volume xxxii. matawan, n. j. thursday afternoon, april … · volume xxxii. matawan, n. j. thursday...

VOLUME XXXII. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4, '1901. NUMBER 40. TOWNSHIP UU1IITTKE ■EETINU, John Bratlv Appointed lloait Na|w1atin< dent—Howl H d m ; Appurtluitvtf. , JTh* March meeting of llie Township Gommittee wm Laid in tbe Town Hell Saturday evening,, All tha member! were preaent, ' '<■ ■■ After the reading anil approval of the mlnntM.'tbe appointment ol Road Snperlntenl in Diitrlot No. 2 wu made., Hr.Butnbaia declined ta bo * candidate for Ihe poiitiou and John Brady geared the appointment. On motion of Ur. KuhniflTS wu appropriated for!‘each ritai) dialriot. There are life distrioti and tbe appro- priation voted waa $1200,' The Com- mittee, derided it adviaable .to hold 1315 in reierve for aerepingi ate., dur- ing the,winter month* The, following billa were ordered paid: W. Hurnlmni, roads,. ..IL .. : _ _ _ #i 6? Chria, Winter. Iloanl of Ileal tli, ia.oo iW;'.B.tDo1#ii, i" “ i" . j..! l>.oo Thoa. Martin, " " " ... a.67 Ann Foton, .(«••« f«- ... 3,0a Caftan & Devlip, " “ ... 4,11 B, lf, 8: llrown.'advtg, etc.,; J 85.56 X , IV Harris, dlgglim grave, 3.00 W, D, Dailey, Ways & Meam j.jo Cartan&Davlln,.; John Mulliail, roods....................... 19.lit 1. 8. Woolley,, t j 6, « W, II. Cowanl, " .................... u.SS J, P.llcytr, 11 —„ ............ 16.70 J. P. Heytr, Wnya ft Memm, 1.67 Cliaa. Cielillmna, gntvel;.v.— 17.cn l'tSdiwk, Jr,v«mi|illea,.4 1.S7 Tanliyck Conover, Waya&Memii, j.un Chairman O o to n i re|Vorl*d I t i l lh i Cqawltt** had ion* over tb* roadt in tha townablp auil witb two *iMptiont toand them ia good tkipa. Ooiieolor J, Don Conover tamed ovar >to Tm m rer Xuhni aoffeienl fumla to imahl* him to pay, all tba Mill pawil, Tba litu iin kif Bonn lu band, but not auolijib to gnatonad. , .Halaea W. Marpky bud, lIoltnH W, Murphy died Tnwlay light at bia homn at Fitehuld. Ha wa« In Mi «ighty-elg|ilb yaar, H t waa admitted to ilia bar in Mow York In 1818 auil |>raollti(d lu Brooklyn fur tan yaara. lie then relumed lo Fra*, bold. . II* waa Comity Clerk, clerk of tbe Uoaril of Okuaeu Freeholders am) Chief OoinmMnner »f tlio town of Freibold, Ua ,«* Jk* Mo*, month County Mutual Fir* Inaaino* Oiinpauj, a director of lliu Vint Na- tional Ilauk ut'Freehold, PceahUul of tka Maplewood Onnwlery Company, aud a truatuu for moro Ilian tweuty-llvn yeart of tiio Onoati Omvo (letup Mout- lug AMMinlatloH. : Applfgalo IMi<ala Hoitardun, III the live lilril uialuli at I'mlua'I laat Thiirulay J ,1 fi.' Appll'gato 'Initialed Ur, Bogardua of Keypnil, Tlm inalnli wai 'at twoiity-ilv* birda ruf a piiran of tDI), Alter thn tuimty-HMli ,Mrd had beeu aliol at th* anoru waa tied, f*«b baling killed twuuly-oit*, The iu»tnli wai.iloclilod by a lulaa-auit-giit, A|i(iln- glta illlltig lilt ilrtl bird aud liugatdua ulultig. , A qaioh lAilwutt Dr. Ilogardiii and William Warner, at toil lilrils (or fill a aide, wai iloolilml III tlm furmor'a favnr, bo killing uliio tu Woritor’a auveu. In anolhor inatell at llftevn lilrda, Ahrani Morria waa dcloatud t>y Wurnor, the latl«( klllltig eleven, .1 * >• .... 'in - >»,! l*Bg<t, J»oob K, A|*plop«to of M«Uw«n Iim trrsbged lu «huol two «t llvu l)lnl* wilb Goorgo of Truuiou for * puiMT)/$300 Iu utob mstoh. Tha Ural uUliili'wll) l»u »liol at Yarrtvllls ud April 18, autt Mio focond otio at Matawau ou April 2ft. Tlio donditjouH ot tbo matoh htu: Kaob mau to Mmol at lliirty ^»nl« at fifty birds. i ^ ^ '' ' — Vnrdloi Agalmt Capt. (Irigga, Boveral yeart ago oomiilnlnt waa mada agalnat Oapt. IloDjnmlu Qriggft,' wbo la Gullootor uf Midillotown Town- alllp, Uial ho traa abort lu lila aoconnta to tii*;ampnut of $17,000 auil m il waa brou|ht agalnai blni'iind lila li.intlaiiioti. 'rbe^oaae waa referred lo lrrauk P. MoDarmhtt aud a groat mn»n ot teati- mooy wat laken. Mr. MoDormoithaa Juat-renilercil hli dtoiilon, it being agalMt Oapt. Orlggt far 17,(110.01, whlah itioltiilna the balaueoa duo for tho yoattMSM, 1SIIS antMHIW, nllh iu- toroitIo date. > . AVe It Iho fliilillora’ lioinn. .nuil Mra, Smunul Hill, formor rtlliliibli ill Matnwini, hnvo hoiio to Ilm liome.at.Viiiuliiml (uraolillcraanil tlmlr wivoa, Atr.ililU wriliia tlmt it la a very niQU |>laQn nud tiiat tlioy um lioth very oliuifurlulilo. Ifs, -■ * * * ...... / i Thil Thrtblilng Htitdaoht rWoiil.1 ‘linlokly Ii'hvo yim, If you uaeil Dr. Klnn'1 Nuw Life l’llla. Thpuiamla of mtlTiirurn linvii pruveil tholfimttlnlilOBN mtrlt Tnr alok nud mir- vous hoiulitobca, M'liuj- innliti purn lilDOil anil Vittllil tip jour liimlth, Only ilB'ieUlt. Mniioy Imuk If notniirml. Uold hy Friuik If, HlMnr, tlrnggitt, I'’"' ; Mari MrBata'i ; , FlrfM nni marl, miiml tomi.v Mnrl- ijdrb. marl,, eolil liy tlic lond or |ilt. Ejoollout.fortlllKur fur tlio litt*u or gnrdon. ITartncr* tiippiioil, Murlplt on llio Oliarlci II. Bolmuak farm. A|i- lily In Cloorgo Llusumytir, Jr, ' Seellig of l’realijtery. Tbe Preebytery of Uonmonth will neat In tha Preabyterlau Ohnrob on Tnetday, April 9th, at 10:30 a. m.,and will probably be in aeuion during two daya. Tbe meeting! will ba open to all who may wlab to attend. On TneailaT evening, the Rev, Wm, P. Finney of llooreatpwn will give hia "Trip thro’ Palestine,” and it will be IllnitraUd wilb a floe lantern and beanlilol viewa by tba Rev. 8, D. Price of Sbrewabury, A ailver offer- ing will be taken for the purpoae of itariing a fund for filing up tbe old cemetery at Mt, Floaaaut. The body of the Ber. Oeorge S. Woodbqll, a lormar paalor of tbe Matawan Preaby- terian Ohnreb; and tbe bodiea of other one* well*known elUuna of onr ooai- mnnily lie Ibere. The negleeted con- dition of thla old grave-yard abould allr up every oitiien of Matawan to help ia the effort for ita improvement. A moat inUieitlug and piofltabla leoture nay ba oonfldently eapaoted. la a Trtlley ArcMeat. ; While retutulog In a apeeial ttolley tar from 1’rlnoetoa lo Trenton on Wadnaadaj night ol laat wetk Hoi, H, 8. Lillie waa atvaraly binlanl and badly ahaktn ap. Tba oar waa going al a high rat* of t|*«il wlian II jampeil Ibt Iratk, The puatngan, of whom there were about a doier, ware throaa from their K ill tail received aura ur laaa lulnrlta, Mr. Llttla aaa thiawa vlolinlly aaroaa a aaaI, rtrlklag hia ilha. At tiat it waa thoaght anaa •ar* fractured, bal II taraad oat Mat thaj wara brvltad, Ka baa anffand aoatwkat fron Iba palu anil Imi Ih w banilagad uy. lalag ftr Aatvial at Loit Cbaeh Havaral weaka ago Aaron Van Pall of thla plana luat a «baok payahli lo hla ordar for |IH, Upon' Inquiry al Ibt oBne «f tha Aiaiilaul Troaiiirtr ol lha Vulled Hlatua at New Vurk, It •M found Ibat tbe cheek bad bteu tallied aad bort tba uamt ul tarun Tai l’alt and H. Hallgaian, a Keyporl buiinaaa mao. Htllgiutn itataa lliat ka eaabtd Ihe obeek fnr a man who ripraaauled liiuiell to h« tha piy«« of Ih* ohMk. Vau Poll bit brought mil againal Hillgniiu lo itiooviir thi aaiuunl of Iba olinoh auil tha trial baa 1mm atilat'A|iiU'*i~ 'Ilia nadarakMtd that Ilia avidtine lalroduetil at tha trial will reveal Ilia man who found the nhtnk and wliti, under falea pre. ImiHi, aeourwl tlm mall, Tknmii Walllng'a Wklikrr’a, TlmtnaaH. Walllug of llelfnnl wai Imrning off a Irani ul land lail week whim lila whiakvrt got allrtt, and otic aide ol lila whiakora waa Iniruml |iirlly ofT, A fuw dayi later Mr,. IVallllig had Mitnu plamerlug tu do In Ihn home and lie nendvd atinm lialr to mil with tba murlar. lie tboughl of hia oua<eiiled heard and liy trimming up hi* whlalieri li^ gut all: Ilia hair kiu uundiid, Mr, Wafiing'a wiiiakura woro vfry luug anil Bflllinr the I,Mr tlmt wai linrnod awigi or out uir ii iniMud viiry nitioh. Pnrli gtoun waa fuuuil In a wull uu the larm ol llriou I Inn. al Colla Ni'i'k ri'ooutly, The well waa olio uaeil by. Ttiunian Hawyur, thn furuiuau of thu farm, auit Hit1 |)ol>ou wai tllaiiuvored by h)m aitvr Im liiul drawn a buokct of walur. 'I'lm proKiiioo of lliu Uuiauu iu tbe wi'll oannot bo. aogouutoil fnr by Mr. Sawyer, aa, lio ( W not kuotr of any ouetulef whii woiild ilu inch a daatardly aot. ' iilrl lilt hy a flurie. Mlia Ni'llio Hli rj, vim |l»c» nt Mra, A, A. Hatiliorn'a at Ijlnorolt, wiinl lo tho liarn on Frlduy to gulhor egga. Hho wont Uear the huriu and Itaimnped at her, the liiirati'n njipur Ifiath niiititi'g one oboek aud tlui niillor iuolh limiting the uthcr olicok. Tlio aoruanih of thn gill aoaioil the hoiio n(T auil ,lho girl waa funndob tho liiarii floor with liiir ahoek hlMiling, Uor lujurici arc not aorloni, ' Oaagkl a Drtalful Ctld. Marion Kuoko, managor for T. M. Thonipton, a large importer of Hue ■nillluiiry al 1068 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, aayt: - “ Diirlng Iho lain, aevero wimtber I oangllt a drMilfiil cold wbieb kept no avrako at uight and niailu mo uufll to attuml my work dur- ing thn day, Out of my lUlllinitra waa taking Olianiherlalu’a Cough ltemiiily for n auvere eulil at that time, wlilull aeiinied to rnllovc her no i|iiinklv that I lioiight aoian fnr tuyaulf. It aotoil llki) uieplu anil I liegnii to tin-, pruvu at ouoo. I aid uuW ontliely well aud fuel vuty |iliwaed to unkniiwlailgo Iti morlte, l1 ’or illn hy A, Uull, Sprinkling S lirli Saturiiay. T will ilart my aprinkling wagon Haturilny iiiuniliiK. Au.v mill wllu liona uot ilnairo lliu atruul aiitlultluil lu fruut of llmlr |iromlni>a will pluumi nutlfy. mo, otlmrwiHu I;1*111call iivnry Hntnr- tlay, beginning A|irll III, lor tlio tiatinl foe. / Oiiomm I j IKhhayiiii, .Tit, . 1 Totigtt Paint. , , , Tlio luiightil unlnl now knotm’ In. l)o*oii li)»ilipuil mim. . ,S5lu* nud grind- lug iuiko lt>ao» IV, JJ,.Ilalley nolle II,1 Suhtorlbo for tbt JouiiNiti, PEHHON1L MENTION. Ihort Pamarapba of tin Wfcmtb««U ol ' *om» or«arrM al«—Vlall*raln Wowa. Hod. II. S. Little apent aevoral daya here the paat weak. Mlia Terhune bu returned from a trip to Allaolio City. Van Allen Clark ol Brooklyn ii viilt- ing the Miieet Htilwell. Mra. B, Tlea haa retnrned from a viiit to relillvea ia Brooklyn. Mr. and Mn, Alei. Oaatou have re- tqrued from tbair Florida hip. ' Mra. Ruih W, Kimball of Norvioh, Oonu., ii viilllug Mlaa Blater on Jaok- aou Street, ' Ilbn, aud Mra, ft, 8. Terhnne bava returned from their trip to the Iilaud of Jamaica, , Him Ilda Yoorbtet, who atieuda lohotii at Detbltbeiu, rtnu., ia at home for the Beater vacation. Mra. tleorga Morria aod Mra, Frank Morria of Urmklya waragafata ytaler- day nf Mra. W. O. Dadla. Mri. A. ll. Hendirion of Brooklyn vleited hav parenli, Mr. and Mra. O, A.' Oerau, tba latter part of lu t week, Hop, A. B, IJaytOQ nf Oily Wai In town l^iotday aftarnbpn the guMt of hit brothir, lfeQl, W, IJiytut), Mr, aud Mra, f, f< Bohnok of Hpnug Lake were Ibt gueati ol Iba foriifei'a pareuta, Mr, aud Mra. V. Hobuok, Jr., oa Sunday, : ]|ob*rlH. Youug, a Priaoalnn Uul- verally tludtul, laapendlng tb* Kutar hulUayi at kua* wilb hia parentt, Dr, aid Mra. Young, : Mn. i , P. Thom peon aad Mlat Weoll*» have riemaed thalr rtaldeaat hair, aflar tpaixlliig Ika winter aoalkt la Naw York Olty. Uabi. W.'Dtyloa ratnrnml honalail Hatnnlay hum Wtl^r'a Park,11'aan, lie gained aavaral pnnudi in walgbl and looki Mhek Inprovtd lu heallh, Mrt. O, W, Kotoady of Biitlailgf, 1'enu,, It Iha (Hill ol Mr, and Mn, H, A. Hmllli, Mr. Kaantdy aiirnt laal Huuilay here and will alau Ita here over Kuter, A l!taN»l*« Kgg r.alM, Oharltt Morrill of Holmiltl and John Heobay aa>h pill > lift Inapiml aa a priiefoflka «M fkf W«M h I. tUamiM<*aa. Tha taat « « i offnu Friday al Murrltvllll and Murrell won the Wll. 'lla ale thirty,eight tgga, til more than Heolwy, Murrell aaya lit full flrat rate altar hla aauetial faaat, ami Im olaima to ht III* nhampinli egg ailer nf Monniiiuth County, lin Ii antioua lo atl eggi again wllh winia one, and ha heliavea he uen lieal hie furuer renuid. Thrca Mth Taka 0«Ma Italk, On Houday law yer, MoMauaniiii aud Oeorgo Weleli of l ’hllailelphla ami Juba Ouruiley ol Allaiitlu City took a •alt watui bulb lu thu unuau ai tlio lalltr plane. i ,The. ptunga waa taken on a wagar, 111* oue not tekiug tlio liath lu pay for tho putartaluiuimt ol th* olliora, They all won ami iiaeh one paid for hia own, dinnnr, Tho liatli wai lakiiu at li o'oloiilt lu the iiiorulug, , Bnrglari I'apliired. , Nearly tlirea weeka ago tlio real- dunoe of I ’oatuianlur Ogdeu wna cntumil hy bnrglara auil n uutnlior vf valuulilea taken, . Thu thlevea i eeoapelli Ijait week Huiijamlu llakor aud Joaaph Flaeher wero arroateil in ilnreey City auil I liny ooufuaeed to a dmeo or roore luiraUrivai auiuug them Mr, Ogdeu'a ru>~i.liuun,, The, thluvei pawned Ihe atoiou gooda-i|i New .York and Mr,' Ogdeu haa rooovorod evorythiug iakun but a half down ailver apuuna. New Hpriug liako llrlilgc. The obiilriot for hiillditlg thu lirldgo and lluma nt Hpriug Inke wai aWafdod laat Thilrnilay to Bnnjanilii A, Van llriiut by tlm boinmltiue of Iho Hoard ol Olumin I'reohiiliHra, . Tluiro. wore hut two blda rooulviul, l)|,(i'i ,V Wunttmiiili, JUI.OIII, and B, A, Via Urunt, flUJIIIII. Tho work will I jo oomiiinimoit at ouoo and hurtled tu ouiuplutlou. ; , The Beit Blood Puriflar. Thu blond la ouuilatilly lining purl- Ilcil liy ihe lunga, llvor anil kiduoya, Kunp tlioao organa iu a lioaliliy oim- ilitiun ami tlio liowula rtigulitr anil yuu will Imvo uu iiaod iif a bluml imrlllur, Cor thla putpmo lliero la nothing iiiiiial to (lliatnliurliin'a Hloiuaoli and Iilvur 'I'ahliiti, uuu i|twii uf them will do you moro guild tliau a dullnr liulllii of tlio buat lilooil |Mirlllur, l'rioo Ull flnnt*. Hnniplet freo at Al llull'i drug atoro, ,. , , , .Him lo Rial, . Ou Lowor Miiln Htriiet, ouliviiulent io elution) IU ratiuia, wntor In Ihehuiiio, I’oiimlon April 1, Apply to Oeorgo Iiluuiinytr, J fi . , ' . Htmt-aHii Ltt adjoining tho M. UvChiirali at MorgaA- It for rotiti . TUure nro about IWo ntirca lu the lut. Apply to A, li1 .' Nlvliou i)r Mlwoml Van Poll, Morgauville, 1 '*■ j ------- MUrrfrr-. I . llnrnio on JJrund Hlri/til fur tout, Ap- ply io 0, A, Quran, Bpeelal Ueaacralle Cttnvealtea. Ei-JudgeJ, Clarenoe Conover, ohair- man ol tbe Senouratio County. Con- nltiee, at tbe dirtolion of. tbat body, liai ieaued uotiee of a apeoikl Demo- cralic County Convention to be bald at the Freehold Opera Home, Wednet- day, May 1, at 11 a, a, The contention la called for tbe pur-, pole of promoting the intereate and welfare of Ibe Democratic party in Ibe county of Monmouth by the adoption, at iuoh convention,,of ,a constitution for the government of the party and ita more perfect organization. In aocordanoe with tho call tbe Dem- ocratic votera of the leveral townahipa in tbe oounty are reqnoated to lactt at the ninal primary plaoea on Saturday, April 37, at 3 o'oloek p, m., for the pnrpoie of electing oonventlon del<<- gatea. Pkjalelaa riaed $IU. The Blate Board of Health recently reoelved a reporlfrom Iho Aahury Park Board nl IlculUa alleging Ithat lJr. I'. M,.Beach uf We.t Long Brauoh had reported a caau o[ iufiwtiona dlaeawi aa being In tha townablp of Noptono, wlitu it ibould hare beeu reptirteil iu Ocean Towuihlp, aud acoordiugly llueil biui.ltl), ThaMae In ijneitlou, It upruri, wu Ibat of willlan Oovert, a luilk dealer, who baa b*tn III with typhoid fever, Ife llvin aouth of ffajalde at a poiut whera Iba buandary iinea ul Oeean and N ipiart townikl|n cnavargr, aad at b* eondaata hla baaltwaa ia MepliiaeTowu- tbip, Dr, Ueaoh w u of tho opiniou that Iha man wae a vtaldaal of lhal mnuleiptlily. Tba dilator eoaipliad. u elalued, with all tba rnlae ia tba •aa* of InfMtiona dluaeu by bating Iba wall oluaad aed Iha nana and wag. out wbioh 0#Mrl nttd la hit bmlatat moved lu anolktv hmiaa. laiwaMarltt al Rt4 Hiak, Two Aret uoournd Iii Httl Ilauk lut Thumliy ulgltl anil liulh art iu|ipoaid to hkva tieau alirltd by Hr* bngi, Tha Tlit Aril uu* wai dlicovtreil abuul *li'*«u o'oluok ia a mmd alild liaok of lilt Prtihytirlan pareunaga un Wallace Blrtat and wai eitluguiulied liofuta lunch damage waa donf, The iiiciind Ar* wat alarltd balwetn Iwulva and uni o'clock in Dr, J, C, Ilmh'a barn, whleh waa dutruyed, l'|wr* wat niilli. lug' In Iho barn aiaapl about a tiiu of Mil hay, a few liliukoli allil a lilcyulit, The dontor'i Itiaa la aliiuit |Ht)D with an luaiiranne uf 11 fill, It wat a bad night for a lit* aud bnt fot tlm pnmipl- ueat and affldtntiy lif Ilm liiwu'a flrn dr- uarluiaiit niiioh grtialer damage wtluld have remllad, Thera It no dlun I a Ihe lira Imga, lint It la gunorally aupptiiid lhal liny wart Iranipt. . 1 HIM il lauai Htaptlal. Mra, M iry A, Hualiar uf Oiwah drove, wliu hail fur fuur yuan «r luora lienu an linnet* uf Ilia Hlaiu llmiiltil for thu iiKitiu at Trenton, dleil tail frl- ilay. Jiial ptior iu ber oiiniiultfueul tn thq hoipltal lliu aud her liuiliaud agrnml lu die logelbtr. Ilo waa lu •limit her lint and then htmaelf, hut tt Ihe lut niiiinaul Im turned thu plitul at itli uWu teiuplu and ktllud lilmmlt, Tha iioiipla »<iru well along iu yoara aud thu dread of gullig to thu puur kotiie ipilrrud tho biialiaiid and wifu lo egmi lu dio tugetlmr, Mra, Hoabar gradually, loai lief roaaun ai a ruault of till) iiaaoily aud waa oouitultliiiVto thu hoipltal at Trontou, Thuru ia a uiyatery blnleil In iho Mil Hue nl tb« pair, from tbu faol that among Beabir'i prlvhto pupera halt uoutautly a|ioken of ai Kdwatd llaw- klnt. lie wm at ona time a buyer tot A. T. Btuwart of Naw York, aud ou hia profouloilal card ho Waa called llaw- ■lut. Letter heaila uf otlior veuturua ha wat In rufer tu him aa llawkinl. Ia a grant uf 1,(1110 aerea uf Ikml iu Min- aourl, made him by Prnaldunt lliiolian- ail, Bolliar waa apukcn of aa Ilawklnii Spreidi Lika WildHrt, Wliou thloga are "tlio lieaf'tliny lie- oiiinu "thu belt lolling," Aliiaham ilnro, a liiadiug ilrugglal, of Ilullvlllo, 0,, write*; "lileoirlu lilllera aro lliu beat aulllllg lilttera 1 have handled 111 twenty youra. You kuuw why t Muil diauaaua bugln iu dlhurdura of atuinauh. llvor, kill ll I1/, IiiiwuIh, IiIim iiI nuil uurvea. iileulilu llllliira luiiea up lliu •tuiiintih, rngiiliiii'H llvni, kiilnoy nnil lip wull, pllrilltia tlm lilinul, Htrniigltiuiiii tlm imrvei, hilliuo uurin inti It Ituilon ol iiinliiillui, 11 Inilltli ul' tlm uiitirn ayHluni, 1’uti unw life nnd,vigor Inlo any alokly, riiii'duwn limn or wiiiiiun. l'rleu nil nonlh, Hold by l'rauk II, Mlniori ilnigglil. Worth (lolnt to Hid lin k For. A dilation llko thla iliius nol oiionr evory diyi A aputilal puroliadii, n nnm- plu lot nf lullin' and nilntia' tnllor uiailu miiln, tliln loiauil'i imwual ntjlnn,’ uu two alike, ami nut a mlt worth luaa Ihau 81It, »uuio aa high '•• $111. Vniir oiiolno lioforo ISaitcr tllMIH aud your car l»ro paid al thu dryi gumll itum «l jgiuph aail) Ilod llanki'N, J, ■ , ! . ■ I.—— f-i—t—1-»,■ 1 : . Hone,for,Bile, 1 , Ooml roiiler, iloublo or iliiglr, go*it fiinu lioriu, >1’rldo niuitoritto, Further (ulornlalluu nt.tlili oCloli,, . But tluw fariui fur iilo.ou iln li pngo, THE BOROVUH COIIMC1L. Water Coiumlttee 0«tUn| Eiltiuate ot [a. etaltlng Water Sratem, . The Borough Council beld ita regular meeting in the Town Hall Friday even- ing. Preaent Mayor Van Wickle anil Counoilmen Arrowamith, Cloae, Devlin, and Wardell. . Treaearar Fountain reported a bal>. anna in treunry of 11,681,57. Tk* following billa were ordered paid: , Joaeph McDermott, County C leric,3.J5 Henry Arrowamitli, uae of choirs,. 6.ow I. W. Stliith, agent, poor orders.... 2L1.UO It. C. Mackey, ecrviees nt election, , rfrs _______________________ 3,75 l’atrlck llasm , Constable, ....... 1,30 Charles Cehlhaiu, rent of hall, 5,00 tbe Btrett Committee, through Chalraia cioft, rtporled that the comnitlM had atfi.and orgauiieil and had rtotivtd coniilaint of the condi- tiou ol tb* kill ota Ibt Old Bridge Road al Johu Btewarl't, I l wat dtclded to confer wltb Ihk Tuwnthlp Oommiltoe, ti Ibt hill It aoalrolltd folully by Iho Iwruugb atti) loWatblp. Thit bad beeu dune and the work It nadir way. , The ruad by the In* bouw wm fV- iwrled ta biiug in tba Bcnl ol tiu- uioillate attautlou aad lha Slreit Com- niille* wa* •ulbiitlaad 16 have Ihewurk ilono. ' , ' ‘ 1 , Tli* Fir* and Water. Oiinniill** re- ported Ibat lh*y had M aud d#ol|l#d J lo iicurt a cumpittat loglBMr la otak* . an accural* Militate u to «o|t uf In- ■lallitlnn of witer lyiltUi *U thll the, coiiMisti ounld ba gotten raady Ivr tigulng, , ' Mr, Cl«*a atateil thaat Mt, Braley would be here neit week anil wuull) ' give an eetiaiat* without delay, Oulltolor J, DnnConoitr pitatalad, • itataiaent ihotlug Ibal tbe bdrcugb owed |l,lllll,nil lo lueTnwuihl|i ou tu* uhoiil loounai On taollon, a payategl til MIM) waaordtrud tnaila onIhoahovu aad tha mailer wu referred to ibt Fih‘. auei) Committee lur Inveitlgallnu, ' MK Hhapbiril waa added Ia lb* Fit* ' •ad Water Untnmlllea by Iba Mayor. Ilond of H. •), MaokcywOoniiablh w u reaitlvad end ordered A lid, It wak' for IMtl. Mlila lltiril nf Arhllratlea, . Tlm uewly i|>|mluluil Hlite Iloari) o( Arlillratiuu milt at the Htat* Ifuyia uu „ Turnlay nf thla week and urganlioi)' aa followii . I'lrslilent—Hniiiiii’l lleiry, Mlllvillf, Hi'erclniy tnioigo llcrdliiu, Now IlniiKWIrk, Jamb Vim II1K 1 V (rrnii|mluli'il) l,uill, llrrgeil Co.i Wllllnlll II, Crtwley, Holllrr*' vlllf I W, W. Hliupsdii, I,iing llimieli, ' Tlio nltlnori weri telatlgil hy iinilil- Iniilia Villa, Tlio aaorutaryahlp earrlia with il an addllhiii nf 1111)11 imr yilat1 In Ihn ihMnllnr'a aalnry of |l,li60, T'llii turm la fur thrna y*»ra, Tho organi- sation aud aildroMoa of luimiliera am glviiil tn faollltatit onnmimilnatlnn on thn liart'uf 'empluyara and laliur or. gaufratlonl ltt caaoa wltitra thn antlim1 uf Ilm Hiatt Iloanl may bit ilimM, 1 Plitur Rtunli Inatilia. Annoyeil lijgimlp hy hit aungrcgv. tlou Itov, .1, Cl. Iii nt of Old ilrliTgu. Ilapiiat Churob, rciignod auTeral. weuka ago, , Huuday nlglit lu hla furli-, well aormuti ho gave 101110 uf hia tcitv, aona, lie tuld of tho Inaiilta and per-., Huoitliuun Mt. Paul cndtirud al tfphcitia and iVlarod that evory minister anf-, fora hi did Bl, Paul. In ouimlualun ho,, aald', " I wlali tit curieet au linpreialtm that haa glint ahruail, lu Jliitlao io my- •elf and wifoi That ia, that my Wlfn ia thu oauau nf my leaving you., I think you know i havo a mind of my. own, I alauil ipoiitur for auy thi ugi do. Whiiu my luocuiaur cumea let III 111 (Imlout aliuut Ihiuga fnr hlinaulf, Lot lliero lie nn liaek,lilting nud nu tit- tilng." 1' During Ihn paat year Mrs, Bird hna uoclvod a nnmlicr ol unoiijmatia. lot- tun which liavu oatiaod her intiili till- tr«i*. , " V.v'. ‘; I l l ' ll. I —1^1 » ..aa.t.wiwa"1- A Cttnsiahlii Arreili Ilia Mim'.' Tiosler Whiiu nud Lesier '111ton of Ailnity Park hlruila rig from Uoituii1 ! . ilvury ati.hlo Inal wmik fur a drive tu Lung llrauiih. Ou iltu way hoiua tlioy rau thu hiirau 1111111 It w*a iinarly ei- haiiatml. Until men worn limited hy , Ounatablu Wlillr, lather of Imatur While, hut worn ruliiiiaeil uu piiyiutiiit of thu iliituagiia, Ijntuiialiii L’tialiga lit (Julut, Tlm puilinaetiir gutmrul Ima manoil an iiidnr providing that tut alul aflar April 1 tlio lliilloil Hiatus diiiutiailii mtu of pualnue olid olanallliwlliiu m I ihII *|i- ply In nil moll llinttiir passing hutwuiiii tliu l/nlli'il Htnlna nml IJ iiIjii, ' liiMiin from OlHnrello Niiioklng, Krunk Ivlin, h Hod Hank vuiiug iiiiiu , wan inhun In tlm Triiiituii Itiiattu Aiyluin Inst Hnlurdny, lin liiul lioun aultiirlilg from ninlaiioliullii fur,niivtiml^- months pint, ItIiiii I i said tu havo liti'itt an liivetorntii ulgirutlu smoker ami thla, It la liellaruil, rutuHuil lu tlio doriiiiguiiiiiiit uf liii nilttti. 1 I,,,., Why Zlno and Orlniilng 7 KliioomiililMilwltliloflil am) nil (ortim tlm lolighMt twilit now kiniwu, hut tlity 1 notitl lu lio Hue tu numtilue. l.'ov«e Unii- < and ulna l» ground In lltmrnl nil,, Wi U, Jhilloy auilM It,

