vernon county censor (viroqua, wis.) 1922-04-19 [p ]comein andlookatour bargain counter...

COME IN and look at our Bargain Counter Everything on this coun- ter is marked down to One-Half Price It will interest you. Come early as these bargains will not last long. We Deliver. Phone No. 119 Anderson Brothers A Boon to Ford Owners We will send you a set of four “Perfect Trans- formers” for your Car, Truck or Tractor for One Dollar You can apply them yourself in five minutes and make your motor run as smoothly as a Twin-Six. You will get more miles out of your gas and oil, stop spark plug and engine trouble, and you will save many times their cost in repairs. We guarantee these transformers to do ev- erything we say or refund your money. We have hundreds of satisfied customers Send for yofcirs today. Only SI.OO for a set of four. La Crosse Transformer Cos. 520 Cass Street - - La Crosse, Wis. II THE thirty years which have passed since the founding of this company have further deepened our determination to make the Marquette sign the accepted symbol of good cement and honest dealing. Marquette Cement Manufacturing Cos. Ibaqactte Building, Chtaf SHORT PERSONALJOTTING —Home spun yarn 26c per skein at M. J. Felix’. —The Bekkedal warehouse closed its season’s run. —Clothing prices are down. Let us show you. Stoll & Groves. —D. A. V. Ingham is here from La- crosse this week on business. —lf you need good wall paper at the right price see O. E. Davis. —Miss Margaret Drinkwine spent Easter with relatives at Sparta. —Lloyd Bekkedal of Westby was in the city last Friday on business. —Webb Mossholder and Ira Stahl- smith were business callers Saturday —Another shipment of new ging- ham dresses just received at M. J. Felix’. —Miss Veazey is receiving a visit from her sister of Chicago Heights, Indiana. —Will and Edd Kromrey are home from school duties to spend their Eas- ter vacation. —Cashier Henry N. Rentz of Bell- ville is paying the old home a few days’ visit. —Miss Mae Worman spent from Friday until Tuesday at her home at Red Mound. —Miss Kate Goodell came last Wed- nesday from Chicago to spend the summer at home. —Judge. Baldwin of LaCrosse was at the Court House on business one day past week. —You can buy a good grade of blue denim overalls at the Farmers Store at SI.OO. —Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis of La Crosse were in the city one day the past week on business. —We always have a fine assortment of trunks, traveling bags and suit cases. * Stoll & Groves. SHORT PERSONAL JOTTING —All kinds of dyes for all goods'at O. E. Davis.’ —Mrs. Branson Potts and children spent Easter in LaCrosse. —Oie Hagen of Irish Ridge spent last Thursday here on business. —B. C. Brown spent several days in LaCrosse last week on business. —John Bergh of Avalanche spent last Friday here transacting business. —Mrs. Bevington spent the week- end with her husband in Minneapolis. —Removal saleof ladies' new spring silk dresses and suits at M. J. Felix'. —Men’s and boys’ suits and gent’s furnishings at greatly reduced prices. —Clarence Fortney came down from LaCrosse to spend Easter at the old home. —Miss Genevieve Truesdaie return- ed to her school duties at Appleton, on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Larson autved here Friday from Westby and spent the day. —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hooverson of Avalanche spent Sunday with rela- tives here. —D. S. Froiland and daughter Liz- zie of Westby, spent last Friday here visiting relatives. —Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. A. Lewis of B’oomingdale, spent last Thursday with relatives here. —Barker’s Prescription is the med- icine for coughs colds an dsore throat. At all drug stores. —Kaynee blouses for boys. They're good and are made up in all colors. Stoll & Groves. —Doris and Valdo Weber are here from River Falls to spend a week with parents and friends. —August Ruud and Sidney Jeffson were here last Friday on business and also called on relatives. —Otto Mossholder and L. H. Morte- rud of Bloomingdale were business callers here last Thursday. —Miss Frances Anderson came from Wisconsin University last Saturday to spend vacation week at home —Mrs. A. C. Morrison spent the East week with her sister, Mrs. Will •eWitt, just south of the city. —Surenson & Thompson are offer- ing a good grade of blue denim