vim survival guide

The Vim Survival Guide Ben McCormick Windsor Circle Twitter: @ben336 Blog:

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The Vim Survival Guide

Ben McCormickWindsor CircleTwitter: @ben336Blog:

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Who Am I?

• Software Engineer at Windsor Circle• Vim user since 2013• Wrote a series of blogs on Vim in 2014

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So What Is Vim?• Open Source Text editor created in 1991,

based on an earlier text editor (vi) created in 1976 for UNIX

• Terminal based, but can be used in UI• Some variation on it or vi is shipped in ~all

*nix operating systems• Charityware

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So What Is Vim?

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What To Expect• Intro: Context + History• Part 1: Surviving Vim

• Why? • How?

• Part 2: Using Vim• Why?• How?

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation

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Vim’s Reputation: Fair Criticism

• Tough initial learning curve• Truly bad defaults (Bad beginner UX)• Alien for most modern users

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Vim’s Reputation: Myths

• Too old to be relevant• Not really efficient• Tough learning curve lasts forever• Bad (power user) UX

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Editor Wars

• Vi vs Emacs• Many more options now• But Vim stands apart

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vi IDEs

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Vim has different ideas about:

• Shortcut keys• Copy and paste• File system integration / management• Configuration• Keyboard vs mouse use• Naming conventions

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Why use Vim at all?

• Ubiquitous• Many other editors don't run in a terminal

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Surviving Vim: Minimal knowledge

• Vim is a modal editor• Vim has a visual editor and a command

prompt (ex) editor

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What is a modal editor?

• Commands are contextual• Depending on what mode you’re in

different keystrokes do different things

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What is a modal editor?

In this mode, typing `dd`deletes the current line

In this mode, typing `dd`writes out 2 ds

at the start of the line

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Vim Modes

• Normal Mode• Insert Mode• Visual Mode• Others (less important)

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Normal mode• “Normal”• default when Vim is opened• Keystrokes are commands• From other modes use `esc` to switch to

normal mode

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Insert Mode• More normal for modern users• Keystrokes insert text • commands are possible with key

combinations• From normal mode use `i` to switch to

insert mode

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Visual Mode

• For Highlighting/text selection• keystrokes are commands• From normal mode use `v` to switch to

visual mode

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Ex Commands / Command Prompt

• From normal mode `:` to trigger ex commands

• File menu equivalent

• Used for opening, closing files and the editor, find and replace, command line integration, more

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Starting Vim

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Opening Files

• :e/:edit to open a new file• :sp/:split or :vs/:vsplit for opening in a split

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Opening Files

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Closing Files

• :w/:write to save• :q/:quit or :qall/:quitall to quit• :wq to save and quit• :q! to force quit with unsaved changes

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Closing Files

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Navigating Files

• Encourages use of hjkl instead of the arrow keys

• Arrow keys still work• Mouse might or might not work depending

on your environment

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Navigating Files

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Navigating Files

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Vim Survival• Remember that Vim is modal• Insert mode is “normal editing” mode• Normal mode is “command mode”• :w to save, :q to quit, :q! to quit

decisively :)

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• vimtutor•

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Using Vim for real

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Why use Vim over [Sublime/Atom/VS/IntelliJ/XCode/


• A beautiful editing language• Command Line living• Top notch flexibility and configurability

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• Bad defaults• Learning Curve• Low UI polish• Plugin Development

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Vim as language

• Motions: hjkl, w, b• Verbs: d, v

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Vim as language

• dh -> delete one character to the left• dl -> delete one character to the right• dw -> delete to the start of the next word• db -> delete back to the start of the current


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Vim as language

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Vim as language

• More Motions: G/gg, f<char> • More Verbs: gU, c

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Vim as language

• dG - delete everything to the end of the file • gUf. - all-caps to the next `.`• cw - delete to the start of the next word,

and then enter insert mode to replace the text

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Vim as language

• Text objects: iw, i(• Double verbs apply to the whole line

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Vim as language• di( - delete everything inside the current

parens• gUiw - all-caps the current word• dd - delete the current line• cc -delete the current line and move to

insert mode

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Vim as language

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Vim as language

• verb + motion/text object -> action• Each new command you learn works with

existing concepts• Everyone has their own “accent”

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Vim as Language: Repetition

• dot command `.` repeats the previous action (combo of verb and motion/text object)

• You can use plain motions in between

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Vim as Language: Repetition

• dw to delete to the start of the next word• `..` to repeat 2 more times

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Vim as Language: Repetition

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Vim as a modern editor

• Fixing bad defaults comes through configuration in ~/.vimrc file

• Control look and feel, custom commands•

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Vim as a modern editor

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Vim as a modern editor

• Feature parity with other editors comes through plugins

•• Many plugin managers with Github

compatibility (pathogen, vundle, vim-plug)• Plugins are ~100% open source, you can

make your own!

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Vim as a modern editor

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Vim as a modern editor

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Vim as a modern editor

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Vim as a modern editor• Fuzzy-finder• Linting• Git Integration• AutoComplete• Status bars• Command line integration

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• Practical Vim by Drew Neil••


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Vim Language Elsewhere

• Neovim: a rethinking of Vim• Vim modes: Sublime, Atom, IntelliJ, Visual

Studio• Command Line: vim modes for bash, zsh,

fish• Elsewhere: Gmail has vi-inspired shortcuts

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Ben McCormickWindsor CircleTwitter: @ben336Blog: