volume 21 issue 2 march 2012 4700 canyon crest drive

V. Rev. Josiah Trenham, Pastor Church Phone (951) 369-0309 ● Fax (951) 369-6609 For information and schedule of services, go to www.Saintandrew.net Volume 21 Issue 2 March 2012 A Publication of St. Andrew Orthodox Church 4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, California 92507 Beloved Parishioners of St. Andrew, Blessings and greetings on this Middle Day of the Lenten Fast. Throughout all the weeks of Great Lent we pray earnestly for the catechumens of the church throughout the world: those preparing to be baptized and/or chrismated and to take their places as full members of and within the Orthodox Church of Christ. On the Sundays of Lent following the Gospel and Homily we pray the "Litany of the Catechumens" and on Wednesday nights at the Presanctified Liturgy we pray the same. Beginning this week, the 4th week of the fast, at the presanctified services we add a 2nd litany for those catechumens who are prepared to be received into the church on Great and Holy Saturday. This year the Holy Saturday Baptismal Liturgy will be on April 14th, just hours before we celebrate Holy Pascha. Of our parish's 26 catechumens, we intend to receive 11 on Great Saturday. You will find the names of these persons in this newsletter, and I ask that you include these dear ones in your daily prayers. The final weeks of lent and catechesis are always challenging for these soon to be neophytes (new-plants) of the church. The devils rage because they are about to lose their trophies, and to have their ill-gotten gains plundered, that is recovered by Christ the Lord. The Lord Christ reigns at the right hand of His Father in heaven, and is overseeing and superintending the fulfillment of His mission to redeem the world and to baptize all the nations. He is doing this one catechumen at a time in the holy parishes throughout the world. Our calling is to assist this catechumens into the life of Christ, of the Church, and to care for these new plants so that they grow strong and healthy and bear much fruit. Please pray for them by name, and open your heart to them as soon to be fellow parishioners. I assure you of my love and prayers. Fr Josiah “As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia”

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V. Rev. Josiah Trenham, Pastor Church Phone (951) 369-0309 ● Fax (951) 369-6609

For information and schedule of services, go to www.Saintandrew.net

Volume 21 Issue 2

March 2012 A Publication of St. Andrew Orthodox Church

4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, California 92507

Beloved Parishioners of St. Andrew,

Blessings and greetings on this Middle Day of the Lenten Fast.

Throughout all the weeks of Great Lent we pray earnestly for the catechumens of the church throughout the

world: those preparing to be baptized and/or chrismated and to take their places as full members of and

within the Orthodox Church of Christ.

On the Sundays of Lent following the Gospel and Homily we pray the "Litany of the Catechumens" and on

Wednesday nights at the Presanctified Liturgy we pray the same.

Beginning this week, the 4th week of the fast, at the presanctified services we add a 2nd litany for those

catechumens who are prepared to be received into the church on Great and Holy Saturday. This year the

Holy Saturday Baptismal Liturgy will be on April 14th, just hours before we celebrate Holy Pascha.

Of our parish's 26 catechumens, we intend to receive 11 on Great Saturday. You will find the names of

these persons in this newsletter, and I ask that you include these dear ones in your daily prayers.

The final weeks of lent and catechesis are always challenging for these soon to be neophytes (new-plants)

of the church. The devils rage because they are about to lose their trophies, and to have their ill-gotten gains

plundered, that is recovered by Christ the Lord.

The Lord Christ reigns at the right hand of His Father in heaven, and is overseeing and superintending the

fulfillment of His mission to redeem the world and to baptize all the nations. He is doing this one

catechumen at a time in the holy parishes throughout the world.

Our calling is to assist this catechumens into the life of Christ, of the Church, and to care for these new

plants so that they grow strong and healthy and bear much fruit. Please pray for them by name, and open

your heart to them as soon to be fellow parishioners.

I assure you of my love and prayers.

Fr Josiah

“As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia”

Page 2 Volume 21 Issue 2

St. Andrew Orthodox Bible Reading Plan Part 5

Mar. 23









Apr. 1






























May. 1















Page 3 Volume 21 Issue 2



5 Books of Law 18 Books of History 7 Books of Wisdom 19 Books of Prophecy









1,2 Samuel (1,2 Kingdoms)

1,2 Kings (3,4 Kingdoms)

1,2 Chronicles

1,2 Ezra





1,2,3 Maccabees



Proverbs of Solomon


Song of Songs (by Solomon)

Wisdom of Solomon

Wisdom of Sirach

















Epistle of Jeremiah




5 Books of History 21 Books of Doctrine 1 Book of Prophecy

Life of Christ History of Church







1, 2 Corinthians





1, 2 Thessalonians

1, 2 Timothy





1, 2 Peter

1, 2, 3 John



About 400 years between Testaments

God used some 40 men over nearly 16 centuries in writing the Bible

Page 4 Volume 21 Issue 2

The following article is from the daily meditation by DYNAMIS for the Sunday of the Cross:

DYNAMIS is a daily Bible meditation based upon the lectionary of the Holy Orthodox Church. DYNAMIS

is a project of the Educational Committee of St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral in Wichita,

Kansas. DYNAMIS’ Web‑site is free: To obtain any of their meditations for the current month or for the last

twelve months, or for questions concerning Orthodoxy or editorial comments, contact their editorial address:

[email protected] Web Site: www.dynamispublications.org

Hebrews 4:14-5:6 NKJ Epistle for the Third Sunday of

Great Lent: Veneration of the Cross

14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who

has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,

let us hold fast our confession.

15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot

sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points

tempted as we are, yet without sin.

16 Let us therefore come boldly to

the throne of grace, that we may

obtain mercy and find grace to help

in time of need.

1 For every high priest taken from

among men is appointed for men in

things pertaining to God, that he

may offer both gifts and sacrifices

for sins.

2 He can have compassion on those

who are ignorant and going astray,

since he himself is also subject to


3 Because of this he is required as for the people, so

also or himself, to offer sacrifices for sins.

4 And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is

called by God, just as Aaron was.

5 So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High

Priest, but it was He who said to Him: "You are My Son,

Today I have begotten You."

6 As He also says in another place: "You are a priest

forever According to the order of Melchizedek...."

The Throne of Grace: Hebrews 4:14-5:6, especially vs.

16: "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of

grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help

in time of need." The Apostle advises that we approach

"...the throne of grace...." The invitation might sound

quaint to the host of people who live without monarchs

and royalty. The only 'enthroned' or 'presiding' persons

we are likely to 'approach' are magistrates or judges.

Most likely, we do not approach them 'boldly, for the

courts of justice are not uniformly known to be thrones

of 'grace.'

There are some countries in the

world where monarchs still reign as

heads of state; but, mostly, we

'moderns' have little to do with such

sovereigns or their thrones. Of

course, as Orthodox Christians, we

do meet the Church's Bishops who

preside liturgically from thrones. Yet

even in Church, most members do

not normally approach our hierarchs

on their thrones, except for the few

who serve at worship. However, the

Apostle is inviting us all to "...the

throne of grace...."

And what is this "...throne of

grace..."? Who is seated on it? What

mercy and grace might we seek by approaching this

throne? And, honestly, can we come 'boldly?

The Apostle Paul reminds us (along with Saint

Timothy) that in Christ Jesus' "...own time, He Who is

the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and

Lord of lords, Who alone has immortality, dwelling in

unapproachable light, Whom no man has seen or can

see, to Whom be honor and everlasting power..." will

manifest Himself (1 Ti. 6:15-16). When we enter His

courts, among those assembled before His throne, we

are not going to be mistaken about this royal Person.

Saint Paul is clear: we all will appear before Him one

day. Saint John Chrysostom asks: "Of Whom are these

things said? Of the Father, or of the Son? Of the Son,


Page 5 Volume 21 Issue 2

If we are blessed to attend an Orthodox Church this

Sunday, we will be able to venerate Jesus' Cross, and

prostrate ourselves before the Lord Who stretched out

His hands on this Cross to draw the world to Himself by


"What a ladder [the Cross is] over which we ascend to

the heavens, raising with praises Christ the Lord!"

Before this Throne, we are freed in mind from the world

and may sing with the Church, "Come, ye believers, let

us adore the life-giving Tree, whereon when Christ the

King of glory stretched His hands, He lifted us to the

first bliss, us whom the ancient enemy having led

captive by desire drove away from God....[and let us

sing] O Lord Who wast crucified...have mercy upon

us." If we prostrate before this monarch on His 'Throne,'

then we will meet the true Lord, the reigning Christ, our

King and our God.

Notice that today's Epistle reveals Christ as Lord, as

reigning Monarch of all that is, visible and invisible,

Who also is our Great High Priest (see vss. 4:14,15;

5:5). For, as the God-man, Christ Jesus "...has passed

through the heavens..." (vs. 14). Now, King of all, He

also is High Priest for all. Indeed, we have a King Who

can and does "...sympathize with our weaknesses..." (vs.

15); for He became, and remains eternally, fully human

like us, as He was in time, except forever "...without

sin" (vs.15). Remember His ministry among us in the

flesh; He fixed an eternal bond by which we may know

Him as 'One of us,' as 'One Who understands,' as One

from Whom "...we may obtain mercy and find grace to

help in time of need" (vs. 16).

Do not hold back from His Majesty; come to His throne,

the "...throne of grace..." as the Apostle encourages (vs.

6). Be bold like the sinful woman who washed His feet

with her tears and anointed them with the fragrant oil of

repentance (Lk. 7:38). Bow to Him who heals. Affirm

Christ as Lord, as King and as God. Let us acknowledge

Him as our Life-Giver and Savior, our Sovereign Who

knows our hearts better than we know our selves. Cry

unto Him, Have pity upon me, a sinner, that I may

approach and touch Thee, O Christ my God.

