v~o~evw are used. the purpose of

SUMMARY Recently scholars are more and more coming to a consensus that the purpose of Hebrews is paraenetic. Specifically, many agree that Hebrews is written to persuade the readers to persevere in their faith. "Perseverance" is ment=-oned as one of the major themes, but in many cases this is dealt with only in 10:32-39 and 12:1- 13, where the terms or are used. The purpose of this dissertation is to show that the theme of perseverance is really one of the predominant motifs in Hebrews as a whole, specifically focusing on the latter part of Hebrews (10:32- 13 : 17) . In chapter 1 the method of "discourse analysis," which is a kind of "semaL-tic discourse analysis" as developed in South Africa and is sometimes called "colon analysis," is explained. In chapter 2 we try to identify the rhetorical situation of the readers. The causes of the crisis to which the readers are exposed are identified as general moral lethargy, the threat of external persecution and possibly the temptation to return to Judaism. In chapter 3 we examine the macrostructure of Hebrews to explain why we chose 10:32-13:17 as the object of the present investigation. In chapter 4 the mesostructure of 10:32- 13:17 is analyzed. The detailed analysis of 10:32-13:17 by "colon analysis," including the investigation of rhetorical devices used, is given in chapter 5. It is shown that all that has been said by 353

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Recently scholars are more and more coming to a consensus
that the purpose of Hebrews is paraenetic. Specifically, many
agree that Hebrews is written to persuade the readers to
persevere in their faith.
"Perseverance" is ment=-oned as one of the major themes,
but in many cases this is dealt with only in 10:32-39 and 12:1­
13, where the terms v~o~ovry or V~O~EVW are used. The purpose of
this dissertation is to show that the theme of perseverance is
really one of the predominant motifs in Hebrews as a whole,
specifically focusing on the latter part of Hebrews (10:32­
13 : 17) .
In chapter 1 the method of "discourse analysis," which is
a kind of "semaL-tic discourse analysis" as developed in South
Africa and is sometimes called "colon analysis," is explained.
In chapter 2 we try to identify the rhetorical situation of the
readers. The causes of the crisis to which the readers are
exposed are identified as general moral lethargy, the threat of
external persecution and possibly the temptation to return to
Judaism. In chapter 3 we examine the macrostructure of Hebrews
to explain why we chose 10:32-13:17 as the object of the
present investigation. In chapter 4 the mesostructure of 10:32­
13:17 is analyzed.
The detailed analysis of 10:32-13:17 by "colon analysis,"
including the investigation of rhetorical devices used, is
given in chapter 5. It is shown that all that has been said by
the author, including the christology, is used to persuade the
readers to persevere in their pilgrimage of faith. Christ's
work in the past as the ground of faith the future goal
secured by it and the present proleptic participation in the
ultimate goal through worship motivate the readers to persevere
in the present suffering and temptation. The foundation and
means of perseverance is shown to be faith. Faith produces
perseverance. By combining the word of God with faith, coming
to Jesus in faith and holding fast to the christological
confession, praying and worshipping in the community of faith
looking forward to the ultimate goal, and actively doing good
works in the worshipping community, the readers can persevere.
This motif of perseverance is shown to be determinative for all
the areas from the lexical choice to the macrostructure. In
chapter 6 what has been studied is summarized.
die doel van Hebreers paraneties van aard is. Meer spesifiek
stem baie saam dat Hebreers geskrywe is om sy lesers te
oorreed om in hulle geloof te volhard.
"Volharding" word vermeld as een van die oorheersende
temas, maar in baie gevalle word di t net in 10: 32-39 en
12: 1-13, waar die terme iJ1roJlov~ of inroJlEVw gebruik word,
ondersoek. Die oogmerk van hierdie proefskrif is om aan te
toon dat die tema van volharding in werklikheid een van die
dominante motiewe in Hebreers as geheel is, terwyl meer
spesifiek op die laaste deel van Hebreers (10:32-13:7)
gefokus word.
probeer ons om die retoriese situasie van die lesers te
bepaal. Die oorsake van die krisis waaraan die lesers
blootgestel is, word geidentifiseer as algemene morele
laksheid, die bedreiging van eksterne vervolging en moontlik
die versoeking om na die Judaisme terug te keer. In
hoofstuk 3 ondersoek ons die makrostruktuur van Hebreers om
te verklaar waarom ons 10:32-13:17 as die objek van hierdie
ondersoek gekies het. In hoofstuk 4 word die mesostruktuur
van 10:32-13:17 ontleed.
