vice-preside-nt liability b. · forcement lor ward and preparing for a rapid advance. unites tbe...

TELEGRAPHIC. Scientific Temperance Instruction SUUUOKS. MISFITS. The Town Talk of Portland has been The Greek bave beau accused ot rank cowardice, and some things do look very cowardly. THE "FOURTEEN GOLD MINES CON SOLIDATED COMPANY" Limited Liability oi Kossland B. C. OFFICERS. . the Circuit Court State et OrtSmJor Linn DepartmeatKo.2. CC Jackson, Plaintiff, vs garah I Moore, Mry I Yarbrooeh. Da vid W Tarbroogb.Howard W Ysrbrooab. .not j i aiDrougu, axiu Lewis larbroagb. leiendnts. To Sarah J Moore, Mary i Yarbrouab. David Vv Yarbroogh, Howard W rb. Pesilr M Yarbrons'h. Ran AT Yarbrocgb.Tbomas J Yarbroogh tad Le wis Yarbroogb, tne oetenoanis a-- a named: - an Ta a. 9 "" "a"l n ran - - IS IHLAr.u ine, STATE OF OREGON: Yon and each of von are hereby required to appear id tbe above en- titled coort on tbe fin da 7 of tbe next regular term thereof , on Monday, tbe 28th dy of Jane, 1897, to answer tbe ccmpUict of the plaintiff above named now on file ia said coort in saiu ana yon ana each of yon are bereby notified that if yon fail to appear and anwer to said com- plaint as hereby required tbe plaintiff will apply to said eonr. for jadgment against yen as prayed it in ni wu oTspuini, towit: For a decree of said coort decUr- - ing plaintiff to be tne owner in tee simple of all tbe following described real proper- ty, towit: Beginning st a poio 32. 72 chain Sa ad 571 J chain SV oi tbe X E eoraer of claim No. 49 in Tp 14, SB4 w of tbe WiiUm ette Meridian, rannirg tbesce S1 ins, tbeoce r4 28 chairs, thence X 7 chains, tbence 4 23 chains, containing 3 acres more or leas, in Linn county. Oregon. A so beginning at a point oe tbe east. boondary line of tbe D L C of 1 boa J Yar brofjgb and wife. Not. No. 2184. eSaim No, 49 in Tp 14 S & 4 w, and claim No. 66 U Tp 14 SB 5 w of Willamette Mer which U 33.72 chain 3 of the NE corner uiH D LL aiKi running tnence w . .. . . - 1 .1 V -- L ( l 01.41 ccao, lorncc a- j4ut, iucbcv w A lfciz rlnim ihmBC S2? decree w 16 A OA rhami thMca east s so coats.! brace S22desreee4 minutes E7 cbatos,tneeee 8 12 degrees 30 minute E 9 70 chain. tbence north 6 decrees 30 m'eates E 13 18 . . . . . . vt -- . a r o &a l 56 detrrees E 12 60 cbarns. tbesce K 87 Ogipi k envoi, icence ua n to E S 30 chain, tbrece S 57 degreea SO minute E 3 16 ebains more or less, to a point doe sou h f tbe place of begin meg, tbeoce ncrin 34-.- - cnaint, awe or let, to tbe pla of beg aavng. Pesdent Col. W. W. D. Turner, president Le Roi Gold Mining Company, Vice-P- n sident Louis Jaffe, Capitalist, Distil- ler, Grower, of Calilornia, owner of B. C. mills, of Rossland, B.O Secretary and 31 ami ger Harry White ex Mayor ot Seattle, Wash. Treasurer E. D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. C consulting Engincers-Messr- s W Brady, Rossland, B. C. Bankets Bank of British North America, Rossland, B. C. 1;M uu ade in xian coenty, And barriag and t aaiog said eVftadama sea of tanas Uorn dust - ar asaftinOt aay right or title ia ot to ascd land, or say part thereof; correcting tae mataH v This company owns the largest and best located group of properties in the famous Rossland and Trail Creek mining district. Its holdings being approxi- mately Five Hundred Acres located about one mile south of the city of Rossland. A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in this company until further notice at ioctper share of PAR value $1.00 each -- stock non-assessab- le. The Company would be pleased to haveall parties who are intending to make investments, to visit Rossland Tne War London, May 12. Up to the present there is no stgn of a revolution or of a def- inite unti-dynas- tic movement at Athens. The people appear to be relieved at the prospect of mediatiun, and will be only too triad In bag nence restored. The powers are 7 -- a - , I '! 4 using tueir muueiico iimmj, w irii. thou an there are some doubts as to whether they will succeed. Tbe reports that hgbting bas occurred today at Domokos and Aimyrosare nit conDrneu. Aalaar f lr'or Errand Washisotoh. May. 11. The prcident tadaj sent out the followeng nomination! to the senate: To be counce's Albion VV . Tow-gee- . of New York, at Bordeaux. France: Sidney B Everett, of Mossucnuselts, at Hulavia, Java Epbraim II. boiocr. receiver oi pumic nionera, at Buffalo, Wyo. Ia the Seaaie. Washington. May, 11. Consideration of Hi Minute amendments to tbe sundry civil appropriation bill was finubed by the bouse today and me iiiu sent to omerence. PmtuWt Cleveland's forest reservation onW was the subject of much debate, and the nouae voted cot to concur in the senate amendment to annul tbe order, with the uuderstandina tbt the conferees should arrange an amendment which would bave the same effect. - A Trans Killed. Sai.ku. Or. May. 11. The south-boun- d Southern Pacific overland train reaching here at 8:30 d. m. run over and killed man here tonigLt. Paper on the dead man's body give bis name as Eli Macray and indicate be has lived in WUta VYalU, The accident took place at exactly the same spot where a man was killed a month bko. lhe body was dragged about 250 ftet, and was liteialiy cut to pieces. fired I n. Chicago, May, II. A special to tl Chronicle from New Orleena avs : lhe steamer Rover, plying between this ft ana pons ot opanwh Hocdurai, was on by a Nicaraguan man-of-w- ar on May ti. while four miles from Puerto Cortex and narrowly escaped beins bit auidnhips TThal a Blander 414 . . T a a iaims. ainy, u me Athens corre ipondent of tbe Daily Chronicle tavi: The real and only cause of tbe Greek re-- ircai to rnanaia was tbe blonder ot one wbo mistook ue retreat of tbe enemy for a forward movement designed to culiUnk tie . . . . . urwti, ana tnereiore ot'iered a baty re- treat Crowe Prince Contantine lert Lariata be cause be believed tbe exaggerated reports of danger to his forces. It is a fact, bowerer. that on the evening of tbe retreat, Edhem Pasha, difpairing of breaking tbe Urtek lines, bad ordered hi army to re! ire to Elatsona. A Bis Owlwai Baekr City Or. May 10. Superinteat Ritqae. of tne Virtue mine, broueht ia a $10,000 erick this morning. A 3sfool kbaft bas been sunk at tbe mine lately, making a total depth of KW feet, and tbe mine is being tyitematkaJlj developed. Will t Marat . Am ess. May, 10. Tbe conditions in. anted upon by Oermany, tbe chief of woicb is I ha. Urejce shall give her formal consent to the principal of aatoonmy for Crete, wiil b accepted Ij (he tirwk jtov- - ernmeni. Ibe nose of tbe powers ba not yet been pretested, but it baa been a. The SltwaUwa Loxdox. May 10. Apart from tbe peace nejrotiatioo. tbe principal feature of tbe situation i that Taney ia preming rein- forcement lor ward and preparing for a rapid advance. Unites tbe power succeed in quietly amngiag a eitiemenl. the I uiwti are likely to aoBer furtber dsvutm. Tbe exact duportion of tbe Grk army is uncertain, but, roughly speaking, the firt line of defeiue extend from Paimtroa to Lmcoo. tne aeeoad follow ibe od iron-tie- r, and tbe third dona at Tbercmpylie. Claa 7 Halted Wsittcrox, May 10 Tbe Morgan Cohan resolution was diiwd at cooid - erabie lengtb in tbe seeate today. forth! erst time ssk the ovule b.,n. tbe or- -, potman sentiment exprevaed itey. Tbe speecbe were not cf a kind to atimolate Ibe raiieruv. be in 17 in Ik csJni nod'" duaaionate review, of toe Nation J ABIaVlrt.rr ! WasatitcTOS. May 10 The JW T.l. J epbone t'ompany ba won tbse brought j (waiiKUiiM lotted btaie to aonj tbe last Berliner patent, fbta decuion baa tbe effect of cootinoieg ibe coolrul of tbe t by tbe Bell Company for 17 years from tbe date of ate iu patent, which was grard ia 11 . . . A tafiaiettc Traaedy. LaratETtK. Or . May 9. A i stabbiog affray ooco'ed about two miles i north of here, 00 the v Ul ureea p'aco. at ! 2 ctlock this wwniog. A neighborhood ; dance was ia progress and tbe if Aran bro- - tbersof Lalayeue. were there Tbey seemed; to be du&mUaged with eterytbmg from i eaily ereoinir onUl lhe dance ended in a i roar. It seems a certain daore was eailo! ' while otbert sraaled a differeet dance. ! Tbn tbe row bryan. ritoU were bragfct w anu anive were oml. Afirr a few blows Will Hill said be era subbed in tbe abdomen, and west orerio where Win Uaraer wa standia aad with treri otb-e- accoaed bira of being the asailan' Uiil's abdomen was cot, the gaUt betoir about two incbe loog. Tb doctcr mi there is vtry little hups ol tbe man recover- ing. Tbe War. Atoeks. Msv, 10. A dwpatcb fnm Domokos, dated today, say tb Turka bave rearbed bkirmetai, and are moving for- ward in considerable force from Pbanala on tbe iomokos Almyro line, with a view of cutting sff General Smote stki. it is at Domokos that tbe Tcrks bave coma into contact with General Ssmoui already. HrwUUna Talk. Athens, May, 0 Ibe correspondent of tbe Aewviated Press learns on tbe very best authority that Ureeie bas made a writ- ten applica'in to the powers tbroagb 'heir npreetatire in Atbecs, with a view of obtaining mediation. AH there retenU-tive- s fcave promiied ta their repiiea to se tbeir best otbees, except tbe German min- uter. Mxieea alive. Nw Yoke, May 9. Tbe Mallory-lm- e steamer Leona, whicb left ber pier on Saturday, bound for Galveston, toot fire at sea, pjt back and arrived in port to- night with aixteen corpses cn board. The dead were 13 steerage passengers and three members of tbe crew who saccouied to a terrible fire. riealy .1 Ms.ry. Londos, May 9. Tbe principal features of last week's market bave bee J an abun- dance of money, and an indication that rates will continue eaay. This may be largely due to the fact that over 250,000 bave been paid into tbe bank of Japan; but the prolbih;y ia that there will be a further fall in tbe bank rate. Tbe lesxen that they may be shown the Company's properties Parties doing so should take the Northern Pacific Rail close connections Ry. Parties desinnc: further infor- - way, as it makes halls cc Northern a. maiion reoraruinef nrOSneCtllC tTinni. mm tne com nan v win - Pff - linntl fl 01"! I imtinn tfl tMP CPT ffTft ffV - 'T -- - ' ""'I' I;' T RoSSlaUd, B. C. riiwnat ToledOjOhio, basjtleven bicycle factor- ies. The present outlook is one for big wheat and fruit crops. An impressionable Paris banker, the owner of immense riches, died of grief on hearing that he lost everything in the world except 100,000 francs. His pauper brother, on inheriting that sum from him, died of joy. Whether true or not the statement ia very suggestive. From the Baltimore American. The fact that Baltimore was able Sat- urday to borrow a half million dollars at 3 per cent, and that with it was an offer of $300,000 more at the eame rate ia an excelent indication of the credit of the citr. Considering everything it may be said to be remarkable, for the rumors of a decreased tax basis and an increased tax rate are not encouraging. Trie Demorat claims there are toJ many people gathering at Baker City, attracted there because of the mining resource'), who can find nothing to give them ' and who must eventually be without tueans of support. The Demo- crat admonishes those with very limited means to stay away from Baser City a? there is no employment for them to ob- tain and little chance for any.. There are ten men there now for every job. From the Astoria Budget. - A Englishman made the remark last night that the Budget was not a fit paper for ablooinin'wite'man to read,and if he met the heditor of tbe.Woeted paper he would punch his blood) 'ead. Bat the editor has no fear of a man who make the habit of punching the'ead of his own wife. John W. Guiteau, brother Presiden. Garfield's connected with one o the big insurance companies of the conn t ry, and lives in Sew York . Mr Guiteau is one of the high priced employes and gets a salary of $S,00O or $10,000 a year. He is a most estimable man, and his friends do not think any the leas of him for his unfortunate connections. From the Post. ? . Senator Forazer strolled across to the deck of Senator Hanna yesterday just atter the taiiS bill had been reportd. "I say, Mark," said he, as the chair man of the Republican National Com. mittee and junior Senator from Ohio looked up, "you told me yanr principal object in wanting to come to the Senate was to see that we got a good tariff bill. Now, don't you think our beer and woo! industries have been hit pretty hard?' Senator Hanna took the question as good joke, bat after awhile he began to wonder if his co'leagoe didn't mean to inftr that he hadn't accomplished so very much after all. 