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College of William and Mary July 14, 2005

Banner INB Invoice Training

SCT Banner Version 6

Summer 2005

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Banner INB Invoice Training

This manual has separate sections for a Direct Pay Invoice (no Purchase Order) and for a Regular Payment Invoice (associated with a Purchase Order). Please see the table of contents below. Horizontal Toolbar.......................................................................................................................... 3 Using Keystrokes for Data Entry.................................................................................................... 4 Searches and Queries Information:................................................................................................. 5

Tips and Tricks ........................................................................................................................... 5 Performing Searches ................................................................................................................... 5 Search –FOAIDEN ..................................................................................................................... 5 Search by Name .......................................................................................................................... 6 ID and Name Extended Search ................................................................................................... 7

Direct Pay Invoice QuickFlow - IPMT........................................................................................... 9 1. Search with FOAIDEN......................................................................................................... 10 2. FAAINVE - Invoice/Credit Memo ....................................................................................... 12

Regular Payment Invoice.............................................................................................................. 12 FOATEXT ................................................................................................................................ 14

FOIDOCH – Tracking a Document.............................................................................................. 22 FAIINVL - How to locate open, paid, suspense, or on hold invoices .......................................... 24 FGIDOCR - How to retrieve documents ..................................................................................... 25 FAIVNDH – How to see details of payments made to vendors ................................................... 25 Support.......................................................................................................................................... 26

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Save (F10)

Saves all changes made in a form since the last time you saved. Banner also refers to save as Commit in some messages.

Rollback (Shift-F7) Clears all information and returns you to the Key Block of a form.

Select (Shift-F3)

Enters the highlighted value into the current field of the form you are working from. List of Values uses OK as the select.

Insert Record (F6) Inserts a new blank record into a group of existing records.

Delete Record (Shift-F6)

Removes all information for a record. When you Save, the record will be deleted from the database.

Enter Query (F7)

Puts the form into query mode and lets you enter search criteria to see what information is already in the database.

Execute Query (F8)

In query mode, searches the database and displays any records that match the search criteria.

Cancel Query (Ctrl-Q) Cancels a query and takes a form out of query mode.

Previous Record (Shift-Up Arrow)

Moves the cursor to the first enterable field in the record before the current record.

Next Record (Shift-Down Arrow)

Moves the cursor to the first enterable field in the next record. If the cursor is at the last record, a new record is created.

Previous Block (Ctrl-PgUp) Moves the cursor to the previous information block in a form.

Next Block (Ctrl-PgDn)

Moves the cursor to the next information block in a form. If the next block is in another window of the form, that window will be opened.

Print (Shift-F8)

Captures the active screen (only what you can see) and prints it to your local printer.

Bookshelf This documentation contains general information for the Banner system.

Online Help Displays the Online Help window for the current form.

Exit (Ctrl-Q)

In a menu, the Exit command takes you out of Banner. In a form, the Exit command takes you out of the form. In query mode, the Exit command cancels the query.

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SEARCHES AND QUERIES INFORMATION: Regardless of responsibilities, most users will, at some point, perform a search or query within Banner. For any field where a search may be performed there will be a magnifying glass button next to it. Clicking this button will open a query window to allow specific search criteria to be entered.

After entering the search criteria, pressing F8 (or clicking the Execute Query butresults matching the search criteria.

An example of the type of search that might be done is a person or non-person (compaexisting records, it is important to be sure you have found the correct one before requeresponsibility is to find a record using all available search methods. Understanding proalso critical for anyone who simply views information in Banner.

Tips and Tricks

Wildcards can help when you are unsure how to spell a word. The percent sused at the beginning, middle, or end of a word and can represent any characharacters.

The underscore ( _ ) represents one character but can be used multiple times Under the Options Menu, Soundex is a good tool to use to make sure that yo

a duplicate record. After entering a query, click on Search Using Sounds Lmenu. This will bring up a dialog box that will ask you to enter the first namBanner will then search for names similar to the one you have entered. Thishelpful in situations where you are not sure how a name is spelled.

An area that creates a lot of duplicate records is foreign names. Always do afor foreign names, using what you think is the last name as both the last namname in two separate searches (this step should also be used with people whthat is also a common first name).

