viaje a costa brava

Viaje a la Costa Brava 3 al 8 de mayo 2012 Nombre: ________________________ Año: ___________________________ This trip is a fantastic opportunity for you to find out more about Spain and Catalunya and practise some of the Spanish you’ve learnt at school. Try your best to complete all the activities in this booklet and complete some blog entries. That way you will get the most out of your trip! There will be a prize each day for the best answers and prizes from Barcelona at the end for the best booklets overall. ¡Buen viaje!

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Page 1: Viaje a costa brava

Viaje a la Costa Brava3 al 8 de mayo 2012

Nombre: ________________________Año: ___________________________

This trip is a fantastic opportunity for you to find out more about Spain and Catalunya and practise some of the Spanish you’ve learnt at school. Try your best to complete all the activities in this booklet and complete some blog entries. That way you will get the most out of your trip!

There will be a prize each day for the best answers and prizes from Barcelona at the end for the best booklets overall.

¡Buen viaje!


If you get lost or separated from the group you should:

Page 2: Viaje a costa brava

1. Phone the teacher in charge of your group or the school.2. Make your way to the agreed meeting point.3. If you are lost or worried contact the police – phone 112 in an EMERGENCY.

In the event of a major disaster or terrorist incident you must:1. Try to remain calm; some one else may be depending upon you.2. Not go off on your own but try to remain with as many members of the group as

possible.3. Follow the instructions of the police or other officials and answer their questions calmly

& factually.4. Move away from the scene to a known safe location.5. Seek medical help if required.6. If possible make your way to the agreed meeting point.7. Report any missing members of the party to the emergency services.8. Contact the trip leader, school or school contact to explain what has happened and seek

guidance.9. If abroad carry a photocopy of your passport, at all times (24/7).

Emergency Telephone Numbers Trip Leader – S Coubrough 07831 530 527 School contact –Ms Hodson 07527 516 042 Highbury Fields School– 0044 20 7288 1888 in school hours.

Información sobre la estudiante

Nombre: ________________________________

Soy alumna del instituto Highburfields School. Estoy aquí para un viaje escolar.

Highburyfields SchoolHighbury Hill LondonN5 1AR

[email protected]

Número del instituto: 0044 20 7288 1888 o 0044 7527 516 042

Número del líder del grupo: 0034 7831 530 527Mi profesor se llama : ____________________________Su número de teléfono es: ________________________

Where is the Costa Brava?As you can see from the maps on the cover, the Costa Brava is in north east Spain. It is in a region called Catalonia (Cataluña in Spanish, Catalunya in Catalan). Catalonia is one of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions. They speak their own language, Catalan, as well as Spanish (Castellano or Español).

The Catalan people have a long and proud history of independence. It was one of the most important kingdoms in Europe, but became part of Spain in 1486, though it retained its own laws. In 1492, Christopher Columbus met the Spanish kings in Barcelona on his return from his first voyage to America.

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Catalonia played an important part in the industrialisation of Spain in the 19 th century and there was a cultural movement to recover Catalan language and culture after a long period of decay. The famous Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí was also born in 1852.

Barcelona is the second biggest city in Spain after Madrid and throughout history, there has always been a strong rivalry between the two cities. Following the Spanish Civil War (1936- 1939), Spain was ruled by a dictator, General Franco, kept Madrid as the capital and tried to wipe out the Catalan language and culture (as well as other regional languages in Spain), burning whole libraries of books and forbidding people to speak their language or sing their own national anthems.

Franco died in 1975, bringing an end to the dictatorship. The Catalan government was restored and Catalan made the official language, alongside Spanish. In 1992, the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona, which brought international attention to Catalonia and saw a lot of development in the city. Barcelona is now a thriving, modern city, visited by millions of tourists. You can visit museums, take part in water sports, go to the beach, and enjoy the wide range of restaurants. Actividad 1: Match the events to the dates1492

Siglo 19




Actividad 2: fill in the gaps with the words at the bottom.

