vie: transport connections in northern mountainous ......initial environmental examination april...

Initial Environmental Examination April 2011 VIE: Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project (Lao Cai Province) Prepared by the Provincial People’s Committee of Lao Cai Province for the Asian Development Bank

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Initial Environmental Examination

April 2011

VIE: Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project (Lao Cai Province)

Prepared by the Provincial People’s Committee of Lao Cai Province for the Asian Development Bank

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ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank BOD – biological oxygen demand DARD – Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DCI – Department of Culture and Information DDC – detailed design consultants DMP – Drainage Management Plan DO – dissolved oxygen DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment EA – executing agency ECP – erosion control plan EIA – environmental impact assessment EMP – environmental management plan ESO – environment and safety officer FPD – Provincial Forest Protection Department GRC – grievance redress committee GOV – Government of Viet Nam HIV-AIDS – human immunodeficiency virus-acquired immune deficiency

syndrome IEE – initial environmental examination JCC – joint coordination committee for Transport Connections in

Northern Mountainous Provinces Project: project implementation stage

MARD – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MMP – materials management plan MONRE – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MOT – Ministry of Transport NDCP – noise and dust control plan NGO – non-governmental organization PCC – project coordinating consultant PDOT – Provincial Department of Transport PPMU – provincial project management unit PPC – Provincial Peoples’ Committee PPE – personal protective equipment PSC – project supervision consultant REA – rapid environmental assessment ROW – right-of-way RP – resettlement plan RRP – Report and Recommendation of the President SC – steering committee for Transport Connections in Northern

Mountainous Provinces Project: loan processing stage SEMP – specific environmental management plans SPS – ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) SR – sensitive receiver TA – technical assistance TCNMP – Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces TCVN and

QCVN – national technical standards of Viet Nam

TOR – terms of reference TRP – tree-cutting and replanting plan TSS – total suspended solids TSP – total suspended particulates TTMP – temporary transport management plan UIRP – utilities and irrigation reprovisioning plan

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UXO – unexploded ordnance WMSDP – waste management and spoil disposal plan WPSP – workers and public safety plan


dB(A) – decibel (A-weighted) km – kilometer km/h – kilometer per hour m – meter m2 – square meter m3 – cubic meter masl – meter above sea level mg/l – milligram per liter mg/m3 – milligram per cubic meter MPN/100ml – most probable number per 100 milliliter

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................... 1

A Overview ......................................................................................................... 1

B Policy, Legal And Administrative Framework ............................................. 2

C Description of the Project ............................................................................. 2

D Description of the Environment ................................................................... 3

E Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures .................. 3

F Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation ............................ 5

G Grievance Redress Mechanism .................................................................... 5

H Environmental Management Plan ................................................................ 6

I Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................. 6

II. POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ................................................ 9

A Environmental Regulatory Compliance ....................................................... 9

B International Conventions ........................................................................... 10

III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .................................................. 11

A Background .................................................................................................. 11

B Existing Road ............................................................................................... 11

C Proposed upgrading .................................................................................... 12

D Proposed bridge improvements and culverts ........................................... 14

E Implementation Schedule ........................................................................... 14

IV. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT ................................................. 17

A Physical Environment ................................................................................. 17

B Biological Environment ............................................................................... 22

C Social-Cultural Environment ....................................................................... 24

V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...................................................................................... 27

A Design / Pre-Construction Phase ............................................................... 27

B Construction Phase ..................................................................................... 33

C Operational Phase ....................................................................................... 50

D Cumulative Environmental Impact Associated with the Project Locations ....................................................................................................................... 51

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VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ............................................................................... 53

A Identification of Stakeholders ..................................................................... 53

B Consultation with Stakeholders ................................................................. 53

C Concens Addressed .................................................................................... 53

D Information Disclosure and Participation .................................................. 54

VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ............................................ 56

VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................... 57

A Implementation Arrangements ................................................................... 57

B Environmental Mitigation ............................................................................ 59

C Environmental Monitoring .......................................................................... 91

D Reporting ...................................................................................................... 92

E Capacity Building ......................................................................................... 95

IX. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. 97

FIGURES Figure I.1 Location of Project roads for TA 7245 VIE Figure I.2 Location of Project Roads TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 & TL160 Lao Cai Figure III.1 Proposed road width and typical conditions adjacent to Project roads Figure III.3 Typical road cross sections Figure IV.1 Nature reserves in Lao Cai Province TABLES Table II.1 International conventions to which Viet Nam is a party (environmental) Table III.1 Current widths on Project roads in Lao Cai Province Table III.2 Geometric Design Standard adopted for roads in Lao Cai Province Table III.3 Estimates of earthworks & structures for Project roads Lao Cai Province Table III.4 Assessment of the bridges and recommendations Table IV.1 Water quality along Project Roads Lao Cai Province Table IV.2 Air quality and noise along Project Roads Lao Cai Province Table IV.3 Land Use in Lao Cai Province Table V.1 Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in surface water. Table V.2 QCVN/TCVN Standards applicable to the project. Table VI.1 Summary of Main Environmental Concerns from Public Consultation Table VIII.1 Responsibilities for EMP Implementation Table VIII.2 Environmental Mitigation & Environmental Performance Monitoring Plan Table VIII.3 Summary of Estimated Costs for EMP Implementation (4.5 years) Table VIII.4 Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan for Project Road Table VIII.5 Indicative Terms of Reference for Environmental Management Capacity Building of PPMU


Appendix A Selected photographs Appendix B Information disclosure, consultation and participation Appendix C List of culverts

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A Overview

1. The Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (GOV) has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide financing to facilitate investments to support the upgrading of roads proposed in the technical assistance (TA) Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project TA 7245–VIE (TCNMP). The TCNMP proposes a comprehensive program to upgrade and rehabilitate 12 roads with a total length of about 304 km in six northern provinces: Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Cao Bang, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai, and Bac Kan (Figure I.1). The executing agencies (EA) are the respective Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) of each province. The implementing agencies (IA) will be six separate provincial project management units (PPMU) that are already established in all provinces except for Yen Bai province, which plans to establish its PPMU within 2011.

2. The Project supports ADB's Viet Nam Country Partnership Strategy 2007 to 2010 and GOV's Socio Economic Development Plan (2006-2020) that identifies a lack of rural infrastructure in the northern mountainous region as a constraint towards effective poverty reduction. In Lao Cai province the Project will cover 67.4 km of five provincial roads in the network. The stretches that have been selected for improvement are along provincial roads TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 and TL160. This report is the initial environmental examination (IEE) for the improvement of the relevant sections of Project roads in Lao Cai Province (Figure I.2). This IEE is prepared by the Lao Cai PPC to ensure that the Project road design, construction and operation will comply with the provisions of ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS).

3. The proposed road improvement works are within the Right of Way (ROW) designated for the Project roads but some construction may take place on land yet to be acquired depending on detailed designs. These areas were subject to rapid environmental assessment. Based on ADB s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS), ADB has classified the Project as Category “B” and requires the preparation of an IEE.

4. The objectives and scope of this IEE are to (i) assess the existing environmental conditions along and in the vicinity of the Project roads; (ii) identify potential environmental impacts from the proposed road improvement works; (iii) evaluate and determine the significance of the impacts; (iv) develop an environmental management plan (EMP) detailing mitigation measures, monitoring activities, reporting requirements, institutional responsibilities and cost estimates to address adverse environmental impacts; and (v) carry-out public consultations to document any issues/concerns that stakeholders may have on the Project and to ensure that such concerns are addressed in the project design and mitigation measures.

5. This IEE is submitted to ADB by the Lao Cai PPC and the final IEE report will be disclosed to the public through the ADB website and to the public in Viet Nam by the PPC and PPMU in each province. The IEE will also be disclosed by the PPC to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) and to the local authorities in Lao Cai province for review and identification of additional environmental assessment and environmental permits that may be required.

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B Policy, Legal And Administrative Framework

6. The Project shall comply with requirements of ADB SPS 2009 and the GOV’s Guidelines on Implementation of Law on Environmental Protection 2006 (under Law on Environmental Protection 2005 as amended by Decree 21-2008). The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) has delegated powers to DONRE to approve environmental assessments and MONRE will receive a copy of the environmental assessment before construction commences. However certain activities commonly associated with infrastructure projects such as quarry operations, extraction of gravel, etc. will also require permission from the relevant provincial level authorities. PPMU will submit the IEE to DONRE and disclose the scale and scope of the Project to the environmental authorities in due course.

C Description of the Project

7. The rehabilitation and upgrading of TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 will involve some alterations to the roads width by 3 m or less in some places on either side to improve road geometry within the right-of-way (ROW). The ROW is different for each road but it is approximately 3 m from edge of the slope or embankment either side of the road base. This puts the ROW at least 6 m either side of the centerline even for the narrowest parts of the roads. There will be a need for limited resettlement and the resettlement plans have been prepared by Lao Cai PPC who will also carry out the required social interventions.

8. The lengths of stretches of Project roads for improvement and upgrading are approximately 8.9 km for TL151, 18.6 km for TL151B, 14.9 km for TL154, 16.1 km for TL156 and 8.9 km for TL160 (Figure I.2). The improvements to the Project roads should be straightforward but as yet there are no detailed designs for these works. The existing alignments go through several villages. All roads will be upgraded to Vietnamese Standard V (VN V). For purposes of the conceptual design it is assumed that where slope cutting is necessary the roads will generally be widened on the uphill side creating a requirement to excavate spoil but there are limited opportunities to use this material as fill. Therefore, spoil disposal will be significant but other construction impacts should be of a scale typical for a road upgrading project.

9. Bridges on the Project roads will be improved to accommodate vehicles in accordance with Viet Nam Code for Bridge Design (HL 93 and 22TCN-272-05) constructed as permanent concrete and steel structures. There are 24 bridges and 111 culverts that have been considered for improvement for reconstruction.

10. A joint coordination committee (JCC) for the Project will be established to coordinate and monitor the activities of the six PPMUs The JCC will be chaired by the Vice-chairman of Bac Kan PPC and comprise Vice-chairpersons of the six PPCs. The JCC will retain an international project coordinating consultant (PCC) with environmental capability provided by suitably qualified international and national environment specialists to assist the PPMUs in ensuring proper implementation of environmental management plans (EMP). The PPMUs will engage national detailed design consultants (DDC), national contractors and national project supervision consultants (PSC) for upgrading and/or reconstruction of the roads. The target date for completion of reconstruction and upgrading is by end 2016.

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D Description of the Environment

11. The IEE describes the physical, biological and social elements of the local environment. The climate is subtropical and the area is subject to heavy rainfall between April and October. The roads are fairly flat in some places but mainly undulating with some steeper sections through the hilly terrain. The mountainous area of Lao Cai Province provides part of the catchments for the Red River and Chay River systems and three of the subject provincial roads TL151, TL151B and TL156 run in the valley of the Red River. The provincial roads TL154 and TL160 run in the valley of the Chay River system. Other smaller rivers run near the project roads before the confluence with Red and Chay rivers.

12. The biological environment is dominated by agriculture. Whereas there are some useful ecological habitats in the plantation forest areas outside the ROW, the roads are not near areas protected for the natural habitats for rare or endangered species. There are several areas protected for their biodiversity and conservation value in Lao Cai including Hoang Lien National Park, Hoang Lien Son-Van Ban Nature Reserve and Bao Thang Nature Reserve. TL151B is 13 km from Van Ban Nature Reserve buffer at the nearest Project and 25 km from the core zone and the other roads are all much further from nature reserves. There are appreciable areas of forest visible in between the areas cleared for agriculture but there are no undisturbed forests near the Project roads. There are no forests used for large timber extraction in any of the areas which are directly accessible from the Project roads. The nearby production forests provide timber, vines and bamboo for the local population to construct dwellings and for craft work. Cattle are kept along on Project roads and other animals and birds are typical of those that tolerate disturbance by human settlement. There are a few large trees that will need to be avoided in the detailed designs but if cut, compensatory tree planting will take place.

13. Lao Cai is developing socially and has an improving economy and there are industrial factories, commercial enterprises and many home craft enterprises. Traditional shop houses are located at intervals all along the Project roads. Land used for cultivation and large wet-paddy areas are found in some of the areas between the settlements along the roads. Rain-fed rice paddies and cultivation of vegetable and cash crops, in some cases based on shifting cultivation, are more common in the hilly areas. There are some commercial enterprises being developed along the Project roads but as yet the rivers are not known to be subject to heavy industrial pollution and there are institutional arrangements to control pollution in the future.

14. There were no sites of cultural significance found close to the alignments. There are schools, hospitals, temples, chapels and churches within sight of the Project roads in some nearby villages and there are graves fairly near the roads in a few places. All are set back from where the road works are currently planned to take place.

E Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

15. The potential environmental impacts will require mitigation measures to minimize the impacts in the design, construction and operational phases. The main issues relate to planning design of road structures and drainage and control of construction impacts such as spoil and waste disposal, traffic interruption, noise and dust. The buffer distance between the works on the Project roads and the nearest residential sensitive receivers is ample in most cases. There should only be moderate disturbance to the surrounding areas from the works provided the EMP is implemented fully.

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16. Starting at the detailed design stage and throughout construction the PPMU will retain a suitably qualified environmental officer and with the assistance of the PCC will ensure proper implementation of the EMP prepared for the project. PPMU with the assistance of the PCC will: (i) disclose the final road designs to commune PPCs, DONRE and ADB; (ii) check that the Project site works boundaries correspond with those disclosed in this IEE; (iii) prepare tender documents to include the EMP to ensure the contractors comply with environmental requirements; (iv) ensure environmentally responsible procurement and the acceptability of sufficient borrow sites for rock based materials agreed with DONRE; (v) plan spoil and waste disposal (vi) plan to preserve and avoid road side trees and compensate for trees that will be removed; (vii) confirm hydrological and drainage impacts of the Project and ensure detailed bridge designs take account of a 100 year return rain storm event; (viii) plan to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction (viii) take baseline water quality, air and noise samples before construction commences; and (ix) assist the contractors to orient workers on EMP provisions as well as health and safety aspects. The PPMU will also make a reassurance check with the responsible authority that there is no potential threat from unexploded ordnance (UXO) before works commence.

17. Construction impacts will mainly be from works to reconstruct the road base, repairing bridges, renewing culverts across streams, providing better crossing drains in embankments and repairing road embankment base courses, and surfacing works. The location for construction works will be well away from most of the nearest residential sensitive receivers (SRs) that are outside the ROW and in principle this should allow ample buffer distance to attenuate many potential nuisances.

18. The PCC shall prepare specific EMPs (SEMPs) during detailed design phase. These SEMPS will include (i) waste management and spoil disposal; (ii) temporary drainage; (iii) temporary traffic management; (iv) materials management; (v) erosion control; (vi) noise and dust control; (vii) utilities and irrigation reprovisioning; and (vi) workers and public safety. Contractors will be required to commit to implementing the Project EMP and the SEMPs. The SEMPs will be based on the EMP matrix presented in this IEE (Table VIII.2). PCC will conduct workers’ orientation on implementation of construction mitigation measures in the Project EMP and SEMPs and shall monitor the implementation of EMP provisions. Unsuitable soils, spoil and construction waste will be disposed of to sites approved by DONRE as agreed with local authorities and disposal will be monitored. Wastes will not be burned. The acceptability of the borrow and quarry sites for fill materials will be agreed with DONRE and corresponding required environmental permit or clearance will be obtained by the contractors prior to operation of such sites. Building materials will be obtained from sites approved by DONRE using local sources as practicable to minimize transportation and stockpiling of building materials. Noise and dust will be controlled at source. Work that will result to emission of high noise levels will not be undertaken at night in the vicinity of sensitive receptors. A qualified environment and safety officer will be identified by the Contractors before construction commences. Facilities for workers and public safety, construction site offices and worker camps will be regulated in line with the labor codes of Viet Nam. Complaints will be monitored and investigated and additional mitigation measures will be implemented, as necessary. The EMP will be updated by PCC if unexpected impacts occur.

19. The Project road stretches through agricultural areas and the PPMU will exercise care to minimize any further conversion or degradation of agricultural land. There are no protected areas in the vicinity of the Project road that may be adversely affected due to

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project implementation. The small scale nature of the Project road improvement means there are few opportunities to enhance habitat however mitigation measures have been included in the EMP to provide enhancement where practicable.

20. The improvements to the Project road stretches will not affect nature reserves. The works are not anticipated to lead to a reduction in the population of any recognized endangered or critically endangered species and there will be no loss of valuable habitats that could compromise the host ecosystem.

21. The operation of the improved Project roads should have little effect on the surrounding environment and the introduction of the wider pavement can be expected to reduce air pollution from disturbed dust and noise from vehicles due to smoother roads. The improvement of the roads will be within the existing corridor keeping vehicles away from sensitive receivers such as residences, commercial premises and schools that are set back from the Project roads. Gaseous and particulate emissions from the expected traffic flows will be well dispersed on roads to be affected and traffic noise is not anticipated to increase above the acceptable standards. The upgrading is likely to increase the vehicle speed but additional future traffic should be moderate and unlikely to create many community safety issues and overall the condition of the road facilities will be enhanced and driving conditions should improve. Routine safety measures, signage and road markings will be introduced to reduce driving risk further and will be verified at detailed design stage.

F Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation

22. The stakeholder consultation process has disseminated information in advance on the upgrading works and the expected impacts and the proposed mitigation measures. The process also gathered information on relevant concerns of the community so as to address these in the project implementation stage.

23. The results indicated there was very strong support for the Project and the main environmental concerns were interference with connection to water and power supplies, construction noise and dust. Other responses are mainly concerns on prompt compensation for land acquisition and a wish for further consultation between the local people and the Project authorities as well as concern that compensation for land to be acquired by PPC should be fair. The environmental concerns raised by the stakeholders shall be controlled and minimized by thorough implementation of the EMP.

G Grievance Redress Mechanism

24. Existing arrangements for redress of grievances are through complaints to the Ward committees up to the District level and then through the PPC and back to PPMU.

25. Through a Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), PPMU shall promptly address affected people’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about the Project’s environmental performance at no cost to the complainant and without retribution. The GRC, which shall be established by PPMU before commencement of site works, shall be chaired by PPMU and shall have members from the contractors, ward and district committees, DONRE, local NGO, and women’s organization. Grievances can be filed in writing or verbally with any member of the GRC. The committee will have 15 days to respond with a resolution. If unsatisfied with the decision, the existence of the GRC shall not impede the complainant’s access to the Government’s judicial or administrative remedies.

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26. The PPC through the PPMU shall make public the existence of this grievance redress mechanism through public awareness campaigns. PPMU shall also provide telephone numbers for complaints and these shall be publicized through the media and numbers placed on the notice boards outside the site and suggestion/complaints boxes will be placed outside the construction camps and yards. Locally affected people will still be able to express grievances through the ward or district committees and these would be referred to PPMU through the usual channels in those committees.

H Environmental Management Plan

27. The institutional requirements and responsibilities for various stakeholders including the EA, JCC, PCC, PPMU, DDC, PSC and contractors have been identified. The Project EMP as well as the SEMPs will be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program. The EMP was compiled by close reference to best practices and in line with SPS. A suite of mitigation measures has been proposed and the IEE concludes that the impacts will be manageable if the mitigation measures spelled out in the EMP are implemented thoroughly. Any conditions of the environmental clearance from DONRE and any subsequent licenses and approvals from local authorities will also be included in the environmental requirements for the Contractors in the compliance program. The requirements of the IEE, Project EMP and SEMPs will be included in the contracts. The effective implementation of the design and construction stage mitigation in the EMP shall be audited by PPMU, PCC and ADB as part of the loan conditions. The main monitoring of the contractor’s environmental performance on implementation of the SEMPs and various provisions of the Project EMP will be done by PPMU assisted by the PCC. If this is done effectively the impacts can be controlled well within acceptable limits.

28. PPMU with assistance from PCC shall: (i) update the EMP during detailed design phase should there be additional environmental impacts not identified in this IEE and for which appropriate mitigation measures have not been included in the EMP; (ii) prepare a new or supplementary environmental assessment report in compliance with SPS if there are any additional components or changes in the Project such as specific location/alignment, among others, that will result to adverse environmental impacts and are not within the scope of the environmental assessment report approved by ADB. The above documents shall be submitted by PPMU to ADB for review and clearance prior to implementation.

I Conclusion and Recommendations

29. The Project construction is restricted to areas within the ROW as far as can be ascertained at this stage. This IEE study was carried out when the TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 upgrading work was at the conceptual stage of design during the conduct of TA 7245. Secondary data, preliminary observations and ambient environmental baseline surveys were used to assess the scale of environmental impacts and public consultation and site reconnaissance were carried out in order complete the environmental assessments in a comprehensive manner and recommend suitable mitigation measures. The impacts from construction and operation will be manageable and no insurmountable impacts are predicted, provided that the EMP is included in the contract documents, and the EMP provisions are implemented and monitored to its full extent. In the event that any design details change the locations or scope of the proposed works the environmental assessment and EMP shall be reviewed and revised accordingly.

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Figure I.1: Location of Project roads for TA 7245 VIE

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Figure I.2: Location of roads TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 in Lao Cai Province

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A Environmental Regulatory Compliance

30. The environmental regulations of GOV for environmental assessment rules are set out in the Guidelines on Implementation of Law on Environmental Protection 20061 (under Law on Environmental Protection 2005 as amended by Decree 21-20082) that requires environmental assessment (in the form of an EIA) for listed projects. MONRE has delegated powers to DONRE to approve the environmental assessment for provincial projects and MONRE will receive a copy of the environmental assessment before construction commences. In this case the environmental assessment will be the IEE prepared for ADB. Therefore, PPMU will submit the IEE to DONRE Provincial Environmental Protection Service in the province to disclose the scale and scope of the projects to the environmental authorities in due course and as required under SPS. In Viet Nam the environmental assessment process is established and the rules, regulations, procedure and processes for environmental impact assessment of development activities have been reviewed under decree 80/2006 ND-CP. The rules and guidelines on environmental management have been amended under decree 21/2008 ND-CP (February 2008). The main decrees and statutory instruments of relevance to this IEE are:

i) Decree 21-2008-ND-CP of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. on Amendment of and addition to a number of articles of Decree 80-2006-ND-CP dated 28 Feb 2008 providing detailed regulations for implementation of the Law on Protection of the Environment.

ii) Decree 80-2006-ND-CP of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. of the Government dated 9 Aug 2006 providing detailed regulations and guidelines for implementation of some articles on the Law on Environmental Protection.

iii) Viet Nam Environmental Protection Law, amended in 2005, approved by the National Assembly on 12/12/2005, validity from 01/07/2006.

iv) Governmental Decree No. 81/2006/ND/CP dated 09/08/2006 of the Government On instruction for fines for breach of Environmental Protection Law’s implementation.

v) Circular No. 08/2006/TT-BTNMT dated 08/09/2006 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment providing instruction of environmental strategic assessment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental protection commitment.

vi) Viet Nam standards on environment protection (TCVN and QCVN) from 1995 to 2010.

vii) Government Decree N0.121/2004/ND-CP dated 12/05/2004 providing the regulations on settlement of violations on environmental protection (in replacement of the Decree No 26/CP dated 26/04/1996).

31. Pollution standards prescribed for the protection of the environment are described in the Law on Environmental Protection (and the TCVN and QCVN standards as amended). The

1 Guidelines on Implementaion of Law on Environmental Protection 2006 – 80/2006/ND-CP require EIA for new construction of Grade IV roads and for upgrading of roads from Class I to III. Upgrading of roads that are Class IV or V to Class III is not specifically mentioned. The EIA has similar scope and content to IEE for ADB.

2 Decree 21-2008 28 February 2008 - Amendment of and addition to a number of articles of Decree 80-2006-ND-

CP of the government dated 9 August 2006 providing detailed regulations for implementation of the Law on Protection of the Environment.

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following standards will be referred to for ambient environmental monitoring of the Project: QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (surface water quality), QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (air quality), and TCVN 5949:1998 (noise). Certain project activities commonly associated with road improvement such as quarry operations, extraction of gravel, etc. also require licenses that are issued at the provincial level by DONRE and Provincial Peoples Committee offices (PPC) depending on the duration and scale of those activities. PPC offices are the authorities to decide on the permit requirements at the provincial level.

32. In Viet Nam the environmental assessment process is established but the rules, regulations, procedure and processes for environmental impact assessment of development activities have recently been reviewed under decree 80/2006 ND-CP. The rules and guidelines on environmental management have been amended under decree 21/2008 ND-CP (February 2008).

33. PPMU and PCC will review the IEE at the detailed design stage in the light of future developments and forward required revisions of documents to DONRE and ADB. The EMP will be updated by the PCC at the detailed design stage should there be additional environmental impacts not identified in this IEE and for which appropriate mitigation measures have not been included in the EMP.

B International Conventions

34. Viet Nam is a party to several international conventions that are relevant to environmental management (Table II.1). None of the conventions has any direct or specific relevance for this IEE as the Project does not encounter any areas of environmental sensitivity covered by the conventions.

Table II.1: International conventions to which Viet Nam is a party (environmental)

Convention Title Convention date Viet Nam participation Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)

1971 [20 September 1988]

Protocol to Amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Paris.


Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

1972 [19 October 1987]

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Wild Fauna and Flora

1973 [20 January 1994]

UN Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) 1977 [26 August 1980] FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1987 [26 January 1994] London Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, London.


Copenhagen Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Copenhagen.


Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal

1995 [13 March 1995]

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992 [16 November 1994] Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 [16 November 1994]

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A Background

35. The existing road infrastructure needs to be improved because the standards and conditions of many of the roads in Viet Nam are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for efficient travel. This situation limits national development and economic growth.

36. The existing conditions of TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 vary and are good in some places but only fair to poor in some places. The road is sealed in some sections and earthen shoulders are often in poor condition. Most of the bridges are in poor condition and have wide holes in places which are repaired improperly from time to time. The culverts are in fair condition but some require major upgrading and repair.

37. The JCC will engage a project coordinating consultant (PCC) who will assist JCC and the PPMUs to manage detailed design and supervision of construction. Procurement at the provincial level will be using project detailed design consultant engineers (DDC) who will be responsible for detailed design. It is assumed that the PPMU will undertake the project construction supervision (possibly assisted by construction supervision consultants). Reconstruction and upgrading will be completed by end 2016. The PPMU in Lao Cai Province (PPMU) will engage the DDC and for purposes of this IEE it is assumed that there will be a conventional NCB bidding to secure contractors for upgrading and/or reconstruction of the road. Detailed design, bidding, securing contractors and upgrading works are proposed to take place over a two year period between 2012 and 2016.

B Existing Road

38. TL151: This is the shortest of the five project roads in Lao Cai and runs for 8.9 km from Tan Ahn commune near the Tan Ahn ferry at a distance of a few hundred meters to the south west of the Red River to Khe Sang Commune. It runs adjacent to the Red River for 0.5 at Khe Quat (Km4 approx.).

39. TL151B: This road stretch originates from the junction with TL151 just south of Vo Lao and runs south for 18.6 km to the junction with the TL279 just west of Hoa Mac. The Hoang Lien Son –Van Ban Nature Reserve is more than 13km to the west.

40. TL154: This stretch is in the north of Lao Cai Province and nearer the border with China. It starts south of Muong Khuong from the junction with National Highway 4D (QL4D) and runs south for 14.9 km to San Ban commune. This is a dead end.

41. TL156: This road stretch originates from the junction with National Highway 4E (QL4E) just south of the Tan stream (Hop Thanh) and runs south for 16.1 km to Bac Cuong commune.

42. TL160: This is another shorter stretch of project road in Lao Cai and will commence with a reconstruction of the existing pedestrian Pho Giang Bridge near Pho Rang on TL279. From this point it will run for 8.9 km north near the west bank of the Red River north to Lang Qua.

43. The major portion of the traffic on these highways consists of motor cycles (more than 75%) with a few cars, trucks and public motor vehicles. Some trucks carry people as well as goods in and out of the area. Traffic flows counted in the September 2009 resulted in 334 vehicles per day on TL160 but less vehicles on the other four roads3.

