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  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands






    ETHICS AND THE ORGANISATION | ITS NOT REALLY ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA... AND MOREViewpoint is a quarterly thought publicaon produced by The PRacce.

    Please send your views and feedback to [email protected] |

    Issue - 1 | November 2012

  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    These are the best of times.

    Globalisation is opening doors

    everywhere and technology advances are

    transforming lives, rather than just

    improving them.

    These are also the worst of times. There

    is simmering discontent around the globe

    in the wake of major political and

    economic developments. The leadership

    gaps laid bare by the Arab revolution,

    the mood in recession-hit Europe,

    Occupy Wall Street protests against

    corporate excess, Indians weariness

    with the graft culture in the country

    the disenchantment with entities,

    organisations and powerful individuals is

    at an all-time high.

    Its not easy for companies to break through

    this cloud of distrust. But it can be done.

    This issue of Viewpoint uses its

    contributors lenses to look more closely


    From corporate greed to

    sleaze in public ofice,

    there are enough reasons

    for people to tune out. Can

    companies regain their

    attention and trust?

    at how organisations can evoke trust: the foundation on which it is based and how sound

    communication can further the cause. We dig around with the modern tools of the trade

    (read: social media) and isolate the main factor in driving brand likeability and acceptance.

    We also examine news reporting in its present day form and how it needs to evolve in order

    to win the conidence of its audience. Lastly, in a slightly ofbeat perspective, we explore the

    plot of redemption and the way it unfolds in life and art.

    Sound like heavy reading? Dont worry; its not. But we hope it will get our readers thinking

    and jumpstart some coffee break conversations. After all, where theres an issue, there is

    sure to be many a viewpoint!


    Ethics and the Organisation: A perspective on building and sustaining organizational character

    Filling the Communication Vacuum:Why clear and consistent communication is important

    in good times and bad

    Its Not Really About Social Media: In building trust, likeability and inluence, brands may need

    a different approach to social media marketing

    Your News With a Side of Opinion: The shifts in reporting style that will give news

    organisations more credibility

    Alterpoint: The Road to Redemption


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    Business and government entities face a

    serious crisis of conidence in society

    today. A recent spate of political scams has

    deepened the sense of disillusionment

    with the government. On the corporate

    front, misappropriation and accounting

    scandals involving the likes of Satyam andReebok have called the ethics of business

    leaders and the judgement of those

    responsible for hiring them, into question.

    Character Maketh the Organisation

    Even though business decisions are made

    by individuals, their motivation and

    implications are tied to the entire

    organisation. Over time, these decisions

    present a pattern that settles to create

    distinct organisational character.

    An incident from my own consulting

    experience underscores this theory. Two

    large companies were faced with an

    identical ethical dilemma when both

    realised that the key account managers

    responsible for some large and imminent

    business deals were forging bills and

    siphoning funds from the companies.

    Their options were to terminate the

    individuals involved immediately or wait

    until the deals in question were inalised

    before doing so.

    The two organisations handled the matter

    very differently. The one decided to wait itout so as not to jeopardise the pending

    deal. The other immediately terminated

    the account managers services and

    briefed the prospective customer on the

    situation, winning the latters goodwill

    and conidence in the process. It also

    made it clear that its principles were not up for

    negotiation and that a robust value system lay at the

    heart of its culture.

    The Building Blocks and Cement

    This process of using a core set of principles to guide

    ethical decision-making and action consistently

    and over extended periods of time helps in

    shaping organisational character.

    There is another important factor at play here and

    these are the critical decision points sometimestermed as deining moments1. For an organisation,

    such moments may manifest themselves in big and

    small decisions involving its people, processes or


    Deining moments shape an organisation because

    they cut through all the statements about what a

    company aspires to do and reveal instead what it

    actually does. They set precedents and create

    expectations that inluence a company for years, or

    even longer.

    An example of a deining moment for several service

    organisations came during the recent inancialcrisis when they had to make some tough personnel

    decisions in order to cut costs. Some laid off

    employees, others withheld promotions and

    increments, still others made cuts at the managerial

    level, or deferred the offers they had recently made

    to new candidates.

