venteclef total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." diabetes metab 43(1): 79-82....

Research unit evaluation November 2016 1 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units TOTAL PRODUCTION Nom de l’équipe : Control of Metabolic Inflammation in T2D and its Complications Nom du directeur pour le contrat en cours : Ronan ROUSSEL (CRC Team) and Nicolas VENTECLEF (ERC Team) Nom du directeur pour le contrat à venir : Nicolas VENTECLEF I. PRODUITS DE LA RECHERCHE Publications done in collaboration with another team of the CRC are flagged with 1. Journaux / revues Articles scientifiques 2017 1. Anaïs Szpigel, Isabelle Hainault, Aurélie Carlier, Nicolas Venteclef, Anne-Françoise Batto, Eric Hajduch, Catherine Bernard, Alain Ktorza, Jean-François Gautier, Pascal Ferré, Olivier Bourron, Fabienne Foufelle . Lipid environment induces an endoplasmic reticulum stress, TXNIP expression and inflammation in immune cells of type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia 2017 accepted (IF : 6) 2. Roussel R, Velho G, Bankir L. Vasopressin and diabetic nephropathy. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2017 Jul;26(4):311-318. Potier L, Roussel R, Elbez Y, Marre M, Zeymer U, Reid CM, Ohman M, Eagle KA, Bhatt DL, Steg PG; REACH Registry Investigators*. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in high vascular risk. Heart. 2017 Sep;103(17):1339-1346. (IF: 6.1) 3. Balkau B, Roussel R, Wagner S, Tichet J, Froguel P, Fagherazzi G, Bonnet F; D.E.S.I.R. Study Group. Transmission of Type 2 diabetes to sons and daughters: the D.E.S.I.R. cohort. Diabet Med. 2017 Aug 9. 4. Roussel R, d'Emden MC, Fisher M, Ampudia-Blasco FJ, Stella P, Bizet F, Cali AMG, Wysham CH. Glycaemic control and hypoglycaemia in people with type 2 diabetes switching from twice-daily basal insulin to once-daily insulin glargine 300 U/mL or insulin glargine 100 U/mL (EDITION 1 and EDITION 2 subgroup analysis). Diabetes Obes Metab. 2017 Jul 24. (IF: 6.7) 5. Roussel R, Steg PG, Mohammedi K, Marre M, Potier L. Prevention of cardiovascular disease through reduction of glycaemic exposure in type 2 diabetes: A perspective on glucose-lowering interventions. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2017 Jun 9. doi: 10.1111/dom.13033. [Epub ahead of print]. (IF: 6.7) 6. Benkhadra K, Alahdab F, Tamhane S, Wang Z, Prokop LJ, Hirsch IB, Raccah D, Riveline JP, Kordonouri O, Murad MH (2017). Real-time continuous glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetes: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). Mar;86(3):354-360. doi: 10.1111/cen.13290. 7. Besseiche A, Riveline JP, Delavallée L, Foufelle F, Gautier JF, Blondeau B (2017). Oxidative and energetic stresses mediate beta-cell dysfunction induced by PGC-1α. Diabetes Metab. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2017.01.007. 8. Bonnefond, A., L. Yengo, A. Dechaume, M. Canouil, M. Castelain, E. Roger, F. Allegaert, R. Caiazzo, V. Raverdy, M. Pigeyre, A. Arredouani, J. M. Borys, C. Levy-Marchal, J. Weill, R. Roussel, B. Balkau, M. Marre, F. Pattou, T. Brousseau and P. Froguel (2017). "Relationship between salivary/pancreatic amylase and body mass index: a systems biology approach." BMC Med 15(1): 37.

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Page 1: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

1 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units


Nom de l’équipe : Control of Metabolic Inflammation in T2D and its Complications

Nom du directeur pour le contrat en cours : Ronan ROUSSEL (CRC Team) and Nicolas VENTECLEF (ERC Team) Nom du directeur pour le contrat à venir : Nicolas VENTECLEF


Publications done in collaboration with another team of the CRC are flagged with ■ 1. Journaux / revues Articles scientifiques 2017

1. ■Anaïs Szpigel, Isabelle Hainault, Aurélie Carlier, Nicolas Venteclef, Anne-Françoise Batto, Eric Hajduch, Catherine Bernard, Alain Ktorza, Jean-François Gautier, Pascal Ferré, Olivier Bourron, Fabienne Foufelle . Lipid environment induces an endoplasmic reticulum stress, TXNIP expression and inflammation in immune cells of type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia 2017 accepted (IF : 6)

2. Roussel R, Velho G, Bankir L. Vasopressin and diabetic nephropathy. Curr Opin NephrolHypertens.2017Jul;26(4):311-318.PotierL,RousselR,ElbezY,MarreM,ZeymerU,ReidCM,OhmanM,EagleKA,BhattDL,StegPG;REACHRegistry Investigators*.Angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in high vascular risk. Heart. 2017Sep;103(17):1339-1346.(IF:6.1)

3. Balkau B, Roussel R, Wagner S, Tichet J, Froguel P, Fagherazzi G, Bonnet F; D.E.S.I.R. StudyGroup. Transmission of Type 2 diabetes to sons and daughters: the D.E.S.I.R. cohort. DiabetMed.2017Aug9.

4. RousselR,d'EmdenMC,FisherM,Ampudia-BlascoFJ,StellaP,BizetF,CaliAMG,WyshamCH.Glycaemiccontrolandhypoglycaemiainpeoplewithtype2diabetesswitchingfromtwice-dailybasalinsulintoonce-dailyinsulinglargine300U/mLorinsulinglargine100U/mL(EDITION1andEDITION2subgroupanalysis).DiabetesObesMetab.2017Jul24.(IF:6.7)

5. Roussel R, Steg PG, Mohammedi K, Marre M, Potier L. Prevention of cardiovascular diseasethroughreductionofglycaemicexposureintype2diabetes:Aperspectiveonglucose-loweringinterventions. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2017 Jun 9. doi: 10.1111/dom.13033. [Epub ahead ofprint].(IF:6.7)

6. Benkhadra K, Alahdab F, Tamhane S, Wang Z, Prokop LJ, Hirsch IB, Raccah D, Riveline JP,KordonouriO,MuradMH(2017).Real-timecontinuousglucosemonitoringintype1diabetes:asystematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).Mar;86(3):354-360.doi:10.1111/cen.13290.

7. ■BesseicheA,RivelineJP,DelavalléeL,FoufelleF,GautierJF,BlondeauB(2017).Oxidativeandenergetic stresses mediate beta-cell dysfunction induced by PGC-1α. Diabetes Metab. doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2017.01.007.

8. Bonnefond, A., L. Yengo, A. Dechaume, M. Canouil, M. Castelain, E. Roger, F. Allegaert, R.Caiazzo,V.Raverdy,M.Pigeyre,A.Arredouani,J.M.Borys,C.Levy-Marchal,J.Weill,R.Roussel,B. Balkau, M. Marre, F. Pattou, T. Brousseau and P. Froguel (2017). "Relationship betweensalivary/pancreatic amylase and body mass index: a systems biology approach." BMC Med15(1):37.

Page 2: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

2 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

9. Bonnet,F.,A.Gastaldelli,F.Pihan-LeBars,A.Natali,R.Roussel,J.Petrie,J.Tichet,M.Marre,B.Fromenty,B.BalkauandR.S.G.D.E.S.I.R(2017)."Gamma-glutamyltransferase,fattyliverindexand hepatic insulin resistance are associated with incident hypertension in two longitudinalstudies."JHypertens35(3):493-500.

10. BrahimiN,PotierL,MohammediK(2017).CutaneousadverseeventsrelatedtoFreeStyleLibredevice.Lancet.Apr8;389(10077):1396

11. Choukem,S.P.,J.Kamdeu-Chedeu,S.D.Leary,Y.Mboue-Djieka,D.N.Nebongo,C.Akazong,Y.N. Mapoure, J. P. Hamilton-Shield, J. F. Gautier and J. C. Mbanya (2017). "Overweight andobesity in children aged3-13 years in urbanCameroon: a cross-sectional studyof prevalenceandassociationwithsocio-economicstatus."BMCObes4:7.

12. DesillesJP,SyvannarathV,OllivierV,JournéC,DelboscS,DucrouxC,BoisseauW,LouedecL,DiMeglio L, Loyau S, Jandrot-Perrus M, Potier L, Michel JB, Mazighi M, Ho-Tin-Noé B (2017).Exacerbation of Thromboinflammation byHyperglycemia Precipitates Cerebral Infarct GrowthandHemorrhagicTransformation.Stroke.Doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.017080.

13. DespositoD,ZadigueG,TaveauC,AdamD,Alhenc-GelasF,BoubyN,RousselR.Neuroprotectiveeffect of kinin B1 receptor activation on acute cerebral ischemia in diabeticmice. Sc Reports2017

14. DingM,HuangT,BergholdtHKM,Frazier-WoodAC,AslibekyanS,NorthKE,VoortmanT,GraffM, Smith CE, Lai CQ, Varbo A, Lemaitre RN, de Jonge EAL, Fumeron F, Corella D,Wang CA,Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Sørensen TIA, Feitosa MF, Wojczynski MK, Kähönen M, Ahmad S,RenströmF,PsatyBM,SiscovickDS,BarrosoI,JohanssonI,HernandezD,FerrucciL,BandinelliS,Linneberg A, Sandholt CH, Pedersen O, Torben Hansen T, Schulz CA, Sonestedt E, Orho-MelanderM,ChenTA,RotterJI,AllisonMA,RichSA,SorlíJV,ColtellO,PennellCE,EastwoodP,HofmanA,UitterlindenAG,ZillikensMC,vanRooijFJA,ChuAY,RoseLM,RidkerPM,Viikari J,RaitakariO,LehtimäkiT,MikkiläV,WillettWC,YujieWang,TuckerKL,OrdovasJM,KilpeläinenTO, Province MA, Franks PW, Arnett DK, Tanaka T, Toft U, Ericson U, Franco OH, CHARGEconsortium,MozaffarianD,HuFB,ChasmanDI,NordestgaardBG,EllervikC,QiL(2017).DairyConsumption, Systolic Blood Pressure and Risk of Hypertension: Mendelian RandomizationStudy.BrMedJMar16;356:j1000

15. DosSantos,R.S.,M.Daures,A.Philippi,S.Romero,L.Marselli,P.Marchetti,V.Senee,D.Bacq,C.Besse,B.Baz,L.Marroqui,S.Ivanoff,J.Masliah-Planchon,M.Nicolino,J.Soulier,G.Socie,D.L. Eizirik, J. F.Gautier andC. Julier (2017). "dUTPase (DUT) IsMutated in aNovelMonogenicSyndromeWithDiabetesandBoneMarrowFailure."Diabetes66(4):1086-1096.(IF:8.9)

16. ElBoustanyR,Taveau,CChollet,VelhoG,BankirL,Alhenc-GelasF,RousselR,BoubyN(2017).Antagonism of vasopressin V2 receptor improves albuminuria at the early stage of diabeticnephropathy in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complic doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2017.04.005(IF:4.9)

17. Feigerlova,E.,P.J.Saulnier,P.Gourdy,R.Roussel,J.M.Halimi,E.Gand,D.Dardari,B.Guerci,P.Sosner,M.Marre, P. Zaoui, S. Ragot, S. Hadjadj and S. S. G.Diab 2Nephrogene (2017). "Sexhormone levels are not associated with progression of renal disease in male patients withT2DM."DiabetesMetab43(2):140-145.

18. HaakT,HanaireH,AjjanR,HermannsN,Riveline JP,RaymanG (2017).Useof FlashGlucose-Sensing Technology for 12months as aReplacement for BloodGlucoseMonitoring in Insulin-treatedType2Diabetes.DiabetesTher.8(3):573-586.doi:10.1007/s13300-017-0255-6.

19. Hussein, H., F. Ibrahim, E. Sobngwi, J. F. Gautier and P. Boudou (2017). "Zinc transporter 8autoantibodiesassessmentindailypractice."ClinBiochem50(1-2):94-96.

20. Lontchi-Yimagou,E.,J.L.Nguewa,F.Assah,J.J.Noubiap,P.Boudou,E.Djahmeni,E.V.Balti,B.Atogho-Tiedeu, J. F. Gautier, J. C. Mbanya and E. Sobngwi (2017). "Ketosis-prone atypicaldiabetes in Cameroonian peoplewith hyperglycaemic crisis: frequency, clinical andmetabolicphenotypes."DiabetMed34(3):426-431.

21. Martinez,L.,A.Penfornis, J.F.Gautier,E.Eschwege,G.Charpentier,A.BouzidiandP.Gourdy(2017). "Effectiveness and Persistence of Liraglutide Treatment Among Patients with Type 2

Page 3: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

3 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

Diabetes Treated in Primary Care and Specialist Settings: A Subgroup Analysis from theEVIDENCE Study, a Prospective, 2-Year Follow-up, Observational, Post-Marketing Study." AdvTher34(3):674-685.

22. Mohammedi, K., A. Compaore, L. Potier, N. Belhatem, M. Feron, N. Matallah, F. Travert, B.Hansel, G. Velho, R. Roussel, M. Hallab and M. Marre (2017). "Outpatient measurement ofarterialstiffnessinpatientswithtype2diabetesandobesity."JDiabetes9(3):237-242.

23. Moutairou,A.,R.Roussel,B.Charbonnel,A. Leye,B.Detournay,K.MohammediandL.Potier(2017). "Predicting severe hypoglycaemia with self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 1diabetes."DiabetesMetab.

24. Moutairou,A.,R.Roussel,B.Charbonnel,R.ElBoustany,A.Nicolas,A.Leye,K.Mohammedi,M.Marre, B. Detournay and L. Potier (2017). "Short-term effect of severe hypoglycaemia onglycaemiccontrolintheDiabetesControlandComplicationsTrial."DiabetesMetab43(2):187-190.

25. ✏ NaufahuJ,FAlzaid,MFiuzaBrito,BDoslikova,TValencia,ACunliffeandJFMurray(2017).Melanin-concentrating hormone in peripheral circulation in the human. J Endocrinol 232(3):513-523.

26. Nguewa,J.L.,E.Lontchi-Yimagou,F.Agbelika,M.AitDjoudi,P.Boudou,S.Choukem,E.SobngwiandJ.F.Gautier(2017)."RelationshipbetweenHHV8infectionmarkersandinsulinsensitivityinketosis-pronediabetes."DiabetesMetab43(1):79-82.

27. NicolasA,AubertR,Bellili-MuñozN,BalkauB,BonnetF,TichetJ,VelhoG,MarreM,RousselR,FumeronF (2017).T-cadheringenevariantsareassociatedwithtype2diabetesandtheFattyLiverIndexintheFrenchpopulation.DiabetesMetab43:33–39.

28. Nicolas,A.,K.Mohammedi,J.P.Bastard,S.Fellahi,N.Bellili-Munoz,R.Roussel,S.Hadjadj,M.Marre, G. Velho and F. Fumeron (2017). "T-cadherin gene variants are associated withnephropathy in subjects with type 1 diabetes." Nephrol Dial Transplant. May 12. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfx071.

