vision shaping booklet by rey halili

Shapin g Vision to Realit y Produced & Copyrighted By Rey Halili Graphics & Charts From the Book

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Shaping Vision to RealityProduced & CopyrightedBy Rey Halili

Graphics & Charts From the Book

VisionMatching vision to core needs

Focusing your vision towards relevance

Passion the starting point of vision

Knowing the shape of your vision

The power of Vision shared & processed


From Vision to Strategic planning

Preparing your Core Values and Beliefs

Strategic Plans to Action Planning

Preparing your Core Values and BeliefsVisions Afreshed &


Vision is a Leaders' agenda

What is vision

What is a Godly vision

Why and benefits

How do we develop vision

Preparing your Vision Statement

Why Visions fails to to take off Preparing your

Mission Statement

Why Visions successfully

launched fails

Preparing your Core Values and




Case Studies: NATSTRAT 2020FLOCK Mins Int’l


SHAPING YOUR VISION TO REALITYWhat the Book is all about(A Mind Mapping Presentation)

Copyright by Rey G. Halili

Shaping Our Vision to


This is what the book is all about

From vision/mission/core/values shared, strategy is developed and analyses skills and type of people needed to build the structure to finally develop system for implementationCopyright Rey Halili


Core values Shared


StructureTo be Built

Skills Required



Mission:Defines where the organization is going now, basically describing the purpose, why this organization exists.


Main values protected by the organization

during the progression, reflecting the


culture and


Vision: Defines where the

organization wants to be in the future. It reflects the

optimistic view of the organization's


Copyright Rey Halili

Mission or Purpose A precise description of what an organization does. It should describe the business or ministry the organization is in. It is a definition of “why” the organization exists currently. Each member of an organization should be able to verbally express this mission.

Core ValuesValue statements are grounded in values and define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. They are statements about how the organization will value its target group, constituencies, and suppliers. Value statements describe actions which are the living enactment of the fundamental values held by most individuals within the organization.

Vision StatementA vision is a statement about what your organization wants to become. It gives shape and direction to the organization’s future. A vision should stretch the organization’s capabilities and image of itself. It should resonate with all members of the organization and help them feel proud, excited, and part of something much bigger than themselves.


• It is a projections of Values into the Future• Creates identity and Commitment• Visions Appeal to the Heart, it express

people’s highest aspirations for what they wanted to create in the world.


• Mission statement specify an organization’s role in achieving a vision.

• A mission clarifies the scope of the activities in the pursuit of its vision.

• It should be comprehensive and integrated listing of the organization’s focus.

• The missions statement appeals to the head.


Copyright Rey Halili

Copyright Rey Halili

a vision for your future,

a mission that defines what you are doing,

values that shape your actions,

strategies that zero in on your key success approaches

goals and action plans to guide

monthly actions


FlowchartFrom Vision to

Action Plan

Copyright Rey Halili

Situation – evaluate the current situation and how it came about

Target - define goals and/or objectives


Path - map a possible route to the goals /objectives

Copyright Rey Halili

Vision must be cultivated, defined and casted. 

Copyright Rey Halili

Ask God to prepare your heart and open your eyes.Ask God to prepare your heart and open your eyes.

Discern and write your core values.Discern and write your core values.

Expose yourself to needs and opportunities.Expose yourself to needs and opportunities.

Understand your current situation and context.Understand your current situation and context.

Develop and evaluate future possibilities.Develop and evaluate future possibilities.

Write a vision statementWrite a vision statement

What are your short-term and long-term goals to enableyour vision?What are your short-term and long-term goals to enableyour vision?

What obstacles could prevent you from realizing yourvision?What obstacles could prevent you from realizing yourvision?

StrengthsWhat is working well?

WeaknessesWhat is missing or needs improvement?

ThreatsWhat threats have you identified?

OpportunitiesWhat opportunities do you see?

SWOT Analysis

What is Vision

A true vision must provide a clear image of a desirable future, one which represents an achievable, challenging and worthwhile long-range target toward which people can direct their energies."

The ability to receive a vision from God, to develop a plan to see that vision come about and to guide or serve as reference to those around you through necessary change so that the vision becomes a reality is crucial to effective living.

A true vision must provide a clear image of a desirable future, one which represents an achievable, challenging and worthwhile long-range target toward which people can direct their energies."

The ability to receive a vision from God, to develop a plan to see that vision come about and to guide or serve as reference to those around you through necessary change so that the vision becomes a reality is crucial to effective living.

A personal vision statement expresses your understanding of God's call for your life – focusing on who you are and what you do.

What does it do for us

* focuses energy for greater effectiveness, * establishes meaning for today, * gives hope for the future, * brings unity to the family, or team and * raises commitment level from each.

"Seeing the benefits of vision can be a powerful motivation for individuals to reprioritize their activities and resources."

George Barna,, The Power of Vision

Moving from vision to action

Characteristics A godly vision: catches a glimpse of reality from God's perspective recognizes God's desire to bless his people (Eph 3:20-21) flows out of God's redemptive purposes (Matt 28:18-20) seeks God's specific assignment sets standards of excellence clarifies purpose and direction inspires people and organizations bridges the present and the future

Your picture of the future should be consistent with your core values and ministry principles, and be based on an accurate view of God, self and the community around it.

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Internal Enviro



Driving Forces

Preferred Scenarios


Competitive Positioning

Flow to Ministry


Flow to Ministry


Strengths & Weaknesses


We start with the need, developed our framework,described the factors that will influence impact on our environment and described our preferred future