vicepresident the gulf coast mcrctnl jol mas · u lo1man esq boston mass william 0 peniston esq...

THE SUN SUNDAY PEBRARY 19 1B8STWENTY PAGES 9 Directors of the Homosassa Company HOMOSASSA FLORIDA I President Gen Joshua L Chamberlain ExGovernor of Maine Now York City VicePresident James Mcintosh Noffbnry 8 0 Secretary Dr John 0 3 DnboislIodon N Y Treasurer Col J John P DHHB P- tON dent Mcrctnl Bank Ocala Fla lou F A Wilson B THE GULF COAST Maine Blair Esq Cashier National Bank Cincinnati Ohio Jol U lo1man Esq Boston Mass William 0 Peniston Esq Boston Mas W L Van Devcntcr Esq Ocala Florida J Great advantages for the settler sportsmnn toiiriHt anti pleasureseke Situated on the beautiful nnd famous Homosnssn River The old Plnnnlon home of the late Senator Yulcc IVo such combination ot attractions cxlsta In the whole Flower State twcntyflvc different kinds of fish ail the river while deer luck wild turkey quail Engltah snipe partridge plover c abound Turtle and terrnpln In season and oysters by the million A veritable paradise for sportsmen and the garden spot of the world for fruit growers and truck farmers Forld lifts bun wrItten up A written dono much that it bonld b 1 to- ublt lb radln PROFITS TO BE MADE beII thAt to ho bay nr TII it ot tb trnlh In tnolla I we onle ot te nnet rru atn tetiio land tound orldl untorlnnally the aniouni Five acres of landonct cleared fend and planted I In fruit treet ihouU without egttabl t IIlha ewats- nre lob ouI laM ti an4 tie lay I not tor diftant when U I brtn rabolou ptlou Tba thrifty settler as wsU at lean tlooi per year over com of tree Ao for hit labr t e a thrifty liveyear hummock trove of hrWd lmlod r and peiltor aro tat tuktn op Ih bolo Iofttlon It I l OUffld thAt about on worth at leatt th State over tvxui or siux per aer may not alwavs brl ig tins amount to self tor I U the I tttleIhftTIOCftt1 In YorIdtbeputwo year build tnot thoul but It will SOOn yield agitnd fair Interim on 100 above expenses After five YOn time each u aett b hundredind I tory winter boarder who Ilk tbe fowl of the air ado the rola or Iho Norb anti seek a more doubling crop till It It ten years old ot II mony to flOW that tile 1110 ot InorA In watth has bon An orange grove once established and paid for the ownr I Is shout the molt Independent on earth ronUDlI clime the piIttV1 1lrpr II any ohiir RIM or Trrllory In Amerl andrpnllon to Iralr For unlike apple pear peach or other fruit culture nrante trees continue to grow and rncrent Ian crop with I llorId of the rlortda Inllul hum tnon to the world Tbl1 contu b t their growth for mor than one hundred years Besides fruit I It ot finer quality on old trees 1 not onlru the chtfliI Amoog the 101 booultul a wU a molt ferUle pOI In FlorIda and which we desire to your aln owner assured ot a competency but his children sOd grandchildren at well oa WHY IIOMO A HA WILL BE A OREAT CITY to to I IIOMOSASSA- i j f Its location I Is all Ibat can b desired being below tile twenty ninth parallel situated on ont of the mOl hue of the i the coast portion peninsula rtvsr In Fioridi it tiM on loOf alt a rorl resort for iponsmen the fishing i In the river being aomtthlng wondtrfnl eleven ttl a winter resort It must oon take lit plact atone of the most olamlnl fuelnattnt and different kinds of fish Inl the By and I It i U called a poor day for fishing when one cannot take at least one whole world Asabuilnms ely and shipping point It will command of ni ot the halhllln ti hundred fertile countlet ot Florida retort for sportsmen and lourlits its equal cannot found and aa an agricul- tural ¬ The puld i the neat in florid I centre II I fed by tbo products ot thousands of acres of the rlohtit toll nature haa deposited metbir- BEAHONH The CUiT t inaglIflC iiea front time to time bad rul accounts of the grand sport at HomoMtsa tht articles earth I o by Al YreICO in Thrf Field an4 bUITIr ot the Ialyred and qooso Llr Harpers Monthly had WRY YOU HUOVID INVEST AT IIOMOIAI aenrrepnnd0nttttt bIaremarkabIeelPerienCeIn tb lm 1e 10 the plc beenwidal7knowntOr It has been proved time and time again that the pioneers tarly tcttlers and any new locality that unqueUCd Sport h as protoecti of a brilliant future are the one who mate the money In anynw town mutt always I I the home of and It I Is flattering the of Halltt Oefots the wer thin pronttnrnt omoUmen I place for eSnalor Yllee t alraUn the be started tow and mcraw In value according to the rapidity with grows Lets which sold at 8t 1010 that tram ona It wa rAnllon he made lila anllon foninne- II grove e years 10 Auguttlue and Jacksonville a few year ann for a few hundred dollar now Mil for thousands At Ualnesvllt FdllIIIO than it sear In that WAR XOS Ocala the mental In values hat been wonderful In natural attractions tlomotattaIt tar beyond these and I It I more ON EARTH Wblnatn Iblrm belt nOM08ASBA Tla prospect of a irreat advance l> quite ai coot UOUOMA RIVER Among ron which rayon an Invlmrntt Itomoteisa are the following TiE First Tht unsolicited letter and prest nol mOl convince the reader of the trutbf uln u of the ttatementl a wonder It butt suddenly out of the earth In two powerful pnloi and tows westerly mn to made I I in II0t Th atTUne current cut I channel olan end deep the ricer nearly to I IM The 4- 1nprfflCV l Second As a winter retort for the Invalid for the tourist the sporuman or the quiet puccIni enjoyment of It of the I won lerful At mtlnl IRING nllabl tb bottnm at a depth ot the bntlneta man or family It bat no equal MiMt While waleIImlhlnl in a coat one seen myriad of run ot all Unas Btantltnl blond are psed 4 Third For the icltler tropical gardener and fruit grower the rich loll of this beautiful region oar three river broadens the Unit and the shores are decked In trees nod shrubbery ot tropical luxuriant 1 crop a year which will pay enormous pronts as the Fourth Thnneit oranges In the world are grown here while lemons banana pineapples limes pcrtlm DOHOU81 HOTEL mona pears peaches plum nrs tlatca and olive all grow In mairnltlcent luxuriance Hfth The settler hero can lire I In the happy enjoyment a tropical garden god with five or ten acre i of land nMnnl1 a commanding site on the river Here Capt A Wiard the proprietor makes happy all who visit the can be Independent nod on the road to a competency at the end or lIve year Lice and tprtadi before the guests an toothsome epicure oonld demand Included tn the Mil of Sixth lloraonama prenents a combination of aoll climate healthfulneu and tropical beauty the equal of which firiVwill b found the following Deer bear steak wild turkey quol duck snipe partridge plover and lice birds cannot b found In the United sutei We lay thli without feet ot truthful contradiction and Oytters served tn every style as well ai mind Terrapin rresh Vegetables strawberries Ac NO BISK WHATEVER b1lb among the wellknown names which appeared on thllegjiter iaa winter lion John Blgelow VMUtlwaT Mr A B Clan New Yorkt Mr John Claflln Ntw York Mr B T Dutton BIOn Maaa M- rjoinOllcJman The tettter or investor who locate at Ilomoiaiu atinmci no risk whatever Valnet mutt advance and Ihot X F I P Knapp Now Von Jndr Larnce New York Pemberton- i who BO rteilre can Mil out at a rood prottt at any time Already choice Iota have anld for Ssou Slm gogland Botn R Agnew New York Mr Callln lloughton Boston MaO Purchasing land at llnmoiaiisa lion of the belt Inreitiueuti that can possibly bo made ten times better and ot D and travel hat set so strohnly toward this beautiful place that plant bar bon made for safer than the savings bank It cannot ret away or default nor ran It depreciate In value aa do railroad stock Jtide I mlrUon which III I Ii proposed to have open by January of next year Already baa and bonds hem a ivi3ted by this company In purchasing land making streets bulmlnir hotels and other Improvements And tI 4 Cold snow itormt and hard frost are never known at 1lomoa nor does one hare to ipend all b makes far distant when St Augustine will have to look to bar laurels as a winter resort At 8t Augustln l summer to keep him comfortable through a loon cold dreary winter fllbYafhl may be teen In a den white at Homnsaiwi weeks can be spent In hunting fishing tailing crabbing Think of a horn In the land ot nrIO aud llowers where among ttately palm majestic oak beautiful blos- soming ¬ One never tires of the diversity of sport and pleasure at Uomosassa magnolias and fragrant 1 111 on may enjoy a perpetual summon picking rotes nearly every day In rc drY the year the cottato In which live bedecked with beautiful creeping vlnei and rratrant lowers loading the SOIL OF IIOMOSASSAA- H very air with their health glvliur perfume Consider thin you of the North who are frozen up one half or the year and swelter In the hot sun the Te It not a luxury to be able to wall out In your Harden picking roeet or the land owned by this company Is high hammock well timbered with hordoodrr forty different gathering delicious pineapples banana peaches o oranges almost dally during the year tlll here Hurn hummock I Is the most the fttate for purposes The noil Is ex nlchafldlilOr0P5aYCr can be ratted without fertilisers Among tbe profitabl early vegetables IIIMAPPOINTM JirOSHlUIE f- rae4 here irS the following The statements here made cast be relied upon and the lureitor or settler will not b disappointed with Cucumbers Potatoes Cabbages and Tomatoes can bt grawn at O which command monop iloinoaua OUI1 People who have vlilted InmoalnrIAby that the PI cannot do Justice t this charming spot one has ben rlbd from Cncub Cahh Tomto and h Iona mutt se It to renitce Ita 0 pr ar grow to perfection Slawbre failures hay been made In Florida fraud and mlcrepretentatlont Impoeed upon the public but It I la not and einitropi4al Fruit Orange Lemon Limes Orapo Frnll Citron the Banana Pnaple Dates Floridas fault sh has the the resources to mete her no State cast oe Front no other rm TrplOa rears Japanese Isritminon reachen tearL Piumu grow thin land WtOll lu part of this great country of ours can the orange lemons and all tropical frulta at well at earliest strawberries and the tattler profits npn rr and earlleit vegetables come California never compete with r lorlda In then much needed and profitable com- modities pay noon TIER TAIL IUJLND Distance I freight chanrm and time It takes to fIt them East bar California at a eomjmltor Betides v no orange I In the world gnats I the Florida orant the llomotaea orange In particular flOKIDAa BOOM a chanter tiMid to describe It receive its name from the great Semlnol Indian ablet who made It his YET To COE o boom has ever struck Florida but come rantil in the river lust below the hotel liar was for forty yeas tht bom of United Btattt Senator Yule Never hat the tide of Immigration 11 strongly in this direction Itl the present time nor bat the demand to- rT ruins of tht mansion burned during the war are rlbowndandhlonno of lolboussusedakitcbnand PALM TREES ON THE OLD PLANTATION AND ISLANDS ON THE HOMOSASSA RIVER Rood land In Rood locations exceeded present Jacktonrllle will b alive tnlt winter with visitors to th sub- tropical ¬ have line been ocnple by many a Homosassa orange which bas often exhibition and that exquisite piece of Uoorlth architecture Ponce de Lon Hotel at Auguttln tslen ths at the known everywhere that Florida oranges are quoted It head the list aa A erected by U M Flagler at a cost of over HOOUUJO will call thousands ot wealthy people trotn 11 North and lie 1 f pr catalogues tier It the original Homotassa Tree and Ore annually producing now after Wet run o a oul molDIon oranrea known This Is the parent a million or more trttt scattered the busy wheels of Industry will revolve at nomotana Ita valuable and varied wood will lb enter- prising ¬ oir o rI 11 oelr al full thrive best near wbert they originated the traveller may never bop mechanic white canolo ana mutt factories will soon be In bntr motion Secure property 01 whit It I Ic blast batter oranges front this grove from Nonmbo to Kab Immense flg tret yet cheap This company will offer for a short time onehtit the lots and orange grove at ilomoiasta at low with fruit and century plants pomegranates and