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V O L U M E X X X II. M A T A W A N , N. J. T H U R S D A Y A F T E R N O O N , A P R IL 4, '1901. NUMBER 40.


John Bratlv Appointed lloait Na|w1atin< dent—Howl Hdm; Appurtluitvtf.

, JTh* March meeting of llie Township Gommittee wm Laid in tbe Town Hell Saturday evening,, All tha member! were preaent, ' ■'<■ ■ ■■ •

After the reading anil approval of the mlnntM.'tbe appointment ol Road Snperlntenl in Diitrlot No. 2 w u made., H r.Bu tnba ia declined ta bo * candidate for Ihe poiitiou and John Brady geared the appointment.

On motion of U r. K u h n iflT S w u appropriated for!‘each ritai) dialriot. There are life distrioti and tbe appro­priation voted waa $1200,' The Com­mittee, derided it adviaable .to hold 1315 in reierve for aerepingi ate., dur­ing the,winter month*

The, following billa were ordered paid:W. Hurnlmni, roads,. . . IL . . : _ _ _ #i 6 ?Chria, Winter. Iloanl of Ileal tli, ia.ooiW;'.B.tDo1#ii, i " “ i " . j . . ! l>.ooThoa. Martin, " " " . . . a.67Ann Foton, . (« • • « f « - . . . 3,0aCaftan & Devlip, " “ . . . 4,11B, l f, 8: llrown.'advtg, etc.,; J 85.56X , IV Harris, dlgglim grave, 3.00W, D, Dailey, Ways & Meam j.joCartan&Davlln,.;John Mulliail, roods....................... 19. lit1. 8. Woolley,, t j 6, «W, II. Cowanl, " .................... u.SSJ , P .llcytr, 11 — „ ............ 16.70J . P. Heytr, W nya f t Memm, 1.67Cliaa. Cielillmna, gntvel;.v.— 17.cnl'tSd iw k , Jr ,v«mi|illea,.4 1.S7Tanliyck Conover, Waya&Memii, j.un

Chairman O o to n i re|Vorl*d I t i l lh i Cqaw ltt** had ion* over tb* roadt in tha townablp auil witb two *iMptiont toand them ia good tkipa. *« ■

Ooiieolor J , Don Conover tamed ovar >to T m m re r Xuhni aoffeienl fumla to imahl* him to p ay , all tba M ill paw il, Tba l i t u i i n k i f B o n n lu band, but not auolijib to gnatonad.

