vocabulary newspaper - confuse

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  • 8/16/2019 Vocabulary Newspaper - Confuse


  • 8/16/2019 Vocabulary Newspaper - Confuse


  • 8/16/2019 Vocabulary Newspaper - Confuse


    he youth should abstain "rom smokin!.

    Absurd — (ab-surd) - not lo!ical and sensible

    he plan to arrest terrorists by bombin! the buildin! looked absurd to the army.

    Abundant — (abndunt) - more than enou!h, plenty

     #lthou!h the country has abundant natural resources but they won't last "orever.

    Abysmal — (abi$mul) - bottomless

    he country is bein! slowly en!ul"ed by the whirlpool o" abysmal corruption.

    Accelerate — (aelrate) - to increase the speed

    he economic re"orms in the country should be accelerated "or speedy development.

    Access — (akcess) - means o" enterin!

    he only means o" access to the buildin! is alon! a muddy track.

    ommon man "inds it di""icult to access the authorities "or his !rievances.

    Accomplice — (akmplic) - partner in ille!al work

    he thie" was arrested alon! with his accomplice.

    Accomplish — (akmplish) - success"ul completion o" work

    he mission a!ainst the terrorists was accomplished by the army.

    Accord — (akhod) - . a "ormal a!reement between two or!ani$ations

    he alestine and /srael si!ned a historic peace accord sayin! no to the war.

    0. to !ive

    he !overnment has accorded top priority to the in"rastructure development.

    Accountable — (akauntble) - answerable, responsible

    he commission recommended in its report that the bureaucracy should be made


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    Accrue — (acru) - to increase over a period o" time

    Bi! advanta!es accrued to the opposition parties "orm the in"i!htin! in the


    Accumulate — (a1umulat) - to !ather or collect in very lar!e ammount

    he en1uiry commission was surprised to see how the income ta o""icer could

    accumulate so much o" property.

    Accuse — (a-1u$) - to char!e with doin! wron!

    he media accused the !overnment o" restrictin! the "reedom o" press.

    Accustom — (acustum) - to make used to

    Every new coalition !overnment !ets accustomed to the repeated threats o" withdrawal

    o" support by its allies.

    Acquaint — (akwaint) - to provide with in"ormation

    he person ac1uainted the police with vital clue o" criminals.

    / ac1uainted mysel" with the latest developments in science.

    Acquit  — (a-1uit) - to declare innocent

    he accused in murder case was ac1uitted by the court due to lack o" evidence.

    Acrimony — (acrimny) - bitterness, an!ry "eelin!s

    he acrimony ended and a new phase started in the bilateral relations o" the two


    Actuate — (a-kchuate) - to move or incite to action

    he death o" the youn! man in custody actuated the violent protest in the city.

    Adage — (adaje) + wise sayin! o" "ore"athers, proverb

     #da!es are used to embellish the article in a newspaper.

    Adamant — (adament) - who doesn't chan!e his mind a"ter much persuasion

    he victims accused the authorities o" bein! adamant.

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    Adhere — (adhiea) - stick stron!ly to somethin!

    he drivers must adhere to the tra""ic rules.

    Ad-hoc — (adhok) - special arran!ement which is not planned in advance

    he workers demanded that the ad hoc appointments should be re!ularised in the


    Adieu — (adiya) - !oodbye

    he communist countries are biddin! adieu to communism and shi"tin! to democracy.

    Adjourn — (ajaan) - to put o"", to postpone a meetin!

    he house was adjourned a"ter the shoutin! o" slo!ans by parliamentarians.

    Admonish — (admonesh) - to warn in a li!ht way

    he teacher admonished the student "or his mistake.

    Ad nauseam — (adnojium) - to do or say somethin! a!ain and a!ain so that it becomes

    very borin!

    he newsreader repeated the same news ad nauseam.

    Adore — (ado) - to love very much

    Every common man adores the peace"ul livin! atmosphere.

    Adroit — (adroat) - skill"ul, clever 

    he youn! adroit police o""icer dispersed the an!ry crowd.

    Advent — (ad-vent) - arrival or comin!

    ith the advent o" /nternet, access to in"ormation has become easy.

    Adverse — (ad-vers) - un"avourable

     # determined person does his job even in adverse circumstances.

    Adversary — (advesry) - opponent

    he !overnment was accused o" harassin! its adversaries.

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    Advisable  — (adwi$ble) - !ood and sensible idea

    /t would be advisable on the part o" the !overnment to cut its non-planned


    Advocate — (a-dvcat) - speak publicly in "avour 

    2ocial re"ormers have advocated "or e1ual ri!hts "or men and women.

    Affinity — (a"initi) - stron! "eelin! o" likin!

    he emer!in! media have the a""inity "or new communication technolo!ies.

    Affirm — (a-""m) - to state "irmly and publicly

    3et us a""irm our "aith in democracy.

    Afflict — (a"likt) - to harm or a""ect in an unpleasant way

    he tra!edy o" civil war has a""licted most o" the #"rican countries.

    Affluent — (a-"loount) - havin! a lot o" money

    2ome economists believe that liberali$ation has only served the interest o" an a""luent

    section o" society.

    Afoot — (a-"oot) - bein! planned

    he plan is a"oot to reduce the "iscal de"icit by hal" in the net "inancial year.

    Aftermath  — (aa-"tma) - bad results a"ter a situation

    ain"ul memories emer!ed as the a"termath o" communal riots.

    Aggravate — (a!rawait) - to make worse

    he situation in the "lood a""ected area a!!ravated a"ter heavy rains.

    Aggrieve  — (a!riv) - su""erin! "rom un"air treatment

    he a!!rieved party "iled an appeal in the court a!ainst the municipal corporation.

    Aggression — (a!-reshun) - violent attack by one country a!ainst another country

    he #rmy should be prepared to answer any attempt o" a!!ression by the enemies.

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    Agitate — (ajitet) - to ar!ue stron!ly in public "or or a!ainst some social or political


    he trade unions a!itated a!ainst the retrenchment o" some o" their collea!ues.

    Agony — (a!ny) - !reat pain o" mind or body

    he poverty !enerated !reat a!ony amon! the social workers.

    he a!ony o" the starvin! people in 4rissa is unbearable.

    Akin — (akhin) - havin! the same appearance or character 

    he en1uiry committee "ound that the new case o" money mismana!ement in the

    department was akin to the earlier one.

    Alacrity — ele-kriti - !reat enthusiasm and $eal

    he rebels accepted the !overnment's o""er with alacrity.

    Alibi — eleby - evidence that proves that a person was at other place at the time o"

    crime, ecuse

     #ll the suspects o" murder had the alibi "or the day o" murder.

    Alienate — eliyenate - to make somebody "eel that they don't belon! to a particular


    he supportin! parties alienated when the !overnment didn't accept their demands.

    Allay — alay - to make less stron!, to calm

     #"ter purchasin! the !overnment's share in the "actory, the private company allayed the

    "ears o" the workers re!ardin! cut in the jobs.

    Allege — a-lej - to state without !ivin! proo" 

    he opposition alle!ed that there is lar!e scale corruption in the !overnment.

    he newspaper published a news re!ardin! a person who alle!edly murdered his own


    Alleviate — aliviate - to reduce pain or di""iculties "or a short time

    he company's "inancial problems alleviated a"ter the rise in sale o" its products..

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    Alliance — ala-unce - an a!reement or union

    he two parties "or!ed alliance to "i!ht the election to!ether.

    Allocate — eloket - to set apart "or a particular purpose

    he animal department has been allocated 05 crores rupees "or research and

    development "or this year.

    Alter — olte - to make chan!es

    he army altered its plan when it came to know that the enemy has !ot wind o" its


    Altercation — oltekeshun - a noisy ar!ument or disa!reement

    here was scene o" altercation between the rulin! members and the opposition parties

    in the parliament.

    Amass — emes - to collect money, !oods in !reat amount over a lon! period

    he relatively new investor amassed a !ood "ortune in the stock market business with in

    a short time.

    Amaze — ame$ - to cause wonder, !reat surprise

    he loss o" li"e was ama$in! when the earth1uake struck the country.

    Ambience — embiunce - atmosphere o" a place

    he peace"ul ambience o" the hilly areas re"reshes a burdened mind.

    Ambiguous — embi!-6.2. - havin! more than one meanin! or interpretation

    his report has some ambi!uous remarks.

    Ambit — embit - ran!e o" authority, in"luence

    ith the implementation o" /n"ormation echnolo!y act, the cyber crimes "alls within the

    ambit o" law.

    Ambush — em-bush - to attack "rom a hidden place

    he terrorists ambushed the army personnel killin! one o""icer and two soldiers.

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    Ameliorate — amiliorate - to make less bad, improve

    &onations "rom the /nternational "undin! a!encies ameliorated the economic condition o" 

    poor countries.

    Amend — amend - to make chan!es in the law or document in order to correct

    mistakes, improve

      he constitution has been amended many times to suit the social chan!e in the


    Amicable — amekibul - done in a "riendly way

      2ome persons convinced the opponents to sit to!ether and "ind an amicable solution

    o" their dispute.

    Amid — a-mid - in the middle o" somethin!

    he 7overnor read his openin! speech o" the session amid bi! noise.

    he resolution in the parliament was passed amid stron! noise "rom the opposition



    Amnesia — em-ne$ia - loss o" memory

    By not learnin! "rom the previous mistakes, the !overnment is o"ten accused o"


    Amnesty — emnesti - pardon

    he !overnment announced amnesty to hundreds o" prisoners on the occasion o"

    republic day.

