village of st. joseph, illinois master plan for parks and … master... · 2010. 5. 9. · village...

VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH, ILLINOIS Master Plan for Parks and Recreation

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Master Plan for Parks and Recreation

May 8, 2003

Written By: The Students of Leisure Studies 240-Leisure Resources and Facility Management at the

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Edited By: Nathan A. Schaumleffel, MS, CPRP Instructor, Leisure Studies 240

Project Manager, Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project

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Dear St. Joseph Village Board, Citizen Recreation Committee, and Residents:

The students of Leisure Studies 240-Leisure Resources and Facility Management and I are proud to present to you the Village of St. Joseph, Illinois Master Plan for Parks and Recreation. To begin the planning process for St. Joseph, the students systematically collected, analyzed, and processed technical information to facilitate decision-making for community park and recreation development in St. Joseph. This Master Plan provides your community with an inclusive framework for orderly and consistent planning, acquisition, development, and administration of your community’s programs, resources, and facilities. This document should be viewed as a work-in-progress. I encourage you to continue to improve this document to facilitate decision-making related to community park and recreation development. This document, if actively used, will serve as a road map for your community to develop sustainable park, recreation, and leisure services and facilities. This Master Plan has been developed based on Kelsey and Gray’s book, Master Plan Process for Parks and Recreation (2nd ed.). The authors also referred to A Guide to Community Park and Recreation Planning, which is published by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. I encourage the Citizen Recreation Committee to continue to improve the accuracy of this document, since it is possible that mistakes could exist. Furthermore, although not intentional, there is the possibility that the authors could have misrepresented some facts about your community. The content of this master plan is the authors’ interpretation of information given to us from several village officials and Citizen Recreation Committee members. As a disclaimer, we apologize for any misrepresentations that may exist in this document.

Good luck in continuing to develop sustainable community park, recreation, and leisure services. I look forward to your continued collaboration with the Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project! Sincerely, Nathan A. Schaumleffel, MS, CPRP Instructor, Leisure Studies 240 Project Manager, Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project

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Letter from Instructor/Editor……………………………………………………………...ii Village Resolution in Support of Planning for Parks and Recreation…………...……….iii Chapter #1: Introduction and History of Community Planning and Public Leisure Service Delivery……………………………………………………………………………………1 Chapter #2: Supply Analysis…………………………………………………………….24 Chapter #3: Population Analysis………………………………………………………...52 Chapter #4: Demand Analysis…………………………………………………………...62 Chapter #5: Standards Analysis………………………………………………………….73 Chapter #6: Agency Action Plan………………………………………………………...85 Chapter #7: Expenditure Analysis……………………………………………………….91 Chapter #8: Priority Criterion Ranking System………………………………………….96 References………………………………………………………………………………103 Appendix A: Official Comprehensive Plan (1995)……………………………………106 Appendix B: Results of Community MAPPING from the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs (1998)…………………………………………………………………………...117 Appendix C: Summary of Community Needs Survey (2001)…………………………132 Appendix D: Site Design and Plan for a 66-Acre Outdoor Sport Field Complex……..154 Appendix E: List of Authors by Chapter………………………………………………175

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Introduction and History of

Community Planning and

Public Leisure Service Delivery

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Introduction and History of Community Planning

and Public Leisure Service Delivery

Purpose of Introduction and History

The purpose of this chapter is to explore the history and development of St.

Joseph’s public recreation and park opportunities. Based on the history of St. Joseph and

the evolving nature of public leisure services in this community, a mission has been

developed for the provision and coordination of public leisure services. To actively and

systematically pursue the mission, goals and objectives have been developed in three

major areas: 1) Village Board and Citizen Recreation Committee (CRC), 2) Master Plan

for Parks and Recreation, and 3) Site design and plan for a proposed 66-acre outdoor

sport field complex. “The purpose of goals and objectives are to: 1) provide direction for

future planning, 2) answer critical community questions and 3) provide structure to the

master plan process” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 13).

Brief History of the Village of St. Joseph

A history of St. Joseph can be found in Smalling’s book, St. Joseph, Illinois s.n.

1972 Centennial. From his research, he found that the original survey of St. Joseph

Township was made in 1821. The first settler was Nicholas Yount, who built a log cabin

in 1828 near the Salt Fork of the Vermilion River. As time past, more and more people

arrived in St. Joseph and made settlements around the east side of the Salt Fork.

Eventually the people from the township built fords, roads, a drainage system, and

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railroads. The first fords were called Strong’s and Prather’s Fords, which led to the

construction of a bridge over the Salt Fork in 1837. The people of St. Joseph Township

laid out the first road that ran from Danville to Fort Clark. It was surveyed as a legal

road, called the Fort Clark Road. The Illinois, Bloomington, and Western Railway ran 28

miles through Champaign County, and served the people of St. Joseph. In 1833, the first

school in the township was held in a farmhouse kitchen at Squire Peters’ farm. John Lard

was the first teacher. A second school was built out of logs three months after the first

school opened, and was taught by Moses Argo. There was no post office in the township

until 1850. In 1858, the first organized drainage ditch in the State was built in St. Joseph.

In regard to leisure and recreation, on May 10, 1929 the land along the Big Four right-of-

way on the south side of the tracks between Main and Third Streets was leased for a

permanent bandstand, as well as to improve the appearance of the plot. The new

permanent bandstand provided a suitable location for Saturday night concerts and

a summer community-gathering place. Also, in 1835, Joseph Stayton and William

Peters planted the first orchards in town. This western part of St. Joseph Township later

became known as Old St. Joseph, when people moved east, and built up a town, later

named new St. Joseph. The first settler of new St. Joseph, Catharine Hoss, came in

November 1839. The town quickly grew, and businesses moved from “Old St. Joe,” to

New St. Joseph. New St. Joseph served as the center of trade for the region. The first

U.S. post office in St. Joseph operated out of the local tavern, which was owned by

Joseph Kelley. The post office, town, and township were named after the tavern owner’s

first name (Smalling, 1972).

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History of Community Planning and Public Involvement

In this section, a summary of all previous community planning documents will be

presented. A full-version of each document is in the Appendices.

Summary of the Village of St. Joseph Comprehensive Plan (1995, Appendix A)

A comprehensive plan is one part of the entire community planning process. As

the community’s vision narrows, a comprehensive plan is developed for the Village.

Then, a master plan is developed to serve as a decision-making tool for specific public

services, such as parks and recreation. Eventually, as a community decides what projects

to complete, a formal site design and plan is completed for each project. The Village of

St. Joseph Comprehensive Plan (Appendix A) was created in 1995 as a proposal for

future community development (economic growth, residential growth, and public

facilities development). Community planning is meant to encourage smart growth and

development. It should incorporate various physical, social, economic, and aesthetic

features of the community. The goal of the Comprehensive Plan was to balance future

land use demands, while providing appropriate services and minimizing conflicts. The

objectives to achieve the goals of the Comprehensive Plan are as follows:

• plan for economic and population growth

• designate areas for residential growth

• encourage commerce and services

• protect natural resources

• designate areas for industrial development

• seek sites for future public facilities

• protect prime agricultural land

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• preserve small town atmosphere

• strengthen local economy

In 1995, St. Joseph's population was estimated at over 2,400. However, since the

development of the Comprehensive Plan in 1995, the population increased by 468

residents. St. Joseph’s comprehensive plan anticipated the community would grow over

the next decade. In 1995, St. Joseph expected that approximately 180 acres within

village limits was, or was expected to be, for residential use. This amount of land was to

meet the housing needs of approximately 3800 residents without consuming agricultural

land. This assured St. Joseph the land it would need to continue its growth. On the other

hand, a need for additional commercial land was expected. The necessity for further

industrial land use could not be accurately gauged. However, space for parks and

playgrounds would be needed as the population continued to grow. Potential sites

for future schools would also be needed as the population increases. Since the

completion of the Comprehensive Plan in 1995, plans have moved forward to include a

new school as well as a new outdoor sport field complex.

Land for residential use had already been determined and the need for commercial

lands could best be fulfilled by developing north of the village, west of the village, and

along U.S. Route 150. As for parks, sites along I-74 and the Salt Fork River would

provide recreation land. School sites would best be located east and/or south of the

existing grade school. Street planning was also a concern, as continuity with existing

streets would have to be retained as expansion beyond past boundaries occurred. Due to

a County requirement, the Village needed to develop this Comprehensive Plan in a short

amount of time. The Village had a lawyer develop a brief plan that satisfied the County’s

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requirements for villages without home rule to have a Comprehensive Plan. This

Comprehensive Plan was essential for the Village to have completed and on file to

maintain some decision making control within a one and a half (1 1/2) mile boundary

around the Village.

Summary of the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs

Community MAPPING (1998, Appendix B)

Community MAPPING is a “tool that local citizens can use to build consensus for

envisioning and planning their community’s future. The MAPPING program

administered by the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs (IIRA) brings together community

leaders and other interested citizens in an effort to discover their vision and a plan of

action for achieving it. The MAPPING journey involves four sessions in which

community leaders create a workable action plan for local community and economic

development” (Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs [IIRA], 2001, MAPPING section, para.

1) (Appendix B).

The St. Joseph MAPPING survey was important for future improvement and

development. On February 17, 1998, the St. Joseph MAPPING Committee presented the

citizens with the results of the survey they took part in. The Village of St. Joseph was

growing and therefore changes were needed. Two hundred eighty-two (282) households

took part in the survey. Ninety-three percent (93%) of these people were homeowners

and sixty-nine percent (69%) earned an income of $25,000-$75,000 a year. According to

the results of the survey, more than two-thirds (66%) of the residents felt a

comprehensive community plan was needed. This is interesting that these residents who

served on the community MAPPING committee appear to have been unaware of the

Comprehensive Plan completed in 1995. Residents were for community growth and

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were concerned with the overcrowding in schools, drainage, services and facilities,

traffic, streets and roads, youth activities, and the central business district. Forty percent

(40%) of the residents were willing to pay for improvements to the streets and roads and

forty-five percent (45%) were willing to pay to upgrade law enforcement. Economic

development objectives were ranked as a high priority and eighty-four percent (84%)

support retail and service business development in the downtown area. Most

importantly, in the area of parks and recreation, “over half of respondents would

like more community events, more adult recreation and entertainment options, a

bike path, improved coordination for youth sports programs and a community

center. Sixty-five percent (65%) think efforts should go to providing better youth

recreation facilities. Forty-one percent (41%) indicated willingness to pay to fund a

park district” (Wilson, 2002). The survey showed the quality of life in St. Joseph was

important to the residents and although rapid growth was creating concerns, citizens were

very optimistic about the future.

With the results of the survey (Appendix B), St. Joseph compiled what needed to

be done for community MAPPING. After the four sessions of visioning and sharing

ideas for community improvements, four main community objectives emerged and

consensus was built. The four main objectives for community development were

improving the civic unit, beautifying the community, developing a comprehensive

management plan, and diversifying and expanding the tax base and public administration.

The first main objective that emerged from community MAPPING was to

improve the civic unit. The civic unit provides citizens of all ages with a greater variety

of social, recreational, and educational activities. The proposed actions in 1998 were:

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1. Hire a park director to

a. Sustain programs already in action

b. Develop activities for all ages

c. Develop a summer recreation program

2. Build a civic center with a 9-hole golf course, swimming pool, ball

diamonds, and walking paths.

3. Develop a bike path on the old railroad.

4. Create a park district.

To address the first objective, hire a park director, the Village Board created the

Citizen Recreation Committee (CRC) to initially address the three sub-objectives (sustain

programs, develop activities for all ages, and develop a summer recreation program).

Currently, the youth sports organizations (YSO) are sustaining programs in action. The

summer recreation program, Summer Daze, was developed in 2001and 2002 and

continues to succeed through the collaboration between the CRC and the Illinois Rural

Recreation Development Project (IRRDP). In terms of developing activities for all ages,

the Recreation Directors for Summer Daze implemented community special events, such

as movies in the park. Also, the CRC is planning to expand its collaboration with the

IRRDP in 2003. The IRRDP is helping communities start community-based programs

that promote health and active lifestyle, through an initiative called Healthy Rural

Communities. This program will address youth through the Summer Daze program.

More importantly, it will serve as an avenue to develop activities for all ages by starting a

program for people over the age of fifty called the Illinois Senior Wellness Initiative.

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The CRC is addressing the second objective of building a civic center by

collaborating with the Leisure Studies 240 students in Spring 2003 to develop this Master

Plan. The development of this Master Plan is a major component of the OSLAD grant

application process through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). If an

OSLAD grant from IDNR is awarded to the Village of St. Joseph, the Village Board and

the CRC will continue with plans to develop a sixty-six (66) acre outdoor sport field

complex (Appendix D). As for developing a bike path, the Champaign County Regional

Planning Commission is currently developing a countywide master plan for bike and

hiking trail development. The community has not yet pursued the creation of a park

district due to the lack of interest in creating a new taxing body. However, in the next

five to fifteen years, developing a park district may be an appropriate action for the

residents of St. Joseph to take. At this point, the Village Board and CRC has made

progress in addressing community parks and recreation needs without implementing or

beginning dialogue on this type of leisure service delivery system.

The second main objective is to beautify the community. The Community

Beautification Unit strives to make the downtown and community more aesthetically

pleasing for the residents and visitors. Maintaining the historical buildings and

sidewalks, planting of trees and flowerbeds, and adding a focal point to the downtown

area were suggested to accomplish this. The proposed actions were:

• Identify potential land to build a downtown focal point.

• Bury all utility lines that are currently above ground.

• Develop an ordinance to be implemented for street lighting.

• Preserve historic buildings downtown and brick sidewalks.

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• Purchase a street sweeper or contract with a company to clean streets.

• Pave all streets in town.

• Clean up downtown of weeds and trash.

• Enforce property owners to clean up and maintain their lots.

• Discipline youth to clean up trash after lunch off campus.

• Restore older homes in the St. Joseph area.