29. Paige,E.,J.Barrett,L.Pennells,M.Sweeting,P.Willeit,E.DiAngelantonio,V.Gudnason,B.G.Nordestgaard,B.M.Psaty,U.Goldbourt,L.G.Best,G.Assmann,J.T.Salonen,P.J.Nietert,W.M.Verschuren,E.J.Brunner,R.A.Kronmal,V.Salomaa,S.J.Bakker,G.R.Dagenais,S.Sato,J.H.Jansson,J.Willeit,A.Onat,A.G.delaCamara,R.Roussel,H.Volzke,R.Dankner,R.W.Tipping,T. W. Meade, C. Donfrancesco, L. H. Kuller, A. Peters, J. Gallacher, D. Kromhout, H. Iso, M.Knuiman,E.Casiglia,M.Kavousi,L.Palmieri,J.Sundstrom,B.R.Davis,I.Njolstad,D.Couper,J.Danesh,S.G.ThompsonandA.Wood(2017)."RepeatedMeasurementsofBloodPressureandCholesterol Improves Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction: An Individual-Participant-DataMeta-Analysis."AmJEpidemiol.2017May26

30. PotierL,RousselR,ElbezY,MarreM,ZeymerU,ReidCM,OhmanM,EagleKA,BhattDL,StegPG (2017). REACH Registry Investigators. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors andangiotensinreceptorblockersinhighvascularrisk.Heart.Mar11.pii:heartjnl-2016-310705.

31. Riveline JP, Boudou P, Blondeau B, Gautier JF (2017). Glucagon-secretion inhibition usingsomatostatin: An old hormone for the treatment of diabetes-associated pancreatectomy.DiabetesMetab.43(3):269-271.doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2016.08.002.

32. Roussel,R.,G.VelhoandL.Bankir (2017). "Vasopressinanddiabeticnephropathy."CurrOpinNephrolHypertens26(4):311-318.

33. SaulnierPJ,GandE,RagotS,BankirL,PiguelX,FumeronF,RigalleauV,HalimiJM,MaréchaudR,Roussel R,Hadjadj S (2017).Urinary sodiumconcentration is an independentpredictorof all-causeandcardiovascularmortalityinatype2diabetescohortpopulation.JDiabRes;5327352.doi:10.1155/2017/5327352

34. Saulnier-Blache, J. S.,E.Feigerlova, J.M.Halimi,P.Gourdy,R.Roussel,B.Guerci,A.Dupuy, J.Bertrand-Michel,J.L.Bascands,S.HadjadjandJ.P.Schanstra(2017)."Urinarylysophopholipidsareincreasedindiabeticpatientswithnephropathy."JDiabetesComplications.

35. Saulnier,P.J.,E.Gand,G.Velho,K.Mohammedi,P.Zaoui,M.Fraty,J.M.Halimi,R.Roussel,S.Ragot, S. Hadjadj and S. S. Group (2017). "Association of Circulating Biomarkers

Page 4: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

4 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units


36. Saulnier,P. J.,E.Gand,S.Ragot, L.Bankir,X.Piguel, F. Fumeron,V.Rigalleau, J.M.Halimi,R.Marechaud,R.Roussel,S.HadjadjandS.StudyGroup(2017)."UrinarySodiumConcentrationIsanIndependentPredictorofAll-CauseandCardiovascularMortalityinaType2DiabetesCohortPopulation."JDiabetesRes2017:5327352.

37. TaveauC,CholletC,BichetDG,VelhoG,GuillonG,CorbaniM,RousselR,BankirL,MelanderO,Bouby N (2017). Acute and chronic hyperglycemic effects of vasopressin in normal rats,involvementofV1areceptors.AmJPhysiolEndocrinolMetab2017Mar1;312(3):E127-E135

38. Vatier,C.,L.Arnaud,X.Prieur,B.Guyomarch,C.LeMay,E.Bigot,M.Pichelin,A.Daguenel,M.C.Vantyghem, J. F. Gautier, C. Vigouroux and B. Cariou (2017). "One-year metreleptin therapydecreasesPCSK9 serum levels indiabeticpatientswithmonogenic lipodystrophy syndromes."DiabetesMetab43(3):275-279.

39. Wigger, L., C. Cruciani-Guglielmacci, A. Nicolas, J. Denom, N. Fernandez, F. Fumeron, P.Marques-Vidal, A. Ktorza, W. Kramer, A. Schulte, H. Le Stunff, R. Liechti, I. Xenarios, P.Vollenweider,G.Waeber,I.Uphues,R.Roussel,C.Magnan,M.IbbersonandB.Thorens(2017)."Plasma Dihydroceramides Are Diabetes Susceptibility Biomarker Candidates in Mice andHumans."CellRep18(9):2269-2279.(IF:7.8)

40. ZainM,AwanFR,NajamSS,IslamM,KhanAR,BilalA,BelliliN,MarreM,RousselR,FumeronF(2017). Association ofACACB gene polymorphism (rs2268388,G>A)with type 2 diabetes andendstagerenaldiseaseinPakistaniPunjabipopulation.MetaGene;12:109–112


41. Ahren,B.,G.Galstyan, J. F.Gautier, F.Giorgino, F.Gomez-Peralta,M.Krebs, E.Nikonova,W.Stager and H. Vargas-Uricoechea (2016). "Postprandial Glucagon Reductions Correlate toReductions in Postprandial Glucose and Glycated Hemoglobin with Lixisenatide Treatment inType2DiabetesMellitus:APostHocAnalysis."DiabetesTher7(3):583-590.

42. Al-Salameh,A.,C.Baudry,J.F.Gautier,M.E.Toubert,H.BihanandR.Cohen(2016)."Latelivermetastasis of medullary thyroid cancer with low calcitonin levels - successfully cured byradiofrequency."EndokrynolPol67(3):326-329.

43. ■AlzaidF,FLagadec,MAlbuquerque,RBallaire,LOrliaguet,IHainault,CBlugeon,SLemoine,ALehuen,DGSaliba,IAUdalova,VParadis,FFoufelleandNVenteclef(2016).IRF5governslivermacrophage activation that promotes hepatic fibrosis inmice and humans. JCI Insight 1(20):e88689.

44. Ayina, C. N., J. J. Noubiap, L. S. Etoundi Ngoa, P. Boudou, J. F. Gautier,M. K.Mengnjo, J. C.Mbanya and E. Sobngwi (2016). "Association of serum leptin and adiponectin withanthropomorphicindicesofobesity,bloodlipidsandinsulinresistanceinaSub-SaharanAfricanpopulation."LipidsHealthDis15:96.

45. AzevedoDaSilvaM,BalkauB,RousselR,Tichet J, FumeronF, FagherazziG,NabiH;D.E.S.I.R.studygroup (2016). Longitudinal associationof antidepressantmedicationusewithmetabolicsyndrome: Results of a 9-year follow-up of the D.E.S.I.R. cohort study.Psychoneuroendocrinology;74:34-45.

46. Balazard,F…J.F.Gautier…M.RaoulxandA.G.Dumont(2016)."Associationofenvironmentalmarkerswithchildhoodtype1diabetesmellitusrevealedbya longquestionnaireonearly lifeexposuresandlifestyleinacase-controlstudy."BMCPublicHealth16(1):1021.

47. ■Bayry, J.and J.F.Gautier (2016). "RegulatoryTCell Immunotherapy forType1Diabetes:AStepClosertoSuccess?"CellMetab23(2):231-233.(IF:18)

48. Baz,B., J. P. Riveline and J. F.Gautier (2016). "ENDOCRINOLOGYOFPREGNANCY:Gestationaldiabetesmellitus:definition,aetiologicalandclinicalaspects."EurJEndocrinol174(2):R43-51.

49. Bellanné-Chantelot C, Coste J, Ciangura C, Fonfrède M, Saint-Martin C, Bouché C, Sonnet E,ValéroR,LévyDJ,Dubois-LaforgueD,TimsitJ;MonogenicDiabetesStudyGroupoftheSociétéFrancophoneduDiabète(SFD)(2016).High-sensitivityC-reactiveproteindoesnotimprovethe

Page 5: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

5 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

differential diagnosis of HNF1A-MODY and familial young-onset type 2 diabetes: A grey zoneanalysis.DiabetesMetab.42(1):33-7.doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2015.02.001.Epub2015Mar6.

50. Brown, R. J., J. L. Chan, E. S. Jaffe, E. Cochran, A. M. DePaoli, J. F. Gautier, C. Goujard, C.Vigouroux and P. Gorden (2016). "Lymphoma in acquired generalized lipodystrophy." LeukLymphoma57(1):45-50.

51. Chon,S.andJ.F.Gautier(2016)."AnUpdateontheEffectofIncretin-BasedTherapiesonbeta-CellFunctionandMass."DiabetesMetabJ40(2):99-114.

52. DespositoD, Chollet C, Taveau C,Potier L, Descamps V, Alhenc-Gelas F, Roussel R, BoubyN,Waeckel L (2016). Improvement of skinwound healing in diabeticmice by kinin B2 receptorblockade.ClinSc130(1):45-56

53. Desposito D, Waeckel L, Potier L, Richer C, Roussel R, Bouby N, Alhenc-Gelas F (2016).Kallikrein(K1)-kinin-kininase(ACE)andend-organdamageinischemiaanddiabetes:therapeuticimplications.BiolChem.1;397(12):1217-1222.

54. Desposito,D.,C.Chollet,C.Taveau,V.Descamps,F.Alhenc-Gelas,R.Roussel,N.BoubyandL.Waeckel (2016). "Improvement of skin wound healing in diabetic mice by kinin B2 receptorblockade."ClinSci(Lond)130(1):45-56.

55. Ebou,M.H.,A.Singh-Estivalet, J.M.Launay, J.Callebert,F.Tronche,P.Ferre, J.F.Gautier,G.Guillemain,B.Breant,B.BlondeauandJ.P.Riveline(2016)."Correction:GlucocorticoidsInhibitBasal and Hormone-Induced Serotonin Synthesis in Pancreatic Beta Cells." PLoS One 11(5):e0155174.

56. ■ Fan R, A Toubal, S Goni, K Drareni, Z Huang, F Alzaid, R Ballaire, P Ancel, N Liang, ADamdimopoulos,IHainault,ASoprani,JAron-Wisnewsky,FFoufelle,TLawrence,JFGautier,NVenteclefandE.Treuter(2016).Lossoftheco-repressorGPS2sensitizesmacrophageactivationuponmetabolicstressinducedbyobesityandtype2diabetes.NatMed22(7):780-791.(IF:27)

57. FondG,GavaretM, Vidal C, Brunel L, Riveline JP,Micoulaud-Franchi JA,Domenech P (2016).(Mis)useofPrescribedStimulantsintheMedicalStudentCommunity:MotivesandBehaviors:APopulation-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Medicine (Baltimore). 95(16):e3366. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000003366.

58. Gautier,J.F.,P.Monguillon,O.Verier-Mine,P.Valensi,B.Fiquet,S.DejagerandB.Charbonnel(2016). "Which oral antidiabetic drug to combine with metformin to minimize the risk ofhypoglycemiawhen initiatingbasal insulin?:A randomized controlled trial of aDPP4 inhibitorversusinsulinsecretagogues."DiabetesResClinPract116:26-28.

59. Gellen,B.,N.Thorin-Trescases,P.Sosner,E.Gand,P.J.Saulnier,S.Ragot,M.Fraty,S.Laugier,G.Ducrocq,D.Montaigne,P.Llaty,V.Rigalleau,P.Zaoui,J.M.Halimi,R.Roussel,E.ThorinandS.Hadjadj (2016). "ANGPTL2 is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events anddeathindiabeticpatients."Diabetologia59(11):2321-2330.

60. Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Fumeron F, Gand E, Charpentier G, Roussel R, Kasmi A-A, Gautier JF,Mohammedi K, Gourdy P, Saulnier PJ, Feigerlova E,MarreM (2016). Death, End-Stage RenalDiseaseand renal functiondecline inpatientswithdiabeticnephropathy inFrenchcohortsoftype1andtype2diabetes.Diabetologia;59:208–216.

61. Hadjadj,S.,B.Cariou,F.Fumeron,E.Gand,G.Charpentier,R.Roussel,A.A.Kasmi,J.F.Gautier,K.Mohammedi,P.Gourdy,P. J.Saulnier,E.Feigerlova,M.Marre, J.D.N.C.R. I.French,S. and D. s. group (2016). "Death, end-stage renal disease and renal function decline inpatients with diabetic nephropathy in French cohorts of type 1 and type 2 diabetes."Diabetologia59(1):208-216.(IF:6.2)

62. Hansel, B., D. Bonnefont-Rousselot, A. Orsoni, R. Bittar, P. Giral, R. Roussel, M. Marre, K.Mohammedi, E. Bruckert, M. J. Chapman and A. Kontush (2016). "Lifestyle interventionenhances high-density lipoprotein function among patients withmetabolic syndrome only atnormallow-densitylipoproteincholesterolplasmalevels."JClinLipidol10(5):1172-1181.

63. Hasni Ebou M, Singh-Estivalet A, Launay JM, Callebert J, Tronche F, Ferré P, Gautier JF,Guillemain G, Bréant B, Blondeau B, Riveline JP (2016). Glucocorticoids Inhibit Basal andHormone-InducedSerotoninSynthesisinPancreaticBetaCells.PLoSOne.;11(2):e0149343.doi:

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10.1371/journal.pone.0149343.eCollection2016.64. JoubertM, Baillot-Rudoni S, Catargi B, CharpentierG, Esvant A, Franc S, Guerci B, Guilhem I,

MelkiV,MerlenE,PenfornisA,RenardE,RivelineJP,SchaepelynckP,Sola-GazagnesA,HanaireH;SociétéFrancophoneduDiabète(SFD);SociétéFrançaised’Endocrinologie(SFE);EVAluationdansleDiabètedesImplantsACtifsGroup(EVADIAC)(2016). Indication,organization,practicalimplementation and interpretation guidelines for retrospective CGM recording: A Frenchpositionstatement.DiabetesMetab.41(6):498-508.doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2015.07.001.

65. LamriA,BonnefondA,MeyreD,BalkauB,RousselR,MarreM,FroguelP,FumeronFandtheD.E.S.I.R.studyGroup(2016);26,931-936

66. Larifla, L., C. Rambhojan,M.O. Joannes, S.Maimaitiming-Madani, J. P. Donnet, T.Marianne-Pepin,R.Chout,R.RousselandL.Foucan(2016)."GenePolymorphismsofFABP2,ADIPOQandANPandRiskofHypertriglyceridemiaandMetabolicSyndrome inAfro-Caribbeans."PLoSOne11(9):e0163421.

67. LuY…FumeronF…KilpeläinenTO,LoosRJF(2016).Newlociforbodyfatpercentagereveallinkbetweenadiposityandcardiometabolicdiseaserisk.NatCommun;7:10495

68. MohammediK,CompaorosRJ,PotierL,BelhatemN,FeronM,MatallahN,TravertF,HanselB,VelhoG,RousselR,HallabM,MarreM(2016).Outpatientmeasurementofarterialstiffnessinpatientswithtype2diabetesandobesity.JDiabetes.doi:10.1111/1753-0407.12405.

69. MohammediK,PatenteTA,Bellili-MuñozN,DrissF,LeNagardH,FumeronF,RousselR,HadjadjS, Lúcia Corrêa-Giannella, Marre M, Velho G (2016). Glutathione peroxidase-1 gene (GPX1)variants, oxidative stress and risk of kidney complications in people with type 1 diabetes.Metabolism;65:12-19(IF:5)

70. Mohammedi K, Potier L, Belhatem N, Matallah N, Hadjadj S, Roussel R, Marre M, Velho G(2016). Lower-extremity amputation as a marker for renal and cardiovascular events andmortalityinpatientswithlongstandingtype1diabetes.CardiovascDiabetol.7;15(1):5.