    Ample — emphul - enou!h, su""icient

    he police had ample evidences o" the culprit's wron!doin!s.

    Analogy — e-nalaji - similarity in two thin!s or processes by comparison

    he army draws an analo!y between the lar!e number o" militants and increased


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     #n analo!y can be drawn between the Bombay blasts and attack on orld rade


    Anarchy — eneki - state o" disorder, lawlessness

    8iolence and reli!ious disputes spread anarchy in the country.

    Anathema — enethma - an idea you hate because you don't believe in it.

    he anathema o" bloody riots poses a serious threat to the brotherhood and national

    unity o" a country.

    Anchor  — enke - to "i somethin! stron!ly so that it can not move

    4ur constitution is anchored to the philosophy o" democracy and secularism.

    Anguish — en!vish - pain, su""erin!

    he an!uish o" the rich people was unbearable who lost everythin! in the earth1uake.

    Animosity — enimositi - a stron! "eelin! o" an!er, opposition

    alks between the rival !roups can brin! to an end their animosity.

    Annals  — anaals - historical records

    /n the annals o" development, the newspapers have contributed a lot by brin!in! social

    chan!e in the country.

    Annex — ene - take control o" a territory or country by "orce

    he nei!hbourin! country deployed heavy "orces alon! the border in order to anne the

    territory o" the other country.

    Anomaly — a-nomli - di""erent "rom what is epected, abnormality

    he business community ur!ed the !overnment to recti"y the anomalies in the ta


    Anonymous — anonmus - unknown, whose name is not known

     #n anonymous person in"ormed the police about the bomb in the plane.

    Ante — enti - increase the level o" demand "or money

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    he researcher didn't up his ante while submittin! the "inancial re1uirements "or the new


    Antecedent — enticeedent - any past history

    he immi!ration o""icials "ound the suspected person o" unknown antecedents.

    Anticipate — entici-pate - to epect in advance

    he country is anticipatin! !old medal "or /ndian team in 4lympics.

    Anticlimax  — enti-clyma - not as ecitin! as epected

    /n an anticlima, the !overnment chan!ed its stand in the court on the issue o" bannin!

    the old vehicles .

    Antidote —enti-dyot - which prevents the bad e""ect o" poison or disease

    he sel" employment scheme is an antidote to the nation's unemployment problem.

    Antithesis — entithsis - the opposite o" somethin!

    he result o" the strike was antithesis o" the worker's epectations.

    Anvil — en-vil - about to happen or come

    he authorities said that a comprehensive strate!y was on the anvil "or improvin! the

    in"rastructure in the country.

    Anxiety — en-$iatee - ecessive worry "or some bad epectation

    here is lot o" aniety amon! the employees about the possible job losses.

    Apathy — e-pethi - lack o" interest, indi""erence, unwillin!ness

    he !overnment's apathy towards the 9andicra"t industry was critici$ed by the business


    Apex  — e-pe - hi!hest part o" somethin!

    he ape court delivered the historic jud!ement on the disputed structure.

    Apparent — aperent - . easily understood or evident

    he humiliation o" the rulin! party was apparent to everybody who lost on every seat.

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    0. seem to be real but not always necessarily.

    he victims were dissatis"ied with the police's apparent lack o" interest in arrestin! the


    Appease  — a-pee$e - to make somebody calmer or less an!ry by !ivin! him or her

    what they want

    he police o"ten "ind tou!h to appease the an!ry demonstrators.

    Applaud  — ap-load - to show approval "or a person, per"ormance, idea etc. by clappin!

    he audience in the hall applauded the actor's per"ormance.

    Apprehend — eprhend - to take into police custody

     #"ter much e""orts the police apprehended the culprits.

    Apprise — a-pry$e - in"orm, tell

    he rime Minister apprised the resident o" the "inancial condition o" the country.

    Approbation — aprebe-shun - approval or a!reement

    he new "inancial re"orms have won approbation "orm the economists.

    Appropriate — apro-priyet - suitable, acceptable "or a particular circumstance

     ords should be used appropriately while writin! an article.

    Arbitrary — rbitri - use o" power without considerin! its e""ect on other people, not

    based on reasonin!

    he arbitrary attitude o" the company an!ered many o" its loyal customers.

    Arbitrate — r-bitrate - to act as a jud!e in an ar!ument especially at the re1uest o" both


     # person was nominated by the !overnment to arbitrate between the Mana!ement and


    Archaic — aake-ak - very old and no lon!er used

    2ome sections o" the law have become archaic and need immediate review.

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    Archive — aa-ky-v - collection o" historical documents or records

    he !overnment's archive can yield some very use"ul and secret in"ormation.

    Ardent — aa-dent - showin! stron! desires

     #"ter many di""iculties, the ardent women parliamentarians mana!ed to present the bill

    on women reservation in elections.

    he democratic party "ound it di""icult to deal with the ardent supporters o" communism.

    Arduous — aa-juas - re1uirin! hard and continuous e""ort, di""icult

     #rrivin! at a consensus is an arduous job.

    Arena — areena - an area o" activity, "ield o" competition

    he availability o" skilled pro"essionals in the "ield o" /n"ormation echnolo!y has build

    /ndia's ima!e in the international arena.

    Ascertain — ecertane - to discover the truth or "act, to make certain

    he investi!ative a!ency ascertained the truth behind the "alse story o" murder within

    two days.

    Aspersion — es-purr-$un - to epress doubt about somethin!

    :obody can cast aspersions on 3al Bahadur 2hashtri's honesty.

    he consumer ri!hts "orum cast aspersion on the ability o" the new construction


    Asphyxiate — su""ocate, "eel di""iculty in breathin!, to die or become unconscious

    &ue to the hi!h bud!et de"icit, the country's economy is asphyiatin!.

    Aspire — to make e""ort "or some important aim or !oal

    he youn! doctor aspired to become "amous in the city.

    Assail — to attack violently (physically or by words)

    he miscreants assailed the shopkeepers and looted the cash. he !overnment was

    assailed by the opposition over the issue o" women's reservation bill.

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    Assassinate — to murder an important person (8/)

    /t is believed that ;ajiv 7andhi was assassinated by 3E.

    Assent — o""icial a!reement or approval

    he new bill on the terrorism !ot the residential assent.

    he resident !ave assent to the new bill on terrorism.

    Assert — to state or declare "orce"ully

    9e asserted that he would always work "or the upli"tment o" the poor.

    Assiduous — hardworkin!, re1uirin! lot o" work

    he police "ound it assiduous to keep an eye on such a lar!e population o" the capital.

    /t is an assiduous job to lay underwater "ibre optic cable between two countries.

    Assign — to !ive some work or responsibility

    he !overnment assi!ned the job o" economic development to the eminent economists.

    Assimilate — to di!est the "ood, to understand and use properly

    he students assimilated the lecture on

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    Attribute — atribute - to say that somethin! is a result o" a particular thin!

    he newspaper attributed its success to the its sensible readers.

    Attrition — atrishun - processin! o" destroyin! slowly by continuous and repeatedattacks

    he militants are accused o" wa!in! a war o" attrition in =ashmir.

    Audacious — odeshush - darin!, bold to etreme de!ree

    /t was an audacious attempt by the soldiers to chase and attack hardcore militants.

    Augment — o-!ment - increase

    he eperiments have shown that newspaper readin! can au!ment a student's


    Augur  — o-!aa - si!n o" somethin! in the "uture, a pre indication

      he !ood rain"all au!urs well "or the a!ricultural production in the country.

    Auspicious — o-spish-sh - showin! a si!n that somethin! would be success"ul in "uture

    he hie" Minister announced several schemes "or the poor on the auspicious occasion

    o" /ndependence &ay.

     :ew newspaper made an auspicious start.

    Austere — o-stia - etremely simple, without com"ort

    he monks lead an austere li"e in the mountains.

    Authentic — o-thentik - !enuine, true, deservin! to be trusted

    he news that the culprit is nabbed is authentic.

    Avalanche — evelanch - the "all or slidin! o" a mass o" snow down a mountain-slope,

    somethin! in very bi! numbers

    he new communication technolo!ies are providin! an avalanche o" in"ormation to the


    Avenue — e-ven-u - way, opportunities

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    he /n"ormation echnolo!y has opened may jobs avenues.

    Avenge — aven$ - to take reven!e

    he rebels took to arms and decided to aven!e the injustice done to them.

    Averse — a-vs - opposed to somethin!

     #ll the strikin! employees present in the meetin! were averse to have con"rontation with

    the !overnment.

    Avert — avaat - avoid, prevent

    act"ul handlin! by the !overnment averted the oil crisis.

    Avow — avaa-o - declare openly

    Every !overnment avows itsel" as a !reatest protector o" the poor's interest.

    Awful — o-"ul - shockin!, very bad, unpleasant

    he economic condition o" the country is really aw"ul.

    BBack — bek - to support

    he opposition parties backed the !overnment in projectin! a uni"ied view be"ore the

    international community.

    Backdrop — bek-drop - the !eneral conditions in which an event takes place

    ;iots started a!ainst the backdrop o" the communal tension in the city.

    Backlash — baklesh - stron! ne!ative reaction shown by people

    he administration had to "ace the backlash o" destroyin! the temple.

    Baffle  — b""le - con"use to the limit o" inaction

    he never endin! list o" problems ba""led the !overnment.

    Bag — baa! - to win a pri$e, contract etc.

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    he newspaper ba!!ed the award "or the best story and editorial writin!.