    Employees of one organisation, however, opted for a

    pay freeze that would allow them to retain jobs and

    honour the offers that had already been extended.

    This was combined with active employee

    engagement to keep morale up in the company.

    Two years later, the companys recent recruits votedit an employer of choice in a survey, citing

    managements willingness to make inancial

    sacriices for the greater good, as well as initiatives

    that showed the company really cared about its


    Making it Work

    Organisations must create systems that support this

    type of character development. They will have to

    Deining moments

    shape an organisation

    because they cut

    through all the

    statements aboutwhat a company

    aspires to do and

    reveal instead what it

    actually does


    How do organisations

    come to be perceived

    as beacons of trust?

    Such a reputation

    doesnt form

    overnight. Instead, it

    is based on


    character, something

    that develops over

    time, aided by a


    demonstration of

    ethical behaviour.

    By Vasanthi Srinivasan

    [1] Badaracco, Joseph L. (1997). Deining Moments: When Managers Must Choose Between Right and

    Wrong. Harvard Business Press. 5

  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    A communication deicit in times when so

    much is being said through myriad

    communication channels and at soaring

    decibels is a strange paradox. As the

    theatrics of everyday life unfold around

    us, we struggle to process the onslaught of

    information, evaluate the data thrown atus by battling entities, judge the integrity

    of carriers of that information, and create

    our own opinions based on all of the


    The world is indeed a stage with everyone

    (well, almost everyone) craving the

    limelight and a few leeting moments of

    fame. So what if the scripts are marked by

    dissonance and cacophony and the

    protagonists are jingoistic megalomaniacs

    who are trying too hard to connect with

    their audiences.For those on the receiving end, its a

    challenge to separate truth from iction, or

    honesty from hype. How do we know

    whom to trust or believe? Do we suspend

    judgement and go with the most

    entertaining or loudest voice? Or do we

    process information based on fact, history

    and context?

    The problem today is not that we dont

    communicate enough but that we have


    There is a great deal

    of noise in the public

    domain but very

    little in the form of

    clear and consistent


    Tired of inlated

    claims and varnished

    truths, audiences arepushing back. In this

    environment, its

    more important than

    ever before for a

    public entity to ind

    its steady voice and

    get in touch with its

    credible side.

    By Nandita Lakshmanan

    Vasanthi Srinivasan is an Associate Professor at IIM-Bangalore in the area of Organisational

    Behaviour and Human Resource Management. She is also the Chair of the Centre for Corporate

    Governance and Citizenship and maintains a website ( designed to promote

    teaching of business ethics and corporate social responsibility among business faculty in India.

    pay special attention to personnel decisions, particularly when senior positions and lateral

    movements are involved. A principle-based selection process is clearly the irst step in the

    direction. Personnel research shows that sound induction and mentoring are both effective

    in nurturing values and character, apart from the skills required for the job.

    Last but not least, it is critical to have incentive systems that drive ethical behaviour. The

    recent inancial crisis illustrated what happens when incentive structures drive a

    self-serving, get-rich-quick philosophy rather than support the responsibilities of the

    organisation to its stakeholders.

    Since principles are irst demonstrated at the individual level before they can deine the

    larger organisation, leaders with a strong sense of personal integrity are vital to the


    Over time, the principles of the organisation get embedded in its practices, processes and

    systems and evolve in a way that is independent of its members. This is institutionalisation

    and it is the key to true organisational character.


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    lost sight of what it means to communicate

    effectively in a way that fosters clarity rather than

    breeds speculation and more ambiguity. In a rapidly

    changing socio-economic environment marked by

    growth, reforms and sweeping changes in lifestyle,

    good communication is a responsibility for

    strategists, policymakers, corporations and the


    This involves getting back to basics, and that can still

    be done today, even as media evolves digitally andevery person at a keyboard wields power.

    To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln: Those who look

    for bad in people (or situations) will surely ind it.

    In the current climate of cynicism, it is

    unfashionable and a tad nave to believe or trust,

    even if one wants to. Objectivity is forsaken for

    speculation, because everyone is both less trusting

    and less trustworthy.

