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  • 8/13/2019 vms evaluation


    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    DOI 10.1007/s11071-006-9111-3

    O R I G I N A L A R T I C L E

    Modelling drivers compliance and route choice behaviour

    in response to travel informationHussein Dia Sakda Panwai

    Received: 3 November 2005 / Accepted: 12 March 2006 / Published online: 12 January 2007C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

    Abstract This paper addresses commuters route

    choice behaviour in response to traveller information

    systems. The data used in this study was obtained

    from a field behavioural survey of drivers that was

    conducted on a congested commuting corridor in

    Brisbane, Australia. Agent-based neural network

    models (Neugents) were used to analyse the impacts

    of socio-economic, context and information variables

    on individual behaviour and propensity to change

    route and adjust travel patterns. The results from these

    models clearly indicate that prescriptive, predictiveand quantitative real-time delay information provided

    for both the usual and best alternate routes are most

    effective in influencing commuters to change their

    routes. The Neugent behavioural models describing

    drivers dynamic route choice decision making

    were also implemented within a microscopic traffic

    simulation tool to evaluate the corridor-wide impacts

    of providing drivers with real-time traffic informa-

    tion. The simulation results support the notions that

    commuters decisions to divert to alternate routes are

    influenced by their socio-economic characteristics;the degree of familiarity with network conditions and

    the expectation of an improvement in travel time that

    exceeds a certain delay threshold associated with each

    H. Dia S. PanwaiSchool of Engineering, Hawken Engineering Building,Staff House Road, The University of Queensland,Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australiae-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

    commuter. An evaluation of the benefits of the Neugent

    model over static route choice algorithms which do not

    consider dynamic driver behaviour and compliance

    with travel advice showed improvements of 47% in

    network speeds; 58% in network delays; 711% in

    stop time per vehicle and 13% in network travel times.

    Keywords Behavioural route choice models.

    Artificial neural networks.Microscopic traffic

    simulation.Advanced traveller information systems


    Advanced traveller information systems (ATIS) are in-

    creasingly being recognised as a potential strategy for

    influencing driver behaviour on route choice, trip mak-

    ing, time of departure and mode choices. The provi-

    sion of real-time travel information allows travellers to

    make informed travel decisions and has the potential

    to improve network efficiency, reduce congestion and

    enhance environmental quality. The successful imple-mentation of these systems, however, will depend to

    a large extent on understanding how motorists adjust

    their travel behaviour in response to the information


    This paper presents findings based on a travel be-

    haviour survey of commuters on a congested commut-

    ing corridor in Brisbane. The survey results provided

    a useful insight into the factors influencing driver be-

    haviour and route choice decisions under the presence


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    494 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    of real-time information. A number of agent-based

    neural network dynamic driver behaviour models that

    were developed to predict drivers compliance and

    route choice decisions under the influence of variable

    message sign (VMS) information are also presented.

    The applicability and feasibility of the approach was

    demonstrated by interfacing the neural network driverbehavioural models to a microscopic traffic simula-

    tor to evaluate the impacts of providing travel in-

    formation on driver compliance rates and network


    Information requirements

    The quality of the information provided by ATIS is

    critical to the credibility of these systems and needs

    to be perceived as accurate and reliable. The effect

    of information on travellers decisions depends on its

    content, format or presentation style, and nature (i.e.

    static, dynamic or predictive). This information can be

    either qualitative, quantitative or predictive delay infor-

    mation. Prescriptive information advises travellers to

    make a specific choice (i.e. take an alternative route).

    Descriptive information can be either qualitative or

    quantitative and provides information on travel times,

    incident locations and expected delays. A study con-

    ducted by Polydoropoulou et al. [15] found that trav-

    ellers propensity to take alternative routes increased

    with prescriptive information and the most significant

    increase occurred when quantitative, real-time or pre-

    dictive information on both the usual route and the

    alternative routes were provided. This is consistent

    with the study by Khattak et al. [7] which concluded

    that with accurate quantitative delay information, com-

    muters may overcome their behavioural inertia when

    faced with unexpected delays.

    Travel behaviour framework

    For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that a

    travel behaviour framework similar to that proposed

    by Khattak et al. [7] applies. This framework takes into

    account that individuals attempt to find the best alter-

    native route using the limited information available to

    them. Various aspects of travel information influence

    travellers decisions. The processing of information de-

    pends on its content or meaning, format or presentation

    style, its nature and type [18].

    An example of a dynamic driver behaviour mod-

    elling framework is shown in Fig. 1 [1]. Drivers set out

    with goals to travel between an origin and destination

    within a given period of time while incurring the low-

    est possible cost. They acquire information about the

    performance of the road system through direct obser-

    vation or by having access to electronic information

    systems. Drivers process and interpret the information

    in light of their current knowledge and in accordance

    with their ability to combine and process a variety of

    information concerning road conditions. The interpre-

    tation translates into perceptions of travel times and


    Decision Rules Information Acquisition

    Processing Capacity

    Computational Ability

    acquire info

    including memory

    Combining info

    Actual Decisions


    using info / prediction


    decision rules



    Choose travelpattern

    Fig. 1 Driver decision process [1]


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 495

    delays. Perceptions, restrictions and individual charac-

    teristics also form preferences for certain alternatives

    (modes, routes and departure times). These preferences

    will also depend on the previously acquired knowl-

    edge, stored in the memory, and on certain thresholds

    whereby motorists only switchfrom their current path if

    the improvement in travel time exceeds some thresholdlevel. These preferences result in observable choices

    that have outcomes (e.g. arrival time at work). If the

    outcome is satisfactory, then the same choice is likely

    to be repeated on the following trip forming a commute

    pattern [1]. The repetition of a choice in the commute

    context also depends on the future or anticipated out-

    comes. These outcomes also provide feedback to the

    memory in the form of knowledge updates. In unex-

    pected delay situations, the anticipated outcomes are

    often unsatisfactory triggering review of preferences

    and changes in normal travel patterns on a real-timeand day-to-day basis [1].