Barcelona está en el (1) ________ de España. Se habla castellano y (2) __________.Está (3) __________ de Francia.Es la segunda (4) _________ más importante de España.Barcelona tiene un sistema de (5) ________ muy bueno y eficaz. Se puede viajar en tren o en (6)_________ .Barcelona es una ciudad muy (7)__________ y muy cultural.Hay (8)__________ que hacer en Barcelona.El (9)___________ es muy popular en la ciudad en parte a causa de los Juegos Olímpicos del 1992.Hay una gran variedad de (11) ________ donde se puede comer de todo.

metro noreste cerca acuáticos mucho cuidad restaurantes transporte catalán deporte bonita

a) La Guerra Civil en España

b) Los Juegos Olímpicos en Barcelona

c) Cristobal Colón volvió de las Américas

d) Murió el dictador Fracisco Franco

e) Un período de renacimiento en Cataluña y también nació Gaudí.

Page 4: Viaje a costa brava

Actividad 3: while you are in Catalonia, find out:

1)Why April 23rd is important in Catalonia and what happens on that day.

2) What ‘Castellers’ are.

A Catalan Song

Parlo sense vergonya, parlo amb libertat

I per començar, parlo català

Parlo sense vergonya, parlo amb lliberat

I, si m’equivoco, torno a començar!

I speak without shame, I speak freely

And to start I speak Catalan

I speak without shame, I speak freely

And if I make a mistake, I start again

¿Castellano o Catalán?

Catalan is spoken by nearly 7 million people in Catalonia, throughout the Balearic Islands (Menorca, Majorca, Ibiza, Formentera), parts of northern Valencia, as well as Andorra, and an area of southern France called Roussillon. It is also spoken in Sardinia. In schools in Catalonia, pupils have lessons in Catalan and Castellano (Spanish).

Like Spanish, Catalan is a romance language, which means it evolved from Latin, the language of the Romans. Other romance languages are French, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian. It looks like a combination of French and Spanish but it doesn’t sound like either.

When you are in the Costa Brava, you will see signs in both Catalan and Castellano, and you will hear people speaking both languages.

Actividad 4: complete the table (you should know most of the words in Spanish already!)

English Spanish (Castellano) Catalán


How are you?

Very well

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Thank you





Till (also the word for bank)


Actividad 5: Write any new words you learn in either Spanish or Catalan at the end of the booklet

Actividad 6: Imagine what it would be like if you spoke two languages, using both of them each day, and perhaps switching from one to another. What do you think it would be like?

Can you think of any other countries where there are two official languages?

Interview a Spanish-speaking personThis is a great opportunity for you to practise some of the Spanish you’ve learnt at school with some native Spanish speakers.

Remember that a Spanish-speaking person doesn’t necessarily mean someone from Spain! There are lots of people from Central and South America living in Spain, so you can also interview someone from one of those countries.

So who can you ask? Do not approach strangers in the street. You can ask staff in the hotel, or at any of the places we visit, though check with Miss Duggan first.

Remember to pronounce the words correctly so that they understand you!

ñ = ny (e.g. año = an-yo)

ll = y (e.g. llamas = yamas)

j = like an ‘h’ in English (e.g. trabajas = trabahas)

qué is pronounced like the letter ‘k’ in English

Actividad 7¡Hola! Soy estudiante de español. ¿Te importaría si te hiciera unas preguntas?

Page 6: Viaje a costa brava

1) ¿Cómo te llamas? _________________________________________________

2) ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? _________________________________________

3) ¿Dónde vives? ___________________________________________________

4) ¿Vives en una casa o en un piso? ______________________________________

5) ¿En qué trabajas? ________________________________________________

6) ¿Tienes hermanos? _______________________________________________

7) ¿Tienes algún animal en casa? _______________________________________

8) ¿Qué te gusta comer y beber? ______________________________________

¡Muchas gracias por tu ayuda!

Bonus points if you can ask other questions and find out more information, but be polite!

Día 1: Girona

I.E.S Jaume Vicens Vives Actividad 8

What is different about school in Spain? Would you like to go to school in Spain?

City of Girona Actividad 9Match up the monuments to the descriptions.

