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VICTORY CATHEDRAL WORSHIP CENTER OCTOBER 2011 ALSO INSIDE The Persistence of Paul | Evangelism on Steroids | Can Halloween and Evangelism Co-Exist? | Picture Me Sharin’ | Much More

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ALSO INSIDE The Persistence of Paul | Evangelism on Steroids | Can Halloween and Evangelism Co-Exist? | Picture Me Sharin’ | Much More

Living Victoriously Volume 5, Issue 3

Pastor & Executive Editor Pastor Smokie Norful

Managing Editor LaShaunn Tappler

Editorial Coordinator Deirdre McClarin

Editorial Proofreaders Eugene Gatewood, Karen Mason

October Issue Contributors LaToya Goodwin, Dahlia Johnson, Deirdre A. McClarin, Britney Monroe, Pastor Smokie Norful, LaShaunn S. Tappler, Vashanti Taylor, Sherri Valentine, HK Wilson

Design/Layout LaShaunn Tappler LT ComDesign, LLC

Living Victoriously is published monthly by Victory Cathedral Worship Center ©2011.

Victory Cathedral Worship Center

Mailing Address 319 N. Weber Road, PMB 347 Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Phone: 630.378.9172

Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship Service @ 7:30am & 10am Romeoville High School 100 N. Independence Blvd, Romeoville, IL

Sunday Worship Service @ 12:30pm Percy L. Julian High School (PLJ) 10330 S. Elizabeth Street, Chicago

SpeakThoseThIngS | Pastor smokie Norful

IT’S harVeST TIme!

the fall season is upon us. the leaves are changing colors and falling freely from the trees; the days are getting shorter; vast fields are ripening all around us, and are ready now for the harvest. it’s Harvest time!

this month’s issue of Living Victoriously looks at this season of harvest from two vantage points: (1) evangelism, and (2) abundance for the believer.

Christ’s life was consumed by the harvest. in John 4:34, Jesus’ disciples had brought Him something to eat, however, He was not interested. Jesus was more concerned about souls than a sandwich!

Just like Jesus, the harvest must become our “food.” We can never be satisfied by pleasures, possessions, or power. We should “crave” to see people restored to God.

God’s will is for “all men to be saved” (1 tim. 2:4). He is not willing that “any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). Because the harvest is God’s will, evangelism, or doing the work of soul-winning, brings the joy of being in the center of God’s will.

as believers, we have a duty to become active in the harvest. there are people who will cross your path whose hearts the Holy spirit is ripening to receive Jesus. every soul you win is key to hundreds of others.

the season of harvest is one of abundance for the believer; it is not one of lack, shortage, or drought! it’s time for you to experience the fruit of your labor! the sowing and reaping process works for the believer just as it does for a farmer. You can begin sowing seeds of abundance by boldly declaring God’s Word: “my God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus; i have abundance and prosper; because i have given, it










is given unto me good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.”

Here’s a sure way to receive God’s abundance: integrate your faith with the promises of His Word. then plant it in your heart by speaking it. there’s life in the seed, or God’s promise. so if you plant the promises of God in your heart, you can expect to manifest an abundant harvest.

may you use your faith to sow the seeds of God’s abundant promises and reap a life of growing prosperity!

in Christ’s Victory,


turN to PaGe 5 for some tiPs oN HoW to Share YOUr FaITh oN HalloWeeN.

areYouSaVeD?Take Advantage of Your Benefits

The most important question in life is Are you saved? It doesn’t matter how good you are, or if you are a church

member, but Are you saved? Are you sure you’ll go to Heaven when you die? God says to go to Heaven, you must be born again (saved!) And God’s plan for you to be saved is simple. Accept Jesus as your personal Savior by saying this prayer from your heart to God:

Dear God,

I admit that I am a sinner and in need of Your forgiveness. I believe that Your Son Jesus Christ died for my sins, that He was buried, and that He arose from the grave. Because of that, I can receive forgiveness for my sins. I invite You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. Your Word says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).” I believe with my heart, and I now con-fess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life. Therefore I am saved!

We encourage you to join a loving family of believers who will love you and encourage your relationship with God. We’d love to rejoice with you. Please call us at 630.378.9172 so that we can celebrate your new life!