guavas are over TaU J tb com- posed prices for the purpos of Inducing rapid Immigration and settlement The more Irat the more valaM Of decayed bl and vegetable mould and U amazingly productive Increased a House and Business Lots from 1OOO Tip Fiveacre Tracts from 100 Up FREE TICKET TO HOMOSASSA wit stopover at Jacksonville and admission to the SubTropical Exposition to all purchasers of not less than 300 worth of r lan- d1hhcparlrrdlnllhllblyonlmbaln I tomnryerUblb aa tSSOO each This may I moa nayalatonelol Own some real estate I WHAT THE PRESS SAYS OF HOMOSASSA I 10108A84 i FLORIDA FISIIIXG- alomosnssa LETTER FHOSst FLORIDA I have never seen 10mOa I get them to join you In I encesMd In your order for a lot or orange grove tract I but why ahonld I not duplicate tL I buying a block Nobetterlnvestmentcatibomatethan A Graphle Description of One of the love flterImmeuseFountnlnaNen CorrospondencetotbeCheaterflpubcan- orwhatlibetlersthi Ttslt our offlce and Augustine 1 I I thetyouwDl purchaingabiockornvoortenacretract i fiutldlon Finny Game Eleven Vu- rletle 1 punches In person Visitor are always welcome I The large hotels that are sore t bo built here wilt I Here merchants mechanics laborers farmers minis- ters I i Bee llomosassa Pamphl- etnOHOSAMA whether they purchase or not bring visitors and settlers by th thousands and tha teachers ynnug and old people can come end enjoy I Heat Places In FUrldav i that Rise to the Ply Bimembei that present prices will soon be advanced I tradebyoughtby title Influx will demand hundreds of I a lit amid the fruits and flowers In 1 land where labor Tie Wonderful Besmtlea t r tbe nomossisi i Unarming Panorama and when we advance ourpropentyitadvancesthe prop I torts of every description U pleasure end where the returns are greater than can I I from the Southern Sun I ol Men Lifer- oyotallwhoaeOwllers Do not wait toebonr I Hake a new start inllfe Art yon a mechanic who has I befoundetsewhere I Country I I reap the greater profits bCd I tolled hard to earn a few hundred dollars at the expense I Here In the most genial climate and In as fair a land as I For this article see pamphlet on Uomosssa Sent free I Correspondence to the Philadelphia Inquirer chulrlm i of health and happiness or are you a farr king out I the sun ever shone upon you can secure ron your old age I D Ooulp on the auirCrat te lays ara dangerous and I thin case waver I miserable cxlttenco on a rocky Northern talrDE I comfort happiness and un enjoyment and competence I By n B PBINOLE L to axe address For title article > e descriptive pamphlet of Homosassa Iii delay awn dltOU W honestly believe by barely enouch In summer to keep l I not only for yourself but for those you eli hold mos I I Correspondence t the Boston Evening Transcript that lots that r Wi nominal sum will be through the oold dreary winter < U com to Hu dear Bee pamphlet sent free to any address Nee llomosassa Pamphlet Nailed free on applicants Our descriptive pamphlet contains letter front many prominent men from all parts of the United States among whom may be mentioned M 1 > Burnet formerly Mayor of Ocala Fla II F Hutton of Houghton Ss Mutton Boston Thomas Gary M D President of the Board Health Ocala Flu llr Charles J Keuworuy Jacksonville Flu ticorge Willis OcaIn Fla R J Levis M D an eminent physician of Philadelphia and Dr Henshall 01 Kentucky the wellknown scientist and author PetKriptive Pamphlet and Plat of the Town of Homo free It costs nothing Send for it and read tho press notices and letters from prominent omen who have visited the place Jf you cannot cull at our ofHro send for pamphlet and prloo list If you desire t purha without calling you may rest auurcd of the tUent s though you were dealingrvlthua In pcnton Money may be sent us by Pot OOlce order registered letter bank draft or express Cal or address THE COMPANY No4 Broadway josm or THE THEATRES Henrr Irrinn Ellen Ten and all the rest o- rt London Lyceum company tomorrow nijtht at the Star open the series of performances announced as their fariril enrairnnt Probably that 1101 lit- erally Intended AD that I certain I li that the five weeks work of the company at the Btar will b the last they will d II America this Mu Their subsequent labors are planned ahead t a nicety They will 1 for home 1m medially after their toni performance Is over on Satur day night March 24 and will get to London In time to revive Fan a the Lyceum During several weeks put they have been plajrlnat the Boston Theatre They cone to New York today and will present for their Initial play at the Star W O WWI pastoral drama Olivia O Saturday night Mlas TerrywUlrestas tumal and Irving wU take the occasion t revive The Lyon a melodrama that baa bad new life Inc M began t enact the dual roles l of Lauryua and Dutxtc- Bsfor nil dpu Irvlir may be expected t repro- duce T hauL LouisXIand Much Ado About Nothing be viewed with keen Interest Irving Olr w sod b company have played It in Boston t approving audiences Their Stat New York performance of It wi- UbaurtocrowdtheStato tin capacity Many of the audience win b versed In the play Wills wrote It In lOT On March 30 1878 it wax first acted at the Lon- don Court Thatre Miss Terry then u now being In the titular role H was Oft a dramatization o The Vic ef WakaAald u a rood many people expected It would b With had confessed frankly that the dUrbln novel I byojtd tb dramatlsta ruthless pn 1 b skoply freely treated one of Its mol hrlplo1- b love of the Tlears pet daughter COI ru ducUoa It was generally agreed at the tine was saved fo disaster by Xii Terrys Impersonation of Wlrla a vents public opinion awarded t bfi the triumph o feeing responslbl for the London run of the piece to the following October Fanny Davenport in this coun 1 was seekIng a ply for her starring purposes News MOhl reached her and he went abroad t view II Sh deemed It a proper ehlcle and came back au thorlMd to I Itn America On the nlcht of tug If she at tb Union bqaarc IB prarlna title role She had the o cal i t Ilnot MTaral good actors The Cr rrtmroK now to be played by Irving 1 Charl Flutter the lover iulre Tluirn- AM was Chutes A Stavenaon then less portly and more pnlY than ho I today an husband man alo ad actor all In one IlurchrK was enacted by Edwin Price who became Oils Davenports husband a year later Sophia was Linda DictA who oddly enough Is In Irvings force today Un Jrtmrae was Mrs Cha roola awr r11 England Mrs F A TannehllL Hr Fanny Oillett a actress of minor rOles Vi Ulla- mllirtxrt and Emma Vader r in tbe cast The city run of the drama waa brief After pl 111 was taken by Vlu Davenport on a tour and b end by It wes shelved In the Irving production the ptra features will doibtlMt b mad most Winifred- Kmery will be Aa Thorns Weuman the Itunhtl- lud George Alexander the Thorn Mil of the cast UramalUatloDsof TU Vicar of Wakan ldbavo been plenty enough 0 both the English and American stages Thirty odd yea aim there bail been versions of It at Btrnume XII sit Wallacks old Theatre and at Burtons Chamber Street Thatr London Assurance will b the fist in thu series of stsndard comsdle with tbe revival of which Wallacks w1 end Its oar as a stock theatre John Gilbert will coarse b wlcomd at fir Uarecurt Courtlcy hose Coghlant return t her old home will be toad as lady Cay yjatAtr an appropriate rOle under all the clroum- sunces Osmond Tearl will play Haute Netla Onion trace and harry Edwards Max llrtawav The tour Kofllsh genllanun droves Ward Dodsworth and rifoitwlll also b In U ca Old U eads cod Young heart will b the ncond revival T VTaslilugtons Blrdoldrl profit the the- atres I the play houses tint not ordloarllr dt a Wednesday laallui will do t ibis wk on lh hol11 account The Mar will b- an exception t rue An xhtbltof orchldt In great variety Lulls to the Eden Musest attractiveness as an luttructlv cod entertain log resort The flowers will be 0 view tour days longer Thlula mllt ire permanent howtver ud arl wax wot From e in the norninglol I at night Sundays and wttk days th Battl of Gettysburg painting at Fourth avenue and Mneteintb Street may be stan George B Crmwe who is nothing if not a patriot- will deliver fetching hector in br entire rep- ertory tonight at the Urand I I Is called America Our lloint The njnjlluols I Is a stunner After the current week of uiuslo at Nlblot boards of that u will hold the wlght of melodrama oUILndonWt Cora Sinn Tanner astbcbt r Ir k stands by various coniblntv- t twfowtUJo X1ZIU4I r pie o Dolores Wlb Mananr fIllmore w probably help t mount be Is caked Just t make Inc Klra word Gilmore it the most practical kind joke Bears of Hearts s mb holding publla favor- at the Madison Square TI l ta o Frederick Robinson from the cut I moro than atoned for by Thomas Whlf tens better impersonation of Jal Itatmer Robin- son made the dandy an oily and sometimes unpleasant fellow rTnlffen given t the character a mora comic Interpretation In keeping with the scenos in which ho mo- nT sixth and lest plo leading In Sidney Woolletta series at the Squre will occur tomorrow af tenon The Tempest will b Iha play 1roof of the lasting quality of The Henrietta h nanza at the Union ua win oonclnslTelj Mn In Ash Wednesdsy nights audience A calculation not made In tbe Interest Of the theatre placed tht receipts at something over TOW That Is to b considered an ex- cellent bowl The come hat nve t t run b fore will b caked t pay tribute to It at they surely must do The completed company for A Possible Case are to have Manager Hills advle dally now Since It became known that the principal female character requires a woman ot striking pusonal beauty the theatre lias bun besieged with applicants fur the part end the correspondence received would make a book as thick as a unabridged dictionary- This Isthlastwetk of te season of minstrelsy at Dockstadera Albert the walker ls out o t b but otherwise there I no change from pro ¬ grimm Billy Rice Billy Courtwrlght curt Bhepard- Relger Frlllman Jo Perry and Magrw and Low Dockstader will form a exreUot nnon of a black face company that ought to pleas t playgoer Tht tour will lutuntbplembr O the departure of the minstrels telra1 b occupied by Corlnnt and her company She put on her revised Arcadia fur a stay of eight weeks Then there wilt b a month or 1 of Amanuensis a new comedy an mOray gauze by John Lynd A caron tactic Ih prodvo lon It is promised will presence t cut of tour actors and three actresses who kayo starred In the circuits comedy- The Avengers Oath which has not had a city bear Inawi b made known at Jacobs Third Avenue tbia ck hliebyCharteul I Brown Dot tbe heroine will be played by Florence I Bindley Mrs Thomas E Mills n young actress who hat been starring the past two or three lessons In a varied repertory She was once tbe- llauy lllndley of the vaudevilles and she retains her earlier skill In song and dance Her Third Avenue ap pearanoa will be noteworthy at bringing her t the city state for tbt nrst tin A a dam11 liar AfMr her week Jacobs will put In Fowle Warmlngtoni pad by the Light of tht Moon company who h Sldp ha authority t play that wild farce ever sine Louis Har- rison ¬ aud John Uourlay separated Jte at HarrigaoLj bas Pawed It 100th mark and I moving along prosperously nlrh 1 century Ilarrlgan calls It a aud 111 It does not warn likely ta oaln any ohan tIumph be during the remaining of tan Tb Grecian panorama th wood scenes James LewUs Bottom and Ada total Rbnnr p011 divide public opinion of Midsummer Dream at Dalys The theatre Is flied at every performance of the comedy- A man with a big fund of energy confidence m him sell and no thought of proprietys approva can help a burlesque entertainment t a leAclal tuccess Ed- ward B Wet I Is that sort of a mn The Coru will hive Its lotb censecntlve performance at Bijou on Tuesday night Credit for this ought lonl r t ge t Roe lie bas long studied lb public ttstt for showy extravaganza and bat tbe knack of doing the winning thing at tht right time lbs Corsair will k remem- bered as an aehlevament mainly for Rices persistent- and finally successful effort to mao tht paying public support It I 1s likely now that the new bin Tie IVarl of rektn will b