visual illusions (視力錯覺)


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Page 1: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Visual illusions 視力錯覺編輯配樂:老編西歪


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Page 2: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Check out the spiral...except it is not a spiral, just circles.Don't believe me? Use your finger to follow the fake spiral.The tilt of the boxes fools your brain into believing it is a spiral.

檢查這個螺旋 ... ... 但它不是一個螺旋,只是圈圈。不信嗎?用你的手指跟順著假螺旋就知道了。傾斜的框欺騙了你的大腦,以為它是一個螺旋。

Page 3: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Would you say that the horizontal lines of this graph are parallel? No, right? As the view has deceived you once again. Check it out.


Page 4: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Did you notice the small grayish dots between the black boxes. They are not part of the drawing - they were put there by your brain! Scientists call this "visual vibration."

Basically it means that when you see patterns of black and white, your eye sometimes confuses the two and blends them into patterns of gray that you see here. You are seeing something that is not really there!

你是否注意到黑線條之間的小灰點。他們不是圖型的一部分 - 是你的大腦把他們放在那兒!科學家稱之謂「視覺震動」。基本上這意味著,當你看到黑白模式,你的眼睛有時會混淆了,你在這裡看到黑白兩者混合成灰色的模式。你所看到的東西不是真的在那裡!

Page 5: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Which Line Is longer?I present you with two lines : AB and BC. Which one is longer? The lines are exactly the same... otherwise why would I be asking you a silly question like this?

哪一線段比較長?兩條線 AB 和 BC ,哪一線段比較長?這兩條線是完全一樣的 ... ... 否則,為什麼我會問你這樣一個愚蠢的問題呢?

Which Line Is longer? I present you with two lines: AB and BC. Which one is longer? Yes, you guessed it again! You're so smart! The lines are exactly the same... otherwise why would I be asking you a silly question like this on an optical illusion website? Actually, yes. As you click on to more illusions, you'll see a similar illusion, and I cheat. The lines usually would appear to be straight, but I've adjusted them so they are not the same, just to keep your brain quick and to keep you on your toes and paying attention. This illusion could be made even stronger if a little more perspective was brought into it, including making the A and C slightly larger, as well as making the lines not exactly the same width throughout, so that AB and AC would converge a little more before making it to B.

Page 6: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Liar Word Illusion Here is another picture in our optical illusion gallery. Is it a man's face, or the word Liar -- tell the truth! Now, if we hadn't just said the word liar, you wouldn't know what to be looking for.

Lair 這個字的錯覺這裡是另一個眼睛錯覺的圖片。說實話它是一個人的臉,也是英文字 liar 。現在,如果我們不說 liar ( 騙子 ) 這個字,你會不知道該從何處找尋。

Page 7: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Count the black dotsIf you look at this picture It looks like white spots that turn gray, and when you watch them turn white again, is another deception of sight.


Page 8: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Look at the red dots in the center. Which one is bigger?Like many similar illusions, the dots are the same size...really! Because your eye uses the other dots to make a comparison.

看看在中間的紅色圓點。哪一個比較大?像許多類似的幻覺,這些紅點大小是相同的 ... 真的!因為眼睛使用其他點來作比較的關係。

Page 9: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

This uses visual vibrations to create a cool effect. Try moving your head close to, and then away from the screen. The black dots appear to move.


Page 10: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

When first looking at this optical illusion your eye is deceived into thinking that the circular lines over the top of the black and orange diamonds are all connected into a large spiral swirling into the middle of the image, however they are actually separate individual circles.


Page 11: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Notice how the placement of blocks in this eye illusion not only makes an interesting pattern, but it makes the center of the checkboard appear to bulge out. Of course, all the lines are perfectly straight, if you move your head close to your screen, you will see that this is true.


Page 12: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Do you think these two circular objects are the same size? When we first saw this picture we were sure the background sphere was a lot larger than the one in front. It’s true however that these two circles are really the same size. The longer we looked at the circles illusion the more convinced we became that it is simply a trick on the eyes.


Page 13: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Vertical and Horizontal Lines appear, they are only an illusion. 垂直和水平線出現,它們只是一種幻想。

Page 14: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Checker shadow illusion :The squares marked A and B are the same shade of gray.檢查陰影的錯覺:兩個方格中標示的 A 和 B ,都是相同的灰色陰影。

Page 15: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Angels and Bats? 天使和蝙蝠?

Page 16: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Color Blindness Test

色盲測試10名男性中有 1名具有某種程度的色盲。婦女普遍則要少得多。色盲也被稱為“視力缺陷”。大多數時候,它是遺傳,但有些人大腦創傷或通過其他途徑成為色盲。

1 in 10 men has some degree of color blindness. It is much less prevalent in women. Color blindness is also referred to as "vision deficiency". Most of the time, it is genetic, but some people can become colorblind with trauma to the brain or through other ways.

ps:1 → 25, 2 → 29, 3 → 45, 4 → 56, 5 → 64, 6 → 8, 7→10 , 8 → 8

7 8

Page 17: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Perfect SquaresMove your head close to the screen. Do the perfect blue squares appear to be distorted? Absolutely... this is due to the black lines in the back moving and twisting it in your mind. You'll also notice that the backgrounds appear slightly different shades, as you look at them.

The main part of this illusion is that the crooked blue squares are not really crooked. They're perfectly square! What an eye trick!

完美的正方形移動你的頭靠近屏幕。完美的藍色正方形出現被扭曲?絕對 ... 這是由於你心中在後面的黑線使它移動和扭曲。你還會注意到,你看它們時背景出現些微不同的陰影。這種錯覺的主要組成部分,彎曲的藍色正方形不是真的歪斜。他們是完美的正方形!這是眼睛欺騙!

