verity - december 2012


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Verity Magazine - Dec 2012


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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 2

Trusting God,

You give us freedom within our hearts so that we

may grow in self-acceptance to serve others.

Through this liberty You allow us to embrace the

gift of life and see the good in all your creation,

and so we give thanks.

Grant us the strength to act out of love and not

fear. Instil in us the inner freedom to surpass our

own limitations, to see beyond the narrowness of

self-doubt and personal interest.

In times of hardship, guide us in our quest for

inner freedom and allow us to be who we truly

are. Give us the courage to admit our faults, to

learn from our mistakes and grow in Your

unwavering love.

Through this freedom, grant us the power to stand

up and speak out for the betterment of ourselves,

our school and the wider community. Enable us

to develop a sense of identity that is inwardly free

that fosters the values of Mary Ward in the true

Loreto Spirit.


Freedom prayer written by Loreto Australia Year 12 Captains 2012

2012 Year of Freedom

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Principal’s Message 4

Double Life 6

This Year 10 battles the surf after the

school bell rings

The new faces of the Senate 7

These 10 students are already putting

their mark on the Senate

Our million dollar lifesaver 8

Dr Michelle McIntosh is making a

difference in 3rd world countries

College Council Report 14

Once a Loreto girl… 15

Our College Captains Molly & Taylah

sum up the year gone by

Graduation Mass 16

Anticipated all year by our graduating class,

Father Justin Driscoll writes about this beautiful


Just Briefly: College News 20

2012: Year 7 in review 22

Our Year 7 reporters sum up their

first year at Loreto College

Past Pupils 28

Archives 29

Thank you Ed 30

And you are? 31

It only seems like yesterday that the staff and students were walking through the

gates for the start of Term 1! 2012 has been an action packed year but there is no

time to rest, as 2013 is nearly upon us. Term 1, 2013 brings us the important

International Women’s Day, and with it the ever popular International Women’s

Day Breakfast. To be held at the Ballarat Lodge (Mercure) on March 8, keep an

eye out on our website for more information closer to the event. It isn’t long until

preparations for reunions of the classes of 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003

commence, and we look forward to welcoming these alumni back to the College.

From the team here at Verity and everyone at Loreto College Ballarat, we wish

you a safe and enjoyable holiday season!

What a year!

Editor’s note

Coming from a family of basketballers, it was never expected

that Tayla Hughes would go in a completely different direction.

This beautiful ballerina though is now jetting off to New

Zealand, taking her one step closer to realising her dream of

gracing the world’s biggest stage… more page 24

Contents 24

Cover Picture: Dr Michelle McIntosh with Professor David Morton. Courtesy of Monash University

Photography: Matt Hustwaite, David Torrington. Supplied photos from Sophie Thomas & Tayla Hughes. Photos of Dr Michelle McIntosh courtesy of Monash University

Design: Mud Group Pty Ltd

Contributions to Verity can be sent to Loreto College Development Office 1600 Sturt Street Ballarat VIC 3350 T 03 5329 6100 E [email protected]

Graceful girl...

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 4

As one school year draws to a close

and another awaits just around the

corner, I often ponder if it is possible

for the new year ahead to be as rich,

dynamic, and exhilarating as the

current year. The answer to this

question, as it was for 2012, is always

a resounding ‘yes’! Our school burst

joyfully into life the instant the 2012

school year commenced. It was a

particular delight to see students in

the new uniform.

The challenge to us on each and

every day is to enjoy the moment

but also plan for the moments to

come. A year at Loreto College has

so many glorious moments to

ponder and reflect back upon with a

smile in one’s heart. Some of the

very special moments are those in

which challenges and obstacles

were overcome with courage and

perseverance and a willingness to

accept support and guidance. I

commend all community members

who look back upon such moments

with pride and a sense of a very real


Our current and past pupils have

continued to inspire us through

their effervescent spirit,

commitment and openness to new

people and new opportunities.

Leadership at Loreto College must

always be a leadership imbued with

the gospel values, a leadership

which values each member of our

community, a leadership of service,

hard work and that very special

Loreto sense of fun. Our Senate,

ably lead by College Captains Taylah

Blake and Molly Fisher, and

supported by Year 12 students, have

given good example of this in 2012.

They have turned the most

mundane of tasks into a fun-filled

activity. Their laughter will echo in

the corridors long after they have

graduated. The strong Loreto spirit

of our students across all aspects of

life at Loreto College energised us

all throughout the year! The cheerful

and open manner in which our Year

12 students celebrated the final

week of secondary school classes

was reflective of the approach they

have taken to all aspects of life at

Loreto College. I have great

confidence in a future in which the

Class of 2012 will be leading, in

smaller and larger settings.

I express a strong commendation to

all members of staff for their

commitment to supporting each

student to be the best she can be. I

pay tribute to Mr Ed Murphy who

retires after 28 years of noteworthy

service at Loreto College. His

significant contribution includes

eight and a half years leadership

and service in the role of Deputy

Principal and one and a half years

generous steadfast service as Acting

Principal. He is highly regarded as a

teacher, inspiring many students to

continue their studies. I extend our

appreciation to all staff who will be

departing Loreto College at the end

of 2012 for their commitment and

dedicated service. I thank Mr Sam

Bell, Miss Bridget Brady, Ms Diana

Burgers, Ms Katie Ferguson, Ms

Renee Fraser, Mrs Felicity Knobel,

‘[Mary Ward’s] most profound understanding of freedom was grounded in her sense of personal relationship with God, her belief that each one of us, in our ordinary experience of life, has access to God’s loving care. … It is an inner freedom, accepting of self, open to others and trusting of life.’

Principal’s Message

Judith Potter

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Ms Marj McKenzie, Ms Leah Moneghetti, Ms Yuka Shichiri, Dr Danielle

Tranquille and Mrs Jennifer Walsh. I thank Mrs Stephanie Mansell for her

contribution to the English Faculty during Term 4 and Mrs Christine Gawne

for her contribution to the Technology and Arts Faculties during this term.