    In such an environment, the messenger, the

    message and the method play a big role in

    delivering a much needed coherence. There is no

    one-way street here, no placid acceptance of whatone hears. What is required is for the messenger to

    stick to message and communicate for clarity

    rather than communicate to confuse.

    It rankles then, when senior statesmen or others we

    hold in regard make sweeping statements; or when

    corporations shy away from providing timely or any

    information; or when the media encourage

    shamelessly partisan debates that cant see the

    wood for the trees.

    Perhaps,if they were to stop and consider the

    following basic questions, it will help in

    re-establishing credibility: who will receive thisinformation and in what context; what will its

    impact be; can we vouch for the integrity of the

    information; can we pre-empt questions that arise

    after its dissemination; can we make a real attempt

    to address these questions honestly and to the best

    of our abilities.

    Information inds ways to break free and cant be

    withheld for long from stakeholders. It isnt strange

    anymore to see news of infrastructure

    The problem today

    is not that we dont

    communicate enough

    but that we have

    lost sight of what it

    means to

    communicateeffectively in a way

    that fosters clarity

    rather than breeds

    speculation and

    further ambiguity

    Lets face it

    many of us are still

    happy to talk and

    be in the news when

    times are good, butare quick to pull

    the shutters down

    when the going gets

    tough. It takes

    courage, belief and

    a sense of

    accountability to be

    able to maintainopen channels of


    at all times.

    development, government projects or corporate

    expansion being broken prematurely by real estate

    agents. Corporations are caught unawares when the

    media gain access to documents through

    well-placed sources. Employees can share internal

    information on management changes and other

    developments with the click of a button.The charges of inaction levelled against the UPA

    government, the collapse of Kingisher Airlines, the

    panicked exodus from Bangalore of people from the

    Northeast, the recent exposs by India Against

    Corruption and the general public reaction to them

    all these examples serve to illustrate an important

    point. That the inability to speak up clearly, or to

    speak up at all about the crucial whys, about

    goals and contingency plans, about beneits and

    challenges can cause a breakdown in conidence

    and lead to intense speculation.

    Lets face it many of us are still happy to talk andbe in the news when times are good, but are quick to

    pull the shutters down when the going gets tough. It

    takes courage, belief and a sense of accountability to

    be able to maintain open channels of

    communication at all times.

    The recent debates on privacy have drawn mixed

    reactions and with good reason. When

    representatives of a fraternity that has largely been

    shielded from any form of accountability lobby for


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    Good news. Bad news. It spreads easily.

    Being good. Doing good. Raising a voice

    for good and bad. We see it all around us.

    Brand launches. Offers. Reviews. Events.

    We are surrounded by them.

    Indeed, we are swamped. By options. Byadvertising. By messages from people we

    know. And those we dont.

    Six degrees of separation? Sometimes it

    seems more like one click of separation.

    Or rather one click to connect. We can

    connect with anything, anyone... anywhere,

    anytime. 24x7x365 is not about customer

    service anymore, but about our lives.

    Geography is history. Time zones are


    The water cooler is no longer something

    in one corner of the ofice around whichofice workers gather but has become a

    status update that can reach virtually

    anyone, anywhere, in the time it takes to

    click on a button.

    Brands have woken up to this new reality; a

    reality driven by the power of technology

    and the spread of devices. They have kept

    pace with the growth and development of

    the Internet and embraced social media.

    Websites are pass. Social media is the new

    digital home of many brands.

    Thats not surprising since thats wherethe people are, and where the action has

    shifted. Almost 1 in 7 persons on this

    planet is on Facebook. If it were a country,

    the Republic of Facebook would be the

    third most populous one on the planet

    after China and India. Twitter users

    crossed 100 million a while back. Youtube

    has more new content uploaded every

    week than the leading American TV


    Ever since social media

    has become a

    must-have in a

    marketers toolkit,

    brands are locking to

    be present and

    engaging on these

    platforms. In the

    process, though, they

    may be losing sight of

    what it really takes to

    build trust, likeability

    and inluence. That

    realisation is likely to

    lead to a new and more

    effective approach to

    social media marketing.

