deny, negate.nisaga in>s Not attached or devoted to, indifferent to.nireyas in>eys! The best, most excellent.nikya inkay> Assemblage; the body; group; house.niketa inket> House, abode, home.nika ink Lesser; low; diminished.

    nimantraam inm[m! Invitation; summoning.nimlita inmIilt Closed, obscured, darkened, stupefied.nimittam inimm A cause, reason; the instrumental or efficient cause.nimittakraam inimkar[m! Efficient cause; intelligent cause.nimna in Deep; subtle; low.nind inNda also nindanam Criticism; blame; abuse; censure.nindita iniNdt Low, despicable;censured.nipta inpat> Irregularity; accidental mention; an irregular form.niradhihna inrixan Independent, free of support or source.nirhra inrahar> Not serving the sense organs; fasting.

    nirkra inrakar Formless, without form.nirkaraam inrakr[m! Repudiating, turning away; contradiction; refutation.nirajana inrn Unstained; free from falsehood.nirapeka inrpe] Not depending on; freedom from; indifference to.nir inrazI One who has no projected, big plans; free from expectation.niratiaya inritzy Unsurpassed; unrivalled; unequalled.niravayava inrvyv Without parts or limbs; indivisible.

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    niravayavatvam inrvyvTvm! Being without parts or limbs.nirysa inrayas Not fatiguing; easy.nirdea indeRz> Pointing out, indicating, instruction, declaring, specifying.nirdhraam inxaRr[m! Certainty; ascertainment, determining; deciding.nirdhrita inxaRirt Determined, ascertained; fixed; settled.nirdi inidRz! To point out; to indicate; to mention; to advise.nirdia inidR Indicated, specified, described, assigned, declared, ascertained, learned.nirgua inguR[> That which is free from all attributes.nirgua brahma inguR[< The Lord free of all attributes - as a substantive for understanding.nirmala inmRl Free from dirt or impurities; moka.nirmta inmaRt Creator.nirmitaka inimRtk Set up, fixed, settled; constructed, built.niraya in[Ry> Decision; determination; conclusion; removal.nir in[IR 1P. To determine, ascertain, settle, decide; carry away.nirnimitta ininRim Causeless, free of being a product.nirita ini[Rt Determined, resolved, settled.nirodha inraex> also nirodhanam Control; restraint; obstruction; annihilation, destruction.niruddha in Obstructed, restrained; confined; covered; filled.niruktam inm! Discipline of Vedic etymology - one of six Vedagas.nirupdhikdhysa inpaixkaXyas> Mistaking one object for another; arthdhysa(e.g.rope-snake).nirpaam inp[m! Form; sight, seeing; looking for; ascertaining, investigation; definition.nirpyamna inPyman Being ascertained, determined; investigated, examined.nirvacanam invRcnm! Utterance; proverb; pronunciation.nirvam invaR[m! Final liberation; emancipation; extinguished.nirveda inveRd> Dispassion leading to nta; despair.nirvikalpa inivRkLp Recognizing no distinctions; as applied to contemplation- without distinction of knower-


    nirvikra inivRkar Unchanged; unchangeable.nirvia inivR{[> One with dispassion; one indifferent to worldly objects.nirviaya inivR;y Without an object, without a sphere of action.nirvieaa inivRze;[ Without attributes.nirvti inv&Rit> Moka; peace; pleasure.nirvtti inv&Ri> Accomplishment, fulfilment; completion, end; inactivity.nicaya iny> Decision; resolution; the nature of buddhi.nicita initm! Ascertained, determined, decided, settled, concluded.

    niedha in;ex> Negation; prohibitive rule, prohibition, denial.niiddha ini; Prohibited; prevented.nikala in:kl Without parts, undivided, whole; without attributes or qualities.nikma in:kam Free from desire; unselfish.nikriya ini:y Inactive; knowing higher knowledge as a sage.nipanna in:p Born; produced; arising from.nipatti in:pi> Birth, production; maturity; perfection; completion.