Above all, don't rush. The extra time you take at the beginning will be well difficult to force yourself to perform the searches and querying necessary wof work that needs to be done, but patience now means a lot less hassle later

Performing Searches Each entity, person or non-person, will be assigned a system-generated William and Mbe used instead of the social security number or FIN. This ID will always begin with thThere are two ways to do a name search, either through a query form such as FOAIDEID and Name Extended Search. Search –FOAIDEN The Person Identification Form is a query form that will search the database forcriteria that you enter. You are in query mode when this form opens.

• You can access the Person Identification Form (FOAIDEN) by clicking on tGlass Icon in the Key Block and click on either Person or Non-Person Seayour choice, either the FOIIDEN or the FOICOMP form will open respect

College of William and Mary July 14, 2005

ton) will return any

ny) search. For sting updates. Your per searching is

ign (%) can be cter or a set of

. u are not entering ike on the options e and last name.

is especially

t least two searches e AND the first o have a last name

worth it. It can be hen you have a pile .

ary ID which will e numerals 93. N or through the

matches to

he Magnifying rch. Depending on ively. (see next)

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When running a search in Banner, there are a few important things to remembeentered using title- or proper case format (first letter uppercase, all others lowermuch of the name as possible, but be careful of punctuation and case sensitivity

Search by Name Use FOIIDEN for a person name search. Use FOICOMP for a company name 1. On FOIIDEN, enter the person’s last name in the Last Name field,

Name field, enter the person’s first name, or enter the first name inthe percent wildcard (%). (example: John or J%)

2. OR, on FOICOMP, enter the company name in the Name field.

3. Use the function Execute Query (F8 or ) command to begin the

College of William and Mary July 14, 2005

Step 1

Step 2

r. ca.





Step 3

Names are se). Use as


en in the First ial followed by


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Possible Search Results next:

Single Match: Double-clicking in the ID field will automatically take you back to your application form and populate the Key Block with the selected person.

Multiple Matches: Check to be sure you are selecting the correct person by verifying other identifying information such as middle name or birth date. Banner will display previous names and IDs in search results. These records are identified with an indicator in the Chg field. Do not select a person with an indicator in the Chg field.

• A name change would be indicated by an N in the Chg field. • An ID number change would be indicated by an I in the Chg field.

4. Double click on the ID number of the desired record to select the vendor and return

the information to the FOAIDEN form.

5. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn) to move to the Current Identification Block

6. Click on Options in the Menu bar and click Address Information to view the address record(s) for that vendor.

7. In the Address Information block, use the function next Record ( or Down Arrow) to scroll through the vendor’s address records.

ID and Name Extended Search An extended search can be performed from any name field. The steps are simple and you may use other fields, including birth date or address information to query on.

• From the ID field in the Key Block, Navigate to the name query field. • Enter last name, a comma and then the first name or the Company name. If you only

enter the last name then all records with that last name will be returned, and the query will take longer to run.

• Press Enter or Tab to execute the query.

The Name Query Field

Possible Search Results using the name field: No Match: the Auto Hint line will display the following: *ERROR* Name is Invalid. Single Match: the ID number will appear in the ID field. Multiple Matches: the ID and Name Extended Search form will appear.

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Number of people meeting the search criteria Click to view results


Click Person or Non-Person to refine search


se other criteria o refine the search

In the example pictured, notice that Joyce Valent appears more than once. The firstmost current while the indented record indicates a name or ID change. These are Nrecords.

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Execute extended search

Exit extended search form

lear search to nter new criteria

record is the OT duplicate

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DIRECT PAY INVOICE QUICKFLOW - IPMT • You will use the Invoice/Credit Memo form (FAAINVE) for the payment of direct pay invoices.

o Direct Pay invoices do not have an encumbered purchase order associated with them.

• Send Travel reimbursement vouchers directly to Accounts Payable for auditing and processing. Travel reimbursement vouchers are not to be paid directly by the Departments.

Direct Pay Invoice ONLY – Start HERE. (No Purchase Order)

>>> For Regular Invoices (PO is associated with the Invoice), Go to page 12. A QuickFlow has been created to take you through the forms necessary to create a Direct Pay Invoice record. (QuickFlows open forms in a pre-set order.)