The third main objective was to develop a comprehensive management plan. The

Comprehensive Management will guide its growth into the near foreseeable future. The

plan will address commercial expansion and growth of industrial uses. Residential

planning will include an assessment of park and school land and funding

requirements and housing diversity. All land use planning must be coordinated and

integrated with infrastructure needs. The condition of existing infrastructure must be

researched, catalogued, and understood, to better plan and provide for future growth. The

proposed actions were:

• Develop a preliminary land use plan to define possible locations for residential

and commercial growth.

• Research what other communities have done in handling growth and

development. Find out what successes and failures they have had and how it

compares to what we want to do in St. Joseph.

• Create and inventory if existing infrastructure and its condition including storm,

sanitary, streets, etc.

• Create a geographic information system (GIS) database documenting the current


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• Develop a Comprehensive Management Plan.

• Coordinate with community beautification and civic unity group for parks

and civic center locations.

• Develop a forces diagram to show what forces act on St. Joseph

The fourth main objective that emerged was to diversify and expand the tax base

and public administration. The Diversified/Expanded Tax Base and Public

Administration unit acknowledged that economic diversity is an essential part of St.

Joseph’s ability to sustain a high level of public service to all its residents and that the

residential taxes are burdens. The tax burden needs to be shifted from residential taxes to

other taxable opportunities including industrial, commercial, and retail. The proposed

actions were:

• Balance utility taxes

• Establish an alcohol tax/ sales tax- Village to control

• Develop a public sewage plant far north and to south subdivision

• Develop a park district

• Promote light industry in the area, and develop a land used for zoning and

infrastructure needs.

• Establish a user tax for cellular phones and franchise fees

• Improve garbage pick up

Summary of Community Needs Surveys (2001, Appendix C)

Patrick Curry of University of Illinois Extension (Appendix C) conducted a

survey of two hundred eighty two (282) residents of St. Joseph. The community

identified several goals in the area of parks and recreation development. According to

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the results of the survey, the citizens of St. Joseph wanted to change the activities and

opportunities for youth in their village. Sixty-five percent (65%) of those responded

thought that efforts should be made to provide better facilities for youth recreation.

Also, fifty-four percent (54%) would like to see improved coordination of the youth

sport organizations (YSO). Another fifty-seven percent (57%) would like to see more

community wide events. Of those that answered the survey, fifty-eight percent (58%)

wanted more adult recreation and entertainment options. In terms of outdoor

recreation, fifty-seven percent (57%) suggested a development of a bike path, and half

of those who responded (50%) thought the community needed a community center. The

community (with more than half the respondents agreeing as indicated by the surveys)

wanted to see improvements to their town’s overall recreational opportunities.

The Executive Summary for this survey suggested a tremendous need for

improvements to the youth recreation programs and facilities. Along with the youth

organization changes, the residents indicated that they would like a community center.

This, they felt, would bring together the youth and the elderly people for year-round

activities. They also felt a teen center would provide constructive recreation

opportunities. The main benefit of all of these improvements would be a stronger sense

of community instead of a loosely connected town. Another suggestion that was

mentioned several times was the creation of a park district. This, the residents felt, would

coordinate all of the activities and also create fund raising activities along with more

programs for the whole community. Other recommendations were for the addition of

a swimming pool and more sports fields to accommodate the growing youth sports

programs. These new facilities included lighted basketball courts and more sports

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opportunities, besides the traditional baseball and football, to benefit the youth of the


St. Joseph is a community that continues to flourish, grow, and change. The need

for a more orchestrated community park and recreation system has increased. As one

can see, over the years and through several community planning efforts, the

development of recreation opportunities has been a central concern to community

planners, village officials, and residents. Concerns about the development of recreation

opportunities continue to emerge in every community plan, visioning session, and survey.

Through the development of the CRC, the town recognized that to have a successful

community park and recreation system, a master plan for parks and recreation would

need to be developed to guide the current and future expansion of St. Joseph’s recreation

opportunities. Based on past and current community planning, the need for an organized

and sustainable leisure service delivery structure will continue to become more


History of Public Leisure Services

Pre-Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project Collaboration (1839-2001)

Before St. Joseph collaborated with the Illinois Rural Recreation Development

Project (IRRDP), the Village owned and maintained two parks, Crestwood and Dr. Kolb,

but sponsored no recreation programming. Other facilities, such as baseball and football

fields were owned and managed by the St. Joseph Community Consolidated School

District #169, St. Joseph-Ogden High School District #305, St. Joseph Sanitary District,

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, and the Church of Christ.

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Recreation programming developed in St. Joseph independently of the Village

Board. Recreation programming has taken the form of competitive youth sports through

separate youth sport organizations (YSO’s). Every organization is responsible for its

funding, promotion, insurance, registration, and maintenance of the facilities. This

independence of program administration is a uniquely rural way of providing leisure

services. The Village Board and the YSO’s did not centrally coordinate recreation

programming in St. Joseph. Any group wanting to create recreation opportunities did so

in their own independent groups.

St. Joseph Youth Baseball currently has sixteen teams with the possibility of

adding a new team for the 2003 season. The baseball organization would like to see a

new facility with four fields because it currently operates on school-owned baseball

fields, which it maintains. The baseball organization hopes to no longer be dependent on

the St. Joseph Community Consolidated School District #169 for baseball fields. The

baseball board has approached the Village Board in the past in hopes of cooperation

between the two, but there has been no success.

Illini Area Recreation, St. Joseph-Ogden Recreation Basketball currently has

fifty-six players and the ability to expand as needed. They have little problems with

facilities because there is full cooperation with the High School and the Church of Christ.

In feedback provided to the CRC through a youth sport organization survey, the St.

Joseph-Ogden Recreation Basketball Organization stated that there is no need for

additional basketball facilities.

The Palaestrum Tumbling School has thirty students and no plans to expand.

They would like a forty by forty foot indoor facility with a fourteen-foot ceiling, but have

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been maintaining their program in the high school gym. This program has been

successful for more than thirty years.

St. Joseph-Ogden Youth Football has 180 participants but has had up to two

hundred in the past. Their highest priority is practice and competition fields. Currently,

the youth football club uses the high school practice field. They are in need of four 35 by

35 yard practice fields, and one competitive play area of 35 by 90 yards.

The St. Joseph Roller Hockey League has two groups of players, the minors and

the majors, both totaling at about 80 participants total. The youth hockey club currently

uses the parking lot at a local church. The hockey club needs new space for competition.

St. Joseph Soccer Club has approximately 160 children in the fall and 170

children in the spring. Teams usually practice in Crestwood Park but would like at least

3 more fields with the option of 4 full size official fields.

St. Joseph Girls Softball currently has 120 girls in its program. They have usage

of the field at the Sanitary District, but would like to have new fields in the future.

SJO Spartan Youth Wrestling Club involves 38 youths. They currently use the

high school gym and mats to practice but will need their own facility within the next five

to ten years.

Collaboration with the Illinois Rural Recreation

Development Project (2001-Present)

The collaboration between St. Joseph and the Illinois Rural Recreation Development

Project (IRRDP) developed after IRRDP and the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs

(IIRA) coordinated resources. The IIRA provided IRRDP with a database of

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communities who had participated in Community MAPPING from 1990 to 2001 that

identified improving park and recreation services as a high-priority community goal. The

IRRDP sent a letter and promotional video to each of these communities and requested

that the communities contact IRRDP if they were interested in following up on their goal

from community MAPPING. Several communities contacted IRRDP. IRRDP gave a

presentation to each of those communities at their Village Board meetings. Some

communities agreed to collaborate with IRRDP.

St. Joseph was one of many communities that the IRRDP staff traveled to and gave a

presentation about the mission of IRRDP and services it provides. St. Joseph was given

this presentation in October 2001. In March 2002, the Village Board agreed to

collaborate with the IRRDP to create an eight-week summer day camp called Summer

Daze. The IRRDP staff uses a “Model for Sustainability” to help communities help

themselves. The mission of the IRRDP is to develop sustainable local recreation and

leisure services through collaboration with organizations and individuals in rural

communities. The IRRDP gives technical assistance to communities like St. Joseph by

engaging citizens in the public process of providing public leisure services. The “Model

for Sustainability” requires participating communities to create a Citizens Recreation

Advisory Board (CRAB), which the Village Board did to help oversee Summer Daze and

appointed Forrest Chism, a Village Trustee, to serve as the committee liaison between

CRAB and the Village Board. Summer Daze was an extremely successful program in


Village Board Forms Citizen Recreation Committee (2002-Present)

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In September 2002, the IRRDP offered a training seminar for Citizen Action

Committee (CAC) members from all communities that the IRRDP collaborates with to

develop park and recreation services. Kathy McCormick, chairperson of the St. Joseph

Citizen’s Recreation Advisory Board, attended this training.

The main focus of this training was to help communities move toward

sustainability. The training centered on issues related to funding, organizational

structure, and board leadership. One seminar topic was the available grant opportunities

through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). IDNR has several grant

opportunities available, but the most relevant opportunity is the Open Space Land

Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant program. The OSLAD grant program was

developed to help communities in Illinois acquire and develop land into parks, open

space, and outdoor facilities.

Mrs. McCormick shared the OSLAD grant program information with the Village

Board. The CRAB transformed into the Citizen Recreation Committee (CRC), which is

an action committee versus an advisory committee. This small name change dramatically

changed the role and focus of the citizen committee. In October 2002, the CRC began to

work on the OSLAD grant application by beginning community planning with the IDNR

publication A Guide to Community Park and Recreation Planning. The development of

this Master Plan is a major requirement of the grant application process. Mr.

Schaumleffel, IRRDP Project Manager, committed his Leisure Studies 240 students to

develop this Master Plan in January 2003. To effectively facilitate the growing

responsibilities of the CRC, the CRC has formed two subcommittees, one for Summer

Daze and the other for the OSLAD grant application to develop an outdoor sport field

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complex. The following organizational chart illustrates the current organizational

structure for delivering public leisure services to the residents of St. Joseph.

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Mission, Goals and Objectives

Mission In Fall 2002, the CRC developed the following mission to guide its work: To

explore the feasibility of obtaining and maintaining a recreation area (fields and complex)

for the village and sports programs. The work of the CRC has evolved, which causes the

need for the mission to evolve also. The following mission is suggested by the authors of

this Master Plan to be adopted by the Village Board and the CRC:

“To serve as the central coordinator of leisure services and

the main provider of open space for the community to enhance the quality of life for

the residents of St. Joseph.”

Goals and Objectives “The purpose of goals and objectives are to: 1) to provide direction for future

planning, 2) answer critical community questions, and 3) provide structure to the master

plan process” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 13).

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Based on the historical reoccurrence of developing the park and recreation system

in community planning in St. Joseph, the following goals and objectives have been

developed to achieve the mission. In this section, goals and objectives will be presented

for three areas of planning for recreation and park development: 1) Village Board/CRC,

2) Master Plan for Parks and Recreation, and 3) Site Design and Plan for a 66 acre

outdoor sport field complex. For each of the three areas, three goals will be presented

with three objectives to guide achievement. The CRC should strive to develop SMART

objectives. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and trackable.

Village Board and CRC (Sponsoring Agency)

The first set of goals and objectives is to foster continued development of

recreation and park planning.

Goal One: To involve a larger cross section of the community.

• Create more cohesiveness between the youth sport organizations by creating a

YSO subcommittee of the CRC by July 2003.

• Create more programs and more opportunities for involvement for the elderly by

collaborating with the IRRDP to implement the Illinois Senior Wellness

Initiative by August 2003.

• Create a Civic Organization subcommittee of the CRC to continue community

asset mapping and recreation and park planning by September 2003.

Goal Two: To coordinate recreation services for residents.

• Provide a (temporary) kiosk where community organizations can post events,

programs, and other opportunities for participation by September 2003.

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• Create a Youth Sport Organization subcommittee of the CRC by July 2003.

• Maintain and promote the use of this Master Plan as a decision making tool

starting immediately.

Goal Three: To provide open space for the residents of St. Joseph.

• Develop a master plan, site design and plan for a 66-acre sport field complex, and

apply for an OSLAD grant by July 1, 2003.

• Obtain acreage from the St. Joseph Community Consolidated School District

#169 by March 1, 2004 to enlarge the size of the proposed outdoor sport field


• Work with the Village Board to make planning for more public open space a high

priority in a new St. Joseph comprehensive plan.

• Encourage the Village Board to explore the feasibility and possibly implement

park exaction ordinances (Deakin, 1984; Kaiser, Fletcher, & Groger, 1992) to

acquire and develop open space in new housing development areas.

• Appoint a CRC member to proactively work with the Champaign County

Regional Planning Commission on the Greenways and Trails Project by June 1,


• Appoint a CRC member to proactively work with the Champaign County Soil and

Water Conservation District by June 1, 2003.

Master Plan

The second set of goals and objectives, for the Master Plan, are designed to

achieve objective #1 of goal #3 of the Village Board and the CRC planning area.

Goal One: To determine current availability of recreational facilities and programs.

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• Update and improve the Supply Analysis by September 1, 2003.

• Explore potential resources for recreational development by December 1, 2003

such as the Greenways and Trails Project and the Wetland Restoration and

Environmental Education Project.

Goal Two: Determine community needs for recreation programs and facilities.

• Survey individual Youth Sport Organizations by June 1, 2003.

• Conduct a community needs assessment by June 1, 2003.

• Conduct public meetings and provide three other opportunities for resident input

by June 1, 2003.

66-Acre Outdoor Sport Field Complex

The third set of goals and objectives focus on developing a Site Design and Plan

for a 66-acre outdoor sport field complex.

Goal One: To increase number of village-owned and operated facilities for youth sports

• Provide new fields for baseball, football, and soccer by June 1, 2006.

• Provide an in-line hockey and skateboarding facility by September 1, 2009.

Goal Two: To provide the community with indoor space for youth sports organizations.

• Provide equipment storage space for all youth sport organizations by June 1,


• Provide meeting space for the CRC, YSOs, and community groups for meetings,

training, and program registration by June 1, 2006.

