vol. 9, no. s september· cktober, 19so - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. ....

Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO Texas Stat C•v .. IIMYUI•

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Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO

Texas Stat C•v .. IIMYUIH'•••

Page 2: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

A WECO Employees' Profit Sharing BOX SCORE

Jon.·Feb. Mor.-Apr. May-June July·Aug. Sept.-Oct. Nov.-Dec. ----

Each 2-month $18,580 $24,963 $37,133 $38,675 ? ? period shown ----

Yeor's total to $18,580 $43,543 $80,676 $119,351 ? ? month shown

, .. , ,_-...... .., __ ... $32,000 $52,182 $70,659 $81,138 $97,591 $111,541

from President Pfaff Now that the A Wf.XX) Sa\•mga and Profit Shar-.

mr Plan hu bl..'t'n in oper"'IUon for several yearw and our employ� have a good undeM!t.and•ng of how it wnrlc111. and ho""' they benefit from ll, I believe a fec!ling of f:tal'tnerah•p i1 being de\'CIOJlif!d betwet>n A WECO emJlloyee. and the ownel"i of tM busmNI.

I believc.o, too, that a.. w� move along from ytar to year A WF.CO employ� will have an increal'lng 1'<'8)M.'Ct for the Profit Shal'ing Plan a.nd that they will beoo� more int.ei'Stcd in the auccesa •nd growth of thC" Company.

Purthermore. I behc,•e It will bt- a ste1• m tht right d1rec.:tion for the Company to kt"Cfl emJJloyN.."' adv1¥A.'d Jloeriodlrally, through the laucs of the l'a,..dC", of tht> money thalli being earned under the Profit Sharing Plan ba!W!d upon th(' turrent open­tiona and pt'oflta of lhe Company.

We are, therefore, in11ugu•-ating In this f'tH$tdl' iuue the idea of reporting In Box Score fashion the J•I'OI'it Wnng earnings ro,. each two months' period and the eumulat•ve amount of C"arnmp ro,. the cur· rent year up to the end of the last month reported.

J.Tom the Box Soo� employee. can not onl)' undentand "'hll the Prol'it Sharing P1t.n Ul producmg throughout the year, but they wiU abo undentand the tnmd of bu.sineq and prol'its -whether U()W8rd or downwant.

I (("('.1 �rta:n that our employees will ha\'f a k<"en mtf'l"ftt in o,...atching th(' Box Scono and in gi\'inx the1r bel!t mdwldual ttrorta m th('lr work asail{n­ment• to reach the bigh�t JIOI&$ible IJCOre.

When we eoruhder that �\'Cry dollar reportOO an the Box Score gOH. toward the secunty of A WECO employ� v.•e better reahze how we are partnen In the busincgs all working toward the •��nre objective - to render the greattfit aen•ice t o our customer'l wtth l't'ason.able retum for doing eo - both to the pt01•l\' who eorwtltute the Company - A WECO em· ployeee. and to th015e who pro,·ide the money. tooltJ. and other fac1littet� we ne«< the .stockholders.

Looking ahead. the bu.smna outlook for the rt'al of 1950 ar,ears to be good. There is • ltrong trade demand for the Company'l products. Thw demand would be e\'en greater if we could t'.nglneer, build t'lnd ship customet14' orders in shorter ltmc. There are inct't'aalng material l!hortagtt that handicap Ul!, and unct>rt..ainties in workl afflliMJ and in our <Jwn national economy may br1ng UnJJredictable rhangn m the bURintA �·tuahon. but my l!hOrt·ntnge view is that we w1ll have good businetW for the tetil or the year, reqmring furthtr demand�t on our cnl{inef'ring and n1anufacturing divisions. and that ComJ*nY proflt.a and uminga under the Proftt Shanng Pian will riw at a futer rate than in the ftnt aix monttuJ of the year • ., report«! In the Box Score.

Page 3: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

•IW. lUI - - - ---"1f' -�A--, )'.)