'Vashinzton Letter. From ear regular Correspondent. Washtsgtos, May 3, 1897. Mr McKinley has fully made up bis mind to curtail some of the extensions of the civil service rules made by Mr Cleveland, but he lacks the nerve to do so until public opinion baa been worked up a little on the subject. That is wby members of his cabinet and other prom inent officials are making public their opinions against those rules- - Ot course everybody understands that the rules do not keep ths present democratic oc- cupants of the positions in office, but so long as they are in force the do operate to keep those republicans who are not already in the government service out of office. The Dingley tariff.bill should now be known as the Allison-Aldrich-Pl- bill, since those three senators have added more than a thousand amendneata to the bill . There hasn't been a determined fight made in the eenate against any oppo- nent yet made by Mr McKinley, but if he persists in trying to make J W Lyons, the nero member of the republican national committee from Georgia, post- master at Augusta Ga., there w'll be a fiht and a very bitter one. too. The entire Georgia congressional delegation made a respectful protest against ap- pointing this negro postm ister at Augus- ta, taking the ground that there were plenty of places paying just as well that con!d be given bira, where the perform- ance of his official duties wonid not nec- essitate constant irritation of the entire business interests of a city and the greater part of its population. ' "Ob, its just the . regular pendulum swing,' is the eubs'.ance of what mem- bers of the administration say when their attention is called to the large amount of gold more than $7,000,000 engaged in New York for shipment to Europe, "and it will ail come back again. in the fall to pay for our crops.' They may ba right, but those with good mem- ories havs not forgotten that Secretary Carlisle and bis assistants talked the same way in 1894, when nearly 1102,000, 000 in gold went to En rope, and in 1895, when the valne exported almost reached $105 003,000, and in 1836, when it went cloee to $57,000,000, and they know that tLis gold was only brought back by :eeuinzf261.CO0.0COin U S bonds. Mr McKinley has said that be wonld not issue bonds, but he hss alro. said that Mr Cleveland did right in issuing them when the continued dsioai.d for gold caused the gold reserve in the U 8 treas- ury to fall below the arbitrary limit set without any legal authority by John Sherman when be was secretary of the treasury. Democratic erffpl-jye- of the treasury department who are not so nnsophistic nted as to evpact to be protected by the civil service commission are preparing to "get it in the neck ". A committee lias beon appointed to investigate all the bureaus of the treasury department, and to report a plan of reorganization that will enable the most efficient employes to get the largest salaries.. That sounds all right, doesn't it? But every wide awake democrat knows that the plan reported will give the biggest salaries to the rpnrilican, and is prepariog to take his lofe of leduction with as good grace as he can . FOR I A ror Infants and Children. if iS M 'J TU ft) .The Weekly Dkmopbat $1.25 a yeai and the Weekly San Francisco Examine! $1 50 a year, combined for onlv $2.35. Tliis includes all tbe srivileirrw in "the 10.. 000 p.wnium tut of the Examiner incluil - ing a to.iKjO re&ideiice and a 140JU goli nuirge'. The Greeks are undoubtedly leiten. Turkey has not been roasted, but it ought to be. Coatrary to anti-electi- promises wages are being reduced in the shoe factories of New England. The tariff bill that will pass will be to much changed that the highest magnl tying glass will not reveal the face of Dingley. . Any one likes to dj euoouraged once in a while. A subscriber from a country town says the Democrat is the cleanest paper in the state, besides he likes its short, readable items, to the point. We are braced up lor several more moons. Salem papers keep np the cry for an extra session of the Legislature. Out aide of the Capital city just now people are considering crop prospects, and don't care much about the matter. Things are going along pretty well. The New York bankers will appeal to the President to end the Cuban troubles: As Wall street has been in the habit of running some presidents it ia possible the petition may work. As yet though Mr. McKinley is to be tried in reference to that famous street. The king fed on the fish that ate the worst. So now some of the finest thiegs to eat have been fed on the most putrid matter. The Chinese pheaeant la hap- piest when easing magots off deceased meat. According, to the Ne York Herald, which has recently the mater, Isl.-.u-d is owned by an astonishly small number of persons. One half the island is owned by 170 per- sons, with, eays the Herald, "a very few people ownig the other half." Out of the 2,000,000 residents, 1.8X1.003 bave no interest whatever in the island except as renters . In four days standard oil stock mag icaliy increased $19,COO,000 in value This is some of the work of the great hypocrite Rockefeller. Last year the stock paid 31 per cent. What it paid on the cost va'ue is not known Here is some modem financiering. It shows bow the people are being robbed, made possible by a tut sustaining govern menu The failed Walla Walla bank bas been in & receiver's bands for over three years, vet kas never paid a dividend to these holding elaims against it and at present bas the stupendous sum of t24t Go on band. It the monies the re- ceiver has collected and applied to the expenses cf tie trust could bare been reilixed from an early sale of the assets of the trust instead, applied to yard the payment of the claims against it, the results of the receivership would have been more satisfactory to all concerned. E. O. - The following flora the Attcria Budget offers a case where the wife is expected to bear the short comings of the Los-ban- d. The proposition is not a lair one ; but we give it : The report of tbs Bod-ge- t's Salem correspondent gives a glow- ing and complimentary send-o- ff to Mrs. Narcusa-Wbi- te Kinney, and the great work she is doing for humanity. The Budget baa the r.ighett regard for the lady and believes she is conscientious in her work, but believes she wonld serve both the Lord and the people better if she would remain at home daring the fishing season and brinit her benign in- fluence to bear npon ber erring baaband who is givic? bis money to a lot of bealbenisb Chinamen instead cf white men, hoys, women and children, for work performed in h:s immense packing establishment. Rosslaud Mines. Let tban six years ago the Le Roi War Eagle, Center Star and I roc Mask were offere J for 130,00), payments to be made on time. Today tbe La Roi is held at 95,000,000, tbe War Eagle at $2,000, 000, the Center Star 15 000,000, and the Iron Mask at $230,030, cr a total of 112, 000,000, or 400 time its former price. which means that every $5 invested at that time would bring $2000 now. There is a story told about one of ths owners of the Le Roi, Colonel Ridpatb, w hi wanted to purchase a bicjele some three years ago, price 1135, and he offered a Spokane firm $35 cash an 3 the $100 in 500 shares Le Ro stock at 10 cents. Tbe firm declined tbe offer. The foll'owinz year they told the bicycle for $35, being out ol date, and the 500 shares of Le Roi stock were sell ing at $4.59 per share or $2250, enough to have stocked a store with bicycles. Spokane people are familiar witn tbe facta that Le Roi shares were often paid over the bar in return for drinks- - and the saloon keepers were reluctant to to take tbem at 121 cents a share. This only serves to show one instance of bow a mine becomes a bonanza to its owners and make tbem independently rich, when tbey have tbe necessary grit to hold on to what tbey are satisfied is a good thing. The War Eagle in February, 1893, cost its owners about $80,000, it was sold (anuary last for $750,000 cash, showing a value nine times greater in 23 months, or a S5 investment in February, 1895, would bring in January, 1807, '45, and at the present valuation of $2,000,000 that eame 95 would be worth $ 125 today, an increase ol 100 per cent per month for 24 months. V There are mines now being opened in Rosaland whose stocks are selling any where trom 10 cents a share to 40 cents a share, that have every indication of becoming as good mines as the Le Roi or War Eagle had three years ago, but which of them will have as phenomen- ally rapid rise as these two, no man can predict now. Ex. First Excursion of the Season. The O. C. & E. steamer "Albany" has been chartered by the Albany orchestra for an excursion to Independence on Monday, May )7. Steamer will leave Corvsllis at 5:30 p. in , and Albany at 6:30 p. hi. Returning will leave Inde- pendence at 10 p. ui. Band and orches- tra will accompany the excursion. A dance will be given in Auditorium at Iudepender ce. Avail yourself of the op- portunity to take a pleasant ride down the V illamette. Fare for round trip, 50 cts. l.O.O. F The Oregon Central A Eastern R. R. will make rate of $2.40 for tbe tound trip to Odd Fellows and Rebeccas wishing to attend the grand lodge in Portland. Tickets good going May 15th and 18th, good for return May 23id. Editor Democrats In the interest ot education, will you Kindly give space in your valuable paper to the following opinions of prominent men in regard text books : ' One ot the great epochs which marks the closing years of the nineteenth cen- tury is the temperance education move ment which has resulted in the legisla tive enactments of forty-on- e states and the national Congress making physiologi- cal temperance a compulsory study for over sixteen million children of school age in the United States. The more than national importance of having truth taught, and only truth, led representative citizens of the United States to unite in choosing a committee of physicians of eminence from different parts of the country, members of the American Medical Assocatioo, to exam ine the text-boo- in question and spec ifically to point out where, if at ail their statements need amending to bs in accord with truth. This committee of physician?, thusi cboaen, began its work in the summer of 1S06 - Tw o of the number have been un able to act on account of illness. The reports ot the others are now returned to the who was asked to re- ceive and publish them in behalf of the churches and allied philanthropic organ cation acting in the matter. This is more than hap py to slate in advance that not a single member of the distinguished medical committee of examiners of these indors- ed text-bio- ks report finding them inac curate, bjtt exactly the reverse. EXPORT OK THE SPECIAL COM. OF PHYSICIANS NS Davis, A M, M D. LL D, Chicago 111, president of the American Medical Association, Dean of Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School : The text books of "hygiene and alcohol, etc. , for use in public schools and high schools, including the follow- ing books (enumerating them), aggie gating over twenty volumes, have all been carefully examined, ptrtienlarly in reference to their teaching concerning the effects of alcohol and otuer narcotics on the living human body at all periods of life, and I am happy to say that I find no errors in the teaching of any of them on tl is subject. Leartas Connor, A M, M D, es sor Ophthalmology and Otology, Detroit Medical Colloge, Michigan, American Academy ot Medicine, ex-vi- presided American Medical Associa- tion, consulting Ophthalmic surgeon to Harper Hospital and Woman's Hospital, Detroit: 1 have examined, as to tbeir teachings respecting alcohol and allied . carcotics when nsed by healthy persons, the fol- lowing text books of physiology and hy- giene, designed for nee in the several grades of the public schools (en o in rat ingthe boot?) in all twenty one volumes. . . No statement was fonnd at variance with the most reliable studies of espec- ially competent investigators. Henry O Marey, A M, M D, LL D. Boeton, Maes, late president of American Medical Association, late president Americas Academy of Med.cini, Surgeon cf United Stales Army Vol u otters: I bave examined with interest and profit the indorsed temperance physiol- ogies sent tae. I was asked by your committee to point out any errors in toese works which need correcting. 