3 TA 6478 Final Report June 2010.

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44. The existing alignments pass by many villages and isolated settlements. The roads are generally very steep and hilly except near their junctions with the main roads. There are many steep sections through the hilly terrain.

Table III.1 : Current and proposed widths on Project roads in Lao Cai Province

Road Name

Start (km)

Finish (km)

Length (m)

Current formation width (m)

Current Pavement width (m)

Proposed pavement width (m)

Proposed formation width (m)

Class Widening required


TL156 0.000 7.490 7,490 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

7.490 8.380 890 9.5 6.5 3.5 6.5 V NIL

8.380 16.070 7,690 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

TL154 0.000 1.245 1,245 5.0 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 1.5

1.245 7.346 6,101 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

7.346 14.913 7,567 4.2 3.1 3.5 6.5 V 2.3

TL151B 0.000 14.732 14,732 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

14.732 18.594 3,862 3.5 2.0 3.5 6.5 V 3.0

TL151 0.000 1.943 1,943 5.5 4.5 3.5 6.5 V 1.0

1.943 8.856 6,913 5.0 4.0 3.5 6.5 V 1.5

TL160 0.000 3.332 3,332 4.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

3.332 8.936 5,604 4.5 2.5 3.5 6.5 V 2.0

Source: Consultants TA 7245 Topographical Survey Report Dec 2009 @ = Based on formation width.

45. The existing alignments pass by many villages and isolated settlements. The roads are fairly flat in some places but mainly undulating with many some steeper sections through the hilly terrain.

C Proposed upgrading

46. The Project roads TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 & TL160 require rehabilitation and upgrading to Class V.

Table III.2: Geometric design standard adopted for Lao Cai


TL151 TL151B TL154 TL156 TL160

Length of Road 8.9 km 18.6 km 14.9 km 16.1 km 8.9 km

Start Point (name / locale) Tan Ahn Vo Lac Nam Chay Hop Thanh Pho Rang

Finish Point (name / locale) Khe Sang Hoa Mac Muong Khuong

Bac Cuong Lang Qua

Proposed standard# VN V VN V VN V VN V VN V

Parameter Unit Current Formation Width (approx. by observation) # m 5.0-5.5 3.5-4.5 4.2-5.0 4.5-9.5 4.5

Proposed additional width m 1.0-1.5 2.0-3.0 1.5-2.3 0.0-2.0 2.0

Design speed km/h 30 30 30 30 30

Number of lanes no. 1 1 1 1 1

Formation width m 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

Traffic lane width m 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50

Maximum longitudinal gradient % 11 11 11 11 11

Minimum horizontal curvature m 30 30 30 30 30

Minimum radii of vertical curves: crest m 600 600 600 600 600

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TL151 TL151B TL154 TL156 TL160

Minimum radii of vertical curves: sag M 250 250 250 250 250

Pavement Structure Surface Bitumen Bitumen Bitumen Bitumen Bitumen

Source: Ministry of Transport (Vietnamese Standard TCVN 4054) and Consultants., # Final Report TA 7245.

47. This will involve some alterations to the width by 0.5 to 3 m in some places (less than 2 m on either side) to improve road geometry. The ROW for these roads is defined as 3 m from the toe of the embankment slope (below) or 3m from the top of the cut slope (above) the road. In most places therefore the existing ROW either side of the centerline, is ample for the proposed rehabilitation works (Figure III.1 and Appendix 1). The works for TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 will take place within the existing road corridor and no significant impacts are expected outside the road corridor. However to get a better road geometry some resettlement and minor land acquisition may be involved in some locations, subject to detailed design. The proposed geometric design standard and widening is shown in Table III.2. Figure III.2 shows typical cross section for the roads.

48. The road works will include (i) excavation and reconstruction of the embankment, (ii) reconstruction of one carriageway (3.5 m to 5.5 m wide) plus hard shoulders; (iii) repair and reconstruction of bridges; (iv) ensuring drainage and access near villages and at other key areas are unimpaired by extension of numerous culverts; (v) upgrading road drainage; and (vii) installing slope stabilization and bioengineering measures, landscaping and accessories. Compensatory planting will also be required for any trees that are removed although this is not expected to be a major task. There will also be waste disposal issues for the works as there will be a surplus of cut materials in many areas where these materials cannot be reused on the project. Total cut materials are estimated to amount to about 616,579 m3. The amount of rock cutting will vary considerably from road to road from 8% (TL156) to 58% (TL151). However the rock is partly grade 3 and mostly grade 4 and can be excavated by powered mechanical equipment and there should be no need for blasting. Some of this material may be used as fill for the embankment to offset the need to extract fresh rock based materials from quarries and borrow pits. This would reduce the requirement for rock based materials for embankments, currently estimated at 209,052m3 (Table III.3).

Table III.3 : Estimates of earthworks and structure works for Project roads in Lao Cai

Road TL151 151B 154 156 160 Total

Excavation (soil and rock – m3) 70,590 173,792 205,643 153,130 13,424 616,579

Estimated percentage rock excavation (%) 58 39 17 8 56 N/A

Embankment (rock based materials - m3) 20,322 35,781 46,182 68,998 37,769 209,052

Bridges 3 1 0 0 1 5

Culverts replaced and repaired 17 26 56 19 22 140

Bitumen (tons) 213 448 356 407 207 1,631

Source: TA 7245 Consultants, Final Report TA 7245 VIE.

49. The works are generally expected to take place within approximately 7 m of the centre line of the alignment subject to detailed design (allowing about 3 m temporary working space either side).

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D Proposed bridge improvements and culverts

50. Improvements are required to 5 bridges and 140 culverts (Table III.3). The types of improvements for the bridges are included in Table III.4 the locations of culverts are indicated in Table III.4 and Appendix D.

Table III.4 Assessment of the bridges and recommendations – Lao Cai

Bridge Name Location Length Width Load (ton) Assessment Recommendatio

Provincial Road TL151 1 Ba Xa Km 1+943.04 12 4.0 H10 Poor condition Build new

2 Khe Quat Km 3+75.48 12 4.0 H10 Poor condition Build new

3 Khe Sang Km 7+918.16 10 4.5 H13 Poor condition Build new

Provincial Road TL151

1 No name Km 0+551 15 4.50 H13 Medium Condition Build new

2 No name Km 13+285 30 4.50 H13 Medium condition Kept unchanged

Provincial Road TL154

No Bridge on this road

Provincial Road TL156

No Bridge on this road

Provincial Road TL160

1 Ngoi Du Bridge Km 3+332 9 5.5 H13 Medium condition Kept unchanged

2 Pho Rang Bridge Km 0+00 116.5 3.5 Pedestrian Poor condition Build new

Source: TA7245 Final Report Bridge Engineering. Load as per Vietnam Bridges Design Standards 22TCN-272-05.

E Implementation Schedule

51. It is intended to start the detailed design phase in 2012 and the Project works in all provinces will commence in 2013 and last until 2016. The likely commencement and duration of the Project works may vary in each province and will depend to a large extent on the duration of the detailed design phase.

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Figure III.1: Proposed road width and typical conditions adjacent to TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160

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Figure III.2: Typical cross section

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A Physical Environment

1. Meteorology and Climate

52. Lao Cai province is situated in the northwest of Viet Nam sharing a border with China and 4 provinces. The province is bounded by China in the North, Yen Bai in the South, Ha Giang in the East, and Son La and Lai Chau provinces in the West.

53. The climate in Lao Cai is subtropical and influenced by the annual south west monsoon. There are two seasons. Dry season starts from November and lasts until March. The rainy season is between April and October. The Hoang Lien Son mountain range influences the climate and weather of different areas in the province. The direction of the wind during the dry season is from the northeast and in the rainy season winds are mainly from the southwest wind (sometime called Laos wind). During the dry season no rain may fall for several months and it is cooler. The yearly average temperature is about 220C, rising to a maximum of 390C during April and May. The rainfall varies and the average precipitation is approximately 1,500-3,000 mm. About 75%-80% of rain falls during rainy seasons and the precipitation in the eastern part of the province is much higher than in the west.

2. Topography, Geology, and Soils

54. The topography of the Lao Cai is largely mountainous, with elevations above 700 meters above sea level (masl) typically characterized by steep terrain, narrow river valleys, and low agricultural potential. This mountainous landscape, characterized by Hoang Lien Son range that extends across a large proportion of the province in a north-west to south-east direction, except for the small plains scattered along the banks of the Red River. Together, the alluvial plains and river terraces cover only about 20% of the land area.

55. The terrain in Lao Cai has a complicated composition divided broadly into two parts as follows:

i) The high regions over 700 masl formed by two extensive mountain chains (Hoang Lien Son and Con Voi chains) with many high peaks such as Phan Xi Pang (3,143 masl), Ta Giang Phinh (3,090 masl) and Pu Luong (2,938 masl).

ii) The low regions less than 700 masl include the river valleys and big streams such as Red River and Muong Than valleys, which are bounded by highlands and mountainous regions.

56. The Project roads are in areas that have encountered major earthquakes in the past and Lao Cai has also been subject to moderate seismic activity in the recent past but there is no record of recent volcanic activity in the mountains in the province. The steep mountainous slopes, with their moderately thin layers of soils are particularly prone to erosion when vegetation is removed and soils are exposed to rainfall and surface water flows. Thus, water quality in the mountain streams and rivers can be rapidly degraded when soils are eroded and flushed into them, and results to increased turbidity that reduces water quality for aquatic life and domestic and livestock consumption. Heavy rainfall is responsible for deteriorated sections of national and rural roads. The Project roads pass through sedimentary limestone and silty materials. In between these karst ridges and slopes are recently deposited gravels and silts in narrow river valleys.

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3. Surface and Groundwater

57. The mountainous area of Lao Cai Province provides part of the catchments for the Red River and Chay River systems and three of the subject provincial roads TL151, TL151B and TL156 run in proximity to the Red River. The provincial roads TL154 and TL160 run in the valleys of the Chay River system. Other smaller rivers run near to the project roads before the confluence with Red and Chay rivers.

58. The rivers and streams are an important resource to the people in the project area. River flows are the highest from April to October. Most of the streams and creeks discharge all year round carrying high sediment loads, depositing large quantities of gravel, sand and silt in the lower reaches. During the wet season some of the bridges and culverts are regularly inundated, cutting off roads and villages. The areas around Sapa, Muong Khuong and Pho Rang have limestone caves and subterranean rivers run through the rock formations.

59. The area provides a wide range of aquatic resources for subsistence and trade, as well as water for drinking, bathing, and crop irrigation. In addition, these rivers form local transportation routes and have potential for local small hydropower stations. The Red and Chay rivers are navigable but transportation is still mainly reliant on the roads.

60. None of the rivers near the Project roads are subject to industrial pollution but there are several newly built industrial areas alongside the road 156 scattered from Lao Cai City to Hop Thanh commune in Bat Xat district. These facilities are located mostly on south - west bank of the Red River. Some small industrial facilities are also seen along the other project roads 154, 151, 151B and 160. As the Red river originates from China and runs through Lao Cai before going to Yen Bai, upstream water may be polluted before entering Vietnamese territory.

61. Water quality monitoring was undertaken at 8 locations on the Project roads in Lao Cai. The results are presented in Table IV.1. Domestic supply is generally obtained from wells within the boundary of properties with river water used for irrigation and livestock. While the prescribed parameter values for B1 (i.e., for irrigation and livestock) are the appropriate standards for the sampled rivers, A1 standards are also presented for comparison purposes.

62. Chemical oxygen demand exceeded the acceptable standard for samples collected near TL156 (QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT, column A1) and biological oxygen demand was exceeded in the samples collected near TL156 and TL151B (QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT, column A1). Concentrations of oil and grease in all water samples collected from Lao Cai exceeded the acceptable standard for total oil and grease in surface water for domestic use (QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT, column A1) and also exceeded the limits allowed for surface water for agricultural usage (QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT, column B1). The explanation may be that the surface waters are becoming contaminated by domestic sources from food and cooking waste discharged to streams and new sources of industrial waste effluents.

63. Groundwater is abundant in Lao Cai. People in the densely populated and low-mountain areas use groundwater in shallow wells for domestic purposes. However, in rocky areas it is not so easy to dig a well for ground water. In mountainous areas of Lao Cai ground water often has high hardness and total dissolved solids and needs to be treated before use for daily activities. A large portion of the people in Lao Cai also rely on surface water sources.

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Table IV.1 : Water quality along Provincial roads – Lao Cai

Ref Sampling Location pH DO

(mg/l) BOD5 (mg/l)

COD (mg/l)

SS (mg/l)

Total oil


Coliform (MPN/100


Road 156

156 WQ-1 Stream – Pèng II small village, Hợp Thành commune, Lào Cai city; N 22o23’16”; E 103o59’48”

7.0 6.2 8 16 720 1.5 1050

156 WQ-2 Stream – Pèng I small stream, Hợp Thành commune, Lào Cai city; N 22o22’42”; E 104o00’02”

6.5 6.0 6 13 212 0.50 810

156 WQ-3 Pèng stream– Pèng II small village, Hợp Thành commune, Lào Cai city; N 22o23’27”; E 103o59’47”

7.0 6.8 7 15 346 0.70 980

Road 154

154 WQ-1 Stream – Mường Khương commune, Mường Khương district; N 22o44’56”; E 104o06’04”

8.1 7.2 2.4 5 119 0.5 380

Road 160

160 WQ-1 Chảy river – 1B group – Phố Ràng town, Bảo Yên district - N 22o14’04”; E 104o28’50”

7.9 6.8 3.1 6 345 0.10 1100

Road 151

151 WQ1 Khe Quạt stream –Tân An commune, Văn Bàn district. N 22o08’34”; E 104o22’35”

7.6 6.8 3.0 6 232 0.9 420

Road 151B

151B WQ-1 Chăn stream – Hòa Mạc commune, Văn Bàn district. N 22o05’46”; E 104o12’32”

7.3 7.4 4.4 9 116 0.60 400

151B WQ-2 Chút stream – Hòa Mạc commune, Văn Bàn district. N 22o05’27”; E 104o12’02”

7.4 7.3 4.1 9 96 0.30 390

QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Column A1–domestic supply after treatment) 6-8.5 ≥6 4 10 20 0.01 2500

QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Column B1 – irrigation and livestock ) 6-8.5 ≥4 15 30 500 0.1 7500

Source: TA 7245 Consultant’s surveys 2009. Figures in bold italics exceed A1 – underlined exceed B1.

4. Air Quality

64. There are a few industrial and domestic sources of air pollution but the main pollution sources are probably road traffic based on observation. The areas near the towns at Van Yen, Mau A and Co Phuc have more potential sources of atmospheric pollution mainly from domestic sources but these are not making significant impacts on air quality based on observation. These areas are more polluted due to significant town development as well as emissions from a few modest industrial establishments.

65. Air quality monitoring was undertaken at 13 locations on Project roads TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 in Lao Cai. The results ate presented in Tables IV.2.

66. Air quality appears to be generally acceptable. The air quality parameters measured are within acceptable limits of Vietnamese environmental standards for carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. The gaseous pollutants of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide from traffic appear to be well dispersed in the open terrain. Air quality appears to be generally acceptable. The exception is dust concentrations and noise levels along some roads. Dust in some analyzed samples exceeded the Viet Nam environment standard on TL151 and TL151B. This is understandable as dust arises when traffic passes over unsealed shoulders of roads in many places and results to high levels of dust in the air over the road.

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Table IV.2 : Air quality along Provincial roads – Lao Cai

Ref Sampling Location Land use

To (oC) Humidity (%)

Noise (dBA)

CO (mg/m3)


(mg/m3) NO2

(mg/m3) Dust

(mg/m3) Pb

(mg/m3) Road 156

156 AQ-1 People's committee Hop Thanh commune – Lao Cai city; N 22o22’18”; E 104o00’44”

Houses & agricultural fields near

28 85 49 1.3 0.005 0.001 0.12 0.0001

156 AQ-2 People's committee Ta Phoi commune – Lao Cai city ; N 22o24’03”; E 103o58’39”

Houses & agricultural fields near

25 86 52 1.4 0.004 0.001 0.15 0.0001

156 AQ-3 Đa Đinh kindergarten Ta Phoi commune – Lao Cai city ; N 22o25’14”; E 103o58’03”

Houses & agricultural fields near

28 86 45 1.9 0.005 0.001 0.19 0.0001

Road 150

154 AQ-1

Three way cross roads People's committee Nam Chay commune – Muong Khuong district; N 22o43’02”; E 104o04’31”

Houses & agricultural fields near

29 83 52 2.1 0.006 0.001 0.28 0.0004

154 AQ-2

Three way cross roads to Thanh Binh commune – Muong Khuong district N 22o43’23”; E 104o05’08”

Houses & agricultural fields near

28 84 43 2.0 0.003 0.000 0.22 0.0003

154 AQ-3

Three way cross roads communication with highway 4B – Muong Khuong commune, Muong Khuong district; N 22o44’59”; E 104o06’19”

Houses & agricultural fields near

28 84 43 2.1 0.003 0.000 0.29 0.0002

Road 160

160 AQ-1 The city of 1B – Pho Rang town, Bao Yen district; N 22o14’03”; E 104o28’51”

Urban areas

27 94 58 1.6 0.002 0.001 0.12 0.0002

Road 151

151 AQ-1

Point between the Tan An commune about 3km – Van Ban district; N 22o08’32”; E 104o22’40”

Houses & agricultural fields near

29 85 48 2.0 0.003 0.000 0.38 0.0002

151 AQ-2

Near People's committee of Tan An commune– Van Bàn district N 22o10’02”; E 104o21’23”

Houses & agricultural fields near

31 84 52 2.2 0.005 0.000 0.39 0.0003

151 AQ-3 Khe Sang - Tan An commune, Van Ban district; N22o07’12”; E104o24’03”

Houses & agricultural fields near

32 85 55 2.2 0.002 0.000 0.36 0.0003

Road 151B

151B AQ-1

Three way cross roads lonking with TL 279 – Hoa Mac commune, Van Ban district; N 22o05’23”; E 104o12’18”

Houses & agricultural fields near

28 84 55 2.9 0.003 0.000 0.39 0.0003

151B AQ-2 Khanh Yen commune, Van Ban dist.;N22o07’19”; E 104o12’48”

Houses, agric. field

29 86 46 3.1 0.003 0.000 0.33 0.0003

151B AQ-3

3 way cross roads communic-ation with TL 151 – Vo Lao commune, Van Ban district N 22o11’48”; E 104o12’56”

Houses & agricultural fields near

33 84 62 2.2 0.003 0.000 0.45 0.0005

QCVN 05 -2009 BTNMT - - - 30 0.35 0.2 0.3 -

WHO interim 1

0.125 (24hr) 0.150 (PM10 24hr)

WHO guideline

0.020 (24hr) 0.050 (24hr)

TCVN 5949-1998 (World Bank) - - 60 (55) - - - - - Source: TA 7245 Consultant’s surveys 2009. Bold italics exceed air quality QCVN 05 -2009 BTNMT & World Bank noise – underlined exceed TCVN 5949-1998 residential

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5. Noise

67. Noise from vehicles is not a significant concern in the areas around most of the Project roads at present as traffic is confined to occasional vehicles. There is no criterion for road traffic noise in Viet Nam therefore the Vietnamese and World Bank ambient noise criteria will be applied. The World Bank applies an ambient standard of Leq55dB(A) for residential areas, hospitals and schools. Where the background exceeds the ambient standards the World Bank criterion is background +3 dB(A). The Viet Nam ambient standards (TCVN 5949-1998) are Leq50dB(A) for hospitals and schools and Leq60dB(A) for residential areas. Measurements of background noise were taken as 1 hour LeqdB(A) at one or more locations on each road. Background noise ranged from Leq43dB(A) to Leq63dB(A) with traffic. Therefore in the settlements and towns where traffic runs throughout the day. The Viet Nam criterion of Leq50dB(A) for school and hospital sensitive receivers is potentially exceeded but the Leq60dB(A) criterion for residential sensitive receivers is not exceeded. As some of the Viet Nam criteria are exceeded at some periods of the day it is recommended that in order to make a consistent assessment for all locations the existing World Bank criterion of background +3dB(A) will be applied in the assessment. The Viet Nam criterion of Leq40dB(A)1hour can be used for nighttime. However there is a general presumption that there will be no night time working except in exceptional circumstances.

B Biological Environment

1. Agriculture

68. Rice is the staple food but in the cultivated areas around the Project road there is only a limited portion of the land area suitable for wet-paddy cultivation due to the terrain. Large wet-paddy areas are found in many of the project areas but rain-fed rice fields are also common. Vegetable and cash crops are produced as a substitute for rice deficiencies in many areas based on shifting cultivation. The crops include soya beans, cassava, green beans, peanuts, sesame, corn, teak, mulberry fiber, and a variety of fruit trees. People maintain vegetable gardens near streams and riverbanks and plant fruit trees near their house to supplement diets and to generate cash income. Cash crops, mainly tea, cassava, cinnamon and nuts are also grown. Special cash crops famous for the province are San Tuyet tea, Hau plum and star-aniseed. Herbal plant cultivation is also common practice of the minority people in the province for self medication and sale. A variety of other vegetables are also grown such as cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, chilly eggplant, and pumpkin.

Table IV.3 : Land use in Lao Cai Province*

Total Area (ha) Agriculture Forestry Special Use Land Homesteads638,400 79,800 307,709 15,322 3,192

%* 12.5 48.2 2.4 0.5

Source: Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam 2008, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi 2009 *Unused land is not listed

69. Less than 13% of the total land area is used for agriculture. Some of the valleys have good agricultural potential. Despite these areas of good agricultural potential, income levels are very low and people are vulnerable to land degradation, declining crop yields and low incomes limit the capacity of households to obtain food and extra money for other living expenses.

2. Forestry

70. The forested land area in Lao Cai has declined significantly since the 1970s as a result of logging and slash-and-burn farming. Timber extraction is generally local small-

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scale/saw-mill production of timber for local construction purposes. Habitat degradation has also taken place as a result of selective extraction of timber species, such as Fokienia hodginsii (Fujian cypress) particularly from the Hoang Lien mountain forests. Although an earlier government decision (circa 2000) specified only dead F. hodginsii could be harvested, in reality, effective enforcement of this condition was not practicable. Primary forest was hitherto only subjected to small-scale timber extraction by local people. Logging for export is also reported to be taking place.

71. In the locality of the Project areas, there are appreciable areas of forest visible, usually several kilometers distant from the roads and in between the areas have long since been cleared for agriculture. Consultations with the local forestry officers in Lao Cai confirmed that all the for 6 m either side of the Project road centreline is declared as the RoW (Figure III.1). There are no national park, nature reserve or protection forest near the Project road stretches and none of the land in the RoW is production forest or protected forest. The lands adjacent to the ROW are agricultural in almost all areas but there are isolated roadside trees in some places. There are production forests at some distance but they are several kilometers (usually more than 2 km) from the Project road stretches. The production forests are plantations where residents plant certain tree species which are harvested later. Popular trees for planting include acacia, cajuput, eucalyptus, and chinaberry but the most common is “mo” or fat tree (Mangleitia glauca) also known as magnolia wood tree. Bamboo plantations are also very common. Trees within production forest areas with land use title can be cut and will probably go for local use. If for some unexpected reason the Project roads’ alignment is changed and trees need to be cut for the upgrading of project roads there will be a need for the design consultants (DDC) and PPMU to inform the forest authority so they can plan, mark and arrange for them to be cut in line with local procedures before construction works commence.

72. The local forestry officers in Lao Cai could not provide any detailed information on the location or species composition of the nearest production forest or protected forests. No other records of the species composition or the boundaries of the forests could be identified but the local officials indicated that much of the standing crop is bamboo and other small trees and shrubs. The forested areas all appear to be degraded in many areas and most are plantations. Planted specimens of bamboo and acacia were most common nearest the Project roads. There are a few areas of plantation forest adjacent to the Project roads in a few places but these plantations are where residents plant certain tree species which are harvested later. The most popular trees for planting are Mangleitia glauca (fat tree) and bamboo; acacia, cajuput, eucalyptus, and chinaberry are also popular. The nearby forests provide timber, vines and bamboo for the local population to construct dwellings, furniture and for craft work. The distance from the proposed Project road is generally more than 2 km to several kilometers but there are no undisturbed forests near the Project roads. There was evidence of some small scale working of timber near the road but large scale timber extraction was not observed. There are no forests used for large timber extraction in any of the areas which are directly accessible from the Project roads.

73. The local production forests are managed by the Forest Protection Department (FPD) in the Provincial Office of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) according to the instructions and quotas for cutting and planting received from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). The Chief DARD indicated that the forests just outside the ROW are degraded and not that densely vegetated with mature trees but mainly small-diameter trees, bamboos and shrubs. Local officials indicated that trees can be cut with permission form the forest authority that marks the trees and areas of bamboo for cutting. Bamboo cutting is regulated by the villages under quotas. There is good cooperation locally with the villages and the forest authority.

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3. Fauna and Flora

74. The human impact on the vegetation is most pronounced in the areas where grasslands created by numerous cycles of forest clearance for agriculture and their reversion to fallow gradually transformed the forest to short grassland with some secondary regrowth forest at the edges.

75. There are several areas that have been considered for protection for their biodiversity and conservation value in Lao Cai Province. There are two significant proposed nature reserves in the province, namely Hoang Lien Son-Sa Pa and Hoang Lien Son-Van Ban Natural Reserves. They were identified as national parks in April 2004. Van Ban is also identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by Birdlife International. These areas are home to many endemic, rare and endangered species. The Van Ban Nature Reserve was recognized on 21st July 2008 by Decision of Lao Cai PPC, 399/QĐ-UBND dated 12/2/2007. The nature reserve is in parts of 5 communes in Van Ban district. The core zone area is 25,669 ha and there is a buffer zone of 13,966 ha. There is a management board for the NR with 6 persons. The Board was established by Decision 702/QĐ-UBND of Lao Cai PPC dated 27 March 2007. Of the Project roads in Lao Cai, TL151B is closest to the nature reserves. In particular, TL151B is nearest to Hoang Lien Son-Van Ban Nature Reserve which is about 13 km away according to the FPD. The nature reserve areas are shown on Figure IV.1.

76. There are no forest ecosystems with high biodiversity, ecologically protected areas, threatened or endangered species near the Project roads. The flora and fauna should not be directly affected by the work of upgrading the project roads. The patterns of movement of people and goods are established as are the normal agricultural activities of local people.

77. Therefore whereas there are some valuable ecological resources and protected sites in the Province none of the Project roads is near the buffer zone or core areas protected for the natural habitats for rare or endangered species.

C Social-Cultural Environment

1. Human Issues and Quality of Life

78. Lao Cai province has a population of about 602,300 giving a population density 94 persons per km2, relatively high for a rural area especially in Asia. Lao Cai province has 25 ethnic groups, of which the Kinh people account for 35.9%, H’mong 22.21%, Tay 15.84%, Dao 14.05%, Giay 4.7%, Nung 4.4%, and the remaining is Phu La, San Chay, Ha Nhi, La Chi, Khmu, Tai Daeng, Yao, Tai Kao, Tai Meuay, Tai Neua, Phu Noi, and Khmu live in Lao Cai. More than 85% of the population lives in rural areas. The capital city of Lao Cai has a population of about 96,000 people.

79. About 65% of the population live on the lowlands and the Red River valley, mainly in densely populated areas. Yao and H’mong ethnic groups live on the lower mountainous slopes, and make up about 16% of the population. Other ethnic groups, Lo Lo, Man Do and Giay people are highlanders who usually live in areas 1,000 masl. They make up about less than 5% of the total population and retain their traditional languages and culture and in extremely remote areas.

80. The strong agricultural pressures constrain the opportunities for people living in these areas. Income levels are generally very low except in the main towns and the areas around the Project road have some of the most disadvantaged districts in Viet Nam. A detailed description of the socioeconomic environment of the study area is given in a separate social and poverty report for the project.

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2. Land Use

81. The dominant land use in the vicinity of the Project road stretches is agriculture that has been developed over many cycles in the past centuries. Irrigated rice and vegetable fields are most common. There are also several towns and villages scattered all along the Project roads.