retoriese tegnieke wat aangewend word, word in hoofstuk 5
aangebied. Daar word aangetoon dat alles wat deur die outeur
gese is, die christologie inkluis, gebruik word om die
lesers te oorreed om op hulle pelgrimstog van geloof te
volhard. Christus se werk in die verlede as die basis van
geloof, die toekomstige bestemming wat daardeur verseker is
en die huidige proleptiese aandeelname aan die uiteindelike
doel deur aanbidding motiveer die lesers om te volhard in
bewerk volharding. Deur die woord van God met geloof te
verbind, deur in geloof na Jesus te kom en vas te hou aan
die christologiese konfessie, te bid en te aanbid in die
gemeenskap van gelowiges, vorentoe te kyk na die
uiteindelike doel en daadwerklik goeie werke in die
aanbiddende gemeenskap te verrig, kan die lesers volhard.
Daar word aangetoon dat hierdie motief van volharding
bepalend is vir al die gebiede, van die leksikale keuse tot
die makrostruktuur.
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Hebrews 10:32-39
v. c.
EV ai, ¢WTLU8EVTE, nOAADv &8AnULV unE~ELvaTE na8nuaTwv, t't} ... :. () ~ 0 " 0 () 0
34 2 Kat yap TOlc OEUULOlC uuvEna8UaaTE
3 Ka t TDv apnayDv TWV npoaEliEE.aa8E
unapXOVTWV UUWV ~ETa xapa, ,, 0 c C .. ( () C (.0 (Ie. 0
(;~. "II .. ~ .. " .. <>" •• () .. ~. 0
YlvwaKOVTE, EXELV EaUTOUC KpELTTova unapElv Kat UEYOVaav .
35 4 Mry ano~aAryTE ouv TryV napp~uLav U~WV, O,, '· ... t' O(. ""c., t·~·.,O "r, ... ,:;oo<lc" . ' .,<><,
36 6 u no~ov~, yap EXETE XPELav <.l c,' ...... ., C"" c·",
~ va Loo o ~r\T)I;(1 o\'~~ . ~~9~ .-rr..o}!l;;ca_V}oE.~ KOULana8E TDv E7fayyEA Lav .
8 Kat ou XPOVLUEl'
38 9 b oE oiKalo, ~ou EK nLuTEw, pjuETal, " oc (I (.0 ceo C>ODou
10 Kat " EaV unoaTELA~Ta L , c ('.; '- • ~ ,' , ., r ... ' c' U ('
39 11 ry~El, OE OUK Ea~Ev unoaToA~, Ei, anwAElav v,'" ': to ('I (, t · () 0(>0("
12 aHa (Ea~Ev) nLaTEw, Ei, Hplno[nalv WuxfJc . O { (·() ·~ (. t. O(l
Hebrews 11:1-40
EAntIO~EVWV UnOOTaOt" >,;0(/ "' J',"~)'."...",.)< '" ---......~_~ ")- '"- ....
. Jr!!c!Y/J:~T':'l}' ~ .~~ ~A!.~0l!:~"!~' 1 1 "Eon v liE n Lone
2 2 EV mVTu -yap E/lapTvpijeTJOav <fi rrpEo{3vTEPOY . /////////////1'/
rrLOTEt Ei, TO
Ii . • t ne
~WiE..!') ~C!!.rlP.!lQ~~i :\:o..U.,. ~~~~% l!~~~Tt. }_E.OU., /l~ EK cjJa t VO/lEVWV TO {3AEnO/lEVOV r~-Y_O-"~V_O:t . .. ~ -- - --- - - - -- - -t J,l. ~ .. ¥~ .... ""1"-{lJ,.-p.
