vin from utah state\vin from utah state...

VOLt;;\IE XXL BO ZEl\1AN, i\IONTANA. T UESDAY . FEBRL'ARY 4, 19:30 NlJ:\lBE R 17 --,----- THREE TIME CHAMPIONS \VIN FROM UTAH STATE I .A . \V. S. :\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State University will speak to the Ai.sociated \Vomen Stud- ents and women members o( the faculty on Friday morning February 7, at 11:00 in the En- gineering Building assembly room. A. \V. S. feels very fortunate in having such a bril- liant and charming speaker as the person outside of the collei?c to address the organiza- GETS . TWO TO UR NIES SP E.\ l\l l\G elimin:.ttions ,, ill bl' m.l le at till· next 111f1;rmal t:'Xtl'nt<10• .. aneot!-. spcakmg tl'yOtll T'' !sl'hedult·cl tl<ottt• for the nl'xl ti out Thur:;<luy c\ ening, 1"t•i ruary 6, at 7:15 in the Littl<! Theatre. .\ll those "ho to purtie;1pate ar<: to haml in thC>1r name to the Ensrli h depa1 tnwnt hy \\ e d n es d a \ mg-ht. Thi:-. i:-. merely a liminury ..:<int.est. ! PLEDGES SELECTED BY PHI KAPP A PHI GROUP F ir:t Ga me 1 hrill er of Seaso n. P ar kinso n , U tah Forwa rd, S hows J U nu sua l A cc u racy in S hootin g Bo th the Confer ence Ser i es Natio nal Scholastic I'ralernib· Ch ooses Ou tsta ndin g St u de n ts of Gra d uating Class THO ;\IPSON. BUZZETTI. WARD. \\' ORTHIN GTO 'STARS C hampi ons hip G ames an d the Int er . s cho las ti c To urnament Will Be laged in Coll ege FOl'H COL L E(;E DEP.\RT:\IE. 'TS Second Game Won By \\'i de :\1 argi n. L as t Te n Minutes of F irst Half Bobca t Outp lay Uta h 30 to 2 tion year. Dm last ,., eek two in- Clapp, who is very pop- ular obn BUniversity campus , At a lengthy joint ill( of th<! to quality of will e m ozeman prima1 ily confetcnce athletic c.. inmission, the Gymnasiutn Sennteen Members Chose n for High Average of Work Done in College Course for the purpose of taking- part ·11 I J ll Thi;! g-cneral subject" hkh h.h n .. rlay, January at. lhl-" Bob a.ts in I uncrnng eye for the baskeL tournament <:om nu e!• uni a<:u ..,. so far is the di,- l sl•c1Jn half s}1<..<t..dy attack and fine floor was t.he great- armament eonferenc:e in Londnn n oH:r l·om111g the strong- Utah Ag-J!le est factor in the l tah ad\·ance.. consented to speak at the A. \ V. Specific topics are as::iigncd ( uch lL.ntel to win 5;{-4-L This victory, Th•• pe-riod was a different s. assembly and her subject )ilslc?day lo ho<lltl Lhotnh.t <: t·onicil'nte participant, ''ho is given .Jn I -Cl' l tlw Bobcats m the for con- t .. \\ .. ith Parkins.on kept under j Serie,., finals. an t e ii::h school h ''" hou1 in which lo p J · The ho11ort11·y sch frall•i nity Phi Kar: pa f> 11, cho!-;en fo1 me111be1 :-:hip the; uppe-r in :istic tatinJ.{ !10111 c h of tht: fuur culltges of the in" 1 /'1J:-, ... uc - t..ty O\\l' its ori}.!"ltl to the ug;!,e tJon or ten member,., of the l·!a:-.s of <tt thl!' l'nher ity ol 2\laine that o.:ome ru.:oμ.nition shcul.I Le made of "' hul- ,ul.r attainments \\ell as athllt1e 11 Acknowled• mg the im11ort- ance of en<:ou1a,,.rin;.; Hhoh1"-'1ip in any line or :study, i1 <le•nocrati all) elects t.1osu st. .... 1.·nt- rankinl! ast1 al:y in tlie upp1::r fifth uf the das::; at the end of :..arN Vf'ars m a f1,ur-year c u1 ,.,C' le ·1 ling" t .. o a b:.ich- tlo1 's Stur lt nts m the variou and ... chools of lii.:eial ell. and "'·it·11ce <.and l •1 an t 1ual fo'Jt- 111'.! in elt ct.ion to 'l he nu niter of charu• ::;. hu .. be •n caic- "ull)- g-1a1ual.y extended until t"ey no\\ numh(•r -t 1 rn,.,titutional ·hapt-tr". an<l one al mm chapte- Tht.·v ar.· widc·lv dhtributei fron C'l'll<l' with four ''ins and gu•trd the old Bob at combination of kelb<tll tournament in H 1 •Zeman_ !l'peech. re c lls n ,. on(> !•. 'Yard. Tl!omri,.,on and 0. 'Var l. be- eel to the women members of 1 he tournament < nmitlee hat! i '----------------! .\.[!g-1<.•s s!artel w1·h u lcnific '.!an to function and the :u.ontuna score the faculty to join the Associ- con::.i e1eJ nwvmg" the intl't- .,., .,. ., 111 ,1 ,,,·uiiieJ an ,., 11 .J,· Jea<I to bei!an to Orland" a. rd was the 1 w S d · 1 s_ o astic meet to one of th<. s(•ve1al ... __ 1 1 h a tee omen tu ents m umr- town:i. th.1 oup.hout the .• a e who ha I A ws Ad held the UJ)lPr hand at half mos.t c01l:s1·t.a.nt Payer o t e _game. inf! Mrs. Clnpp 's address. b . I t ( Jnl". sl.1arp-<ho"\1'n" for- Hcs•J_es k_·ccpmg- _the Bob_ cat:- 111. the Id fo1- it. ]lav1e, Bll in).!'" a11d 0 op ... v ,.. h f t l J r tt I had entered b1d-s. :Stu, ·11ts unu bus1 I i'.\ant t.h(> atta. ·k and C'aJ,?ed seven tunnm,tr lll t e ff!'; pen0<. ie 1 cc ness men. how<Her, exj 1 such a 'if I grals in the f1r"'t half before the I nto thl _scnmd half. rally and '"'trong d<:sne to keep e tuulll\" in Pol n t System 'Re? at 1! 1!'d' could ,.h.,,k hin1. Park- h:irh point n'.an ot the _fray with <I Home . t()tal of 22 pomts.. hvzeman that the offL 1 41 ... in chal'g-..! D:i\ j,.,, the othl't' l't:1h forward an l we1e fcrtC>d to J. ield to h m. ST UD EN T SEN ATE HOLDS M EETING H owland Cheer- l ea d er. Plans for Homecoming to He :\lade. :\e11· Acth ity .System Inaugerated Off1tcrs of the AssociuteJ. Students met m r<:gular at the Alpha Gamma Delta hou1o:e, .\Ionday e-e111ng, anuary 27. In al.'cordance with a ·ustom started som1:;: time aj!o, lunch vas sen e I by the at who:-.c ou:-e the meeting wa:-. held. tram•acted induded the !ect1on of "Buzz·• Ho'' Ian I to suc- <.:eed Art Z10n a:s h:ing-. Zion did iot retui-n to colleg-e the hoh- ay \'acatioH. Howland has sened a::. i sS1!'tant ye:l leader for t\\ o year;-, an has n ex<:eptional ability in thi:- hne of wotk.. He is i::r1aduatc t f the .\bsorokce hig-h ... hool and at tht:" ptcsent time a junil>r in the "'ec- etanal During- hts eolle)!e ( on Page T\\ o J one of the IC>.adinj:!' of the con- In ,·iew of the fact that t.he confer- fe t!l1l'l' rlayPd n \ery creditable J,?ame Week Begl'ns ence we1e playe1, in. the eastern a.nd 1,_·01·11t?<l sn·en fi(>ld J?Oal:s. doing- r.alr o! thl' conferern:e s .. \l'ar it 1:; nl«ht of his st·orin::r in the half. the \Vcste1n half's tu1 r1y 'virtue o:· Befort• rhe main contest the Bobcat t.1-.e alten1aLion 1 >have it th::s rc,.,c.•1\PS ckfeated ;\1ont.ann S<:hool of Annual Gathering \Vhich HC'g; a n year_ It must be i.:.n :er tood that th«> I \l11H:',; ZH-2·1 in a g-ame w'i1ich. fo1 Yesterday to Be Bi ggest in dec1sifln was made und r assumption the nrnst part \\US a bit rat"g"ed an1 Lhat the Bobca.ti:; would w n the wl!s.t- Eac h Gir l Enro ll ed in Sc h oo l S hould Fill Out Ac ti vi ty Bl a nk R ecor d t o B e Tran sferred to For Year Card in Pe r ma ne nt F ile ,Juw Wendt. center, looked His to ry of Colle g e. Wil on et II half cha111pionship. \\'1th Dyche'< 1?00.l for the re--en·es :rnd -=-ank sev- Addr esses Convention tt!am having- won five ut of the six have been plact.d on the c •al p11.:tty one-handeJ tries. while pamc.'.5 have pla)t-1 nl w1Lh all bullt:tin boarcb of 2\It 1 ntana and Jler- Tr1ew rtli· nlavf;>d the the "dope" looking- fa\•o ... lle for them rick halls rc<]UE::-.ting e\'e1y a!'t for the Butte team. That the. Fai:m a_n.d Home \\'eek t\<.re h little doubt but nat thcv will student of the college to fill out a ll- <f'ontinue<l on Page Fou r) p1og1am which is bemg sponsored by Le c:.cnten let:-. for t nfetl'n<:J ity blanks for the fall quartt:r. 1s, the :\lonlana State college will be the championship. I quarter . Eve1y woman stud!.!nt I best ever given is the cunent opinion. ·•\"Vith a thance to i:-.or a confer- must comply with this 1u1u1st M S C RIFLE TEAM Is judging from the splendid it re- cnce sei ies that b a'"'su ied of finun- \'Vhether she has any or not, ceive l yt.sterday. The prog-ram::s will dal it would bt> ft \ly to allo\\ e is other to be contimc throughout this week ending it to be taken fron u"''. ::;aid :\ Lr. f1om t.he blanks be::.hles a re<'- FOURTH IN CONTEST atmdav. Swing'I<. , chairman oft 1 conferenre lord .. or Blanks arc in · .:\lany · nationally known lecturers 1 ommilu .. e when he ann unceJ the Ce- Reg'lstrar s 0111<:e an 1 m upon farm and home subjects are in of that o•:-.=cill',., offict!. filled out in Holst, Beg inner, Is Hi gh Point Bozeman lo gwe informatio•1 and pre- the Registra1 ',office should be placed sent new ideas on home and agricu l- LAST .. OTH E in the )lontnnan hox next lo the ::\1an of Team. Cornell Places tuial econonucs. The dothing- :\Iontanan office doo1 in ::\lontana hall. Ohio Second Oregon from the Co lorado and Utah Ex- fl eg inning \\'ednesda), Jan uary E'cryone should have tended to this · . ' ' . I tension Services, l\frs. Blanl.'he E. ?t) II I k · ti '1" I k matter befo1"• the en,1 of this week. .S t ate Thll'd . Idaho I. Fift h lly<le and Mrs. Afton O'Dell, will tell c . . a oc ·crH m '" .... oc e r < of the results of Se\era) of their sue- room tha t ar e occupied and not Thb J::; the fir .. t ::--tep in carrymj? out ThC' Bub1.:at. rifle . competmg ('Xpcrime::nts the program of t..he A_ ·w. S. point lainP to <'aliiu1 ;na and fru111 ·wa ... h- nt!t n to Florida. The. fundamental J'UI f of thr icty b to p101l11Jt hv a1 I• l cirrying- ou this pur- LARGE CROWD HEARS SPEAKER AT ASSEMBLY William Terry . Edito r of th e League of lions Chron icle, Def in es Ge n eral Idea of th e Le ag ue and It s \York to • ' tude nt s \\ith ,.,ome of the best tenms in the 1 hursday. Amonj?" Lhe other people of that change i t he •· ;\I .. li-arter,nL"- country, suctee<led in capturmg fourth note who will assist with pro- loc ker rQOm \\ ill he ac-- 11r. v:.L. ... 1.1 Te I\'. L i •1 o e } l.:<:c 1:1 tl-:.eir fu-st shoot ot tht: year. 81 <' \V A. Schoenfelrl, re1>re- cord >ng l,. a tivitit:s on tht ce blank ... accumu- \ u' -· ; ; 1 <"hr, n ,., l- 1 111 whkh C'otnell U got fir:st place of the Federal Fatm Board; -The ";\1 " (' luh. l:i.ted for eal·h woman "ill be b 1dy Thl' la \\Ith a h1gh score of 363!3 Ohio lJ. !Cuit1s L. Mosher, federa l r'<.:sene 1' --- I fctJ'ld to an official !our-yea1 point 2\lr. fen) tnnll TA ,£0 As fe-con.d with a Sl'ore of 3603; Or(gon ag-ent,_ Davison of the Nationa l "ard, one for each woman to F.u1_u1e an<l_1s an authotlt\· (ll n 1- State 3rd with 3571, Montana St.ate l Light association; . w. B. NG s pl EOG E 0 serve a. permanent activitv record . national ln In-;_ talk tohl 4th \\ ith and U. of I fa ho 5th )fern.hardt, superyisor ref11gerator \\'hen she g-iruluates or lcavCs hoo! . ll yew I foas a'1ou.t }Jfo He ·_ 1 ,, ith a :;coie of 3396. Strvice; Hood, stat this four-vc:.:r ca id \\ill be f.led ,, ht:li> Ii\ sa) my ht! \\oultln t tell The team shooting- very much of music: Dr. M:aBellc b · . 1 b . 1 i ril·,,· 11.!t lw u-..urpt.>d all hd1ef,., f 0 A R A 0 5 f N EW M EM B ER C it o t ,:';,1 I\. m the C'Orps aie a mateh that will of the "1 the pomt cummitte, ,n' to t'."le of t'ie ,, 0 "Jc -stai t 1o:oon. 1n ..... om petition \\ ith teams Several mterestmg enteruunments U follow statement: :·Plea--e tun1 He took his lbtenus back to the of Sl.'hoob of own size the team have been arranged. The most con- ___ In _your actr\'lt\· 1mme ,1atf>ly I rim<' of King Tut when oil lamp:-- \\(>l"C' Han sen, Dra mati c Di rec to1' of Co ll ege, M akes Ca reful Sel- ec ti on of P layers fo r Coming P rodu ct io n . Costume Com - pleted sho\\" superioritv. as was sho,vn by spicuous of these will be the annual I It l" the mte1e.;;.t and co- usPd and how Lh<'Y 11er"'isted until nnt their 40 point leac.l 0 ,·er the u. of "Fun Feed" at. the Hot l Baxter ew Custom Began By An- (Jperat1on of e:very woman on tht' cam .... o long- ago when sdison inventeJ the Idaho in the la"'t meet. This week the Wednesday evening-. and the annual nounc in g 8 elections at Dance. pns that sdstem can be l'lednl' one. ThE.'re \\as ,·ery little team has ag-ain raised the !:'Core whi h banquet of the .MC?nt.ana Potato Im- . . . , t."'tft:>ctively and succc:-;..:: .. fl(hance until sevrial year::. ago wh u shc..ul<l. plac(' the team well in this pro.ement Thursday. The Af fa u ls \\ ell .. \ ttended. tblly. th1.: automoi ile. rlHlio. aerop;am· C't , week's meet. The team is in competi - Bu .. dget Sty!i;: . Show. besides :\0 fl CE \\'O:\IE)?" ! \'ere introdul:l'rl then the su i len t;on with the U. of Cmci.nnati. lJ _ of b.emg ei:tcrtammg, will pro\e edu a- The f11:-.t annual Fang-Pledge dance t hang-e LruuJ!ht about a nr•\\. world pose the 'adous c ha t er s adopted different methods. The :.ton- lana State Coileg-e chapter award:;; t the tu .ent ha,ing thL hi;{hes.t sc. ol- a!'t ic.· iatinl!' in the ,g-1 a.Ju.iting clas .t standard baclg-t" ol th<! f1ate1111 Es1 cc1al re oznition is P-h-cn to tne upper tenth ... elected at this time. .\L some time in the nlar iuturr the sec- ond will he arul a i:.irrnal imt1ation v.ill be held Ior both p-.. Those e ec:ted from the i.: pper tenth are: I Con in1t('o(l on Page Twol "QUEEN HIGH" IS LOOTE RS' COMEDY George DaHnpor t W ill Direct Annual )lusica l P rodu ct io n. Ten ;\lembers in Cast. Can di - dates for Manage rs Wan ted "Quetn High", a hilarious farce omed; which ha::- 1 ecf;!ntly tem1inatel' a long run on Broadway· \\ill be pre· ented at the El•en theatre )larch 10 and 11 by the Lootc. rs accordmg tc an announcement made by that organ- ization yester<lay. In pres.enting a hading- . · ew York musical comedy the Looters are folio\\ ing a pohcy Rel' S£"\'eral years ago and chma..xed in )ast y<.ar's "Sally.'' 