visual rhetoric bailey birge

Visual Rhetoric Bailey Birge

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Visual Rhetoric Bailey Birge. Background Information. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Visual RhetoricBailey Birge

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Background Information

• Established in 1989, PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s is a non-profit organization who’s mission is to reach out and inform their audience about abortion. PROLIFE wants to create an “Atmosphere of Life” in a “culture of death.” Their purpose is solely educational and is not affiliated with any political party.

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What’s the Purpose?

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• The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about abortion. It shows people that only a few days after conception, limbs and heartbeats are formed. It is a child that is there and not just a cluster of cells.

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Who Is the Intended Audience?

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Intended Audience

• Those who are pregnant or may become pregnant and are considering abortion as an option. It is to educate these women to show them that there is a baby formed already.

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How Do the Colors Affect the Ad?

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• The bright orange gives a contrast to the baby in a black vest. It puts an emphasis on the child. The orange is also a bright color which makes you happy, opposed to a gloomy color. It helps create a more positive outlook for babies.

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• When you cover up the text, you lose the information crucial to making the add come full circle. The omitted words are helpful to understand the importance of the view on abortion. Without them, it just looks like a funny baby photo.

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Ethical Appeal?

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Ethical Appeal

• The ethical appeal is the logo at the bottom.

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Logical Appeal?

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Logical Appeal

• The logical appeal in this ad is that even though they are small, that fetus is still a child and abortion takes its life away. They have heartbeats and limbs just days after conception. It emphasizes the importance of life.

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Emotional Appeal?

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Emotional Appeal

• The emotional appeal is when you see the smiling, happy baby, it makes you happy. People love to see smiling children and its puts into perspective that you could be taking a child’s life and never get to see that smile if you so choose to abort it.

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Works Cited

• Prolife Across America. “The Billboard People.” 2010 campaign. Web. 3 Nov. 2012.