ItA'' l.t·:l'THOLD 111 11 ol"llllllr.-tt•m•n. Hto'a Ofl� of thf' ,.,,.,, • h o tak .. thf' I"''Jl<-1 clr11•ui>P prf'('llf'N by tht" .. ,,.,. ,., ft-lrlml":llt. .usot dnw. ttl. lio'!Mo!.o Th ... "'" tM- drav.lnJ• !hal .. ,... u..od b\' ll\oo ,., t•.n to -nuf tun dwl and ru-""''" ........ J>IIIf'fll

U11 tlw drUul dnft.oman r..UO ,. k>t ut ""'P.n.h\111)" to .. IIJr dnowtnp b.- .. ku ..., llw .... , l IU<I\ .abapr aftd lonc'a· t� ut ' p rt U!tot ._. I thr WldlftC ftl II .... ,

Pipe Cleaners llf'l't'O t• trv. In( So th C1at. C'ahf.,nu ••. u.o. ... lh •

.,..... _, \\hoP .d>rol••r Cat>"" t I•> rlr•n l(.o!J pl.-..�• al,. U P•JI'I' 1111 t-1r l"!•m,.rl) tht-y u"'f'd thro't' \UI:Iohlmr mlll11 whnh o J, '"' I lOIII t• """ ti.A�· •t • l<>�t uf U "'"• ton.,.,, \\'11.,...111· �..,.,, r mrthuol rlf"'IUI 2163 tun. ft rlll) at 11 f'O.lll or $1 %�a trofl :-;,._u_ to ..ay, lll'n"11 P tMIJ!Mr•l with lh..tr W�IH­b,._t,, v.hll:h h•·�· th .. tt pr•�•u•·tl<"' •n<J N\f'X lhrn• ,, "'' • tun Ul d ... "lr'K r<••\JI TI'INI ,.....,""'- wtuc-b llhoM• thor d rt) piP. ...,t,.rtnr � n 11dllDt, '- lllDUiar tn \h .. P'J" t� ... nlllll m.ctu- IMUIIrd 111 A,_n:.a Bra.w lind l10 fi'OUIId.ry, (lQ.ktAIML CaW.,... IU•ll M und.c-t•n11S« Co., Jp ,, ......... r"Miftc! (-..,, , ,.. • •• ....,...,. "-••• c., .. o.ttt ..... Allll.i.f.t n •··oundrv en .. A lUI� .\•


Pedrotty Returns to Mishawaka 1-'ltAS� W I'Jo:l • l:t1TTY br II

f"'-'IIINI>• " t tho. _,.. ..._rtnwflt H .. wta -•nt.tr• .._,tqu.�rtr.-- rn 01r W....,_••k• �� 1111d •ill6uolo•hlto U-Io-lftlll.l' t.oltt!l w ) lo.a..••h•le.drparti'IW1Il and ttl# t!f,I.J •IHI t .. r.r In II•; lllt>liiC'U V.ltl't <U�\t>IIU·r•. J"t••f ..... ll\r I UliOIIItla oUI•l ""''r-."ht' "'"h ll>furm"ll•n abt•lll 1111 1'""111•!11 Jln•l tlll <�J"I•h•>�llnna.

In rn'«l hill v.rork 10'11\1,. '" rubhnx. tt\6.1 .._,,..ny 11noi!U rr .. d\..,..h "''Qllllf: � rt-Jt ""'""t>wa a11d rrr· loiU., JW'"*-IWI, I t•ndrr A.Gll<I""IIC tu _,. A Jo.l Cnr('O' a.W to n-pr"'"'t UW M,._wab t.fll� •lwll pnl.rroual �

··� fo"nnk'l tt•••t� u an ft'ICrl'loHr hu

IJilllllllllo k-trdcor flt thor nHdf IU� l'f">blnM "" b< th tlw ..,.,.,_nand th• ('U.o!MWT,trPu.ponort�•�rn-.1-. .... r•r-k aftod ht• V.l<l"' IIHlo' ool ll'qlllllftlaitef'l In ,.._, fkol•l•lll.,.. uupl.,\·.-\1 In thl.l ntw J�OA!II"Il

to·,.r Uh l""'l II ... �>t.,. J•,..tn•ll�- !\Ito Iko-n II"' lfi•trlol 11111,. l'lljtllit"t'o' In thor 11ad••'-'lt•h.l• t .. n•t•r)-.J'rrl·lo.u.t•llhllt u ... .- hoo ••• ......._, 'Ill out draltJ"k 6r-­partow"'t llor Ia a ,cra411•ilt.- t4 Ow l'n .. \<nlh ol S ,.,. n.- and t.a ....... ...:d.al .... ... ,, ... \ \\F.('() ,...,. tl ,. ... ....