'With "Queen High" teing presente:I t•a1 ly next month a call for try- f)Ut" has been issued by Director Geo C. Davenport. All pe[sons interested 11,_ req.e .. ted to see ;\lr. Davenport at the Courier buildmg- on '\lain street this ( afternoon and .. da\ afternoon . - (Continued on Page Two) WITH OTHER W. F. Brewe r, Mont ana Debate Coach, Plans Debates W it h lolorado and ebrask a Sta te Int e r- U tah, \''a,.hin!!tc1 anJ U. of \Vyoming- this be held at the Hotel Baxter held in the gymnasium last Friday The younc-er generation hari nothing :\Ir. Bert Hansen has appa1ently h h held at Hcr1ick e\ening. Jll"O\'ed a big Al- b: ... to do with thi::; chnngc and contrar)· Debates w1th in t:'tah. laken the old motto, "A cham is no k erH las. behn shme /inds t hail .... the engine:ring building of though it did not begm till quite late \\ill be p;h \It all da) Saturd.l) for to all bf.'liefs they will have noth!nt!' Colorndo and . · cb1 aska are being !-;tronger than its weake::t linku vCTY wee·. C 0 w do s. ot ast wee ::\Iontana St.ate C'olleg in the evenintr, it \\RS well attended, th e IJenefit of tho»e \ \ho "'h .. h to to do ''ith the next for there will he contemplat<d by :\Ir. Brewer, J.lontana nuch W hC>a1 t juciging- from the care ( onlmue on P aee l'wv l .. fir;t g-eneral a:;embl \\rill be and everyone appean-d to ha\'e a very t ake a d' nntage of thi;;; no great advance for many renturies. Stale d-bate coach. The purpose of rnd gooJ judg-ment he has shown in held night. Februar);· 3, when enjoyable tune. This dance now pro- itv (Continued on Pai.;e Two) these out of :::.tate debates is to a1- he c:elect1on of his e;ast for ·'1\Iary Razz -Sheet tO M. L. 'Wilson 1 ag-ricultma l economist mi::.cs lo become 311 annual affair and \\ill be the Ja:-.t in:: .. truction ran:.?e a ::.chcmle of contests for the o:-e" by BaITte, which i:-; to be pro- at Montana State college j?"ives an ii- will lake its pla1,_·e along with other that ':-. to be ght:n to 1>re- Da rro ts WL'll l.o lffi:-. en 1 oute to and from the ;\a- u t.·J soo. The followrng J eople han: lu:;trated lecture on R ussia and the traditions on the campus. ceding the tournament, ,\ hich bf."- .r 1 t1cnal Forensic Tournament of P1 een to take patt in the pro- Be Dub/l'shed world's wheat supply. Other general The big- C'\Cnt of the eveni ng gins Fehruar) 17. Old timer:-. h.ap1a Delta. national honorary de- luction: .l assemblies of the week w 1 JI be held the announ('ement 01 the new Fang a:--kcd 10 bt.• any ume p t Pl iate fraternity. at \Yitchita, -iar1y _ .Rudolph Davidson ___ at 11:00 a. m., on \Vednes- pledges. This )Car one man repre- Saturdav mo1nintr from 7 to l ::! resen ay \larch 31 to April ·L 1't1ary Rose Elsa Hendrickson I day, Thursda\- an1 Friday_ At the each fraternity, and two in- a. m. ".hi le the nO\iccs arl to be 1 e first formal tryout for the de- :-limon Chbter Htntly Lo ca I Honorary Journal istic Tvesdny a:::.<>embly Charles· E .. H earst, dependent members \\ere pledged. gin.:n instruction from 1l o:l 1 >. m. bate team will be in the t•ontegt with ,Ir_ :\Ioreland _ .Fred Bennion Frater nit \Viii Publish S can- of the. Iowa Fa 1 m bureau. Each man \\as c:a1ctally selected on Ste" art nnd the managC>rs- ul\Hss Lulu BetC' Is Title to Be- tl.L· :\Iontana. School of :\lines 1 which lt:s. liloreland L.J1a Br0\\11 , will discuss t:;ixat1on and Mrs. ]. E. O. his general ability and character . Al- at- large " ill be in tharge. Th:"i:i will takt place within the next ten Ir. Amy Saxon dal of Campus Soon. Pledges (Cont inued fr om Page Two ) though all those " 10 deserve this is th e last cha"'e. Hel d a t Ellen Febr u ary 61h. <ays, the date not being definitely Otery .. . ... )label Smith to Be Announced in Near honor could not reee ·e it. those who Excellent Ca t sett e'. .. Henry Helland F , were selctted are \\ 11 \\Orthy of it The of the debate have not Every one of them are mteipreting uture Agents "§"o See and fiom appNlrUllCO Wi ll be Merc er Lr eads been decided as yet, bu the Untative heir so well that they seem I --- I j j <"arry on the \\eirk o the org-a111zat1on ··)I1ss I r tt" ha,., been selected program incL<les the con- n<..eed to form in<l1_v1dual links of a p 1 Delta, local honorary Journalistic I ma \ery worth \\ht ma nner . 01 th<' pbv \\h1.:h \\1 l be presented tC> ... ts for the \"fU'$it) tl'ams; l.Jniver- e1fl t cham. Their paris seem al- fiaternity, organized at Montmrn Demonstrat•on The ple<l!(cs SC ted from the c t Agents "' the Elen 11kat1, b; the P.irrot• .int\·nf)!ontanain)lay;Sta:eShool nest to be made to O!der for them. State College last. hel<l a meet.- " I freshman tlas'-' at Alpha Gamma 0 u n y oi the ( oun ). :sct10ol n ni' in FC>hn1aiy; Inte1;i1ountain of them have had previous mg- rn the Exponent. off ide on., \Vednes- __ Rho. Challc:::. Blakl·h, Butte , __ I the llllh nf Fl•l u ti . 1t ts a l'nion Colletre, at Rozemani "2\Iount St. on _the Besides. their day, January 29, for the puq>Os.e oft , , . , . es Gannawn)., ltarlem, Bc_ta Ep-, ., . ('umcJy of .. \na•n .rn hit· \\h1l·h found ChnrJ1,_" Colleg-e; Eastern 1d admg- and rntl1pretat10n of , 111 akin¥".preliminar}: atrangcments ro, Teac her s lhroughout s1lon : Raymond Ill on, Forsy th .i\lan .. Cho::,e n to_ sue m tht> thlJ. tollt)\\ nu Xormal: and Xo1th Dakota State hc.11 p !rts. e.ach and e\'cry one of the edit 1 n!r of the fu-st annu 1 l scanda l S hown New l\1ethods in Th e ir Delta Tau: Donal I Asbu1 y, \iow St ate_ w 1 de fu 1 n·cntation at the Ud.1101h f Jllf"goe at F-1rzo; a tflnta.ti'e du(1l h<.·m Js strl\ msr to take . off rough sheet. The ejiting of thb publication \' ' k B E t . S . l- Agency; Sig, Joh n Kaiser- Cl k. El t d . • ... ·_ •hcatr1... '\ ork UJlli al o ''on 1 .l' reunent with Brig-ham Young Uni- so commonl:i; found m amateur i-= to be one of the annual nrojects of tOr Y X ens1on pecia man, Linn1;:;ston: Omega BC>ta: ar son ec e ne prest Pulnzer diama prizl for vrt ity. one 2t Provo }ro<luc:tion. ..- by working for ea"e and the fraternity_ i ts. Re pr es e nt at ion Co vers E1 nest Alcx<i.nder, North Da- dent an d Cameron Is Sec'y- Lu'.u Bl'tt. Utt ... ubmc-rged eldt·r and the other nt Bozeman: and of mo\ement on the st.age, Tht• ptoposecl razz-sheet will be Stat e kota: Pi Kappa Alph James Waters. Treas '" h, kno., on:\- tl-:.t· drud:...ery or hl·1· anoth1:r tentath·e arrang-cment with l promi_,t seizure of eues, and esped- printed on daik yellow paper with .-\naceinda; Sigma \l pha Epsilon: · othl'r-in-1.rn'; ho .. .\u!...o·t:rna Colege Inst of :\lan.·h tlly they are stl'!\·int? to cultivate their ordinary eight. point open type. I , --. - Ells\\orth Hasting., Sitrmu ll'.- Eli"'.abl'th Dt!Frate. lrnt D aeon. ,et Sioux Falb. South Dakota. ·peec-h th·it_ 1t will be correct and E\'cry profes!'ior, sorc:.rity fraternity r he annuaJ meeting of t.he Chi: Stotkton VcaZl' , But t e: and the RH1J;h D. :\le11,_e1-. of was t,'ut· 's sister ''ho attempts T\\o unde,..,lass s1.::hel- >O t?at th<.y '\Ill be heard at and as many other individuals as agents a nd the home dc: monst r nt1on two indcpt•mlcnt men .1re : Halph Lund ckcted pres1cient of the St.ate t flattlr hl•r hu:-.ban l, ulNI, one \dth the '\Iontana State >f _ tne aurhtcirmm. In connection with possible will come in for their shaie agents was held here dur111g t he past Shelhy; and Lloyd re, Au;.:ru8ta. ...:intion lou11ty Ag•.:nb at n bust- l>"ie:M, rla,·e.I by K:1 l'nin_•rs;ty :rnd a dual contest of li1s. 2\1:. ::iays, "There is. one of bv capable ''mud-:-ling-- week. Each peoplt: pj,e :-ophnnHH<: m also be.en lit.:'" M':-.1o:u,n htld at .lontana Dwight Dta•«lll, ... a11.:a!'l-ti(· sl•lfi h fre .. hmen .and <>oahomorcs with the 11gh_t of e\·ery audience ers". The !-\el"\'ices of expert caitoon- conferences w1th_extens10n pledged tins yl'al' fill \'acanc1ei> State college. Hohl'rt ·clark:son, of i, madP a H»il l'hatar.:te b' Ll•,.,lic State Xormal College at Dillon. mcl th::it is thetr nf!ht to iRts have already been arquired to adc.l to get sug1?esS1?ns and make their tauscd ii) nll·ll1Ll·l who have left Chott:"au, \\as c 1 tcte-d vi1..:e I :.\Ioore l.:'nart...:: thC- ro'e of .:\1r Brt.mer hope,.;, to de\elop \'Ord spok<!n on tht stag': · r 1 ght lo the effectiveness of the publication. for the Jn sc:ho(Jl. fiwsc uu·ii ure: Hugh Fort- and IL E. Camt.·ron, of Great Falls, tht· "harp, qut•li.llous !!'Ian lmothll'. tPam<> to Lake part in the ::;e,eral con- one of tht:: first I Pledge-s of Pi Delta, who will be th!'> way. they gam on ner, Alpha Gamnw Rho; Raymon<! sc:crC'tai)-trcast.1er. R E. Bodky, of .\II n S h":1rt1 the r:ut o" tests. ·ons1 e1 m the _selection of my casts chosen soon, will .listribt.te the publi- new projects an d ,·anous Hi•ta Ep,., 1 h n; H arold Han- Bozeman, r<•til·inv pn•sidcnt of the :\:inian D1..a ( n 1 I ulu' .... hu .. ba11d and ln all ol the dtbate.,. arrang-ed. L ncl .+-he pro l .. c:t1on of my plays." ation in two or three weeks. for the pieces of work w hich they \vi1J !'Oil, f'igma Alpha Eii,ilon; JaC'k Bart- assotiation, we I come tl thL• new I l onti11UL'tl on rag-e 'l'\\o) (C-Ontinued on page Two) t:o. SomQ of the sess ions wel'e held (Continued on P1:tge Two) officers . R d C R l jointlv with the ah11; cultu ral agents \\'ith tht• ,'I county agents vf t11•• e ross epresentative Gives the and spcar:ite meetings <le- SENIORS H AVE WELL ,[ate in !J,,zcman an I nine home vot(' 1 tc, home demonstrni1011 and U1,_ monsti a lion thl' crganiia- Dr. Harrison E. H owe Will Lecture To Bo z eman Clubs on February Sixth £ x amine r S Tests Ti L ·r S manal!ement. The top1.s of cloth ing lion has held a number of bu<y ><'•· 0 lTe avers foo<ls and nutrition were discus..1'ied i1 1 ATTE NDED MEETING !'\OnS the week. Disni... .. ion saw b1eat acti\'ity in the An examiner's hadg-e entitles the ·'"1!11m111g r>OOI at the gym- holde1· to act as a life-guard give ia!';1um. :\fr; Campbell who was sent j R(: !. C.Yoss examinations or in- 1ut _by the :\:at1onal Red Cross organ- stiuctions in that lotalfty to which zat1on and wh<? _;.rave tests for the it b bsmd. Jn order to Pass t he ex- -._rp<>se of obta.tmng- a red cross life aniinalion, one must be thoroughly emblem on Januar.y 21 t.o ?3 1 skilled in the three appro.:iches. in- t to Bozeman to give cxamm- duding- the un<lC'rwater app1·oach in ·r svw"': 5 ·. _ b1eaking any holl t.hat a drowning E e_t"\ Llle )\al1onal Red Cross rerson may get a rescuer, and in sav - sends out somtone to inK the person b\• mtans of the head 1ve tests througohout .the coun- arms, hair, or tros-; chest '"l.rries on rv .. lt ts a very worthwhile under- thcv ha'e sur edecl in g-etting the vic- akn:irr a.s many persons are able to time under their control. Other very 1-ruard _ to that they I impor tant of thr examiner 's : 1 e capable m time of need to act as lest include the ability of teach in* ife savers . (Contin ued on Paire Two} :-r. round Wble fa!->hion .. The slalo home of work in the nniou::; countil•s. and c onomiec;;. presented their cum of iesults in CY- Ir .. Ha11. \lTI fi •. lh"t of Washing-. six n•onth::- 1wrio an I dt·stl'O)mg prog-rams of work. and the ageft1 Th I l'\.!Cnin Jl Dulll llnm1l I t.·rimental adiYities occupied U1c nt- trn. n. ('. will bt." in Bnz.eman or (.•:--tabli:-:.h('o indu .. trit•,., in ('\·('n s.horter ... ouf ton's at !) :IJ') >. m., a ..::enior lt ntion of the \ 1sili11g- <:ount) . Thm 1 \•h1 U<ll'\ ti, for a \1f l•l I iods. lfo is editor of Jw.kstrial nm' n 11 " " I I Th ·11 t' t h J! I wns il·l tn1 es H"' fol:ows: En1.dnecrinz Cht mis try anti Ditector the re:-;ic.JC'nt and research home eco- which \\as ·II atende<' wa-4 1 rt_Y con 0 1 1 ( l' n. t (' 0 1\ 1 '!e a""l'mbh· a. m of thf' Chem1L·al ... .. t: ·S1,_"c.•n l' in U11· '.'\ •• ,, c ump(•titi11n." lll• b autho1 or e<lito1 "' wetc dbtuss<.d us the disposal o[ Jlany o1 the o nL!lllt-. \\Jll l'l' 2 . . \ 1t-"l.1n (hnnit:il S <-"•·•v ot u numti..•r of books on Indushiul eontr ibvtions to the program. om the .Junior mai•l ll\Cl" in lli>n•man to att1•ml the p. 111.. t'hlmi .... try hllildinr:. main h·ct C" 1 1(nti<:trv. Hi ll·l·ttn·t:>s :ire very Th 1 e ·'t.alem 1 o 1 n"L.1ationf tch SU,i!J!C'Stions rl'c of tht• F' .. nm .rnd llo111c ui • r1'ol'l. •"fhl p ll't.• of "ch.·m·c in \\1dt.·lv knO\\n thH..lughout tht C't"'tl'rti a.g-en s ''e re ere.. e" o , . h. f . lorhl ,. eek Intt•i P:sl 111 the mcl'lml!s to be F.du<'ation". whe1 r hf' i-. hailld n" the Slll'- Daniels Rheridan .. and Roosevelt l'011n- t r monl . 01 a 111 5' 11 •• .thi:-; \\l•fk and Llie subjl'dS to u;mll'l' \kPtiJll?' llnll (.'('-:sor to the<.• Dr. E. E. ' 1 o"'"'on. Albertn Coleman of Fa11on I Ill the g:in b semoi be li ·t•us .. l'' . 11 :c, con--idcl'l"l \a)ual>h• ·Th(" Ro! 1 f t hemblry in Int<'nla _ .. t) che•ni. t i1o: l t'ltl 1 r qualified than <'Ountv ; Mary Ebersole of Ferg-us an1l or . 1 ,.,:: 1 e to · l'xl nshin \\Orkers. 1 ... 1 ,t tionnl Re-lnlion"" nr. Ho\\l' to '-peak of the. l'l"i;' count.Vi Gl:ace F inucane of Wi!l .C!' .-, t I C\ enin'! the t'onnty ng-ents DI'. How<' i."' th1.:. ... t a1h·nnye" of their .s1gn!r.1.c <'nuntv; eva Woods of Lewis nnd <.omm.tmg of. .• ig cN.Tc . l h lei th •i. ·rnnunl b·rnquct ·rnd dancP ma.n for n a rap1dlv chang- Pm·P m cn1r <:han':!'lnl? mdustnil cn1l Clnr k countv: Clara Dllgan , Richland I Gardner \Ya1te. hC"rnice. _ 0 \ri: 3 11 < th \\US a jingo ci\'illzation whne ... ci- ization. His at•a.dl•mie training- wao.: count v. C'ar ki ll of Rosebud Et ni_a Monroe. was. appomte< 0 Ill - event: en:e is crcatinl? new inJustries in u I (Continued on Page Two ) (Continued on Pa ge Two) vesttga te tht situa!ton.