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    niphala in:)l Fruitless; unsuccessful, futile.niprapaca in:p Without extension.niprayojana in:yaejn Without any motive, not influenced by any motive.nistra inStar> Crossing or passing over; final release.nih ina Steadiness; adherence; freedom from doubt and vagueness.nivsa in>as> Inhaling; inspiration; breathing; nivsa.nitarm intram! ind. Wholly, entirely, completely; excessively.nitya inTy Timewise limitless - that which is, was, and will always be; perpetual; eternal.nityakarma inTykmR Any daily or necessary rite; one of four vaidikarmas.nivraam invar[m! Keeping off, preventing, warding off; prohibition.nivartaka invtRk Removing; stopping; coming or turning back; abolishing; withdrawn.nivt inv&t! To come back, return; to turn away from; to cease; to be freed. nivartate.nivtta inv& Stopped; freed from; gone; turned back; finished, completed.nivtti inv&i> Abstinence; giving up all other pursuits other than moka; stopping; opposite ofpravtti.niyama inym> Doing certain positive things, interacting with the world according to the universal values

    one of the eight agasof Patajali'sYoga; restriction, rule, law; restricting factor.niyant inyNt& Punisher; chastiser; master.niyata inyt Fixed; maintained; observed; certain; restrained.niyati inyit> Restraint; restriction; regulation, order; obligation.niyoga inyaeg> Appointed tasks, duty, or business; employment; direction, order; obligation; effort.niyojanam inyaejnm! Ordering, prescribing; impelling; fastening.niyojya inyaeJy> One charged with any duty, functionary, employee.nyya Nyay> An illustrated conclusion; example; method; system of logic; analogy; that which is proper;

    dharma.odanam Aaednm! Boiled rice, food.oadhi

    Aae;ix>Plant; herb.

    p pa To drink; pibati.pda pad> The fourth part of a stanza or chapter or book; a quarter of anything; foot; foot of a mountain.padalakyrtha pdlyawR> Implied meaning of a word.padam pdm! Word; foot; that which is to be accomplished; that by which an object is known; what is

    accomplished by knowledge.

    padrtha pdawR> Meaning of a word.pakka p Fully developed; perfect; ripe; cooked.paka p]> One side of an argument; conditioning member; fraction; wing.pakntaram p]aNtrm! Another side or different view of an argument, another supposition.pakapta p]pat> Partiality; attachment to a cause; adhering to one side.pnam panm! A drink, beverage.pacabhtam pUtm! Five element model of creation.pacam pmI The fifth; the ablative case.pacgam pam! Five-membered, having five parts; a calendar or almanac; five modes of devotion.pacasn psUna> Five things in a house which may be accidentally killed.pacatattvam ptvm! The five elements.packaraam pIkr[m! Grossification of the five subtle elements.

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    pa p{fa Wisdom; knowledge.paita pi{ft Learned; wise; paita Scholar; sage.pi pai[> Hand.pnyam panIym! Water.ppam papm! Bad fortune; karmic bad credit.para pr Other, different, another; distant removed, remote; beyond; following, subsequent; higher, superio

    hostile, adverse; exceeding.

    praga parg> One who has gone to the other side; learned one, master.para pr> Another person, stranger; highest point; secondary meaning of a word; one of two kinds of

    generality of notion.

    pra par> also pram The fullest extent; the totality of anything; the opposite bank of a river.park prak Distant; external.parkrama pram> Facing up to what opposes you; capacity; strength.param prm! Brahman; highest point; distinct.paramahasa prmh An ascetic of the highest order, one who has mastered his senses and accommoda

    his mind.

    paramu prma[u> An atom.paramapururtha prmpu;awR> Utmost pursuit of man; moka.paramrtha prmawR> The highest truth or meaning; knowledge that is brahmtm.paramrthata prmawRt> Real, true, accurate.pramrthika parmaiwRk Relating to the highest truth; absolutely true or real.pramrthikam parmaiwRkm! That which is self-existent; absolutely real; tm.paramevara prmer> The Lord; vara; the Creator.parampara pr