over- alls at the extremely low price of sl. —Miss Magdalene Otteson came last Saturday from White Water Nor- mal to spend her vacation with home folks —Alfred Swiggum, Chris Holman, Marcus Hoff and Amund Johnson were in the city from Westby, on business! Monday. —Mrs. W. W. Wigginton spent sev-! eral days with her husband at a La Crosse hospital where he is taking treatment. —Fred Thompson came from River I Falls last Saturday to spend Easter j vacation with relatives and friends in this city. —Charlie and Rey Slack had busi- ness in Westby, Saturday. Charlie has rented his farm near Westby to Hana Quain. —Joe Gund of the firm of Gund- Graham Cos. of Freeport, Illinois, was in the city preparing his machinery for shipment. —Removal sale of ladies and men’s | shoes, oxfords and pumps. Must be ; sold on short notice regardless of cost. M. J. Felix’. —A basket social will be held at the Mason City school, Saturday evening, April 22. Ladies please bring baskets. Ruth Ernest, teacher. —Did you ever use Moore’s Santi- Flat Wall paint? It washes off like new after being smoked up. O. E. Davis has a complete line of it. —Miss Florence Hall left last Sat- urday for Milwaukee where she spent j Sunday with Mildred Henry and from i there returning to her school at Men- i asha. , —We are offering special low prices on our stock of barb wire. Now is , the opportune time to repair your I fences at these low prices. The Farm- ers Store. —Make your new house modern by covering the outside with Killastone The finish that never comet off or needs painting. Sold and guaranteed by C. L. Cos: man Lumber Cos. —J. Harry Bullock left on Tuesday for Minneapolis to attend a meeting of the trustees of the International Christian Bible College, having recent- -1 ly been elected a membr of that board. —lf you need anew roof this spring you owe yourself an investigation of Mule-Hide Slate Kote to be applied right over the old shingles. Let us show it to you. John E. Nuzum & Sons. —Dr. C. D. Mead our genial and ef- ficient osteopath, has added a fine ; piece of equipment to his office—a Mc- Manus table which will be an increas- ed convenience to both himself and the patient. —Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Mollett left Monday for Buffalo, New York, and they intend to look around and probab- ly locate on a farm in New York state. Their many friends in this neighbor- hood greatly regret their departure. —Mrs. Kem Mulholland returned here Saturday after spending six weeks at Kau Sauna. Her husband left for the season's work at Oconomo- woc and Mrs. Mulholland came for a visit with relatives at the old home. —Rose Olsen, Chiropractor, Palm- er School Graduate. Office over Stoll & Groves. Phone 167. ! —Mrs. Albert Mockrud and Mrs. Schee were down from Westby shop- i ping one day the past week. •* —Dr. Wm. M. Trowbridge returned 1 Monday afternoon from a week spent at Chicago attending clinics. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brigt Sovde l of Readstown, a 9 pound baby boy, March 28th, —Luther Morris. —Miss Esther Slack is teaching the second grade while Miss Flo Rogers is at the hospital *t LaCrosse. —Tollef Hetland spent Saturday in Westby on business. His little daugh- ter Charlotte accompanied him. | —We regret to learn that Merchant 'J. P. Vigdnhl is confined to his home ! with an attack of rheumatism. —Frances Anderson returned to j Wisconsin University Tuesday morn- ing after spending Easter at home. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skrede are re- joicing over the arrival of a big baby I girl, at their home one day last week, j —Mrs. H. E. Goldsmith accompan- , ied her son, Francis, to Boscobel, Sat- ! urday, and remained to spend Easter i there. —Miss Helen Kuehn returned to i school duties at West Salem, Tuesday, after visiting a few days with Miss Hanson. —Have you any fences .that need ; repairing ? The Farmers Store is of- j fering their stock of barb wire at very | low prices. —W. W. Wigginton was taken to Grandview hospital at LaCrosse for treatment, Saturday. He is some- what improved. —Mrs. Robert Brewer of Richland Center was the guest at the home of T. M. Brewer and family for several ; days the past week, j —Mrs. R. E. Jones went to LaCrosse last Saturday where she met her hus- j band and spent Easter there, as he was unable to get home. —Mrs. T. B. Potts is in