    As was mentioned earlier, various aspects of travel

    information influence drivers decisions. The process-

    ing of information depends on its content or meaning,

    nature, type (whether it is quantitative or qualitative)

    and presentation style. In addition, drivers are more

    likely to rely on relevant and accurate information. For

    example, under incident congestion, the perception of

    delay and the quality of real-time information are crit-

    ically important in influencing travel behaviour. Ob-

    viously, the success of driver behavioural models willdepend to a large extent on capturing the different pa-

    rameters mentioned above. Most previous research on

    driver behaviour modelling has focused on modelling

    travel response decisions based on data from travel sur-

    veys or travel simulators [8]. These behavioural mod-

    els mostly used drivers socio-economic characteris-

    tics and attributes of usual travel patterns as explana-

    tory variables. The work reported here extends previous

    research efforts and will be based on real data compris-

    ing the complete set of drivers choices as determined

    from a driver behavioural survey.

    Behavioural survey of drivers on a congested

    commuting corridor

    Behavioural surveys of drivers during congested traf-

    fic conditions are best suited to developing behavioural

    models under the influence of travel information. Prop-

    erly designed surveys that capture the interactions in the

    travel behaviour model would allow for the investiga-

    tion of the influence of (a) unexpected and expected

    congestion, (b) the various types and quality of in-

    formation received about congestion and (c) drivers

    experiences with congestion and related information

    on the whole spectrum of pre-trip and en route deci-

    sions. In particular, these behavioural surveys allowfor the relationship between a drivers response to in-

    formation to be modelled in combination with actual


    Data collection

    User response to travel information is typically mod-

    elled using data collected from a behavioural survey of

    congestion [7]. For this study in Australia, mail-back

    questionnaires were distributed to peak-periodautomo-

    bile commuters travelling along a traffic commuting

    corridor in Brisbane. The survey comprised questions

    in the following five categories:

    (1) Personal information. A drivers age, occupation and

    gender may influence certain travel behaviours.

    (2) Normal travel patterns. These include day-to-day be-

    haviour such as work schedule, route choice and re-

    sponse to recurring congestion.

    (3) Pre-trip response to unexpected congestion informa-

    tion.The knowledge that road conditions are abnor-

    mal may influence drivers decisions regarding de-parture time and route choice before setting out on

    their journeys.

    (4) En route response to unexpected congestion informa-

    tion. When drivers learn of abnormal road conditions

    while driving, they may change certain travel deci-


    (5) Willingness to change driving patterns. Given some

    incentive (e.g. reduction in travel time), drivers may

    be willing to leave early or take an alternative


    Two questionnaire forms were distributed: the first

    form included questions from Categories 1, 2, 3 and 5

    (for pre-trip information) whereas the second form in-

    cludedall questionsfromCategories 1,2, 4 and 5 (for en

    route information). Users responses to ATIS are based

    on (a) revealed preference (RP) data in which the actual

    behavioural response to expected/unexpected delay is

    reported and (b) stated preference (SP) data in which a

    drivers behaviour under a hypothetical ATIS scenario


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    496 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Table 1 Vehicle use patterns

    Frequency (%)

    Vehicle use Never Occasionally 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 + days

    Alone by car 6.4 6.4 2.9 2.3 4.7 5.8 71.3

    In a car-pool 80.7 7.0 1.8 1.2 0.0 2.3 7.0

    Using park n ride facilities 91.2 4.1 0.6 1.2 1.2 0.0 1.8Using public transport 80.1 13.5 2.3 1.2 1.8 0.0 1.2

    Other 94.7 2.3 0.0 0.6 1.2 0.0 1.2

    Table 2 Stated commuting patterns


    Commuting pattern Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Cant say

    Willing to discover new routes to get somewhere 8.8 27.1 41.8 20.6 1.8

    Willing to take unfamiliar routes to avoid traffic delays 5.3 18.2 44.7 29.4 2.4

    is reported. Each questionnaire comprised 40 questions

    and took about 20 min to complete.

    A total of 490 questionnaires were distributed to

    drivers on a traffic commuting corridor in Brisbane

    during the morning and afternoon peak periods.

    South-west Brisbane was selected as the study corridor

    because it met a number of criteria including the

    availability of alternate routes to the CBD area, the

    availability of public transport and real-time traffic

    information and variable message signs providing

    information about traffic delays to the CBD. The mail-

    back questionnaire had a response rate of 34% (167

    questionnaires) comprising a total of 82 pre-tip and 85

    en route questionnaires. This response rate compares

    favourably with the results obtained from overseas

    research [7] in which substantial financial incentives

    were offered to respondents. The format and presenta-

    tion of the questionnaire is believed to be a key factor

    in achieving this response rate, considering it was

    anticipated that it would take 20 min to complete eachquestionnaire.

    Overview of selected survey results

    The main objective of the behavioural survey was to

    determine the factors that influence route change; the

    frequency of route change and traffic information pref-

    erences by respondents. Some selected results relevant

    to the dynamics of commuter route choice behaviour

    are summarised below. A more detailed discussion of

    survey results can be found in Dia et al. [2].