1 have found no such errors. . . . . Modern science unquestionably demo- nstrate that alcohol, no matter in what form or bow diluted, in its continuous use, ia necessarily injurious ; and thtt in fermented as well as in distilled drinks, the danger is in proportions to the qnanity taken into the system. E Montgomery, M D, professor and teacher in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa, president of the Penn- sylvania Medical Society : I have received the ' following works (enumerating the indorsed text books), all of which I bave carefully examined, and I find tbeir teaching upon the de- leterious infiuecce of the use of alcohol and the various narcotics conptete'y in accordance with the ftcla determined through scientific experimentation and observation. Henry D Holton, A M, M D, of Brattle-bor- 0, V t, late professor of Materia Med ica. Therapeutics and Pathology ia the medical department of the University of Vermont, treasurer of the American Public Health Aseociatin: I find the books to be in substantia accord with the results of the latest scientific investigations. ... Alco- hol if taken frequently, even in small doses, resulting in a fixed habit, from which all the evils, physical, moral and social, described in these books, follow. In many places in warm climates it is customary to keep figb alive until they are sold. It would otherwise be impos- sible to keep them from spoiling, ex eept by too expensive refrigerating. The marcetman is likely to be the fish- erman himself, and to keep bis catch in well on his boat or in a slatted box in the water. The buyer looks over the fish, and picks out the one he wants, and tbe seller then kills the fish with a blow on the head with a club, or with a knife. It is common thing to kill the fish in the presenoe of the customer. Fish are sold in this way at, for instance, Key West, Havana and Genoa. Millers. As almost every community hss it cor- respondent, we came to the conclusion that Millers should not be slighted. Millers lies about five miles north of Albany, between he railroad and the state public highway. It nsed to be a flourishing town ; but since the P. O. has gone back on ns, it has degenerated into a second rate villagn. Buchner Bros, are farming on an ex- tensive scale this spring, running seven teams. - .. We understand Mrs. Flickioger has adopted a young girl. Don't get excited boys, she is only thirteen. Orion may be seen every Sunday wend- ing his Wiiy toward the mountain house. Aunt Belinda has been telling about all her flowers beitg winter ki'led. With due respect to Aunty's knowledge of flowers, yet we seriously doubt if she could recognize a petunia from a dog- wood blossom. We feel envious toward Little Rose Bud; it must be his good looks that al- ways causes him to be so royally waited pon. Cpmtox. The Corners . hang even when you have your ace curtains renewed at our laundry. Call and get pricea. Don't be afraid lo send expensive curtains to vt W know bow to launder them right. 0 Simpson & Son, City Laundry. To Tkachers. To teachers wishing to attend the Teachers Institute at Toledo May 10th to 14th, the O. O. & E. wilt make a rate of one fare for round trip, tickets good going from May 8, return- ing until May 15th. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel destroy $1.50 worth of grain annually. ' VVake- - I 'ee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminttor la 1 'he most effective and economical poison J "own. rnw reoucta io au cents, ror sale by Fothay & Maion, agents. a nrted to fight department stores, whicu it says is more important than the Gre-ci- au war. An axflhanoa makes the startling and sensational announcement that Wallace " Miwi.iiui.u,,.. --- . . .iwian.t ia related to Vice-Preside-nt Hobart. Marion county is accused of having al- ready insured and paid for polices that do not take effect until July, and yet it is fJ87,000 in debt. Jjreat financiering. South Bend, Wash., once a proud city with a good population and big buildings, ia now a municinal wreck, hardly any thing being left there. The Herald has at last given up the ghost and flown to liwaco. In nearly all the state legislatures of the U S. from Oregon east, that bave met this year, there have been red hot charges of bribery, and it Is probable there has been considerable tire with the smoke. This morning at the depot an old man who was leaving for the Dakota country shed copiaously to think he was obliged to leave his new home in Oregon. Salem Journal. He was certainly jus tified in doing bo. Attorny L. D. Bnrtenshaw and Rev. Dr. Easter rarticinated in a little mus cular development in the presence cf an appreciative muieum uu ie tuu.. Burt was voted first Honors, wnue jjoc baa lelt town, we presume to allow na- ture to repair the damage. Coquitle City Herald. A $150 warrant has been issued in Marion county for insurance three or four months before the policy takes effect and without a scratch on the records to show that it was authorized by the court, and with the county S7 ,000 in debt. The papers are having a high old time over it. Vt course the railroad commission is doomed, public sentiment calls lor tbe repetl. but the unconditional repeal ol the law will leave no barrier between the railroads and tbe people. Roseburg Plaindealer. As a matter of fact the railroads are the ones who seem to want tbe commission. We have never beard of their trying to bave it abolished. Tbey like it so well that tbey Uke tbe com- missioners around in a special car and dine and wine them in the finest style. Tbe people will be no more at tbe mercy of the railroads without the commission tban they are now. The members of tbe commission are personally nice gentle-ire- n, but their course in forcing them- selves npon tbe public when the gover- nor bas decided that tbe commission does not exist, ia not appreciated. A controversy is going on about who shall repair tbe bridge at Salem. Tbe Journal says: The city of Salem ia to pay part of tbe expense of maintaining: the steel bridge at Salem. Is this right? Tbe bridge was built by the two counties and tbe city donated $20,000 toward the en- terprise. Tbe biidge after it waabuitt was to be owned and operated and controlled by tbe two counties in com- mon. Moreover there lias been 1 li- es ti on on this point in controversy. The city never entered into the matter and never could be held tor a cent for construction or repairs then, nor can it lawfaliv be held now. It may be that the only way to get immediate re- pairs ia for the city to undertake the re- pairs. Bat tbe city should not pay one-thi- rd As tbe city of Satam pays a large share ot tbe county tax, to pay one-thi- rd of tbe expense is really to pay one half or more of tbe keeping op of the bridge that belongs to two counties. A Pullman car ran off the track at Tbe Dalles recently at 2 a. m. Paseeoger thought there was a wreck and rushed from the train in mgbt apparal, present-ir- g some pecul'ar sights: "Possibly the most startling spectacle presented among the men was that of a new York travel- ing man. He was to stop off at Tb Dailea, and at tbe moment the car jumped the track was taking advantage of tbe seclusion of his curtained bertn, to change bis anderciotbet. He bad succeeded in disrobing when tbe first rumble came. With a yell of 'error, the drummer sprang from the berth and clad in tbe "altogether," made for tbe door of tbe coach. Fortunately fir tbe other patsengers the J rammer was seis ed and thrust bodily back Into bis berth, before be had a chance to alavpede tbe entire car." Tbe Dcwck&at recently said : "There is a poesibility ol a probability that work will lie resumed on the Roseburg A Coos Bay RR One of tbe shovels bas been cleaned. Thin made tbe Review mad and it says: "Albany is the "deadest" town in Oregon, and yet the Dkmuckat, forgetting Its graveyard environments, essays to be funny in the following par- agraph i (eiving the above.) Well. Al bany is all right, though struck with the prevailing prosperity that sffe;i Rose- burg and other citiee as well, and is far from the deadest town ia Oregon. The item about the shovel was fi.nritely correct. We hope though, several more are cleaned anl tbe road completed as it deserves to be. Ladies wishing to secure one of our tailor made suits should call at once as tbey are going fast. W hare just re- ceived anoUiT hoe of dress skirts in ac cord ion plaited and brocade grenadine inler ineU with colors, at tbe Ladies Baz- aar. Buy the AutBsville, try tne Aumsville and you will bave no other brand. It is made of Oregon's best white wbeat and is guaranteed to be tbe best Hour. Thb oslt objection to buying of me is. the purchasers, bale to tell bow cheap clothing tbey wear. W R Ulaiit. HORN. WILLIAMSON. In Benton county, May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Williamson., girl. George Eliot say in one of her novels, that almost any woman can many any man she makes np her mind to. IS Whether this ia troth or fiction, certainly a woman chooses her husband oftcner than he knows It, But she must play the negative part. She can only ni.l. ... : "V" poaaime in a modest, womanly way and rely upon human nature and manly instinct. A sensible man naturally seeks a whole. some-looking- -, healthy, capable companion. Men are not unselfish enough to willingly assume the care of a weak, nervous, de- bilitated wife. Men are not attracted by a sallow, pimply complexion, fonl breath, or thin, emaciated form, because these symptoms are the sore Index of poor digestion and impoverished blood. A woman afflicted by these mortifying miseries should seek the powerful, purify- ing and nutrimental influence of Dr. Piercess Golden Medical Discovery, which com- pletely dispels all unwholesome appear- ances by clearing and renovating the organic sources of healthful vitality. It helps the liver to filter all bilious from the blood. It gives the diges-tiv- e organs power to extract nourishment from the food. It rounds out thin forms wipes away wrinkles, and gives to the com- plexion its natural clearness and bloom. " Yoor "Gold Medical Discovery cured m of a severe cane of poisoning- - of the blood," writes Mrs. Sella Rlcca, of Coaat, Banta Crus Co., CaL " Boils one after another would break out on my arm, and were very painful. I have tried th loudly praiaed Saraaparillaa without any benefit Whatever, and not until I took your 'JJiacovery did I get well. That was two year airo. and 1 have sat had a boil or sore of anv kind since." J - - aaja arwa,a g Are built in the largest ICYCl FA ar.d Best Equipped Pactorv in i . --ml M. I E t I " . --m HlofiEStcf rtiah tSffiffei the World 1 - -- 1- a- - -- 1 - elect the Warerty becaose tliey have learned to know tl, dif- ference betwwn a wheel that is actually high grade ana on that is simpiy eiaimni to be. Some others may be good bar. tbe W averly is the bigbest of all bigh grade. Experienced Riders tt ST iNDUXA BICYCLE C. - XDiasarous. lD Conn & Huston, Rossland, B. C Moynahan and with the Spokane he furnished with - vaa a,vr aaa ..-a.- a j K3TIJFCFEIECUTC1SALI hereby given that from and mher te 3lst da- - of May, JS97. in par aaace of a license aod order of tbe county soert of Lisa connty, Oregoa, daly made and entered ia said court oa the teaords ibervot 00 tne stb dav of April. 1SS7. us tbe meter of tbe eta cf W Khani Kia ter, 1. th Bnders'giied, duly sr. pott-ted- , acting and qsaltSed executor of ire estiie of aa d deceicUsbal! proceed 10 a 1 at private sa!e for owe bait of Lb Torcbase r rice cash in batd oa ibe day of i)r. ar. J he r'toaining half of the par chaM- - 10 be paid oa or before two y's a'ter tbe dte of each sa'c, all the t gbl ut and in'erwrt which tbe said de resent. W.diam K'nder, had ia or to tbe following deseriNed real estate at tbe hue of bis death. toit: Tbe oorUtwest qxuier of tae nortbewst qaarter and Ibe Bortbeaat quarter of tr-- e oorhwest qnarter and tots two acd three all in tec'ioa 36 T 10 SR2 west; also be ginalcg a tbe X comer of tbe S W if f ectioB 36T 10 S R 2w being the X w corner cf James Curl's N ;!. fS7 and ram ring east 29 ehain-- : io ;s e south 40 cis; tbeoce est 26 chains and lo Utk: tbeoce N 46 cb snore or teas to Ue N boonearj cf said Not. 637; thence sooth df ree 50 niauies w to tbe place of bepinni.