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West Antiochian Women’s

33rd Annual Spring Retreat

St. Nicholas Cathedral

March 31, 2012


Speaker: Mother Victoria, Abbess of St. Barbara Monastery

Archbishop JOSEPH, presiding

The Very Reverend David Hovik, Spiritual Advisor

Costs: $60.00 including meals. Retreat is open to women 18 and older of all Orthodox jurisdictions

Make check payable to “Antiochian Women, Diocese of the West” and write “Retreat” on the Memo line

Registration, coffee and refreshments start at 8:00 a.m.

The retreat will start at 9:00 a.m., with lunch at noon. Vespers followed by an address by Archbishop

Joseph will be held at 3:30 PM. Dinner and a wrap-up session will follow Vespers. .

Please Note: Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, the venue has changed (from Camp Saint Nicholas

at Frazier Park) to St. Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral in Los Angeles at 2300 W. Third St., Los Angeles,

90057. Instead of the usual 3-day format, this year’s retreat will be a one-day event on March 31st. It’s not

too late to sign up. To register or arrange for carpooling, please see Beth Krammes or Lucy Hanna.

Page 6 Volume 21 Issue 2

St. Andrew Community News….

Congratulations to Michael and Agape

Silversmith on the birth of their little

girl. Little Callia Silversmith was born

on February 6. She weighed 9 lbs., and

measured 20 inches.

New babies in January and February, 2012. Many Years!

Congratulations to Brian and

Shawna Jackson on the birth of their

baby girl. Little Vera Jackson was

born on January 21. She weighed 8

lb. 9 oz., and measured 20.5 inches.

Congratulations to Terrence and

Angeline Baxter on the birth of their

baby boy. Little Gabriel Baxter was

born or January 23rd. He weighed 9

lb. 5 oz., and measured 22 inches.

Another Octogenarian at St. Andrew!

On January 29, 2012 our dear brother

Benjamin Alcala, known as the “Voice”,

celebrated his 80th birthday. Following

the Divine Liturgy as Father Josiah

came out of the altar waving the heart

with Ben’s picture a recording of Ben

singing “Se im noo” was playing in the

background! Many years Ben!

Left: Fr. Josiah

blessing the boys

on the Feast of the

presentation of our


Below: Story time

with Father during

Friday School.

Soooo precious!

A belated congratulations to Jim and

Dorothy Henderson on their 35th

wedding anniversary. Many years!

Page 7 Volume 21 Issue 2

Please Pray for healing of: Carol Dolenar, health

Andrew Nova, cancer

Naomi & Giovanni, health

Pat Boynton, aunt of Kent Joris, cancer

Kate Simcoe, cancer

James Perry, father of Gina Bernard, cancer

Carmen Ruben, health

Rosemary Ward, sister of Leigh Trenham, health

Xenia Falcon, health

Conley Watson, health

Nina Tormozova, health

Sergei Tormozova, health

Guillermo Mina, father of Sonia Ruben, health

Ken Joris, father of Kent Joris, cancer

Clifford Ashie, health

Maria Economus, cancer

Kathy Reese, sister of Kh. Catherine, cancer

Helen Ashie, mother of Regina Roum, health

Dale Krammes, father of Barry Krammes, health

Ariana Frazier, recovering from surgery

All suffering Christians in Egypt and Syria

Myrrhbearers of St. Andrew

14th Annual

Annunciation Tea

Saturday, March 24, 2012

12:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Guest Speaker: Kh. Christina Reimann

$5.00 per person

Bring a Friend, a Lenten finger food

and a flower for our Lady

Godspeed to our current catechumens who are preparing for illumination on Holy Saturday

*Tony Caltabiano *Zana Devitto *Lisa Mueller

Eric Castleman *Daniel Diaz *Lawrence (Moses) Nash

Paula Castleman *Rebekah Diaz *Crystal Nash

Ashley Castro *AngeloDiaz *Maria Newton

Velvet Castro Steve Hunt *Skip Parrish

Moriah Castro Kemi Ingram *Douglas Shumway

Samaria Castro Anna Ingram

Bethany Castro Abi Ingram

Zion Castro Matthew Ingram

Elias Castro Martha Metroka

Prayer for Catechumens

O Lord our God, Who dwellest on high and regardest the humble of heart; who hast sent forth as the salvation of

the race of men Thine Only-begotten Son and God, our Lord Jesus Christ: Look down upon Thy servants the

catechumens (NN.), who bow their necks before Thee; make them worthy in due season of the laver of

regeneration, the remission of sins, and the robe of incorruption. Unite them to Thy holy, catholic, and apostolic

Church, and number them with Thine elect flock: that with us they may glorify Thine all-honorable and majestic

Name: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

* preparing for illumination on Great Saturday 2012

St. Andrew Orthodox Church

4700 Canyon Crest Drive

Riverside, CA 92507

St. Andrew Orthodox Church of Riverside is a parish of the Self-ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America,

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, the See of the Most Reverend Archbishop JOSEPH