rrAELova evoLav (A{3ED napa Kat v npooVVEyKEv T~ ~+~v
E/lapTvpijeTJ • E t va t IiLKato" /1'1'/,1'///////// c. c> C t' l" , [, t· ,
/lapTVpOUVTO, Ent Toi, liwpot, aUTOU TaU 8EOU, ... ///,,//"1'//////0'/ -- - - -- --
6 Kat lit' aUTUe cmoeavwv En AaAEi. ~~..p.",\!-V1" -(I / / ///'
5 7 rrLUTEt C EV&x'J /l ETETE8TJ TaU /l~ iliE i v eavaTov, ~ I' t,,, ' , '"' II , 'I ," ., ~ c -, • , - • t C • ~ , c· f· t o
8 Kat OUX TJUPLU KETo l ( . l' (\' t· 0 t .: ,; C' ~ (. c
IitOTt /lETE8TJKEV aUTov b 8EO,. ,~ cC" <'C(lC'" _____ _
6 10 xwpt, liE rrLoTE we alivvaTov EuapEuTUOat ·
11 ;rtO T~UOat -yap IiEi ~npooEpxogEVOV) !ijJ_ ~~jjJ_ OTt ~~! L ~ Ka t Qa t , EKITJTOVOtV aUTOV /l t o8anolioTTJ, 1'[VETCl.L . - - - -- ...; ,.. ,~' .o( ... ... ",)< .... -,,",Xy ;<
7 12 rr!UTE t ?W!1/tg,H!!tfLc:;,(NZiE) KEpt ::WV ¥~21J..~.J3lH2e:.~~,w.y,, : EVAa6neue KaTEoKEvauEV Kt6wTOV u, Cf,W.~Vq ~ '1j'" TOV OtKOV aUTou
13 ~Ii~t~' __ ~b~e KaTEKptVEv TOV KOO/lOV, -41< .. -4S-¥-1'- ..... ..,:.,+
14 Kat T~, KaTa nLoTtv OtKatOUVvTJ, E-YEVETO KATJPOVO/lo,. : " ( t, t· C " (' .. t" .. tOO {' <, c' 0 r .... <.> c' t • • " <' .J , ~ .:. < U
8 15 rrLuTE l -'!,~M2.I:\ J.~,2So ( A6pafi!J unVKovoEV UEAeEi v Ei, Torrov ov TJ/lEAAEV Aa/l{3aVEtV Ei, KATJPovo/lLav,
.!Itf-" -f .,.-v.~ ot.3 .... 'O""'4 4 4~G 4.~ ..:. Q ..c, ... ...:. '\ 4 .44..14<.1 ... <1
16 Kat EEUA8EV /l~ Err t OTa/lE VO , rrou EPXETat. --t. 4 -i' .... .., ~~~-9-"
9 17 rrLOTEt rrapWKnOEV Ei, -Y~V T~, Erra-Y-YEALa, we aAAoTpLav ~ ...) -2l ~ .a. oe,)4!1 ..a .cl 4..., .. \ ~\....::. ~ ~ .c. .,. .... ~ "1-' -¥ -f- -f ..........
EV uKnvaie KaTO t KVUae /lETa (JoaaK Kat 'I aKWm TWV OV-YKATJPOVO/lWV T~, Erra-Y-YEALa, T~, aUT~'· 4 ...o.6~.6l!.4AA.J..A.~.':" .d..I...l..Q44.o..:l...o.A
10 18 E~EIiEXETO -yap T~V TaU, 8E/lEALOV, Exovoav rrOAtV ~ --- -- -- ---- - - - --X'';<'X)()(;.t
--- - ---- - - -- - -------- - - -
11 19 rrL ~TE l KO'l. O'i!T~ r;Cip~O' J..;r~lP.:%~fJJ.gJf}-~ : i C; KO'TO'/30'A~ v ,~::},P.f;>;,T~OS ~ ~~~J KO' l :~P}! -<,~O'~ p~o ~ }~~ K1~'
ErrEt rrlOTOV ryyryOO'TO TOV ErrO'YYEl'ACi~Evov, __ __ __ '-"'-..... ........... __ "'-./ -:::~ _ ... 1_"":.~--::~::'-::-::~::_
12 20 OlO, KO'l ,af (Evoq ~xL~< ~M!7J£¥.~: I(O'~ TO'UTO',nv,..~~;.(:'fl!2~: 1(0'8wc; TO' O'OTPO' TOU OUpO'VOU T~ rr'Ary8El 1(00l wC; ry O'~~oC; ry rrO'pa TO XEl'AOC; T~C; 80''ACiooryC; ry avO'pL8~ryToe;,
13 21 KO'Ta rrLOTl v arrE80'vov (Qi,TOl rrCivTEQ, "",," '"
~~ 'A0'/36vTEe; Tac; ErrO'YYE'ALO'e; ,~~~,, ~,~~~"'" )(.(.X"''' y-,",,»' ... ~ w ....