    By Ashok Lalla

    Nandita Lakshmanan is the CEO of The PRactice.

    privacy, it is bound to raise eyebrows. Transparency

    in public life for corporations and for individuals

    such as sportspeople and artists who are

    institutions in themselves is both an obligation

    and an expectation. The increasing clamour for

    transparency will alleviate the Jekyll and Hyde

    syndrome that has emerged in our society in

    gargantuan proportions.

    At the same time, we must be cognisant of the ine

    line between transparency and privacy. Without theright checks and balances, these cleansing efforts

    will overstep boundaries resulting in more

    acrimony and negativity.

    We are now engaged in a blind race with no clear

    winner or inish line in sight. Straightforward

    communication, based on facts rather than

    self-serving interests, is the need of the hour.

    Credible communication must avoid the trap of

    instant gratiication if it has to diffuse the currents

    of distrust swirling around us.


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    Ashok Lalla is the Global Head of Digital Marketing at Infosys

    and an award-winning Digital, Brand and Social Media

    Marketing leader. He can be found tweeting at @ashoklalla.

    networks produced in decades.

    These numbers make brands drool. And spur them

    to mount aggressive marketing and advertising

    campaigns centred around social media. These are

    aimed at aggregating large numbers of fans. And

    then talking to them, interacting with them,

    inluencing them.

    They create elaborate strategies around social

    media marketing. Many work, some dont. The ones

    that work propel marketers to do more and more ofthe same. The ones that dont usually get marketers

    to increase investments in the short term, because

    the others seem to be seeing success.

    Large campaigns. Backed by large budgets. And an

    almost rabid focus to talk to consumers. Engage

    them. Get them to Like the brand, and to share it

    with their friends. It works to a point.

    But really, this approach misses the bigger point.

    That social media marketing is not about marketing.

    Or even about the media (read: Facebook, Twitter,

    YouTube). But it is about being social.

    Social, in a manner that enables the audience to talk

    to one another. With the brand playing benign host

    and providing the stimulus, the means, and

    sometimes the incentive, for its audience to stay at

    its party and interact with their friends. To tell

    others whats happening. To invite them over. To

    make new friends. This social manner can help

    unleash the ultimate inluencer for brands the

    power of the audience, or of People as Media.

    Yes, its no longer newspapers, television channels

    and websites that provide the best returns for a

    brand. They might provide reach, and an

    opportunity to see or interact.

    But what they miss is the power of People like me.

    The ripples of inluence that come from the people

    carrying a message, instead of the channel carrying

    it. These ripples spread and create waves. These

    waves get powerful as they overlap and spread

    further and farther.

    Look back at any of the key events of the last few

    years, and you will see that the difference between

    success and failure wasnt just an idea, a campaign,

    or a cause. But how the idea got picked up and drove

    people to make it their own. To champion and


    Think Barack Obamas 2008 Presidential campaign.

    Or the BP oil spill from a few years back. The

    Egyptian Revolution. Or any brand campaign that

    touched you.

    In fact, you can look back over 80 years to the Civil

    Disobedience Movement in India. Mahatma

    Gandhis idea was wrapped in strong conviction.And it spread across India. Through cities, towns

    and villages. From person to person. Through

    families, friends, communities. Till its reverberation

    brought down an empire.

    This is the power of People as Media at work. Long

    before we knew media as we know it now. Long

    before technology enabled the interconnectivity we

    see today. Long before social media platforms were

    born. Long before one could Like something and

    Share it.

    Today, with modern tools and technology, making

    People your Media is that much easier. Or that muchharder. Depending on what you see as Media. And

    what you view as Social.

    But one thing is certain. The difference between a

    campaign thats noticed and one that creates real

    brand love and trust is bigger than the idea, the

    creative, and the cause. The difference lies with

    People as Media people who can give the

    campaign wings and impact. Unlike that of any

    other medium.

    Social media

    marketing is not

    about marketing.

    Or even aboutthe media. But

    it is about being


    Today, with modern

    tools and technology

    making People your

    Media is that much

    easier. Or that

    much harder.