-- g coc'aioing US scree more or le, in all ?2S acres more or fees all ia Linn county, Oregon . Toe interest aa i estate whicb sal 1 d cedent bd ia aad to said premises at the time of his death beings tee simple estate tbrea. The deferred payment of one half of the pnrcbase pnee to be secured by a mort gage oarsaid rremi-es- . executed by the porchater. Iated this 29:h day of Apr". 1S37 . W H Kkdkr, Executor. Notice for Publication Lvxo Ornc av Orxoon Citt. Oa. March b, iS97. Notice ia bereby given that tbe follow- ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, under Sc 2o01 R S, and that said proof will be made before the Ister and receiver at Oregon City. Oregon. May llth, 1S97, vixr Perry 0 Hibbard; H E US02 for th X W M Sec 11. To 10 SR 4 East. He names the following witnesses to pro re his continnoos residence upon anf cultivation of said land, vix: Jamoa B Moore, of Detroit. Hearv flora. edy. Frank Rabedeau. both of Niagara, Oregon, and Jchn O Fox ot Detroit, Or. RUBhtti A., Kegister. Notice Lasd Orrtc-- s at Ok egos Citt Oa April 27ih. 1STJ7. Xolice is bereby gien that tbe ap proved fractional p'at of survey of Town ship 13 south, range 8 east has been re dived from the surveyor general of Ore gon, and on June 3rd. i897. at 9 o'clock, a m, of said date, said plat will be filed io this office, and the land therein embraced will be su-je- ct to entry 00 and aftet said date. Eoockt A MlLUtR, Wit Callow r Register. Receiver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that tbe under-sign- ed baa been duly appointed adminit-tratr- it of ibe estate of irnia VH unm deceased, by tbe county ooorf of LinB county ; AH person having claims against said estate are her by rotifiai lo present them, duly verified, to me at t'u viive HC Watson, attorney at lav Oregon, within sU mon'bs Iuia lte of this notice. Dated at Albany. Oregon. March 16, 897 II C Watson. Kloskncb Uammes Atty for Administratrix. Admx T OST. Between the depot and K C I T Rogers', a purse containing 11-1- a vitture and name of owner Return to boarding houe if Mr Rogers and ivceive reward. ANTED. A few more engage VV ments by the day to sew. Mas. R. h, Ora. Agent. Hon. W..J. Bryan's Book A LL who are ir.tcrcs'c j in fur;h?r!r-- j the sale of lion. K J. Bn an's HOW took should cnrresrmA im The zrork will frarr HaMT Dtus thereof cmtaiaed ia d executed ad dsbvcrwt y lao j Yarbroagb and Sarah J Yasbrwagb. kia are, to on Was Laedreth, a as to com farm ta tbatrne deserittxm mt aud bads aa above Nt net, awd tesaoviagtae dund (ran p attt-jf- tt I lo said laadc. Thi.mB09 ia pabiiaeed by r der ef tb Bon E H He-i- ll, jude of too above eU led cotrt. madeatcbtwibefsi. A'bany Oregon, tkd 23 d day oi Mare. 1897. Eixnss tt Cwos. Au'ys for PUinuff. S02IXCMS. In Hm Circa f Cwri of OebtaU tjOngem Jmt lit cammtj of Iina. J Carney Fowler and W i Caesar, piaia tiffs - vs W G tf orgaa. as admiaistrator of tbe es tai of Thomas Morgaa deceesed : Jamea Vv Jiorraa as adminutrator or be Ot L,voia jaorsaa oeceaeii; naa Grav, Frank Gray ber hoabaai; Agnes McNeil, Joca McNeil ber husband. Joba X Vorgaa. Bath Mc'gaa bis wife; Jaates W Morgaa. Uorgaa bia wife; W C. Un l!ra kia wife: faa Mor gaa, EA Marzaa. Morgaa aia wife; Ht I gars Daceaa. Dacca bar baabaad; G L, fctrjder aad tialtas J airyoei; umm NaiKasaJ Baak , (a eorperatwa) W H Gci tra, A Bosk, Trastae; First Xauoaal Baak, sorporataoa) aad Mil am Hale, fMpfesaata. To Joan V V-g- u aad Eat Morgia. his ife,aai Varfarat Daacaa aad Daa eaa, bar hasbaad. ' ' DWeadaata. D5 THE NAME OF THK STATE OT OREGON: Sea are hereby reqaired la ap BraraBdaasaertaaeoiaplaiBt bled aniaat sa ia tea ston eaaxjaa aaiL, oy vo nrawc Am r J the aaxt Sena cf this ooart to lo awurf. tba axntraUja oi sud aaaiasoca,tarrt: by taa, 4th Ujoday Jaae,lS9?;r.eiB the 2S-- k da f of said soonta; aad u yea aui ao to at re ta satatr, for wsat tbeiewt, tae xJanuoa wiil apply ta the ooart far tt rm-r- praf d for ia ta evaaplaiBt filed aaiast yoa besw-i- a. tawit: For a deeoa farvdaataa; a ee taia mortcag exeat4 bv mmm Th earns Morgaa aad Ltdia Morpa. his wife, (both deeeaa-c- i) to lhe Jarru-Coeai- ia Itortcae Traar Coaapaay. ta sccara tk payKcet of $162S wi ih istemt, aad th fartftar aaaa sf J10O attorney fees. Said atertgage hdmg apoa raal eata aitaste la tb eoeaty state of Oregoa. aad particalarly aad deae ibed aa foliowa, towit: Tb W X ef tb DLC af David W Al tiEfcbaat: aiiaatd i Sees 33 aad St, Tp 13. Mat. Baag 4, WW H. coatatlng 159 acras aaore or leas. Aad eireetiajeal ef said property ia tb maaaer prnvided by law aad appheatioa af tae proeeaoa taeret'aai ta payaseas ar a ciaiai of tka p'amt;f 1 hareia, iadadiac eocta. dUbarScaseaU of sait aad aUaraay's This vaSEaaaaa ia aabbVaed by seder af the Hoaocable & H Hewitt, iadgaofasid eoa't. Made aad dated aa ts 24th day af Feb rasrv. 1S97. Gao W MosrrATra aHacKUwax, Altdraevs for Plaiatiffa. CiTATICN. Ia sv Coaaty Coart of ta State ef Oregoa, for Usa eoaaty. Ia tb matter of the estate of F R Cbeadle deosased. To Mary Gtanaaa, Kiveat R Cheadle, WUhel-i- m Strackausr. Ematt Lareasa Cheadie, Florence Cbeadie, Laaa Graaaaa aed to all atbar heirs aad devisees af said deceased, aakaawa, trwtiag 1N THK KAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Toa ar berths cited aad r q aired to appear ia the eoasty eoartaftae st: of Cregon, for thee maty af Liaaat th ooart rocaa thereof, at Albany, ia said oaaaty.oa Saturday tb ISta day Uay,lS97. at 1 e clock ia the af teraoaa af that dr. then aad theto ta show eteae if aay )oa nave, wby raM eoart aboald aot asaka aa order aa'boriatag ia exscatoraf tbalast wiil aad teataKcat of aai l deoaaeed to as I at private ta a tba follow U g dssenbed rea; property ar aay part thersof beloagieff said estate towit; The aatfef the souihwest qaarte ef block 47 in Hack! a a'a Sad additioa to th city af Aibaay. Also beginning at a ptriat ia tb seata boaadary rio of bloek 1 ta tb Eaatsra ad ditioa to Aibaay, Oagoa, cqaaliy dwtaat f oa soatbeaat ad svttbsraat Ctjaers of taut block ooe, theae acatbarly parall wi;h 6aker street ia said city 100 fee tna e eaaterlv parallel wita F!rst 45 feet, tbeaee soatherlv parallel with saiu Bakar street te teesoata boaadart af said block one, theeo wsaterly aa the soath boaadary of said b) ck aa to tb plae of hegiaaing. Also all tt th SE if af atoek No.ore ia ti East are addition to said city. xoepttcg 45 fee heretofore said rff the west aid of said quarter. A!so tba aoeta ha f of lot S ia block 17 ia Hackleawa 's 3d addiuoa to said oily of Aibaay, th aivkiea line beioit parall! with Sccd street ia Also lot No. 4 in Wock SO aid city of Albaav. A!o lots Kos 3 aad in block N- - 26 la Hseklaataa's aseoad ad ditioa to said eity of Albaav. Abo lots No 0, 21 and 22 in block No 2 la Abbey's additioa to th eity of Aibaay, a"l ef aaxt imI prorwetv being ia Li an coaat j.Orejp. A Wo lot No 7 ia black 22 ia tb towa of Seal Rxsk in Lineol a eoaaty, Oregoa. WitiMwa. tka II. --i Raorie D Barton. -- ) Jadgaof th eooKty eoert f th V state cf Oreon, fee t teanty I of Linn, wita th .! of ad ooart srfiifd, this 6th day of April At", lS97,Aut: C B Moxtaock, Clerk, by R B lIosTAOca. Jpafy- - RENT.-- 16 acres of bad. near FOR Albany, for rent. immediately. Inquire of S N Steele- - STBEET EAItWAT KOTICE. The motoi on tbe Albany stnet rail- - to and from tne depot, day ana nig-- i. Special trips will be a ade at special ate. l.r Cos, Conductor, UrTTTIc?XreaTn Ba)c.In; Powder ayrtd"s Fair ttaxaaas Ma as mt his cfltnpafqn tour ... rtritten bv his wife ' i t.npcTvat sfoeches . . mediately Tain a. t the rub'ishrrs. An r.Cictirtt o lus biOrar.'r , His nest 1 The rcuUsof A review of the campaign of IS96. AGENTS WANTED 5 Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-ha- lf ot all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor-- mous salc. Address W. B. C0NKEY CG.VPANY, Publishers, 341-35- 1 (Wvirf-r- StXlliCAGO. ,i,.:aaie nere, ou.y vennta. as oy law re- - the political situation . . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notice Is hereby given that the annua meeting ol thes'oekholders of lhe Albaa Farmers Co., wilt be held at the office o said company, io Albany, Lino county Oregon, 00 the 14 h day of May, ls9"-- , at 1 o'clock p m of said dav, for 1 he pur- pose of electing ven !) directors tc seivefo'the term cf one year, and the transaction of such 01 her business as mav come before the roeelin . Dot bv crder of the board ol directors . Attest: M 11 Wilds, President. Pres B ?iARSUi.LL, Sec'y. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice i hereby given hat L E 13'ain, of 41bany, Oregon, on the ISth day of February, 1S97, made a general assign- ment of all his property for the beneLt of U his creditors; and that the untie' signed bas been duly appointed assignee in said assignment proceeding. All crediters of aid L E Blamare hereby required to pre- sent their claims to me, r'uly verified, at my cilice In the postoflice building. Albany, Oregon, within three months trom the da'e of this notice. Dated attVlbiny, Oregon, this 23rd day of March I097. aUAtH, H Bay ant, Assignee. FIR RENT OR SALE.-JW- ood farm 173 . 6 miles from Albany. Eoqnire c,r.,i r At, .v OI It r iucuwaip, aiuut -- r. FOR RENT. in McITwain'a brick good s'ore room, 8 ,ood ofiice rooms.' Enquire of H F bicllwain. FOR RENT. 6 room dwelling. 9 room good location and cheap rent. Enquire of II F Mcllwaia, Albany LOST. A flat key with nbhoa. to it. return to tbe Revere bouse. LOST. Saturday evening, a gold cross enameled, from watch caarm. Please return is J O Dubrnille. NOTICE. Noiice is hervby (liven that br order ol the circuit cmr of the Mate of Oregon, for Linn coun'y. dcprtn;ent No 2, all clalnia airairMt the Albany Woolen Mill Co, a corporation, that bave not .Iready been presented to tbe undersigned receiver or filed with tbe clerk of aid court, are re- quired to be presented to the undrniigned receiver within three months from the .aired; said ,'bat 0ijec,,ionVlc',JiT anv there be, be filed with tue clerk of .aid court within three months from the expir- ation of 'he time allowed by law for the preebtation of said claims ss above men- tioned. Dated April 12. 1897. Fy order of th court. L f LINN. Kceivei. CITY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice it herebi given that the cltv couucil cf tbe city of Albany .Oregon, will meet and sit as a board of t)ulatlon, tb iuoaiuii(.ii caniueis in sii" ci on Friday the l'h day of May, 1331, a, ibe hour of 2 o'clock In the atiernoon ol said day, for the purpose of examining, cor reeling and equalizing tl of said city for Ibe year 1897, aud a'so or neiurtner purposa of o,ktng (be tax levy upon said aejajent for the ?er 1897. Ulvn by order of he council ol the cilv of Albany, Oregon, ind? tne 27ih day of April. 1SS7 Albany, Or., M-i- 1, 1837. NJIIknton. Recordrr of tbe City ot Albany. E() E FlhM T11R PLUMBER Tin roofing and plumbing. Opr-oai- tie opr house M MITCHELli conUnnes to act aa F' aout Inr the l'aciflo School Desk and Furniture Co.. of Portland. Orders sent to bira at Albany, Or., will be promptly sitsuded to. innfii,..!.i..i . war ; in ' Balkans has brought a better tone into the stork nrhuM , AaUa cm. Pakir. Mav 9 An annnviuous donor bas sent the sum of lj5,U00 to the com mittee of manairement of the charity bazaar, which was tbe scene of last week's terrible tragedy. This amount, with '.be proceeds of tbe first day's sale, 1809 equals the full receiots of the baznar cf I8U8. the PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Evervbody kLows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked Koods, of Alt kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers well, all a.ike. You may regret some steps yon take in lifo Lnt none taken into tbe store ol Parker Bros. It is a erett thins to be well fed. Par- ker Bros keep good groceries. ' A loaf of bretd is not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Bros. On Brondnlbtn Street. Bananas, Oranves, Cabbage, Lettuce, Apples, . And everything in season at F. H. Ffoif- - Canned wild blackberries ia cne and two quart jars, cheap at 0 E EnowKEUi's. fSTI.