What’s in It for Me? The Benefits of Being Saved by Dahlia Johnson

In order to understand salvation, one must first understand the Gos-pel—the Good News that, through Jesus Christ, everyone can receive forgiveness for their sins, have a relationship with God, and be filled with God’s Spirit for a brand new life! Thus, salvation is the bundle of

benefits received by those who believe the Good News and puts Christ in the “driver’s seat” of his or her life. When Christ is in the driver’s seat, He is directing our paths, guiding our decisions, adjusting our attitudes, loving and helping others, and receiving our praises and acts of worship.

In Acts 2:21, Peter summarizes the benefits of salvation in three words: “shall be saved.” But, what does it mean to be saved? Saved from what? Saved to what? In short, we are saved from death—a spiritual death.

The “benefits” include forgiveness of sin, a totally right standing with God, heaven instead of hell upon physical death, new life (the Spirit of the life of Christ Jesus), awesome joy and contentment (the peace of God), and the power of a changed life.

More specifically, here is what’s in it for you:

1. Salvation brings deliverance from God’s condemnation (John 3:36; Rom. 5:9). It means you won’t go to hell and remain under God’s angry judgement.

2. Salvation brings forgiveness of sins (Col. 2:13; Eph. 4:32). Even though a Christian still sins, God continues to offer His grace and mercy.

3. Salvation brings absolute security (John 10:28; Heb. 7:25). God promises eternal life and no one came come between you and Him.

4. Salvation brings the promise of Heaven (John 14:1–3; 1 Cor. 2:9). Jesus assures us that He is in heaven, and is holding our spot!

5. Salvation brings about a changed life (2 Cor. 5:17). Old habits, mistakes, actions—no matter how severe—are gone forever! It’s literally out with the old, in with the new.

More than two thousand years ago, Peter preached the Gospel message to a crowd, and 3,000 men were saved. They heard the message and accepted Christ into their lives.

If you’re tired of sinning, tired of fighting against the Lord, tired of worry-ing about where you will go after your physical death, you can receive Jesus into your life and be saved. Nothing in life should take higher priority than the condition of your soul (Mark 8:36-37).

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PAGE 5living victoriously | octoBer 2011

Evangelism and Halloween: Can They Really Go Hand in Hand?

As Christians many of us make the decision to not partake in the “holiday” of Halloween. Many Christians are very proud

of their decision, yet they have overlooked a big opportunity to spread the Lord’s Word to others. Instead of shutting off the lights and not answering the door, as many Christians do the night of Halloween (to be fair, there are some who do not do this), have you ever thought about what Jesus would do in this situation?

Think about this: children raised without the Lord in their lives are arriving at your door in cute costumes. They have their bags with them, opening them to you and hoping to get a treat. They are in a willing and impressionable position. Thankfully, in this situation we are available to prac-tice a phrase that was coined originally by Reverend Greg Asimakoupolos, known as evangelism in reverse.

Evangelism in reverse refers to the fact that those who need the Lord are coming to us; we are not searching for them. We are now able to advise them on the Lord’s view of the entire practice of Halloween. To be put in this situation is an awesome opportunity to serve the Lord. If we do not take advantage of this, think about the disservice we will be doing to these vulner-able, impressionable children?

They may assume that we think we are better than they are.

Also, if we make the decision not to answer the door, or to leave and go to church, who will be there to welcome them? We may be passing up the opportu-nity to teach and enlighten these impres-sionable young minds. In either scenario, do you think Jesus would be proud of us if we did this?

A better idea is to spend time in prayer and ask the Lord to whom you may be able to spread His word, and how you may be able to do this. Consider making the decision to extend a Christlike smile and welcome to everyone who arrives on your doorstep. With each treat, you can attach a special poem.

The following poem, written by Reverend Greg Asimakoupoulos, can be copied and used by anyone. It may be something you would like to also use this Halloween for those special trick-or-treaters.

Our Trick, God’s Treat

It was really quite neatthat you asked for a treatwhen you stopped byand rang our doorbell.Though we don’t know your namewe are still glad you cameand would like to pass this on as well.

Long before time beganFather God had a planfor His people to all get along.But, we blew it, you see,when we chose selfishlyto insist on OUR WAY and do it wrong.

What we did was a trickthat made God really sick,but He didn’t trick us in return.He reached out with a treatthat is sweeter than sweet.It’s a treat that we could never earn.

