· web viewin some man-made sunday school program sheet ... whatever it is, and some...?......

"Lesson on Perfect Faith" by Robert Lambert November 24, 1971 Durham Connecticut This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, on December 23 rd 1972, in Trinidad, West Indies. The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those precious saints sat under Bro Lambert took hours of hours to write & type the messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form. Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015 Almighty God we are thankful to be here again this morning, in this time of the end time. Thankful in this hour when millions are ready to be atomic ashes, that you have given us a way out. The ark of safety Jesus Christ. So thankful you loved us and made a way for us. We pray that every one of us will be ready for the great escape from this earth. As our Brother prayed in the prayer this morning, "That we might attain unto that perfection, to the glorious high calling of the resurrection out from among the dead." 1

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"Lesson on Perfect Faith"


Robert Lambert

November 24, 1971

Durham Connecticut

This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, on December 23 rd

1972, in Trinidad, West Indies.

The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those precious saints sat under Bro Lambert took hours of hours to write & type the messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form.

Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015

Almighty God we are thankful to be here again this morning, in this time of the end time. Thankful in this hour when millions are ready to be atomic ashes, that you have given us a way out. The ark of safety Jesus Christ. So thankful you loved us and made a way for us. We pray that every one of us will be ready for the great escape from this earth. As our Brother prayed in the prayer this morning, "That we might attain unto that perfection, to the glorious high calling of the resurrection out from among the dead."

Lord to think, that standing here this morning is a people that will not see death. But will be changed in  a moment in the twinkling of an eye.

Lord let us evaluate the great gift of the Holy Ghost, Eternal life. That we may lay aside all the foolishness of the world. All those things that will come to an end and be no more. May we set our affection and hearts desire on heavenly things. Help us to be sincere Lord. Help us to serve you with a sincere heart and a good conscience.

The only way we can have a good conscience is to keep thy word. Lord God bless every soul here this morning. Lord Jesus bless the Bride around the world. Bring forth your little Bride and prove to this world that you love her. We love you Lord, we want to please you we want to serve you. Please light our candle and let us give light to this dark world.

 Lord the power of the devil is great today. We pray Lord that you would anoint the Gospel to shine forth and give light to man, to see how to walk.



Bless us now through the remaining part of this service. Guide us by thy Holy Spirit. Thank you for  the songs  and the praises of the saints. Now bless us together in Jesus name,   Amen!


I am very happy to be here again this morning, gathered around this great glorious promise. Time is fleeting by, not many days left and we want every day to count for the Lord Jesus Christ. How many love Him this morning with all your hearts?


I feel revival in the air, whether it looks like it or not. I can smell the water. I believe we are living in the time of the lull before the storm. Real quiet now just waiting for things to move into position.


The revelation is out. I believe God has man set aside that he is ready to use I believe His servants are equipped with the word, and are waiting now for the word of the Lord. We are waiting now for the Angel of the Lord to go before us. As He went before David.


46 ISRAEL.AT.THE.RED.SEA.2 - JEFF.IN - IC 65-96 - 53-0327

And, brother, we're... all Christendom, is looking for the Coming of the Lord and the Rapture of the church, all that's got any knowledge of the Word. Well, if we can't have faith enough for Divine healing, how we going to have a rapturing faith? Oh, I believe there's a great calling coming forth. I believe as David said, he laid there and waited until, he listened and waited. After a while he heard the rushing wind going through the mulberry leaves, going around. He knowed God was going before him. Oh, brother, I'm listening for the rushing of the leaves, the noise in the mulberry bushes. God going before the battle, then let's rise and put on the full armor of God, pull the sword, go after it! The battle belongs to us, then. When we see the hand of God moving on, through signs and wonders, let's start following on.


I will never forget when I was down in Arkansas preaching. I was kind of out of the will of God. I was not out of the will of God I was fishing, and trying to have a little vacation. I got pressured into preaching. I remember the first time I opened up this revelation out in public. I preached on "the First Day and Eighth Day."



I had about four or five preachers out in the audience. The devil had alerted everybody I was going to be there it built up a lot of pressure about like a steam boiler about to blow up. Ninety Nine percent of the people would not look me in the eye. But one message changed it all. To see men and women lining up by the car repenting. It is the word of God that delivers people, and breaks every yoke!


I remember Brother and Sister Briton were there when I preached that. The preachers were thumbing their Bibles and looking at the floor. Would not raise their heads up. But I knew the Revelation come from God, and I struggled through it any way.


I will never forget when I went in the room there and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me. And said, "This is not the hour, do not do this. Go back home and wait there. I give you those people there, you go back there and wait for the hour to arrive."


I opened my Bible and there He spoke to me out of the Word. And it was in David. I heard some thing speak to me and said read such and such a chapter. I tried to think as I was  looking for a Bible. What was it that the Lord was going to tell me. Because I could not think of what was in that chapter of Chronicles. When I opened it up and run my finger down real quick. I kept reading, Lord I do not see nothing in there. I kept reading down, and there it was, David said, "Shall I go up and smite the Philistines?" The Lord said, "No, not now you wait until you hear the going of the Angel in the mulberry trees." Boy the Spirit of the Lord like to carry me out of the room.


1Chr. 14:13   And the Philistines yet again spread themselves abroad in the valley.


1Chr. 14:14   Therefore David inquired again of God; and God said unto him, Go not up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees.


1Chr. 14:15   And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.



1Chr. 14:16   David therefore did as God commanded him: and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer.


1Chr. 14:17   And the fame of David went out into all lands; and the LORD brought the fear of him upon all nations.


So I know that hour is quickly arriving. It will not be long till we smite these Philistines both hip and thigh. And God will triumph over the enemy. There will be a great deliverance and a great revival of the just break out in the land. How many are looking for revival? Nothing can stop it. It is Gods promise!


62-2 THE.INDICTMENT -- JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-19 -- 63-0707

I pray that You'll save every one, Lord. May there come forth a revival of the just and a great Power come among the Church just before Its going. It's not hard to pray that, because You promised it.

And we're looking, Lord, for that third pull that we know that will do great things for us in our midst.


Can you imagine a man going out and saying the sun is not going to shine anymore? God has spoken it and God will do it! We are here this morning steadfast, unmoveable in the faith of Gods promise of the hour.



I'm not asking the Assemblies of God, the Oneness, the Church of God, the Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian. I'm asking you, as an individual, what do you do with the Blood of Jesus Christ? What will we do with this anointed Word of God that's right before us today, that we know is to be, is the Christ, the promise of the hour? What will you do with It? Not what your church does with It. Your Caesar and your Herod has nothing to do with it. That didn't excuse Pilate. No, sir. No, sir.

Them Pharisees from that day, said, "Let His Blood be upon us, and on our children." It is. That's exactly.




I say the same thing tonight. The old Urim Thummim is gone, but the Word is still the thing that identifies the characteristic of God--the promise of the hour that we're living. There is God's characteristics, identified by the promise of the hour that we're living in. That makes God the same as He was in sundry times.


166 GOD.RICH.IN.MERCY -- PHX.AZ -- V-19 N-2 -- 65-0119

Surely you've not gotten so numb, in this condition, that you can't see that that's the very promise of the hour. Surely you ain't got so wrapped up in denomination, and other things, that you can't see that this is the promise of the hour, God rich in mercy.


127 SEED.NOT.HEIR.WITH SHUCK  JEFF.IN  V-6 N-4 -- 65-0218

Relies on half rotten, man-made theology. Where does he get it at? In some man-made Sunday school program sheet some educator killed for him back in some seminary, tell him that, "The days of miracles is passed; there was no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost, all this is nonsense." You mean to tell me that an eagle would eat that? He couldn't do it. No, sir! Neither will a Christian eat on that dead a-carrion from old denominational doctrines and things. They want the Word of God fresh, the promise of the hour.


153 ASHAMED.OF.HIM -- JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-9 -- 65-0711

But It's a reality to a man or woman, boy or girl, who really is a genuine Christian. When God made the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and you receive It, there is Something that settles within you, that there is nothing takes Its place. When a man ever meets God; not in some emotional work up, some enthusiasm, or some religious doctrine, some catechism or creed, or a dogma that he has accepted for a--a comfort for hisself. But when he really comes to the place like Moses did, on the back side of the desert, walk up face to face with Almighty God, and you see the Voice speaking to you, exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour, there is something It does to you! See, you're not ashamed of It, It does something to you. Now, let us look now, for just the next fifteen minutes.


239 I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE  SHP.LA  V7 N-3 65-1127.2E


Could you think, church, that you're looking with your own eyes... the Living Word of God made manifest ( the promise of the hour , in the last days), looking with your own eyes at the Living Word being interpreted in natural form, God among us! "I see Him with my own eyes, the One... I heard that He would do it." All the old sages looked for this day, now we see It manifested with our own eye. How many old shouting Methodists, Baptists, and the real, genuine Pentecostals in their age, longed to see this happen! Many of them knowed it would happen. But we stand tonight seeing it happen! Oh! Don't you love Him?


Just waiting for that time. All the great wheels and cogs of God move slow. God moves slow, but He moves sure. As the Bible speaks of a great mill stone to grind the corn and wheat, it moves slow. But when it finally rolls around it grinds every thing to powder. Nothing can stop the great wheel of God.


Ps. 118:22   The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Ps. 118:23   This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

Ps. 118:24   This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Matt. 21:42   Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?

Matt. 21:43   Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Matt. 21:44   And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.


Dan. 2:34   Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

Dan. 2:35   Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.



Nothing can stop the great wheel of God, it moves on just common. God has all these things out here, the political world, the religious world, the economic world, all these things work together for the glory of God. They all must come up there just perfect, everything is perfect. When God pours out His Spirit it will be perfect on time.



Now, in God... He wasn't God yet, because God is an object of worship, and there was nothing to worship Him. He was God, but He wasn't God in that manner. Then He must have created Angels. Then they began to worship Him. Next, He had a attribute to be a Father. Next thing He had a attribute to be... to be a Son. Next thing He had a attribute to be a Healer. Next thing He had a attribute to be a Saviour. See? And all these things had to display themselves. See? And God to make a man sin, so He could punish him? No. And He put him on the basis of free moral agency, and man sinned himself. And so therefore, God became a Saviour then. See?

So it's just only the attributes of God displaying themselves that we see, and everything is perfectly on time. Every gift, everything's moving just exactly according to the tick of the watch. She's right there.


Remember when people got together for one year at Azusa Street, in 1906. They got together because they were hungry for God. Brother Seymour a one eyed Negro man and the people with him prayed together for one year, for God to pour out His spirit.



Already the visible manifestations of what I have been telling you are seen all around us. The ecumenical move of the tares is factual. But also it is a fact that the prophet for the last age must be bringing forth a message from God that will forerun the second coming of the Lord, for by his message will the hearts of the children be turned back to the Pentecostal fathers, and with the restoration of the Word will come the restoration of the power.

What crucial times are these in which we live. How careful we must be that we remain true to this Word and not take from it or add to it, for he who would speak where God has not spoken makes Him a liar. What I have particularly in mind is this: About the turn of the century the hunger for God that was generated in the Philadelphia Age brought a cry for the Spirit of God. And when the cry was answered by God sending forth manifestation in tongues, interpretation and prophecy, a group immediately, and most contrary to the Word, drew up a doctrine that tongues was the evidence of being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Tongues were far from evidence. They were manifestation, but not evidence. The falsity of the doctrine can not only be seen by a lack of Scripture to substantiate it, but those who subscribed to the doctrine


immediately organized on the basis of the doctrine, proving that they were not in the truth as they would have people believe. Oh, it looked good. It looked like the return of Pentecost. But it proved it wasn't. It could not be, for it organized. That is death, not life. It looked so close to the real that multitudes were deceived. Now if it wasn't the genuine, what was it? It was the husk, the chaff. In the green, soft sheath-form it looked like it was the real thing. But as one can go into the field and see what looks exactly like wheat and yet is only the husk, (for the wheat seed has not yet formed) so this was but the soft shell that looked like the real grain yet to come. The original wheat seed of Pentecost was to come back in the last age. It had been buried at Nicaea. It sent up a shoot at Sardis. It grew a tassel at Philadelphia, and it was to mature at Laodicea. But it could not be back to the original until the Word was restored. The prophet had not yet come upon the scene. But now according to the time wherein we stand in the Laodicean Age, the `Prophet-messenger' of Revelation 10:7 must already be in the land. Once more "Thus saith the Lord" must be here, ready to be manifested with infallible vindication. Thus is the True Seed already maturing, and THEN THE HARVEST.


Notice it was not the time for God to pour out His Spirit. It was not the perfect will of God, the timing was not right. The Word had not got there yet. But they cried for an out pouring of the Holy Spirit, and God in love heard their cry. He gave them an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, even though it was contrary to His will.


You say, "Contrary to His will?" Yes siree! It was only the permissive will of God. What happened at Azusa Street was only the permissive will of God.


Luke 22:42   Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.


That goes to show you, never pray your will!  Do not ever pray your will but pray Gods will. Pray according to His Word. Never pray what you want but pray "Thy will be done." Lord you know what I need.


God honored their will and desire and gave them an outpouring if the Holy Ghost. What did it do?? It produced the greatest lie that was ever told. That shows you how one thing like that out of the perfect will of God can get things so out of cater, it causes chaos. The devil will take ahold of that.




Notice. Then when he said that, said he could only speak what God put in his mouth. And God told him to send them back. And he... Notice. Then Balaam, like a lot of hireling prophets now, for usury, for money, he come back again and asked him the second time. And he went to God again.

Now look. There is a perfect will of God, and there's a permissive will of God. And God permitted His prophet to go on, yet he wasn't His perfect will. It was His permissive will.

And I feel this afternoon is the same thing on these--working these--this--for this miracle line. It is God's, maybe, permissive will, but it's not His perfect will. You are supposed to take my word, and if--if...

Look, friends, it's hard to say that. It's hard for people to see that. But I don't... There ought to be somebody... God grant someday, that I can have somebody, He will send me somebody who'll do this talking for me, and I won't have to do that. 'Cause it looks like you're throwing something to yourself. God in heaven knows that I wouldn't stand here that much hypocrite before His people. That's right. But it is the truth. I shall be judged for it at the day of judgment. He did say it.

And notice. Now, it might not be His perfect will, but I believe in His permissive will, for I've asked Him that for the sake of the Phoenix here, today; that you might see that I have told you that what is true. And the Angel of God, Who met me that night in the room, I pray that He will stand here to withstand anything that's brought up here this afternoon. Now, as I say, I'm not supposed to do that, because I'm just saying, "Bring somebody up."

Now, if you'd let me walk out through the crowd, I've already picked out at least four people setting right back out here in front of me right now, that could be healed right here by a miracle, right now, 'cause I feel them. One of them is an aged man, gray headed. The other one's a young lady, another one a little girl. They're setting right before me now; they can be healed by a miracle, right here.

But if I should go out there and pick you out, then you'd want to find fault with me. You see? This gift I don't believe was given for holding mass meetings like this. I don't believe it was. I believe that I should be led of Almighty God to go wherever He'd lead me to place to place, like that. And then pray for the people and so forth, as He would lead me.

I don't know. But whatever, I'm trying to get these things settled down, where I can find His perfect Divine will, His channel to walk in, and stay there, regardless of what anyone says about it. That's right.



Look what has happened, we have millions of people sitting in buildings this morning claiming to be worshipping the Lord, and they are just as dead as the man sitting on the bar stool. Because there is only one way to God, and that is the way He laid down in His Word! See??


5-3 SATAN'S.EDEN -- JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-20 -- 65-0829

Luther had his message. Wesley had his message, and Pentecost had their message. Also, it said, "That because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold"--the emotions of the outside, the mental conception of the Gospel, "Because" He said, "you're that way, I will spew you out of My mouth." In other words, it made Him sick to see the church in that condition. And remember, they spewed Him out, and He was on the outside of the church trying to get back on the inside in that awful Laodicean Church Age.

The god of this world, today--the worshipped person of this world today is Satan, and the people are ignorant of worshipping Satan. But it's Satan impersonating himself as the church, see--as the church. They worship Satan, thinking that they are worshipping God through the church, but it is the way Satan has done it.

Oh! You say, "But wait a minute; we preach the Word." Look back here at my text, tonight. Satan was the one that preached the Word to Eve first. God has said, see. It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day. He will let you know all that Jesus did was perfectly well. He will let you know all that Moses did was perfectly well. But when you take the promises that they gave for this day; then that was applied to another age . That's just all he has to do, see, is to get the people to believe it that way, and that's all. For you cannot take one word away from It, or add one word to It, but that is what he does.

People, ignorantly worshipping Satan, thinking they are worshipping God. As we're warned by prophecy in II Thessalonians that... Let's just read that: II Thessalonians, the 2nd chapter. Let's just get it a moment, if I can right away. I'd like to read that just a... I believe II Thessalonians. I got the Scripture here and...

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of the Lord Jesus, and by our gathering together unto him,"

And see the coming of the Lord and the gathering to Him, as God will gather His people to Him in the last days--the gathering of the people to the Lord. Not to the church, to the Lord. Gathering together unto Him.

"That ye be not soon shaken in your mind, or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin" (man of sin, watch what he is now) "man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," (That was Judas, see.)


