vision food supplement navigator


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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Vision International People Group is continuously working not only on creating new unique products, but also on developing effective tools of their promotion. Vision’s distributors and customers have certainly noticed that the recently released product catalogue of the Company contains an interesting table entitled Food Supplement Navigator. This is the new promotional tool of the Company and its latest “know how” in the positioning of its products. Food Supplement Navigator is an outcome of a painstaking and complex research carried out by the top experts, who collected and analyzed experience of Vision’s clients throughout all the 15 years of the Company’s history. Having studied the compatibility and reciprocal influences of food supplements, they identified reliable formulas for strong health, active longevity, and excellent well-being. And what is most important, these ready-to-use formulas, created with big effort and true love, can now be used by any person—from accomplished and dedicated healthy lifestyle ‘professionals’ to absolute beginners who are just about to start their journey into the wonderful world of Health and Longevity. How to Use Vision Food Supplement Navigator We can rightly call the complete range of Vision products a “construction set of health”. Each product is like a building block. A house is made of building blocks, and an effective wellness program is made of Vision products. But every construction process always starts with an architectural plan. And our new Navigator is exactly this. Using Navigator is a real pleasure. Let us see how it works. The leftmost column of the Navigator lists wellness programs that generally correspond to the conventional medical classifications of human body’s systems and organs. Each program (except Junior) contains seven food supplements. Three of these are basic products that belong to the Classic Hit line of supplements known for their wide-range health improvement effects. The remaining four products come from the Direct Hit line. These are the “specialist-products” whose effects are more targeted. This “3+4” combination is not accidental. Building a solid house requires a strong foundation. Such are the three Classic Hit products. On the basis of that, the four specialized Direct Hit products deliver best results possible. Together, the Magnificent Seven set of food supplements is an all-inclusive complex of perfectly matched health products. Why Same Products Appear in Multiple Columns As we know, deficit of the same substances can produce harmful effects on various organs and systems. For example, anti-oxidants are products of a broad spectrum of use, and that is why they are recommended for various conditions, such as immune system disorders, cardiovascular problems or premature aging.


Page 1: Vision Food Supplement Navigator

Kind of effect Vision BAFS set

Classic Hit Direct Hit

Nervous system Antiox+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Lifepac Senior Hiper Mistik Passilat Revien

Respiratory system Antiox+ Detox+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Mistik Nortia Beesk Ursul

Cardiovascular system Nutrimax+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Sveltform+ LCBalance Vinex Granatin Q10 Hiper

Hematopoietic system Nutrimax+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Lifepac Senior Beesk Beauty Revien Granatin Q10

Immune system Antiox + Detox+ Chromevital+ Mega Beesk Safe-to-see Aktivy

Digestive system Antiox + Nutrimax+ Sveltform+ Cupers Neo Beesk Mega Nature Tan

Endocrine system/Metabolism

Detox + Sveltform+ Chromevital+ Nortia LCBalance KG-Off Suppressant KG-Off Fat Absorber

Urogenital system Detox+ Nutrimax+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Ursul Artemida+ Medisoya Artum

Musculoskeletal system Detox+ Nutrimax+ Chromevital+ Ursul Brain-o-flex Mega Medisoya

Anti-age Antiox+ Lifepac Senior Chromevital+ Granatin Q10 Beauty LCBalance Cheviton

Body Purification Antiox+ Detox+ Nutrimax+ Cupers Neo Granatin Q10 LCBalance Nature Tan

Weight correction Detox+ Sveltform+ Chromevital+ KG-Off Suppressant KG-Off Fat Absorber Lamin Vision Nature Tan

Beauty and appearance Antiox+ Sveltform+ Lifepac Senior Beauty Granatin Q10 Nature Tan Cheviton

Eyesight Antiox+ Pax+/Pax+ forte Lifepac Senior Safe-to-see Vinex Nature Tan Brain-o-flex

Intellectual functioning Antiox+ Lifepac Senior Chromevital+ Brain-o-flex Safe-to-see Mega Aktivy

Physical activity Antiox+ Detox+ Chromevital+ Beesk Mega Aktivy Cheviton

Male health Antiox+ Lifepac Senior Chromevital+ Artum Lamin Vision Stalon Neo Ursul

Female health Antiox+ Nutrimax+ Lifepac Senior Artemida+ Beauty Medisoya Nortia

Child health Lifepac Junior+Lifepac Junior Be Big

Lifepac Junior Be Healthy

Lifepac Junior Be Wise

Lifepac Junior Be Smart

Lifepac Junior Be Strong

Lifepac Junior Be Chocolate

Vision BAFS Navigator