God says, “I’ll be your friend!I’ll forgive you all your sins,I sent Jesus to make you brand new.On this Halloween nightas you turn out your light,Just remember how much God loves you.”

Copyright 2003. Reverend Greg Asimakoupoulos. Used with permission.

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Billy Graham:A Modern-Day Paul Experience Evangelism on Steroids! Intro by LaShaunn Tappler

Billy Graham is an American Christian evangelist who has used worldwide evangelistic crusades to preach the Gospel message to more people than anyone in history. Throughout his life, he has led many thousands to make a decision to receive Jesus as personal Savior, and to live for Christ. Graham has been a spiritual advisor to many American Presidents, and according to Gallup Polls, is regularly listed as one of the “Ten Most Admired Men in the World.”

Billy Graham’s evangelism movement and approach is phenomenal. Following is a brief overview of his organization (taken from their annual report). Visit for more detailed information on Graham’s impactful ministries, and how he and his sons are on a mission as lobbyists for God.

In 2010, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) marked 60 years of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1950, the organization has taken this life-changing message in person to more than 220 million people in more

than 200 countries and territories, and have reached countless more through television, film, radio, books, and the Internet.

Sixty-one years later, there is no greater—or more urgent—task than taking the Good News to the ends of the earth. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15, NIV). The world still needs to hear that eternal life is found in Him alone. In fact, more people are lost without Christ today than at any other time in history. Until He returns, BGEA is resolved to this mission—to proclaim the Gospel for all to hear, so that God’s power will be displayed for all to see.

Since 1950, BGEA Crusades have spanned the globe with one purpose—to proclaim God’s love to people who need Jesus Christ. Today, Franklin Graham Festivals and Will Graham Celebrations (Graham’s sons) continue this life-changing mission. The format—which features popular Christian musicians and a clear, relevant Gospel message— is designed to share the love of Christ with audiences who may have never been to church or heard the Gospel.

Through a partnership with local churches in each Crusade city, newborn Christians are surrounded with mature believers who help nurture their faith and encourage them on to maturity in Jesus Christ.

Here is one of the 15 ministries the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association uses to carry out its mission:

My Hope World Evangelism Through Television—Utilizing an innovative combination of relationship evangelism and modern media, My Hope is taking the Gospel to living rooms around the world. Christians are encouraged and equipped to invite family, friends, and neighbors to hear the Gospel message through national broadcasts, culminating with the hosts sharing their personal testimonies. Launched in 2002 with the goal of reaching every country in the world, My Hope has been implemented in 53 countries thus far and has seen a remarkable response, as more than 9.8 million people have made commitments to Christ.

Read more about BGEA at


PAGE 7living victoriously | octoBer 2011


Rum Raisin Bread Pudding

Cooking Instructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large saucepan, add milk, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, rum and raisins and heat until warm. Simmer and stir until sugar dissolves.

Into a large bowl add the cubed bread and pour in the hot milk mixture. Let sit for 30 minutes so the bread absorbs the milk.

Add the beaten eggs to the bread and milk mixture and stir. Pour bread pudding into a buttered 1 1/2-quart baking dish and bake for 50 minutes.

© 2011 Television Food Network. All Rights Reserved.


A Case of Mistaken Identity

A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, finger-printed, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, “I’m very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the What Would Jesus Do bumper sticker, the Choose Life license plate holder, the Follow Me to Sunday School bumper sticker, And the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk. Naturally I assumed you had stolen the car.”

Source: Democratic

Ingredients:3 cups milk3 tablespoons butter1 teaspoons vanilla extract1 teaspoons ground cinnamon3/4 cup packed brown sugar

3 tablespoons rum1/2 cup raisins7 (1/2-inch) slices brioche bread, cubed or torn4 eggs, beaten

Prep Time: 10 minInactive Prep Time: 30 minCook Time: 50 minLevel: EasyServes: 8 to 10 servings

Recipe courtesy The Neelys

God Teaches Through You“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16 (NIV)

God wants you to teach someone who can then teach someone else.

• He wants you to teach others about the spiritual insights He has deposited in you.

• He wants you to teach others about the practical steps you’ve taken to become more and more like Jesus.