Direct Pay Invoices: Search for the appropriate vendor ID and Address Sequence number prior to starting the Direct Pay Invoice Payment Process.

Log in to Banner. Use the Invoice Payment QuickFlow, IPMT, to start the invoice creates process. There are two different ways that you can begin the QuickFlow process:

1. Double Click on IPMT from your Personal Menu, if you have added the Invoice Payment QuickFlow to your Personal Menu. This will immediately open the first form in the QuickFlow. (Use GUAPMNU to add to your Personal Menu)

2. Or, click the File menu and then click QuickFlow.

This will open the QuickFlow (GUAQFLW) form window.

3. In the QuickFlow window, enter IMPT in the QuickFlow field

4. Click the Start button (or press Enter on your keyboard).

The QuickFlow will open FOAIDEN, the first form in the Invoice QuickFlow. When you exit this form, the second form in the QuickFlow, FAAINVE, will open automatically for you.

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Search with FOAIDEN The Person Identification Form is a query form that will search the database for matches to criteria that you enter. You are in query mode when this form displays.

• Click on the search icon and click on either Person or Non-Person Search.

Depending on your choice, either the FOIIDEN or the FOICOMP form will open respectively. (Described in detail on page 4).


Names are entered using title- or proper case format (ex: McDonald, St James).name as possible, but be careful of punctuation and case sensitivity. (NO period 1. Search by Name. (Use FOIIDEN for a person search or use FOICOMP for

a. On FOIIDEN, navigate to Last Name and enter the person’s last naName field, enter the person’s first name, or enter the first name inpercent wildcard (%).

b. OR On FOICOMP, navigate to Name and enter the company name

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

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Use as much of the s!)

a company search) me, then in the First itial followed by the


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2. Use the function Execute Query ( or F8) command to begin the search.

3. Double click on the ID 93 number of the desired record to select the vendor and return to the FOAIDEN form. The vendor number you clicked on will be entered in the vendor number field by Banner.

4. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn) to move to the Current Identification Block

5. Click on Options in the Menu bar and click Address Information to view the address record(s) for that vendor, or use the Next Block function until you see the Address Information block.

NOTE: In the Address Information block, be sure to use the function Next Record ( or Down Arrow) to scroll through all of the vendor’s address records!

1. Write down the desired vendor number, address type code, and address sequence number, to enter in the FAAINVE form next in the QuickFlow.

a. Usually the address types you will choose are RM for Remit to or RE for EDI payment vendors.

2. To perform another search, use the function Rollback ( or Shift/F7) then click the Search icon. ( ).

NOTE: If the vendor or vendor address you need is NOT in Banner:

o Notify Accounts Payable by completing the Vendor Payment form. Visit and click the Revised Financial Forms link.

o Complete and print it, or, print it and manually fill in the information.

• Send the completed form to the Accounts Payable office at fax number 757-221-2846.

• Accounts Payable will add the vendor or the additional address to the vendor record from the Vendor Create form that you submitted, confirm the addition and notify you when you can input the invoice into Banner.

3. When you are done searching, use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q ) to close FOAIDEN

4. The Invoice Credit Memo form (FAAIVNE), the next form in the QuickFlow will open..

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FAAINVE - Invoice/Credit Memo The Invoice/Credit Memo form, (FAAINVE), is where you initiate your invoice. Direct Pay Invoice ONLY: Start HERE (Regular start below)

1. On your paper invoice: Manually stamp the Document sequence code assigned to you by

Accounts Payable and a sequential number in the top right corner of the paper invoice 2. In Banner, on the FAAINVE form, click to the Document Field. 3. Enter the same Document number you stamped on your paper invoice in the Document field. 4. Navigate past Multiple and select Direct Pay from the drop down list in the next field. 5. Navigate to the Vendor Number field and enter the correct Vendor number obtained in the


6. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn).

This will open the Invoice/Credit memo Header block. Now proceed to page 13 and go to the section “** For All Invoice/Credit Memo types.”