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Page 1: Vice-Preside-nt Liability B. · forcement lor ward and preparing for a rapid advance. Unites tbe power succeed in quietly amngiag a eitiemenl. the I uiwti are likely to aoBer furtber

TELEGRAPHIC.Scientific Temperance InstructionSUUUOKS.


The Town Talk of Portland has been

The Greek bave beau accused ot rankcowardice, and some things do look

very cowardly.



Limited Liabilityoi Kossland B. C.


. the Circuit Court State et OrtSmJor Linn

DepartmeatKo.2.CC Jackson, Plaintiff,

vsgarah I Moore, Mry I Yarbrooeh. Da

vid W Tarbroogb.Howard W Ysrbrooab.

.not j i aiDrougu, axiu Lewis larbroagb.leiendnts.

To Sarah J Moore, Mary i Yarbrouab.David Vv Yarbroogh, Howard W rb.

Pesilr M Yarbrons'h. Ran AT

Yarbrocgb.Tbomas J Yarbroogh tad Le wisYarbroogb, tne oetenoanis a-- a named:

- an T a a. 9 "" "a"l n ran - -

IS IHLAr.u ine, STATE OFOREGON: Yon and each of von arehereby required to appear id tbe above en-

titled coort on tbe fin da 7 of tbe nextregular term thereof , on Monday, tbe 28th

dy of Jane, 1897, to answer tbe ccmpUictof the plaintiff above named now on file

ia said coort in saiu ana yon anaeach of yon are bereby notified that if yonfail to appear and anwer to said com-

plaint as hereby required tbe plaintiff willapply to said eonr. for jadgment againstyen as prayed it in ni wu oTspuini,towit: For a decree of said coort decUr--ing plaintiff to be tne owner in tee simpleof all tbe following described real proper-ty, towit:

Beginning st a poio 32. 72 chain S aad571 J chain SV oi tbe X E eoraer of claimNo. 49 in Tp 14, S B 4 w of tbe WiiUmette Meridian, rannirg tbesce S 1 ins,

tbeoce r 4 28 chairs, thence X 7 chains,tbence 4 23 chains, containing 3 acresmore or leas, in Linn county. Oregon.

A so beginning at a point oe tbe east.boondary line of tbe D L C of 1 boa J Yarbrofjgb and wife. Not. No. 2184. eSaimNo, 49 in Tp 14 S & 4 w, and claim No.66 U Tp 14 S B 5 w of Willamette Merwhich U 33.72 chain 3 of the N E corner

uiH D LL aiKi running tnence w. .. . .- 1 .1 V -- L ( l

01.41 ccao, lorncc a- j4ut, iucbcv wA lfciz rlnim ihmBC S2? decree w 16

A OA rhami thMca east s so coats.! braceS22desreee4 minutes E7 cbatos,tneeee8 12 degrees 30 minute E 9 70 chain.tbence north 6 decrees 30 m'eates E 13 18

. . . . . .vt -- . a r o &a l

56 detrrees E 12 60 cbarns. tbesce K 87

Ogipi k envoi, icence ua n toE S 30 chain, tbrece S 57 degreea

SO minute E 3 16 ebains more or less, toa point doe sou h f tbe place of beginmeg, tbeoce ncrin 34-.- - cnaint, awe orlet, to tbe pla of beg aavng.

Pesdent Col. W. W. D. Turner, president LeRoi Gold Mining Company,

Vice-P-n sident LouisJaffe, Capitalist, Distil-ler, Grower, of Calilornia, owner of B.C. mills, of Rossland, B.O

Secretary and 31 ami ger Harry White exMayor ot Seattle, Wash.

Treasurer E. D. Carpenter, Rossland, B. Cconsulting Engincers-Messr- s

WBrady, Rossland, B. C.Bankets Bank of British North America,

Rossland, B. C.

1;M uu ade in xian coenty,And

barriag and t aaiog said eVftadamasea of tanas Uorn dust - ar asaftinOt

aay right or title ia ot to ascd land, or saypart thereof; correcting tae mataH v

This company owns the largest and best locatedgroup of properties in the famous Rossland and TrailCreek mining district. Its holdings being approxi-mately Five Hundred Acres located about one milesouth of the city of Rossland.

A limited amount of TREASURY STOCK in thiscompany until further notice at ioctper share of PARvalue $1.00 each --stock non-assessab- le.

The Company would be pleased to haveall parties whoare intending to make investments, to visit Rossland

Tne War

London, May 12. Up to the presentthere is no stgn of a revolution or of a def-inite unti-dynas- tic movement at Athens.The people appear to be relieved at theprospect of mediatiun, and will be only tootriad In bag nence restored. The powers are

7 -- a - , I '! 4

using tueir muueiico iimmj, wirii. thou an there are some

doubts as to whether they will succeed. Tbereports that hgbting bas occurred today atDomokos and Aimyrosare nit conDrneu.

Aalaar f lr'or ErrandWashisotoh. May. 11. The prcident

tadaj sent out the followeng nomination!to the senate:

To be counce's Albion VV . Tow-gee-. of

New York, at Bordeaux. France: Sidney BEverett, of Mossucnuselts, at Hulavia, JavaEpbraim II. boiocr. receiver oi pumicnionera, at Buffalo, Wyo.

Ia the Seaaie.Washington. May, 11. Consideration

of Hi Minute amendments to tbe sundrycivil appropriation bill was finubed by thebouse today and me iiiu sent to omerence.PmtuWt Cleveland's forest reservationonW was the subject of much debate, andthe nouae voted cot to concur in the senateamendment to annul tbe order, with theuuderstandina tbt the conferees shouldarrange an amendment which would bavethe same effect.- A Trans Killed.

Sai.ku. Or. May. 11. The south-boun- d

Southern Pacific overland train reachinghere at 8:30 d. m. run over and killedman here tonigLt. Paper on the deadman's body give bis name as Eli Macrayand indicate be has lived in WUta VYalU,

The accident took place at exactly the samespot where a man was killed a month bko.lhe body was dragged about 250 ftet, andwas liteialiy cut to pieces.

fired I n.Chicago, May, II. A special to tl

Chronicle from New Orleena avs :

lhe steamer Rover, plying between this

ft ana pons ot opanwh Hocdurai, wason by a Nicaraguan man-of-w- ar on

May ti. while four miles from Puerto Cortexand narrowly escaped beins bit auidnhips

TThal a Blander 414. .T a aiaims. ainy, u me Athens corre

ipondent of tbe Daily Chronicle tavi:The real and only cause of tbe Greek re--

ircai to rnanaia was tbe blonder ot onewbo mistook ue retreat of tbe enemy for aforward movement designed to culiUnk tie. . . . .urwti, ana tnereiore ot'iered a baty re-treatCrowe Prince Contantine lert Lariata because be believed tbe exaggerated reports ofdanger to his forces.

It is a fact, bowerer. that on the eveningof tbe retreat, Edhem Pasha, difpairing ofbreaking tbe Urtek lines, bad ordered hiarmy to re! ire to Elatsona.

A Bis OwlwaiBaekr City Or. May 10. Superinteat

Ritqae. of tne Virtue mine, broueht ia a$10,000 erick this morning. A 3sfoolkbaft bas been sunk at tbe mine lately,making a total depth of KW feet, and tbemine is being tyitematkaJlj developed.

Will t Marat. Am ess. May, 10. Tbe conditions in.anted upon by Oermany, tbe chief ofwoicb is I ha. Urejce shall give her formalconsent to the principal of aatoonmy forCrete, wiil b accepted Ij (he tirwk jtov- -

ernmeni. Ibe nose of tbe powers ba notyet been pretested, but it baa been a.

The SltwaUwaLoxdox. May 10. Apart from tbe

peace nejrotiatioo. tbe principal feature oftbe situation i that Taney ia preming rein-forcement lor ward and preparing for arapid advance. Unites tbe power succeedin quietly amngiag a eitiemenl. the I

uiwti are likely to aoBer furtber dsvutm.Tbe exact duportion of tbe Grk army

is uncertain, but, roughly speaking, thefirt line of defeiue extend from Paimtroato Lmcoo. tne aeeoad follow ibe o d iron-tie- r,

and tbe third dona at Tbercmpylie.Claa 7 Halted

Wsittcrox, May 10 Tbe MorganCohan resolution was diiwd at cooid -erabie lengtb in tbe seeate today. forth!erst time ssk the ovule b.,n. tbe or--,potman sentiment exprevaed itey. Tbespeecbe were not cf a kind to atimolateIbe raiieruv. bein 17 in Ik csJni nod'"duaaionate review, of toe Nation J

ABIaVlrt.rr !

WasatitcTOS. May 10 The JW T.l. J

epbone t'ompany ba won tbse brought j(waiiKUiiM lotted btaie to aonjtbe last Berliner patent, fbta decuion

baa tbe effect of cootinoieg ibe coolrul oftbe t by tbe Bell Company for 17years from tbe date of ate iu patent,which was grard ia 11 . .

. A tafiaiettc Traaedy.LaratETtK. Or . May 9. A


stabbiog affray ooco'ed about two miles i

north of here, 00 the v Ul ureea p'aco. at !

2 ctlock this wwniog. A neighborhood ;

dance was ia progress and tbe ifAran bro- -tbersof Lalayeue. were there Tbey seemed;to be du&mUaged with eterytbmg from i

eaily ereoinir onUl lhe dance ended in a i

roar. It seems a certain daore was eailo! '

while otbert sraaled a differeet dance. !

Tbn tbe row bryan. ritoU were bragfctw anu anive were oml. Afirr a fewblows Will Hill said be era subbed in tbeabdomen, and west orerio where WinUaraer wa standia aad with treri otb-e-

accoaed bira of being the asailan'Uiil's abdomen was cot, the gaUt betoirabout two incbe loog. Tb doctcr mithere is vtry little hups ol tbe man recover-ing.

Tbe War.Atoeks. Msv, 10. A dwpatcb fnm

Domokos, dated today, say tb Turka baverearbed bkirmetai, and are moving for-ward in considerable force from Pbanalaon tbe iomokos Almyro line, with a viewof cutting sff General Smote stki. it is

at Domokos that tbe Tcrks bavecoma into contact with General Ssmouialready.

HrwUUna Talk.Athens, May, 0 Ibe correspondent

of tbe Aewviated Press learns on tbe verybest authority that Ureeie bas made a writ-ten applica'in to the powers tbroagb 'heirnpreetatire in Atbecs, with a view ofobtaining mediation. AH there retenU-tive- s

fcave promiied ta their repiiea to setbeir best otbees, except tbe German min-uter.

Mxieea alive.Nw Yoke, May 9. Tbe Mallory-lm- e

steamer Leona, whicb left ber pier onSaturday, bound for Galveston, toot fireat sea, pjt back and arrived in port to-

night with aixteen corpses cn board. Thedead were 13 steerage passengers and threemembers of tbe crew who saccouied to aterrible fire.

riealy .1 Ms.ry.Londos, May 9. Tbe principal features

of last week's market bave bee J an abun-dance of money, and an indication thatrates will continue eaay. This may belargely due to the fact that over 250,000bave been paid into tbe bank of Japan;but the prolbih;y ia that there will be afurther fall in tbe bank rate. Tbe lesxen

that they may be shown the Company's propertiesParties doing so should take the Northern Pacific Rail

close connectionsRy. Parties desinnc: further infor- -

way, as it makeshalls cc Northern

a.maiion reoraruinefnrOSneCtllC tTinni.

mmtne com nanv win-Pff - linntl fl 01"! I imtinn tfl tMP CPT ffTft ffV- 'T - - - '""'I' I;' T

RoSSlaUd, B. C.

riiwnatToledOjOhio, basjtleven bicycle factor-


The present outlook is one for bigwheat and fruit crops.

An impressionable Paris banker, theowner of immense riches, died of griefon hearing that he lost everything in theworld except 100,000 francs. His pauperbrother, on inheriting that sum fromhim, died of joy. Whether true or notthe statement ia very suggestive.

From the Baltimore American.The fact that Baltimore was able Sat-

urday to borrow a half million dollars at3 per cent, and that with it was an offerof $300,000 more at the eame rate ia anexcelent indication of the credit of thecitr. Considering everything it may besaid to be remarkable, for the rumors of

a decreased tax basis and an increasedtax rate are not encouraging.

Trie Demorat claims there are toJ manypeople gathering at Baker City, attractedthere because of the mining resource'),who can find nothing to give them '

and who must eventually be

without tueans of support. The Demo-

crat admonishes those with very limitedmeans to stay away from Baser City a?there is no employment for them to ob-

tain and little chance for any.. Thereare ten men there now for every job.

From the Astoria Budget.- A Englishman made the remark lastnight that the Budget was not a fit paperfor ablooinin'wite'man to read,and if hemet the heditor of tbe.Woeted paper hewould punch his blood) 'ead. Bat theeditor has no fear of a man who makethe habit of punching the'ead of his ownwife.

John W. Guiteau, brother Presiden.Garfield's connected with one othe big insurance companies of the conn

t ry, and lives in Sew York . Mr Guiteauis one of the high priced employes andgets a salary of $S,00O or $10,000 a year.He is a most estimable man, and hisfriends do not think any the leas of himfor his unfortunate connections.

From the Post. ? .

Senator Forazer strolled across to thedeck of Senator Hanna yesterday justatter the taiiS bill had been reportd.

"I say, Mark," said he, as the chairman of the Republican National Com.mittee and junior Senator from Ohiolooked up, "you told me yanr principalobject in wanting to come to the Senatewas to see that we got a good tariff bill.Now, don't you think our beer and woo!industries have been hit pretty hard?'