I express particular thanks to Mrs Anna Casey (PA), and the members of the

Leadership Team: Mr Pat O’Shea (Deputy Principal), Mrs Tricia Cosgriff

(Deputy Principal), Mr Jeff Primmer (Business Manager), Mrs Mary Dow (Daily

Organiser), Mr Peter Rix (Director of Faith & Mission) and Mrs Linda

McDonald (Head of Teaching & Learning, Term 3).

This year has seen the heritage cottage inside the front gate transformed into

the Province Archives Centre. Our full school community joined together on

15 October in a Liturgy to celebrate the contribution of the Loreto Sisters to

education in Ballarat and their ongoing journey. The Loreto journey in

Ballarat continues as the Loreto Sisters move to their new home in Webster

Street. We are blessed on a daily basis by the prayers and encouragement of

the Loreto Sisters in Ballarat. I extend the whole-hearted appreciation of our

students and staff to Sr Yvonne Lamerand ibvm (Community Leaders) and

the Loreto Sisters in Ballarat for their steadfast support and encouragement.

Our College Council, led by Mr Shane Carey, has

worked diligently this year, with a key focus on

moving the dream for the Mary’s Mount Centre

closer to a reality. Much has been achieved by the

members of our College Council and members of

the College Council Committees, each of whom

has generously gifted their time and expertise:

Council Review, Development, Finance & Audit

and Property, chaired by Mr Shane Carey, Mrs

Maria Myers AO, Ms Naomi Eddy and Mrs

Geraldine Frantz respectively. The governance of a

secondary school is complex, bringing with it a

range of responsibilities and accountabilities. I

thank Mr Shane Carey for his unstinting service to

Loreto College and considered focus on the finer

details along with the larger picture.

We have much to celebrate of the Loreto Ballarat

2012 story and even more to look forward to in 2013!

“I wish you all … a very happy Christmas and a holy and bright New Year with God’s blessing resting on it, not only for yourselves but for all who are dear to you.”(Loreto Schools of Australia Mission Statement)

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 6

I’ve always loved the

sea. When I was little,

my cousins and I used

to be in the water all

the time and now you

can’t keep me out of it!

I’m not sure exactly

what it is about the

sea, it is just the way

it’s always been.

Both my brother and I

compete, he is an iron

man in under 19’s and I

am an iron woman in

under 17’s. We have a

house down at Torquay

that we spend a lot of

time at, which got us

exposed to the sport.

Dad was a big

influence as well; he

was an Olympic

kayaker at the Seoul


He doesn’t compete

anymore, but he

coaches and does

Masters about once a

year. My P.E. teacher

Ms. Baird says my

family has “serious


You can start out in the

sport as a 7 year old in

nippers and you

compete in your first

competition that same

year, although it is

more running races

than proper swimming.

It is at under 12’s when

it begins to be more

about competition.

Now in under 17’s it is

a bit more serious and

I have to train harder

since I have more

opportunities to race.

I’ve won the state

championship for my

age division for the

past three years. It’s

pretty cool to do so

well. You get to

compete at different

beaches each year too,

the first state

championship I won

for example was at

Lakes Entrance. It was

really nice to receive

the junior

encouragement award

from the Sportsmen’s

Association of

Australia recently,

especially because it

was my teachers who

nominated me. We get

so much support at


Winter is horrible.

Because of the cold

and other

commitments, I don’t

get to the beach as

often as I would during

summer. It’s a bit

unusual to be an iron

woman and not live on

the coast, but I train 3

days a week in the

pool, and in the lead

up to the state titles I

will be out on Lake

Wendouree practicing

my boarding.

I also play netball and

swim competitively,

but they don’t compare

to iron woman. I guess

because it’s something

different, it beats

swimming up and

down a pool following

a black line! The social

scene is great and

laidback too. Because

it’s not the biggest

sport all the different

clubs are pretty close.

My aim is to compete

at nationals and the

Nutri-Grain series. The

athletes at these

events are

inspirational; they are

so down to Earth and

on our level. They are

not big-headed at all!

There’s also a really

good Marine Biology

course in Warnambool

that I would like to

study. I guess you’ll

never keep me away

from the sea!

... in the lead up to the state titles I will be out on Lake Wendouree practicing my boarding.

Double LifeWhat happens after the school bell rings?By Sophie Thomas (Yr 10)

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The new faces of the Senate

Following the Year 11 Leadership Day, 10 new faces took the reins of our student leadership team known as the Senate, and they’re off to a flying start.

They are a diverse

group of students. 10

girls who have different

interests, different

talents and different

friendship groups. Yet

they come together to

form a team, all with

one thing in common.

“I really love Loreto and

wanted to give

something back to it! I

also wanted to make

people happy.”

The above comment by

Barry Senator Pip

Griffin sums up the

sentiments of all of our

new Senate members

for 2013. Led by

College Co-Captains

Aimee O’Brien and

Matilda Seery, the new Senate consists of Kate

Brierley, Eilse Beynon, Penny Compton, Eliza

Danaher, Edwina Frost, Pip Griffin, Jess Kelly and

Ella Pipkorn. This dynamic group of students have

already hit the ground running, with many social

and fundraising events already having occurred.

“We have already organised heaps of exciting

things, like the Melbourne Cup teachers race and

the girls night in for Year 11” says Penelope.

“We wanted to focus on our year level early on to

encourage them to continue to embrace each other,

especially for our last year together” adds Edwina.

2013 is the year of justice for all Loreto Colleges in

Australia, and the girls are already taking the theme

on board with the activities they organise. The girls

night in doubled as a fundraiser for the Cancer

Council, and they plan to broaden their scope for

social justice.

“The Senate was approached by Youth Service

Providers to be guinea pigs in their new survey

program to help provide better facilities, activities

and support for young people in Ballarat and there

were some fabulous ideas being proposed” said Jess.

“We have also been involved in the ‘Assist-A-Sister’

Day to raise money for Loreto families in need,

once again donning our aprons for a traditional

sausage sizzle.”

Another common goal of the Senate is to continue

the efforts of the 2012 team in all areas.

“As our value for 2013 is justice, we feel it is only

necessary that we start within our own community”

said Kate.