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    When told by an artist he had

    commissioned that there was no war to be

    covered in Cuba, the late American news

    publisher, William Randolph Hearst, is

    said to have quipped, You furnish the

    pictures, Ill furnish the war. This

    exchange is possibly an urban myth buttheres no denying that Hearst did

    inluence the US newspaper industry in a

    big way and is largely credited with

    spearheading the yellow journalism

    trends of the late 19th and early 20th


    In the years that followed, however,

    muckraking in American daily news gave

    way to a steady objectivity. This shift,

    surprisingly, was not driven by ethics as

    much as by economics. According to an

    interesting perspective offered by theEconomist (The Future of News, July

    2011), impartiality in reporting was

    actually designed to broaden a

    newspapers appeal to subscribers and

    thereby, to its advertisers. Journalists who

    followed this code of conduct also enjoyed

    greater job security. Objectivity,

    according to a New York University

    journalism professor quoted in the article

    is a grand bargain between all the players

    [in the ield].

    So, where does objectivity it in themodern Indian context?

    Yellow journalism may be a strong label

    for the brand of reporting that we often

    see in print and broadcast media.

    However, with the exception of a few

    channels and publications, coverage is

    unabashedly sensationalistic. Events and

    personalities are cast in shades of black and white.

    Every political scandal, big or small, is tagged with

    the sufix of gate and framed as a conspiracy

    against the general public. These tendencies are

    stronger on television with its limited window of

    opportunity to grab the viewers attention. In local

    and regional coverage, the tone is even more harsh

    and shrill.

    This is necessary, at one level, but unfortunate, at

    another. Its necessary because the state of our

    socio-political affairs calls for a certain amount of

    activism and engagement on the part of the media.

    It requires a spirited approach, unlike the deadpan

    and bloodless reporting style seen before the

    24-hour news cycle. It demands an appetite for

    dogged investigation and probing, something that

    Indian media has ably demonstrated over the years.

    However, where this approach fails is in becoming

    so extreme and one-sided that it loses the audience.

    Most people these days absorb news reports with a

    healthy dose of scepticism due to the blaring,

    shifting headlines and rampant speculation in them.

    Of course, if we are to apply a proitability ilter and

    view the whole exercise as a drive for subscribers

    and followers, truly objective reporting (as

    immortalised in journalism textbooks) may never

    again be common practice. In an environment

    where old models are being challenged,

    newspapers and TV channels are being forced to

    reinvent themselves in order to survive the

    landscape shifts. This has caused news to become

    infotainment, lying somewhere at the intersection

    of reality TV and scoop journalism. Neutrality and

    impartiality get pushed to the background in this


    Financial imperatives apart, there is a towering

    crisis of credibility for Indias news industry and

    this can only be tackled by having a new form of

    objectivity replace the old standard. Under this

    redeined form, there will be time slots and column

    space once again for balanced reporting. Just as

    there will be for grounded analysis and opinion. The

    two just wont be forced together in an embellished

    Most people these

    days absorb news

    reports with a

    healthy dose of

    scepticism dueto the blaring,

    shifting headlines

    and rampant

    speculation in them.


    With a presentationstyle veering towards

    shrillness and


    Indian media may

    have retained its

    subscribers but is fast

    losing its credibility

    with them. Regaining

    this means making

    some adjustments inthe placement, tone

    and pitch of news


    By Sangita Srinivasa


  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    Within every celebrity downfall lie the

    seeds of a comeback. Take Bill Clinton or

    Robert Downey Jr., for example. With their

    misadventures fading from public

    memory and their personal demons

    locked up, they quickly moved back into

    the light one as a popular formerpresident; the other as an ironclad

    superhero with a healthy ego.

    Celebrities, it seems, have an edge in the

    area of second chances. Fame and success

    allow them a free spin at the redemption

    wheel, or one large peg to grab on the

    slope of image revival.

    For those of us watching, there is a need to

    feel vindicated in backing them in the irst

    place. This undercurrent of support

    becomes stronger with any manifestation

    of their old brilliance. Every time DowneyJr. delivers a box ofice hit, Clinton

    enthralls with his oratory, or Tiger Woods

    proves he can still come in under par, we

    nod with satisfaction. We knew they had it

    in them, we tell ourselves. Their stories

    become the stuff of comeback legend

    winning examples of resilience and


    How long it takes famous wrongdoers to

    claw their way out of disgrace depends on

    their pre culpa popularity as well as the

    nature of their crimes. With a one-timelapse, they will land directly on the

    trampoline that will propel them back in

    public favour. Chronic offenders, on the

    other hand, will soon run out of their

    forgiveness passes.