    Vehicle use and commuting patterns

    Table 1 summarises the respondents vehicle use pat-

    terns. These results clearly indicate a high level of car

    dependency amongst the respondents travelling on thechosen corridor with 71% choosing to drive to work in

    single occupancy vehicles five or more times a week.

    About 80% of respondents never used car-pools;

    91% never used park n ride facilities; 80% never used

    public transport and 95% never used other alternative

    modes of transport. These results suggest a tendency

    towards habit formation or mode choice commitment

    amongst the respondents. Further exploration of the re-

    spondents commuting patterns (Table 2) revealed that

    62%of respondents were willing to discover new routes

    and 74% were willing to take unfamiliar routes to avoidtraffic delays. These results are significant as they in-

    dicate the potential of traveller information systems to

    influence drivers route choice decisions.

    Socio-economic attributes of respondents

    Socio-economic and travel attributes of respondents

    have an important effect on travel behaviour. As part

    of this survey, a rich source of individual data has been


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 497

    Table 3 Characteristics of travel behaviour surveys for Brisbane, San Francisco and Chicago

    Description Brisbane, Australia San Francisco, USA Chicago, USA

    Sample size 171 3238 700

    Gender (%)

    Male 56.1 64.9 54.3

    Female 43.9 35.1 45.7

    Age (%)

    Less than 19 0.6 0.2 0

    2029 23.5 11.4 23.6

    3039 22.4 31.1 33

    4049 28.8 33.7 29.7

    5064 22.4 21.4 12.5

    Above 65 2.4 2.2 1.2

    Education (%)

    High school or less 15.9 4.3 4.6

    Vocational/technical school 20.0 1.3 19.4

    Undergraduate degree 33.5 61.3 36.1

    Post-graduate degree 30.6 33.1 39.9

    Annual personal income (%)Under $20,000 4.9 3.1 4.3

    $20,00040,000 25.8 18.3 33.1

    $40,00060,000 27.0 23 26.3

    $60,00080,000 15.3 14.2 14

    $80,000100,000 11.0 14.2 6.6

    Above $100,000 16.0 27.2 15.7

    Travel time (min)

    On usual route 31 40.6 43

    On best alternative route 33 44.8 53.4

    Average duration of residence in the area (years) 8.3 6.7 5.3

    collected which will be important in modelling the fac-tors that affect trip change behaviour,willingness to pay

    for ATIS services and compliance with travel informa-

    tion and route directives. Table 3 presents a summary

    of selected socio-economic attributes of respondents.

    The average respondent is middle-aged and has resided

    in the area for 8.3 years. The respondents are divided

    fairly equally between males and females with 56%

    of respondents being males. The average annual in-

    come is $62 000 and 64% of respondents have either

    undergraduate or postgraduate qualifications. The pri-

    mary occupations of this sample are professional, cler-ical/service, executive and managerial/administration.

    As suggested by these results, upper-income groups

    and well-educated individuals were over-represented

    in this survey when compared to census demographic

    profiles of the Brisbane population. However, this

    problem has also been experienced in other similar

    studies conducted in the United States as presented

    by Polydoropoulou and Khattak [16] and shown in

    Table 3.

    Respondents preferences for trafficinformation sources

    Travellers on this corridor received information from

    a variety of sources. Table 4 lists the current sources

    of traffic information as indicated by the respondents.

    Most respondents indicated that their primary source

    of traffic information was radio traffic reports (74%)

    and their own observation (64%). About 23% indicated

    that they relied on variable message signs (VMS) as a

    source of traffic information on their usual route.

    These results clearly indicate that the implemen-tation of strategically located and credible VMS has

    the potential to influence drivers route choice deci-

    sions. Other traffic information sources such as the In-

    ternet and in-vehicle navigation systems were rarely

    used by respondents. This may be attributed to the lim-

    ited market penetration rates of in-vehicle navigation

    systems and the lack of Internet-based traffic informa-

    tion systems in Brisbane at the time the survey was



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    498 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Table 4 Current traffic information sources

    Information source Frequencya (%)

    Radio traffic reports 74

    Own observation 64

    Electronic message signs 23

    Conversations with other people 10

    Mobile phone 4

    Printed matter 2

    Television 2

    Home/office telephone 1

    In-vehicle navigation system 1

    Internet 1

    Other 0

    aMultiple responses allowed

    Table 5 Respondents frequency of route change in theprevious month

    No. of times respondentschanged route in

    previous month No. of respondents Percentage

    None 37 25.5

    1 14 9.7

    2 25 17.2

    3 19 13.1

    4 17 11.7

    5 17 11.7

    6+ 16 11.0

    Frequency of route change and causesof unexpected congestion

    The frequency of route change was examined by asking

    the respondents to provide information on the number

    of times they changed routes in the past month, in re-

    sponse to the presence of congestion on their usual

    routes. The results are displayed in Table 5.

    On average respondents took an alternative route

    3.6 times in a month (about 20 working days). How-

    ever, it is believed that the proportion of drivers com-

    plying with travel information can be increased by de-signing effective and credible traveller information sys-

    tems. This is discussed in more detail in the next sec-

    tions dealing with the content of the messages and the

    type of information provided.The causes of unexpected

    congestion experienced by respondents is presented in

    Table 6.