82. Lao Cai has abundant natural resources and a rugged landscape. The province is famous for its limestone mountains and caverns, with many caves in the area. The nature reserves have some ecotourism potential, with its high numbers of mammals, aquatic flora and fauna and other wildlife species. There are many other sight seeing spots for visitors.

83. The province is also home to Bac Ha plateau, Phan Si Pang peak, Cam Duong old town, that are important historic sites in northern Viet Nam. The province has spectacular scenery and fine textile traditions. Lao Cai is famous for its intricate silk and cotton weavings. Textiles from this region are recognized to be among the finest in Asia.

3. Cultural and historical sites, schools and housing

84. The province is home to number of cultural and historical sites but none near the project roads. There are places of worship nearby in some villages. There are graves along the roads but always more than 5 m outside the road corridor and more than 10 m from the centerline and away from where the rehabilitation and upgrading works would need to take place.

85. Schools are located at a distance from the road network in several locations but not in proximity to the main Project roads. The boundaries of the school playgrounds and gates are generally near to the road (within 10 m) but the noise sensitive facades of the school buildings are generally set well back from the Project roads by more that 30 m; outside the corridor of impact. However, schools are particularly vulnerable to construction impacts and the scheduling of works near schools should be scheduled after discussions with the school principals to avoid impacts.

86. Traditional shops and houses are located at intervals all along the Project roads and residential development is spread out in patches along the roads. The ROW is not marked out in detail but in the villages the front facades of the houses are in some cases next to the road (just outside the corridor of impact) with the front fences and walls or temporary structures just a few meters from the existing road edge in many places. Some land acquisition will be required in places and relocation of some properties or resettlement. Land acquisition requirements are detailed in the Resettlement Plan.

4. Power supply

87. Electrical power supplied in Lao Cai is from the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) grid in Vietnam. The low voltage distribution network runs on poles adjacent to the Project road and will need to be protected during the works. Many of these poles and lines may need to be reprovisoned before the upgrading works commence to ensure continuity of power supply. Small hydropower stations are present in many places Lao Cai and contribute a reasonable amount of electricity for local consumption. The Project road works must be programmed not do create any impacts on these stations.

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Figure IV.1: Nature reserves in Lao Cai Province

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88. This section discusses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed upgrading of road TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 and identifies mitigation measures to minimize the impacts in the design, construction and operation. There are not any protected areas in the vicinity of the Project roads that are expected to be adversely affected due to project implementation.

89. The works for the Project roads will be within the ROW. The main physical issues relate to impacts such as earthworks, erosion control, obtaining rock based construction materials, noise, dust, spoil disposal, disposal of other waste, and water quality. Blasting cannot be ruled out but the requirement for blasting is likely to be minimal and will be determined at the detailed design stage and reviewed during construction. The construction for the civil works will create dust, noise and vibration and the prevention of landslides must be addressed. The main biological issues relate to acquisition of agricultural land, impacts to rivers and removal of occasional trees in the works areas on either side of the roads. There are no protected areas in the vicinity of the Project roads TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 that are expected to be adversely affected due to project implementation. There will be no interference with protected forests. There is no issue of interference with sites protected for their biodiversity as the stretch of Project road TL151B is more than 13 km from the nearest nature reserve buffer zones at Van Ban. The Project road stretches are in agricultural areas and the PPMU will exercise care to minimize any further conversion or degradation of agricultural land. The small scale nature of the Project road improvement means there are few opportunities to enhance habitat however mitigation measures have been included in the EMP to provide enhancement where practicable.

90. The social and human impacts to village life and impacts to social infrastructure will be of short duration and these have been subject to detailed assessment in the Resettlement Plan.

91. Due to the distance to the nearest protected areas (i.e., at least 13 km away) and small scale road widening there are no measurable adverse impacts on critical or natural habitats that can be foreseen which could impair the biodiversity value or function of nature reserves or protected forest areas. The improvements to the Project road stretches are not anticipated to lead to a reduction in the population of any recognized endangered or critically endangered species and there will be no loss of valuable habitats that could compromise the host ecosystem.

92. The potential environmental impacts in the design, construction and operational phases are assessed below. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project. The criteria for assessment are in line with ADBs SPS, or if the GOV standard is stricter, the national standards and criteria set by GOV. Where GOV has no set of standards or guidelines, the standards given in World Bank’s Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines4 are used. The EMP is presented in Table VIII.2 as a matrix of mitigation and monitoring measures to prevent or minimize the impacts.

A Design / Pre-Construction Phase

93. The proposed project involves upgrading of a single carriageway existing road. As the existing alignment of the road will be followed, route selection is established but

4 World Bank, Environmetal Health and Safety General Guidelines 2007, Washington D.C.

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there may be minor adjustment at the detailed design stage. There are a number of mitigation measures that will need to be carried out by the project detailed design consultant engineers (DDC) and checked by the PCC to avoid construction impacts by good design and to minimize operational environmental impacts. DDC will be engaged by the PPMU. The PCC will be engaged by the JCC. Detailed design will be required to ensure that the upgraded road can cope with flooding. Bridges will be designed to withstand a 100 year return storm event and culverts will be designed to withstand a 25 year return storm event in line with Viet Nam standards (TCVN 4054 – 20055). In line with ADB policy on environmentally responsible procurement, opportunities to provide environmental enhancements will also be identified in the detailed design as well as routine matters such as avoiding unnecessary removal of trees and compensatory and enhancement planting. The opportunities for design, construction and operational enhancements have been included in the EMP. However as the detailed designs will be completed later, specific EMPs will be prepared by the PCC based on the designs by the DDC during the detailed design phase, or a new environmental assessment report will be undertaken for submission to ADB if there are any changes to Project design that would result to environmental impacts or risks that are not within the scope of the current IEE.

1. Project disclosure Design measures and project disclosure

94. The DDC in cooperation with PCC and PPMU will prepare the detailed designs to address the requirements below including, but not necessarily be limited to the following design requirements, and all relevant measures in Table VIII.2:

i) Acquisition of agricultural land will be minimized for temporary facilities (if needed) by selecting preferred locations in detailed designs for construction yards and asphalt plant on barren or marginal land and agree terms with local community.

ii) Potential solution spaces to ensure sufficient disposal space for cut surface spoil materials and to avoid fly-tipping will be identified in advance by the DDC and approved by PPMU and PCC and the local community before bidding.

iii) Arrangements will be made to facilitate the timely production and supply of rock and bitumen based materials for construction and to avoid impacts due to unnecessary stockpiling near the TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 road route.

iv) Extensions and improvements of drainage culverts for TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 road will be designed to account for increased rain due to a once in 100 year return storm event.

v) Hydrological and drainage impacts during construction will be minimized by including in the detailed design early phasing of replacement of culverts and other infrastructure.

vi) Disruption to current facilities for water supply will be avoided and facilities will be retained or re-provisioned before construction works commence; provisions will be made to preserve the operation of current facilities for water supply in sufficient quantity in agreement with the local community.

vii) Disruption to current power supply will be avoided and movement of power lines will be planned well in advance. Power distribution circuitry will be re-provisioned before construction works commence; provisions will be made to preserve the operation of current facilities for power supply in sufficient quantity in agreement with the local power supply company.

5 TCVN 4054 – 2005: Bridges 100 yer return storm enent, culverts 25 year return storm enent.

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viii) Plans to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction will be included in the detailed designs. Phasing for construction will retain a passing lane along part of the road during construction in detailed designs programming and avoid community severance.

ix) Aim to provide enhancements under ADB policy on environmentally responsible procurement and avoid negative impacts due to unnecessary removal of trees.

95. The roads requiring improvement are part of the existing road corridor and although the ROW is wide enough for the upgrading there are some encroachments and there will be some requirement for resettlement. This will probably be needed at a few hundred locations subject to confirmation and these requirements are presented in the Resettlement Plan.

96. The final alignment will be disclosed to DONRE and a check will be made at the detailed design stage that the road alignment has been designed as planned. The IEE/EMP shall be updated by the PPMU/PCC and resubmitted to ADB and incorporating any recommendations and requirements from the DONRE/MONRE, should there be additional environmental impacts not identified in this IEE and for which appropriate mitigation measures have not been included in the EMP. Further, if during detailed design there are any changes to Project design (such as change in alignment) that would result to environmental impacts or risks that are not within the scope of the current IEE, the PCC during the detailed design phase shall update the IEE (together with the EMP) or prepare a new environmental assessment report for submission to ADB. Prior to preparation of the updated or new environmental assessment report, the proposed Project change shall be screened by ADB for its potential environmental impacts and risks to determine the appropriate extent and type of environmental assessment to be undertaken. During Project implementation either, an updated IEE, an updated EMP or a new environmental assessment report, as necessary, shall be submitted to ADB for clearance, if any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts arise. The appropriate document for submission shall be determined by ADB. PPMU will also establish a grievance redress mechanism at this stage before site works commence.

2. Project boundaries change near sensitive receivers

97. The residential sensitive receivers (SRs) near the Project road TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 are generally set back sufficiently for traffic fumes to be dispersed and road traffic noise will not be sufficient to affect the sensitive receivers. At this stage and given the modest traffic flows it appears that neither the Viet Nam criterion of 60B(A) for sensitive developments such as residences or the World Bank criterion of 55B(A) at the sensitive receiver for new noise sensitive developments such as residences, schools, colleges and hospitals could comfortably be achieved in the operation al phase. Noise and dust in construction will need to be controlled.

98. There are no medical facilities near the Project roads. The roadside cemeteries are generally set back from the working areas and the DDC will carefully design the Project road works to avoid the cemeteries. The occasional roadside tea and food stalls are also set back from the likely working areas for road rehabilitation. There are many schools in Project road areas but the sensitive facades are also set well back from the road by more than 50 m. There may be some as yet unidentifiable refinements to the alignment at the detailed design stage that mean the works must take place over a slightly different area. As mentioned above, a new environmental assessment or an updated IEE (together with the EMP) shall be prepared by PPMU/PCC if refinements or changes to the project alignment, based on the detailed design, would result to environmental impacts or risks that are not within the scope of the current IEE. Such documents shall be submitted for ADB’s review before changes are implemented.

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3. Environmental capacity development of PPMU

99. PCC and PPMU will make sure that PPMU’s Environmental and Safety Officer (ESO) is trained and prepared to ensure that future contractors will be primed to cooperate with the implementing agency, project management, PSC, PCC and local population in the mitigation of environmental impacts. The PPMUs would dedicate a suitably qualified staff as ESO to undertake this task. The PCC will also develop strengthening plan for the environmental management by PPMU and retention of environmental staff. Details of the proposed environmental capacity building for PPMU are provided in Chapter VIII (Environmental Management Plan).

4. Preparation of specific EMPs

100. The contractors will be primed by including the Project EMP (Table VIII.2 of the IEE) and specific EMPs (SEMPs) in the bidding and contract documentation. Prior to bidding, the PCC will produce a series of method statements or specific environmental management plans (SEMP) that the contractors will need to implement. The broad content of the SEMPs is included in the construction mitigation section. The SEMPs will demonstrate the manner (location, responsibilities, schedule/timeframe, budget, etc.) in which the Contractors will implement the mitigation measures specified in the EMP.

101. Based on the EMP, the following method statements or SEMPs shall be prepared by the PCC in the preconstruction/detailed design stage for implementation by the contractors:

i) Waste Management and Spoil Disposal Plan (WMSDP) for handling, storage, treatment, transport and disposal of solid and liquid wastes, hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and excavation spoils. The WMSDP will also provide details of a trip ticket system to ensure that contractors dispose excavation spoils in approved areas. Such system will be designed so that the PSC and PCC could readily monitor the volume and disposal site of excavation spoils, and to ensure that the total volume of spoils disposed will not exceed the maximum capacity of disposal sites approved by local authorities.

ii) Materials Management Plan (MMP) detailing arrangements to be made to facilitate the timely production and supply of construction materials to avoid impacts due to unnecessary stockpiling outside the Project site.

iii) Drainage Management Plan (DMP) to ensure that construction works will not cause ponding/flooding within the Project site, construction camps, borrow/quarry areas, other areas used for project-related activities and adjacent areas.

iv) Erosion Control Plan (ECP) to ensure that construction works will not cause excessive runoff and siltation of adjacent waterways within the Project site, have sufficient provisions to ensure stabilization of cut slopes and other erosion-prone areas, minimize hydrological impacts, flooding and erosion of river banks and adjacent areas and to protect the works under construction;

v) Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan (TRP) to ensure indiscriminate tree-cutting shall be avoided by clearly defining areas where vegetation removal is necessary based on Project requirements and that replanting shall be done to compensate for lost trees.

vi) Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTMP) to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction. Access arrangements for vehicles accessing the Project area will be formulated such that this will avoid community disturbance and severance and will at least retain a passing lane along all roads used during construction.

vii) Utilities and Irrigation Reprovisioning Plan (UIRP) to minimize interruption to power, water supply telecoms and irrigation system;

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viii) Noise and Dust Control Plan (NDCP) to minimize impacts to sensitive receptors (residential areas, schools, hospitals, etc.) due to construction works, sourcing and transport of construction materials, and other project-related activities.

ix) Workers and Public Safety Plan (WPSP) to identify interfaces between the works and public and ensure worker and public safety and prevent accidents due to the construction works.

5. Environmentally responsible procurement

102. All the above management plans will be agreed in advance with PPMU/PCC in the project preparation phase and included in contract documentation. The requirements in the contract will include full implementation of the EMP. PPMU/PCC shall ensure that the EMP are included in the bid and contract documents for civil works. PPMU shall require the contractors to engage capable and trained staff or site agents to take responsibility for the environmental management at the working level and to audit the effectiveness of the contractor’s SEMP and review mitigation measures as the project proceeds. The effective implementation of the SEMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (PPC) will be prepared for this. In this regard, the JCC and PPMU (the implementing agency) will also prepare to allow sufficient resources for the PCC to fulfill the EMP requirements. The international and national environmentl specialists in PCC will train environmental officer(s) of PPMU to guide the contractors on the environmental aspects of road construction. This process has begun on other road projects and will be carried forward in this project. Any recent recommendations and initiatives from MONRE/DONRE or other local environmental and forestry authorities will be incorporated in the EMP and updated and audited as necessary.

6. Unexploded ordnance (UXO)

103. In order to avoid the risks from UXO and avoid accidents, the PPMU will coordinate with appropriate agencies at the design stage to identify if UXO is a potential threat to works in the project areas and PPMU shall commission UXO clearing, as necessary. The contractors shall only commence site works after advise from PPMU that the project areas are already cleared of UXO.

7. Ambient environmental baseline data

a. Air quality and Noise

104. Baseline data on air quality and noise levels shall be collected before commencement of civil works. Such data will help in assessing project impacts during implementation.

105. PCC shall collect baseline data on total suspended particulates (TSP) and noise levels at each district along the alignment. At least two weeks before commencement of civil works, field sampling for TSP and noise will be conducted at representative sensitive receptors (SR), i.e., sampling stations shall be established and sampled for various SR types as follows: (i) residential area, (ii) school/office, (iii) temple and (iv) hospital/health center per Project road. Field measurements for TSP shall be carried out using 1-hr averaging period based on the prescribed methodology in QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (Viet Nam Ambient Air Quality Standard).

106. Noise impacts may be short lived, although can be very intrusive if not controlled properly. Noise measurement shall be undertaken at the same sites sampled for TSP and shall follow the methodology specified in TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels). Noise shall be measured in dB(A) over 24 hours covering the different periods (i.e., 6h to 18h, 18h to 22h and 2h to 6h). Measurement will also be taken to establish if the World Bank criterion of Leq55dB(A)1-hour is exceeded at the measurement points. If it is exceeded by the existing noise a criterion of background +3dB(A) will be applied in the monitoring. The criterion of

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Leq50dB(A) can be used where background is below Leq50dB(A)1hour. Works are not expected to be carried out at night but if this is unavoidable for unexpected reasons separate measurements will also be taken before construction commences to establish if the VietNam criterion of Leq40dB(A)1-hour is exceeded and the monitoring assessment criteria will be established accordingly.

107. Information such as recent rainfall will be documented as part of the baseline measurement. The sampling report will also specify if the sampling was undertaken during the rainy or dry season. Time and date of sampling, sources of dust and noise emissions during the sampling period, comparison of results to applicable standards shall also be included in the report. Actual location of the sampling stations shall be described in the report and plotted on a map together with GPS readings. The noise and TSP baseline monitoring will be reported by PCC at the end of the detailed design period, either in the detailed design report or in a dedicated baseline monitoring report before the bidding documents are completed.

b. Water quality

108. Baseline data on surface water quality shall be collected by PCC. Sampling points per Project road shall be established at major river crossings were bridge repairs and replacement will be undertaken as well as on river/stream sections close to construction camps (i.e., rivers that will most likely receive run-off/discharge from construction/workers’ camps). Baseline sampling shall be conducted at least two weeks before civil works contractors are deployed. Parameters will include pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oil and grease, and total suspended solids (TSS). For rivers/streams close to construction/workers’ camps, the following additional parameters shall also be analyzed: biological oxygen demand – 5 days (BOD5), coliform and fecal coliform. Sampling and analytical methodology shall be consistent with QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Viet Nam National Regulation for Surface Water Quality).

109. PCC shall collect water samples 20 m before (upstream) and 20 m after (downstream) the bridges at mid-width and mid-depth at each of the river crossings along the road alignment to establish a reference baseline. An industry standard multi-parameter water quality meter could be used for pH, DO, turbidity and temperature.

110. Information on weather conditions during sampling, recent rainfall, etc. will be documented as part of the baseline measurement. The sampling report will also specify if the sampling was undertaken during the rainy or dry season. Time and date of sampling, potential sources of contaminants/pollutants during the sampling period, comparison of results to applicable standards shall also be included in the report. Actual location of the sampling stations shall be described in the report and plotted on a map together with GPS readings. The water quality baseline monitoring will be reported by PCC at the end of the detailed design period, either in the detailed design report or in a dedicated baseline monitoring report before the bidding documents are completed.

Table V.1 –Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in surface water.

No. Parameter Unit Permissible Limit

A B A1 A2 B1 B2

1 pH 6-8.5 6-8.5 5.5-9 5.5-9 2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Mg/l ≥ 6 ≥ 5 ≥ 4 ≥ 2 3 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Mg/l 20 30 50 100 4 Oil & grease Mg/l 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.3 5 BOD5 mg/l 4 6 15 25 6 Coliform MPN/ 100ml 2500 5000 7500 10000 7 Fecal coliform MPN/100ml - - - -

Source: QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT Note: A1: Water source for domestic use and other purposes.

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A2: Water source for domestic use with appropriate treatment technology; for aquatic organism conservation and other purposes.

B1: Water source for Irrigation or other similar purposes. B2: Water source for waterway transport and other purpose of low quality water uses.

Parameters 1 to 4: to be analyzed for all river/stream samples Parameters 5 to 7: to be analyzed only for samples from river and stream sections which are likely

to receive/or will receive run-off/discharge from construction/workers’ camps

111. For rivers that do not mix well, and/or are highly polluted such that it is likely that there will be different DO and TSS values at river bottom than at mid depth, samples shall be collected near river bottom.

112. The (Table V.2) below shows the QCVN standards that will be used for the Project.

Table V.2 – QCVN/TCVN Standards applicable to the project.

Subject Standard Comment

Noise TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels)

Leq50dB(A) 1hour schools hospitals Leq60dB(A) 1hour residential

Baseline +3dB(A) Use if TCVN is exceeded by baseline

Air Quality QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (Viet Nam Ambient Air Quality Standard)

Water Quality QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Viet Nam National Regulation for Surface Water Quality)

Safety Labor Code of Viet Nam, Decree 06/CP 1995, Decree / 202 ND-CP OP 2002 and Circular 13/ BYT 24 Oct 1996.

As amended

Source: MONRE Website

8. Enhancements

113. Environmental enhancements have not been a major consideration in the assessment of earlier projects. However it is noted that it has been common practice in many paces to plant trees along highways to provide visual interest in line with best international practice for highway design. Whereas water supply is unlikely to be limited due to the proximity of the Red River there will be some opportunity sites for tree planting. Locations to create some local soft landscaping where successful planting of trees and shrubs could be accomplished and should be investigated at the detailed design stage. This practice should be in addition to tree replacement and be encouraged as far as practicable and to foster good will with the local community. It is also possible that the cross drainage and culverts may be modified to assist in the collection of surface water for irrigation purposes. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to identify stewardship of any planting and also to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations.

B Construction Phase

114. The source of the construction impacts from Project roads will include (i) excavation and reconstruction of the embankments, (ii) reconstruction of the single carriageway pavement (5.5m wide) plus hard shoulders; (iii) construction, repair and reconstruction of bridges (iv) ensuring road drainage and access near villages and at other key areas is unimpaired by extension of numerous culverts; and (vi) installing slope stabilization and bioengineering measures, landscaping and accessories. In the hilly areas there will also be some slope cutting which will give rise to significant amounts of spoil for disposal.

1. Activate SEMPs and obtain permits and licenses.

115. The PCC will be engaged by JCC to assist PPMU in line with ADB policy on environmentally responsible procurement. The PCC will train and supervise the contractors to carry forward the environmental mitigation measures and enhancements identified in the detailed designs. The PCC will prepare SEMPs at the detailed design

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stage. The benchmark for monitoring and reporting on the contractor’s environmental performance are the Project EMP (Table VIII.2 of the IEE), SEMPs and any additional mitigation measures that may be required during construction phase. PPMU shall ensure that Contractors and their suppliers comply with all statutory requirements for permits from DONRE with regard to use of mechanical equipment, establishment and operation of construction plants such as asphalt plant, concrete batching plant, rock crusher, spoils disposal, etc.

2. Orientation of contractors

116. PCC shall orient the workers on implementation of construction mitigation measures in the Project EMP, SEMPs and any additional mitigation measures that may be required during construction phase.

3. Loss of trees and impacts to fauna

117. The tree-cutting and replanting plan (TRP) designed by the PCC will be prepared with the designs and before vegetation clearing is undertaken. Cut slopes will be designed not to undercut or destabilize adjacent tree lined slopes and clearing of trees will be minimized in SEMP. The local forestry authority will be informed and will approve cutting and replacement of cut trees based on the TRP. The PCC and PSC will ensure that contractors follow the TRP and local forest authorities may monitor marking of vegetation that will be removed under its jurisdiction. The TRP will be agreed with forest authority prior to commencement of construction. The PSC and PCC will supervise and monitor to check that the contractors do not remove any trees not covered by the TRP prior to commencement or during construction unless agreed with the PSC, PCC, PPMU and forest authority.

118. The PSC and PCC will supervise and monitor to check that the contractors carry forward the mitigation measures and environmental enhancements identified in the SEMP as well as routine matters such as avoiding unnecessary removing of trees and compensatory and enhancement planting.

119. The PSC and PCC will supervise and monitor a ban on use of forest timber and workers shall be prohibited from cutting trees for firewood.

120. Invasive species shall not be introduced. During replanting/revegetation works, new alien plant species (i.e., species not currently established in the region of the project) shall not be used unless carried out with the existing regulatory framework for such introduction. All replanting and compensatory planting will be planned in full agreement with the local forest authority.

121. The contractors will not use or permit the use of wood as a fuel for the execution of any part of the Works, including but not limited to the heating of bitumen and bitumen mixtures, and to the extent practicable shall ensure that fuels other than wood are used for cooking, and water heating in all his camps and living accommodations. The Contractors shall not buy or use wood from the illegal sources (that come from the illegal logging). No construction camps, asphalt mixing plants, material storage sites are to be located in the forest areas. The Contractors will take all precautions necessary to ensure that damage to vegetation is avoided due to fires resulting from execution of the works. The Contractors will immediately suppress the fire, if it occurs, and shall undertake replanting to replace damaged vegetation.

122. The PPMU, PSC and PCC will supervise and monitor a ban on use of forest timber that will be included in the SEMP and workers shall be prohibited from cutting trees for firewood. The TRP will include as a minimum consideration of:

i) Identification of trees to be cut and locations ii) Ban on use of timber for fuel and ban taking of cycads and orchids from forests. iii) Justification for tree cutting as and alternative to road realignment.

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iv) Permissions from land owners, authorities and permits from FPD for cutting. v) Methods for marking, protection of uncut cut trees and limitations to cutting. vi) Methods and timing for safe cutting to minimize interference with normal traffic. vii) Methods to remove trees cut timber and avoid stockpiling cut brushwood on site. viii) Methods to avoid under cutting adjacent tree lined slopes. ix) Programme for cutting trees and enhancement planting. x) Compensatory tree planting programme agreed with authorities and FPD. xi) Discussion of the PCC/PSC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. xii) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements.

4. Drainage and hydrology

123. The drainage system, irrigation and water resources on surrounding lands will be affected by construction activities as follows: a) local water supplies will need to be tapped to meet campsite and construction requirements, so bringing project based water use into competition with local use; b) surface and subsurface water resources near the selected Project road sections could be contaminated by fuel and chemical spills, or by solid waste and effluents generated by the kitchens and toilets at construction campsites; c) irrigation channels cross the works areas and require reprovisioning, (d) natural streams may become silted by borrow material (earth) in the runoff from the construction area, workshops and equipment washing-yards. The contractors will be required to implement the provisions of the Drainage Management Plan and to provide drainage facilities to avoid ponding/flooding within the Project site, construction camps, borrow/quarry areas, other areas used for project-related activities and adjacent areas. Potential impacts on water quality are already identified in the subsequent sections (e.g., under hazardous materials and hazardous waste disposal, water quality, etc.).

124. In areas close to the sensitive receiver (SR), the contractors will provide appropriate drains so that the outfalls of the surface run-off from the carriageway are diverted away from the SR. Measures will also be taken by the contractors during the construction phase to ensure that storm drains and road drainage systems are regularly cleared to maintain storm water flow.

5. Utilities and reprovisioning

125. Local water supplies, electrical power supply, telecommunications and irrigation water supply must be maintained during the works. Therefore the need to reprovide for power supply cables, telecommunication cables, irrigation or other water supplies needs to be reassessed and reconfirmed by the contractors well before works commence. Therefore the contractors will:

i) Reconfirm power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems likely to be interrupted by the works and trees to be cut.

ii) Contact all relevant local authorities for utilities and local village groups to plan reprovisoning of power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems.

iii) Relocate and reconnect utilities well ahead of commencement of construction works and coordinate with the relevant utility company at the provincial and district levels for relocation and reconnection well before works commence and include for compensatory planting for trees.

iv) Inform affected communities well in advance. v) Arrange reconnection of utilities and irrigation channels in the shortest practicable

time before construction commences. vi) If utilities are accidentally damaged during construction it shall be reported to the

PSC, PPMU and utility authority and repairs arranged immediately at the contractor’s expense.

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6. Materials exploitation and management of quarry and borrow areas

126. In the detailed design stage the PCC will produce a Materials Management Plan (MMP) for implementation by the contractors. The MMP will seek, as far as is reasonably practicable, to minimize the use of non-renewable resources and rock based materials and also to balance cut and fill requirements and contribute to the minimization of impacts due to extraction of rock based materials. As a first priority, where surplus materials arise from the removal of the existing surfaces these will be used elsewhere on the project for fill (if suitable) before additional rock, gravel or sand extraction is considered. The TA team has estimated that less than 10% may be reusable.

127. The MMP will include as a minimum consideration of the following:

i) Required materials, potential sources and estimated quantities available. ii) Impacts to identified sources and availability. iii) Excavated slope material for reuse and recycling methods to be employed. iv) Required endorsements that should be obtained by the contractors from

DONRE and local groups for use of sources. v) Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic. vi) Constraints of regular delivery schedule to reduce stockpiling on site. vii) Measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. viii) Programme for reuse of slope excavated material for reuse ix) Programme for delivery of quarry and borrow materials. x) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. xi) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements.