1. Log in to Banner, o2. Enter your departm3. Navigate past Mult4. Navigate to the Pu

the next field, the v5. Either enter Y in th

from the purchase o6. OR, enter Y in the

7. Use the function N

If a Y is entered for “SelecIf a Y is entered for “Invoi

Voucher #

SCT Banner Version 6 Page 12

pen the FAAINVE form, ent’s sequential Voucher number in the Document field. iple and select Regular from the drop down list in the next field. rchase Order Field and enter the purchase order number. When you tab to endor information should populate into the vendor fields. e Select PO Items box if you are selecting the items that you are paying rder,

Invoice All box if you are paying the complete invoice (all the items).

ext Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn).

t PO”, the Invoice Commodity screen will display as on next the page. ce All” go to **All Invoice/Credit Memo types, skip Commodities.

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For Select PO items option for the Regular Invoice/Credit Memo form, this is the next form after a Next Block. Commodities - Regular Payment Invoice PO Selection Block:

1. Use the function Next Block to navigate to the commodity section of the form. 2. Navigate to the line item you want to pay.

a. Use the function Next Record ( or Down Arrow), click in the Add field on the line items you want to pay.

3. When finished selecting line items, use the function Save ( or F10). 4. The item you selected will disappear from the screen.

5. Use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q) and you will be at the Invoice/Credit Memo form. 6. Proceed below.

** For “ALL” Invoice Types: STOP AND READ before proceeding! Before you proceed with the Invoice/Credit Memo Header, YOU MUST follow the steps below! If the invoice you are paying meets any of the following criteria, you must to go to the DOCUMENT TEXT (FOATEXT) entry screen next and input required data.

• If the invoice needs an account number entered for an EDI payment. • If the invoice requires an enclosure. • If the invoice is a prepayment. • If the invoice is being paid in the months of July and August. • If you need to override the CDS coding. • If the invoice is over $50,000. • If it is a payment to a Foreign Vendor.

To open FOATEXT: Click Options in the Main menu bar and click Document Text (FOATEXT).

This is a free-form text block that W&M uses to capture the necessary additional information for the above situations. See detailed instructions next.

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You must be very specific and accurate in your entry – VERY CRITICAL! If only one of the above apply, put the information on the first line of the text field. If more than one of the above applies, use additional Text lines.

To enter additional Text lines, use the function Next Record ( or Down Arrow) and you will be directed to the next blank line.

Enter ALL ALPHABETIC CODES in UPPER CASE LETTERS only! FOATEXT Document Text Entry Screen for Special Circumstances


1. ENCLOSURE, Line # = 1

a. Enter the single character Enclosure letter code in Text field first linb. If your invoice requires any of the following enclosure codes ,enter th

SINGLE UPPER CASE Alpha character in the first space of the Te X – Enclosure copy of remittance included with check

• (**See NOTE to change the multiple invoice pe I – Check to be picked up by the Athletics Departmen C – Check to be picked up by Cashiers Office A – Check is a salary or travel advance to be picked up H – Check is to be picked up by Payroll Department R – Check is to be picked up by Residence Life F – Foreign Vendor payment.

c. Navigate past the Print field d. Enter a “1” in the Line Number field to identify Enclosure

2. EDI, Line # = 2 • If the invoice you’re paying is an EDI payment:

a. Enter your account number with the vendor, in the Text field first lib. Navigate past the Print field c. Enter a “2” in the Line Number field to identify EDI

3. PREPAYMENT, Line # = 3 • If your invoice is for a prepayment such as a membership or a subscription

a. Enter Y in Text field first line. b. Navigate past the Print field c. Enter a “3” in the Line Number field to identify Prepayment

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Page 14

e. See list below. e xt field per this list: r check next page!)



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4. PRIOR/NEW FY, Line # = 4 • If you’re paying an invoice in the months of July or August, you need to note whether the

expense was a prior (P) fiscal year expense or a next (N) fiscal year expense. a. Place either a P or N in the first space of the Text line. b. Navigate past the Print field c. Enter “4” in the Line Number field.

5. CDS OVERRIDE, Line # = 5 (This is ONLY for reimbursements to William and Mary

Employees and Students.) • If the vendor you are paying is currently on the CDS list and you need to override that coding,

a. Enter the alpha character “O” in the first space of the Text line b. Navigate past the Print field c. Enter “5” in the Line Number field.

Once you have entered all the information needed,

1. Use the function Save ( or F10)

2. Use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q) to return to the Invoice/Credit Memo Header Block and proceed to enter invoice information.