• He wants you to teach others about the ways He has stretched your faith.

• He wants you to teach others how they can discover life in Christ.

• He wants you to teach them the skills necessary to go on a mission.

God’s plan calls for us to tell others about Jesus and then to disciple them so they can disciple others.

You may be wondering if you’re capable of doing this, but the apostle Paul says you can make a choice to “let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16 NIV) It is God who teaches through you, giving you a supernatural wisdom and confi-dence to tell others about Jesus.

Frankly, you have more knowledge, training, and resources at your disposal than believers did in the first century Church, and yet they were able to be a witness to the world (2 Timothy 2:4). More importantly, God is with us in the same way that He was with them.

Trust the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to flow from you and give you the words and the wisdom you need to tell others about Jesus.

Written by Jon Walker for Daily Hope by Rick Warren. Reprinted with permission.

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PaulDoing good to bring the harvest by Vashanti Taylor

Next to Jesus, Paul, formerly known as Saul, is one of the most influential characters known in the New Testament. He is recognized for his dramatic

transformation, in addition to penning almost half of the letters in the New Testament. There are many accounts that refer to Paul as the trailblazer of his time; one who was certainly not a stranger to spreading the Gospel of Christ.


Paul was born as Saul, a Jew, and was under the law of the Pharisees. At that time, he persecuted believers because of Christ, throwing them in jail and/or killing them. One day, on his way to Damascus to seek out others who believed in Jesus, Paul’s life was changed forever. There was a light that shown down upon him, which blinded him. From there, he heard the voice of Jesus, asking him why did he persecute Him. Saul was in awe that he was in the presence of the Master and was terrified. Not being able to see his way, those traveling with him, led him to where Jesus directed them. (Acts 9:3-8)

For three days Saul was blind and did not eat or drink. After a vision Saul had, Jesus sent a disciple to go and lay hands on him to restore his sight. Once that happened, he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the scales were removed from his eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and later regained his strength. (Acts 9:9–18).

From this point, Saul’s life was transformed forever. Now with a new mission and zeal, Saul had to go and share this great news of Jesus the Messiah for himself. Not long after his conversion, he was made famous for what’s called “flippin’ the script,” while he was on the quest to share the Gospel with everyone he knew. Paul even shared his news with the Jews. Because of the one seed that Jesus planted in Saul, it quickly became a harvest and Saul, now Paul (Acts 13:9), was ready to plant seeds everywhere he went.


Over the years, Paul started to travel all over with his crusade—Arabia, Jerusalem and Antioch, to name a few. Paul often traveled with Barnabas, a disciple and friend who stood up for him when he was first converted; it was because of Barnabas’s witness account that Paul was able to travel freely, sharing the message.

Paul also was known as an apostle. Throughout his many trips, he strengthened the disciples, preached the Gospel, built up the churches, and converted souls to Christ. Jesus told Paul that he was handpicked to be His witness. “I’m sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I’m sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me.” Act 26:17–18 (The Message).


PAGE 9living victoriously | octoBer 2011

In the midst of his crusade, the tables were turned on Paul. While in Jerusalem on a mission to convert Jews to Christians, he was dragged from the temple, beaten and arrested (Acts 21:30-33). Simply because of his mission and what he sought out to do, the non-believing Jews wanted him dead.

Because of his new beliefs and the message he preached, Paul refused to back down. He shared his testimony with them, in hopes of proving his innocence; however, they refused to listen. Though they tried more than one time to bring him to trial on charges, they could not find him guilty.

No matter the situation, Paul remained confident in his relationship with God, and was not easily moved by the actions of others. Just as much as they were persistent in attacking him, he was even more compelled to share the message about God. While in custody he even confessed boldly to the king, who made the comment that Paul could convert even him if Paul kept sharing the Gospel. Paul, still in chains, said, “That’s what I’m praying for, whether now or later, and not only you but everyone listening today, to become like me—except, of course, for this prison jewelry! Acts 26:29 (The Message)”


Each phase of Paul’s life prepared him for the next level in his purpose. From a persistent persecutor to a converted Christian, Paul was not ready to stop planting seeds of salvation. Because of his mission, he was bound to see the harvest. Paul could not accomplish this task alone so he had others along with him in the crusade. In each city, he had other disciples and Christians to report to him what was going on in each area.