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Page 1: VIN FROM UTAH STATE\VIN FROM UTAH STATE I .A . \V . S. :\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State

~xpon~nt VOLt;;\IE XXL BOZEl\1AN, i\IONTANA. T UESDAY. FEBRL'ARY 4, 19:30 NlJ:\lBER 17



.A . \V. S.

:\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State University will speak to the Ai.sociated \Vomen Stud­ents and women members o( the faculty on Friday morning February 7, at 11:00 in the En­gineering Building assembly room. A. \V. S. feels very fortunate in having such a bril­liant and charming speaker as the fir~t person outside of the collei?c to address the organiza-


S PE.\ l\l l\G

~o elimin:.ttions ,, ill bl' m.l le at till· next 111f1;rmal t:'Xtl'nt<10• ..

aneot!-. spcakmg tl'yOtll T'' !sl'hedult·cl tl<ottt• for the nl'xl ti out i~ Thur:;<luy c\ ening, 1"t•i ruary 6, at 7:15 in the Littl<! Theatre. .\ll those "ho de~irc to purtie;1pate ar<: uxk~d to haml in thC>1r name to the Ensrli h depa1 tnwnt hy \\ e d n es d a \ mg-ht. Thi:-. i:-. merely a pn~ liminury ..:<int.est.


PHI KAPP A PHI GROUP F ir:t Ga m e 1 hrill er of Season . P arkinson , U tah Forwa rd, S hows J

U nusua l A cc u racy in S hootin g B o th the Confe rence Ser ies Nationa l Honorar~ Scholastic I'ralernib· C h ooses O u tstandin g

Stu den ts of Grad uating Class •


C hampio ns hip Games an d the Inte r . s cholasti c Tourname n t Will Be laged in Coll ege FOl'H COL L E(;E DEP.\RT:\IE. 'TS REPRESE~~TED

Second Game W o n By \\'i de :\1 argin . L ast Ten Minutes of F irst Half Bobcat Outplay Utah 30 t o 2

tion thi~ year. Dm in~ th~ last ,., eek two in-~lrs. Clapp, who is very pop- ~,~/t~rn,!e 1~~7:~~~~if~ie~; ~~;~~~~-t~i~

ular obn ~he BUniversity campus, At a lengthy joint ill( etm~ of th<! to quality of spcec:hc~ pre~ent<>J. will e m ozeman prima1 ily confetcnce athletic c .. inmission, the

Gymnasiutn Sennteen Members Chose n for High Average of Work Don e in College Course

for the purpose of taking- part ·11 I J ll Thi;! g-cneral subject" hkh h.h f· n .. rlay, January at. lhl-" Bob a.ts in I in~on's uncrnng eye for the baskeL tournament <:om nu e!• uni a<:u ..,. l~een discu~scd so far is the di,-l sl•c1Jn half s}1<..<t..dy attack succeed~d and ~1~ fine floor ,~·ork was t.he great- ~~-a~~~ ~:(n~h~Io~~~ \~,~~:io~~f; ~~~~bl~~~u b~~ 1 :~~~n~11,c 1:t a,~~l:i s~~~r~;d armament eonferenc:e in Londnn n oH:r l·om111g the strong- Utah Ag-J!le est factor in the l tah ad\·ance.. consented to speak at the A. \V. Specific topics are as::iigncd ( uch lL.ntel to win 5;{-4-L This victory, Th•• :--e~:on<l pe-riod was a different s. assembly and her subject )ilslc?day lo ho<lltl Lhotnh.t <: t·onicil'nte participant, ''ho is given .Jn I -Cl' l tlw Bobcats m the l~ad for con- t .. to·~. \\ .. ith Parkins.on kept under j Serie,., finals. an t e ii::h school h ''" hou1 in which lo p p~u J ·

The ho11ort11·y sch la1~hh frall•i nity Phi Kar: pa f> 11, ha~ cho!-;en fo1 me111be1 :-:hip the; uppe-r t~nth in ~ehol­:istic tatinJ.{ !10111 c h of tht: fuur culltges of the in" 1 /'1J:-, ... uc -t..ty O\\l' its ori}.!"ltl to the ug;!,e tJon or ten member,., of the l·!a:-.s of 1~.1i <tt thl!' l'nher ity ol 2\laine that o.:ome ru.:oµ.nition shcul.I Le made of "' hul­,ul.r attainments a~ \\ell as athllt1e 11 nw~~s. Acknowled• mg the im11ort­ance of en<:ou1a,,.rin;.; Hhoh1"-'1ip in any line or :study, i1 <le•nocrati all) elects t.1osu st. .... 1.·nt- rankinl! ~l·hol­ast1 al:y in tlie upp1::r fifth uf the das::; at the end of :..arN Vf'ars m a f1,ur-year c u1 ,.,C' le ·1 ling" t .. o a b:.ich­tlo1 's e~rN•. Stur lt nts m the variou 1,_ol1eg-e~ and ... chools of lii.:eial ell.

and "'·it·11ce <.and l •1 an t 1ual fo'Jt-111'.! in elt ct.ion to mtmbcr~hip. 'l he nu niter of charu• ::;. hu .. be •n caic­"ull)- ~rnd g-1a1ual.y extended until t"ey no\\ numh(•r -t 1 rn,.,titutional ·hapt-tr". an<l one al mm chapte­Tht.·v ar.· widc·lv dhtributei fron

C'l'll<l' hono1~ with four ''ins and gu•trd the old Bob at combination of wi~ ~o~·c;~;{1m;;~~ti:ilnisA~;~~~1~·~ kelb<tll tournament in H1•Zeman_ !l'peech. re c lls n ,. on(> lo~-- !•. 'Yard. Tl!omri,.,on and 0. 'Var l. be- eel to the women members of 1 he tournament < nmitlee hat! i '----------------! ,-~ · ;iti .\.[!g-1<.•s s!artel w1·h u lcnific '.!an to function and the :u.ontuna score the faculty to join the Associ- se1h·iolu~ly con::.i e1eJ nwvmg" the intl't-

.,., .,. .,111

,1 ,,,·uiiieJ an ,.,11

.J,· Jea<I to bei!an to ~well. Orland" a. rd was the 1 w S d · 1 s_ o astic meet to one of th<. s(•ve1al ~ ... __ ~... 1 1 h a tee omen tu ents m umr- town:i. th.1 oup.hout the .• a e who ha I A ws Ad held the UJ)lPr hand 2fi-~0 at half mos.t c01l:s1·t.a.nt Payer o t e _game. inf! Mrs. Clnpp's address. b . I t ( Jnl". Pa1kin~.on. sl.1arp-<ho"\1'n" for- Hcs•J_es k_·ccpmg- _the Bob_ cat:- 111. the Id fo1- it. ]lav1e, Bll in).!'" a11d lie::len~L 0 op ... v ,.. h f t l J r tt I had entered b1d-s. :Stu, ·11ts unu bus1 I i'.\ant h~d t.h(> atta. ·k and C'aJ,?ed seven tunnm,tr lll t e ff!'; pen0<. ie 1 cc ness men. how<Her, exj 1 such a •

'if I grals in the f1r"'t half before the I nto thl _scnmd half. rally and (.m~rg~ '"'trong d<:sne to keep e tuulll\" in Pol n t System 'Re? at 1! 1!'d' could ,.h.,,k hin1. Park- h:irh point n'.an ot the _fray with <I ~arm Home . t()tal of 22 pomts.. hvzeman that the offL 141 ... in chal'g-..! D:i\ j,.,, the othl't' l't:1h forward an l we1e fcrtC>d to J. ield to h m.


H owland ~lected Cheer-lead er. Plans for Homecoming t o He :\lade. :\e11· Acth ity .System Inaugerated

Off1tcrs of the AssociuteJ. Students met m r<:gular ~ession at the Alpha Gamma Delta hou1o:e, .\Ionday e-e111ng, anuary 27. In al.'cordance with a

·ustom started som1:;: time aj!o, lunch vas sen e I by the frat~rnity at who:-.c ou:-e the meeting wa:-. held. Bu~mess tram•acted induded the

!ect1on of "Buzz·• Ho'' Ian I to suc­<.:eed Art Z10n a:s ~t.ll h:ing-. Zion did iot retui-n to colleg-e the hoh­ay \'acatioH. Howland has sened a::.

i sS1!'tant ye:l leader for t\\ o year;-, an has :-;ho\~ n ex<:eptional ability in thi:- hne of wotk.. He is ~1 i::r1aduatc t f the .\bsorokce hig-h ... hool and at tht:" ptcsent time a junil>r in the "'ec­etanal ~our:se. During- hts eolle)!e

( CA>ntinu.~ on Page T\\ o J

one of the IC>.adinj:!' "core1~ of the con- In ,·iew of the fact that t.he confer-fe t!l1l'l' rlayPd n \ery creditable J,?ame Week Begl'ns ence ~eru..-~ we1e playe1, in. the eastern a.nd 1,_·01·11t?<l sn·en fi(>ld J?Oal:s. doing- r.alr o! thl' conferern:e s .. \l'ar it 1:; nl«ht of his st·orin::r in the ~econd half. the \Vcste1n half's tu1 r1y 'virtue o:·

Befort• rhe main contest the Bobcat t.1-.e alten1aLion ~y~t.em 1 >have it th::s rc,.,c.•1\PS ckfeated ;\1ont.ann S<:hool of Annual Ga t hering \Vhich HC'g;a n year_ It must be i.:.n :er tood that th«> I \l11H:',; ZH-2·1 in a g-ame w'i1ich. fo1 Yesterda y to Be Biggest in dec1sifln was made und r assumption the nrnst part \\US a bit rat"g"ed an1 Lhat the Bobca.ti:; would w n the wl!s.t-

Eac h Girl Enro ll ed in Sch oo l S houl d Fill O u t Ac tiv i ty Bla nk R ecord t o B e Transferred t o F o r Year Card in Per man e nt F ile

,Juw Wendt. center, looked His tor y of Colleg e. Wil on et II half cha111pionship. \\'1th Dyche'< 1?00.l for the re--en·es :rnd -=-ank sev- Addresses Conven tion tt!am having- won five ut of the six :\ot1ce~ have been plact.d on the c •al p11.:tty one-handeJ tries. while pamc.'.5 lhr>~· have pla)t-1 nl w1Lh all bullt:tin boarcb of 2\It1ntana and Jler-Tr1ew rtli· nlavf;>d the mo~t ('On~i~t- the "dope" looking- fa\•o ... lle for them rick halls rc<]UE::-.ting e\'e1y \\om~m a!'t ~Hme for the Butte team. That the. Fai:m a_n.d Home \\'eek t\<.re h little doubt but nat thcv will student of the college to fill out a ll-

<f'ontinue<l on Page Fou r ) p1og1am which is bemg sponsored by Le c:.cnten let:-. for t ~ nfetl'n<:J ity blanks for the fall quartt:r. th~1t 1s, the :\lonlana State college will be the championship. I Ia~t quarter. Eve1y woman stud!.!nt


best ever given is the cunent opinion. ·•\"Vith a thance to ~P' i:-.or a confer- must comply with this 1u1u1st

M S C RIFLE TEAM Is judging from the splendid ~tcut it re- cnce sei ies that b a'"'su ied of finun- \'Vhether she has any acth·it1e~ or not, • • • ceive l yt.sterday. The prog-ram::s will dal succe~s it would bt> ft \ly to allo\\ si1~ e ~here is other inform~tion to be

contimc throughout this week ending it to be taken fron u"''. ::;aid :\Lr . ~ameu f1om t.he blanks be::.hles a re<'-FOURTH IN CONTEST atmdav. Swing'I<. , chairman oft 1• conferenre lord .. or 3.<"1ti\iti~s. Blanks arc in ~he · .:\lany · nationally known lecturers 1 ommilu .. e when he ann unceJ the Ce- Reg'lstrar s 0111<:e an 1 m :\11~:-.

upon farm and home subjects are in ci~ion of that conunittt>~. o•:-.=cill',., offict!. Tho~e filled out in Holst, Beginne r , I s Hig h Point Bozeman lo gwe informatio•1 and pre- the Registra1 ',office should be placed

sent new ideas on home and agricul- LA ST .. OTH E in the )lontnnan hox next lo the ::\1an of Team. Cornell Places tuial econonucs. The dothing- spe~ial- :\Iontanan office doo1 in ::\lontana hall. F i r~ t Ohio Second Oregon ist~ from the Colorado and Utah Ex- fl eginnin g \\'ednesda), Jan uary E'cryone should have tended to this · . ' ' . I tension Services, l\frs. Blanl.'he E. ?t) II I k · ti '1" I k matter befo1"• the en,1 of this week. .S t ate Thll'd. Idaho I . Fifth lly<le and Mrs. Afton O'Dell, will tell c . . a oc ·crH m ' " .... oc er <

of the results of Se\era) of their sue- room tha t are occupied a nd not Thb J::; the fir .. t ::--tep in carrymj? out ThC' Bub1.:at. rifle . competmg c~-ssful ('Xpcrime::nts \\'edne~ay an~ ~a~t~~~~ts ":~!n i:ed~pe~\?o aa~f s~~~ the program of t..he A_ ·w. S. point

lainP to <'aliiu1 ;na and fru111 ·wa ... h­nt!t n to Florida. The. fundamental

J'UI f C~(! of thr icty b to p101l11Jt hv a1 ~hit I• l cirrying- ou this pur-


William Terry. Editor o f th e Leagu e of ~a lions Chron icle, Defines Gen eral Idea of the Le ag u e a n d Its \Y o r k t o • ' tudents

\\ith ,.,ome of the best tenms in the 1 hursday. Amonj?" Lhe other people of den t~ th a t change i t he •· ;\I .. s~~ten~to1~mittf1cL ~~~h li-arter,nL"-country, suctee<led in capturmg fourth note who will assist with th~ pro- loc ker rQO m \\ ill he 1 uni~hed ac-- ~~~t..~·nd ~f "th~v~·eare thee;~(~~.\ ~t t~! 11r. v:.L. ... 1.1 Te I\'. L i •1 o e } l.:<:c 1:1 tl-:.eir fu-st shoot ot tht: year. srram~ 81 <' \V A. Schoenfelrl, re1>re- cord>ng l,. a tivitit:s on t..h~ tht ce blank ... accumu- \ u' -· ; ; 1 • <"hr, n ,., l-