    Bail out — bale - rescue somebody "rom a di""icult situation

    he ailin! public sector companies need to be bailed out by the !overnment's "undin!.

    Bait — bet - a thin! which attracts but is very harm"ul

     # sel" reliant country should not "all prey to the bait o" ecessive "orei!n loans.

    Banal — benaal - lackin! new ideas and ori!inality

    o ensure success, the banal ideas should be replaced with the creative ones.

    Bane — ben - cause o" problem>trouble

    he death o" emotional "eelin!s and sensitivity in people is the bane o" the modern


    Banish — bnish - to !et rid o" somethin!, make somethin! !o away

    he youn! minister vowed to banish the poverty and drou!ht "rom his state.

    Bank — bnk - to rely on somethin!, put hopes on somethin!

    2ince no sin!le party could !et majority in the elections so the lar!est seats winnin!

    party is bankin! upon the support o" small parties to "orm !overnment.

    Bar — baa - stop somebody "rom doin! somethin!

    he weaker sections o" the society alle!ed that they were barred "rom castin! their votes

    in the elections.

    Barely — be-lii -only a short time be"ore, hardly

    he sta!e is set "or a bi!!est trade show "or which barely a week is le"t.

    Barge — baaj - enter a place rudely and without permission

    he protestin! crowd bar!ed into the hie" Minister's residence.

    Barter  — ba-ta - to echan!e somethin! with another thin!

    hile sharin! the seats "or the elections, political parties o"ten resort to a barter system.

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    Bash — to beat severely

    he suspected thieves were bashed by the police to etract in"ormation about the stolen


    Battered — bsh - badly dama!ed, not in a very !ood condition

     #"ter the renewed violence, the peace e""orts look battered.

     #"!hanistan was le"t battered by a decade lon! civil war.

    Beckon — bekun - to !ive a si!nal to call somebody, to call and make somebody "ollow


    3iberalisation and !lobalisation are the two "actors which beckon "orei!n investors ina country.

    Bedevil — bidevil - to cause a lot o" problem "or somethin! over a period o" time

    he main "actor bedevilin! the sa"ety per"ormance in railway accidents may be the

    manipulation o" accident statistics.

    Bedlam — bedlum - a scene o" "ull disorder and noise

    he opposition created a bedlam in the house over the issue o" reduction in subsidy.

    Beef up — bii" ap - increase, enhance

     #"ter the threats, the security near the rime Minister's residence was bee"ed up.

    Befit — bi"it - to be suitable and "it "or somethin!

    he entertainment material published in the newspapers should be be"ittin! to the

    interest o" the readers.

    Behest — behest - command, order 

     #t the behest o" some eternal powers, terrorists are wa!in! proy war a!ainst /ndia.

    Behove — bhoove - somethin! necessary or ri!ht to do

    /t behoves the journalist to report the events impartially and correctly.

    Beleaguer  — b-li!a - to surround so as to prevent escape, to lay sie!e

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    he terrorists were belea!uered inside the buildin!.

    he belea!uered rime Minister resi!ned in the parliament.

    Belittle — bilitul - to treat an achievement as unimportant, valueless

      he !overnment accused the opposition o" belittlin! its tremendous achievements.

    Belligerent — bli!irunt - a!!ressive, ready to "i!ht

    he belli!erent militant or!anisations !ave sleepless ni!hts to the !overnment.

    Benchmark — benchmaak - a standard a!ainst which other thin!s can be compared

    he development in the western countries can be a benchmark "or our development.

    Beneath— Below, under somethin!

    Every !overnment seems to put the issues o" national importance beneath the carpet

    and doesn't deal with them seriously.

    Benevolent — bnevelunt - kind, !racious, help"ul to others

    he victims o" natural calamities have bene"ited and will continue to bene"it "rom the

    benevolent acts o" some people in the society.

    Benign  — be-nyn - kind and !entle, not causin! any harm

    he social work has always enjoyed a beni!n ima!e in every part o" the


    Benumb — binaam - to stun, take away "eelin!s

    he "ather was benumbed by the tra!ic death o" his son in the accident.

    Bereaved — breeve - state o" sorrow o" "amily members on the death o" their member 

    he rime Minister epressed sympathy to the bereaved "amily members o" the victims

    who died in a bomb blast.

    Bereft — deprived o", devoid o" 

    ith the !rowth o" telecommunications, no part o" the world has remained bere"t o" the

    communication "acilities.

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    Besiege — biseej - to surround

    he police besie!ed the dacoits inside the buildin!.

    Bespeak — bispeek - to speak

    he delay in the implementation o" necessary re"orms bespeaks lack o" concern on the

    part o" the !overnment.

    Bestial — besti-al -hei!ht o" cruelty, inhuman

    %reedom "i!hters were meted out the bestial treatment in the jail.

    Bestow — bistaao - to !ive as a mark o" respect

    he !overnment thou!ht over the idea o" takin! away the awards bestowed upon the

    corrupt players.

    Bete noir  — bete-nova - person or thin! which annoys and irritates

    he minister proved to be bete noir "or the militants and they re"used to talk to


    Betray — bitre - to be dishonest, disloyal

    he !overnment was accused o" betrayin! the trust o" the people.

    Bicker  — bika - to ar!ue over unimportant thin!s

     #lmost every political party is the victim o" internal bickerin! amon! its


    Bid — biid - attempt, an o""er o" price

    Many reputed private companies are biddin! "or the new contracts o" brid!e


    he army o""icer escaped the bid on his li"e.

    Bigotry — bi!-e-tre - reli!ious blindness, unreasonable hi!h thinkin! o" one's reli!ion,

    views, ideas etc.

    Bi!otry doesn't "ind place in our secular social system.

    Bilateral — by-lateral - between two !roups only

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    =ashmir problem is a bilateral issue, no other country should mediate.

    Bizarre — bi$aaa - stran!e, odd

     # bi$arre situation was created when not even a sin!le vote was cast in the terrorisma""ected area.

    Blare — ble -ye - harsh, unpleasantly loud sound

      Earlier, the election campai!ns used to blare the politician's speech but it has

    stopped now a days.

    Blasphemy — blasphmy - criticism o" 7od

    he "undamentalists termed the speaker's remark as blasphemy.

    Blatant — bletnt - done without carin! o" people's objection

    he newspapers alle!ed that "resh appointments are blatant violation o" the court orders.

    Bleak — bleek - dull, cheerless, not hope"ul

    he businessmen were worried that their "uture would be bleak as the earth1uake

    destroyed all their business establishments.

    Blemish — blemish - black spot, a thin! which spoils reputation

    he out!oin! !overnment was con!ratulated "or completin! its term without


    Blitz — plits - sudden heavy attack

    he companies are resortin! to a heavy media blit$ in order to capture the market.

    Blunt — blunt - sharp

    he opposition was 1uite blunt in describin! the misdeeds o" the !overnment.

    Boisterous — boys-turus - noisily cheer"ul and rou!h

    he beauti"ul dance show was marred by some boisterous persons in the hall.

    Bolster  — bol-sta - to support or stren!then

    3ar!e number o" tapayers will de"initely bolster the public eche1uer.

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    Bombard — bom-baad - . to attack a place by "irin! continuously

    he continuous bombardment by the enemies completely destroyed the border villa!es.

    0. to attack somebody with a lot o" 1uestions, criticism etc

    he complaint o""ice was bombarded with the letters o" complaints.

    Bombastic — bombaastic - super"luous, important soundin! (hi-"i) but with little


    /t is advisable not to use the bombastic lan!ua!e in public speech.

    Bonafides — evidence o" somebody's honesty

    he police doubted the bona"ides o" suspected akistani tourists.

    Bonhomie — bonomii - state o" cheer"ul "riendship

    he bonhomie between /ndia and #merica is a bi! jump in bilateral relations.

    Boomerang — boomeran! - to !et hurt in the process o" harmin! others

    &ue to the "aulty plannin!, the opposition's plan to embarrass the !overnment


    Boost — boost - to make somethin! increase or better 

    he world trade a!reements have boosted the /nternational eport business.

    Booty — booti - stolen valuable thin!s

    he police tried to catch the thie" but he escaped with the booty under the cover o"


    Bother — boda - to cause worry, trouble or annoyance to anybody

    he increasin! crime rate is continuously botherin! the law en"orcement a!encies.

    Bottleneck — somethin! which slows down or stops the !rowth

      Because o" the bottleneck o" hi!h taes, the small industry is not able to !row.

    Bow — boov - bend the head be"ore somebody

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    he opposition accused the !overnment o" bowin! to the pressure o" market "orces.

    Brew — bru - somethin! bad likely to happen soon

    ;esentment was brewin! amon! the party workers over epulsion o" some seniormembers.

    Brace — to prepare "or somethin! di""icult or unpleasant

    &urin! trainin!, the rescue workers braced themselves "or the troublesome rescue

    missions in the "uture.

    Brag — bra! - to say bi! thin!s about onesel" 

    he student bra!!ed about his minor success in the eamination.

    Breach — breech - to break an a!reement, contract or rule

    3eaka!e o" the resident's speech by the press be"ore the scheduled time was termed

    as a breach o" trust by the !overnment.

    Bridge — bri$ - "ill the !ap

    here is lot o" communication !ap between teachers and students? we will have to

    brid!e this !ap.

    Brigand — bri!und - thie" with arms, usually a band o" thieves livin! in jun!les and


    2pecial task "orce raided the hideout and killed the notorious bri!and.

    Brink — brink - on the ed!e o" 

    he de"ence analysts pointed out that the earth is on the brink o" nuclear disaster.