Senator Hanna took the question asgood joke, bat after awhile he began to

wonder if his co'leagoe didn't mean toinftr that he hadn't accomplished so verymuch after all.

'Vashinzton Letter.

From ear regular Correspondent.

Washtsgtos, May 3, 1897.Mr McKinley has fully made up bis

mind to curtail some of the extensionsof the civil service rules made by Mr

Cleveland, but he lacks the nerve to doso until public opinion baa been workedup a little on the subject. That is wbymembers of his cabinet and other prominent officials are making public theiropinions against those rules- - Ot courseeverybody understands that the rulesdo not keep ths present democratic oc-

cupants of the positions in office, but so

long as they are in force the do operateto keep those republicans who are notalready in the government service out ofoffice.

The Dingley tariff.bill should now beknown as the Allison-Aldrich-Pl- bill,since those three senators have addedmore than a thousand amendneata tothe bill .

There hasn't been a determined fightmade in the eenate against any oppo-nent yet made by Mr McKinley, but ifhe persists in trying to make J W Lyons,the nero member of the republicannational committee from Georgia, post-master at Augusta Ga., there w'll be afiht and a very bitter one. too. Theentire Georgia congressional delegationmade a respectful protest against ap-

pointing this negro postm ister at Augus-ta, taking the ground that there were

plenty of places paying just as well thatcon!d be given bira, where the perform-ance of his official duties wonid not nec-

essitate constant irritation of the entirebusiness interests of a city and thegreater part of its population.


"Ob, its just the . regular pendulumswing,' is the eubs'.ance of what mem-

bers of the administration say whentheir attention is called to the largeamount of gold more than $7,000,000engaged in New York for shipment toEurope, "and it will ail come back the fall to pay for our crops.' Theymay ba right, but those with good mem-

ories havs not forgotten that SecretaryCarlisle and bis assistants talked thesame way in 1894, when nearly 1102,000,000 in gold went to En rope, and in 1895,when the valne exported almost reached$105 003,000, and in 1836, when it wentcloee to $57,000,000, and they know thattLis gold was only brought back by:eeuinzf261.CO0.0COin U S bonds. MrMcKinley has said that be wonld notissue bonds, but he hss alro. said thatMr Cleveland did right in issuing themwhen the continued dsioai.d for goldcaused the gold reserve in the U 8 treas-ury to fall below the arbitrary limit setwithout any legal authority by JohnSherman when be was secretary of thetreasury.

Democratic erffpl-jye- of the treasurydepartment who are not so nnsophisticnted as to evpact to be protected by thecivil service commission are preparingto "get it in the neck ". A committeelias beon appointed to investigate all thebureaus of the treasury department, andto report a plan of reorganization thatwill enable the most efficient employesto get the largest salaries.. That soundsall right, doesn't it? But every wideawake democrat knows that the planreported will give the biggest salaries tothe rpnrilican, and is prepariog totake his lofe of leduction with as goodgrace as he can .

FOR IAror Infants and Children.

if iS M

'J TU ft)

.The Weekly Dkmopbat $1.25 a yeaiand the Weekly San Francisco Examine!$1 50 a year, combined for onlv $2.35.Tliis includes all tbe srivileirrw in "the 10..000 p.wnium tut of the Examiner incluil -

ing a to.iKjO re&ideiice and a 140JU golinuirge'.

The Greeks are undoubtedly leiten.Turkey has not been roasted, but itought to be.

Coatrary to anti-electi- promiseswages are being reduced in the shoefactories of New England.

The tariff bill that will pass will be tomuch changed that the highest magnltying glass will not reveal the face of

Dingley. .

Any one likes to dj euoouraged oncein a while. A subscriber from a countrytown says the Democrat is the cleanestpaper in the state, besides he likes itsshort, readable items, to the point. Weare braced up lor several more moons.

Salem papers keep np the cry for anextra session of the Legislature. Outaide of the Capital city just now peopleare considering crop prospects, and don'tcare much about the matter. Thingsare going along pretty well.

The New York bankers will appeal tothe President to end the Cuban troubles:As Wall street has been in the habit of

running some presidents it ia possiblethe petition may work. As yet thoughMr. McKinley is to be tried in referenceto that famous street.

The king fed on the fish that ate theworst. So now some of the finest thiegsto eat have been fed on the most putridmatter. The Chinese pheaeant la hap-

piest when easing magots off deceasedmeat.

According, to the Ne York Herald,which has recently themater, Isl.-.u-d is owned byan astonishly small number of persons.One half the island is owned by 170 per-

sons, with, eays the Herald, "a very few

people ownig the other half." Out ofthe 2,000,000 residents, 1.8X1.003 bave nointerest whatever in the island except asrenters .

In four days standard oil stock magicaliy increased $19,COO,000 in valueThis is some of the work of the greathypocrite Rockefeller. Last year thestock paid 31 per cent. What it paid onthe cost va'ue is not known Here issome modem financiering. It showsbow the people are being robbed, madepossible by a tut sustaining governmenu

The failed Walla Walla bank bas beenin & receiver's bands for over threeyears, vet kas never paid a dividend tothese holding elaims against it and atpresent bas the stupendous sum oft24t Go on band. It the monies the re-

ceiver has collected and applied to theexpenses cf tie trust could bare beenreilixed from an early sale of the assetsof the trust instead, applied to yard thepayment of the claims against it, theresults of the receivership would havebeen more satisfactory to all concerned.

E. O. -

The following flora the Attcria Budgetoffers a case where the wife is expectedto bear the short comings of the Los-ban- d.

The proposition is not a lair one ;but we give it : The report of tbs Bod-ge- t's

Salem correspondent gives a glow-

ing and complimentary send-o- ff to Mrs.Narcusa-Wbi- te Kinney, and the greatwork she is doing for humanity. TheBudget baa the r.ighett regard for thelady and believes she is conscientious inher work, but believes she wonld serveboth the Lord and the people better ifshe would remain at home daring thefishing season and brinit her benign in-

fluence to bear npon ber erring baabandwho is givic? bis money to a lot ofbealbenisb Chinamen instead cf whitemen, hoys, women and children, forwork performed in h:s immense packingestablishment.

Rosslaud Mines.

Let tban six years ago the Le RoiWar Eagle, Center Star and I roc Maskwere offere J for 130,00), payments to bemade on time. Today tbe La Roi is heldat 95,000,000, tbe War Eagle at $2,000,000, the Center Star 15 000,000, and theIron Mask at $230,030, cr a total of 112,000,000, or 400 time its former price.which means that every $5 invested atthat time would bring $2000 now.

There is a story toldabout one of ths owners of the Le Roi,Colonel Ridpatb, w hi wanted to purchasea bicjele some three years ago, price1135, and he offered a Spokane firm $35cash an 3 the $100 in 500 shares Le Rostock at 10 cents. Tbe firm declined tbeoffer. The foll'owinz year they told thebicycle for $35, being out ol date, andthe 500 shares of Le Roi stock were selling at $4.59 per share or $2250, enoughto have stocked a store with bicycles.Spokane people are familiar witn tbefacta that Le Roi shares were often paidover the bar in return for drinks- - andthe saloon keepers were reluctant toto take tbem at 121 cents a share.

This only serves to show one instanceof bow a mine becomes a bonanza to itsowners and make tbem independentlyrich, when tbey have tbe necessary gritto hold on to what tbey are satisfied is agood thing.

The War Eagle in February, 1893, costits owners about $80,000, it was sold(anuary last for $750,000 cash, showinga value nine times greater in 23 months,or a S5 investment in February, 1895,would bring in January, 1807, '45, andat the present valuation of $2,000,000that eame 95 would be worth $ 125 today,an increase ol 100 per cent per monthfor 24 months. V

There are mines now being opened inRosaland whose stocks are selling anywhere trom 10 cents a share to 40 centsa share, that have every indication ofbecoming as good mines as the Le Roi orWar Eagle had three years ago, butwhich of them will have as phenomen-ally rapid rise as these two, no man canpredict now. Ex.

First Excursion of the Season.

The O. C. & E. steamer "Albany" hasbeen chartered by the Albany orchestrafor an excursion to Independence onMonday, May )7. Steamer will leaveCorvsllis at 5:30 p. in , and Albany at6:30 p. hi. Returning will leave Inde-pendence at 10 p. ui. Band and orches-tra will accompany the excursion. Adance will be given in Auditorium atIudepender ce. Avail yourself of the op-portunity to take a pleasant ride downthe V illamette. Fare for round trip,50 cts.

l.O.O. F The Oregon Central AEastern R. R. will make rate of $2.40for tbe tound trip to Odd Fellows andRebeccas wishing to attend the grandlodge in Portland. Tickets good goingMay 15th and 18th, good for return May23id.

Editor DemocratsIn the interest ot education, will you

Kindly give space in your valuable paperto the following opinions of prominentmen in regard text books : '

One ot the great epochs which marksthe closing years of the nineteenth cen-

tury is the temperance education movement which has resulted in the legislative enactments of forty-on- e states andthe national Congress making physiologi-cal temperance a compulsory study forover sixteen million children of school

age in the United States.The more than national importance of

having truth taught, and only truth, led

representative citizens of the UnitedStates to unite in choosing a committeeof physicians of eminence from differentparts of the country, members of theAmerican Medical Assocatioo, to examine the text-boo- in question and specifically to point out where, if at ailtheir statements need amending to bs inaccord with truth.

This committee of physician?, thusicboaen, began its work in the summer of

1S06 - Tw o of the number have been unable to act on account of illness. The

reports ot the others are now returned tothe who was asked to re-

ceive and publish them in behalf of thechurches and allied philanthropic organcation acting in the matter.

This is more than happy to slate in advance that not a singlemember of the distinguished medicalcommittee of examiners of these indors-ed text-bio- ks report finding them inaccurate, bjtt exactly the reverse.EXPORT OK THE SPECIAL COM. OF PHYSICIANS

N S Davis, A M, M D. LL D, Chicago111, president of the American Medical

Association, Dean of Northwestern Uni-

versity Medical School :The text books of "hygiene

and alcohol, etc. , for use in public schoolsand high schools, including the follow-

ing books (enumerating them), aggiegating over twenty volumes, have allbeen carefully examined, ptrtienlarly inreference to their teaching concerningthe effects of alcohol and otuer narcoticson the living human body at all periodsof life, and I am happy to say that I find

no errors in the teaching of any of themon tl is subject.

Leartas Connor, A M, M D, es

sor Ophthalmology and Otology, DetroitMedical Colloge, Michigan,American Academy ot Medicine, ex-vi-

presided American Medical Associa-

tion, consulting Ophthalmic surgeon to

Harper Hospital and Woman's Hospital,Detroit:

1 have examined, as to tbeir teachingsrespecting alcohol and allied . carcoticswhen nsed by healthy persons, the fol-

lowing text books of physiology and hy-

giene, designed for nee in the severalgrades of the public schools (en o in rat

ingthe boot?) in all twenty one volumes.. . No statement was fonnd at variancewith the most reliable studies of espec-ially competent investigators.

Henry O Marey, A M, M D, LL D.Boeton, Maes, late president of AmericanMedical Association, late presidentAmericas Academy of Med.cini, Surgeoncf United Stales Army Vol uotters:

I bave examined with interest andprofit the indorsed temperance physiol-ogies sent tae. I was asked by yourcommittee to point out any errors intoese works which need correcting. 1

have found no such errors. . . . .Modern science unquestionably demo-nstrate that alcohol, no matter in whatform or bow diluted, in its continuoususe, ia necessarily injurious ; and thttin fermented as well as in distilleddrinks, the danger is in proportions tothe qnanity taken into the system.

E Montgomery, M D, professor andteacher in Jefferson Medical College,Philadelphia, Pa, president of the Penn-

sylvania Medical Society :

I have received the ' following works(enumerating the indorsed text books),all of which I bave carefully examined,and I find tbeir teaching upon the de-

leterious infiuecce of the use of alcoholand the various narcotics conptete'y inaccordance with the ftcla determinedthrough scientific experimentation andobservation.

Henry D Holton, A M, M D, of Brattle-bor- 0,

V t, late professor of Materia Medica. Therapeutics and Pathology ia themedical department of the University ofVermont, treasurer of the AmericanPublic Health Aseociatin:

I find the books to be in substantiaaccord with the results of the latestscientific investigations. ... Alco-hol if taken frequently, even in smalldoses, resulting in a fixed habit, fromwhich all the evils, physical, moral andsocial, described in these books, follow.