111 whkh C'otnell U got fir:st place 1sen~t1vc of the Federal Fatm Board; -The ";\1 " (' luh. l:i.ted for eal·h woman "ill be tran..::~ .~udt>nt b 1dy Thl' la \\Ith a h1gh score of 363!3 Ohio lJ. !Cuit1s L. Mosher, federa l r'<.:sene 1' --- I fctJ'ld to an official !our-yea1 point morrun~. 2\lr. fen) ha~ tnnll ~

TA ,£0 Pl~~f As fe-con.d with a Sl'ore of 3603; Or(gon ag-ent,_ Eloi~e Davison of the National "ard, one for each woman ~tu,!ent to F.u1_u1e an<l_1s an authotlt\· (ll n 1-State 3rd with 3571, Montana St.ate l El~.tnc Light association; . w. B. r~ NG s pl EOG E 0 serve a~ a. permanent activitv record. national aft~11--. ln In-;_ talk h~ tohl 4th \\ ith :~436 and U. of I fa ho 5th )fern.hardt, superyisor ref11gerator \\'hen she g-iruluates or lcavCs ~ hoo! . l~\"t'I ll yew I foas a'1ou.t }Jfo He ·_ 1 ,, ith a :;coie of 3396. Strvice; ~Ia~·guer1te Hood, stat • this four-vc:.:r ca id \\ill be f.led ,, ht:li> Ii\ sa) my ht! \\oultln t tell The team 1~ shooting- very much s~perv11o:or of music: Dr. M:aBellc b · .1 b . 1 i ril·,,· 11.!t lw u-..urpt.>d all hd1ef,.,

f 0 A M~ R ~ A 0 5 f ~r' !~:1~1~1~~,~~~~.,~~~h~1~yd a;l;~: ~rg~ ~~-u! ~t~~~; ~~~~i~~~t N EW M EM B ER C it ~;i:, ca:::i~~ o ;::.~~:. ~~:i::,::n":; tha~· ~h1· t \~"~~~~-1 ;,:n~t:~o"n ,:';,1 I\. m the C'Orps aie a mateh that will of the )Ion~na St~te Univers~ty. "1 the pomt ~) st~m cummitte, h..'\~ is~uetl ,n' to t'."le 1 , 10yies~ of t'ie ,, 0 "Jc -stai t 1o:oon. 1n ..... om petition \\ ith teams Several mterestmg enteruunments U ~he follow in~ statement: :·Plea--e tun1 He took his lbtenus back to the of Sl.'hoob of it'~ own size the team have been arranged. The most con- ___ In _your actr\'lt\· blan~s 1mme ,1atf>ly I rim<' of King Tut when oil lamp:-- \\(>l"C'

H a nsen, Dramatic Di recto1' of College, M akes Careful Sel­ecti on of P lay e r s fo r Comin g P roduct io n . Costume Com­p leted

sho\\" superioritv. as was sho,vn by spicuous of these will be the annual I It l" o~ly t~1·ouc:h the mte1e.;;.t and co- usPd and how Lh<'Y 11er"'isted until nnt their 40 point leac.l 0,·er the u. of "Fun Feed" at. the Hot l Baxter ew Custom Began By An- (Jperat1on of e:very woman on tht' cam .... o long- ago when sdison inventeJ the Idaho in the la"'t meet. This week the Wednesday evening-. and the annual nouncing 8 elections at Da nce. pns that t~e 1~oint sdstem can be l'lednl' one. ThE.'re \\as ,·ery little team has ag-ain raised the !:'Core whi h banquet of the .MC?nt.ana Potato Im- . . . , C"tab~!shed t."'tft:>ctively and succc:-;..:: .. fl(hance until sevrial year::. ago wh u shc..ul<l. plac(' the team well in this pro.ement a~soc1at1on, Thursday. The Affa u ls \\ ell .. \ ttended. tblly. th1.: automoi ile. rlHlio. aerop;am· C't , week's meet. The team is in competi - Bu .. dget Sty!i;: . Show. whi~h, besides :\0 fl CE \\'O:\IE)?" ! \'ere introdul:l'rl then the su i len t;on with the U. of Cmci.nnati. lJ_ of b.emg ei:tcrtammg, will pro\e edu a- The f11:-.t annual Fang-Pledge dance t hang-e LruuJ!ht about a nr•\\. world

pose the 'adous c ha t er s hav~ adopted different methods. The :.ton­lana State Coileg-e chapter award:;; t the tu .ent ha,ing thL hi;{hes.t sc. ol­a!'t ic.· iatinl!' in the ,g-1 a.Ju.iting clas .t

standard baclg-t" ol th<! f1ate1111 Es1 cc1al re oznition is P-h-cn to tne upper tenth ... elected at this time. .\L some time in the nlar iuturr the sec­ond t~nth will he ~elected arul a i:.irrnal imt1ation v.ill be held Ior both ~rou p-.. Those e ec:ted from the i.: pper tenth are:

I Con in1t('o(l on Page Twol


George DaHnport W ill Direct Annual )lusical P roduction. Ten ;\lembers in Cast. Can di­dates for Manage rs Wan ted

"Quetn High", a hilarious farce omed; which ha::- 1 ecf;!ntly tem1inatel'

a long run on Broadway· \\ill be pre· ented at the El•en theatre )larch 10

and 11 by the Lootc. rs accordmg tc an announcement made by that organ­ization yester<lay. In pres.enting a hading- . · ew York musical comedy the Looters are folio\\ ing a pohcy Rel' S£"\'eral years ago and chma..xed in )ast y<.ar's ~how "Sally.''

'With "Queen High" teing presente:I t•a1 ly next month a call for ta~t try­f)Ut" has been issued by Director Geo C. Davenport. All pe[sons interested

11,_ req.e .. ted to see ;\lr. Davenport at the Courier buildmg- on '\lain street this ( afternoon and "~edne.:: .. da\ afternoon.

- (Continued on Page Two)


W. F. Brewer , Mon t ana Debate Coach, Plans ~late Debates W it h lolorado and • ebraska

S t a te Inte r­U tah,

\''a,.hin!!tc1 anJ U. of \Vyoming- this t1onal~w1ll be held at the Hotel Baxter held in the gymnasium last Friday The younc-er generation hari nothing :\Ir. Bert Hansen has appa1ently we~~· h h Sa~~} :e:.s~i~~1~,~~rb held at Hcr1ick e\ening. Jll"O\'ed a big succe~~. Al- th!i iL:t.~uc~fnspl~~~~i;g b: ... ~~tt!.~O to do with thi::; chnngc and contrar)· Debates w1th m~titutions in t:'tah. laken the old motto, "A cham is no k erH las. behn shme 3:~v /inds t i~ hail a~d .... the engine:ring building of though it did not begm till quite late \\ill be p;h \It all da) Saturd.l) for to all bf.'liefs they will have noth!nt!' Colorndo and . · cb1 aska are being !-;tronger than its weake::t linku vCTY wee·. C 0 5 ~ w do s. ot ast wee ::\Iontana St.ate C'olleg in the evenintr, it \\RS well attended, the IJenefit of t ho»e \\ho "'h .. h to to do ''ith the next for there will he contemplat<d by :\Ir. Brewer, J.lontana nuch W hC>a1 t juciging- from the care ( onlmue on Paee l'wvl .. Th~ fir;t g-eneral a:;embl \\rill be and everyone appean-d to ha\'e a very t ake ad' nntage of thi;;; oi~portu n- no great advance for many renturies. Stale d-bate coach. The purpose of rnd gooJ judg-ment he has shown in held )londa~' night. Februar);· 3, when enjoyable tune. This dance now pro- itv (Continued on Pai.;e Two) these out of :::.tate debates is to a1-

he c:elect1on of his e;ast for ·'1\Iary Razz-Sheet tO M. L. 'W ilson1

ag-ricultma l economist mi::.cs lo become 311 annual affair and ·]'hi~ \\i ll be the Ja:-.t in:: .. truction ran:.?e a ::.chcmle of contests for the o:-e" by BaITte, which i:-; to be pro- at Montana State college j?"ives an ii- will lake its pla1,_·e along with other that ':-. to be ght:n to team~ 1>re- Da rro ts WL'll l.o lffi:-. en1 oute to and from the ;\a-u t.·J soo. The followrng J eople han: lu:;trated lecture on Russia and the traditions on the campus. ceding the tournament, ,\ hich bf."- .r 1 t1cnal Forensic Tournament of P1 een cho~f:n to take patt in the pro- Be Dub/l'shed world's wheat supply. Other general The big- C'\Cnt of the eveni ng wa~ gins Fehruar) 17. Old timer:-. an~ h.ap1a Delta. national honorary de-luction: .l assemblies of the week w1JI be held the announ('ement 01 the new Fang a:--kcd 10 bt.• i~rhent any ume p t Pl iate fraternity. at \Yitchita, Kan~~, -iar1y _ .Rudolph Davidson ___ at 11:00 a. m., on Tue~d3y, \Vednes- pledges. This )Car one man repre- Saturdav mo1nintr from 7 to l ::! resen ay \larch 31 to April ·L 1't1ary Rose Elsa Hendrickson I day, Thursda\- an1 Friday_ At the each fraternity, a nd two in- a. m . ".hi le the nO\iccs arl to be 1 e first formal tryout for the de-:-limon Chbter Htntly Lo ca I Honorary Journal is tic Tvesdny a:::.<>embly Charles· E .. Hearst, dependent members \\ere pledged . g in.:n instruction from 1 lo:l 1>. m. bate team will be in the t•ontegt with ,Ir_ :\Ioreland _ .Fred Bennion Fraternit \Viii Publish Scan- r~·esi~ent of the. Iowa Fa1 m bureau. Each man \\as c:a1ctally selected on )U ~· Ste" art nnd the managC>rs- ul\Hss Lulu BetC' Is Title to Be- tl.L· :\Iontana. School of :\lines1 which lt:s. liloreland L.J1a Br0\\11 ~ • , will discuss t:;ixat1on and Mrs. ]. E. O. his general ability and character. Al- at- large " ill be in tharge. Th:"i:i will takt place within the next ten I r . Amy Saxon ~!a.rtin dal of Campus Soon. Pledges (Continued from Page Two ) though a ll those " 10 deserve this is the last cha"'e. Held a t Ellen Febru ary 61h. <ays, the date not being definitely ~!rs. Otery .. . ... )label Smith to B e Announced in Near honor could not reee ·e it. those who Excellen t Ca t sett e'. ~arr:e1on .. Henry Helland F , were selctted are \\ 11 \\Orthy of it The date~ of the debate have not Every one of them are mteipreting uture Agents "§"o See and fiom appNlrUllCO Will be Merc er Lr eads been decided as yet, bu the Untative heir so well that they seem I --- I j j <"arry on the \\eirk o the org-a111zat1on ··)I1ss I r tt" ha,., been selected program incL<les the followin~ con-

n<..eed to form in<l1_v1dual links of a p 1 Delta, local honorary Journalistic I • ma \ery worth \\ht manner. 01 th<' pbv \\h1.:h \\1 l be presented tC> ... ts for the \"fU'$it) tl'ams; l.Jniver-e1fl t cham. Their paris seem al - fiaternity, organized at Montmrn Demonstrat•on The ple<l!(cs SC ted from the c t Agents "' the Elen 11kat1, b; the P.irrot• .int\·nf)!ontanain)lay;Sta:eShool nest to be made to O!der for them. State College last. ~pnng hel<l a meet.- " I freshman tlas'-' at Alpha Gamma 0 u n y oi the ( oun ). }n~h :sct10ol n ni' :\line~ in FC>hn1aiy; Inte1;i1ountain :\Ia~\ of them have had previous e~- mg- rn the Exponent. offide on., \Vednes- __ Rho. Challc:::. Blakl·h, Butte , A.1111~0: __ I the llllh nf Fl•l u ~ ti . 1t ts a l'nion Colletre, at Rozemani "2\Iount St. er1cn~e on _the stag~. Besides. their day, January 29, for the puq>Os.e oft , , . , . J~n es Gannawn)., ltarlem, Bc_ta Ep-, ., . ('umcJy of .. \na•n .rn hit· \\h1l·h found ChnrJ1,_" Colleg-e; Eastern ~Iontarna ·plt_r~ 1d admg- and rntl1pretat10n of , 111akin¥".preliminar}: atrangcments ro, Teachers lhroughout t ~e 8 t (;l ~C , s1lon : Raymond Ill on, ~h1teh? ll ; Forsy t h .i\lan .. Cho::,en to_ H~ad ~uat sue cs~ m tht> thlJ. ~ tollt)\\ nu Xormal: and Xo1th Dakota State hc.11 p !rts. e.ach and e\'cry one of the edit1n!r of the fu-st annu 1l scandal Shown New l\1ethods in Their Delta Tau: Donal I Asbu1 y, \iow S t a t e _ w 1 de Or~anizahon 11~ fu s~ 1 n·cntation at the Ud.1101h f Jllf"goe at F-1rzo; a tflnta.ti'e du(1l h<.·m Js strl\ msr to take . off rough sheet. The ejiting of thb publication \' ' k B E t . S . l- Agency; ~appa Sig, ~l : John Kaiser- Cl k. El t d ,~~. . • ... ·_ •hcatr1... ~t.'\\ '\ ork UJlli al o ''on th~


.l' reunent with Brig-ham Young Uni-d~es so commonl:i; found m amateur i-= to be one of the annual nrojects of tOr Y X ens1on pecia man, Linn1;:;ston: Omega BC>ta: ar son ec e ne prest Pulnzer diama prizl for 1~)21 :\Ii:-.~ vrt ity. one d~bate bein~ 2t Provo }ro<luc:tion . ..- by working for ea"e and the fraternity_ i ts. Representation Covers E1 nest ;\l~·crs, Alcx<i.nder, North Da- den t and Cameron Is Sec'y- Lu'.u Bl'tt. Utt ... ubmc-rged eldt·r s1"t~1 and the other nt Bozeman: and atu1alne~'"" of mo\ement on the st.age, Tht• ptoposecl razz-sheet will be State kota: Pi Kappa Alph James Waters. Treas '" h, kno., ~ on:\- tl-:.t· drud:...ery or hl·1· anoth1:r tentath·e arrang-cment with l promi_,t seizure of eues, and esped- printed on daik yellow paper with .-\naceinda; Sigma \ lpha Epsilon: · othl'r-in-1.rn'; ho .. ~PholJ. i~ pla~t·d .\u!...o·t:rna Colege tht~ Inst of :\lan.·h tlly they are stl'!\·int? to cultivate their ordinary eight. point open type. I , --. - Ells\\orth Hasting., Billin~s; Sitrmu ll'.- Eli"'.abl'th Dt!Frate. lrnt D aeon. ,et Sioux Falb. South Dakota. ·peec-h !'~ th·it_ 1t will be correct and E\'cry profes!'ior, sorc:.rity fraternity r he a nnu aJ meeting of t.he cou t~ty Chi: Stotkton VcaZl' , Butte: and the RH1J;h D. :\le11,_e1-. of Fors~th, was t,'ut· 's sister ''ho c1.mtinuall~ attempts T\\o unde,..,lass d1.~bate~ ~re s1.::hel->O t?at th<.y '\Ill be heard at ~111 pa:t~ and as many other individuals as agents a nd the home dc: monstrnt1on two indcpt•mlcnt men .1re : Halph Lund ckcted pres1cient of the St.ate A~"'o- t flattlr hl•r e~otistic•al hu:-.ban l, ulNI, one \dth the '\Iontana State >f _tne aurhtcirmm. In connection with possible will come in for their shaie agents was held here dur111g t he past Shelhy; and Lloyd l· re, Au;.:ru8ta. ...:intion ~1 f lou11ty Ag•.:nb at n bust- l>"ie:M, i~ rla,·e.I by K:1 hr~n ~nrt}· l'nin_•rs;ty :rnd a dual contest of li1s. 2\1:. 1la~:s.t::i ::iays, "There is. one of expo~urc bv capable ''mud-:-ling-- week. Each ~ear thes~ peoplt: ~olc.l pj,e :-ophnnHH<: m h~\e also be.en lit.:'" M':-.1o:u,n htld Tut>~ia\· at .lontana Dwight Dta•«lll, ... a11.:a!'l-ti(· ~n~I sl•lfi h fre .. hmen .and <>oahomorcs with the nal!enabl~ 11gh_t of e\·ery audience ers". The !-\el"\'ices of expert caitoon- conferences w1th_extens10n spec1ahs~~ pledged tins yl'al' fill \'acanc1ei> State college. Hohl'rt ·clark:son, of i, madP a H»il l'hatar.:te b' Ll•,.,lic State Xormal College at Dillon. mcl th::it is thetr nf!ht to hea~· e\~ery iRts have already been arquired to adc.l to get sug1?esS1?ns and make their tauscd ii) nll·ll1Ll·l who have left Chott:"au, \\as c1tcte-d vi1..:e pre~ident I an~. :\h~r,. :.\Ioore l.:'nart...:: thC- ro'e of .:\1r Brt.mer hope,.;, to de\elop ~en•ral \'Ord spok<!n on tht stag':· Thi~ r1ght lo the effectiveness of the publication. pl~ns for the comn~g- ~ear's wo~k. Jn sc:ho(Jl. fiwsc uu·ii ure: Hugh Fort- and IL E. Camt.·ron, of Great Falls, tht· "harp, qut•li.llous !!'Ian lmothll'. tPam<> to Lake part in the ::;e,eral con-a~\~ay~ one of tht:: first thm~s I Pledge-s of Pi Delta, who will be th!'> way. they gam 1 ~formation. on ner, Alpha Gamnw Rho; Raymon<! sc:crC'tai)-trcast.1er. R E. Bodky, of .\II n S h":1rt1 t~lkl,., the r:ut o" tests. ·ons1 e1 m the _selection of my casts chosen soon, will .listribt.te the publi- new projects and ,·anous materinl~ F'er~uson, Hi•ta Ep,., 1h n; Harold Han- Bozeman, r<•til·inv pn•sidcnt of the :\:inian D1..a ( n1 I ulu' .... hu .. ba11d and ln all ol the dtbate.,. arrang-ed. ~ Lncl .+-he pro l .. c:t1on of my plays." ation in two or three weeks. for the pieces of work w hich they \vi1J !'Oil, f'igma Alpha Eii,ilon; JaC'k Bart- assotiation, we I come tl thL• new I l onti11UL'tl on rag-e 'l'\\o) (C-Ontinued on page Two)

t:o. SomQ of the sessions wel'e held (Continued on P1:tge Two) officers.