71. MohammediK,PotierL,FranLiK,Diabetol.7;15(1):5.7;15(1):5.kerforrenalandcardiovascularevents and mortality in patients with long standing type aribbeans." PLoVelho G, Tubach F,RousselR,DuprlRF, Diabetol. 7;15(1):5.7;15(1):5.ker for renal and cardiovascular events andmortality in patients with long standing type aribbeans." PLoS One k inmplants ACtifs Group(EVADIACJFootAnkleRes.22;9(1):34.

72. Mohammedi, K., A. Compaore, L. Potier, N. Belhatem, M. Feron, N. Matallah, F. Travert, B.Hansel, G. Velho, R. Roussel, M. Hallab and M. Marre (2017). "Outpatient measurement ofarterialstiffnessinpatientswithtype2diabetesandobesity."JDiabetes9(3):237-242.

73. Mohammedi,K., L.Potier,M.Francois,D.Dardari,M.Feron,E.Nobecourt-Dupuy,M.Dolz,R.Ducloux,A.Chibani,D.F.Eveno,T.CreaAvila,A.Sultan,L.Baillet-Blanco,V.Rigalleau,G.Velho,F.Tubach,R.Roussel, J.C.Dupre,D.MalgrangeandM.Marre (2016). "Theevaluationofoff-loadingusinganewremovableoRTHOsisinDIABeticfoot(ORTHODIAB)randomizedcontrolledtrial:studydesignandrational."JFootAnkleRes9(1):34.

74. Mohammedi, K., L. Potier,N. Belhatem,N.Matallah, S.Hadjadj, R. Roussel,M.Marre andG.Velho(2016)."Lower-extremityamputationasamarkerforrenalandcardiovasculareventsandmortalityinpatientswithlongstandingtype1diabetes."CardiovascDiabetol15:5.

75. MoutairouA,RousselR,CharbonnelB,ElBoustanyR,NicolasA,LeyeA,MohammediK,MarreM, Detournay B, Potier L (2016). Short-term effect of severe hypoglycaemia on glycaemiccontrol in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Metab. pii: S1262-3636(16)30476-1.

76. RagotS,SaulnierPJ,VelhoG,GandE,deHauteclocqueA,SlaouiY,PotierL,SosnerP,HalimiJM,ZaouiP,RigalleauV,FumeronF,RousselR,MarreM,HadjadjS;SURDIAGENE;DIABHYCARstudygroups (2016).DynamicChanges inRenal FunctionAreAssociatedWithMajor CardiovascularEventsinPatientsWithType2Diabetes.DiabetesCare;39:1259-1266

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77. RousselR,ElBoustanyR,BoubyN,PotierL,FumeronF,MohammediK,BalkauB,TichetJ,BankirL, Marre M, Velho G (2016). Plasma copeptin, AVP gene variants, and incidence of type 2diabetesinacohortfromthecommunity.JClinEndocrinolMetab;101:2432-2439(IF:5.5)

78. Roussel,R.,A.Natali,B.Balkau,K.Hojlund,G.Sanchez,J.J.Nolan,A.Mari,M.KozakovaandF.Bonnet (2016). "Beta-cell function is associated with carotid intima-media thicknessindependentlyofinsulinresistanceinhealthyindividuals."JHypertens34(4):685-691.

79. Roussel, R., B. Charbonnel, M. Behar, J. Gourmelen, C. Emery and B. Detournay (2016)."Persistence with Insulin Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in France: An InsuranceClaimsStudy."DiabetesTher7(3):537-549.

80. Roussel, R., L. Martinez, T. Vandebrouck, H. Douik, P. Emiel, M. Guery, B. Hunt and W. J.Valentine (2016). "Evaluation of the long-term cost-effectiveness of liraglutide therapy forpatientswithtype2diabetesinFrance."JMedEcon19(2):121-134.

81. Roussel,R.,R.ElBoustany,N.Bouby,L.Potier,F.Fumeron,K.Mohammedi,B.Balkau,J.Tichet,L.Bankir,M.MarreandG.Velho(2016)."PlasmaCopeptin,AVPGeneVariants,andIncidenceofType2DiabetesinaCohortFromtheCommunity."JClinEndocrinolMetab101(6):2432-2439.(IF:5.5)

82. Steg, P. G. and R. Roussel (2016). "Randomized Trials to Evaluate Cardiovascular Safety ofAntihyperglycemicMedications:AWorthwhileEffort?"Circulation134(8):571-573.(IF:14.4)

83. VatierC,FetitaS,BoudouP,TchankouC,DevilleL,RivelineJP,YoungJ,MathivonL,TravertF,Morin D, Cahen J, Lascols O, Andreelli F, Reznik Y, Mongeois E, Madelaine I, VantyghemM,GautierJF,VigourouxC(2016).One-yearmetreleptinimprovesinsulinsecretioninpatientswithdiabetes linked to genetic lipodystrophic syndromes. Diabetes ObesMetab. 18(7):693-7. doi:10.1111/dom.12606.(IF:6.4)

84. Velho G, El Boustany R, Lefèvre G, Mohammedi K; Fumeron F, Potier L, Bankir L, Bouby N,HadjadjS,MarreM,RousselR.Plasmacopeptin,kidneyoutcomes, ischemicheartdiseaseandall-causemortality in peoplewith long-standing type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 39(12):2288-2295(IF:8.9)

85. Yengo,L.,A.Arredouani,M.Marre,R.Roussel,M.Vaxillaire,M.Falchi,A.Haoudi,J.Tichet,D.E.S.I.R.S.Group,B.Balkau,A.BonnefondandP.Froguel(2016)."Impactofstatisticalmodelsonthepredictionoftype2diabetesusingnon-targetedmetabolomicsprofiling."MolMetab5(10):918-925.

86. Zeller,M.,M. Labalette-Bart, J.M. Juliard, L.Potier, L. J. Feldman,P.G. Steg,Y.CottinandR.Roussel (2016). "Metformin and contrast-induced acute kidney injury in diabetic patientstreatedwithprimarypercutaneouscoronary interventionforSTsegmentelevationmyocardialinfarction:Amulticenterstudy."IntJCardiol220:137-142.(IF:5)


87. AyinaAyina,C.N.,E.Sobngwi,M.Essouma,J.J.Noubiap,P.Boudou,L.S.EtoundiNgoaandJ.F.Gautier(2015)."Osteoprotegerininrelationtoinsulinresistanceandbloodlipidsinsub-SaharanAfricanwomenwithandwithoutabdominalobesity."DiabetolMetabSyndr7:47.

88. Balti,E.V.,M.C.Ngo-Nemb,E.Lontchi-Yimagou,B.Atogho-Tiedeu,V.S.Effoe,E.A.Akwo,M.Y.Dehayem,J.C.Mbanya,J.F.GautierandE.Sobngwi(2015)."AssociationofHLAclassIImarkerswith autoantibody-negative ketosis-prone atypical diabetes compared to type 2 diabetes in apopulationofsub-SaharanAfricanpatients."DiabetesResClinPract107(1):31-36.

89. BankirL,PlischkeM,BoubyN,HaasM(2015).UrineOsmolarityandRiskofDialysisInitiationinaCKDCohort.AnnNutrMetab.66Suppl3:14-7.doi:10.1159/000381240.

90. Bankir, L., R. Roussel and N. Bouby (2015). "Protein- and diabetes-induced glomerularhyperfiltration:roleofglucagon,vasopressin,andurea."AmJPhysiolRenalPhysiol309(1):F2-23.

91. Belhatem, N., K. Mohammedi, F. Rouzet, N. Matallah, A. Al Baloshi, F. Travert, G. Velho, R.Roussel,D.LeGuludec,M.MarreandB.Hansel(2015)."Impactofmorbidobesityonthekidneyfunctionofpatientswithtype2diabetes."DiabetesResClinPract108(1):143-149.

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92. ■Besseiche,A.,J.P.Riveline,J.F.Gautier,B.BreantandB.Blondeau(2015)."MetabolicrolesofPGC-1alphaanditsimplicationsfortype2diabetes."DiabetesMetab41(5):347-357.

93. BonnefondA,LamriA,LeloireA,VaillantE,RousselR,Lévy-MarchalC,WeillJ,GalanP,HercbergS, Ragot S, Hadjadj S, Charpentier G, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F, Froguel P (2015).Contribution of the low-frequency loss-of-function p.R270H mutation in FFAR4 (GPR120) toincreasedfastingplasmaglucoselevels.JMedGenet;52:595-598

94. BonnefondA,YengoL,LeMayC,FumeronF,MarreM,BalkauB,CharpentierG,FrancS,FroguelP, Cariou B (2015). The loss-of-function PCSK9 p.R46L genetic variant does not alter glucosehomeostasis.Diabetologia;58:2051–2055

95. Bouche,C.H., J.P.Garnier,S.P.Choukemand J.F.Gautier (2015). "Falselyelevatedcapillaryglucoseandketonelevelsanduseofskinlighteningcreams."BMJ351:h3879.(IF:19.6)

96. Brown, R. J., J. L. Chan, E. S. Jaffe, E. Cochran, A. M. DePaoli, J. F. Gautier, C. Goujard, C.Vigouroux and P. Gorden (2016). "Lymphoma in acquired generalized lipodystrophy." LeukLymphoma57(1):45-50.

97. Choukem,S.P.,E.Sobngwi,J.P.Garnier,S.Letellier,F.Mauvais-Jarvis,F.CalvoandJ.F.Gautier(2015). "Hyperglycaemia per se does not affect erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenaseactivityinketosis-pronediabetes."DiabetesMetab41(4):326-330.

98. DaSilvaMA,DugravotA,BalkauB,RousselR,FumeronF,ElbazA,CanonicoM,Singh-ManouxA,NabiH,andtheD.E.S.I.R.StudyGroup(2015).Antidepressantmedicationuseandtrajectoriesoffasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, β-cell function, and insulin sensitivity: a 9-yearlongitudinalstudyoftheD.E.S.I.R.cohort.IntJEpidemiol;44:1927-1940

99. Dalmas, E. and N. Venteclef (2015). The adipose tissuemacrophages: newmodulators of fatmassrepartitioninobesity.MedSci(Paris)31(12):1080-1082.

100. ■ Dalmas*, E., A. Toubal*, F. Alzaid*, K. Blazek, H. L. Eames, K. Lebozec, M. Pini, I.Hainault, E. Montastier, R. G. Denis, P. Ancel, A. Lacombe, Y. Ling, O. Allatif, C. Cruciani-Guglielmacci,S.Andre,N.Viguerie,C.Poitou,V.Stich,A.Torcivia,F.Foufelle,S.Luquet,J.Aron-Wisnewsky, D. Langin, K. Clement, I. A. Udalova and N. Venteclef (2015). Irf5 deficiency inmacrophages promotes beneficial adipose tissue expansion and insulin sensitivity duringobesity.NatMed21(6):610-618.(IF:27)

101. DespositoD,PotierL,CholletC,GobeilF,RousselR,Alhenc-GelasF,BoubyN,WaeckelL(2015). Kinin receptor agonism restores hindlimb postischemic neovascularization capacity indiabeticmice.JPharmacolExpTher.Feb;352(2):218-26

102. Dina,C.,N.Bouatia-Naji,N.Tucker,F.N.Delling,K.Toomer,R.Durst,M.Perrocheau,L.Fernandez-Friera, J. Solis, P. investigators, T. Le Tourneau,M.H. Chen,V. Probst, Y. Bosse, P.Pibarot,D.Zelenika,M.Lathrop,S.Hercberg,R.Roussel,E. J.Benjamin,F.Bonnet,S.H.Lo,E.Dolmatova,F.Simonet,S.Lecointe,F.Kyndt,R.Redon,H.LeMarec,P.Froguel,P.T.Ellinor,R.S.Vasan,P.Bruneval,R.R.Markwald,R.A.Norris,D.J.Milan,S.A.Slaugenhaupt,R.A.Levine,J.J.Schott, A. A.Hagege,M. V. P. France, X. Jeunemaitre andM.N. Leducq Transatlantic (2015)."Genetic association analyses highlight biological pathways underlyingmitral valve prolapse."NatGenet47(10):1206-1211.

103. EmergingRiskFactors,C.,E.DiAngelantonio,S.Kaptoge,D.Wormser,P.Willeit,A. S.Butterworth,N.Bansal,L.M.O'Keeffe,P.Gao,A.M.Wood,S.Burgess,D.F.Freitag,L.Pennells,S.A.Peters,C.L.Hart,L.L.Haheim,R.F.Gillum,B.G.Nordestgaard,B.M.Psaty,B.B.Yeap,M.W. Knuiman, P. J. Nietert, J. Kauhanen, J. T. Salonen, L. H. Kuller, L. A. Simons, Y. T. van derSchouw,E.Barrett-Connor,R.Selmer,C.J.Crespo,B.Rodriguez,W.M.Verschuren,V.Salomaa,K. Svardsudd, P. van der Harst, C. Bjorkelund, L. Wilhelmsen, R. B. Wallace, H. Brenner, P.Amouyel,E.L.Barr,H.Iso,A.Onat,M.Trevisan,R.B.D'Agostino,Sr.,C.Cooper,M.Kavousi,L.Welin,R.Roussel,F.B.Hu,S.Sato,K.W.Davidson,B.V.Howard,M.J.Leening,A.Rosengren,M.Dorr,D. J.Deeg, S. Kiechl, C.D. Stehouwer,A.Nissinen, S.Giampaoli, C.Donfrancesco,D.Kromhout,J.F.Price,A.Peters,T.W.Meade,E.Casiglia,D.A.Lawlor,J.Gallacher,D.Nagel,O.H.Franco,G.Assmann,G.R.Dagenais,J.W.Jukema,J.Sundstrom,M.Woodward,E.J.Brunner,K. T. Khaw, N. J. Wareham, E. A. Whitsel, I. Njolstad, B. Hedblad, S. Wassertheil-Smoller, G.

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Engstrom, W. D. Rosamond, E. Selvin, N. Sattar, S. G. Thompson and J. Danesh (2015)."AssociationofCardiometabolicMultimorbidityWithMortality."JAMA314(1):52-60.

104. Frisdal, E., S. Le Lay, H. Hooton, L. Poupel, M. Olivier, R. Alili, W. Plengpanich, E. F.Villard,S.Gilibert,M.Lhomme,A.Superville,L.Miftah-Alkhair,M.J.Chapman,G.M.Dallinga-Thie,N.Venteclef,C.Poitou,J.Tordjman,P.Lesnik,A.Kontush,T.Huby, I.Dugail,K.Clement,M. Guerin and W. Le Goff (2015). Adipocyte ATP-binding cassette G1 promotes triglyceridestorage,fatmassgrowth,andhumanobesity.Diabetes64(3):840-855.

105. Gaborit,B.,N.Venteclef,P.Ancel,V.Pelloux,V.Gariboldi,P. Leprince, J.Amour,S.N.Hatem, E. Jouve, A. Dutour and K. Clement (2015). Human epicardial adipose tissue has aspecific transcriptomic signature depending on its anatomical peri-atrial, peri-ventricular, orperi-coronarylocation.CardiovascRes108(1):62-73.

