verilog descrition hdl vhdl

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  • 8/12/2019 verilog descrition hdl vhdl


    Hdl circuits digital verilog vhdl uvm verification

    Hardware description languages such as Verilog differ from software programming languages becausethey include ways of describing the propagation time and signal strengths (sensitivity). There are twotypes of assignment operators; a blocking assignment (=) and a non!blocking ("=) assignment. Thenon!blocking assignment allows designers to describe a state!machine update without needing to

    declare and use temporary storage variables. #ince these concepts are part of Verilog$s languagesemantics designers could %uickly write descriptions of large circuits in a relatively compact andconcise form. &t the time of Verilog$s introduction ('*) Verilog represented a tremendousproductivity improvement for circuit designers who were already using graphical schematic capturesoftware and specially written software programs to document and simulate electronic circuits.

    The designers of Verilog wanted a language with synta+ similar to the , programming language whichwas already widely used in engineering software development. -ike , Verilog is case!sensitive andhas a basic preprocessor (though less sophisticated than that of / ,0,11). /ts control flowkeywords (if0else for while case etc.) are e%uivalent and its operator precedence is compatible with,. #yntactic differences include2 re%uired bit!widths for variable declarations demarcation ofprocedural blocks (Verilog uses begin0end instead of curly braces 34) and many other minordifferences. Verilog re%uires that variables are given a definite si5e. /n , these si5es are assumed fromthe $type$ of the variable (for instance an integer type may be bits).

    & Verilog design consists of a hierarchy of modules. 6odules encapsulate design hierarchy andcommunicate with other modules through a set of declared input output and bidirectional ports./nternally a module can contain any combination of the following2 net0variable declarations (wire reginteger etc.) concurrent and se%uential statement blocks and instances of other modules (sub!hierarchies). #e%uential statements are placed inside a begin0end block and e+ecuted in se%uential orderwithin the block. However the blocks themselves are e+ecuted concurrently making Verilog a dataflowlanguage.

    Verilog$s concept of $wire$ consists of both signal values (*!state2 7' 8 floating undefined7) andstrengths (strong weak etc.). This system allows abstract modeling of shared signal lines wheremultiple sources drive a common net. 9hen a wire has multiple drivers the wire$s (readable) value isresolved by a function of the source drivers and their strengths.

    & subset of statements in the Verilog language are synthesi5able. Verilog modules that conform to asynthesi5able coding style known as :T- (register!transfer level) can be physically reali5ed bysynthesis software. #ynthesis software algorithmically transforms the (abstract) Verilog source into anetlist a logically e%uivalent description consisting only of elementary logic primitives (& ?&).