LaCrosse , for a few days owing to the illness of Mr. Potts’ brother James, who at j this writing is very low. —Miss Irene Owen left Monday ! morning for her school at Endeavor, Wisconsin. She spent Easter with relatives and friends here. —Friends were pleased to greet Mrs. Ed. Norris on the street Saturday -—her first trip up town after two months of serious illness. —Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chambers of Tomah came to spend Easter at the parental home of Mrs. Chambers—the Ole L. Olson home north of Viroqua. —The rental of the Roman store building has been placed in our hands It is a commodious room, splendidly located. For particulars, see Smith & Slack. —Misses Vivian and Bernice Faw- cett came up from Milwaukee to spend the Easter holiday with their parents and friends. Vivian returned to her school work last Saturday. Bernice will remain over till next Sunday. —Dr. C. A. Minshail spent last week with his family at Westby. But it really wasn’t from choice. His new insurance work here was calling him, but the whole family including him- self, were laid up with the prevailing malady—flu. —Most of our teachers took advan- tage of Easter and spent the same vis- iting at home. Edna Hanson, Alma Snyder, Grace Dinsdale and Miss Bin- ney went to LaCrosse. Miss Grace Johnstone went to Portage. Miss Wil- son to Muscoda. —Her many friends will rejoice to ; know that Miss Flo Rogers is recover- ing nicely from her operation at the 1 LaCrosse hospital last Wednesday and ;is making satisfactory progress to- : ward recovery. Mrs. Rogers spent ! the week end with her. —Mrs. Anna oiayier and children of DeSoto spent the forg part of the week visiting her father. Veteran J. W. Marshall. Mr. Slayter was en- route from DeSoto with their house- hold goods to the new farm home near Sparta. —Mrs. Elmer Anderson was back for a few days at clerical duties at H. E.. Rogers’ store while Mrs. Welma Thompson was absent from Friday un- til Tuesday. Mrs. Thompson spent Easter Sunday with Miss Alice Rogers in Milwaukee. —Veteran H. Kish of Stoddard dropped in today on his annual visit to renew Censor dues. Mr. Kish came up to have some teeth extracted. He said he tried to wear them out biting cartridges in the Civil war but they had lasted until this time. —Friends gathered at the Brewer home Tuesday evening and helped Miss Avis properly celebrate her 21st birthday. Avis has been confined to her home for five weeks with a dis- tressing knee trouble, and surely ap- preciated the thoughtfulness of her friends. , —Mrs. J. D. Beck came home from Washington to spend the summer. Congressman Joe will come home the Latter part of June. The Censor en- joyed a pleasant visit with Mrs. Beck, in the coarse of which she touched on the awful theatre disaster of a few weeks ago. The original plans of the building had been so changed by the contractors that the catastrophe was directly traceable thereto, she in-. formed us. —Nate Noggle shot, brought in and , presented t o Raymond Spefium a j snowy owl last week. The bird is rare in this locality, Ray knowing of only seven being shot in this locality since 19(17, five of which be corralled, and Will Post getting the other. Noggle’* specimen had a four-foot wing spread Ray says that five Bohemian Wax- J Wings, another rare bird in these —lf you are thinking for that pres- ent for the June bride or the sweet girl graduate, remember that nothing so appeals to the heart of a woman as a carefully selected jewelry article. Our large stock gives you a fine range for selection. Carl C. Coe, jeweler. —Remember in using Mule-Hide Slate Kote over old shingles you not only have complete protection against flying sparks and embers but you re- tain the insulating value of the wood- en shingles and therefore the upper rooms are kept warmer in winter and cooler in summer. John E. Nuzum & Sons. —Miss Beth Morris,one of the grade teachers, came down from Cashton Wednesday and spent until Saturday with Miss Ina Rabbitt. Miss Rabbitt returned on Saturday afternoon to Cashton with Miss Morris, where she remained until Tuesday, meeting her brother Ora on the Milwaukee train and both returned to Wisconsin Uni- versity. —Friends of Mrs. C. N. Oswald, a former resident of Viroqua, now with her daughter at Clifford, North Dako- ta, will be grieved to learn she is fail- ing fast. She suffered a