If any invoice requires an "X" code (Enclosure), you must change the multiple invoice per check setting to “(1) Invoice per Check” for that invoice as follows:

On the FAAINVE form: Click Options in the Menu bar

1. Click View Document Indicators

2. Choose (1) Invoice per Check from the drop down list.

3. Click Close.

VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to have the correct Code and Line number entered in the line number field. Be sure to NOT have a blank space as the first entry on any line number. Banner will NOT process the information if a blank space is the first space on the text field. Be sure to change any “X” code invoice to “(1) Invoice per check”!

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Invoice/Credit Memo Header Block: The Invoice Header Block includes information pertaining to your invoice.



1. Do NOT use this field!





1. * Special Note: NEVER use the Credit Memo box. Do NOT key in the Credit Memo information Credit Memo: If the invoice you are entering is a credit memo offsetting another invoice you are paying, you must net the Credit Memo against the invoice amount and note this as an “X” document code as stated on Enclosure Code Line 1 above. Fill in the rest of the screen fields.

2. Invoice Date: NEW: Use the latest of these three:

a. The date the invoice was received or b. The date the goods or services were received or c. The actual date of the invoice

In most cases, either a or b will apply. The Transaction date will default to the current date – do not change this date!

3. Address Code and Seq # fields:

a. Direct Pay: navigate to the Address Code and Seq # field. • If blank, enter the Address Code and Seq # you found on the FOAIDEN search

form. If values are entered, verify they match the information from your search. b. Regular Invoice/Credit Memo:

• If the remittance address you need is not the one listed, click on Search ( ) beside SEQ# and select the correct remittance address on file.

NOTE: If this payment is for an EDI payment to the vendor, be sure to select the address code that references RE – which mean remit to electronically as apposed to RM which is for a mail remittance address. If the vendor is currently set up as an EDI vendor, the default address on the invoice header screen will be RE.

Please see page 14 for additional instructions on paying An EDI vendor– there is an additional screen (Document Text Screen) FOATEXT, that needs to be completed.

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4. Payment Due (DATE): NEW: Navigate to the Payment Due date field. This is when the

invoice is due to be paid. a. The due date will be 21 days (3 calendar weeks) AFTER the invoice date entered in step

2. b. If the date you calculated has passed, use TODAY’S date. Never use a date in the past. c. If paying a utility bill, enter 7 days (1 calendar week) from the date you are processing

the payment.

5. Bank Code: Navigate to Bank Code and enter bank code. (02 for William and Mary – 12 for VIMS, 15 for Endowment).

6. Vendor Inv #: Navigate to and enter the vendor’s invoice number. Remember with Banner – one invoice per Document Number – You cannot pay several invoices with the Same Document Number as you did in FRS.

7. 1099 Tax ID: If the vendor is a 1099 Reportable vendor – a. Navigate to the 1099 Tax ID box and click it to enter a check mark – there should be a

check in this box ONLY if the vendor is 1099 reportable. If a check has defaulted into this box and vendor is NOT 1099 reportable, be sure to uncheck the box by clicking it again.

b. Enter the related 1099 Tax ID number for the vendor.

Leave the rest of the fields as they are. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn). For Regular “Select PO” Item Invoices: proceed to page 18 NOW For a Direct Pay Invoice: proceed to page 19 NOW

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For Regular ”Select PO” Item Invoices ONLY: You will be on the Commodity Information Form.

1. Navigate to the Quantity/Accepted field on the Commodity screen. a. Enter the quantity of the items you are accepting.

2. Navigate to the Final Payment Ind: field and enter “Y” to complete the P.O. or leave blank if not completed.

3. Navigate/TAB through the rest of the fields on this form which will allow the calculated amounts to populate through the form.

4. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn). This will take you to the next screen, the Balancing Completion Block. For Regular ”Select PO” Item Invoices Continue to Invoice Balancing Completion Form on page 21 NOW. (Skip the next two pages)

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For a Direct Pay Invoices ONLY:

You will be o

• Navig• In the


Note: – if thisubscription Financial Re

• Navig• Navig

Use the functnext.

