visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network

Visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network Adam Arvay

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network. Adam Arvay. Feed forward neural networks. Function finding device Learns a function to transform a set of inputs into the desired output Uses supervised learning. Network building software. PyBrain v0.3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network

Visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network

Adam Arvay

Page 2: Visualization of hidden node activity in a feed forward neural network

Feed forward neural networks

• Function finding device• Learns a function to transform a set of inputs

into the desired output• Uses supervised learning

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Network building software

• PyBrain v0.3• Modular machine learning library for Python• PyBrain is short for Python-Based

Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library

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Visualization tools

• NetworkX– Used for keeping track of node names and edges

• matplotlib/pyplot/pylab– Drawing everything

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Data set

• Iris data set• 150 total data points• 4 inputs• 3 outputs (classifications)• 50 of each classification type• CSV file

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Networks analyzed

• 3 networks were constructed with different numbers of hidden layers– 4 input nodes (linear)– 4, 7, 10 hidden nodes (sigmoid)– 3 output nodes (softmax)

• Trained with back-propigation• Training/validation data selected randomly• 250 epochs

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• Mean squared errors during training• Network state• Average activation levels• Absolute hidden node sensitivity• Weighted hidden node sensitivity• Activation scatter

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Mean squared error

• Quick way to evaluate training efficacy• Plot the error vs. training time (epochs)• Expect error to go down with increased

training• Greatly depends on quality of training data

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Mean squared error

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Network state visualization

• Displays abstract logical connections between nodes in a spatial layout

• Size to represent activation level• Colored and line style used to depict

connection type. Black for positive, red dashed for negative

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Network state visualization

• A snapshot of what the network is currently doing

• Interactivity:– Shows the state of the network under a particular

activation– Visible edge threshold magnitude can be set– Edges can be labeled

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Network state

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Network state

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Network state

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Network state all connections

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Network state all connections with all labels

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Network state 7 nodes no labels

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Network state 7 nodes

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Network state 7 nodes

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Network state 10 nodes

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Network state 10 nodes

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Network state 10 all connections

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Network state

• Gives information about current state of network

• Interactive• Can get cluttered with many nodes and

connections• Difficult to see trends

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Average activation levels

• Gives an idea of the network behavior over time for a particular classification type

• Can detect pattern differences in hidden layer between classification types

• Shows the average activation level of a hidden node across a classification type

• No interactivity

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4 nodes, setosa

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4 nodes, versacolor

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4 nodes, virginica

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7 nodes setosa

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7 nodes versacolor

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7 nodes virginica

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10 nodes setosa

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10 nodes versacolor

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10 nodes virginica

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Average activation

• Can see some patterns between classificaitons

• Easy to spot changes and non-changes

• Doesn’t depict the variance in the activations

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Absolute hidden node sensitivity

• A quick way to determine the sensitivity of a hidden node to its inputs

• Can detect nodes which are insensitive to all inputs

• Can detect which inputs are ignored by all nodes

• Can detect patterns of connections across nodes

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Hidden node sensitivity

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Hidden node sensitivity

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Hidden node sensitivity

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Weighted sensitivity

• Accounts for differences in magnitude of the input parameters

• In the iris data set, the first input has a much larger average value than the last input.

• Normalizes the weights to the inputs

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Weighted sensitivity

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Weighted sensitivity

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Weighted sensitivity

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Comparisonnon-weighted vs weighted

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Activation scatter

• Used along with average activation to get more information about the activation activity of hidden nodes across a classification type

• Can get a sense of the variance of a particular node

• Color used to represent a node along with data labels.

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Activation scatter setosa

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Activation scatter versacolor

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Activation scatter virginica

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• 4 main visualization tools– Training data– Network state– Average activation– Hidden node sensitivity

• Designed to be used with 3 layer networks with arbitrary number of nodes per layer