paralytic stroke a year ago, her right side be- ing helpless since. She has had her hearing but has been unable to talk or walk. Has been practically bedfast She is of the advanced age of 83 years. *—Delco Agent C. J. Kuebler is back from the big Delco convention at Day- ton Ohio, where over 1000 dealers of that big com/any assembled to talk shop and get in touch with the latest wrinkles in electrical things. Mr. Kuebier states that the factory ex- perts and laboratory men are fever- ishly working on several fuels and ap- Hem-stitching Picot-Edging Button-Covering Pleating Prompt attention given to mail orders. TRI-STATE PLEATING SHOP LA CROSSE, WIS. Look Your Best This store can help you. Talcum and complexion powders, shampoo creams, tooth powders and pastes, toilet soaps, complexion lotions, toilet waters and , perfumes everything for milady’s toilet. Nervousness,, heart trouble, con- stipation, anemia and impure blood detract from the beauty of millions of women. DR. MILES’ REMEDIES will relieve these conditions. Wtf sell and guarantee them. Whether you need dainty aids to beauty or practical aids to both health and beauty, this place is the place to come. For sale at Dahl’s Drug Store. —When we sell a bill of .material w* also include in the deal every bit of help we can give the buyer whether you buy the lumber for a house or only enough for an end gate for your wagon. Our best, service Is part of the bargain. C- L. Caiman Unbr. Cos. W. T. Pomeroy’s bZ TRADEMARK E Improved Havana Strain This famous seed is gold exci sively in Vi- roqua at THE Farmers Store Surennon A Thompeoa The 1922 Winchester Fishing Contest Is Now Starting Contest open to all. No entrance fees. Winchester repeating rifles for prizes. A handsome prize at the right time. A celebrated Model 94 Winchester high power hunting rifle will be given to each person who makes the largest catch of the following classes of fish: brook trout, rain- bow trout, brown trout, small mouth black bass, large mouth black bass, and for the largest fish of any kind caught with a Winchester fly rod. EASY CONDITIONS Ist—The fish must be caught with either a Winchester rod’ line, reel or bait This does not mean that your complete equipment must be a Winchester but some part of it must be of Winchester manufacture. 2nd—Fish to be entered must be weighed and measured at the SMITH HARDWARE CO. store where a blank will be made out with the necessary details. THE SMITH HARDWARE CO. will offer as a local prize for the first thirty days of the trout fishing season: Ist prize-A Winchester steel rod, for largest trout. , 2nd prize—sl.oo in fishing tackle, 2nd largest trout. These trout must be brought in to be weighed and measured, ■■^rr"Wi'Kjjuse i d. -r~ nr- Drop in and get the full details of this contest. You may win it easy. Smith Hardw. Cos. Another Big Saturday at Sidie’s Meats and Groceries Richelieu Oatmeal, large package .17% No. 2 can Plums .10 Nu 2 can Peas ,08 Fig Cookies .15 Boater Cookies . .2H 5 lb. can Soda Crackers 55 Soup Meat .08 Beef Stew \ .10 Steak .15 These are only a few of our specials Call in and “get next” to the others also John Sidie Meat and Groceries - V iroqua Public Scout Meeting Scout Commissioner Albert C. Bur- gess of LaCrosse will address the peo- ple of Viroqua at the Congregational Church Sunday Evenifij>, April 23rd at 7:30 o’clock He comes here in the interest of the Boy Scout mo\ement of our city. It is hoped that every boy in the city over twelve years of age w ill be present, in addition to the fathers and mothers who are interested in this great move- ment to rear moral and manly sons. This Meeting Is Absolutely Free BRICE sings “I’m An Indian”on anew Victor record of her own, but after the tom-toms die down and the smoke dears away she confesses that she’s after all, a Yidjisher sejuaw. She reverses things on the other side f this hectic record by assuming spin- -terhood a..J decrying in good Brooklyn Yiddish a low-lifer named Nathan, who :■ responsible. “Oh, How I Hate That Fellow Nathan.” , Victor Bloc Label Recoro 45303 CHARLES ELLIOTT HART SHAW Hear this team sing “Carolina Rolling tone"—full of good, catchy, wtll- alended harmony. On the other side Hart sings a tender rbote to motherhood-—'“There's Silver ! Your Hair.” Victor BouWe-Faccd Record 1(18613 Here among the i PRIL VICTOR RECORDS Brown Music Company