Goal Three: To enhance the cohesiveness of the community.

• Provide a permanent kiosk for YSOs to post information regarding youth, family,

and community programs by June 1, 2006.

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• Provide intergenerational recreational opportunities through the development of a

walking/fitness trail around a new outdoor sport field complex by June 1, 2007.

• Provide a pavilion, picnic areas, and playgrounds for community groups and

families by June 1, 2007.

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Supply Analysis

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Chapter #2

Supply Analysis Purposes of the Supply Analysis

“A supply analysis is the process of identifying the existing and potential parks and

recreation resources, facilities, and programs that are available to community residents.

It includes all parks and recreation resources supplied by the master plan sponsoring

agency as well as all parks and recreation resources supplied by other organizations or

agencies that have an impact on the community” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 15). “The

following are the purposes of the supply analysis:

• To identify all parks and recreation services that are provided to community


• To identify what different agencies or groups provide parks and recreation

services to community residents.

• To identify what percentage of parks and recreation services are provided by the

respective agencies or organizations.

• To answer a number of specific and important questions that an effective parks

and recreation administrator should know.

• The supply analysis provides information regarding the condition of parks and

recreation resources, facilities, and programs.

• The supply analysis is utilized for important comparison purposes. Once the

supply analysis is completed an administrator can compare demand or usage to

the supply” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 16).

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Due to the proximity of St. Joseph to Champaign-Urbana and other surrounding

villages, St. Joseph residents regularly utilize leisure services inside and outside of the St.

Joseph village limits. Thus, the supply analysis is divided into public leisure services

available inside and outside of St. Joseph. In addition, a section on potential services that

possibly will soon be offered in St. Joseph is included along with opportunities for

individuals with disabilities.

Introduction to the Supply Analysis Process

• Boundaries: The supply analysis boundaries include all of St. Joseph within the

corporate Village limits.

• Planning districts: Within the supply analysis boundaries there are four planning

districts. The northern border for quadrants one and two is Interstate 74 and the

southern border is the railroad tracks that run through the middle of town. The

northern border for quadrants three and four are the abandoned railroad tracks run

by CSX Asset Management Group. Main Street separates quadrants one from

two and quadrants three from four. The Southern border for quadrants three and

four is Parish Dr.

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Public Leisure Services in St. Joseph

Village Board/Citizen Recreation Committee (CRC)

• Summer Daze Youth Recreation Program

• Contact: Kathy McCormick

Address: 507 North Seventh Street, St. Joseph, IL 61873 Phone: (217)

469-9504 Fax: N/A

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Utilized: Kolb Park and Crestwood Park

• Location of Facilities: Planning Districts 2 & 3

• Number of Participants: 129

• Age of Participants: 6-13 years old

• Season: Summer morning camp, offered three days a week, Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday for 8 weeks in June-August.

• Registration: $65 for full 8 weeks-April 21, 26, and May 7 at ESDA


• Parks

• Contact: Mayor B.J. Hackler or Forrest Chism, Village Trustee

Address: 202 N. Main St.

Phone: 469-2251 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website: N/A

• Facilities:

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• Crestwood Park:

• Location: Planning District 2

• Amenities: 2 soccer fields, some play equipment, 8 picnic

tables, 2 restrooms, 1 shelter, 2 water fountains, 1 gazebo,

and around 50 parking spots on loose gravel

• Programs: Summer Daze, Soccer

• Kolb Park:

• Location: Planning District 3

• Amenities: basketball court, few playground structures, 1

tennis court, 2 benches, 8 picnic tables, 2 restrooms, 1

pavilion, 1 water fountain, and 1 gazebo

• Programs: Summer Daze

• Parades and Festivals

• Winter Chill Bike Ride: Bikers are provided with a breakfast before starting

and a spaghetti dinner afterwards.

• Participants ride all the way to Royal and back.

• Contact: Kent Dunn

Address: 9 Glendale Dr. Homer, IL 61849

Phone: (217) 896-3087 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Fall Festival: It includes carnival rides, entertainment, live band, fireworks,

and a parade

• Contact: Jim Haake, Village Trustee

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Address: 503 N. 4th St. Joseph 61873

Phone: (217) 469-2466 Fax: N/A

E-mail: N/A

Youth Sports Organizations

• Soccer

• Contact: Mary Hack

Address: 2143 CR 1400 North, St. Joseph, IL

Phone: (217) 469-2466 Fax: N/A

Email: [email protected]

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: 2 fields at Crestwood Park

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 2

• Number of Participants: Fall has 156 and Spring has 170

• Age of Participants: 5 - 12

• Season: Fall goes from September to October and Spring goes from

March to May

• Registration: Wed., February 26, 2003 6-8 pm at Grade School in multi-

purpose room. End of February registration every year. Not sure when

fall registration is.

• Baseball

• Contact: Butch Dalhaus

Address: 902 West Park, St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-9031 Fax: N/A

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Email: [email protected]

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: 3 diamonds at the grade school

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 4

• Number of Participants: 16 teams

• Age of Participants: 5 - 16

• Season: May-July

• Registration: March 3, 10, and 17, 2003 at ESDA Building. Registration

in March every year.

• Basketball

• Contact: John Kenneth Young

Address: P.O. Box 194, St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-2439 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: High school and Church of Christ

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 1

• Number of Participants: 56 players

• Age of Participants: 1st - 4th grade

• Season: Year round with a break for Christmas and the month of August

• Registration: Continuous by mail

• Dance

• Contact: Jan Gallo

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Address: P.O. Box 83, Ogden, IL

Phone: (217) 582-2924 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: Dance School in Ogden

• Location of Facilities: Out of District

• Number of Participants:

• Age of Participants:

• Season: October 22-June 24, meets once a week

• Registration: by phone

• Football

• Contact: Aric Silver

Address: 1503 Holzen Ct., St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-9003 Fax: N/A

Email: [email protected]

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: Field behind the grade school and at the high school

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 1 and 4

• Number of Participants: 180

• Age of Participants: 6 - 14

• Season: August-October

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• Registration: 2 different times at ESDA Building in St. Joseph and at

storage shed on Route 150 in Ogden. Equipment pickup in August at

storage shed on Route 150 in Ogden.

• Gymnastics

• Contact: William Staley

Address: 1407 West Park Ave., Champaign, IL 61821 Phone: (217) 352-

3148 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: High school gym

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 1

• Number of Participants: 30

• Age of Participants: 3 and up

• Season: September-May

• Registration: By phone

• Roller Hockey

• Contact: Carol Firkins

Address: 408 Chestnut, St. Joseph 61873

Phone: (217) 469-9987 Fax: N/A

Email: [email protected]

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: Prince of Peace parking lot

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 4

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• Number of Participants: About 80

• Age of Participants: 5 - 16

• Season: May-July

• Registration: End of March/early April at Grade School and by mail

• Softball

• Contact: Mike James

Address: 1710 Juniper Ct. St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-7603 Fax: N/A

Email: [email protected]

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: Field at the high school

• Location of Facilities: Planning District 1

• Number of Participants: 120

• Age of Participants: 5 - 15

• Season: April-July

• Registration: March 3, 10, and 17 at ESDA Building

• Wrestling

• Contact: Brian Reynolds

Address: 2236 Marilyn Dr., St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-9974 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website: N/A

• Facilities Utilized: High school and Ogden grade school

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• Location of Facilities: Planning District 1

• Number of Participants: 38

• Age of Participants: kindergarten through 8th grade

• Season: November-March

• Registration: sometime in October by phone/mail


• Church of Christ

• Contact: Church of Christ

Address: 226 Sherman, St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-2207 Fax: 469-8210

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Available: Gymnasium

• Location of facilities: Planning District 3

• Programs: WOW Program

Non-Profit Organizations

• Boy Scouts of America (Troop #40 and Pack #40)

• Contact: Steve Osterbur

Address: 307 Kristi St. Royal 61871

Phone: (217) 583-3284 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Website:

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• Facilities Available: American Legion – not accessible

• Location of facilities: Planning District 4

• Number of Participants: 70

• Age of Participants: 1st through 12th grade

• Registration: Ongoing

• Girl Scouts/Brownies (Troop #475, 328, 574, 506, 293, 501 and 166)

• Contact: Debbie Calvo

Address: 310 S. Elm St. Joseph 61873

Phone: (217) 469-0285 Fax: (217)328-1548

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Available: Municipal Building - accessible

• Location of facilities: Planning District 4

• Number of Participants: 81

• Age of Participants: Kindergarten through 6th grade

• Registration: Ongoing

• Champaign County YMCA

• Contact: Andi Haake

Address: 500 W. Church St., Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 356-2597 Fax: (217) 356-7964

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Available: Church of Christ

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• Location of facilities: Planning District 3

• Programs: A summer day camp 5 days a week for youth

Special Districts

• St. Joseph-Ogden High School District #

• Contact: Mike McKenzie, Principal

Address: 301 N. Main, PO Box 890, St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-2332 Fax: (217) 469-8290

E-mail: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Available: 1 Baseball diamond, 1 football field and 1 practice

area, 1 softball diamond, 1 track, 3 basketball courts, and 2 concession


• Location of facilities: Planning District 1

• Programs:

• Extracurricular Activities - Opportunities to get involved include

National Honors Society, Spanish and German club, thespian

association, and Scholastic bowl.

• Sports - The High School offers many sports through the school,

including football, track, cross-country, basketball, baseball, and

volleyball. They also offer golf and swimming as individual


• St. Joseph Grade School District # (K-8)

• Contact: Chris Graham, Principal

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Address: 404 South Fifth St. St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-2291 Fax: (217) 469-8906

E-mail: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities Available: 3 Baseball diamonds, 2 outdoor basketball courts, 1

playground, 1 track, 2 indoor basketball courts, and 2 concession stands.

• Location of facilities: Planning District 4

• Programs:

• Sports - The sports offered through the grade school are cross-country,

track, baseball, basketball, and soccer. All summer programs are not

run through the school.

• St. Joseph Sanitary District

• Contact: B.J. Hackler

Address: 401 South Third St. St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: (217) 469-7243 Fax: N/A

Email: N/A

• Facilities Available: 1 softball field

• Location of facilities: Planning District 3

• Programs: Softball practices

Public Leisure Services Available Outside of St. Joseph

• Champaign County YMCA

• Contact: Wade Hampton

Address: 500 W. Church Champaign, IL 60021

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Phone: (217) 356-2597 Fax: (217) 356-7964

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities: The Champaign County YMCA manages a large and small

pool, the McKinley Family Center and the Family Fitness Center. They

currently have plans for a new facility in southwest Champaign.

• Programs: The Champaign County YMCA offers quite a bit to the

community. They offer multiple levels of gymnastics classes for people of

all ages and skill levels along with swimming lessons, and lifeguarding

and water exercise classes. They also go out into the community with the

Fun Bus, which they use to bring recreation to the community, rather than

the community to the recreation. For youth, they offer floor hockey,

volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer, flag football, and t-ball. For adults,

they offer both basketball and co-ed volleyball. They also offer fitness

classes. For families, they have family fun nights and youth birthday


• Urbana Park District

• Contact: Phillips Recreation Center

• Address: 505 W. Stroughton Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: (217) 367-1544 Fax: (217)367-1592

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

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• Facilities: The Urbana Park District manages and maintains 543.8 acres of

land encompassing 24 parks. They have 4 softball fields, 11 soccer fields,

3 full basketball courts, 5 volleyball courts, 1 all-purpose field, 11 tennis

courts, several play fields, a Frisbee golf course, 2 pools, and is allowed

the use of Urbana school district courts and fields for some programs.

There are also open park areas at most of the parks in the district that can

be used for different activities and sports.

• Programs: They offer a variety of activities for families, children, youth,

teens, adults, and seniors. There are a variety of classes offered from

basket weaving to fitness and dance. There are youth sports programs that

run all through the year. In the summer several camps are offered for

youth and teens. There are sport camps, nature camps, and camps that will

keep kids busy all day all summer long doing all sorts of activities.

• Champaign Park District

• Contact: Bresnan Meeting Center

Address: 706 Kenwood Rd. Champaign, IL 61821

Phone: (217) 398-2550 Fax: (217) 355-8421

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities: The Champaign Park District runs numerous facilities

throughout Champaign. These include 61 parks and 10 trails. Along with

those parks are many community centers and sports facilities. These

include a skate park, Lindsay Tennis Courts, Spalding Pool and Rec

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Center, Tennis Center, Sholem Pool, and the waterworks waterslide. They

also provide community centers and cultural centers around the county.

The Bresnan Meeting Center, Douglas Annex and Community Center,

Hays Center, and the Springer Cultural Center.

• Programs: The park districts offers aquatics, baseball, basketball, football,

golf, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, and a mini-triathlon. They

provide services for a wide range of age groups, from preschool to teens

and all the way up to seniors. Culturally, the park district offers classes in

music and other arts at the Springer Cultural Center as well as offering

performing arts at the Virginia Theater. The Champaign Park District is

highly involved in the community and has a lot to offer.

• University of Illinois Division of Campus Recreation

• Contact: Tony Clements

Address: 201 E. Peabody Dr. Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-3513

• Website:

• Facilities:

• Intramural Physical Education Building (IMPE) - 4 gyms,

racquetball/handball/ wallyball courts, squash courts, indoor &

outdoor 50-meter swimming pools, combat room,

strength/conditioning rooms, free weight room, group fitness room,

indoor running track, outdoor tennis courts

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• Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE) – multi-purpose gym,

fitness center/free weight area

• Freer Hall – gym, indoor pool, tennis courts

• Kenney Gym – weight room, running track, indoor pool, basketball

and volleyball courts

• Huff Hall – weight room, tennis courts, 3 soccer fields

• Outdoor Center- outdoor equipment rental

• Ice Arena – Ice rink

• Illini Grove – barbecue and picnic areas, sand volleyball,

basketball court, tennis courts

• Florida and Lincoln Playing Fields Complex - 5 softball, 5 flag-

football, 4 soccer, 2 rugby, 1 lacrosse, and ultimate disc fields(s)

• First and Stadium playing fields Multiplex - 4 softball, 3 flag-

football, tennis, 2 sand volleyball fields/courts, roller hockey rink

• Spread throughout campus are 30 tennis courts operated and run by

Campus Recreation

• Programs: Division of Campus Recreation runs several fitness and aquatic

programs and classes, sport clinics, self-defense and wellness classes,

year-round intramural programs, outdoor adventure classes and trips, kids

summer camps, family programs, health fairs, open skate, Learn-to-skate

program, figure skating, speed skating, ice dance, freestyle skating, and

leadership training (Hein, Bobbi. University of Illinois Administrative

Secretary for the Intramural Physical Education Building. Feb. 14, 2003).