, .Halaea W. Marpky bud,lIoltnH W , Murphy died Tnw lay

ligh t at bia homn at Fitehuld. Ha wa« In M i «ighty-elg|ilb yaar, H t waa admitted to i l ia bar in Mow York In 1818 auil |>raollti(d lu Brooklyn fur tan yaara. lie then relumed lo Fra*, bold. .

I I* waa Comity Clerk, clerk of tbe Uoaril of Okuaeu Freeholders am) Chief OoinmMnner »f tlio town of Freibold,U a ,«* Jk * Mo*,month County Mutual F ir* Inaa in o* Oiinpauj, a director of lliu V in t Na­tional Ilauk ut'Freehold, PceahUul of tka Maplewood Onnwlery Company, aud a truatuu for moro Ilian tweuty-llvn yeart of tiio Onoati Omvo (letup Mout- lug AMMinlatloH.

: Applfgalo IMi<ala Hoitardun,III the live lilril uialuli at I'mlua'I

laat Thiirulay J ,1 fi.' Appll'gato 'Initialed Ur, Bogardua of Keypnil, Tlm inalnli wai 'at twoiity-ilv* birda ruf a piiran of tDI), Alter thn tuimty-HMli ,Mrd had beeu aliol at th* anoru waa tied, f*«b baling killed twuuly-oit*, The iu»tnli wai.iloclilod by a lulaa-auit-giit, A|i(iln- glta illlltig lilt ilrtl bird aud liugatdua ulultig. ,

A qaioh lAilwutt Dr. Ilogardiii and William Warner, at toil lilrils (or fill a aide, wai iloolilml III tlm furmor'a favnr, bo killing uliio tu Woritor’a auveu. In anolhor inatell at llftevn lilrda, Ahrani Morria waa dcloatud t>y Wurnor, the latl«( klllltig eleven,

.1 * >• .... ' i n- >»,! l*Bg<t,

J»oob K, A|*plop«to of M«Uw«n Iim trrsbged lu «huol two «t llvul)lnl* wilb Goorgo of Truuiou for * puiMT)/$300 Iu utob mstoh. Tha Ural uUliili'wll) l»u »liol at Yarrtvllls ud April 18, autt Mio focond otio at Matawau ou April 2ft. Tlio donditjouH ot tbo matoh htu: Kaob mau to Mmol at lliirty »nl« at fifty birds.

i ^ ^ '' ' —Vnrdloi Agalmt Capt. (Irigga,

Boveral yeart ago oomiilnlnt waa mada agalnat Oapt. IloDjnmlu Qriggft,' wbo la Gullootor uf Midillotown Town- alllp, Uial ho traa abort lu lila aoconnta to tii*;ampnut of $17,000 auil mil waa brou|ht agalnai blni'iind lila li.intlaiiioti. 'rbe^oaae waa referred lo lrrauk P. MoDarmhtt aud a groat mn»n ot teati- mooy wat laken. Mr. MoDormoithaa Juat-renilercil hli dtoiilon, it being agalMt Oapt. Orlggt far 17,(110.01, whlah itioltiilna the balaueoa duo for tho yoattMSM, 1SIIS antMHIW, nllh iu- toroitIo date. >

— .AVe It Iho fliilillora’ lioinn..nuil Mra, Smunul Hill, formor

rtlliliibli ill Matnwini, hnvo hoiio to Ilm liome.at.Viiiuliiml (uraolillcraanil tlmlr wivoa, Atr.ililU wriliia tlmt it la a very niQU |>laQn nud tiiat tlioy um lioth very oliuifurlulilo.

Ifs, - ■ * * * ....../ i Thil Thrtblilng Htitdaoht

rWoiil.1 ‘linlokly Ii'hvo yim, If you uaeil Dr. Klnn'1 Nuw Life l’llla. Thpuiamla of mtlTiirurn linvii pruveil tholfimttlnlilOBN mtrlt Tnr alok nud mir- vous hoiulitobca, M'liuj- innliti purn lilDOil anil Vittllil tip jour liimlth, Only ilB'ieUlt. Mniioy Imuk If notniirml. Uold hy Friuik If, HlMnr, tlrnggitt,

I ' ’ " ' ; Mari MrBata'i ;, FlrfMnni marl, miiml tomi.v Mnrl-

ijdrb. marl,, eolil liy tlic lond or |ilt. Ejoollout.fortlllKur fur tlio litt*u or gnrdon. ITartncr* tiippiioil, Murlplt on llio Oliarlci II. Bolmuak farm. A|i- lily In Cloorgo Llusumytir, Jr , '

Seellig of l ’realijtery.Tbe Preebytery of Uonmonth will

neat In tha Preabyterlau Ohnrob on Tnetday, April 9th, at 10:30 a. m.,and will probably be in aeuion during two daya. Tbe meeting! will ba open to all who may wlab to attend.

On TneailaT evening, the Rev, Wm, P. Finney of llooreatpwn will give hia "Trip thro’ Palestine,” and it will be IllnitraUd wilb a floe lantern and beanlilol viewa by tba Rev. 8, D. Price of Sbrewabury, A ailver offer­ing will be taken for the purpoae of itariing a fund for filing up tbe old cemetery at Mt, Floaaaut. The body of the Ber. Oeorge S. Woodbqll, a lormar paalor of tbe Matawan Preaby- terian Ohnreb; and tbe bodiea of other one* well*known elUuna of onr ooai- mnnily lie Ibere. The negleeted con­dition of thla old grave-yard abould allr up every oitiien of Matawan to help ia the effort for ita improvement.

A moat inUieitlug and piofltabla leoture nay ba oonfldently eapaoted.

■ la a Trtlley ArcMeat.; While retutulog In a apeeial ttolley tar from 1’rlnoetoa lo Trenton on Wadnaadaj night ol laat wetk Hoi, H, 8. Lillie waa atvaraly binlanl and badly ahaktn ap. Tba oar waa going al a high rat* of t|*«il wlian II jampeil Ibt Iratk, The puatngan, of whom there were about a doier, ware throaa from their K i l l tail received aura ur laaa lulnrlta, Mr. Llttla aaa thiawa vlolinlly aaroaa a aaa I, rtrlklag hia ilha. At tiat it waa thoaght anaa •ar* fractured, bal I I taraad oat Mat thaj wara brvltad, Ka baa anffand aoatwkat fron Iba palu anil Imi Ih w banilagad uy.

lalag ftr Aatvial at Loit CbaehHavaral weaka ago Aaron Van Pall

of thla plana luat a «baok payahli lo hla ordar for |IH, Upon' Inquiry al Ibt oBne «f tha Aiaiilaul Troaiiirtr ol lha Vulled Hlatua at New Vurk, It •M found Ibat tbe cheek bad bteu tallied aad bort tba uamt ul tarun Tai l ’alt and H. Hallgaian, a Keyporl buiinaaa mao. Htllgiutn itataa lliat ka eaabtd Ihe obeek fnr a man who ripraaauled liiuiell to h« tha piy«« of Ih* ohMk. Vau Poll b it brought mil againal Hillgniiu lo itiooviir thi aaiuunl of Iba olinoh auil tha trial baa 1mm atilat'A|iiU'*i~ 'I l ia nadarakMtd that Ilia avidtine lalroduetil at tha trial will reveal Ilia man who found the nhtnk and wliti, under falea pre. ImiHi, aeourwl tlm mall,

Tknmii Walllng'a Wklikrr’a,TlmtnaaH. Walllug of llelfnnl wai

Imrning off a Irani ul land lail week whim lila whiakvrt got allrtt, and otic aide ol lila whiakora waa Iniruml |iirlly ofT, A fuw dayi later Mr,. IVallllig had Mitnu plamerlug tu do In Ihn home and lie nendvd atinm lialr to mil with tba murlar. lie tboughl of hia oua<eiiled heard and liy trimming up hi* whlalieri li gut all: Ilia hair kiu uundiid, Mr, Wafiing'a wiiiakura woro vfry luug anil Bflllinr the I,Mr tlmt wai linrnod awigi or out uir ii iniMud viiry nitioh.

Pnrli gtoun waa fuuuil In a wull uu the larm ol llriou I Inn. al Colla Ni'i'k ri'ooutly, The well waa olio uaeil by. Ttiunian Hawyur, thn furuiuau of thu farm, auit Hit1 |)ol>ou wai tllaiiuvored by h)m aitvr Im liiul drawn a buokct of walur. 'I'lm proKiiioo of lliu Uuiauu iu tbe wi'll oannot bo. aogouutoil fnr by Mr. Sawyer, aa, lio ( W not kuotr of any ouetulef whii woiild ilu inch a daatardly aot. '

iilrl lilt hy a flurie.Mlia Ni'llio Hli rj, vim |l»c» nt Mra,

A, A. Hatiliorn'a at Ijlnorolt, wiinl lo tho liarn on Frlduy to gulhor egga. Hho wont Uear the huriu and Itaimnped at her, the liiirati'n njipur Ifiath niiititi'g one oboek aud tlui niillor iuolh limiting the uthcr olicok. Tlio aoruanih of thn gill aoaioil the hoiio n(T auil ,lho girl waa funndob tho liiarii floor with liiir ahoek hlMiling, Uor lujurici arc not aorloni, '

■ Oaagkl a Drtalful Ctld.Marion Kuoko, managor for T. M.

Thonipton, a large importer of Hue ■nillluiiry al 1068 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, aayt: - “ Diirlng Iho lain, aevero wimtber I oangllt a drMilfiil cold wbieb kept no avrako at uight and niailu mo uufll to attuml my work dur­ing thn day, Out of my lUlllinitra waa taking Olianiherlalu’a Cough ltemiiily for n auvere eulil at that time, wlilull aeiinied to rnllovc her no i|iiinklv that I lioiight aoian fnr tuyaulf. It aotoil llki) uieplu anil I liegnii to tin-, pruvu at ouoo. I aid uuW ontliely well aud fuel vuty |iliwaed to unkniiwlailgo Iti morlte, l1’or illn hy A, Uull,

Sprinkling S lirli Saturiiay.T will ilart my aprinkling wagon

Haturilny iiiuniliiK. Au.v mill wllu liona uot ilnairo lliu atruul aiitlultluil lu fruut of llmlr |iromlni>a will pluumi nutlfy. mo, otlmrwiHu I ;1*111 call iivnry Hntnr- tlay, beginning A|irll III, lor tlio tiatinl foe. / Oiiomm I j IKhhayiiii, .Tit, .

1 Totigtt Paint. , ,, Tlio luiightil unlnl now knotm’ In. l)o*oii li)»ilipuil mim. . ,S5lu* nud grind- lug iuiko lt>ao» IV, JJ,.Ilalley nolle II,1

Suhtorlbo for tbt JouiiNiti,


Ihort Pamarapba of t in W fcmtb««U ol ' *om » o r « a r r M a l« —V la ll* ra ln Wowa.

Hod. II. S. Little apent aevoral daya here the paat weak.

Mlia Terhune b u returned from a trip to Allaolio City.

Van Allen Clark ol Brooklyn ii viilt- ing the Miieet Htilwell. ’

Mra. B, Tlea haa retnrned from a viiit to relillvea ia Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mn, Alei. Oaatou have re- tqrued from tbair Florida hip. '

Mra. Ruih W, Kimball of Norvioh, Oonu., ii viilllug Mlaa Blater on Jaok- aou Street, '

Ilbn, aud Mra, ft, 8. Terhnne bava returned from their trip to the Iilaud of Jamaica, ,

Him Ilda Yoorbtet, who atieuda lohotii at Detbltbeiu, rtnu., ia at home for the Beater vacation.

Mra. tleorga Morria aod Mra, Frank Morria of Urmklya waragafata ytaler- day nf Mra. W. O. Dadla.

Mri. A. ll. Hendirion of Brooklyn vleited hav parenli, Mr. and Mra. O, A.' Oerau, tba latter part of lu t week,

Hop, A. B, IJaytOQ nf OilyWai In town l^iotday aftarnbpn the guMt of hit brothir, lfeQl, W, IJiytut),

Mr, aud Mra, f , f< Bohnok of Hpnug Lake were Ibt gueati ol Iba foriifei'a pareuta, Mr, aud Mra. V. Hobuok, Jr., oa Sunday, :

]|ob*rlH. Youug, a Priaoalnn Uul- verally tludtul, laapendlng tb* Kutar hulUayi at kua* wilb hia parentt, Dr, aid Mra. Young, :

Mn. i , P. Thom peon aad Mlat Weoll*» have riemaed thalr rtaldeaat hair, aflar tpaixlliig Ika winter aoalkt la Naw York Olty.

Uabi. W.'Dtyloa ratnrnml honalail Hatnnlay hum Wtl^r'a Park ,11'aan, lie gained aavaral pnnudi in walgbl and looki Mhek Inprovtd lu heallh,

Mrt. O, W, Kotoady of Biitlailgf, 1'enu,, It Iha (H ill ol Mr, and Mn, H, A. Hmllli, Mr. Kaantdy aiirnt laal Huuilay here and will alau Ita here over Kuter,

A l!taN»l*« Kgg r.alM, Oharltt Morrill of Holmiltl and

John Heobay aa>h pill > lift Inapiml aa a p riie fo flka «M f k f W «M h I. tUamiM<*aa. Tha taat « « i offnu Friday al Murrltvllll and Murrell won the Wll. 'lla ale thirty,eight tgga, t il more than Heolwy, Murrell aaya lit full flrat rate altar hla aauetial faaat, ami Im olaima to ht III* nhampinli egg ailer nf Monniiiuth County, lin Ii antioua lo atl eggi again wllh winia one, and ha heliavea he uen lieal hie furuer renuid.

Thrca Mth Taka 0«Ma Italk,On Houday law yer, MoMauaniiii

aud Oeorgo Weleli of l ’hllailelphla ami Juba Ouruiley ol Allaiitlu City took a •alt watui bulb lu thu unuau ai tlio lalltr plane. i ■

, The. ptunga waa taken on a wagar, 111* oue not tekiug tlio liath lu pay for tho putartaluiuimt ol th* olliora, They all won ami iiaeh one paid for hia own, dinnnr, Tho liatli wai lakiiu at li o'oloiilt lu the iiiorulug,

, Bnrglari I'apliired. , Nearly tlirea weeka ago tlio real-

dunoe of I ’oatuianlur Ogdeu wna cntumil hy bnrglara auil n uutnlior vf valuulilea taken, . Thu thlevea i eeoapelli Ijait week Huiijamlu llakor aud Joaaph Flaeher wero arroateil in ilnreey City auil I liny ooufuaeed to a dmeo or roore luiraUrivai auiuug them Mr, Ogdeu'a ru>~i.liuun,, The, thluvei pawned Ihe atoiou gooda-i|i New .York and Mr,' Ogdeu haa rooovorod evorythiug iakun but a half down ailver apuuna.

New Hpriug liako llrlilgc.The obiilriot for hiillditlg thu lirldgo

and lluma nt Hpriug Inke wai aWafdod laat Thilrnilay to Bnnjanilii A, Van llriiut by tlm boinmltiue of Iho Hoard ol Olumin I'reohiiliHra, .

Tluiro. wore hut two blda rooulviul, l)|,(i'i ,V Wunttmiiili, JUI.OIII, and B, A, V ia Urunt, flUJIIIII. Tho work will Ijo oomiiinimoit at ouoo and hurtled tu ouiuplutlou. ; ,

The Beit Blood Puriflar.Thu blond la ouuilatilly lining purl-

Ilcil liy ihe lunga, llvor anil kiduoya, Kunp tlioao organa iu a lioaliliy oim- ilitiun ami tlio liowula rtigulitr anil yuu will Imvo uu iiaod iif a bluml imrlllur, Cor thla putpmo lliero la nothing iiiiiial to (lliatnliurliin'a Hloiuaoli and Iilvur 'I'ahliiti, uuu i|twii uf them will do you moro guild tliau a dullnr liulllii of tlio buat lilooil |Mirlllur, l'rioo Ull flnnt*. Hnniplet freo at Al llull'i drug atoro, ,. , ,

, .Him lo Rial, .

Ou Lowor Miiln Htriiet, ouliviiulent io elution) IU ratiuia, wntor In Ihehuiiio, I ’oiimlon April 1, Apply to Oeorgo Iiluuiinytr, J fi . , ' .

Htmt-aHii Ltt adjoining tho M. UvChiirali at MorgaA- It for rotiti . TUure nro about IWo ntirca lu the lut. Apply to A, li1.' Nlvliou i)r Mlwoml Van Poll, Morgauville, 1 '*■j ------- MUrrfrr-. I ■ .

llnrnio on JJrund Hlri/til fur tout, Ap­ply io 0, A, Quran,

Bpeelal Ueaacralle Cttnvealtea.Ei-JudgeJ, Clarenoe Conover, ohair-

man ol tbe Senouratio County. Con- nltiee, at tbe dirtolion of. tbat body, liai ieaued uotiee of a apeoikl Demo- cralic County Convention to be bald at the Freehold Opera Home, Wednet- day, May 1, at 11 a, a,

The contention la called for tbe pur-, pole of promoting the intereate and welfare of Ibe Democratic party in Ibe county of Monmouth by the adoption, at iuoh convention,, of ,a constitution for the government of the party and ita more perfect organization.

In aocordanoe with tho call tbe Dem­ocratic votera of the leveral townahipa in tbe oounty are reqnoated to lactt at the ninal primary plaoea on Saturday, April 37, at 3 o'oloek p, m., for the pnrpoie of electing oonventlon del<<- gatea.

Pkjalelaa riaed $IU.The Blate Board of Health recently

reoelved a reporlfrom Iho Aahury Park Board nl IlculUa alleging Ithat lJr. I'. M,.Beach uf We.t Long Brauoh had reported a caau o[ iufiwtiona dlaeawi aa being In tha townablp of Noptono, wlitu it ibould hare beeu reptirteil iu Ocean Towuihlp, aud acoordiugly llueil biui.ltl),

ThaMae In ijneitlou, It upruri, wu Ibat of willlan Oovert, a luilk dealer, who baa b*tn III with typhoid fever, Ife llvin aouth of ffajalde at a poiut whera Iba buandary iinea ul Oeean and N ipiart townikl|n cnavargr, aad at b* eondaata hla baaltwaa ia MepliiaeTowu- tbip, Dr, Ueaoh wu of tho opiniou that Iha man wae a vtaldaal of lhal mnuleiptlily. Tba dilator eoaipliad. u elalued, with all tba rnlae ia tba •aa* of InfMtiona dluaeu by bating Iba wall oluaad aed Iha nana and wag. out wbioh 0#Mrl nttd la hit bmlatat moved lu anolktv hmiaa.

laiwaMarltt al Rt4 Hiak,Two Aret uoournd Iii Httl Ilauk lut

Thumliy ulgltl anil liulh art iu|ipoaid to hkva tieau alirltd by Hr* bngi, Tha Tlit Aril uu* wai dlicovtreil abuul*li'*«u o'oluok ia a mmd alild liaok of lilt Prtihytirlan pareunaga un Wallace Blrtat and wai eitluguiulied liofuta lunch damage waa donf, The iiiciind Ar* wat alarltd balwetn Iwulva and uni o'clock in Dr, J, C, Ilmh'a barn, whleh waa dutruyed, l'|wr* wat niilli. lug' In Iho barn aiaapl about a tiiu of M il hay, a few liliukoli allil a lilcyulit, The dontor'i Itiaa la aliiuit |Ht)D with an luaiiranne uf 11 fill, It wat a bad night for a lit* aud bnt fot tlm pnmipl- ueat and affldtntiy lif Ilm liiwu'a flrn dr- uarluiaiit niiioh grtialer damage wtluld have remllad, Thera It no dlun Ia Ihe lira Imga, lint It la gunorally aupptiiid lhal liny wart Iranipt. .

1 HIM i l la u a i Htaptlal.Mra, Miry A, Hualiar uf Oiwah drove,

wliu hail fur fuur yuan «r luora lienu an linnet* uf Ilia Hlaiu llmiiltil for thu iiKitiu at Trenton, dleil tail frl- ilay. Jiial ptior iu ber oiiniiultfueul tn thq hoipltal lliu aud her liuiliaud agrnml lu die logelbtr. Ilo waa lu •limit her lint and then htmaelf, hut tt Ihe lut niiiinaul Im turned thu plitul at itli uWu teiuplu and ktllud lilmmlt, Tha iioiipla »<iru well along iu yoara aud thu dread of gullig to thu puur kotiie ipilrrud tho biialiaiid and wifu lo egmi lu dio tugetlmr, Mra, Hoabar gradually, loai lief roaaun ai a ruault of till) iiaaoily aud waa oouitultliiiVto thu hoipltal at Trontou,

Thuru ia a uiyatery blnleil In iho M il Hue nl tb« pair, from tbu faol that among Beabir'i prlvhto pupera halt uoutautly a|ioken of ai Kdwatd llaw- klnt. lie wm at ona time a buyer tot A. T. Btuwart of Naw York, aud ou hia profouloilal card ho Waa called llaw- ■lut. Letter heaila uf otlior veuturua ha wat In rufer tu him aa llawkinl. Ia a grant uf 1,(1110 aerea uf Ikml iu Min- aourl, made him by Prnaldunt lliiolian- ail, Bolliar waa apukcn of aa Ilawklnii

Spreidi Lika WildHrt,Wliou thloga are "tlio lieaf'tliny lie-

oiiinu "thu belt lolling," Aliiaham ilnro, a liiadiug ilrugglal, of Ilullvlllo, 0 ,, write*; "lileoirlu lilllera aro lliu beat aulllllg lilttera 1 have handled 111 twenty youra. You kuuw why t Muil diauaaua bugln iu dlhurdura of atuinauh. llvor, kill ll I 1/ , IiiiwuIh, I i I im i i I nuil uurvea. iileulilu llllliira luiiea up lliu •tuiiintih, rngiiliiii'H llvni, kiilnoy nnil lip wull, pllrilltia tlm lilinul, Htrniigltiuiiii tlm imrvei, hilliuo uurin inti It Ituilon ol iiinliiillui, 11 Inilltli ul' tlm uiitirn ayHluni, 1’uti unw life nnd,vigor Inlo any alokly, riiii'duwn limn or wiiiiiun. l'rleu nil nonlh, Hold by l'rauk I I ,

Mlniori ilnigglil.