Page 4: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

Taxes Are Higher Than

Ct..thO..t lolllo.otlopt. ., ... ,., MACK HENlY C,t.,ltOfN loth .ot • pH of ••ftty oh .. , 'holtho'"'ot .. lolct. ,,,.,c'""'"' io :.:.:r,::.:.\��·t/ .. �� .. :-:::r.:r�'.;.;;. ::;·;;., ....... .... � ....

��:-:...� .. t;;:�.:Al.���� �Sl>�'�� :::.­:;-:t!� ;�·-::�;; .. -wt!":.M ho•:-.:;•r.:•:;;•;,


•• .,.. t'/)(fMoool.o .. lll4cololtltt iflo.Ut_ .. �'l)c: .... KOIJ..o" _,, ......... "" .......

Sloo.l•o• ESTHU HAII:Ul' of t'-- '"''"'"'"t lllt�ettooo•�• rK .. !loy 1M ... �. ,�;, -..... ;ft s. ... � ... ,. n., "-� .. f• ··•�•• ,, .,..,.._ <'"l.otolyUOOOO-SJOOO�•Iw••"''""'"h'

otHt�rons ..... . •••tt-.•• ••'--"''"''""''",..""' .. "··-···��- .. - ....... .,... .......... �10c.·t......, •••i..,.lo·o•p�t<l,o.otf c-'"HI

Page 5: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

You Think

''i4i;w�k , .... rirh'' t. a hl\'nrltt· ft)' �h. n n rt�not-. to pRY•

�flit tA'IIf'• WI' ('II. II •kip •utly nH•r thr -k I �'leo rkh •nt:lr

for,�,..,. n��ly 174.0011 t.u.PIIrflt� •••h lrtn��nt>a 1 r 12:\..· �"'"'""' n..t·a abroutll� otth lf•IIIMtloftalll'l­

� It .. , .• ,., jM"nft)' ol lhoftr ....._., Md '"" br tur......:l

nvrr t• ttt. J'-'\'l'nun.r'ft\, U.. .,_.,, -� I b.- tfWIU.It"b

Ttw"' t.n·t .r� to llillaJI tM t•Jtf'll \"II ,..:r tnrolt\f' tu �\'U)' ��� yC>U �tt )�r �)' (tift II. lftoOhJiruo ,-rc.. taJt

on("i' • ynr, fln>f"'rty t.out. lnhf'til.all<(' tall. •111'11 tax, lux

ury llilllf, rxrlH tax. tax. TL>t. TAX Thf'n lh• rto lrr lhf' hlddo·n IIIII('� ll.blioort..'d \.fi.ICf'l , , , \hl" IIIJC bur1ffl In lh • 1.(1111 C'< �I 1•f an ltt'RI TIII!U'� that n111kt' rtrl")' tum ITI(Oro

You nn do ..nl!'t.lunlf aboJOIIt thla •tiYII-. You "'"

tab 111 lrUt,..llt tn ynur f�,.l at•tr a!WI ,_.I CO'._.,..

ntri<l Yt��a � w-rttr ,....., ,,......., to,.,.,,_,'"'· rlf'p,.__ tatiW"t', J"n'r1'11ftf' and -)"Of' Mt � knr•· ,..,. .,. fol· lnvlln« thrtr art-.. Trll � v.Mt ,.._. thlnk DmwuMI that Uwy \'V;ICf' apltwt any wa�uful .xp.ond•un· .. a. Trll ttwom "'hat you lh1nk!

�::t���!�·��.���u;.� �':it'�';: J;�:· ... :c �-:-!�,:! :=���� •••••· u .... , l� ••• .., • 1c ult tl.-•lflo ••<tllk .I t1>.70c • t• ,.".'"''"'"'"'