    Construction and roadworks were reported as the

    major causes of unexpected congestion on both the pre-

    trip and en route questionnaires. Accidents were also

    Table 6 Causes of unexpected congestion

    Cause of congestion Pre-trip (%) En-route (%)

    Construction/roadworks 58.6 42.2

    Accident 44.8 40.6

    Disabled vehicle 6.9 10.9

    Dont know 6.9 21.9

    Bad weather 3.4 7.8

    Other 0.0 0.0

    a significant source of unexpected congestion. During

    the time of the distribution of this survey, major main-

    tenance and construction works were being conducted

    on Coronation Drive and adjoining networks possibly

    accounting for the severity of unexpected congestion

    caused by roadworks. This result confirms the need

    for advanced freeway and arterial incident detection

    systems capable of detecting incidents in the shortestpossible time and making this information available to

    the travelling public through advanced traveller infor-

    mation systems.

    En route responses to hypothetical ATIS messages

    The effect of providing alternative forms of en route

    information was evaluated. Respondents were asked

    to state whether they would change travel decisions if

    they were alerted of delays. Each of the five different

    information types being tested were then presented to


    Qualitative information

    In this situation the device only offered a simple mes-

    sage: Unexpected Congestion on your usual route

    (Fig. 2), where your usual route is the road that re-

    spondents indicated they normally used for their travel.

    While this is simple information, it represents the type

    of information that is commonly available to travellersvia radio or VMS.

    Fig. 2 Qualitative information message


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 499

    Fig. 3 (a) Quantitative information messageusual route. (b)Quantitative informationmessageusual and best alternateroutes

    Fig. 4 Predictive information message

    Quantitative information

    For this scenario, respondents were provided with the

    same message as before, but the device also displayed

    the expected delays on the usual route and the traveltime on the best alternate route (as specified by respon-

    dents), as shown in Fig. 3.

    Predictive information

    For this scenario, respondents were asked how they

    would modify their travel choices if thedevice provided

    them with the delays at the present time, and accurately

    predicted the expected delays in 15 and 30 min into the

    future, as shown in Fig. 4.

    Prescriptive information

    This scenario explored the response to recommenda-

    tions offered by the ATIS which suggested taking the

    route which the respondents indicated was their best

    alternative route to their destination (Fig. 5).

    Respondents were asked to indicate their prefer-

    ences when presented with hypothetical ATIS informa-

    tion by choosing from a set of finite responses which

    Fig. 5 Prescriptive information message

    included definitely take my usual route; probably

    take an alternative route; definitely take best alterna-

    tive route; probably take best alternative route and

    cant say. A summary of respondents choices is pre-

    sented in Table 7. These results provide one of the most

    significant findings from the ATIS experiment. They

    clearly indicate that prescriptive, predictive and quan-

    titative real-time delay information provided for both

    the usual and best alternate routes are most effective ininfluencing respondents to change their routes. There-

    fore, detailed route choice decision models were devel-

    oped and investigated for each of these ATIS scenarios

    as discussed next.

    Model structure and development tools

    Driver behaviour models that can be used to dynami-

    cally estimate or predict the degree of drivers compli-

    ance with traffic information can be thought of as a clas-sification problem. The inputs to the model comprise

    drivers individual socio-economic characteristics and

    other variables that may influence their route choice

    behaviour; and the output a binary integer (1,0) repre-

    senting whether drivers comply with travel advice or

    not, respectively. Two approaches are available for de-

    veloping such models: discrete choice models and arti-

    ficial neural network techniques. Detailed information

    about the theoretical foundations of these techniques

    is beyond the scope of this paper. However, a compre-

    hensive treatment of discrete choice models and theirapplications can be found in [4] and a detailed review

    of artificial neural networks and their applications in

    the transportation field can be found in [3]. Hawas [5]

    provides a state-of-the-art review of route choice mod-

    els where he discusses the strengths and weaknesses

    of the two approaches and presents recent advances in

    model formulations aimed at addressing their limita-

    tions. The review clearly points to the limitation of the

    discrete choice approach in modelling the vagueness


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    500 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Table 7 En-route stated preferences for unexpected congestion

    Qualitative Quantitative Quantitative RT Predictive Prescriptive

    delay real-time delay delay on best real-time delay best alternate

    Attributes information information alternate route information route

    Definitely take my usual route 12.0 10.3 8.0 9.3 6.3

    Probably take my usual route 28.9 29.5 12.0 16.0 13.9

    Definitely take my best alternate route 32.5 29.5 41.3 41.3 53.2

    Probably take my best alternate route 25.3 24.4 33.3 29.3 22.8

    Cant say 2.3 7.7 5.3 5.3 3.8

    (or fuzziness) of driver behaviour. The author cites a

    number of studies where fuzzy logic was effectively

    used to capture the variability of drivers appraisal of

    the different route attributes as well as the variabil-

    ity in their perceptions to the various attribute levels.

    In particular, the use of neuro-fuzzy systems, where

    fuzzy logic is coupled with the neural networks train-ing capability to replicate complex system behaviour,

    was highlighted as a technique with potential promise.

    The neural network training basically uses examples

    of real-life behaviour to calibrate the fuzzy sets param-

    eters and knowledge base with the aim of replicating

    drivers route choice behaviour. Evidence of the poten-

    tial for using neural network models for route choice

    can be found in a number of studies which conducted

    comparative evaluations of the discrete choice and neu-

    ral network approaches [6, 12]. These studies showed

    that neural networks can provide comparable if notbetter approximations to route choice problems. For

    this study, neural network techniques were selected as

    the modelling paradigm to predict drivers compliance

    with travel information.