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• University of Illinois Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA)

• Contact: Summer Camps Office

Address: 1700 S. 4th Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 244-7278 Fax: (217) 265-8122

Email: [email protected]

• Website:

• Facilities:

• IMPE – Swimming

• Armory – Indoor track and field

• Programs: Kids Club, where athletes promote literacy through setting

goals and showing the importance of reading, is one of the programs

provided by DIA. Members of this club have the opportunity to go to

movies or go and see the sporting events


KidsClubNewsletter). Summer camps are also available, where athletes

can go to learn more about the sport they are interested, improve their

skills, and they can make new friends. For boys, the sports include

baseball, basketball, football, gymnastics, and wrestling. For girls, sports

include basketball, gymnastics, soccer, softball, and volleyball. There are

co-ed programs that include cheerleading, cross country, golf, swimming,

tennis, and track and field.

• University of Illinois Illini Union

• Contact: Union Information Desk

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Address: 1401 W. Green, Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-4636

• Website:

• Facilities: Illini Union

• Art Gallery

• Billiard Room – 23 billiard tables

• Bowling Lanes – 20 lanes

• Courtyard Café – Open mic. nights, comedy shows, music shows,

film festivals, lectures, etc.

• Power Zone – Arcade and Pinball games

• Food Court – Several fast-food restaurants

• Programs: Office of Volunteer Programs, Illini Union Board,

Organization Fund Advisory Board, Registered Organizations, Student

Organization Complex, and Student Organization Resource Fee all located

within the Union.

• Champaign County Forest Preserve District

• The Champaign County Forest Preserve District (CCFPD) consists of four

different parks.

• Contact: John Potts, Executive Director

Address: PO Box 1040 Mahomet, IL 61853

Phone: (217) 586-3360

• Website:

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• Facilities: Lake of the Woods in Mahomet, Middle Fork River Forest

Preserve in Penfield, Salt Fork River Forest Preserve in Homer, and River

Bend Forest Preserve in Mahomet

• Programs: Between these four sites, activities include biking, walking,

boating, camping, fishing, golf, hiking, picnicking, swimming, and winter


• Illinois Department of Natural Resources

• Kickapoo State Park—This Park is administered by the Illinois Department of

Natural Resources, approximately 20 minutes from St. Joseph. This area

provides large amounts of outdoor recreation and covers 2842 acres of land.

Included in this area is the Middle Fork State Fish and Wildlife Area, Illinois’

only National Scenic River.

• Contact: John Hott

Address: 10906 Kickapoo Park Rd. Oakwood, IL 61858

Phone: (217) 442-4915

• Website:

• Facilities: 2842 acres of land and lakes, 217 camping sites, 3

pavilions, and Kickapoo Landing Restaurant and shop.

• Programs: Boating, camping, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting,

mountain biking, scuba diving, winter sports, playgrounds, and the

Kickapoo Paddle Festival. A celebration of the Middle Fork.

• Harry “Babe” Woodyard State Natural Area

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• Contact: Charlie

Address: 18669 E. 670 North Rd., Georgetown, IL. 61846

Phone: (217) 442-4915

• Website:

• Vermillion County Parks and Conservation District

• Includes 12,000 acres of parks to trek the trails and enjoy the waterways.

Camping, fishing, canoeing, horseback riding, mountain biking, boating,

history, and hiking.

• Contact: Ken Knosis, Executive Director

Address: 22296 –A Henning Road, Danville, IL 61834

Phone: (217) 442-1691 Fax: (217) 442-1695

E-mail: [email protected]

• Website:

• Kennekuk County Park (Lake Mingo)—80 acres of combined trails, rivers,

dams, and a cemetery. Over 10 miles of hiking trails, fishing, boating,

picnicking, fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, mushroom hunting, and

cross country running, and biking.

• Contact: Mark Pittman

Address: 22296 –A Henning Road, Danville, IL 61834

Phone: (217) 442-1691

• Website:

• Lake Vermillion County Park—Outdoor opportunities include boating,

fishing, picnicking, wildlife viewing, and hunting.

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• Contact: Jamie Pasquale, Superintendent

Address: 22296 –A Henning Road, Danville, IL 61834

Phone: (217) 442-1691

• Website:

• Forest Glen Preserve-- Ranked botanically #3 in the state, includes Beech

Grove handicapped trail. Over 25 miles of trails, camping, boating,

wildlife viewing, mushroom hunting, fishing, and picnicking.

• Contact: Gary Wilford

Address: 20301 E 900 N Road, Westville, IL 61883

Phone: (217) 662-2142

• Website:

• Private Health and Fitness Clubs

• Body Tech

• Address: 109 N. Main St. St. Joseph, IL 61873

Phone: 469-2077

• Curves For Women

• Address: 1717 S. Philo Rd. Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: 367-2878

• Fitness Center

• Address: 2508 S. Galen Dr. Champaign, IL 61821

Phone: 356-1616

• Gold’s Gym

• Address: 1914 A Round Barn Rd. Champaign, IL 61821

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• Phone: 359-3476

• Gold’s Gym

• Address: 1305 E. Colorado Ave. Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: 344-3476

• Mettler Center

• Address: 2906 Crossing Ct. Champaign, IL 61821

Phone: 356-6543

• Nautilus Poolside Fitness Center

• Address: 910 S. 3rd St. Champaign, IL 61821

Phone: 384-0704

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Potential Services in the Village of St. Joseph

• Outdoor Sport Field Complex Site (Appendix D)

• The Village and Citizen Recreation Committee of St. Joseph would like to

develop their local park and recreation system in this area. They want to

develop this 66-acre site as an outdoor sport field complex. This

developed site will offer various outdoor sport activities to as many town

citizens as possible.

• Biking and Hiking Trail Site

• Programs: The Champaign County Regional Planning Commission will

make biking and hiking trail from Champaign to St. Joseph along the

railroad by the old railroad tracks. This future plan will offer outdoor

adventure activities and promote connectivity between two towns.

• Wetland Restoration and Environmental Education Area

• The Champaign County Soil and Water Conservation District purchased

this site to prevent the possible damage from flood. They will restore the

area to a wetland and possibly develop environmental education programs

and facilities.

Services for the Disabled

Crestwood Park is an easily accessible park and provides various

amenities for individuals with disabilities. It has sidewalks throughout the park,

an accessible water fountain, ADA approved playground equipment, and an

accessible pavilion. Although Kolb Park has ADA accessible playground

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equipment, there are no sidewalks leading to it, which would make it difficult for

people in wheelchairs to access the equipment.

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Population Analysis

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Population Analysis

Purposes of the Population Analysis

“There are several purposes for performing a population analysis. Identified

below are those purposes.

• The planning process does not occur in a vacuum and the population

served is most critical. Therefore, one of the primary purposes of the

population analysis is to be sure the master plan meets the needs of the

population for which it is designed.

• The population analysis provides the planner with information that can

dramatically alter the recommendations of the master plan.

• The population analysis provides not only current information (current

planning needs) but also future information (future planning needs).

• The population analysis can identify very specific planning information

for very specific communities.

• The parks and recreation master plan for that community (also based on

future trends) will be largely affected (number of playgrounds, tot lots,

playground equipment) by that specific piece of population” (Kelsey &

Gray, 1996, p. 24).

In this population analysis, the population of St. Joseph, Illinois will be broken

down into demographics and trends. The demographics include general population

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statistics, age, income, gender, education, ethnicity, and health. The population trends

include growth, distribution, projection, and major population shifting.

Population Demographics

General Population Statistics

The Village of St. Joseph, Illinois is a small community of 2,924 residents located

in Champaign County in eastern Illinois. St. Joseph increased from 2,025 in 1990 to its

current population of 2,924 according to the 2000 U.S. Census. Also, the Township of

St. Joseph, Illinois increased from 3,694 in 1990 to a population of 4,611 in 2000.

Age of Population

The median age for the township is 36. The age of residents in the Village of St.

Joseph's ranges from under 5 to over 85. Nine percent (250) of the people in the Village

of St. Joseph are under the age of 5. Fifteen percent (452) of the residents are between

the ages of 5 and 14, and nine percent (254) is between the ages of 15 and 21. Thirty-five

percent (1,011) are between 22 and 44, twenty-two percent (643) is between 45 and 64,

nine percent (266) is between 65 and 84, and two percent (48) is 85 and older (American

Fact Finder, 2000).

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Graph 3.1 – Population Age Breakdown







under 5

5 to 14

15 to 21

22 to 44

45 to 64

65 to 84

85 and older

Table 3.1 – Gender/Age Population Breakdown Total Population Male Female

Age Group 2,924 1,417 1,507

Population under 5 250 129 121 Population 5 to 14 452 230 222

Population 15 to 21 254 119 135 Population 22 to 44 1011 492 519 Population 45 to 64 643 317 326 Population 65 to 84 266 110 156

Population 85 and older 48 20 28

Income of the Population

The census data from 1990 and 2000 show that the income levels for the

population of St. Joseph have been increasing. In 1990 the median household income

was $36,472, and in 2000, it was $53,424. The per capita income of St. Joseph rose from

$13,861 in 1990 to $21,381 in 2000. Less than 3% of the families in St. Joseph are

considered to be below the poverty level, which is well below the county’s 6.9%, the

state’s 7.8%, and the nation’s 9.2% (American Fact Finder, 2000). St. Joseph also has a

higher median household and median family income than the county, state, and nation.

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These statistics show that St. Joseph has an increasing income and low poverty levels.

The following tables illustrate the income levels and distribution for St. Joseph.

Table 3.2 - Household Income (1990 vs. 2000)

1990 2000 # % # %

Less than $10,000 59 7.77% 59 5.20% $10,000 to $14,999 34 4.48% 81 7.10% $15,000 to $24,999 142 18.71% 94 8.20% $25,000 to $34,999 118 15.55% 100 8.70% $35,000 to $49,999 235 30.96% 208 18.20% $50,000 to $74,999 128 16.86% 358 31.30% $75,000 to $99,999 31 4.08% 158 13.80%

$100,000 to $149,999 10 1.32% 71 6.20% More than $150,000 2 0.26% 16 1.40%

Total Households 759 100% 1,145 100%

Table 3.3 - St. Joseph and Illinois Comparison (2000)

St Joseph Champaign

County Illinois United States Median Household Income $53,424 $37,780 $46,590 $41,994 Median Family Income $61,094 $52,591 $55,545 $50,046 Per Capita Income $21,381 $19,708 $23,104 $21,587 Families Below Poverty Level 2.8% 6.9% 7.8% 9.2%

Gender of the Population Table 3.1 shows the gender breakdown by age in the Village of St. Joseph. There

are a total of 1,417 (48% of the population in St. Joseph) males in the Village. Nine

percent (129) of the men in the village are under the age of 5. Sixteen percent (230) are

between 5 and 14, eight percent (119) are between 14 and 21, thirty-five percent (492)

are between 22 and 44, twenty-two percent (317) are between 45-64, eight percent (110)

are between 65 and 84, and one percent (20) is over 85 (American Fact Finder, 2000).

There are a total of 1,507 (52% of the population in St. Joseph) females in the

Village. Eight percent (121) of the females in the village are under 5, fifteen percent

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(222) is between the ages of 5 and 14, nine percent (135) is between 15 and 21, thirty-

four percent (519) is between 22 and 44, twenty-two percent (326) is between 45 and 64,

ten percent (156) is between 65 and 84, and two percent (28) is 85 and older (American

Fact Finder, 2000).

Education of the Population

St. Joseph also has had an increasing percentage of people with higher education

levels. The enrollment numbers for the elementary school, high school, and college have

increased significantly. The amount of people over 25 years old with at least a high

school education increased from 85% to 92%. The percentage of people 25 years and

older with at least a bachelor’s degree increased from 16.1% in 1990 to 26.6% in 2000.

This shows that more people with a higher education are moving to St. Joseph. Overall,

more people in St. Joseph have graduated from high school and have attended some

college after graduation. The following data show these increasing trends for the

educational attainment in St. Joseph.

Table 3.4 - School Enrollment (1990 vs. 2000) 1990 2000

Population 3 years and over enrolled in school Nursery school, preschool 50 78 Elementary or high school (grades K-12) 436 603 College or graduate school 128 159 Totals 614 840

Table 3.5 - Educational Attainment (1990 vs. 2000) 1990 2000

Persons 25 years and over # % # % Less than 9th grade 66 5.02% 45 2.35% 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 137 10.43% 104 5.42% High school graduate 476 36.23% 573 29.87% Some college, no degree 322 24.51% 490 25.55% Associate degree 101 7.69% 196 10.22% Bachelor's degree 143 10.88% 317 16.53%

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Graduate or professional degree 69 5.25% 193 10.06% Totals 1,314 100% 1,918 100% Percent high school graduate or higher 84.6% 92.2% Percent bachelor's degree or higher 16.1% 26.6%

When compared with the State of Illinois and the United States, in 2000 St. Joseph

has higher educational attainment in most areas. Of people ages 16 to 19, only 3.5% are

not enrolled in high school or graduated compared with almost 10% in Illinois and the

nation. St. Joseph also has a higher percentage of young adults enrolled in college in

comparison with the state and country. Of the population 25 and over, St. Joseph also

has higher educational levels than the State of Illinois and the United States. Champaign

County numbers are skewed by the University of Illinois student population, but St.