106. ■GautierJF,PorcherR,AbiKhalilC,Bellili-MunozN,FetitaLS,TravertF,ChoukemSP,RivelineJP,HadjadjS,LargerE,BoudouP,BlondeauB,RousselR,FerréP,RavussinE,RouzetF,MarreM(2015).KidneyDysfunctioninAdultOffspringExposedInUterotoType1DiabetesIsAssociatedwithAlterations inGenome-WideDNAMethylation.PLoSOne.10;10(8):e0134654.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134654.eCollection2015.(IF:3.2)

107. Gautier,J.F.,L.Martinez,A.Penfornis,E.Eschwege,G.Charpentier,B.Huret,S.MadaniandP.Gourdy(2015)."EffectivenessandPersistencewithLiraglutideAmongPatientswithType2 Diabetes in Routine Clinical Practice--EVIDENCE: A Prospective, 2-Year Follow-Up,Observational,Post-MarketingStudy."AdvTher32(9):838-853.

108. Germain, M., M. G. Pezzolesi, N. Sandholm, A. J. McKnight, K. Susztak, M. Lajer, C.Forsblom,M.Marre,H.H.Parving,P.Rossing,I.Toppila,J.Skupien,R.Roussel,Y.A.Ko,N.Ledo,L. Folkersen,M.Civelek,A.P.Maxwell,D.A.Tregouet,P.H.Groop, L.TarnowandS.Hadjadj(2015). "SORBS1 gene, a new candidate for diabetic nephropathy: results from amulti-stagegenome-wideassociationstudyinpatientswithtype1diabetes."Diabetologia58(3):543-548.

109. Hansel, B., R. Roussel, V. Diguet, A. Deplaude,M. J. Chapman and E. Bruckert (2015)."Relationships between consumption of alcoholic beverages and healthy foods: the Frenchsupermarketcohortof196,000subjects."EurJPrevCardiol22(2):215-222.

110. Hansel,B.,R.Roussel,Y.Elbez,M.Marre,M.Krempf,Y.Ikeda,K.A.Eagle,M.Elisaf,D.L.Bhatt, P. G. Steg and R. R. Investigators (2015). "Cardiovascular risk in relation to bodymassindex and use of evidence-based preventive medications in patients with or at risk ofatherothrombosis."EurHeartJ36(40):2716-2728.

111. Leveziel, N., S. Ragot, E. Gand, O. Lichtwitz, J. M. Halimi, J. Gozlan, P. Gourdy,M. F.Robert,D.Dardari,M.Boissonnot,R.Roussel,X.Piguel,O.Dupuy,F.Torremocha,P.J.Saulnier,R. Marechaud, S. Hadjadj and D. N. s. group (2015). "Association Between Diabetic MacularEdema and Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A Multicenter ObservationalStudy."Medicine(Baltimore)94(33):e1220.

112. Magalhaes, I.,K.Pingris,C.Poitou,S.Bessoles,N.Venteclef,B.Kiaf,L.Beaudoin, J.DaSilva,O. Allatif, J. Rossjohn, L. Kjer-Nielsen, J.McCluskey, S. Ledoux, L. Genser, A. Torcivia, C.Soudais,O. Lantz, C. Boitard, J. Aron-Wisnewsky, E. Larger, K. Clement andA. Lehuen (2015).Mucosal-associatedinvariantTcellalterationsinobeseandtype2diabeticpatients.JClinInvest125(4):1752-1762.

113. MohammediK,Bellili-MuñozN,MarklundSL,DrissF,LeNagardH,PatenteTA,FumeronF, Roussel R, Hadjadj S,MarreM, VelhoG (2015). Plasma extracellular superoxide dismutaseconcentration,allelicvariationsintheSOD3geneandriskofmyocardialinfarctionandall-causemortalityinpeoplewithtype1andtype2diabetes.CardiovascDiabetologia;14:845

114. Monseu, M., E. Gand, P. J. Saulnier, S. Ragot, X. Piguel, P. Zaoui, V. Rigalleau, R.Marechaud, R. Roussel, S. Hadjadj, J.M. Halimi and S. S. Group (2015). "Acute Kidney InjuryPredictsMajorAdverseOutcomesinDiabetes:SynergicImpactWithLowGlomerularFiltrationRateandAlbuminuria."DiabetesCare38(12):2333-2340.

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10 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

115. NicolasA,FatimaS,LamriA,Bellili-MunozN,HalimiJM,SaulnierPJ,HadjadjS,VelhoG,Marre M, Roussel R, Fumeron F (2015). ABCG8 polymorphisms and renal disease in type 2diabeticpatients.Metabolism2015;64:713-719

116. PatenteTA,MohammediK,Bellili-MuñozN,DrissF,SanchezM,FumeronF,RousselR,HadjadjS,Corrêa-GiannellaML,MarreM,VelhoG(2015).AllelicvariationsintheCYBAgeneofNADPHoxidaseandriskofkidneycomplicationsinpatientswithtype1diabetes.FreeRadicBiolMed;86:16–24

117. Potier L, El Batti S, Mohammedi K (2015). A Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon forFemoropoplitealArteryDisease.NEnglJMed.Oct29;373(18):1784-5.(IF:59.5)

118. Potier L, Matallah N, Mohammedi K (2015). Coronary artery disease screening usingcoronarycomputedtomographyangiography.JAMA.Mar24-31;313(12):1267.(IF:37.7)

119. Potier L, Roussel R, Labreuche J,MarreM, Cacoub P, Roronary artery dPWF, Goto S,BhattDL,StegPG,fortheREACHInvestigators(2015).InteractionbetweendiabetesandahighAnkle-BrachialIndexonmortalityrisk.EurJPrevCardiol.22(5):615-21.

120. Roussel R,Matallah N, Bouby N, El Boustany R, Potier L, Fumeron F,Mohammedi K,BalkauB,MarreM,BankirL,VelhoG(2015).Plasmacopeptinanddeclineinrenalfunctioninacohortfromthecommunity:theprospectiveD.E.S.I.R.Study.AmJNephrol;42:107-114

121. TaveauC,CholletC,WaeckelL,DespositoD,BichetDG,ArthusMF,MagnanC,PhilippeE,ParadisV,FoufelleF,HainaultI,EnhorningS,VelhoG,RousselR,BankirL,MelanderO,BoubyN (2015). Vasopressin and hydration play a major role in the development of glucoseintoleranceandhepaticsteatosisinobeserats.Diabetologia,58(5):1081-90

122. ■ Urbanet, R., A.NguyenDinhCat, A. Feraco,N. Venteclef, S. ElMogrhabi, C. Sierra-Ramos,D.Alvarezde laRosa,G.K.Adler,D.Quilliot,P.Rossignol,F.Fallo,R.M.TouyzandF.Jaisser (2015).AdipocyteMineralocorticoidReceptorActivation Leads toMetabolic SyndromeandInductionofProstaglandinD2Synthase.Hypertension66(1):149-157.

123. VelhoG,RagotS,MohammediK,GandE,FratyM,FumeronF,Bellili-MunozN,BoubyN,PotierL,,Alhenc-GelasF,MarreM,HadjadjS,RousselR(2015).Plasmaadrenomedullin,allelicvariationintheADMgeneandkidneydiseaseinpeoplewithtype2diabetes.Diabetes;64:3262-72(I.F.:8.6)

124. Venteclef, N., V. Guglielmi, E. Balse, B. Gaborit, A. Cotillard, F. Atassi, J. Amour, P.Leprince, A. Dutour, K. Clement and S. N. Hatem (2015). Human epicardial adipose tissueinducesfibrosisoftheatrialmyocardiumthroughthesecretionofadipo-fibrokines.EurHeartJ36(13):795-805a.(IF:15.2)


125. Ahren, B., J. F. Gautier, R. Berria, W. Stager, R. Aronson and C. J. Bailey (2014)."Pronouncedreductionofpostprandialglucagonbylixisenatide:ameta-analysisofrandomizedclinicaltrials."DiabetesObesMetab16(9):861-868.

126. Aveline, C., A. L. Roux, H. L. Hetet, J. F. Gautier, P. Vautier, F. Cognet and F. Bonnet(2014). "Pain and recovery after total knee arthroplasty: a 12-month follow-up after aprospectiverandomizedstudyevaluatingNefopamandKetamineforearlyrehabilitation."ClinJPain30(9):749-754.

127. AyinaAyina,C.N.,P.Boudou,I.Fidaa,E.V.Balti,E.Sobngwi,L.S.EtoundiNgoaandJ.F.Gautier (2014). "Osteoprotegerin is not a determinant ofmetabolic syndrome in sub-SaharanAfricansafterageadjustment."AnnEndocrinol(Paris)75(3):165-170.

128. Bouby, N., W. F. Clark, R. Roussel, C. Taveau and C. J. Wang (2014). "Hydration andkidneyhealth."ObesFacts7Suppl2:19-32.

129. Chon,S.,J.P.Riveline,B.BlondeauandJ.F.Gautier(2014)."Incretin-basedtherapyandpancreaticbetacells."DiabetesMetab40(6):411-422.

130. Choukem,S.P.,C.Fabreguettes,E.Akwo,R.Porcher,J.L.Nguewa,C.Bouche,F.F.Kaze,A. P. Kengne, P. Vexiau, J. C. Mbanya, E. Sobngwi and J. F. Gautier (2014). "Influence of

Page 11: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

11 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units


131. Dalmas, E., N. Venteclef, C. Caer, C. Poitou, I. Cremer, J. Aron-Wisnewsky, S. Lacroix-Desmazes,J.Bayry,S.V.Kaveri,K.Clement,S.AndreandM.Guerre-Millo(2014).Tcell-derivedIL-22amplifiesIL-1beta-driveninflammationinhumanadiposetissue:relevancetoobesityandtype2diabetes.Diabetes63(6):1966-1977.(IF:8.6)

132. de Hauteclocque, A., S. Ragot, Y. Slaoui, E. Gand, A.Miot, P. Sosner, J.M. Halimi, P.Zaoui, V. Rigalleau, R. Roussel, P. J. Saulnier, S. Hadjadj Samy and S. S. group (2014). "Theinfluenceof sexon renal functiondecline inpeoplewithType2diabetes."DiabetMed31(9):1121-1128.

133. ■ Diawara, M. R., C. Hue, S. P. Wilder, N. Venteclef, J. Aron-Wisnewsky, J. Scott, K.Clement,D.GauguierandS.Calderari(2014).AdaptiveexpressionofmicroRNA-125ainadiposetissueinresponsetoobesityinmiceandmen.PLoSOne9(3):e91375.

134. Feldman,L.,F.Tubach,J.M.Juliard,D.Himbert,G.Ducrocq,E.Sorbets,K.Triantafyllou,A.Kerner,H.Abergel,M.G.Huisse,R.Roussel,M.Esposito-Farese,P.G.StegandN.Ajzenberg(2014). "Impact of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome on acute and chronic on-clopidogrelplatelet reactivity inpatientswithstablecoronaryarterydiseaseundergoingdrug-elutingstentplacement."AmHeartJ168(6):940-947e945.

135. FoucanL,MaimaitimingS,LariflaL,HedrevilleS,DeloumeauxJ,JoannesMO,Blanchet-DeverlyA,VelayoudomFL,AubertR,SalamonR,DonnetJP,FumeronF(2014).ADIPOQvariants,adiponectin multimeric forms and cardiometabolic risk in type 2 diabetic patients of Africanancestry.JDiabInvest5:192–198

136. Hus-Citharel A, Bodineau L, Frugiere A, Joubert F, Bouby N, Llorens-Cortes C (2014).Apelin counteracts vasopressin-induced water reabsorption via crosstalk between apelin andvasopressinreceptorsignalingpathwaysintheratcollectingduct.Endocrinology155(11):4483-93.

137. Jakobsson,T.,L.L.Vedin,T.Hassan,N.Venteclef,D.Greco,M.D'Amato,E.Treuter,J.A.Gustafsson andK. R. Steffensen (2014). Theoxysterol receptor LXRbeta protects againstDSS-andTNBS-inducedcolitisinmice.MucosalImmunol7(6):1416-1428.

138. Lafarge,J.C.,M.Pini,V.Pelloux,G.Orasanu,G.Hartmann,N.Venteclef,T.Sulpice,G.P.Shi,K.ClementandM.Guerre-Millo(2014).CathepsinSinhibitionlowersbloodglucoselevelsinmice.Diabetologia57(8):1674-1683.

139. Mohammedi K, Maimaitiming S, Emery N, Bellili-Muñoz N, Roussel R, Fumeron F,HadjadjS,MarreM,VelhoG(2014).Manganesesuperoxidedismutase(SOD2)polymorphisms,plasma advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) concentration and risk of kidneycomplicationsinsubjectswithtype1diabetes.PLOSOne9(5):e96916.

140. Mohammedi, K., C. Abi Khalil, S. Olivier, I. Benabad, R. Roussel andM.Marre (2014)."Paraneoplastichypoglycemiainapatientwithamalignantsolitaryfibroustumor."EndocrinolDiabetesMetabCaseRep2014:140026.

141. PotierL,WaeckelL,FumeronF,BodinS,FysekidisM,CholletC,BelliliN,BonnetF,GustoG,VelhoG,MarreM,Alhenc-GelasF,RousselR,BoubyN,theDESIRstudygroup(2014).Tissuekallikreindeficiency, insulin resistanceanddiabetes inmouseandman. J Endocrinol 221:305-316(I.F.:4.5)

142. Raccah,D.,J.Lin,E.Wang,M.Germe,R.Perfetti,R.C.Bonadonna,P.dePablos-Velasco,R. Roussel and J. Rosenstock (2014). "Once-daily prandial lixisenatide versus once-daily rapid-actinginsulininpatientswithtype2diabetesmellitusinsufficientlycontrolledwithbasalinsulin:analysisofdatafromfiverandomized,controlledtrials."JDiabetesComplications28(1):40-44.

143. Rea,D.,T.Mirault,T.Cluzeau,J.F.Gautier,F.Guilhot,H.DombretandE.Messas(2014)."Early onset hypercholesterolemia induced by the 2nd-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitornilotinibinpatientswithchronicphase-chronicmyeloidleukemia."Haematologica99(7):1197-1203.

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Research unit evaluation November 2016

12 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

144. RousselR,FezeuL,MarreM,VelhoG,FumeronF,JungersP,LantieriO,BalkauB,BoubyN,BankirL,BichetDG,andtheD.E.S.I.R.StudyGroup(2014).Comparisonbetweencopeptinandvasopressin inapopulation from thecommunityand inpeoplewith chronic kidneydisease. JClinEndocrinolMetab99:4656-4663(IF:5.5)

145. Saulnier,P.J.,E.Gand,S.Ragot,G.Ducrocq,J.M.Halimi,C.Hulin-Delmotte,P.Llaty,D.Montaigne, V. Rigalleau, R. Roussel, G. Velho, P. Sosner, P. Zaoui, S. Hadjadj and S. S. Group(2014)."AssociationofserumconcentrationofTNFR1withall-causemortality inpatientswithtype 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: follow-up of the SURDIAGENE Cohort." DiabetesCare37(5):1425-1431.

146. Schaepelynck P, Riveline JP, Renard E, Hanaire H, Guerci B, Baillot-Rudoni S, Sola-Gazagnes A, Catargi B, Fontaine P, Millot L, Martin JF, Tachouaft H, Jeandidier N; EVADIACGroup.Assessmentofanewinsulinpreparationforimplantedpumpsusedinthetreatmentoftype1diabetes.DiabetesTechnolTher.16(9):582-9.doi:10.1089/dia.2013.0369.