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    parilopa pirlaep> Neglect; omission.parimam pirma[m! Size; measuring; value.parima pir[am> also parma Transformation; change.parinihita pirinit Well fixed; quite perfect; completely skilled in; accomplished.paripram pirpU[Rm! Perfecting; making complete; filling.pariea pirze;> Remainder; remnant; end; conclusion.paritram pira[m! Protection; defense; rescue.parityga pirTyag> Neglect; omission; giving up; renouncing.parivrjakam pirajkm! The wandering life of a sdhu; asceticism.privrjyam pairaJym The wandering life of a religious mendicant, asceticism.parjanya pjRNy> Rain; raincloud.paroka prae] Knowledge gained by inference or description; hidden; not available to the senses.parvata pvRt> A mountain, hill.prvat pavRtI Daughter of theHimlaya; wife of iva; Durg; Sat.parylocanam pyaRlaecnm! Circumspection; deliberation; reflection; recognition.paryantam pyRNtm! End, conclusion; boundary, limit; edge; adjoining.paryya pyaRy> Synonym; repetition; regular recurrence; course; succession; means; strategy.paryyapadam pyaRypdm! Synonym; alternate.pact pat! ind. From behind; from the back; backwards; after.pactpa patap> Contrition; repentance.pau pzu> Animal; cattle.paa pq> Cloth; garment.patanam ptnm! Fall; decline; coming down.pha paQ> Recitation; reading; study; the text of a book.phal paQzala Vedic school.phita paiQt Taught; instructed.pati pit> Lord; Indra; husband; master.patita pitt Fallen; placed; abandoned; dropped.patn pI A wife.patram pm! Leaf; page.pavanam pvnm! Clean; pure.pavitra piv Sanctified; purified by performance of ritual acts.phalam )lm! Fruit; result (of action).pia ip{f> Ball; lump; globe; the physical being.pigal ipla A vessel in the body said to be involved in processes of rebirth.pit ipt& A father; parents; fore-fathers, ancestors.pittam ipm! Bile; one of the three body-elements of Ayurvedic medicine.plava Plv> Raft; swimming, floating.pluta Plut A lenghthened vowel in chanting, held for three measures.pluti Pluit> Prolation of a vowel; a flood; leap.prabhava v> Cause, origin, creator; birthplace, source.prabhva av> Brilliance; splendor; glory; majesty.

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    prabodha baex> Awakening; consciousness; knowledge.prabh U> A lord, master, supreme authority.prabhta Ut Produced; abundant; many.pracalita cilt Moving about; modification.pracra car> Manifestation, appearance, wandering, going forth; use.prcna acIn Previous; previously mentioned; former; turned to the front or East.pracura cur Much, ample, abundant, extensive; at end of compound filled or replete with.prcuryam acuyRm! Saturation; abundance; fullness.pracyuta Cyut Fallen off or from; deviated, degraded.pradt dat& Indra; giver; donor.pradea dez> Decision; determination; a place; region; pointing out.pradhnam xanm! Most important thing; ruling factor.prdhnyam axaNym! Superiority, supremacy, pre-eminence.pradhvasa Xv Destruction.pradhvasbhva Xv Non-existence caused by destruction - one of four kinds of abhva.pradpa dIp> Lamp; light.pradvea e;> Dislike, enmity, hatred.praj ja Offspring, progeny; propagation; mankind.prajpati japit> Lord of all beings; the creator; Brahmji; Paramevara.praj }a Understanding; knowledge; wisdom; discernment.prja a}> tmwith the avidyupdhi; name of the sleeper - the one more or less ignorant.prajnam }anm! Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom.prajapti }i> Knowledge with or without knower, known, and knowledge; consciousness.prk ak ind. Before; previously.prakalpita kiLpt Superimposed; formed; settled.prakara kr> Multitude; quantity; collection.prakra kar> also prakram Manner; mode; sort; kind; variety; special quality.prakaraam kr[m! Text expounding a topic; context; section, chapter; teaching; explanation.prakara k;R Excellence; superiority; excess; strength; speciality.praka kaz Bright; clear; shining; vivid.praka kaz> Light; brightness; effulgence.prakaka kazk Expressing; indicating; illuminating; disclosing.prakanam kaznm! Making known, illuminating; manifesting; giving light.prakita kaizt Made clear, displayed, manifested; published; illuminated.prakyam kaZym! Light.prakaita kiqt Apparent; manifested; displayed.prakrtita kIitRt Named; proclaimed; celebrated; explained.prakriy iya Method of unfoldment (pacakoa-gua-avasthtraya-kryakraa); means of exposition.praka k Drawn out; stretched out.prakta kt Accomplished; completed; under consideration.prkta akt Original, natural; common ordinary, inrefined; insignificant.praktam ktm! What is initiated as the topic to be dealt with.

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    prakti kit> That which is available for and capable of creation; Nature consisting of the threeguas; thnatural condition or state of anything; origin; source. In Sankhya philosphy active nature asdistinguished frompurua, the passive spirit or soul.

    pralaya ly> Complete dissolution; absorption without return.pram ma Consciousness; in logic correct notion or apprehension, certain knowledge.pramda

    mad>Indifference; mechanicalness; inattention.

    pramam ma[m! Means of knowledge; ajta jpakam.prmyam ama{ym! Credibility; resting on authority; evidence; proof.pramt mat& The knower, the conscious one; pramt.pramoda maed> Joy, pleasure, delight (a desired object is enjoyed).pradhr a[xarI The living being.pra a[> Life energy; breath; respiration - apraseated in the a[a> Five subtle airs; subtle physiological processes.prama [am> Reverential salutation; prostration.pramayakoa a[mykaez> Modification ofpra- composed of fiveprand five organs of action: p

    of the subtle body.

    praatam [tm! Surrendering; saluting.praava [v> Om.pryma a[ayam> Breathing practices - one of the eightagasof Patajali'sYoga.praidhnam i[xanm! Respectful behavior with varain mind.prin ai[n! Nom. sing. pr Man; a living creature; havingpra.prapad pd To approach, go towards, take shelter, enter. prapadyante They approach.prpaka apk Establishing; obtaining, attainment.prapaca p> Visible universe; manifestation; world.prptam am! Something already accomplished; gained.prptasaya prpti asy ai> Acquisition of what is already acquired.prpti ai> Gain; attainment; reaching.prrabdham arBxm! Operating karma; karma accounting for this birth and exhausted in this lifetime.prrthanam awRnm! Prayer; entreaty; request; supplication; desire.prrthanya awRnIy Deserving worship.prasabham sm! ind. Forcefully; exceedingly.prasda sad> What one partakes of with an attitude of acceptance after offering it to the Lord; kindness;

    composure; clarity; what is gained by a life of karmayoga.prasakta s Attached to; excessively fond; fixed or intent upon; constant.prasakti si> Connection; attachment; devotion; applicability; perseverance.praas z Context; topic; situation; attachment; union; occupation.prasajanam snm! Secondary; backing up; uniting; bringing into use.prasakhynam s Manifestation, production, birth, offspring, source, origin.