"Who opposeth and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

That deceitfulness of the church of today. See, the son of perdition--the devil. The son of perdition--the devil. Then people worshipping Satan in this day, thinking they're worshipping God. But they're worshipping him through a creed, a man-made denominations and creeds that has brought the people right down to the greatest deception that the world has ever known of. No matter how much the Word of God promised for this day, is preached and vindicated, they still won't believe It. They won't believe It.


Except you find the narrow way that leads unto Life you are lost! You say are they not good people?? Do they not worship the Lord?? Do they not do good?? That has not one thing to do with it! There is no one good no not one! There is only one good and that is God. And God has only one way of salvation. That is laid down in the Word of God, which says narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it! But broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction and many go in there at.


Matt. 7:13   Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:


Matt. 7:14   Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


I am so thankful we can gather here this morning upon a predestinated promise of God. It is not in our will or in our thinking, but it is in the mind of God. God said He would pour out the Holy Ghost in the last days and bring His little Bride into His Body.


So we are not praying and believing God just on something we want Him to do, God has put in our hearts to pray and believe Him for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. That makes the difference!


You know, I thought is this just my desire? That I wanted an outpouring of the Holy Ghost, to see a perfect church come forth with real Apolostic signs and wonders following. Is that just my desire??



124 MANIFESTED.SONS.OF.GOD -- JEFF.IN -- AD.2 -- 60-0518

Now, remember, God predestinated you, by foreknowledge, that you were coming to this. Everybody understand it, raise your hand, see. God, by foreknowledge, predestinated you to come to the promised Land. What is the promised Land for the Christian today? Just raise up your hand if you know. "The promise is unto you and to your children, to them that are far off. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters." And in Isaiah 28:18, "Precept must be upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little. Hold fast to that what's good. For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the rest, (This, the Rest) the Sabbath land that I said that they should enter into. And, for all this, they would not hear, but they wagged their heads and walked away, and wouldn't hear It." See? Exactly.


But when I see a sinner saved by grace, and God take him up and tell him what is the thing that He is going to do in this hour. And God quicken that and stir that up in that man, and I see it in the Word of God. Then it gives me hope and courage!


My faith is anchored in the Word of God, where He said I will restore saith the Lord. I will have a perfect Church in the end time!


Joel 2:23   Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

Joel 2:24   And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.

Joel 2:25   And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

Joel 2:26   And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

Joel 2:27   And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.

Joel 2:28   And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:



See, when god puts it in your heart, and then you see it in the Word of God, that makes it so!


I was not going to preach this morning, I was going to play a tape. But I had something come to me a few months ago, just a thought. Why did Brother Branham say the Bride does not have faith for divine healing?? That always bothered me. Then one day the Lord spoke to me and told me why that was.


I never did preach on it. But yesterday our librarian walked by with three tapes, one of them was "Perfect Faith." So lets have a little Sunday school lesson. How many would like to know why Brother Branham said that?? There is a reason why he said those things.


So thankful children that we are here this morning waiting in love for the promise of the hour to be confirmed. The revelation is out now for several years. And the mysteries of the seals has been revealed.


167 GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE JEFF.IN -- V-4 N-9 -- 65-0801.1M

But in obedience this little faith Woman, that lives by faith, the Bride, the person here, there, here, off somewhere else, some other church, some other denomination, whatever it is, and some...?... believes the Word of God, obedient, waiting in love for the promise of the age to be confirmed. She's watching for it. She is part of that Word, and she's watching for Her life to manifest that Word. Brethren, can't you see that? I hope that didn't go over you. The Body, which is the Word, waiting for the Life, which is the Spirit, to confirm or make It alive. That is what she is waiting for. No other life will work in her. She can't come to life any other way, yet she feels it out there, and she knows it's going to happen; then here it happens, then she wakes up. God said, "Let there be," and She came forth like the first one come forth.


Of course you know what the Seventh Seal is, if you are spiritual you know. It will not be long till that great seal will be broken to the public. It is the Resurrection Seal. As we said before, when Jesus rose from the dead, on the Eighth Day that was the Great Seal. That was the Great Resurrection Seal. And the secret of life after death was revealed in the Eighth Day! See that is beautiful, isn't it?



8-3 THE.RISING.OF THE.SUN JEFF.IN - V-3 N-12 - 65-0418.1M

But when we receive the message, that seal is broken, because the seal is what's got a message bound on the inside. And now, the true Easter Seal on this sunrise was broken, and the secret of Life after death was revealed. Before that time we didn't know; the world groped in darkness, groped around man's suspicion. Theories was among man's hearts--traditions, made up. Man worshipped idols; they worshipped the sun; they worshipped all kinds of gods. And all kinds of people that made claims, they all went into the grave, and they stayed in the grave. But the real Seal had been broken, and One, Who once lived as we live, died as we will die, was risen from the dead! What a morning! Never one like it in all the history of the world. The secret was made known that He was both Resurrection and the Life.

Then He said when He come forth on that morning, "Because I live, you live also." Not only was He the beneficiary of the resurrection, but all those Seed that was resting in God's great providence was a benefactor of that resurrection to Life, because He said, "Because I live, ye shall live also."

That was the breaking of the Seal. Because He was brought up, so will every one that's in Christ be brought up with Him. At this glorious sunrise God had proven or a-vindicated His Word. All the gloom's and doubts that had moved in people's minds was taken away, because here was He Who once live, eat, drink, and fellowship with mankind that said, "I have power to lay My life down, and I have power to raise it up again." And now not only had He made the statement, but He proved it to be the Truth. Oh, what a glorious thing that is! I'm sure this morning that even we, who believe it, cannot comprehend what a great thing that was. Because He raised from the dead, we also have already raised from the dead, while we were in Him.

Notice now, as the gloom covered the earth and the seeds could not live without the s-u-n to rise; and gloom had covered the earth, and now, the S-o-n was risen and all gloom was vanished by this Light, as It spread across a--the nations to the people that "He is not here, but He has risen!" What a--what a statement!


Now when you get this little book (Perfect Faith) open it up and we will read Brother Branham's text, here. We will start right there and talk a little bit. It is on page four.


I would like the Church here to study this book. When I say study, I do not mean for you to figure anything out. I mean read it slowly, think upon it. Never try to figure out anything, because the intellectual mind is enemty to God.


Rom. 8:6   For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.



Rom. 8:7   Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.


Rom. 8:8   So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


People ask how did Brother Lambert get all this revelation? I got it just by loving Him, and obeying His Word. See? Never try to figure out anything. I can not figure out anything. I can not, I am ignorant, I do not have intellectual powers. I just love the Lord Jesus with all my heart. And I just read His Word and He comes and reveals it to me. Then that is perfect. When He reveals it that is perfect! That is something you can rest upon.


But, see?? You could be ever so excited and ever so enthused. You can just study and study and figure out and never get no revelation at all. The way to get revelation is to love the Lord Jesus.


You can not, positively positively, verily verily, I say you cannot get revelation unless you are obedient to the written word. Obey what God said in His word, or you will never get revelation. But when you obey Him in the little things. Then when God can trust you He will give you revelation. And when He gives you revelation then you are rapture bound. Of course you will go through a process of maturing but you will go in the rapture.


Now on page four Brother Branham's subject is Perfect Faith. That is quite a word Perfect Faith. This is preached after the seals. After the opening of the Seven Seals or of six of them anyway.


The scripture is Mark 11:22. But lets begin with paragraph 17.


17 PERFECT.FAITH -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-11 -- 63-0825.2E

And now we're going to turn to Mark, St. Mark, the 11th chapter of St. Mark. And we're going to begin to read about the--the 22nd verse of the 11th chapter of St. Mark. And many of you know this Scripture, It's very familiar. It was the Scripture I was thinking on, Brother Russell, when


those... when He spoke to me and said about those squirrels. And they... that was just the very Scripture I was thinking on. It's always been a puzzle. He said, "If ye say"; not "If I say"; "if you say!"

Now, let us read:

Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and you shall have them.

And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father also... that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if You do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

Now, faith is based on forgiveness, then. And then, as we said this morning, trying to get the church into the place to where we could really see apostolic times moving among us, that's what we all hunger. And it's just laying right at the door. We see it, but we want to see more of it. We want it such a flow that it'll--it'll be a help to us, us flow out to others.


Now Brother Branham said faith is based on forgiveness. And notice he said the apostolic times are laying at the door. He did not say it was here. He said it was laying at the door! We saw Apolostic power moving in him. But in nobody else. I just love to tell the truth. The devil hates the truth but I just like to tell the truth.


Now let us look here just a minute. He said faith is based on forgiveness. And Brother Branham expressed a desire to see an Apostolic Church rise. That is what he was sent for. Until we see an Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ rise on the scene, as great as the one you read of in the book of Acts, there is not any Bride of Christ.


The Bride of Christ must absolutely produce another book of Acts. The Book of Acts was not a book that was finished, There has got to be another book of Acts wrote out behind this endtime Bride of Christ.



Because without a book of Acts there can be no resurrection from the dead. There has got to be power come on the scene. And power is what makes the word live! It was not the acts of the apostles but it was the acts of the Holy Ghost in those Apostles.



You see that around here today. They'll graft a tree. Split off something on one, and graft it over here on the other one. That ain't what that tree produced. It's just giving this life, to hold on, but it isn't original fruit from the tree. But when that tree puts forth a branch, it'll be like the first one it put forth.

And when the church puts forth another church, it'll be a pentecostal church, with the signs of the acts in the apostles, doing the same thing when they come from Christ Jesus, working the same, because He's the same, yesterday, and forever. A pentecostal branch, filled with the Holy Ghost, signs and wonders of the resurrection, great things taking place among them; letting them know their God, in the last days, will do exploits. Yes, we're at the end time.


E-20 IT.IS.I -- SHREVEPORT.LA -- 60-1124

Oh, they were all convinced. It must have been about that time, it got dark, and Satan saw them alone without Him. Now, that's just what the devil wants, is to see the church without Christ. I don't care what your name is, how much your name's in gold letters, "We are the holy church; we are this." It's not holy church; there's no such a thing as holy church. There's no such a thing as holy mountain, holy relics, or even holy people. It's Holy Ghost in the people what makes the holy part: Holy Spirit.

Say, "Oh, he's a holy man." He's not a holy man; it's the Holy Ghost in the man. I always kinda different with the saying, "The Acts of the apostles." That isn't the acts of the apostles; they were men. It was acts of the Holy Spirit in the apostles, that brought forth the great victory.


375 REV.CPT.4.PT.3.THRONE.MERCY JEFF ROJC 645-716 61-0108

What am I saying now? Closing, I will just have to let the rest of it go. But, in closing, I want to say this because I've kept you so long. What's He saying here? "There will come a day that a wicked and a generation, adulterous," (now remember!) "will seek a sign. And this is a wicked and an adulterous generation." And He said, "That generation will receive a sign." What type?...?... through the rest of the Bible, the sign of Jonah. "Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights; so must the Son of man be in the belly of the--the earth three days and nights." What will it be? The sign of the resurrection. See? The sign of the resurrection will be done in a wicked and adulterous generation, and it was done in the Book of the Acts. Jesus raised


from the dead, come into Peter, James, and John, and the apostles, and they did this Book of the Acts (it wasn't the acts of the apostles), it was the acts of the Holy Ghost working in the apostles.


If we had the same Holy Ghost in us they had in them, you would see another book of acts wrote out behind this assembly. The reason why this assembly here does not have apostolic signs as they had in the Book of Acts on the day of Pentecost, is because you do not have any power for service.


At least you are further ahead than most people in the world, because you have a revelation that that is coming, and you want it. You know you are poor in spirit. Jesus said blessed are you when your eyes can see that you need this power. Everything about the Church of Jesus Christ is supernatural. There is nothing about the Bride of Jesus Christ that is natural. Everything about them is supernatural! A super race of people a super Church.


Matt. 5:3   Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Luke 6:20   And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.


E-31 SUPER.SIGN -- CHICAGO.IL -- 61-0430

They say, "The days of miracles is past," and all these things. Let them prove it. "I will give you a everlasting sign, the Super Sign." Oh, yes. Now, He could have come an angel. He could have come whatever He wished to. But He chose to come as Abraham's Seed. Amen. Abraham's Super Seed. That's right. The way He chose to come. To show, in this last days, God's Super signs, a super race. Oh, yes. Not what you call a super race but what God calls super race. Because they got what? Supernatural power, with supernatural signs, through a supernatural belief in a supernatural Word, from a supernatural God. Amen. You talk about super!

Supernatural God, in a supernatural body, in a natural people, giving supernatural signs. Hallelujah! Yes. A super race. They that know their God shall do exploits, great exploits, to show supernatural signs. A people, Abraham's Seed, a sign of the supernatural Christ. Risen from the dead, supernaturally.




All right. Now, here is what I'm trying to say to you: the law of reproduction bring forth of its kind (Genesis 1:11). These last days, true Church-Bride comes to the Headstone. Will be the super Church; a super Race as they near the great Headstone. They will be much like--So much like Him, even they will be in His very image, in the order to be united with Him. They will be One. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the Living God. Denominations can never produce this. This will be--They will produce their creeds and dogmas mixed with the Word and--and brings a hybrid product.



"Here is what I am trying to say to you. The law of reproduction is that each specie brings forth after its own kind, even according to Genesis. 1:11, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." Whatever life was in the seed came forth into a plant and thence into fruit. The very same law applies to the church today. Whatever seed started the church will come forth and be like the original seed because it is the same seed. In these last days the true Bride Church (Christ's seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the super church, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. Denominations cannot produce this (wrong seed). They will produce their creeds and their dogmas, mixed with the Word. This mongrelizing brings forth a hybrid product.


I believe that every child of God that has his name on the Lambs Book of Life hungers and thirsts for the supernatural. All men desire the supernatural. There is nothing that has such a magnetic drawing power in the world today as the supernatural.


If the devil possessed Beetles and all them rock and roll devils can get out here and sing and gather crowds of a hundred and a hundred fifty thousand, what do you think the power of God in the Church of Jesus Christ can do??


It is a rebuke to those of us that claim to be Christians today. The Christian Church ought to be walking the street, healing the sick cleansing the lepers and raising the dead. And it is just as powerless and unanointed as can be! Preachers do not want to admit that as the truth.



What is the matter with people? You can not fool God! If you can not be honest with your own heart, how will you be honest with the things of God? I believe God is looking for men and women today that will be honest in their heart. See? You must be honest in your heart to get anything from God! You must admit you do not have it. You must admit that your poor in spirit.


Before you can ever be saved, you must admit that you are in a state that you must be saved from! As long as you got any goodness and you think you are right, you can not be saved. When you need a saviour and you call out to Him, that you need a saviour. Then He will be a saviour to you! So many try to approach God with their goodness.


I have heard so much of it. I did this or I have done that. Brother your righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God Almighty! If you could give your body to be burned and you was a millionaire and you gave all your money away. That is no way to approach God! You must approach Him as a sinner in need of a saviour.


If we are gonna see an Apostolic Church come on the scene, We must come to God with an honest heart. Come to Him and realize that we are poor in spirit. That He can not get any use out of us. There is not one thing about you God can use! There is nothing about me that God wants to use. He just wants me to get out of the way so He can use Himself!


That is what is the matter today see? So many trying to fill the shoes of  Brother Branham. There will be only one kind of a man that can fill the shoes of Brother Branham and that is a man that is able to get himself out of the way, and let Jesus Christ come into him, and speak to the people.


We do not want to hear from Brother Lambert! We do not want to hear from this brother or that brother! We want somebody that is yielded to God! I do not care if he is dressed in overalls with mud on his shoes and can not speak good English. As long as he knows Jesus Christ in the power that raised Him from the dead, that is what I want!


I want to see some little Brother filled with the Holy Ghost, that has got the Word of the Lord! I do not care if he speaks good English, or speaks with a lisp, or is tongue tied till you must listen real hard to understand what he is saying. That does not matter as long as I can feel the witness of the Spirit and know that that quickening power is inside that little brother or sister.



Oh God, we want more than a form of religion. We want to know Him in the power that raised Him from the dead! GLORY TO God!! Hallelujah!!! My God, I am tired of going on to Church! I want to see the power of the Holy Ghost! To see Him come down and get ahold of every woman, man, boy, and girl! I want to look out on my congregation and see the saints here filled with the Holy Ghost shouting their hair down! I want to see the men shout under the power of the Holy Ghost. Amen!  Oh, God Almighty let it happen this morning!


I want to be a burning flame! I want to be filled with Jesus Christ! In an hour when the devil is roaring like a lion and taking millions of teen agers to hell. What an hour to rise on our feet with the power of God, and shake this world for Jesus Christ!


What we  need this morning is a back breaking. We need to be broken before the Lord. We need hearts that are hungering and thirsting for Christ. I told Brother McGhee the greatest thing we could have is a depression. We would be better off if we had to walk to church this morning.


That is what is the matter with the young people today. too much money. Too much glare and big living. If the whole family was down on their knees praying and trusting God for a loaf of bread, I tell you I would show you Christianity and the power of the Holy Ghost!