Traveling all over the world to complete his mission, and writing letters to the church was what Paul is best known for today. Paul refused to allow even imprisonment stop him. Letters of instruction, correction, encouragement, and staying the course are just a few that have been turned into what we know today as Books of the New Testament.

Today we can still relate to the letters he wrote, gaining understanding of his mission and how he informed, instructed, and even illustrated how we should live as Christians. In turn, we too, can live and plant a seed in a non-believer’s life in order to continue to create a ripe harvest for generations to come.

As a Christian, we know that we should do our part in the crusade. Each of us has a role to play in sharing the Gospel. Knowing the story of Paul’s life, we know that it was not always easy; however, he did what he had to do for Christ—no matter what the obstacle. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Philippians 3:12, NIV).

PAUL’S PROfILEStrengths and Accomplishments

• Set apart for the Gospel of God

• Most influential character of the New Testament, next to Jesus

• Wrote 13 Books of the New Testament

Weakness and Mistake

• Before converted, lived as a Pharisee and kept the law according to their religion, persecuting all those who accepted Jesus as their Savior

Lessons from Their Lives

• God took his life as Saul (Persecutor) and transformed it to Paul (Preacher/Teacher) for His glory. He converted from slaying souls because of Christ to saving souls for Christ

• We, too, can turn from our sins, ask for forgiveness, and allow God to use us for His glory

• Follow the example of Paul by being courageous and persistent in sharing the Gospel with non-believers

Vital Statistics

• Where: Tarsus• Occupation: Tentmaker by trade and

teacher/leader in the church• Relatives: His father was a Pharisee;

one sister and a nephew

Key Verse

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Paul’s Story is told in Acts, beginning in Chapter 9.Source: Life Application Study Bible (NIV), published by Tyndale-House Publishers and Zondervan Publishing House.


“I’d let others know that Jesus loves them. —Clifford Brewster (South)

“I would use the story of Job. I would tell people that no matter what them go through, God can bring them through.” — Shawn Easley (West)

“I would minister to the people according to how the Holy Spirit leads me.” —Kymm Lewis (South)

“I would just go out and ask people to come to Christ.” —Larisa Thompson (West)

“I would be obedient and offer Christ to them.” —Vanessa James (South)

“I would let my light shine so people can see Christ through me.” — Camellia Thompson (West)

“I would lead by example. I’d remain in God’s Will and the work of God to show people that anything is possible with Him.” —Katherine Robinson (West)

“I would introduce myself and ask if they knew Christ.” —William Jackson (South)

“I would walk righteously with Jesus in my daily walk.” —Tony Harrison (West)

“I would ask if they accepted Christ and give my experience on how I accepted Christ.” —Curtis Smith (South)

Living Victoriously’s roving reporter HK Wilson talked about evangelism with many Victory walkers:

Picture me sharin’ my faith...Here’s what I would do!

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The Prayers of the Righteous by Dahlia Johnson

Take it to the Lord in prayer, are the sentiments of ministry coordinator, Pam Collins and Ministers Sandra Welch, Shebbie Ross and Debra Wilker-son. They grab the horns of the altar and travail

according to the Word of God every Tuesday – Friday @ 5am, and Saturday morning @ 7am for Morning Glory prayer. They believe that prayer is timeless, limitless, has no respect of persons, and most importantly, is open and available to anyone who believes in the power of it. There are no boundaries or age limits, and here at Victory Cathedral Worship Center, the ministry uses prayer as a tool to change the things that we can and cannot see.

This integral part of ministry focuses on ”standing in the gap” for newly converted souls to the kingdom, as well as for those

who have already established a relationship with Christ. They endeavor to remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit, love, accept and remain non-judgmental as they view prayer as all-inclusive to and for the body at Victory.

“Prayers are not dead words. The words have life,” said Min-ister Pam. “Each and every soul has the capacity to approach the throne of grace. Prayers Are Alive!”

A few of the ministry’s continual ongoing prayers are for the sick and shut-in; upcoming events at Victory; Pastor Nor-ful and his family; and setting the atmosphere by anointing the sanctuary before worship service begins. To support this ministry, or for more information, contact the church office at 630.378.9172.