147. Sobngwi,E.,A.P.Kengne,J.B.Echouffo-Tcheugui,S.Choukem,J.Sobngwi-Tambekou,E.V.Balti,M.S.Pearce,V.Siaha,A.S.Mamdjokam,V.Effoe,E.Lontchi-Yimagou,O.T.Donfack,B.Atogho-Tiedeu, P. Boudou, J. F. Gautier and J. C. Mbanya (2014). "Fasting insulin sensitivityindicesarenotbetterthanroutineclinicalvariablesatpredictinginsulinsensitivityamongBlackAfricans:aclampstudyinsub-SaharanAfricans."BMCEndocrDisord14:65.

148. Toubal,A.,E.TreuterandN.Venteclef (2014).An<<inflamed>>relationshipbetweenGPS2andtheadiposetissueinhumanobesity.MedSci(Paris)30(1):15-18.

149. ■ Venteclef, N. and P. Ferre (2014). Liver X receptor: from metabolism to cancer.BiochemJ459(2):e1-3.

150. VoisinV,DeclevesAE,HubertV,ColombaroV,GiordanoL,HabschI,BoubyN,NonclercqDandCaronN(2014).ProtectionofWistarFurthratsfrompost-ischemicacuterenalinjury:aroleforNitricoxideandThromboxane?ClinExpPharmacolPhysiol41(11):911-920

151. Wood, A. R… R. Roussel…M. E. Goddard, P.M. Visscher, J. N. Hirschhorn and T.M.Frayling (2014). "Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height." Nat Genet 46(11): 1173-1186.


152. ✏ Alzaid,F.,H.M.Cheung,V.R.PreedyandP.A.Sharp(2013).Regulationofglucosetransporterexpression inhuman intestinalCaco-2cells followingexposure toananthocyanin-richberryextract.PLoSOne8(11):e78932.

153. Berrou,J.,S.Fougeray,M.Venot,V.Chardiny,J.F.Gautier,N.Dulphy,A.ToubertandM.N. Peraldi (2013). "Natural killer cell function, an important target for infection and tumorprotection,isimpairedintype2diabetes."PLoSOne8(4):e62418.

154. Bonnefond,A.,P.J.Saulnier,M.G.Stathopoulou,N.Grarup,N.C.Ndiaye,R.Roussel,M.A. Nezhad, A. Dechaume, O. Lantieri, S. Hercberg, T. Lauritzen, B. Balkau, J. S. El-SayedMoustafa, T. Hansen, O. Pedersen, P. Froguel, G. Charpentier, M. Marre, S. Hadjadj and S.Visvikis-Siest(2013)."WhatisthecontributionoftwogeneticvariantsregulatingVEGFlevelstotype2diabetesriskandtomicrovascularcomplications?"PLoSOne8(2):e55921.

155. Bonnet,F.,R.Roussel,A.Natali,S.Cauchi, J.Petrie,M.Laville,L.Yengo,P.Froguel,C.Lange,O.Lantieri,M.Marre,B.Balkau,E.Ferrannini,DesirandR.S.Groups (2013)."Parentalhistory of type 2 diabetes, TCF7L2 variant and lower insulin secretion are associated withincidenthypertension.DatafromtheDESIRandRISCcohorts."Diabetologia56(11):2414-2423.

156. BottoloL,Chadeau-HyamM,HastieDI,ZellerT, LiquetB,NewcombeP,YengoL,WildPS,SchillertA,ZieglerA,NielsenSF,ButterworthA,HoWK,CastagnéR,MunzelT,TregouetD,Falchi M, Cambien F, Nordestgaard BG, Fumeron F, Tybjærg-Hansen A, Froguel P, Danesh J,PetrettoE,BlankenbergS, Tiret L,RichardsonS (2013).GUESS-ingpolygenicassociationswithmultiple phenotypes using a GPU-based Evolutionary Stochastic Search algorithm. PLOSGenetics9(8):e1003657

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Research unit evaluation November 2016

13 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

157. Brioude,F.,J.Bouligand,B.Francou,J.Fagart,R.Roussel,S.Viengchareun,L.Combettes,S. Brailly-Tabard, M. Lombes, J. Young and A. Guiochon-Mantel (2013). "Two families withnormosmiccongenitalhypogonadotropichypogonadismandbiallelicmutationsinKISS1R(KISS1receptor): clinical evaluation and molecular characterization of a novel mutation." PLoS One8(1):e53896.

158. Choukem,S.P.,E.Sobngwi,P.Boudou,L.S.Fetita,R.Porcher,F.Ibrahim,B.Blondeau,P.Vexiau,F.Mauvais-Jarvis,F.CalvoandJ.F.Gautier(2013)."beta-andalpha-celldysfunctionsinafricanswithketosis-proneatypicaldiabetesduringnear-normoglycemicremission."DiabetesCare36(1):118-123.(IF:8.9)

159. Duclos,M.,J.M.Oppert,B.Verges,V.Coliche,J.F.Gautier,Y.Guezennec,G.Reach,G.Strauch, S. F.D.diabetesandg.physical activityworking (2013). "Physical activity and type2diabetes.Recommandationsof the SFD (FrancophoneDiabetes Society) diabetes andphysicalactivityworkinggroup."DiabetesMetab39(3):205-216.

160. Enhörning S, Bankir L, Bouby N, Struck J, Hedblad BO, PerssonM,Morgenthaler NG,Nilsson PM, Melander O (2013). Copeptin, a marker of vasopressin, in abdominal obesity,diabetesandmicroalbuminuria:TheprospectiveMalmöDietandCancerStudy-CardiovascularCohort.IntJObesityIntJObes(Lond).Apr;37(4):598-603

161. Ferrarezi DAF, Bellili-Muñoz N, Dubois-Laforgue D, Cheurfaa N, Lamri A, Reis AF, LeFeuvre C, Roussel R, Fumeron F, Timsit J, MarreM, Velho G (2013). Allelic variations in thevitaminDreceptor(VDR)geneareassociatedwith increasedriskofcoronaryarterydisease intype2diabeticsubjects.TheDIABHYCARProspectiveStudy.DiabMetab39:263–270

162. LamriA,PoliA,EmeryN,BelliliN,VelhoG, LantieriO,BalkauB,MarreM,FumeronF(2013). The lactase persistence genotype is associated with body mass index and

163. Messadi E, Aloui Z, Belaidi E, Vincent MP, Couturier-Lepetit E, Waeckel L, Decorps J,BoubyN,GasmiA,KarouiH,OvizeM,Alhenc-GelasF,RicherC(2013).CardioprotectiveeffectofVEGF and Venom VEGF-like protein ICPP in acute myocardial ischemia in mice. Effect onmitochondrialfunction.JCardiovascPharmacol2013,(3):274-81

164. MohammediK,PatenteTA,Bellili-MuñozN,DrissF,MonteiroMB,RousselR,PavinEJ,FumeronF,AzevedoMJ,CananiLH,HadjadjS,MarreM,Corrêa-GiannellaML,VelhoG(2013).Catalase activity, allelic variations in the catalase gene and risk of kidney complications insubjectswithtype1diabetes.Diabetologia56:2733-2742

165. Potier,L.,L.Waeckel,C.Richer,R.Roussel,N.BoubyandF.Alhenc-Gelas(2013)."Tissuekallikrein, blood pressure regulation, and hypertension: insight from genetic kallikreindeficiency."BiolChem394(3):329-333.

166. Potier,L.,L.Waeckel,M.P.Vincent,C.Chollet,F.Gobeil,Jr.,M.Marre,P.Bruneval,C.Richer, R. Roussel, F. Alhenc-Gelas andN. Bouby (2013). "Selective kinin receptor agonists ascardioprotectiveagentsinmyocardialischemiaanddiabetes."JPharmacolExpTher346(1):23-30.(I.F.:4.5)

167. Reutens,A.T.,F.Bonnet,O.Lantieri,R.Roussel,B.BalkauandG.EpidemiologicalStudyon the Insulin Resistance Syndrome Study (2013). "The association between cystatin C andincident type 2 diabetes is related to central adiposity."Nephrol Dial Transplant 28(7): 1820-1829.

168. Roussel,R.,S.Hadjadj,B.Pasquet,P.W.Wilson,S.C.Smith,Jr.,S.Goto,F.Tubach,M.Marre, A. Porath,M. Krempf, D. L. Bhatt and P.G. Steg (2013). "Thiazolidinedione use is notassociated with worse cardiovascular outcomes: a study in 28,332 high risk patients withdiabetesinroutineclinicalpractice:brieftitle:thiazolidinedioneuseandmortality."IntJCardiol167(4):1380-1384.

169. Sacre,K.,M.Dehoux,M.P.Chauveheid,M.Chauchard,O.Lidove,R.RousselandT.Papo(2013). "Pituitary-adrenal function after prolonged glucocorticoid therapy for systemicinflammatorydisorders:anobservationalstudy."JClinEndocrinolMetab98(8):3199-3205.

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14 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

170. Samara A, Herbeth B, NdiayeNC, Fumeron F, Billod S, Siest G, Visvikis-Siest S (2013).Dairy product consumption, calcium intakes, and metabolic syndrome-related factors over 5yearsintheSTANISLASstudy.Nutrition29:519-524

171. Toubal, A., E. Treuter, K. Clement and N. Venteclef (2013). Genomic and epigenomicregulationofadiposetissueinflammationinobesity.TrendsEndocrinolMetab24(12):625-634.

172. Toubal,A.,K.Clement,R.Fan,P.Ancel,V.Pelloux,C.Rouault,N.Veyrie,A.Hartemann,E. Treuter and N. Venteclef (2013). SMRT-GPS2 corepressor pathway dysregulation coincideswithobesity-linkedadipocyteinflammation.JClinInvest123(1):362-379.(IF:12.5)

173. ■ Valtat, B., J. P. Riveline, P. Zhang, A. Singh-Estivalet, M. Armanet, N. Venteclef, A.Besseiche,D.P.Kelly,F.Tronche,P.Ferre,J.F.Gautier,B.BreantandB.Blondeau(2013).FetalPGC-1alpha overexpression programs adult pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction. Diabetes 62(4):1206-1216.

174. VelhoG, BoubyN, Hadjadj S,MatallahN,Mohammedi K, Fumeron F, Potier L, Bellili-MunozN,TaveauC,Alhenc-GelasF,BankirL,MarreM,RousselR(2013).Plasmacopeptinandrenaloutcomes inpatientswithtype2diabetesandalbuminuria.DiabetesCare36:3639-3645(IF:8.9)

175. Waeckel, L., L. Potier, C. Richer, R. Roussel, N. Bouby and F. Alhenc-Gelas (2013)."Pathophysiologyofgeneticdeficiency intissuekallikreinactivity inmouseandman."ThrombHaemost110(3):476-483.

176. Wemeau, J. L. and J. F.Gautier (2013). "[Managementof type2diabetes: newdrugs,newrecommendations]."PresseMed42(5):828-829.


177. Abi Khalil, C., R. Roussel, K. Mohammedi, N. Danchin and M. Marre (2012). "Cause-specific mortality in diabetes: recent changes in trend mortality." Eur J Prev Cardiol 19(3): 374-381.

178. Archer, A., N. Venteclef, A. Mode, M. Pedrelli, C. Gabbi, K. Clement, P. Parini, J. A. Gustafsson and M. Korach-Andre (2012). Fasting-induced FGF21 is repressed by LXR activation via recruitment of an HDAC3 corepressor complex in mice. Mol Endocrinol 26(12): 1980-1990.

179. Benhamou PY, Catargi B, Delenne B, Guerci B, Hanaire H, Jeandidier N, Leroy R, Meyer L, Penfornis A, Radermecker RP, Renard E, Baillot-Rudoni S, Riveline JP, Schaepelynck P, Sola-Gazagnes A, Sulmont V, Tubiana-Rufi N, Durain D, Mantovani I, Sola-Gazagnes A, Riveline JP; Société Francophone du Diabète.; Société Française d'Endocrinologie.; EVAluation dans le Diabète des Implants ACtifs Group (2012). Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) integrated into the treatment of type 1 diabetes: consensus of experts from SFD, EVADIAC and SFE. Diabetes Metab. Suppl 4:S67-83. doi: 10.1016/S1262-3636(12)71538-0.

180. Bonnefond, A., N. Clement, K. Fawcett, L. Yengo, E. Vaillant, J. L. Guillaume, A. Dechaume, F. Payne, R. Roussel, S. Czernichow, S. Hercberg, S. Hadjadj, B. Balkau, M. Marre, O. Lantieri, C. Langenberg, N. Bouatia-Naji, G. Meta-Analysis of, C. Insulin-Related Traits, G. Charpentier, M. Vaxillaire, G. Rocheleau, N. J. Wareham, R. Sladek, M. I. McCarthy, C. Dina, I. Barroso, R. Jockers and P. Froguel (2012). "Rare MTNR1B variants impairing melatonin receptor 1B function contribute to type 2 diabetes." Nat Genet 44(3): 297-301.

181. Decleves AE, Caron N, Voisin V, Legrand A, Bouby N, Kultti A, Tammi M, Flamion B (2012). Synthesis and fragmentation of hyaluronan in renal ischemia. Nephrol Dial Transpl (10):3771-81

182. Fumeron F, Vari IS, Grandchamp B, Balkau B (2012). Comment on: Park et al. Association of Serum Ferritin and the Development of Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Korean Men: A 5-Year Follow-up Study. Diabetes Care 35:2521-2526. Diabetes Care 35:e92 (IF: 8.9)

183. Goossens, G. H., C. C. Moors, N. J. van der Zijl, N. Venteclef, R. Alili, J. W.

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Jocken, Y. Essers, J. P. Cleutjens, K. Clement, M. Diamant and E. E. Blaak (2012). Valsartan improves adipose tissue function in humans with impaired glucose metabolism: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial. PLoS One 7(6): e39930.

184. Khalil, C. A., R. Roussel, K. Mohammedi, N. Danchin and M. Marre (2012). "Cause-specific mortality in diabetes: recent changes in trend mortality." Eur J Prev Cardiol 19(3): 374-381.

185. Lamri A, Abi Khalil C, Jaziri R, Velho G, Lantieri O, Vol S, Froguel P, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F, and the D.E.S.I.R. Study Group (2012). Dietary fat intake and polymorphisms at the PPARG locus modulate BMI and type 2 diabetes risk in the D.E.S.I.R. prospective study. Int J Obes 36:218–224 (I.F.: 5.3)

186. Larifla, L., S. Maimaitiming, F. L. Velayoudom-Cephise, S. Ferdinand, A. Blanchet-Deverly, S. Benabdallah, J. P. Donnet, A. Atallah, R. Roussel and L. Foucan (2012). "Association of 2238T>C polymorphism of the atrial natriuretic peptide gene with coronary artery disease in Afro-Caribbeans with type 2 diabetes." Am J Hypertens 25(5): 524-527.

187. Montaigne D, Bailloeuil O, Hulin-Delmotte C, Edme JL, Sosner P, Miot A, Ragot S, Saulnier PJ, Dupuy O, Gourdy P, Lecomte P, Guerci B, Dardari D, Roussel R, Neviere R, Lacroix D, Hadjadj S; DIAB2NEPHROGENE and SURDIAGENE study groups. Renal complications correlate with electrical atrial vulnerability hallmarks in type 2 diabetic patients. Int J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 9;159(1):63-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.04.035. Epub 2012 Jun 18.