Do not key here

and Mary SCT Banner Version 6 Page 19

n the Invoice Commodity Form to enter descriptive information about your invoice. ate past the first Commodity field. field after Commodity; enter a description of the item that is being paid and Enter the Vendor’s Account number here

This is a free-form text field. (ex: Food for faculty and alumni event)

s is a prepayment invoice, remember to enter the date range of that prepayment (ex. A for a year = description would be 070104-063005). This information is needed for porting.

ate to the Approved Amount field and enter the total amount to be paid. ate past the Net Amount field.

ion Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn) to proceed to the Accounting Distribution Block

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Invoice Accounting Distribution Block (for Direct Pay Invoices ONLY) The Invoice Accounting Distribution block is where you enter the Banner Index and Account information for the funding for the invoice.

Enter the accounting distribution:

1. C field = Chart of Accounts code (W = W&M, V = VIMS, E = Endowment and L = Law Foundation) Your Chart code should default.

2. Navigate/Tab to Index and enter your index number. The Fund, Org and Program should populate into those fields.

3. Navigate/Tab to the Acct field and enter the 6 digit Banner Account. 4. Navigate/Tab through rest of screen. The Bank and Net amount to be paid will default in the

appropriate blocks. If the invoice has split accounting: (one invoice being paid from several indexes or accounts):

1. Enter the accounting information and Amount for the first Index code. a. You may enter P in the % field and then the percent figure (ex: 25 or 50) in the

Accounting Approved field and the amount will be calculated for you, or b. Or, skip the % field and enter the exact dollar amount to charge to the current


2. Use the function Next Record ( or Down Arrow) and a new row of blank fields will appear. 3. Enter the Index, Account and Amount information for the next Index and Account.

a. Use Prev Rec/ Up Arrow to see the previous entry.

After all accounting information is entered, use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn). Proceed to the Balancing Completion Block NEXT.

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Invoice Balancing Completion Form (All invoices) The Balancing Completion Form is the final form you will see.

Verify the amounts paid on this block are correct. Complete the invoice by clicking Complete. The invoice will be forwarded for processing. (If you choose to review at a later time, click In Process. You must go back to the invoice and click Complete in order for the payment to be processed.) Once completed – no changes are allowed. The check will be processed for the information you entered. Be sure to review your information prior to completing the invoice.


If you have a Credit Memo applied to an Invoice, please be sure

to attach the Credit Memo to the correct Invoice!

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FOIDOCH – TRACKING A DOCUMENT Document History Form (FOIDOCH): The Document History form displays the status and history of a document. You can look up your Document Number and find the associated purchase order, invoice and check. Access the FOIDOCH form: Type FOIDOCH in the Direct Access box of the Banner Main menu and pressing the Enter key on the keyboard. To look up a document using the FOIDOCH form, follow these steps:

1. In the Doc Type field, type REQ for requisition, INV for invoice, PO for purchase order.

2. In the Doc Code field, enter the document number or click the Search icon. a. This will open Invoice/Credit Memo List (FAIINVL)

3. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn). The information block will display the retrieved information:

Doc Code Field: Enter the requisition or the invoice number to view the document

Doc Type Field: Type REQ to find a requisition. Type INV to find an invoice. Type PO to find a Purchase Order.

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Tracking a document using FOIDOCH (cont.)

After clicking on the Next Block icon, you will see document numbers corresponding to the number that you entered in the Key Block. William and Mary uses the following documents for purchasing: Next to the document number is a status code. This will indicate the status of the document in the system. Note: To view the list of values for Status online, click on Options on the Menu bar and click View Status Indicators from the list.

Status Code: The Status code indicates the document’s status in the system: A: Approved C: Completed O: Open P: Paid S: Suspended X: Cancelled F: Final Reconciliation V: Void H: Hold T: Tagged Permanently R: Receipt Required

The FOIDOCH Options menu allows you listed on the Document History form. To view details of a document you must:

• Select that document by clicking oo This highlights the documen

• Once you have a document numberdetails of that document for the hig

• The table below shows the Options

of document that you click on.

Document Number: Eight (8) characters in length and begins with an alpha character describing the document type: R: Requisition P: Purchase Order I: Invoice

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to drill down and view the details of the various documents

n the document number on the FOIDOCH form. t number in yellow. selected, use the Options menu to open a form showing the hlighted document number.