Oh God, what ever it takes, bring us to that place! I am hungering for God. I loathe myself, I hate myself! I want to see him in the power of His resurrection! That is what I want to see. God put something down in my heart that I will not be satisfied. Something down in there to cry and to hunger for God till I see my little Church filled with the Holy Ghost. We can shake this world! We can take this mountain! How many want it with all your hearts?? How many are tired of living like your living?? God grant it!!


When I think of the opportunity we have.(Brother Bob refers to how all different kinds of people are trying to come to Jesus. Movie stars and great people trying to find Jesus. The so called Jesus movement etc.) Why?? Because they know the end of the world is here. The Bible said they would do it.



That is the very hour Jesus Christ moves on the scene, with His second coming. God hidden and revealed in human flesh. And the great revival will be a haunting to those people in prison, that can not be saved. Why?? Because they turned down the hour of Gods acceptance.


Isa. 61:1   The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;


Isa. 61:2   To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;


Isa. 61:3   To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.


Luke 4:18   The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,


Luke 4:19   To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.


Luke 4:20   And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.


Luke 4:21   And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.


You ask when was that acceptable year of the Lord?? In the shout. That was the acceptable day of the Lord. Now the revival is just for the Bride and the Church. What is it? Just a haunting out there.



32-6 SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW JEFF.IN. V-2 N-22 - 63-1110.1M

That's what the prophet said, St. Paul. The woman that lives in this worldly condition is dead while she is living. If she rejects mercy, she can cross the separating line where there's no place for her no more. Then where's she at with her painted eyes and cut hair? She's across the line with no way to come back, and there's got to be a ministry preached to her. But remember, at that time, it's all over. It's done--just a haunting!

There'll be a ministry that will show great wonders, (Joel said so) but there'll be no time for redemption. It's all over. The Lamb's done took His Book, and His redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected and then went and haunted those that were in there--preached to them that were in prison and could not repent--no time for salvation.

That same ministry will have to repeat again. What if that could be the Third Pull?--to the eternal lost. What if it is then? I hope it's not. What if it is? Think of it, just a minute now. What if it is? God forbid, I've got children. But it sure looks pretty close here.


Children it shakes me to think how late it is! We see all these movie stars coming in claiming Jesus. Do you not realize that is the plan of the devil. This is one little preacher by the grace of God they are not fooling! God is no respector of persons. There is no great ones with God. We are all sinners lost in the sight of God.


As Brother Kenny was saying how hard it was for him to read after Brother Branham, and understand him because his English is so broken. I said, that is right son. It is because Brother Branham was an ignorant, unlearned man. and that is the only kind if man God can use. Someone who knows he is that way. Then God comes into that man, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and He takes that man and confounds the wise, that try to find Him in their wisdom.


1Cor. 1:17   For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

1Cor. 1:18   For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

1Cor. 1:19   For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.


1Cor. 1:20   Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

1Cor. 1:21   For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

1Cor. 1:22   For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

1Cor. 1:23   But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

1Cor. 1:24   But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

1Cor. 1:25   Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

1Cor. 1:26   For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

1Cor. 1:27   But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

1Cor. 1:28   And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are:

1Cor. 1:29   That no flesh should glory in his presence.


The world by wisdom Paul said, "Knew not God." But God saved the world by the foolishness of preaching! Takes some ignoramus and fills him with the Holy Ghost, calls him and anoints him. And saves the lost by his foolish preaching.


I humbly say this, any person that would move thousands of miles and come and live here to hear me preach, is foolish! Unless it was God. That is the way God does, He saves His people by the foolishness of preaching.


Now the great persons of the world are coming into the Jesus movement. It is being hailed as a revival that will sweep the world. God is not in it! They are just as lost as lost can be! First place they do not even know the Lord Jesus. You call His Earthly name Jesus. That is not His name. They have polluted that name till there is no fear in the name of Jesus.



Women half naked in a minny skirt, filthy ungodly, yet speak in tongues.


That great Holy God is not going to come down in anybody like that. I do not believe it! They are not getting filled with the Holy Ghost! They are not getting saved and not getting filled with the Holy Ghost!


Now you see what that will do when that goes to the public. If you are spiritual you can see that building up to the second coming of Christ. God in a human being will step out there on the scene. How many see that building up there??


Now great people of the world claiming Jesus, with their hands up worshipping Jesus. Being heralded as a great revival. They are not ashamed to be seen worshipping the Lord and crying.


Can you see, it is not tears? It does not have to do with emotion. Can't you see if you do not hear the correct preacher you will be lost.


Isa. 43:10   Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.


John 6:29   Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.


John 8:24   I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.



Believe on him whom God has sent or you are lost! Unless you find the man God is in you are lost. That is all there is to it! God can not work outside of that. If He does not have a man He is in now, there is no salvation now.


John 3:34   For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.


John 6:27   Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

John 6:28   Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

John 6:29   Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.


Everybody has their own Jesus out here. I do not know that Jesus they are speaking of. I never met that Jesus Christ they are talking about. Not for one minute did I believe God was speaking to all these evangelists on the field. When I was but three days old in the lord, I did not believe it!


When I would hear those preachers. I knew the one that talked to me in my closet is not the one that is talking to them.


2Cor. 11:3   But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.


2Cor. 11:4   For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.


Mr. Lambert, people ask, are you saying they are anointed of the devil??  No sir, but the one that is talking to me is not the one that is talking to them.



I waited upon the Lord. Other preachers saying I had lost my ministry. They thought I would have a great ministry, they would fly me around the world.


They did not know what was down in there! See?? It takes God in a man to make him wait on the Lord! Talk about it, do anything you want to. God will bring that forth when it is the hour. Wait and see if He does not!


Hebr. 12:25   See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:


Hebr. 12:26   Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.



I believe that the Church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that's going to shake the whole world. That's the first time it's been since the days of Jesus of Nazareth, to a human being. "Ask anything that you will, and it shall be given unto you." Anything you desire. Don't you see the words of Jesus Christ being fulfilled? Oh, it's going to come to pass pretty soon. I'm looking for it to happen in this meeting. I'm wanting it to happen now. That anointing will strike the whole Church of the living God and She will rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word; the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised up, and the power of God will shake the world with the Church of the living God. We're in the process of it now. I believe it's soon coming to pass. I believe it will be just exactly that way. I believe it's going to strike the Church of God. Soon it's going to start a revival that'll shake the world. I believe it.


It is all setting in order. I have known it all along. Waiting right there. Now little church be faithful to God. It is coming right up here now! Something is gonna happen here that will shake the world! I am a false prophet if it does not come to pass! It will come to pass!



There will be another repeat of Pentecost as sure as I stand here.


Now look how this out here, this Jesus movement, that is no more of God than nothing. What do you think it will do when God comes on the scene with the real thing.


Oh, How I want to see the Lord Jesus lifted up for what He is. Something in me turns over when I see movements devaluing the Lord Jesus Christ. I tell you He is a holy God. And they make Him some loathsome creature. You can live in fornication and adultery and be filthy as you want yet come accept the lord Jesus and get the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues.  You can not do it!


Oh God! Go out there and shake that thing and show it for what it is! All these money begging compromising preachers, Hell is too good for a man like that!


How they used Brother Branham for a spare tire, made millions of dollars off his gift and his ministry. I never forget this, Bro. Branham said that thing will be pulled out there on the scene one of these days. When Jesus Christ comes again with His whip in His hand, He will drive these things out from among there. They will come to their end!


What an hour for this great apostolic church to come forth. A great glorious climax. It is building up to a platform that is many times greater than the spirit that was poured out on the day of Pentecost. Oh, how God is gonna glorify His name.


Bro. Branham said we see these Apostolic Times are to be right here in the end time. Great acts of the Holy Ghost manifested. Brother Branham said we see it lying right at the door.


Now, why is it just lying at the door?? What did he mean by that?


How can we have this faith Jesus spoke of here in the eleventh chapter of Mark and the twenty second verse? How many of you would like to have that kind of faith? That you could say to this mountain.



Mark 11:22   And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.


Mark 11:23   For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.


Mark 11:24   Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.


No joke! God does not joke. He means just what he said in the Bible. He, God, said to the apostle Peter and all the Apostles, "If you say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and not doubt in your heart what you said, you shall have what you ask for!


Now children, there has not been any man or group of people, since the days of the Lord Jesus that has rose on the scene to make that scripture live. This is one of the most important scriptures to the bride of Christ that I know of! This is the heart throb of God for this hour we are living in.


We are coming to a place where the Bride of Christ is not going to lay hands on the sick, to receive their healing. It will be done by the Spoken Word of God! Men and women will rise on the scene that will just speak and you will receive your healing. Now this is perfect Faith! Perfect means mature.


The Bride has grown from the negative of the dark ages under Catholicism. The church under Luther and Wesley and restoration of the gifts with Bro. Seymour in 1906 at Azusa street California. We have come from the negative, with a maturing of the Faith. They did not do much under Luther. They did not make the word come to pass only the "Just shall live by faith." Wesley never brought much of it to pass. But it kept growing from negative faith, growed right on up here to where He said Perfect Faith.


41 PERFECT.FAITH -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-11 -- 63-0825.2E


Now, faith is the substance, and by it, we understand, all of those things are done. It's not a--it's not a imagination, it is a substance; especially Perfect Faith. That's what I'm talking on tonight, getting to Perfect Faith. It is not an imagination.

Now, others, have people come, "Oh, I got all faith; oh, I sure have." Well, what are you standing here for, then? See? See? See, your--your very actions prove that you haven't got what you're talking about. See? If you had faith, then what you stand in the prayer line for? See? What do you do these things for?

See, if you had Perfect Faith, you'd look right straight to God and believe it, and walk away. You would have no need of coming into a prayer line. You wouldd have no need of these things, because your faith has done made it so. See? What would be the use for me saying, "I got to put a shirt on"? I got a shirt on!

"How do you know you got a shirt on?"

"Well, I see it, feel it, and I know it's there." Well, that's just how real that when Perfect Faith takes a-hold. You don't--you don't need no more. It's already done; you know it.

"How do you know it?"

"Faith tells me so!" That's it. See? Do you get it now, what I mean? That Perfect Faith.

Now, other words, I'm venturing out, "Well, I will go. The Bible said, `Call the elders, let them anoint with oil, pray over it.' I know, I will go up." And you say, "Well, I'm going to be healed." See, you're making yourself; you don't watch now, you're going to make yourself just-- just worked up . And then when you pass through, you say, "Oh, I--I still don't...?..." See, there you was, you didn't have faith!

159 PERFECT.FAITH -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-11 -- 63-0825.2E

Think of that! The Word of God is That, a discerner of the intents of the heart. For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and of spirit, and of the joints and of the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word made flesh! Hallelujah! The Word operating in human flesh, by physical signs, by material signs, by Scriptural signs, perfectly, to bring to you a Perfect Faith for a Perfect Rapture.


In order for the Bride to leave the Earth there has got to be a Perfect Faith, in every individual that goes in the Rapture! Did you hear what I said? Every individual that goes in the rapture is going to have a perfect faith! Now how many want to know how to have that perfect Faith?



The only Perfect Faith I know of would be the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is Perfect Faith! How many want His Faith?? How many believe that if you had the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, that would be perfect? That would be perfect. You could not get any greater than that could you?



Now, sometimes today it's been said amongst many believers, they say about certain things, "Oh, that's my against faith. Our faith don't teach that." There's only really one faith, the Bible said so. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and there's one faith and that is the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. See?

Now, we Methodists like to believe that that's what our faith is. And I believe it. And we Baptist like to believe that that's what our faith is. And we Presbyterians and Pentecostals and Nazarenes and Pilgrim Holiness, we all want to say, "That's what we have." Well, I believe that. I do believe it.

Well now, the difference is that they different so much one with another. Now, if you can believe what you believe and end your faith with a comma instead of a period, and saying, "I believe this and nothing else," if you put a comma. If you end it with a period, "I believe this plus all the rest that God will show me." Now, that's--that's the way to do it. "I believe this that I have is the faith. I've got this part of it, and I'm ready to learn something else that God will tell me, and teach me." Then you've got a open heart. And the Bible said, "If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness." What a beautiful Scripture. And it's God's eternal teachings.


Notice Jesus Christ has been maturing from the dark ages right up unto a perfect Jesus Christ. That is Perfect Faith! Perfect Faith is a fully matured faith. That is where the Bride has got to rise to.


Brother Branham said in the Third Seal that the Church does not have faith for divine healing let alone rapture. Some thing must take place to move the Church up to a rupturing faith. There has been no manifistation to stir the Bride for revival yet.



79 ISRAEL.AT.KADESH.BARNEA  JEFF.IN - IC 97-128 - 53-0328


And I believe we're on the border land tonight. I was wondering about all my meetings and things, how I had to cancel them out. I truly believe, before the Church can have the Rapture, it's got to have rapturing faith. We can't even have faith for Divine healing, let alone rapturing faith. Got to have a faith that'll change and quicken this body, and be taken away. I believe there's a Church on its road tonight, a Power of the living God, that men will speak the Word here and there, and it'll flash like lightning. And a Church is coming out; not a psychologist, not some of this put-on, make-belief; but a real, true, genuine, anointed Holy Ghost, called-out Church! Amen.


118 DEMONOLOGY.2.RELIGIOUS - CON.IN - DE 41-78 - 53-0609

What they did at Pentecost, what they had in the early Testament, we got today! And as soon as God can get the thing ironed out and the church get together, the Rapture will come. But we can't even get faith for Divine healing let alone the Rapture, because we're all twisted up, one this way and one that way, and "Doctor So-and-so said It was this. Well, my preacher said He was This."



But look, friend, the time is coming, that when there is rising up a church. If we can't have faith for Divine healing, how are we going to have for the rapture? We've got to move out, friend. We've got to get out of this old, slow, church condition that we're in. Step out. Launch out. Cut the shorelines, and get out into somewhere, where you lose all senses of fear and doubt, out there where all things are possible, brother, just as free as it can be. You've got your sail set towards heaven, and nothing can stir you no way. You're gone that way; that's all. Nothing can harm you.

Now, that's the kind of a church it's going to be, one of these days, according to the Bible. Where the Angel poured our His wrath and diseases broke out, and men even rotted in their flesh where they were standing. And the fowl of the air come down and eat off of the shoulders, and eat the flesh of chief-captains, and great mans, and presidents, and warriors, and diplomats, and potentates, and everything. Eat... But the Angel was given charge, "Don't you come near anyone that's got the seal of God in their forehead." It's going to be a... One of these days Divine healing's going to be a great thing among the people. So let's get in condition. God wants us...

You say, "Well, Brother Branham, you say, 'Let us.'" That's what God's a waiting on. God... We're waiting on Jesus to return, and Jesus is waiting on us. You say, "Well, how--what can we do about it."

The Bible said the hour has come, and His Bride has made herself ready (Hallelujah.), made herself ready.



35-3 THE.ABSOLUTE -- JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-18 -- 62-1230.1M

Oh, and I remember when He swept down there in that big Light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, "As... as John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ, I send you with a Message to the world to forerun the second coming of Christ." And around the world she's went when revival fires had been built for fifteen years on nearly every mountain. Divine healing across the nations, and the power, and restoration. And now, I believe she's ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a faith that will Rapture the Church into Glory; and She's laying in the Messages! We're really at the end time. We've talked about it and everything, but the thing has moved upon us now. Hear 'em! Yes, sir! Here's one! That's right!


253-1 THE.THIRD.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0320

She held to her traditions, and substitute, instead of the... She held to the substitute blood instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word... when He was manifested to her... Because she held to these traditions, Jesus the manifested Word, said to the Bride, Hebrew Bride, "Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you." It can't be effective.

Now that is what is the reason today that the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir! Don't think we got revivals! We haven't! Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere! No.

The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See. There has been no revival there--no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet, see? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now watch. Now, she was dead.


What?? In other words then the Shout Mal.4:5 did not stir the Bride. It only stirred a mixed multitude to come out of denominations. But there was nothing said there that could touch that seed there and bring it to life. Blessed are your eyes if they can see that, blessed are your ears if they can hear that!



Notice, the winds began to blow. The sea begin to get rough. They'd gone off without Him, gone off on a big program somewhere, gone off to do this--all so interested in this, and that, and the other. And they'd left without Him.


A mixed multitude went up with Moses that caused the trouble. And I think that's about the same thing that's happened today. The Supernatural has been done, and we've brought in a mixed multitude. Same thing. That's what causes the trouble. Notice.



Now I know--to you Methodists, and Baptists, and so forth--there's a lot of fanaticism that follows any message. Now to you Lutherans I was just reading the history of Martin Luther, one of his books that was wrote on him here not long ago. They said it wasn't so mysterious that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it, but to hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival. And that goes... There's a mixed multitude with every revival. You know that. But now remember, that only indicates that there's a real one.


Brother Branham said there had been nothing yet to stir the Bride. So there must come something that will stir the Bride! And the only thing that I know of that will stir the Bride is not a sign or wonder or manifistation of the Holy Ghost. But the Voice of God The Revealed Word will stir the Bride!



God never placed signs ahead of His Word. (Amen! That's a scorcher.) God never placed signs ahead of His Word. They were added for proof of the Word, but the Word is first.