188. Montaigne, D., O. Bailloeuil, C. Hulin-Delmotte, J. L. Edme, P. Sosner, A. Miot, S. Ragot, P. J. Saulnier, O. Dupuy, P. Gourdy, P. Lecomte, B. Guerci, D. Dardari, R. Roussel, R. Neviere, D. Lacroix, S. Hadjadj, Diab2Nephrogene and S. s. groups (2012). "Renal complications correlate with electrical atrial vulnerability hallmarks in type 2 diabetic patients." Int J Cardiol 159(1): 63-66.

189. Neves AL, Mohammedi K, Emery N, Roussel R, Fumeron F, Marre M, Velho G (2012). Allelic variations in superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) gene and renal and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in type 2 diabetic subjects. Mol Genet Metab 106:359-365

190. Riveline JP, Rousseau E, Reznik Y, Fetita S, Philippe J, Dechaume A, Hartemann A, Polak M, Petit C, Charpentier G, Gautier JF, Froguel P, Vaxillaire M (2012). Clinical and metabolic features of adult-onset diabetes caused by ABCC8 mutations. Diabetes Care. 2012 Feb;35(2):248-51. doi: 10.2337/dc11-1469. Epub 2011 Dec 30. (IF:8.9)

191. Riveline JP, Schaepelynck P, Chaillous L, Renard E, Sola-Gazagnes A, Penfornis A, Tubiana-Rufi N, Sulmont V, Catargi B, Lukas C, Radermecker RP, Thivolet C, Moreau F, Benhamou PY, Guerci B, Leguerrier AM, Millot L, Sachon C, Charpentier G, Hanaire H; EVADIAC Sensor Study Group (2012). Assessment of patient-led or physician-driven continuous glucose monitoring in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes using basal-bolus insulin regimens: a 1-year multicenter study. Diabetes Care. 35(5):965-71. doi: 10.2337/dc11-2021. Epub 2012 Mar 28. (IF :8.9)

192. Sandholm, N… R. Roussel… P. H. Groop and A. P. Maxwell (2012). "New susceptibility loci associated with kidney disease in type 1 diabetes." PLoS Genet 8(9): e1002921.

193. Scotto, M., G. Afonso, E. Larger, C. Raverdy, F. A. Lemonnier, J. C. Carel, D. Dubois-Laforgue, B. Baz, D. Levy, J. F. Gautier, O. Launay, G. Bruno, C. Boitard, L. A. Sechi, J. C. Hutton, H. W. Davidson and R. Mallone (2012). "Zinc transporter (ZnT)8(186-194) is an immunodominant CD8+ T cell epitope in HLA-A2+ type 1 diabetic patients." Diabetologia 55(7): 2026-2031.

194. Sobngwi, E., A. P. Kengne, E. V. Balti, L. Fezeu, B. Nouthe, S. Djiogue, D. Njamen, J. F. Gautier, N. C. Unwin and J. C. Mbanya (2012). "Metabolic profile of sub-Saharan African patients presenting with first-ever-in-lifetime stroke: association with insulin resistance." J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 21(8): 639-646.

Page 16: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

16 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

195. Vatier, C., J. F. Gautier and C. Vigouroux (2012). "Therapeutic use of recombinant methionyl human leptin." Biochimie 94(10): 2116-2125.

196. Verges, B., A. Avignon, F. Bonnet, B. Catargi, S. Cattan, E. Cosson, G. Ducrocq, M. Elbaz, A. Fredenrich, P. Gourdy, P. Henry, O. Lairez, A. M. Leguerrier, C. Monpere, P. Moulin, B. Verges-Patois, R. Roussel, G. Steg, P. Valensi, Diabetes, d. Cardiovascular Disease study group of the Societe francophone du and c. Societe francaise de (2012). "Consensus statement on the care of the hyperglycaemic/diabetic patient during and in the immediate follow-up of acute coronary syndrome." Arch Cardiovasc Dis 105(4): 239-253.

197. Verges, B., A. Avignon, F. Bonnet, B. Catargi, S. Cattan, E. Cosson, G. Ducrocq, M. Elbaz, A. Fredenrich, P. Gourdy, P. Henry, O. Lairez, A. M. Leguerrier, C. Monpere, P. Moulin, B. Verges-Patois, R. Roussel, G. Steg, P. Valensi, Diabetes and i. c. w. t. S. f. d. c. Cardiovascular Disease study group of the Societe francophone du diabete (2012). "Consensus statement on the care of the hyperglycaemic/diabetic patient during and in the immediate follow-up of acute coronary syndrome." Diabetes Metab 38(2): 113-127.

198. Waeckel L, Potier L, Chollet C, Taveau C, Bruneval P, Roussel R, Alhenc-Gelas F, Bouby N (2012). Role of Tissue Kallikrein in hyperaldosteronism in the mouse, Endocrinology, 2012 Aug; 153(8): 3886-96

199. Waeckel, L., L. Potier, C. Chollet, C. Taveau, P. Bruneval, R. Roussel, F. Alhenc-Gelas and N. Bouby (2012). "Antihypertensive role of tissue kallikrein in hyperaldosteronism in the mouse." Endocrinology 153(8): 3886-3896.

Articles de synthèse / revues bibliographiques 2017

• Fumeron F, Bard J-M, Lecerf J-M (2017). Interindividual variability in the cholesterol-lowering effect of supplementation with plant sterols or stanols. Nutr Rev; 75 : 134-145

• Bankir L, Perucca J, Norsk P, Bouby N, Damgaard M (2017). Relationship between sodium intake and water intake: the false and the true. Ann Nutr Metab; 70(suppl 1):57-67 doi: 10.1159/000463831

• Nakamura K, Velho G, Bouby N. Vasopressin and metabolic disorders: translation from experimental models to clinical use. J Int Med. 2017

2016 • Clark FW, Sontrop JM, Huang S, Moist L, Bouby N, Bankir L (2016). Hydration and CKD

Progression: A Critical Review of the Evidence. Am J Nephrol;43(4):281-292. doi: 10.1159/000445959

• Bankir L, Bouby N, Blondeau B, Crambert G (2016). Glucagon actions on the kidney revisited. possible role in potassium homeostasis. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol; 311(2):F469-86. doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00560.2015

• Desposito D, Waeckel L, Potier L, Richer C, Roussel R, Bouby N, Alhenc-Gelas F (2016). Kallikrein(K1)-kinin-kininase (ACE) and end-organ damage in ischemia and diabetes. Therapeutic implication. Biol Chem;397(12):1217-1222. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2016-0228

• Baz B, Riveline JP, Gautier JF (2016). ENDOCRINOLOGY OF PREGNANCY: Gestational diabetes mellitus: definition, aetiological and clinical aspects. Eur J Endocrinol; 174(2):R43-51. doi: 10.1530/EJE-15-0378.

2015 • Vergès B, Fumeron F (2015). Potential risks associated with increased plasma plant-sterol

levels. Diabetes Metab; 41: 76-81 • Fumeron F, Bard J-M, Vergès B, Paillard F, Lecerf J-M (2015). Phytostérols : un point sur les

recommandations de l’ANSES. OCL -Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids; 22(2) D205 • Fumeron F, Bard J-M, Vergès B, Paillard F, Lecerf J-M (2015). [Phytosterols: focus on ANSES

guidelines.] Cahiers de Nutrition et Diététique; 50 : 209-214 • Bankir L, Plischke M, Bouby N, Haas N (2015). Urine osmolarity and risk of dialysis initiation in

a CKD cohort. Ann Nutr Metab; 66 Suppl 3:14-7. doi: 10.1159/000381240. • Bankir L, Roussel R, Bouby N (2015). Protein- and diabetes-induced glomerular hyperfiltration :

role of glucagon, vasopressin and urea. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol; 309(1):F2-23. doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00614.2014

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Research unit evaluation November 2016

17 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• Besseiche A, Riveline JP, Gautier JF, Bréant B, Blondeau B (2015). Metabolic roles of PGC-1α and its implications for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab; 41(5):347-57. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2015.02.002.

2014 • Lecerf J-M, Bard J-M, Girardet J-P, Fumeron F, Paillard F, Vergès B (2014). Phytostérols,

phytostanols, et risque cardiovasculaire [Phytosterols, phytostanols, and cardiovascular risk]. Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques; 8: 483-488

• Bouby N, Clark WF, Roussel R, Taveau C, Wang CJ (2014). Hydration and kidney health. Obes Facts;7 Suppl 2:19-32

• Girolami JP, Blaes N, Bouby N, Alhenc-Gelas F (2014). Genetic manipulation and genetic variations of the kallikrein-kinin system: impact on cardiovascular and renal diseases. Chapiter 6 in Recent Developments in the Regulation of Kinins, Progress in Drug Research; 69:145-96

• Venteclef N, Ferré P (2014). Liver X receptor: from metabolism to cancer. Biochem J. 15;459 (2):e1-3.

• Chon S, Riveline JP, Blondeau B, Gautier JF (2014). Incretin-based therapy and pancreatic beta cells. Diabetes Metab; 40(6):411-22.

2013 • Fumeron F (2013). Genetics of the human obesities. Obésité; 8: 22-33 • Waeckel L, Potier L, Richer C, Roussel R, Bouby N, Alhenc-Gelas F (2013). Pathophysiology of

geneticdeficiencyintissuekallikreinactivityinmouseandman.ThrombHaemost.110(3):476-83• PotierL,WaeckelL,RicherC,RousselR,BoubyN,Alhenc-GelasF(2013).Tissuekallikrein,blood


• BankirL,BoubyNandRitzE(2013).Vasopressin:anoveltargetforthepreventionandretardation

ofkidneydisease?NatureReviewsNephrology;9(4):223-39.• PotierL,WaeckelL,RicherC,RousselR,BoubyN,Alhenc-GelasF(2013).Tissuekallikrein,blood


• Waeckel L, Potier L, Richer C, Roussel R, Bouby N, Alhenc-Gelas F (2013). Pathophysiology ofgenetic deficiency in tissue kallikrein activity in mouse and man. Thrombosis and haemostasis;110(3):476-83

• Toubal A, Treuter E, Clément K, Venteclef N (2013). Genomic and epigenomic regulation of adipose tissue inflammation in obesity. Trends Endocrinol Metab; 24(12): 625-34.

Autres articles (articles publiés dans des revues professionnelles ou techniques, etc.) 2016

• Bard J-M, Fumeron F, Lecerf J-M (2016). Impact cardiovasculaire de la consommation de phytostérols : quels effets sur le LDL ? Nutritions & Endocrinologie Hors-Série Cardiologie N° 7 : 106-108.

• Charrière S, Fumeron F, van Cuyck P (2016). Thérapeutique ou cosmétique dans le risque cardio-vasculaire ? Echanges autour des phytostérols et de la levure de riz rouge. Information Diététique; n°1

• Fumeron F (2016). Place de la génétique dans les maladies nutritionnelles. Nutridoc; 119 : 5-6 • Fumeron F (2016). Nutrigénétique et maladies métaboliques. Cholé-Doc 2016 ; 156: 1-4 • Potier L (2016). Chapitre du traité EMC Endocrinologie-Nutrition : Diabète et hypertension

artérielle 2015

• Potier L (2015). Article « Quand et comment passer à l’insuline dans le diabète de type 2 ? » pour La Revue du Praticien (2015)

• Dalmas É, Venteclef N (2015). [The adipose tissue macrophages: new modulators of fat mass repartition in obesity]. Med Sci (Paris); 31(12):1080-2. doi: 10.1051/medsci/20153112004

2014 • Toubal A and Venteclef N (2014). « Comment contrôler l’inflammation dans l’obésité ? « Diabète

et Obésité » • Toubal A, Treuter E, Venteclef N (2014). [An « inflamed » relationship between GPS2 and the

adipose tissue in human obesity]. Med Sci (Paris); 30(1):15-8. 2013

• Potier L (2013). Article « Quand envoyer un DT2 chez le néphrologue ? » pour la Revue du Praticien – Médecine Générale

Page 18: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

18 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• Fumeron F (2013). Produits laitiers et prévention du diabète de type 2. Cholé-Doc; 136 : 1-5 2012

• Fumeron F (2012). L’obésité en congrès. Compte-rendu de l’European Congress of Obesity (ECO) Lyon, 9-12 mai 2012. Cholé-Doc; 130 : 1-4

• Potier L (2012). Article « Diabète gestationnel : repérer, dépister, surveiller » pour la Revue du Praticien – Médecine Générale

• Böhme P, Bertin E, Cosson E, Chevalier N; GEODE group (2012). Fear of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 1 diabetes: do patients and diabetologists feel the same way? Diabetes Metab. 39(1): 63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2012.10.006. PMID: 23266467

2. Ouvrages Chapitres d’ouvrage 2016

• Venteclef N, Jakibsson T, Treuter E (2016). Springer, «Encyclopedia of Inflammatory Diseases», section «Mediators of inflammation» Nuclear Receptor Signaling in the Control of Inflammation.

2015 • Alzaid F, Rajendram R, Patel VB, Preedy, VR (2015). Springer New York. Diet and Nutrition in

Critical Care. Chapter: Nutritional Screening Tools in Critical Care. • Alzaid F, Rajendram R, Patel VB, Preedy, VR (2015). Springer New York. Diet and Nutrition in

Critical Care. Chapter: Expanding the Knowledge Base in Diet, Nutrition and Critical Care: Electronic and Published Resources.

• Alzaid F, Patel VB, Preedy VR (2015). Springer Netherlands. General Methods in Biomarker Research and their Applications. Chapter: Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Blood.

2014 • Alzaid F, Patel VB, Preedy VR (2014). Elsevier Inc. Aging: Oxidative Stress and Dietary

Antioxidants. Chapter: Cardiovascular disease in aging and the role of oxidative stress. 2013

• Fumeron F (2013). Springer-Verlag France. Physiology and Pathophysiology of adipose tissue. Chapter: Genetics of the human obesities.

2012 • Fumeron F (2013). Springer-Verlag Paris. Physiologie et Physiopathologie du tissu adipeux.

Chapitre: Génétique des obésités humaines. 3. Colloques / congrès, séminaires de recherche Articles publiés dans des actes de colloques / congrès 2017

• El Khoury P, Roussel R, Fumeron F, Velho G, Jacob MP, Abi Fadel M, El Bitar S, Ghaleb Y, Steg G, Potier L, Marre M, Boileau C, Varret M, Hansel B (2017). Concentrations plasmatiques de PCSK9 et incidence des événements cardiovasculaires dans le diabète de type 2. Diabetes Metab; 43 (suppl 1): A3

2016 • F Alzaid, I Hainault, L Orliaguet, R Ballaire, P Mesdom, A Lehuen, V Paradis, F Foufelle, N

Venteclef (2016). Interferon Regulatory Factor-5 (irf5) orchestre la fibrogenèse hépatique. Diabetes & Metabolism. 42, A3.

