video games audience research survey


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Video Games Audience Research Survey


Page 2: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Gender: The results on the bar chart show that 47% of the audience are female, and 53% of the audience are male. This shows that there is only a small difference between the quantities, meaning that I will have to integrate male and female targeted pieces to the game I am creating.

How this will make my game more appealing to my audience: To make this game suitable and enjoyable by both genders I can create equal amount of male and female character customisations, and other aspects such as score board avatars in both genders.

Age: The results show the audience for my game to be mainly 16-19 years old. 95% of the audience are 16-19, only 5% are over the age of 20. Meaning that a huge majority of my target audience are in their late teenage years.

How this will make my game more appealing to my audience: This research will allow me to focus on things that older teenagers want in their games, to make it more appealing to them, for example social network integration to keep updated on their friends scores.

Page 3: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Preferred Game Consoles:?

The top 2 preferred consoles are the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, both carrying the exact same 31.58% vote. The next most used system is the PC, at 15.79%. These top 3 systems show that the audience prefer powerful systems/consoles for their gaming.

How this will make my game more appealing to the my audience:After seeing these results I know that my game will be aimed at the larger console systems such as PC and PlayStation 3. I will do this because the majority of my target audience prefer to play their games on these consoles.

Page 4: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience ResearchWhat does the audience enjoy most about Jetpack Joyride?The results show that my audience prefer many

different aspects of Jetpack Joyride. But the single most enjoyed parts of the game are the “Simple Up/Down Movements” and the “Perks/Random Vehicles” Both of these aspects have the same percentage of votes, 22.22% each. 44.44% of my audience have said that they enjoy all of the shown options, the 2 I have mentioned and “character customisation”. This shows me that my audience like enjoy all of the main aspects of the game, and would like these same aspects to be included in a similar game.

How this will make my game more appealing to my audience: This will make my game more appealing to the target market because I now know that my game should include all of the major aspects that I included in the question, but mainly the simple up and down movements, and the random perks and vehicles. By doing this I will be able to make the game more enjoyable for the audience and more appealing to them.

Page 5: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Does the audience enjoy “In Game” customisation? The results show that the entire audience enjoy and prefer in game customisation. This shows me that the audience will want to upgrade vehicles & characters e.g. speed or armour and customise the game visually e.g. character outfits or vehicle paintjob.

How this will make my game more appealing to my audience: After seeing these results I know that I will have to include in game customisation to keep the player entertained and refreshed with new visuals. The customisation will have to be paid for using points or virtual currency in the game, this means the player will have something to work towards and then will have a sense of achievement when he/she gets what they wanted.

Page 6: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Does The Audience Enjoy The Ability To Upgrade Vehicles?

The results show that the entire audience enjoys and prefers the ability to upgrade vehicles. This shows that the audience would like the ability to change speed or upgrade the strength of the vehicle.

How this will make my game more appealing to the audience. After seeing the results I know that I should definitely include the ability to upgrade the vehicles. This will make the game much more personal to the gamer audience.

Page 7: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Which type of game difficulty does the audience prefer? Over half of the audience said they preferred the difficulty increase to be controlled by the increase in speed. This shows that the audience prefers one simple way of increasing the difficulty. An advantage of this difficulty is that an increase in obstacles wont make the game nearly impossible.

How this will make the game more appealing to the target audience.I will include the speed increase in my game as this is what the audience prefers. This will make my game challenging but still keeps it simple. It will also mean that the social network competition will be fairer as every player will be faced with the same difficulty.

Page 8: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience ResearchDoes the audience enjoy the ability to have a second life in each game play?

The results show that the audience much prefer to have a second life in each game play than not to. This shows that they would like the game to last longer, and have a second hope when the game ends.

How this will make my game appeal more to the audience.

This will make my game more appealing as the players will see it as something innovative in the arcade side scrolling style, games such as jetpack joyride and flappybird do not have this feature. This feature will also reduce the emotional cost of failing as the player knows that they done better with the second chance.

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Audience Research

Do the audience enjoy multiplayer online functionality?

The results show that 70 percent of my audience prefer to have and enjoy multiplayer online. This means that they will want social network integration, such as Facebook and Twitter. This will allow players to play against each others ghost and compare scores and statistics.

How this will make my game more appealing to the target audience.This will make my game more appealing to the target audience by giving them a social and more connected way of playing the game. They will be able to challenge themselves by aiming to beat a friends scores or climb to the top of the daily leaderboards in your area or country, or even the world. Local score boards is a rarely used addition to games and there for will interest a wide range of gamers.

Page 10: Video Games Audience Research Survey

Audience Research

Which sounds do the audience prefer to hear during game play?These results show that 75percent of my audience prefer to have music and sound fx. This means they prefer the simple repetitive music plus the sound fx such as explosions or rocket engine sounds.

How this will make my game more appealing tot the target audience.

My game will have a fun theme tune along side simple yet catchy sound fx which will be memorable to the gamer. Such as the sound fx of an incoming UFO or certain obstacle sounds or explosions. This will give the gamer a better gaming experience and knowledge of the game.