&'A'Aa ~PW8EV O'UTa~ iOOVTE C; 1(00t &orrO'oCi~EvOl Kat buo>..rnaavT"' E'C>< 0 T IJJy]iT--Kacna-pE iTfoDu-o[ E i. CT LV E 1ft T~e; y~C; , ,,-l'~ ~~ ......... -V' ... -I' -~ 1'"
14 22 ~ yap TOlO'UTO' 'AEYOVTEe; E~¢O'VLIOUOlV bTL rrO'TpLOO' ErrllryTOUOlV ,
)I..(' }O...,o(X)<X'JC, 1( ~ ___ ......... ____ ......... ......--.
15 23
16 24 vuv oE KPElTTOVOe; bpEYOVTO'l , TOUT EOTlV ErroupO'VLOU, ".. x: ~ K:.-'~·X )«' ,1( X ' ,-.:x>l<XXX>fX .... ' ~ __ ..... ------ --- -
b 8EOC; 8EOC; Errl1(0''AEl080'l -- ------- - -
rrLOTEl rrpooEvijVOXEV~TOV 'IoO'al( rrElPO'I6~EVOe; -""--+ -1""-"" -/il -P: -p:"i'!"":: ~ -i ... ...,...
b Tae; ErrO'YYE'AL O'C; .Q4 .... ..l....::.<l~....,~..-j4
29 b8Ev O'UTOV 1(00t EV rrO'pO'/3o'AU EI(O~LOO'TO, (l t.' ,., r {' ,. ( ... ... (> ,.~."" '" , U L" c..
20 30 rriOTEl KO'I rrEpl ~E'A'A6vTWV EU'AoynoEv CIOO'a~ TOV 'IO'K W6 KO't TOV 'HoO'u, -1' -" .... "'1'-1'
21 31 rrLOTEl ( IO'Kw/3) &rro8vfJol(wv EI(O'OTOV TWV uiwv 'Iwofip E u'AoynoE v -1'-1<,.",,-1'-;< 1'1'
32 KO'I " rrpOOEI(OVnOEV Errl TO aKpov T~ C; bCi/3oou O'UTOU," -1' -I' -I< -j< oj,
22 33 rrLOTE l G~ TE'AEUTWV E u v n u 6 v E u a E v -\'" ~( -r. -~ -~ "t
rrEpl Tne EEooou TWV uiwv 'IopO'~'A ~4...6.PA.1i ...... -t' -i' -'i-
23 35 rrlaTEl Mwuary , rEvvry8EL, EKpuSn TPlMryvov aurou,
OlOTl ,ELOOV aaTElov TO nalolov KaL OUK EpoSV8naav TO ------------ ..........., .0 -9,.4 A. .-<!to i'!' .... ;}
OlaTarMa TaU paOlAEW,. "" .~ .~ -I' 1'"" -+ ""'"" ¥ l' i'< ~ -\' -I'-I'-
24 36 ITlaTEl (MwuaJj5) MErae; rOOMOOe; hpvVaaTO AEYE08al vioc 8 ... ". ..... ..,::~~..,:: ~· -p:V .... UyQlTpOC <paoaw,
-t< i< -<' "" "\'- -\C ... "" ... """
MaAAov EAOUEVOC oVYKaKovxEla8al T~ Aa~ TaU 8EOU ry npoaKalpov EXElV+a0~Qfp~~~~+a%5t&VOlV,
-¥....l;S- -¥- -{" f ..!of. """ 4>l ~ ~ -f.\ -¥ 4 .....p:"1>- ""'f' ~ ¥ ~ -1' ~-F
MEllova nAOUTOV ~ TWV AirunTov 8ryaavpwv TOV b VEL 0 laM 0 v TaU X p l a T a v . . ... .,. -1- 1" .,. -I" ...... -~ .. -F
+-\I<~ .... .. -~+~-¥ -\I:-~-~-p..+:'"
38 rrl aTE l KaTEAlnEv AIlvnTov
un poSn8EtC TOV 8VMov TaU saalA EWe;' -{I.~ "'-\Io: "'"*~ -t.. -f~-i'~' ~....p..-fr..