balod and II I Is toowi that In his ooml opera very chipper comedian Louis Harrison will snake b rtlurn t the city stag after a absenct of several seasons BIIII Is not Iue at th llljou people have sought to aol abroad that sjartlaot will appear In the sailed back to Europe yesterdav- Mwulm will hold sway at the Academy three weeks longer Then parr will fappa in America starting his tour with a fortnight at t Academy and changing his programme almost every night Ilia llamltt sear and Aean will b tbt great attractions Tht new Broadway will certainly he opensd saW T Henry Krinou Mint uUlitmutl tllely Uaturday during tbt week of Vti fl t March a the wait origi- nally laid oat at the dtdlcatltn utica Decorators fur nlh1 chalrmaktn masons and ota workmen are biy on thus Ion every day People who remember f1 Counofgliua UaUUl dud larprlM la dill Juml somsnewtheatreonit site The stage will be large and the Mating carlt will b xtenslve In the style- of Its boO will be decidedly gay Fanny Davenport and her company ire rehearsing L Tosca dally and the play will be ready After her city season Mist Davenport will go a this way to Frisco to mk the drama known on the aop The Mystic Shrine Nobles who somehow seem to be o terms of good fellowship with mOl of the theatrical peopl of note wilt attend V O Goodwins performance- of Turned Up and Lend M Five ShWnp tomor- row night at the Fourteenth 8leL ooa1 will probably make a speech to tbm lie b spoken tom the stage a great deal this season but bla manager George W Floyd says 1 I a brand now address every time This week will finish Goodwins engagement A week train tomorrow night The Woman Hater a comedy by David I Lloyd who wrote yor Congress and The Dominies Daughter wilt be seen for tbt nrst Urn In the city and Roland Reed wilt then mike his first appearance as a star at the Fourteenth Street Reed turned from Cheek and Humbug t play Tbe Woman Hater and bas found the latter 0 ustful to him that he has discarded hit earlIer pieces After limed Maggie Mitchell will occupy lb theatre Herrmanns new illuslonflhsck Art has given to his entertainment the recommendation of novelty Th aleJghtof hand king bas drawn some good audiences to tha Fifth Avenue and they have found bl snow smooth quick and pleasant all the way through This Is Its last week Next week the Deacon Brodle troupe go t the theatre and after their fortnight we shall ate h Vonbars and MantclL William Hoey and Charles Evans will revive the droll humor of A Parlor Match at the Windier this week These 0mdla1 make a tour of Australia next spring Indor appearance I is likely will be a temporary farewell to the city stage Minnie French continues t supply great deal of the comi- cality of tbe farce by her lively work as Innocent Jftdd Tomorrow week John J McNallys Upside Dow w b acted for the lint time in Ib city The Daly brothers formerly stars In Maalol hay been travelling with It all the season ad say they are getting rich on It McNlllyls te Boston neraliTi dramatic critic Evangollne Is corning tlie Windsor lon There is some tlgntflcanoe In the Peoples rather boastful announcement of this weeks appearance theta of Maggie Mitchell 1 I herDrit engagement on the Bowery side of the city In other words she finally pays tribute the Influence and the roll of the mod erateprice popularaudience ytm Yew stars bar held lO long u Miss Mitchell against this influence which UTiLe Sri has frequently recorded la dally grow- Ing more powerful Miss Mitchell has bean on tour sine latt In September when the started from Duluth Her company Includes the veteran Robert F MoClannlu Charles Abbott J T Galloway and torn others more or I less know here The pups will bt the familiar Fanchon Jan Byre and Little Barefoot Nx week the Peoples will have Hoyt t Thomass Tin Soldier company Tony Pastor puts on at h comfortable UlU tlr this week a vaudeville company Of hl own N- an nalb the Julians ontorloult irs In the tilt I Julin I au handsome at supple and that I high praise Maggie Chits who I Is truly an eccentric singer the VoulInU out of them a girl and all nyc hat spinners Harry Woodson and Laura Bennett John and Nellie Ilealey Fred lube and Kitty Allyne Earl and Mitts and Han and Itlchtltld are alto on the list Ioolei star this week is hid C France a weltkown Store In melodrama among the lowprice theatres Ills current play is Dead to the World Frances trip o- nt road 111 season bas been attended by satisfactory results 10 carries a good company anti there Is reason- to expect a smooth performanos at Iooles Next week a company newly organized her will start their lou Poole In The Black Flag a melodrama that bas been preserved to the American state by Edwin r Tborntt energetic acting In the chief role Kimaxt Dtnui tbt martellous hero of Monte Cfls t will pats through lute series of trials and triumphs- at tbelGrand all this wttk James ONell and hl com- pany will give to the drama adequate antatol no doubt They bay been her often In seasons end always to satisfied and Urge bonsai ONell U plainly tbe legal survivor of a tht Ztmmt lanta- He continues t make ssonyout of h legacy Richard fllrol a German who makes pictures of modern celebrities using hIs Lao and making up In view of tbt audience it back at Koster A Blats Il the contorlonll Retlaw A k lanD bar performers Fr11 cluing performer hampton trsloed dogs lola and monkeys Tlio lob Cornells Adele tlarlinettl and ssveral singers art people for the k Tht usual concurs will occur tonight 1 the past seven yean oUele Mttkaye hM b1m t dlamatlst lootEr paints inventor sUft ca penter and scenlo artist Tomorrow night at the Sndr In bl own play he will reappear u an actor Kauvar company will be practically new In Its most Important parts for Carrie Turner with be e- nD as I Beaumont for tbe Ort time and Sarab Neville will nllLtllie Eldrldges place as <rUe An author- In Us own play always creates more or I less Interest Uacltayes conception of u Keaaar his favorite character differs widely- It I It already known from Joseph Ilaworths All the mo Maclaye cannot help adlrml Hawortns virile idiot and reoomlzlng what It for the success orb play The author ot Paul Kauvar his some claims on New York theatregoers Independ- ent of anything has written He invented that ex- clusive beauty of the Uadlson Squire tba double stage- he Is responsible for the orchestral curtain and lh ate ly aeata of the Lyceum hebaabeenatacberof tome good and some bad actors and John McCullough one said Mackay bad taught him a great deal In twenty lesions Mackajes absence from the New York stags has been continuous since his appearance In Won at Last hit own piece some seven a alo Paul Ku Tar will enter It ninth week tomorrow night Albert I Westons lecture at Pools will b deliv- ered to night Extracts I the reputed theme Tb hope expressed by TIC Sox that Ernst Pouart would play Lear before his departure from Iha Tau will be gratified and Tuesday night the actor will enact the great rAle for the felt time In America Barnay is to do It later at the Academy Our German theatre goers are euro t make Interesting comparison of the two Impersonations Monday Peasant will appear In DI RDb Marl Enirel Manager Anbergt ting log star I t b heard si the Thalia after Fotsart A new danger has been developed for burleaqu and cmlo opera actresses In most ot tbw pieces It I Is rl ble for the sustain the strain of the tights upon shoulders r1IO of strips The tights It should be explained have to be held up by a hard pull t keep them unwrinkled and this wbl which 1s great I Is bra by the waist pressure shoulders being en- tirely exposed One night a nlma called at the stags door with a actor whose baa a place In the production and 1s much ogled from the front of lb hone She came out Ill and suffering aln While on the way home she was seized with convulsions bid to be carried Into the neatest hotel and a pbyslclan sum- moned In baste She was taken home In a ean and the donor pronounced It merely a cue of tights The I secret otthls sort of molrroml the big way a- lt tacked small talent 100 Ilur A PAIR Of OLOYB At nought bJ a Prt1 GirL from the IMirtit fm pyre Lot me nee somo Gloves please Ycsm whit kind tO Really I dont know Let me tee what you ba> c 1111k or kid I l hardly know 10 me ceo botl- Lofntifbcrluacily omlhnl medium I blnk Here are Imln Oh I colors Dont want do you f No I dont blat thin I do Something eveniiiK a- rttt No that la not exactly I art some dont want elbowkldti would six button do I want longer gloves than that liege ira soul new iliadesln brown liar you any sIlver I tray Yesm here are susie new shades Oh those are too d- Ana tiles I Altogether brown too light Let me see something In a Yeina was something quite new and Oh went them with siltchuag on the back M lilacS or colored tlltcblngl- lleally I doul know hlch kind a thy wearing mot WI 11 had t tell one I worn about a much A anOlbrI so bul I can hardly dicUa for I Why Same He Xraythe Is this your1- Of count lit who do So glad to see ynl Poyon know Ive been thinking alll you and an agesilice IW you What you buying trying in buy I IocfJ ovca but I dual know wiM want 0 hell l me I will L im not tuiilC anything lllr t Just round Ikni u to shop wt And arYnl tilings beautiful this yart Im wl over the ribbonS I itlbbonsi Vout mention thnni I Jut reve over every milliners the gloves After half cu boor wPJpJa c0050liat on and la411 avery hoC o the lion cue oLfttsi never to rWtine I alwtn geiwbal I waaTtheYeT There nothing liars I want Merrily JUne the Bella pyoss 1 omoAo World Hocloty BelloMotlior Mr De Brass bas pro posed and I nave acoeptti- lUotturWlmlt Ob > ou wlote ungrateful girl after alt weve dons for you pBrass bu a etat- toblita himself wlh and wont havt 11 father l u4Pa4aa Eather- OnI 4 I am referrifl to I totgrau4 Bleu you my child5 H H- UEBTOlIS JIT 8Wf CORISlOSDENX To gain a general end fairly comor dcniilve knowl edge ot the nlmory of the Caucasian race trnm the earliest recorded times to the present preaunmMy bracing auch ort I Urotes Ireecc Mubonn Decline and hail Ilrn Uulrots Krancc Ac what history modern times should b tint read what next and 1 onto You do not want especially scientific and deep books we gather we recommend to you therefore Putnams Stories of the Nations Uegln with the stories ot Chaldea and Assyria and the story of Persia then take up the histories of Greece ot Home following that with the Decline and Fall then the story of the Cru- sades OuUott France Greens England the story ot Germany the story of the Italian Republics llallama Middle Ages Schillers Thirty Years War In Bonns translation Then for thb westward growth of the Aryan nations read Bancrofts Illtlorynf th United states and Parkmana Pioneen of France In the New World and the story of Mexico There are no histories- of South America as yet This will take you far enough down Of course there will be some repetition and some omissions You can hardlydo better than patron toe to a large extent the series of which we hav spoken Valuable books to lucre at hand are Hettprint Historical Reference book or Tllllnghasts Ploelis Epi- tome of History What Is tbe date of the execution of the Manchester martyrs Allen LarLln and OUrlen I J P N The Manchester martyrs William OMeara Allen William Oould or OBrien and Michael Lrki were executed 01 23 iati7 for killing on Sept II a police- man named Brett who refused to deliver up the keys of the prison van In which Kelly and Pansy were being taken back t Ja Two others Uagtilre and Shore were convicted of murder but released through the efforts of the Untied States Consul wbo showed that their con- viction was due to perjury I left Ireland thirty one yea ago and expert re- turn for a few months Is to be feared now that the coercion act Is tn force I 1I necessary to be armed with a passport I Cmzii Arrest ought not necessarily to be feared but what with the way things are being run In that unhappy country perhape It would be best to have a port When you are In Ireland behave as quietly a you behave here re mentor that your art would Inconvenience yourself more than It would advance the Irish cause and govern yourself accordingly I At what