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Alexandra Jara’s Workouts Week 1-4 (Subject to Change based on your needs) Day 1: Legs Day 3: Legs Superset 1: Exercise Rep Range Sets Notes Demo Wide Stance Barbell Deadlift 12 to 15 3 Keep back straight, chest up, and bar close to legs as you go down and up. Squeeze glutes once you reach the top. 1 Leg glute leg press 12 to 15 3 Lay on side and put feet parallel to body – use semi heavy to heavy weight.DO NOT LOCK KNEE!!! Crossover lunges 15 each 3 Hold approx.. 10 lbs dumbbell in each hand Superset 2:

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Alexandra Jara’s Workouts

Week 1-4 (Subject to Change based on your needs)

Day 1: Legs Day 3: Legs

Superset 1:

Exercise Rep Range Sets Notes DemoWide Stance Barbell Deadlift

12 to 15 3 Keep back straight, chest up, and bar close to legs as you go down and up. Squeeze glutes once you reach the top.

1 Leg glute leg press

12 to 15 3 Lay on side and put feet parallel to body – use semi heavy to heavy weight.DO NOT LOCK KNEE!!!

Crossover lunges

15 each 3 Hold approx.. 10 lbs dumbbell in each hand

Superset 2:

Glute bridges with weight

15 3 Use approximately 30lbs weight. Squeeze glutes at the top.

1 Leg lying leg curls

15 each 3 1 leg at a time.

Ball Glute Raises

15 3 SQUEEZE!!

Superset 3:

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Ball Slams with Squats

20 3 Use 8lb medicine ball or higher. As you throw the ball down, squat. Throw ball as hard as you can.

Side step up with kick

10 each 3 Use approximately 10 lb dumbbell for exercise.. (Do not throw hands up as shown in the picture).Kick as high as you can when performing a step up.

Good mornings

15 3 Make sure you use your glutes and hamstring to push weight back up. DO NOT USE YOUR LOWER BACK!

Superset 4:

Leg Curl machine dropsets

12 to 15 3 Start as heavy as you can, do repetitions. Next set, drop weight and complete reps. Last set, drop weight one more time and complete reps.

Squatted Walking Lunges

15 3 Squat then lunge one leg followed by the next= 1 rep

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Day 2: Back/Chest/Shoulders

Superset 1: Complete these exercises before moving on to the next superset.

Exercise Rep Range Sets Notes DemoLat Pull downs 15 3 Make sure you

pull all the way down.

Incline Dumbbell Press

12 to 15 3 Bring arms down to 90 degrees before pushing up.

Leaning Lateral Raises

15 3 Squeeze at top.

Superset 2:

1 arm dumbbell Row

12 to 15 3 As you bring dumbbell up, squeeze up and bring it up far enough that it is at your side before you release it down.

Flat Flyes 15 3

Incline Barbell Front Raises

12 to 15 3 Start with barbell below shoulders and then push barbell up at or above eye level. Make sure you keep arms straight without locking elbows.

Superset 3:

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Seated Machine Row-close grip

15 each 3 Do one side at a time really engaging your back muscles as you pull back.

Cable Flyes dropsets

12 to 15 3 Start as heavy as you can, do repetitions. Next set, drop weight and complete reps. Last set, drop weight one more time and complete reps.

Plank 1 arm Rear Delt Flyes

15 3 Use bench as support instead of bosu ball. Engage rear delts as you pull dumbbell back.

Assisted pull-uplls

Failure 3 Do assisted pullups until failure on each set.

Superset 4:

Pilates Leg bicycle crunches

15 3 Start with feet together and then alternate bicycle crunches.

Ball Crunches 15 3

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Day 1: Legs

Superset 1:

Exercise Rep Range Sets Notes DemoClose Stance Barbell Deadlifts

12-15 3 Feet together, back straight, chest up. Make sure you keep the bar close to your legs for better stability.

Shoulder Width Leg Press

12-15 3 Feet shoulder width apart on Platform to hit quads/hamstrings

Superset 2:

Plie Squats 15 3 Hold 50 lb dumbbell

Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squats

15 each 3 Front knee shouldn’t go past toe; keep back straight.

Superset 3:

Side Lunges with Weights

12-15 each 3 Keep back straight as bending to the side.

Ball leg curls 15 3 Squeeze glutes TIGHT as soon as you roll the ball towards you.

Superset 4:

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Leg extensions dropsets

12-15 3 Start as heavy as you can, do repetitions. Next set, drop weight and complete reps. Last set, drop weight one more time and complete reps.

Barbell Squats 12-15 3 Chest up, back straight, and as you go down make sure knees are out and going down/pushing up on heels. NEVER ON TOES!

Superset 5:

Lying Leg Curls dropsets

12-15 3 Start as heavy as you can, do repetitions. Next set, drop weight and complete reps. Last set, drop weight one more time and complete reps.

Calf Raises 15 3 Can use machine or dumbbell

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Days 4: Biceps/Triceps/Shoulders

Superset 1:

Exercise Rep Range Sets Notes DemoIncline bicep curls

12 to 15 3

Bench Dip 12 to 15 3 Make you go all the way to engage triceps.

Arnold Press 12 to 15 3 Start with dumbbells facing you and as you push up twist so that when it is all the way at the top, palms are facing away from you.

Superset 2:

Cable Curls 12 to 15 3 Make sure elbows are as tight to your body as you pull cable towards you.

Rope Extensions

12 to 15 3

Lateral Raises 15 3 DO NOT LOCK ELBOWS!

Superset 3:

Alternating curls

12 to 15 3 Make sure elbows are as tight to your body as possible when

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pulling dumbbell towards you.

Tricep Kickbacks

15 3 Bend over with slight arch in back and elbows tight to your body as you push dumbells back.

Seated Front Raises

12 to 15 3 Do not swing dumbbell as you push it up. Control it.

Superset 4:

Oblique Side V-ins.

15 each side 3 Start on one side on your buttcheek, not your hipbone and then lift legs and bring them in towards you and then push them back out. Performs 15 reps and repeat on other side.

Ball oblique crunches

15 each side 3 You can rest feet against wall for stability while one side of body is resting on the ball and then perform oblique crunch. Repeat 15 times on each side.

Ball Hand-off 15 3

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DAY 5: H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training)- 30 minutes or less

Example 1:

4 rounds:

15 kettlebell swings10 pushups25 squats50 mountain climbers

Example 2:

5 rounds of:50 squats20 Side shuffles each leg ( try to stay as low as you can to the ground)1 minute of planks to pushups2 minute step ups

Example 3:

4 rounds of:10 Tire Flips ( if available) IF NOT AVAILABLE DO 1 minute of rope slams ( either alternating or together). 20 Knee ups on pull up bar. 15 side lunges25 medicine ball throws (as hard as you can on ground)

Example 4 (Elliptical or stairmaster- DO NOT go lower than level 13 on sprint):

1 minute Sprint 90 second Recovery1 minute Sprint at level 1490 second Recovery1 minute Sprint at level 1590 second Recovery1 minute Sprint at level 1690 second Recovery1 minute Sprint at level 17-2090 second Recovery

Repeat 3 times