vietnam - informal settlement in formal town- analysis and project

RL r e m y l e b l a n c PortFolio Rémy LEBLANC Architecte DPLG Projet Urbain UrBAN DeSIGN Tiet Ke DO THi UrBAN DeSIGN PrOJECT UrBAN AnALYSIS This portfolio presents some of the work done this four last years . To be sent the quality of the images has been affected but the text is intact, so it can be zoomed in.

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First part analysis of a urban estate in Hanoi. Modification by the Inhabitants. on the facade and building in that urban gapsecond ,my diploma projectthird a consultant project, for a new town in Halong bay


Page 1: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project


PortFolioRémy LEBLANCArchitecte DPLG

Projet Urbain


Tiet Ke DO THi




This portfolio presents some of the

work done this four last years . To

be sent the quality of the images has

been affected but the text is intact,

so it can be zoomed in.

Page 2: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

Analysis of the tranformation's dynamics ofthe 50/ 80's communist estate of Quynh Loy


Vietnam - Ha Noi









�5th Year Thesis - 140pages

Exhaustive survey

Schooltown houseBuildings 3 storeybuidings 2 storeyextension first floorextension second florr...Tube house one storeyTube house two storey...Treesclimbing plantsBikesMotor biketablemarket tableumbrellalinenearthconcretebookshoprestaurantstreet foodingstreet drinkingair cutbarberkarokepsot office................

During my schooling, estate, housing, urban design have been a prior concern, I always had in mind all the social problems that arehappening in the low income estate in France and I was always thinking how to solve it? When I discover the communist estatehousing in Vietnam, know has KTT (khu Tap The, living together quarter), I was stunned. A living area completely re invented by itsinhabitants, the streets full of activities, the building façade re designed, the inventiveness of all the new urban disposition…

The fifth year thesis was an attempt to understand and to account the dynamics that had happened in this big play. The thesis is anexhaustive statement of the all the modifications (architectural, functional, landscape, urban space) and the life that is happening now,of this so particular place.

An survey, very precise, has been drawn, with all kind of information, at all kind of scale, from the living cell to the whole urban area,from the kind of street and the material that composed it, the vegetation, the activities during the day, the kind of bulk in the streetsand in the buildings corridors…

The following drawings are samples of the presented works; they present the approach of the work and the results.

Conceptual outcomes had been made so as to complete the graduation project presented on next pages.

A Analysis of the structure of Ha Noi

C Different type of observed transformations in the communist estate

B Urban types and Observed transformations

D Exhautive survey

15 HecUrban and architectural SurveySociological enquiery1,5 mounth survey - 6 mounth writing


Communist Estate

Green area to be builtFactoriesUniversities / Hospital

Ambassies and government buildings

French quarter

Old vietnamese streets

Illegal occupied land / Holes in the urbanism

Traditionnal village

one storey slope roof houseThe villa type house Modern communist estate

Page 3: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project





Type 4

7 B uildings: C 5, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6

a. P lan - originaly

d. C oupe - transformed

c. C oupe - original

b. P lan - After transformation

e. Localisation





recapitulatory of every type of obseved extensions Example of description of the observed tranformation of one type of building

Descrition of the activites of the living area Analysis of every type of observed urban mutation Localisation of all the activities Description of landscaped and architecturale ambiances

Zoom on one part of the quarter - How to use the survey

the 50/ 80's communist estate of Quynh Loy

BuildingsThe 7 buildings are not identical in their global shapes but in theirfunctioning system they are. The are precast structures, the frameis assemble and the walls then are added. Kitchens and bathrooms are common at every level, each over the others, this weft isthe largest. The building is three levels, the roof is little spooling.The flats are two sided, one side in facing the corridor. Only the oneat the end of the corridor are fully crossing, one flat is occupyingone and a half weft, there are 36 flats in all the building. Thefacilities are in the middle when the building has a T shape, and onthe side when the building has u U shape. The stairs are near thedependence.This type of building is one of the first type built, this is the period1955 - 1970. The factory 8/3 is the property developer, then theinhabitants are from the laboring class, and poor. All the buildingsof this type are perpendicular to the road.Orientation is the North for the kitchen and the corridor façade is theNorth.