time and for how long was Louis aolool In the United states before he became While here did lie leach tcliool for a livelihood r3 H hat one of the Bonaparte stilted the United Mateti atxint the time the rebellion betfiin t 4 When uud liero was Louts Napoleon III burn I J V W- I Lout Napoleon was In this I country for a few months early In 1BJ7 He landed In this city lu January and bad been In Germany loins tine when bis mother died In October of the same year 2 o 3 Prince Nap leon the present head of the house visited this country- in IH01 and mails a lour through the Northern and Southern States visiting Mr Lincoln and If n tenure iard 4 Ue wus born In l Iarl 1121 hIlLS Pleas tell sue she name of Mr Edwin Booths play and the names of the principal actresses In hltcmnpany VIOLET We havent room to give Mr Sooths dramatic biogra- phy here get Mrs AslaBouth Clarkes The Elder and the Younger Booths published by Osgood A Co and obtainable at any bookstore I Which expreiilnn it correct Try and da or try to dol 2 Should wo i yThD linitei Htstes Is or erl I BhouldHn r Upon Johns alwllnl 10 do or UpouJohu attempting iuilu4c < I Try do do Is the more elegant and the I less used 2 The founders of the Union ute tlie plural Treason tuall consist only In levying war against them or lu ad beriug to their enemies ic Wo boll < therefor say Tb United Btales are 3 The flrn form I Is one reel attempting I is a participle used as a nun Wa there In IblO a ferry from the toot of Jackson street to Brooklyn propelled by horse power I sour- snswarwiliattleabet T 0 1 There was a ferry from Jackson street to Hudson ave nue Whether In INtO III bal worn rUII1 l lion power we do not know Can any one tell te I The terry was discontinued about seventeen yecre ao Does our common or vulgar era lake lit exact date from the birth of Christ If not why nt y lieu slid by whom was the necessity vt leep year Irti reco- jruUit M J I No It does not The Christian era was invented by Dlonyslus Exlrn Dlonyslu the little tn called either on bumlllly or his small stature an abbot ot the sixth century He placed the birth of Christ in the fourth year of the 1M Olympiad 753 years from the founding of Home This I now generally ad milted to b four years 10 late but tho Intintttmt of Plouyslus wire good and ha discrepancy 1s of nt prar tlcalImportance Ionyslus mid the latti IC Xlanh- LttSl DaYlh day of tb tHinceptlon of Chrlttl tue first day hl year WI han changed that but adopted his reckoning in other respect The Uionyilan rc- wsaadaptdahsnoalalouce In llama by the Popes In tie tleveutb otLtury ll lit New Years Day changed from March 83 to J a I and itself lechriitsntd the Christian ra by the Western world at different dates from 1564 to 1752 Car introduced the present system of leap year and Gregory XIIL In 1SK Improved It to Its present Corm Please tell me when the yacht Coming was wrecked- on Long Island I J V Brim- sTbeyachtComlngandthebrig GoUborougb In towof- the tug Alert left New London Monday 1 2 Itwo the Gulsborough went ashore near Norbporl 1 Wed- nesday night 1 4 and all on bar were 101 wreck- age supposed to belong to the Coning was picked up near the same place the tail day The Coming belonged lathe New York Yacht Club she bad on board three men all ot whom were lot Which regiment bas the larger number mm the Ninth or Uiebeventynnt J J N According t the last report of the InpectrOnral the Seventy tint had live more men tb Nllb numbers being ban and Ml respectively Please tell me If there has been or will ther be any future lime a year which can be divided by aand yet not leap year or hays only twentyeight lays In February COSSTAMT BKADB- RTliero hst been thr1 be such a year Seventeen hundred was a year Ito > was IMO will be 3100 will be such a year Please oblige a constant reader by letting her know how she could 1IIO be a hospital nune also If it is rico rMary to hay education She I Is an Irish Itoman Catholic would that b an obstacle MN She should apply t tha superintendents of the Belle- vue Hospital the New York Hospital or tbe ML Sinai Hospital Training School for Nurses or to the Commit tee on Training School of the Charity 10plt Black welts Island A M firstclass education I necessary- but as brave attempt era being made to raise the stand- ard of nurses above that of Betsy Prig and flalrey Gamp such au education will doutlcsi help you We think that no religious qualifications are mad- eWhatlithebestrcmedywhenonil clinking from a large piece of food staying tn ones mouth t N F I The best remedy Is prevention dont take large mouthfula The next remedy I Is not thumping on the back In the usual manner but a smart slap between the shoulders J just sucb a slap at a woman gives to get Jelly out of a glass Can nineteen points b mad In ont hand of cribhsee K t- T The greatest number points thai can be made In one hand twentyfoiir we believe the combination neo esssry to make exactly nineteen I Impossible however under tlio rules of thegama A nineteen hand I Is a- very poor one Plrane recommend three or tour plays for alolu acting by novices The pups ar eld but they art good Tom Cobb Euld Mddlng March Box and and Guardlant Secret tlc The Chimney Corner Slasher and Crasher Wood- cocks Utile Dame The Are Belle Whence comes the expression New Jersey I Is out of the Union und the way o speaking of 11 Jsreey us a foreign country t K I 11 Wa do not know Perhaps It cones from the taI that New Jersey refused to ratify tbo fifteenth Amend- ment In 1H70 but we think the expression dates from further back than 1870 Can any ot our readers tell 11 After the draw one player raited all tlie others nut then to show that he was binning b displayed hi > hand and It was then noticed for I the tine by either lulu Kelt nrauyot the other platers that be bad cit cards WhIIIU be done with tile pot 1 W J H ItulSlot the Game of Draw Poker Americas Hovle- pp 1M I 155 governs this cue hub 34 readsi Auv player betting with more or less than five cards In his hand loses the pool unless his opponents all throw up their hands boor discovering the foul hand The pot therefore goes to player who bluffed the others out city Ileaie tell me when the bread riots occurred II Ibl We do not find that there were any bread riots Can you 11 mt who wrote these lines woman convinced against ben will I liotheu ineoplnouiilllI SisirRissa We do not find thli quotation In any dictionary of quo- tations ¬ Csu any of our resdtrs place It for set- Is an honorably discharged United Suits olaloot Iht regular army of the year held still land wtrrautfor likiscre I Must be rtsMt on the laid on year In order to lat the warrant valid t V W B tar A we cia make OUI It was only volunteer sol diers who wed entitled t such warrants A residence oZone year on any homestead Is required to perfect title You should writ to the Commissioner of tbt General Land Offlce at Washington for authoritative ruling on the Und laws Pleste decide a bet Which expression It correct An Unique Industry Ac A onlii Industry ji j 1 T- Tbatr eopceslon I It the more usual said we Iblnt t bore correct The wurd uulqut begins with sonant sound and o according t rule does not raqulr the article aD O P bpOUOllW answered this question Hml ago and use this opportunity to comet T sbotnuktr I hems f and VSO calr I MUSIC AND 3W1c14N a The prtparatloni for the production of Otello are going forward rapidly The dimensions of tbs stag ot the Academy were cabled to Italy a few day ago and a dozen ot the best Milanese costamers an hard at work on the dresses for every foot of canvas and very yard of goods will be brought from the other side of the At- lantic ¬ Aa the three principal singer In Otello Signor Marconi M Mantel and SIgnora Tettratrlnlrec- elve between them close upon 2500 for each of their performances itt estimated that each representation ot Olello will Involve an outlay of CXUOU- Mrae thins dl Uurska has severed her connection with the Conservatory of Music In Rut Seventeenth street Her engagement was Intended to cover a period of eight months and she was to receive 1000 a month for hr services When It was discovered that at a teacher she left a good deal to be wlsled for c effort was made to Induce her to send In her resignation THIS she declined to do and at length a compromise was effected and for a consideration Mme dl Mnrska was induced to bid fare- well to her associates and pupils Thu sopranos plane for the future are still Inchoate Mme Etelka Uerster left this city Friday tog a series of concerts undertaken In conjunction with the Camp nlnl operatic concert company She sings next week 4 In Petersburg Richmond and Norfolk and tbe party then coon West Mme Center has been advised by bet friends to appear tn public frequently as It It now bo- Iteved that lick ot vocal exercise had a great deal to do with th Impaired condition of her organ when sue first appeared In New York in November last Uerr Anton Seldl does not go to Europe this summit He will lead the band at Brighton Beach sod arrange moreover a number concerts of vocal arid Instru- mental music which will be given In a pavilion special- ly erected for tbe purpose Herr IdOls engagement ai conductor at the Metropolitan Opera Pious extends over next Season Pine Elvira Bepetlo sailed for Europe yesterday Bits tame here In November as the soprano of lbs Cam ponlnl operatic company and shared the fatigues of a concert tour for three months Although touch ad mired In Italy Mme Bepello failed to please Americas audiences and when she realized that her efforts added nothing to the attractiveness of the concerts and that long Journeys produced no beneficial effect upon her health ne derided upon taking her leave Moreover hav- ing ¬ been engaged as leading soprano for the new onera house lu linen Ayres Mme Repetto desired to Lava a months rtpoie berate departing for the South So th took steamer for Europe yesterday with her hue hand Signor Trlsollnl a typical old time Impresario who In the distant past was the manager of th fOes polllan San Carlo Signor Ssplo wno officiated at accornpanylat during the llnfinaun tournet new In progress tailed for Europe yesterday II goes lo take steamer at Bordeaux for South America where ha Is to officiate as conductor throughout Mme Paths tour Stsie carpenters art not considered aa tnimottlnvp- ressabl of men and they are not addicted as a rule to demonstrations of emotion hence Mr Edmund n- Btanlon wat doubly surprised when a deputation await- ed upon him a week ago and Invited bin to grace a din ncr gotten up eipreuly In hIs linear with his cheerful presence The Invitation was accepted of course and tbe affair comes oil tomorrow Th remembrance of this tribute of affection wilt not be amnnir the least grateful memories that the present director of tue Metropolitan may call up In after years Herr Paul Kallnch a German lyric tenor row en his way bltherward is a young performer whose approach log change ocondition U likely to attract a good deal of attention and tome envy herr Kallsoh cornea hither to wtd Frluleln Mill Lehmtnn and the mar- riage Is to bt celebrated with at Ultle delay at possible Mr LrnestOyt Is now In New Yorl looking about him for engagements for Mine Alnani Thli Is the first time In many years that a siiceensfnl Iuropean prima donna Las actually sought coulracii on Hillside of the Allan tic and Mme Albums projected visit may be liken u an Indication that tOo OU World fields seed a period ol rest The advent ot another German virtuoso bas Just bten averted it tbt tidIngs that herr Fnedbelm bit deferred nit visit or abandoned his planet cowing to America are to be depended upon herr Friidbelmlt said to b- one of Germanys foremost pianists but 11 require something more than the technique and Intelligence most Brat rate performers poasttt to create anythlnc like a popular excitement and hence for the present at least llrrr frMheUn rotated good Judrmrnt whl nh determined lo stay at home The new Paualeff Theatre la St rtterttmrgh will t opened to the public with a season ot Italian opera The boss u practically furtproof cod It Ught4 B- Ttntauof eltctrlcltr HtcrchtlUi jg eUoft i gajli tUgajlByrtutk