39 TOV rap aopaTov we; bpwv EKaQ.TE~U(JEV. .----.' ~
40 rrlaTEl nEnOlUKEV TO 1Taaxa Kat Til v 7Tp6axuatv TOU (liUQlTOC, ~A-"""'A A"""" ~ .o ...:::.~-::...o/..c:.. """,.L::. ..a 4
Iva Mry 0 oAo8pEUWV Ta npwToToKa 8lrTJ@"UT~ . I) Of> +-\'-+-,,_~..,... (' .... O ... D
29 41 n l aTEl OlESuaav TDv Epv80av 8aAaaaav we; Ola ~rypae; rrye;, -{'C-¥ ¥""'fooo-;" ~ -(S 4 ~~1-'-
42 rye; nElpav AasoVTEe; oi AiyunTlol KaTEno8ryaav. +-1- ... ,. ... + .... +
30 43 rrlaTEl Ta TElXry 'IEPlXW EnEaav 4 .... ~-\o< .. ~f e t. .. cc<o o "
32 45 KaL Tl ETl AErW;
46 En l AEl~El g~ l~ olryY OUMEVOV b xpo voe; nEpL{tEoEw~, Bapa~f(X~wv, ' m8a~~avfo TE KcXt EaMovryA Kat TWV)
( n 0 TWV ,
33 47 €J) Ola n[aTEWC KaTUlwv[aavro SaalAElac, .. -<> " ... ~., .~_. <ou,<" .·.JJ"'.· "
48 EiplaaavTO OlKalOOu vuV, ~cc C- ... "L"., ~" ,"'t " O~~Y "'~ " ...
Ca 49 ~l'IT.~.~9v .. El'"9!P. ~~l~,~ , ..'l,L ., ~ "" ~ .o. .... 4~~
50 Eppafav aTouaTa AEOVTW V, ~ o_ ""U',·J ,:, .... " ... (.,-, C; :JJ l ~··Ctt:'o
34 51 E~BE~av Ouvaulv rrupoe, ~< • ., • .-< .... ~. ,, ~., <i.~ .. ~ '-" " "
52 E¢VyOY rr TouaTa uaxafpnc, oJ [" 0 C' • • ('" .. , .. " < <" " .. ... <' [" C' c ., ... ,-' ..... <' <
53 EOuva~Wery~av arro a~eEvEla" " 0 (" ~ ~ ( to .. (> C' "" ,,(' .... " ..... c .• ... L' L ' .... ,- • . <:-
54 ~ .!.~~V~.~~<;,.~<}.~.xye~S o ~. ~. <.;r<O/' .. ~.f~' 55 rrapEuBoAae EKAlva v aAAoTplwv.
uOC' c;<, ........... "' ~ .. .. "' ..... ".- . .... ' ••• . ..., ...
57 (&;>:c;s OE ETuyrravloen~av ...,. -+ II'" of' -9 "4 -~ ~l\ -f
ou KDoao e fauE voL TDv arroAvTDwa Lv, - tr ..,. ~ ~ - 5::U: -(.0 ::h·G{
tVa KPE1T Tovo, ava~T&~Ew, T UXW~lV' ."< ,V·.I' v y .. ' ,.. ,. y y ... " .. ' ~' y ".", ,.,' ............... ~ .... "
36 58 CfTE~~ OE E rral WV a~T l wv rrEl av EAa OV , E T l OEO wv 'Ken' .. " .... +~
Cb "", 37 59 EAl8&o8n~av ,
=9 -¥ =v: :::IIi -t; -\-" 1''''
60 Errpl~8n~av, {< -v- -v ..... y. .. \-'. -.. ¥
61 i/. .. $.o.,':~Nc::%l:8V; arrE8avov,
62 rrEplhA80v EV unAWTal~ EV aiYElole OEp~aO(V, -¥ -v "'I '1<:¥ ...... """ 4l -+< + +- 1" 0\{ '"?- ¥ <Ii ",:op: '* "F
63 U~TEOOU~E va (, + "f ¥-~. -1''+
64 8A (fLOttl va ( , -'Il -<"",, +'1'
65 KaKOUYO~EVO(, 4 4i .-t,..,. ' f-Y
38 66 WV aUK ryv &«0, b KO~~O" -{< ~ -\' -+ 1Lj<
67 Errt E rrAavw EVOl Kat b E~lV Kat l (T
39 68 Kat !obTO( rr&VTE( \ ~a? Tupry8EVTE, EKo~loaVTo Ti)V ErrayyE5.."r'a'';,''-''"