Joseph still has a higher percentage of people over 25 that are high school graduates or


Table 3.6 - Educational Attainment St. Joseph and Illinois Comparison (2000)

St Joseph Champaign County Illinois United States Population Age 16-19 not enrolled in school or a high school graduate 3.5% 2.7% 9.9% 9.8% Population Age 18-24 enrolled in college or graduate school 42.6% 77.9% 34.8% 34.0% Population Age 25 and over with less than a 9th grade education 2.3% 3.1% 7.5% 7.5% high school grad or higher 92.2% 91.0% 81.4% 80.4% bachelors degree or higher 26.6% 38.0% 26.1% 24.4% Population Age 25-34 with bachelors degree or higher 34.9% 49.1% 32.3% 27.5%

Ethnicity of the Population The ethnic breakdown of St. Joseph is not diverse. The majority of the population

is white. Ninety-eight percent (2,880) is white. Two percent of the population is African

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Americans (6), American Indian or Alaskan Natives (4), Asians (15), other (8), and

multi- racial (11) (American Fact Finder, 2000).

Graph 3.2 – Ethnicity of Population


African American

American Indian or NativeAlaskan



Multi Racial

Health of the Population

The Citizen Recreation Committee should expand this chapter to include rural

health statistics for the Village of St. Joseph, Champaign County, Illinois, and the United

States. Statistics that would be helpful for decision-making related to community park

and recreation development would be childhood obesity, asthma, heart disease, juvenile

crime, and other at-risk behaviors. These statistics can also be helpful in grant seeking by

aligning park and recreation programs with preventative healthcare, an alternative to

youth delinquency and crime, and a deterrent to sedentary lifestyles. To locate this

information, contact the Illinois Rural Health Association at

Population Trends

Population Growth

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The Village of St. Joseph has experienced a steady increase in the population

from the first recorded population in 1880 to 2000. The total population has increased

from 328 in 1880 to 2,924 in 2000. St. Joseph experienced its greatest increase in 2000,

where the population jumped 4.4%.

Graph 3.3 – Population Growth 1880-2000


328552 637 681 772 777 810 941


























# o

f P



Population Distribution

The population distribution of St. Joseph’s has been divided into four planning

districts. The planning districts represent different geographical areas of population

and give important facts like “the number of children under the age of 9 in district 3

is…” See Chapter 2 to view a map of the planning districts in St. Joseph. For further

population analysis, the Citizen Recreation Committee can contact the Champaign

County Courthouse and Champaign County Regional Planning Commission. These

agencies will help with finding the specific populations for each planning district by

identifying census tracts in each planning district.

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Population Projection From 1960 to 2000, the population of the Village of St. Joseph has been

increasing by an average of 2.6%. When this average increase is projected on the current

population, the projected population for 2010 equals 3,684; and the projected population

for 2020 equals 4,642.

Table 3.7 – Population Projection

Year 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 *2010 *2020

Population 1,210 1,554 1,900 2,025 2,924 *3,684 *4,642

*projected numbers

Major Population Shifting

The major population shift that has occurred is in planning district # 2, which is

located in the northeast quadrant of the Village. This area has developed from farmland

into large subdivisions. St. Joseph has become a popular bedroom community for people

who work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and has been expanding for

some years now. According to the Mayor of St. Joseph, B.J. Hackler, there has been a

46.8% growth in the past ten years. Also, the Mayor has issued 98 building permits to

the northeast part of St. Joseph to begin developing new housing areas and options. The

Village of St. Joseph has consulted with a city planner from the Champaign County

Regional Planning Commission to develop a comprehensive plan in order to develop the

1 1/2 mile circumference boundary around the Village and also plans for more

development in the city.

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Demand Analysis

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Demand Analysis

Purpose of a Demand Analysis “The demand analysis provides the master plan writer an accurate assessment of

what the community residents desire in the area of parks and recreation. Some of the

purposes of the demand analysis are to:

• Determine precisely what current activities and resources are popular as measured

by actual participation.

• Determine precisely what current activities and resources are not popular as

measured by lack of participation.

• Provide an opportunity to participate in the planning process by conducting:

• A service area wide survey of interests, desires, participations, priorities,

and awareness factors by randomly selected citizens

• A series of public hearings open to residents of the service area to assess

on a nonrandom basis the residents’ desires, interests, participations,

priorities, and awareness factors

• Establish a database that goes beyond the master plan writer’s own perspective of

what is important to a community.

• Determine trends or changes in the desires of community residents relative to

parks and recreation (leader-based activities versus individual activities)” (Kelsey

& Gray, 1996, p. 33).

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Parks, recreation areas, and sports facilities are very important aspects of a

community. It is very important when preparing a master plan for this community to

understand what the citizens’ needs and wants are in the area of public leisure services.

In an attempt to better understand those needs and wants, a summary of a recent

community needs assessment is given and an action plan for soliciting input from

residents is offered.

Community Needs Assessment

The community needs assessment assists in determining the community opinion on

the parks and recreation facilities, programs, and services in St. Joseph. A questionnaire

was mailed to each household in St. Joseph and the surrounding township. The

questionnaire asked question to determine what the community desires are for the St.

Joseph Citizen Recreation Committee. A copy of the questionnaire, the results of the

questionnaire, and a summary of those results follows.

Community Questionnaire

St. Joseph Citizens Recreation Committee

Public Questionnaire Please allow us to introduce ourselves, to those of you who do not know us. We are the St. Joseph Citizens Recreation Committee (SJCRC). The committee members are: Kathy McCormick - Chair, Vicki Sparks - Vice-Chair, Peg Schluter - Secretary, Roger Koss - Treasurer, Butch Dalhaus, Peggy Driver, Tonya Dunn, Sarah Duryea, Amy Hager, Karen Knipfer, LoriKay Paden, Julie Rahn, Marcia Robbins and Kelly Wolken. Our mission is to enrich life in our community through acquisition and development of land for public recreation. We also organize the Summer Daze program in the community, which is a summer camp for youth.

The following questionnaire is being used to obtain input from the community so that we may fulfill our mission of enriching the life in our community. Your input is important to the long-range planning process and future of the recreation programs and facilities in the community.

We would appreciate your answering the following questions and returning this completed form to:

♦ St. Joseph Municipal Building Drop Box ♦ SJCRC Member (listed above)

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♦ St. Joseph IGA Collection Box ♦ Return by mail: ♦ St. Joseph Apothecary Collection Box SJCRC, PO Box 716, St. Joseph, IL 6187

Response deadline: March 31, 2003

� Cooking � Crafts � Dance � Swimming � Gymnastics � Running � Group Exercise � Skating � Sewing � Tennis � Walking � Team Sports � Woodworking � Other

3. Do you use the following recreational/leisure activities and/or facilities? Check all that apply.

� Baseball � Basketball � Football � Gymnastics � Soccer � Roller Hockey � Softball � Wrestling � Body Tech � Church � Kolb Park � Grade School � High School � Sewage Plant � Crestwood Park 4. Do existing programs/facilities meet the needs of all age groups? If no, please


Yes ____ No ____ N/A _____

5. Would you like to see new programs added? If yes, please identify.

Yes ____ No ____

6. Do you feel the existing facilities are properly maintained? If not, please explain.

Yes ____ No ____ N/A _____

7. Should park improvements be made? If yes, identify.

Yes ____ No ____

8. Do you feel St. Joseph has adequate parks, fields and recreational/leisure facilities?

Yes ____ No ____

9. What are long-range goals you recommend the Citizens Recreation Committee consider for the next 3 to years?

1. Are you familiar with recreational/leisure programs and facilities offered in the community?

Yes ____ No ___

2. What types of recreational/leisure activities do you or your family regularly participate in?

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10. What do you feel are the greatest recreational/leisure challenges facing the community in the next 5 to 10years?

(Optional) Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

� I’d like to get actively involved Phone: ______________________________

Thank you for your input. All information received will be summarized.

Look for upcoming Public Meetings.

St. Joseph Community Survey Results

1) Are you familiar with recreational/leisure programs and facilities offered in the


Yes: 57% No: 38% Didn’t answer: 4%

2) What types of recreational/leisure activities do you or your family regularly

participate in?

Cooking: 32% Crafts: 33% Dance: 16% Swimming: 57% Gymnastics: 11% Running: 18% Group Exercise: 18% Skating: 23% Sewing: 11% Tennis: 10% Walking: 79% Team Sports: 44% Woodworking: 9% Other: 20%

3) Do you use the following recreational/leisure activities and/or facilities?

Baseball: 25% Basketball: 27% Football: 16% Gymnastics: 7% Soccer: 22% Roller Hockey: 6% Softball: 20% Wrestling: 2% Body Tech: 19% Church: 43% Kolb Park: 36% Grade School: 44% High School: 33% Sewage Plant: 11% Crestwood Park: 30%

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4) Do existing programs/facilities meet the needs of all age groups? If no, please


Yes: 25%, No: 48%, N/A: 17%, None: 7% *They’d like to see:

• Activities besides team sports for all ages

• Swimming Pool (definitely the most common answer)

• More gyms, facilities, ball fields

• Do not want to travel to Champaign/Urbana for use of facilities

• A Skate Park

5) Would you like to see new programs added? If yes, please identify.

Yes: 63%, No: 20%, None: 8%, Not familiar: 4% *They’d like to see:

• Swimming

• Adult Programs

• A facility to host programs for all ages

6) Do you feel the existing facilities are properly maintained? If not, please


Yes: 57%, No: 25%, N/A: 11%, None: 5% *They want to see:

• Bathrooms at parks need to be better maintained

• Parks need to be picked up better

7) Should park improvements be made? If yes, please identify.

Yes: 34%, No: 12%, None: 7% *They want:

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• More benches

• Updated park equipment

• Covered pavilions for shade

8) Do you feel St. Joseph has adequate parks, fields and recreational/leisure


Yes: 28%, No: 61%, None: 12% *They want:

• Public Swimming Pool (this was definitely most common)

• Complex for baseball, football, or soccer

• C) Skate Park

9) What are long-range goals you recommend the Citizens Recreation Committee

consider for the next 3 to 5 years?

• A Swimming Pool • Facilities for basketball, baseball, soccer, football

10) What do you feel are the greatest recreational/leisure challenges facing the

community in the next 5 to 10 years?

• Funding a pool

• More funding in general

• More space/ parking spaces

Summary of St. Joseph’s Community Survey Results

In an attempt to better accommodate and satisfy the community of St. Joseph, it

was imperative to distribute an assessment survey for the entire community by the St.

Joseph Citizen Recreation Committee in April 2003, including the surrounding township.

The following is a summary after analyzing the survey results. The results are based on

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the 122 surveys returned. A copy of the survey and the calculated percentages of answers

for each question are offered earlier in this chapter.

More than half of the respondents indicated that they were at least somewhat

familiar with the programs that are offered in St. Joseph. This provided excellent input

on what programs are currently used the most and what activities are most participated in.

Question 2 of the community survey lists various activities and the percentage of families

that regularly participate in them. The three most popular activities are: walking 79%,

swimming 57%, and team sports 44%. These percentages show that over half of the

community is participating in these activities. The fact that swimming participation was

so high definitely reflected the feelings of the community in regard to developing a

swimming pool. These desires and needs for a swimming facility continue to emerge

throughout the survey summary.

The next question of the survey asked community members to list the facilities

that they and their families used for leisure or recreational purposes. Crestwood Park, the

Church of Christ, and the grade school are reportedly the most commonly used facilities.

Kolb Park and the high school are two facilities that are not far behind in use. Residents

were asked if existing programs/facilities met the needs of all age groups and the answer

was proportionately no (48%). Some of the most common reasons for this answer are that

community members would like more activities besides team sports for all ages. Another

common answer to this question is that community members would like a swimming

pool and a skatepark.

As with many of the answers to the questions, swimming was the most common

answer to the question: Would you like to see new programs added? An overwhelming

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amount of citizens would like a swimming pool built in the community of St. Joseph.

Another common answer to this question is citizens would like to see a new facility built

to host programs for all ages.

When residents were asked if parks were properly maintained or if improvements

could be made, the majority answered yes to both of these questions. Most people

thought that for the most part, the parks were maintained well, but could use some

improvement in terms of the bathroom maintenance and park clean up in general.

Several of the residents mentioned that the bathrooms are not always open when they are

needed. As far as park improvements, a common theme of more park benches, updated

playground equipment, and covered pavilions/areas for shade ran through the surveys.

Many citizens are concerned with the equipment at Kolb Park. It seems that the

equipment is very outdated and needs to be replaced. The citizens seem to be very

pleased with Crestwood Park

By far the most common theme throughout all of the returned surveys was the

idea of a swimming pool. When asked if the current programs and facilities meet all the

community’s needs and if they would like to see new programs or facilities added, an

overwhelming majority of the open-ended responses were about adding a swimming

pool. Also, when asked if they thought that St. Joseph had adequate parks, fields, and

recreational facilities, 59% of the respondents replied no, and the top answer for

suggestions was a swimming pool. Community members gave the impression that they

did not feel as though they should have to drive to Champaign-Urbana to use a facility

such as a pool.

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The biggest problems that the community feels it will face within the next five to

ten years had a lot to do with the funding of these facilities. The community wants to

know where the funds are going to come from and how they are going to acquire them.

Through the use of public meetings and a hotline, the public will be able to seek out

information pertinent to funding.

Public Input

Public input plays an important role in the decisions regarding community parks

and recreation. It is important for all pertinent information to be available to the public in

order to make well-informed decisions regarding park and recreation development for St.

Joseph. In addition, the input of the public should be made available in organized

meetings in which topics can be discussed and shared for the purpose of making the best

decisions for the community.

A hardcopy of this Master Plan for Parks and Recreation should be made available in

the public library of the village, the municipal building, and in the library of each school

falling within the village limits. Furthermore, this document should be placed in local

doctor and dentist’s offices for public review. All citizens, to assist in achieving the

mission, goals, and objectives for parks and recreation, should use this Master Plan as a

decision-making tool for parks and recreation development.