See? What? Faith... This is a scorcher, and I hope you get it. Faith always recognizes the Word to be true. That's right. Faith always sanctions the Word with a "Amen." No matter what anything else is, the Word's always right. No matter if they say, "The days of miracles is past"--and the Bible said, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever,"--faith says, "That's the truth." That's right. If they say the Holy Ghost is just for a group back there, one hundred and twenty, on the Day of Pentecost, and the Bible said... Peter said on Pentecost, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, and them that is far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call," faith holds to that. Nobody can take it away from you. You got it!


My Bride knows my Voice! When she hears the Voice of the Turtledove in the land she rises up. It stirs her!



John 10:16   And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.


John 10:27   My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:


Rev. 3:20   Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.


John 3:29   He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.


Song 2:12   The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;


Rev. 18:23   And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.



You was deceived in the beginning by your first marriage. Now, you know what is true. Just like I said the little eagle, when he heard the Bridegroom's Voice, he went to It. The anointed, vindicated Word of God for the last days.

Noah was the vindicated Word for his day. Do you believe that? Well, his message won't work today.

Moses was the vindicated Word of his age. Do you believe that? It won't work for now.


Jesus was... John was the vindicated Word. Do you believe that? It wouldn't work in the days of Jesus. Certainly not. No sir, law and prophets were until John; since then, the kingdom of Heaven.


What does it stir her for?? It stirs her for Rapturing Faith! See??


E-11 A.BLUSHING.PROPHET -- JEFF.IN -- 56-1125.2E

We put corn plasters on, take them off, and another corn plaster, and take it off, and still find the pain is there. What we need today is not social regeneration, it's not intellectual talks, what we need today is a old-fashioned, God sent blood transfusion from heaven. The corn plasters won't do no good. We are anemia. We need a blood transfusion. We need to come back to the old-fashioned Gospel that calls out for repentance before God. And not a dry-eyed hand shook profession. But a God sent, Holy Ghost revival with the profession of the cleansing of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ into every human heart. We need a revival to start in the church and sweep the nation across. We will die, we will perish, we are gone without that type of revival.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing little petty Hollywood revivals, so called, where people come in and get emotionally stirred up for a couple hours and... or day or two, or a week or two, and go out and that's all of it. Brother, you can be worked up by a revival. You can have emotion. You can have good intentions. All those things are fine. But we don't need that today. We need a baptism of the Holy Spirit to change the emotions and the intellects and the views, the habits, the life of the people and put them back on the right road again. Outside of a blood transfusion from Calvary, all of our reformations won't do any good at all.


Now watch here. How will we see a perfect Faith come on the scene? That has got to be here in this end time! A faith that what ever you say; the words go out of your mouth, and goes out there and accomplishes what ever you said.


Notice Hebrews says:

Hebr. 11:1   Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


Now what is a substance? Do you see this Bible in my hand? Are you sure this Bible is in my hand? Are you positive? How do you know it is??



Brother McGhee close your eyes. What does that feel like?


Brother McGhee answers, "That is a Bible."


See, He had something there, that positively though his eyes were closed, he positively believed that was the Bible. He knew it! He does not doubt it. He knows it! Now that is a substance! No matter what you tell him, he knows it!


Now how many know positively that I am standing here? You are sure! How do you know? You know it because of sight. Your sight declares that I am standing here. Your sense of hearing tells you also.


But now what if you did not see? And you did not hear me? And somebody said Brother Bob is here.


How many believe Brother McGhee and trust him and love him? Suppose Brother McGhee would say, "Brother Bill, Brother Bobs is here!"


Brother Bill would say are you sure? I cannot hear him or see him.


But Brother McGhee would insist, "But he is here! Brother Bill you got to believe it Brother Bob is here!"


Now if Bill could not see or hear me, but Brother McGhee insisted forcefully that I was here. He may, from respect agree with Brother McGhee. He may say, "Sure I believe", just because Brother McGhee is insisting so strongly.



Now he does not really believe. But he loves and respects Brother McGhee and goes along with him.


Now, that is where the Church is today. The Church is saying, "Amen!" Because somebody else saw and heard. How many of you are getting what I am trying to say?


Now be honest. How many have been in a meeting, you hear the preacher bringing revelation, you did not understand. You did not understand but you did not want people to think you are unspiritual. You wanted people to think you were getting everything. So you said amen to a thing you did not understand. You were not getting what was being said but you said amen. But all the time you were doubting.



I want to read just a little Scripture before I express that thought. Hebrews 11:1:

Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.

Now, faith is the substance. Now, it isn't just a--a make up, or a thought, it's a real substance. It's something that's just as real as any other sense of the body. There's these five senses that control this body, and there's two senses control the inward man. And that's faith and unbelief for the inward man. See, taste, feel, smell, and hear for the outward man.

Now, I believe the last time here I had a demonstration and showed you how that the different senses would operate.

For instance, like by faith, you'd say... Now, you don't have to see by faith. You say, "that shirt's white." All of you that have your correct sight know that if your sense is correct, it says it's white.

And now, they say, faith--seeing is believing. How many has heard that expression? "Let me see it and I will believe it." Oh, I--I can prove you, that's wrong. That's wrong. Seeing is only one...


Come here a minute, Reverend Cox, if you will. Stand right there. Just watch this demonstration. Stand right back here. I want you to watch whether seeing is believing or not.

Now, I believe there's a man standing before me with a suit on, blue suit, and he's got a--a red rose in the lapel of his coat.


How many--How many believes that I'm right? Let's see now, believes that? I--I miscalled that. It was a carnation instead of a rose, but I--I... [Brother Cox says, "Seeing wasn't believing then, was it?"--Ed.] That's right.

How many believes that man's standing before me? Let's see your... You know he's standing before me. All right. Now, I know he's standing there too, because that I can--I can see him. My sight is correct and I believe in my sight. And I--I'm thankful for my sight.

One time I was blind, so blind I could just make out objects, and they had to lead me. My eyes are twenty-twenty now because Jesus Christ healed me. And I--I believe my sight.

And he's--he's standing there because I see him.

Now, it's totally impossible for me to see him, is that right? My back's turned to him. But he's still there. You want to argue with me if he's not there? You just try to out argue me. You couldn't do it. Now, that's the same man standing there. Why?

I noticed he had a piece of paper in his hand, it's still there. See? And he...

That's the same man. Yet I do not see him, but yet I know he's there. How do I know he's there? I felt him, is that right? Then seeing isn't believing, is it? Feeling is believing in this case. Now, I will just argue with you all night, that was Brother Cox.


Now, I want you to start talking, just repeating a Scripture, when I tell you.

Now, I do not see Brother Cox, I do not feel Brother Cox. (Start quoting a Scripture.) [Brother Cox says, "Revelation 1:7."--Ed.] Brother Cox's standing there. I don't feel him, I don't see him. You want to argue with me? I know he's standing there. Why? I could hear him. Then seeing is not believing, is it? So then forget about that. God bless you.

See? No, seeing is only one of the senses. And see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, that's... God never did intend to man to use those to recognize God by. God made man in His Own image first, and God is a Spirit. Saint John 4:

They that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth.

But then when man was put in human flesh, then God gave him five senses to contact--not God, but his earthly home. These things, the senses of the body, is only to declare, or to contact earthly things here on earth. Not heavenly things.

And then your inward man is the spirit which has two senses, faith and unbelief.



Now we are talking about Perfect Faith. Hebrews says faith is a substance, a positive reality! You got it there is no guessing about it. Nobody can tell you different you saw it!


Now that is a substance. Faith is a substance! And this is the most misunderstood thing that there is. People in the prayer line were asked "Do you have faith?" Yes I have all faith Brother Branham. They did not have it!



Now, watch. Faith is the substance--just the same as my sight says, just the same as my feeling says, just the same as my hearing says, my smelling. See? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you do not see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. See what I mean? They are direct.

And now to say with, and feel just a little bad about having to say it, that about ninety percent of the people that come to the platform has hope instead of faith. See? You just--You...

I've heard people come and say, "Brother Branham, I've got all the faith in the world." Oh my, that's a whole lot. All right.

Jesus never questioned, when He came back would he find respects? He never questioned whether He would find saints, He never questioned whether He would find righteousness; but what Jesus questioned whether He would find or not, is what I'm trying to uphold. "Will I find faith when I come back?"

Faith. You must believe. And upon believing, the only way that faith can be based sanely and sensibly for divine healing, is upon the written Word of God. This is the foundation.


If they had faith they would not have needed Brother Branham to lay hands on them! The reason they were in the prayer line is because they did not have faith as they said they had faith. That is why he had the sign in the hand!


Now let me bring this point in. The Angel of the Lord told Brother Branham that like Moses you have been given a sign.




Every one be real reverent. And now, there might be some strangers that has not heard as yet the operation of the Spirit of God that was delivered this ministry to me. It was given by an Angel when I was borned. It manifested Itself three years ago. It always followed me, made me know that It was near. Then It came to me, It was a man. He's been seen in the meetings many times. Big, large man, weigh about two hundred pounds, has dark hair to His shoulder. Testifying when He come, He said, "I'm sent from the Presence of God to tell you your peculiar birth and life is to indicate that you're take a gift of healing to the peoples of the world." And begin to tell me different things would happen.

I told Him that I was uneducated and wasn't able to go. He told me I'd be given two signs.

I said, "The people will not believe me, because I'm not educated sufficient to speak to people."

He said, "You'll be given two signs, as was the prophet Moses." He said, "One sign will be that you're to--you'll detect diseases through your hand. When the people contact you, well you'll be able to tell them what diseases they have through a supernatural discernment." And then said, "If you'll be sincere, then it will come to pass that you'll tell the people the secrets of their hearts, and the things that they've done in life that might've hindered their healing, and so forth."


Note the Angel said the sign in the hand will produce their faith. This will make their faith rise up for their healing.



When He met me that night and told me, I with a common grammar school education, how could I go to face the peoples of the world to take that gift? He said, "I will be with you."

I said, "They will not believe me."

He said, "You'll be given two signs."

Now, remember, the signs does not heal; the signs raise faith to heal. But only through faith is it healed. Do you understand? See, see? Signs only works faith.

And now, Moses, when he went and told the children of Israel that God had sent him down to deliver them, he performed two signs. He put his hand in his bosom and taken it out, leprosy, put it back in his bosom and turned it again normal. He threw down his staff, and it turned to a serpent, picked it up, and it turned back to a staff. And Israel believed Moses.

Now, these signs that has been given to know the thoughts, the heart of the people and the things that they had done, is not by man; it's by the Spirit of God that comes down and reveals it. It comes into the meeting many times, great Light circling through the meeting.



Now where is it recorded in the Word of God, in the New Testament where the elected Bride of Christ, has to have a sign to produce their faith?? It is not in there!


Now that shows right there that the people never had the New Birth. Jesus said my sheep know my voice and another they will not follow.


The Bible said by his stripes we are healed. But the people needed a sign to receive faith for healing. They believed the sign but not the word.


Isa. 53:5   But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


1Pet. 2:24   Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.


The people could not believe that. They required a sign before they could believe for healing. And if Bro. Branham would not show the sign they did not want to be prayed for. Some would even get mad. Why was that??


John 2:18   Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign showest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?


1Cor. 1:22   For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:


Brother Branham come on up to the close of his ministry and made the statement that the Church does not have faith enough for divine healing  let alone rapture. Something must stir the Bride for faith.



253-1 THE.THIRD.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0320

She held to her traditions, and substitute, instead of the... She held to the substitute blood instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word... when He was manifested to her... Because she held to these traditions, Jesus the manifested Word, said to the Bride, Hebrew Bride, "Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you." It can't be effective.

Now that is what is the reason today that the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir! Don't think we got revivals! We haven't! Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere! No.

The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See. There has been no revival there--no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet, see? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now watch. Now, she was dead.



A True Sign That's Overlooked. Man has sought for signs all the way from Pharaoh until today. And Jesus told us of a--a time there would be seekers of signs, and said that a wicked and adulterous generation would seek after signs. But yet, they would receive a sign; and that generation was to receive a sign of the resurrection--which would be a weak, wicked, and an adulterous generation would be given a sign of the resurrection.



Remember Moses, born for the work, had to wait on God for the extra gift for the job. (He had to go back and wait.) And for the time appointed by God a certain Pharaoh had to be on the throne. And the people had to be wanting the Bread of Life before God would send him back. Now, with thousands of sign-workers in this last day has created a generation of sign-seekers, that knows no more nothing about the true move of God in His Word in these last days.



Now, let me tell you, friend. That God of Moses who could take them in the Ark, could take them away from them walls. And if God by instinct in a bird, could call it from danger, how much more ought it to call human beings, who are inspired by the Holy Ghost? What an evil


thing! What an adulterous generation! What an evil place that we're living in. What a sinful, ungodly nation that we have. Godforsaken, God-hating, sign seekers, bandwagon riders, impersonators, carnal comparisons. Let up with a bunch of nothing, coming to the end of the road. I speak that in the name of the Lord. Once more I will call. It's up to you to answer. All right.



But what do we have in this our day? Multitudes are working signs until we have a generation of sign seekers that know little or nothing about the Word, or a true move of the Spirit of God. If they see blood, oil and fire they are happy; it matters not what is in the Word. They will support any sign, even un-scriptural ones. But God has warned us about that. He said in Matthew 24 that in the last days the two spirits would be so close together that only the very elect could tell them apart, for they alone would not be deceived.


Notice Faith REVELATION is the substance of things hoped for. In other words Faith will bring you to the thing you are hoping for, believing for!!


As Brother Branham taught us if we have fifty cents for a loaf of bread in our pocket. That fifty cents is a substance. That is the revelation that can purchase the bread.


You may be hungry for God. You may want the Holy Ghost to know Him in the Power of His resurrection. But until you get that substance, that faith, you can not have the joy and strength toy need to carry on to get the promise. See?



The importance of revelation by the Spirit to a true believer can never be over emphasized. Revelation means more to you than perhaps you realize. Now I am not talking about this Book of Revelation and you. I am talking about ALL revelation. It is tremendously important to the church. Do you remember in Matthew 16 where Jesus asked the disciples this question, "Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am? And they said, Some say that Thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father Which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, that thou


art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The Roman Catholics say that the church is built upon Peter. Now that is really carnal. How could God build the church upon a man so unstable that he denied the Lord Jesus and cursed while doing it? God can't build His church upon any man born in sin. And it wasn't some rock lying there as though God had hallowed the ground at that spot. And it isn't as the Protestants say, that the church is built upon Jesus. It was the REVELATION. Read it the way it is written: "Flesh and blood hath not REVEALED it, BUT MY FATHER HATH REVEALED IT, and UPON THIS ROCK (REVELATION) I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH:" The church is built on Revelation, on the "Thus Saith the Lord".


Faith is the substance of the thing you want! See? Now when you get that you as good as got it! As the Bible said:


Rom. 4:14   For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

Rom. 4:15   Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

Rom. 4:16   Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

Rom. 4:17    (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

Rom. 4:18   Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Rom. 4:19   And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:

Rom. 4:20   He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

Rom. 4:21   And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Rom. 4:22   And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

Rom. 4:23   Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;


Rom. 4:24   But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

Rom. 4:25   Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.


Rom. 5:1   Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:


Notice, God promised Abraham a son. That was revealed to Abraham. He was going to have a son! He not only heard God with his ear but the promise fell into his heart. By Faith, (revelation) Abraham believed God. He had a substance and though the promise tarried twenty five years. When God said it, he as good as had the son! See??


Anything that rose up and come in between Abraham and his promise he just walked over top of it!


Today we do not see any proof of revival coming. There is no proof at all. You are just as powerless and dead as can be! Most of your prayers go unanswered. We do not have the ability to ask anything in his name. We can not get it. We can not cast out devils or heal the sick or open the blind eyes. Just have enough strength to get to service and get back home and go to work. And maybe get back Wednesday night!


Brother Branham said we do not have Faith for healing let alone rapture. Now I will show you why Brother Branhams healing ministry fell off. It fell from five thousand letters a day to fifteen letters a day in his mail.


His crowds fell from fifty thousand to three hundred, because he got away from the sign in his hand. That sign stirred the multitudes. Then he got into preaching the word. When he got into the word the crowds began to fall away.



Notice the vision of the forest cathedral. Brother Branham was preaching and he had two great climaxes to make. As he began to make his first climax, all the crowds began to get up and walk out.


41-1 BLASPHEMOUS.NAMES  JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-21 -- 62-1104.1M

Now, one thing more. Will you permit it to be said? Day before yesterday morning... You'll notice on the board out there a vision. I had a vision. It was about 5 o'clock, as my wife back there knows, or 6. I'd woke up. We'd got up to get the children ready to go to school. I just have these now and then; and you all know, every one of you here, that they never fail. They are absolutely perfect (see?); they never fail.

And I thought that I was the happiest person I ever seen, I was standing in the sun, s-u-n, and was preaching the Gospel to a large, mammoth congregation. And they were setting in a forest, and streaks of the sun was shining down on them, just here and there, getting it, getting the Word.

And I'm, as usual, always too long, too late, preach too long. And I preached so long, until the congregation become hungry for physical food. And they, some of them got tired, so they just got up and went out to get them some food, started going out. I said, "Don't, don't."