128. The contractors will be responsible to:

i) Balance cut and fill requirements to minimize impacts from extraction of aggregates.

ii) Prioritize use of existing quarry sites with suitable materials.

iii) Procure materials only from DONRE authorized quarries and borrow sites.

iv) If the contractors shall operate the quarry site, required environmental permits shall be secured prior to operation of quarry/borrow areas.

v) Borrow/quarry sites shall not be located in productive land and forested areas.

vi) Follow compensatory planting plan if trees have to be removed.

vii) Stockpile topsoil for later use and fence and re-contour borrow pits after use

viii) Topsoil, overburden, and low-quality materials shall be properly removed, stockpiled near the site, and preserved for rehabilitation.

ix) Use quarry with highest ratio between extractive capacity (both in terms of quality) and loss of natural state.

x) Use quarry sites lying close to the alignment, with a high level of accessibility and with a low hill gradient;

xi) Do not use quarries in areas of natural woodland or near rivers which provide food and shelters for birds and other animals.

xii) Damaged access roads, agricultural land and other properties due to transport of quarry/borrow materials, other construction materials and due to various project-related activities shall be reinstated upon completion of construction works at each section.

xiii) During quarry/borrow site operation, provide adequate drainage to avoid accumulation of stagnant water.

xiv) It is preferable to avoid or reduce the sections of quarry sites located on river bed. If it is not possible to locate quarries out of river beds, quarry sites lying on small rivers and streams shall be avoided.

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xv) Alluvial terraces or alluvial deposits which lie on the river beds but not covered by water in normal hydrological conditions, shall be preferred;

xvi) In quarries in the mountainous or hilly areas, or wherever slopes are important, cut terraces after extraction and implement a drainage system and vegetation cover for rehabilitation.

xvii) Upon completion of extraction activities, quarry and borrow pits shall be dewatered and fences shall be installed, as appropriate, to minimize health and safety risks.

xviii) Ensure borrow pits are left in a tidy state with stable side slopes and proper drainage in order to avoid creation of water bodies favorable for mosquito breeding

xix) To avoid drowning when pits become water-filled, measures such as fencing, providing flotation devices such as a buoy tied to a rope, etc. shall be implemented.

7. Spoil Disposal

129. The works will require major cutting to upgrade Project roads. It is estimated by the TA team that about 616,579 m3 of soil and rock based materials must be cut. The requirement for filling materials is expected to be much less (about 209,052 m3) and the TA team estimated that less than 10% can be reused near the same area for filling. Therefore, there will be a surplus of more that 500,000m3 of soil based materials for reuse as fill material or disposal as spoil elsewhere. Therefore there will be a significant surplus of rock and soil based materials as spoil and if disposal is not planned in advance there will be significant impacts and environmental degradation due to the improper disposal of these materials.

130. In some locations the use of this immediately available material will reduce the need for additional extraction of rock based materials. The surplus material should be graded and the suitable cut materials directed for reuse as far as possible on Project roads and subsequently on other roads and other local infrastructure projects. This will reduce the need to extract other rock and gravel resources from vulnerable hillsides and river beds. The surplus can then be stockpiled at locations agreed with local authorities for use on other local district projects or other nationally planned infrastructure.

131. The surplus rock and soil based materials for disposal must be controlled to avoid potential impacts due improper disposal. A waste management and spoil disposal plan (WMSDP) will be required to ensure waste from Project roads upgrading is managed properly and to reduce, reuse and recycle waste wherever possible. Contractors will review the PCC’s options for stockpiling and disposal locations for cut surface materials and reconfirm or propose alternative disposal locations, as appropriate, for agreement with PPMU and local authorities. The WMSDP will cover all aspects of construction waste disposal. It is preferred that government land is used for dumping of material. If private land is to be used for the purpose of dumping it shall commence only after written permission from the land owner is checked and recorded by the PPMU and PCC and agreeable to DONRE.

132. Mitigation measures will seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The PPMU assisted by the PCC will be responsible to report the update of the cut and fill estimates in conjunction with asphalt and aggregate materials planning (MMP) between the different areas and advise on overall balancing for cut and fill materials to minimize impacts on local resources. (Mitigation measures for cut slopes are covered under erosion control).

133. The spoil disposal section of the WMSDP will include consideration of the following

i) Locations and quantities of spoil arising. ii) Agreed locations for disposal / endorsement from DONRE and local groups.

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iii) Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic. iv) Establishment of acceptable working hours and constraints. v) Agreement on time scale and programme for disposal and chain of custody. vi) Details of a trip ticket system to ensure that contractors dispose excavation spoils

in approved areas. Such system will be designed so that the PSC and PCC could readily monitor the volume and disposal site of excavation spoils, and to ensure that the total volume of spoils disposed will not exceed the maximum capacity of disposal sites approved by local authorities.

vii) Programming issues including the time of year and available resources. viii) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. ix) Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works x) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

134. Mitigation measures will seek to prevent slope collapse impacts and control the impacts at source in the first place. The PPMU assisted by the PSC and PCC will be responsible to monitor the progress of cutting slopes and the implementation of mitigation measures, to minimize impacts. The mitigation measures in the Spoil Disposal section of the WMSDP will include but not necessarily be limited to:

(i) Spoil will not be disposed of in rivers and streams or other natural drainage path. (ii) Spoil will not be disposed of on fragile slopes, flood ways, wetland, farmland,

forest, religious or other culturally sensitive areas or areas where a livelihood is derived.

(iii) Surplus spoil will be used where practicable for local repair works to fill eroded gullies and depression areas and degraded land in consultation with local community.

(iv) Spoils shall only be disposed to areas approved by local authority. (v) Spoil disposal will be monitored by PSC, PCC/PPMU and recorded using a

written chain of custody (trip-ticket) system to the designated disposal sites. (vi) Spoil will be to disposed of to disused quarries and abandoned borrow pits where

practicable. (vii) Disposed spoil will be spread in 15 cm layers and compacted to optimum

moisture content, covered with topsoil, landscaped and provided with drainage and vegetation to prevent erosion in line with best practice.

(viii) Spoil disposal shall not cause sedimentation and obstruction of flow of watercourses, damage to agricultural land and densely vegetated areas.

(ix) Under no circumstances will spoils be dumped into watercourses (rivers, streams, drainage, irrigation canals, etc.)

(x) The spoils disposal site shall be located at least 50 m from surface water courses and shall be protected from erosion by avoiding formation of steep slopes and grassing.

8. General Construction Waste Management

135. Uncontrolled waste disposal operations can cause significant impacts. Mitigation measures will seek to reduce, recycle and reuse waste as far as practicable. The PPMU assisted by the PCC will be responsible to monitor the contractor’s progress of implementing the provision of the WMSDP and mitigation measures specified in the Project EMP.

136. The General Waste section of the WMSDP will include consideration of all matters related to solid an liquid waste disposal including the following:

i) Expected types of waste and quantities of waste arising. ii) Waste reduction, reuse and recycling methods to be employed iii) Agreed reuse and recycling options and locations for disposal / endorsement

from DONRE and local groups. iv) Methods for treatment and disposal of all solid and liquid wastes.

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v) Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic. vi) Establishment of regular disposal schedule and constraints for hazardous waste. vii) Programme for disposal of general waste / chain of custody for hazardous waste. viii) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. ix) Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works x) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

137. The Contractors mitigation measures in the General Waste section of the WMSDP will include but not necessarily be limited tothe measures listed below. The contractors shall ensure implementation of these measures.

i) Areas for disposal to be agreed with local authorities and checked and recorded and monitored by the PSC, PCC/PPMU.

ii) Segregation of wastes shall be observed. Cleared foliage, shrubs and grasses may be given to local farmers for fodder and fuel. Organic (biodegradables) shall be collected and disposed of on site by composting (no burning on site).

iii) Recyclables shall be recovered and sold to recyclers. iv) Residual and hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in disposal sites approved

by local authorities. v) Construction/workers’ camps shall be provided with garbage bins. vi) Burning of construction and domestic wastes shall be prohibited. vii) Disposal of solid wastes into canals, rivers, other watercourses, agricultural field

and public areas shall be prohibited. viii) There will be no site-specific landfills established by the contractors. All solid

waste will be collected and removed from the work camps and disposed in local waste disposal sites.

ix) Waste disposal areas approved by local authorities shall be rehabilitated, monitored, catalogued, and marked.

9. Hazardous materials and hazardous waste disposal

138. Use of hazardous substances such as oils and lubricants can cause significant impacts if uncontrolled or if waste is not disposed correctly. Mitigation measures will seek to control access to and the use of hazardous substances such as oils and lubricants and control waste disposal. The PPMU assisted by the PSC and PCC will be responsible to monitor the contractor’s progress of implementing the WMSDP to avoid or minimize impacts from use of hazardous substances such as oils and lubricants.

139. The Contractors mitigation measures in the Hazardous Waste section of the Spoil and Waste Management Plan of the SEMP will include but not necessarily be limited to the following measures. The contractors shall ensure implementation of such measures.

i) Ensure that safe storage of fuel, other hazardous substances and bulk materials are agreed by PPMU/PCC and PSC and have necessary approval/permit from DONRE and local authorities.

ii) Hydrocarbon, toxic material and explosives will be stored in adequately protected sites consistent with national and local regulations to prevent soil and water contamination.

iii) Equipment/vehicle maintenance and refueling areas will be confined to areas in construction sites designed to contain spilled lubricants and fuels. Such areas shall be provided with drainage leading to an oil-water separator that will be regularly skimmed of oil and maintained to ensure efficiency.

iv) Fuel and other hazardous substances shall be stored in areas provided with roof, impervious flooring and bund/containment wall to protect these from the elements and to readily contain spilled fuel/lubricant.

v) Segregate hazardous wastes (oily wastes, used batteries, fuel drums) and ensure that storage, transport and disposal shall not cause pollution and shall be undertaken consistent with national and local regulations.

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vi) Ensure all storage containers are in good condition with proper labeling. vii) Regularly check containers for leakage and undertake necessary repair or

replacement. viii) Store hazardous materials above flood level. ix) Discharge of oil contaminated water shall be prohibited. x) Used oil and other toxic and hazardous materials shall be disposed of in an

authorized facility off-site. xi) Adequate precautions will be taken to prevent oil/lubricant/ hydrocarbon

contamination of channel beds. xii) Ensure availability of spill clean up materials (e.g., absorbent pads, etc.)

specifically designed for petroleum products and other hazardous substances where such materials are being stored.

xiii) Spillage, if any, will be immediately cleared with utmost caution to leave no traces.

xiv) Spillage waste will be disposed at disposal sites approved by local authorities and PSC/PPMU.

xv) All areas intended for storage of hazardous materials will be quarantined and provided with adequate facilities to combat emergency situations complying with all the applicable statutory stipulation.

xvi) The Contractors shall identify named personnel in-charge of storage sites for hazardous materials and ensure they are properly trained to control access to these areas and entry will be allowed only under authorization.

10. Asphalt, hot mix plant, rock crushing and bitumen supply

140. The rock crushing activities will generate noise and dust and pavement works will generate gas and odour from the asphalt hot-mix plant and noise from the compaction of the pavement. Upgrading Project roads will require more than 200,000m3 of rock based material and about more than 1,631 tons of bitumen. Although the emissions from powered mechanical equipment that supply crushed rock and bitumen will be rapidly dispersed in the open terrain they will need to be sited carefully to avoid complaints. The works for the pavement in any section of the road are estimated by the TA Team to take only 1 to 2 weeks depending on the terrain and therefore emissions from mobile powered mechanical equipment for road surfacing will be short lived.

141. In order to maintain the existing air quality of the project area in a condition acceptable to the local population compliance with the following mitigation measures will be needed:

(i) Cement batching and aggregate mixing plant shall be located as far as possible (preferably at least 500 m) from settlements and habitation or as required by environmental regulations.

(ii) All conditions of DONRE permits and local guidelines shall be observed. (iii) Dust suppression equipment shall be installed at cement and aggregate mix

plants. (iv) Areas of construction on the roads as well as the haul road (especially where the

works are within 50m of the SRs) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area.

(v) Where local roads are used for haulage they shall be kept in serviceable condition and any damage shall be repaired promptly without interference to local travel routes.

(vi) Storage sites, mixing plants, and bitumen (hot mix) plants will be at least 500 m downwind of the nearest human settlements or as otherwise required under DONRE permits and guidelines.

(vii) All hot-mix plants, crushers, and batching plants will be located in agreement with the local town or municipality and installed on a sealed area only after receiving approval from the relevant local authority and DONRE.

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142. Due to the locations of the works fumes from bitumen and chemicals are likely to be well dissipated in the open terrain and the QCVN standards should not be exceeded. However phenol compounds in the bitumen have a very low odour threshold and extremely low concentrations can cause nuisances. These are unlikely to accumulate to toxic levels but the plant for the supply of molten bitumen should be sighted as far away from sensitive receivers as is practicable. Asphalt plant and rock crusher activities (if required) will be controlled and hot-mix plants should not be located within 500 m of any sensitive receiver, river bank or irrigation channel but located at convenient sites nearby but at least 500 m (in the prevailing downwind direction) from sensitive receptors such as residences, schools, hospitals.

143. Bituminous materials will generally be applied using machines but if bituminous compounds are to be applied by hand labor methods and melted in heaters the fuel used shall be kerosene, diesel or gas fuel. Fuel wood shall not be used for heating bitumen; neither will bitumen be used as fuel.

144. Bitumen drums will be stored in a dedicated area, not scattered along the works and any small accidental spills of bitumen or chemicals will be cleaned up immediately. The waste including the top 2 cm of any contaminated soil and disposed of as chemical waste to an approved landfill or approved local authority disposal site in line with the WMSDP.

145. It is possible that contamination of soil may occur from oils and chemicals at bitumen plant sites, workshop areas, equipment washing-yards and along the roads works. The contamination may limit the future use of land for agricultural purposes.

146. The following practices will be adopted to minimize the risk of soil contamination:

i) The contractors will prevent soil contamination and will be required to instruct and train their workforce in the storage and handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil contamination.

ii) Debris generated by the dismantling of existing pavement will be recycled subject to the suitability of the material.

iii) Bitumen will not be allowed to enter either running or dry streambeds and nor will be disposed of in ditches or small unlined waste disposal sites prepared by the contractors.

iv) Bitumen storage and mixing areas shall be protected against spills and all accidentally contaminated soil must be properly handled according to applicable national and local laws and regulations. As a minimum, these areas must be segregated, such that any spills can be immediately contained and cleaned up.

v) Any petroleum products used in the preparation of the bitumen mixture must also be carefully managed to avoid spills and contamination of the local water table and streams. Bitumen and other hydrocarbon residues will be disposed of as hazardous waste.

vi) All accidental spills of bitumen or chemicals will be cleaned up immediately with the top 2 cm of any contaminated soil underneath and disposed of as chemical waste to a site approved by the local authority.

vii) Solid waste generated during construction and at campsites will be properly treated and safely disposed of only in demarcated off-site waste disposal sites identified and agreed with PPMU and the local community and local authorities.

11. Noise and Dust

147. Earthworks and rock crushing activities will be the main sources of dust. The works in any given section of the road will generally be of short duration and in many locations there will be sufficient buffer distance between the work corridor and the existing SRs

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such that no significant impact is expected from the construction works on residential sensitive receivers in terms of noise, vibration, and dust. Also, works will not take place at night except in special circumstances justifiable to the PSC and PPMU.

148. However noise and dust were recognized as nuisances by the local population but were also considered acceptable nuisances in view of the likely short duration of the works and that there were good benefits from future improved road conditions. Nevertheless it is good practice to control all dusty materials at source so that nuisances do not occur and visibility on the adjacent road is not impaired and so that road safety can be maintained or improved. Water is available in the study area and sufficient surplus water should be available from the Red River to suppress dust at all locations in the dry season. As a general approach it is recommended that if works are within 15 m of any sensitive receivers, the contractors should install dust barrier segregation between the works at the road edge and the sensitive receivers. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5 m high and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. In addition, it is recommended that where the residents request, close-fitting dust barrier segregation shall be provided to cover windows and doors of the SRs premises during the works. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5 m high and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier to the works. The materials could be plastic or tarpaulin sheets or alternatively sections of the locally made close woven fences could be used (made by local artisans). Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins or fences strung between two poles mounted on a concrete base. These can be moved along the road as the work proceeds. The other mitigation measure will include:

i) If the surface is dry water will be sprinkled on the road and exposed surfaces when work is carried out within 50 m of residences or roadside food stalls.

ii) No work will be carried out within 500 m of any settlement during the night (2100hrs to 0700hrs).

iii) If works have given rise to complaints over dust, the contractors shall investigate the cause, report it in the monthly progress reports and review and propose alternative mitigation measures before works recommence.

iv) All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fited in full compliance with the national and local regulations (TCVN 5949 – 1998).

v) Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks will be employed to minimize exhaust emissions. Smoke belching vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed and shall be removed from the project.

vi) Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials will be covered with tarpaulin sheets to avoid impact from dust. Speed limits of such vehicles within the works site and on unpaved edge areas of the Project roads will be established and agreed with the PSC.

149. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 100 m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust. If large stockpiles (more than 25 m3) of crushed materials are necessary they should be enclosed with side barriers and also covered when not in use.

150. Schools are particularly vulnerable to construction impacts and the scheduling of works near schools should be scheduled after discussions with the school principals to avoid impacts. In addition, as a general approach it is recommended that if works are within 15 m of schools school façade the contractors should install dust barrier segregation between the works and the school façade. The segregation should be easily erectable 2.5 m high and designed to retain dust and provide a temporary visual barrier

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to the works. In addition, it is recommended that where the schools request, close-fitting dust barrier segregation shall be provided to cover school windows and doors during the works.

151. PCC shall undertake semi-annual monitoring of TSP and noise at the stations which were sampled during pre-construction phase. Field measurements shall also be carried out, as necessary, to validate complaints.

12. Blasting and vibration

152. At this stage the specific requirement for blasting is not known. It is clear from discussions with the project team and observations that blasting will not be the method of choice because most of the surface materials can be removed with powered mechanical equipment (PME). It is therefore anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and a lot of local labor with hand tool methods will be used to upgrade the Project roads.

153. In the event that blasting is required in special circumstances only controlled blasting will be allowed. Blasting will only be carried out in line with the rules set down by the local authorities and DONRE in the prescribed manner and after prior notice to all local residents and the local town authorities. One month prior to the blasting in any area, the contractors will undertake a condition survey including photographs will be made of all residences within 500 m of the blast sites. The condition of the residences shall be agreed with the PSC in case there are any future claims for damage to residences due to the blasting. All blasting shall be carried out in the daytime and at regular intervals after siren warnings. All residents within 500 m of the blast sites shall be kept informed of the plans and progress of blasting and residents shall be temporarily evacuated and provided with alternative accommodation if required.

154. No blasting will be allowed at night. Controlled blasting will strictly follow the license requirements from DONRE and other authorities. Pre-splitting should be undertaken. Where the vibration from blasting is exceeding the maximum permissible level, information from the blasting should be used to modify blasting patterns and calculate a reduced charge for future blasts with the aim of eradicating damage and to minimize damage as far as possible. Blasting shall be under careful and strict management of properly trained and licensed personnel. The contractors shall observe proper warning and precautionary measures to ensure safety of residents, pedestrians, motorists and structures during blasting.

13. Erosion control and runoff

155. Engineering controls that include erosion protection measures will be designed and installed to control soil erosion both at all the constructed works and in peripheral areas, particularly in borrow areas and along haul tracks. The Erosion Control Plan (ECP) produced by the PCC and slope stabilization measures in the detailed designs will be implemented and maintained by the contractors during construction to protect the works.

156. The ECP will include consideration of the following:

i) Climate and rainfall for the area and checking weather forecasts. ii) Terrain and typical locations susceptible to erosion and runoff. iii) Protection of the works and potential impacts to the environment. iv) Erosion control methods to be employed, locations and installation timing. v) Limits to stockpiling on sites near waterways and irrigation channels. vi) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. vii) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements.

157. Mitigation measures for cut slopes will be required by the contractors to prevent slope collapse. These will include but not necessarily be limited to:

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(i) Stockpile topsoil for immediate replanting after completion of work. (ii) Minimize damage and cutting of surrounding vegetation during slope

formation. (iii) Protect the cut slope with planted vegetation, bioengineering or conventional

civil engineering structures as soon as practicable after cutting. (iv) Prevent erosion and protect the cut slope with temporary or permanent

drainage as soon as practicable after cutting. (v) If new erosion occurs accidentally, back fill immediately to restore original


158. In order to preserve the constructed slopes and other works and embankments from soil erosion and runoff.

i) Low embankments will be protected from erosion by seeding and planting indigenous grasses that can flourish under local conditions.

ii) High embankments, i.e. 2 m high and above, will be considered for protection by constructing stone pitching or a riprap across the embankment immediately after the works are completed. This practice will also be applied along cross-drainage structures where embankments are more susceptible to erosion by water runoff.

iii) The contractors will also be required to include appropriate measures for slope protection, i.e. vegetation cover and stone pitching, as required in the detailed construction drawings and implement them accordingly.

159. Payments will be linked to the completion of the works as indicated by the installation of erosion control measures to protect the works to the satisfaction of PSC/PPMU.

14. River protection and bridge repair

160. The Project proposes to replace or repair 140 culverts and 5 bridges. Careless construction and poor materials control can cause blockage to rivers and streams. Therefore in areas along and near rivers and streams the following will be carried out:

i) Earth and stones will be properly disposed of so that they do not block rivers and streams, resulting in adverse impact on water quality and flow regime.

ii) In bridge repair and demolition sites, the bridge structure will not be dropped into the river but alternative means will be used to avoid "dropping the bridge" into rivers/streams. This will be done by "sawing" appropriate sections of the bridge and using cranes to lift these sections away or alternatively by construction of a platform onto which the bridge could be lowered.

iii) Cofferdams, silt fences, sediment barriers or other devices will be used as appropriate based on the design to prevent migration of silt during excavation and boring operations within streams. If cofferdams are used, these will be dewatered and cleaned to prevent siltation by pumping from cofferdams to a settling basin or a containment unit.

iv) Other erosion control measures above and covering open surfaces with grasses and creepers to reduce runoff will be implemented as early as possible in construction.

15. Water Quality

161. In order to prevent water contamination the following precautionary measures will be undertaken by the contractors:

i) Lubricants will be stored in dedicated enclosures with a sealed floor at least 50 m from water bodies.

ii) Solid waste from construction activities will not be thrown in rivers and shall be disposed of as per the WMSDP and there will be NO BURNING of waste.

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iii) Construction storage/stockpiles shall be provided with bunds to prevent silted run-off.

iv) Stockpiled materials will be covered to reduce run-off. v) Stockpiling or borrow sites will not be allowed within 100 m of water body. vi) If complaints occur there will be monitor and investigation of water quality. vii) Work in rivers will be scheduled during dry season and work duration shall be as

short as possible. viii) Bare slopes shall be stabilized immediately after works are completed. ix) Stockpile areas and storage areas for hazardous substances shall be located

away from water bodies. x) Washing of machinery and vehicles in surface waters shall be prohibited.

162. If complaints are received, the incidents and possible sources of water supply disruption will be investigated by the ESO in PPMU (assisted by the PCC) and where the complaint can be substantiated; water samples will be taken and analyzed based on available baseline monitoring results. In response to complaints to either the contractors or the local authorities the PCC and the PPMU will be immediately informed so that water quality measurements will be taken by PCC 20 m before (upstream) and 20 m after (downstream) of the works giving rise to complaint in line with the methodology used for baseline sampling. Samples will be taken as soon after the complaint as possible and analyzed immediately and again two weeks after the complaint to determine if water quality has been restored. Impacts will be determined by reference to the baseline results from the preconstruction stage. The criteria will be based on the QCVN 08 2008 BTNMT.

16. Water Resources

163. The availability of water for the works will need to be investigated by the PCC at the detailed design stage. A preliminary assessment of water availability should include consultation with the local authorities. The Red River is nearby and in this case there should be no shortage of water. In the event that sufficient water sources can be identified the local water resources could be used if sufficient yield is likely to be available. However local community water resources will not be used without the permission of the local authority. In the even that there is insufficient water available locally for the works the contractors must make alternative arrangements.

164. Measures to mitigate the adverse impact on water resources and surface drainage patterns have been incorporated into the other drainage mitigation measures.

165. The contractors will carry out the following measures to mitigate the impact of using local community water resources, and the impacts on rivers, where required:

i) In all areas availability of water will be assessed to evaluate the impact on community resources. Project water will be brought in by tanker as necessary without depleting local village supplies.

ii) Camps will be located at least 500 m away from the nearest local settlement to prevent the contamination of community-owned water resources.

iii) The contractors will be required to maintain close liaison with local communities to ensure that any potential conflicts related to common resource utilization for project purposes are resolved quickly.

iv) Guidelines will be established to minimize the wastage of water during construction operations and at campsites.

v) The use of river bed for construction materials will be avoided and minimized. vi) Confine winning river materials to 20% of river width in any location and keep

away from river banks. vii) Reinstate river banks if necessary.

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viii) Re-provision irrigation channels affected by works two weeks before commencement of works to satisfaction of ESO in PPMU (assisted by PCC) and local community.

ix) All irrigation canals along the alignment shall be clearly marked on the ground to prevent accidental dumping of fill materials into these canals;

x) In case of obstruction or damage, irrigation ditches and ponds shall be cleaned or repaired immediately.

17. Construction camps and canteen facilities

166. The contractors will adopt good management practices to ensure that fuels and chemicals, raw sewage, wastewater effluent, and construction debris/scarified material is disposed of in controlled conditions to reduce the risk of contamination. The proposed measures include:

i) Worker camp location and facilities located at least 500m from settlements and agreed with local communities and facilities approved by PSC and PPMU and managed to minimize impacts.

ii) Construction camp(s) will be established in areas with adequate drainage in order to prevent water logging at the camp and formation of breeding sites for mosquitoes in order to facilitate flow of the treated effluents.

iii) Potable water, clean water for showers, hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets with sufficient water supply, worker canteen/rest area and first aid facilities will be provided. Separate toilets shall be provided for male and female workers.

iv) Hire and train as many local workers as possible. v) Provide adequate housing for all workers at the construction camps and

establish clean canteen/eating and cooking areas. vi) Portable lavatories (or at least pit latrines in remote areas) shall be installed

and open defecation shall be prohibited and use of lavatories encouraged by cleaning lavatories daily and by keeping lavatory facilities clean at all times.

vii) Wastewater effluent from contractors’ workshops and equipment washing-yards will be passed through gravel/sand beds and all oil/grease contaminants will be removed before discharging it into natural streams. Oil and grease residues shall be stored in drums awaiting disposal in line with the WMSDP.

viii) Predictable wastewater effluent discharges from construction works shall have the necessary permits from DONRE and local authorities before the works commence.

ix) Borrow pits and natural depressions with pre-laid impervious liners will be used to dispose of scarified/scraped asphalt, and then covered with soil. This will check potential groundwater contamination. Options for completely or partially recycling scraped scarified materials will also be taken into account.

x) As much as possible, food shall be provided from farms nearby or imported to the area. Bush meat supplies banned to discourage poaching. Solid and liquid waste managed in line with Waste Management Plan.

xi) Use of guns and hunting equipment by workers will be banned and dismiss workers taking or using green timber or hunting or in possession of wildlife.

xii) Camp site will be cleaned up to the satisfaction of and local community after use.

xiii) All waste materials shall be removed and disposed to disposal sites approved by local authorities

xiv) Land used for campsites shall be restored to the original condition as far as practicable and the area shall be planted with appropriate trees / shrubs as soon as practicable after it is vacated and cleaned.

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18. Sanitation and Disease Vectors

167. Potential sanitation and impacts from disease will need to be controlled by maintaining hygienic conditions in the worker camps and implementing the social and health programmes for the Project. The contractors will ensure that:

i) Measures to prevent malaria shall be implemented (e.g., provision of insecticide treated mosquito nets to workers, installation of proper drainage to avoid formation of stagnant water, etc.).

ii) Standing water will not be allowed to accumulate in the temporary drainage facilities or along the roadside, to prevent proliferation of mosquitoes.

iii) Temporary and permanent drainage facilities will be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds.

iv) Malaria controls and HIV/AIDS education will be implemented in line with social programmes and plans for the project.

v) HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention program shall be implemented in line with social plans.