R d C R ljointlv with the ah11; cultu ral agents \\'ith tht• ,'I county agents vf t11•• e ross epresentative Gives the and ~he spcar:ite meetings \~e re <le- SENIORS HAVE WELL ,[ate in !J,,zcman an I nine home vot(' 1 tc, home demonstrni1011 and U1,_ monsti a lion aj!"~nts, thl' crganiia-

Dr. Ha rrison E . Howe Will Lecture To Boz eman Clubs on February Sixth £ x amine r S Tests Ti L ·r S manal!ement. The top1.s of cloth ing lion has held a number of bu<y ><'•· 0 lTe avers foo<ls and nutrition were discus..1'ied i1

1 ATTENDED MEETING !'\OnS durin~ the week . Disni... .. ion

~\'edne~day saw b1eat acti\'ity in the An examiner's hadg-e entitles the ·'"1!11m111g r>OOI at the tollt:~e gym- holde1· to act as a life-guard give ia!';1um. :\fr; Campbell who was sent j R(: !. C.Yoss examinations or .1.:d~e in-1ut _by the :\:at1onal Red Cross organ- stiuctions in that lotal fty to which zat1on and wh<? _;.rave tests for the it b bsmd. Jn order to Pass t he ex­-._rp<>se of obta.tmng- a red cross life aniinalion, one must be thoroughly au~g- emblem on Januar.y 21 t.o ?31 skilled in the three appro.:iches. in­t ~u1nc<l to Bozeman to give cxamm- duding- the un<lC'rwater app1·oach in ·r svw"':5 ·. • _ b1eaking any holl t.hat a drowning

E e_t"\ ~ear Llle )\al1onal Red Cross rerson may get a rescuer, and in sav ­·:~amzat1on sends out somtone to inK the person b\• mtans of the head 1ve thes~ tests througohout .the coun- arms, hair, or tros-; chest '"l.rries on ~ rv .. lt ts a very worthwhile under- thcv ha'e sur edecl in g-etting the vic­akn:irr a.s many persons are able to time under their control. Other very ~tam 1-ruard_ ba~ges to ~how that they I impor tant pha~es of thr examiner 's :1 e capable m time of need to act as lest include t he abil ity of teach in* ife savers . (Continued on Paire Two}

:-r. round Wble fa!->hion .. The slalo home of work in the nniou::; countil•s. and c onomiec;;. ~pecialists presented their cum ·irison~ of iesults in man~ CY- Ir .. Ha11. \lTI fi •. lh"t of Washing-. six n•onth::- 1wrio an I dt·stl'O)mg prog-rams of work. and the ageft1 Th I l'\.!Cnin •Jl Dulll llnm1l I t.·rimental adiYities occupied U1c nt- trn. n. ('. will bt." in Bnz.eman or (.•:--tabli:-:.h('o indu .. trit•,., in ('\·('n s.horter ~:~opoi·krte1. nd tahneiii~1 tceoiu·cn<ttliensir. a~lde 1'11u,cb<:~1~ ... ~ ouf ton's u~~~~~1;· at !) :IJ') >. m., a ..::enior lt ntion of the \ 1sili11g- <:ount) a~!e_nl . Thm ~thw. 1 \•h1 U<ll'\ ti, for a ~t:l'll'" \1f l•l I iods. lfo is editor of Jw.kstrial nm' n 11 " " I I Th ·11 t' t h J! I • wns il·l tn1 es H"' fol:ows: En1.dnecrinz Cht mis try anti Ditector the re:-;ic.JC'nt and research home eco- mc~tin.l", which \\as ·II atende<' wa-4 1 rt_Y w~h con ll~U<' 01

1 ( l' M::o.~ n. t ('0 1\ 1 '!e a""l'mbh· -10:~:5 a. m of thf' Chem1L·al Scx.-iet~

~oa~J~c :~~!~,ii;-~~,~~~'~t~~"t~~t~~~1~tl\~~hiJ: ~~!J~ · <.;:,~;~u~f \~·~~ 11 ~~~~n~~·cs;~\~~~~ ~~.'~!·1111t~1an ... ~fo~~'Cth~ 1


~1~m~u~.!~~~~ .. t: ·S1,_"c.•n l' in U11· '.'\ •• ,, c ump(•titi11n." .·~ws Sen·in~. lll• b autho1 or e<lito1 "' wetc dbtuss<.d us the disposal o[ Jlany o1 the o nt~ nL!lllt-. \\Jll l'l' 2 . . \ 1t-"l.1n (hnnit:il S <-"•·•v ot u numti..•r of books on Indushiul eontribvtions to the program. om the .Junior mai•l ll\Cl" in lli>n•man to att1•ml the p. 111.. t'hlmi .... try hllildinr:. main h·ct C"11(nti<:trv. Hi ll·l·ttn·t:>s :ire very Th

1e f~llow1h'ng ~on,1; ·'t.alem

1o1n"L.1ationf }~~l 111 1~~n1~.~t \~~~;~_· tch SU,i!J!C'Stions rl'c tm~s of tht• F' .. nm .rnd llo111c ui • r1'ol'l. •"fhl p ll't.• of "ch.·m·c in \\1dt.·lv knO\\n thH..lughout tht C't"'tl'rti a.g-en s ''ere ere.. e" ~rnson o , . h. f . lorhl ,. eek Intt•i P:sl 111 the mcl'lml!s to be F.du<'ation". ...tate~ whe1 r hf' i-. hailld n" the Slll'-Daniels Rheridan .. and Roosevelt l'011n- ~lS onat~llg' t r monl . 01 a 1115' 11

•• ~s hc1~1 .thi:-; \\l•fk and Llie subjl'dS to ~. u;mll'l' \kPtiJll?' Kilkcr~on llnll (.'('-:sor to the<.• Dr. E. E. ' 1o"'"'on. tic~; Albertn Coleman of Fa11on I Ill the In~ g:in en~~ b ~hg semoi c..'}~~· be li ·t•us .. l'' .11:c, con--idcl'l"l \a)ual>h• ·Th(" Ro! 1 f t hemblry in Int<'nla _ .. t) che•ni. t i1o: l t'ltl1 r qualified than <'Ountv ; Mary Ebersole of Ferg-us an1l J.!'.U''.·n~. or .1 ,.,::1 e mon~)~ittlc to

1 u~:!-.l' · l'xl nshin \\Orkers. 1 ... 1 ,t tionnl Re-lnlion"" i~ nr. Ho\\l' to '-peak of the. l'l"i;' count.Vi Gl:ace F inucane of li'l~thC'acl 1~ubl!tu_tion.., Wi!l .C!' .-, 1~?· t '<~h~irman. I Tucsd.a~· C\ enin'! the t'onnty ng-ents DI'. How<' i."' th1.:. fo1·cm~ ... t spokE.'~· a1h·nnye" of S("ienc:~ crn~l their .s1gn!r.1.c <'nuntv; eva Woods of Lewis nnd <.omm.tmg of. llt:n\~ .• ig cN.Tc . l h lei th •i. ·rnnunl b·rnquct ·rnd dancP ma.n for l'hl'ml~tn· n a rap1dlv chang- Pm·P m cn1r <:han':!'lnl? mdustnil cn1l Clnrk countv: Clar a Dllgan , R ichland I Gardner \Ya1te. hC"rnice. _ 0\ri: 3

•11< ~ th l' T ~oi<'I Baxt~r wht~h \\US a jingo indu~trial ci\'illzation whne ... ci- ization. His at•a.dl•mie training- wao.:

countv. J ~1 lia C'arki ll of Rosebud Et ni_a Monroe. was. appomte< 0 Ill- ~ost ~uccessful event: en:e is crcatinl? new inJustries in u I (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) vesttga te tht situa!ton.

Page 2: VIN FROM UTAH STATE\VIN FROM UTAH STATE I .A . \V . S. :\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State


------~~~~-· + tb¢ W~¢kly Expon¢nt r--~;;;~~l ~~~ ~~~~1;, AND THERE I +----·----------------------- --·-+ E::-tabli~hed 1910

Continunnce of the )lonthly Exponent, Established 1895 \\ e womfor if nll those Stirls who smile at Ernie l\kLnughlin think tht•y ha\"t•

n chance of being- battalion sponsors. Published every Tucsda) of the college yea.r by the stuff chosen from the ____ _ Associated Students of )lontana ~late College at Bozunan, ~Iontnna

Subscription Hate :$2.0-0 per ~chool )ear

Th~ Looter~ and tht' Tormcntl1l's both claim they ha.vt> tht• bl'~t 1'rodudion fh, ~ loti:.h '''ill hin-c trouble pro\"ing th~ir ~tatcmcnt~-

Accepted for mailing at spctial rate of posta~N pro\·ided for in Scclion 1103, \\·t, :-~ill "on<ler how n man wht> makC'::; as llluch noi~l' n:-: TholllJblln can


mn-..:.::::=::::r:::. -:~.l:::::::: - ::.:::::::::r.:::::::::-::::t:t:!..-.:.-::::::::::t:l: .. •::t::i " -H TULIPS il ~ T his lo-el) spr ing Flower mal,es beauti ful centerpieces ~ g for dinner parties ii H ~ !! ---+--- ij

~ M. Langohr, Florist I H , · , , • Ii

..\tt of OL'tOl1er :1, lU:!i. authorized Febru;.1ry 17, 1919 n·~1kL• ~ud1 n ~uccessful :·deeper.


(Continued from pag-e One) give~ hin1 the tl1uch of tenth .. -. nc:-;s_ an jO\"i:tlty to c.•a1-ry lh<' ~ympathy ol th 1

audic-nn'. Opal l\:trnusl•h, as i Iv_ naughty t•hild. nt> tl~ he.~ :-;p;11~kl' throug-hout the pht)·. Dan• R1\' llH.­

pl:ly:; the p:trt. of ll t.:wk.ll'~s ~lat \\t•ll mcanin;.r f1 icnd. Tht .. JUn·111k• ~o\'t. lends; of Bohh\· Larkin anti D1:11 a Dc'..i. on who uln;o:-;t nwk{' a sun·l~" Clf an (']npem('nt, are takl'11 by Go1·.Jn1 On--.t.l'adl and Ione ~hnrp. Th· pla) i::-:. u n·fre~hinit 1wotraynl of tht' rn:1n­tH~l'$ and p<.·r,;onalitil's. n :1n A111C'1·:t·nt homt• toil:w, nnil i~ ~unrnnt( C' i to p!C':l~<' in e\·c1T l't:"!->P<'<'t.

fi 19 E. l\lam I hone .b Ii :::.:::::::::r-.::::i.:::-:::u:.:.:::::::::::::::u:::::::::.:::::-::=::-:::::::::::.:::::::.::::.:::w.::::.:-:::.*::::i

Editor-in-Chief ......... . .Leonard A. Wing, '31 Business Manager ... . ______________ --···--··---·· ________ Carl Wall, '32

PO)tE The t'tlldl'nt get:- th1..• paper. The s1.:hool g-C'b the fame Thl.' prinlL'r g-cts the llll)n<.•y.

But the :-;tafi g~tl'i the blaml.'. ..._ ~g~~~§ Ne\\ s Staff ~ ;==

~lanaging Editor ... .. ·····----······ ···· William Flynn, 32 F.\ Rill HO:llE STUDENT :;E;.,-.\TE Defective E )·esigh t a I ~::~:::~; :~i:~;· .:::.. ..... .. .. ........ -·-····-···· -············· ;llic~,'~~hD~~~·~: WEE K BEGll\S HOLDS l\IEETI ' G Your~'.:~;~: '~~al~:-e~:,'.,~.rtant I' Sports Editor········· ·· ··········-········ ······ Georg~ :1urt (L'ontmuc-d from page One) {Cuntinucd from Page One) and should br :'aft

11.n1ardt•d. ln-

Assistants, " 'allncc Harrity, Baroid Greiner, Chet Huntley, rat illcEll1~tt. I .H.l' of\\ httehall \\Ill talk t.)11 'Beller l'Ul'l.'1;.'I' he h:1~ t;1kLn :Ill ndiYe p:ul in l'Olll{l('tC'ncy in fittini,r 1.d3~Sl.'~

1""t I I 1 I I I 1 11111111 11 I 1111 11 I 111III; I ii111 111111111111 1


20094 mo RIT_\ MEDLEY

llnll)·wood He' ue OX WITH THE :o<HOW

Fo" 'I°' ietone Follie, and others Feature EJitor ........... - .. ---·--·····--·----·· ··· ·····- · · .. .:\lary Hakala ll onws in Ameril'a.'' \Yli..ltH.·~day . \\'. tollegia tc- acliYitit' _.;.· means sei-ious trouble. Com- I \vonlen's Sports ··-··-----·---···· ····---·····---····· Dt1rothy Garrett


. \ .. ::;_·_choenfeld, re_gional A was appointed to mnke -\~sist:rnt Frn.~;~~~--F·~-~i~:;:· o1 tnc FL'dernl Farm bo.nd. \\Ill plans for H ornt•t'onlill!! whit-h will be petency means comfort and

. . · "' ' ·\.lire Y·tndenhook on t hP Federal Farm boar.! i Thm :;;dny, htld either in c·tin junction "'ith the Yisual ~at.i~factfon. \\' t• prid1,; "Open E\·ening-s"' Society Editor ·- -· --· -- ------- ------ ----- ---· ·· _ ' . Curtis L. )Josher of the Federal Re~ !ugh school ba,J-,•tl °:!II tournnmcnt , "' om·sch·es upon our optinl abil- I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Assistants, Elizabeth Seitz, Bernke );orris, G1clch~n Lchrkm<l: l\hld~-e~ :-t:n·c bank wi1 1 dis~u~s recent ccon~mic the ro11fo1tlnn· meet. dcpendm~ 011 I ity. I


Kevins Helen OliYl'r, Terei-;.a O'Jlunnel. Louise Saumh.•rs. JvsC'phme :\liklich l·lrnngt·~. nnd on Fr1dar El?ise Dans_on whwh 1s to be 1l·!<l 111 Boz£'man rh::,; ·r. · er, Elizabt'th Sl'itz Hett\· )Ic:\cil Hden Btiudcrs, Elizabeth Graham of the ::-..<'ltional Ele~tr1c: Ltg-ht a::>~~~t~t- committee 1.:011 .. 1-..t..; of :\orma BN:,{ ~ LERLIE E . GAGE

l:kP~~.~~n~. . - , ~;~;; .•. '~~~;d \~~1~1 ol~~,·;;;~~=~ o~l~~~r~i'~;~: I Lti,~~- Zw1sler, Bud n.1n11 ... ~ nnd Bobb) ' ·2 ooB1>1~s~.~~lclnltarc~k-~:~,,\~,·,,en'_ecsd. D~~Je'r;1~~,,·ancocr~11·2i;~i-1~,m1· l I ?:·· .._~,.._.._._........_\V·.,-..N ........... Ji .... f, .. R .......... H ... E ...... A-.·R···T·.-..·,·v···,··r ... H ...... C .... A-..·.N···u ........ y ................................... 1~ )1ilitary Editor C'nailes J llc tana ExtC'n"'lon H'l'Ytt•e "'ll d1s.uss th~ lluny E...1gh.> . tha11m.111; :\laitha I ::;.. u ~ at{n.ultu1al ontJook Jor HldO. FI) nn. Bill ~L.l\1ll nnd Frank Rrilph

Business Staff ""''named t,i '''ne c>n a <0.nn11ttce , \ .. Al Greiner L.\RGE CROWD HEAR!:' t' a1T rnirc a •tudcnt a~ tml\· joint s) ~- '•1t"'@-""::IT'EE1"""=~-.--...-..,F~=--·.,,.~,,.. '• The Sweetest Valentine > Advertising l\Ianager ...... . .................... .