Page 18: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Which line is actually a line, AC or BC? Look at the optical illusion image below. First, imagine that C connects with point A. It seems like it could work. Then see if C connects with B.... it appears that that is a possibility too. To see the real answer, you'll just have to hold a straight edge up to the screen and you can get the answer.

哪一條線是真正的直線, AC 或 BC ? 請看下面的光學錯覺圖片。首先,假設是 C與 A 點連接,這似乎是可行。然後,看看 C與 B 連接 ... 看來,這也是一種可行性。要得到真正的答案,只需拿著直邊 (尺 ) 靠到屏幕上,你就可以得到答案。

Page 19: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Young woman or old woman Here is another artists drawing of the young woman/old woman optical illusion. You just remember the basics: The old woman's eye is the young woman's ear. The old woman's wart is the young woman's nose, and the old woman’s nose is the young woman's chin. Easy enough right?

年輕女子或老婦人 這裡是另一個藝術家畫的年輕女子 / 老婦人光學錯覺圖片。你只要記得基本原則:老婦人的眼睛是年輕女子的耳朵。老婦人的疣痣是年輕女子的鼻子,和老婦人的鼻子是年輕女子的下巴。很容易吧!

Page 20: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Invisible TriangleAlthough there are no actual lines making up the triangles in this optical illusion image, you can plainly see that the white triangles appear between the circles. We refer to this as negative space and our brains immediately form the triangles because they strive for order and reason -- and your brain is great at recognizing patterns.

無形的三角雖然在這個光學錯覺圖象中沒有真正組成三角形的直線,你可以清楚地看到,白色的三角形出現在圓圈之間。我們談論這個是「負面空間」,我們的大腦立即形成三角形,因為這些是從規律和推理中得出來的 - 你大腦的認知模式是偉大的。

Page 21: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Stare at the center of the black dot for about 20 seconds. After a little while, you'll notice that the outside of the circle - the shaded area - starts to lose definition, and even becomes a solid color. Or, your eyes may notice that the shading shrinks and isn't even perceptible after a minute or so.

This is quite a weird optical illusion! And it only becomes more convincing the longer you stare at the black dot, so you must be patient!

凝視黑點中心約 20秒。一會兒後,您會發現,圓圈的外側 - 陰影區 - 開始失去定界,甚至成為單色。或者,你的眼睛可能會注意到陰影縮小,甚至要在一分鐘左右之後才能察覺。這是一個相當怪異的光學錯覺!凝視小黑點久一點它將變得更能令人相信,所以你必須要有耐心!

Page 22: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Look at the black point and see that the gray bar changes to green-blue


Page 23: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Bent Lines Illusion : The horizontal red stripes look bowed in the middle. This optical illusion brain teaser demonstrates that the black lines drawn in one-point perspective distort the red lines. You can also see that in this optical illusion, the thinner red line seems to be even more bowed than the thicker red line.

If you still don't believe that the red lines are perfectly straight, hold a peice of paper up to the screen and you'll see that they are in fact perfectly horizontal. 錯覺彎曲線:橫向的紅線看起來中間呈現弓形彎曲。這種光學錯覺的益智遊戲展示,是所有黑線從一個點射出,透視扭曲了紅線。在這種光學錯覺你還可以看到,細紅線似乎比粗紅線更彎曲。如果你仍然不相信紅線是筆直的,拿一張紙靠近屏幕,你會瞭解他們其實是完全水平的。

Page 24: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

The diagonal red lines in this figure there are completely straight, not look it, but they are.這個圖形中,紅色的對角線完全是直的,看起來不像,但他們確實是直線。

Page 25: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

When looking at this picture of many colors we see some arrows pointing one direction, but if you look closely, there are arrows in the other direction. Some experts say that as it may first see arrows indicating the part of the brain that have more developed, right or left.


Page 26: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)


You're looking at the pictures of animal.Does the duck look to your right or rabbit who looks at your left?

Page 27: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Mask of Love Visual Optical IllusionVenetian masks were always a great eye catcher, due to their beauty, simplicity, but also, due to their complexity. Today, the mask of love, it is a puzzle - the mask portrait, in fact, is a man and woman in kissing, you see it?


Page 28: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Where do you think that is closer to the yellow dot? To the top or the bottom?. They are the same distance.


Page 29: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

Figure AC

Figure BD

Note the black and white bars in figures , bars circle A and B in which is relatively large ? Is the bars A and bars D are the same size, bars B and bars C are the same size, right?

Actually all of the bars are the same size, AC and BD two figures are identical, figure BD is rotated 90 degrees clockwise from figure AC.

注意圖形中的黑白長條塊,在 A 和 B 圓圈中黑白長條塊哪個比較大? A 長條塊與 D 長條塊大小相同, B 長條塊與 C 長條塊大小相同,對嗎?事實上所有的長條塊大小都是相同的,兩個圖形也完全一樣, BD 圖形只是 AC 圖形順時鐘旋轉 90度。





Page 30: Visual illusions (視力錯覺)

The following demonstration, by Daniel White, is a great use of the colour aftereffect illusion.

Stare at the dot in the centre of the red circle for three to five minutes. You will see the edges of the circle begin to glow, but do not stop staring at that point - keep on. After a few minutes move your head back and you will see a glowing ring around the red circle. The colour you are seeing is a cyan which will be perceptually totally different from any of the colours you have seen on your computer.


Page 31: Visual illusions (視力錯覺) Music : Where Ever You Go

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