CLAUOl auuows ....... ....-* • , ..... l. Tile u.• .t .... -'"'� .... ......... . .. .... . ·�, ••• 14, )Oil .... i .. _\ .. .... � 1-e , ..... ..� ........ kl ... :.,.. , •••••••

Page 6: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

Off the Reporter's Cuffs

'Got f b 1 ft-ollrw• t.huw HJ.:. .... nv UJ.:AL •-��""' u .. ¥t""l1Dn .. I 1\o-.; h<' ...,..... h• UJMO &\!lay frotn IM plarot Hf'< Ilk• W fl� • ••II that hoo will drop ltl a hiM'"""''"''" tw nn ftnd a booJy ell walf'f Ttlr r.,..,..., plall"" la the- n\rr, ,... IW ll"llfl ufWn t>r

a""' lfl MNT!Ih•l<l l .. lk ft.oJ'Itnc In ltt.­St J•O!Oel'h 'Oh ""It·· ltrfiiY -�·-. .. ,, I notrh • 1'11111 11 noaku &fl'od . .,toUr 1 !urlh•· r·-bu•hf"

,,..,dPo·ull :t:.�:�·---" =-"'�'" =� .. ... , . . . ,_ ....... ""'"•·

n::=-, ... .._.. .. --�

�=5'·i( ·�-"1 -··· ...... ............... ... _,,, lllwOIA.,...a& To-� ... ............... u ·-·-­-···· --·-' --·

On .-"' .-oda \\ IU.IA� IIA1U.)!TT .., a bll. ._,. r.� bto u.k • an .. '1.1�. r-rt Ul thr t�o>rlc ol Uw •�� r.ad

Mt-tbodu<t C11u,..IL ,..,,.. a fler>bo-r .� )"raN hP dir" tor-t� Uw t"ltoob' •••I h.&a tau (tat a SoUMia�· 81 tw.ol fiaa lnUIIC ol

thr Uaw thllt ht. hftllth ..-14 P''"'t Jf thai lilt,._.ld ftt.>t _ .. I bf. ft!IMI&"h

hf· h.t• ai.D t•llll•-d • \klltn an<J a tn•l11• bf·� In a Nllllll ''''""'tn '"' tlhur•:h

New FACES .. W I 0.. • . r - .. ·- ---- v ..... ,. I -� -'--R- -.Ja-Jo-10 -.. -.,. _ ._. . . .. ......... •- • ..,_ - t: •- Ja--. r

- -.. .._ .. ·-· .. -.. J .._ ..... ,. . ....... ...... .. . _... Or> .... �--���- ,_,..� !:'.!"-:-== =·� .:!:::: •. ��-�-;. :;!! �,!*:' _r-.. � n''7 �,;: ,.,.., no..,.o_l(_., ... _._ -·--'··-· :::::.u..•• ....... ·- -· o...... , .......... -- ·- .._ -.. ,...-........-"-' �-..oM IOI-�.....,A­....... ... =�!·��-, ... ......... .... IX!U'"D"TrO!'I A,.._ T --..a. .111'1'11<., .,1 - r. · -�:: �=:;n-� - ,_-.,._, ....

o'll:t"ll ,.,..,_ •u _.,..,. • '""' , • ..,. •-- .,.. - ··-..... _ .. '""'' -""' , .... , __ ... ..... ,_ ..... _, ·-··-�·-" ,,.,..,. - t• ...... �...._,,. ��· ft!.OI .. ..... H•I•IJIU<�o•:<,.,)<�o ..... hlo ..... �• ,.... .............. -.. �� ............... ... ............... , .. ____ _

unu1 11 uo,u • ..,.M.�."' ...... • .-..... "'-' '"" .. . . . ... . .......... .... -�· ·� C"a•• "'"'""" __ .... ......... _.lj_nl fll()k'n' .. u,..no�:<,. .. ,. •·•- ••-

-·' ..... ¥ ............... .._.. . ··-· · �.- ......... -.... .. " �:....�..':- ' _., t

..... , ... lot. ,... , ... I H X "" &U

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"'�· � �- . -......... .......

...... --- ·-

"U.IOCU r Fl. uu.: ......

Corredion � ­


H.Ailft'fWI'!AV.:IIIuuo•••llr.C'd-•h lh.JoH"..taf._...tM-. born.•C' to A\\f":t"O lD l!lll tbrrof n- ._ ..... lifto-dl"MJ ,., . rl'l I tlwtn liM-,.. .,.. tM-tot ''"' hh11 Afllr llu pt ........ al n-ff'll to• .-tl: II lhcofltl1'1l�•fl lhco_,.... .. "" .. ..