The CRC should meet once a month at a minimum from September to May.

From June to August the CRC should meet once a week. The progress of the program,

public input, and needs and deficiencies of the parks and recreation in St. Joseph should

be addressed at these meetings. The St. Joseph Citizen Recreation Committee should be

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in attendance along with any citizen who wants their ideas to be made public on the

affairs listed above.

Since the meetings suggested above meet only once a month, a hotline should be

available to all citizens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to give their opinion

of the parks and recreation of St. Joseph. The hotline could be facilitated by an

answering machine that takes all input anonymously. This answering machine should be

checked regularly and one member of the St. Joseph Citizens Recreation Committee

should document all input. This input should be discussed at each of the meetings

specified above.

The St. Joseph Citizens Recreation Committee will be holding a public

information meeting on Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Joseph Grade

School gym. This meeting will include a presentation by the University of Illinois,

Leisure Resources and Facility Management class. A small group of the students from

the class will outline what the students have prepared in this master plan and will go into

detail explaining the individual sections of the master plan. The St. Joseph Citizens

Recreation Committee will also provide a summary of responses to the public


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Standards Analysis

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Standards Analysis

Purposes of the Standards Analysis

“A standards analysis is a process of identifying and comparing existing

parks and recreation facilities and resources to nationally accepted standards for

those facilities and resources. The standards analysis provides a comparison of

one community’s resources to a national standard which is based on population

and distance. For example, Community A has 14 tennis courts available for

community resident usage. The question is asked, “Are 14 tennis courts enough or

does the community need more?” One way to answer this question is to compare

the number of tennis courts available in the community to the national standard

for tennis courts. The national standard for tennis courts is: 1 tennis court for

every 2,000 residents. Community A has a population of 26,000. Therefore, the

community meets the tennis court standard (26,000/2,000=13)” (Kelsey & Gray,

1996, p. 43).

“A standards analysis accomplishes many critical planning decisions.

Some of the purposes of a standards analysis are to:

• Allow a community to determine if the overall community is in line with the

nationally accepted parks and recreation standards.

• Allow the community to determine what facilities and resources are needed and

which ones provide an overabundance (from a standards viewpoint).

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• Make obvious, shortages or overages and prevent “personal bias” regarding the

appropriate supply of parks and recreation resources.

• Allow the community to determine if specific areas within the community do not

have adequate resources despite the fact that the overall community meets the

standards. For example, in the above-described example of tennis courts

available in Community A, it was found that the community provided the proper

number of courts per population. However, detailed analysis might show that the

majority of the courts are on the east side of the community and very few courts

are on the west side. The standard also identifies the service radius for tennis

court usage to be ¼ to ½ mile. This means there should be 1 tennis court for each

2,000 residents in a ¼ to ½ mile radius of that population. The conclusion from

the more detailed standards analysis might indicate that more courts are

necessary on the west side of the community despite the fact that the overall

community has the appropriate number of courts.

• The standards analysis provides an excellent starting ground for planning with a

very specific database as the foundation” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 43-44).

This chapter will focus on national park and recreation standards, rural park

and recreation standards, as well as an analysis of where the Village of St. Joseph

measures up to the standards set forth. National Park Land Standards include five

major types of park systems. The Recreation Facilities Standards give a detailed

chart that lays out how to determine if a facility is needed based on land

availability, population, and service area. The rural standards for land use are

necessary in order to understand how a village such as St. Joseph measures up to

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other communities similar to their village. The analysis of the nationwide

standards and rural standards in comparison to the Village of St. Joseph will help

the community develop land for efficient use for their population, land

availability, and service area.

National Park & Recreation Standards Because of the specificity of the standards analysis, the design for St. Joseph can

then be tailored to the requirements of national, regional, and state qualifications. For

example, the National Park Land Standards, as seen below, designate specifications

for different types of park and recreation facilities according to population, land use,

and contents. The standards give excellent guidelines to designers, architects, and the

community to ensure that the new facility is of quality, it is competitive, and it serves

its constituents. Below are the national standards for park facilities and recreation

facilities. The Park Land Standards include all outdoor facilities from playlots to

major community parks. These will aide in development projects, as well as the new

land that is possibly being acquired. The Recreation Facility Standards give

standards for basketball courts, pools, and volleyball courts. Because these include

service areas and traveling times, it aids in determining need priority as well as

helping build facilities that will be used and are important to the community.

National Park Land Standards

According to the National Recreation and Park Association, a park system,

at a minimum, should be composed of a total of 6.25 to 10.50 acres of developed

open space per 1,000 populations. When developing a park system, a community

needs to be aware of park classifications. There are five types of parks: playlots,

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neighborhood playgrounds, neighborhood parks, community playfields, and major

community parks.


Description: Small areas intended primarily for the use of children up to early

elementary grades. Most suited for apartments, townhouse, and trailer parks.

Contents: Play equipment, swings, slides, sandboxes, benches.

Population served: Serves the ages of toddler to age nine and should be designed to have areas that accommodate adult gathering.

Service area and accessibility: The service area is confined to a sub-neighborhood level of 500 to 2,500 residents within a ¼ mile area.

Acres/1,000 people: No ratio established; suggested .1 to .3 acres

Size range: 1,000 square feet to one acre. Can be serviced through mobile recreation programs.

Neighborhood Playground

Description: Designed to provide both active and passive short-term activities. Usually located adjacent to public schools.

Contents: Distinct play areas for preschool and school age children, shelter structures, open space, multiple-use paved for court games, areas for field games, some off-street parking, and lighting.

Population served: General focus is for ages five to 14, with informal recreation for all ages. One per 1,000 to 5,000 population: possibly one for every elementary school.

Service area and accessibility: Neighborhood. Walking distance within ½ mile radius.

Acres/1,000 persons: 2.0 for cities of 10,000 to 25,000 1.5 for cities of 25,000 to 100,000

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Size range acres: 5-10 for cities of 1,000 to 25,000 4-8 for cities of 25,000 to 100,000

Neighborhood Park

Description: Landscaped natural park of limited size primarily for passive recreational needs of all ages but with designated active areas. Provides some scenic and aesthetic value. Should be located in the center of a multiple-family dwelling neighborhood or nearby site.

Content: Open lawn space, shrubbery, small picnic areas, drinking fountain, miniature scenic paths or nature walks, area for court games if not provided at a nearby recreation facility, off-street parking, and lighting. Has some program potential.

Population served: For all ages. From 1,000 to 10,000 maximum.

Service area and accessibility: Entire neighborhood. If park is unique, it may attract others from another neighborhood.

Acres/1,000 persons: 2.0 for cities of 1,000 to 25,000 1.5 for cities of 25,000 to 100,000

Size range acres: 6-8 for cities of 1,000 to 25,000 5-8 for cities of 25,000 to 100,000

Community Playfield

Description: Primarily an athletic complex that serves the recreational needs of the community. Usually one per community, however, if the community is cut by barriers or if sufficient acreage cannot be obtained, then two are recommended.

Content: Athletic complex - lighted court and field games area, community center, swimming pool, lawn areas, adequate parking, may have picnic and play area for children. May be a portion of major community park. Has high potential for recreation programming.

Population served: All ages. Entire population of community, 10,000 minimum to 30,000 maximum.

Service area and accessibility: Within biking distance.

Acres/1,000 persons: Minimum one acre per 1,000 persons. Cities up to 50,000 it is recommended there be 2 acres per 1,000 persons

Size range acres: 15 to 25 for Cities of 1,000 to 250,000

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Major Community Park

Description: A large natural area and/or landscaped area to provide urban dwellers escape for city congestion without traveling a large distance. Designed to accommodate a large number of people and a wide variety of activities. Provides for both intensive use and passive use.

Content: Provides for combination of intensive and non-intensive development ranging from play apparatus to bicycle trails. Typical facilities include swimming facilities, picnic tables, paths, game courts, gardens, and natural areas, pavilion, ample parking, and sanitary facilities. May include multipurpose trails internally or as part of a system.

Population served: All ages, toddler to retiree. Serves between 40,000 to 100,000 people.

Service area and accessibility: Entire population for cities with population up to 25,000. 1-4 miles for cities of 1,000 to 25,000 persons; within 30 minutes for cities of 25,000 to 250,000.

Acres/1,000 persons: From minimum of one acre to maximum of five acres. Recommended: 5.0 acres for cities of 1,000 to 100,000

Size range acres: 20 - 35 for cities of 1,000 to 25,000 50 - 100 for cities of 25,000 to 100,000

Recreation Facilities Standards

The following chart is included to represent the facilities that would be

included in a neighborhood or community park. For the village of St. Joseph,

which has a population of 2,924 people, (for further population information see

Chapter #3) certain facilities would not be economical or feasible, according to

rural recreation standards. For example, a swimming pool may not be a priority

when it is recommended that a swimming pool serve a population of about 20,000

constituents. Also, it is recommended that a swimming pool service an area of a

15-30 minute travel time. For the people of St. Joseph, it would be easier for

them to utilize the new Urbana Park District Indoor Aquatic Facility or the

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outdoor Crystal Lake Park pool rather than building their own pool. By following

this example, builders, architects, and residents can decipher which projects are

the most important to the community. Therefore, the following standards should

aide in a better understanding of what a community like St. Joseph is in need of.

Table 5.1 – Recreation Facilities Standards

Facility Area Needed Units per Population Service Area

Basketball Court 7,280 sq ft 1 per 5,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Tennis Court 7,200 sq ft (1crt) 1 per 2,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Volleyball 4,000 sq ft 1 per 5,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Baseball (Youth) 1.2 acres min. 1 per 5,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Football 1.5 acres 1 per 20,000 15-20 minutes travel time

Soccer 1.7-2.1 acres 1 per 10,000 Depends on popularity

Softball 1.5-2 acres 1 per 5,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Multi-Use Court 9,840 sq ft 1 per 10,000 1/4 - 1/2 mi

Swimming Pool 2 acres minimum 1 per 20,000 15 -30 minutes travel time

Trails 1 trail system per region

Rural (Community) Park & Recreation Standards

The purpose of these guidelines is to present park and recreation space

standards that are applicable nationwide for planning, acquisition, and

development of park, recreation, and open space lands, primarily at the rural

community level. These standards should be viewed as a guide. They address

minimum, not maximum, goals to be achieved. The standards are interpreted

according to the particular situation to which they are applied and specific local

needs. A variety of standards have been developed by professional and trade

associations, which are used throughout the country. The standard derived from

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early studies of park acreages located within metropolitan areas was the

expression of acres of parkland per unit of population. Over time, the figure of 10

acres per 1,000 population came to be the commonly accepted standard used by a

majority of communities. Other standards adopted include the "percent of area"

approach, needs determined by user characteristics and participation projections,

and area use based on the carrying capacity of the land. The fact that some of the

standards have changed substantially is not an indication of their obsolescence.

Changes are a measure of the growing awareness and understanding of both

participant and resource (land, water, etc.) limitations. Parks are for people. Park,

recreation, and planning professionals must integrate the art and science of park

management in order to balance such park and open space resource values as

water supply, air quality. (Lancaster, 1990).

Table 5.2 – Rural Park and Recreation Standards







1. Youth 2. High

School 3. Collegiate

1. 2400-3036 sq. ft.

2. 5040-7280 sq. ft.

3. 5600-7980 sq. ft.




With 5’ unobstructed space on all sides

Long axis north-south 1 per 5000 ¼ - ½ mile

Tennis Minimum of 7,200 sq. ft. single court (2 acres for complex)

36’x78’. 12’ clearance on both sides; 21’ clearance on both ends.

Long axis north –south

1 court per 2000

¼-1/2 mile

Volleyball Minimum of 4,000 sq. ft.

30’X60’. Minimum 6’ clearance on all sides

Long axis north-south 1 per 5000 ¼ - ½ mile

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1. Official

2. Little League

3.0-3.85 A minimum

1.2 A minimum

baselines – 90’ Pitching distance 60 ½’ foul lines – min. 320’ Center field – 400’+

Baselines – 60’

Pitching distance – 46’ Foul lines – 200’ Center field – 200’ – 250’

Locate home plate to pitcher throwing across sun and batter not facing it. Line from home plate through pitchers mound run east northeast.

1 per 5000

Lighted 1 per 30,000

¼ - ½ mile

Field Hockey Minimum 1.5 A 180’ x 300’ with a minimum of 6’ clearance on all sides.

Fall season – long axis northwest to southwest. For longer periods north-south

1 per 20,000 15-30 minutes travel time

Football Minimum 1.5 A 160’ x 360’ with a minimum of 6’ clearance on all sides.

Same as field hockey. 1 per 20,000 15-30 minutes travel time

Soccer 1.7 – 2.1 A 195’ to 225’x330’ to 360’ with a minimum 10’ clearance all sides.

Same as field hockey. 1 per 10,000 1-2 miles

¼ Mile Running Track 4.3 A Overall width – 276’ Length – 600.02’ Track width for 8 to 4 lanes is 32’.

Long axis in sector from north to south to north-west-south-east with finish line at northerly end.

1 per 20,000 15-30 minutes travel time

Multiple Recreation Court (basketball, volleyball, tennis)

9, 840 sq. ft. 120’ x 80’ Long axis of courts with primary use is north-south

1 per 10,000 1-2 miles.

Trails N/A Well-defined head maximum 10’ width, maximum average grade is 5% not to exceed 15%. Capacity rural trails – 40 hikers/day/mile. Urban trails – 90 hikers/day/mile.

N/A 1 system per region


Swimming Pools Varies on size of pool and amenities. Usually ½ to 2 A site.

Teaching- minimum of 25 yards x 45’ even depth of 3 to 4 ft.

Competitive – minimum of 25 m x 16 m. Minimum of 27 square feet of water surface per swimmer. Ratios of 2:1 deck vs. water.

None-although care must be taken in sitting of lifeguard stations in relation to afternoon sun.

1 per 20,000

(Pools should accommodate 3 to 5% of total population at a time.)

15 to 30 minutes travel time

Analysis of St. Joseph and National Standards

The leisure services provided to the residents of St. Joseph are the

responsibility of the Village, both the school districts, and the sanitary district.

The school districts provide the majority of the community facilities, such as

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baseball and softball fields, basketball courts, football fields, and a running track.

The Village provides facilities for the general public such as picnic shelters,

playgrounds, and soccer fields. According to the national and rural standards

shown earlier in this chapter, the current facilities do not meet many of the

standards set forth. Yet, sometimes standards will meet and exceed current

standards, or not meet standards because of the circumstances of the Village. For

example, St. Joseph currently has three basketball courts. According to the

national standards, one basketball court is needed for 5,000 people. St. Joseph

therefore, exceeds the standards for basketball courts. The same applies for

baseball and softball complexes. However, due to the high demand for youth

baseball leagues in this area, which draws people from other local towns and

villages, the need for expanded baseball facilities would be beneficial to the

people of St. Joseph. The design for the proposed land acquisition includes multi-

sport fields that can be utilized for additional programs. It is recommended to

expand the football facilities because they can also be used as soccer fields.

Additional single-use soccer fields are unnecessary and with proper programming

all fields will be well used. As far as a hiking path and running track, the Village

could easily maintain the current tracks, and use the parkland surrounding the new

facilities to build a multi-use (biking, running, walking, hiking, and in-line

skating) path for the community. The path can even be expanded into the new

development in St. Joseph. Therefore, by helping the Village of St. Joseph

construct a working master plan, site design, and budget, the Village can bring its

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facilities up to the standards that are set forth by the National Recreation and Park


Table 5.3 – Village of St. Joseph’s Facility Analysis

Facility Total # in St. Joseph City Provided

State/School Provided

Expand or Maintain

Baseball and softball fields 6 1 5 Expand

Basketball Courts 3 1 2 Expand

Fishing Piers and Docks 0 0 0 N/A

Football Fields 1 0 1 Expand

Golf Course (holes) 0 0 0 N/A

Hiking Paths (miles) 0 0 0 See Notes

Picnic Shelters 4 4 0 Expand

Playgrounds 4 2 2 Expand

Roller Hockey Courts 0 0 0 N/A

Running Tracks 2 0 2 Maintain

Skateboarding Facilities 0 0 0 N/A

Soccer Fields 3 2 0 See Notes

Swimming Pools 0 0 0 N/A

Tennis Courts 1 1 0 Maintain

Volleyball Courts 0 0 0 N/A

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Agency Action Plan

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Agency Action Plan

Purposes of the Agency Action Plan

The agency action plan identifies individual agency actions, responsibilities, and suggests a timeline.

Also it identifies specific actions, while it identifies specific agency responsibilities and interprets

data (Kelsey and Gray, 1996). The priority of these projects will be discussed in detail in Chapter # 8.

The following ten projects are our suggestions for St. Joseph's park and recreaction development based

on prior research provided in chapters # 1 - # 5.

Proposed Community Park and Recreation Development Projects (Agency Actions)Agency Action Timeframe WhySt. Joseph CRC Constuct one 66-acre 2 years There are 250 children

outdoor sport field under the age of five yearscomplex to be placed in and these children will soonplanning district 4. be participating in athletics.

We chose to locate this facilityin plannig district four becauseit allows programs to use the existing facilities at the grade school. It is also fairly close towhere the new homes are beingbuilt in district 2. We also feel that if this facility needs to expand in the future, planningdistrict four has the most roomfor expansion.

St. Joseph CRC Construct community 7 years The St. Joseph community hasleisure swimming pool to travel 20 minutes to Urbana in planning district 4. to find the closest community

pool. As of right now, that'snot much of a problem but asthe 250 children under 5 startto get older, a community poolwould be a good investment

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for the community. Also, a poowas recommended by the people of St. Joseph, so it wouldbe used. We think the best spotfor a pool would be in planning district four because it is in closeproximity to the grade school,so school swimming lessons could be offered without havingto transport the kids.

St. Joseph CRC Build one playground 3 years Due to the large number of kidsfor children use in under the age of five and the planning district 2. number of young adults reaching

the age of parenthood, the needfor playground equipment willincrease within the next 3 - 5years. We have chosen planningdistrict 2 for this playgroundequipment because recently, the mayor has issued 98building permits to this districtwhich means that district 2 will have a boom in populationand by having the playgroundequipment located here, it willbe easy access for existing andnew families.

Champaign County Develop 2 additional 2 1/2 years It beautifies the communityRegional Planning walking/biking trails which was asked for by the Commission. throughoutthe town in citizens of St. Joseph. Also it gi

planning districts 2 & 4 an aerobic option to those non -athletic community members.It will also give families a nicequiet place to walk and ride bikeThe reason we suggested to place these trails in district 2 & 4is because in district 2, it willbe close to the majority of the population and in district 4, the trail would be close to the sports

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complex, so that if the kids wereat baseball practice, the parentscould go on a nice relaxing walkwithout having to go far from thkids.

St. Joseph CRC Develop 2 additional 7 years One interest of the communitylighted basketball courts was for other sports besidesin planning district 2 in football and baseball. By placingclose proximity to two courts close to CrestwoodCrestwood Park Park it would give people anoth

exercise option when at the parkSimilar to the bike paths and theplayground equipment, placingthe courts in district 2 is close tomost of St. Joseph's population

Private Sector - Construct one Fitness 20 years A fitness center is somethingBusiness Men. Center that could be used by all people.

Whether they are athletic or noteveryone is looking to get into better shape. The reason thatthis project won't be constructedfor several years is because there is numerous fitness options in the Champaign - Urbana area. As the Supply Analysis says, within a 20minute drive, there is a YMCA, numerous fitness facilities on thecampus of the University ofIllinois and finally, there aremany privately owned fitness clubs. Although there are numerous fitness facilitiesnearby, eventually, as the population continues to grow,the town of St. Joseph will needsome fitness facility in their own

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St. Joseph CRC Develop one park(size to12 years The community feels that they be determined) in need a sight that will be a planning districts 2 & 4 downtown focal point and this

could be the spot. The park would be placed primarily in district 2 but it could extent intodistrict 4 depending on the preferred size.

St. Joseph CRC Construct 4 softball 8 years The St. Joseph softball programto be placed in planning has 120 girls signed up everydistrict 4 year and only one good facility

at the high school that for themost part is shared by baseball.They also have a facility over bythe sanitary district, which isn'ta very nice place to play softballor anything for that matter.By placing the softball fields indistrict 4, it could act like anextension of the large athleticcomplex.

St. Joseph CRC Construct 1 community 15 years The community needed differentbeach volleyball court in sports and beach volleyballplanning district 1. supplies them with a different

sport that is fun for all ages.By placing the court by the highschool, it gives physical education classes an opportunityto use the facility. The standards anaylsis says thatthere should be one volleyball court for every 5000 people,and as of now, St. Joseph has

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none. Having a beach volleyball court allows the community to try something interesting and new.

St. Joseph CRC Construct one 9 hole 20 years According to the Populationgolf course in the Analysis, there are 1 661 peoplesouthern most part of the age of 21 through 65. This isplanning district 4. the age that most people play

golf. Since there are golfopportunities in the Champaign Urbana areas, this may not be ahigh priority. There are approximately three golf facilitiethat are a short drive from St. Joseph, but the more the population ages, the demand fora local golf course will increase.The reason we suggested district 4 for this facility is because farm land is good landfor a golf course and in the soutsection of district 4 there is a fair bit of farm land to be bough

Note: Once again, the purpose of this plan is not to prioritize but to suggest possible recreational facilities for the communityof St. Joseph's. These activities will be prioritized in Chapter # 8

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Expenditure Analysis

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Expenditure Analysis

Purposes of Expenditure Analysis

“The purpose of the expenditure analysis is to provide the master plan reader with

very accurate information relative to the cost of a specific agency-recommended action.

The expenditure analysis has other purposes as well, these include:

• Offer a comparison to similar agencies. The expenditure analysis, if

prepared properly, will show how much money is spent per resident for

parks and recreation, and the information can be compared to other

communities similar to the size and makeup to the master plan city.

• Highlights a method of funding for the proposed costs so that the

community decision makers have some idea of where the needed money

will come from.

• Highlight the relative importance of the parks and recreation service.

Communities may not realize how little or how much they spend for the

‘quality of life’ aspects that the parks and recreation agency provides.”

(Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 54).

History of Spending for Leisure Services

The Summer Daze project for St. Joseph in 2002 had a total income of $28,403.50

and a total expense of $23,808.74 for a total revenue of $4,594.76. The Parks and

Recreation services cost for St. Joseph is broken down into five sub-services (based on

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the FY02-FY03 municipal budget), which includes Beautification, IRRDP, Parks, Boy

Scout Building, and Building and Grounds. The Beautification sub-service cost $5,000

out of the total Parks and Recreation service. The IRRDP sub-service cost $10,000 out of

the total Parks and Recreation service. The Parks sub-service cost $15,000 of the total

Parks and Recreation service. The Boy Scout Building sub-service cost $15,000 of the

total Parks and Recreation service. The Building and Grounds sub-service cost $12,000

of the total Parks and Recreation service. All of these sub-services add up to the total of

the Parks and Recreation service, which is $57,000.

Table 7.1 - Cost per Resident for Community Services based on FY02-03 Service % of Total Budget Actual Dollars Spent Cost per Resident Parks/Recreation

5% $57,000 $19.49

• Beautification

0.44% $5,000 $1.71


0.89% $10,000 $3.42

• Parks

1.3% $15,000 $5.13

• Boy Scout Building

1.3% $15,000 $5.13

• Building and Grounds

1.1% $12,000 $4.10

Street Lights

8.5% $96,000 $32.83

Police Department

8.6% $97,000 $33.17


3.3% $36,700 $12.55


21% $237,500 $81.22

*Based on a 2,924 population from the 2000 U.S. Census.

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Comparison to Like Communities

Rural towns in Illinois have an approximate annual average parks and recreation

budget of $105,000 (Schaumleffel, 2001).

Cost per Recommendation

Table 7.2 - Timeline for Agency Action Plan Recommendation Priority Action Suggested Suggested

Timeframe Estimated

Installation Cost Estimated Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost


2 years $70,000

Develop 2 walking/biking trails

2 ½ years $292,500

66 acre Sport Field Complex

3-4 years $7,163,010

4 Softball Fields 7-8 years $173,960


1 Park

8-9 years $2,500,000

Community Leisure Swimming Pool

10 years $884,000 Medium

2 Lighted Basketball Courts

7 years $95,320

Community Beach Volleyball Court

15 years $8,030

Fitness Center

20 years $6,000,000


One 9 Hole Golf Course

20 years $3,000,000

It is highly recommended that the CRC and Village Board not only consider

where funding will come from to initially install and offer these new services, but should

study at length where funding will come from to operate and maintain these facilities

over the facility life expectancy.

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Method of Funding The main method of funding will come from the Open Space Lands Acquisition

and Development (OSLAD) grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to

acquire and develop land for a new outdoor sport field complex. Supplementary funding

will possibly come from private donations, capital campaigns, sponsorships, local family

foundations, taxes, and corporate foundations. Long-term funding for continued

administration and maintenance needs to be thoroughly studied and secured before

development takes place.

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Priority-Criterion Ranking System

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Priority-Criterion Ranking System

Purposes of the Criterion Ranking System To rank the priority of projects (agency actions) outlined in Chapter #6, one of the

two priority-criterion ranking systems must be implemented. The two ranking systems

that can be used are either the point system or the logic system. “The criterion ranking

system is primarily designed so the master plan writer can recommend a specific order

the actions should take that is based upon some form of logic or relative importance.

Other purposes of the system include:

• Elimination of any bias as to what order the recommendation should take. A

master plan may recommend the construction of an outdoor swimming pool

and an 18-hole golf course. As soon as that information is public, special

interest groups generally use that information for their own best interests.

However, by placing an order of importance based on criteria, the

recommendations should then be in line with what is best for the community.

• Equality of needed facilities, programs, and resources usually emerges

because of a properly designed ranking system. In other words, each needed

resource is equal in value to the community, and judgment is not made on the

basis of what is important and what is not important, but on which is needed

first, second, third, and so forth. A golf course is not more important than a

swimming pool. It just may be needed by that community, at that time, more

than the other facility” (Kelsey & Gray, 1996, p. 62).

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For this Master Plan, a logic system was implemented over the point system to

determine which projects outlined in Chapter #6 are of the highest to lowest priority.

Priority Action for the Village Board and the CRC This chapter has been developed from Chapter #6, the Agency Action Plan. This

chapter contains the same agency actions listed in Chapter #6, but lists the projects from

highest to lowest priority. Evidence and an explanation for each suggested project and its

priority level is given based on the background information provided in Chapter #1

through Chapter #5.

The highest priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is developing walking/biking trails. The evidence to support this project is

presented in Chapter #2 through Chapter #5. The Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 states

the community has no hiking trails. They also have no wildlife observation areas. The

Standard Analysis in Chapter #5 states that the standard is at 3.363 miles of wildlife area

for every 1000 people in a town. The Demand Analysis in Chapter #4 says that 17% of

the community regularly runs, while 76% of the community regularly walks as a form of

exercise. This evidence makes this the highest priority. This will also beautify the

community and allow people to exercise at their own choosing.

The second priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to build one downtown park. The evidence to support this projects placement is

based on the evidence in Chapter #1: the community lacks a focal point in their

downtown. A downtown park could present an area for activities and concerts. In the

summertime it would provide an area that could be used for picnics and Fourth of July

activities. The community has very few benches and other sit down type areas. This

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park would provide an answer to these problems. The Standard Analysis in Chapter #5

states that 1 to 5 acres for the population size of St. Joseph. The Demand Analysis in

Chapter #4 states that people in the community like to do activities such as crafts, dance,

sewing, and woodworking. This area could be used as a location for these activities.