Worth (lolnt to Hid l in k For.A dilation llko thla iliius nol oiionr

evory diyi A aputilal puroliadii, n nnm- plu lot nf lullin' and nilntia' tnllor uiailu miiln, tliln loiauil'i imwual ntjlnn,’ uu two alike, ami nut a mlt worth luaa Ihau 81 It, »uuio aa high '•• $111. Vniir oiiolno lioforo ISaitcr tllMIH aud your car l»ro paid al thu dryi gumll itum «l jgiuph aail) Ilod llanki'N, J , ■

, ! . ■ I.—— f-i—t—1-»,■ 1 :. Hone,for,Bile, 1 ,Ooml roiiler, iloublo or iliiglr, go*it

fiinu lioriu, > 1’rldo niuitoritto, Further (ulornlalluu nt.tlili oCloli,, .

But tluw fariui fur iilo.ou i ln l i pngo,

TH E BOROVUH COIIMC1L.Water Coiumlttee 0«tUn| Eiltiuate ot [a .

etaltlng Water Sratem, .

The Borough Council beld ita regular meeting in the Town Hall Friday even­ing. Preaent Mayor Van Wickle anil Counoilmen Arrowamith, Cloae, Devlin, and Wardell. .

Treaearar Fountain reported a bal>. anna in treunry of 11,681,57.

T k* following billa were ordered paid: ,Joaeph McDermott, County C le ric ,3 .J5 Henry Arrowamitli, uae of choirs,. 6.ow I. W. Stliith, agent, poor orders.... 2L1.UO It. C. Mackey, ecrviees nt election, ,

rfrs _______________________ 3,75l’atrlck llasm , Constable, ....... 1,30Charles Cehlhaiu, rent of hall, 5,00

tbe Btrett Committee, through Chalraia cioft, rtporled that the comnitlM had atfi.and orgauiieil and had rtotivtd coniilaint of the condi- tiou ol tb* kill ota Ibt Old Bridge Road al Johu Btewarl't, I l wat dtclded to confer wltb Ihk Tuwnthlp Oommiltoe, t i Ibt hill It aoalrolltd folully by Iho Iwruugb atti) loWatblp. Thit bad beeu dune and the work It nadir way. ,

The ruad by the In* bouw wm fV- iwrled ta biiug in tba Bcnl ol tiu- uioillate attautlou aad lha Slreit Com- niille* wa* •ulbiitlaad 16 have Ihewurk ilono. ' , ' ‘ 1 ,

Tli* Fir* and Water. Oiinniill** re­ported Ibat lh*y had M aud d#ol|l#d J lo iicurt a cumpittat loglBMr la otak* . an accural* M ilitate u to «o|t uf In- ■lallitlnn of witer ly iltU i *U thll the, coiiMisti ounld ba gotten raady Ivr tigulng, , '

Mr, Cl«*a atateil thaat Mt, Braley would be here neit week anil wuull) ' give an eetiaiat* without delay, ‘

Oulltolor J, DnnConoitr pitatalad, • itataiaent ihotlug Ibal tbe bdrcugb owed |l,lllll,nil lo lueTnwuihl|i ou tu* uhoiil loounai On taollon, a payategl til MIM) waaordtrud tnaila onIhoahovu aad tha mailer wu referred to ibt Fih‘. auei) Committee lur Inveitlgallnu, '

MK Hhapbiril waa added Ia lb* F it* ' •ad Water Untnmlllea by Iba Mayor.

Ilond of H. •), MaokcywOoniiablh w u reaitlvad end ordered A lid, I t wak' for IMtl. ■

Mlila lltiril nf Arhllratlea, . Tlm uewly i|>|mluluil Hlite Iloari) o(

Arlillratiuu milt at the Htat* Ifuyia uu „ Turnlay nf thla week and urganlioi)' aa followii .

I'lrslilent—Hniiiiii’l lleiry, Mlllvillf, Hi'erclniy tnioigo llcrdliiu, Now

IlniiKWIrk,Jamb Vim II1K1V (rrnii|mluli'il) l,uill,

llrrgeil Co.i Wllllnlll II, Crtwley, Holllrr*' vlllf I W, W. Hliupsdii, I,iing llimieli, '

Tlio nltlnori weri telatlgil hy iinilil- Iniilia Villa, Tlio aaorutaryahlp earrlia with il an addllhiii nf 1111)11 imr yilat1 In Ihn ihMnllnr'a aalnry of | l,li60, T'llii turm la fur thrna y*»ra, Tho organi­sation aud aildroMoa of luimiliera am glviiil tn faollltatit onnmimilnatlnn on thn liart'uf 'empluyara and laliur or. gaufratlonl ltt caaoa wltitra thn antlim1 uf Ilm Hiatt Iloanl may bit ilimM,

1 Plitur R tun li Inatilia.Annoyeil lijgim lp hy hit aungrcgv.

tlou Itov, .1, Cl. Iii nt of Old ilrliTgu. Ilapiiat Churob, rciignod auTeral. weuka ago, , Huuday nlglit lu hla furli-, well aormuti ho gave 101110 uf hia tcitv, aona, lie tuld of tho Inaiilta and per-., Huoitliuun Mt. Paul cndtirud al tfphcitia and iVlarod that evory minister anf-, fora h i did Bl, Paul. In ouimlualun ho,, aald', " I wlali tit curieet au linpreialtm that haa glint ahruail, lu Jliitlao io my- •elf and wifoi That ia, that my Wlfn ia thu oauau nf my leaving you., I think you know i havo a mind of my. own, I alauil ipoiitur for auy thi ugi do. Whiiu my luocuiaur cumea let III 111 (Imlout aliuut Ihiuga fnr hlinaulf, Lot lliero lie nn liaek,lilting nud nu tit- tilng." 1 '

During Ihn paat year Mrs, Bird hna uoclvod a nnmlicr ol unoiijmatia. lot- tun which liavu oatiaod her intiili till- tr«i*. , " V.v'. ‘;

I l l ' ll. I —1 ^ 1 » ..aa.t.wiwa"1-

A Cttnsiahlii Arreili Ilia Mim'.' Tiosler Whiiu nud Lesier '1 11ton of

Ailnity Park hlruila rig from Uoituii1! . ilvury ati.hlo Inal wmik fur a drive tu Lung llrauiih. Ou iltu way hoiua tlioy rau thu hiirau 1111111 It w*a iinarly ei- haiiatml. Until men worn limited hy , Ounatablu Wlillr, lather of Imatur While, hut worn ruliiiiaeil uu piiyiutiiit of thu iliituagiia,

Ijntuiialiii L’tialiga lit (Julut,Tlm puilinaetiir gutmrul Ima man oil

an iiidnr providing that tut alul aflar April 1 tlio lliilloil Hiatus diiiutiailii mtu of pualnue olid olanallliwlliiu mIihII * | i -

ply In nil moll llinttiir passing hutwuiiii tliu l/nlli'il Htnlna nml IJ iiIjii, '

liiMiin from OlHnrello Niiioklng, Krunk Ivlin, h Hod Hank vuiiug

ii ii iu , wan inhun In tlm Triiiituii Itiiattu Aiyluin Inst Hnlurdny, lin liiul lioun aultiirlilg from ninlaiioliullii fur,niivtiml^- months pint, ItIiiii I i said tu havo liti'itt an liivetorntii ulgirutlu smoker ami thla, It la liellaruil, rutuHuil lu tlio doriiiiguiiiiiiit uf liii nilttti. 1 I , , , . ,

Why Zlno and Orlniilng 7 KliioomiililMilwltliloflil am) nil (ortim

tlm lolighMt twilit now kiniwu, hut tlity 1 notitl lu lio Hue tu numtilue. l.'ov«e Unii- < and ulna l» ground In lltmrnl n il,, Wi U, Jhilloy auilM It,



t ilt ^g srs ir i" Special CorrvaiwnitMit'a W N k lr

}- Tuektox, March 29., 1901.The tloalug hour* of liis Le<(iidatlre

aeaaloo' verw not aarked with to/ fea­tures oC eyefUl iuterrat lo Momooutb Ooaaty people, Very few mutters ot ▼Hal or ipM lil importance were ud lap I a and of Ibe bills introduced by tbe Monmouth aieabera, hath Oct** Bpu* lovard billi failed to get out uf tbu Home Committee. Tlie eo*oalltod Tiu* Urn water bill, which paaaed Ilo Honao and vent tn (be Senate Bud waa after* Varda recalled to tlie Boose witb a vlew to ila defeat, was further aod satisfac­torily explained by Hr. Snyder aail by • vote ol altnoat two to ooe returned to tbe Senate for favorable action by tbit body. It did not get through, however, aa did not aeveral other meri* torloni House messnree introduced by or apeeially favored by tbe Assembly* ■eu from Monmouth.

Of tbe two bnndred and odd bill* originating in tbe Senate over one-bilf beeame lawe. Of the more than fonr hundred originating In tbe Houae 1pm tbao one-tonrth peeier] tbe Sewate aud became lawe, Tbe Senate'* methods bave been harably criticised in (bla matter of giving snob marked prefer* onoe to tbefr own bills, and it ia charged tbat tbe publio interest baa uot iilwuya been consulted.

During Ibe pension Senator Francis fallIntroduced somefifteen uills. Mr, Kirkbrfde fathered about aa rnany, Mr, Shyfler about ten, ami Mr., Hjrea con* tented bltnaelf with ibree,,.. ,.

Of Mr. Soydbt'i collection some tbr^e or only became Jaws, al* though' aeven ef them pawed tbe House. Mr, Kirkbride wm about cqnfclly auopessful and Mr. Ryrea'per* oeutage nearly tbe Mine. .

At tbla writing, owing to tbe in* oompleteueai of llio nlcrlcal work iu tbe'various departments, it U a matter of extreme dllilonlty to state the exact staina of a portion oi Ibe aMeJuu1! work. But it IN rarloni measures, hiring a luoal beariug were discussed to mtue extent at the.lliuo uf tbeir lutroduoHuu, it inaiy be well at this time lo1 defer further ooramout.

T U Hod Hank Armory bill's failure waa due in part to tbu discovery of an orror Isolate for rcotlfl^Mon in th« olosiug hours of tbajtefsfou,1. Tbe bill allowing au a|iproplat(uu to Mpumouth Itwpllal not through. , ' ' '

■ ■ — ■»

Aflino the fUltwip, :Tbe Chlaa'go, ltrfk Ialsud and IV

oltlo Hallway, which uiade a pbenotnsl auooes* ot ubuap exrnreiou rates lit Colorado let I Iwn» again avksdIta ooniprtitore lu tbu Woatniu nod Houthwuslsm Passenger •asoolatluua lu Hgriti upon a aurUa of cheap eumralnua to and frum Denver, Colorado fringe ami Puotdofor tbu approaching aeaaon, ou tlio following l<as|s| Ticket* to bo •old from Chicago ami all tmituty up tbo Missouri lllvor. «lnnn IH, ‘J\ Ju ly 111, I t , hfld 80. Attg. It, H, 'JO aud il7, at rnti» of otto Nro flu* |'j er $01.Q(l for tlm round trip.