If the Senates of previous years are anything go by,

the students of Loreto College are in for quite a ride

in 2013. Aimee wants to bring a smile to everyone’s

face, enjoying the activities and ideas that 2013

brings, and Ella sums up their ambitions by saying

that they all would “like to think we will be able to

unite the school and have fun together throughout

the whole year, making school an enjoyable and

memorable experience.”

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 8

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Our million dollar lifesaver

Class of 1991 graduate Dr Michelle McIntosh is leading ground-breaking research to save female lives in third world countries, and now everyone from Hilary Clinton to Bill Gates is paying attention.

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 10

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“I remember her!” recalls Loreto College science

teacher Graham Thurgood.

“What a lovely, hardworking student. She really

knew what she wanted and chased it. I would love

a class full of students like her!”

That hard worker was Dr Michelle McIntosh, the

Warnambool born, Ballarat bred girl who recently

received a $1 million grant from the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation for ground-breaking

research that will save female lives in third world

countries. But she didn’t always envisage this

career path.

As a Year 9 at Loreto College Ballarat, Michelle

had every intent on becoming a paramedic, a

direction that she had been heading in since

becoming a member of the Ballarat division of

St John Ambulance from age 11. This interest

evolved into career interests in health care.

“When I was growing up I was planning on a

career in health care. This led me to enrol in a

Bachelor of Pharmacy degree at Monash

University” said Michelle.

“When I was in second year at Uni I realised that I

was more interested in a career in the

pharmaceutical industry rather than working as a

more traditional pharmacist in a community or

hospital setting.”

Michelle’s family moved to Ballarat from

Warnambool when Michelle was in grade 3. After

completing primary school at St Thomas More in

the Ballarat suburb of Alfredton, Michelle became

part of the Loreto family.

When I was in second year at Uni I realised that I was more interested in a career in the pharmaceutical industry rather than working as a more traditional pharmacist in a community or hospital setting.

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 12

I loved my time at Loreto College and am extremely grateful for the education and opportunities I received from the school.

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Her academic aptitude was well catered for,

studying chemistry, biology, physics and double

maths during Year 12.

“I loved my time at Loreto College and am

extremely grateful for the education and

opportunities I received from the school. I was

fortunate to be able to serve as the school

vice-captain with Jodie Thompson in 1991” says


Testament to her success during her years at

Loreto College, Michelle was the recipient of the

Constance May Christie Award in her graduating

year. A prestigious award within our community,

Michelle’s win is even more special to her, as it

was the only award presented by the College at

the time.

Following her undergraduate BPharm (Hons)

degree and PhD at Monash University, and a 7

year stint at the University of Kansas in the United

States, Michelle re-joined Monash University as a

Senior Lecturer in 2006, along with another new

researcher, Dr David Morton.

“David and I both joined Monash and his

background was in engineering dry powders for

inhaled delivery” recalls Michelle.

“David and I had been working on a couple of

projects with Dr Richard Prankerd who specialised

in understanding the physicochemical properties

of drug molecules. The three of us were talking

one day about what we could give to a student

from Botswana who wanted to come to Monash

to study his Masters degree. Richard thought

oxytocin would be a good candidate for inhaled

delivery and that was the beginning of the


The project Michelle refers to is Inhaled Oxytocin

PPH. Born from the above mentioned Masters

with the aim of making a dry powder aerosol

containing oxytocin, Michelle and her team

responded to an open call from the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) in 2010 aimed

at improving maternal and neonatal healthcare in

developing countries. Oxytocin is widely used to

rapidly induce a contraction of the uterine muscle

after birth, preventing potentially fatal excessive

bleeding. By developing oxytocin for aerosol

delivery it would remove the need for refrigerated

storage and allow women to inhale the drug

immediately after childbirth, removing barriers in

developing countries.

The first grant they received from the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation was a 2 page

application for Phase I funding of $100,000 in

2010. This was followed by Phase 2 funding of $1

million in November. Inhaled Oxytocin PPH

received more financial support in 2011 from the

Saving Lives at Birth Challenge (SL@B). Through

this challenge, Michelle also met and received

endorsement from the US Secretary of State,

Hillary Clinton.

“It was an honour to meet with the Secretary of

State, Hilary Clinton. It lead to a considerable

amount of publicity for the project and created a

number of opportunities for collaborations with

other researchers in the area and that was


Despite her successes and incredible

achievements so far, Michelle is always looking to

the future.

“I hope that we are able to progress the

development of inhaled oxytocin and have a

product on the market that empowers women in

developing countries to make decisions around

their own healthcare. I hope that I can direct more

of my research efforts into projects aimed at

improving global access to medicines.”

It was an honour to meet with the Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton. It lead to a considerable amount of publicity for the project and created a number of opportunities for collaborations with other researchers in the area and that was invaluable.

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 14

As another year comes to a close, I am pleased to report on what has been a

very exciting and busy time for Loreto College. Many decisions made by

College Council last year have come to fruition in 2012, including the

introduction of our new uniform and the expansion of our Year 7 intake from

five streams of 27 last year to six streams of 26 this year.

I am very happy to report that the Province Archives Centre is ready for

occupation, providing a state-of-the-art facility whilst also providing a

welcoming environment to visitors. Planning for the Mary’s Mount Centre has

come along in leaps and bounds this year. This performing arts complex is

highly anticipated by our entire College community. Many staff have worked

diligently over the course of the year on planning for the design of, and

fundraising for, this project. I thank all who have been involved. We look forward

to engaging our current College community more with this project in 2013.

I wrote in an edition of Verity that the Mary’s Mount Centre development is “a

reinforcement of Loreto Colleges commitment to educate young women for

the 21st century”. I extend our deep appreciation to the Loreto Sisters who

have so generously supported and encouraged us with this project. This is a

strong indicator of their love for all in the Loreto College community and

their commitment to the education it provides to young women. During the

September school holidays, the Loreto Mary’s Mount Community moved to

their new home in nearby Webster Street. The celebration by the full school

community of the contribution of the Loreto Sisters in Ballarat was a very

special and memorable occasion.