I had two climaxes I wanted to meet--I wanted to meet in my sermon. And the Lord had give it to me. And any preacher knows when you really know it's--God's give it to you, you just burning to tell the people. And I was just a-preaching, "Charley," just as hard as I could preach, just laying it on, you know, and saying, "All these great things... This what God's doing, look at this. He discerns the thoughts of the heart. What is it? The Word," and going like that.


41-5 BLASPHEMOUS.NAMES JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-21 -- 62-1104.1M

And oh, I wish I could remember what I was saying, what my text was. I can't think of it. See? But I was just preaching away, and I was watching myself do it. And then, when I was standing there looking and watching myself preach it... And I was just preaching to "who wouldn't have it." And after a bit I raised up, you know, and I thought, "Glory to God." I said, "Look at these wonderful things, and this, that..."

Directly, I noticed the people begin to get like they was physically hungry. And so they had enough spiritual, so they started walking away and some of them [Brother Branham yawns to illustrate--Ed.] started walking away. I thought, "What's the matter with everybody?" And--and I looked and here was some young couples going along to my side, and I stopped; I said, "Just a minute, friends, just a minute. You'll be back again when the evening shadows fall." See? I said, "You'll be back again." But, let me give you this first climax. "Where does all these things come from that I've showed you? Where are they from?" I said, "Here they are. They are in the Word


of God. They are THUS SAITH THE LORD, His promise, 'cause," I said, "all of you bear me record, witness this, that my commission is, `Stay with the Word.'" I said, "What's the matter with all of you? Can't you understand the Word? You must understand It."

  And someone said, "Man, I'd like to have some biscuits and some of... ," like that.

Well, I just thought, "Well, glory to God. If they want biscuits, let them go get them." So I--I turned around; I thought, "Oh, but you know what? The shadows is going to fall after while. Right away." And I said, "Then tonight, when that congregation gathers in again... Now, I put the climax to them and told them that the things that they have seen me do is found in the Word of God, not in some mythical book or some organization, it's found in the Word (see?), every bit of it in the Word, 'cause I am commissioned to that." I thought, "You know, they'll every one be back tonight. So here's what I will do: I will background, kinda background," You know the way I do it on these church ages and things, say what I said before. "I will background it on the Word, and then this great, marvelous climax..." I said, "What a time it'll be. Praise be to God." And I seen myself getting real little, and heard that, "Praise be to God." I seen myself fading up like that, and here I was standing there.


We are hungry for biscuits. They walked out, but the word of the lord is, "You will be back when the evening shadows fall."


That is what I am speaking of this morning  The evening shadows are falling. They got to come back and God has got a great climax waiting for them! They do not know nothing about it.


Do you not realize where you are? You are behind the curtain here. You know what is getting ready to happen here they do not know! The curtain is closed and the public can not see behind here yet. That is the Seventh Seal. It is veiled to them. But when the hour is right God is going to reach up and pull the curtain back.


Listen to Brother Branham trying to show the people the importance of believing the Word of Promise.


"What's the matter with everybody?" And--and I looked and here was some young couples going along to my side, and I stopped; I said, "Just a minute, friends, just a minute. You'll be back again when the evening shadows fall." See? I said, "You'll be back again." But, let me give you this first climax. "Where does all these things come from that I've showed you? Where are they


from?" I said, "Here they are. They are in the Word of God. They are THUS SAITH THE LORD, His promise, 'cause," I said, "all of you bear me record, witness this, that my commission is, `Stay with the Word.'" I said, "What's the matter with all of you? Can't you understand the Word? You must understand It."


It is the word! It is the word! The people went out anyhow. They have done away with the word. This Jesus movement and the churches do not know the word. They just follow the spirit blindly right on into hell. They do not check it with the word.


Now here comes the great finale. The climax of all six thousand years of God dealing with His power with man. The great finale is ready to take place. God is getting ready to pull the curtain back.


The people walked away from Brother Branham and they are standing outside and they can not get inside until God pulls the curtain.


And what is the cord that pulls the curtain? It is Gods outpouring of the Holy Ghost. That pulls the curtain back and what do they run in to see? An Apostolic Church! They come in to see a real Pentecost. They come in to see what a real Christian is! Come in to see an assembly set in order. Every person filled with God tabernacled in human flesh. All nine gifts of the Spirit operating. People who have Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness. All the Fruits of the spirit in operation. Never before seen such joy and love! Oh it is going to be great!



Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God." Not led by some other fanatics or some organizations or something or another, they're led by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to be the overseer, the tutor that was to raise the children of God. Not our bishops and cardinals and so forth, but the Holy Ghost. I'm expecting the Holy Ghost, not denomination, not a bishop, not a Catholic priest, not a Baptist preacher, or a Pentecostal preacher, I'm expecting the Holy Ghost to come down and set in order a Church that'll go to meet Him, filled with the power and the resurrection of Christ. I'm expecting that, I believe it. God promised it, that there would be a Church there without spot or wrinkle on it. I'm expecting it because God said it was so.




The world wants to see something real. I'm hungry for real things. I'm hungry to see a church stand in this last days. I'm hungry to feel good old fashion, Pentecostal body of Christ rise in the power of the Holy Ghost, calling right, right, and wrong, wrong. My heart longs to see it.

The little remnants that's waiting on, are not waiting to see how big we can make our denominations; they're not waiting to see how well we can dress or how big a church we can build; they're waiting to see us manifest the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ in love and power.


Faith is the substance of things hoped for! Now how can we see these great healings and signs Brother Branham looked for? Why have we not seen them up till now?


When Brother Branham stopped displaying his two signs and began to explain that he did those things by the word of God. The people walked away from him and he had to leave the field.



And I just wonder if that isn't the condition of the Church tonight? That God... You are Christian people; you are people who profess to know the Lord Jesus. And He's shook every kind of a gift before you. And this United States of America is supposed to be a Christian nation. And great men has crossed this nation, Billy Graham, and Oral Roberts, and A. A. Allen, and many great ministers with great gifts, and they shook it before their eyes, and they set like they are paralyzed, spiritually paralyzed. I wonder what God thinks about His children, when He can show them His Divine Presence, and they'll still say, "Well, I will wait till Brother Allen comes by, or Brother Roberts, or Brother Branham."

Don't wait for them to come by; they're men. Jesus is here now, showing Himself before you as a living God. And the Church has become just staring out, "Why, we believe, oh, yes, we believe." But it's become so common to the people. Now, I don't have time to speak to you much. But the Bible's saying He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He--He has to be the same.




Remember. Oh how can it be? My days as evangelist is soon done. I can't prophetic and evangelist too. I will leave the field. That's in the spirit now. Soon He will be calling me, I will leave the field of evangelism. Then He will use me as His seer.

What's the matter with me anyhow? Where was I at?



But, for myself, I made a promise to God, no more in America in public meetings, see, because it just caused me to leave the field. And then some will run you plumb out to be a--a "devil," the others will make a "god." And so you see, and they're just not ready for it. And so God cannot work that, and I'm sure the person that's asked it will understand. Now, maybe the Holy Spirit yet tonight... You just be praying. I will pray that the Holy Spirit will show you right where your parcel is that you're waiting for. I pray that you'll find it, and I do believe you will find it. See?



55-1 IS.THIS.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR JEFF V2 N11 - 62-1230.2E

In the Meantime, every Message, as far as I know of, to be preached will be right here, this tabernacle. Here is where the tapes will be; here is where the headquarters' is. And I do not intend to stay with my family in the West. I am going to seek 'till I find what God wants me to do. If this year doesn't settle it, then next year, without water or food, I will walk out into the desert, and I will wait 'till He calls me. I can't go on like this. You got to get desperate. You have got to get to the place where you want to know what is the Will of God, and how can you do the Will, if you don't know the will? I am progging because of that vision background of what you did; going around as missionary and evangelism until that call come. Remember the first one when we laid that cornerstone? "Do the work of an evangelist," He said. He didn't say you was an evangelist, but do the work of one; perhaps until the time come for something else, another change of work. Might be something different. I don't know.


Then what Happened? God sent him out to Arizona and showed him it was time to open up the Seven Seals.


Notice the Pentecostal Church World turned down their messiah. They turned down the Anointed One. They turned down the Acceptable Year of the Lord. Remember our scripture?



106 WHAT.IS.THE.ATTRACTION?  JEFF.IN  V-8 N-8  65-0725.2E

Notice the Scripture so accurately gives it. Watch what this... to show the... them who wants to believe, them who wants to see. Remember Jesus stopped in the middle of a Scripture, 'cause part of it was fulfilled then, the rest for His Second Coming? "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord, bind up the brokenhearted," and stopped; not "bring judgment to the Gentile" until His Second Coming.


The time they should have accepted Him, but they turned Him down. Now the Seven Seals were opened. The six of them was opened to the Bride. The Seventh was open to the prophet but was not open to the public.


563-5 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

And just then He picked me up. And He took me up and sat me way up high to where a meeting was going on--looked like a tent or a cathedral of some sort. And I looked and there was a little box-like--little place over on the side. And I seen that Light was talking to somebody above me--that Light that you see there on the picture. It whirled away from me, like that, and went over to that tent, and said, "I will meet you there." And said, "This will be the Third Pull, and you won't tell it to nobody!"

And in Sabino Canyon, He said, "This is the Third Pull." And there's three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today... or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there's one thing that I cannot interpret because it's in an unknown language. As I stand right there and looked right straight at it, and this is the Third Pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of God... Oh my! That's the reason all Heaven was silent!


575-6 THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324.2E

Did you notice when the Jews asked Him that? You know when we compared the Scripture here with Matthew 24 with the six Seals, the Seventh Seal was left out; because, you see, Christ said only God, Himself, knew--not even the Angels. No wonder, it wasn't even written. You see, they hushed--nothing taken place then. Angels don't know it; nobody knows when He's coming. But there'll be a... There'll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time.

So, I believe, to us who... if We don't know it, and it won't be known 'til that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. So, the thing for us to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and live good Christian lives.


Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we see it, and we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives.


Is that right? Now, from the time of the opening of the seals up till now, something must be taking place that will produce a Faith. A PERFECT FAITH!


Now let us see what that is. Hebrews 11:3 Teaches us that we know by faith the worlds were framed by the Word of God.


Hebr. 11:1   Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebr. 11:2   For by it the elders obtained a good report.

Hebr. 11:3   Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.


Now children if this congregation could really believe what your pastor is saying. "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."


What kind of Faith do you think it took for Christ..... Notice, I did not say God or Lord I said "Christ." What kind of Faith do you think it took for Christ to just speak and the world came into existence?


I do not know what words he spoke but, lets just say He said this: "Let there be a Earth!"


Now Paul taught us that He, (CHRIST) did that by faith. By faith He said, "Let there be a world!" And that Word went out there and created an Earth! He looked at it and it looked good. Let there be a sun! There it went.



E-51 AT.THY.WORD -- W.PALM.BEACH.FL -- 53-1204

Do you know that every thing that you see tonight is God's Word materialized? Did you know your body is God's Word materialized? You know them beans there is God's Word materialized? Did you know that concrete is God's spoken Word materialized? You know this whole earth is God's? Spoke and said, "Let there be," and He believed His Own Word and a earth come into existence? If it didn't, where did it come from?

Well, you say, "It come off the sun." Well, who spoke the sun into existence? See? Everything is God's Word. The worlds were framed by the Word of God. The Bible said so. God just spoke it, and He believed His Own Word and that's what it was.


He did that by Faith! By faith the worlds were framed. The Bible in Colossians says there was not anything made that was not made by Him, CHRIST.


Col. 1:15   Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Col. 1:16   For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Col. 1:17   And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Col. 1:18   And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

Col. 1:19   For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Col. 1:20   And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.


John 1:3   All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.


John 1:10   He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.



Rev. 3:14   And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;


Now, not Jesus. He never done that, Christ did! The Body is Jesus. The anointing, the spirit is Christ. Christ formed and created the worlds by just saying, "Let there be!"


71 JESUS.CAME.AND.CALLED - TUL.CA -- V-22 N-11 -- 64-0213

He was that, truly. He was that, plus God, see. He was the manifestation. Jesus is the body, the boy, the man. God was what dwelt in Him. God was in Him. He was a God-man. He was a man, yet He was God manifested in flesh. When we see Jesus, we see God. That's what He said. "When you see the Father, you see Me." You see the Father, because He was the reflection, because He was the Word, amen, that was in the beginning. Amen.


Now, let us get down to it. What was Jesus trying to get over to that early church? There was a reason why He cursed the fig tree. He did not curse the fig tree for nothing. Jesus was led to curse the tree. He was trying to show the apostles that they were made of the same substance he was made of. He wanted the Apostles to see that they were going to be just like He was.


How many believe that if Jesus Christ was the Spoken Word of God, How many believe you also are the Spoken Word of God?? Then the same thing that was in Christ Jesus that spoke the world into existence has got to be in the Bride. The same Faith. The same faith that created the world and all the creation has got to be in you to go in the rapture!!


Now you can see how great this is. "Perfect Faith."


147 EVER.PRESENT.WATER  JEFF.IN -- V-14 N-6 -- 61-0723.1M

Now, brethren and sisters, I want to ask you something. Then, if we are borned again of the Spirit of God! God don't have little weak parts and big strong parts, He is altogether God! And if you had enough of God in you, till It was just barely a shadow, that's enough power to make a new earth. That's enough power to make a new moon and a new system. It's God, and it's strong! And right now every believer in here has Life Eternal, which is, God's Spirit in you; enough Power that will raise up the dead, that will heal the sick, that will set orbits in conditions. But


you, it's controlled by a law, that Spirit that's in you. You are sons and daughters of God. That same Spirit that you've got in you, will raise yourself up at the day of the resurrection.

Jesus, when He was here on earth, when He died, His soul descended into Hell, "And preached to the spirits that were in prison, the souls in prison, that repented not in the long-suffering of the days of Noah." His body went into the grave. But before He died, He commended His Spirit into the hands of God. His Spirit went to God; His soul went to Hell; and His body went to the grave. And Jesus was barred out from resurrection until the Scripture could be fulfilled. He could not come back, because He had to stay in the grave for three days and nights. But when the Scripture was all fulfilled, this bar was taken away; His Spirit descended to His soul, His soul to His body, and He rose again.

And when we die, our souls will go under the altar of God; where I was privileged to see, a few mornings ago, as you know, in the vision, where the Bible speaks of. "Our spirits will go to God Who give it, and our bodies shall return to the dust of the earth." But some day, where the Scripture is fulfilled, our spirits will be released from God, will pick up the soul, and the soul to the body. And the Power that will raise us up, is right in us now! We are now in Heavenly places. We are now in the Power of the resurrection.

If there wasn't a law to that, sons and daughters of God would create them a world out here and go live a private life on it. You have the Power in you to do it. If you've got a shadow of the Power of God in you, you got Power to do it. God is omnipotent. See what I mean? The Power that's in you will make. You could speak a world into existence and go live on it. Hallelujah! There you are.

That's what Power is in the Church now, but it is controlled by a law. And that law is not "keeping a bunch of commandments." It's a law of faith. Jesus said, "All things are possible to them that believe." And if you can believe it, WHATEVERWHATEVER G GODOD WILLWILL LEADLEAD YOURYOUR SOULSOUL TOTO BELIEVEBELIEVE, , THATTHAT ISIS YOURSYOURS. E. EVERYVERY PLACEPLACE THETHE SOLESSOLES OFOF YOURYOUR FOOTFOOT CANCAN SETSET UPONUPON, , BYBY FAITHFAITH,, GGODOD GIVESGIVES ITIT TOTO YOUYOU.. Amen! It's yours, you possess it, if you can find the key to this law of faith that opens it to you. You see what I mean? That Power is controlled by... If you are a son of God, you are a daughter of God, that never leaves you. It's with you all the time. But, your faith gets away from It, but It's still there. Hallelujah!


Now, look at Jesus He knows He is gonna be crucified and leave His little church. He walked past that fig tree. The Bible says it was not time for figs yet.


Mark 11:13   And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.


Mark 11:14   And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.


Peter heard that and thought Jesus must have got mad at that fig tree. The old carnal mind.


No! The spirit told him to curse the fig tree, to show Peter and the rest of the disciples what faith is.


The Disciples heard him speak and wondered why He said that to a tree. Maybe He is mad cause there was no figs on it and he was hungry.


He said no more about it  they went on to Jerusalem. Maybe they forgot about it. But when they passed by there on their return from the city. Jesus made sure they passed that same tree.


Peter saw that tree and said, "Hey, look there that tree is withered up from the roots!"


Now Jesus can make His point. He said to them, "You see what I said to the fig tree?" "Have faith in God."


Mark 11:20   And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Mark 11:21   And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

Mark 11:22   And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Mark 11:23   For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.



Matt. 17:20   And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.


Luke 17:6   And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.


Now the fig tree was cursed, and He points to a big mountain and says, "If you have faith as a grain of mustard, you can speak to the mountain."


Jesus said if you do not doubt it down in your heart that mountain is going into the sea!


Can you imagine what that statement did to Peter?? He just held his head. Yet they had to believe it cause the one who said it walked on the water. They knew He did not just talk to take up time. He knew what He was talking about. He broke the bread and fed the multitudes, He walked on the water and raised Lazareth from the dead. They knew if He spoke to that mountain it was going to the sea. And He said: "The same thing you see me do here, you must do also."