PAGE 11living victoriously | octoBer 2011

DONATION: ONLY $258-discs + Bonus cddisc 1. releaseddisc 2. released…the tithedisc 3. released…spiritual stepsdisc 4. released…debt…Breaking out!disc 5. released…debt…debt Bondagedisc 6. released…practical steps, part 1disc 7. released…practical steps, part 2disc 8. released…practical steps, part 3Bonus cd: transform your MindNow Available at the Media Center or call 630.378.9172



New member Linda Ross-Liggins and her husband first heard about Victory Cathedral Worship Center opening up a second location on the south side of Chicago from a friend who is a pastor in the Chicagoland area. Also, around the same time, she obtained a flyer that was being passed out in the CVCA community to announce the new move.

From the beginning Linda says that she was drawn to Victory’s style of worship. “It was the church’s way of doing things. Pastor Norful does more teaching then condemning. The church is about enlightening and empowering one another.” Although she had been attending service at the south campus since day one, Linda did not join until January 2011. Like many of the members, she says that Victory has had a positive impact on her life. “Attending Victory has helped me understand why things in life happen. It has helped me get through hard times, and reminds me that it’s not what you are going through, but how you come through in the end. Most importantly, Victory has helped me increase my faith.” With a career that includes thirty years of banking and event planning, Linda is actively considering in which ministries she would like to participate. When asked what she sees in the future for her new church home, she, like many others, sees nothing but bigger and better things to come. “I think Victory can go wherever it wants to go. I see Victory being a positive influence on many people, especially on the south side of town. Pastor Norful always sets goals and moves forward to meet them.”

I asked her: When you talk to others about Victory, what do you say? She responded, “Victory is an excellent church. It is very positive, welcoming, and has a family feel to it. It is not about the ministers or members at Victory. It is about teaching the Word of God.”

It was a cloudy Saturday morning when I met Donisha Barnes at the Joliet Public Library, but her spirit seemed to brighten the day. She was accompanied by her two-year old son Stephen (pronounced Ste-fen). Finding a comfortable spot in the wide open media center was almost as big of a challenge as keeping young Stephen occupied. With the help of a letter recognition game, I noticed that Stephen could recognize the colored, wooden letters that he needed to fit inside the carved slates. He appeared to be a happy little boy who occasionally demanded his mother’s attention whenever he couldn’t find the letter he needed.

Born and raised in Joliet, IL, the twenty-three-year-old Donisha talks about how she first became a Victory Walker. “I was going to a different church than my mother, Angela Deloach.” She continues, “My mother encouraged me to visit Victory and I loved it! Coming to Victory is always a welcoming experience, and I love the Word.”

Donisha has been a Victory walker since August 2011. She loves movies and spending time with her son and four-year old daughter Angel. She is a hard working mother and enthusiastically states, “My goals are to stay in church, keep praying, and keep the right covering over my children.”

As the interview concludes, pieces of the letters wind up on the floor as young Stephen begins to get restless right on cue. While picking up the pieces, Donisha expresses that she likes to sing and dance. She’s already taken the assimilation class, and soon sees herself as a member of the Victory Cathedral Choir.

new memBer prOFILe: SOUThLinda Ross-Liggins by Britney Monroe

new memBer prOFILe: weSTDonisha Barnes by Achkei “HK” Wilson

victory cathedral worship center | getthevictory.orgPAGE 12

Do you know the God whom you serve? You serve a God of abundance; a God who shall supply all your needs; a God who said that you shall lack no good thing. This is the kind of God you serve. A God of

more than enough; He is a God of abundance.

Definition of Abundance. defines abundance as an extremely plentiful, over-sufficient quantity or supply of something; it can be described as having an overflow in quantity or supply.

God of Abundance and More than Enough. As we read our Bibles, we see that this is the kind of God we serve—a God of abundance, plenty, and overflow. God wants to bless you with more than enough—not just enough or barely enough.

You do not serve a God of lack. God is more than able to supply everything you and I will ever need here on earth. Ephesians 3:20 states that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think of, according to the power that worketh in us.

This means that God is able to send you an abundance of some-thing, and it will be more than what you can ever imagine or think of. He is able to exceed what you could ever ask for. This is the kind of God you serve—a God of increase, abundance and overflow; One who does exceedingly abundantly above anything you or I could ever ask of Him.

