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Vegetarian Fact File

Vegetarian Fact File is a Vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian isn't just not eating meat, there is a variety of types of vegetarianism.

Lacto vegetarians

Lacto- Ovo vegetarians



Ovo vegetarian



Pollo vegetarian

Each of these vegetarians are different from one another.

Lacto Vegetarian

Lacto vegetarians, also known as lactarians allow dairy products into their diet, but dont include eggs as part of the diet. They will also stay away from foods that have gelatin in it, due to gelatin being made from the connective tissues of animals, as well as avoiding rennet. There are different types of substitutions that can be made for animal rennet that are vegetarian based, which makes it suitable for lacto vegetarians to eat.

Lacto- Ova Vegetarian

Lacto- Ova vegetarians eat only vegetable-based food but can also eat eggs/dairy products. They don't believe in eating meat of any sort, but consume
dairy products/eggs; which doesnt make them 100% vegetarian.


Being a vegan is someone who rejects all forms of animal product, which include dairy, especially eggs. There are two kinds of vegans, ethical and dietary/strict. Ethical vegans don't have anything that would include an animal as part of the process, this includes clothing, accessories and food. Even products that have been tested on animals is avoided. Dietary/strict vegans only eliminate animal produce from their diet, avoiding all kinds of dairy and eggs.

Pollo Vegetarians
Also know as a pollotarian, is where poultry and in some cases fish, is consumed. Like the pesce-pollotarian diet, mammal related red meat is not eaten.


Fruitarians only have food sources that qualify as fruits although some include add-ons like seeds and nuts. Grains, vegetables and animal produce are avoided. Like for instance, some fruitarians do eat peas/legumes beans, seeds and nuts.

Ova Vegetarian

Ova vegetarians include eggs in their diet but no dairy products of any kind. They prefer consuming free-range eggs as opposed to those that are produced in a cage.. Even unfertilized eggs are an eating form that is looked down upon, since eggs are consumed while the embryo is still very much alive (balut). The process that goes into
making dairy is questionable, making Ovo vegetarians stick to free-range eggs and a dairy-free diet .


A pescetarian is someone who consumes anything that they wish to, but abstains from meat of all kinds except fish and in some cases, shellfish. They also eat dairy products, eggs and other food ingredients but they do not eat any type of animal meat..

A flexitarian is also called semi-vegetarianism simply because a flexitarian chooses to eat meat on not-so-several occasions. There are other diets like the pesce-pollotarian where vegetarians of this sort eat only 'white meat', that is poultry and fish.

Vegetarian Demographics In the United Kingdom, more and more people are deciding to adapt a vegetarian lifestyle due to health benefits and the harm to animals eating meat creates.

The Vegetarian Society claims that there are around 4million vegetarians in the UK, which is about 7% of the population. Although in the past 2 years that estimation has supposedly dropped to around 3million people or 5% of the population.

Research has shown that vegetarians are predominantly female.

Why be a Vegetarian?

The majority of people who chose to become a vegetarian are because its better for animals and a way to prevent 1000s of animals being slaughtered a day for people to eat.

Another reason to become a vegetarian is because its much more sustainable and a great way to improve your impact on the environment. Live stock farming produces huge amounts of green house gases and studies have shown that the farming of animals cause more than an 18% increase in those gases, where as public transport only causes 13.5% in greenhouse gas emissions.

The health benefits of being a vegetarian are also a major reason for why people chose to become one. Having a health and balanced vegetarian diet has been proven to help prevent obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, some diet-related cancers, diverticular disease, appendicitis, constipation and gallstones.

Companies that provide for vegetarians

There are many different companies that will provide for vegetarians, including food, clothing and beauty products:

Ahimsa Footwear

All Vegan

Alternative Outfitters


Heavy Red Couture Noir

Helen Powers

These companies target vegetarian people specifically by selling products that dont involve animals what so ever- whether thats testing on them or using their skin.
Quorn is currently the leading brand in imitation meat mycoprotein within the UK. The product was developed by Rank Hovis McDougall and the imperial chemical industries. Quorn is produced as both ready meals to eat and as a cooking ingredient, that is sold as an alternative to meat. to look out for as a Vegetarian.

Margarine with added Omega 3 can contain fish oils. Some are also fortified with vitamin D3, which comes from lanolin from sheep's wool and therefore unsuitable for vegans. An alternative for margarine is pure Soya Dairy Free Spread, which is suitable for vegans and can also be used in baking.

Although there are many vegetarian cheeses, Parmesan and Gorgonzola are made using calf rennet. Look for vegetarian Parmesan-style cheese to use as an alternative.

Low fat yogurt

Some contain gelatine to improve the texture of the product. You can avoid this by looking for a clearly labelled vegetarian yogurt.

Items obtained direct from the slaughter of animals: meat, fish (including anchovies), sea animals (e.g. lobsters) and birds

Any derivatives of the above including animal fats, gelatine, meat/fish extracts and stocks

Eggs & derivatives: hens eggs, duck eggs, fish eggs, albumen/albumin, egg lecithin

Dairy products & derivatives: milk, butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, lactose, casein, whey

Insect products: honey, cochineal, shellac

What vegans can and cant eat

Cereals and grains

Beans and lentils e.g..

Nuts and seeds.

Veg and fruit


Dairy and egg alternatives

Meat alternatives

Some vegan flavourings

Processed foods - there is a whole range of processed foods available that are suitable for vegans and include everything from pies and burgers to biscuits, jellies, chocolate and custard powder.

Can eat

Cant eat

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