• Bankir L, Bouby N, Velho G, Roussel R (2015). Vasopressin and the progression of kidney disease. World Congress of Nephrology News, 2:10, Captown, March 2015

• Nicolas A, Aubert R, Munoz-Bellili N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Lantieri O, Velho G, Roussel R, Marre M, Fumeron F (2016). Polymorphismes du gène de la t-cadhérine (CDH13), adiponectinémie et indice de stéatose hépatique dans D.E.S.I.R. Diabetes Metab; 42 (suppl 1): A5-A6

• Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre M, Roussel R, Fumeron F (2016). T-cadherin Gene (CDH13) Polymorphisms, adiponectin levels and Fatty Liver Index (FLI) in D.E.S.I.R. Diabetologia; 59 (Suppl 1):S307

2015 • F Alzaid, E Dalmas, A Toubal, K Lebozec, P Ancel, C Cruciani-Guglielmacci, F Foufelle, C

Poitou, A Torcivia, S Luquet, J Aron-Wisnewsky, K Clément, I Udalova, N Venteclef (2015). Interferon Regulatory Factor-5 (IRF5) contrôle l’inflammation métabolique dans le diabète de type 2. Diabetes & Metabolism. 41, A26-A27.

Page 19: Venteclef Total prod - sorbonne-universiteketosis-prone diabetes." Diabetes Metab 43(1): 79-82. 27. Nicolas A, Aubert R, Bellili-Muñoz N, Balkau B, Bonnet F, Tichet J, Velho G, Marre

Research unit evaluation November 2016

19 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• Nicolas A, Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Roussel R, Marre M, Velho G, Fumeron F (2015). Polymorphismes du gène de la t-cadhérine (CDH13) et néphropathie dans le diabète de type 1. Diabetes Metab; 41 (suppl 1): A19

• Nicolas A, Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Roussel R, Hadjadj S, Marre M, Velho G, Fumeron F (2015). T-cadherin gene (CDH13) polymorphisms and nephropathy in subjects with type-1 diabetes. European Diabetes Epidemiology Group – EDEG. Chantilly, 25th – 28th April 2015

• Nicolas A, Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Roussel R, Hadjadj S, Marre M, Velho G, Fumeron F (2015). T-cadherin gene (CDH13) polymorphisms and nephropathy in subjects with type 1 diabetes Gentofte, Denmark, May 22-23 2015.

• Roussel R, El Boustani R, Lefèvre G, Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Fumeron F, Hadjadj S, Bankir L, Bouby N, Marre M, Velho G (2015). Plasma Copeptin and Risk of Kidney Complications in patients with Type-1 Diabetes. Gentofte, Denmark, May 22-23 2015.

• Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Fumeron F, Gand E, Charpentier G, Roussel R, Kasmi AA, Gautier JF, Mohammedi K, Gourdy P, Saulnier PJ, Marre M (2015). Renal Function Decline, End-Stage Renal Disease, and Death in Diabetic Nephropathy: Concordant Risks in Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes. Diabetes; 64 (Suppl 1): A147

• Nicolas A, Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Roussel R, Hadjadj S, Marre M, Velho G, Fumeron F (2015). T-cadherin gene (CDH13) polymorphisms and nephropathy in subjects with type-1 diabetes. Diabetologia; 58 (suppl 1):S529.

• Feigerlova E, Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Fumeron F, Gand E, Charpentier G, Roussel R, Kasmia A, Gautier JF, Mohammedi K, Gourdy P, Saulnier PJ, Marre M (2015). Décès, insuffisance rénale terminale et déclin de la fonction rénale chez sujets avec néphropathie diabétique : risques équivalents entre diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Ann Endocrinol; 76 (4) :312

2014 • Fatima S, Nicolas A, Munoz-Bellili N, Velho G, Roussel R, Marre M, Fumeron F (2014). ABCG8

polymorphisms and incidence of renal events in type 2 diabetic subjects. 27th Annual General meeting in the European Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group (EDNSG). London, 16-17 May 2014

• Fumeron F, Fatima S, Nicolas A, Munoz-Bellili N, Saulnier PJ, Hadjadj S, Velho G, Marre M, Roussel R (2014). ABCG8 polymorphisms and renal disease in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia 2014; 57 [Suppl l]: S44–S45

• Mohammedi K, Bellili-Muñoz N, Driss F, Hadjadj S, Fumeron F, Roussel R, Marre M, Velho G (2014). Glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) variants, oxidative stress markers, and risk of kidney complications in patients with type-1 diabetes. Diabetologia; 57 [Suppl l]: S483

• Nicolas A, Aubert R, Munoz-Bellili N, Balkau B, Lantieri O, Velho G, Roussel R, Marre M, Fumeron F (2014). Polymorphismes du gène de la T-cadhérine (CDH13), adiponectine circulante et risque de diabète de type 2. Diabetes Metab; 40 (suppl 1): A9

• Nicolas A, Aubert R, Munoz-Bellili N, Balkau B, Lantieri O, Velho G, Roussel R, Marre M, Fumeron F (2014). T-cadherin gene (CDH13) polymorphisms, plasma adiponectin and type-2 diabetes. Diabetes 2014; 63 (suppl 1): A417

• Ragot S, Velho G, Saulnier P, Mohammedi K, Gand E, Fumeron F, Marre M, Sosner P, Roussel R, Hadjadj S (2014). Taux circulants d’adrénomédulline, risque coronarien, et mortalité chez des sujets diabétiques de type 2. Diabetes Metab; 40 (suppl 1): A10

• Velho G, Mohammedi K, Fumeron F, Gand E, Saulnier P, Ragot S, Marre M, Hadjadj S, Roussel R (2014). Taux plasmatiques d’adrénomédulline, et risque d’événements rénaux graves chez des sujets diabétiques de type 2. Diabetes Metab; 40 (suppl 1): A18

• Velho G, Mohammedi K, Fumeron F, Gand E, Saulnier P, Ragot S, Marre M, Hadjadj S, Roussel R (2014). Plasma Adrenomedullin and Renal Outcomes in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes. American Diabetes Association’s 74th Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, June 13-17, 2014

• Velho G, Mohammedi K, Fumeron F, Gand E, Saulnier P, Ragot S, Marre M, Hadjadj S, Roussel R (2014). Plasma Adrenomedullin and Renal Outcomes in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes. Diabetes; 63 (suppl 1): A138

2013 • F Alzaid, VR Preedy, P Sharp (2013). Dietary berry polyphenols modulate expression and

function of intestinal iron transporters. American Journal of Hematology. 88 (5), E198-E199. • Fumeron F, Lamri A, Rozenblum L, Nicolas A, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Velho G, Marre M

(2013). Interaction between vitamin D receptor gene variants and dairy intake: Effects on incident metabolic syndrome and incident IFG/type 2 diabetes in the D.E.S.I.R. study. Diabetologia; 56 (suppl 1): S155

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Research unit evaluation November 2016

20 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• Fumeron F, Roussel R, Zain M, Lamri A, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Velho G, Marre M. Association d’un variant génétique de l’acétyl-CoA carboxylase b avec le syndrome métabolique et le diabète de type 2 dans la cohorte DESIR. Diabetes Metab; 39 (suppl 1): A15

2012 • Fumeron F, Lamri A, Poli A, Emery N, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M (2012). Lactase

persistence is associated with BMI but not with metabolic syndrome or type-2 diabetes in the DESIR longitudinal study. Diabetes; 61 (suppl 1): A401

• Fumeron F, Roussel R, Zain M, Lamri A, Bellili N, Emery N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M (2012). A common polymorphism of ACACB gene is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome in the DESIR prospective study. Diabetes; 61 (suppl 1): A402

• Fumeron F, Roussel R, Zain M, Lamri A, Bellili N, Emery N, Lantieri O, Velho G, Balkau B, Marre M (2012). Association of ACACB rs2268388 G>A polymorphism with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in a French cohort. Diabetologia; 55 (suppl 1): S131

• Lamri A, Poli A, Emery N, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F (2012). Lactase functional polymorphism and body mass index in a longitudinal study DESIR: interactions with dairy consumption ECO 2012 (19th European Congress on Obesity). Lyon, 9-12 may 2012.

• Lamri A, Porchay-Baldérelli I, Emery N, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F (2012). La consommation de lipides et le polymorphisme L162V de PPARα modulent la glycémie et le risque de diabète dans l’étude prospective DESIR. Diabetes Metab; 38 (suppl 2): A15

• Lamri A, Porchay-Baldérelli I, Emery N, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F (2012). Dietary fat intake and the L162V polymorphism at the PPARA locus modulate glycemia and type 2 diabetes risk in the D.E.S.I.R. prospective study. Diabetologia; 55 (suppl 1): S127

• Mohammedi K, Maimaitiming S, Emery N, Bellili-Munoz N, Roussel R, Fumeron F, Hadjadj S, Marre M, Velho G (2012). Polymorphisms and risks of kidney complications in subjects with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes; 61 (suppl 1): A79

• Mohammedi K, Maimaitiming S, Emery N, Bellili-Munoz N, Roussel R, Fumeron F, Hadjadj S, Marre M, Velho G (2012). Allelic variations in the superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) and diabetic nephropathy in subjects with type-1 diabetes. Diabetologia; 55 (suppl 1): S69

• Poli A, Lamri A, Emery N, Bellili N, Lantieri O, Balkau B, Marre M, Fumeron F (2012). Polymorphisme fonctionnel de la lactase, corpulence et désordres métaboliques dans la cohorte DESIR : interactions avec la consommation de produits laitiers. Diabetes Metab; 38 (suppl 2): A63

Autres produits présentés dans des colloques / congrès et des séminaires de recherche 2017

• Potier L. American Diabetes Association 2017. Oral communication: Cardiacmicrovascular dysfunctionandalbuminuriainasymptomaticpatientswithdiabetes

• Potier L. Société Francophone du Diabète 2017. Oral communication: Association entre réserve deperfusionmyocardiquequantifiéeparlaTEPau82Rubidiumetnéphropathiediabétique

• Alzaid L. European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2017.Oral communication: Irf5 in circulatingcellsisabiomarkerofinflammationandcomplicationsindiabetes.

• Alzaid F.SociétéFrancophoneduDiabete2017.Oralcommunication: Irf5controlsmacrophagecellularmetabolismandactivationintype-2diabetes

• Drareni K. Société Francophone duDiabete 2017.Oral communication:GPS2 controls healthy adiposetissueexpansioninobesityandtype-2diabetes

• Fumeron F,PikelaitiA,NicolasA,BalkauB,MarreM,VelhoG,RousselR.EuropeanAssociation for theStudyofDiabetes2017.ADIPOQgenepolymorphismsandchangesinrenalfunctioninacohortfromthecommunity,

2016 • Potier L. American Diabetes Association 2016. Oral Communication: Differential Effect of ACEIs

and ARBs in Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes. • Potier L. Société Francophone du Diabète 2016. Oral Communication: Comparaison des IEC et

des ARA2 dans une population de 40 625 patients à haut risque cardiovasculaire : données de la cohorte REACH

• Alzaid F. Cell Symposia: 100 years of phagocytes 2016. Oral communication: IRF5 governs liver macrophage activation that promotes fibrosis in mice and humans

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21 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• Alzaid F. Société Francophone du Diabete 2016. Oral Communication: Interferon regulatory factor 5 orchestrates hepatic fibrosis

• Alzaid F. Inflamex 2016. Oral Communication: Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 Mediates Liver Fibrosis by Modulating the Immune Response

• Drareni K. Inflamex 2016. Oral Communication: Epigenomic controls of adipose tissue function

2015 • Potier L. Société Francophone du Diabète 2015. Oral Communication: Agonistes des kinines :

nouveaux traitements des complications cardiovasculaires du diabète. • Alzaid F. Cell Symposia: Type 2 Immunity 2015: Poster Communication: IRF5 knockdown

polarises the imune response towards an M2/TH2 phenotype that ameliorates the metabolic consequences of diet-induced obesity

• Alzaid F. Société Francophone du Diabete 2015. Poster communication: Irf5-deficiency in macrophages promtotes beneficial adipose tissue expansion and insulin sensitivity during obesity

2014 • Alzaid F. CORDDIM; Congrès Jeunes Chercheurs 2014. Oral Communication: Polarization of

the immune response by Interferon Regulatory Factor-5 (IRF-5) governs dysfunctional adipose tissue expansion in obesity

• Alzaid F. ICAN; Journée Scientifique 2014. Oral Communication: Irf5 controls visceral obesity through adipose tissue remodelling

2013 • Potier L. American Diabetes Association 2013. Poster Communication: Selective kinin receptor

agonists as cardioprotective agents in myocardial ischemia and diabetes. • Potier L. Société Francophone du Diabète 2013. Oral Communication: Selective kinin receptor

agonists as cardioprotective agents in myocardial ischemia and diabetes. • Alzaid F. International BioIron Society 2013. Oral Communcations: Dietary polyphenols modulate

expression and function of intestinal iron transporters 4. Développements instrumentaux et méthodologiques Plateformes et observatoires

• Bouby N. Participation in Biological Services Unit core facility (Centre d’explorations fonctionelles, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers), Management of arterial pressure monitoring (tail cuff, telemetry), kidney functional analysis tools.

• Alzaid F. Participation in a national multicentric project (ANR-ANGIOSAFE), development of cytometric immunophenotyping tools for diabetic patients.

• Alzaid F. Co-Scientific director of Cytometry and Cellular Imaging Plateforme (Centre d’Imagrie Cellulaire et Cytometrie, Centre de Recherche des Cordeleirs).

5. Produits et outils informatiques Logiciels, Bases de données / cohorts

• Riveline JP, Gautier JF. Development of Middlecare Software for patient clinical record keeping for all patients attending the CUDC at Lariboisière Hospital, Paris, France.

• Gautier JF. AngioSafe2 Cohort (ANR-IB DGOS 2014), 5200 T2D patients to be included, with biobanking at inclusion and after 3 years of follow-up. 1200 patients already included since the start of the project (September 2016).

• Gautier JF. CODE1 cohort, INSERM project funded by the SFD and ex-ALFEDIAM. Metabolic and renovascular consequences of foetal exposure to maternal diabetes, 800 subjects to be included from offspring of Type-1 diabetic mothers.

6. Brevets, licences et déclarations d’invention

• Title: "Methods and pharmaceutical compositions for prevention or treatment of ischemia related organ damage”. Patent Number(s): WO2013144113-A1; EP2830643-A1; US2015105329-A1 Patent Assignee: INSERM, Université de Sherbrooke. Inventor(s): Alhenc-Gelas F; Bouby N; Gobeil F; Roussel R; Waeckel L; Potier L

• Title: "Pharmaceutical compositions comprising a bradykinin 2 receptor antagonist for prevention or treatment of impaired skin wound healing". Patent Number(s): WO2016170382-A1. Patent Assignee: INSERM, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris

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Descartes, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux De Paris, Association Robert Debré. Inventor(s): Alhenc-Gelas, F.; Bouby-Bouzidi, N.; Desposito, D.; et al.

7. Rapports d’expertises techniques, produits des instances de normalisation

• Riveline JP.: ANSM expertise for the efficiency of articial pancreas in diabetics (2017) • Riveline JP.: LME expertise for insulin pump (2017) MiniMed 670G Insulin Pump (MMT-1780)

and MiniMed 670G Insulin Pump Kit (MMT-1760)

8. Produits des activités didactiques Not-relevant 9. Produits destinés au grand public

• Venteclef N. Le point 2015.

• Riveline JP. BFM-TV Alain Ducardonnet: Les innovations qui permettent à un patient diabétique d'auto-mesurer son taux de glycémie (2013).

• Riveline JP. France 3 region: Diabète: les innovations technologiques ont changé la vie des patients (2016).