o(a The rrloTEwe aUK .................... ,
D " .... ,'-,,"" " x)(, Y/'X x'< "' ''''-'X
40 TQU 8EOU rrEpt UJ.l!k'J KPE1TTov Tl _rrp.0!!fiA!.if;~~_E:'.o.~ , 7. va- /.L ry - Xwp t C; lil!1WY] TE A El w8w~ ( v .
><. X,)4" ,>( .J'" ;(.:-( x xX
TOlyapo~v Kat ~~Ei~ TOUO~TOV iXOVTE~ nEplKE[~EVOV ~~iv vg¢o~ ~apTDpwv,
b~KOV anoOg~EvOI naVTa Kat Tryv EunEp[UTaTOV rA" ..... ".. yJ'." a~apT lav,
X X)(",- Jl"" .. >o.
o~ aVTt Try~ npoKEl~gvry~ aUT~ xapa~ unguElvEV UTaupov 0 00000 ><'1'>:.x>-".){x
3 EV OEtl~ TE TO~ Opovou TO~ OEO~ KEKaOlKEv.
3 4
4 5
5 6
TOLaurryv urrouEuEvDKora aVTlAoy[av, 1'.".,y,.)1';.: ... ",."' ....
Ounw ~gXPl~ al~aTo~ aVTlKaTguTryTE )<.",..K x Xl< '" '-"".-.....-~ ............. _ ..... -
npo~ TryV a~apT[av aVTaywvllo~EVOI. >. x,l( )( )( ",;o<J< ~------~ ..................... ..... '-
~Tl~ u~iv w~ uioi~ olaAgYETal ' ~t.o 0 c· "'v
" v L E ou .. {>
7 7 Ei~ naloE[av unougvETE,
9 T[~ yap uio~ ov OU naloEDEI naT~p; ;: ;. ( l- L ...
uno TWV
h£ ~gTOXOI YEyovaulv navTE~,
apa VOOOI Kat OUX uio[ EUTE . . -" c.- Q C
9 11 EiTa TOU, ~EV Try~ uapKo~ ~~wv naTgpa~ ElXO~EV OCl' ~()" (' C
1TCI L 0 E U nxc
Kelt E V~?~1TOIl.E!!CI·
ou 1TOAV [oE] llaAAOV !!.!!o~~-Y.!J...a0J!..E.eCl TI,; ~c;;eE TWV 1TvEull6iTwv
12 KClt !:r,aoIlE V; c:JooctltloO'
10 13 oi IlEV -yap 1TPOs bAl-YCis ryllEPCls KClTa TO OOKOUV ClUTOi s E 1TCI l 0 E U 0 v ,
14 b OE E1Tt TO aUIl¢Epov Eis TO IlETClACI~Eiv Trys a-YLoTryTOs O!.UTOV. OOtlODOOI'JQ ocQocpooc;>PoPOClbot;Jont::lo
11 15 1TaaCi OE 1TCllOElCi 1TPOs IlEV ElVClL aAAa AV1Trys,
TO 1TClPOV ou OOKEi XCipa s y..}< -", x,. .'<
16 uaTEpov O~ ~~elI~~a~~/2ll,gHgv Toi s ~L' ClUTUC -YE-yullvClaIlEvols Cl1ToOLowaLv ~LKClLoauvrys. ~ ___ .-........--... .................... 0000 Il 0 0 [lOO P Co 0 0 00 0 0 t ll::lO
12 17 6LO Tas 1TClPELIlEVCls XEipCls KClt Ta !f..CI!!~A~A:!,=-E~C! -YOVClTCI aVOpeWaClTE, - - - - -.