I SPE.\h~EH. .\'I' ,\ SSEJ\JBLY ~:~: ",~h~e~~,~~'~r~ 1,, \~~?ttf.~':;;,t~;b: ,.;;; ~ SPE( l.\L \ !ff ::11 v ·s BOXES ~

Frank itlacCormtck -- ution of a.Lidt>e< am1lJ1g- the <tudent ~ _ at _ ~ .. Jack Erkkila {C'ontmucd f1om nage One) l~•}(ly and to pre,ent n few :,;tlulent,'i o~ua-O-O<H;f~O-O-o ~ H B u •

''One of the important steps m our 1 rom hurde111ng- themlsl'l\'<:'s toe · o ~ T E N r. AL 0 W ~ R<'porters .\',llrnn~·· ::;.lid :\h. Te11y heanly with work a1 art from lhcn I 6 d o ,. U <

. ·hsistnnt~: Earl 1Ianson1 Bob Jones Business Assistant ...... .... . ..... .. ..................... . Circulation l\lanager ......................................... .

.Ea rl Rudberg. )largan·t Bowman, Franklin D~wey. Lorraine Thompson._ ~Hh·anl'emcnt is the entrani.:e of the- ~tudies. . . .


. 00 ~ > . \ -\rmin Hill Yirgil Hurlburt Chris ~<·hlechten. Gladrs Elliott, A.rthur .Sheldon. l"nited States in the LeaQ"ue of .ThC' next _meeting- w1~ ~Oe• heldFutblhr "' ~ ""here Qualit~~ Reigns" .~ 4

' ' • • • • - h R . 11 Xalions P1 Beta Phi hou~e. at t:,1 . on e iu- Q' ... C1arn \\"hite, Kay River>. l'eg-g-y Srntt, Kathryn Kcllet. Uons ha ns. us.c • "rhe .world is drawing- doscr to- ary 12. ~ ............. ·.•.•.-.-..-..·. •.-..-..·.·.•.· .................. •.·.-..·.•.·.-..·.-.-.·.•.-..•.•.•.• • ..-.-..-.-.-.-. ..... ._ Fn•eman 1 Leona Ruthledge. Elsa, Hendl'h:kson. ~·ether. Recently the King of Endnnd T tS Proof Reader __ John :Norlin delive1ed nn address which was heard PLEDGES S ELECTED B) i;>

Courier Print Bozeman, MonU'lnn

TlUDlTIONS (Continued from Page One) From the of .'.lg,Ticulture

James ~e,~ins an.I :\lelbourne Parker. From t.he colle).!'e of npplieJ st•ienc<· For many year:3 \Ye lun·e by pen, mouth and gestures di$cussed

traditions-our lack, our need. and our disregard of them. \\"hen are we going to adopt one and really abide by il "? 'Il·adilions do not flo\\"er in to existence b)· some inscrutable process of magic. Continuing at the present rate of progre>s we can go on fo r years and find ourselYes exactly whe re we are today.

speech alone. - Rae Patton, Lois CohlC'igh, Flora :\Ir. Tern··s talk was of gTeat in- Davis and Joe Dclaner. I Boiled Ham Sandwich .10

terest to th~ fa<:ull..,- and the student From lhe ,~ollt.'~t of en.trineering body. H is dynamiC personality held Rnlrh Ande:'. Frithiof John~on, Henry Chee~e Sandwich · .. lO C \.FE the attention of all. Enrrle, .James 31orrison, Ammon Pie .05 · ·

Andc•. Ted Hannan!, Charles Bernier Ice Ct·ea 111 10 ~

The time has come, howe,·er, \\·hen we can adopt a tradition, a r eal tradition \l·hich has a practical \'alue. It can be put into effect at e\'en· assembly. From now on the balcony is to be occupied by ut;derclassm~n and the main floor by upperclassmen \\" ith the seniors in the front seats on the left hand side.


and Henn· Helland. --··· ~ From the collc).!e of hou"ehold and Xoon :\Ierchanls Lunch .2:> ;II


(Continued from Page One) '"ountr; F'loren1.:e Elliot o" \"alley

infostrial arts-He l c n ~I~yficld, E\·ening Lunch .. .25 ~ Evelrn \\"att and Helen Allen. . ~ __ .--

county; Dori::; Anderson of YelJO\\'- 1111111111111111111 11111111 111 1 1, 1 •,, • • • 111 • • •' ~tone countv. The\· will remain hue to !' iii

What do you say, students? Is it a newly atlopi.ed tradition that we hope \Yill Jim on for years?

attl:nd th(.\· sl'ssio.n during- Farm. nnd I ~

~'.~~;E::kHIGH'" rs f Huskey s i_=·


HOWE WILL LECTVRE men are 1aisin!! their scores tht> tt~am ~ Aromatk throat pastilles ~

snot:ld l:'hoot w~H o,·er 3500 this week./ cC-0ntinued from Pa?e One) f._~ for hu~k.r \"Oice, cough i TO BOZEMAN CLUBS Ol\' FEBRUARY SIXTH

The fir:'& 10 men and their scores are p;,C' men and fi\·e women are hoarsent·gs, tickling throat. ~ as follows: needed for the (·a.<:.l. All must han• ~

I101~t ~;ll..J.. Ehman ~W3, l'-:e\;ns 355, some theatrit'.1.l talent and ~how some i Excellet t for public speak- ~ E1·b ::!lo. John~on 3-HI, 0'3leara 347. ability in song anJ dance work. There ~ e r • . silll!E' l'S and sn1oker$ . ~ Kauff1~1an. ;~J?, Ta:l~m- ~1_1 ~~ti , Dale~ a3.~


are t_ \vo jm:enile mall" mtrts and twC' I ~ ~ an~, E,~ i e ,~~,~; 1 h.1!-' $!"~~ct _tvt:tl :s.?11.. rcuts for S!1rl~. Two other male char- ; They sweeten the breath,

{ C-0ntinued fron1 One) obt.ained at E..arlham Colle!?e and at t.hc l!nh ersitil·S of Roche:::ter nnd .\li~higan. His prnctfral experience a~ a (hemi:.t and chemical engineer in­cludes two year~ with the Sanilac Sugar Refinil;_tr company eleYcn years \\ith Bausl·h and Lomb Optical com-

of •:>-:fo;I or ·> J oprnts h1g-he1 than last nt"t< r~ rnu:;.t be able to do rh.:warter t clea r th i \·oice and soot he week>• score and :17 point~ hig-her tha.n work and C'any farce corned~· parts i the first shoot of last year. The other male par t is n ~traif!h t f the thro. t.

F.\ NGS PLEDGED ~~~~-~n·:r~:n~;;o a~~/rli·h~~a~:~:0 Yi:~~~ ~ NEW l\IE:IIBERS minor parts to be filled. ~ 25c

iu~Y ~fnii:s~~~ r~:~.\~-t~-C-·a~d L~~~- <Continued from page One) tre~I. ' - l~tt . Sigma ('hi: and Arthur San~l-

Dr. Howe \Vas n.ssociatc,l with Tht I enaw. Inde11endent. These men \nil R_ esearch Exten.:::ion work of the Xn· be init_iated \~·ith th_e freshm(•n plcdgc.s tionaJ Res.earch Council for three ~onwt1me tin~ ~pnng-. Year:. and has b(.."€'11 in editorial work Formal plt•dg-ing of thl' nt•w mem­Since H121. He holds the rank of ber~ will take place at a rei.rular meet­Lt.-Col., C. "-_ S.- Re~. He is a mon- inC' in ~Herrick Hall this l'.\'l' Feb. her of· .::;cicntific societie:s. botl1 ·L at i'l :OO P . .31. At this time also, here and abroad. the officvl's will he ele<:ted for the

__ cumin.~ y~nr. so it iR important that RED CROSS REPRE- · every memher of the org-anization,

SENT \.TIYE EX UIIXERS I atti;·e and yledged he there promptly 1

TEST TO LIFE s·A YERS at "' '00 ~c-ve_n_i_n_g_. --­

DEBATES WITH (Continued from Page Onel OTHER STATES

others the uni,cr.::aJ Re<l Cross life I __ _ ~aving .m.e~hod~. in ~ddi_tion to apply- (Continued from Pav;C' One) mg arl!f1c1al resu. c1tat10n when nee- for the que~tion for debate! is: "The t:s:sary . nations should adopt a pbn of tom-Exa~mner badg<>s wt.:re won by the pkte <lisannamcnt excepting such

followmg .fen anJ women: porothy I fotTt's as are- n<?C'.~ed for police pur­~oug-Ja~. Erma )!onroe, poses." Kellett. Ruth Ru Ml. Sarah B:m·m~er, -------Gail Fioke ,\\en·. Pat Dolan, Clarence XOTJ CE Fi-ee--e, .Jatk Erkilla. "'C:q>'' Griffin, .\!I actin· .. and inactiYe Spurs Ri11 ""alkn·. and \Vesley Kiefel'. Of will na't•l in the engincerin,g-these people, ::\Ir. Campbell ·~aitl : "I bmldini? T':l~~~1a) at 3: IO.

Following- the pi~kin!!' of the cast i this we<k the rehcarsnls will stnrt ~ Time for thi~ \rill be nnnou.nced b~· ~ Director G(l'()r!?e DaYenport. ! ~tudenb de~iring- to trv out for ! R h D c

111ana~e1 ial positions which lead to ~ oec er ru!.! 0. member:::hi1l in the Looter~ should sij:!ri J ~ u thP I ootn· t'l.nnouncement on the, ~ P hone 3~7 bullc·tin bo::ir;l in ~Iontana hall im- ~ . . . mediatelv. ' ~ Prescrtptrnns a Specialty •

natf"~ for choru~ trvouts will be an- ~ ~ nounc!'d lalC'r. . ·· 1 I ••• I I I I ' • u. 1111 11 1111• I • 111 I OI I Ill'

t-----------·-----------.. -·------··-----·-·--·j ! WE'LL THANK YOU AND YOll"LL TH .\NI\ US i ! - IF - j ! ' j ! I You Get Yo ur Hair Cul a t t he I

r I I BAXTER BARBE R SHOP i . +·--•- • - •-- n- • - •-•- ••- ••-••-•- • - ••- •- •-•- ••-- ••- .. - - •-·->Jo

}-ave lll"\"er pas..;ed !-'"..<:h a larg-e g-roup I of examiners bl•fore. but J feel 1..·on- '",,,,, 1, 1 1 111 111,,,, •, 1 ,, • 111 ~~~~~~cm.~~----~~~~~~ ... ;~~~:~~·.9~~L:f~:~ ~E:~t~·~~.~~:~~~!:<l I ~ The Park /: F b 14 : I

l\LS.C.RIFLETE.\l\IIS E , e ruary - , FOPRTH IN C0:\1 EST•~ : A

Lunch Y Y tc'-0n•,nued from Pa.ire One) : B .\CHELORS ! f

J.!'Ot an 1..•nviab!e :-:.c.:ore of ::6J to p~a e Fountain t as high point n'L!.l.n on the U.•um thi~ Drinks remember your best girls wet:k . Ehman, who alwa\· ... ~hoot.-; a good seorc:, raise.l his la~t Wt.'{'"k·~ Candies 6 i score 10 pnint• to press llol" for hign ' H l SBANDS ! ~

of :ma. . ·e,in.s, one of the mo~t con- Snooker Tables point man. J<:hman ;:ot a J!'OOtl score - -- : rem em her your better h a lves ,~ si ... tant !-:hot::. on the tt .. am, also ~ut·· t·eerled in raisin" hi- mark to :i;;,;. >ix Billiards I OTHERS! : t><>inL' hiithl'r than last W<>f'k. O':lll'aia, • Smokes A remember the kids who w~ts nut l \ t"'n n Lhe first IO me1 V last wet.•k raisccl h ... recnrd hil:!'h - .- f I enou,h to nlare him so\enth with- a 9 EAST l\IAIN A HO\\'"? A

"-C~l·~r~~fjf;~· to p1 w:n th ·~." nt>W 111 1 , 1 1 • 1 , 1 ,,, 1 , 1 111 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , f \VITII CANDY. OF COUR...'-'E- ~

IOD NEW TITLES in the wonderful S tar Dollar Line of Books

Wells Outline Hi~tory. Trader Horn Etc. at ::ii .00 per ,-ol.



-is Valentine Day I I THOS. ~:,,~~ & co. I: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J

i E~~~~:~ ~~~~ ~~~~P,· I I PRIVATE PARTIES A SPECIALTY ! ~ ~"'-"'-~~~""~"-~'-~~~-....'-~""-~'-'-~~

Frontiers of telepl1ony­old and new

Y csterd:ty the naht ral cou rse of tde­rhonc e"\p:tnsion \\ as to penetrate the n;ttion"s fronriers, building nc\\ lines and adding nc\\ subscribers.

Today finds rnany ne\\ "frontiers"' for telephone c"\pansion - ;111HJtH..( thcllt rhe homes of present subscribers. l pstairs and do\\ nstairs, where1•er needed, additional

tekphones are being installed. People are karning that there is added urility in ro1r.:t11i,ut co1nn1unicatio11.

This nc\\ field of activity was conceived li1· con1mcrcial development men of the Bell SYstem. J ust another e'C:tlllple of for­" :trd pLmning to make telephone sen-ice more 'aluable.



Page 3: VIN FROM UTAH STATE\VIN FROM UTAH STATE I .A . \V . S. :\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State



F'riduy, Feb. 7-B. Y. U. game; "l\1" Club <lance.

Saturda.y. Feb. 8-B. Y. U. game; Am ko Party; Pi J~. A. partyi B. E. Party.

Frida~·. Feb. 14-Alpha 0. Fireside; .\lpha Garnma Dc.lta party.

Saturday, Feb. 15-Ta.u Beta Pi party. ".\fonday . F'eb. 17-1'ormentor p.ay. Tuesday, Feb. l - Tormentor play. Friday, F'eb. 21-Kappa Sig-ma fire-

side; Spartanian Co-t'd Prom. ::>at.uiday, Feb. 22-Scabbard and

Black formal. Friday, Feb. :::!8-Chi Omcg-a party.