Loreto College is a dynamic and multifaceted organisation and I would like

to thank everyone who contributes to managing the many and varied aspects

of running this school. Particularly, I would like to thank my fellow Council

members, the members of our committees (listed below) who do invaluable

work, and finally Ms Judith Potter, her Leadership Team and all of the Loreto

College staff. The dedication and commitment of all of these people allows

our students to be given the opportunity to achieve their best and develop

their sense of self as young women of the 21st century.

College Council Members 2012

Mr Shane Carey (Chair), Mrs Geraldine Frantz

(Vice-Chair), Sr Yvonne Lamerand ibvm,

Mrs Maria Myers AO, Ms Naomi Eddy, Sr Denise

Desmarchelier ibvm, Mr Shane Dodd, Mr Chris

Dunlop, Mrs Trudi Kannourakis, Ms Judith Potter,

Mr Jeff Primmer.

College Council Committee Members 2012

Council Review Committee: Mr Shane Carey

(Chair), Mrs Geraldine Frantz, Sr Yvonne

Lamerand ibvm and Ms Judith Potter.

Development Committee: Mrs Maria Myers

(Chair), Miss Meg Barry (President PPA), Sr Denise

Desmarchelier IBVM, Mrs Trudi Kannourakis,

Ms Jan Stephen, Mrs Jane Valpied, Sr Cynthia

Wright ibvm, Ms Judith Potter, Mr Pat O’Shea

and Ms Kerry Foss.

Finance & Audit Committee: Ms Naomi Eddy

(Chair), Mr Shane Carey, Mr Simon Cornwell,

Sr Denise Desmarchelier IBVM, Mr Paul Elliott,

Mr Stephen McArdle, Mr Matt McCabe, Mrs Cathy

Oakley, Mr Peter O’Connell, Ms Judith Potter,

Mr Jeff Primmer and Ms Julie Pollock.

Property Committee: Mrs Geraldine Frantz

(Chair), Mr Shane Carey, Mr Shane Dodd, Mr Chris

Dunlop, Mrs Carmel Flynn, Sr Yvonne Lamerand

ibvm, Mr Matthew McIntyre, Ms Min Myers,

Ms Judith Potter, Mr Jeff Primmer, Mr Gerard

Viccars and Mrs Tricia Cosgriff.

College CouncilAs a busy year comes to an end, Chair of College Council Shane Carey reflects on the year 2012.Shane Carey with his daughters Caitlyn, Jacquline and wife Yvonne

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How quickly 2012 has passed us by, and what a year

it has been! This year has been a very busy and

exciting year with Senate meetings bursting with

ideas, in order to keep each and every Loreto girl

enthusiastic and keen to get involved and have a

go. The success of the year also meant Senate run

activities raised hundreds of dollars for charity.

Whether it was the Breast Cancer Netball match

against our rivals St. Patrick’s College, or the more

recent Hockey match raising much needed funds for

prostate cancer research, the list goes on and on.

The Senate itself has been the most wonderful

group to work with and together as Co-Captains we

feel truly blessed to have been given the

opportunity to collaborate with them and have so

much fun with such a fantastic group of girls. Our

Senate has gained so much enjoyment from

attending numerous functions and getting to know

both past and upcoming students. We have also

had the opportunity to put our entertainment skills

Once a Loreto girl...

The year has come to an end and so has Molly and Taylah’s time as College Co-Captains. They share their thoughts as they continue on as “Loreto girls”.

By Molly Fisher and Taylah Blake College Co-Captains

to the test for Gonzaga Barry Day and assemblies throughout the year. With the

musical talents of Katherine Kuek, the average BBQ cooking was formed into a

senate sing-a-long!

Our year would not have been possible without our Senate being aided by the

wonderful Mr O’Shea, who never doubted any of our silly ideas, like having a

Year 12 Easter egg hunt in the front gardens with our own Loreto Easter

bunnies. Mr O’Shea’s love for Loreto really means he was our 11th Senate

member. Ms Mandy Carroll, was always there to keep our spirits high, and all of

Year 12 are thankful for her support throughout the year. Matt Hustwaite and

Kerry Foss in the Development Office have also been a very important part of

the Senate team with their assistance in all things advertising! We would also

like to take this chance to thank Ms Judith Potter, because without her Loreto

would not be the school that it is, and as a Senate we would not have been

able to achieve and undertake as much as we have without her ever constant

support and encouragement.

We sign off as Co-Captains this year with a great deal of sadness for leaving this

wonderful school. However, we walk out the front gates for a final time leaving

with memories and friendships that will last forever, because “once a Loreto

girl, always a Loreto girl.”

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 16

Each year the Year 12 Loreto Graduation Mass is

one of the highlights here in the Cathedral. The

Cathedral continues to be a gathering place for

rites of passage, for important life moments and

community celebrations.

Over Term 4 each of the Year 12 students from

Ballarat’s three Catholic Secondary Colleges

graduate from this Cathedral within the context of

the celebration of the Eucharist. Throughout this

past year, in addition to the weekly celebrations of

Sundays and weekdays and the regular rhythm of

births, deaths and marriages there have been more

than the usual run of special events.

Graduation Mass

A night of prayer, reflection and celebration, Graduation Mass is a night that our graduating class anticipate all year. Father Justin Driscoll shares his homily with us.

By Father Justin Driscoll

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For the first time since 1916 we celebrated the

ordination of a Bishop here in this Cathedral, our

new Bishop, Paul Bird CSsR. The Cathedral was

also the place in which Sr Natalie Houlihan was

professed as a member of the Loreto Sisters.

Loreto College Ballarat is one of 140,000 Catholic

schools throughout the world, serving almost 50

million students. These young women graduating

tonight are part of a global Church ministry of

education and evangelisation. But if we are ever

tempted to take such opportunity for granted or

become complacent about the importance of this,

we need only refer to the headline from earlier

this year: Pakistani girl shot over activism in

Swat valley.