19. Safety Precautions for Workers

168. Worker occupational health and safety is generally governed by the Labour Code of Viet Nam, Decree 06/CP (20 Jan 1995), Decree / 202 ND-CP OP (27 Dec 2002) and Circular 13/ BYT 24 Oct 1996). A Workers and Public Safety Plan (WPSP) will be prepared by the PCC to establish routine safety measures as required by Labor Code of Viet Nam and by good engineering practice and will include provisions for first aid facilities.

169. Mitigation measures to be implemented by contractors to ensure health and safety of workers are as follows:

(i) At least one month before construction commences the contractors will demonstrate to PPMU that the WPSP will be properly resourced and a qualified safety officer will be identified by the contractors in the bid.

(ii) The contractors will conduct training (assisted by PCC) for all workers on safety and environmental hygiene at no cost to the employees. The contractors will instruct workers in health and safety matters as required by law and by good engineering practice and provide first aid facilities.

(iii) The contractors will instruct and induct all workers in health and safety matters (induction course) including construction camp rules and site agents/foremen will follow up with toolbox talks on a weekly basis. Workforce training for all workers starting on site will include safety and environmental hygiene.

(iv) Fencing on all areas of excavation greater than 1m deep and sides of temporary works shall be observed.

(v) Workers shall be provided with of appropriate personnel safety equipment such as safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothes, breathing mask, goggles, and ear protection at no cost to the workers.

(vi) Ensure reversing signals are installed on all construction vehicles.

170. The contractors will implement the following measures for workers’ safety:

i) Instruction and induction of all workers in health and safety matters. ii) Provision of potable water supply in all work locations. iii) Establishment of safety measures as required by law and by good engineering

practice and provision of first aid facilities. iv) Fencing on all excavation, borrow pits and sides of temporary bridges.

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v) Providing to all workers appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc.

vi) Scheduling of regular (e.g. weekly tool box talks) to orientate the workers on health and safety issues related to their activities as well as on proper use of PPE.

vii) Where worker exposure to traffic cannot be completely eliminated, protective barriers shall be provided to shield workers from traffic vehicles. Another measure is to install channeling devices (e.g., traffic cones and barrels) to delineate the work zone.

viii) Construction camps shall be provided with toilets/sanitation facilities in accordance with local regulations to prevent any hazard to public health or contamination of land, surface or groundwater. These facilities shall be well maintained and cleaned regularly to encourage use and allow effective operation.

171. Facilities for workers and public safety, construction site offices and canteen will be regulated in line with the Labor Code of Viet Nam. Complaints will be monitored and investigated and mitigation measures will be revised and the SEMP will be updated as necessary if unexpected impacts occur. All measures related to workers’ safety and health protection shall be free of charge to workers.

20. Public Safety

172. Public safety, particularly of pedestrians and children can be threatened by the excavation of the trenches for side drain construction. Fencing will be installed prior to excavation work commencing on all sides of temporary excavations. The plans will include provisions for site security and guards, trench barriers and covers to other holes and any other safety measures as necessary. The contractors will provide warning signs at the periphery of the site warning the public not to enter. The contractors will restrict the speed of project vehicles and also control traffic by contra-flow and provide flag men and warning signs at either end of the works where the traveling lanes must be temporarily reduced. The contractors will implement the following safety measures for the public:

i) Barriers (e.g., temporary fence), shall be installed at construction areas to deter pedestrian access to the roadway except at designated crossing points.

ii) The general public/local residents shall not be allowed in high-risk areas, e.g., excavation sites and areas where heavy equipment is in operation and these sites will have a watchman at the entrance to keep public out.

iii) Speed restrictions shall be imposed on Project vehicles and equipment traveling within 50 m of sensitive receptors (e.g. residential, schools, temples, etc.).

iv) Upon completion of construction works, borrow areas will be backfilled or temporarily fenced, awaiting backfilling.

v) Provisions for site security, trench barriers and covers to other holes and any other safety measures as necessary.

vi) Provide warning signs at the periphery of the site warning the public not to enter and define this in the WPSP.

vii) Strict imposition of speed limits along residential areas and where other sensitive receptors such as schools, hospitals, and other populated areas are located.

viii) Educate drivers on safe driving practices to minimize accidents and to prevent spill of hazardous substances (fuel and oil) and other construction materials during transport.

173. The contractors will provide information boards near the work sites to inform and instruct the public on how to conduct themselves and to be aware of their surroundings if they must approach the works. The Public Safety section of the WPSP will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

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i) Legal requirements (e.g. Labour Code of Viet Nam, Decree 06/CP 1995, Decree / 202 ND-CP OP 2002 and Circular 13/ BYT 24 Oct 1996).

ii) Works safety issues and public safety issues. iii) Training the workforce and informing the public on works safety issues. iv) Establishment and monitoring of acceptable working practices to protect safety. v) Common concerns with traffic and road safety (e.g. traffic flow/delay

requirements). vi) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. vii) Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works viii) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements. ix) Reporting of accidents. x) Complaints management.

21. Traffic Management

174. Construction activities on the Project roads are likely to cause hindrance in traffic flow if not mitigated properly. A Temporary Traffic Management plan (TTMP) will be developed by the PCC during detailed design phase and its provisions will be implemented by the contractors during construction phase. The main objectives of the plan shall be to maximize the safety of the workforce and the traveling public. The main secondary objective will be to keep traffic flowing as freely as possible. The TTMP will include consideration of the following:

i) Lane availability and minimizing interference with traffic flows past the works site. ii) Minimizing interference with traffic interfacing with the works site. iii) Establishment of acceptable working hours, constraints and public safety issues. iv) Agreement on time scale and establishment of traffic flow/delay requirements. v) Programming issues including the time of year and available resources. vi) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. vii) Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works viii) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

175. The contractors shall implement the following mitigation measures:

a. Implement provisions of the TTMP and awareness program for road traffic. b. Communicate to the public through local officials regarding the scope and

schedule of construction, as well as certain construction activities causing disruptions or access restrictions.

c. Coordinate with local traffic authorities to implement appropriate traffic diversion schemes to avoid inconvenience due to project operations to road users, ensure smooth traffic flow and avoid or minimize accidents, traffic hold ups and congestion.

d. In coordination with local traffic officials, schedule transport of materials to avoid congestion, set up clear traffic signal boards and traffic advisory signs at the roads going in and out the road and bridge construction sites to minimize traffic build-up.

e. Provide safe vehicle and pedestrian access around construction areas. f. Installation of bold diversion signs that would be clearly visible even at night and

provide flag persons to warn of dangerous conditions; 24 hrs if necessary. g. Provide sufficient lighting at night within and in the vicinity of construction sites. h. Designation of traffic officers in construction sites.

22. Archaeological and cultural artifacts.

176. Viet Nam has a rich archaeological heritage although no major archaeological site has been identified within 100 m of Project roads. Therefore, the contractors will take the following precautions to avoid disturbance of any as yet undiscovered archaeologically valuable artifacts.

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i) Site agents will be instructed to keep a watching brief for relics in excavations. ii) Should any potential items be located, the PSC and ESO will immediately be

contacted and work will be temporarily stopped in that area. iii) The ESO will inform the PCC and with the assistance of the PCC determine if that

item is of potential significance. If it is so an officer from the Department of Culture and Information (DCI) will be invited to inspect the site and work will be stopped to allow time for inspection.

iv) Until DCI has responded to this invitation work will not re-commence in this location until agreement has been reached between DCI, PSC and PPMU/PCC as to any required mitigation measures, which may include structured excavation.

23. Enhancements

177. Environmental enhancements such as tree planting near the road will be explored in the detailed designs and included in the Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan. Enhancements shall be re-assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed by the contractors with the local population to identify stewardship of any planting and also to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Environmental enhancements introduced in the detailed designs may include tree planting. The panted specimens should be maintained and monitored for three years after planting to ensure their survival in line with the Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan

C Operational Phase

178. During the operational phase of the Project the Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT) will maintain the roads.

179. The improvement of the hard shoulders on road TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 and the improvement of the asphalt surfaced roads can be expected to reduce road traffic noise and air pollution from dust. The improvement of the Project roads will be within the existing corridor keeping vehicles away from sensitive receivers and at this stage it is difficult to see that any residences or commercial premises or schools will still be close enough to the Project roads to be affected by noise and dust so as to exceed the assessment criteria.

1. Noise

180. The Viet Nam ambient noise standard (TCVN 5949-1998) is Leq60dB(A) for residential sensitive receivers and World Bank criterion is (Leq55dB(A) for residential. school and hospital sensitive receivers. The TCVN criterion is more than 8dB(A) above the existing measured noise levels outside the towns. The main noise source in most areas is traffic nose and in order for the existing background to be exceeded by +8dB(A) the existing traffic would have to be more than quadrupled. Traffic forecasts indicate that traffic is not expected to quadruple for at least twenty years. Therefore the project is believed to be sustainable in terms of road traffic noise. No operational mitigation measures are required.

2. Gaseous Emissions

181. Vehicle emissions (gaseous) as indicated concentration of oxides of nitrogen will be the main air pollution sources during operation. There will be few other sources of emissions near the Project roads other than from domestic fuel burning. Sensitive receivers are set far enough back from the Project roads to allow adequate dispersion that there will be no significant impacts at the sensitive receivers.

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3. Particulate Emissions

182. Vehicle emissions (particulate contamination) such as dust and fumes will also be air pollution sources during operation however toxic residues from vehicle emissions near the Project roads are unlikely to accumulate or create significant impacts under the local conditions. Dust from the existing road will be reduced due to the better asphalt surface for the new road. Therefore the project is believed to be sustainable in terms of gaseous and particulate emissions and no operational mitigation measures are required.

4. Soil Erosion

183. Soil erosion will be prevented by developing a comprehensive suite of engineering controls in the detailed designs to prevent and maintain erosion. A system will be devised and engineered to control erosion and flooding on either side of the embankments in case of heavy rains. Apart from affecting the community lands and resources, this would otherwise cause natural streams and irrigation channels to become silted.

184. Measures will also be taken during the operational phase to ensure that storm drains and highway drainage systems are periodically cleared to maintain clear drainage to allow rapid dispersal of storm water flow. An adequate system of monitoring, reporting and maintenance will be developed.

5. Driving Conditions and Community Safety

185. The rehabilitation and widening of the Project roads is likely to increase the vehicle speed on the road. Increases in traffic flow indicate additional future traffic should be moderate and unlikely to create many community safety issues. Overall the condition of the road facilities will be enhanced and driving conditions should improve. Routine safety measures, signage and road markings should be introduced to reduce driving risk further in accident prone areas and provide enhancements to driving conditions.

6. Tree planting

186. . Environmental enhancements introduced in the detailed designs may include tree planting, as necessary. The planted specimens should be maintained and monitored for three years after planting to ensure their survival in line with the Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan

7. Water Resources

187. Complaints about the contractors’ works will be resolved in the construction phase. The scale of the works indicates that there are unlikely to be any impacts that continue into the operational phase.

D Cumulative Environmental Impact Associated with the Project Locations

188. Cumulative impacts: There are no other project-related developments or other planned road links disclosed to the consultants that would give rise to similar direct impacts in the same geographical areas. Other than road development there are no other sources of similar impacts in the geographical area and there should be no significant adverse cumulative impacts expected from the TCNMP Project roads. It is not possible to identify or quantify impacts from other future road or other projects at this stage although it is fair to expect further development of the road system in response to demand and therefore some direct cumulative benefits in easier transportation should accrue with time.

189. Indirect impacts: There may be some adverse and beneficial environmental impacts which cannot be immediately traced to the project activities but can be causally linked. For example, a project's pollution may directly impact air quality. Overall the

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improvement in the road system in Viet Nam will potentially lead to growing traffic and commercial activities that may indirectly lead to additional pollution. Conversely the development of better sealed roads will improve the system overall and reduce the dust pollution arising and therefore have some indirect benefits on the respiratory health of some of those living near to roads. However it is not possible to quantify these impacts.

190. Induced impacts: The Project will be carried out on existing roads and there is not likely to be any significant change to the current pattern of movements caused by road upgrading that could potentially lead to uncontrolled access for exploitation of minerals or forest resources. The statutory provisions under the laws of Viet Nam cover pollution control, the forestry protection acts cover exploitation of forest products and there are also laws to protect wildlife. These laws are established but institutional strengthening is required and improvements in resources are needed to achieve better enforcement to support strategic management of pollution control and resource exploitation in the long term. Therefore overall there would appear to be limited if any opportunity for any significant induced impacts due to unplanned developments caused by the project that may occur later or at a different locations, caveat general improvement to the road network overall.

191. The Project roads are part of an already well developed network and although the traffic will increase gradually after project completion there will be other benefits in improved traveling conditions and vehicle cost savings that will off set the traffic impacts.

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192. The objectives of the stakeholder consultation process was to disseminate information on the project and its expected impact, long-term as well as short-term, among primary and secondary stakeholders, and to gather information on relevant issues so that the feedback received could be used to address these issues at early stages of project design. Another important objective was to determine the extent of the concerns amongst the community, to address these in the project implementation and to suggest appropriate mitigation measures.

A Identification of Stakeholders

193. Stakeholders are people, groups, or institutions that may be affected by, can significantly influence, or are important to the achievement of the stated purpose of a proposed intervention. The stakeholders consulted for the stretch of the subject Project roads included government officials and individuals representing more than 100 persons from 42 family groups in 12 villages in six districts along the Project roads. These were considered to be representative of the community living in the area, the road users, the business associated with the road and the locally elected representatives. Consultations took place in September 2009 and July 2010. Dates and locations are presented in Appendix B.

B Consultation with Stakeholders

194. The results of the public consultations are recorded in Appendix B. The main environmental concerns included protecting water supplies, preventing damage to local electricity cables and other infrastructure and utilities surroundings construction areas. Prompt completion of the works and minimization of land acquisition were also requested by many local stakeholders. Increased traffic noise and controlling project workers and sanitation during construction were also concerns. Full and prompt compensation for land acquisition was also raised as a social issue. No significant operational phase impacts were identified and the communities along the Project roads indicated they would fully support the rehabilitation Project. The affected persons also fully expect that the necessary arrangements to compensate loss of property are addressed before construction commences. Results are summarized broadly in Table VI.1. Further information is provided in Appendix B.

C Concens Addressed

195. Concerns with respect to road alignment and drainage design and the disturbance or destruction of crops and gardens, private property and community disturbance have been brought to the attention of the project proponent and the relevant parties are well aware of the potential for local disturbance that can result from poorly controlled contractors. The main issues raised are addressed in the environmental management plan, as far as is reasonably practicable at this stage; a resettlement plan has been prepared to compensate for affected persons that can reasonably be predicted at this stage. Unforeseen impacts will also be captured by the requirements to update the environmental management plan and inform ADB in response to any unpredicted impacts that arise periodically as necessary.

196. The objectives of the stakeholder consultation process was to disseminate information on the Project implementation and the expected impact, long-term as well as short-term, among primary and secondary stakeholders, and to gather information on relevant issues. Another important objective was to determine the extent of the concerns amongst the community, to address these in the project implementation and to suggest

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appropriate mitigation measures. The feedback received has been used to address these issues at early stages of project design.

Table VI.1 Summary of Main Environmental Concerns from Public Consultation

Concerns Expressed* How concerns are addressed in IEE

Water supply is from collected surface water and well water and this must be protected. Local people need clean water and want a piped supply.

Wells and other facilities will be identified in the detailed design phase and will be re-provisioned as planned before construction commences as agreed in advance with local authority and documented as necessary in Utilities & Infrastructure Management Plan.

The villages are reliant on electrical power. The distribution lines on poles should be protected.

Power and other facilities will be identified in the detailed design phase and will be re-provisioned as planned before construction commences as agreed in advance with local authority and documented as necessary in Utilities & Infrastructure Management Plan..

Parties should agree on compensation early and before work starts

To be addressed in the Resettlement Plan

Contractors should control the impacts The contractors will commit to implementing the mitigation measures identified in the Project EMP and SEMPs and will be monitored by PSC, PCC/PMMU.

PPMU should handle the compensation. To be addressed in the Resettlement Plan PPMU should manage the benefits to local people.

PPC and PPMU are aware of requirements of resettlement plan and entitlements.

Start soon and complete a soon as possible

PSC, PCC and PPMU will monitor progress of the works

Local people need clean water Wells and other facilities will be identified in the detailed design phase and will be re-provisioned, as necessary.

Steering Committee should disclose the plans

PDOT/PPMU will disclose project details to the Commune PPCs. The IEE will be posted on ADB’s website..

Negative impacts should be minimized. Requirement of EMP and SPS 2009 to be included in SEMP. Harness this support by fostering continuing consultation, ensuring Contractor’s proper and timely implementation of EMP provisions by incorporating EMP in tender and contract documents and regular monitoring and prompt resolution of complaints through GRM.

Contractors should publicize schedule for works.

Requirement of EMP to disclose to local authorities and update during the works.

Project should include agricultural assistance programme.

To be addressed in the Resettlement Plan, as appropriate

PPMU should manage and supervise the contractors’ work.

The implementation of the EMP will be closely monitored by PCC/PPMU and PSC

PPMU should discuss crop losses compensation with local people.

To be addressed in the Resettlement Plan

Project should focus on planting trees with high value.

Tobe addressed, as necessary, through implementation of Tree Cutting and Replanting Plan

* In many cases the interviewees were at first reluctant to discuss. The concerns are inferred from the replies in the field.

D Information Disclosure and Participation

197. Concerns have been expressed that the SC should disclose the road construction works in advance and complaints monitoring will provide further opportunities for consultation and can assist in public participation. Providing information through local authority offices will provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to better serve the stakeholders. Public consultation can also assist in:

i) harnessing cooperation from informed people to help local authorities reconfirm the extent of local permits and licenses that will be required at a later stage;

ii) obtaining cooperation from informed residents and groups which to avoid cost and time in dealing with complaints;

iii) identifying local infrastructure projects or other local initiatives that will interface with the Project roads with assistance from informed local authorities;

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iv) the collection of anecdotal information on the current condition of the local environment including aspects of forest and wildlife and conservation.

198. The environmental assessment process under the SPS 2009 requires the disclosure of the IEE to the public during the completion of the IEE to be in strict adherence to the rules. This process will be concluded by displaying the IEE at the PPC Headquarters during the period when the IEE is disclosed on the ADB website

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199. Existing arrangements for redress of grievances for affected persons are through complaints to the village and commune committees up to the district level and then through the PPC and back to the agency (e.g. PDOT/PPMU) that implements a project. This indirect route will remain in place to preserve the usual administrative remedies. There will be a need to deal with complaints and grievances during construction for this project, Therefore another mechanism will be available to affected persons whereby complaints can also be made direct to the PPMU (with the usual authorities PPC being kept informed).

200. Through a Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), PPMU shall promptly address affected people’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about the Project’s environmental performance at no costs to the complainant and without retribution. The GRC, which shall be established by PPMU before commencement of site works, shall be chaired by PPMU and shall have members from the contractors, ward and district committees, DONRE, local NGO, and women’s organization. Grievances can be filed in writing or verbally with any member of the GRC. The committee will have 15 days to respond with a resolution. If unsatisfied with the decision, the existence of the GRC shall not impede the complainant’s access to the Government’s judicial or administrative remedies.

201. PPMU shall make public the existence of this grievance redress mechanism through public awareness campaigns. PPMU shall also set-up a hotline for complaints and the hotline shall be publicized through the media and numbers placed on the notice boards outside the site and suggestion/complaints boxes be placed outside the construction camps and yards as well as on notice boards outside the Lao Cai provincial offices near the Project roads. Locally affected people will still be able to express grievances through the ward or district committees and these would be referred to PPMU through the usual channels in those committees.

202. The GRC will develop and maintain a database of all complaints received related to the Project and actions taken to resolve complaints, disputes or questions about the Project. It is also proposed that a hotline to PPMU/ESO be set up for complaints and that the hotline is publicized through the media and numbers placed on the notice boards outside the Lao Cai provincial offices near the Project roads. The JCC and PPMU shall publicize the existence of the grievance redress mechanism through public awareness campaigns.

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A Implementation Arrangements

203. In Viet Nam the environmental regulations of GOV are derived from the Law on Environmental Protection (2006) and subsequent decrees and regulations. The environmental assessment rules are set out in the Guidelines on Implementation of Law on Environmental Protection 2006 (under Law on Environmental Protection 2005) that requires Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). DONRE will review the IEE and before construction can commence.

204. The project owner (PPC/PPMU) is required to obtain approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) following environmental assessment and public consultation. It has been clarified by MONRE that although the Guidelines on Implementation of Law on Environmental Protection 2006 applies the PPMU should disclose the scale and scope of the Project works at the detailed design stage so that DONRE can decide on procedures that need to be completed under the environmental laws in view of the pending developments in environmental assessment procedures in Viet Nam. Therefore PPC/PPMU will submit the IEE to DONRE to disclose the scale and scope of the projects in due course and obtain approval.

205. Pollution standards for the protection environment are described in the Law on Environmental Protection (2006). The following standards will be referred to for water quality, noise, dust monitoring during implementation of the Project: QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (surface water quality), QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (air quality), and TCVN 5949:1998 (noise). Certain associated project activities commonly associated with road improvement such as quarry operations, extraction of gravel or discharge of waste water also require licenses that are issued at the provincial level depending on the duration and scale of those activities. DONRE is the authority to decide on the permit requirements at the provincial level. The table below defines the responsibilities for EMP implementation.

206. During project implementation, the joint coordination committee (JCC) will engage one (1) international environment specialist and two (2) national environment specialists to undertake PCC’s tasks with regard to EMP implementation and monitoring (see Table VIII.1) for the six Project provinces (Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Tuyen Quang and Ha Giang) . The estimated cost for engaging these specialists and other expenses related to EMP implementation are presented in Table VIII.3.

207. The PPMUs will engage national project supervision consultants (PSC). Included in the PSC’s responsibilities (Table VIII.1) is to ensure that the contractors implement the provisions of the Project EMP and SEMPs.

Table VIII.1: Responsibilities for EMP implementation Agency ResponsibilitiesProvincial People’s Committee (PPC)

Executing agency with overall responsibility for project construction and operation

Ensure that sufficient funds are available to properly implement the EMP Ensure that the Project, regardless of financing source, complies with the

provisions of the EMP and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS) Ensure that Project implementation complies with Government

environmental policies and regulations Ensure that tender and contract documents include the Project EMP and

SEMPs Submit semi-annual monitoring reports on EMP implementation to ADB

Provincial Project Management Unit under PDOT

Ensure that EMP provisions are strictly implemented during various project phases (design/pre-construction, construction and operation) to mitigate environmental impacts to acceptable levels

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Agency Responsibilities (PPMU) Undertake monitoring of the implementation of the EMP (mitigation and

monitoring measures) with assistance from PSC and PCC. Ensure that Project implementation complies with ADB's environmental

policy and safeguards policy statement (SPS 2009) principles and requirements

For project duration, commit and retain a dedicated staff within PPMU as environment and safety officer (ESO) to oversee EMP implementation

Ensure that environmental protection and mitigation measures in the EMP are incorporated in the detailed design

Obtain necessary environmental approval(s) from DONRE prior to award of civil works contracts

Include the Project EMP and SEMPs in the bid and contract documents for civil works;

Establish an environmental grievance redress mechanism, as described in the IEE, to receive and facilitate resolution of affected peoples' concerns, complaints, and grievances about the Project's environmental performance

With assistance from PCC, prepare semi-annual environmental monitoring reports for submission to ADB

Based on the results of EMP monitoring, identify environmental corrective actions and prepare a corrective action plan, as necessary, for submission to ADB

Joint Coordination Committee (JCC)

Engage environment specialists under the Project Coordinating Consultant to ensure proper implementation and monitoring of EMP provisions

Project Coordinating Consultant (PCC)

Ensure that the DDC incorporate into the project design the environmental protection and mitigation measures identified in the EMP for the design stage;

Assist PPMU to ensure that all environmental requirements and mitigation measures from the IEE and EMP are incorporated in the bidding documents and contracts

During detailed design phase carry out baseline data collection on air quality, noise and surface water quality (as specified in the EMP)

During detailed design phase, prepare method statement/SEMPs (Erosion Control Plan, Waste Management and Spoils Disposal Plan, Noise and Dust Control Plan, etc.) described in the IEE/EMP.

Implement all mitigation and monitoring measures for various project phases specified as PCC’s tasks in the EMP

Work with JCC and PPMU to execute any additional environmental assessment prior to project construction as required in the EMP (e.g., preparation of new or supplementary environmental assessment in case of change in alignment that will result to adverse environmental impacts that are not within the scope of the IEE prepared during loan processing, etc.)

Undertake environmental management capacity building activities for PPMU as described in the IEE and EMP.

Engage international and national environment specialists to ensure proper implementation of EMP provisions. Through these specialist, the PCC shall: (i) ensure proper and timely implementation of PCC’s tasks specified in the EMP, (ii) conduct environmental training as specified in the IEE/EMP for PPMU, (iii) conduct workers’ orientation on EMP provisions, (iv) undertake regular monitoring of the contractor’s environmental performance, as scheduled in the EMP (v) conduct field measurements for surface water quality, dust and noise as required in the EMP, and (v) prepare environmental baseline report and environmental semi-annual environmental monitoring reports , as specified in the EMP, for submission to ADB.

Detailed Design Consultant (DDC)

Incorporate into the project design the environmental protection and mitigation measures identified in the EMP for the design stage;

During detailed design phase provide all necessary information to the PCC to facilitate preparation of specific EMPs or SEMPs (Erosion Control Plan, Waste Management and Spoils Disposal Plan, Noise and Dust Control Plan,

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Agency Responsibilities etc.) described in the IEE/EMP.

During detailed design phase notify PCC and JCC of any change in alignment or project design/components and provide all necessary information to the PCC to facilitate preparation of any additional environmental assessment prior to project construction as required in the EMP (e.g., preparation of new or supplementary environmental assessment in case of change in alignment that will result to adverse environmental impacts that are not within the scope of the IEE prepared during loan processing, etc.)

During detailed design phase provide all necessary information to the PPMU and JCC to facilitate obtaining environmental approvals from DONRE prior to award of civil works contracts

Project Supervision Consultant

Provide the PCC relevant information as well as full access to the Project site and all project-related facilities (such as construction yards, workers' camps, borrow and quarry areas, asphalt batching plant, crushing plants, concrete mixing plants, etc.) to monitor contractors' implementation of the Project EMP and SEMPs, assess environmental impacts resulting from on-going site works and operation related facilities, undertake environmental effects monitoring and orientation of workers on EMP and SEMP implementation.

Undertake day to day project supervision to ensure that the EMP and SEMPs are properly implemented by contractors,

Orient workers on EMP and SEMP implementation, and health and safety procedures

Document and report to PPMU on occupational accidents, diseases and incidents

As part of regular progress report submission to PPMU, prepare reports on the status of the contractors’ implementation of the EMP and health and safety issues

Engage a national environment specialist to ensure proper implementation of the above tasks.

Contractors Recruit qualified environmental officer to ensure compliance with environmental statutory and contractual obligations and proper implementation of the Project EMP and SEMPs

Provide sufficient funding and human resources for proper and timely implementation of required mitigation measures in the EMP

Implement additional environmental mitigation measures, as necessary Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT)

Responsible for operation and maintenance of Project road Implement EMP monitoring during operation

Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE)

Review and approve environmental assessment reports required by the Government.

Undertake monitoring of the project’s environmental performance based on their mandate

B Environmental Mitigation

208. The anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures discussed in the previous section is presented in Table VIII.2. The table also shows responsibilities and timeframe/schedule for implementation of mitigation measures and monitoring.

209. Table VIII.2 shows that most mitigation activities during pre-construction are to be implemented by the PCC while during construction, measures shall be primarily implemented by the contractors. During operation stage, PDOT shall undertake environmental mitigation and monitoring requirements specified in the EMP. To ensure implementation of mitigation measures during construction, the EMP shall be included in

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the tender and contract documents for civil works. Contractors’ conformity with environmental contract procedures and specifications shall be regularly monitored by PPMU with assistance from PCC and results shall be reported semi-annually to ADB.