,Ou duly *1 nu<l H aud Hopt, H and ID » rale uf »* lo Ito nindu from ObloaKU, and 91H frmu MUnnuri Ui»i r fioluta for tliu round trip,. Jutt'riui'diatu torrltory will bave propoiMovatis ratom Tioketa are lo be auld frout Mlaaonrl Hirer poiuta uix> day la!t>r than tbo ditea uItcu above iu each giae. I ’n*- portloiiite iatr« wOl Iw nmdo to and from Olcuwond Hpriiig#, Hall Lako Oily, aud Ondeti.

A aerb'a of t'Mt«l>ouinl oioun»inu« U aiao propoa«d, ti'.’i'ut* to Iw aeld from Colorado oonauou polnta every Yhuradaj, LutuimciioinK witbkTiiue'iO m> to abd InoludiUK He t. l'J, at a tato of oue fare plua I'J (or the rouud trip. All tlekftta will b« llmiled lor return

{taiMfte to Ool, III, Theat ratea will teudored rouuroting iittea for baa*

in* purpose*, wbiob will probably iu* •nre a tor? low bavia of ralea tbrouyb* out tbe United Btatea for thee* «’*<mr- •lone.

The Oblcago> Itoek Ialeml and Pa* olfto will un^nvatlonably make tfaefto ratea and arraugcmcnta elT etive, re­gardless ot tbe afttou of Ita cotujto* li(orf» tud «UI ruu special ttalas, oclj one ulght out to aud from Colorado, ou the datca unwed,—Chicatfo fnttr Oeirnii* ' - * "

Acwnmodntlnj “ IlftUjffiu.Un,*’ . 'Webster 8w»u la building a uuw

atoop to tbe old Leonard tdorw at Nave* aluk whleb be botigbt aotue time ago. The atoro ia uucccupiod and the atoop is a 4lbaugiug uy" idacu al night for manv pvoplis l^uoiug la a favorite pMtim^ of tboat* wbo gather there aud the floo of Iho Hoop bad hvoomu ao ppor that Mr. Swan whs afraid tabt (ho daooera mltfbt full tbruugb tbe Uoor add Bualaic aotne injury.

To He U I tc ii a llt'ceplloH i Oaptalu 1’otor Vredenburg will bo

given a royal rccqitiou upon hie ar* rival lu KreoboM from ibo riilllppluee, where be has been lighting wilh the ^crlld tueu of Uornect" lu tho tinlii Jlltuda, Hlh ooiupauy with ibolr irgi* menl bare sailed Irom iho I’hilippluea «U\I il Is ei|u«clod they will aoou arrive at 3eu l'raooiaiH', ■

1 Ooniumptian Kills Mllllonv Kvory numtli tluuiemids—every yeer

tollllouN—aro hurried to uutiuelj uratea br luaidioiit, deadlly eonauinp- tlOU. rirat liu' lU’Klooird wld, then the i>eriUtent ooiimIj, thou the rapi<l doclluo to Dip InitYiUblf) end. Dnu’t trill# your fob!, your rougli, or your luua trouble. Olcrclntid'a Luna ltoeter will curi' yon—qulekljr Mid aurely. It lias m longor ri'eord on per* feet enrea tlmn auy other lung remwly iu tbo norld. Wo vill gWo yon a free •ample boltle. Large iKittlca, 110 cunts. For aale bjr A. Hell.

n U o k iu l lb m d w b te lw r lg h l shop lo roo t, good a taud , low re ttli A p p ly kt tU l W H *

ttllTwood Heats.Ulise Maggie BH) waggon Rpent sevo*

r»l daya Ibia week with bor oouiiu, Misa Hattie Coward, '

Mrn. Hobneidffr, lliaa Francea and M iitrr Hpeiil aeVural days Ibisweek witb frieuda Ip tbe olty.

Tbu searlet ferer epideuilo Is over. Theaoboa), ko««veri retuaina aioaed, to tbe disgust aud dlaiatiataoliou of all eoooerued. . > •' .

J. 15, Kuhns, Jr., ia making exten­sive iuproveniuuta around ii* farm by plauting bodgee, sudillugi plautiog abade trees, ete. ’ • • ; ' .

Edward Anderson hu rt-enured Ml family to tbe J. JI. F«U<>q Deaf liradevclt, Mr. Anderaon5 will farm tbe place thia aeaaou*. < ”

The Junior Epworth League held a •oeiai « ( Ibe psreooage ou Haturdaj »f» leruoon laat. >After refrfehueuta were nerved the children posed for their photos. 1 5 ‘

An excellent sidewalk is' being boiltalong tbe roitd to tbe eait of tbe rail*road. H extende as far as the Blender* mau plaoe runs uqd ia tbe work of Mr. Qravatt. ' . .

The lenrn of W. L . Stillwsggon be* Cfime entangled in a fence while hitched io a buggy reoently end seriously dam* aged t e, vehicle. The horaep, how* eti*r, were unturi. .

The body of Mlaa Oertrode Kelley, who died uf typhoid fever at her New York realdenee, was brought, to. Hose Hilt Cemetery for iuterroeuttbisaflor* noon. Misa Kelley *waa well kuowu Liiro aud bir okny friaotta were deep* ly paiued at ,tbe news of her death. .

; 'A busioesi meeting will be be|d in

the rtinrob on Tbirailav evuultig after tbe prayer meeting aud it irVcquealed' that all Ibe membure of the eburoh be prosent.

Prayer meeting will be held lu tbe ohorou tbteTbaraday evening. Preaob* lug Bnnday lunruiug and eraiilug by Hev. Uilton S. Post, Huuday-soboulst a p, m. ............. > '. A Leefluv ^oelable will be beld atAaburj Nlvieofe'e ou Vriday ulgkt of thia week, April 6. Att iblvmtiug progratt will Le given. The public in general ie invited, and tt ie hoped all will du w U l they onu lu make ibis a luoeeaa. ,

listsr Tivr ts ON P«InI CMtfer), Woh< •m l airi l id lif t iR .

Tb« next el the pveaout Mrles of i>ur«onslly.oi>iidnete<l lottra ,tc Old I'olut Cowf^rt, IHobini'Uil and AVaah<

ri# tbe XVun»y|veula Hailroad will limvo PhlUdulphia un Hiturdaj, April (I, alTordhig hu eioollout o|ipor* tuuitv to apeud ihu Kastei holiday at obiroiui. ;

Tiokvte, liiiM ing trauspnrtaliou, lm*al« «<u vonto in both iHivclluw, iransfvra nf pa«aoiiger» aud baggaigf, tioiid KonomuHtdnliiina at Old lMlui Cuinfoii, Uinliuuin^ and Waaliiugtuli, and carrlago ridv about lilobmoiid—ln faei, every nortw ary oiinnute for a a porlod of mIr dava—will b« aidd at rale ot $114.IH) from Now York, Brook­lyn and Newark; IMl.hO from Trelitun; |!Ut00 from Vhlliiiltdplda, aud propor* tionaln rati-a from other atalioua,

Oi,L) P oint Courou r Oxi,y.Tieketa lo ttld L’olut Oomfort only,

luoludlug luimhoon on going trip, one aud tbn’U'foiirtba days' board at llio lljgci* lintel audgoodto returndlreet by regular trains withlu ail days, will bo sold in ooimeotlon wilb thlatunrat rato of llft.00 front Ntw York; lUI.Ri) frnti Treiitoti; |1‘J.50 from Plilladel* phla, and proportlonalo rslcs from other poilda.

Far delellnd Information applv to Tourist Agent, IVnnayUauia Hatlroad Cotoiiany, 110(1 Broadway, New Yolk; 4 Court Btrect, Bronllyn; 78W llroad Street, Ni»w*tk, N. »T; or Ocorgo W, Hoyd, Aasislaut Oeueral Paasouger Agent, Broad Htreot Stallou, Fbila* delpbla,

Fell Through Ike Hoof.Au cu>|doyo of tho Kew York and

Nov Jaracy TclophouoCcmpauy, trhifr: eugagetl iu ereellng dlilribuliug polce iu Asbury Park for the new uuder* ground aystoiu, fell from a pole Toe** day aftertiocu and bad a narrow esoaiie front reeeiviug iwrtnanvut Injur/. In falliug ho latiiled ou Uariy Hookafol* ler'a barn wilh aiiflloiout force lo plungo tbrougb tbe shiugle roof, wbore be waa pluioned by Ihe Jagged edges of the wood for several minutea. lie was ex* trioaUd with diftlonlty and was fouud to havo suslaiucd mauy amall cuts aud bruises,. .i -i < < —

Oyster lleds Hold,Lent woek Ihe ovitcr commission of

ihe Board of FreoboWen--Joaeph L, Oliver, ohalnuan, Aibury Park; WlllUtii R. LelTcraon, Wall; J , L. Bntchor, Howoll; H. J . Bocikafeller, Asbury Park-sold 10() Hhark Hirer oyster beds at auotlou at John Oorliea* hotel, Hhark Hirer. The beile, wliiob are each oue aero In citc, bronght from UR ceuta lo |7. Tbe net prooeeda to tbu oonnly amounted to about 9(1A.

Trrn lutcresllng Hullcllns.Tbe Nuvr .loiiey Ki|'orimont Hlatlon

haa just leaned two namphlota, num- bvred IHi aud UIK The first of Hicbo deals wltii Alfalfa graaa aa a food for osltU\ aud the aeoouvl witb trouble* •oue strawberry |)(>sbt, Both nubjecla are Heated exhauslivoly and are fluely illuslratod by halt loues.

A Tetllnsnlil Frtm Old England.*'l oousidnr Ohantherlaln's Oongh

Hetnody tbu beat in the *orld for bron­chitis," eaya Mr. William Bavorjr, F.uglaudi " It haa saved my wlfo’a life, sbo bating beou a martyr to bron* chills for otor six yeats, being moat of Iho time euullneri to her bed, Sbo li udw qulto Bold b; A, Bell,

f iM j i iu r T l ie i r a i K T .

Tbf /Q0i*4L«fM«f*rffr t'trbllvh un4»p||f|«b««/l> tua Ib lb«ir pl>or» »t>f liu m of Uit»rM*famlalJKl by tif lltaiUIT*r*iil wcla lltf

ur (tiUanuaiulxrB.. , J » a « I* ite c s o r f c l l w r t j .