    Neural network route choice modelling framework

    The development of neural network models involves

    a number of steps which include data collection, se-

    lection of input variables, assignment of desired out-

    put states, creation of training and validation data sets,selection of neural network architecture (e.g. number

    of nodes in the hidden layer, number of hidden lay-

    ers, objective function, learning algorithms and node

    transfer functions, etc.), training strategy and selection

    of key performance indicators to be used for evaluat-

    ing the performance of the model. The neural network

    route choice models presented in this paper will only

    address drivers en route responses to traffic delay in-

    formation. The treatment of drivers compliance with

    Table 8 Data sets for model development

    Data set ATIS message types Sample size

    1 Qualitative delay information 80

    2 Quantitative real-time delay

    information 74

    3 Quantitative real-time delay on best

    alternative route 714 Predictive delay information 70

    5 Prescriptive best alternative route 71

    pre-trip travel information is the subject of a separate

    study and will not be reported here.

    Data for model development

    The five data sets that were used for model development

    are shown in Table 8 below. Each data set comprisesrespondents replies to each of the ATIS message types

    described before (Table 7 and Figs. 25).

    Selection and coding of input and output variables

    As was mentioned before, drivers route choice deci-

    sions are related to their socio economic characteris-

    tics and travel habits. The inputs selected for this study

    comprised income, education level, age, gender, years

    at residence (a surrogate for familiarity with road net-

    work conditions) and work schedule flexibility. A num-ber of studies [5] also found that these inputs have di-

    rect impact on drivers responses to travel advice. Trav-

    ellers responses to each of these inputs were coded ac-

    cording to the categories shown in Table 9. Work sched-

    ule flexibility, age and awareness or familiarity with

    road network conditions are considered factors that im-

    pact drivers aggressiveness and hence may influence

    their decisions on route choices when provided with

    real-time traffic information [9]. Drivers willingness


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 501

    Table 9 Variables used for model development

    Input data sets

    Input variable Category description Categorised value Normalised value

    Work schedule flexibility Flexible 1 0.00

    Fixed 2 0.50

    Variable 3 1.00Age Under 18 years 1 0.00

    Between 18 and 29 years 2 0.20

    Between 30 and 39 years 3 0.40

    Between 40 and 49 years 4 0.60

    Between 50 and 64 years 5 0.80

    Over 65 years 6 1.00

    Gender Male 1 0.00

    Female 2 1.00

    Income level Under 20 thousand $AUD 1 0.00

    Between AUD $20,000 and AUD $40,000 2 0.20

    Between AUD $40,000 and AUD $60,000 3 0.40

    Between AUD $60,000 and AUD $80,000 4 0.60Between AUD $80,000 and AUD $100,000 5 0.80

    More than AUD $100,000 6 1.00

    Education level High school or less 1 0.00

    Vocational or technical school 2 0.33

    Undergraduate degree 3 0.66

    Post graduate degree 4 1.00

    Years at residence Under 5 years 1 0.00

    Between 5 and 10 years 2 0.25

    Between 10 and 15 years 3 0.50

    Between 15 and 20 years 4 0.75

    More than 20 years 5 1.00

    to pay for travel information using ATIS technologies

    and services is clearly a function of their income and

    has also been found to be related to age and gender [17].

    Having determined the relevant inputs, the neural

    network architecture can be formulated as shown in

    Fig. 6 where the outputof the model represents whether

    a driver complies or not with the travel information.

    Drivers compliance

    Drivers compliance was captured in the behaviouralfield survey through the respondents answers to the

    different ATIS scenarios. For example, drivers are said

    to comply with travel information if their response to

    the specific ATIS scenario was definitely take my best

    alternate route. Similarly, they are said to ignore the

    travel advice if their responses were definitely take

    my usual route. For the purpose of model develop-

    ment, these two response or model output categories

    were coded as 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. Respondents

    also had two other options to choose from if they were

    undecided on which route to choose. If the respon-

    dent selected either probably take my usual route or

    probably take my best alternate route, then these two

    response categories will need to be coded as values be-

    tween (0, 0.5) and (0.5, 1.0), respectively. A number

    of experiments were conducted where different values,

    e.g. (0.33, 0.67), (0.3, 0.7) and (0.4, 0.6) were coded for

    these categories but no differences were found in terms

    of the neural network model performance. The four-

    point semantic scale of drivers route choice selectedin this study is shown in Table 10.

    Selection of neural network architecture

    Four neural network architectures are typically used for

    classification problems [10]: Fuzzy ARTMAP, Back

    Propagation (Logicon Projection Network), Reinforce-

    ment Network and Radial Basis Function Network


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    502 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Fig. 6 Basic structure of neural network agent-based (Neugent) route choice model

    (RBFN). A brief description of each of these archi-

    tectures is provided below.

    (1) Fuzzy ARTMAPis a general-purpose classification

    network. It has two fuzzy ART networks (ARTa

    and ARTb) which are connected by a subsystem

    referred to as a match tracking system which in-

    creases the vigilance of the Fuzzy ART network

    until a match is made or a new category is formed.

    (2) Back-Propagation is a general-purpose network

    paradigm. Back-prop calculates an error between

    desired and actual outputs and propagates the error

    information back to each node in the network. The

    back-propagated error drives the learning at each


    (3) Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN) are

    general-purpose networks which can be used for

    a variety of problems including classification, sys-

    tem modelling and prediction. In general, an RBFN

    Table 10 Coding of route choice preferences

    Strength of Choice transformation

    preference scale

    Definitely take my usual route 0.00

    Probably take my usual route 0.33

    Probably take my best alternate route 0.67

    Definitely take my best alternate route 1.00

    is any network which makes use of radially sym-

    metric and radially bounded transfer functions in

    its hidden (pattern) layer.