Extensions:On the corridor façade.At the floor level: there is a solid construction continuing every flats.Some time this construction is independent from the original flat (b).The deepness is nor more than the services extension. The frontthat one is not occupied.Every level: There are extension only if below the level there is anextension. ( contrary to the other faces. At the level 2 and 3 on thisface there is no extension, but on the corridor, on the handrail bigboxes are acting as kitchen. At the lunch time the corridor is full ofmamas…

The south façade:There are solids construction on extension of the flat, some timethere is a wall so a garden is create, stealing public land. The otherlevels are building one on the others. Some rare flats have singleextensions, due certainly to the very fragile structure type.

T hese are the place where to park one's bike or motor bikes . T hey are on the walk way, ins ide the houses , orsometimes even ins ide the living room. T hey are every where in the estate. It is imposs ible to let one's motor bikewithout surveillance. 500d for the bike, 1000 for the moto bikes . It is a good revenue for the family when every day30 to 50 bike are keeped.









Analysis of the tranformation's dynamics of


Vietnam - Ha Noi�5th Year Thesis - 140pages



C ireur de chaussures : Des jeunes garçons or-phelins et pauvres , s illonnent les rues . Dansce K TT, qui est vraiment très populaire, il y en abeaucoup moins que dans les lieux touristiques.P our 2000d ils effectuent le travail, mais pourles blancs c'est 5 $, enfin ça marche avec lesaméricains ...

Table de loto : Trois de repérées. Unarbre, un parasol, une table, et des-s us une planche avec un cadregrillagé qui protège des billets deloterie. Les gros loto, c'est aussi desmillions de dongs , soit 50 000 frs .

Table à journaux: même présenta-tion. Quelques journaux étalés et l’attente du passage d’un client enagitant un petit éventail.. .

S ua xe: Réparateurs de motos. De très nombreux dans lequartier. Un métier très répandu, d'une part parce qu’il y abeaucoup de motos , mais aus s i parce que c'es t un petitboulot encore facil. Très souvent ce sont des jeunes, ex-ploités, les mains noires, qui au nombre de trois ou quatre,pour une charge de travail d'une personne, s’agglutinent autourde l’engin. Il y en a tellement le long des rues qu'il n'y pasassez de travail pour tous .

Laveur de moto : Les hommes vietnamiens semblent-il affir-ment leur virilité par leur moto. Elles sont toujours propres,pour 5.000d, elles semblent neuves .

Nanh xe

« small J obs»

Xe ôm : Moto taxi. Ce sont des cas sociaux. L'homme vietnamienaime à se détendre. C'est un métier à sa mesure. Resterassis toute la journée, en groupe à attendre un client, c'est toutune aventure. Les Xe ôm se trouvent en bande, aux carrefours,toujours disponible (à l’heure de la sieste peut être pas :-). Unecourse de 5 minutes vaut 5.000 d (pour les blancs c’est 8.000d).C’est un moyen de locomotion très pratique, quoiqu’un peudangereux, peut être à éprouver dans nos villes occidentales.La question reste est ce bien rentable. parfois pas plus de 4courses dans la journée, 50.000d maximum, la moto à15.000.000d, sans compter l’essence ( et la bière de temps entemps), il faut 300 jours... A méditer.

C yclo-pousses: dans la ville ils n'exis tent presque plus , rempla-cés par les Xe ôm en moto. Ils ne servent maintenant plus que commetransports de marchandises que de personnes . F lexibles , mania-bles, pas chers, ceux qui restent sont dans un état terrible.

F ace / B ack / cormerVoie de distribution

K T T type 4

S pace

B efore After

Other assembling

Open system


Visual enclosure

K T T type 10

K T T type 12 C ourt privat

Composition of the space : Observation on the tranformations :

E mpty

S treet C our

S treet N o wa yroa d

S mall street

E xtensions

C omplexe assembling type n*10

C ompos ition :7 building of 5 types , 2 type 2, 2 type 3, 1type 7, 1 type 10, 1 type 11 .Orientation of the buildings :6 are Nord / S ud.One West / E st.

la dis pos ition autour d’une large cour de K T Tde différentes formes, de différentes tailles, etde différentes orientations. Entre chaque KTT ily a des espaces .Espace intérieur créé :Une très large cour et de petits interstices entreles bâtiments .Dispos ition :E n retrait d’une épaisseur de barre par rapport àun axe de circulation principal.Sur les côtés :Au sud du Vide / A L’Ouest un retrait par rapportà une rue / A L ’E st et au Nord d’autres assem-blages .

