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Home Ginger cruise Check the availability Testimonials Book now Conta Tel:(84.4)3734 6777, Hotline : (84)912 22 Email us : info@impresstra Yahoo ID : Skype ID : Halong Cruises Ginger photoes Halong bay tour 2 days Halong bay tour 3 days Halong Violet cruise Halong Jasmine cruise Terms and conditions Vietnam travel Vietna Ginger Cruise in Halong bay Ginger cruise Welcome on board - our newest five star junk -the Halong Ginger Enjoy local day-caught seafood well-cooked in Vietnamese marvelous cuisine in a spacious boutique dining room, inspire yourself with glass of wine admiring the brilliant sunset of the simply relax with gentle pampering at Ginger spa after taking exercises in the Ginger gym. Those are just available at Halong Ginger which is an ideal junk for family gatherings, honeymo or couples of friends who love to explore the exotic bay still enjoying, however, elegant comforts. To be launched on 1st November 2009, our newest five star junk -the Halong Ginger -will be fitted out in the 1930 s Indochine style. It will feature a boutique dinning room, library & loung & Gym and 6 individual theme cabins with marble bathroom, Jacuzzi & balcony. l Ginger cruise Halong bay tour 2 days l Ginger cruise Halong bay tour 3 days Halong Cruises Ginger photoes Halong bay tour 2 days Halong bay tour 3 days Halong Violet cruise Halong Jasmine cruise Terms and conditions Vietnam travel Vietna Impress Travel Company Limited Phone: (84.4) 3734 6777, Fax: (84.4) 3232 1106, Hotline: (84) 912 225 694, Email: [email protected] Address: No.10, Lane 8, Lieu Giai str., Hanoi, Vietnam Copyright© 2008 by Impress Travel Vietnam - All rights reserved

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Home Ginger cruise Check the availability Testimonials Book now ContaTel:(84.4)3734 6777, Hotline : (84)912 22

Email us : info@impresstra

Yahoo ID :

Skype ID :

Halong Cruises Ginger photoes Halong bay tour 2 days Halong bay tour 3 days Halong Violet cruise Halong Jasmine cruise Terms and conditions Vietnam travel Vietna

  Ginger Cruise in Halong bay  



Ginger cruise



Welcome on board - our newest five star junk -the Halong Ginger

Enjoy local day-caught seafood well-cooked in Vietnamese marvelous cuisine in a spacious boutique dining room, inspire yourself with glass of wine admiring the brilliant sunset of the

simply relax with gentle pampering at Ginger spa after taking exercises in the Ginger gym. Those are just available at Halong Ginger which is an ideal junk for family gatherings, honeymo

or couples of friends who love to explore the exotic bay still enjoying, however, elegant comforts.

To be launched on 1st November 2009, our newest five star junk -the Halong Ginger -will be fitted out in the 1930’s Indochine style. It will feature a boutique dinning room, library & loung

& Gym and 6 individual theme cabins with marble bathroom, Jacuzzi & balcony.

l Ginger cruise Halong bay tour 2 days l Ginger cruise Halong bay tour 3 days

Halong Cruises Ginger photoes Halong bay tour 2 days Halong bay tour 3 days Halong Violet cruise Halong Jasmine cruise Terms and conditions Vietnam travel Vietna

Impress Travel Company Limited

Phone: (84.4) – 3734 6777, Fax: (84.4) – 3232 1106, Hotline: (84) 912 225 694, Email: [email protected]

Address: No.10, Lane 8, Lieu Giai str., Hanoi, Vietnam

Copyright© 2008 by Impress Travel Vietnam - All rights reserved