Scarcity Mentality: The Killer of an Abundant Life. Although we serve a God of more than enough, many are living with a scarcity mindset—that is, a mindset of lack and barely enough. Don’t let a poverty mindset rob you of the abundant life Jesus died to give you.

The Word of God states that Jesus came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Nowhere in the Bible [has God been] unable to provide for His people; where God was unable to bless His people with an abundance of something, whether that something be food, drink, clothes, money or etc. God has always shown Himself to be God the supplier…God of more than enough.

However, although we serve a God of abundance, many Chris-tians live in lack. This is not the kind of life Jesus died on the cross to give [us]. Notice in Ephesians 3:20 it states that God is able. It didn’t say God will. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think.

Many Christians experience a lack of resources because of the mentality they carry. It’s a scarcity mentality, which is the op-posite of an abundance mentality. If you’re a Christian dealing with lack, read about having a more-than-enough mentality. Why settle for lack when God came to give you abundance?

Until we stop believing God for very little…until we stop placing limitations on God, and begin asking for more than enough…un-til we stop speaking negatively, etc., we will never fully experience God’s abundance in our lives.

Renounce Lack and Declare Abundance. The Lord says in Malachi 3:10 that He will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to receive it! Today, acknowledge and declare that God is more than enough…that God shall supply all your needs…that God is a God of abundance.

Be determined to have a more-than-enough mentality, an abun-dance mindset, and to let go of a lack and scarcity mentality. Since Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly, seek and expect to experience God’s overflow.

Believe God for spiritual abundance, financial abundance, an abundance of love, joy, peace, and life. Believe God for abun-dance in every area of your life. Whatever you lack, expect and believe God for increase. Believe that God will supply all your needs. Believe that God meets our needs and provide for those who seek Him.

© 2 Praise God Devotional Blog ( Posted by Naquan on February 25, 2010.


The Scarcity Mentality The Killer to Receiving God’s Abundance

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Breast cancer in men is rare, but it does happen. After all, men have breast tissue. The overall ratio of female to male breast cancer in the U.S. is 100 to 1.1 Although it sounds

like a small number, 1,970 men will be diagnosed, and 390 will die from the disease in the U.S. in 2010.1

Common symptoms of male breast cancer: • a lump in the chest area• skin dimpling or puckering• nipple changes

Because breast cancer is much more common in women, many men do not realize they can develop this disease. This can delay di-agnosis and as a result, some cancers are not found until they have progressed to a later stage. However, when cancer is found at the same stage among men and women, the survival rates are similar. Because the male breast is much smaller than the female breast, it is more likely the disease will spread to the chest wall. For this reason, it is important to find the cancer early for successful treat-ment. See your doctor right away if you have any lumps or changes in your chest area.

1 American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures 2010

A man’s riskKnown factors that increase your risk of breast cancer include:• a genetic condition such as Klinefelter’s syndrome that

is associated with high estrogen levels • family members (male or female) with breast cancer, especially with a BRCA2 mutation

• chronic liver disorders, alcoholism and obesity• getting older.

Source: Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. For more information, call Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® at 1-877 GO KOMEN (1-877-465-6636) or visit

There is no secret that in today’s times, many are facing financial challenges, many of which our own government can’t

even fix. Many believe that it is our current Presi-dent’s fault because they find the need to point the finger at someone; however, while we know that the world’s economy may be suffering right now, God’s economy never suffers.

Many are familiar with “you reap what you sow.” In one season you sow and in the next, you reap a harvest. According to, harvest is defined as “the result or consequence of an activity.” God’s Word says, in 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV), Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

When it comes to our crop (money), we must manage it accordingly. By giving our tithe (10%), we are being obedient. God honors that by not letting the evil one devour our crops (Malachi 3:11). The abundance comes when we go that

extra mile and give above and beyond the tithe.

If you want to experience a season of harvest in your life, bless someone else while you are in need. You may be thinking that helping some-one else when you need help yourself does not make sense. Why would I do that? The answer is simple—because you want to show God that you trust Him to take care of your needs. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT).

Learning to open our hand and release what God has blessed us with to bless others creates an open channel to you, in which God can send blessings your way. Don’t be fooled by what the media says about giving. Take it upon yourself to read the true report, which never changes—the Word of God. Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthi-ans 9:10 (NIV).