C ourtyrad with concrete road

C ourtuard closed

courtyard open

C ourtyard with trees

C ommercial s treets

S mall enclosed streets

S hops near the streets

C ross ing poss ible

No way road



Vegetable street selleursretauranton yoke

Hospital entrance

Ins ide c omunic a tions

small dimension

attractionfor the outs idestreets R estaurants

G rande circulation

no way road

no way road

Ambiance 1

Meeting (type define before):assembling / filling

Ambiance 2

Assembling:C ourtyard in a no way roadstreet build with concretetall and leefed trees.Space pleasant

Ambiance 4

Assembling:C ros s ing c ourtya rd,road built, young treesC lear space , en devenir

to the center

F illing:Tube house facadeonly shop for construction

Tubehouseasfacadeat the ground level

with only shops

Ambiance 3

Meeting:K T T / services

Outs ide attractionS treet restaurant

Ambiance 5

F illing:T ube hous e build in chaos

Attraction for the outs ideR estaurants , services

Ambiance 6




T he courtyard is not filled by any constructions .S paces between the buildings are filled. T he courtyardnow is like close to the outs ideT his space is atypical in the quarter, it results of thesuperpos ition of three period of construction. F romone side old villa type, other s ide "new" modern style.

E mpty

E mpty

E mpty

S pace

Small restaurantMotor bike car parcCap shopair cutmotor washlibrairypost officeshoes shopcloth shopmarketstreet marketfood shopgame shoprepair shopshopstreet restaurantbarstreet barmorning foodplant shop....

Page 4: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

The graduation project was the continuity of the thesis.The conceptualizationof, first the observed phenomenon of transformation, and second theamazingly living urban environment were the basis to elaborate constraints,rules for the creation of a new estate.

The objective was to control the creation of the "chaos", the goal is to fix aminimum of constraints but after all having idea of the resulted forms.Theimportant thing is not a specific urban design, but a urban quality, a specificfunctionality of the living area is researched. It is more an inside dynamic oflife rather than an exact drawing which is targeted. How does a town functiondoes not depend of the exact design of the buildings but depend on the typeof the buildings and the their functionality, and also the interactions thatexisted between all the buildings.

The followings drawings describe the approach of the conception of theproject. From the analysis of the site and its landscaped characteristics, it thenfix the rules how to generate the block system, and how this one must beoccupied, and then modify.Then rules are fixed on how the blocks are filled,which kind of building are possible and their possible locations.Then all isplan for the town to be built, and in this case here the project is dreamed.

The kind of urban space is imagined, and how the population will live and willappropriate to themselves the environment.

A The tube house

X Perspective - One of the possible project

B Buildings that can evolve and be appropriate B Allow an aleatory placement of the functions D The servicies Block E Comment urbaniser un ilot - Règles volumiques

F Examples of blocks

A Elements for constructions

Tube house allows the density, ithas a special relation with thestreet, it can be commercial of livingspace.

The density can be compare withappartment flats.

The level floor is free to beextended. The roof can be buildwith private villa...

The appartment are plan to recievelater an extension.

The quarter is devided in blocks, streetsrespect the ancient divisions and thecanals of the site

There will be three types of blokc, theone with mainly services, the one withhigh rise buildings and houses, the onewith low rise buildings and houses.

Lets take a grid of 9 blocks, in this gridthere should be, however looked in themater plan, two blocks for services, threeblock of low rise buildings, and threeblock of high rise buildings. The greenarea keept are services area.

The block should contain different kind of functionsthat will have to relate to each others. Privateconstruction have to be able to realte with thefacilities: tube house have one facade that open in thecommercial center or the car park, then private shopsopen.