At that time, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

praised the young Pakistani girl. “She was

attacked and shot by extremists who don’t want

girls to have an education and don’t want girls to

speak for themselves, and don’t want girls to

become leaders,” she said. The graduating Year

12’s of Loreto College are young women who have

had a wonderful education, can and will speak for

themselves, and these are young women who are

and will be leaders. The late Benizir Bhutto often

stated that she would never have entered politics

or become the first female prime minister of

Pakistan if she had not gone to Jesus and Mary

school in Karachi, from kindergarten through to

high school. One of the key characteristics of the

Catholic education at Loreto that these young

graduates have is service to the common good, a

defining aspect of our Catholic social ethics. All

education is a work of humanization. Good

education enables people to make and keep life

human for themselves and others, or in more

spiritual terms as St Irenaeus said, “to become

more fully alive to the glory of God.” The universal

vision for all Catholic schools is the coming of

God’s reign. Our vision must be God’s vision,

which calls for an education for the realisation of

God’s will of fullness of life for all on earth,

regardless of the path students take home to God.

The education that these young women have

received has taught them about “realistic

optimism,” about their inner goodness and

potential. To say that we are made in the likeness

of our creator affirms the dignity, equality and

value of every person. It means that all people

deserve the highest respect and possess

inalienable rights and responsibilities. You have,

we have, an inner vitality, a soul for learning,

Good education enables people to make and keep life human for themselves and others...

Page 19: Verity - December 2012

creating, and shaping our world and who we

become. You possess an innate capacity that

enables you to know and disposes you to choose

that which is true and that which is good. You are

capable of being partners with God within human

history, of improving, by God’s grace, our own and

other people’s lives, and of working for the

coming of God’s reign in the world.

Because our Catholic view of the world holds a

tremendously positive outlook on life, the world, on

creation and on culture, Loreto education disposes

students to choose life and prepares them to have a

life, as well as make a living. It ought to shape

imaginations to see the potential and possibilities

for themselves and for society, educating them to

pay attention to life and the world around them, to

look at everything with curiosity and appreciation

and then to look through it all as well, ever alert for

“the more than meets the eye.” It is to give a deep

sense of stewardship toward nature, empowering

partnership with God in caring for creation and

enabling it to flourish.

The Loreto education calls to build up community

in both society and Church, teaching a profound

respect for everyone, promoting people’s rights as

neighbours and our responsibilities as

neighbours in ways

which transcend

ethnic and racial

barriers, being open

to the ‘other’, forging

solidarity with all


While constitutive

purpose of all

education is to

promote knowledge –

Edwina Gately

suggests that

education is more

than knowledge and

that it is knowledge

and humility which

lead to wisdom and

that wisdom and love

will lead to

compassion. Humility,

knowledge, wisdom,

love and compassion,

the humanising

endeavour that it is

Catholic education.

For us to be faithful to our mission in Catholic

education, every graduate of a Catholic school

should emerge with a deep commitment to

promoting the quality of life, to justice and

protecting the integrity of creation. If graduates

emerge with social biases and prejudices, then we

have not given them a truly Catholic education

and if we have not given a preferential option for

the poor then we have been unfaithful to our


At its foundation, a Catholic school such as

Loreto is education in faith in God as revealed to

us in Jesus Christ. Plato described the function of

the teacher as ‘turning the soul’ of students

toward the true, the good and the beautiful,

educating students to bring their lives to their

faith and their faith to their lives.

The first reading at Graduation Mass called us to

live lives worthy of our vocations. Your vocation is

found in that place “where your deep gladness

and the world’s deep hunger meet.” As the Class

of 2012 graduate from Loreto College, we pray

that God, who has begun the good work in them,

will bring it to fulfilment!

As the Class of 2012 graduate from Loreto College, we pray that God, who has begun the good work in them, will bring it to fulfilment!

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 20

Order of Australia Association Award Pat O’Shea

Georgia Wren, a Year

10 student, is

committed to social

justice and student

connectedness. It is

these qualities that

earned her the Order of

Australia Association

Student Citizenship

Award, presented to

her by then Mayor of

Ballarat Cr. Mark Harris

on Friday 5 October.

Georgia is a very active

member of the Loreto

College social justice

group, JPIC, where she

has been a key

organiser for several

fundraising activities.

She has ventured to St

Albans to help with

tutoring of Sudanese

students, continuing a

long family connection

with African education.

Georgia’s enthusiasm

and positive approach

to all school activities

makes her a valuable

contributor to her

House committee.

Young scholars Matt Hustwaite

Year 10 students Casie Jones and Lily Corboy

are taking their academic enrichment further in

2013, having been selected for the University

of Melbourne’s Kwong Lee Dow Young

Scholars Program.

The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars program is

an academic enrichment program designed to

support high-achieving Victorian and select New

South Wales and South Australian border school

students in realising their full potential. The

program provides access to events, activities

and resources to give students a head start

into university.

The program was established in 2007 and is

named in honour of eminent scholar, leading

educationalist and former Vice-Chancellor of

the University of Melbourne, Professor Kwong

Lee Dow.

Year 10’s give back to the community Helena Spencer

Our Year 10 students spent the last week of Term

3 giving back to their community and learning

about different aspects of community service.

The girls received visits from St Vincent de Paul,

Caritias Australia and the REACH Foundation,

along with spending the day with Conservation

Volunteers cleaning up Victoria Park.

They also were busy making packs to be

distributed to those in need. The packs have been

made from recycled materials and contain food,

toiletries and handmade gift cards.

Community Service Week concluded with their

sleepout, as the girls put themselves in the

shoes of the homeless. It was a cold and

windy night and the girls found it to be a real

eye-opening experience.

Just BrieflyCatch up on snippets of news from around the College

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Loreto’s sporting stars take the spotlight

Bridget Brady

On 15 October, Loreto held its annual Sport Awards

Night. It is a great chance to recognise those who

have not only excelled in sport but also those who

have actively committed to representing Loreto in

the after school sport program for 2012.

Guest speaker Nick O’Brien of the Essendon

Football Club gave an insight to the girls of what it is

like to be a professional athlete. He also had a clear

message that no matter what your dream is, you

should strive to achieve that. There were many

awards given on the night that recognised

commitment to sport, outstanding achievements in

sport as well as the Year Level Sport Awards. This

year’s recipients were:

Year 7 Sportswoman Award

Isabel Fraser

Year 8 Sportswoman Award

Lucy Wheatland

Year 9 Sportswoman Award

Greta Stevens and Ella Catterson

Year 10 Sportswoman Award

Millie Martin, Steph Mundy and Sophie Thomas

Year 11 Sportswoman Award

Elise Beynon and Annie Poulton

Year 12 Sportswoman Award

Cassie James

Senior Sport Award

Cassie James

Pierre de Coubertin Award

Anna Kelly

It was a fantastic night and it is great to see that

there are so many girls having a go at every possible

sport from netball and rowing to croquet and lawn

bowls. Mrs Megan Poulton is to be commended for

the amount of time and effort she puts into this

co-curricular program. It is evident from 2012 that

next year will be an even bigger and better year for

sport at Loreto.

The Mary’s Mount Centre Appeal

Kerry Foss

Excitement is building for the highly-anticipated

Mary’s Mount Centre. As we move into the final

stages of securing the building permit, we hope to

hear news at some stage in Term 1 of when we

will ‘break ground’.

The Mary’s Mount Centre, with its 500 seat

auditorium, music, drama and dance classrooms

and studios, and a multi-media laboratory, will be

state of the art. It will be a learning environment,

a venue for College events and gatherings, and a

space for creative contemplation and exhibition.

While we are yet to formally launch the Mary’s

Mount Centre Capital Appeal, we have been

overwhelmed by the generosity of many families

and past pupils who have already made

contributions toward this project. We are well on

the way to ensuring that our dream for the Mary’s

Mount Centre is realised.

Parents and past pupils will be invited to attend

functions and information sessions in 2013. For

further information please contact Kerry Foss,

Fundraising and Community Relations Manager

on 0428 743 599 or [email protected]

Art and design on display

Matt Hustwaite

A highlight of the

College year, the VCE

Art Exhibition and

Fashion Parade took

centre stage on Tuesday

16 October. Featuring

works from Art, Studio

Arts and Product

Design & Technology

students, the array of

talents on display were

testament to the quality

of our Arts and

Technology programs.

Beginning with the

launch of the Art

Exhibition, special

guest Ms Shelly Hinton,

the Director of the Post

Office Gallery, joined us

and talked about her

experiences and

observations of the art

world. Artworks on

display ranged from

canvas paintings and

soft drink can animals

to a unique art

installation piece

consisting of delicate

paper birds.

The crowd then moved

down to the hall for the

Fashion Parade, where

the skills of our Design

& Technology and

Studio Arts students

were showcased on the

catwalk. The

imaginations of these

budding designers

must be limitless, as

the outfits included a

dress made of Starburst

lolly wrappers and an

environmental themed

dress complete with its

own water feature!

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 22

Year 7 CampIt was Term 1 and all the new Year 7’s were getting

excited about their first Loreto camp. We got split

up into Ward and Barry and Mornane and

Mulhall. We were all excited and nervous about

meeting new people, even though we knew it

would help us.

At camp the Year 7’s participated in numerous fun

activities that required teamwork and

communication skills to make and meet new

friends!! Some of these activities included

canning, rock climbing, ropes courses, dances,

skipping, treasure hunts and much more!

“It was fun and there was always a lot of time to

make friends” said Madison Venner.

The aim of the camp was to be encouraged to

make new friends and to put us out of our comfort

zone and old friendship groups.

On this camp many students succeeded in

making new friends including those who were

particularly shy.

The teachers were helpful and supportive through

this new time. Overall we had a fantastic camp full

of adventures and lifetime memories.

2012: Year 7 in ReviewOur Year 7 reporters give us the highlights of their first year at Loreto College Ballarat.

Summer uniformThis year at Loreto we have been given a new

uniform. Currently, the Year 7’s have been wearing

and showing off the lovely outfit and the rest of

the school are gradually getting their own

new ones.

The dress is a blue colour with gold stripes

running down it. It is a button-up dress with a

nice collar at the top. We also wear the new,

darker blue jumpers that have our crest

embroidered in gold. The blazers have stayed

mostly the same, but with a touch of gold added.

“The Year 7’s are liking the new uniform as it is

something different to try!”

By Rachael Parrot,

Stephanie Costigan,

Chloe Peeters and

Isabelle Freeman

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Fun subjectsAt Loreto, Year 7’s study two languages – Japanese and French.

After trying both of the languages throughout the year, you have

to choose one to go on with from the following year.

Meg Miller of 7 Blue enjoyed learning Japanese in 2012,

choosing to continue with it in 2013.

“Some find this language easier because of the number

patterns, once you learn the characters you basically know all

the Japanese words” she said.

“Japanese is a great subject to learn. I’ve had a fantastic time

studying Japanese and am choosing to continue on with it next


In Year 7, you also get the chance to participate in Materials

Technology. This is really fun and something that most of us

had not done before. In the one semester we took this subject

we worked towards making a pair of boxer shorts and then a

pencil case.

When second semester begins you finish some subjects and

start new ones. During semester two, 7 Yellow enjoyed doing Art

with Ms Leigh. One of the pieces they completed was a Picasso

face. They did this by drawing a large face with one side happy

and one side sad, using color and triangles to create the effect.

“We really enjoyed doing the Picassos” said Grace Mahar.

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Coming from a family full of basketballers, it was never expected that Tayla

Hughes would go in a completely different direction.

“I started playing basketball at age five, because my family are all about

basketball. I just wasn’t good at it!” laughs Tayla.

Around the same time though, Tayla’s parents put her in ballet classes as

something to keep her occupied, and now from this, a career waiting to begin

has sprung with Tayla being accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance.

Graceful Girl

A ballerina since the age of four, Year 10 student Tayla Hughes has long aspired to be on the stage. She is now one step closer, having been accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance.

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Tayla comes across like any other Year 10 student. She is a little bit quiet,

certainly unassuming and very much one to go with the flow. Beneath this

relaxed exterior though, is a driven and disciplined performer, who dedicates

hours and hours a week to her passion.

An average week for Tayla involves jazz and song & dance classes on Mondays,

with a group practice on Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, Tayla would leave school

at lunchtime to take part in a special extension class run by Melbourne

professionals, running until 8pm. Thursdays is a class for ballet exams, Fridays

is a stretch class and the weekend involves all day classes.

Looking at this near 20 hour schedule, it’s easy to forget that she is also

juggling full time Year 10 studies as well.