In many places in warm climates it iscustomary to keep figb alive until theyare sold. It would otherwise be impos-sible to keep them from spoiling, exeept by too expensive refrigerating.The marcetman is likely to be the fish-erman himself, and to keep bis catch in

well on his boat or in a slatted box inthe water. The buyer looks over thefish, and picks out the one he wants,and tbe seller then kills the fish with ablow on the head with a club, or with aknife. It is common thing to kill thefish in the presenoe of the customer.Fish are sold in this way at, for instance,Key West, Havana and Genoa.


As almost every community hss it cor-respondent, we came to the conclusionthat Millers should not be slighted.

Millers lies about five miles north ofAlbany, between he railroad and thestate public highway. It nsed to be aflourishing town ; but since the P. O. hasgone back on ns, it has degenerated intoa second rate villagn.

Buchner Bros, are farming on an ex-tensive scale this spring, running seventeams. - ..

We understand Mrs. Flickioger hasadopted a young girl. Don't get excitedboys, she is only thirteen.

Orion may be seen every Sunday wend-ing his Wiiy toward the mountain house.

Aunt Belinda has been telling aboutall her flowers beitg winter ki'led. Withdue respect to Aunty's knowledge offlowers, yet we seriously doubt if shecould recognize a petunia from a dog-wood blossom.

We feel envious toward Little RoseBud; it must be his good looks that al-ways causes him to be so royally waited

pon. Cpmtox.

The Corners .

hang even when you haveyour ace curtains renewed at our laundry.Call and get pricea. Don't be afraid losend expensive curtains to vt W knowbow to launder them right.

0 Simpson & Son, City Laundry.

To Tkachers. To teachers wishing toattend the Teachers Institute at ToledoMay 10th to 14th, the O. O. & E. wiltmake a rate of one fare for round trip,tickets good going from May 8, return-ing until May 15th.

Save Your Grain.Few realize that each squirrel destroy

$1.50 worth of grain annually. ' VVake- -I 'ee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminttor la1 'he most effective and economical poisonJ "own. rnw reoucta io au cents, ror

sale by Fothay & Maion, agents.

a nrted to fight department stores, whicuit says is more important than the Gre-ci- au


An axflhanoa makes the startling andsensational announcement that Wallace "Miwi.iiui.u,,..

---. . .iwian.t ia related to

Vice-Preside-nt Hobart.

Marion county is accused of having al-

ready insured and paid for polices thatdo not take effect until July, and yet it isfJ87,000 in debt. Jjreat financiering.

South Bend, Wash., once a proud citywith a good population and big buildings,ia now a municinal wreck, hardly anything being left there. The Herald hasat last given up the ghost and flown toliwaco.

In nearly all the state legislatures ofthe U S. from Oregon east, that bavemet this year, there have been red hotcharges of bribery, and it Is probablethere has been considerable tire withthe smoke.

This morning at the depot an old manwho was leaving for the Dakota countryshed copiaously to think he wasobliged to leave his new home in Oregon.

Salem Journal. He was certainly justified in doing bo.

Attorny L. D. Bnrtenshaw and Rev.Dr. Easter rarticinated in a little muscular development in the presence cf anappreciative muieum uu ie tuu..Burt was voted first Honors, wnue jjocbaa lelt town, we presume to allow na-ture to repair the damage. CoquitleCity Herald.

A $150 warrant has been issued inMarion county for insurance three orfour months before the policy takes effectand without a scratch on the records toshow that it was authorized by the court,and with the county S7 ,000 in debt. Thepapers are having a high old time overit.

Vt course the railroad commission isdoomed, public sentiment calls lor tberepetl. but the unconditional repeal olthe law will leave no barrier between therailroads and tbe people. RoseburgPlaindealer. As a matter of fact therailroads are the ones who seem to wanttbe commission. We have never beard oftheir trying to bave it abolished. Tbeylike it so well that tbey Uke tbe com-missioners around in a special car anddine and wine them in the finest style.Tbe people will be no more at tbe mercyof the railroads without the commissiontban they are now. The members of tbecommission are personally nice gentle-ire- n,

but their course in forcing them-selves npon tbe public when the gover-nor bas decided that tbe commissiondoes not exist, ia not appreciated.

A controversy is going on about whoshall repair tbe bridge at Salem. TbeJournal says: The city of Salem ia to paypart of tbe expense of maintaining: thesteel bridge at Salem. Is this right? Tbebridge was built by the two counties andtbe city donated $20,000 toward the en-

terprise. Tbe biidge after it waabuittwas to be owned and operated andcontrolled by tbe two counties in com-mon. Moreover there lias been 1 li-

es ti on on this point in controversy.The city never entered into the matterand never could be held tor a centfor construction or repairs then, nor canit lawfaliv be held now. It may bethat the only way to get immediate re-

pairs ia for the city to undertake the re-

pairs. Bat tbe city should not pay one-thi-rd

As tbe city of Satam pays a largeshare ot tbe county tax, to pay one-thi- rd

of tbe expense is really to pay one halfor more of tbe keeping op of the bridgethat belongs to two counties.

A Pullman car ran off the track at TbeDalles recently at 2 a. m. Paseeogerthought there was a wreck and rushedfrom the train in mgbt apparal, present-ir- g

some pecul'ar sights: "Possibly themost startling spectacle presented amongthe men was that of a new York travel-ing man. He was to stop off at TbDailea, and at tbe moment the carjumped the track was taking advantageof tbe seclusion of his curtained bertn,to change bis anderciotbet. He badsucceeded in disrobing when tbe firstrumble came. With a yell of 'error, thedrummer sprang from the berth andclad in tbe "altogether," made for tbedoor of tbe coach. Fortunately fir tbeother patsengers the J rammer was seised and thrust bodily back Into bis berth,before be had a chance to alavpede tbeentire car."

Tbe Dcwck&at recently said : "Thereis a poesibility ol a probability that workwill lie resumed on the Roseburg A CoosBay R R One of tbe shovels bas beencleaned. Thin made tbe Review madand it says: "Albany is the "deadest"town in Oregon, and yet the Dkmuckat,forgetting Its graveyard environments,essays to be funny in the following par-agraph i (eiving the above.) Well. Albany is all right, though struck with theprevailing prosperity that sffe;i Rose-

burg and other citiee as well, and is farfrom the deadest town ia Oregon. Theitem about the shovel was fi.nritelycorrect. We hope though, several moreare cleaned anl tbe road completed as itdeserves to be.

Ladies wishing to secure one of ourtailor made suits should call at once astbey are going fast. W hare just re-ceived anoUiT hoe of dress skirts in accord ion plaited and brocade grenadineinler ineU with colors, at tbe Ladies Baz-aar.

Buy the AutBsville, try tne Aumsvilleand you will bave no other brand. It ismade of Oregon's best white wbeat and isguaranteed to be tbe best Hour.

Thb oslt objection to buying of me is.the purchasers, bale to tell bow cheapclothing tbey wear. W R Ulaiit.


WILLIAMSON. In Benton county, May8, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Williamson.,girl.

George Eliot sayin one of her novels,that almost any womancan many any man shemakes np her mind to.ISWhether this ia trothor fiction, certainly awoman chooses herhusband oftcner thanhe knows It, But shemust play the negativepart. She can onlyni.l. ... :

"V" poaaime in a modest, womanly wayand rely upon human nature and manlyinstinct.A sensible man naturally seeks a whole.

some-looking- -, healthy, capable companion.Men are not unselfish enough to willinglyassume the care of a weak, nervous, de-bilitated wife.

Men are not attracted by a sallow, pimplycomplexion, fonl breath, or thin, emaciatedform, because these symptoms are the soreIndex of poor digestion and impoverishedblood.

A woman afflicted by these mortifyingmiseries should seek the powerful, purify-ing and nutrimental influence of Dr. PiercessGolden Medical Discovery, which com-pletely dispels all unwholesome appear-ances by clearing and renovating the organicsources of healthful vitality.It helps the liver to filter all bilious

from the blood. It gives the diges-tiv- e

organs power to extract nourishmentfrom the food. It rounds out thin formswipes away wrinkles, and gives to the com-plexion its natural clearness and bloom.

" Yoor "Gold Medical Discovery cured mof a severe cane of poisoning-- of the blood,"writes Mrs. Sella Rlcca, of Coaat, Banta Crus Co.,CaL " Boils one after another would break out onmy arm, and were very painful. I have tried thloudly praiaed Saraaparillaa without any benefitWhatever, and not until I took your 'JJiacoverydid I get well. That was two year airo. and 1have sat had a boil or sore of anv kind since."

J - - aaja arwa,a

gAre built inthe largest

ICYCl FA ar.d BestEquippedPactorv ini . --ml M. I E t I " . --m

HlofiEStcf rtiah tSffiffei the World1 - --

1- a-- --1 -elect the Warerty becaose tliey have learned to know tl, dif-

ference betwwn a wheel that is actually high grade ana on thatis simpiy eiaimni to be. Some others may be good bar. tbeW averly is the bigbest of all bigh grade.


tt STiNDUXA BICYCLE C.- XDiasarous. lD Conn & Huston,

Rossland, B. C

Moynahan and

with the Spokane

he furnished with-

vaa a,vr aaa ..-a.- a j

K3TIJFCFEIECUTC1SALI hereby given that from andmher te 3lst da- - of May, JS97. in paraaace of a license aod order of tbe county

soert of Lisa connty, Oregoa, daly madeand entered ia said court oa the teaordsibervot 00 tne stb dav of April. 1SS7. ustbe meter of tbe eta cf W Khani Kiater, 1. th Bnders'giied, dulysr. pott-ted-, acting and qsaltSed executorof ire estiie of aa d deceicUsbal! proceed10 a 1 at private sa!e for owe bait of LbTorcbase r rice cash in batd oa ibe day ofi)r. ar. J he r'toaining half of the par

chaM-- 10 be paid oa or before two

y's a'ter tbe dte of each sa'c, all thet gbl ut and in'erwrt which tbe said deresent. W.diam K'nder, had ia or to tbefollowing deseriNed real estate at tbe hueof bis death. toit:

Tbe oorUtwest qxuier of tae nortbewstqaarter and Ibe Bortbeaat quarter of tr--e

oorhwest qnarter and tots two acd threeall in tec'ioa 36 T 10 S R 2 west; also beginalcg a tbe X comer of tbe S W iff ectioB 36T 10 S R 2 w being the X w

corner cf James Curl's N ;!. fS7 and ramring east 29 ehain-- : io ;s e south40 cis; tbeoce est 26 chains and lo Utk:tbeoce N 46 cb snore or teas to Ue Nboonearj cf said Not. 637; thence sooth

df ree 50 niauies w to tbe place ofbepinni.-- g coc'aioing US scree moreor le, in all ?2S acres more or fees all iaLinn county, Oregon .

Toe interest aa i estate whicb sal 1 dcedent bd ia aad to said premises at thetime of his death beings tee simple estatetbrea.

The deferred payment of one half of thepnrcbase pnee to be secured by a mortgage oarsaid rremi-es- . executed by theporchater.

Iated this 29:h day of Apr". 1S37 .W H Kkdkr, Executor.

Notice for PublicationLvxo Ornc av Orxoon Citt. Oa.

March b, iS97.Notice ia bereby given that tbe follow-

ing named settler has filed notice of hisintention to make final proof in support ofhis claim, under Sc 2o01 R S, and thatsaid proof will be made before theIster and receiver at Oregon City. Oregon.May llth, 1S97, vixr Perry 0 Hibbard; HE US02 for th X W M Sec 11. To 10 S R4 East. He names the following witnessesto prore his continnoos residence uponanf cultivation of said land, vix: JamoaB Moore, of Detroit. Hearv flora.edy. Frank Rabedeau. both of Niagara,Oregon, and Jchn O Fox ot Detroit, Or.

RUBhtti A., Kegister.

NoticeLasd Orrtc-- s at Ok egos Citt Oa

April 27ih. 1STJ7.

Xolice is bereby gien that tbe approved fractional p'at of survey of Township 13 south, range 8 east has been redived from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on June 3rd. i897. at 9 o'clock,a m, of said date, said plat will be filed iothis office, and the land therein embracedwill be su-je- ct to entry 00 and aftet saiddate.

Eoockt A MlLUtR,Wit Callow r Register.



Notice is hereby given that tbe under-sign- ed

baa been duly appointed adminit-tratr- itof ibe estate of irnia V H unm

deceased, by tbe county ooorf of LinBcounty ; AH person having claims againstsaid estate are her by rotifiai lo presentthem, duly verified, to me at t'u viiveH C Watson, attorney at lavOregon, within sU mon'bs Iuia lteof this notice.