    Brisk — bris - 1uick and active

    here is a brisk demand in the market "or electronic products.

    Brisk walk is !ood "or health.

    Broker  — brroka - to act as a middleman

    he newspapers published a story on the misdeeds o" power brokers who took money"rom the companies and !ot their work done by the minister.

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    he 6nited :ations brokered a peace plan in the countries a""ected by civil war.

    Brutal — brootul - very cruel, lack o" kindness or human "eelin!s

     #nimal lovers protested a!ainst the brutal treatment !iven to animals in the laboratories.

    Buckle — bakul - to bend, to !et crushed under somethin!

    he !overnment re"used to buckle under the opposition's demand o" reducin! the oil


    Bulwark — bool-vk - anythin! that !ives security or de"ence

    he heavy deployment o" security "orces alon! the border is a bulwark a!ainst the cross

    border terrorism.

    Bumpy — bumpee - uncom"ortable, havin! lots o" bumps, "illed with troubles

    ith numerous problems be"ore it, the new !overnment will be walkin! on the bumpy


    Bungle — bun!ul - which is done badly and causes problem, not done skill"ully

    he ine""icient candidate bun!led his last opportunity o" job.

    he lack o" coordination between the security a!encies bun!led the rescue plan o" the


    Buoyant — bo-yunt -ability to recover 1uickly "rom disappointment, return to hi!h level

    a"ter temporary slump

    here is a buoyant market "or small cars in /ndia a"ter the announcement o" new

    automobile policy by the !overnment.

     # buoyant attitude helps tide over di""icult times.

    Burgeon — ba-$un - to be!in to !row rapidly

    here is a bur!eonin! demand "or the computers in the market a"ter reduction in the

    import duty on computer hardware.

    Bust — bast - . to enter a place and arrest somebody

    he in"amous interstate !an! was busted by the police.

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    0. "ailed because o" lack o" money

    he sick company went bust because o" "aulty policies o" the mana!ement.

    Buttress — support, protect

    he accused presented some more evidence to buttress his claim o" innocence.

    Buzzword —bu$waa - a word which has become popular and "ashionable

    onver!ence is the latest bu$$word in the career in /n"ormation echnolo!y.


    Cadre — caaa-daa - a small !roup o" people chosen "or a particular purpose

    he rulin! party tried to maintain the harmony amon! its cadres.

    Caliber  — 1uality and ability o" a person

    *ournalism re1uires caliber.

    Callous — k-lus - unsympathetic, unkind

    he callous o""icials re"used to help the victims o" train accident.

    Camaraderie — kemeraa-d-ri - "riendship and trust amon! collea!ues

    amaraderie in the army has to be maintained at every cost in order to protect the

    borders o" the country.

    Camouflage — keme-"laash - colour, shape similar to that o" surroundin!, so as to make

    detection di""icult

    he soldiers camou"la!ed themselves with !reen leaves in order to be"ool the enemies.

    Canard — k-naad - a "alse report, rumour 

    he stock markets are hi!hly sensitive to the canards about the companies and

    !overnment's policies.

    Candid — =en-did - "rank, truth"ul, honest

    he o""icer candidly admitted his mistake be"ore the in1uiry commission.

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    Cap — kh-p - limit

    here is no cap on the number o" licenses to be issued "or /nternet services.

    Capitalize — kepitaly$e - to take advanta!e o" somethin!

    he opposition parties capitali$ed on the in"i!htin! in the rulin! party and brou!ht down

    the !overnment.

    Capricious — kprishus - chan!in! suddenly and 1uickly , unstable

    he situation in the country is lookin! capricious, as a result "orei!n investment may "all

    this year.

    Captive — keptive - kept as a prisoner 

    wo "orei!ners were held captive by the terrorists who demanded the release o" their

    "ellow militants.

    Carnage — kaa-ne$ - killin! in very lar!e numbers especially in war 

    Mankind must decide not to repeat the carna!e which took place in the two world wars.

    Cascade — kes-ked - to "all over somethin! in lar!e ammount

    he corruption is cascadin! on the ublic like a monster.

    Cast — khaast - . put

      ;ise in the prices o" essential commodities casts shadow on the poor man's li"e.

    3imited people cast their votes these days.

    4pposition parties o"ten cast aspersions on the !overnment's style o" "unctionin!.

    0. to present somebody in a particular way

    he arrested persons cast themselves as innocent victims.

    Casualty — k-jualti - loss o" li"e in accident or battle

    he enemy su""ered heavy casualties in the =ar!il war.

    Catastrophe — k-tes-truphi - sudden unepected event which causes !reat su""erin!

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    he "amine was a major catastrophe which caused heavy loss o" li"e.

    Categorical — kete!orikul - made without any doubt in the mind, unconditional.

    he senior bureaucrat immediately issued a cate!orical denial o" his involvement in thescam.

    Cease — cees - to stop an activity

    he operation a!ainst the militants was ceased "ollowin! the announcement o" cease"ire

    by the !overnment.

    Ceiling — ceelin! - hi!hest limit

    he !overnment raised the ceilin! on the 1uota o" newsprint import by the newspapers.

    Cement — ciment - to make stron!>"irm

    he rime Minister's visit has cemented our relations with the "orei!n countries.

    Censure — senshia - to critici$e somebody severely and publicly "or his wron!doin!

      he court censured the administration "or its "ailure to provide basic amenities to the


    Cessation — cece-shun - stoppin! o" somethin!, pause

    he cessation o" all subsidies by the "inance minister reduced the bud!et de"icit


    Chagrin — she!rin - disappointment caused by un"ul"illed desires or hopes

      Much to their cha!rin, the result was a bi! $ero.

    Chalk — chok - to draw a plan "or dealin! with a di""icult situation

    he administration chalked out a detailed plan to tackle the drou!ht problem in the state.

    Chaos — ke-yos - state o" total con"usion and disorder 

    Because o" the improper plannin! o" the event, there was chaos all around.

    Chart — chaat - to desi!n a plan to deal with some problem

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    he party charted out a strate!y to win the support o" the people who had been

    alienated in the past.

    Chauvinist — shovinist - . unreasonable proud belie" o" one's own country

    2addam 9ussain was termed as a chauvinist by the #merican media.

    0. person who believes that the !ender (male) to which he belon!s is better than the

    other ("emale)

    he latest attempt o" the male members to block the women reservation bill in the

    parliament was termed by the women as

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     # bi! chunk o" the population still lives below the poverty line even a"ter "i"ty years o"


    Churn — chhun - to produce somethin! 1uickly in lar!e amount

    8arious institutes churn out thousands o" /n"ormation echnolo!y pro"essionals every

    year still the country is "acin! the manpower shorta!e.

    Circumspect — surcum-spect - think very care"ully be"ore doin!

    he police should be circumspect be"ore openin! "ire at the demonstrations.

    Citadel — citedul - "ort, stron!hold, area o" dominant in"luence

    est Ben!al is re!arded as the citadel o" communists.

    Cite — cyte - to mention somethin! as a support "or what you are sayin!

    he editor cited the heavy cost o" newspaper production as the reason "or hi!h rates o"


    Clamp — klemp - /mpose or in"lict "orce"ully

    he !overnment clamped a heavy "ine on the pollutin! industries.

    Clandestine — klendestin - done secretly

    he rebels held a clandestine meetin! to chalk out their o""ensive strate!y a!ainst the


    Clash — k'lash - "i!ht

    welve people were hurt in the clash between police and the mob.

    Cleanse — klens - to clean completely

    he removal o" corruption can de"initely cleanse our social system.

    Clinch — klinch - to succeed in winnin! somethin!

    ublic sector companies have clinched many lucrative deals "rom the "orei!n countries

    in the today's era o" liberalisation.

    Clout — klaut - power and in"luence

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    ith the nuclear eplosions and the /n"ormation echnolo!y revolution, /ndia's clout in

    the internationl "ora has increased considerably.

    Club — k'lub - . to hit a person with heavy object

    he dacoits clubbed two persons to death in the hi!h security area.

    0. to join so as to make one

    he court clubbed the two cases and decided to hear them to!ether.

    Clumsy — klum$i - without skill, awkward

    he ineperienced diplomat handled the sensitive diplomatic a""air too clumsily.

    Clutches -- khluch - net, control

    he police rescued the youn! !irls "rom the clutches o" middleman who sell the !irls as


    Coalition — ko-lishun - two or more !roups joined to!ether 

    he political analysts "eel that the coalition !overnment doesn't last lon!.

    Coerce — ko-us - to "orce somebody to do somethin! by usin! threats

    he police inspector was accused o" coercin! the man into !ivin! con"essional


    Cognizance — ko!ni$nce - take into consideration, law to take notice o" 

    he hie" *ustice took co!ni$ance o" misrepresentation o" the case by authorities.

    Cohesion — kohee$un - the state o" stickin! to!ether, unity

    he cohesion o" joint "amily system is "ast comin! to an end in "avour o" nuclear "amily.

    /ndian culture is proud to have remarkable cohesion o" bonds amon! "amily


    Cohort — kohot - !roup o" people with common interest

    he militants discussed the !overnment's proposal with their cohorts and surrendered

    be"ore the army.

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    Coincide — koincidunce - to take place at the same time

    he bud!et session o" the parliament coincided with the visit o" nei!hbourin! country's


    Collapse — k'leps - to "all down

    he economists warned that the economy o" the country is on the ver!e o" collapse.

    Collude — kolude - to work secretly to harm somebody

    akistan's army colluded with militants in =ar!il war a!ainst /ndia.