    (4) Reinforcement Networksrefer to learning schemes

    which iterate through a number of steps until per-

    formance no longer improves. A set of weights

    is selected in some methodical or semi-random

    way depending on previously selected and saved

    weights. Then, the performance of the network is

    assessed by running the training data through the

    network and evaluating an objective function. If the

    weights show an improved performance, they are

    saved, replacing some previously saved weights.

    Performance measures

    One of the main indicators to evaluate the performance

    of a neural network classifier is the Classification Rate.

    This indicator provides a measure of the correctly clas-sified inputs and is best depicted using the classification

    rate matrix shown in Fig. 7.

    The columns of the matrix represent the actual or

    desired results whereas the rows represent the neural

    network estimates or outputs. The body of the Classifi-

    cation Rate matrix represents the intersection between

    desired results and actual network predictions. A value

    of 1.0 for any given cell means that all desired out-

    puts for that category were correctly predicted by the


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 503

    Fig. 7 Classification ratematrix

    network. Similarly, a value of 0.0 in a cell means that

    none of the desired outputs were predicted to be a mem-

    berof that category. A perfect classifierwould comprise

    a value of 1.0 for the correctly classified states and zero

    for the Type I and Type II errors. Classification rates ob-

    tained during the training or model development stageprovide a measure of the calibration results while clas-

    sification rates obtained during testing provide an indi-

    cation of the generalisation ability and validity of the


    Learning rules and transfer functions

    The learning rule represents the mathematical algo-

    rithm used to determine the increment or decrement

    by which weights of a processing element (PE) change

    during the learning phase. Examples of such algo-rithms include Maxprop, Delta Prop and Genetic Al-

    gorithms [11]. A transfer function is typically a non-

    linear function that transforms the weighted sum of the

    effective inputs to a potential output value [11]. The se-

    lection of learning rules and transfer functions depends

    on the individual ANN architecture and are typically

    arrived at through comprehensive testing. The learn-

    ing rules, transfer functions and other parameters that

    were selected and tested in this study are shown in

    Table 11.

    A large number of experiments were run to de-termine the best architecture and set of parameters

    for the route choice compliance problem. These in-

    cluded five different Fuzzy ARTMAP architectures

    (each with a different mapping layer); 10 different

    back-propagation and Radial Basis architectures and

    12 Reinforcementnetwork models. In total,185 models

    with different architectures were developed and tested.

    Different experiments were run using the categorised

    and normalised data. The best performance models are

    shown in Tables 12 and 13 for the categorised and nor-

    malised input data, respectively.

    The results in Tables 12 and 13 show the superior

    performance of the Fuzzy ARTMAP and RBFN archi-

    tectures over other neural network architectures. The

    results also show an improved classification rate whendata is categorised. These results suggest that predic-

    tion errors between the ARTMAP and RBFN models

    are negligible and that adoption of either model is ac-

    ceptable for each of the five ATIS scenarios. Closer

    inspection of the model formulations, however, re-

    vealed that the RBFN model had fewer parameters

    to calibrate than the Fuzzy ARTMAP model and was

    hence selected as the architecture for implementation

    in the traffic simulator. In the remainder of this docu-

    ment, this model will be referred to as the Neugent


    Interface to microscopic simulation

    To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, the Neu-

    gent driver behaviour model was interfaced to a traf-

    fic simulation tool. The traffic simulator was used to

    govern individual vehicular movements on the traffic-

    commuting corridor using car following, lane chang-

    ing and gap acceptance behaviour. Given the static

    characteristics of the commuting corridor network, itslink capacities, connections and speeds, the simulator

    takes a time-dependent loading pattern and handles the

    movement of individual vehicles on links as well as

    the transfer between links. The routing of individual

    vehicles under the influence of real-time information

    is then provided by the driver behaviour model devel-

    oped in this study. This model specifies how a particu-

    lar drivervehicleunit (DVU) with given goals, char-

    acteristics, preferences and knowledge of prevailing


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    504 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Table 11 Neural network architectures

    Model Model Learning Transfer Mapping

    architecture description rule function layer (F2)

    Fuzzy ARTMAP network Baseline vigilance = 0.0 (between 01.0) N.A. N.A. 50

    Recode rate = 0.5 (between 0.21.0) 100

    Choice parameter= 0.1 150

    Error tolerance = 0.01 200


    Back-propagation network LCoef (Learning rate) 0.3 for 1st hidden,

    0.25 for 2nd hidden, 0.15 for output Delta rule TanH N.A.

    Momentum = 0.4 Nom-Cum Linear

    Trans. Pt. = 10,000 Ext DBD Sigmoid

    LCoef Ratio = 0.5 QuickProp DNNA

    F offset = 0.1 MaxProp Sine


    Radial basis function networks LCoef (Learning rate) 0.3 for 250 Proto,

    0.25 for hidden, 0.15 for output Delta rule TanH N.A.

    Momentum = 0.4 Nom-Cum Linear

    Trans. Pt. = 10000 Ext DBD SigmoidLCoef Ratio = 0.5 QuickProp DNNA

    Max. Trans. = 2000 MaxProp Sine


    Reinforcement networks LCoef (Learning rate) 0.3 for 250 Proto,

    0.25 for hidden 0.15 for output Genetic TanH N.A.