    Life and art provide

    plenty of examples of

    trust betrayed and

    promises broken. How

    do those who stray

    ind their way back? It

    depends on the

    original status of the

    perpetrator, the

    medium, and the

    desired message.

    mix of fact and judgement.

    With the boundaries redrawn, the media will act as

    a chronicler and interpreter of events rather than as

    a prosecutor of real or overblown crimes. Along the

    way, it will maintain complete transparency in

    revealing its sources, methods and motivations.

    In short, the media can and should take a stand as

    long as it arrives at its position after irst presenting

    an unvarnished view of the situation and weighing

    all the facts surrounding it. Under this new standard

    of objectivity, the neutral voices of a past reporting

    era are not completely snuffed out. Their pitch isjust adjusted to accommodate rational arguments

    and well-articulated opinion. News will then regain

    credibility and the trust equation with the audience

    will be re-established.

    Sangita Srinivasa is a feature and content writer based in

    Bangalore. She maintains a blog at



  • 7/29/2019 Viewpoint Hits the Stands


    Celebrities, it seems,

    have an edge in the

    area of second chances.

    Fame and success

    allows them afree spin at the

    redemption wheel

    Consider the cases of Rajat Gupta and

    Lance Armstrong, two former icons of

    rectitude and courage, whose fortunes

    have recently taken a nosedive. Based on

    the parameters above, it seems likely that

    Gupta will be back soon, following a brief

    incarceration. After all, he didnt

    personally proit from his slip-up in

    sharing corporate secrets with a hedge

    fund manager and led a largelyexemplary life spanning philanthropy and

    consulting before he crossed the line. His

    offense appears to be a lapse of reason

    rather than a calculated attempt to beat

    the system.

    Armstrongs case is a little more

    complicated, however. The large amount

    of equity he had built, as a champion who

    conquered cancer, among many cycling

    titles, is now considerably depleted by the

    evidence that he cheated his way to

    winning. And since he dragged his entireteam through a systematic and sustained

    doping program, it leaves us with a

    jumbled view of the man that will take

    time to sort out.

    The movies often handle the redemption

    theme with more drama and less nuance.

    In the 70s Bollywood hit Deewar, two

    brothers who choose divergent black and

    white career paths clash in a climax that

    features blood, tears, keening music, and a

    full maternal pardon. Its a potboiler

    ending but an apt one in which the female

    igure that inspired one of the most

    famous responses in Hindi cinema (Mere

    paas ma hai or I have my mother with

    me) holds the key to the wayward sons


    Love unconditional or otherwise also

    igures prominently in delivering many

    Hollywood characters from the brink.

    Take Darth Vader, that cult rider of the

    personal transformation arc. Pulled into

    the dark side by a conspiracy of

    circumstances and forces, this conlicted

    villain ultimately inds redemption in the

    arms of his son, Luke. As his asthmatic

    breathing tapers off, fans can take comfort

    in concluding that this tormented soul is

    now headed back to his good roots.

    The message in religious texts is not quite

    as restrained. The Hindu scriptures (atleast, according to some interpretations)

    are quite clear on what it takes to win

    rebirth rights. An errant soul will need to

    do its time in purgatory and this means a

    trip to Yama Loka and some severe

    handling by Yama, that purveyor of death

    and justice. Depending on his read of the

    situation, he may choose to boil the

    wrongdoer in oil or roast him over a slow

    ire. After this cleansing routine the

    equivalent of a karmic spa treatment the

    soul will emerge: rejuvenated, refreshedand ready to be reborn.

    If there is a common ingredient in these

    examples, it is retribution. You have to face

    the music, serve your sentence, spend

    some time trapped in a hard head mask or

    one made of your own feelings of regret.

    The road to redemption may be

    treacherous and unpredictable; full of

    hairpin bends and steep drops before it

    inally ends at a place from where one can

    begin again on an almost clean slate.