    Colossal — klosul - etremely lar!e

    he company su""ered colossal losses due to the cancellation o" orders "rom the clients.

    Combat — ko-mbet - "i!ht, stop the unepected thin!s "rom happenin!

    he new !overnment decided to combat the risin! unemployment.

    Commemorate — kmemrate - to remind an important person or special event "rom the


    he nation commemorated the "i"ty years o" /ndependence.

    Commendable  — k'mendebul - deservin! praise

    he !overnment has done a commendable job in spreadin! literacy pro!rammes in tribal


    Commensurate — kemensuat - e1ual to, matchin! in si$e

    he army pointed out that the deployment o" the "orces would be commensurate with theoperational re1uirements.

    he company mentioned in the advertisement that the salary o" the candidate would be

    commensurate with his talent.

    Commission — kmishun - to start "unction

    he power company declared that the electricity projects would be commissioned a"ter

    "ive years "rom now.

    Commotion — kmoshun - sudden noise and con"usion

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    he opposition raised commotion over the risin! incidents o" attacks on minorities.

    Compassion — kumpeshun - sympathy "or su""erin! o" others in order to help them

    2ocial workers have !reat compassion "or the downtrodden people.

    Compatible — kumpetibul - able to eist to!ether due to harmony

    he joint venture "ailed because the !oals o" both the companies were not compatible.

    Competent — kompitunt - havin! enou!h knowled!e and skill to do somethin! very well

    he educated ministers are 1uite competent to do their job e""iciently.

    Complacent — kumplaycunt - sel"-satis"ied, have no worry even thou!h one should

    he educationist stressed that the students should not be complacent in ac1uirin!


    Comply — kump-ly - to obey

    Everybody has to comply with the court's order.

    Comprehensive — komperhensiv - detailed, elaborate, which includes almost

    everythin! concerned

    he in1uiry commission came out with a comprehensive report on the causes o" train


    Compute — kum-pyut - to calculate

    he delay in the construction o" dams has escalated their earlier computed cost.

    Conceal — kun-sil - to hide

    he raid on the premises o" industrialists revealed that a hu!e income is concealed

    "rom the income ta department in order to avoid payment o" ta.

    Concede — kun-ceed - accept, admit somethin! as true

    he !overnment conceded to the demands o" industrialists to reduce the ecise duty on

    certain products.

    Conceive — kun-ceev - to "orm an idea, ima!ine, think o" 

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    he reputed political analyst said that an e""icient !overnment conceives the idea and

    implements it too.

    Concerted — konsutd - planned and combined work done to!ether 

    he poverty eradication needs concerted e""orts by the !overnment.

    Conclave — kon-klev - meetin! to discuss somethin!

    he !overnment decided to or!ani$e a conclave o" :on ;esident /ndians to promote


    Concoct — kunkokt - to make a "alse story, ecuse

    he army o""icer blamed the investi!ative a!ency to concoct stories to prove him aspy.

    Concomitant — kunkomitnt - happenin! at the same time with other thin! as both are

    related to each other 

    he liberalisation has taken place with the concomitant rise in the eecutive's income


    Concurrence — kunka-runce - consent, a!reement

    My business partner didn't seek my concurrence and sold o"" the "actory.

    Condemn — kundem - to epress stron! disapproval

    he educated people must condemn the dowry system.

    Conducive — kundyuciv - helpin! to happen, "avourable

    his rain is conducive "or !ood yield o" the crop.

    Conduit — kondit - a person>or!ani$ation which is used to pass thin!s>in"ormation to

    other person>places.

    he police tried to trace the conduits throu!h which the smu!!lers were operatin! in the


    Confer  — kun-"aa - to !ive honour, bestow upon

    :oted presonalities in di""erent "ields were con"erred upon the awards by the resident.

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    Confidant — kon"ident - trusted "riend

    he youn! worker became con"idant o" the minister in a very short period o" time.

    Confide — kun"y-d - to trust somebody in tellin! secret in"ormation

    he person con"ided in the journalist by !ivin! top secret proo" o" corruption in the

    income ta department.

    Confine — kon"yne - keep somethin! inside some limit

    he web o" communication technolo!ies has removed the boundary con"inements

    between countries.

     # student should not con"ine his knowled!e upto the tet books only.

    Confiscate — kon"isket - to sei$e, to o""icially take away somethin!

    he police con"iscated a bi! consi!nment o" smu!!led !oods "rom a private !odown.

    Conflict — kon-"likt - . disa!reement, "i!ht

    2even persons were injured in the con"lict over the ownership o" the land.

    0. serious disa!reement>ar!ument

    here is con"lict between estern culture and /ndian culture.

    Confluence — kon"luance - two or more thin!s becomin! one

    housands o" devotees took a dip in the holy water at the con"luence o" 7an!a, @amuna

    and 2araswati ;iver.

    Conform — kun-"om - to "ollow the !enerally accepted rules

    he psycholo!ist predicted that non-con"ormin! people are not respected by the society.

    Confound — kun-"aa-und - con"use and surprise

    he complicated issues relatin! to country's economy o"ten con"ound the


    Confront — kun"unt - to deal with and to be "aced by

    he minister had to con"ront many embarrassin! 1uestions in the 8 talk show.

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    Confrontation — kon"unteshun - to con"ront

    on"rontation has to be avoided in dealin! with the sensitive issues.

    Congenial — kun!eene-ul - pleasant, !ood

    he new education policy aims to provide the con!enial study atmosphere in the schools

    and colle!es.

    Congregate — kon!-!ut - to come in a !roup

    Many people con!re!ated at the temple to worship 3ord 7anesh.

    Conjecture — kunjekcha - "ormin! opinion, !uess or jud!ement based on incomplete


    he politician said that the idea o" his party's de"eat in the comin! elections is based on


    Connive — kny-v - conspire

    he jail authorities connived with the 8/ prisoners and helped them in escapin! "rom

    the bars.

    Connotation — knoteshun - an idea that is implied or su!!ested

    he orld Bank's su!!estions on bud!et to the central !overnment bears a di""erent

    connotation in li!ht o" its increasin! inter"erence in the country's internal a""airs.

    Conquer  — konka - to de"eat somebody in "i!ht>contest

    he stron!hold o" the rulin! party was con1uered by the opposition party in the last


    Conscience — konshuns - inner sense that is conscious o" the moral ri!htness or


    he deputy commissioner told his boss that his conscience didn't allow him to do

    injustice with the poor people.

    Consecutive — kunseketiv - "ollowin! one a"ter another in a series

    he session o" the parliament was adjourned "or nine consecutive days.

    Consensus — kunsensus - !eneral a!reement

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    e will have to reach a consensus on the issue o" subsidy.

    Consent — kunsent - permission to do somethin!

    he new bill on the ri!ht to in"ormation was presented be"ore the parliament with theprior consent o" speaker.

    Consequence — konse1unce - bad result

    he decision to release the militants will have serious conse1uences.

    Consistency — kunsistunci - havin! the same opinion, idea etc

    here is lack o" consistency in the theories o" ori!in o" universe.

    Consolidate — kunsolidet - to become solid>stron!

    he new ministers consolidated their positions in the 7overnment.

    Consortium — kunso-ti-um - a !roup o" people>companies who are workin! on the

    common project

    he hi!h taes were ciriti$ed by the consortium o" steel industry.

    Conspire — kunspaaya - to secretly plan somethin! bad

     #nti social elements have conspired to spread hatred in the country.

    Consternation — konsteneshun - "eelin! o" !reat shock, surprise and aniety

    he decision o" allowin! the entry o" "orei!n media created much consternation in /ndian


    Constitute — konstichyute - to "orm or make up

    /t is believed by the people that the dishonest persons constitute a political party.

    Constrict — kuns-trikt - to become narrow and ti!ht

    he education should be aimed at broadenin! the constrict thinkin!.

    Construe — kunstru - to understand the meanin! o" somethin! in a particular way

    he implementation o" the law on every citi$en should not be construed as theharassement tool "or the minorities.

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    Contagious — kunte-$us - which spreads "rom person to person by touchin! each other 

    he corruption is spreadin! like a conta!ious disease in our society.

    Contemplate — kontumplet - think deeply and thou!ht"ully

    e contemplated on the issue and "inally reached the solution.

    Contempt — kuntempt - lack o" respect "or somethin!

     # sensible citi$en should not show contempt "or minorities.

     &isobeyin! the court orders is a contempt o" court.

    Contention — kun-tenshun - ar!uin! or stru!!lin! between people

    he issue o" ;am Mandir is no lon!er a matter o" contention.

    Contentment — kuntentmnt - satis"action, happiness

    he "avourable jud!ement by the court "illed everybody with contentment.

    Contingent — kuntinjunt - dependent on somethin! uncertain

    he doctors said that the survival o" the soldier is contin!ent upon the recovery si!nals

    in net twenty "our hours.

    he employee's job security is contin!ent upon the outcome o" the departmental

    en1uiry on the char!es o" bribe a!ainst him.

    Contradict — kontrdikt - to say opposite o" what has been said earlier 

    he rime Minister contradicted his minister's statement on ta concession.

    Controversy — kuntrovsy - dispute, disa!reement

    Much controversy was created over the nude scenes in the new "ilm.

    Conundrum — knondrum - a 1uestion or problem which is di""icult to solve

    he reli!ious disputes are provin! to be a conundrum "or the !overnment.

    Convene — kunveen - to arran!e "or people "or comin! to!ether 

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     #ll party meetin! was convened by the !overnment to evolve a consensus on the issue

    o" "orei!n policy.