A' 1 // ////////'//
13 18 KClt TpOXLa s bpea, 1TOLEiTE Toi, 1TOatV UIlWV, ~ ....... 1 1/ //1/ 11 '1/,/1
iClef] OE llaAAOV. // // /
14 1 Eipryvryv OlWKETE ~ETa naVTWV Kat TOV arlaa~OV, - ............... ""-~~------ ------.--.....-..-----....... ........... ~""'--.
ou XWPt~ ouod~ ~~~~~,
15 EnlaKonouvTE~ ~ry Tl~ uaTEowv anD TUe xaolToe TOU I(YX)(Xjl.· )f>':I'':~.lCXX)(>. Beou ,
A 16
" ~ry TlC; PUa nlKoiae avw ¢vouaa EvOXAii" xX)<)o(;0( Kat Ol' aUTue ulav8walV nOAAoi, ~fi Tl .c;, nopvoe i) 13E13UAoe we 'Haau,
)(..Jt~>-~>;-< ... A . .... ... oe aVTl 13pwaEwe glae anEoETo Ta npwTOToKla eauTou.
3 gETavoiae yap Tonov OUX EUPEV
18 4
ry~ oi aKOUaaVTE~ napVTryaav To ~ry npoaTE8ryva l aUTol~ AOYOV ,
6 Kav 8ryp[ov 8irv TOU bpou~,
21 7
22 9
Kai, OIJTW rp~~E.!!9.2' ryv TO ¢aVTalo~Evov, c..oooooo<>~O"co
Mwuary~ • El1rEV' 1 / 111/111
,~A?;'?,;!f'p'9HIJ./)J~Y,~9',T,~ ~wv be E1. Ka~ ~~EJ. ~EOU IWVTO~, I: ouaaA _ ~nou a~~ KC:-l ~up taal ~ an~AWV: naV~rVpE ~ Kal EKKAryalr;t' npWTOTOKWV anoyEypa~~ E vwv E v f?U.b!£i)'.gJo~ Kal KPlT~ 8E~ naVTWV Kat nVEv~aal OlKaiwv TETEAElW~EVWV
"Kat- 0-la8ryKry~ VEa~ ~EaiTV ' I~aou Kat al~aTl paVTla~ou KPEITTOV AaAouvTl napa TOV?' 'AI3'E\ .
25 10 BAEnETE ~ry napalTfiana8E TOV AaAouvTa ' Xx" XJ<. X.x X><'J(
11 Ei yap EKELVO l OUK e~E¢uyoV ~~
Ent yry~ napalTuaagEvol TOV xpnuaTitovTa, Ooc O
ounavwv anOOTDEWOUEVO l , e o .rc.oco~
26 12 ou iJ ¢wvD T~V rryv EOaAEVOEV TOTE, e ooo ~ oC''''' OOOtJPODODr.l //~ ///
13 vuv OE EnVYYEATal AEyWV· /,,/
13 .1 "~Tl &naE ErW OE[OW ou ~ovov OiJPCXII O II . II Ollll OOO 111 11 11111111
T~V rryv aA ACt Kat OoClO C(lO ('C "///////1/ / 1
27 14 TOO E "~Tl &na E " Wr; nEnO l T/~EVWV,
OT/AOt TWV OaAEVO~EVWV ~ETaeEO l V 00000 C 0 t:J a a boob
~ 0 0 (> 0 CI () <. (> e co .. v<>.:..
tva ~E[VV TCt ~~ oaAEVO~Eva. 00000t.10DCOt:lOa
28 15 fil a ~aO l AE[av aoaAEVTOV napaAa~~aVOVTEr; ---------- -----O~ ~ ?I:;''O~ ............... --~ ~ ,-...J
~XW~ EV xap l v, ~~~
29 17 Kat r a p "b eEOr;" ~~WV " nup KaTavaAio KOV . " -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hebrews 13:1-17
3 OLa TaUTnc yap EAa80v TLVE~ EEVLaaVTEC ayyEAou~.
3 4
4 6 ("EaTW) TLULOC b yauoc EV rraaLV
7 Ka t (EaTW) D Kahn aULaVToc,
5 8 ( " EaTw) ' A¢LAaoyuooc b TpOrr oc,
9 apKouuEVOL TalC rrapoUaLv .
