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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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El esforzado conjunto instrumental de nuestra Iglesia en ensayo para evangelizar con la música

The one made an effort instrumental group of our Church in rehearsal to evangelize with the music

El Domingo 29 de abril se concretó un compromiso de nuestro Pastor David Horta de llevar la predicación y la alabanza a un humilde Hogar de Ancianos.

The Domingo April 29 the commitment was summed up of taking the preaching and the music to a needy home of old men

En esta preciosa oportunidad el conjunto se presentó con Trompeta, Traversa, Clarinete, 2 Melódicas, Teclado, Violines y Flautas dulces.

In this beautiful opportunity the group was presented with Trumpet, Traversa, Clarinet, 2 Melodic, Organ, Violins and sweet Flutes.

Participaron en total 9 Instrumentistas, El Pastor David el Diácono Walter y varios hermanos y hermanas que nos acompañaron

They participated in total 9 Instrumentalists, The Pastor David , Diacon Walter and several brothers and sisters that accompanied us

Fue un momento de privilegio el poner los talentos al servicio de Dios y su Palabra

It was a privilege moment putting the talents to the service of God and their Word

El ver como esas mujeres y hombres que en la etapa de vejez, recibían y se emocionaban con las melodías fuimos bendecidos

Seeing as those women and men that in the stage of age, they received and they were moved with the melodies we were blessed

Al final compartimos y nos emocionamos junto a ellos

At the end we share and we are moved next to them

Todos quedamos comprometidos a seguir ayudando a aquellos que necesitan de la fortaleza de Dios.

We all are committed to continue helping those that need of the strength of God.

“…Si nos amamos unos á otros, Dios está en nosotros, y su amor es perfecto en nosotros:”1 Juan 4: 12

“…If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.”

1 Jo 4: 12

Ellos seguirán esperando en Dios.

They will continue hope in God.