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Page 1: Vernon County Censor (Viroqua, Wis.) 1922-04-19 [p ]COMEIN andlookatour Bargain Counter Everythingonthis coun- teris markeddownto One-HalfPrice Itwillinterest you. Come early as these

COME INand look at our

Bargain CounterEverything on this coun-ter is marked down to

One-Half PriceIt will interest you. Comeearly as these bargainswill not last long.

We Deliver. Phone No. 119

Anderson BrothersA Boon to Ford OwnersWe will send you a setof four “Perfect Trans-formers” for your Car, Truck or Tractor for

One DollarYou can apply them yourself in five minutesand make your motor run as smoothly as aTwin-Six.You will get more miles out of your gas andoil, stop spark plug and engine trouble, andyou will save many times their cost in repairs.

We guarantee these transformers to do ev-erything we say orrefund your money.

We have hundreds of satisfied customers

Send for yofcirs today. Only SI.OOfor a set of four.

La Crosse Transformer Cos.520 Cass Street - - La Crosse, Wis.


THEthirty years whichhave passed since the

founding of this companyhave further deepenedour determination tomake the Marquette signthe accepted symbol ofgood cement and honestdealing.Marquette Cement Manufacturing Cos.

Ibaqactte Building, Chtaf

SHORT PERSONALJOTTING—Home spun yarn 26c per skein at

M. J. Felix’.—The Bekkedal warehouse closed

its season’s run.—Clothing prices are down. Let us

show you. Stoll & Groves.—D. A. V. Ingham is here from La-

crosse this week on business.—lf you need good wall paper at

the right price see O. E. Davis.—Miss Margaret Drinkwine spent

Easter with relatives at Sparta.—Lloyd Bekkedal of Westby was

in the city last Friday on business.—Webb Mossholder and Ira Stahl-

smith were business callers Saturday—Another shipment of new ging-

ham dresses just received at M. J.Felix’.

—Miss Veazey is receiving a visitfrom her sister of Chicago Heights,Indiana.

—Will and Edd Kromrey are homefrom school duties to spend their Eas-ter vacation.

—Cashier Henry N. Rentz of Bell-ville is paying the old home a fewdays’ visit.

—Miss Mae Worman spent fromFriday until Tuesday at her home atRed Mound.

—Miss Kate Goodell came last Wed-nesday from Chicago to spend thesummer at home.

—Judge. Baldwin of LaCrosse wasat the Court House on business oneday past week.

—You can buy a good grade ofblue denim overalls at the FarmersStore at SI.OO.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis of LaCrosse were in the city one day thepast week on business.

—We always have a fine assortmentof trunks, traveling bags and suitcases. * Stoll & Groves.

SHORT PERSONAL JOTTING—All kinds of dyes for all goods'at

O. E. Davis.’—Mrs. Branson Potts and children

spent Easter in LaCrosse.—Oie Hagen of Irish Ridge spent

last Thursday here on business.—B. C. Brown spent several days in

LaCrosse last week on business.—John Bergh of Avalanche spent

last Friday here transacting business.—Mrs. Bevington spent the week-

end with her husband in Minneapolis.—Removal saleof ladies' new spring

silk dresses and suits at M. J. Felix'.—Men’s and boys’ suits and gent’s

furnishings at greatly reduced prices.—Clarence Fortney came down from

LaCrosse to spend Easter at the oldhome.

—Miss Genevieve Truesdaie return-ed to her school duties at Appleton, onMonday.

—Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Larson autvedhere Friday from Westby and spentthe day.

—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hooverson ofAvalanche spent Sunday with rela-tives here.

—D. S. Froiland and daughter Liz-zie of Westby, spent last Friday herevisiting relatives.

—Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. A. Lewis ofB’oomingdale, spent last Thursdaywith relatives here.

—Barker’s Prescription is the med-icine for coughs colds an dsore throat.At all drug stores.

—Kaynee blouses for boys. They'regood and are made up in all colors.Stoll & Groves.

—Doris and Valdo Weber are herefrom River Falls to spend a week withparents and friends.

—August Ruud and Sidney Jeffsonwere here last Friday on business andalso called on relatives.

—Otto Mossholder and L. H. Morte-rud of Bloomingdale were businesscallers here last Thursday.

—Miss Frances Anderson came fromWisconsin University last Saturday tospend vacation week at home

—Mrs. A. C. Morrison spent the

East week with her sister, Mrs. Will•eWitt, just south of the city.—Surenson & Thompson are offer-

ing a good grade of blue denim over-alls at the extremely low price of sl.—Miss Magdalene Otteson came

last Saturday from White Water Nor-mal to spend her vacation with homefolks

—Alfred Swiggum, Chris Holman,Marcus Hoff and Amund Johnson werein the city from Westby, on business!Monday.