John 14:12   Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.


They began to put all these things together, after the spirit fell. They began to remember the words of promise.


What do you think it will be in this little assembly? You heard your pastor preach all these things, and then they begin to come alive in your life. When all you heard is made flesh right before your eyes!



Why have we not seen a church rise on the scene that could ask anything in His name and get it? Is this the Bible or is it not the Bible? Are we talking about truth or are we just being churchy with a form of religion here? Is the Bible true? If it is true, then this has got to take place.



I believe that the Church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that's going to shake the whole world. That's the first time it's been since the days of Jesus of Nazareth, to a human being. "Ask anything that you will, and it shall be given unto you." Anything you desire. Don't you see the words of Jesus Christ being fulfilled? Oh, it's going to come to pass pretty soon. I'm looking for it to happen in this meeting. I'm wanting it to happen now. That anointing will strike the whole Church of the living God and She will rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word; the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised up, and the power of God will shake the world with the Church of the living God. We're in the process of it now. I believe it's soon coming to pass. I believe it will be just exactly that way. I believe it's going to strike the Church of God. Soon it's going to start a revival that'll shake the world. I believe it.


We have had a profession. I accept the Lord Jesus as my personal saviour. That is wonderful. We have seen all that accepting Christ and everything but now we are going to come down to reality. Are we really made out of the same material the hundred and twenty were made out of on the day of Pentecost? They went out and turned the world upside down with what was in them.


Now how are we going to be that?


Brother Branham said we did not have faith for divine healing up to the opening of the seals. Something had to happen to produce that perfect faith.


Now you could walk out and say mountain be removed! But it would just set right there. Go home and try it. Try to walk on the water or curse the apple tree. It will not work. It just goes on bearing apples. So the people do not understand. They think that scripture was just for the Apostles or maybe Brother Branham, it was not for us.


Something is lacking, something is wrong some where!



How can we have this perfect faith?


I believe this Faith is the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ! I believe this is the Faith Mal 4:5 was to forerun and restore. I believe it is the Faith spoken of by the apostle Jude.


Jude 3   Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.


I believe that the Faith that was once delivered to the saints was the Perfect Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now a bold statement. I believe that every man, woman and child that has the New Birth has the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ that formed the world. If a child of God is born again by the unadulterated Revealed Word of God, the New Birth, they have in them an eternal power that is more powerful than all the hydrogen bombs in the world.


If you sit here this morning and you have the New Birth, which is a divine revelation of the promise of the hour; if you have that Faith in your soul you have in you enough power to create worlds! How many want that?


Now how many of you believe you have a revelation of what God has promised for this hour? You have that faith??


Then let me say to you. You have in you a source and a substance that is able to create another world or another universe. See you question. You say "Me Lord?" Do not question like that. Look in the word of God and see yourself in the Word of God, and believe what you are. Have Faith in what you are. Walk toward what God is wanting to do in this hour.



Now if you believe that say together; "I have the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ."


Aw! You did not say it like you really mean it. Do you really believe it? You said that like the little boy trying to whistle walking through the graveyard. Trying to convince himself he is not scared.


185 FIVE.IDENTIFICATIONS - JEFF.IN - V-9 N-5 - 60-0911.2E

Now, you Catholic people, the only thing you have to do to be a member of It, is to accept Jesus Christ and be borned of the Spirit. You Baptist, you Methodist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran, whatever you are, listen here. Don't think I'm taking up for the Pentecostals. There's just as much Pentecostal renegades as there is in any other church. That's exactly right. They come in only by name and profession, that's all. But, possession, they don't have it. That's right. Because, when you're borned of the Spirit, you become a new creature, and God begins to deal with you then as sons, and you are led of the Spirit of God. No matter what organization you belong to, that ain't... that's just a little old worldly order that's going to pass away. But are you a member of this great mystical Body of Christ? If not, may you receive Him tonight, as we bow our heads just a moment for prayer.


80-3 THE.BREACH -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0317.2E

It reminds me--like some of these comedians going down, and telling these jokes, and carrying on, and women carrying on the way they do and man together. It just reminds me of a little boy going through the graveyard, whistling, trying to make himself believe he's not scared. Sure, he's scared. See. He ain't fooling nobody; that's why He's whistling. He's trying to say he's not scared, but he is.

That's what's the matter today. But oh, what a blessed hope for the believer that's lifting up hands, for redemption is drawing nigh when he sees these things appearing. It's a great time for the believer.


Come on. Say it like you believe it. That is better! Now lets go on.


This is the Faith that is spoken of in this hour that is to produce the Rapture. This is Rapturing Faith! Perfect Faith! This is the Faith that will break a piece of bread and multiply it. Faith that will cause you to walk on the water. Faith that will curse the fig tree. The Faith that will bring


earthquakes and plagues. This is the Faith will transport you from Durham Connecticut to Berlin Germany, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.


This is the Faith that says, "Lazarus come forth." And a man that was dead four days stood on his feet. Hallelujah!


The best we have on record by the ministry of Brother Branham is the little girl in Mexico, that was raised after about seven hours. The little boy in Finland after two or three hours.


We have not had a man who was dead and corrupted, stinking to be returned to life. God help us to believe the word of God.


I remember in an interview, the Prophet jumped up my Faith. He said I got Thus Saith The Lord for you. He said, "Son when the Word of the Lord comes to you and says, Bob go out there and raise George Washington from the dead. He said, "You call the newspapers and all the churches and all the preachers, to come down to the grave yard I am going to raise George Washington up at two o'clock." He said, "You go down there and say George Washington  come forth!" And he will come forth.


87 PERFECT.FAITH -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-11 -- 63-0825.2E

If He told me tonight, to go to the presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington tomorrow morning, I'd invite the whole world, "Come and see it done." I'd say, "Bring every... get--get every critic you can and stand them around, you're going to see the Glory of God. Set that chair over here where you can set down and rest a little while; he will be here just in a moment, soon as I call."


155 WHEN.THEIR.EYES.OPENED  TUL.CA  V-22 N-10 -- 64-0212

Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit in here under my control for his glory, that the words that I've preached might be manifested. He's here now. I wish I could tell you how that is. My, oh, my. If He'd tell me tomorrow morning to go to the presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington, I'd say, "Come watch it." Just what He will say now, see, I don't know what He will say. But what He says, it'll be true.



27 PERSEVERANT -- TPK.KS -- V-20 N-3 -- 64-0619

When God tells something that's going to happen, like the visions or something. I've seen tens of thousands of them, and many of you are a witness, and not one of them has ever failed. And when God says anything, I don't... If He would say, tonight, "Go to the national cemetery, for I am going to raise up George Washington in the morning," I'd invite the whole world come watch it, it's going to happen.


You say, "Why are you not doing something now?" You just let Him tell me one time!


Why do you not go out there and challenge the Devil? No sir, You will never see me challenge the Devil! But, let him challenge this one time and let God step on the scene.


The Prophet also said to me, "When the people come before you, and the word of the Lord comes to you, to tell them their secrets...."


People following the message, living in sin sexual immorality and all kinds of filthy living. That thing will be told out in the open just as vile as it was committed the night before. Now, hear your pastor when that takes place they will be so shocked, because they are so sure that nobody has got anything. They will deny what that man is revealing about their lives. They will deny his word to be true. Then you will see men struck dead right before your eyes, paralyzed and all kinds of terrible things.


Brother Branham said "Bobby when that hour comes, and that man says that is not the word of the lord." He said, "You say this, If I be a servant of God let God judge between you and I right now." And he said it will strike him down right before your eyes. Noe tomorrow or the next day, but right before your eyes!


Now church I am waiting upon the lord. I can not go anywhere, I must wait till I hear that voice, I am made up that way. I can not do nothing without the Lord. But just to my Church here. All these things has built up till I have great faith in my heart. All I need is just to hear right here in


this right ear to hear Him speak, and it will catch fire. When the hour comes God will put the tool in there and we will thresh the harvest.


Now if I see myself in the Word of God, and have faith for it and wait for that hour to arrive. How about you?? Can you see yourself in the Word of God? Can you see what God is ready to do, and make yourself by Faith come in and drop right in and find your position. How many want to do it?


Have Faith in God! What did Jesus say that for? To show those brethren an example of what Perfect Faith was.


Now we have come through all these ages and we have not seen anybody demonstrate anything such as that until Brother Branham came on the scene.


Note just before Brother Branham passed off the scene, as all this word began to come to him, God started to speak Mark eleven twenty two to Brother Branham. He would go out hunting and the angel would speak Mark 11:22. Say what you will and it will be done.


It would scare Brother Branham and he would say is that you Lord. Where are you at?


E-33 NEW.MINISTRY -- JEFF.IN -- 59-1115

As I sit there under the tree, just got snugged down, and the warm sun shining on me, Something said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be thou plucked up and cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in your heart, but believe that those things that you said will come to pass, you can have what you've said."

I said, "Well now, there's that Scripture in my mind again." I said, "I've got a while here, about an hour before I have to go get the rest of the boys, so I will just study that Scripture." And I said, "Now, how could that apply." I said, "Here's the only way it could've been. That those disciples lived the other side of the atonement. The atonement was later, about a--oh, several weeks later, before the atonement was made. Jesus gave them power the other side of the atonement, like He did the prophets."


And when I said, "prophets," Something struck me again. "What was the prophets?"

Then I begin to think of it, about what He did with the prophets. And it got... After I was speaking there for awhile, inside myself, just thinking, till I become so conscious of Something near, till I was talking to Someone.

And Something said to me, "That's in the atonement, for if a man or a woman is so consecrated and surrendered to God, that God just moves in and uses their voice, and it isn't the man speaking, it's God that's in him speaking..."

I thought, "That's right."

Something said to me, "Who do you think... How do you see those visions on the platform? How do you see those visions out here? What is it? Do you think it's your own wisdom, that you could predict something that would happen every time to the letter? Do you think it's you speaking? Would you think sometime when the Holy Spirit gets into a message, and you don't know what to say, what is It speaking then? What is it when a man will speak with a tongue that he doesn't know nothing about it? What is it that will interpret that same tongue, neither one of them knowing anything about it? Is it the individual, or is it the Spirit of the living God?"

I said, "That is true. I see it. It's God that's speaking, and all the Church needs is a step closer to Him, a more of a consecrated life to live with Him."

And while I was setting there just for a moment or two, thinking on this, I caught myself talking to Someone. And I heard Something say, "Ask... Say what you will, and it shall come to pass."

And I said, "What do You..." I said, "Who am I talking to? Who are You? Who's standing here with these bushes that I can hear that Voice talking to me? Who are You? Speak out to me." I got all excited and jumped up from between the trees; I said, "Speak to me. Who are You? I can't see You." I looked for that Light there; I could see nothing. I screamed out, "Who are You? Where are You? What You want with me. Lord, where are You?"

Something moved back and say, "Say what you will, and it shall be given to you."

I said, "Lord, are You changing my ministry? Is this the change You been speaking of? Is this what it's coming to? Is this what it'll be, something in that little house that I saw in the vision. Is this it?"

Just then, a reel deep, sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit raised me like off of my feet, and said, "Say what you will, and it shall be given unto you."

I stood there amazed. It left me, I had nothing. I thought, "Well, what could I say? There's no sick people here. There's nothing here. I'm in the woods. What could I say? What--what--what could I do?" And I thought, "Am I loosing my mind? Have I studied so hard till my mental powers are cracking up?"


And just then, I heard It just the same as you hear me, said, "Aren't you hunting? And you have no game?" Said, "Speak anything that you wish."

Well, I thought, "Since God said, 'Prove all things,'" I said, "Lord God, if that be You, and this is a sign that You're fixing to change my ministry from those visions to something greater I've for so longed." I said, "Let it come to pass that You'll answer my prayer."

And I stood there a little bit. And I thought, "What did He say? He didn't say, 'Pray,' He said, 'Say what you will.' Just say it, and your words will materialize. Say to this mountain, and it'll do just as you say."

E-37 NEW.MINISTRY -- JEFF.IN -- 59-1115

So I put my shoulder against the tree. And I'm used to... Got my rifle set for fifty yards to drive tacks. So I looked around to see a tree at fifty yards. And the one that was fifty yards away up out of the leaves, I said, "It's almost total impossible for a squirrel to come to that tree. Right near them farmers there picking their corn." I said, "But there will be a red squirrel come out on the end of that limb and set down there, and I will shoot him from here."

And no more than I'd said it, there was a squirrel. I trembled a little, and leveled down, and shot the squirrel, walked over and picked it up. I was shaking all over. I said, "Maybe that just happened that way." You know how people can doubt. But you want to be sure. Don't do nothing unless you're positive, and then you know what you're doing.

I rubbed my face a little, and I looked, perfectly eye shot. So I went up and set down on the side of the hill, and I said, "Lord, it is written in Your Word 'that the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established.'" I said, "If that was You, forgive me of my stupidness. But I pray Thee to give me another squirrel like that." And I said, "Then I will believe You, that It's You. And the devil won't have any room to say that it just happened that way."

So I set down. Just in a moment, here come that (I call It) super-anointing, swept over again, and I was almost off of my feet, and say, "Say what you will, and it shall be given you."

I looked through the woods until I found another tree some fifty yards away, had a lot of brush in it, and grape vines and things wrapped around where squirrels seldom ever take a tree like that. I said, "And there shall be another young fox squirrel setting right there."

And I took my finger down and looked around through the woods, and looked back, and there set the fox squirrel looking right at me again. I shot that one, picked him up. And I thought... Oh, I was trembling. I thought, "Think, the great mighty God of heaven is here in the woods, and He's confirming to me in my own way, hunting here, that He's going to do just exactly what He told me fifteen years ago."

I watched a little bit. I said, "Lord, it shall happen again."

He said, "Speak the place where it'll be."


I said, "I will make this radical." I said, "That old snag sticking out there by the side of the field, bare, slick and white." I said, "There shall come another red squirrel, and he will go out on the end of that snag and look out over the field at the farmers. That'll be that way." I looked back and there was no squirrel there. I looked for about five minutes, there was still no squirrel. I--I said, "Well..." I said, "Two--Two squirrels is fine." I said, "Two's a witness. I will believe it like that."

And Something said, "But you said there would be one."

I waited another five minutes, nothing. And it kept quoting in my heart, "You said there'd be one." I waited and waited.

Something said, "Are you doubting?"

I said, "Not one bit."

And I no more than said that, till out that limb went the red squirrel, stood and looked at the farmers. God's my judge standing here. I shot the squirrel. Went over and picked him up, and walked through the woods till I was way hours a past picking the boys up, to see if there'd even be one more anywhere. And there wasn't. Then, I come home and told you about it.


64 TESTIMONY -- SHP.LA -- V-17 N-5 -- 63-1128.1M

Whatever He has promised, that He is able to do! That's that Word in I think, Mark 11:22, "If you say to this mountain." I never could understand that. You know the story about that.

And, so help me, that's true. He said, "I am the One that provided that, them squirrels," He said. Now when... I listened again, to see what He would say. Nothing stopped; wind just howling, going on. I have to bite myself, 'cause...

Let me tell you something. Real spiritual minds is one step from insanity. Did you know that? A scientific research will tell you that. Here you are down here slow and slumpy; and then you come up a little more spiritual, then you're about like this; then you go to like a dull ax; and then to a honed razor. Now you know which side you would fall on there. If a man tries to lift hisself up there, he is sure to go on the wrong side. If God lifts him up there, he is far above the average person. There is where visions and things break through. There is where the Kingdom of God is. Poets, prophets, and all were considered neurotics.

Jesus, Himself, was called a "crazy man." Said, "We know You're mad and got a devil." Mad means "crazy." Look at all the poets and prophets through the ages, had been considered that, if you try to pull yourself up there, you're gone, you'll never make it. It takes a Hand reaching down from Glory, to hold you on that edge there, between the right and wrong things. And standing on them edges is where you look across into Beulah Land.


Then on that very hour, It spoke again, to that very same time, sitting up there. He said, "I am the One that stood on the ship that night, and made the winds and the waves to cease." Said, "Rise up on your feet and rebuke this storm, and it will obey exactly what you say." That's been that third stage of the ministry coming. It's been moving up, for years. And look like there is something that keeps worried, I think, "Oh, don't..." But that's exactly what He done. And this is Him again, it's just exactly His Spirit again, just exactly.

But I've had so many carnal impersonations upon the other, it makes me scared to even think about it. Cause, you'll have that, just as sure as the world. There is always the mixed multitudes. And that carnal impersonation has to follow It. It did in His days; it did in Moses' days; it'll do it in every day. It'll do it in this day when the Holy Spirit is trying to do the work. But still, if a person is spiritual, the carnal impersonation only magnifies the right one, That, the--the real article of God.


You know the tape, you have heard it many times. The Word of the Lord through the prophet created. The Holy Spirit prodding Brother Branham to come into this scripture.


What is it? It is coming up to Bride time now. Coming up to rapture time now.


Five times that ministry operated. Brother Branham said, "He allowed it to operate so you might know this ministry when it comes.


5-5 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS  JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

Now, we believe in the same Gospel, just the way the Bible is written. It is zeroed. And if the gun is exactly zeroed and in tune, if it strikes the target the first time, it will strike it the second time and every time.