Breast Cancer in MenDo men get breast cancer?

Lack or Abundance: It’s Your Choice by Vashanti Taylor

victory cathedral worship center | getthevictory.orgPAGE 14


Knowing God’s Voice by Kenneth C. Ulmer

If you are doing all of the talking, it is likely that you will not hear what others have to say, let alone gain from their counsel, insight and wisdom—if this is true with humans, isn’t it even more so with God? It is difficult sometimes, in our era of financial collapse, ongoing war and increasing alienation from each other, to feel confident that the Almighty takes a personal interest in our lives. Knowing God’s Voice is the assurance so many people are waiting for: God is interested. He has a lot to say! Readers will learn to discern God’s voice from the background noise of internal anxiety and external circumstances, and to trust His guidance and revelation even in trying times. God is speaking to His people, if only they will have ears to hear! (Product Description)

The Wealth Cure by Hill Harper

The perennial New York Times bestselling author helps readers discover how to put money in its place and use wealth-building as a tool for joy and fulfillment.

Hill Harper is uniquely poised to guide readers through tough times and offers bestselling advice for reaping the rewards of a truly happy life. With The Wealth Cure, he does more than that: He presents a revolutionary new definition of wealth, motivat-ing readers to not only build financial security but to also achieve wealth in every aspect of their lives.

Using his own journey as a parable, Harper inspires the reader to evaluate their values while explaining the importance of laying a sound financial foundation and how to recognize the worth of your relationships and increase the value of your interactions with the people in your life. Drawing on his personal recollections and true stories from family and friends, Harper helps readers begin to see money not as a goal but as a tool that provides freedom for following their passions. The keys include investing in yourself, tapping the resources you need, and taking responsibility for how those resources are used. Far from a get-rich-quick primer, The Wealth Cure brims with inspired wisdom for building a lasting bounty from the experiences, loved ones, and achievements that really matter. (Product Description)

The Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World by Billy Graham

In this culmination of a lifetime of experience and ministry, join Dr. Graham as he leads you personally, chapter by chapter, on a journey in faith. You’ll learn about God, his purpose for your life, and what Jesus has done for you. You’ll be reminded that God has given you the Spirit and other tools to live successfully. Dr. Gra-ham’s insights will help you deal with the challenges that come along the way—temptation, destructive emotions, events that turn life upside down, and others. Grounded in daily Christian living, you’ll also find practical advice on knowing God’s will, making right decisions, strengthening your marriage, being a wise parent, and using your gifts to share Christ with others. No matter where you are along the journey of life, The Journey will help you make the most of it! (Product Description)

WOW Gospel Worship (CD)

This compilation includes older but timeless music like Donnie McClurkin’s “Great is Your Mercy” and more recent but sure-to-be timeless music like Vashawn Mitchell’s “Nobody Greater.” Other music: “Here I Am to Worship” (Heather Headley), “No Weapon” (Fred Hampton), “The Presence of the Lord is Here” (Byron Cage),” and “Forever” (CeCe Winans).

YRM (Your Righteous Mind) (CD)

Having previously released The Law of Confession, Pt. I in 2009, Donald Lawrence & Co. eschew a Pt. II for the moment in favor of 2011’s equally conceptual choral gospel collection YRM (Your Righteous Mind). Lawrence, serving as usual as a combination singer, preacher, and master of ceremonies, has some involved ideas to get across. Track Listing: 1) YRM (Your Righteous Mind); 2) Spiritual; 3) Not Making Sense, Making Faith; 4) When The Battle Is Over; 5) The ‘“I Am’’ Factor 6) The I Am Factor; 7) Through The Fire; 8) Strange Land; 9) II Chronicles; 10) Second Wind Intro; 11) Second Wind; 12) We Agree; 13) Restoring The Years; 14) We Agree (Reprise)

PAGE 15living victoriously | octoBer 2011


Mailing Address 319 N. Weber Rd, PMB 347

Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Phone: 630.378.9172

Weekly Schedule*

Sunday Worship Service @ 7:30am & 10am Romeoville High School

100 N. Independence Blvd, Romeoville, IL

Sunday Worship Service @ 12:30pmPercy L. Julian High School (PLJ)

10330 S. Elizabeth Street, Chicago

*Subject to change. Check for the most updated information.