    Converge — kunvaa$ - to move "rom di""erent directions and meet at central point

    housands o" people conver!ed on the auditorium to listen to their "avorite leader.

    Conviction — kunvikshun - stron! belie" 

    he 6nited :ations has the conviction that the ne!otiations can solve any dispute on the


    Copious — ko-pius - in lar!e ammount

     # theory must be supported by copious evidences.

    Cordial — kodiul - "riendly and pleasant

    he !overnment enjoys the cordial relations with the nei!hbourin! countries.

    Core — ko - central part , most important part o" somethin!

    he core issue eluded discussion durin! the debate in the parliament.

    Cornucopia — konukopia - which contains lar!e amount o" somethin!, storehouse

    he newspaper is the cornucopia o" the !eneral knowled!e.

    Corroborate — korob-ret - to !ive in"ormation in support o" a statement, con"irm

    he char!es o" corruption a!ainst the o""icer were corroborated in the raid at his house

    where lar!e ammount o" cash and property documents were "ound.

    Cosmopolitan — kosmopolitun - . showin! broadminded outlook, havin! eperience o" di""erent places and world

    he educated youth must have a cosmopolitan outlook o" li"e.

     0. eistin! in most parts o" the world

    orruption seems to be a cosmopolitan disease.

    Coterie — ko-t-ri - a !roup o" people with shared interests (ne!ative sense)

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    he opposition alle!ed that the rime Minister is o"ten surrounded by the coterie

    who mis!uides him.

    Cough up — khu"" up - to "orcibly accept an unpleasant thin!

    he company had to cou!h up "inancial losses due to the slump in the eport market.

    Counter — kan-ta - response to somebody that opposes his idea

    he issue o" appointment o" two more election commissioners was seen as a counter to

    the chie" election commissioner.

    Counterfeit — kante"it - not !enuine, "ake

    he police sei$ed a bi! haul o" counter"eit currency notes "rom the "orei!n tourists.

    Coup — kuu - sudden ille!al chan!e o" !overnment

    he democratically elected !overnment was thrown out in a military coup.

    Coveted — ka-vet - much desired by everybody

    /ndia deserves the coveted post o" permanent membership o" 6nited :ations.

    Crack down — krak daun - severe action taken to restrict the activities o" criminals and

    antisocial elements 

    he police's crack down on the !an!s o" smu!!lers led to the "all in smu!!lin! "rom

    across the border.

    Cradle — kre-dul - place o" ori!in

    hina is the cradle o" the art o" acupuncture.

    Credentials — kredenshi ul - 1ualities, eperience which makes somebody suitable "or


    &espite doubts in the public's mind, the new !overnment proved that it had all

    credentials to run the country success"ully.

    Credible — kredibul - which can be believed or trusted

    he bi! claims made by the !overnment sounded incredible to the public.

    Cripple — kripul - weaken or dama!e seriously

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    he rise in the price o" crude oil has crippled economies o" many developin! countries.

    Crisis  — krysis - time o" !reat trouble>di""iculty

      By withdrawin! the support, the allies put the !overnment in crisis.

    Crisp — krisp - "resh, "irm, recently produced

    eople like to read the crisp news in the mornin! newspapers.

    Crony — kro-ni - "riend (especially in the position o" power)

    he politicians are "ond o" showin! undue "avour to their cronies.

    Crop — krop - to occur unepectedly

    he idea o" startin! a new course in computers cropped up in the meetin!.

    Crow  kro - to talk proudly what you have achieved, boast

    he opposition members termed the minor success o" rulin! party as nothin! to crow


    Crucial — kru-shul - etremely important because it can a""ect other thin!s

    he investi!ative a!ency told the court that the investi!ation in hawala racket has

    reached a crucial sta!e.

    Crumble — krumbul - break into small pieces

    he business o" /nternet companies "inally be!an to crumble in absence o" any sound

    business strate!y.

    he hopes o" the rescuce workers be!an to crumble when the entire buildin! startedburnin! "uriously.

    Crunch — krunch - acute shorta!e

    he country is "acin! "orei!n echan!e crunch due to the heavy import bill o" oil.

    Crusade — kru-sade - a lon! and determined stru!!le

    he "reedom is the result o" lon! crusade carried out by our "reedom "i!hters.

    Crux — kruk - most di""icult part o" a problem

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    4nly a"ter len!thy meetin!s, the or!anisers o" the "unction reached the cru o" the


    Cue — 1 - to copy what somebody else does as an eample o" how to behave

    akin! a cue "rom rime Minister's speech, the opposition leader raised the issue o"

    women reservation in the parliament.

    Culminate — kul-minate - to rise up to the hi!hest point

    he "reedom movement ultimately culminated into the "reedom o" /ndia.

    Culpable — kulpbul - deservin! blame

    /t is a culpable act on the part o" /ntelli!ence a!encies that they could not predict theattack on parliament.

    Cultivate — kul-tivate - to develop>!row>prepare

    4ne must cultivate the habit o" readin! newspaper daily.

    Curb — kaab - control, check

    he !overnment should curb the non plan ependiture in order to reduce the bud!et


    Curious — 1-rius - ea!er to know

    he panchtantra has said that curiousity is the most important 1uality o" a student.

    Curtail — ktale - to cut o"" or cut short

    he audit committee recommended that the ecessive ependiture by the !overnment

    should be curtailed.

    Cyber  — sybaa - /nternet or networks related

    ith the spread o" use o" /nternet, cyber crimes are increasin! day by day.

    Cynosure — sinejiva - object o" everybody's attention

    he /n"ormation echnolo!y has become cynosure in modern society.


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    !ampen — dampun - to "rustrate the enthusiasm

    he repeated "ailures cannot dampen the spirit o" a determined person.

    !amp squib — total "ailure, disappointin!

    he protest or!anised by the opposition parties proved to be a damp s1uib as it "ailed to

    !et support o" the public.

    !aunting — dontin! - to make nervous and less con"ident about doin! somethin!

    o keep the in"ormation rate under check is a dauntin! task "or the !overnment.

    !awn — don - . to be!in

    ith the dawn o" /n"ormation echnolo!y a!e the world is witnessin! tremendous job


    0. sunrise

    he construction on the site started at dawn.

    !ealt — to deal

    he law en"orcement a!encies strictly dealt with the o""enders.

    !earth — dath - shorta!e o" somethin!, not enou!h

    he new !overnment reiterated that the dearth o" money would not be a problem in the

    country's development.

    !ebacle — dibaakul - a sudden complete "ailure

    he debacle in elections "orced the party to introspect and take remedial measures.

    !ebilitate — dbilitet - to make weak throu!h hun!er, illness etc.

    he mountaineer's !roup was debilitated by the steep hei!ht and hun!er.

    !ebunk — dibunk - to show an idea as "alse>less important

    roposal "or purchase o" computers was debunked by the !overnment.

     # new theory on the ori!in o" universe debunked the old ones.

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    !ecadence — dekedunce - "all in standards o" moral values, attitudes etc

    he decadence o" society is takin! place in the modern era o" technolo!y.

    !ecamp — dekam - to leave suddenly and secretly

    he "inance companies promised attractive returns on the deposit and "inally decamped

    with the money.

    !eceive — di-seev - to show dishonesty

    he property dealer deceived me into buyin! a disputed piece o" land.

    !ecipher  — di-syphaa - to succeed in "indin! the meanin! o" somethin! that is di""icult

    to read or understand

    he "inance minister deciphered the compleity o" the ta system and came out with

    simpli"ied procedures.

    he historians have not been able to decipher the wall writin! on the houses o" indus

    valley civili$ation.

    !ecimate — decimet - . to kill in lar!e numbers

    he earth1uake decimated the entire population o" the city.

    0. severely dama!e or make somethin! weaker 

    /t is "eared by the economists that the cheaper imports will decimate the domestic


    !ecline — dik-ly-n - . re"use politely to accept somethin!

    he !overnment declined the opposition's demand o" resi!nation.

    0. a continuous decrease in number, 1uality

    &ue to recession, the country is "acin! a sharp economic decline.

    !ecrepit — dekrepit - weak condition "rom old a!e or hard use

    Most o" the decrepit buildin!s were completely dama!ed by the earth1uake.

    !ecry — di-kry - to critici$e, to disapprove

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    he peace e""orts by the 6nited :ations were decried by some o" the militants !roup.

    !efer  — di"aa- to postpone

    he car makers have de"erred their plans o" introducin! new models.

    !eficit — de"isit - when less money is comin! and more is !oin!, loss

    he recent bud!et projected a heavy de"icit, as a result etra taes were imposed to "ill

    the !ap.

    !efray — di"ray - to !ive somebody back (the money) they have spent on somethin!

    he state !overnments asked the central !overnment to de"ray the entire cost o"

    education imparted to a!ed people.

    !efunct — di"unkt - no lon!er eistin! or used

    he de"unct state electricity boards should be reconstituted in order to streamline the

    power system.

    !efuse — di"yu$ - to stop a dan!erous situation "rom happenin!

    he police are tryin! to de"use the tension between the rival !roups.

    he anti bomb s1uad o" the army de"used the bomb lyin! near the buildin!.

    !efy — di-"a-e - to disobey

    &e"yin! the court's order is considered as a contempt o" court and a punishable act.

    !egrade — di!rade - to treat as i" it has no value, decline

    he education minister epressed concern over the de!radin! education system in thecountry.