If a tree, or a limb (vine) puts out a branch and that branch bears a certain fruit, the next time the vine puts out a branch, it will bear the same kind of fruit. And if Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches, and the first branch (Church) that that vine put out--they wrote a Book of Acts behind it. That first branch baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. They had the living God among them that did the same things among them that He did when He was on earth; therefore, the people taken notice to them--though ignorant and unlearned--that they had been with Jesus, because His Life was through them.

As I have said, "If I had the spirit of Beethoven in me, I would write songs. If Beethoven lived in me, I would be Beethoven, see. If Shakespeare lived in me, I would be Shakespeare. I would


write poems, plays, and so forth--if Shakespeare lived in me. And if Christ lives in me, the works of Christ you will do. It has got to be. And what is Christ? The Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, My Word in you, then ask what you will, and it will be done," because the Word there, just needs the Light; and the Light makes it live.

So, now, I am going to say something to you, now, that I haven't said all along. That is the thing that we have looked forward to for so long, for these many years--four or five years or maybe longer--the third pull has now been vindicated, and I am sure you all know what it is.

Now remember, there will never be any impersonation of that, because it can't be. It cannot be. Now, it is in existence, and I am warned of this... that soon--right at this time now--it has just happened, so it could identify its presence among you. See? But it will not be used in a great way, until this council begins to tighten up. And when it does, when that does... The Pentecostals and so forth can almost impersonate anything that can be done, but when that time comes (when the squeeze comes down), then you will see what you have seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.

Now, I must continue in evangelism, just as I was commissioned first, I must continue on. Therefore, you have had the Word, and you know what to look for, how to stand. I must continue on in evangelism; and friends of mine, keep still and just keep moving on, for the hour is approaching swiftly when something is going to be done.

Now, you might see some little odd things happen--nothing sinful, I don't mean that--but I mean something odd to what the regular trend, because what I have reached to now in the ministry, I am dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But it is going to be used! And everyone knows that for as certain as the first was identified, so has the second been identified; and if you will think real closely, you who are spiritual, (as the Bible said, here is to him who has wisdom) the third is properly identified. We know where it is. So the third pull is here.

It is so sacred that I must not say much about it, as He told me in the beginning. He said, "This--say nothing of it." You remember that, years ago? It speaks for Itself. But you... I tried to explain the others, and I made a mistake. This will be the thing that, to my opinion, (I don't say the Lord tells me this) this will be the thing that will start the "rapturing faith" to the going away, see. And I must lay quiet for just a little while.

Now remember, (and you that are listening to this tape) you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back--Not going up; dropping back. We are right at the age now, and it can't go any further. We have to wait here just a minute until this happens over here to catch up, THEN the time comes. But it is thoroughly identified.

There is coming a time upon... in this nation, to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before, (which was pagan Rome, when it become papal Rome) that this nation will do that. Revelation 13 plainly explains it. The lamb came up out of the earth. The other beast came up out of water, thickness and multitudes of people. This lamb came up where there were no people.


A lamb represents religion--the Lamb of God. And remember, it spoke like a lamb; it was a lamb, and then after while it received power and spoke like a dragon, and exercised all the power the dragon had before him; and the dragon is Rome always. So don't you see: Roman denomination, a marked Protestant denomination, an image unto the beast, making a power that will force all Protestants like a union. You will have to be into this council of churches, or you won't be able to have fellowship or to... Well, it is practically that way now. You can't go to a church and preach, unless you have a fellowship card or some identification.

And now on, persons like ourselves, we are going to be cut out of all that altogether. That is exactly, because they won't be able to do it. It is tightening; and then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch, (what I am fixing to tell you in a few minutes) WATCH THE THIRD PULL THEN! It will be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the Church.

Now, we are closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it is real, real, close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. And that time may be this coming week that the Holy Spirit will come and bring Christ Jesus. He may come this next week. He may come yet tonight. I don't know when He will come. He doesn't tell us that. But I do believe that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet at fifty-four years old, I would never die with old age until He is here. Unless I am shot, killed, or something, or other, some way killed--just old age wouldn't kill me, until He's come. And I believe that... I want to say this; I have never said it before, but according to Scripture, according to what He said thirty years ago, thirty-three years ago on the river down there, (in 1933, rather) what He said--everything has happened just exactly. I may not do it, but this Message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. "For as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the Message to forerun the second coming." And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." So it paralleled it in every way, and I know it will. The Message will go on.


9-2 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS  JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

That was the first beginning of the ministry, when It said that if--the discernment was putting their hands upon mine, and what would be said, would be what it was. And I told you (and many are witnesses tonight) that it would come to pass that I would know the very secrets of their hearts. You remember that before it ever happened? About five or six years later, that taken place up in Canada for its first time. And that happened. Then He said, "If you will keep being sincere it will just keep going;" and now the third thing has taken place. Just constantly moving on.


11-6 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

Amazing grace of Jesus Christ. I haven't got much time now to say something else, but I want to make this statement. How many remembers about the squirrels? All right, that was a puzzling


Scripture in my Life that I never could understand. That, and there was another one that puzzled me. That was when Moses could tell God a better way than God knew how to do anything. When Moses said, "The people will say `Your God was able to bring you out, but not able to keep you.'" And Moses threw himself in the breach, and later I found out that Moses... that was Christ in Moses standing for the people. So then on this Scripture: (I never would preach on it) "If you say to this mountain be moved" and you know the story, so I will bypass that.


12-1 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

Now little did I know what that was leading to. And I think that Brother Wood and Brother Fred, and those are here in the building which were present when that happened, or right after it happened there. Brother Rodney and Brother Charley, (from down in Kentucky) Sister Wood's brother, and them, were present when it happened down in Kentucky which was the second time it happened. Just simply speaking into existence things that wasn't. Speaking all the time, and backing up the Scriptures encouraging.

The third time it happened was Hattie Wright. Is Hattie here tonight? That is Edith's... How many knows Hattie Wright? Brother Wood and I were sitting there when it happened. And when the Holy Spirit said, "Give her what she wants," and we were talking about how those squirrels come into existence. And I said, "Only thing it is, He is Jehovah Jireh."


13-1 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

She said, "That is nothing but the Truth." And when she said that, (Brother Banks Wood here, is one that was present) that room felt like it was coming apart. And the Holy Spirit said, (the same voice that spoke about the squirrels) said, "Give her what she ask for."


13-4 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

And she looked around and said, "What shall I say, Brother Branham?" I said, "Say what your desire is. Think of your greatest desire, and say it." (And her boys were even snickering and laughing.) She said, "The greatest desire that I have is the salvation of my two sons."

I said, "I give them to you in the Name of Jesus Christ," and there they went, and they have been faithful in this church with communion; those little fellows sitting there washing feet with the man, and things like that. We all are a witness of that. She had a real choice. Her mother has to die, so does she; all of them, but what she asked will be Eternal. The salvation of her children. That was the third time it happened.


The fourth time it happened (I just explained it the last time I was here) was up on the mountain where that storm raging... how many heard it?


21-5 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-17 -- 63-1229.2E

Now, there is my wife, and we are both before God. But before the doctor's hand could even touch her body, on the road coming to her like that, something happened. The tumor left. And they couldn't even... He said--I believe it was, wasn't it sweetheart? "I want to reassure you, Mrs. Branham--is that right the way he said it? That's right--that that tumor isn't there. You don't have any tumor." What was it? Just exactly according to the Word That is the fifth time. Five is the number of grace. A number of f-a-i-t-h, too. There is no more doubt in my mind. I know what the third pull is, and I know what it does. Now be reverent; just keep quiet. The hour will soon arrive, where God is going to do some great things for us.


Oh children I can not hardly wait until the glorious day arrives, when this great revelation, this great ministry goes out in the field there. Right in the open and does these great things. Will it not be wonderful? God did those great things in Brother Branham so you could recognize them.


When I talk these great supernatural things I feel the pressure of the devil move up and say what if your wrong? All those nice people you are telling these things to. Then I look back in the Word of God and know it is not wrong. It is God! God said so! Get away from me Satan! God said so and you cannot stop it!


Brother Branham said these things were done so the Bride could recognize the Bridegroom when He comes.


What is it? The Bridegroom is going to have this ministry when He comes forth. And the Bride will recognize it.


74-1 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY  JEFF.IN -- V-3 N-7 -- 63-0728

He, the Head, is the first fruits of the resurrection.  He is the first fruits of the resurrection. Is that right? What? Then what is He? He's the Head of the Body, which is His Church, Bride. Um-huh. Then the Bride-body must follow the Head, for it is part of His resurrection and part of the


mystery. It's impossible for it not to go. It's part of God's mystery! How God revealed Himself here and raised it up by the Word, so He reveals the Church and raises it up by the same Word. It's a part of His threefold mystery.

As the Head was took from the grave, so must the Body follow Him back to Eden. Where the Head of the family, the Man, the Bridegroom--the Bride being the Body of the Bridegroom must follow (the Bride) because that's the Head. And the Head's revealed and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen! And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body, you took His Body, become in Him when you took the Word--not the creed, the Word...  Therefore, the Body cannot recognize (don't you fail this)--the Body, therefore, cannot recognize any other head ship, but the Word, because the Head is connected with the Body. And the Head is the Word, and it's the same Word--one Head ship. Therefore, denominations and holy fathers and everything else is dead to 'em. There's one Head ship--that's Christ. The Body only recognizes one thing--the Word.


Now He said if you have this Faith, a Perfect Faith of Jesus Christ. By this Faith the worlds were framed, Noah built an ark, Abraham had a son, Shadrack Meshack and Abendego went into the furnace, and by that Faith Peter and 119 people went to the upper room. By that Faith Jesus did all His mighty works. By that Faith He raised Lazareth from the dead.


John 11:33   When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,

John 11:34   And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see.

John 11:35   Jesus wept.

John 11:36   Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!

John 11:37   And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?

John 11:38   Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.

John 11:39   Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.

John 11:40   Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?


John 11:41   Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

John 11:42   And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

John 11:43   And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

John 11:44   And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.


Lazarus, come forth! He cried, and then just stood there knowing he had to come forth because that was God's voice.


When Jesus saw him trying to move he said loose him and let him go.


Boy, that stirred the country. down through Jerusalem the people went with the story. Lazarus is raised! Lazarus is raised! Lazarus is raised!


What do you think it will be in this hour, when death is conquered again.


(Brother Bob  makes a story of the "Third Pull Ministry" raising a brother from the dead.)


Jesus was a man of faith. He waited to see what his father wanted done and then he did it. If you are a son and daughter of God you will also do the Fathers will.


If you have that same Perfect Faith, then that Faith must do the same thing in you it done in Jesus!


One day Jesus went to a funeral.



Luke 7:11   And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.

Luke 7:12   Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her.

Luke 7:13   And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.

Luke 7:14   And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.

Luke 7:15   And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.

Luke 7:16   And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.


How many want to see that happen again? That is the Faith of Jesus Christ! That is what the little Bride is going to do before she leaves here.


The Bible says the world could not contain the books it would take tell of His wonderful works.


John 21:25   And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.


Now all we got is Pentecostal, maybe come and speak a little tongues or something. My, that is not it!


Jesus demonstrated this great Faith.


Why did Brother Branham say the Bride did not have that kind of Faith? Let me show you why.



It was because the Seals was closed. That kind of Faith was shut up, and there was no way for you to receive it. You could not have it. That is why it was not demonstrated.


When the opening of the Seals came, it released the ministry of the Voice that takes the Word of God and makes it so plain to those who are elected to hear it, that it produces in them the Supernatural Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.



But still it's veiled. It's veiled not to the believer, but to the unbeliever; he cannot see it. God always veils Himself from the unbeliever. Traditions hide it. Like they did then, they do it today. That was a spiritual veil that we have now, where the natural veil was there. Vindicated by the prophet with the written Word, a prophesier, one who comes with the written Word to make It plain, they knowed the Word was there, but they didn't know what It meant; and Moses made It plain. He said, "The commandment says this, and this is why." He made It plain. And before It was made plain, It was veiled. And so is It today , veiled to the people until It's revealed and made plain to the people--God, the mighty God, veiled in human flesh, the Word.


236 PROVING.HIS.WORD -- JEFF.IN -- V-9 N-6 -- 64-0816

Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a man in human flesh, that Abraham called "Elohim, the great Almighty." Showing... And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch close, "in the days of Sodom, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." Not no more as a church, see, not no more; the Bride is called, see. "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." What? To join the Church to the Head, unite, the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she will go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen. She's already united, see, we go to the Wedding Supper, not to the marriage. "... fill your flesh... self, of all the flesh of mighty men, 'cause the marriage of the Lamb has come." But, the rapture, is going to the Wedding Supper. When, the Word here unites with the person, and they two become one. And then what does it do then? It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians. The


Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the Word, the Church does the same thing.


It is a seed. A seed Faith. Now I will draw this out maybe it will help you.




Now, down in the Soul this Bride of Christ is going to have a Supernatural Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Supernatural Faith of Jesus Christ is a substance, a life. Faith is a life. Faith and love go together. You cannot have this Faith without having love. This is Gods own love, that will cause you to love your neighbor as yourself. This is Gods love that will cause you to love the will of God more that your will. It will cause you to love God more than the things of the world.


This kind of Love and Faith will cause you to hate the world and love this Supernatural Word of God and heavenly things.


If you accept Christ in your mind as saviour, and you have a sound mind, and you accept Christ with an intelligent sane mind as Saviour. That gives you an atonement for your sin, as far as the second resurrection.


But that will not and cannot raise you from then grave in the Out Resurrection, or Rapture. Because you do not have nothing in you to raise you.



The only way you can be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye or raise up and go in the Rapture is to have the Supernatural Faith of Jesus Christ in your soul.


Notice that Supernatural Faith is the very Life of God. That is the same life that created the world. That life is what spoke the world into existence. Every person who receives the New Birth, which is a Divine Revelation in your heart of the promise and plan of God for the hour, The Word. When you receive that revelation that is the New Birth!


That right there! (Brother Bob Points to the dot he drew in the innermost circle of the soul of man.)


This Faith is the supernatural Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ which He begets you by. Just as I begat my sons. A blood cell comes forth and he is born then we have fellowship with him. That is the way in the spiritual Jesus Christ begets sons and daughters. There are no grandchildren!


That Faith is a substance, that is the New Birth. That is a faith seed. 100% FAITH! Note the Bible said some produced 30 fold 60 fold and 100 fold.


Matt. 13:3   And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

Matt. 13:4   And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

Matt. 13:5   Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:

Matt. 13:6   And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

Matt. 13:7   And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:

Matt. 13:8   But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.



Martin Luther produced thirty fold, Wesley produced sixty fold but The Bride of Christ brings forth one hundred fold.



No leaven among you, that brings the entire fulness of the godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age, couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age; but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed, brought back the Church together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet-God . Oh! Glory! Promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated (in present tense).


How many want 100%? The Bride brings forth 100% fruit because it is Jesus Christ. He is 100% word, 100% God! The Bride, the body, the wife of Jesus is 100% word, 100% God!


This is the Faith of The Lord Jesus Christ given to you. You are begotten by the word of truth. The Apostle said we have been begotten through the word of truth.


James 1:18   Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.


Eph. 1:13   In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,


John 1:12   But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:13   Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.


John 1:14   And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


The Bible says By Faith are you saved.


Luke 7:50   And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.


Luke 18:42   And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.


Eph. 2:8   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Eph. 2:9   Not of works, lest any man should boast.


You are saved by faith not by good works. This faith that saves you is the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder Jesus said the works that I do with this Faith you will do also.


Now listen to Paul:


Gal. 3:2   This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Gal. 3:3   Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Gal. 3:4   Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.

Gal. 3:5   He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Gal. 3:6   Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Gal. 3:7   Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.


Gal. 3:8   And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

Gal. 3:9   So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.


Paul said the miracles he was doing was by the same faith that caused Jesus to walk on the water.

Gal. 3:5   He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?


How many see that??


Now listen, to Paul, He that ministereth to you the Spirit, doeth he it by the works of the law?? Or by the hearing of Faith??


How many would like some minister to minister the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to you?  How would he do it? He would do it by the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus said without Faith it is impossible to please God.


Hebr. 11:5   By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.


Hebr. 11:6   But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


How many want to please God? No way to please God outside having faith! Now here is the only people that is going to please God. The elected Bride of Christ that has been begotten by the


Word of Truth. Which is the Faith seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. They will please the Lord Jesus in this last day. Why?? Because they will have the Faith of Jesus Christ.


Remember Brother Branham said the Bride, the Church does not have enough faith for divine healing let alone Rapture. The reason why that was true when Brother Branham made this statement is because she lacked the revelation of the New Birth. That is right! Do you believe that?


She lacked the revelation of the New Birth. In  other words she did not have the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. If she had had it then the outpouring if the Holy Spirit would have come and we would be doing the works of the Apostolic Church and the Rapture would have done took place.


Right??? So she did not have the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now children this should cause you to take up the slack line. If you think you are going to go in the Rapture and still be playing around in the world and holding on to things. You will never get that right there  The Faith of Jesus Christ. (Brother Bob again points to the drawing of the three fold nature of man)


But you say, "I listen to tapes and I believe Brother Branham." That is no more than being able to read. Unless you are obeying the word of God and willing to forsake all and follow after that right there you cannot be His disciple.