Urban rules are volumiques rules. The facade of theblock should receive 28,45 % of tube house, each faceshould have 4.23% free for crossing ways.(figures are examples:)

45 Hec

High rise blocks and tubehouses and villas School, cinema, car park,

offices and tube houses.Low rise buildings and tubehouses.


How to fabricate randomly the town


Generation of a controled chaos

Vietnam - Ha Noi








Design Graduation Project

Page 5: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

The life of the inhabitants being imagined - Displacements and activities c Try to imagine the life in the street B The aera finished

C The three bloks dreamed

d Try to imagine the life inside a block

e Mix use and mix buildings in the services block

f Possible transformations of the living block

h Facade on the street from the blocksg The three blocks dreamed

45 Hec

bus station daughter P

School son P

Car park Dad Pcinema son P

Commercial centerson and dauchter p


Air cut daughter P

street brakfastfamilly P

footpath mum P

Biere Dad P

Trendy bar Son P

Street restaurantown mum P

Grand mother P

Dad P

Daughter P

Son P

School son P

Bus stop Dad P

Footpaht gramma Motor bike shoping Market Motorbike parking take the busGreen area

Street sellorRest area in recreation areakid playsmarketmarketKids play and lake

girl un understable talks













Generation of a controled chaosVietnam - Ha NoiGraduation Project

Page 6: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project



The Ha Long bay, located in Viet Nam, is now a Unesco World Heritage site. The wonderfull landscape created by the nature is a gift for every mankind. Theincredible scenary is also the host of an unvaluable treasure that is constitued by a very fragil endemic aquatic and terrestre flora. The year around undred ofthousends tourists come from all over the world to contemplate the landscape that is not only the sea but that includes also the surrounding mountains; and nowurban developement lead by some uncalculate appetit is planned...


1200 HecPosition : consultant - reseacher

4 mounths project by oneself2004

The following project is a 900 hec new Town settle in an 2000hec site.The proposal now presented is the outcome of all the previous projects and researches. The studied points are : The use ofdifferent kind of building design, separated circulations, creation of a town center and sub centers, the use of architecture as anelement of the landscape, the use of the landscape so as to preserve it and to raise the standard of living, the research in therelation between every function of the town, the relation between the buildings and the function of the town, create the possibilityfor town and the block to evolve…

The project is based on an analysis of the site, an extraordinary site: the scenery and the environment. The will is to inscribe theproject as much in a Vietnamese dynamic and a culture, than in its incredible environment so as to create a modern city with ahuman scale and environmentally free.

The project is constituted of two parts. The following drawings are concentrated and the parts near the shore and the road.

They summarized the approach of the project (they are not all the drawings that had been presented):- Analysis of the element of the site: environment, population, view and landscape, potentialities.- Definition of the element of the project, how they will be related to each other, what kind of urbanism is targeted.- Design and explanation of the design.

ı Proposal for Ha Long New City

Vietnam - Ha LongPOrTFOLIO







Design Ministry of construction


Page 7: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

Prev .Project 06Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement projectPrev .Project 05Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement project

Green natural area /Low density housing

Middle density housing / Mixte kind of housingCity Center / services / comemerce /High density Housing

City Center / services / comemerce /High density Housing

WaterNatural area

Green AreaGreen Link

Recreation areaCity center

City centerNatural area Green Link

Main Road

Secondary Road

Urban's constitution Tools .02Formal

The center is a high density of constuctions containing inhabitants and services like proximity commercial area.This system is linked with a proximity recreation area. The all system is surrounded with middle mixed and denseresidential areas. The goal is to reduce the amount of displacement by providing a maximum of services in ashort distance. Density allows more interractions, more people then more commercial possibility, morerecreactions...

Urbanism / Town centers

ıThe project emphasis on the use of the particular site. The goal is to preserve the natural enviroment and to use ita part of the project. One of the goal is to avoid to cover all the surface of the project with impermable materials.The project try to keep a maximum of earth. Then the surrounding part of the urban development is a dike, thisone will be only natural surface, the plant will ensure the solidity. This part will also be a natural spreading zone;where the waste water will naturaly by treated. A srtong attention will then be given to all the plants that will bepositioned.