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Post on 16-Mar-2020




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Page 1: VicePresident THE GULF COAST Mcrctnl Jol Mas · U lo1man Esq Boston Mass William 0 Peniston Esq Boston Mas W L Van Devcntcr Esq Ocala Florida J ... puld i the neat in floridI centre


Directors of the Homosassa CompanyHOMOSASSA FLORIDAI President Gen Joshua L Chamberlain ExGovernor of Maine Now York

City VicePresident James Mcintosh Noffbnry 8 0 SecretaryDr John 03 DnboislIodon

N Y Treasurer ColJ John P DHHB P-tON dent Mcrctnl Bank Ocala Fla lou F A Wilson BTHE GULF COAST Maine Blair Esq Cashier National Bank Cincinnati Ohio Jol

U lo1man Esq Boston Mass William 0 Peniston Esq Boston MasW L Van Devcntcr Esq Ocala Florida J

Great advantages for the settler sportsmnn toiiriHt anti pleasureseke Situated on the beautiful nnd famous Homosnssn River The old Plnnnlon home of the late Senator Yulcc IVo suchcombination ot attractions cxlsta In the whole Flower State twcntyflvc different kinds of fish ail the river while deer luck wild turkey quail Engltah snipe partridge plover c aboundTurtle and terrnpln In season and oysters by the million A veritable paradise for sportsmen and the garden spot of the world for fruit growers and truck farmers

Forld lifts bun wrItten up A written dono much that it bonld b 1 to-

ubltlb radln PROFITS TO BE MADEbeII thAt to ho bay nrTII it ot tb trnlh IntnollaI

weonle ot te nnet rru atn tetiio land tound orldl untorlnnally the aniouni Five acres of landonct cleared fend and planted IIn fruit treet ihouU without egttabl t IIlha ewats-

nrelobouIlaM ti an4 tie lay I not tor diftant when U I brtn rabolou ptlou Tba thrifty settler as wsU at lean tlooi per year over com of tree Ao for hit labr t e a thrifty liveyear hummock troveofhrWd lmlod r and peiltor aro tat tuktn op Ih bolo Iofttlon It Il OUffld thAt about on worth at leatt th State over tvxui or siux per aer may not alwavs brl ig tins amount to self tor IU theI tttleIhftTIOCftt1 In YorIdtbeputwo year build tnot thoul but It will SOOn yield agitnd fair Interim on 100above expenses After five YOn time each u aettbhundredind

Itory winter boarder who Ilk tbe fowl of the air ado the rola or Iho Norb anti seek a more doubling crop till It It ten years oldot

II mony to flOW that tile 1110 ot InorA In watth has bon An orange grove once established and paid for the ownr IIs shout the molt Independent on earthronUDlI climethe piIttV1 1lrpr II any ohiir RIM or Trrllory In Amerl andrpnllon to Iralr For unlike apple pear peach or other fruit culture nrante trees continue to grow and rncrent Ian crop withI llorId

of the rlortda Inllul hum tnon to the world Tbl1contu bt their growth for mor than one hundred years Besides fruit IIt ot finer quality on old trees 1not onlru thechtfliIAmoog the 101 booultul a wU a molt ferUle pOI In FlorIdaand which we desire to your aln owner assured ot a competency but his children sOd grandchildren at welloa WHY IIOMO A HA WILL BE A OREAT CITYtotoI IIOMOSASSA-

i j f Its location IIs all Ibat can bdesired being below tile twenty ninth parallel situated on ont of the mOl hueof thei the coast portion peninsula rtvsr In Fioridiit tiM

onloOfalt a rorl resort for iponsmen the fishing iIn the river being aomtthlng wondtrfnl eleven ttl a winter resort It must oon take lit plact atone of the most olamlnl fuelnattnt and

different kinds of fish Inl the By and IIt iU called a poor day for fishing when one cannot take at least one whole world Asabuilnms ely and shipping point It will command of ni ot the halhllln tihundred fertile countlet ot Florida retort for sportsmen and lourlits its equal cannot found and aa an agricul-


The puld i the neat in floridI centre II I fed by tbo products ot thousands of acres of the rlohtit toll nature haa deposited metbir-

BEAHONHThe CUiT t inaglIflC iiea front time to time bad rul accounts of the grand sport at HomoMtsa tht articles earth I o

by Al YreICO in Thrf Field an4 bUITIr ot the Ialyred and qooso Llr Harpers Monthly had WRY YOU HUOVID INVEST AT IIOMOIAIaenrrepnnd0nttttt bIaremarkabIeelPerienCeIn tb lm 1e 10 the plc beenwidal7knowntOr It has been proved time and time again that the pioneers tarly tcttlers and any new locality thatunqueUCd Sport h as protoecti of a brilliant future are the one who mate the money In anynw town mutt alwaysI I the home of and It IIs flattering the of HallttOefots the werthin pronttnrntomoUmen I place foreSnalor Yllee t alraUn the be started tow and mcraw In value according to the rapidity with grows Lets which sold at 8t1010 that tram ona It wa rAnllon he made lila anllonfoninne-


grove eyears 10 Auguttlue and Jacksonville a few year ann for a few hundred dollar now Mil for thousands At UalnesvlltFdllIIIO than it sear In that WAR XOS Ocala the mental In values hat been wonderful In natural attractions tlomotattaIt tar beyond these and IIt

I moreON EARTH Wblnatn Iblrm belt nOM08ASBA Tla prospect of a irreat advance l > quite ai coot

UOUOMA RIVER Among ron which rayon an Invlmrntt Itomoteisa are the followingTiE First Tht unsolicited letter and prest nol mOl convince the reader of the trutbf uln u of the ttatementla wonder It butt suddenly out of the earth In two powerful pnloi and tows westerly mn to made

I Iin II0t Th atTUne current cut I channel olan end deep the ricer nearly to I IM The 4-

1nprfflCVl Second As a winter retort for the Invalid for the tourist the sporuman or the quiet puccIni enjoyment ofIt of the I won lerful At mtlnl IRING nllabl tb bottnm at a depth ot the bntlneta man or family It bat no equal

MiMt While waleIImlhlnl in a coat one seen myriad of run ot all Unas Btantltnl blond are psed 4 Third For the icltler tropical gardener and fruit grower the rich loll of this beautiful region oar threeriver broadens the Unit and the shores are decked In trees nod shrubbery ot tropical luxuriant 1 crop a year which will pay enormous pronts

as the Fourth Thnneit oranges In the world are grown here while lemons banana pineapples limes pcrtlmDOHOU81 HOTEL mona pears peaches plum nrs tlatca and olive all grow In mairnltlcent luxuriance

Hfth The settler hero can lireI In the happy enjoyment a tropical garden god with five or ten acrei of landnMnnl1 a commanding site on the river Here Capt A Wiardthe proprietor makes happy all who visit the can be Independent nod on the road to a competency at the end or lIve year

Lice and tprtadi before the guests an toothsome epicure oonld demand Included tn the Mil of Sixth lloraonama prenents a combination of aoll climate healthfulneu and tropical beauty the equal of whichfiriVwill bfound the following Deer bear steak wild turkey quol duck snipe partridge plover and lice birds cannot b found In the United sutei We lay thli without feet ot truthful contradiction

and Oytters served tn every style as well ai mind Terrapin rresh Vegetables strawberries Ac NO BISK WHATEVERb1lb among the wellknown names which appeared on thllegjiter iaa winter lion John BlgelowVMUtlwaT Mr A B Clan New Yorkt Mr John Claflln Ntw York Mr B T Dutton BIOnMaaa M-rjoinOllcJman

The tettter or investor who locate at Ilomoiaiu atinmci no risk whatever Valnet mutt advance and IhotX F IP Knapp Now Von Jndr Larnce New York Pemberton-

iwho BO rteilre can Mil out at a rood prottt at any time Already choice Iota have anld for Ssou

Slm gogland Botn R Agnew New York Mr Callln lloughton Boston MaO Purchasing land at llnmoiaiisa lion of the belt Inreitiueuti that can possibly bo made ten times better andot D and travel hat set so strohnly toward this beautiful place that plant bar bon made for safer than the savings bank It cannot ret away or default nor ran It depreciate In value aa do railroad stockJtideI mlrUon which IIIIIi proposed to have open by January of next year Already baa and bonds


ivi3ted by this company In purchasing land making streets bulmlnir hotels and other Improvements And tI 4 Cold snow itormt and hard frost are never known at 1lomoa nor does one hare to ipend all bmakesfar distant when St Augustine will have to look to bar laurels as a winter resort At 8t Augustln l summer to keep him comfortable through a loon cold dreary winter

fllbYafhl may be teen In a den white at Homnsaiwi weeks can be spent In hunting fishing tailing crabbing Think of a horn In the land ot nrIOaud llowers where among ttately palm majestic oak beautiful blos-soming


One never tires of the diversity of sport and pleasure at Uomosassa magnolias and fragrant 1 111 on may enjoy a perpetual summon picking rotes nearly every day Inrc drY the year the cottato In which live bedecked with beautiful creeping vlnei and rratrant lowers loading theSOIL OF IIOMOSASSAA-

Hvery air with their health glvliur perfume Consider thin you of the North who are frozen up one half or the yearand swelter In the hot sun the Te It not a luxury to be able to wall out In your Harden picking roeet or

the land owned by this company Is high hammockwell timbered with hordoodrr forty different gathering delicious pineapples banana peaches ooranges almost dally during the year

tlll here Hurn hummock IIs the most the fttate for purposes The noil Is exnlchafldlilOr0P5aYCr can be ratted without fertilisers Among tbe profitabl early vegetables IIIMAPPOINTM JirOSHlUIE f-

rae4 here irS the following The statements here made cast be relied upon and the lureitor or settler will not bdisappointed withCucumbers Potatoes Cabbages and Tomatoes can bt grawn at Owhich command monop iloinoaua

OUI1People who have vlilted InmoalnrIAby that the PI cannot do Justice t this charming spot one

has ben rlbd from Cncub CahhTomtoand h Iona mutt se It to renitce Ita0prargrow to perfection Slawbre failures hay been made In Florida fraud and mlcrepretentatlont Impoeed upon the public but It Ila notand einitropi4al Fruit Orange Lemon Limes Orapo Frnll Citron the BananaPnaple Dates Floridas fault sh has the the resources to mete her no State cast oe Front no other

rmTrplOarears Japanese Isritminon reachen tearL Piumu grow thin land WtOll lu part of this great country of ours can the orange lemons and all tropical frulta at well at earliest strawberriesand the tattler profits npn rr and earlleit vegetables come California never compete with r lorlda In then much needed and profitable com-

moditiespay noon TIER TAIL IUJLND DistanceI freight chanrm and time It takes to fIt them East bar California at a eomjmltor Betidesv no orange IIn the world gnatsI the Florida orant the llomotaea orange In particular flOKIDAa BOOM

a chanter tiMid to describe It receive its name from the great Semlnol Indian ablet who made It his YET To COE o boom has ever struck Florida but comerantil in the river lust below the hotel liar was for forty yeas tht bom of United Btattt Senator Yule Never hat the tide of Immigration 11strongly in this direction Itlthe present time nor bat the demand to-rT ruins of tht mansion burned during the war are rlbowndandhlonno of lolboussusedakitcbnand PALM TREES ON THE OLD PLANTATION AND ISLANDS ON THE HOMOSASSA RIVER Rood land In Rood locations exceeded present Jacktonrllle will balive tnlt winter with visitors to th sub-


have line been ocnpleby many a Homosassa orange which bas often exhibition and that exquisite piece of Uoorlth architecture Ponce de Lon Hotel at Auguttlntslen ths at the known everywhere that Florida oranges are quoted It head the list aa A erected by U M Flagler at a cost of over HOOUUJO will call thousands ot wealthy people trotn 11 North andlie 1 fprcatalogues tier It the original Homotassa Tree and Ore annually producing now after WetrunoaoulmolDIonoranrea known This Is the parent a million or more trttt scattered the busy wheels of Industry will revolve at nomotana Ita valuable and varied wood will lb enter-


oir o rI 11 oelr al full thrive best near wbert they originated the traveller may never bop mechanic white canolo ana mutt factories will soon be In bntr motion Secure property 01whit It IIcblast batter oranges front this grove from Nonmbo to Kab Immense flg tret yet cheap This company will offer for a short time onehtit the lots and orange grove at ilomoiasta at lowwith fruit and century plants pomegranates and guavas are over TaU Jtbcom-posed

prices for the purpos of Inducing rapid Immigration and settlement The more Irat the more valaMOf decayed bland vegetable mould and U amazingly productive Increased a