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Table VIII.2: Environmental Mitigation and Environmental Performance Monitoring Plan for TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 & TL160 in Lao Cai

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost


1. Design measures and project disclosure

Incorporate design measures in the project design to minimize environmental impacts.

Compliance with VIE statutory environmental assessment process.

Establishment of Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

1. Secure the services of the Project Coordinating Consultant (PCC) to address EMP requirements at the detailed design phase.

2. Notify Project to DONRE and identify and obtain environmental permits / certificates under statutory environmental assessment process.

3. Implement plan for Grievance Redress Mechanism as described in the IEE

4. Based on the requirements of the IEE (Chapter V. A and B, and Project EMP Table VIII.2)), prepare the following method statements/specific EMPs (SEMPs) for implementation by contractors. Such SEMPs shall not be in conflict with any provisions of the Project EMP: Waste Management and Spoil Disposal Plan, Materials Management Plan, Drainage Management Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan, Temporary Transport Management Plan, Utilities and Irrigation Reprovisioning Plan, Noise and Dust Control Plan, and Workers and Public Safety Plan:

5. Coordinate with the Detailed Design Consultant (DDC) to incorporate the following measures in the project design:

i) Minimize acquisition of agricultural land for temporary facilities by selecting preferred locations in detailed designs for construction yards and asphalt plant on barren or marginal land and agree terms with local community.

ii) Identify potential solution spaces to ensure sufficient disposal areas for cut surface spoil materials and to avoid fly-tipping. Obtain approval from local authorities and local community before bidding.

1: Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC)

2&3: Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU)

4: Project Coordinating Consultant (PCC)

5 (i to ix): PCC, PPMU and Detailed Design Consultant (DCC)

1 to 2: Start of detailed design.

3: Before start of civil works

4 & 5 (i to ix): During detailed design phase

All Project road stretches.

Cost included in PPMU, DCC and PCC staffing.

Environmental approval for the Project obtained from DONRE

Response from DONRE on permits.

Require in PCC contract. check at detailed design.

Complete check of items 1 to 5.

Completion detailed design/prior to start of site works. Once.


Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

iii)Make arrangements to facilitate the timely production and supply of rock and bitumen based materials for construction and to avoid impacts due to unnecessary stockpiling near the Project roads.

iv)Design extensions and improvements of drainage culverts for Project roads to account for increased rain due to a once in 100 year return storm event.

v)Minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during construction by including in the detailed design early phasing of replacement of culverts and other infrastructure.

vi)Disruption to current facilities for water supply will be avoided and facilities will be retained or re-provisioned before construction works commence; provisions will be made to preserve the operation of current facilities for water supply in sufficient quantity in agreement with the local community.

vii) Plan and implement reprovisioning of power and water supply lines before construction works commence to avoid disruption of services. Ensure that provisions will be made to preserve the operation of current facilities in sufficient quantity in agreement with the local utility company.

viii) Prepare plans to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction. Ensure that phasing for construction will retain a passing lane along part of the road during construction in detailed designs programming and avoid community severance.

ix) Aim to provide enhancements in the design based on ADB policy on environmentally responsible procurement and avoid negative impacts due to unnecessary removal of trees.

2. Project boundaries/

EMP can control impacts and

1. Coordinate with DCC to incorporate the following in the project design:

1 (i to iii): PCC, DCC, PPMU

Detailed design All project roads. Included in PCC cost.

Require in PCC contract.

Once, during detailed design.

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

location change compliance required for environmental laws.

i) Design upgrading works within ROW, to avoid graves, cemeteries and other sensitive receptors (SR).

ii). Detailed design alignment to minimize loss of trees and other vegetation.

iii). Detailed design to provide for enhancement (e.g., landscaping, tree replanting) where practicable.

2. Make plans for tree replacement in coordination with local authorities and District Forestry Office.

3. Update the EMP should there be additional environmental impacts identified during detailed design and for which appropriate mitigation measures have not been included in the EMP. Submit updated EMP to ADB for review before start of civil works.

4. Prepare a new or supplementary environmental assessment report in compliance with the environmental assessment and review framework and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 if there are any additional components or modifications in the Project such as change in specific location/alignment, among others, that will result to adverse environmental impacts and are not within the scope of the environmental assessment report prepared during loan processing. Submit the report to ADB for review before start of related civil works.

2 to 4: PCC check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 4 on detailed design.


3. Environmentally responsible procurement

EMP provisions are properly implemented by selected contractors.

1. EMP is included in tender documents to ensure that mitigation measures are budgeted and to prepare the contractors for environmental responsibilities.

2. Specify in bid document that Contractors shall engage capable and trained staff or site agent(s) to take responsibility for the environmental management and safety issues at the working level and to monitor the effectiveness and review mitigation measures

1 & 2:



1 & 2: Bid preparation

3 & 4: Before start of civil works

All project roads Included in bid cost

1 & 2: Inclusion in bid docs

3 & 4: Check compliance

Bid preparation stage.

Before start of site works

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

as the project proceeds. 3. Contractors recruit qualified staff to oversee implementation of environmental and safety measures specified in the EMP.

4. Environmental capacity development

Develop environmental management capacity of PPMU to ensure proper EMP implementation and promote environmental awareness among workers.

1. PPMU to commit and retain dedicated staff for project duration to oversee EMP implementation

2. PCC to train PPMU to build their capacity on EMP implementation, monitoring and reporting using workshops and on-the-job training techniques and case studies.

3. Conduct workers’ orientation on EMP provisions. Such orientation shall be periodically conducted by the PCC as every new contractor is engaged.


2 & 3: PCC

Initiate during detailed design phase and continue throughout project construction

All Project roads Cost included in PPMU and PCC cost

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD.

Complete training and check before and during construction.

Prior to start of site works and throughout construction phase

PPMU, Cost met by PPMU project staffing

5. Plan Spoil and Waste Disposal

Minimize waste; avoid fly-tipping and pollution.

1. Re-use of waste materials & spoil disposal locations included in bid and contract documents.

2. Prepare a WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN and SPOIL DISPOSAL PLAN. The plan shall cover handling, storage, treatment, transport and disposal of solid and liquid wastes, hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and excavation spoils.

3. The General Waste section of the WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN and SPOIL DISPOSAL PLAN will include consideration of all matters related to solid and liquid waste disposal including the following:

i)Expected types of waste and quantities of waste arising.

ii)Waste reduction, reuse and recycling methods to be employed

iii) Agreed reuse and recycling options and locations for disposal / endorsement from DONRE and local groups.

iv)Methods for treatment and disposal of all solid

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC cost.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 5

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

ad liquid wastes.

v)Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic.

vi)Establishment of regular disposal schedule and constraints for hazardous waste.

vii)Programme for disposal of general waste / chain of custody for hazardous waste.

viii)Discussion of the PSC, PPMU/PCC inspection/monitoring role.

ix)Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works

x)Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

4. The Waste Management Plan and Spoil Disposal Plan shall include a section on Hazardous Materials and Waste section. This will detail the mitigation measures, organizational arrangements, resources, facilities, etc. to avoid environmental as well as health and safety impacts due to use and disposal of hazardous materials/substances.

5. The Spoil Disposal section of the Waste Management Plan and Spoil Disposal Plan will include consideration of the following:

i)Locations and quantities of spoil arising from the construction works.

ii)Agreed locations for disposal / endorsement from DONRE and local groups.

iii)Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic.

iv)Establishment of acceptable working hours and constraints.

v)Agreement on time scale and programme for disposal and chain of custody.

vi)Details of a trip ticket system to ensure that contractors dispose excavation spoils in approved areas. Such system will be designed so that the PSC and PCC could readily monitor

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

the volume and disposal site of excavation spoils, and to ensure that the total volume of spoils disposed will not exceed the maximum capacity of disposal sites approved by local authorities.

vii)Programming issues including the time of year and available resources.

viii)Discussion of the PSC, PPMU/PCC inspection/monitoring role.

ix))Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works

ix)Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

6. Plan construction materials management

Avoid stockpiling of rock based materials and erosion runoff.

1. Designs to balance cut and fill where possible.

2. Prepare a MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN. The plan shall detail the arrangements to be made to facilitate the timely production and supply of construction materials to avoid impacts due to unnecessary stockpiling outside the Project site. As a minimum, the plan shall consider the following:

(i) Required materials, potential sources and estimated quantities available,

(ii) Impacts to identified sources and availability, (iii) Excavated slope material for reuse and recycling methods to be employed,

(iv) Required endorsements from DONRE and local groups for use of sources.

(v) Methods of transportation to minimize interference with normal traffic.

(vi) Constraints of regular delivery schedule to reduce stockpiling on site.

vii) Measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents.

(viii) Program for reuse of slope excavated material for reuse

(ix) Program for delivery of quarry and borrow

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 2

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost


(x) Discussion of the PSC, PPMU/PCC inspection/monitoring role.

(xi) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements.

7. Drainage and Hydrological Impacts

To minimize hydrological impacts flooding and erosion of river banks.

1. Coordinate with DCC to ensure that designs for bridges and culverts are sufficient to control flooding with appropriate drainage structures to cater for worst case flow and rainfall from 100 year return storm and to dissipate energy of flow to reduce erosion.

2. Prepare DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN. The plan shall detail measures and other provisions to ensure that construction works will not cause ponding/flooding within the Project site, construction camps, borrow/quarry areas, other areas used for project-related activities and adjacent areas.

PCC, PPMU, DCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC and DDC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 2

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

7. Erosion Control and Flooding

To minimize hydrological impacts, flooding damage to the works and erosion of river banks.

1. Coordinate with the DCC to incorporate the following measures in the project design: i) Incorporate erosion control and slope stabilization measures in the engineering design such as side ditches and berms, rock lining and slope walls, and provision of vegetation cover on slopes, where appropriate. ii) Cut slopes designed not to undercut or destabilize adjacent tree lined slopes. iii) Temporary drainage works are to be designed based on the historical flood data and flood forecasting. iv) Ensure design includes prevention of flooding in adjacent areas during rehabilitation or construction of bridges. v) Incorporate in the design side drainage structures to divert the stream water at construction sites. vi) Design incorporates sufficient sizes of drains to take design flows. 2. Prepare an EROSION CONTROL PLAN.


2: PCC

Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC and DDC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of implementation of items 1 to 2

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

The plan shall detail the arrangements/provisions to ensure that construction works will not cause excessive runoff and siltation of adjacent waterways within the Project site, have sufficient provisions to ensure stabilization of cut slopes and other erosion-prone areas, minimize hydrological impacts, flooding and erosion of river banks and adjacent areas and to protect the works under construction. The plan will consider the following: i) Climate and rainfall for the area and checking weather forecasts. ii) Terrain and typical locations susceptible to erosion and runoff. iii) Protection of the works and potential impacts to the environment. iv) Erosion control methods to be employed, locations and installation timing. v) Limits to stockpiling on sites near waterways and irrigation channels. vi) Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role. vii) Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements.

8.Traffic Condition

Minimize traffic disruption and congestion.

1. Contact all relevant local authorities and local village groups to plan traffic management.

2 Prepare a TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN to minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during construction. Access arrangements for vehicles accessing the Project area will be formulated such that this will avoid community disturbance and severance and will at least retain a passing lane along all roads used during construction. The plan will include consideration of the following

i)Lane availability and minimizing interference with traffic flows past the works site.

ii)Establishment of acceptable working hours and constraints.

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 2

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

iii)Agreement on time scale and establishment of traffic flow/delay requirements.

iv)Programming issues including the time of year and available resources.

v)Discussion of the PSC, PCC/PPMU inspection/monitoring role.

vi)Establishment of complaints management system for duration of the works

vii)Agreement on publicity/public consultation requirements (advance signing etc.).

9. Protect and reprovision irrigation and utilities

Minimize interruption to power, water supply telecoms and irrigation system

1. Identify all power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems likely to be interrupted by the works. 2. Contact all relevant local authorities for utilities and local village groups to plan reprovisoning of power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems.

3. Prepare a UTILITIES and IRRIGATION REPROVISIONING PLAN to minimize interruption to power, water supply, telecoms and irrigation systems.

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 3

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

10. Tree cutting Minimize tree cutting 1. Contact all relevant local authorities, forestry authority and local village groups to plan tree cutting and replanting. 2. Prepare a TREE CUTTING AND REPLANTING PLAN to avoid indiscriminate tree-cutting. The plan shall clearly define areas where vegetation removal is necessary based on Project requirements and shall have provisions for replanting to compensate for lost trees. The plan shall prohibit introduction of invasive species and shall specify that new alien plant species (i.e., species not currently established in the region of the project) shall not be used unless carried out within the existing regulatory framework for such introduction.

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of items 1 to 2

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

11. Noise and dust management

Minimize noise and dust

1. Reconfirm all noise and dust sensitive receivers likely to be affected by construction works. 2. Contact local village groups to plan mitigation in advance.

3. Prepare a NOISE and DUST CONTROL PLAN to minimize impacts to sensitive receptors (residential areas, schools, temples, hospitals, etc.) due to construction works, sourcing and transport of construction materials, and other project-related activities.

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract. Check at DD

Complete check of contractor’s implementation of items 1 to 3

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

12. Workers and public safety

Avoid accidents due to construction works

Prepare a WORKERS and PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN to identify interfaces between the works and the public, formulate measures to ensure safety of workers and the public, and prevent accidents due to the construction works.

PCC Detailed design phase (before bidding)

All Project roads Cost included in PCC fees.

Require in PCC contract.

Complete check at DD

Once, detailed design phase

PPMU Cost met by PPMU project staffing

13. Unexploded Ordnance

Avoid accidents due to UXO

1. Coordinate with appropriate agencies at the design stage to identify if UXO is a potential threat to works

2. Based on the findings, engage an authorized UXO clearing contractor, as necessary.

3. Ensure that the contractors shall only commence site works after the UXO clearing firm has certified that the project areas are already cleared.

PPMU Prior to contractor selection.

Reassurance check before works commence

All Project roads Included in Project cost

Complete check of items 1 to 3

Once, prior to start of site works

PPMU, JCC Cost met by JCC and PPMU project staffing


1. Activate management plans and obtain permits/ licenses.

Avoid impacts from unplanned activities.

1. Implement provisions of Project EMP and SEMPs for waste and spoil disposal, materials management, drainage, erosion control, tree-cutting and replanting, traffic, utilities and irrigation reprovisioning, noise and dust control and workers and public safety.

2. Contractors and their suppliers comply with all statutory requirements for permits from

Contractor 1. Throughout construction phase

2. Before start of site works.

Cost included in contractors fees

1. Check that contractors have resources to implement Project EMP, SEMPs

2. Complete

Before start of site works and throughout construction phase


As part of day-



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

DONRE with regard to use of mechanical equipment, establishment and operation of construction plants such as concrete batching plant, rock crusher, spoils disposal, etc.

check of all necessary environmental approvals/per-mits.

today project construction supervision

Supervision Consultant (PSC)

2. Orientation for Contractors, Workers on environmental and social management.

Contractors & workers trained to implement mitigation measures and better implementation of EMP.

1. Contractors clearly separate resources applied to mitigation measures. Tenders identify named staff to supervise implementation of PRoject EMP, SEMPs.

2. PSC and PCC shall conduct training/orientation involving construction workers and /PPMU with regard to implementation of mitigation measures in the SEMPs and Project EMP (i.e., those specified in the IEE) and any additional measures identified during detailed design phase.

3. Implement malaria controls and HIV-AIDS education and prevention program in line with social plans

1: Contractors


3: Contractors

1: Before start of site works

2: Within one month of start of site works and as new contractors are engaged

3. Upon deployment of workers to project site

All Project roads Cost included in contracts for PSc, PCC and Contractors

Complete check of implementation of items 1 to 3

1: Before start of site works

2: Within one month of start of construction and as new contractors are engaged

3: Bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) during construction.

PSC (monitoring to be done as part of day-to-day project construction supervision)


Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

3. Loss of vegetation and impacts to fauna

Minimize impacts to flora and fauna

1. Monitoring and marking of vegetation that will not be removed agreed with forest authority prior to commencement of construction. 2. Forest authority to approve replacement of cut trees to be undertaken based on the tree cutting and replanting plan. 3. Clearing of trees minimized based on Tree-cutting and Replanting Plan. 4. Prohibit cutting of trees for firewood and for use in Project. 5. During replanting/revegetation works, new alien plant species (i.e., species not currently established in the country or region of the project) shall not be used unless carried out with

1: Contractors, District Forestry Office (DFO)

2: DFO/local forestry office

3 to 11: Contractors

1 to 2: Before tree-cutting is implemented

3 to 11: Throughout construction phase

All Project roads Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-12

1 to 3: Prior to and during construction (Bi-weekly)

4 to 12: Bi-weekly

1 to 12 (as part of day-to-day project construction supervision)



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

the existing regulatory framework for such introduction. Invasive species shall not be introduced into new environments. 6. Prohibit workers from hunting wild animals. 7. As much as possible, bridge works will be scheduled in dry season to minimize adverse impacts to fishery, river water quality and other aquatic resources. 8. The contractors will not use or permit the use of wood as a fuel for the execution of any part of the Works, including but not limited to the heating of bitumen and bitumen mixtures, and to the extent practicable shall ensure that fuels other than wood are used for cooking, and water heating in all his camps and living accommodations 9. Contractors shall not buy or use wood from the illegal sources (that come from the illegal logging) 10. No construction camps, asphalt mixing plants, material storage sites are to be located in the forest areas. 11. Contractors will take all precautions necessary to ensure that damage to vegetation is avoided due to fires resulting from execution of the works. The Contractors will immediately suppress the fire, if it occurs, and shall undertake replanting to replace damaged vegetation.

4. Drainage and Hydrological Impacts

To minimize hydrological impacts flooding and erosion of river banks.

1. Implement provisions of DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) prepared by PCC during detailed design phase.

2. Provide adequate drainage facilities at construction sites and project-related facilities (construction camps, borrow areas, etc.) to avoid ponding and flooding. 3. Implement agreed designs for bridges and culverts sufficient to control flooding as designed and to dissipate energy of flow to reduce erosion.


Throughout construction phase

Throughout project site, particularly at bridges, causeways, irrigation canals and all areas considered prone to flooding.

Included in project and bid costs

Check implementation of items 1-8


As part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC, PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

4 Protect or reprovision irrigation channels that cross the works areas. Damaged irrigation canals shall be immediately repaired. 5. Protect natural streams that may become silted by construction runoff, workshops and equipment washing-yards. 6. Minimize alterations in the project corridor’s surface drainage patterns as much as possible: 7. Drains to be constructed so that the outfalls of the surface run-off from the carriageway are diverted away from the SRs. 8 Ensure that storm drains and drainage systems are periodically cleared to maintain storm water flow during construction.

5. Utilities Prevent interruption of services such as electricity and water during relocation of the utilities line /connections. Repair damaged access roads.

1. Implement provisions of the UTILITIES and IRRIGATION REPROVISIONING PLAN (UIRP) prepared by PCC during detailed design.

2. Reconfirm power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems likely to be interrupted by the works. 3. Contact all relevant local authorities for utilities and local village groups to plan reprovisoning of power, water supply, telecommunications and irrigation systems. 4. Utilities shall be relocated and reconnected well ahead of commencement of construction works and contractors shall coordinate with utility company for relocation and reconnection well before works commence. 5. Affected communities shall be properly informed in advance. 6. Reconnection of utilities shall be done at the shortest practicable time before construction commences. 7. Utilities damaged during construction shall be reported to the PSC, PPMU and utility authority and repairs arranged immediately. 8. Access roads, agricultural land and other properties damaged during transport of construction materials and other project-related activities shall be reinstated upon completion of

Contractors 2 to 6: Before start of construction

7 & 8: During construction

Throughout project site

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-8

2 to 6: Before construction

7 & 8: Bi-weekly

1 to 8: as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

construction works at each section

6. Materials exploitation and management of quarry and borrow areas

Minimize impacts from materials extraction, transportation and storage.

1. Implement MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN or MMP prepared by PCC during detailed design phase.

2. Balance cut and fill requirements to minimization impacts from extraction of aggregates. 3. Prioritize use of existing quarry sites with suitable materials and update the list of quarries and borrow pits monthly in MMP and report to PPMU and minimize impacts on other local resources. 4. Procure materials only from DONRE authorized quarries and borrow sites. 5. If the contractors shall operate the quarry site, required environmental permits shall be secured prior to operation of quarry/borrow areas. 6. Follow compensatory planting plan if trees have to be removed 7. Stockpile topsoil for later use and fence and re-contour borrow pits after use. Topsoil, overburden, and low-quality materials shall be properly removed, stockpiled near the site, and preserved for rehabilitation. 8. Use quarry with highest ratio between extractive capacity (both in terms of quality) and loss of natural state; 9. Use quarry sites lying close to the alignment, with a high level of accessibility and with a low hill gradient; 10. Do not use quarries in areas of natural woodland or near rivers which provide food and shelters for birds and other animals. 11. Borrow/quarry sites shall not be located in productive land and forested areas. 12. During quarry/borrow site operation, provide adequate drainage to avoid accumulation of stagnant water. 13. It is preferable to avoid or reduce the sections of quarry sites located on river bed. If it is not possible to locate quarries out of river


1 to 13: Throughout construction

14 to 17: Upon completion of materials extraction

Project site, quarry and borrow sites

Cost included in contract

Check implementation of items 1-17


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 75

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

beds, quarry sites lying on small rivers and streams shall be avoided. Alluvial terraces or alluvial deposits which lie on the river beds but not covered by water in normal hydrological conditions, are preferred; 14. In quarries in the mountainous or hilly areas, or wherever slopes are important, cut terraces after extraction and implement a drainage system and vegetation cover for rehabilitation. 15. Ensure borrow pits are left in a tidy state with stable side slopes and proper drainage in order to avoid creation of water bodies favorable for mosquito breeding 16. Upon completion of extraction activities, quarry and borrow pits shall be dewatered and fences shall be installed, as appropriate, to minimize health and safety risks. 17. To avoid drowning when pits become water-filled, measures such as fencing, providing flotation devices such as a buoy tied to a rope, etc. shall be implemented.

7. Spoil Disposal Control spoil and construction waste disposal, oily and hazardous wastes.

1. Implement corresponding provisions of WASTE MANAGEMENT and SPOIL DISPOSAL PLAN (WMSDP) prepared by the PCC.

2. Areas for disposal to be agreed with land owner and DONRE checked and recorded by the PSC, PCC/PPMU and monitored

3. Spoil disposal areas to be rehabilitated monitored, catalogued, and marked.

4. Spoil will not be disposed of in rivers and streams or other natural drainage path.

5. Spoil will not be disposed of on fragile slopes, flood ways, wetland, farmland, forest, religious or other culturally sensitive areas or areas where a livelihood is derived.

6. Surplus spoil will be used where practicable for local repair works to fill eroded gullies and depression areas and degraded land in consultation with local community.

7. Spoils shall only be disposed to areas


Throughout construction phase

Project site and spoils disposal sites

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-12

Spoils disposal will be monitored by PSC/PCC/PPMU and recorded using a written chain of custody (trip-ticket) system to the designated disposal sites.


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 76

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

approved by local authority.

8. Spoil will be to disposed of to disused quarries and abandoned borrow pits where practicable.

9. Disposed spoil will be spread in 15cm layers and compacted to optimum moisture content, covered with topsoil, landscaped and provided with drainage and vegetation to prevent erosion in line with best practice.

10. Spoil disposal shall not cause sedimentation and obstruction of flow of watercourses, damage to agricultural land and densely vegetated areas.

11. Under no circumstances will spoils be dumped into watercourses (rivers, streams, drainage, irrigation canals, etc.)

12. The spoils disposal site shall be located at least 50 m from surface water courses and shall be protected from erosion by avoiding formation of steep slopes and grassing.

8. General Construction Waste Disposal

Reduce, reuse and recycle waste and contamination due to poor waste disposal practices.

1. Implement corresponding provisions of WASTE MANAGEMENT and SPOIL DISPOSAL PLAN prepared by the PCC.

2. Areas for disposal to be agreed with land owner and DONRE checked; and recorded and monitored by the PCC/PPMU.

3. Waste disposal areas approved by local authorities shall be rehabilitated, monitored, catalogued, and marked.

4. Segregation of wastes shall be observed. Cleared foliage, shrubs and grasses can be given to local farmers for fodder and fuel. Organic (biodegradables) shall be collected and disposed of on site by composting (no burning on site). 4. Recyclables shall be recovered and sold to recyclers.

5. Residual and hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in disposal sites approved by local


Throughout construction phase

Project site and waste disposal areas

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-10


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 77

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost


6. Construction/workers’ camps shall be provided with garbage bins.

7. Burning of construction and domestic wastes shall be prohibited.

8. Disposal of solid wastes into canals, rivers, other watercourses, agricultural field and public areas shall be prohibited.

9. There will be no site-specific landfills established by the contractors. All solid waste will be collected and removed from the work camps and disposed in local waste disposal sites.

10. Solid waste generated during construction and at campsites to be treated and safely disposed only in demarcated off-site waste disposal sites identified and agreed with PSC/PPMU, local community and local authorities.

9. Use of hazardous substances and hazardous waste disposal

Minimize contamination due to use and storage of hazardous substances

1. Implement corresponding provisions of WASTE MANAGEMENT and SPOIL DISPOSAL PLAN prepared by the PCC.

2. Ensure that safe storage of fuel, other hazardous substances and bulk materials are agreed by PSC/PPMU and have necessary approval/permit from DONRE and local authorities. 3. Hydrocarbon, toxic material and explosives will be stored in adequately protected sites consistent with national and local regulations to prevent soil and water contamination. 4. Equipment/vehicle maintenance and refueling areas will be confined to areas in construction sites designed to contain spilled lubricants and fuels. Such areas shall be provided with drainage leading to an oil-water separator that will be regularly skimmed of oil and maintained to ensure efficiency. 5. Fuel and other hazardous substances shall


Throughout construction phase

Throughout Project site, storage areas, equipment and vehicle maintenance and refueling areas

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-17


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 78

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

be stored in areas provided with roof, impervious flooring and bund/containment wall to protect these from the elements and to readily contain spilled fuel/lubricant. 6. Segregate hazardous wastes (oily wastes, used batteries, fuel drums) and ensure that storage, transport and disposal shall not cause pollution and shall be undertaken consistent with national and local regulations. 7. Ensure all storage containers are in good condition with proper labeling. 8. Regularly check containers for leakage and undertake necessary repair or replacement. 9. Store hazardous materials above flood level. 10. Discharge of oil contaminated water shall be prohibited. 11. Used oil and other toxic and hazardous materials shall be disposed of in an authorized facility off-site. 12. Adequate precautions will be taken to prevent oil/lubricant/ hydrocarbon contamination of channel beds. 13. Ensure availability of spill clean up materials (e.g., absorbent pads, etc.) specifically designed for petroleum products and other hazardous substances where such materials are being stored. 14. Spillage, if any, will be immediately cleared with utmost caution to leave no traces. 15. Spillage waste will be disposed at disposal sites approved by local authorities and by PSC. 16. All areas intended for storage of hazardous materials will be quarantined and provided with adequate facilities to combat emergency situations complying with all the applicable statutory stipulation. 17. The Contractors shall identify named personnel in the management plan/SEMP in-charge of these sites and ensure they are properly trained to control access to these areas and entry will be allowed only under authorization.

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Page 79

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

10. Asphalt plant rock crushers, bitumen usage and soil contamination

Avoid air pollution, nuisances, traffic obstacles and contamination

1. Locate asphalt plant, rock crushers and bitumen supply off road and (wherever practicable) at least 500 m from nearest sensitive receivers (residential areas, schools, hospital, etc.) and rivers and install and maintain dust suppression equipment.

2. Bitumen should not be used as fuel. Fuel wood not for bitumen heating. Bitumen drums stored in dedicated area not scattered along Project roads and other project facilities.