“It can be hard” says Taylah.

“Every break I get at ballet I am studying, and if my classes start later I try to fit

as much as I can in after school. Mum and Dad are good; they keep on me

about keeping up to date with my homework.”

The New Zealand School of Dance has a 45 year tradition as an intrinsic part

of the country’s national heritage, established to prepare dancers for the Royal

New Zealand Ballet. Life with this company is full time, with the days of

intensive training commencing at 8:30am and finishing at 5:30pm. At just age

16, Tayla is the youngest member of the company, with many of the other

performers being 18 and up and having completed school. This will make life

somewhat different for her, compared to the average 16 year old.

“I still plan to do school via long distance and I will live in a dorm, but not on

res” explains Tayla.

“I’ll be going over by myself, as my family are staying here in Australia. I’m

really excited to be going over there at the moment, but I think once I get there

it will hit me. I haven’t gone over there yet, my first time will be when I start.“

Since dedicating herself to the competitive side of ballet as she worked

towards a career, Tayla has grown a strong appreciation for family time,

something which can be scarce considering her schedule.

“I don’t really have time for many other interests, my life is all about dance”

she says.

“But I love to spend time with my Dad. We just go for bike rides and walking to

wind down and relax. I like to take advantage of all of the family time I can get.”

Like many ballet aficionados, Tayla has seen countless ballets. Her favourite

ballet is the classic Swan Lake, for its spectacular nature. As for an idol

though, it is a ballerina closer to home that Tayla looks up to.

“Olivia Bell is the principal at the Australian Ballet Company. She is really tall

like me!” says Tayla.

“I’ve never met her though, she actually has just had a baby so she isn’t

dancing at the moment, but when I go to the ballet I enjoy seeing Lucinda

Dunn and Madeline East performing.”

At the rate she is going though, it would seem that it may not be too long

until Tayla is gracing the stages, perhaps with her idol by her side.

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Every break I get at ballet I am studying, and if my classes start later I try to fit as much as I can in after school. Mum and Dad are good; they keep on me about keeping up to date with my homework.

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 28

Doing great things

Stretch out your hand and help the pupils of today become the leaders of tomorrow

Maria Myers OA (1964), Jill Fenwick (1964) and

Jan Stephen (1965) invite all 1950-1979 past pupils of

Loreto Abbey Mary’s Mount, Loreto convent Dawson

Street and Loreto College, Ballarat, to join them in a

celebration of friendship and to hear our Principal,

Ms. Judith Potter, talk briefly about the ‘Mary’s

Mount Centre’.

Past PupilsFrom the Association President

It’s December and the season of farewells and “moving on”. The Liturgy to mark the end of the presence

of a community of the IBVM in Sturt Street was filled with memories and thanksgiving and appreciation.

Our Loreto story enfolds us in the stones and bricks of our beautiful buildings and chapel and in the

living stories and values of a 400 year tradition of the education of women. I spoke to the Year 12 girls as

they were about to move into the future and asked them to look at the sculpture of Mary Ward as she

strides towards the front gate. This intrepid woman carries a backpack. What will be in the Loreto

backpack they will carry throughout their lives? We trust that their backpacks will be crammed with

happy memories of their schooldays, of friendships and the love of learning and that the values of justice

and freedom will be a light burden to sustain them.

Our annual November Mass of Remembrance was attended by a small group as we remembered all

those of the extended Loreto family who have “moved on” to eternal life. We enjoyed a light meal and

were told of the varied activities of the current school community by Ms Potter. I was delighted to

introduce the recipients of our Visual and Performing Arts scholarships, Charlotte Crowley and Anna

Foo, and to “interview” them about their plans for the future. Our older past pupils appreciate this

opportunity to meet and chat with the girls. A recent “tradition” is the signing of Christmas cards to be

sent to the Sisters who have “moved” into aged care facilities.

With December our thoughts turn to the offering and receiving of gifts. Our committee will present the

gift of a lasting floral arrangement for the community dining room of the Sisters’ new residence in

Webster Street and a gift to the new Archives Centre in the former Kindergarten building. Let us

remember that Christmas is not just about boxes and parcels wrapped in colourful paper and ribbons.

Let us share, in friendship, a word, a visit, a telephone call, an email but, above all to share freely the

gifts and talents nurtured during our years at Loreto.

Meg Barry - President

ReunionsIn 2013, the reunion

weekend will be

Saturday May 25 and

Sunday May 26. Every

year we hold First Year

Out, 10, 20, 30, 40 and

50 year reunions. If you

are from the Class of

2012, 2003, 1993, 1983,

1973 or 1963, we would

love to hear from you. It

is important that we

find lost friends to

ensure that each person

receives an invitation. If

you are interested in

helping or just want to

get in touch, please

contact the

Development Office via

email at development@ The

Past Pupils Association

AGM will be held on

Sunday May 26.

Sunday 17 March 2013

From 6.00-8.00 pm

At St Mary’s College,

Swanston St, Parkville

Mark the date in your

diaries, contact your

old friends and arrange

to come together.

Invitations will be sent

out in the New Year.

Page 29: Verity - December 2012

What an exciting year to be at the archives of Loreto College Ballarat!

After the excitement of the Mary Ward quarto-centenary, 135th of Loreto Ballarat

and Australia in 2009 and 2010 I would not have believed that we could have a

more exciting year. But 2012 has been marked with significant milestones.

The first part of the year saw several significant donations made to Loreto

Ballarat. The first of these was the Bell bequest of letters, documents and images

of Loreto 1890s-1920s. This is a remarkable school/family archive which shows

the relationship between one family and the Loreto lifestyle through two


This was followed by the gift of a Nornie Gude portrait to the College. Nornie and

her sister had been students here and their father Walter, Director of Music for

many years. Added to this, there are members of the extended family students

here today.

The third major donation was a well-documented photo album of Mary Martin

Loreto Abbey Ballarat. This album had some wonderful images of Loreto Ballarat

in the 1920s including photos of Lucy Kerley who has herself been a great

benefactor to the College. It has been a blessed year for donations..

In March we had an official farewell to our Bishop, Peter Connors following the

first Mass and Assembly for 2012.