�t"""b<'l-11t•�J�liWI1l•"ID ....... '"F •nd .. ri:V 1.fl<'r....,.. hol.or• In., .. t.rvt-k f*tl'h. pauoloq '""",__hot Jt� bl".tl:ht .. ,.,w tloob� flu<l'l • J•Ntr:rllft H•JT)' C•·rl• trh· ... l'llm ""'''" ""'' "'"I bdtcor h...,lll'l tbln "'h•n hto ,.orkoV ••lh r h"'u"'-

ltHI" tllitUU.IIIa --··•,..• _,,., ·-•w•.-...., ___ • =-:�=· ..... -·--- ... .. lr:_,- H ... llof- .,fl *' , ... 'o\• tl• floot1 1"alh e-•u,....,..,,_, .... . u .. r ·---· ..... - -.. . ...... . "" ... .. . ·- .... ..... ,, ____ _ �:;:?�.,��.l!!:."��.�,;. = TloN .... . -...... .... -. .... ,

- 101-- ...... t ..... ---· .... ., .... -, .. -- ... ·-....... __ _ _ .. ,... ... _.__ .,_.. --· j . ..... ,, .. . t ...... -EZ:::::�.ft ... '1·:.-::: � ... -"i .:-:::

utruo opo-ulur ,\knlnt 1..on :u . ...,..l'tlotma"•"� \\fli,.lwlu .... II, South ika4. ... haJI a pi.C. _, 1Aitr••lko•hc-P&.J[10rdoou..1'1w-l.owll• 111pr-nd Utf'•r •"'llr...tlob tho t'\' IC"Dd nc Uw ·��·!Jiblo• an<J 51--. )1,.._ l"o\coll tiiUC'.It.>tllfol r�.o .... ,.. bo..tl oJoat•llk ..... UI rMm• .... Art• ...,.,ptlall I that drpatlnlf'!lt Atl"• J•rl• .. • ol )'•� an·th.- .,. .• , .... ,..-l.,•••n•l"' tc�orn..

Page 7: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

How the Equipment You Build

Will Be Used More H.-u•• hO\\ .om .. ol tht' t'QU!pmrnt

Ol"dt'red In Jun<' 11.nd July will � UMd

TM labor rorce •t J' .. nnf:)·h·r�nla SAlt �l!g. Co., C'11h'ut Cit)', Ky. thnoatcn<'d to quit unleu t� lrrltatlnfi: duilt eondl­

twn Willi rontruUl'd Ill on� l'hatla thro 11tory tN!hind lhl' No. <I� "A'' A• O.C purehiUK'd In July. Tbf' dWil wu .OO!um binorldto, • oompont'nt rd lnMC:tkid.r.

6rl..di"t'II.HI . . thrloedwdyltf'••••­bwt o.�-·· Fotllei c. .. ChiUflll, plu to COfl• t<.-11"'''"'''-"''''-•No.l"l''�oO...twiM

The No. � "A" A8 0\utube told to 011 SeN! l'rodun.. Co, t-�reano, Cahfor­nLt.. wol! oroli«t groun d 61h'(' and �apt.•


TMtiiO ... 1\oid 'IIIII ••• "'""� , ..... Wy OiMttlootowtllbtoeo•oo.ftloeWII. .. tbft!ttl pottL ... M:\r•u11Yiy M .. tltt oNe. I leW. to dob.o•••toe1Dpofl6wttellt"''''-umoellot ....... t.., ... tlt..f ... t.o.. .....