3. Bitumen will not be allowed to enter either running or dry streambeds and nor will be disposed of in ditches or small waste disposal sites prepared by the contractors. 4. Bitumen storage and mixing areas shall be protected against spills and all contaminated soil must be properly handled according to applicable national and local laws and regulation. As a minimum, these areas must be contained, such that any spills can be immediately contained and cleaned up. Any petroleum products used in the preparation of the bitumen mixture must also be carefully managed to avoid spills and contamination of the local water table. 5. Fuel wood shall not be used for heating bitumen and bitumen shall be not used as fuel. 6. Bitumen drums shall be stored in a dedicated area, not scattered along the works 7. All accidental spills of bitumen or chemicals should be cleaned up immediately with the top 2cm of any contaminated soil underneath and disposed of as chemical waste to a site approved by the local authority. 8. Prevent soil contamination requiring contractors to instruct and train their workforce on storage and handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil contamination. 9. Recycle debris generated by dismantling of existing pavement subject to the suitability of the

Contractors 1: During selection of locations for asphalt plant, rock crusher, bitumen storage

2 to 9: Throughout construction phase

All Project roads and project-related facilities

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-9

1: Before establishment of facilities, 2 to 9: Bi-weekly

1 to 9: as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 80

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost


11. Noise and dust nuisances

To minimize air impacts effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne dust.

1. Implement the NOISE and DUST CONTROL PLAN (NDCP) prepared by the PCC.

2. Restrict works to daylight hours within 500m of residential settlements and hospitals. 3. Powered mechanical equipment and vehicle emissions to meet national TCVN/QCVN standards. All construction equipment and vehicles shall have valid certifications indicating compliance to vehicle emission standards. 4. Construction equipment and vehicles will be maintained to a good standard and shall be provided with muffler silencers. Machinery causing excessive pollution will be banned from construction sites. 5. Monitor and investigate complaints; propose alternative mitigation measures. 6. Keep stockpiles moist 7. Tightly cover trucks transporting construction materials (sand, soil, cement, gravel, etc.) to avoid or minimize spills and dust emission. 8. On rainless day undertake watering, at least twice per day, on dusty and exposed areas at construction yards, materials stockpile, construction sites, access roads, quarry areas, borrow sites and other project areas where residential sites and other sensitive receptors such as schools, hospital, etc. are located nearby. If works are within 15m of any sensitive receivers, the contractors shall install dust barrier between the works at the road edge and the sensitive receivers (e.g. 2.5 m high temporary walls, etc.) 9. Mixing and crushing plants operations will be equipped with dust suppression devices such as water sprays. 10. Clean up road surfaces after work. 11. Temporary noise barriers shall be used, as necessary, in sites where sensitive receptors


Throughout construction phase

All Project roads Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-16

Bi-weekly and spot checks

as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 81

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

are present, such as residential areas, schools, hospitals, temples, etc. 12. To protect buildings and structures from vibration, non-vibrating roller shall be used in construction sites near buildings and structures. 13. Structures which are damaged due to vibration caused by the Project shall be repaired immediately as directed by PSC/PPMU. 14. Machinery shall be turned off when not in use. 15. Pile driving during to be schedule for day time if construction site is near sensitive receptors or approved by DONRE, local authority and PSC. 16. Impose speed limits on construction vehicles to minimize dust emission along areas where sensitive receptors are located (houses, schools, hospitals, etc.).

12. Blasting (if required)

Perform safe blasting and prevent damage and nuisances from blasting

1. Before sites works, blasting plan to be prepared by contractors and approved by PSC/PPMU in writing. Contractors to implement blasting plan provisions. 2. All the statutory laws, regulation, rules etc., pertaining to acquisition, transport, storage, handling and use of explosives will be strictly followed. Blasting will be carried out as per VietNam statutory requirements with notification to DONRE and local police. 3. No blasting will take place without condition survey of the buildings within 500 m and permission and monitoring by the PSC/PPMU. 4. People living near blasting sites will be informed of blasting times prior to the blasting. 5. Warning sirens will be sounded before blasting. 6. Pre-splitting shall be undertaken. 7. Blast blankets will be laid over the blast area to reduce flying rock 8. Where the vibration from blasting is exceeding the maximum permissible level, or

Contractors 1: Before site works

2 to 11: Throughout construction phase.

Sections of project alignment where blasting will be undertaken

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-11

1: Before construction

2 to 11: Bi-weekly and spot checks

1 to 11: as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 82

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

damage occurs to local property information from the blasting shall be used to modify blasting patterns and calculate a reduced charge for future blasts 9. Blasting will not be undertaken at night. 10. Blasting shall be under careful and strict management of properly trained and licensed personnel. Workers at blasting sites will be trained prior to blast operations and provided with safety equipment and earplugs. 11. Observe proper warning and precautionary measures to ensure safety of residents, pedestrians, motorists and structures during blasting.

13. Erosion control/run-off

Protect established works.

1. Implement the Erosion Control Plan (ECP) produced by the PCC and implement slope stabilization measures specified in the detailed designs and maintained during construction to protect the works.

2. Establish vegetation and erosion protection immediately after completion of works in each stretch / sector. 3. Check weather forecasts and minimize work in wet weather. 4. Stockpile topsoil for immediate replanting after cutting. 5. Minimize damage and cutting of surrounding vegetation during slope formation. 6. Protect the cut slope with planted vegetation, bioengineering or conventional civil engineering structures as soon as practicable after cutting. 7. Include and implement appropriate measures for slope protection, i.e. vegetation cover and stone pitching, as required in the detailed construction drawings. 8. Prevent erosion and protect the cut slope with temporary or permanent drainage as soon as practicable after cutting. 9. If new erosion occurs accidentally, back fill immediately to restore original contours. 10 Low embankments will be protected from


Throughout construction phase

Throughout project site and all vulnerable slopes agreed with PSC/PPMU.

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1-12


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Page 83

Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

erosion by seeding and planting indigenous grasses that can flourish under local conditions. 11. High embankments, i.e. 2m high and above, will be considered for protection by constructing stone pitching or a riprap across the embankment immediately after the works are completed. This practice will also be applied along cross-drainage structures where embankments are more susceptible to erosion by water runoff. 12. Payments will be linked to the completion of the works as indicated by the installation of erosion control measures to protect the works to the satisfaction of PSC/PPMU.

14. River protection and bridge repair

Protect rivers and maintain river flow

In sections along and near rivers and streams: 1. Rocks and stones will be disposed not to block rivers and streams. 2. In bridge repair and demolition sites, the bridge structure will not be dropped into the river but alternative means will be used to avoid "dropping the bridge" into rivers/streams. This will be done by "sawing" appropriate sections of the bridge and using cranes to lift these sections away or alternatively by construction of a platform onto which the bridge could be lowered. 3. Cofferdams, silt fences, sediment barriers or other devices will be used as appropriate based on the design to prevent migration of silt during excavation and boring operations within streams. If cofferdams are used, these will be dewatered and cleaned to prevent siltation by pumping from cofferdams to a settling basin or a containment unit. 4. Other erosion control measures above and covering open surfaces with grasses and creepers to reduce runoff will be implemented as early as possible in construction.

Contractors At all times All rivers and streams with repair and reconstruction works.

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1 to 4


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

15. Water quality Prevent water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts

1. Store lubricants, fuels in dedicated enclosures at least 50 m from water bodies. 2. Solid waste from construction activities and workers camps will not be thrown in rivers and

Contractors Throughout construction phase

All Project road stretches and project-related

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1 to10


as part of day-to-



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

managed effectively. other water courses (drainage, irrigation, etc.) 3. Construction storage/stockpiles shall be provided with bunds to prevent silted run-off. 4. Stockpiled materials will be covered to reduce silted run-off. 5. No stockpiling or borrow sites at least 100m of water body. 6. Work in rivers will be scheduled during dry season and work duration shall be as short as possible. 7. Immediate stabilization of bare slopes shall be undertaken. 8. Construction storage/stockpiles shall be provided with bunds to prevent silted run-off. 9. Stockpile areas and storage areas for hazardous substances shall be located away from water bodies. 10. Washing of machinery and vehicles in surface waters shall be prohibited.

facilities day project construction supervision


16. Water resources

Mitigate the impact of using local community water resources.

1. Assess availability of water and evaluate impact on use of local water resources to ensure that water utilization for Project shall not deplete local village supplies. 2. Bring in project water by tanker as necessary. 3. Worker camps will be located at least 500m from the nearest settlement to prevent the contamination of community-owned water resources. 4. Maintain close liaison with local communities to ensure that any potential conflicts related to common resource utilization for project purposes are resolved quickly. 5. Establish and implement guidelines to minimize the wastage of water during construction and at campsites. 6. Avoid or minimize use of river bed for construction materials. 7. Confine winning river materials to 20% of river width in any location and keep away from river banks. 8. Reinstate river banks if necessary.

Contractors Throughout construction phase

Throughout project site, construction camps

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1to11


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

9. Re-provision irrigation channels affected by works two weeks before commencement of works to the satisfaction of local community . 10. All irrigation canals along the alignment shall be clearly marked on the ground to prevent accidental dumping of fill materials into these canals. 11. In case of accidental obstruction or damage, irrigation ditches and ponds shall be cleaned or repaired immediately.

17. Operation of workers camps

Worker facilities not to cause nuisance or exploit forest of wildlife resources.

1. Worker camp location and facilities located at least 500m from settlements and agreed with local communities and facilities approved by PSC and managed to minimize impacts. 2. Construction camps will be established in areas with adequate natural drainage channels in order to facilitate flow of the treated effluents. 3. Hire and train as many local workers as possible. 4. Provide adequate housing for all workers at the construction camps and establish clean canteen/eating and cooking areas. 5. Portable lavatories (or at least pit latrines in remote areas) shall be installed and open defecation shall be prohibited and prevented by cleaning lavatories daily and by keeping lavatory facilities clean at all times. 6. Provide separate hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets and bathing areas with sufficient water supply for male and female workers. 7. Wastewater effluents from contractors’ workshops and equipment washing-yards will be passed through gravel/sand beds and all oil/grease contaminants will be removed discharging it into natural streams. Oil and grease residues shall be stored in drums awaiting disposal in line with the agreed Waste Management Plan and consistent with national and local regulations. 8. Predictable wastewater effluent discharges from construction works shall have the necessary permits from DONRE and local

Contractors 1 & 2: During selection of locations for workers camps.

3 to 16: Throughout construction phase

Project site, construction camps

Cost included in contracts.

Check implementation of items 1 to16

1 & 2: Once for each location, prior to establishment of facilities

3 to 16: Bi-weekly

1 to 16: as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

authorities before the works commence. 9. Borrow pits and natural depressions with pre-laid impervious liners will be used to dispose of scarified/scraped asphalt, and then covered with soil. This will check potential groundwater contamination. 10. Options for completely or partially recycling scraped scarified materials will also be taken into account. 11. As much as possible, food shall be provided from farms nearby and bush meat supplies will be banned to discourage poaching. 12 Ban use of guns and hunting equipment by workers and dismiss workers taking or using green timber or hunting or in possession of wildlife. 13. Camp site will be cleaned up to the satisfaction of and local community after use. 14. Solid and liquid waste will be managed in line with Waste Management Plan. 15. All waste materials shall be removed and disposed to disposal sites approved by local authorities 16. Land used for campsites shall be restored to the original condition as far as practicable and the area shall be planted with appropriate trees / shrubs as soon as practicable after it is vacated and cleaned.

18. Sanitation and Diseases

Control of infectious diseases.

1. Standing water will not be allowed to accumulate in the temporary drainage facilities or along the roadside to prevent proliferation of mosquitoes. 2. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities will be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds. 3. Malaria controls ((e.g., provision of insecticide treated mosquito nets to workers, installation of proper drainage to avoid formation of stagnant water, etc.) and HIV-AIDS education will be implemented in line with social plans for the project.

Contractors Throughout construction.

Throughout project site, workers camps

Cost included in contracts.

Check implementation of items 1 to 4


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

4. HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention program shall be implemented in line with social plans under the Project

19. Safety Precautions for the Workers

Ensure worker safety. 1. Implement the Worker and Public Safety Plan (WPSP) prepared by PCC and instructs workers in health and safety matters. 2. Establish safety measures as required by law and by good engineering practice and provide first aid facilities that are readily accessible by workers . 3. Scheduling of regular (e.g., weekly tool box talks) to orient the workers on health and safety issues related to their activities as well as on proper use of PPE. 4. Fencing on all excavation, borrow pits and sides of temporary bridges 5. Workers shall be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc. at no cost to the employee. 6. Where worker exposure to traffic cannot be completely eliminated, protective barriers shall be provided to shield workers from traffic vehicles. Another measure is to install channeling devices (e.g., traffic cones and barrels) to delineate the work zone. 7. Workers shall be provided with reliable supply of potable water. 8. Construction camps shall be provided with adequate drainage to avoid accumulation of stagnant water. 9. Construction camps shall be provided with toilets/sanitation facilities in accordance with local regulations to prevent any hazard to public health or contamination of land, surface or groundwater. These facilities shall be well maintained to allow effective operation. 10. Ensure reversing signals are installed on all construction vehicles.


Throughout construction phase

Throughout project site

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1 to 10

Check compliance to Labour Code of Viet Nam, Decree 06/CP 1995, Decree / 202 ND-CP OP 2002 and Circular 13/ BYT 24 Oct 1996.


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

20. Public safety Prevent accident with public in local

1. Install barriers (e.g., temporary fence) at construction areas to deter pedestrian access to the roadway except at designated crossing

Contractors At all times throughout

Throughout project roads, borrow areas and other areas

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

community points. 2. The general public/local residents shall not be allowed in high-risk areas, e.g., excavation sites and areas where heavy equipment is in operation and such sites have a watchman to keep public out. 3. Speed restrictions shall be imposed on Project vehicles and equipment when traveling within 50 m of sensitive receptors (e.g. residential, schools, temples, etc.). 4. Upon completion of construction works, borrow areas will be backfilled (if suitable materials are available, e.g., excavation spoils) or fenced.

construction phase utilized for the Project

of items 1 to 4 as part of day-to-day project construction supervision

PSC staffing

21. Traffic Conditions

Minimize disturbance of traffic and traffic congestion

1. Implement the Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTMP) prepared by PCC during detailed design phase. 2. Communicate to the public through local officials regarding the scope and schedule of construction, as well as certain construction activities causing disruptions or access restrictions. 3. In coordination with local traffic authorities, implement appropriate traffic diversion schemes to avoid inconvenience due to project operations to road users, ensure smooth traffic flow and avoid or minimize accidents, traffic hold ups and congestion 4. In coordination with local traffic officials, schedule transport of materials to avoid congestion, set up clear traffic signal boards and traffic advisory signs at the roads going in and out the road and bridge construction sites to minimize traffic build-up. 5. Provide safe vehicle and pedestrian access around construction areas. 6. Install bold diversion signs that would be clearly visible even at night and provide flag persons to warn of dangerous conditions (24 hours, as necessary) 7. Provide sufficient lighting at night within and in the vicinity of construction sites..


Throughout construction phase

Throughout project site

Cost included in contracts

Check implementation of items 1 to 8


as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

8. Designate traffic officers in construction sites.

22. Archaeological and cultural artifacts.

Preservation of chance finds of cultural and archaeological relics. identified during construction

1. Site agents instructed to keep a watching brief for relics 2. Should any potential items be located, the PSC and PPMU will immediately be contacted and work will be temporarily stopped in that area. 3. If the site supervisor determines that the item is of potential significance, an officer from the Department of Culture and Information (DCI) will be invited to inspect the site and work will be stopped. 4. Until DCI has responded to this invitation work will not re-commence in this location until agreement has been reached between DCI, PSC and PPC/PPMU as to any required mitigation measures, which may include excavation.

Contractors Throughout construction.

Check and report on same day.

All areas. Cost included in contracts.

Check implementation of items 1 to 4

Before construction and Bi-weekly checks.

as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing

23. Enhancements Provide environmental enhancement of the project

Contractors to reconfirm and implement enhancements (e.g., landscaping, tree replanting) identified at the detailed design stage.

Contractors Throughout construction.

All areas. Cost included in contracts.

Confirmed implementation of required enhancements

Before construction and Bi-weekly checks.

as part of day-to-day project construction supervision



Cost met by PSC, PCC and PPMU project staffing


1. Soil erosion To minimize excessive erosion.

1. Ensure that storm drains and highway drainage systems are periodically cleared to maintain clear drainage to allow rapid dispersal of storm water flow.

2. Ensure rapid response in case of landslips and implement thorough maintenance programme along erosion-prone areas .

3. Undertake surveillance and re-vegetation for areas prone to erosion and landslips.

Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT)

Throughout operation Slopes with protection measures and new wash out.

Included in operation and maintenance cost

Check implementation of items 1 to 3

Semi-annual PPC Cost met by for PPC staffing

2. Road Safety Minimize road 1. Undertake road safety awareness campaigns Provincial Throughout operation All Project roads Included in Check Semi-annual PPC Cost met by for

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Impact mitigation Performance and Impact monitoring

Environmental Concern

Objective Proposed Mitigation Measures (MM)

Responsible to Implement MM

Timing to Implement MM

Locations Implement MM

Mitigation Cost

Parameter to monitor

Frequency & Verification

Responsible to Monitor

Monitoring Cost

accidents. for local residents and other road users of Project roads.

2. Install and maintain road warning signs and markings.

3. Monitor road accidents and implement necessary preventive measures (awareness campaigns, provision of appropriate road furniture to enhance road safety and control traffic).

Department of Transport (PDOT)

operation and maintenance cost

implementation of items 1 to 3

PPC staffing

3. Tree survival Ensure survival of planted trees.

Monitor survival of trees / shrubs and grass in bioengineered slopes (e.g. at landslides, also transplanted / compensatory planting trees) and replant, as necessary.

PDOT and District Forestry Office (DFO)

During operation. All Project road stretches

Included in operation and maintenance cost

First three years of operation

Semi-annual for 1st 3 years of operation


Cost met by PDOT and DFO staffing

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C Environmental Monitoring

1. Compliance Monitoring

210. Table VIII.2 above also shows the program for monitoring the compliance on various provisions of the EMP during pre-construction, construction and operation phases. PCC needs to implement a number of measures during detailed design phase (e.g., incorporation of environmental design measures into the detailed design, preparation of SEMPs, etc.) and this will be confirmed by PPMU to ADB. During construction, most of the mitigation measures shall be implemented by the contractors and their environmental performance, in terms of implementation of such measures, shall be monitored by PSC and PCC. The timing or frequency of monitoring is also specified in Table VIII.2. During operation EMP implementation shall be the responsibility of PDOT.

i) Design Stage

211. PPMU shall ensure that EMP measures for the design stage are incorporated in the detailed design. The effective incorporation of the EMP in the civil works contracts shall also be ensured be by PPMU with assistance from PCC and this, along with implementation of EMP provisions, shall be audited by ADB as part of the loan conditions.

212. Prior to implementation of the Project the IEE and EMP will be updated and amended, as necessary, by PCC after the detailed designs are complete and contracting arrangements are known. Such updating shall be based on reconfirmation and any additional information on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on location scale and expected conditions of the Project. For example, in this case if there is additional land required (although not confirmed as yet) the designs may be amended and the environmental significance must be reviewed. Although no major additional impacts would be anticipated based on the information provided to date, the performance and evaluation schedules to be implemented during project construction can be reviewed, updated, and costs estimates can be revised if necessary.

ii) Pre-construction Stage

213. Implementation of construction of the Project will need to comply with environmental requirements and clearance that has been obtained from DONRE for the whole Project at a provincial level for any statutory environmental assessment or an indication that no further assessment is required. PSC and PCC will also need to confirm that Contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements for permits from DONRE and provincial authorities. PSC and PCC shall also check that Contractors have all the necessary valid licenses and permits for use of powered mechanical equipment if necessary and the use of local water supplies (and to construct or operate plant such as for cement batching or asphalt/bitumen (if required) in line with all environmental regulations and permit conditions from provincial authorities. (N.B. local suppliers of cement and bitumen will be preferred if practicable).

iii) Construction Stage

214. The PCC shall undertake regular monitoring of the contractor’s implementation of mitigation measures specified in the Project EMP and SEMPs. Likewise, as part of its day to day project supervision, the PSC shall ensure that contractors comply with the Project EMP and SEMPs.

iv) Operational Stage

215. PDOT shall implement the EMP mitigation and monitoring requirements during operation such as monitoring of erosion control measures, survival of planted trees, etc.

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Accidents along TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 shall also be monitored as basis for implementation of mitigation measures to improve road safety.

2. Environmental Effects Monitoring

216. As shown in Table VIII.3, PCC shall undertake baseline environmental monitoring for air quality, noise and surface water quality. One-time sampling shall be conducted prior to start of site works at the specified locations. During construction, PCC shall undertake quarterly monitoring of surface water quality and semi-annual monitoring of air quality and noise in the same locations sampled during pre-construction. Additional sampling occasions shall be carried out and additional parameters shall be analyzed (as necessary) to validate complaints and/or investigate pollution events caused by the project.

D Reporting

217. JCC/PPMU shall submit the following environmental monitoring reports to ADB:

218. Baseline Monitoring Report: The results of baseline data collection carried out by PCC on air quality, noise and surface water quality (as specified in the EMP) shall be submitted to ADB prior to commencement of civil works.

219. Environmental Monitoring Reports: Environmental monitoring reports shall cover the status of EMP implementation in terms of required mitigation measures for different project phases, results of environmental effects monitoring (air quality, noise and surface water quality), necessary remedial actions to effectively address negative environmental impacts due to project implementation, status of environmental capacity building activities as well as documentation of complaints received and corresponding action/resolution. The environmental monitoring reports will be submitted to ADB semi-annually during the construction period and annually for two years after completion of construction.

Table VIII.3: Summary of estimated costs for EMP implementation (4.5 years)a Item Estimated Total Cost (USD)

A. Estimated cost for all six Project provinces A.1 Environment specialists in PCC: cost includes remuneration, air fare (for international only) and per diemb

One (1) international: 8 person-months, intermittent 208,500 Two (2) national: 100 person-months, full-time 375,000

A.2 Environmental effects monitoring, training/orientation, local transportation, suppliesb 200,000 A.3 Environmental mitigation measures included in project cost, bid

cost A.4 Construction of two forestry check points: USD7,000 each (in Bac Kan and Tuyen Quang provinces)c


Total for all Project provinces USD 797,500 B. Estimated cost for Lao Cai onlyd B.1 Environment specialists in PCC: cost includes remuneration, air fare (for international only) and per diemb

One (1) international: 2 person-months, intermittent 46,000 One (1) national: 22 person-months, intermittent 83,000

B.2 Environmental effects monitoring, training/orientation, local transportation, suppliesb 44,000 Total for Lao Cai USD 173,000

aincludes design and construction phases bincluded in PCC cost cincluded in contractor’s bid cost or funded by potential co-financier dpro-rated based on total length of Project roads in the province

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Table VIII.4: Environmental effects monitoring plan for TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 & TL160 Environmental Aspect Parameters Location Means of Monitoring Frequency Implementation Responsibility


1. Ambient surface water quality

pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oil and grease, and total suspended solids (TSS)

For rivers/streams close to construction/workers’ camps, the following additional parameters shall also be analyzed: biological oxygen demand – 5 days (BOD5), coliform and fecal coliform.

1. At each Project road, establish sampling points in at least three major river crossings where bridge repairs and replacement will be undertaken.

2. Establish sampling points on river/stream sections that are close to construction camps (i.e., rivers that will most likely receive run-off/discharge from construction/workers’ camps).

Analytical methods outlined in QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Viet Nam National Regulation for Surface Water Quality)

At river crossings, collect water samples 50m before (upstream) and 50m after (downstream) the bridges at mid-width and mid-depth.

Submit baseline monitoring report to ADB at the end of the detailed design period (For monitoring report content, see Chapter V, Sec. A.7 of the IEE).

Once, during the month prior to construction.


2 Ambient air quality and noise

Total suspended particulate (TSP)

At each Project road, undertake field sampling at representative sensitive receptors (SR). That is, sampling stations shall be established and sampled for various SR type as follows: (i) residential area (ii) school, (iii) temple and (iv) hospital/health center.

Analytical method outlined in QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (Viet Nam Ambient Air Quality Standard)

Submit baseline monitoring report to ADB at the end of the detailed design period (For sampling and monitoring report requirements, see Chapter V, Sec. A.7 of the IEE).

Once, during the month prior to construction.


3. Noise Noise levels dB(A) covering different periods specified in TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels).

Same stations established for ambient air quality

Analytical method outlined in TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels).

Submit baseline monitoring report to at the end of the detailed design period (For sampling and monitoring report requirements, see Chapter V, Sec. A.7 of the IEE).

Once, during the month prior to construction.



1. Ambient surface water quality

1. pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oil and grease, and total suspended solids (TSS)

2. For rivers/streams close to construction/workers’ camps, the following additional parameters shall also be analyzed: biological oxygen demand – 5

1. Same stations sampled during pre-construction phase.

2. Other locations to validate complaints or during pollution events (e.g., fuel spill, etc.)

Analytical methods outlined in QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT (Viet Nam National Regulation for Surface Water Quality)

At river crossings, collect water samples 50m before (upstream) and 50m after (downstream) the bridges at mid-width and mid-depth.

Include results of environmental effects monitoring in

Quarterly as well as in response to complaints and during pollution events


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Environmental Aspect Parameters Location Means of Monitoring Frequency Implementation Responsibility days (BOD5), coliform and fecal coliform.

3. Other relevant parameters to be analyzed to validate complaints and pollution events

the semi-annual EMP implementation monitoring report to be submitted by PPMU to ADB.

2 Ambient air quality and noise

Total suspended particulate (TSP)

1. Same stations sampled during pre-construction phase.

2. Other locations to validate complaints

Analytical method outlined in QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (Viet Nam Ambient Air Quality Standard)

Include results of environmental effects monitoring in the semi-annual EMP implementation monitoring report to be submitted by PPMU to ADB.

Semi-annual and in response to complaints


3. Noise Noise levels dB(A) covering different periods specified in TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels).

1. Same stations sampled during pre-construction phase.

2. Other locations to validate complaints

Analytical method outlined in TCVN 5949: 1998 (Noise in Public and Residential Areas– Allowable Noise Levels).

Include results of environmental effects monitoring in the semi-annual EMP implementation monitoring report to be submitted by PPMU to ADB..

Semi-annual and in response to complaints


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E Capacity Building

220. In Viet Nam, the environmental assessment process is established but environmental awareness and capability for implementation of EMP in infrastructure projects of both the executing agency (PPC) and the implementation agency (PPMU) are limited and in development. There is no staff with direct responsibility to bring environmental issues to the notice of senior management. The status quo is that in PPMU is that engineering officers may be delegated to check environmental matters on an ad hoc basis. There is no capacity to check the adequacy of the Project EMP or SEMPs. The IEEs and EMP are referred to the environmental department in DONRE for approval. The environmental department in MOT is not directly involved with project implementation. In the long term it is recommended that a new environmental management unit should be set up to improve this capacity in the PPMU in PDOT that could work with the various environmental and forestry agencies as required.

221. The most significant challenge is the lack of human and financial resources and necessary infrastructure. To address this constraint, PDOT/PPMU will designate a full time staff as environment and safety officer (ESO) to handle the environmental aspects of the Project during implementation stage. The ESO and other relevant staff of PPMU and PDOT will be trained by the environment specialists of the PCC based on the indicative terms of reference presented in Table VIII.5.

222. The requisite ESO staff in PPMU should be delegated prior to the commencement of the tendering for the detailed design activities in order to work full time with PCC to ensure the inclusion of environmental requirements can be translated into contractual works for completion also respond to unexpected circumstances. The PCC environmental specialists can then train the environmental officers (ESO) in PPMU “on the job”. The ESO can initially fall back on assistance from PCC as they develop experience.

223. The PCC will also conduct workers’ orientation on Project EMP and SEMP provisions. Such orientation shall be periodically conducted by the PCC as every new contractor is engaged. The ESO in PPMU can take over this role as they develop capacity.