The second half of the year saw a change of pace and the highlights included the

visit from the Schools Special Interest Group from the Victorian Society of

Archivists. This visit in August brought a new appreciation for what we have and

the work we do here at Loreto College Archives. This visit was followed by

another historic event in the departure of the sisters from Loreto Convent Mary’s

Mount and the farewell from all here at the College.

In the meantime we had the building of a new congregational archive and a new

Loreto Province Archive Centre, with the old St Anne’s primary school and

kindergarten restructured as an interpretive and display centre. The new face of

the Archive will now be at the Loreto Province Archive Centre by the front gate.

The state-of-the-art archive offers functional research capability, especially for

staff, past pupils and their families.

In October a new Bishop of Ballarat was installed with Loreto College girls

represented in the choir at the episcopal ordination.

That was 2012 and Christmas is upon us. What can the archive tell us of

Christmas at Loreto Ballarat over the years?

Archives 2012 could easily be described as a dream year for an archivist, as our own Michael Taffe explains.

By Michael Taffe - Loreto College Ballarat Archivist

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Verity Vol. 21 December 2012 Pg 30

First and last, Ed

Murphy is a committed

educator. Just two days

before his retirement he

was still sharing

expertise in professional

development sessions.

Talking to two former

students of Mr Ed

Murphy, who have both

gone on to become

teachers of psychology,

you see their faces light

up. They speak about

how inspiring an

educator he was and

how he enabled them

to believe in themselves

and what they could


It is stories like these,

and the many more

that the hundreds of

students, colleagues

and parents who have

interacted with Ed

have, that justify his

reputation as an

admired and respected


“I taught my first class,

grade six boys, in 1969,

so you could say that I

have been a teacher for

43 years” said Ed in his

speech to the audience

at his farewell.

“In that time you think

that I would have

accumulated trunk-

loads of wisdom, yet as

I finish my career I am

struggling to think of

any pearls that I can

pass on to you, the

younger generation.”

Ed is certainly

understating himself

though, as his career as

an educator has left an

undeniable mark on the

lives of many. It comes

down to one of his key

values as a teacher –

“know why you are

doing the job”. He grew

up in a migrant family

with 3 siblings who he

says had two things

going for them.

Those two things were

parents who believed in

hard work and

education and teachers

who believed in hard

work and education.

“For four decades

my personal mission

has been to give

working class kids the

opportunity of

something better.

That mission gives

my career meaning”

says Ed.

“It was hard work and

education that got all

four of my parent’s kids

to lives of relative ease

and wealth.”

Ed joined Loreto

College in 1985, after

writing a letter to then

Principal Sister

Bernadette Ziesing.

She remembers

receiving the letter in

the middle of the year,

a busy time, but she

also remembers the

response from fellow

Catholic principals

when she mentioned

his letter.

“Don’t let him slip

through your fingers!

The feedback was all

positive” she recalls.

Ed would go on to

become a Deputy

Principal, Head of

House, Year Level

Coordinator and Acting

Principal of 18 months,

amongst many other

responsibilities. He also

leaves a legacy with the

loved Loreto rings, and

our property at

Nowhere Creek. Now,

he is ready to begin a

new phase of life.

“I look forward to the

next stage in my life. I

would like to thank all

those who have made

this stage so enjoyable

and fulfilling” he says.

“I have long thought

that life had only three

stages: childhood,

adolescence and

busy-ness. I am looking

forward to discovering

the fourth….

It will be called peace

and serenity.”

Everyone at Loreto

College Ballarat thanks

you Ed. We salute you!

Thank you EdAfter 28 years of dedicated service we farewell Mr Ed Murphy, an educator who has left an undeniable legacy

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Verity: Give us an overview of the Rowing

Program Nathan.

Nathan Sims: Rowing at Loreto has grown from

strength to strength with 1 in 7 girls at the school

trying out for a spot in the program. We are

fortunate enough to have 25 volunteer coaches

who devote many hours to the program. The boat

shed now has 9 rowing boats, 4 motor boats and

an array of other rowing equipment. The girls from

Years 8 to 12 train both morning and nights in

all conditions.

Verity: Did you have a background in rowing

before taking this position?

Nathan Sims: Before starting at Loreto I rowed

and coached at the secondary school that I

attended and looking back I have just ticked over

15 years of being on the lake.

Verity: How do you approach coaching our crews?

Nathan Sims: I once had a rower that said I was

like a duck on water, everything is calm on the top

however underneath my legs are working at a

great pace. I try and continue this approach

everyday of keeping cool-headed, composed and

professional so as the rowers and coaches can get

on with the job that needs doing.

Verity: As well as

heading up our

Rowing Program, you

are also our Activities

Facilitator. What does

that role entail?

Nathan Sims: This is a

great role that I also

do within the school.

It involves preparing

for and supervising

various camps,

retreats and

excursions. I then

attend these activities

to assist with


Verity: It seems you

are always getting

dobbed in by the girls

for their entertaining

exploits. This year

we’ve seen you dance

at assembly, get

soaked with water

and taking the stage

at the arts festival.

Nathan Sims: Yes Verity, it’s been a busy year and

let’s not forget winning the hobby horse race


Verity: How could we forget! This is certainly

different from a normal workplace, how do you

find this working environment?

Nathan Sims: What’s not to enjoy about working

at Loreto? My role allows me to watch the sun rise

from the lake at 6am and then be inside later in

the day listening to talented young women sing,

dance, play music and laugh. Everyone’s main

focus is centered on the girls getting the most out

of themselves.

Verity: What are you most looking forward to this

rowing season?

Nathan Sims: All I ever ask of the rowers is to try

their best and we will see what happens. Last year

saw us finish one point behind the premiership at

Head of the Lake day and hopefully get that

elusive victory. Apart from this I am looking

forward to seeing the girls develop and learn

some lifelong skills from rowing.

And you are?Get to know members of the Loreto community that you may not be acquainted with yet. This edition, we get to know our Rowing Coordinator Mr. Nathan Sims.

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next edition

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In the April edition of Verity...

• International Women’s Day

• Connecting with alumni

• The year of justice

... and much more !