32-2 THE.TOKEN -- JEFF.IN. -- V-2 N-19 -- 63-0901.1M

Like the spies, if they come right up here to the borderland, looked over, and said, "Well, I know it is there, but the obstacle is too great. We look like grasshoppers." They perished in the wilderness. Borderline believers.

Don't just come this far. Say, "I believe the message." You obey the message! Come into Christ. You say, "I believe every word you said, Brother Branham."

That is good. but that is just--that is just being able to read. Take the Message. Take it into your heart, that you must have the Token. The very Life that was in Christ, be in you. When I see that, I will pass over you.



Like our neighbor she has been eating the books up. But she must cut her hair now because she sells Avon. But she "loves the Lord" and the Lord gave her this job. She believes when she has enough money to be able to live, then she will let her hair grow out, and she wants to be baptized this spring, when the weather gets warm.


Now that is real nice. I am sure the Lord Jesus appreciates that. But you will never make it like that. That is just an intellectual mind. But Jesus said if you love me you will keep my word.


Now in order to get this new birth, you must, verily verily positively positively obey the written word. It says repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Do it!! It says women do not cut your hair. Do not cut your hair! Dress right, Pay your tithes. What the Bible says do. Do it!


By doing that you prove that you love the Lord Jesus.


(Brother Bob preaches the need for holiness. Ball games Television entertainment etc., You must sell out to the world 100% to receive the New Birth.)


I tell you the truth. If you want to go in the First Resurrection it will cost you 100% of the things of the world. You must love the Lord God with all your soul and all your might. You must love the Lord Jesus more than anything else in the world.


Love and Faith are husband and wife. They are one. You can not have the revelation of the hour, this supernatural Faith of the Lord Jesus unless you have love.


Jesus said:

John 14:20   At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.


John 14:21   He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.



John 14:24   He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.


1John 2:5   But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.


He that loveth me is he that keepeth my word. The only people that will keep his word are those that love Him. When God sees that you are going to keep his word and nothing else He gives you faith. And when He gives you faith He gives you the new birth. It is one and the same. New Birth and The Faith is one and the same! Which is the revelation of Jesus Christ.


This is what will believe God for a Rapture.


A man can accept Jesus as personal saviour yet not have the faith life in his soul.


(Brother Bob gives an example of how Satan can work on our spirit and flesh to make us fall so long as we are outside the body. Preaches the need for us to continually resist evil and repent of our sin. "Holiness living". We should not feed our selves on the things of the world.)


Faith and love go together. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God. You get revelation by hearing the Word. But you cannot get the revelation unless you have love. Love and faith go together. You cannot fool Jesus. He knows of you love Him. Those that love His word, Get the New Birth, The Supernatural Faith of Jesus Christ, which says amen to 100% of the word!



You said, "It wasn't a revelation." What is faith? Faith is something that's revealed to you that is not yet, but you believe it will be. Faith is a revelation of the will of God. So by revelation...




What is a revelation? Jesus said, "Upon this Rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell can't prevail against it." Faith is a revelation, because faith has been revealed to you. Abel, by faith, offered by revelation--faith--offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain.


105 WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED SHP.LA -- V-7 N-1 -- 65-1126

Now, "faith" is a "revelation from God." Now, "faith" is a "revelation." There's where I want to stay, there just a moment. It's a revelation. He has revealed it to you by His grace. It's nothing you did. You didn't work yourself up into faith. You never have faith, it's give to you by the grace of God. And God reveals it to you, therefore faith is a revelation. And the whole Church of God is built upon the revelation!


117 WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED SHP.LA -- V-7 N-1 -- 65-1126

In a audience of people, where a prayer line comes through, you'll find some... and they were all good people, we will say. There's some that's trying hard to believe It, trying to work themselves into It. Some just can't do it at all. And others, it's just by grace, it's just given to them. Now, there is the difference. See? That does it. That's the real revelation, because faith is a revelation from God. It must be revealed first.


66 THE.RAPTURE -- YUMA.AZ -- V-5 N-14 -- 65-1204

Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation without it being faith. Faith is a revelation, because it's something that's revealed to you. Faith is a revelation. Faith is something that has been revealed to you like it was to Abraham, that could call anything contrary to what had been revealed to him as though it wasn't so. Now faith... That's what faith is, is the revelation of God. The Church is built upon a revelation, the whole entire body.


Now this is beautiful, all the apostles and prophets would love to be hearing what your hearing this morning. They wondered about these things.



What did Brother Branham have before him when he was ministering divine deliverance? He had a people setting before him that professed the New Birth, but they did not have it. They had an intellectual salvation.


Brother Branham said the plan to the Blood they turned down. They did not have the New Birth.



Like Balaam, like Cain, of old, offering his sacrifice, and making an altar, and worshipping You, but not in the provided way, without blood. He was refused, rejected. And that same spirit lives on down through his children.

But Abel, the just one, not so pretty, the altar is not so decorated, but come in the provided way, God's provided way, leading a lamb, a substitute, an innocent one to take a guilty one's place.


E-97 AN.ABSOLUTE -- PHOENIX.AZ -- 63-0127

No wonder we're out here crying for revival. And the sky is full of Pentecostal power, and we can't get to it. That's right. It's because we've rejected God's absolute. Right! The revelation of Christ. "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against it." It's an absolute. And the Word of God is his absolute. "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock I will build my church." A real absolute.


80-4 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY - JEFF.IN - V-3 N-7 -- 63-0728

Like Lucifer did in the beginning, saying to the people just exactly what Lucifer said to Eve: "Surely God will receive us; we feed the poor (that's good). Surely He will receive us; we are a great denominational; we are a beautiful church. Why, look at our great buildings. Look at our great membership. We stand in the millions. Surely God will not turn that group down." The same thing that Cain did. Brought in the pretty fruits from the ground that he had tilled, and toiled, and worked, and brought in the fruits and rejected the humble blood of the lamb.


95 THE.TOKEN -- SHP.LA -- V-17 N-6 -- 63-1128.2E


When a woman lays out a piece of goods, lays her pattern upon it, the way she is going to cut it, and she has got her own way of making a choice. But what is left out of that pattern is the same kind of goods that was in the pattern, but it was ordained for her to take this. She fixed it herself.

God did the same. "And the remnant of the woman's seed that was left upon the earth." Today is the calling-out of the Bride out of the church, the exodus, for the Rapture. For, the church truly goes through the Tribulation period, as you Pentecostal brothers has preached it. I believe that. The church goes through it, but not the Bride. No, sir!

Someone discussing that with me, not long ago, said, "The church will have to go through, for--for a purification."

I said, "That is true, because she rejected the Blood."


They did not have Faith for divine Healing so they needed a sign to build their faith. They would see Brother Branhams sign and go away healed.


But notice that sign got so common people did not pay attention to it no more. And the miracles and healing fell off till you did not see no more miracles.


12-4 WHAT.IS.A.VISION -- CHI.IL -- V-2 N-9 -- 56-0408.1A

He blessed me for about nine years, but in California my ministry looked like... began to drop down, somehow. Mail fell off. It looked like the people were not interested. Well, I thought, "God, that is all in Your hands." Where I used to get around a 1,000 letters a day or something like that, it would be down there. It would drop down to 600, then 500, then 400, then 300; 175 or somewhere down about like that and would be 75 letters a day, maybe.


Now when the revelation of the New Birth comes from the opening of the seals, the people then can get a supernatural faith, a revelation. New Birth in the soul.


God comes down with a shout, the Bible says. Where does he descend to? Right down in a humble little man.



1Ths. 4:16   For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:


People came before that Little Man, (Brother Branham) desiring something in their heart. Why did people need to get to Brother Branham to receive from God? Because that was where God was at. When you came before him you did not need to tell him nothing. God in the man looked down in you and told you the secret of your heart and that worked up your faith to believe to receive the thing you desired.


Notice the New Ministry, The ministry of the Lord Jesus in His second as the Voice, does not use any sign at all. It is the Lord Himself now descending down with the voice. He gets inside of a human being, and the Church come before him with a desire for deliverance. This ministry does not see a vision now. That is not how this comes.


When Brother Branham demonstrated the signs it made him weak. He said when the New Ministry starts it will make him strong. He said that was you operating the gift.


11-1 WHAT.IS.A.VISION -- CHI.IL -- V-2 N-9 -- 56-0408.1A

Now, that's when God is using His gift. That doesn't weaken me. That doesn't bother me. Now, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the gave it was far more of a miracle than what the woman was that touched His garment and was healed of the blood issue. You admit that? He never said one word about getting weak and virtue going out of Him, because God was using His gift. That is those kind of visions. That is that type of vision. But when people use the gift of God... and what makes me weak at the platform is you, yourself. That's what is doing it. You, yourself are doing the work of operating It. That's the reason it's pulling through. It's either you using God's gift or God using His gift.



And my family, who I have been raised with, and my wife sitting back there, knows. Many times at home, sometimes sitting in a coma, and... like in a coma, in a vision. And the Lord will speak things, and it will say just exactly. And not one time does it ever fail. It's a gift that comes from God.


Now, it's a way, a gift, just like a gift to sing, a gift to do anything; it's gifts. And I just have a way to yield myself to the Holy Spirit. And it's not me, it's you that operates that gift.

Now, I have never thought, and never believed in my heart, that this was God's perfect way for me to do it. I did it because the people all rallied for it, you see. But now, let me just give you a little... in a simple child-like way. I can't explain it, and I can no more do it than nothing. I have no way of doing it. It's the sovereign grace of God to you. It's not me, it's you. You are the one that does the operating of the it, yourself. I just yield myself.


Now here is the secret to this. The New Ministry will not make the man weak because it is God operating himself.


The Shout was His appearing, You had to operate His appearing. He appeared for a little while and said your name is Mary Brown you have cancer, Thus saith the Lord your healed. Then He disappeared. Brother Branham would say that was not me that spoke it was him!



You believe? If you can believe, you can be healed. Just have faith. That's all you need.

You want to get over that throat trouble, setting right back there towards the post? You believe that God would make you well? If you believe it, you can receive it. You can have it. God bless you, sister. Stand up to your feet just a moment. Don't weep. Your throat trouble is finished.

You don't have to have a prayer card. You see? You have to have faith. That's not me. That's Him Who looked in the audience there, where a woman touched His garment, and He said, "Who touched me?"

Said, "Don't ask such questions. Why, everybody..."

Everybody denied touching. He looked around until He found the woman. He said, "I got weak. Virtue went out of Me." That's the same thing taking place. Not me, it's Him, but it's Him in here. He said, "Thy faith has healed thee." The woman knows that's true.

Be reverent and believe God. You can have anything that you ask for, if you can believe, but you must believe.




But when you hear it move on them tapes there, and over here, 'cause we--look at the recorders. We hear everything that's said. See? And when you hear it say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, then a visions moves back; that's not me. I don't go into that; He takes me into that Himself. And a vision comes back, and then when it does, I see way down the line, what He said do. Then it tells them just about it.

Well, now here, it's off of them right now, and they go off feeling fine, wonderful, if they keep feeling that way... I've never in my life prayed for a person yet, and really got sincere about it, but what something happened then. Now, think of that. I have never in my life sincerely asked God for one thing... I've been preaching for twenty-three years now, and I've never asked God for anything in my life, that He did not give me, or either tell me why He couldn't give me. That's right. He's God. Hallelujah!


E-53 JEHOVAH.JIREH -- PHOENIX.AZ -- 57-0309.2E

So have faith now. The Bible said if there be one among you which is spiritual or a prophet, I, the Lord will make Myself known unto him, speak to him in dreams, reveal Myself in visions. And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him, for I'm with him. And if it comes not to pass, then don't hear him, for I haven't spoken to him.

Now, I'm telling you from my heart, those visions that you see here at the platform, that's not me doing that; it's you doing that. You're the one's a doing that. It's your faith anchored; I just submit myself. And as I submit myself to God, then your faith does that very same thing, pulls it like that.


17 WHAT.IS.THE.ATTRACTION? JEFF.IN  V-8 N-8 -- 65-0725.2E

But when you see It come back, everybody's aware, when It says, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," see, that's not me speaking no more then, that's Him.


He only appeared and you did not understand it, did you?


Now when the Voice comes He operates everything Himself. Now it is ask what you will. You will come before that ministry and what ever you desire in your heart it will be spoken unto existence right there.




Give me a church. Give me ten men who're really jewels of God, the Royal Seed, put them men together and watch what will take place. Give me this little house-full of people like that and I will show you a light that the world will run to it. That's right. That's what God wants us to be. You're a city sitting on a hill; you're Royal Seed of Abraham.


The Bride that comes before that ministry, with the Faith of Jesus Christ will believe anything that is spoken. Therefore they get 100% answer to prayer. Anything they desire they get it, God gives the Bride the desire of their hearts.


That is why Brother Branham said, we did not have enough faith for divine healing, Because we did not have "The Faith" restored that was once delivered to the saints.


36 GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE  JEFF.IN -- V-4 N-9 -- 65-0801.1M

As a seed starts in the ground, it comes up through carriers, the life of it. But it ends up the same seed that it was when it went in the ground. And the same way the seed of deceit fell in the ground in Eden, is the same way it ends up in the last days. Just as the Gospel was when it fell to a denomination at Nicaea, Rome, it ends up in a super organization. Just as the Seed of the Church fell back there with the signs, wonders, and the living Christ among them, it ends up in the last days under the ministry of Malachi 4 and restores back again the original faith that was once given.


Now the Faith restored to the saints is the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, which will believe everything that God said. It is an "Amen" seed.


It is a total impossibility for this person that has faith to doubt any promise of God. The Bride will be 100% Word!


Now I will close with reading page 33 of Perfect Faith.



184 PERFECT.FAITH -- JEFF.IN -- V-6 N-11 -- 63-0825.2E

This is coming into that Third Pull! I'm believing it. Now I want to ask you a sincere question, you that passed through the prayer line. Can you actually believe, and feel now, that there is something happened in you since you've had hands laid on you? Right; raise your hand. There it is. This is what we've waited for. Now, this is not... this is just starting to bloom now. See? Just started with... I did this for a purpose. I did this for a purpose. I'm working out something, it's taking this charge of faith and going right back to begin and come in; see, to kinda raise faith in a bracket where you've never noticed it that way before. Not a faith, but a Perfect Faith, built it up in here. And watch a perfect God, with a perfect heart, keep a perfect promise, by His perfect Word, which is sharper than a two-edged sword and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. And what? We're coming now to the perfection, because the people has to come to this in order for the Rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that Church to come into that Perfect Raptured Faith. I'm looking for it. It means a lot of shaking down for me, it means a lot for you, but together we will make it by the Grace of God. Amen.


What is that perfection?  A Perfect mature Faith the body of Jesus Christ. The Jesus that has matured from Luther to Wesley to Brother Branham now coming up to the Capstone. Why?  Brother Branham said, "Because the people has to come to this in order for the Rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that Church to come into that Perfect Raptured Faith."


Well it has been six years now since the prophet of God left. This Faith has got to be here on Earth today! If it is not then the very cause, of William Branham God's prophet, coming is lost.


Mal. 4:5   Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:


Mal. 4:6   And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.


Where is the Bride? All churches claim to be the Bride. But Jesus Christ has not yet married any one of them. But if you got the Faith I am talking about this morning you have one ring on your finger. That ring is positive proof He is coming to slip the other one on before long.



But nobody will believe you got that ring because it is a secret engagement. He has not announced it to the public yet. Secretly engaged.


You hear others say Jesus loves me we are the Bride. But you know better. Because you look on their fingers and there is no ring. You ask them about the Token and they  do not understand. You know right away there is no ring on there.


Have you received the Holy ghost since you believed the prophets message? "Oh, we got it when we believed!!" No ring on there  see?


27-3 THE.RISING.OF THE.SUN -JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 - 65-0418.1M

You know, our good Baptist friends tell us when we believe, we've got It. But they didn't have It, yet they'd believed. Acts 19, they'd believed, but they didn't have. "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" See? They had the mechanics all right, because the apostles were--I mean Apollos was teaching to them and proving by the Bible the mechanics, that Jesus was the Christ, but they didn't have the Dynamics yet. See? That's it. All right.


Revelation, FAITH is His engagement ring. You know if you have that ring He is coming down to slip the other one on. The other ring is the great Token coming down out of heaven. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost falls upon you, and unites you to the Bridegroom, and makes you one. Now He goes out with you to the public. He takes you out publicly and announces to the whole world, "This is my wife!"


That is Mt. Transfiguration experienced again. See?? A Voice speaks out of Heaven and says, "This is my Bride hear ye her. She has the Word. She is right and you are wrong!


Matt. 17:5   While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.


When God raises the curtain on the final act, there will be the whole Body sitting there every one filled with the Holy Ghost. All nine gifts in operation. They are then sitting in Heavenly Places


in Christ Jesus. And by doing these great things in you God manifests to the world that he has chosen you and that He loves you. Proof that he has loved you. These signs shall follow them that are married unto me.


Lets bow our heads as the sisters come to the piano.