House and Business Lots from 1OOO Tip Fiveacre Tracts from 100 UpFREE TICKET TO HOMOSASSA wit stopover at Jacksonville and admission to the SubTropical Exposition to all purchasers of not less than 300 worth ofr lan-

d1hhcparlrrdlnllhllblyonlmbaln I tomnryerUblb aa tSSOO each This may I moa nayalatonelol Own some real estate I WHAT THE PRESS SAYS OF HOMOSASSA I 10108A84 i FLORIDA FISIIIXG-alomosnssa

LETTER FHOSst FLORIDAI have never seen 10mOa I get them to join you In I

encesMd In your order for a lot or orange grove tract I but why ahonld I not duplicate tL I buying a block Nobetterlnvestmentcatibomatethan A Graphle Description of One of the love flterImmeuseFountnlnaNen CorrospondencetotbeCheaterflpubcan-orwhatlibetlersthi Ttslt our offlce and Augustine 1 I IthetyouwDl purchaingabiockornvoortenacretract i fiutldlon Finny Game Eleven Vu-


punches In person Visitor are always welcome I The large hotels that are sore t bo built here wilt I Here merchants mechanics laborers farmers minis-ters

I i Bee llomosassa Pamphl-


whether they purchase or not bring visitors and settlers by th thousands and tha teachers ynnug and old people can come end enjoy I Heat Places In FUrldav i that Rise to the PlyBimembei that present prices will soon be advanced I tradebyoughtby title Influx will demand hundreds of I a lit amid the fruits and flowers In 1 land where labor Tie Wonderful Besmtlea t r tbe nomossisi i Unarming Panorama

and when we advance ourpropentyitadvancesthe prop I torts of every description U pleasure end where the returns are greater than can I I from the Southern Sun I

ol Men Lifer-oyotallwhoaeOwllers Do not wait toebonr I Hake a new start inllfe Art yon a mechanic who has I befoundetsewhere I Country I I

reap the greater profits bCdI tolled hard to earn a few hundred dollars at the expense I Here In the most genial climate and In as fair a land as I For this article see pamphlet on Uomosssa Sent free I Correspondence to the Philadelphia Inquirerchulrlm i of health and happiness or are you a farr king out I the sun ever shone upon you can secure ron your old age I

D Ooulp on the auirCratte lays ara dangerous and Ithin case waver I miserable cxlttenco on a rocky Northern talrDE I comfort happiness and un enjoyment and competence I By nBPBINOLE L to axe address For title article > e descriptive pamphlet of HomosassaIii delay awn dltOU W honestly believe by barely enouch In summer to keep l I not only for yourself but for those you eli hold mos I I Correspondence tthe Boston Evening Transcriptthat lots that rWi nominal sum will be through the oold dreary winter < U com to Hu dear Bee pamphlet sent free to any address Nee llomosassa Pamphlet Nailed free on applicants

Our descriptive pamphlet contains letterfront many prominent men from all parts of the United States among whom may be mentioned M 1> Burnet formerly Mayor of Ocala Fla II F Huttonof Houghton Ss Mutton Boston Thomas Gary M D President of the Board Health Ocala Flu llr Charles J Keuworuy Jacksonville Flu ticorge Willis OcaIn Fla R J Levis M D aneminent physician of Philadelphia and Dr Henshall 01Kentucky the wellknown scientist and authorPetKriptive Pamphlet and Plat of the Town of Homofree It costs nothing Send for it and read tho press notices and letters from prominent omen who have visited the place Jf you cannot cull at our ofHro send for pamphlet and prloo list If you desire tpurhawithout calling you may rest

auurcd of the tUent s though you were dealingrvlthua In pcnton Money may be sent us by Pot OOlce order registered letter bank draft or express Calor address THE COMPANY No4Broadway


Henrr Irrinn Ellen Tenand all the rest o-

rt London Lyceum company tomorrow nijtht atthe Star open the series of performances announced astheir fariril enrairnnt Probably that 1101 lit-

erally Intended AD that Icertain Ili that the five weekswork of the company at the Btar will bthe last theywill dIIAmerica this Mu Their subsequent laborsare planned aheadta nicety They will 1for home 1m

medially after their toni performance Is over on Saturday night March 24 and will get to London In time torevive Fan athe Lyceum During several weeksput they have been plajrlnat the Boston Theatre They

cone to New York today and will present for theirInitial play at the Star W O WWI pastoral drama

Olivia O Saturday night Mlas TerrywUlrestastumal and Irving wU take the occasion trevive The

Lyon a melodrama that baa bad new life IncM began tenact the dual rolesl of Lauryua and Dutxtc-Bsfor nil dpuIrvlir may be expected t repro-duce T hauL LouisXIand MuchAdo About Nothing

be viewed with keen Interest IrvingOlr wsodbcompany have played It in Boston t approvingaudiences Their Stat New York performance of It wi-UbaurtocrowdtheStato tin capacity Many of theaudience win bversed In the play Wills wrote It InlOT On March 30 1878 it wax first acted at the Lon-

don Court Thatre Miss Terry then u now being In thetitular role H was Oft a dramatization o The Vicef WakaAald u a rood many people expected It would

b With had confessed frankly that the dUrblnnovel Ibyojtd tb dramatlsta ruthless pn 1 bskoply freely treated one of Its mol hrlplo1-

b love of the Tlears pet daughter COI ruducUoa It was generally agreed at the tine was saved

fodisaster by Xii Terrys Impersonation of Wlrla

a vents public opinion awarded tbfi the triumph

ofeeing responslbl for the London run of the piece tothe following October Fanny Davenport in this coun

1 was seekIng a ply for her starring purposes News

MOhl reached her and he went abroad tview

II Shdeemed It a proper ehlcle and came back authorlMd to IItn America On the nlcht of tug Ifshe at tb Union bqaarcIB prarlnatitle role She had theocal it IlnotMTaral good actors The Cr rrtmroK now to be playedby Irving 1Charl Flutter the lover iulre Tluirn-

AM was Chutes A Stavenaon then less portly and more

pnlY than ho I today an husband man

alo ad actor all In one IlurchrK was enacted byEdwin Price who became Oils Davenports husband ayear later Sophia was Linda DictA who oddly enoughIs In Irvings force today Un Jrtmrae was Mrs Charoola awr r11England Mrs F ATannehllL Hr

Fanny Oillett aactress of minor rOles Vi Ulla-mllirtxrt and Emma Vader r in tbe cast The cityrun of the drama waa brief After pl 111 was takenby Vlu Davenport on a tour and bend by It wesshelved In the Irving production the ptra featureswill doibtlMt bmad most Winifred-Kmery will be AaThorns Weuman the Itunhtl-lud George Alexander the Thorn Mil of the cast

UramalUatloDsof TU Vicar of Wakan ldbavo beenplenty enough 0both the English and American stagesThirty odd yeaaim there bail been versions of It atBtrnume XII sit Wallacks old Theatre and atBurtons Chamber Street Thatr

London Assurance will b the fist in thu series ofstsndard comsdle with tbe revival of which Wallacksw1 end Its oar as a stock theatre John Gilbert will

coarse bwlcomd at fir Uarecurt Courtlcy hoseCoghlant return t her old home will be toad as ladyCay yjatAtr an appropriate rOleunder all the clroum-sunces Osmond Tearl will play Haute Netla Oniontrace and harry Edwards Max llrtawav The tourKofllsh genllanun droves Ward Dodsworth andrifoitwlll also b In U ca Old U eads cod Youngheart will bthe ncond revival

TVTaslilugtons Blrdoldrl profit the the-atres I the play housestint not ordloarllr dt a Wednesday laallui will dotibis wk on lhhol11 account The Mar will b-

an exception t rueAn xhtbltof orchldt In great variety Lulls to the Eden

Musest attractiveness as an luttructlv cod entertainlog resort The flowers will be 0view tour days longer

Thlulamlltire permanent howtver udarl wax wot

From e in the norninglol I at night Sundays andwttk days thBattl of Gettysburg painting at Fourthavenue and Mneteintb Street may be stan

George B Crmwewho is nothing if not a patriot-will deliver fetching hector in br entire rep-ertory tonight at the Urand I IIs called AmericaOur lloint The njnjlluols IIs a stunner

After the current week of uiuslo at Nlblot boardsof thatu will hold the wlght of melodrama

oUILndonWt Cora Sinn Tanner astbcbtr Ir k stands by various coniblntv-ttwfowtUJo X1ZIU4I r pie

o Dolores Wlb Mananr fIllmore wprobablyhelp t mount be Is caked Just t make IncKlraword Gilmore it the most practical kind

jokeBears of Hearts s mb holding publla favor-

at the Madison Square TIl ta oFrederick Robinsonfrom the cut Imoro than atoned for by Thomas Whlftens better impersonation of Jal Itatmer Robin-son made the dandy an oily and sometimesunpleasant fellow rTnlffen given tthe character amora comic Interpretation In keeping with the scenosin which ho mo-

nT sixth and lest plo leading In Sidney Woollettaseries at the Squre will occur tomorrow aftenon The Tempest will bIha play

1roof of the lasting quality of The Henrietta hnanza at the Union uawin oonclnslTelj Mn InAsh Wednesdsy nights audience A calculation notmade In tbe Interest Of the theatre placed tht receiptsat something over TOW That Is to bconsidered an ex-

cellent bowl The come hat nve ttrunbfore will bcaked t pay tribute to Itatthey surely must do The completed company for APossible Case are to have Manager Hills advle dallynow Since It became known that the principal femalecharacter requires a woman ot striking pusonal beautythe theatre lias bun besieged with applicants fur thepart end the correspondence received would make abook as thick as aunabridged dictionary-

This Isthlastwetk of te season of minstrelsy atDockstadera Albert the walker ls out ot bbutotherwise there I no change from pro ¬

grimm Billy Rice Billy Courtwrlght curt Bhepard-Relger Frlllman Jo Perry and Magrw and LowDockstader will form aexreUot nnonof a blackface company that ought to pleas t playgoer Thttour will lutuntbplembr Othe departure of theminstrels telra1 boccupied by Corlnnt andher company She put on her revised Arcadiafur a stay of eight weeks Then there wilt ba monthor 1 of Amanuensis a new comedy anmOraygauze by John Lynd A carontactic Ihprodvo

lon It is promised will presence t cut oftour actors and three actresses who kayo starred In thecircuits comedy-

The Avengers Oath which has not had a city bearInawibmade known at Jacobs Third Avenue tbia

ck hliebyCharteulI Brown Dot tbe heroine willbe played by Florence I Bindley Mrs Thomas E Millsn young actress who hat been starring the past two orthree lessons In a varied repertory She was once tbe-

llauy lllndley of the vaudevilles and she retains herearlier skill In song and dance Her Third Avenue appearanoa will be noteworthy at bringing her tthe citystate for tbt nrst tin Aa dam11 liar AfMr herweek Jacobs will put In Fowle Warmlngtonipad by the Light of tht Moon company who h

Sldphaauthority tplay that wild farce ever sine Louis Har-


aud John Uourlay separated

Jte at HarrigaoLjbas Pawed It 100thmarkand I moving along prosperously nlrh1

century Ilarrlgan calls It aaud 111 It does not warn likely taoalnany ohan

tIumphbe during the remaining of tanTb Grecian panorama th wood scenes JamesLewUs Bottom and Ada totalRbnnrp011divide public opinion of Midsummer Dreamat Dalys The theatre Is flied at every performance ofthe comedy-