Amount Budget

$15,967.28 Boy Stouts

13,840.00 Camp Fire Girls

3,100.00 Girl Sc:outs

EIM:.ti'O-!\lQth·� l}lv. ol Ge'""111l Ml .. t<>� Coi"J)., IAGr.nG"' AAd rtcbt-rUOn, III.MvtAIIiii'SI!!Pto�tromtorr�dl· Uonlng geM� tor and motor IIII'JJ\Atu� Thl5 had aiWAYJI be'fon a h.a..lld O!k'rD.l.i<:)n, but nnw they have purcha....S 2·wh�l W�labrator C.blneu to uu lor tht> r('"m0\'1111 of mlea and iniAilaUon frt;m

f;('flti'IIIOt MJd mvtorarn111turu

OrtgOII Stt.t Mil:t. '•rtl•""· Ot•gooo �hi • No. I, s.. ... I "' o�ohob.o Tiro• ...,. 111\l•l pHI h th•tiMy t...-. Mow .. l•d1t Oft • .... d/�9 uri u,j .... '' lo. 9u•••1..,.1oo. itlltJtc.-lctl!tcling ... ;� ... ,jfo...,tftyd ... t

Shaft n>tOf' qulllt ror j('l en��:lnt'IJ wt\1 bt �nt'd Wtlh a HI� Jf 20w Wh«la·

brlllor 1"\Hllblallt at lknduc T'nloduets Div., Soulh Bend.

H ... ,., St,..rt C.� ltoc,. M;Jf.,,j, c-uc.hul P"'�"··". ts� , zo� wh .. l•bt•tOt y.,,.,.." ift J .. J�. T�r .. :11 .,,. th. ..... 1 .... �"-• to dten •"" "•"""• ,, • ..,,..., ''"' unel d>pl.



Our bu�m('sa Ul gol�tl That'• lllpp!.N-nt for the llllld-oiT C"OlJ>\fl)'f'f"'l haw• bt'len r-UHI. •nd l.ddlbOnfll atllfla hAVt' bet'n IMlAIIed in IJOfY'It' lkpartml'nta.

At lht ,.Dd o( AUgYJ.t th,.r'(l Nod bftn • ·II�•, IMr� In A WE(.'O'• f'mploy­m<-nl aane�t tlwo fl�t of the ye-ar NO"' lh .. � """' 1('\'<'n peoplt� pundung th .. Umt' dOC'U wh,.rt' only ftYt' ha.d betn


Thill'" an exC<"IIent lndlelJ.tor flf our bualn�P ror natura-lly It wu mort" urderJI that brooght•bl>t•t thlt I.Wno8k lr.l"mplo)'mtnt.

To Opa<o .. ""' k- ··--·- Dft (.to( "-"• flooot io lt .. fa Dfl1 �)o�, ..... �- ..... '"'"J.oe ef CO""f' "'"""'"'�" (U.. .......... �yo ... ty foo lo., food .....d r+o. p<-ahDft fht<eof - abowt 'i "' ......... - bor' l<oi .. oduh ......,,, Ml&o.o ... tf ...... fvll ,. "'Ofh•f .. oca .. oto • '"''

••-ofll<olel< Help "-"'" 0 ...,.,._ �•- pt'O$IfG"' (coo•""'" '' it �· to H)' $1;0<,110/f Ofi+IOIO o ., -at Cattle�. """' """"' l.todt-tu IIOl' .......... , of tNH f.J1.tl- -� ..... ....,;,,.,.,. of,.._,_ .-;c., .... H •• .,....,, •• ,_ •-P"'"I'""'(caotwiM �;,,,..,lieN ..... , $<QUIO\, 1t0010oclwlt �., .......,..,..,oc-bi...cloJI'ct-tl40bt-oolo<,tfapootl-'-<>de<

11,000.00 Children's Aid SO<iety To P<O>-id. .._ ... ,. -• loo .... , ...... """"' dnt•l""" child<..,- ,.._ay t._ b<..Lo.. �. cvotocflot ..,. of J.,.. • .,,.., c-t coMlo p.loc• cllllcltt� loo odoJI.t- IIH\d � fo1,.. ilo-o; P'llt .o�ot;ooMouolfiO...,oteltlot-._1,.1<










Salvation Army

St. Joseph Hospital

Visiting Nurses

Mi,.hawoka Camp Fund


Campaign Expenses

Operations Expense


loeh••-..... yood!Orho.....,.,t�u...d.......ty"'"'"•.....,.....dtl .. otloo....,.oolo; • -wltloo .. ioo d;,,. ... l c-.No;t t.ooodoc-.lt, "'wtic, IIH\d •et;eiooil P'ot,_ll ..... � wi"' PfiM<O potoJHt.Jitco,....Snl.,.,INOPt. ... � lo PfO,...&. 0 lw..d rho t.o.p<1ol !<Oft d<ow - to , • ..,.by,,. , ... .,. IOf tt.. chototy -�. U..J """"' To pt'O>-W. -•loot -·tr. fa ,...,,. who a•l>oowioo O<e -ble 1<0 ...,.,.. ok:t.cj -•

To Mt lf9 • lwoo4 10 lw)' ..,.. eqvltl • ,...,. '- .,.. lor �otiou• you1t. D<-llcot;..,o '"" ..,. • ...,, ...... ;.- ..... ....t .......... ooc�

Will you give the cost of a pack of cigareHes a week to carry on this work in the community?