The third priority is to build one playground. The evidence to support this

project’s placement is: The Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 states that the community has

three playgrounds right now. The standard analysis is 4.446 parks for their current

population level that is shown in the Standard Analysis in Chapter #5. The Demand

Analysis in Chapter #4 states the community wants more benches, updated equipment,

and covered pavilions for shade.

The fourth priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to construct four softball fields. The evidence to support this project’s

placement is: The softball program has a need for additional fields. The current fields are

shared with the baseball program. The Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 states that only

one of the fields is owned by the village. The schools own the others. The Standard

Analysis in Chapter #5 says that the Village of St. Joseph is above the national standard

for ball fields. However, most of these fields are for baseball. In the standard analysis

softball and baseball fields were viewed as the same thing. The Demand Analysis in

Chapter #4 states that almost the same percentage of the community plays softball when

compared to baseball.

The fifth priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is the construction of one 66-acre outdoor sport field complex. The evidence to

support this project’s placement is: With the 250 children under the age of 5 and the

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expectation of an increase in population, the need for additional athletic fields becomes

apparent. If the population increases the school will need to expand. This will take away

baseball and football fields that are being used right now, in order to build additional

buildings. This will mean that in years to come there will be more people and less

athletic fields. Also as the population increases more homes will be built. As this

happens less land will be available in the future for athletic complexes to be built.

However this action should be looked at with caution. The Standard Analysis in Chapter

#5 states that one acre of land should be designated per 1,000 people. A 66-acre complex

would exceed the national standard for space even considering the expected population

ten years from now. The Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 states that the fields used for

baseball and soccer are above the standard in Illinois. Through a summary of the

community’s needs in the Demand Analysis in Chapter #4 the community would like to

see activities besides team sports for all ages. But also stated in the same question that

they would like to see more gyms and ball fields. This action is one that should be most

closely looked at.

The sixth priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to build a swimming pool. The evidence to support this project’s placement is:

The Standard Analysis in Chapter #5 states that there is no swimming pool in town. The

Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 states that with the new Urbana Park District pool within a

twenty-minute drive, the need is less. However, the reason there is an increased need is

that the demand is very high. The Demand Analysis in Chapter #4 states a swimming

pool was the most common answer when the community needed additional facilities to

meet the need of all age groups. On top of that swimming was a new program that they

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wanted added. A swimming pool was also a long-range goal that the community

recommended to the Citizens Recreation Committee for the next 3 to 5 years.

The seventh priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to develop two lighted basketball courts. The evidence to support this project’s

placement is: These courts would provide an opportunity to exercise in an aerobic

manner. According to the Standard Analysis in Chapter #5, along with the Supply

Analysis in Chapter #2, the current amount of basketball courts meets the standard of a

community of St. Joseph’s size, so the need is not great. Also in the Demand Analysis in

Chapter #4, the community did not request any additional basketball courts.

The eighth priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to construct one fitness center. The evidence to support this project’s

placement is: A fitness center would give the people an opportunity to exercise indoors

without having to commute to Champaign-Urbana. As was stated in Chapter #5, the

Demand Analysis, for the Village of St. Joseph, which has a population of 2,924 people,

(for further population information see Chapter 3) certain facilities would not be

economical or feasible, according to rural recreation standards. This Village government

can achieve this through the private sector.

The ninth priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to construct one beach volleyball court. The evidence to support this project’s

placement is: St. Joseph’s has no volleyball courts in the community, but according to the

Standard Analysis in Chapter #5 the standard is one. There was no demand in the

Demand Analysis in Chapter #4. As the population gets bigger the need may increase.

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Volleyball is also a popular sport for co-ed recreation. This gives the community an

opportunity in a co-ed format.

The lowest priority for the Village of St. Joseph’s community park and recreation

system is to construct a golf course. The evidence to support this project’s placement is:

A golf course would provide an opportunity for recreation and exercise. But the Demand

Analysis in Chapter #4 reported no demand for a golf course. The Supply Analysis in

Chapter #2 states that the opportunities in the Champaign-Urbana area are adequate.

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Official Comprehensive Plan

for the Village of St. Joseph, Illinois


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Results of Community MAPPING from the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs


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Summary of Community Needs Survey


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Site Design and Plan for A 66-Acre Outdoor Sport Field Complex

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The following is a Site Design and Plan for the Village of St. Joseph, Illinois. It is

a work-in-progress for a proposed 66-acre outdoor sport field complex. This document

will need to be updated by the Citizen Recreation Committee as events occur and

decisions are made in relation to the acquisition and development of this site.

Preliminary landscape architecture work was done by Paul Wiese, a landscape

architect for JJR Smithgroup in Peoria, Illinois.

Preliminary Planning and Research

Community Input/Citizen Involvement

• Public Hearings-The first meeting is schedule for May 8th, 2003 at the St. Joseph Grade School Gym at 6:30 PM. Other opportunities for public input should be made available. • Focus Groups –This avenue for public input can be more manageable and productive. The CRC can first have a Youth Sport Organization focus group. Then a Civic Club focus group can follow. It is also suggested that other focus groups are facilitated by the CRC, such as one for senior citizens. • Telephone Surveys-This can be an effective tool for polling opinions about a public project. • Community Survey - Each youth sport organization was surveyed to discuss the needs of each specific sport. Also, a community needs assessment was distributed to all households in St. Joseph Township. All surveys were collected and carefully looked at before decisions were made on what components of the facility that was needed. • Develop Community Planning Committee – The St. Joseph Citizen Recreation Committee (CRC) and its outdoor sport field complex sub-committee has been developed.

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Preliminary Facility and Site Research

● Research Trends-Further research on past and present activity participation trends. Furthermore, and most importantly, accurate predictions for activity participation need to be made in conjunction with architects, so that a new facility will still be a community asset ten, fifteen, or twenty years down the road. ● List Current Facility Shortcomings-See the Supply Analysis in Chapter #2 and the Standards Analysis in Chapter #5. ● Consult Colleagues-The Village Board and the CRC need to continue to expand their professional relationships for park and recreation development. Attending conferences and workshops related to site design and planning and grant writing are excellent places to network. Furthermore, it is encourage that at least one member of the CRC join the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association. Continued involvement with the Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project will also be helpful. ● Identify and Tour “Model” Facilities at Peer Institutions-At this point in time, the Village of St. Joseph has built a relationship with Mayor Ron Hunt of Villa Grove, Illinois. The CRC is highly encouraged to tour other communities and facilities of similar make-up and size to St. Joseph to gain a better understanding of the site design and planning process. The CRC should tour at least three to five new facilities in rural Illinois communities.

● Goal Development, Develop “POR” (Program of Requirements), Specify Facility Needs and Size of Spaces-This section should be developed based on extensive research in your community (need assessments, public input, focus groups, etc.). Also, your architect can help you scale your “wants” down to your affordable needs. ● Timeline Development-This should be developed once the community fully commits to developing the outdoor sport field complex. ● Develop Rough Budget -The expected installation cost for the outdoor sport complex is $7,309,260. A proposed budget is detailed below.

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The baseball field, football field, practice football fields, and in-line hockey/basketball/parking lot estimates were obtained from Outdoor Recreation Facilities Guide.

The drinking fountain estimate was obtained via the web on Oasis Drinking Fountains. The concession stand estimate was obtained through Paul Wiese's in-class presentation. Phase 1:

Baseball Field (x4)

Seed for Turf $8,000 Infield Mix $9,000 3 Bases + Homeplate $200 Infield Drainage $6,000 Backstop & Fencing $12,500 Sod $32,000

Total Cost Per Field $38,830 Total Cost for 4 Fields $147,320

Football Field (x1)

120 yd x 35 yd

Turf Grass $1,260 2 Goals & 4 Pylons $3,000 Underdrainage $18,000

Total Cost of Field $22,260

Practice Football Fields(x2)

35 yd x 35 yd

Seed per Field $367.50 2 Goals and 4 Pylons $3,000 Assume no Underdrainage $0

Total Cost per Field $3,367.50 Total Cost for 2 Fields $6,735

Roller Hockey/Basketball/Parking Lot

Rink 145x84

Courts 84x50 (2)

Asphalt $77,140 Acrylic Surface $27,405

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Goals (2) $760 each $1,520 Basketball Poles (4) $1,250 each $5,000 Benches (2)_ $565 each $1,130

Total Cost $112,195

Outdoor Drinking Fountains (x5) $900

Total Cost of 5 Drinking Fountains $4,500

Consession Stand/Storage Shed $500,000

Total Cost of Phase 1 $793,010 The playground estimate was obtained via the web on Abernethy Elementary School.

The walking trail estimate was obtained via the web on Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.

Phase 2:

Playground $70,000

Walking Trail $146,250

Total Cost of Phase 2 $216,250

The skatepark estimate was obtained via the web on Skate Park Guide: Never Another Crappy Skate Park.

The community teen center/gymnasium estimate was obtained via the web on

The City of Cedar Hill Recreation Center Information.

Phase 3:

Skatepark $300,000

Community Teen Center/Gymnasium $6,000,000

Total Cost of Phase 3 $6,300,000

Grand Total Estimate $7,309,260

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Planning Team Development

● Select a Consultant-The staff at the Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project can continue to assist on this project at a minimum advisory level to assist the CRC in locating resources. ● Select Architect/Civil Engineer/Hydrology Engineer/Landscape Engineer- Preliminary Selection Occurring - Paul Wiese, of JJR Smith Group, has already given time and resources for initial site design and planning. If the funding for this project comes to fruition, the Village Board and CRC should fully use the architect selection process. Contact the Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project for literature on how to select an architect. ● Select Construction Manager/Finance Bond Consultant/In-House Staff-To be determined by the community of St. Joseph at a later date. ● Evaluate Pro’s & Con’s of Construction Manager vs. General Contractor-Contact the IRRDP for additional literature on this topic. ● Negotiate Contracts and Fees–To be done at a later date by the St. Joseph Village Board if the grant proposal is awarded.

Site Design and Planning

● Programming the Proposed Site-Develop a List of Facility Features To Be Included-

● One 4-plex baseball complex with diamond of 350 feet ● One football field of 50 ft. x 120 ft. ● One storage concession area and bulletin board ● Combine 1 parking lot with 4 basketball hoops and 2 roller hockey nets along with portable skate ramps ● 2 walking trails with a distance to be determined at a later date ● Construct 1 playground ● Construct 1 community center/gymnasium ● Develop a 9 hole golf course.

*Note: Based on continued meetings with the CRC and Youth Sport Organizations and through the feedback from the community needs assessment, this list has changed significantly. The CRC will need to update this section as decisions are made.

● Location -Evaluate all potential available sites

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● Size- 66 acres ● Landscape features – Two wetlands lie in the proposed area. These wetlands may be trouble for the architects but they may also be helpful in terms of irrigation. The Village Board and CRC needs to explore environmental laws related to wetlands. ● Soil Capability & Limitations - ● Vegetation – The proposed 66–acre land is all farmland. ● Existing Constructed Features on Site Including Utilities-The proposed 66–acre area of land as of now is all farmland. ● Existing Transportation Routes and Possible Impacts of Site Traffic – The major transportation route is Interstate 74 and U.S. Route 150. In town traffic, during peak usage time could be a challenging problem to solve. An engineer should study the traffic patterns. ● Existing Neighborhood Land Uses –The grade school borders the proposed sight on the west side of the property, along with a handful of houses. A new church borders the proposed site to the northwest.

● Weather Features –The temperature in central Illinois is cold and winter like (temperatures from 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degrees Fahrenheit) from November through March and warm and summer like (temperatures range from 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) from April through October. ● Flood/Storm Water Management–Drainage system planning will be a major undertaking for this project. ● Mosquitoes, snakes, & other pests – Seasonal mosquito problems depending on the weather and time of year. ● Interesting/unique site features –The two wetlands are unique features of this land that need attention before further site design and planning is carried out. Also, a power transformer site is on the southern edge of the property that needs o be planned around.

● Complete Site Layout Concept Plans (bubble diagrams)/Preliminary Cost Estimates –See initial conceptual designs below that were provided by Paul Wiese of JJR Smithgroup. ● Refine Site Layout Plans/Cost Estimates – Again, the estimated cost of

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installation is $7,309,260. These figures are based on the amount listed in professional magazines, journals, and books from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. An architect should assist your community through this process.

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Map 1-Location Map

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Map 2 - Property Limits

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Map 3- Issues and Opportunities

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Map 4- Alternative A1

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Map 5- Alternative A2

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Map 6 – Alternative B1


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Map 7 – Alternative B2

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Map 8 – Alternative C1

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Map 9 – Alternative C2

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Map 10 – Alternative D

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Map 11 – Alternative E1

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Map 12 – Alternative E2

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List of Authors by Chapter

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The following is a list of authors by chapter. The following people are students in the Spring 2003 class of Leisure Studies 240-Leisure Resources and Facility Management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Chapter #1 Chapter #7 and Appendix D Lauren Gerber Kyle Emkes Brian Mazzoni Lauren Shimmon Melissa Peterson Keri Lockett Erin Brown Jerome Oprondek Brian Dubina Joe Bevis Chapter #2 Chapter #8 Nate Peterson Christian Carson Amanda Beitzel Ladrina Robinson Yong Soon Chang Amer Delic Denise McGrath Brian Coleman Kristin Brouillet Mike Jacobson Chapter #3 Edited by: Aaron Hodges Nathan A. Schaumleffel, MS, CPRP Brad Haywood Instructor, Leisure Studies 240 Jamaal Clark Project Manager, IRRDP Pat Heffernan Eric Malvik Chapter #4 Sarah Madden Brock Atwell Jude LaRose Heather McClean Chapter #5 Kelly Cagney Kristy Devine Cheena Davis Jamie Silverman Washington Hanson Chapter #6 and Appendix D Dusty Bensko Steve Dhom Danny Fletcher Dee Brown Chris Robinson