A man with a big fund of energy confidence m himsell and no thought of proprietys approvacan help aburlesque entertainment t a leAclal tuccess Ed-ward B Wet IIs that sort of a mn The Coru willhive Its lotb censecntlve performance at Bijou onTuesday night Credit for this oughtlonlr tge tRoe lie bas long studied lb public ttstt for showyextravaganza and bat tbe knack of doing the winningthing at tht right time lbs Corsair will k remem-bered as an aehlevament mainly for Rices persistent-and finally successful effort to mao tht paying publicsupport It I 1s likely now that the new bin TieIVarl of rektn will b balodand II IIs toowi thatIn his ooml opera very chipper comedianLouis Harrison will snake brtlurn tthe city stagafter aabsenct of several seasons BIIIIIs not Iueat thllljou people have sought to aol abroad that

sjartlaot will appear In the sailed backto Europe yesterdav-

Mwulm will hold sway at the Academy three weekslonger Then parr will fappain America startinghis tour with a fortnight at t Academy and changinghis programme almost every night Ilia llamltt searand Aean will btbt great attractions

Tht new Broadway will certainly he opensd saW THenry Krinou Mint uUlitmutl tllely Uaturdayduring tbt week of Vti fl tMarch a the wait origi-nally laid oat at the dtdlcatltn utica Decorators fur

nlh1 chalrmaktn masons and otaworkmen arebiy on thus Ion every day People who remember

f1Counofgliua UaUUl dud larprlM la dill Juml

somsnewtheatreonit site The stage will be largeand the Mating carltwill b xtenslve In the style-of Its boO will be decidedly gayFanny Davenport and her company ire rehearsing LTosca dally and the play will be ready After her cityseason Mist Davenport will go athis way to Frisco to

mk the drama known on the aopThe Mystic Shrine Nobles who somehow seem to be

oterms of good fellowship with mOl of the theatricalpeopl of note wilt attend V O Goodwins performance-of Turned Up and Lend M Five ShWnp tomor-row night at the Fourteenth 8leL ooa1 willprobably make a speech to tbm lie bspoken tomthe stage a great deal this season but bla managerGeorge W Floyd says 1 I a brand now address everytime This week will finish Goodwins engagement Aweek train tomorrow night The Woman Hater acomedy by David I Lloyd who wrote yor Congressand The Dominies Daughter wilt be seen for tbt nrstUrn In the city and Roland Reed wilt then mike hisfirst appearance as a star at the Fourteenth StreetReed turned from Cheek and Humbug tplay

Tbe Woman Hater and bas found the latter 0ustfulto him that he has discarded hit earlIer pieces Afterlimed Maggie Mitchell will occupy lb theatre

Herrmanns new illuslonflhsck Art has given tohis entertainment the recommendation of novelty ThaleJghtof hand king bas drawn some good audiences totha Fifth Avenue and they have found blsnow smoothquick and pleasant all the way through This Is Its lastweek Next week the Deacon Brodle troupe go tthe theatre and after their fortnight we shall ateh Vonbars and MantclL

William Hoey and Charles Evans will revive thedroll humor of A Parlor Match at the Windier thisweek These 0mdla1 make a tour of Australianext spring Indor appearance I is likelywill be a temporary farewell to the city stage MinnieFrench continues t supply great deal of the comi-cality of tbe farce by her lively work as Innocent JftddTomorrow week John J McNallys Upside Dowwbacted for the lint time in Ibcity The Dalybrothers formerly stars In Maalol hay beentravelling with It all the season ad say they are gettingrich on It McNlllyls te Boston neraliTi dramaticcritic Evangollne Is corning tlie Windsor lon

There is some tlgntflcanoe In the Peoples ratherboastful announcement of this weeks appearance thetaof Maggie Mitchell 1I herDrit engagement on theBowery side of the city In other words she finallypays tribute the Influence and the roll of the moderateprice popularaudience ytm Yew stars barheld lO long u Miss Mitchell against this influencewhich UTiLe Sri has frequently recorded la dally grow-Ing more powerful Miss Mitchell has bean on tour sinelatt In September when the started from Duluth Hercompany Includes the veteran Robert F MoClannluCharles Abbott J T Galloway and torn others moreor Iless know here The pups will bt the familiar

Fanchon Jan Byre and Little Barefoot Nxweek the Peoples will have Hoyt t Thomass TinSoldier company

Tony Pastor puts on at hcomfortable UlU tlrthis week a vaudeville company Of hlown N-

an nalb the Julians ontorloult irs In the tiltIJulin I au handsome at supple and that Ihigh praise Maggie Chits who IIs truly an eccentricsinger the VoulInU out of them a girl and all nychat spinners Harry Woodson and Laura Bennett Johnand Nellie Ilealey Fred lube and Kitty Allyne Earland Mitts and Han and Itlchtltld are alto on the list

Ioolei star this week is hid C France a weltkownStore In melodrama among the lowprice theatres Illscurrent play is Dead to the World Frances trip o-nt road 111 season bas been attended by satisfactoryresults 10 carries a good company anti there Is reason-to expect a smooth performanos at Iooles Next weeka company newly organized her will start their louPoole In The Black Flag a melodrama that bas been

preserved to the American state by Edwin r Tbornttenergetic acting In the chief role

Kimaxt Dtnui tbt martellous hero of Monte Cflst will pats through lute series of trials and triumphs-at tbelGrand all this wttk James ONell and hl com-

pany will give to the drama adequate antatol no

doubt They bay been her often In seasons

end always to satisfied and Urge bonsai ONell Uplainly tbe legal survivor of a tht Ztmmt lanta-He continues tmake ssonyout of hlegacy

Richard fllrol a German who makes pictures ofmodern celebrities using hIs Lao and making up Inview of tbt audience it back at Koster A Blats Ilthe contorlonll Retlaw Ak lanDbar performers Fr11 cluing performerhampton trsloed dogs lola and monkeys

Tlio lobCornells Adele tlarlinettl and ssveralsingers art people for the k Tht usualconcurs will occur tonight

1the past seven yean oUele Mttkaye hM b1mt dlamatlst lootEr paints inventor sUft ca

penter and scenlo artist Tomorrow night at the

Sndr In bl own play he will reappear u an actorKauvar company will be practically new In

Its most Important parts for Carrie Turner with be e-nDas IBeaumont for tbe Ort time and Sarab Neville

will nllLtllie Eldrldges place as <rUe An author-In Us own play always creates more orIless Interest Uacltayes conception of uKeaaar his favorite character differs widely-It IIt already known from Joseph IlaworthsAll the mo Maclaye cannot help adlrmlHawortns virile idiot and reoomlzlng what It forthe success orb play The author ot Paul Kauvarhis some claims on New York theatregoers Independ-

ent of anything has written He invented that ex-

clusive beauty of the Uadlson Squire tba double stage-

he Is responsible for the orchestral curtain and lh ately aeata of the Lyceum hebaabeenatacberof tomegood and some bad actors and John McCullough onesaid Mackay bad taught him a great deal In twentylesions Mackajes absence from the New York stagshas been continuous since his appearance In Won atLast hit own piece some seven aalo Paul KuTar will enter Itninth week tomorrow night

Albert I Westons lecture at Pools will bdeliv-

ered to night Extracts I the reputed themeTb hope expressed by TIC Sox that Ernst Pouart

would play Lear before his departure from Iha Tauwill be gratified and Tuesday night the actor will enactthe great rAle for the felt time In America Barnay isto do It later at the Academy Our German theatregoers are euro t make Interesting comparison of thetwo Impersonations Monday Peasant will appear In

DI RDb Marl Enirel Manager Anbergt tinglog star Itbheard si the Thalia after Fotsart

A new danger has been developed for burleaqu andcmlo opera actresses In most ot tbw pieces It IIs rlble for the sustain the strain of the tights uponshoulders r1IO of strips The tights It should beexplained have to be held up by a hard pull t keepthem unwrinkled and this wblwhich 1s great IIs

bra by the waist pressure shoulders being en-

tirely exposed One night a nlma called at thestags door with aactor whose baa a place In theproduction and 1s much ogled from the front of lbhone She came out Ill and suffering aln While onthe way home she was seized with convulsions bid tobe carried Into the neatest hotel and a pbyslclan sum-

moned In baste She was taken home In a eanand thedonor pronounced It merely a cue of tights The

I secret otthls sort of molrroml the big way a-

lttacked small talent 100Ilur


At nought bJa Prt1GirLfrom the IMirtit fm pyre

Lot me nee somo Gloves pleaseYcsm whit kind tOReally I dont know Let me tee what you ba> c1111k or kid I

lhardly know 10me ceo botl-Lofntifbcrluacily omlhnl medium I blnkHere are ImlnOh I colorsDont want do you fNo I dont blatthin I doSomething eveniiiK a-

rtttNo that la not exactlyI

art somedont want elbowkldtiwould six button do Iwant longer gloves than that

liege ira soul new iliadesln brownliar you any sIlverI trayYesm here are susie new shadesOh those are too d-

Ana tiles IAltogether

browntoo light Let me see something In a

Yeina was something quite new andOh went them with siltchuag on the back

M lilacS or colored tlltcblngl-lleally I doul know hlch kind athy wearing

motWI 11 hadttell one Iworn about a much AanOlbrI so bul I can hardly dicUa for IWhy Same He Xraythe Is this your1-

Of count lit who doSo glad to see ynl Poyon know Ive been thinking

alll you andan agesilice IW you What you buying

trying in buy IIocfJovca but I dual knowwiM want 0 helll me

I willL im not tuiilC anything lllr t Justround Ikni u to shopwt And arYnl tilings beautiful this yart Im

wl over the ribbonS I

itlbbonsi Vout mention thnni I Jut reve overevery milliners the gloves

After half cu boor wPJpJa c0050liat on and

la411 avery hoC o the lion cueoLfttsinever to rWtine I alwtn geiwbal I

waaTtheYeT There nothing liars I want

Merrily JUne the Bellapyoss 1 omoAo World

Hocloty BelloMotlior Mr De Brass bas proposed and I nave acoeptti-

lUotturWlmlt Ob > ou wlote ungrateful girlafter alt weve dons for you pBrass bua etat-toblita himself wlhand wont havt 11 father

l u4Pa4aaEather-

OnI4 I am referrifl to I totgrau4

Bleu you my child5

H H-

UEBTOlIS JIT 8Wf CORISlOSDENXTo gain a general end fairly comor dcniilve knowl

edge ot the nlmory of the Caucasian race trnm theearliest recorded times to the present preaunmMybracing auch ortIUrotes Ireecc Mubonn Declineand hail Ilrn Uulrots Krancc Ac whathistorymodern times

should b tint read what next and 1onto

You do not want especially scientific and deep bookswe gather we recommend to you therefore Putnams

Stories of the Nations Uegln with the stories otChaldea and Assyria and the story of Persia thentake up the histories of Greece ot Home following thatwith the Decline and Fall then the story of the Cru-sades OuUott France Greens England the story otGermany the story of the Italian Republics llallamaMiddle Ages Schillers Thirty Years War In Bonnstranslation Then for thb westward growth of theAryan nations read Bancrofts Illtlorynf th Unitedstates and Parkmana Pioneen of France In the NewWorld and the story of Mexico There are no histories-of South America as yet This will take you far enoughdown Of course there will be some repetition andsome omissions You can hardlydo better than patrontoe to a large extent the series of which we havspoken Valuable books to lucre at hand are HettprintHistorical Reference book or Tllllnghasts Ploelis Epi-tome of History

What Is tbe date of the execution of the Manchestermartyrs Allen LarLln and OUrlen I J P N

The Manchester martyrs William OMeara AllenWilliam Oould or OBrien and Michael Lrki wereexecuted 01 23iati7 for killing on Sept II a police-man named Brett who refused to deliver up the keys ofthe prison van In which Kelly and Pansy were beingtaken back tJaTwo others Uagtilre and Shore wereconvicted of murder but released through the efforts ofthe Untied States Consul wbo showed that their con-

viction was due to perjury

I left Ireland thirty one yea ago and expert re-

turn for a few months Is to be feared now thatthe coercion act Is tn force I 1Inecessary to be armedwith a passport I Cmzii