Page 8: Vol. 9, No. S September· CKtober, 19SO - shotpeener.com 1950...s.. .. . .....,;,,.,.,. . """"' ..,

Getting the Lead Out Ttl� Willaul Sh>flo.gt' B&tt.,ry Cn. a t.nlOt.._ IUillll' 1n

b.c<tterlt'l h•H· Ou!!lllbt' ro1IC'<'ll/t4 tn.-U11lcd lit th;olr CJ� n· .. l"nd, Ohio: Motlphlll. 1'f'nn.: and Portll1nd, On.-gon Jlhlnt..

Tht> pkture lhtW;I th ... No. 9� KO unit tnMtallf'd 111 th,.Lr Metnphia p111nl. Wo1k11. Metn&ccr R J H111ll.tull1 !III.Yit: "Ttl� rt•nlml ()f l.,lld tlust It II• JIOIU"t't' I• �>n•· ot prim;- lmport•n..._. 1!1 our plaut, IUltl In planning for U.ll 1-tl't<:lh'<' control our \VIII�nl P.nprtl"t' ... Jll (.,t'W'lln<l Wllh y,._, uf Ml:ptri('n<'t' In thl• ftdd. �·nl!'d oor pr.,M-nt •o{JUipm .. nt t o Mndlt- W j<!b In llddl\100 11> o·xlwu>'lll'l,l; 1 Jllifltt'·t'liltlng mlllthlnt, llrlt ...,ntrr ba'l"k�nd. Lmmullattl)' btoii"IW the- largf' f'nriOIIC'd ronw·y'ftrl , Jo:ha1ttot or an .. nc-1�11<4."ra.p"" n\·<·)'(•r 11nd dr.- hood 1 riJthl fo��n..undl art' handlt-.1 d"''tctl\·dy by tn .. Olu1.ubco 1mlt H

oo:-. liA Y spn1& 1111 anng, L•f t"-o "'·.,ntna:• 11 w.-•k ri!I!Jing frr •quar·e danrln�r. II all beJ:lln bN'au� ht. wlfr CI.Jirl' <k\·rloped an lnt• ·r . ..tIn ��qwarr danc:lft¥ Soon liM V."'l.l l�arnlnR to 0111 And Inching olhrrfl tht. torm of folk dllncln!f. 0611 took up the hobby 10 &elf d4'f<.·ru.r- While tw will u_.... 18 to 21 nallsln 110 �\·rnlng. otr·Mnd hi:> oon rtumt 00 pnttrr call.!!

.:f!H.I tlult nn b./ WII.-.J w�lh alm•l IIO)' pi«� of nm11lc:. Smgln� raiiJt, ,.hkh """ u!OC'd v.1lh lndtridunl pii'C."l"a c>f musk �uda u the ··.Sp!!'nl.,.h Cablllkm • ano M,..._ Msy'• .lpK"btlt)' u.he knt•Wll !l('floJiy t!\0('11\1.!11. Mn1. May book• all t� rnpJi•'mo·nt.a fo>r both of thf'm •tnd ll\'f'rARH lhn.'t' ('1111\ng llat��ij:;:nnwnts • ,.-o>('khf,nae\f

$qURr('<lanctnj:, IIII.YII ti\IJi 1�·--n•htOJ,:IIIf"t>r, w .. Uftlo(lnally • trw dU.Unct d&n('H aul'h •u! thf' VlfKinla lh'f'l Thr dance,.. all kn('""' the dar� and a "promptror" k<'pl thrm \Uj:;:f'lhf'r Nr.w, with t� lntroduttlr.n of UW pubU(' lllkl,-.,.,. ")-atrnl, a (11.1\1'1'11 v,li� can M un�·not,..-.oJ by r\'l'J ')'f>l� In 11. l.11rgo r<ll'lul

Tht' 1'. A Jlf*lPm h•ad li.' \hi' 1'01 prratin� dan«lil "''ilh l.Jllrlt"'llf' pallrrn& dcvc\Opt'd In th�> JMI-'l 20 )'f'flr ... NC!w dan«''l .,.... 1:<111· 11AnUy bdng qr\gJnA!ot-d and many o>f thf' fancy dann!' •no of �torlgln.