... • • ·r.- • · " ~ C E' • I~~~;:,.':~: :~:.~:r"::·:~e8

:::::. ~~::: 11I1111,TO:-. II.I l.L t ELEB ll I I .=.:s .\ :'\;\ I\ E l! SA !n - :;O I f) of \ 'era Ann O'Se11 Friday e1emng. ESTEl!'I .11 :'\S .IT IJ IS:'\ERS \SD Ll,;SC'IIEO'.\'S Gcnrcve r, ha<l l\onna Beck as

Si:-.: mor(' \H'cks of \\llltl'r bctause the ~un <lnn·cl to shme February second, hct luncheon g1,;.est. 1hut sda,· noon tht• ).!rQ.u~<l ~og his sh:iduw _and r:.u·t·at;.d


tu .hi~ la~r.. \\~~~hel' the _ol_d l\.apJla Uelta. ~upt:t:--t1tiun. is t.rlll· ur not 1s haJ<l to :--a). l he \\t'Uthc1, al pletielll, doe:-.n l :Sigma Omega of Ka.ppa Delta 811 _ look \ery 1ormulnble. . . . . I nounces the pied ,.ingot .-\nn Haning· Tlwi ( wu:-: a din·1 ;-;ifit:cl 11rog1 am m sotial tm.:l<:!s the 1iast week. Society, ton ol Anaconda. for thl• most part, <:on fined a(·tivily to 'arinus dinner and luncheon engage- .:\11 . ..;. C. rnne vhiited her <laug-hter, 1J1ents. Hamilton Hall was tm:• :-;c.:enl· or a ~ay anniYersary dinner. Speakers . .\.rlone, at lhe Kappa Delt-a hous<: last ,,fl ll' e\·t:ning- rcmini:--ct:<l on by-g-unl• campus days. Pi Beta Phi held their w<.~; .. and ..\lrti. J. T. Btadbury visited \\ mtt:r formal at the Ba:...ter Hotel. Sui.:ri out-uf·tuwn g-ucsts motored tu their d.aug-hters, ll t'.'lcn an<l Ruth, last Hozu.wn to attend the g-an1e:s Friday and ~aturday nights. Sunday.

The pledges of Kappa Delta enter·

Pl Beta Phi. I :\Ir. auJ .\-lr::;. Cha.rlc:-:;. \~an<lenhuok, taineJ at a firesi,te at the Chnpte1 hou~e afttr t.he game Saturday night.


To show that. the B >b(.'at quint. have I gaine.1 national famt..• the followin~· tlippingo ''as taken from the ;\linne­sot.a Daily and repi·inted verbatim:

··As for ~lon.tana Stale, we still ~­lieve it. is the best <:ollcge riuint in t.he country. We know nothing- ot an:·• cthks that may or may not bind th1 good faculty of the L:obc:ab in an athletic way but we know that they have a ba::;kctball t..eam out there am1 that, dc.:.pite a list of defeats on the road, it must be classed as th~ <~qual of thl' teams it has met.

"\\'hat. has this quint done? \Vell it has hi1. the roaa lor several thou­:-;and miles playing. a.way _from home Butler. Pitsbi.;rg-h and Pur .. ue to nam1;1 th1te of lhe fives of the . ount1v. It Jost to Butler bv a c.:lo:-.1? score, ·it. Jost. to Pittsburgh, '.)8 t.o :.i.7 and it won from Purdtw. :\lortO\t>r :t Jo~t unc of its star forwards of lust yea1'. · ·· I t i!'. not saf(' to a~:->ume that :\Jun t<lna Stat<.', playing- thL·se ~ante r1\al-= on it~ uwn floor , would win·! Y<:s, and it is a::; safe to :-ay that ii w(.ulJ. win on a neutral floor. You can )Jick ( ham pionship baskt..~tLa ll tea1:1,:-; until the (.'OWS come home· and an· lock1::d in tht barn and nobody know who real\\- descn·es lhc honor. There

)Ji~. beni \' C. Gantint!r o( Ana-: Utan an<l . lrs. \\ .. \l. l'ob1eigh. )lrs. 1.: nda wa:-:. a· ~ 11ner c-.. -st. al Lhc Pi H. L. Gardmcr of .-.\..rn.11.:on<la, and _\lrs . f tl J'h1 hOU"l' on Sun la). JI. E:. !:sans w ... rc chwperons for t.hc

."\!IJl\:nn:~ . .\11 ha of Pi Beta Phi en- v1..-.hsion. lhe otner guests includct.i tc.;rt.air.c.:d 50 cuests at a formal dinner .\l1s~<=s Helen a1u hliz..:'lbeth liary,

anc.:e at thu Hotd Baxter on ~atur· Leno1c ::>ulli\an, AlLe 8Jbe Hopkin::> 1my <~ t>nintt. 1 ht· tables were l't'- of Li\ 1ni..;ston1 Lu<:illc Robc.rts ot

. \lpha Omicron Pi. fore we'll lake .\lonbtna St:tt<:! an I let Hena Scovil, Ruth Holinger, Polly it go at that."

\r1~mer, ~ind Alice \'anciennook ''ere "\Vith apologies, of course. to all guests of the Alpha Om1cton P1 soi- Pacific coast. teams wh(> muf..t be ad­orit). Thur~day e\ening mitted ~uperior in anything-, just lo

Sun .uy afternoon the A I p ha 1 s:wc a Int of arg-ument."

Her Choice


KLEI , 'SCIDl lDT CO. "For the Idle Hour" ~

I kntl nt in t 11e.r floral atltirc of .::-..1.,1·h Dru.;or,a, Beth .1c.\.ithi..r. 1'..liza· r iuk ru~ ... • with , nmi.:.:- of harmomz· r,, th Sm1tn. and 1'..:-.thcr Bunmll, a.nd int!' :shade. Pco-r,un·:-. 01cilc:-tra pro- 1 .\le:,:--1::.. A.ustm De!•1ate, Ray Pratt, \1d1:l mus.c.· fo~ tl..ancing-, and purKh 1-'at. lfard:-- 1 Don.Seitz, Ghar.~s John­wa ~<·nL·l durin"' the e\·ening- b\· svn, Dan Barnnger, Bob "e:,W\er, :'-la~j <..rie Brown :.117d Kathleen Ander-1 I3e1naru Brown, Gus \\'yliei ~ Joh11 sul. Phyllis Scerll\·· L·ontribute.i two ·co~y, h.!!n11et11 l·uxon.' Howa1·d •. E.t·\\JH, nO\dl) dan l'"' tv t "·: cvcninc·~ l·ntt~r- / h.uth Ga .. -;tmcau, li~r<l~n \\ _uliam:-., tuinnH~nt. Jot<lan Burk:nt, LJob 0 Bnen, h .. enndh

OmL rnn Pi sororit) had as their <lin· m .. r !!Uests, 3liss IJapner, :\li:ss Power, and Irma )lonroe. Elizabt•th Griffith spent the week cn<l

Chic:ago. were dinner 1-{UC"'t" of Sh::n1a I Alpha E:psilon on Sunday. Pi Beta Phi.

f rn;.;id1 t tind .\I :'.A (1·~,i Atkinson, l1:l'1·. Hudol 1 h :::>wkc:n, James O\·ens, !--am \\inn John Wrig-ht, Tom Garry,

- \\ uliam . lclall, Hart Rutledge, Bill no-. l•l)nn, L:iwrence L' oo per, Chet £ 0 .Huntlt>y, Dick Burns, Joe Hazen, Bud (; o • & hau<..·r. Elmc:r )ltncer, Gordon \\'Lst-g penzng g iake, Elbworth Ha,tin~" Don Farn,,

at her hom1.. in Butte.

• .\.lpha Gamma Dell <! . A..lpha Gamma. Delta ha<l a~ dinne1

g-ue::.ts Thur:;dav e\·cning Dr. and .Jlr:s. !\.irk, )lr. and .:\lr:;. Therkel~on, and .:\lrs. ;\lcCn1v.

\'l in Arn~ O'::\eil was a gue:st of Alpha Gamma Delta \\'ednesday night.

Adena ~chumaker was a ~undav dinner guest at. the Alpha G.ammR Del ta hou.':'e.

l\a pi; a S ig ma. ( arl ft·terson wa:-> a dinner guest at.

tht' Kappa Si~ma. housL· Wednesday night.

Saturda)· night dinner j....Ttlests al the Kappa Sig-ma hou:;;e Wl'l'l· Roy :OlcFar­lin, :\lr. Ryan and ;\Jr. ~[cCoul. all from the School of ?lli nes.

Beta Epsilon. Robert :\Iiller of \\'esby, )font.. WllS



~ • 1111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t ' '.k . . H B. McCAY


Dinnerware, Glassware, Oriental Gift Goods ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 1 I I I I I 11111 1 I I 11 I i



WEST SIDE fiROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right HO W. Curtiss

BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET We specialize in the best of Dressed i\leats, Poultry

and Fi h

\\"e Cater to Fraternities and Sororities

Phone 167 435 E. Main Four Deliveries Daily


Phone 77 Cleaning and Pressing. Repairing and Dyeing

40 W. ;\1A!N

t t t t t t t l

6 ~~::1, -~~~r~~.~111~~1~~~11-~~~i~r:~~~at, Ted

i Exhibit g Ilamilton Hall.

3. Sun far dinner guest ut the Bet!l Epsilon house .


N'ew Spring Shiµm ent Ju.-t Receh·ed

-~---~ g Hamiltcn hall was the scene of a

Chi Omega. Kathleen Bir 1 of Bulte

lo school Sunday.

Beta Epsilon announc:C's the ple<lg· returned 1 ing- of Berl Jfonroe of Ca~l·ade. .\II One Price

S5.00 pair ENNA JETIICK g 11, Jy dinner party \Yednesday eYe· ~ Q nrni: in honor of the lllth anniversary v (:E of the opeing of Hamilton hall. ln

Fa..•hion Welt Shoes for i the re.civing line were Dean and )!rs. ' Yomen .Hamilton and the follo\\ :\Io1tar

Board members: )\01ma Beck, Helen

$5 00 $6.00 Z Allen. Inna )lonroe, )!ary O'Leary,

• to ~ ~~~rs~iIJi~~:r ~~,~!1;· se~-e~\~~ra t~~Z~; go scheme of gTeen and yellow. After \\"e ha\'e added to our dinner, Ucan Hamilton told of the his-

already large 8hoe stock a to1y oi Hamilton hall and its opening complete line of E:'.'\XA § "hen he iii st ll'ekomed Dean Henicll JETT I CE: fashion welt 0 to our camup>. Dean Herrick tord of

!'hoe~ for won1en and grow- call)· Hamilton hall days. This was ing girls ve1y inttresting- to the girls because it

took them back to scenes of horses,

Dorothy Adams is now living at the Chi Omega h use.

Sigma en·. Geo. Shanley wa~ a dinner gue~t of

Sigma Chi Tuesday. Eldon Peufield and Reed Robinson

of Butte were guest.':' over the week en L

Si.: nday dinner guest.s at the house weie :\Ir. itnd .:\lrs. John Morrison. Dan Monison of Livingston. Bob Hayes and :\Jr. and l\lrs. Dye.

Dan :\'oble. Erne:::-t. Shelley, and .\frs. \Yalt-t.r Hill motored OYer from Li\•­ing-:ston to attend th<' game Friday e\·ening.

Included are Pumps.

Ties. Straps

lo her fir.:.L impres.sions of ::\lontana ano

Q ta1nage::, boa1d \\alk~. and a campus• . _ --- I g w1tn th1ee bi.;domg::;.. ~orma Beck Ip Kappa Al1lha: (1 si.oke in behalf ol )lortar Board and :Ofe'.'«;rs, Bennion Dans, Dr)·sdale, 0- 1 t;a l a teleg1am :sent from ".\lary Dee, ~~oesmirrr. Alsop._ Belliston, and Par· 8 1,r.~ of Hamilton hall"~ first g-irb. ThE: ktnsoi: o! L-0gan Utah. were l.!Uests at <:>

1 eVLnmg \\as closed with the girls the P1 Kappa Al1>ha Saturdav

¢ Ed. a.nd Charles Trueworth), \V11-Sizes 1 to 12

Widths .\.\AA to EEE g " i


"IJW~.11~~1 c1'f1~~fi~eso,~;:· the Sunday din· liam Ryan. James ?llcCourt and James ner e.uc-n of ~hirle\· Browh. )I.cF~1 land, of Butte, were <rtJ.ests of

)h..:.. GaiJiner 1H~l11 Anaconda hnd P1 ~Kanpa .~lrha O\er the w~ekT end . u·nner witlt her daughter, Ali. e, Fri· Sumlar clmner t-."tlest:s of P1 h..appa day e\·ening. ~lrh:t :'·e1·e '.\1r. and :\Jr~. R. B. Bow.

GtniC\'C J\..~.,;ter had her sister, :\Irs .


aen ann Prof. and ::\!rs. E. L. Grant.

·~ 6 <:HXXX>l>~

D. B. );"oble a~ a luncheon gue~l A . ---Thursday. - 1111?0. .

.lunr:· had Eleanor Saw- i.\hs~ Doro.thy Ham•en and _.:\l1ss ----------------==-"==== :....:=;_:==:.:..=-"- Betty :\1 ~e1l we1e Sunday drnner ------------------------------- gue...;,ts at the Ami~o house.

We Sell F itche"s Sha' ing Cream F . .\,"lHIO •. B.\RBER :\:1\D BEAUTY SHOP

J. B. Neil. Prop. l"ndu (,allatin 'I rust and ~"' int!S Bank

FRA TERNITl' and SORORITY J'ictu1·Ps enlarged and tinted. \\"e \\'ill be glad to show ~·ou your g1 oup picture.

Come in and see them at


l\l r . Chet Paisler. ex 128, has been an .-\miiro guest eluting the past week. lJe holds a po~ition a~ eount~-r agent of Flathead <ounty and is attendinir the annual county agents' conference.

Mr. an·! ~Irs. Robert Tootell were Sunday Jinner guest8 .

. \l o-ha Gamma Rho.

I ~!r. G. B. Thome of the Bureau of

) Bconomics of \Vashing'ton, D. C., was a guest at the Alpha Gamma Rho '"'om·e over the week en<l.

un 1ay dinner irue5'ils of Alpha Galllma Rho \\·ere Mr. .and i\1rs. Stanle~· Fere-uson, Mr. 11. F. \\'ilson. )Ir. \V. H. Toi::-:saint, nnd ~Ir. R. B ~Jc Kee.

:g ma ,\l p11a Epsilon. T ony Dalic:h. Ed and Ch:irles True-

! wo11hv from the. ehool of :\fines were I lune heon guests at the S. A. E. house Satu1day.

Mis, Fay Collins, Mr. M. S. Cun­~============================:::-' ningham, and :Olr. Juliu s Butleir of

..._,,,._._._._...,._,,._._._ • ...._._._._._ .. _ ... -.,.-_..-..-.-.-.. -... _._._ .. _ .. _._ .. _ .. _ .. _ ......................... _.,._._. .... _ .. ...._._ .. _._..._.. I

;: I,ay and Night Sen·ice PHONE 273 _\V $ i 11[• • 111111L111 11 11111L111 1111111 1E111 1u• 1nN1 1u1111 11 1 11 1~

~ n i ~ NELSON CAB ~ .. i= THEATRE I ' Oldest and l\Iost Reliable •

~ COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY fll T ESDAY ! ~ OFFICE 3 NORTH TRACY ~ ~ Rud~· Vallee in ...,,..-..-..-. ... -.............. ·..-..-~..-.. -_,._._._. .. ~__..._._. .... _._.......,._._..,,.,,,,._.._,..._ .... ~ .....,.,....,,,.......,.. ~ ,..,rhe Vagabond Lo,'er''



Miss Lulu Bett" A Pulitzn Prize Play by Zona Gale

Ellen Theatre, February 6th l · You Like


This Play \\'ill Please

Loges $1.00, resen·ed seats 75c rush seats 50c Reser\'Cd seat sale at the Ellen Februal'y 4-5-6

from 2-3 p. m. and 7-9 p. m. :lfail orders l'ecei\·ed at !Jox office


Corinne Griffith in "Lillies of the Field"


The Gamblers

with " Lois Wilson, H. B. Warner • • i STARTING S NDA Y

~ The Years Sensation

~ "The Gold Diggers of

I ~ Broadway" ~ l"<X>'C>l>OJ:l'Jl<:H:H:!l>-Q-O'Jl<:fll<:!l>-Q-Ol>'Cfll;)<ll(H:>tH)'Jl<:H:!J(H:>tH)Cll(H:H:!l>-tH)'Jl<:><:fl:!l>tH)~ ~l l ll ll l ll l ll l lt l ll l l' l ll l ll l ll l tl l ll l ll l tl l ll l l ll U l ll l ll l ll l ll ll l l ll l U IU;

Delta Tau. \Yilliam Keith. class of 128, was a

gi.;egt at the Delta Tau houge durlng­the early part of the we<k.