Arrest ought not necessarily to be feared but what withthe way things are being run In that unhappy countryperhape It would be best to have a port When youare In Ireland behave as quietly ayou behave here rementor that your art would Inconvenience yourselfmore than It would advance the Irish cause and governyourself accordingly

I At what time and for how long was Louis aoloolIn the United states before he becameWhile here did lie leach tcliool for a livelihood r 3 H hatone of the Bonaparte stilted the United Mateti atxint thetime the rebellion betfiin t 4 When uud liero wasLouts Napoleon III burn I J V W-

II Lout Napoleon was In thisI country for a few monthsearly In 1BJ7 He landed In this city lu January andbad been In Germany loins tine when bis mother diedIn October of the same year 2 o 3 Prince Napleon the present head of the house visited this country-in IH01 and mails a lour through the Northern andSouthern States visiting Mr Lincoln and Ifn tenure

iard 4 Ue wus born In lIarl 1121 hIlLS

Pleas tell sue she name of Mr Edwin Booths playand the names of the principal actresses In hltcmnpany


We havent room to give Mr Sooths dramatic biogra-

phy here get Mrs AslaBouth Clarkes The Elder andthe Younger Booths published by Osgood A Co andobtainable at any bookstore

I Which expreiilnn it correct Try and da or tryto dol 2Should wo i yThD linitei Htstes Is orerl I BhouldHn r Upon Johns alwllnl 10

do or UpouJohu attempting iuilu4c <I Try do do Is the more elegant and the Iless used

2 The founders of the Union ute tlie plural Treasontuall consist only In levying war against them or lu adberiug to their enemies ic Wo boll< thereforsay Tb United Btales are 3 The flrn form IIs one

reel attempting Iis a participle used as a nunWa there In IblO a ferry from the toot of Jackson

street to Brooklyn propelled by horse power I sour-snswarwiliattleabet T 0 1

There was a ferry from Jackson street to Hudson avenue Whether In INtO III bal worn rUII1l lion powerwe do not know Can any one tell te I The terry wasdiscontinued about seventeen yecre ao

Does our common or vulgar era lake lit exact datefrom the birth of Christ If not why nt y lieu slidby whom was the necessity vt leep year Irti reco-jruUit M J I

NoIt does not The Christian era was invented byDlonyslus Exlrn Dlonyslu the little tn called eitheron bumlllly or his small stature anabbot ot the sixth century He placed the birth ofChrist in the fourth year of the 1M Olympiad 753 yearsfrom the founding of Home This I now generally admilted to bfour years 10 late but tho Intintttmt ofPlouyslus wire good and ha discrepancy 1s of nt prartlcalImportance Ionyslus mid the latti IC Xlanh-

LttSl DaYlhday of tb tHinceptlon of Chrlttl tuefirst day hlyear WI han changed that but adoptedhis reckoning in other respect The Uionyilan rc-

wsaadaptdahsnoalalouce In llama by the Popes Intie tleveutb otLtury ll lit New Years Day changedfrom March 83 to JaI and itself lechriitsntd the

Christian raby the Western world at different datesfrom 1564 to 1752 Car introduced the present systemof leap year and Gregory XIIL In 1SK Improved It to Itspresent Corm

Please tell me when the yacht Coming was wrecked-on Long Island I J V Brim-

sTbeyachtComlngandthebrig GoUborougb In towof-the tug Alert left New London Monday 12Itwothe Gulsborough went ashore near Norbporl1 Wed-

nesday night 1 4 and all on barwere 101 wreck-age supposed to belong to the Coning was picked upnear the same place the tail day The Coming belongedlathe New York Yacht Club she bad on board threemen all ot whom were lot

Which regiment bas the larger number mm theNinth or Uiebeventynnt J J N

According tthe last report of the InpectrOnralthe Seventy tint had live more men tb Nllbnumbers being ban and Ml respectively

Please tell me If there has been or will ther be anyfuture lime a year which can be divided by aandyet not leap year or hays only twentyeight laysIn February COSSTAMT BKADB-

RTliero hst been thr1 be such a year Seventeenhundred was a year Ito > was IMO will be 3100

will be such a year

Please oblige a constant reader by letting her knowhow she could 1IIO be a hospital nune also If it is ricorMary to hay education She IIs an IrishItoman Catholic would that ban obstacle MN

She should apply t tha superintendents of the Belle-

vue Hospital the New York Hospital or tbe ML SinaiHospital Training School for Nurses or to the Committee on Training School of the Charity 10plt Blackwelts Island A M firstclass education I necessary-but as brave attempt era being made to raise the stand-ard of nurses above that of Betsy Prig and flalrey Gampsuch au education will doutlcsi help you We think thatno religious qualifications are mad-

eWhatlithebestrcmedywhenonil clinking from alarge piece of food staying tn ones mouth t N F I

The best remedy Is prevention dont take largemouthfula The next remedy IIs not thumping on theback In the usual manner but a smart slap between theshoulders Jjust sucb a slap at a woman gives to get Jellyout of a glass

Can nineteen points bmad In ont hand of cribhseeK



The greatest number points thai can be made In onehand twentyfoiir we believe the combination neoesssry to make exactly nineteen I Impossible howeverunder tlio rules of thegama A nineteen hand IIs a-

very poor one

Plrane recommend three or tour plays for aloluacting by novices

The pups areldbut they art good Tom Cobb

Euld Mddlng March Box andand Guardlant Secret tlcThe Chimney Corner Slasher and Crasher Wood-

cocks Utile Dame The AreBelle

Whence comes the expression New Jersey IIs out ofthe Union und the way ospeaking of 11Jsreey us aforeign country t KI 11

Wa do not know Perhaps It cones from the taIthat New Jersey refused to ratify tbo fifteenth Amend-

ment In 1H70 but we think the expression dates fromfurther back than 1870 Can any ot our readers tell 11

After the draw one player raited all tlie others nutthen to show that he was binning bdisplayed hi > handand It was then noticed for Ithe tine by either luluKelt nrauyot the other platers that be bad cit cardsWhIIIU be done with tile pot 1 W J H

ItulSlot the Game of Draw Poker Americas Hovle-

pp 1M I155 governs this cue hub 34 readsi Auvplayer betting with more or less than five cards In hishand loses the pool unless his opponents all throw uptheir hands boordiscovering the foul hand The pottherefore goes to player who bluffed the others out

cityIleaie tell me when the bread riots occurred II IblWe do not find that there were any bread riots

Can you 11mt who wrote these lineswoman convinced against ben will

Iliotheu ineoplnouiilllISisirRissa

We do not find thli quotation In any dictionary of quo-


Csu any of our resdtrs place It for set-

Is an honorably discharged United Suits olaloot Ihtregular army of the year held still landwtrrautfor likiscre I Must be rtsMt on the laid onyear In order to latthe warrant valid t V W

Btar Awe cia make OUI It was only volunteer soldiers who wed entitled t such warrants A residenceoZone year on any homestead Is required to perfect titleYou should writ to the Commissioner of tbt GeneralLand Offlce at Washington for authoritative ruling onthe Und laws

Pleste decide a bet Which expression It correct AnUnique Industry Ac A onlii Industry ji j1 T-

Tbatr eopceslon IIt the more usual said we Iblntt bore correct The wurd uulqut begins withsonant sound and oaccording trule does not raqulrthe article aD

O P bpOUOllW answered this question Hmlago and use this opportunity to comet

T sbotnuktr Ihemsfand VSO calr



The prtparatloni for the production of Otello aregoing forward rapidly The dimensions of tbs stag otthe Academy were cabled to Italy a few day ago anda dozen ot the best Milanese costamers an hard at workon the dresses for every foot of canvas and very yardof goods will be brought from the other side of the At-lantic


Aa the three principal singer In OtelloSignor Marconi M Mantel and SIgnora Tettratrlnlrec-elve between them close upon 2500 for each of theirperformances itt estimated that each representationot Olello will Involve an outlay of CXUOU-

Mrae thins dl Uurska has severed her connection withthe Conservatory of Music In Rut Seventeenth streetHer engagement was Intended to cover a period of eightmonths and she was to receive 1000 a month for hrservices When It was discovered that at a teacher sheleft a good deal to be wlsled for c effort was made toInduce her to send In her resignation THIS she declinedto do and at length a compromise was effected and fora consideration Mme dl Mnrska was induced to bid fare-well to her associates and pupils Thu sopranos planefor the future are still Inchoate

Mme Etelka Uerster left this city Friday tog a seriesof concerts undertaken In conjunction with the Campnlnl operatic concert company She sings next week 4

In Petersburg Richmond and Norfolk and tbe partythen coon West Mme Center has been advised by betfriends to appear tn public frequently as It It now bo-Iteved that lick ot vocal exercise had a great dealto do with th Impaired condition of her organ whensue first appeared In New York in November last

Uerr Anton Seldl does not go to Europe this summitHe will lead the band at Brighton Beach sod arrangemoreover a number concerts of vocal arid Instru-mental music which will be given In a pavilion special-ly erected for tbe purpose Herr IdOls engagement aiconductor at the Metropolitan Opera Pious extendsover next Season

Pine Elvira Bepetlo sailed for Europe yesterday Bitstame here In November as the soprano of lbs Camponlnl operatic company and shared the fatigues of aconcert tour for three months Although touch admired In Italy Mme Bepello failed to please Americasaudiences and when she realized that her efforts addednothing to the attractiveness of the concerts and thatlong Journeys produced no beneficial effect upon herhealth ne derided upon taking her leave Moreover hav-ing


been engaged as leading soprano for the new onerahouse lu linen Ayres Mme Repetto desired to Lava amonths rtpoie berate departing for the South So thtook steamer for Europe yesterday with her huehand Signor Trlsollnl a typical old time Impresariowho In the distant past was the manager of th fOespolllan San Carlo

Signor Ssplo wno officiated at accornpanylat duringthe llnfinaun tournet new In progress tailed for Europeyesterday II goes lo take steamer at Bordeaux forSouth America where ha Is to officiate as conductorthroughout Mme Paths tour

Stsie carpenters art not considered aa tnimottlnvp-ressabl of men and they are not addicted as a rule todemonstrations of emotion hence Mr Edmund n-

Btanlon wat doubly surprised when a deputation await-ed upon him a week ago and Invited bin to grace a dinncr gotten up eipreuly In hIs linear with his cheerfulpresence The Invitation was accepted of course andtbe affair comes oil tomorrow Th remembrance ofthis tribute of affection wilt not be amnnir the leastgrateful memories that the present director of tueMetropolitan may call up In after years

Herr Paul Kallnch a German lyric tenor row en hisway bltherward is a young performer whose approachlog change ocondition U likely to attract a good dealof attention and tome envy herr Kallsoh corneahither to wtd Frluleln Mill Lehmtnn and the mar-riage Is to bt celebrated with at Ultle delay at possible

Mr LrnestOyt Is now In New Yorl looking about himfor engagements for Mine Alnani Thli Is the first timeIn many years that a siiceensfnl Iuropean prima donnaLas actually sought coulracii on Hillside of the Allantic and Mme Albums projected visit may be liken uan Indication that tOo OU World fields seed a period olrest

The advent ot another German virtuoso bas Just btenaverted it tbt tidIngs that herr Fnedbelm bit deferrednit visit or abandoned his planet cowing to Americaare to be depended upon herr Friidbelmlt said to b-

one of Germanys foremost pianists but 11 requiresomething more than the technique and Intelligencemost Brat rate performers poasttt to create anythlnclike a popular excitement and hence for the present atleast llrrr frMheUn rotated good Judrmrnt whl n hdetermined lo stay at home

The new Paualeff Theatre la St rtterttmrgh will topened to the public with a season ot Italian operaThe boss u practically furtproof cod It Ught4 B-Ttntauof eltctrlcltr HtcrchtlUijg eUoft igajlitUgajlByrtutk