Urbanism and Envionment / The surrounding dike

The project does not contain only one type of building. The goal is to emphasis diversity; by putting different kindof building there will by different type of people, the urban lanscape will not be boring. On other reason is thateach kind of building ensure a different possibility of functionnality: for example the tube house is a very denseconstruction, it can be very flexible, the first storey can be either housing or commerce. Then the urbanfunctionnality is flexible due to the flexibility of the function of each kind of building.

Urbanism, Architecture and Environment

Tube houseThe land in the project is very deep, so as to oblige the tube house to include a court yard inside, this one willhave a environmental and hygienic role: the courtyard wont be fully construct, Part of the rain water will benaturally absorb. The court yard ensure that a maximum of facade will have windows, the wind will be able topenetrate the building and ensure a natural ventilation.An urban rule will oblige 70 percent of constuction; a maixmum of 3 storey on two building, the third only twostorey. Two houses will be obliged to share the same position for the court yard.

VillasA building can have different shape. In Beijing the new very rich buisnessman now build back traditional housesthat continue to correspond to the cultural way of leaving, enclosure and relation to the quiet court yard.The houses can be build only on 40 pourcent of the land property, 40 other wont be build. The free of constructionland is to allow rain to penetrate the earth, the waste water system wont be wide, the urban developpers spare alot of money.

Urban's constitution Tools .01

The heart of the system is the location of the density and the main functions. The density decrease whilegoing futher. In the project the last ring are the parks that are along the environment, the river. The last ring ofhouses are then taking advantage of the nice location. The global functionality make this area also penetrateby other inhabitants, then exchanges between the areas are caused.The center include the school, the market, the commercial and the service areas. It is the identity of the urbanarea. The high density provide easy acces to all this functions. Environmental issus are in concern becauseof the lessen of the displacement.

Each area is a mixte area. The service area contain also housing, the housing have not only one forms.Mixity provides exange and then dynamism.

TheoricalThe urban project is generate following three principle link together:1/ the building and construction location2/ The environmental and green distribution disposition3/ The road system

Building location

The aim of the project is to take concern of the environment. The site is to be preserved, then the green areaare near the shore, making a shield between the urbanism and the fragil nature. The green walk link goesfrom the centers to the preferical nature, then all the urban areas are irrigated by nature. At the cross of thegreen road, there are service and recreation areas. These links are to simplify the accessibility of the functionby walking. No need to take a polluating way of transportation, go by walk.

Environment and green distribution

The road system is distinct from the green system, It function is to provide access, it does not emphasis theurban function like the Hausman urban system, it is simply a functionnal system.The roads create blocs and hierachy.

Each of the block can be self developed.

Road system


Proposal for the Ha Long new town1200 Hec

Ha LongMinistry of contruction










Page 8: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

17Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement project Projectb

The sport center is linked on one side with a shortarm of the river, on an other side with the naturalenvironment that surround the center, on a thirdside with the town, and finally with a green area.To penetrate in every sport arena, one has to gothrough the city, for example from the car park tothe stadium one shall go across a build area, likeshops or tube houses. the aim is to create life inthe surrounding of the stadium, a life that alsodoesn't disapear when sport events ended. Thesport center provide also some recreationfucntions in its core near the river so as to attractpeople even when there are no sport events.The sport arenas create a nice urban scale that islinked with the surrounding mountains and forest.The city that is included in its environement anddoesn't violate it.

The Central Distric Buisness is located so as tobe used like an architectural event that can beseen from other parts of the city and make the citylived. As a second task, the district is locatedinside a living areas so there are possibilities ofinterraction between the two urban areas withintention generate a living area.The CDB is near the confernce center and theopera, and is sourrounded by estate areas.The conference center and the opera remind thesydney opera the most fabulous building thatshow example of how using a relation between abulding and a lanscape so as to create andunforgettable site.

National Sport Center

Central District Buisness / Opera House / Conference CEnter

City center

The city center is located in the middle of the new urbanism, it is using thesite to provide recreational functions and to emphasis its goals: to be thecentral attraction and a psychological reference for the inhabitants. The siteis a hill and an arm of the river. Sourroundind the river a marina providrestauration and recreation functions, there is also a movie theater and somesport facilities. It is not a mono functionnal town center. Administrationbuildings face the reunification place. The town center is also facing and notfar from the CBD so as to provide some of it needs and also use it as anarchitectural ladscape.

Shoping and Recration Center

The shopping center in a major attraction. It has been located here so as to includ itin a urban area and create a link between this function and the other urban building.In any other country shopping centers are isolated and often are dead areas, souless that only shows that the society is only a consumers and hartless society.Here the shopping center use the water canal that provide a nice environment.Theirare diffenrent type of buildings: the shopping center and tube houses, the goal is tocreate interraction between the commercial center and the town. The shoppingcenter is facing the sea and is linked with it through a recreation area.

Proximity Center and Natural parkThe proximity center is linked with a lung of the city. Anatural park that can be urbanized later.The center is using the quality of this landscape to providea better environment for living

National UniversityThe university is placed in the middle of an urban area.That one provide services like housing , restauration andrecreation.The aim is to link the study function with the town, to makethe town alive, young and imaginative. An example can beEnglish campus or the Bach Khoa campus. The studentsmake the life possible all around the campus and the town.The inhabitants provide services. The landscape providethe site: an arm of the river alow to place some recreationand sport areas in a nice site.

The town is using the main attraction that themovie center is. This function is linked also withsome other functions like hotels, restaurants andrecreation areas.The whole area is inscribed in the city which isusing the main attractration to become alsoattractive.

Tourism center

relation of the function with the living areas / Urban

relation of the function with the environment

View to emphasis the function

Situation to be describe

19Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement project Projectb

The road system is clear and effectual. It createa block system that can evolve with the timeindependently from the change of the city.

The inside block road system aim to createquiet areas for living.

The water system implement the road system

Road system

It is difficult to express the land use witha littled number of type of zonning. Thecreated system is a complex system withthe different kind of living shapes anddifferent functions.

The diversity of functions and shapescreate a nice living environment.

Land Use

The urbanism, its functions, and the greenareas are linked together.The aim is to create a multiprocessing greencity with an high density of construction and avery good environment for living.

Green AREA - City Center -Green distribution

Ha Long Geles .01Global Sytem explaination

Ha Long Geles .03

Main Road

Inner city main road

insid island road


Global Sytem explaination - URBaNISM

inner city road / Block road



Proposal for the Ha Long new town1200 Hec

Ha LongMinistry of contruction










Page 9: Vietnam - Informal Settlement in Formal Town- Analysis and Project

Proposal for the Ha Long new town1200 Hec









NMinistry of contruction


Zoom .ProjectbUrban DesignComposition


Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement project

Master Plan - ZOOM

Function organisation

This part is an illustration of the urban concepts that had been developed to create this project in thisparticular site.The Urban intented functions settle the main founctions: the CBD is near the sea and the Rocks, themarina is near the water facing the CBD, the town center is facing the two other functions, between thesefunctions living areas are intalled. The goal is to create an interraction, the estate is providing housing andsmall services. So none of the functions are single function areas, the created interractions between thesite and the other functions provide an enjoyable living area.

Tube Houses

Commercial Buildings

Publics buildings

Villa 01

Villa 02

Recreation Buildings


CBD - Khu Tai Chinh - town center - Khu trung tam - Marina - Khu gia tri

Canal / Lake


Garden / Natural area

Public garden

Walking garden street

Walking path

Private Garden


Sport fields

Public Plazza













Commercial integrated center

Entrance private housing

Restaurant and recreation center

Sport center







Office CBD9

ı Resort / Hotel8

Project special

Conference center and services10

Opera and services11




Conf Center Town CenterCBD

Proximity center

Office centerMixt town center

Tourist area

leisure and recreation

Housing and estate

Central district buisness

Sport center

Housing high standing

environmental park

Main desserving road

Canal road

important Function

Relation withthe landscape

Relation withthe estate

Zoom .Projectb 21Quang Ninh province / Ha Long Land Developement project

Ha Long Geles .CBD - City Center - Marina