    Momentum = 0.4 DRS Linear

    Trans. Pt. = 10000 Sigmoid

    LCoef Ratio = 0.5 Exp

    Max. Trans. = 2000 Perceptron


    conditions, selects the next link under the influence oftraffic information.

    The commercially available microscopic traffic sim-

    ulation model AIMSUN [19] was selected for model

    testing. The selection was based on a comparative eval-

    uation of the car following behaviour in a number of

    simulation tools which showed that the Gipps model

    implemented in AIMSUN performed better than the

    family of psychophysical car following models imple-

    mented in PARAMICS and VISSIM [13]. This sim-

    ulation software also has a number of unique fea-

    tures which allow the user to customise many fea-tures of the underlying simulation model through an

    application programming interface (API). This feature

    is critical for this study, as it will allow for interfac-

    ing the driver behaviour model with the traffic simu-

    lation tool. The traffic simulation will follow a deter-

    ministic, fixed time-step approach. At each time step

    (e.g. 1 s), vehicles will be moved at the prevailing lo-

    cal speed on the same link or transferred to another

    link. The latter is determined by the driver behaviour

    model according to user preferences, perceptions, path-switching thresholds and other factors identified and

    discussed in this study. Travel times are then calcu-

    lated from each node based on the current link speeds

    and the simulation continues until all DVUs reach their


    For each of the ATIS scenarios presented in Ta-

    ble 7, the Neugent route choice model was coded

    and interfaced to a hypothetical AIMSUN network to

    evaluate the impacts of providing drivers with travel


    A hypothetical case study

    The Neugent model developed in this study was tested

    on a simple hypothetical network (Fig. 8) in which

    three routes between zones A and D are clearly marked

    (main route ABCD and alternative routes AEC

    D and AEFD). Intersections A, B, C and D are all



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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 505

    Table 12 Best performance models using categorised input data

    ATIS scenario ANN architecture Learning rule Transfer function Classification rate (CR)

    Qualitative delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (150a) N.A. N.A. 0.9636b

    Back-Prop MaxProp Sine 0.5919

    RBFN Delta rule Sine 0.9636b

    Reinforcement Genetic Perceptron 0.7237

    Quantitative real-time delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (100a) N.A. N.A. 0.9661b

    Back-Prop MaxProp Sine 0.7311

    RBFN DBD Sine 0.9412c

    Reinforcement Genetic Sine 0.7802

    Quantitative real-time delay on best Fuzzy ARTMAP (250a) N.A. N.A. 0.9545c

    alternative route

    Back-Prop MaxProp TanH 0.6162

    RBFN Delta Rule Sine 0.9589b

    Reinforcement DRS Perceptron 0.7537

    Predictive delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (50a) N.A. N.A. 0.9615b

    Back-Prop Delta rule TanH 0.5844

    RBFN Delta rule Sine 0.9252c

    Reinforcement Genetic Sine 0.7436Prescriptive best alternative route Fuzzy ARTMAP (250a) N.A. N.A. 0.9732b

    Back-Prop DBD Linear 0.6375

    RBFN Delta rule TanH 0.9488c

    Reinforcement Genetic Linear 0.7815

    aNumber of mapping layers (F2 units) for the Fuzzy ARTMAP networkbBest model based on classification ratecSecond best model based on classification rate

    Fig. 8 A hypotheticalnetwork with three

    alternative routes


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    506 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509

    Table 13 Best performance models using normalised input data

    ATIS scenario ANN architecture Learning rule Transfer function Classification rate (CR)

    Qualitative delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (250a) N.A. N.A. 0.9663b

    Back-Prop MaxProp Sine 0.5950

    RBFN Delta rule Sine 0.9636c

    Reinforcement Genetic Perceptron 0.7205

    Quantitative real-time delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (200a) N.A. N.A. 0.9661b

    Back-Prop MaxProp Sine 0.7395

    RBFN DBD Sine 0.9412c

    Reinforcement Genetic Sine 0.7548

    Quantitative real-time delay on best Fuzzy ARTMAP (150a) N.A. N.A. 0.9589b

    alternative route

    Back-Prop Nom-Cum TanH 0.7711c

    RBFN Nom-Cum TanH 0.7711c

    Reinforcement DRS Perceptron 0.6902

    Predictive delay information Fuzzy ARTMAP (100a) N.A. N.A. 0.9615b

    Back-Prop Delta rule TanH 0.5919

    RBFN Nom-Cum TanH 0.8889c

    Reinforcement Genetic Sine 0.8889Prescriptive best alternative route Fuzzy ARTMAP (200a) N.A. N.A. 0.9732b

    Back-Prop DBD Linear 0.5667

    RBFN Delta rule TanH 0.8667c

    Reinforcement Genetic Linear 0.7929

    aA total number of F2 units for Fuzzy ARTMAPbBest model based on classification ratecSecond best model based on classification rate

    The main route commonly travelled by drivers

    is route ABCD. Drivers also have the option of

    diverting through routes AECD or AEFD incase of congestion on the main route. Familiar drivers

    are assumed more likely to choose route AEFD

    to avoid the delays caused by the traffic signals on the

    main route. A variable message sign (VMS) is also sim-

    ulated in this experiment and was strategically located

    at a control point before node A to provide drivers with

    information about delays along the main and alternative

    routes. DVUs approaching the control point will assess

    their environments (using the driver behaviour mod-

    els) and decide whether they are going to comply with

    the information provided on the VMS. Drivers whohave in-vehicle devices can access real-time traffic in-

    formation through the device while driving. Drivers

    responses and compliance with traffic information (for

    both VMS and in-vehicle device) is provided by the

    Neugent driver behavioural model developed in this

    study. The following factors affecting drivers compli-

    ance were considered in this case study: driver aggres-

    sion, driver awareness or familiarity with the network,

    VMS credibility and delay tolerancethresholds for both

    familiar and unfamiliar drivers. An interface which ac-

    tivates route guidance within the model via variable

    message signs (VMS) or in-vehicle devices was alsodeveloped for this experiment (Fig. 9).