• Riveline JP. 3ème visio-conférence santé diabète sur la vie au quotidien avec une pompe à insuline organisée par la FFD (2015). Le :

• Fumeron F. Presentation de l’étude DESIR sur le syndrome metabolique, CERIN (2013)

• Fumeron F. Yaourts et maladies métaboliques, SYNDIFRAIS (2014),24.html;

II. ACTIVITÉS DE RECHERCHE ET INDICES DE RECONNAISSANCE 1. Activités éditoriales Participation à des comités éditoriaux (revues, collections) Fumeron F.

• Editorial board member, Journal of Molecular Medicine (2013) • Editorial board member, Frontiers in Genomic Endocrinology (since 2011) • Editorial board member, Frontiers in Nutrigenomics (since 2014)

2. Activités d’évaluation Responsabilités au sein d’instances d’évaluation Fumeron F.

• 2017 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2017-2020

• 2016 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2016-2019

• 2015 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2015-2018

• 2015 Université Pierre et Marie Curie : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale 394 (Physiologie, Physiopathologie et Thérapeutique) du concours 2015 d'attribution des contrats doctoraux

• 2014 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2014-2017

• 2014 Université Pierre et Marie Curie : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale 394 (Physiologie, Physiopathologie et Thérapeutique) du concours 2014 d'attribution des contrats doctoraux

• 2013 Université Paris Diderot : Participation au comité de sélection devant permettre le recrutement d’un maître de conférence sur un profil "Endocrinologie et métabolisme"

Venteclef N..

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Research unit evaluation November 2016

23 Group D: evaluation campaign 2017 - 2018 Department for the evaluation of research units

• 2017 Université Pierre et Marie Curie : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale 394 (Physiologie, Physiopathologie et Thérapeutique) du concours 2015 d'attribution des contrats doctoraux

• 2016 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2016-2019

• 2015 Université Lille : Participation au jury de l'Ecole Doctorale "Biologie Santé" chargé d'auditionner les candidats à une allocation de recherche pour 2015-2018

Évaluation d’articles et d’ouvrages scientifiques 2012-2017 : plus de 150 articles évalués pour revues scientifiques internationales.

• American Journal of Physiology • BMJ Open • British Journal of Pharmacology • Cardiovascular Journal • Cell Reports • Circulation • Diabetes • Diabetes and Metabolism • Diabetologia • Experimental Biology and Medicine • FASEB Journal • Journal of Clinical Investigation • Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight • Kidney International • Nature Communication • Peptides • Physiological Genomics • Plos One • Renal Physiology

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Évaluation de laboratoires (type Hceres) Venteclef N

• Austria Science Funds (FWF) (2014) • Karolinska Institutet (Position for Ass. Prof. 2017)

Évaluation de projets de recherche Bouby N.

• US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (2012) • FNRS (Belgique) (2012-2013) • Thesis Jury member: Université de Strasbourg (2012), Université de Namur (belgique) (2014) • HDR Jury member: Université Paris Sud (2013)

Ventelef N. • French National Research Agency (2014 and 2016) • European Research Council (2017) • French Foundation of Rare Disease (2013-2015) • Fournier Pharma Research Grant (2016) • Medical Research Council U.K. (2015)

Fumeron F. • Czech Science Foundation (2012) • Fond Francais pour l’alimentation et la santé (2012) • Inter-regional project: APHP-PHRC (2013)

Potier L. • French National Research Agency (2017)

3. Activités d’expertise scientifique Activités de consultant Riveline JP.

• Scientific council member of Société francophone du diabète (2015-ongoing) Venteclef N.

• Consultant AdipoPhyt (2012-2013) Fumeron F.

• Institut Fromages et Santé. « Le point sur des données épidémiologiques, cliniques relatives à la consommation de fromage et les facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaires ». (2012)

• CNIEL-CERIN : « MiRNA des produits laitiers et diabète. Analyse critique des travaux de Bodo C. Melnik pour le CNIEL » (2015)

Gautier JF. • Member of Nasal Glucagon International Advisory board, Eli Lilly (2017- ongoing)

Participation à des instances d’expertises (type Anses) ou de normalisation Fumeron F.

• ANSES 2012-2013 : CES Nutrition, Reporter for « Demande d'avis relatif à l'évaluation du risque et du bénéfice liés à la consommation de produits alimentaires enrichis en phytostérols ou en phytostanols »

• Scientific committee member of the DESIR cohort (Données Epidémiologiques sur le Syndrome d’Insulino-Résistance) (INSERM-IRSA)

Expertise juridique Gautier JF.

• Member of the BRIDGES executive committee (grant allocation) of the International Diabetes Federation (2011-2013)

4. Organisation de colloques / congress Venteclef N.

• Summer School FEBS 2017, Stepses, Gréce: Nuclear receptors, Coregulators and diseases • Summer School FEBS 2015, Stepses, Gréce: Nuclear receptors and diseases • ICAN SERIES 2013, Décembre 12-14, Paris: Cordiometabolic diseases

Bouby N. • 3rd International Symposium on Vasoactive and Inflammatory Mediators - KININ 2012 • Journal of Internal Medicine (JIM) Symposium, paris

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Gautier JF. • Société Francophone du Diabète, 2014, Paris

Roussel R. • Journal of Internal Medicine (JIM) Symposium, Paris

5. Post-doctorants et chercheurs accueillis Bouby N.

• Waeckel L. (2011-2014) Venteclef N.

• Alzaid F (2014-2017) (Finance : ANR, EFSD, CORDDIM) • Mathew M (2016-2017) (Finance : ANR)

6. Interactions avec les acteurs socio-économiques Contrats de R&D avec des industriels Fumeron F. « Etude des interactions entre consommation de produits laitiers et polymorphismes des gènes des métabolismes lipidique et adipocytaire sur le risque de syndrome métabolique dans l’étude D.E.S.I.R.» Contrat CNIEL 2011-2013 : 53 820 € Fumeron F. «Analyse lipidomique dans le diabète de type 2 en relation avec la consommation de produits laitiers dans l’étude D.E.S.I.R.» Contrat CNIEL - ARDRM 2015-2016 : 100 000 € Bouby N: Bayer, Otsuka, Sanofi : Confidential Disclosure Agreement (pre-clinical testing without finance) Venteclef N : Servier Pharma ; PhD thesis support 20 000€ (2014) ; Servier Pharma Research Award 180 000 € (2017-2019) Bourses Cifre Riveline JP PhD student on Cifre Air Liquide project (2017-2020) Roussel R PhD student on Cifre Danone Nutricia Research; Water, Hydration and Health Dpt (2015-2018) Contrats Venteclef N.

• European : H2020-ERC Consolidator 2017 • European : Swiss National Funding (joined ANR-PRCI call) • European : European Diabetes Fondation (EFSD) • National : Young investigator award (ANR-JCJC) • National : ANR-DGOS/ANR-IB AngioSafe-T2D (PI) • National : ANR-PRCI PROVIDE (PI) • Local: CORDDIM

Alzaid F. • European : EFSD-Lilly (PI) • National : ANR-PRCI PROVIDE (Partner)

Gautier JF. • National : Fondation de France (clinical co-ordinator) • National : ANR-DGOS/ANR-IB Angiosafe-T2D (clinical co-ordinator) • International : Federation Francophone de Recherches sur le Diabète (clinical co-ordinator)

7. Contrats de recherche financés par des institutions publiques ou caritives Contrats financés par des associations caritatives et des fondations Fumeron F.

• Socièté Francophone du Diabéte (SFD)-Industrie 2015 : 20 000 € Venteclef N.

• Socièté Francophone du Diabéte (SFD) • Fondation Francophone pour la Recherche sur le diabète (FFRD)

Potier L. • ResearchAllocationfromSociétéFrancophoneduDiabète2017• Laureattothecallforproposals« émergence »ofDHU-FIRE2013• BursaryfromSociétéFrancophoneduDiabète2011• BursaryfromSociétéFrançaised’HypertensionArtérielle2011• Laureattoposted’accueilINSERM2011-2013

BoubyN.• European Research Council starting grant "Cardioprevent", 2011-2013: 150 000 euros (partner) • Poste d’accueil INSERM 2012-2013: 100 000 euros • Société Francophone du Diabete 2012: 30 000 euros

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• DHU-Fire 2013 : 15 000 euros • Société Francaise de Néphrologie 2015-2016: 31 200 euros

Roussel R. • SANOFI : 250 000 euros • AMGEN : 35 000 euros • PHRC : 650 000 euros • Société Francophone du Diabète: 100 000 euros

8. Indices de reconnaissance Prix

• La Recherche prize in health and Medicine (2016 ; Alzaid F. Venteclef N.) • Young Researcher Prize, Société Francophone du Diabète (2013; Potier L.) • Spa Foundation Prize (2013 ; Bouby N.) • Nicolas Appert Prize (2012 ; Venteclef N.)

Distinctions • INSERM « Excellence Prize » (2013-2016 ; Venteclef N.) • Paper selected for particularly relevant translational highlights by JCEM. Waeckel L, Potier L, Chollet

C, Taveau C, Bruneval P, Roussel R, Alhenc-Gelas F, Bouby N (2012). Role of Tissue Kallikrein in hyperaldosteronism in the mouse, Endocrinology

• Papers selected for INSERM annual report in 2013 (Toubal et al. JCI 2013), 2015 (Dalmas et al. NatMed 2015) and 2016 (Fan et al. NatMed 2016)

Responsabilités dans des sociétés savantes Fumeron F.

• Member of Société Française de Nutrition • Member of Société Francophone du Diabète • Member of European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

Riveline JP. • General Secretary of Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD)

Gauter JF. • Founder of Fondation Francophone pour la recherche sur le diabète (FFRD) (2012) • General Secretary of the FFRD (2012-ongoing) • BRIDGES executive committee member of the International Diabetes Federation (2011-2013)

ROUSSEL R. • Scientific committee member EFSD-Novo Grants EFSD (2017) • Scientific committee member SFD (2013-2016) • Executive committee member SFD (2013-2016) • Scientific committee member SFEndoc (2014-2017)

Invitations à des congrès à l’étranger, séjours dans des laboratoires étrangers Bouby N.

• 2015: Experimental Biology 2015 • 2017: ERA-EDTA 2017 • 2012: Seminar Clinical Research Center, Lund University, Sweden • 2014: Seminar Departement de Pharmacologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Venteclef N • 2017: ESFD summer school, Oxford IK • 2017: Summer School EGID: Epigeneitcs and diabetes • 2017: 2015: FEBS Summer school, Septses, Greece • 2017: Société Francophone du Diabète, Lille, France. • 2016: Dreyfus’Days: Cochin Institute, Paris, france • 2016: Inflamex Meeting, Florence, Italie • 2016: Cochin Institute, Paris, France • 2016: Nice University, Paris, France • 2015: Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden) • 2015: FEBS Summer school, Septses, Greece • 2015: Nature Conference: 3st congress on Immuno-Metabolism, Creta. • 2014: Journée scientifique sur le Diabète, Berlin, Allemagne. (ITMO congrés Franco-Allemand). • 2014: Société Francophone du Diabète, Paris, France. • 2013: ICAN conference series, Paris, France

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• 2013: Keystone Symposia Adipose tissue biology and diabetes, Keystone, Colorado, USA • 2013: Association Francaise d'étude et de recherche sur l'obésité (AFERO), Paris, France. • 2013: Cold Spring Harbor meeting: Nucelar Receptor biology, New York, USA • 2013: Benzon Symposium, August, Copenhagen, Danemark. • 2013: Université Lille 1 et Institut Pasteur (Lille, France) • 2013: Université Aix-Marseille, (Marseille France) • 2012: Roche Pharma (Boulogne, France) • 2012: Kenedy Institute (London, UK).

Alzaid F. • 2017: ESFD summer school, Oxford IK • 2013: University of Westminster (London, UK)

Fumeron F. • 2016: 1er Congrès International : Thérapie Complémentaire & Pratiques Innovantes, Journée

Ecogénétique et stress oxydant. Nancy, France • 2016: Journées Francophones de Nutrition; Symposium satellite Cerin. Montpellier, France • 2015: 3ème JOURNÉE DE DIÉTÉTIQUE NSFA/AFDN Nouvelle Société Francophone

d’Athérosclérose/Association Française des Diététiciens Nutritionnistes. Biarritz, France • 2015: Journées Francophones de Nutrition. Marseille, France • 2014: Journées Francophones de Nutrition, SYNDIFRAIS-Symposium Satellite. Brussels, Belgium • 2014: Lipid and Nutrition Group. Paris, France. • 2014: Scietific commitee/ Recherche et Développement de Candia (LAIT) – Sodiaal. Paris, France. • 2013: French Dairy Interbranch Organisation. Paris, France. • 2013: IDF World Dairy Summit. Yokohama, Japan. • 2012: European Genomic Institute for Diabetes. Lille, France.

Roussel R. • 2017: 53rd EASD Annual meeting, Lisbon (Speaker) • 2017: 53rd EASD Annual meeting, Lisbon (Chairman) • 2016: Diabetes Asia, Kuala Lumpur (Plenary Speaker)

Gautier JF. • 2017: European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE), Lisbon, Portugal • 2017: 3rd Africa Diabetes Congress, Yaoundé, Cameroun • 2017: Keyston Symposia (Gender factors affecting metabolic disease), California, USA • 2017: Société Francphone du Diabète, Lille, France • 2016: Société Francphone du Diabète, Paris, France • 2016: 33ème Congrès de la Société Française d’Endocrinologie, Bordeaux, France • 2016: Journée de l’association des surrénales, Paris, France • 2016: NOVAMEDICA, Innovation et diabète, Montpellier, France • 2016: Journées Francophones d’Hépato-gastroentérologie & d’Oncologie Digestive, Paris, France • 2015: Société Francophone du Diabète, Paris, France • 2015: Journée Nicolas Guéritée d’Endocrinologie et Maladies Métaboliques, Paris, France • 2015: Paris NASH Symposium, Paris, France • 2014: 10ème Journées de la Diabétologie Bretonne, Saint-Malo, France • 2014: XIIIème Séminaire niçois d’Endocrinologie, Diabétologie et Reproduction, Nice, France • 2014: European Congress of Endocrinology, Wrocław, Poland • 2014: Société Francophone du Diabète, Paris, France • 2013: 3ème Université d’Automne des Maladies Endocriniennes Rares, Maffliers, France • 2013: Rencontre nationale d’Endocrinologie de Cochin, Paris, France • 2013: FENARDIAM, Lyon, France • 2013: Société Francophone du Diabète, Montpellier, France • 2013: Séminaire d’Endocrinologie Pédiatrique et Développement, Paris, France • 2012: European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Paris, France • 2012: Journées Antillaises de Diabétologie et d’Endocrinologie, Guadeloupe • 2012: 6ème Journée de l’UTIP (Association de Pharmaciens d’officine), Paris, France • 2012: 16ème congrès maghrébin de Médecine Interne, Tlemcen, Algeria • 2012: Actualités Néphrologiques Jean Hamburger, Paris, France • 2012: Société Francophone du Diabète, Nice, France • 2012: Société Francophone du Diabète Paramédicale, Nice, France

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• 2012: 6ème confrontations d’Endocrinologie Diabétologie Para-médicales de l’Ile-de-France, France • 2012: 9ème congrès UCL d’Endocrino-Diabétologie, Brussels, Belgium