    !eja vu —deja voo - the eperience o" thinkin! that a new situation had occurred be"ore

    he "inancial markets had a sense o" deja vu durin! the last stock market


    !elegate — dle!ate - to !ive one's power>ri!ht>authority to somebody else "or a small


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    he resident is !oin! abroad that's why he has dele!ated his authority to the 8ice


    !eliberate — dlib-rut - . intentional

    he attacks on minorities were seen as a deliberate attempt by the antisocial elements

    to harm the country's reputation in the eyes o" international community.

    0. discuss thou!ht"ully

    3et us deliberate upon the positive and ne!ative points o" this project.

    !eliberation — dlibreshun - discussion

    he solution o" some problems is always the outcome o" lon! deliberations.

    !elineate - describe in detail

    he action plan was delineated to smash the terrorists' hideouts.

    !eluge — delu$e - lar!e numbers o" thin!s happenin! or comin! simultaneously.

    he "orei!n minister was delu!ed with the 1uestions "rom the journalists.

    !emolish — dimo-lish - to break the buildin!

    he unauthorised construction was demolished by the authorities.

    !enigrate — deni-!rate - critici$e un"airly

    he chairman deni!rated the idea o" his subordinate.

    !enounce — dinounc - critici$e stron!ly

    he !overnment's "unctionin! was denounced by the opposition parties.

    !ent — dent - hole

    he !overnment's "ailure on the international "ront has made a dent in its ima!e.

    !eplete  — dipleet - to disappear !radually

    he natural resources are depletin! "ast due to the increasin! population.

    !eplore — dip-lo - to show pity, critici$e

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    he hie" Minister deplored the "unctionin! o" !overnment departments.

    !eploy — diploye - arran!e "or action

    he security "orces were deployed in the terrorism dominated area.

    !eport — dipot - to send back the ille!al immi!rant to his own country

     #merica deported the ille!al immi!rants to their own countries.

    !epose — dipo$ - . to appear be"ore a court "or some evidence, 1uestionin! etc,

    declare under oath

    he court ordered some renowned mediapersons to depose in Bo"ors scandal case.

    0. to remove a ruler "rom power 

    he democratically elected resident o" the country was deposed by the army o""icers.

    !epreciate — dipreshi-et - to become less in value

    he rupee depreciation puts heavy burden on the !overnment because it has to pay the

    hi!her cost o" imports.

    !eprive — di-pyv - prevent somebody "rom havin! somethin!

    he children shouldn't be deprived o" their basic ri!ht o" education.

    !epute — de-pyut - to !ive somebody else the authority to represent you

    he army chie" was deputed to talk to the =ashmiri militant !roups and persuade them

    to surrender.

    !ereliction — dere-likshun - non seriousness, ne!li!ence

    he police are o"ten accused o" dereliction o" duty.

    !eride — di-ryd - ridicule, make a mockery o" somethin!

    &on't deride the per"ormance which someone has shown a"ter tremendous hard work.

    !esecrate — dese-kret - to dama!e or treat a holy thin! without respect

    he antisocial elements desecrated the holy shrine with meat and wine.

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    !eserted — dijatid - havin! no people around

    he markets remained deserted durin! the cur"ew.

    !esignate — de$i!nut - . to choose the name o" somebody "or a particular job

    he low pro"ile worker o" the political party was desi!nated as its new resident.

    0. to mark somethin! o""icially

    he area havin! communal tension was desi!nated as money

      he widows o" the dead soldiers were le"t desolated by the war.

    !espair  — dispeye- utter hopelessness and despondency

    he "allin! share prices o" /n"ormation echnolo!y companies was seen as despair in

    the stock market.

    !esperate — des-purut - . su""erin! "rom aniety or loss o" hope

    he dru! addict always "eels desperate "or the dru!s.

    0. "ull o" dan!er 

    /t was a desperate attempt to save the victims o" earth1uake "rom the rubble.

    A. very di""icult and dan!erous

    he economy seems to be in a very desperate state.

    !espondent — dis-pondnt - sad, without much hope

    he humiliatin! de"eat in the elections le"t the party workers despondent.

    !estitute — destichyut - without "ood, money and shelter, lackin! basic "acilities o" li"e

    he social workers aim to help the destitute people.

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    !eteriorate — ditirioret - to become worse

    he rust has deteriorated the condition o" re"ri!erator.

    3ivin! conditions o" #"!hanistan's people deteriorated "urther a"ter the war.

    !evious — divi-us - path which is not strai!ht and has many chan!es in direction

    he devious bureaucratic policies have put hurdles in the pro!ress o" the country.

    !evastate — devestet - to destroy completely

    he earth1uakes have brou!ht lar!e-scale devastation on the earth.

    !eviate — diivi-ut - to !et o"" the path, to do somethin! di""erent "rom usual or epected

    he "orward-lookin! !overnment should not deviate "rom the path o" liberali$ation.

    !evoid — divoyd - completely lackin! in somethin!

    he /n"ormation echnolo!y is devoid o" moral and emotional values.

    !evolution — divo-lyu-shun - to !ive power at the lower level

    he panchayati raj is a sincere attempt in the direction o" devolution o" power to the local


    !ialogue — dayalo! - spoken conversation

    he militant !roups should stop violence and come "orward "or a dialo!ue with the


    !iaspora — daa-usp-ra - people o" a country scattered in other countries

    he &iaspora "eels that there are not enou!h job opportunities in their native countries.

    !iatribe — daya-tryb - lon! and an!ry criticism

    /mposition o" heavy taes by the !overnment evoked a bitter diatribe "rom the industry


    !ictum — diktum - order, an authoritative declaration

    he !overnment has issued the dictum that ta evasion will be strictly taken note o".

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    !iffident — di""idunt - lackin! in con"idence, hesitant, shy

    =eepin! in mind the "orthcomin! elections, the !overnment "eels di""ident in puttin! more

    taes on the common man.

    !ilemma — di-lema - state o" not bein! able to arrive at any decision because o" havin!

    two di""icult choices

    he !overnment is in dilemma over the removal o" ecess sta"".

    !iligent — dili!unt - hardworkin!

    he success"ul people have a dili!ent track record.

    &ili!ent students never !ive up hope and succeed "inally.

    !illy dally — dili dely - wasta!e o" time because o" indecisiveness

    he !overnment's dilly-dally on the project is deplorable.

    !ilute — dalyut - to weaken

    he leader's in"luence was "urther diluted when he lost the election.

    !iminish — diminish - to become weak>less

    he number o" ti!ers is diminishin! day by day.

    !iminutive — diminutiv - act o" reduction in somethin!

    he hostile nei!hbourin! country couldn't !ather much support "orm the international

    community thus it was reduced to a diminutive "i!ure.

    !int — dint - by means o" 

    he leader won the election by dint o" his !ood ima!e and development work done in his


    !ire —daya - etreme (needs and dan!ers)

    he cash strapped industry is in dire need o" money.

    he country will have to "ace the dire conse1uences o" ne!lectin! education.

    !irective — drektiv - o""icial instructions

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    he 2upreme ourt issued "resh directive on the contempt o" court by the


    !isarmament — disamamunt - principle o" havin! no arms by countries

    /ndia is pursuin! the policy o" disarmament.

    !isarray - - the state o" con"usion and lack o" or!anisation

    he rulin! party lost the election despite the opposition bein! in total disarray.

    !isband — dis-bend - to terminate as or!ani$ation

    he department o" the border ta collection was disbanded and the employees were

    adjusted in other departments.

    !isburse — disbaas - distribute or pay out

    he banks are disbursin! the housin! loans at small rate o" interest.

    !iscern  — di-sun - to know, understand that thin! which is not very clear 

    he new !overnment's hidden a!enda !radually became discernible to everybody.

    !isclose — dis-klo$ - to !ive in"ormation which was previously secret

    he police didn't disclose the name o" the culprit seein! threat to his li"e.

    !isconcerting — diskunsatin! - to make "eel con"used, anious and embarrassed

    he situation in the violence a""ected area is disconcertin!.

    !iscord — dis-kord - disa!reement, dispute

    =ashmir is a matter o" discord between /ndia and akistan.

    !iscourse — diskos - lon! and serious discussion on a subject

    he parliament witnessed a lively discourse on the issue o" women


    !iscriminate — diskrminut - to un"airly treat a person, better or worse than other person

    he 2outh #"rican !overnment used to discriminate between blacks and whites.

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    !isdain — dis-den - to disre!ard, show no respect

    he people "rom upper cast were accused o" showin! disdain "or the lower section o" the


    !isengage — disin!ej - to "ree "rom

    he president ur!ed the party workers to disen!a!e themselves "rom in"i!htin!.

    !isgrace — dis!res - loss o" people's respect and approval

    he supreme court's adverse remarks brou!ht dis!race to the !overnment.

    !isgruntle  — dis!runtul - annoyed and disappointed because o" not !ettin! anythin!

    which one should have !ot

    Many o" the politician's supporters were dis!runtled as their epectations were not


    !isguise — dis!ys - to chan!e the appearance "or hidin! the truth

    he criminal escaped "rom the police custody by dis!uisin! as security !uard.

    !isillusion — disilyujun - disappointment caused because o" the non"ul"illment o" hopes

    he people were disillusioned with the new !overnment very soon.

    !isinformation — disin"omeshun - "alse in"ormation which is !iven deliberately

    he percenta!e o" economic !rowth announced by the "inance minister was termed as

    disin"ormation by the opposition party.

    !ismal — di$mul - sad, miserable, unsuccess"ul

    he !overnment is continuin! with the policy o" "ree !rains to the poor despite its dismal

    success rate.

    he per"ormance o" the out!oin! !overnment remained dismal on every "ront.