    The plug-in allows manipulation of the ITS infor-

    mation strategies influencing driver compliance via the

    graphical user interface (GUI). Under non-congested

    conditions, the VMS would be blank, indicating that

    conditions are free-flowing. As congestion builds on

    the main route and reaches a threshold (determined

    by the minimum delay and minimum travel time),

    the VMS is activated and displays delay informa-

    tion to drivers. Each driver is assigned a set of val-

    ues (from a distribution function) representing age,gender, aggressiveness, awareness, acceptable delay

    threshold and familiarity with network conditions as

    determined from the behavioural survey. The plug-

    in further assumes that drivers are classified into one

    of the following three categories: informed drivers

    (e.g. drivers who subscribe to en route traffic infor-

    mation services); familiar drivers (e.g. drivers who

    have lived in the designated area for an extended pe-

    riod of time and are familiar with traffic conditions on


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    Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509 507

    Table 14 Additional benefits from implementing dynamic driver compliance (Neugent) models

    Percentage improvements over static C-Logit

    Network Network Stop time Network travel

    ATIS scenario speed delay per vehicle time

    Qualitative delay information 4.12 5.43 6.86 1.74

    Quantitative real-time delay information 4.12 6.09 8.28 0.73Quantitative real-time delay on best alternative route 7.06a 6.90 8.12 3.10

    Predictive delay information 4.71 6.90 8.52 3.67a

    Prescriptive best alternative route 5.29 8.22a 10.57a 2.09

    aBest model result

    Fig. 9 GUI linking the neugent model and the traffic simulator

    the network); and unfamiliar drivers (e.g. tourists or

    drivers not familiar with the road network). The last

    two types of drivers are assumed to have no access to

    in-vehicle route guidance and that the only information

    they receive would be from VMS on the side of the

    road. It was further assumed that the three driver cat-egories were equally represented. The simulation was

    run for 1 h including a start-up period of 5 min. Default

    car following and lane changing parameters were used

    to govern vehicular movement between origins and


    Simulation results

    The aim of the simulation experiments was to demon-

    strate the additional benefits that can be obtained using

    models of driver compliance with traffic informationcompared to what can be obtained using default route

    choice models. The base case scenario was therefore

    based on the simulators default route choice model

    (C-Logit) which does not take into account drivers

    compliance with information. The comparative evalu-

    ation results are reported in Table 14.

    These aggregate results show that quantitative real-

    time delay; predictive real-time delay and prescrip-

    tive information on best alternative route provide the

    best overall benefits in terms of network speed, delay

    and network travel times. In other words, these ATISstrategies or scenarios are best used to influence driver

    behaviour and impact their compliance rates. These

    findings are also supported by a number of other stud-

    ies in the literature [14]. Furthermore, the evaluation

    results which compared the benefits of the Neugent

    model over C-Logit clearly show improvements of 4

    7% in network speeds, 58% in network delays, 711%

    in stop time per vehicle and 13% in network travel



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    508 Nonlinear Dyn (2007) 49:493509


    The results reported in this paper provide a useful in-

    sight into commuters needs and preferences for traffic

    information in the Brisbane metropolitan area. Unlike

    other studies which relied on generalised driver char-

    acteristics, this study was based on a field behaviouralsurvey of drivers which was conducted on a congested

    real-world commuting corridor. A substantial amount

    of information regarding driver preferences and be-

    haviour were collected and a number of neural network

    agent-based dynamic driver behaviour models were de-

    veloped to determine the factors affecting driver com-

    pliance and response to a variety of traffic information

    sources. These models clearly indicated that prescrip-

    tive, predictive and quantitative real-time delay infor-

    mation provided for both the usual and best alternate

    routes were most effective in influencing respondentsto change their routes. The behavioural models describ-

    ing drivers route choice decisions were interfaced to

    a microscopic traffic simulation tool which was cali-

    brated to simulate the movement of individual vehicles

    between their origins and destinations. The simula-

    tion results supported the notions that commuters de-

    cisions to divert to alternate routes are influenced by

    their socio-economic characteristics; the degree of fa-

    miliarity with network conditions and the expectation

    of an improvement in travel time that exceeds a certain

    delay threshold associated with each individual. Theimplementation of the Neugent models developed in

    this study have been shown to produce benefits over

    the C-Logit route choice algorithm with improvements

    of 47% in network speeds, 58% in network delays,

    711% in stop time per vehicle and 13% in network

    travel times.

    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank theanony-mous reviewers for their valuable comments and constructivefeedback on the paper. The authors also acknowledge the as-

    sistance provided by David Lockie, Katherine Johnston, DanielHarney and Andrew Boyle with the behavioural survey, data col-lection and pre-processing.


    This paper presents the opinion of the authors based on

    their research results and does not necessarily represent

    the views or policy of the ITS Research Laboratory

    at the University of Queensland. This paper does not

    constitute a recommendation or standard, and it is for

    general information only and should not be relied upon

    situationally or circumstantially. Neither the authors

    nor the University are responsible for the use which

    might be made of these results.


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