224. The table below shows the indicative terms of reference for the environmental management capacity building activity to be conducted by PCC for PPMU and PDOT staff tasked to oversee EMP implementation.

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Table VIII.5: Indicative terms of reference for environmental management capacity building of PPMU and PDOT

Objective 1. Build capacity and procedures in undertaking systematic

environmental assessments in accordance with Government regulations and ADB guidelines.

2. Provide training on international best practice on environmental management, monitoring and reporting.

3. Provide guidance on how to effectively incorporate environmental measures into project design and how to incorporate EMP provisions into tender and contract documents.

Tasks/Scope of Work 1. Undertake training needs analyses and review prevailing government regulations and donor guidelines governing the assessment and management of environmental impacts for road development;

2. Review the skills of PPMU and PDOT staff to establish existing capacity on environmental assessments, environmental monitoring and implementation of mitigation measures for road development project;

3. Prepare the training plan and associated materials (modules);

4. Deliver the training which may be through a combination of hands-on assistance, on-the-job training, and training workshops;

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training measuring improvements in attitudes and skills achieved;

6. Modify the training modules as necessary;

7. Hand-over the amended training modules to the project manager for use in the delivery of the training; and

8. Prepare report on result of training.

Recommended Timeframe

Within 6 months from start of civil works

Target participants Staff in PPMU and PDOT responsible for environmental management.

Staff Resources International and national environmental specialist with at least 15 years experience on environmental management of road projects and must possess relevant post-graduate degree in civil engineering, environmental management and other relevant courses. With working knowledge of safety issues and at least 3 years experience in conducting environmental management training.

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225. This IEE concludes that the construction impacts will be manageable if the mitigation measures are implemented thoroughly. The EMP is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts. The EMP has been prepared by close reference to best practices and in line with SPS.

226. This IEE study was carried out when the TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 was at the initial stage of design during the TA 7245 (VIE). Secondary and primary data were used to assess the environmental impacts in a comprehensive manner and public consultation and route reconnaissance were carried out in order complete the environmental assessments and recommend suitable mitigation measures. The IEE report provides a picture of potential environmental impacts associated with the upgrading of the Project roads and suitable mitigation measures have been recommended. The EMP will be reviewed by the PCC at the detailed design stage as a basis for preparing SEMPs. Both Project EMP and SEMPs will be included in bidding documents for civil works. In the event that design details for the locations or scope of any of the Project roads are changed, the IEE and EMP shall be reviewed and revised accordingly and submitted to ADB for review and clearance.

227. The upgrading of TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 and TL160 offers a robust option for the enhancement of the existing road network. Several actions are required during the detailed design stage to minimize impacts to acceptable levels. The negative environmental impacts from the rehabilitation will mostly take place during the construction stage. The construction impacts should be very predictable and manageable and with appropriate mitigation few residual impacts are likely. Additional human and financial resources will be required to improve environmental capability and to progress and achieve necessary statutory compliance and environmental clearance certification for the Project roads or associated activities that also require environmental permits under the environmental laws of Viet Nam.

228. The responsibilities for the implementation of mitigation measures and the parties responsible will be clearly defined in contracts and agreements and the implementation by various parties will be monitored by PPMU with assistance from PCC and PSC.

229. Most of the anticipated environmental impacts related to the Project roads will take place during the construction phase. The implementation of the environmental mitigation measures during the construction period shall be the responsibility of the contractors and shall be closely monitored by the PCC and PSC and these requirements will be included in contracts. PDOT will maintain the road and shall undertake the appropriate operational mitigation measures for maintenance during the lifetime of the Project roads.

230. Whereas the implementation of the environmental mitigation measures during the construction period will be assigned to the contractors, experience suggests that contractors may have little impetus or interest to deal with environmental problems in the absence of performance linked criteria. Therefore, the required environmental mitigation must be clearly described in the contract documents at the bidding stage and environmental performance and the completion of mitigation should be linked to payment milestones in the contracts.

231. Contractors’ environmental awareness training will undertaken by the PCC and this can assist PPMU to develop environmental awareness at all levels. It will require sustained effort over several years to achieve proactive management of environmental responsibilities but TCNMP and other previous ADB projects have also included provision to consolidate this process and over time so that environmental improvements can accrue in line with good sustainable practice and ADB guidelines. The ESO in the PPMU will be supported in the

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short term by the PCC who will be able to liaise with and advise the PPMU to better utilize the available staff resources to support environmental management. This capability can be used to extend environmental awareness for the contractors in the short term. In the medium to long term PPMU can strengthen the support their environmental management and dovetail the efforts with the environmental officers in MOT. At the completion of the TCNMP the environmental officers in PPMU will be retained in PPMU and their environmental obligations could be more easily taken up for more ambitious projects in future.

232. The construction is restricted to the existing road corridor and as far as can be ascertained at this stage the will be some small areas of land required where there road geometry is improved but these areas will generally be small and there is not likely to be any significant additional land required to complete the construction. However, it is possible that some additional land may be required at the detailed design stage. A resettlement plan and resettlement framework have been prepared to establish policies and procedures for payment of compensation to affected people for lost or damage assets. The scope of land acquisition impacts, where they occur, will be limited to the areas of the road where the geometry needs to be adjusted and in thee areas there will be some displacement of housing and affected people will experience small losses of crops, trees, fences or other secondary structures.

233. Environmental impact and compliance monitoring activities will focus on compliance with license conditions and EMP provisions, recording implementation of mitigation measures, recording environmental parameters, reviewing contractors’ environmental performance and proposing remedial actions to address unexpected impacts and complaints.

234. The EMP and SEMP prepared for the Project, will be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program in a regular programme of environmental monitoring and auditing. In addition, any conditions included as part of the environmental compliance from the Government (MONRE/DONRE) will also be included as a basis for the environmental monitoring and compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of (i) the implementation of mitigation measures, (ii) the implementation of the conditions of environmental compliance and (iii) the environmental impact related to the maintenance of the Project roads will be carried out regularly as scheduled in the EMP. Environmental monitoring reports will be submitted semi-annually by PPMU to ADB.

235. The IEE report is prepared based on the preliminary designs for rehabilitation and upgrading proposals along the specified routes. At the implementation stage, PPMU through PCC will make arrangements to monitor the schedules of mitigation measures and conduct of environmental effects monitoring activities specified in the EMP. With these measures in place, environmental impacts of the Project should be manageable and will not result in any residual impacts which are above accepted environmental standards. No further or additional impact assessment is considered necessary at this stage.


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Appendix A: Selected photographs

Photograph 1 TL151A Typical road Km 2+ 890

Photograph 3 TL154 Typical road Km 1+870

Photograph 5 TL160 Typical road and bridge Km 2+191

Photograph 2 TL151B Typical road Km 5.320

Photograph 4 TL156 Typical road Km 10+800

Photograph 6 TL154 Typical Lao Cai terrain near border Km 0.800

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Appendix B: Information disclosure, consultation and participation

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Appendix B Summary of Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation

Tổng kết công tác Tham vấn cộng đồng

Bảng Ax B 1 – Questions posed to provincial officials (July 2010) - Các câu hỏi dành cho các Cơ quan chính quyền địa phương

Số thứ tự Information Provoded - Các thong tin cơ bản về dự án

1 As consultants for the ADB Project Transport Connectivity Project in Northern Mountainous Provinces we are collecting information from provincial officials.

VN Chúng tôi là Đơn vị vTư vấn của ADB và đang thực hiện công tác thu thập thông tin từ chính quyền địa phương

2 Do you know about the road upgrading Project? Let me clarify

VN Ông có biết về dự án này không ? Hãy để tôi giải thích

3 In HG / YB / CB / TQ / LC / BK there will be XXXXX roads upgraded under this project

3VN Tại các tỉnh Hà Giang / Yên Bái / Cao Bằng / Tuyên Quang / Lào Cai / Bắc Kạn sẽ có 20 tuyến đường đựoc nâng cấp, cải tạo trong dự án này

4 The roads are :

4VN The roads include - Các tuyến đường bao gồm:

Lao Cai Province - Lao Cai Bằng Provincial roads TL151, TL15B, TL154, TL156 & TL160

5 The roads will be widened by 1m to 3m

VN Các tuyến đường sẽ được mở rộng từ 1 – 3 m

6 The project will be detailed designed in 2011 and contractors will be selected later in 2011

VN Dự án đựoc thiết kế kỹ thuật vào năm 2011 cuối năm 2011 sẽ tiến hành đấu thầu xây lắp

7 Construction will be for a few weeks to months in each location but will complete all the project in 2013

VN Công tác xây dựng bất đầu tròng vòng vài tuàn hay vài tháng tùy tuyến đường và sẽ đựoc hoàn thành vào năm 2013

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Appendix B 2 Public Consultation with affected people near TL151, TL151B, TL154, TL156 & TL160 and bypasses (September 2009)

Table Ax B 2.1 – Questions posed to local people in Lao Cai Province

Numbert Question

1 Do you agree with the project of expanding the road? 2 When upgraded, does the road contribute to develop economy of local ( traveling, agriculture)? How it facilitates local traffic?

3 Do you have any idea on the environmental, land, utilities issues, compensation, ground clearing? What are potential environmental problems of this project?

4 Do you have any idea to reduce the effect on environment? 5 Suggestions / other opinions.

Table Ax B 2.2 – Responses from local people in Lao Cai Province

Road 156 – Lao Cai

No. Date Name of

participants Profession Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns


4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

1 19/9/09 Mr. Trieu Van Doa, a family of 2 with 1 female

Farmer Thon Phoi 1 – Ta Phoi – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

- Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project - Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

2 19/9/09 Mr. Do Trung Hieu, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Thon Peng – Hop Thanh – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

3 19/9/09 Mr. Hoang Van Doan, a family of 5

Farmer Thon Peng – Hop Thanh – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation

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with 3 females

improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

4 18/9/09 Mr. Hoang Dinh Nhac, a family of 4 with 2 females

Business Thon Peng – Hop Thanh – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

5 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyn Van San, a family of 4 with 2 females

Business Thon Phoi 1 – Ta Phoi – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply - Project gives some small assistances for planting trees with high market values

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

6 18/9/09 Mr. Hoang Dinh Su, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Thon Phoi 1 – Ta Phoi – Lao Cai City

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - The PPMU talks with people about the cost of land and crop lost due to the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

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Road 154 – Lao Cai

No. Date Name of

participants Profession Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns


4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

1 18/9/09 Mr. Nong Van Hao, a family of 3 with 1 female

Driver Muong Khuong Town – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

2 18/9/09 Mr. Giang A Nam, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Muong Khuong Town – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

3 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyen Van Viet, a family of 4 with 1 female

District Staff Muong Khuong Town – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply - Project gives some small assistances for planting trees with high market values

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

4 18/9/09 Mr. Hoang Van Quy, a family of 5 with 3 females

Worker Muong Khuong Town – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - The PPMU talks with people about the cost of land and crop lost due to the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

5 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyen Cong Thanh, a family of 4

Farmer Muong Khuong Town –

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU

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with 1 female Muong Khuong District

improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- Start to make road improvement immediately

6 18/9/09 Mr. Hoang Dinh Su, a family of 4 with 2 females

Electric Worker

Muong Khuong Town – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

7 18/9/09 Mrs. Ho Thi Thom, a family of 7 with 3 females

Farmer Lung Phin – Nam Chay – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

8 18/9/09 Mrs. Ho Thi Men, a family of 5 with 3 females

Farmer Lung Phin – Nam Chay – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

9 18/9/09 Mr. Sao A Phuong, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Lung Phin – Nam Chay – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

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local people upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

10 18/9/09 Mr. Vu Van Quyen, alone

Soldier Lung Phin – Nam Chay – Muong Khuong District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation - Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

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Road 160 – Lao Cai

No. Date Name of

participants Profession Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns expressed

4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

1 18/9/09 Mrs. Hoang Thi Lai, a family of 3 with 1 female

Farmer Group1B – Pho Rang Town – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

- Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works

- Project should be started at the soonest possible

2 18/9/09 Mr. Ha Xuan Chien, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Group1B – Pho Rang Town – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people

- Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

3 18/9/09 Mr. Bui Minh Phuong, a family of 6 with 3 females

Farmer Group1B – Pho Rang Town – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people

- Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

4 18/9/09 Mr. Tran Van Dung, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Thon 10 – Tan Duong – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works

- Project should be

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the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

be made by negotiation with local people

started at the soonest possible

5 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyn Van Tinh, a family of 3 with 1 female

Farmer Group 1 – Ban Cai – Bac Ha District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply - Project gives some small assistances for planting trees with high market values

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU

- Start to make road improvement immediately

6 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyn Van Dung, a family of 3 with 1 female

Driver Group 1 – Ban Cai – Bac Ha District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - The PPMU talks with people about the cost of land and crop lost due to the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people

- Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

7 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyn Dinh Len, a family of 5 with 3 female

Farmer Thon Dam – Tan Duong – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people

- Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

8 18/9/09 Mrs. Le Thi Nhu, a family of 2 with 1 female

Farmer Thon Dam – Tan Duong – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works

- Project should be started at the soonest possible

9 18/9/09 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Xuan, a family of 6 with 2 females

Farmer Thon Dam – Tan Duong – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation

-Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- Contractors inform the

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that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

local people the due time for starting the project works

- Project should be started at the soonest possible

10 18/9/09 Mr. Nguyn Van Thanh, a family of 6 with 4 females

Farmer Thon 10 – Tan Duong – Bao Yen District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people

- Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

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Road 151B – Lao Cai

No. Date Name of

participants Profession Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns


4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

1 16/9/09 Mrs. Le Thi Tham, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Thon Lu 4 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

- Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project - Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

2 16/9/09 Mrs. Do Thi Lan, a family of 3 with 1 female

Teacher Thon 4 – Hoa Mac – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

3 17/9/09 Mr. Tran Van Dau, a family of 5 with 3 females

Farmer Thon Lu 2 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

4 17/9/09 Mr. Giang A Thin, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Thon Lu 2 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

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the everyday life practices of the local people

5 17/9/09 Mr. Giang A Thin, a family of 5 with 3 females

Farmer Thon Lu 2 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply - Project gives some small assistances for planting trees with high market values

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

6 17/9/09 Mr. Nong Van Thu, a family of 6 with 2 females

Farmer Thon Lu 2 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - The PPMU talks with people about the cost of land and crop lost due to the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

7 16/9/09 Mr. Nguyen Van Thang, a family of 5 with 2 females

Electric worker

Thon 4 – Hoa Mac – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

8 16/9/09 Mr. Tran Van Binh, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Thon 4 – Hoa Mac – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

9 16/9/09 Mr. Do Van Thang, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Thon Lu 1 – Vo Lao – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

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- The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

10 16/9/09 Mrs. Ha Thi Loan, a family of 4 with 2 females

Teacher Thon 4 – Hoa Mac – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

11 16/9/09 Mr. Nguyen The Dat, a family of 5 with 3 females

Farmer Thon 4 – Hoa Mac – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - Give assistance to agricultural production in the project areas

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

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Road 151 – Lao Cai

No. Date Name of

participants Occupation Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns


4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

1 16/9/09 Mr. Tran Van Tai, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Tan An 1 – Tan An – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works -Satisfactory compensation should be made by the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

2 16/9/09 Mr. Giang A Phu, a family of 2 with 1 female

Farmer Tan An 1 – Tan An – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

3 16/9/09 Mr. Trieu Van Vung, a family of 5 with 2 females

Farmer Tan An 1 – Tan An – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the project - Compensation cost must be agreed and recognized by the project and local people

-The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works - The PPMU talks with people about the cost of land and crop lost due to the project

- PPMU officer should be the one in charge of handling compensation payments to the local people - Any actions which are beneficiary to the local people must be directed by project officers

4 16/9/09 Mr. Giang A Tien, a family of 4 with 2 females

Farmer Tan An 1 – Tan An – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - Agreement of compensation on land acquisition by the

- Needs of assistance for the local people to get clean water supply -The contractors must take effective measures to reduce the negative impacts due to the road upgrading works

- Improvements of the project road must be directed by the PPMU - Start to make road improvement immediately

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Page 114

No. Date Name of

participants Occupation Location

1. Agree with


2. Developing economy

3. Issues raised / Concerns


4 Ideas to reduce environmental


5 Other suggestions

project - The project steering committee should pay attention on activities development for the region of the project

5 16/9/09 Mr. Vang A Tuu, a family of 4 with 1 female

Farmer Tan An 1 – Tan An – Van Ban District

Yes Yes - Piped water supply not available - Electricity from national web - It is good that the project will improve living standard in the village - The project must be done in a way that minimize the negative impacts on the environment and the everyday life practices of the local people

- Project Steering Committee should make public the plan for the project implementation -Compensation should be made by negotiation with local people

- Contractors inform the local people the due time for starting the project works - Project should be started at the soonest possible

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Table Ax B 3 – Responses from Provincial FPD on Nature Reserves


Questions Lao Cai-TL151B

Near nature reserve Van Ban1. Length of the Provincial Road that passes through the buffer zone of Nature Reserve ? The road (151B) does not pass through Van Ban NR

2. The distance from the Road, at the nearest point, to the core zone of Nature Reserve? The nearest point of the road 151B to Van Ban NR is its end point, alongside National Road 279. The distance to the buffer zone is about 13km and it is about 25 km to the core zone of the NR.

3. Current land use along the Project Road (kinds of land ? managed by whom ) Mainly use for housing, forest plantation and agricultural cultivation. All land has been allotted to individual households.

4. Distance to the nearest protected forest/natural forest/dense forests from Project Road? It is about 25km 5. Is there protected historical or cultural site alongside the road and distance of nearest point from the Project Road? No, there isn’t’ 6. Distance of Project Road from known habitat/frequented areas of the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus avunculus) and other endangered / threatened / rare species within the Nature Reserve?

Average distance is 25km

7. Could you provide to us the Map of the Nature Reserve that includes the Project Road? The Van Ban NR is far from provincial road 151B. Thus the map of the NR does not include the road. If needed, the NR’s map can be given.

8. Do you have Management Board for Nature Reserve ? How many persons are there in the Management Board ? There is a management board for the NR with 6 persons. The Board was established by Decision 702/QĐ-UBND dated 27/3/2007 of Lao Cai PPC.

9. When was the Nature Reserve established ? by whom and which decision ? (some main outlines of the decision should be described

The NR was recognized on 21/7/2008 by Decision number 399/QĐ-UBND dated 12/2/2007 of Lao Cai PPC. Core zone area is 25669 ha and buffer zone is 13966ha. The NR covers 5 communes in Van Ban district.

10. Do you have any programmes to protect the rare or endangered species in the Nature Reserve ? If yes, please describe some main points of the programmes?

There is a project for Van Ban NR and Lao Cai has a plan of the NR management from 2008 to 2012 Many NGOs are implementing their programmes of biodiversity protection for the NR

11. Do you agree with the project to improve the Project Road? What are your main concerns about environmental impacts by the project ? If you do not agree with the project, please describe the reasons

Agree with the project to improve the Road 151B and there is no concern about it.

12. Contact information ? Name - Position – Working Agency – Telephone Number –Fax number of the respondent)

1. Mr. Nguyễn Việt Hùng, Deputy Head of Nature Reserve Section Lao Cai Forest Agency Desk phone: 020 3 822 623; 2. Mr. Lò Văn Ngoan Vice Chairman of Van Ban NR Management Board

Desk phone: 020 3 715 606

Information provided by.

LAO CAI FORESTRY AGENCY, VAN BAN NATURE RESERVE MANAGEMENT BOARD Leader’s confirmation - Nguyễn Thị Lan Vương Quảng Châu Signed and Sealed 20 Sept. 2010

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Transport Connection in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project (TA 7245 VIE)

Initial Environmental Examination of Project roads in Lao Cai, Viet Nam. Appendix E.

Page 118

Provincial Road 156

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Ф B H

1 Pipe culvert Km0+379.12 1 5

2 Pipe culvert Km0+861.85 1 4.5

3 Pipe culvert Km2+158.39 1 5

4 Pipe culvert Km2+608.04 1.5 5.5

5 Pipe culvert Km2+978.56 1 5.5

6 Pipe culvert Km3+304.20 1 6

7 Pipe culvert Km3+578.97 1 4.5

8 Box culvert Km3+968.96 1 1 4.5

9 Pipe culvert Km4+159.97 1 6.5

10 Box culvert Km4+407.27 1 1 5.5

11 Box culvert Km6+904.55 1 1 5.5

12 Pipe culvert Km7+529.82 1 5

13 Pipe culvert Km8+126.74 1 6

14 Box culvert Km8+486.56 1.5 1.5 6

15 Pipe culvert Km8+701.26 1x3 6

16 Pipe culvert Km8+936.60 1 5.5

17 Pipe culvert Km9+718.78 0.5 5.5

18 Pipe culvert Km10+733.97 0.5 4.5

19 Pipe culvert Km11+063.89 0.75 4.5

Provincial Road 154

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Φ B H

1 Pipe culvert Km0+030.93 0.75 5

2 Box culvert Km0+270.38 3.5 3.5 5.5

3 Pipe culvert Km0+484.98 0.75 5

4 Pipe culvert Km0+728.43 1 4.5

5 Pipe culvert Km0+921.45 0.75 6

6 Pipe culvert Km1+251.21 1 6

7 Pipe culvert Km1+465.43 0.75 6

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Φ B H

8 Pipe culvert Km1+599.98 1 6.5

9 Pipe culvert Km1+826.05 1 4.5

10 Pipe culvert Km1+952.08 0.75 4.5

11 Pipe culvert Km3+360.09 1 4.5

12 Pipe culvert Km3+771.90 0.75 5.5

13 Pipe culvert Km4+250.73 1 5.5

14 Pipe culvert Km4+381.54 0.75 6.5

15 Pipe culvert Km4+615.11 1 6.5

16 Pipe culvert Km4+835.13 0.75 4.5

17 Pipe culvert Km4+944.93 1 4.5

18 Pipe culvert Km5+225.39 1 4.5

19 Box culvert Km5+350.41 0.3 0.5 4,5

20 Box culvert Km5+499.35 0.3 0.5 5,5

21 Pipe culvert Km5+557.22 0.75 5,5

22 Pipe culvert Km5+609.66 0.75 6

23 Pipe culvert Km5+749.2 1 6

24 Pipe culvert Km5+804.34 1 4,5

25 Pipe culvert Km6+026.30 1 4,5

26 Pipe culvert Km6+232.36 0.75 4,5

27 Pipe culvert Km6+483.21 1 4,5

28 Pipe culvert Km6+729.8 1 4,5

29 Pipe culvert Km6+914.15 0.75 4,5

30 Pipe culvert Km0+112.84 0.75 4,5

31 Pipe culvert Km7+314.99 1 4,5

32 Pipe culvert Km7+530.10 1 5

33 Pipe culvert Km7+668.66 0.75 5

34 Pipe culvert Km7+802.58 0.75 5,5

35 Pipe culvert Km8+044.38 0.75 4,5

36 Pipe culvert Km8+276.80 1 4,5

37 Pipe culvert Km8+456.12 0.75 4.5

38 Pipe culvert Km8+618.67 1 4.5

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Initial Environmental Examination of Project roads in Lao Cai, Viet Nam. Appendix E.

Page 119

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Φ B H

39 Pipe culvert Km8+871.89 0.75 5

40 Pipe culvert Km9+057.25 0.75 5.5

41 Pipe culvert Km9+334.73 0.75 5

42 Pipe culvert Km9+616.35 0.75 4.5

43 Pipe culvert Km9+720.23 0.75 6

44 Pipe culvert Km9+997.84 0.75 6

45 Pipe culvert Km10+254.37 1 6

48 Pipe culvert Km10+369.18 0.75 6.5

49 Pipe culvert Km10+584.21 0.75 4.5

50 Pipe culvert Km11+417.43 0.75 4.5

51 Pipe culvert Km11+670.31 1 4.5

52 Pipe culvert Km12+730.88 0.75 5.5

53 Pipe culvert Km13+242.56 1 5.5

54 Pipe culvert Km13+451.63 1 6.5

55 Pipe culvert Km13+624.14 1 6.5

56 Pipe culvert Km14+275.63 1 4.5

Provincial Road 151B

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Ф B H

1 Pipe culvert Km0+551 0.75 5

2 Pipe culvert Km1+282 0.75 5

3 Box culvert Km1+647 0.8 0.8 4.5

4 Pipe culvert Km1+965 1 4.5

5 Pipe culvert Km2+583 1 4.5

6 Pipe culvert Km2+784 1 4.5

7 Pipe culvert Km3+514 0.75 5

8 Box culvert Km3+996 0.8 0.8 4.5

9 Pipe culvert Km4+417 0.75 5

10 Pipe culvert Km4+637 0.75 4.5

11 Pipe culvert Km4+971 0.75 4.5

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m) Length

(m) Ф B H

12 Pipe culvert Km5+146 0.75 5.5

13 Pipe culvert Km5+590 0.75 4.5

14 Box culvert Km5+860 0.8 0.8 5

15 Pipe culvert Km6+792 0.75 5

16 Pipe culvert Km7+237 0.75 6

17 Pipe culvert Km7+586 0.75 4.5

18 Pipe culvert Km8+264 0.75 4.5

19 Pipe culvert Km8+956 0.75 6.5

20 Pipe culvert Km9+171 1 6.5

21 Pipe culvert Km11+123 1 7

22 Pipe culvert Km11+628 1 5.5

23 Pipe culvert Km12+909 1 4.5

24 Pipe culvert Km13+285 0.75 4.5

25 Pipe culvert Km14+145 0.75 6

26 Pipe culvert Km14+386 0.75 5.5

Provincial Road 151

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m)

Length (m) Ф B H

1 Pipe culvert Km0+220.42 1 7.5

2 Pipe culvert Km0+456.44 1.2 7.5

3 Pipe culvert Km0+561.33 1 7.5

4 Pipe culvert Km1+223.84 1.2 7.5

5 Pipe culvert Km1+429.34 1 4.5

6 Pipe culvert Km2+329.18 1 5

7 Pipe culvert Km2+419.38 1 5

8 Pipe culvert Km2+750.73 1 5

9 Pipe culvert Km3+459.99 1 7

10 Pipe culvert Km3+953.68 1 7

11 Pipe culvert Km4+059.77 1 7

12 Pipe culvert Km4+189.83 1 7

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Initial Environmental Examination of Project roads in Lao Cai, Viet Nam. Appendix E.

Page 120

No. Type of culvert Station Dimensions (m)

Length (m) Ф B H

13 Box culvert Km4+576.99 0.5 0.6 7

14 Pipe culvert Km5+136.64 1 7

15 Pipe culvert Km5+813.86 1 7

16 Pipe culvert Km7+322.40 0.8 7

17 Pipe culvert Km8+326.40 0.8 7

Provincial Road 160

No. Type of culverts Station Dimensions (m)

Length (m) Ф B H

1 Pipe culvert Km0+165 1 4,5

2 Pipe culvert Km0+397 1 4.5

3 Pipe culvert Km0+516 1 4

4 Pipe culvert Km0+849 1 4.5

5 Pipe culvert Km1+458 1 4

6 Pipe culvert Km1+627 1 4.5

7 Pipe culvert Km1+971 1 4

8 Pipe culvert Km2+191 1 4.5

9 Pipe culvert Km2+489 1 4.5

10 box culvert Km2+826 1 1 4.5

11 box culvert Km3+146 1 1 4.5

12 Pipe culvert Km3+599 0.75 3.5

13 Pipe culvert Km3+828 0.75 3.5

14 Pipe culvert Km4+008 0.75 4

15 Pipe culvert Km4+199 0.75 3.5

16 Pipe culvert Km4+619 0.75 4.5

17 Pipe culvert Km5+013 0.75 3.5

18 Pipe culvert Km5+264 0.75 3.5

19 Pipe culvert Km5+725 0.75 4

No. Type of culverts Station Dimensions (m)

Length (m) Ф B H

20 Pipe culvert Km6+017 0.75 3.5

21 Pipe culvert Km6+257 0.75 4

22 Pipe culvert Km6+485 0.75 3.5