Menu selection and resulting information form for each type

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Document Type Highlighted

Options Menu Selection

Resulting Information Form

Requisition Requisition Information FPIREQN

Purchase Order Purchase Order Information FPIPURR

Invoice Invoice Information FAIINVE

Check Check Information FAICHKH

• Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn), in the resulting form to display the retrieved information:

• Use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q) to return to FOIDOCH. Click again to exit to the Main Menu

FAIINVL - HOW TO LOCATE OPEN, PAID, SUSPENSE, OR ON HOLD INVOICES Use FAIINVL to find invoices that cannot be located in FOIDOCH. Locate an open invoice by one or more of these parameters: Invoice, PO#, Credit Memo (Y or N), Complete (Y or N), or Approved (Y or N).

1. Open FAIINVL. 2. Click on the circle field next to the document type you wish to query on (i.e. Open, Paid,

Suspense, Hold).

3. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn) to retrieve data. 4. Use the function Enter Query (F7). 5. Click in the field you want to query on. Enter the chosen parameter(s).

a. NOTE: You cannot query on Vendor b. Example: To query on all incomplete Banner Invoices, click in the COM INDICATOR

FIELD and enter N (no).

6. Use the function Execute Query ( or F8) to view results. 7. Click Document Query under the Options menu, then use the function Next Block to view

document. 8. Click “Exit” to return to FAIINVL. 9. Click Review Commodities under the Options menu to view commodities.

10. Use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q) to return to FAIINVL and again to return to the main menu.

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FGIDOCR - HOW TO RETRIEVE DOCUMENTS FGIDOCR retrieves posted documents only. Use it to query POs, Invoices, JVs, and encumbrances by one or more parameters—index, document #, document type, transaction date, etc.

1. Go to FGIDOCR.

2. In DOCUMENT field, enter document #. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn to retrieve data.

a. NOTE: If cursor stays in the document field, this means the document has not posted.

3. If document # is unknown, click the Search icon to open to FGQDOCN.

• Click in each field you want to query. • Enter chosen parameter(s).

o Example: To query on a posted invoice dated May 16,1997, enter INV in Document Type field and 17-MAY-1997 in Transaction Date field.

• Press Execute Query. Matching documents are listed. • Click in the document number you want. Click “Select” to bring document back

into FGIDOCR. 4. Click Next Block to retrieve data. 5. You can query on different fields in this form, i.e., DOC REF, INDEX, ACCOUNT CODE, etc.

(This can be used for Journal Vouchers that have multiple entries for multiple departments and when you want to find documents pertaining to your department.)

6. To view document text, if any, click Document Text under the Options menu. Click “Exit” to return to FGIDOCR.

7. Click “Exit” to return to the menu.

FAIVNDH – HOW TO SEE DETAILS OF PAYMENTS MADE TO VENDORS Go to FAIVNDH to access the Vendor Detail History Form - This form displays a list of vendor invoices, credit memos, and payment transactions with vendor invoice numbers, for any vendor in the Banner system that includes:

· If, when and how much particular vendor has been paid · If a check has been cut · The number of a check

1. To access the form, key FAIVNDH in the Go box, press Enter 2. Vendor: Enter the Vendor 93 number. If not known, use the function Search ( ).

3. Use the function Next Block ( or Ctrl/PgDn). Scroll through the invoices to find the one you are looking for.

4. Click Options, to view the more details, and choose what you would like to view.

5. To query another vendor, use the function Rollback ( or Shift/F7) and repeat all steps.

6. Use the function Exit ( or Ctrl/Q) to exit this form entirely.

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Access to Banner is restricted to campus users with a legitimate need for information, and appropriate training is required for all users prior to being granted access. By attending Banner Navigation Training, you have completed only part of the process. The Request for Access to Banner form must also be completed in order to identify the areas of Banner for which you need specific access and functional training. This form can be found on the IT website at Supervisors should complete a form for each employee requiring Banner access. Follow the directions on the form for submission. SUPPORT Your first point of contact for questions or problems should be the functional expert in your office. If you do not have one or they are unavailable, you can contact the Banner Assistance Network (BAN) by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 221-2266 (1-BANN). The Banner Assistance Network will operate similar to a help desk, but specifically for Banner and issues related to Banner. It is staffed by the Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) Banner Support Team, a division within Information Technology. Support will be provided in consultation with the functional experts in each administrative area.