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    prasiddha is Famous; renowned; celebrated, established.prasiddhi isi> Fame; success; renown; accomplishment.prana > Question directly indicating a desire to know; inquiry; disputed point.prastha Sw> A measuring bushel; a measure.prasta sUt Produced, engendered.prathama wm First, foremost; pratham The nominative case.prati it ind. Towards, to; as prefix to verbs- towards, back against; as prefix to nouns - resemblance.prat tI 2P. To go back to; to approach; to reach, attain; to learn. pratyante.pratibandhaka itbNxk> also pratibandha Obstruction, obstacle; intervening factor.pratibhsanam itasnm! Appearance.prtibhsika aitaisk Subjective; apparently real only.pratibimba itibMb> A reflection.pratibodha itbaex> Waking and dreaming; perception, knowledge; instruction; reason.pratij it}a Statement; declaration; statement of the proposition to be proved.pratijtam it}atm! Assertion, declaration; agreement.pratka tIk> A sound looked upon as the Lord (e.g.Om); name; part; symbol.pratikla itkl ind. Conversely; adversely.pratikaam it][m! ind. Constantly, at every moment or instant.prtilomyam aitlaeMym! Hostility, opposition; inversion, reverse order.pratim itma Image; form looked on as the Lord; idol; resemblance, similarity; reflection.pratiniyata itinyt Settled, predestined; firm.pratipdaka itpadk Revealing; giving; supporting.pratipdanam itpadnm! Demonstrating; proving; explaining; accomplishing; granting.pratipdita itpaidt>>>> Established, proven; explained, illustrated; given; granted; caused.pratipdya itpa* What is to be revealed or treated.pratipakabhvan itp]avna Consciously employing an opposite emotion or feeling.pratiplanam itpalnm! Guarding; observing, practicing; maintaining.pratipatti itpi> Understanding; knowledge; meditation, upsanam.pratiedha it;ex> Contradiction; negation; prohibition.pratiiddha iti; Contradicted; prohibited; forbidden.pratiidh iti;x! To prevent; prohibit, disallow, contradict. pratiidhyate Is dismissed, negated.pratih ita Basis; permanent foundation; support; position.pratti tIit> Appearance; belief; perception; knowledge; conviction.pratiyog ityaegI Opposite; related or corresponding to; opposing; adversary.pratyabhijna Tyi}an Recognized.pratyagtm TygaTma Inner self; tm.pratyhra Tyahar> Not collecting things for oneself; living a simple life - one of the eightagasof Pataja

    Yoga.pratyak Tyk Ind. In the interior; inward; in the opposite direction.pratyakam Ty]m! Knowledge gained through direct perception - apramam.pratyavya Tyvay> The concept ofppamfrom not doing; decrease; obstacle; contrary course.pratyaya Tyy> Grammatical termination; suffix; knowledge; conviction; trust; cognition.

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    prauha aEF Full grown; fully developed; perfected; thick; mighty; proud.pravacanam vcnm! Declaration; explanation; study of Vedas; teaching.pravha vah> Continuous flow; unbroken succession.pravhina vaihn Flowing; driving onward; streaming forth.pravartaka vtRk Producing, causing; promoting, furthering; pravartik cause, originator.pravea vez> Entrance; penetration.praveita veizt Led or conducted to; introduced.pravibhakta iv Divided; separated; distributed.pravia iv Entered.pravivikta iviv Distinct,separated, detached.praviviktabhuk ivivuk A description of tmas dreamer, the enjoyer of the subtle existence.pravrajanam jnm! Renunciation; going abroad.pravtta v& Fixed, determined; begun, commenced; engaged in, occupied with, going to; unimpeded.pravtti v&i> Inclination; positive pursuit to gain something; the opposite of nivtti.prya ay> Largest portion; predominance; majority; going away; fasting.prayja yaj> A principal sacrificial ceremony.pryacittakarma ayikmR Ritual done to amend a wrong either of commission or omission.prayatanam ytnm! Proper effort.prayatna y> Perseverance; effort; activity; effort of the mouth in the production of articulate sounds.prayoga yaeg> Use; application.prayojaka yaejk Causing; leading to; cause.prayojanam yaejnm! Purpose; object; means; gain; application.prayojya yaeJy To be used or employed; to be produced or caused; effect.prayukta yu Applied, employed; yoked, harnessed; arising or resulting from; endowment.preman emn! Love; joy.prerait erEt& A ruler.preraka erk Impelling, urging; sending, directing.preta et Dead.preyas eys! Prosperity; desired results other than moka.prti Iit> Longing; affection; pleasure; love.priya iy Pleased - a degree of happiness (a desired object is seen).prokaam ae][m! Consecration by sprinkling water.prokta ae Set forth; told.pthak p&wk ind. Apart from; separate; distinct; without; with the exception of; individual.pthiv p&iwvI Earth.pga pUg> Association; union; collection; quantity.pj pUja Worship; service to the deity at a shrine or temple.pjanam pUjnm! Worship,prayer; prayer by mind - mnasa, voice - vcika, or body - kyika.pjita pUijt Honored; adored, revered.pjya pUJy Deserving respect, respectable; honorable; v