Les muralles(Wall fortification)

Spectacular stroll along the path running around the ancient walls dating from Charlemagne (9th century a.d.) and early medieval times (14th-15th centuries a.d.) and bordering the historic centre on the east. This is certainly the ideal setting to enjoy spectacular views of the city

Sant Feliu Among the largest and best preserved in Europe, the Call --or Jewish Quarter in Catalan-- integrates the Bonastruc ça Porta center and its surroundings, which have gained the most important architectural and urbanistic interest.

Jewish Quarter Originating in the earliest times of Christianity, a large part of the Romanesque building is still preserved, which was later completed with Gothic naves and structures, and a baroque facade (11th - 17th century a.d.). Eight extraordinary Roman and Paleochristian sepulchres consitute its greatest attraction.

La Catedral Built in different styles (11th - 17th century a.d.), it preserves elements of the first Romanesque building (cloister and tower of Charlemagne), and

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the nave --its most spectacular characteristic-- features with the widest gothic arched span in the world.

Espai Gironès Actividad 10

Hopefully we will visit the Shopping centre ‘Espai Gironès’. Find the names of two shops which we also have in England and three which we don’t.


Día 2: ¡Vamos a Portaventura!

Today we are going to a theme park called Portaventura. It was the first theme park in Spain.

Actividad 11: answer these questions

1) There are five main sections to the park, and one that has just oponed. Write the names of them here:


2) What do you think the theme behind the park is?

3) How do you say these words in Spainsh:

Rollercoaster: ____________________________________________________

Theme park (there are two posibilities): _________________________________

4) What was your favourite ride? Why?

Comer y beber

Hopefully we will get the chance to try some Spanish and Catalan dishes, either in the hotel or when we’re out and about. Try to order food in Spanish if you can, the staff will really appreciate you making an effort¡

Actividad 12: Find out what these dishes are and tick if you try them!Patatas bravasCroquetas

Drinks – useful reminder of names

Quiero … por favorUn zumo de naranjaUn zumo de manzanaRefrescos (e.g. limonada)Té CaféCon lecheUna coca-colaLim

Page 8: Viaje a costa brava

CalamaresPimientos de PadrónGambasHeladoPan con tomatePulpo

Día 3: Mañana Vamos al centro de Barcelona

Today we are going to visit the centre of Barcelona. Unfortunately we will not be able to visit the most famous street, Las Ramblas, as it is not very safe for large groups and there are many pickpockets. But we are going to the port area, where there’s lots to do!

Actividad 13: In the Barri Gòtic and la Boqueria

1)Write down in Spanish some of the different products that you can buy in the market.

2) What are the streets like in the Barri Gòtic?

3) What important buildings are there in the Barri Gòtic?

Día 3: por la tarde¡Vamos a la Sagrada Familia!

This afternoon we are going a very famous and unusual cathedral! It is still not complete! It was designed by a famous Catalan architect called Antoni Gaudí.

Actividad 14 : Gaudí

1) When and where was Gaudí born exactly?

2) What is the name of the movement and period of architecture that Gaudí represented in Catalonia?

3) Name three other buildings or monuments designed by Gaudí in Barcelona

4) What was Gaudí inspired by?

5) When and how did Gaudí die?

Page 9: Viaje a costa brava

Actividad 15: La Sagrada Familia

1) When did work start on the building of the Sagrada Familia?

2) What does ‘Sagrada Familia’ mean?

3) What is the estimated completion date?

4) Who consecrated the Basilica in November 2010?

5) The Church will have three grand façqdes: what are they called? Which two have been completed so far?

6) Gaudí designed 18 spires: twelve to represent the disciples, four to represent the four evangelists (writers of the gospels), one for the Virgin Mary. Who do you think the tallest one represents?

7) How many spires have been completed so far?

Actividad 16: Your views – what did you like about the Sagrada Familia? What did you find interesting or different from other cathedrals and churches you’ve seen?

Actividad final: your thoughts about the trip

Page 10: Viaje a costa brava

What have you learnt? What have you enjoyed?

Would you like to visit the Costa Brava again?

Which places would you like to visit again or which new places would you visit?

Did you practise some Spanish?

How did you feel?

Would you like to visit Spain again?


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Day 2

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Day 3

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Day 4

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