O!>n •>'• 11n)'Otlt' can learn thr Ai.'C buk m•i\'I'OI<'n!JJ In h11C an hour. On� thi'H arr ll'llmrtl thto d.anttr wh<.' P:l)-. atttn· tloo to • nll<'r'• IIUnjt' or <'hantr<t husttllt'ta••tu� 4"1ln foil• w any Wl,n('V' or U..1 \'111'ialion11 'J"tKo me\"1 mtnta of thl' IIQUitN' dlult'<' an:-: �IA1n�;"lnR pnrtncn�, Gr:111d Kight and Uti, SaaMy I a quirk a t i'p dJre<"ll)' to tht aillf'l. l'ronl(!'Oad!', AU(!'n!andr. and Do-filii-do I�A-.Ik arounll par1n• r IMlrk lo twu·k anN! fold"ll •rmlllllhl:!chratl

Th.- �m Done:" I� ot Anwrlcan triRHI. altliOI.ll;h liS p!•ptt· lltr term tho• aqtiJire d!U'II'• w·u a pe�rt of Ell�ILI<h O"l•untry llfr 300 )'ta.l'll flgo. Hl'lght of popuiii.MI)' In Amo·rtca w.,. towal\l the rnd l>f thf' 19th «ntury whe-n e<omp�t'tl<•n '''a new bi>m. • wNioJ!ng. or n.o t'XC'WI<" at all brought t>nt thl' "dofltl'tl, tlw <'l'llh·r and tht fi'llrty IA'llJI on lntt·tt-'lt In llqUU!' d�t1rtn�;: lllmtniiJled by 1900 bill IA'IS kt'pl aii\'C in run! rommumtll'lll to N r«ilaHI\'I•rM by rlty f()lka bno:r. 'nW' 131f: AJipl;o put o!IQUAI'tl danc-ing on th� roll"'��!<' IU'Id rlly -.c-t.l c:alo>n dGf.l!.

\Vh!lr mtr anre•tnr;�� danr ... t In thrlr """' rlnthi:!S. tqlllltr dllnCC'\'4 nov.· pr�fer tl�thl (ltUnJ: jMnJI 11nd brt�;ht Jlhtrt. t�>r tht- mtn. and full alurt�-d drt'flllf'a for lhr wumr-n. Thf' )\11y'11, qultt- t u l d ,•rn.nt .. bh·. hs1r n full wal\lro� or rloth.,.. th .. ·y tltlf'fOriKJUlll''l'dli.nc:tn�: andcalllnft.

An unuJiua\ up!'( I vt Do:>n'ah{.bby lathllt he hu found lt to l)(!' protltll.bl .. _ Orn'JI Nllllng ,., .• him • r.-.. 0>\'f!l')' llmr hr pt•n!U an t'\',.nhH; ebanlln� "-.1\t'lll.lilntk lrlt prumenad._. aU H

lh•w'll )-, ..... IN\'f!P �ntJ hovi'll )'OU tra"" Yoor p,_,.U)' gal t<ormyvld nuo.hJ \\'I'll! lil'')n't ._\'1111) and I ,.,:.n't LnHte My prl<lt)' gal fer )'OUr nld rn11ltl n._. �"()\"('r pl>Ql-0 Will' IIJ;kl"ll Wht•n thr- M•)"'. II)OOR With

thr« Otlll·t ('(llplta Wl'l't' t-.hnralnt;" (nr • �uar11: OOn('ft !'<•n· t...-l lnCJ\IC'II!;O Tht..et !{(It 111111 lbf' nnlllllo( I he' ('(.lnlpl'll,l<on Tllf'-y llrl' dMnt'illg: Uw "TI'IIU .Star"