—Mrs. W. W. Wigginton spent sev-!eral days with her husband at a LaCrosse hospital where he is takingtreatment.

—Fred Thompson came from River IFalls last Saturday to spend Easter jvacation with relatives and friendsin this city.

—Charlie and Rey Slack had busi-ness in Westby, Saturday. Charliehas rented his farm near Westby toHana Quain.

—Joe Gund of the firm of Gund-Graham Cos. of Freeport, Illinois, wasin the city preparing his machineryfor shipment.

—Removal sale of ladies and men’s| shoes, oxfords and pumps. Must be; sold on short notice regardless ofcost. M. J. Felix’.

—A basket social will be held at theMason City school, Saturday evening,April 22. Ladies please bring baskets.Ruth Ernest, teacher.

—Did you ever use Moore’s Santi-Flat Wall paint? It washes off likenew after being smoked up. O. E.Davis has a complete line of it.

—Miss Florence Hall left last Sat-urday for Milwaukee where she spent

j Sunday with Mildred Henry and fromi there returning to her school at Men-

i asha. ,—We are offering special low prices

on our stock of barb wire. Now is, the opportune time to repair yourI fences at these low prices. The Farm-ers Store.

—Make your new house modern bycovering the outside with KillastoneThe finish that never comet off orneeds painting. Sold and guaranteedby C. L. Cos: man Lumber Cos.

—J. Harry Bullock left on Tuesdayfor Minneapolis to attend a meetingof the trustees of the InternationalChristian Bible College, having recent-

-1 ly been elected a membr of that board.—lf you need anew roof this spring

you owe yourself an investigation ofMule-Hide Slate Kote to be appliedright over the old shingles. Let usshow it to you. John E. Nuzum &

Sons.—Dr. C. D. Mead our genial and ef-

ficient osteopath, has added a fine; piece of equipment to his office—a Mc-Manus table which will be an increas-ed convenience to both himself and thepatient.

—Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Mollett leftMonday for Buffalo, New York, andthey intend to look around and probab-ly locate on a farm in New York state.Their many friends in this neighbor-hood greatly regret their departure.

—Mrs. Kem Mulholland returnedhere Saturday after spending sixweeks at Kau Sauna. Her husbandleft for the season's work at Oconomo-woc and Mrs. Mulholland came for avisit with relatives at the old home.

—Rose Olsen, Chiropractor, Palm-er School Graduate. Office over Stoll& Groves. Phone 167.

! —Mrs. Albert Mockrud and Mrs.Schee were down from Westby shop-

i ping one day the past week. •*

—Dr. Wm. M. Trowbridge returned1 Monday afternoon from a week spentat Chicago attending clinics.

—Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brigt Sovdelof Readstown, a 9 pound baby boy,March 28th,—Luther Morris.

—Miss Esther Slack is teaching thesecond grade while Miss Flo Rogersis at the hospital *t LaCrosse.

—Tollef Hetland spent Saturday inWestby on business. His little daugh-ter Charlotte accompanied him.

| —We regret to learn that Merchant'J. P. Vigdnhl is confined to his home! with an attack of rheumatism.

—Frances Anderson returned tojWisconsin University Tuesday morn-ing after spending Easter at home.

| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skrede are re-■ joicing over the arrival of a big babyI girl, at their home one day last week,j —Mrs. H. E. Goldsmith accompan-, ied her son, Francis, to Boscobel, Sat-! urday, and remained to spend Easteri there.

—Miss Helen Kuehn returned toi school duties at West Salem, Tuesday,after visiting a few days with MissHanson.

—Have you any fences .that need; repairing ? The Farmers Store is of-jfering their stock of barb wire at very| low prices.

—W. W. Wigginton was taken toGrandview hospital at LaCrosse fortreatment, Saturday. He is some-what improved.

—Mrs. Robert Brewer of RichlandCenter was the guest at the home ofT. M. Brewer and family for several

; days the past week,j —Mrs. R. E. Jones went to LaCrosselast Saturday where she met her hus-

j band and spent Easter there, as hewas unable to get home.