    !ismantle — dismentul - to !radually brin! an end to somethin!

    he !overnment intends to dismantle the public sector units in phased manner.

    !isparity  — dispereti - di""erence because o" un"air treatment

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    he disparity between rich and poor should be minimised to maintain the social


    !ispel — dis-pel - to make a "eelin! !o away, disappear 

    he !overnment convened the meetin! o" its ministers to dispel the doubts about unity in

    the party.

    !ispense — dispens - to !ive to many people

    %ollowin! the customer's complaints, the telephone echan!e opened the counter to

    dispense telephone bills on the spot.

    !isplace — disples - to remove somebody "rom his>her home to another place

    he dam construction has displaced many people "orm their ancestral land.

    !isposal — dispo-$ul - . on your own wish

    he court le"t it on the disposal o" the administration to chalk out a relie" plan "or cyclone

    hit people.

    0. act o" !ettin! rid o" somethin!

    he police called the bomb disposal s1uad to de"use the time bomb.

    !ispose — dispos - to !et rid o" somethin!

    he backlo! o" lacs o" cases pendin! in the courts, needs to be disposed o"" as soon as


    !isproportionate — disprporshenut - too lar!e or too small when compared with

    somethin! else

    he !overnment o""icials are o"ten accused o" accumulatin! wealth disproportionate to

    their known source o" income.

    !ispute  — dispyut - ar!ument, disa!reement, 1uarrel

    =ashmir is still re!arded as a disputed territory by some countries.

    he reli!ious disputes need care"ul handlin!.

    !isrupt — disrupt - disturb, to make somethin! di""icult to continue in a normal way

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    he normal li"e remained disrupted due to the daylon! strike by the city's


    !isseminate — disseminet - to spread the news>ideas>thou!hts

    he newspapers disseminate the in"ormation on variety o" subjects.

    !issent — disent - dissatis"action, to epress disa!reement

    he party workers epressed their stron! dissent over the issue o" un"air distribution o"

    tickets in the elections.

    !issipate — disipet - to use "oolishly, waste

    he "inance department dissipated all the reserves o" "orei!n echan!e in the badbusiness deals.

    !issuade — disu-ed - to advice a!ainst somethin!

    he chie" o" investi!ative a!ency complained that the in"luential people are tryin! to

    dissuade him "rom conductin! "air investi!ation.

    !istinct — distinkt - separate, clearly di""erent

      he rupee depreciation and heavy loan burden are not distinct issues but related to

    each other.

    !istort — distot - to twist the true meanin!

    he media are sometimes accused o" presentin! the "acts in a distorted manner.

    !istraction — distrekshun - a thin! which disturbs the concentration

    he noise proved to be the distraction in the teachin!.

    !istraught — distrot - anious and troubled up to the point o" madness

    he distrau!ht "armers committed suicide as they were not able to repay their debts.

    !istress — distres - !reat su""erin! or worry

    he lon! tra""ic jam caused !reat distress amon! the passen!ers.

    !ither  — di-tha - state o" indecisiveness

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     # "ew members o" parliament are ditherin! in etendin! their support to the newly

    elected !overnment.

    !iversify — dyversi-"y - to move into other areas

    he media companies are diversi"yin! their business thus providin! services in other

    "ields also.

    he able 8 culture and hi!h income have diversi"ied our social hori$on.

    !ivulge — dyvul-$ - to tell

    he police didn't divul!e the identity o" the suspect keepin! in view, the threat to his li"e.

    !octor  — dok-ta - to "alsi"y, to chan!e in order to mislead somebody

    he opposition members alle!ed the railway minister o" producin! doctored statistics o"

    the train accidents be"ore the parliament.

    !octrine — dok-trin - set o" belie" 

    he non-ahimsa doctrine is the only way to peace"ul li"e.

    !ogmatic —do!matik - uncompromisin!, who thinks that his ideas and belie"s are true

    and people should accept them without 1uestion

    he people started complainin! about the do!matic views o" "undamentalists.

    !oldrums — d-oldum - state o" sadness, lack o" activity

    &ue to the "inancial crunch, the new development projects seem to be in doldrums.

    !oom — dooom - unavoidable destruction, a terrible "ate

    Many ambitious projects have doomed due to lack o" "inance.

    !raconian — drconi-un - etremely harsh and severe, just like devil

    he newspapers ar!ued heavily a!ainst the draconian "orei!n echan!e act.

    !rag - draa! - to pull with !reat "orce

    &on't dra! your "eet once you have decided to "i!ht with the enemy.


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    !rastic — drestik - complete and severe

    2ome drastic chan!es are re1uired in the century old laws.

    !readed — dre-did - which causes !reat "ear 

    he health pro!ramme o" the !overnment aims to eradicate all dreaded diseases.

    !rubbing — drubin! - easy de"eat, dis!race

    Because o" the careless attitude towards country's security, the !overnment's ima!e has

    received a severe drubbin!.

    !ub  dub - to !ive somethin! a particular name in a humorous or critical way

    he reports o" split in the party were dubbed as media speculation by the party


    !ubious — dyu-bi-us - doubt"ul

    he police's role seems dubious in this case o" murder.

    !uo —dyu-o - two (persons)

    he duo reached a point o" a!reement a"ter lon! discussion.

    !upe — dyup - to make a "ool or deceive somebody

    %ake "inance companies duped the investors to the ammount o" several crore rupees.

    !uress  — dyu-ress - compulsion, threat

    he person told the jud!e that he was made to si!n the property documents under


    !well — dual - to speak or ri!ht a lot on somethin!

    he speaker dwelt at len!th on the topic o" /n"ormation echnolo!y.

    !windle —dwindul - to become "ew>small

      he ti!er population in the country has dwindled in the past "ew years.

    !ynamic — dy-namic - "ull o" activity, motivated, "orce"ul

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    he country needs dynamic leaders who can do well "or the nation.


    "ager — ee!a - very ecited and interested

    he employees waited ea!erly "or some ta concessions in the annual bud!et.

    "arnest — aa-nest - serious and sincere

    he poor countries re1uested the donor countries earnestly "or "unds.

    "chelon — eshelon - rank, position in an or!ani$ation

      he vi!ilance department "ound that there is widespread corruption at the hi!her

    echelons o" the !overnment.

    "cho  — e-ko - to re"lect

    he speech o" the environment minister echoed the !overnment's concern to reduce


    "cstasy — ekstsi - "eelin! o" !reat happiness

    he winnin! party was invited to "orm the !overnment, as a result there was widespread

    ecstasy in the party workers.

    "fficacy — e"iksi - ability to produce the desired results

    he jud!e o" 2upreme ourt commented that the e""icacy o" the law should not be


    "galitarian — e!eliterian - a belie" that everybody is e1ual, havin! e1ual ri!hts

    %or decades, social re"ormers have "ou!ht "or the e!alitarian society.

    "lated — ilet - etremely happy

    Business community was elated over several ta bene"its in the new bud!et.

    "legant — ele!unt - attractive and !race"ul

    he premiere o" the movie was 1uite ele!ant.

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    "licit — elisit - to !et reaction>in"ormation

    he speaker elicited !ood response "orm the audience.

    "liminate — eliminet - to remove>"inish

    he computer has eliminated the need o" typewriter in the o""ices.

    "lude — elyud - to avoid or escape "rom somethin!

    he police department's records say that some notorious criminals elude the police "or


    "lusive — elyusiv - di""icult to "ind or achieve

    he solution o" the =ashmir problem is still elusive.

    "manate — emenate - to come "rom

    9ippie culture emanated "rom #merica.

    "mancipate — emensipet - to "ree somebody "rom social and political restrictions

    %i"ty years o" e""orts to emancipate the superstitious section o" the society have not been

    "ully success"ul.

    "masculate  — imes-1-lut - to make somebody less power"ul>e""ective

    he poor countries are le"t emasculated by the heavy debt burden.

    "mbargo — embaa!o - ban, sanctions

    he /ndian eports were hit hard due to the embar!o put by the developed nations.

    "mbark — embaak - to en!a!e in somethin! new and di""erent

    %or the past one or two decades, the least developed countries have also embarked on

    the path o" development.

    "mbed — imbed - "ied deeply inside somethin!

    2piritual values are embedded in our social system.

    "mbellish — embelish - to make beauti"ul by decoration

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    he writin! !ets embellished with the use o" 1uotations between the sentences.

    "mbezzle — embe$$ul - to steal or misuse the money o" the employer 

    he accountant was convicted on the char!es o" embe$$lement o" the !overnment'smoney.

    "mbitter  — em-bitaa - to make somebody "eel an!ry or disappointed over a period o"


     # lon! battle "or the disputed area has le"t both the countries embittered.

    "mbody — im-bodi - to include or contain

    /ndian constitution embodies the ri!ht to "ree speech and epression.

    "mbrace — imbres - to accept with interest

    he society must embrace /n"ormation echnolo!y "or speedy !rowth.

    "merge  — ee-muj - . to come out

    By winnin! over the rebel ministers, the rime Minister has emer!ed stron!er.

    0. to become known

    he clear picture o" the murder didn't emer!e as there was absence o" any concrete


    "minent — eminunt - "amous and respected

    Many eminent journalists were present at the con"erence on the topic o"

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    "mphatic — im"atik - stron! and "orce"ul

    he opposition party claimed an emphatic victory in the comin! elections.

    "mulate — em-u-late - to try to do the same as other person whom you admire

    omputer en!i