Dated at Albany. Oregon. March 16, 897II C Watson. Kloskncb Uammes

Atty for Administratrix. Admx

T OST. Between the depot and K CI T Rogers', a purse containing 11-1- a

vitture and name of owner Return toboarding houe if Mr Rogers and ivceivereward.

ANTED. A few more engageVV ments by the day to sew.Mas. R. h, Ora.


Hon. W..J. Bryan's BookA LL who are ir.tcrcs'c j in fur;h?r!r-- j the sale of lion.

K J. Bn an's HOW took should cnrresrmA imThe zrork will frarr

HaMT Dtus thereof cmtaiaed iad executed ad dsbvcrwt y lao j

Yarbroagb and Sarah J Yasbrwagb. kiaare, to on Was Laedreth, a as to com

farm ta tbatrne deserittxm mt aud badsaa above Nt net, awd tesaoviagtae dund(ran p attt-jf- tt I lo said laadc.

Thi.mB09 ia pabiiaeed by rder eftb Bon E H He-i- ll, jude of too aboveeU led cotrt. madeatcbtwibefsi. A'banyOregon, tkd 23 d day oi Mare. 1897.

Eixnss tt Cwos.Au'ys for PUinuff.


In Hm Circa f Cwri of OebtaU tjOngemJmt lit cammtj of Iina.

J Carney Fowler and W i Caesar, piaiatiffs

- vsW G tforgaa. as admiaistrator of tbe estai of Thomas Morgaa deceesed : JameaVv Jiorraa as adminutrator or beOt L,voia jaorsaa oeceaeii; naaGrav, Frank Gray ber hoabaai; AgnesMcNeil, Joca McNeil ber husband. JobaX Vorgaa. Bath Mc'gaa bis wife; JaatesW Morgaa. Uorgaa bia wife; WC. Un l!ra kia wife: faa Morgaa, E A Marzaa. Morgaa aia wife; Ht

I gars Daceaa. Dacca bar baabaad; GL, fctrjder aad tialtas J airyoei; ummNaiKasaJ Baak , (a eorperatwa) W H Gcitra, A Bosk, Trastae; First Xauoaal Baak,

sorporataoa) aad Mil am Hale,fMpfesaata.

To Joan V V-g- u aad Eat Morgia.his ife,aai Varfarat Daacaa aad Daaeaa, bar hasbaad. ' ' DWeadaata.

D5 THE NAME OF THK STATE OTOREGON: Sea are hereby reqaired la apBraraBdaasaertaaeoiaplaiBt bled aniaatsa ia tea ston eaaxjaa aaiL, oy vo nrawc

Am r J the aaxt Sena cf this ooart to lo awurf.tba axntraUja oi sud aaaiasoca,tarrt: by taa,4th Ujoday Jaae,lS9?;r.eiB the 2S--k dafof said soonta; aad u yea aui ao to at reta satatr, for wsat tbeiewt, tae xJanuoawiil apply ta the ooart far tt rm-r- praf dfor ia ta evaaplaiBt filed aaiast yoa besw-i-a.

tawit: For a deeoa farvdaataa; a ee taiamortcag exeat4 bv mmm Th earns Morgaaaad Ltdia Morpa. his wife, (both deeeaa-c-i)

to lhe Jarru-Coeai- ia Itortcae TraarCoaapaay. ta sccara tk payKcet of $162Swi ih istemt, aad th fartftar aaaa sf J10O

attorney fees. Said atertgage hdmg apoaraal eata aitaste la tb eoeatystate of Oregoa. aad particalarlyaad deae ibed aa foliowa, towit:

Tb W X ef tb D L C af David W AltiEfcbaat: aiiaatd i Sees 33 aad St, Tp 13.

Mat. Baag 4, W W H. coatatlng 159acras aaore or leas.

Aad eireetiajeal ef said property ia tbmaaaer prnvided by law aad appheatioa aftae proeeaoa taeret'aai ta payaseas ar aciaiai of tka p'amt;f 1 hareia, iadadiaceocta. dUbarScaseaU of sait aad aUaraay's

This vaSEaaaaa ia aabbVaed by seder afthe Hoaocable & H Hewitt, iadgaofasideoa't.

Made aad dated aa ts 24th day af Febrasrv. 1S97.Gao W MosrrATra aHacKUwax,

Altdraevs for Plaiatiffa.

CiTATICN.Ia sv Coaaty Coart of ta State ef Oregoa,

for Usa eoaaty.Ia tb matter of the estate of F R

Cbeadle deosased.To Mary Gtanaaa, Kiveat R Cheadle,

WUhel-i- m Strackausr. Ematt LareasaCheadie, Florence Cbeadie, Laaa Graaaaaaed to all atbar heirs aad devisees af saiddeceased, aakaawa, trwtiag

1N THK KAME OF THE STATE OFOREGON. Toa ar berths cited aad rq aired to appear ia the eoasty eoartaftaest: of Cregon, for thee maty af Liaaatth ooart rocaa thereof, at Albany, ia saidoaaaty.oa Saturday tb ISta day Uay, 1 e clock ia the afteraoaa af that dr.then aad theto ta show eteae if aay )oanave, wby raM eoart aboald aot asaka aaorder aa'boriatag ia exscatoraf tbalastwiil aad teataKcat of aai l deoaaeed to as Iat private ta a tba follow U g dssenbed rea;property ar aay part thersof beloagieffsaid estate towit; The aatfef thesouihwest qaarte ef block 47 in Hack!a a'a Sad additioa to th city af Aibaay.Also beginning at a ptriat ia tb seataboaadary rio of bloek 1 ta tb Eaatsra additioa to Aibaay, Oagoa, cqaaliy dwtaatf oa soatbeaat ad svttbsraat Ctjaers oftaut block ooe, theae acatbarly parallwi;h 6aker street ia said city 100 feetna e eaaterlv parallel wita F!rst45 feet, tbeaee soatherlv parallel with saiuBakar street te teesoata boaadart af saidblock one, theeo wsaterly aa the soathboaadary of said b) ck aa to tb plae ofhegiaaing. Also all tt th S E if af atoekNo.ore ia ti East are addition to said city.xoepttcg 45 fee heretofore said rff the

west aid of said quarter. A!so tba aoetaha f of lot S ia block 17 ia Hackleawa 's 3daddiuoa to said oily of Aibaay, th aivkiealine beioit parall! with Sccd street ia

Also lot No. 4 in Wock SO

aid city of Albaav. A!o lots Kos 3 aadin block N- - 26 la Hseklaataa's aseoad additioa to said eity of Albaav. Abo lotsNo 0, 21 and 22 in block No 2 la Abbey'sadditioa to th eity of Aibaay, a"l ef aaxtimI prorwetv being ia Lian coaatj.Orejp.A Wo lot No 7 ia black 22 ia tb towa ofSeal Rxsk in Lineol a eoaaty, Oregoa.

WitiMwa. tka II. --i Raorie D Barton.-- ) Jadgaof th eooKty eoert f th

V state cf Oreon, fee t teantyI of Linn, wita th .! of ad

ooart srfiifd, this 6th day of April At",lS97,Aut:

C B Moxtaock, Clerk,by R B lIosTAOca. Jpafy- -

RENT.-- 16 acres of bad. nearFORAlbany, for rent. immediately.Inquire of S N Steele- -

STBEET EAItWAT KOTICE.The motoi on tbe Albany stnet rail--

to and from tne depot, day ana nig-- i.Special trips will be a ade at special

ate. l.r Cos, Conductor,UrTTTIc?XreaTn Ba)c.In; Powder

ayrtd"s Fair ttaxaaas Ma as mt

his cfltnpafqn tour ...rtritten bv his wife' i

t.npcTvat sfoeches . .

mediately Taina. t the rub'ishrrs.

An r.Cictirtt o

lus biOrar.'r,

His nest1 The rcuUsof

A review of

the campaign of IS96.

AGENTS WANTED 5Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting

one-ha- lf ot all royalties to furthering the cause ofbimetallism. There are already indications of an enor--mous salc. Address

W. B. C0NKEY CG.VPANY, Publishers,341-35- 1 (Wvirf-r- StXlliCAGO.

,i,.:aaie nere, ou.y vennta. as oy law re--

the political situation . .


Notice Is hereby given that the annuameeting ol thes'oekholders of lhe AlbaaFarmers Co., wilt be held at the office osaid company, io Albany, Lino countyOregon, 00 the 14 h day of May, ls9"-- ,

at 1 o'clock p m of said dav, for 1 he pur-pose of electing ven !) directors tcseivefo'the term cf one year, and thetransaction of such 01 her business as mavcome before the roeelin . Dot bv crderof the board ol directors .Attest: M 11 Wilds, President.

Pres B ?iARSUi.LL, Sec'y.


Notice i hereby given hat L E 13'ain,of 41bany, Oregon, on the ISth day ofFebruary, 1S97, made a general assign-ment of all his property for the beneLt of

U his creditors; and that the untie' signedbas been duly appointed assignee in saidassignment proceeding. All crediters ofaid L E Blamare hereby required to pre-

sent their claims to me, r'uly verified, atmy cilice In the postoflice building. Albany,Oregon, within three months trom theda'e of this notice.

Dated attVlbiny, Oregon, this 23rd dayof March I097.aUAtH, H Bay ant, Assignee.

FIR RENT OR SALE.-JW- ood farm 173

. 6 miles from Albany. Eoqnirec,r.,i r At, .vOI It r iucuwaip, aiuut -- r.

FOR RENT. in McITwain'a brickgood s'ore room, 8 ,ood ofiice

rooms.' Enquire of H F bicllwain.

FOR RENT. 6 room dwelling. 9 roomgood location and cheaprent. Enquire of II F Mcllwaia, Albany

LOST. A flat key with nbhoa. to it.return to tbe Revere bouse.

LOST. Saturday evening, a gold crossenameled, from watch caarm.

Please return is J O Dubrnille.

NOTICE.Noiice is hervby (liven that br order ol

the circuit cmr of the Mate of Oregon,for Linn coun'y. dcprtn;ent No 2, allclalnia airairMt the Albany Woolen MillCo, a corporation, that bave not .Ireadybeen presented to tbe undersigned receiveror filed with tbe clerk of aid court, are re-

quired to be presented to the undrniignedreceiver within three months from the

.aired; said ,'bat 0ijec,,ionVlc',JiTanv there be, be filed with tue clerk of .aidcourt within three months from the expir-ation of 'he time allowed by law for thepreebtation of said claims ss above men-tioned.

Dated April 12. 1897. Fy order of thcourt. L f LINN.



Notice it herebi given that the cltvcouucil cf tbe city of Albany .Oregon, willmeet and sit as a board of t)ulatlon,tb iuoaiuii(.ii caniueis in sii" ci onFriday the l'h day of May, 1331, a, ibehour of 2 o'clock In the atiernoon ol saidday, for the purpose of examining, correeling and equalizing tl ofsaid city for Ibe year 1897, aud a'so orneiurtner purposa of o,ktng (be tax

levy upon said aejajent for the ?er1897.

Ulvn by order of he council ol the cilvof Albany, Oregon, ind? tne 27ih day ofApril. 1SS7

Albany, Or., M-i- 1, 1837.NJIIknton.

Recordrr of tbe City ot Albany.


Tin roofing and plumbing. Opr-oai-

tie opr house

M MITCHELli conUnnes to act aaF' aout Inr the l'aciflo School Desk andFurniture Co.. of Portland. Orders sentto bira at Albany, Or., will be promptlysitsuded to.

innfii,..!.i..i . war ;in 'Balkans has brought a better tone into thestork nrhuM ,

AaUa cm.Pakir. Mav 9 An annnviuous donor

bas sent the sum of lj5,U00 to the committee of manairement of the charitybazaar, which was tbe scene of last week'sterrible tragedy. This amount, with '.beproceeds of tbe first day's sale, 1809equals the full receiots of the baznar cfI8U8.



Your Groceries and Baked Goods

Is at Parker Bros. Evervbody kLowswhere their place is. They keep a freshstock of groceries, produce and bakedKoods, of Alt kinds, sell at reasonableprices and treat tbeir customers well, alla. ike.

You may regret some steps yon takein lifo Lnt none taken into tbe store olParker Bros.

It is a erett thins to be well fed. Par-ker Bros keep good groceries. '

A loaf of bretd is not much but yonwant it well made. Try Parker Bros.

On Brondnlbtn Street.


. And everything in season at F. H. Ffoif- -Canned wild blackberries ia cne and

two quart jars, cheap at0 E EnowKEUi's. fSTI.