—Mrs. T. B. Potts is in LaCrosse, for a few days owing to the illnessof Mr. Potts’ brother James, who at

jthis writing is very low.—Miss Irene Owen left Monday

! morning for her school at Endeavor,Wisconsin. She spent Easter withrelatives and friends here.

—Friends were pleased to greetMrs. Ed. Norris on the street Saturday-—her first trip up town after twomonths of serious illness.

—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chambers ofTomah came to spend Easter at theparental home of Mrs. Chambers—theOle L. Olson home north of Viroqua.

—The rental of the Roman storebuilding has been placed in our handsIt is a commodious room, splendidlylocated. For particulars, see Smith& Slack.

—Misses Vivian and Bernice Faw-cett came up from Milwaukee to spendthe Easter holiday with their parentsand friends. Vivian returned to herschool work last Saturday. Bernicewill remain over till next Sunday.

—Dr. C. A. Minshail spent last weekwith his family at Westby. But itreally wasn’t from choice. His newinsurance work here was calling him,but the whole family including him-self, were laid up with the prevailingmalady—flu.

—Most of our teachers took advan-tage of Easter and spent the same vis-iting at home. Edna Hanson, AlmaSnyder, Grace Dinsdale and Miss Bin-ney went to LaCrosse. Miss GraceJohnstone went to Portage. Miss Wil-son to Muscoda.

—Her many friends will rejoice to; know that Miss Flo Rogers is recover-ing nicely from her operation at the

1 LaCrosse hospital last Wednesday and;is making satisfactory progress to-:ward recovery. Mrs. Rogers spent! the week end with her.

—Mrs. Anna oiayier and childrenof DeSoto spent the forg part of theweek visiting her father. Veteran J.W. Marshall. Mr. Slayter was en-route from DeSoto with their house-hold goods to the new farm home nearSparta.

—Mrs. Elmer Anderson was backfor a few days at clerical duties at H.E.. Rogers’ store while Mrs. WelmaThompson was absent from Friday un-til Tuesday. Mrs. Thompson spentEaster Sunday with Miss Alice Rogersin Milwaukee. •

—Veteran H. Kish of Stoddarddropped in today on his annual visitto renew Censor dues. Mr. Kish cameup to have some teeth extracted. Hesaid he tried to wear them out bitingcartridges in the Civil war but theyhad lasted until this time.

—Friends gathered at the Brewerhome Tuesday evening and helpedMiss Avis properly celebrate her 21stbirthday. Avis has been confined toher home for five weeks with a dis-tressing knee trouble, and surely ap-preciated the thoughtfulness of herfriends. ,

—Mrs. J. D. Beck came home fromWashington to spend the summer.Congressman Joe will come home theLatter part of June. The Censor en-joyed a pleasant visit with Mrs. Beck,in the coarse of which she touched onthe awful theatre disaster of a fewweeks ago. The original plans ofthe building had been so changed bythe contractors that the catastrophewas directly traceable thereto, she in-.formed us.

—Nate Noggle shot, brought in and ,presented to Raymond Spefium a jsnowy owl lastweek. The bird is rarein this locality, Ray knowing of onlyseven being shot in this locality since19(17, five of which be corralled, andWill Post getting the other. Noggle’*specimen had a four-foot wing spreadRay says that five Bohemian Wax- JWings, another rare bird in these

—lf you are thinking for that pres-ent for the June bride or the sweetgirl graduate, remember that nothingso appeals to the heart of a womanas a carefully selected jewelry article.Our large stock gives you a fine rangefor selection. Carl C. Coe, jeweler.

—Remember in using Mule-HideSlate Kote over old shingles you notonly have complete protection againstflying sparks and embers but you re-tain the insulating value of the wood-en shingles and therefore the upperrooms are kept warmer in winter andcooler in summer. John E. Nuzum &

Sons.—Miss Beth Morris,one of the grade

teachers, came down from CashtonWednesday and spent until Saturdaywith Miss Ina Rabbitt. Miss Rabbittreturned on Saturday afternoon toCashton with Miss Morris, where sheremained until Tuesday, meeting herbrother Ora on the Milwaukee trainand both returned to Wisconsin Uni-versity.

—Friends of Mrs. C. N. Oswald, aformer resident of Viroqua, now withher daughter at Clifford, North Dako-ta, will be grieved to learn she is fail-ing fast. She suffered a paralyticstroke a year ago, her right side be-ing helpless since. She has had herhearing but has been unable to talkor walk. Has been practically bedfastShe is of the advanced age of 83 years.