6 lOb waH (ouvaa8aL) 8appouVTac Duac AEYEL V·
10b.1 " KUPLO~ EfOt ~ory8o~ ,
10b.2 [Kat] au ¢oBn8fJaouaL ,
12 WV ava8EwpOUVTEC (EaH) Tip EKBaaLv T~~ avaaTpo¢~~
13 u LgEla8E TnV rrLaTLv .
8 14' Inaouc XpWTOC (EaTL v) Ex8E~ Kat a~fEpov b aUTO~ Kat Et~ TOU~ atWva~ .
9 15 6 LoaxalC rrOLKLAaLC Kat EEvaLC gn rrapa¢EpEa8E '
16 (EaTLv ) KaAov yap xapLTL BEBaLoua8aL TnV KapOLav, ou Bpwgaa Lv
17 EV oi~ aUK W¢EA~8ryaav at rrEpLrraTouVTE~ .
10 18 EXO~EV OuaLaaTrypLov CDt:fCCCOnoc t::I PO
~~ oh ¢aYEi'v ObK ExouaLv ~~oualav 01 Tt aK~vt AaTpEuovTEC; , onn tl oPOOPDQ
11 19 WV yap Ela¢EpETaL S~WV TO al~a nEpt a~apTla, EI, Ta aY La OLa TOU apX LEpEW"
20 TO UTWV Ta aw~aTa KaTaKalETaL E~W T~, napE~~oAry" t c; (J '" 0 " ., G O'" .:. (J 0 0 (. c:. Co 0
12 21 6LO Kat 'I naouc,
tva aY Laav OLa TOU lolou at~aTo, TOV Aaov, ]<.)i"X)( <AX,
E ~W Try, nfjA~, EnaOEV, c (, 0 l "oe 00 (> Co lIoe ,Jr)<')1")( -<AX
13 22 Tolv uv EEEOXWUEOa nooc abTOV EEw TUC naoEuBo Anc ,., 0 co 0;> (> ... 0 (;> (> 0 0 0 C C. ( ! 0 C' 0 0 0 lJ coo "t'! 0 O!>
TOV bVELoLagov abTOU WEPOVTEC' ),,"'''':'}(XXXJ'..'<
14 23 ob yap EXO~EV WOE ~Evouaav nOALV
24 aAAa TryV ~EAAouaav ~n L (nTougEv .
15 25 tH ' abTou Tfi; OEfi;, TOUT bvogaT L abTou.
oc c;CC'C'O C' C'lO
16 26 ~ oe EbnoLlac Kat KOL vwvlac gn ~n L AavOavEaOE '
27 TO LauTaLC yap OualaLC EbapEaTEiTaL b OEO" DDUQCOIJO
17 28 ITE lOEaOE Toic hYOUgEVOLC bgwv ..............------~ ................. "'-"'-"'-,
v, c,
18 1 llPOOEUXEOeE nEpl ~'
2 rrEle6~ yap bTL KaAryv ouvEioryOlV EXO~, EV rraOlV KaAW, eEAOVTE, avaO Tp E¢EOeal,
Lva TaXlov anoKaTaoTaeW ~, CIa 0 0 tl t:) 0 00 u " co::' ~ 0 C(H. =::
20 4 ' 0 OE eEO, T~, Eipryvry" b avayaywv EK VEKPWV TOV rrOl~Eva TWV rrpo#aTWV TOV ~Eyav EV aL~aTl olaeryKry, a i W v i 0 U, TO V K V P l 0 V i) ~W v 'I ry 00 U v ,
21 KaTapTioal uuac EV navTl ayae~ Ei, TO rrol~oal TO eEAry~a au TO U,
5 rrolwv EV i)~[v TO EuapEOTOV Ev wrrlOV aUTOU Ola 'Iryoou Xp l OTOU ,
6 4,J i) o6 E; a E i, TOU , aiwva, [TWV aiwvwvJ , a~ryv,
22 7 llapaKaAW OE uuac, aOEA¢oi, aVEXEOeE napaKAiioEwC,
~Ee ' ou EaV TCtXlOV EPXryWl b",o~ iluac, aooDno ooo o c. oc,.~ c. (.> (J 0(; 0