Omega Beta. The Omeg-a Beta fraternity had a~

their Sunday dinner gue~t.s, )Ir. and Mrs. L. C'liffman. and )frs. l:'. T. Cliffman.

l\ ew sty !es in black and brown

Wagner Bros. Bozeman's Leading Men's and

Boys' Store


President and Mrs. Atkinson enter· tained at an infonnal dinner at their home Thursda,· evenine- for Dea1• Hen-ick, Dean 8.nd :\Irs. Hamilton :iml members of the stu ~ent senate.

7 S. Tracy


Baxter Hotel Baltimore Hotel

• c .on

• . . . 1n

Patronize Exponent Advertisers

the table it's


a cigarette \,it 's JUDGE A TREE by its fruit." The endless de­tail of ageing tobacco, blending and cross· blend­ing, the standard Chesterfield method, is not what intcrc:srs you.

But .ics "fruic"-kccncr, spicier aroma. true mil<lnc'.'IS 'vi th unmistak~1lllt! tobilcco ''character" -is jusr rhc 011ething that smok~rscau iudge by-

.. TASTE above ever!Jtlzing " A..,_..,._..,



AS I •



Page 4: VIN FROM UTAH STATE\VIN FROM UTAH STATE I .A . \V . S. :\lrs . Charles H. Clapp, whose husband is President of lhe State




IS ~tRr GlOSt Games During Past Week Lean

Winner of Each Lca!.(ue in J)oubL _\mi.!!OS Win .\nother Game in E"l.tra Period. l;an· nawa) ~tar

l"orm~r Alhtate .\ thlete in Football and Bashetball :-." ow Pia~ ing Third Season \\" i I I: Bobcats. .\ ll·confe rence in Football

.:\la:-.: i::; pla) in his third \'l'U for :'lh•ntan:1 :'talt'. nltcndt•tl . Billin!!' hig-h sl'hool, and ::-inn• t..•ntt.:ring colkge h.1:- nuhh.· :.1 n•ry l'l'Cditublt• rc<.·ord in

l·ti\ it11::-.. \\"hill' ·n high srhonl he w~1"<.Hl' g-uard in ha~kLtkdl and :.111-~tah.· end in ft1l1ll·~dl m1d wa~ r;1p. •a;n 11f tlw Billi1 ~ tatt..• championship bash•tl.a!l tt.un. ln l~l~l) ~lax Wt)ll tlw Bolwr.t nwtl:il l1t tht? State tourn·


I C.ont.inue<l from Page Thti lineups: .\lontana S tat e (;;:I)

l humpson, f 0. "o.t.d. f P. \\';.ml, t.'

H. ,. r ti. Jr \\"( thrn~ton. g- •. .\kl•a1 :ind. f

T<. l tLlh . \ J!!.!iC's ( II ) Da,·is . r Farkin-..un. f l'ampbdl. ,. l'ennion, )! Young-, )!


FG . 6

ll 6 u l 0


20 Saturd<l \ ·,Game

One) [ CONFERENCE MAN 1-'T. l'F. __

l u \I

0 a (I

l 0

Ha-. ~lade E"l.cept ional Record Both in High School and Col· lcge. Is .\n Outs tandin;: Stud ent

l Orhind attendt.•d Parow~li l ijrh ~ / :-;,,:hlwl in Vtah , Jw1 t.• he was an out-1 standin!? ba:--kethall plnyt.•r in hi,l{h I $l'houl 1..·in:lL·~. \ ··tl'I" g-rnduation frl1m t high school. he .... layt•d out one Yt.;".1'

and then came ·v J1ontnna Stat<.•" 1t'l his brother Frat k.

Last y<.·ar Orbncl wn~ :.11l·L·onfrrt:>nr1• forwnrcl and , .. ;1 be a ~criou~ threat on the same 110,..ition this year .. lit• h; fiye t'eN ten in ht:s t:.dl nnd \H'1i..:h~ close to l 7i'i Pl• 11 lh• i:-; the mo::-t

/' ,. ,

/ /

. - -- ·?'

The pas \\l'l"k the intram .11 la~­kt·thaL s.enes \\as in full ~\\mg- "Hh mo~t of the J!:lmt.>s iemJ:r ph) e,I on H·hcdule. Jn Uot.h h:ib t.::-: .. her wen~ n number of bani l!Ju~h: lOOlt ts a;?. a few c\·t:n n•t1uire.J t:xtru 111.. to dt'<'i .c the <HI c.OJlll'. 1' rom pn \iOUS tt·~ults it j ... evidt..•nt that 1w tt~am i~ l,!t•inJ.?" to 1 un of with t e hono1 ~ with· out a hard ra<t~. 1!1 the b ue lc.a..!:lle tc .\. G. R. !'quad," h1!...h me \ ir' .<l ly the .. A'' Ji\ i:oion t•hampion" of lust n•nr )ollk likt..· n likeh· ront.cndC'r for ht1no;·s ag-ain th!~ \l.:ir. "!'tilt• in th~ Gol<l lta:!UC' t.hc Sit!ma Chi'~ are 1lopcll to cmmerg1..~ vif'toriou::-. JI .. wevt.>t". th1..• t-0u.,.nament hn:o hnr<ll)· rNtt•ht'd th..: midway mark yet an'. m tJty unt'X­f.P<.'i<.vi re,·e1 <"~ 'an bt' J,l()kt- for.

In> sl'Ct111i1 Conl("t ''ith Ltah 8tt•lc, the Bobcat.~ appN1reiJ with not onlv a mul."h th.d1ter and careful de­frn~<'. but :d~o with their old style cham1lio1.~hip tYI l' of otf<. n~L' n~,l < ownetl tht..• .\_!!g-i1..•s hy thL" mon' dt"Cl~­i\"t• Sl'lll t..' tt~-J7 . By \'irt.\le of this \\ .::-i th<'v climbed to a t.Wt.l game margin I on•i· tht•ir ne;nest. l'Olll}letitors in tht• att· l'o the C'lrnmpiotL"hiJ\ of t.hc-

Over the • or1zon Re:sults for the pa:ot week

Blue l...E>ag-ue .\. G. R. ::ii: Ind. ~L :-;, A. E. 2i; D. T. 13. P. K. A. 16; B. E. 10. K. S. 1S: .\n.i~o 11. K. S. :!7 i Ind. 1.

c;uJd [,eague K. S. ~O; D. T. J:l. In<l. ~6; Amigo 2:-1. I'. K. A. ~; : . . \ . E. 10. Amigo :!1: R. E. 17. ::\ext wc.>ek"s sehOOule:

Blue Leag-ue ~fonday- -Amig-o Ys D. T. Tuesciay-0. B. \"s B. E. \\"ednesday-B. E. '> A G. ll.;

x. ,., K. s. Thurs_ay -0. B. vs Ani!go. Satcrda.y-- P. K. J .. 's D. T.

~ I I

Gold L.eague :llonday-0. ll. ,., Ind. Tut.s<iay J\.. s. ,.s A. G R; S

E. ,., D. T. '"'('dnesday ~- •·. Y:-. Am . .!o. Thursday•-P K .\. Ys 0. n. 8aturdav h.. s. \ ;-; Ind.; A nig-o Y::-

I "'idl~rc<l one of thl! best ends in the

A rnitl.'d ~lnlL'~ thrOUJ,!'h hi::. ability to · · , ari y tht~ Uall, plnL e kick. pass and

1~ one of the main ~tay~ in the <ll1-

ft.: n"t'. ~lax b tt1!1::-idt..•te<l u model athlt•t<.., a~ he has tht..• best intt..'rest of the t nm ut h~'art . )lax hn~ abo ~huwn his ability un the haskl'tball

A G. R. .


l'OUrt throu!!h hi~ n•ol-lwndl•dm·ss, ,i:ran! ancl spec<l dm in.!? the ~a mes. hc will prove a thn.•at for an all·<.·on·

"1•'-t ra di' i~ion of thc.> Rocky )loun­tain l'<.1nfen!ncc. "('at" Thomps(ln and Fr:wk \\".11d ~howed the fan~ Lheir all-~\mer­kan an: all-confl'renC'(\ prowess<!'s nnd wt•rt' 11t}t to be clC'ni<.cl. Ray Buzzelli, who has bN.'n attrading so muC'h fn.\·­ornMc ntlcnLion us su~cessor t-0 the fame I "Bri.k'' Bn•etlt:'n. broke inlo the :-ot·qrin~ Cl lumn with lll point~. Bl"­-..i.ks "-·ont1 ibutinir ~o much lo the ~t·orinir, 13uzzctti played a wonderf1.;! floor i.;.mrn.:. 5111oth~ring the Agg-i~ fon,ar.t, Da' is. :ll C\'<'l"Y turn anll snarin!!' the ball timt" after time.

Tht• . .\gg"ies g-rabb~d an early 1<.•ad )-;-:~ afh·r 10 minute!' of play, Parkin­:oon mnkin~ PH~· fir:st J.!011 s.hortly afwr the op1..·ninJ.t whi:-;tle but the cats sc)()Tl rallied an l piled up [I a:~.10 lead at the ktlf. Pnrkinson a!,!ain l3-U1rred for th(' ,·j~·itor~ with his ability to count frl1:n mid.floor. Campbell . the Ai:r1:d(' cu1tt·r al~o ~han~d in scoring- honor:o.

The l't.1h boys 5:eemed n bit fati;,ru('d from the hard tussle of the prC\"ioU~ night, whil(' the Bobcat." seemed to he rejU\·ennted and in bcttC'r fonn.

Thr lineup~ :

powerful and ru,:g-ed plnyer on the team and ne\•er shows .fntigue on the floor. He has ::>hown his ability in

11< ntana St.ate (62) Tl•omrsrm. f 0. ""ord, f

FG. FT. 6 2

.... :l 0 . 7 5

J the forward .P~sition on tip off r.lnyti PP.· and "follow m' ~hot~ and good tloor

3 work. as well as an a'sl't in the <lt•-0 fense of the Boh<.:at quint. ~ Orland has al::-o made a fine n·cord ·~ scholastically a d graduates thi~ ~ ::.;pring in Phys1 l Edu..:ation.

F. Ward, t'

\Vorthington. go R. Buz7.elti. g Ario. g-

l 2 0 g Q

forl'n<.'t• ;..:uard pu~ition. ~Iax is a Total:-:. .26 10 I I :\OTICE junior and i::- taking- the Physical 1 l 'tah .\ iri;: i~ (3i)


JOI~· C'i I~ lH

t LEC R.IC tl•lU -.,, kO \U~,\ T

F R) ~ATl.'Rl\A\' AT 9 l' ... I.,


H [RE they come the nucleus of an all-elecrric merchant marine. \ cst<:rt!.1y, rhc) \\'<.:re a dre:un . th.:y arc wdl over rhe horizon, linkmg the pons of rhe easr and w<.:sr coasrs wirh forrnigbtly service. The goal of the PJn.una P01cific line is to build rhree more turbinc~decrric ships, thus nabl1ng \\-cckl) :\:ew York­frisco s.11lings.

E,·w now, the three liners, Ca!ifemi.1. J "irgmia, and P.nmJ.'1,,!li.1. constirute rhe largest tleer ot rurb1ne·decrric commerci:il ship in rhe w·or!J.

Besides propellmg these ships, electricity hoists freight, raises anchor-, mans pumps, ruros rudders, dnves wind1es, and'' .ups rhe vessds inro their bcrrhs. It li_ghrs lamps, spins fans, operates dcvarors. cools and cooks food. Its mJgic rouch is app.trenr on every deck.

All dccrric cquipmenr, aboYe and belo\\ deck, is a prod· uct of Gcnaal Ilectric.

The pl.rnning. production. and disuibmion of such equipment lus been !Jrgely rhe re pons1biliry of college· lnined men who are working with General Elecuic and who ha ·e .1id d in bringing rhese hip:s OYtr rhe horizon. i Phone ~86-~I 11 S. Tracy I

j Dixon's ! Edm·at ion tour:-:.t~. ( nrwi:o. f

Parki..:on, f .. l

There " ·n be a met.ti ng of the En~inct.ri nl:.· Ph) s ics (l ub \\"eel · nesda:y, F rua r) :i. at .):Oil p . m. in :\l ain .di. .\II t·nginering. phys ics st 1 cn ts are rcq ue~ted to atte nd.

G E N E R A L ELECTR I C COMPANY, SCHENECTADY. !'< E \X" HQ\\" THE) STA;\]) Campbell,r 6 l Won Lost Pct. Bennion. I? 0 1 2


: Wall Paper. Paints, ~

~I. :;, c l 'ta h Aggie• B. Y. l', l'tah r.

l 3 I .R'l;J Youn.!!', !.?'

.:;oo I .:i:rn Total< .13 7

.:t:l3 Rt.>fort'e, Spen<'CI', LTta.h Aggies. IO

~ Oil. Glass ~ There "ill h<' a nt('('t in~ of at.·1iH• 8i:urs ·n the or~aniz.ation rt.Om of Herrit.·k hall Tue~a' at

~~~ :l :110 o 'clock. ·


TUXEDOS Let us take care of yciur furnish· ings for e\'ening wear. Showin c; newest styles and patterns.

o one H U B o Ed and Lou Howard

Walk·OHr Shoe.- Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

~~~"-~~~"~~""'-~'~~ :'I.'-'~""''''' i Ii EA R ! ! ! ~ l':\1 Jl'ST A Y AG.\ BO);D LOYER ~ and ~ IF YOU WEHE THE ONLY GIRL

e RCDY Y.\LLEE ~ :\"uff Said

~ O RTON BRC S. ~~''"'''~'''-~'"'''""'~""S.""SS..'-~~~~

CLASSJC BARBER SHOP Basement Commercial • 'ational Bank


•11111111 111 11 1 1 11 1111111 11 111 11 11 111 11 11111111111 1 1

Choose Your Valentines From our large assortment

of Candies

The '.\ lontana's Most Beautiful lonfcctionery



F·rifln:-,~ c\·cning. January 31, th\· football nwards were made by Denn ~\,;ne;l<' b< tween ha.h-es of the l"tah A!r!!'it• basketball g-ame. The ~wca er:; ant! blankeL~ ·were i:rivcn out early in order tha the men will be able to u.::e thon before the "award" day in U1e !;prinj? riuartcr.

The men who l eived tha award$ were: O'Leary, Rieh.:irds . Klefrman, Renn. " "inner. T\\;I !e, DeFrate, \Yorthincton. ~kFarland. Long", Sem­infrson, Bruner. \Yai:rncT. Bn.u('1-, O\·er, Gill. Pn~:-t-011. Skinner, Leland, Sadler, anrl C:.1ptain 1\")•lie

..\~ romplimentC'd to the Bobcat •ootl all men '.\Ir. Ru,,.~dl, manag-cr of he Ri:\lto Theatre gave each mem·

be-r a complimentary ticket to show::. in hi-.. esL1blishment during the sea~on

~ .... ...._._......,.,,,._,. ........................ ...,..,... .. ~ Nl'NN·BU H OXFORDS ~ ~ are ~ ~ Ankle· Fashioned ~

I ~ Brown or Black ~ I c,ir ~;;~;~:: 1od I ~ .\ good looking Ox ford ~ ~ for da nce wear ~

~ BOVEE & PADDOCK ~ . . ~...-· ..... ~----....,,._,,,.,_,w



Malled J\lilk ·

Good Eats


111111111111 ·1 111 1 111 1 11 111 · 1 1 11 1 1 1 · 111 1·11c 111 • 1111 u 1~~~~~~~

"l\larvin .Murgatroy<l, yo·1 fiend, I promi,ed myself the

rare 1>lea ·ure of doing } uu in " ilh my t wo b:irc hands, and

yet .•. "

"Chok" :::wny, Horace Gillinitwater ! Any throa t p ro tected

by t he const:.nt tF0 o'.: 1.-l n OLDS, t he smootlwr and

bctt .. :r qu~tn~ki"f c:>Tar~~~n, i · beyond thC" power of your

feeble strl..'nb·l .• ! 'f1tt.r"''~ ;,ut a couylt itz a carload!"


Cl t'.