*—Delco Agent C. J. Kuebler is backfrom the big Delco convention at Day-ton Ohio, where over 1000 dealers ofthat big com/any assembled to talkshop and get in touch with the latestwrinkles in electrical things. Mr.Kuebier states that the factory ex-perts and laboratory men are fever-ishly working on several fuels and ap-

Hem-stitchingPicot-EdgingButton-CoveringPleatingPrompt attention givento mail orders.


Look YourBestThis store can help you.Talcum and complexionpowders, shampoo creams,tooth powders and pastes,toilet soaps, complexionlotions, toilet waters and

, perfumes everything formilady’s toilet.

Nervousness,, heart trouble, con-stipation, anemia and impureblood detract from the beautyof millions of women.DR. MILES’ REMEDIES

will relieve these conditions.Wtf sell and guaranteethem. Whether you needdainty aids to beauty orpractical aids to both healthand beauty, this place isthe place to come.

For sale at Dahl’s Drug Store.

—When we sell a bill of .materialw* also include in the deal every bitof help we can give the buyer whetheryou buy the lumber for a house oronly enough for an end gate for yourwagon. Our best, service Is part of thebargain. C- L. Caiman Unbr. Cos.

W. T. Pomeroy’s


ImprovedHavana StrainThis famous seed isgold exci sively in Vi-roqua at


Farmers StoreSurennon A Thompeoa

The 1922 WinchesterFishing Contest

Is Now StartingContest open to all. No entrance fees.Winchester repeating rifles for prizes.

A handsome prize at the right time.

A celebrated Model 94 Winchester high power huntingrifle will be given to each person who makes the largestcatch of the following classes of fish: brook trout, rain-bow trout, brown trout, small mouth black bass, largemouth black bass, and for the largest fish of any kindcaught with a Winchester fly rod.

EASY CONDITIONSIst—The fish must be caught with either a Winchester rod’line, reel or bait This does not mean that your completeequipment must be a Winchester but some part of it mustbe of Winchester manufacture.2nd—Fish to be entered must be weighed and measured atthe SMITH HARDWARE CO. store where a blank will bemade out with the necessary details.

THE SMITH HARDWARE CO. will offer as a local prize forthe first thirty days of the trout fishing season:

Ist prize-A Winchester steel rod, for largest trout., 2nd prize—sl.oo in fishing tackle, 2nd largest trout.

These trout must be brought in to be weighed and measured,

■■^rr"Wi'Kjjuseid. -r~— nr- ~

Drop in and get the full details of this contest. You maywin it easy.

Smith Hardw. Cos.

AnotherBig Saturdayat Sidie’s

Meats and GroceriesRichelieu Oatmeal, large package .17%No. 2 can Plums .10Nu 2 can Peas ,08Fig Cookies .15Boater Cookies . .2H5 lb. can Soda Crackers 55Soup Meat .08Beef Stew \ .10Steak .15These are only a few of our specialsCall in and “get next” to the others also

John SidieMeat and Groceries -

- V iroqua

Public Scout MeetingScout Commissioner Albert C. Bur-gess of LaCrosse will address the peo-ple of Viroqua at the

Congregational ChurchSunday Evenifij>, April 23rd

at 7:30 o’clockHe comes here in the interest of theBoy Scout mo\ement of our city. Itis hoped that every boy in the city overtwelve years of age w ill be present, inaddition to the fathers and motherswho are interested in this great move-ment to rear moral and manly sons.

This Meeting Is Absolutely Free

BRICEsings “I’m An Indian”onanew Victor record of her own, but afterthe tom-toms die down and the smokedears away she confesses that she’s afterall, a Yidjisher sejuaw.

She reverses things on the other sidef this hectic record by assuming spin-

-terhood a..J decrying in good BrooklynYiddish a low-lifer named Nathan, who

:■ responsible. “Oh, How I Hate ThatFellow Nathan.” ,

Victor Bloc Label Recoro 45303


Hear this team sing “Carolina Rollingtone"—full of good, catchy, wtll-

alended harmony.On the other side Hart sings a tender

rbote to motherhood-—'“There's Silver! Your Hair.”

Victor BouWe-Faccd Record 1(18613


Brown MusicCompany