Pride of Culiimblii Uoouoil of this plaoe 'will have refrtshmeula at Iba u«xl pecllogi April 30, io tha Kogiee House. ’ *' Tue DaughUn of Liberty is tbe nsme of a new monthly publication which made Its ioitUI appeareuou ou Maroh SO. The paper ia devutvd eu* tirely to tbe intereata of tbe orderfor whiob it is uamed and ia published b/ tbe manager of tbe Jen ty Junior,

• The State Con d o U ol tbe Danghtera of Libertj will bold ila aunual aessioo in Psteison od April 18 aud Id, It ia expected that it will ba the largest at* tended Stale eesaion of the order ever held in New Jersey aod tbat at leaet 100 paat oflicera will attend. ; Detail buaineaa and eleotion ,p( officers will oocupj the time of tbe two day« aud it is not anticipated that there will be any material obauge made lo tbe work* Inga of tbe order. Oo Deo. 31 laat tbere waa 130 oonnoila aod 11,649 members iu Net Jersey. : •

Tbn D. of L., h it la familiarly called, was organised iu 187G in Meriden, Couo. Aa fraternal ordera tbere were popular with theiueu, it wae thought only right aod proper tbat tbo wotneu should be giveu au opportunity of bclouging to a seoret order, and so tbe organization waa instituted, lo w abort time eoanolls were started iu New Haven and Bridge* port, aud then on* in1 Jersey City, Martha Washington No, 1, wbicb ia still in eiistanoe, baring recently cele* brated ita twenty*lhird auttivereary.

The order is repwaented'in thirty* lour States of tbe Union aod kaa a total iB«*«berahlpof a little over 60,!H)0. Tboae eligible to memberi>hip are white women uf Americau birth or boru uuder the proleetlun of the fl«g, be* •Idea tuembera of thu Junior Order aud of the Ontyr of Voile«1 Aiuorioau Me* cbaulM.

Iu Ibe esrly data of the order there were no slok eud <leath bouoflts offered but in tale yi'ara these two fealurea have l»een tbe means of enabling tbe «tr*t«r Ia neeb In a preetiflal way of relieving Ihe «ick and earing for tbe Wcvfloiarlrs of den'atrd mombere. The fuueval ImiisHI deparlinent la* safes eseb uifutber for $!i00t and so far it haa paid oil! iu olaioisnf IHOU eaob. Nearly etety ouiiuqII has ariopiad aome aystrm. of paying slok Iwotfflts, Ihu usual amouut bulug |!1 per week, In Kaset Uoiiutj tlnire ure iwenty'Ouen nuunolla and 1,01)0 uo ui* burai Tti*! county Is the bmiacr roiiuty iu Ihe Htato, both iu number uf onuu> ells and mambnrohip. Moiunonth bounty Is a olosu second in member* ship,

Admits Ills Itt'apoRslblllly. • UdwardH.8app oouduotur, admitted

lastTburadajrat the luquvst bold atI'routou by Ooronur Ihwur iuto tho eoUiaiou btdwoeu tbe Atlantic Oily ex* irvau «ud h looal aocomiuodatiou noar lordenlown, on Ptdtruary Ul l*it, that

ho was responsible for the aooidvnt, Ssop. aekuowledgvd that he bad

failed to propeily read hisiuslniQtions, wbloli wrni t<i wait ou Ihu aiding iiutil the three moI/ow of Ihf* expriM irais had paxaod, Ilo wallod nulll two aeo* lions bad ii»aai<l and then ran out on the inalu llnowburo the oollialuu tol* lowrd.

The aeeldent resulted tn the killiug of seventeen iitfranne and the injuring of twenty.live to thirty others, The oonduclnr acknowledged his rrapouai* btlity for the aecidont. Heiijainin K. Thompson, the engineer of the loeal train, died In the hospital at Trenton last Thursday from lujuiies received iu tha eolllsloD.

^ • » i i, iThe B u i Riniriy for Mniaatlia.

<jnrn HKMir ruou vm .All who nie Ohamberlain'i Pain

Halm for rbemualism ara delighted witU tbe 4|uiok reliof from pain whleb it alfovda. When epeakiug ef this Mr. D. N. Sioke, of Troy, Ohio, aaya: “ flocsb !ims ago ? b»d • •*vnr« altaek of rbeumatisQi lo my arm aod sbonl* der. I tried numerous remedies but got do reliof uutil I was reeommended by Messrs, Oeo. F. Parsous k Oo,, drnggisla of this plaoe, to try Cham* berlaln'a Pain Balm. They reeom* meudcd it so highly that f bought a bottle. I waa soon rolievcd of all paiu. t havo aiueo rcoomrucmled tbis llnlniout to many of my friends, wbo agree with ua that it is tho beet remedy for musoular rheumatism in tbe market,” For rale hy A. Bell.

Joined VS 114 West Show.Fonr Loug Hraneh young ntou have

joined HuiTuto Hill's Wild Wust Htiuw, now being held tn Madison Hijuare Garden, Now York. Iu addition to tbo regular show au oxbibitiou uf tho Uuitod States Life Sariug Berrleo In the act of earing lives rrom a wrcoked vesiol will he given. Tbe crow, oap* tniued by Wallace Dnryea, are Oharlea Ilaydou, Tbomaa West, Benjamin Wet! and Joseph Oaraon. Captain Mnlligan shliiped tho lifn boat, car and tbe rest of tho rigging from Life ftlv* itig Station No. 4, at Mounmulh Hoach Iasi week,

Literary Mews.With tho Ishiiu of April 18th tho

Youth'e Companion vill eiitur upon its 701h year, Tuts "7Alh Htrthday Issue" vill bu a double number, counting aiuoug Ms contributors the Yioo*Poal» deut of Iho United Slides, Theodoro Hooiovoll, Mary M. Wilkiuf, and Sarah Haruwsll hlllotU

If troubled by a woak digestion, loss of appetite, or constipation, try a few doaea of Ohnuibetlalu*a Utomsch and Llror Tablets, Kvory box watrantoed. For atlo by A« Bell,

T h e flrw Hsme Law s .M an y in te re s llug ubaugua Lave been

made ll) Ib e New Je r s e y gum * laws Ib is ye a r , T b n law s m they e fe o l Ib la iee*tio o n re an fo llo ea : ; \

I t ih a ll be uitlHwfnl to puritue w ith in* tent to k il l nr injure in nny tu itn iirf to <>U tempt lu hike or injure, and it thwll be unlaw ful to k ill or dnttniy or In jure uuy f«bli|t, ijitsil, or ether nina b in l or gwnie anim al, in any iim nurr whatsoever, ex> cep iltig in the nuiiiner tiaually known aa hunting w itb a kuu, the gun bein^ aui' i ns may be held ut hhii'h length nnu fired from the sbouidcr without rests, and st such times as niHy be j* n u it t rd in this act, under a penally o f $20 for each offeJJCK.

11 shull be uuUw ru l lo take, k ill, injure o r destroy a n y quail, rabbit or squirrel, excepting during November and l>ecem- bvr; or q iiv woodcock excepting during Ju ly , October, November and December, under a penalty o f J 20 for each bird or an im al killed.

2'nrmers and growers muy trnp rabbits in box trupg during November, Decern* ber, January,' February and M arch ; pro* vided that such trapping shall be done on

n erty owned o r leased fo r tile raising ’lilt b y the person so trapping; pro*

vided that the person so trapping shall first have made tm aflidavitbeforeajustice. o f the peace Unit rabbits have iujured fru it trees, sucii trees bciug on the prop* erty o f the person so trapping, and shall have notified the nearest fish nod game warden o f his intention to so trap. '

I t s lia ll he unlawful to k il l auy gray snipe: excepting during M arch am i A p ril and rrom August 25111 to December 31st; or any dove o r upland plover, excepting in August nnd September, s

I t a liall be unlawful to rob the nest or take or destroy the eggs o f any w ild |>ird. whatsoever, excepting the nests or eggs' o f the Huglish fiparrow, under a penalty o f for inich nett so rohtted and each egg so removed or destroyed. ‘1 i t s lia ll be unlawful to k il l any gooae,

duck, brant o r o th e r ; web- footed wild fowl, excepting only from xSeptendwr iptto April 30I I1, under a penalty o f lad for each fow l k illed . ' ;;

I t shall he ntdawftd ‘fbr any owner,' , lessee or custodian of any dog to p e rm it ; such dug to run at large In woods or fields Inhabited by rabbit* or game birds except when suUi dog is in the custody or churge o f Its owner, lessee or vustpdiau during the close mason ht'rein provided for linre o r rabbits under a penalty o f |lao for each olfcttae, 1 '

I t shnll be unlawful tn hum w ith a hound or hounds or w ith llrearuii or w ith weapons o f any kind, or to carry a gnu in the woods or tlflds or on the waters on Sunday uuder u penalty o f fro for each ortense, . ,I It Hindi Ik* unlawful to take nr attempt

In tuK,o any fndi from auv of the wider* o f thU rtlfite -by tnraUM o f 'a n y eontrivance w lm taorvrr rxccptlug In the manner cmuuKMilv' kim a'u aa Angling w ith band* line nr w ith ru i wud lino, um ler a j>«i^)ly o ffso for each offuhcej provided, however, that this provision shall hiit apply to the oatehlng or eels, at any time, hy means o f w icker eel hi nkel* authored o il Hie bottom Of Ntreams aud imuils, nor to the Inking ot' eels b y menus o f tcbwclrn from the til* ternlh day o f Hepletnhn to the last dny o f October; p ruvitbil, also, that ils lm llh e lawful to litkc minnows nu I other hnit* fish w ith a seine uol over filly feet ill length iu nil pouds nud lake* w lilcb lmve an m en o f over oue hundred nerva nud lu till ponds mid lukr.i w liii'li have an area o f over one hundred anes aud (n alt other svntci'H w ith 11 aciue uol over th irty fret in length; iu every aui’h cate, however, alb nout, pickertd, bast, pike nud plke.perch cim tuird tlieU'in shall be limurdmtcly ri'li'aiii'd tbeicfiom iin iiijiinul un far as mu'tlcuhle; jnovidcil, fiuU iiT it hhull bu awful to take iUh lu any summer uuder

the d iiv i’tlon uf or hy permission given by the board of Halt nm lgntue couHiiiM- ionera for ntocklng purposes only,

11 ahtdl lie uuluwihl to catch, k ill, take or have iu putM'ssIon any brook trout ex* oept on ly iVom April mt to Ju ly 15th, iHilh date* incbialve, iu each year, underII ueiudty o f f lu for caeli tlsli so caught, k illed, taken nr had In jiossessitm.

flha Hill Pay l^rtoleacr ur | lBccanae, ai alleged, General Bird

W« Hjumoor sud Ida aaalstanta bavu been spending money In ride range practico beyond tlia approprlatioui, oreditora of Ibo Slato lo Ibo «iteul of91,01)0 or mow must whistle aud wait for wlial la dun Ibnm. Laat year a de* floiouoy of | 1,non was mado good by the Legislature, under protost, This year the Governor aaya that nothlog oan ho done anil baa 10 informed Oeu* eral Hpcnoer.

t'iny Yens In One OBIee.Theodoro Bsnford of Hellevlllo waa

ro*cleoted lo tlie otto* uf Justlpo of the Poaoe iu tho reeent spring eluctlon, baviog just completed bia flftiotb year iu that oflloc, Prior to that time hia father aud graod-fatber were justice#, tboir oouiblne<l terms Just eiptalled Ibat of Mr. Sanford’a, ao tbat the olHoo haa beon beld by tho family for a ceutnry,

^ a m i.Hlitelon Elected, .

At the annual mooting of tbo itoek* holders of the Philadelphia aud Loug Hraneh ltailrnad In Camden ou Mon­day tho follhwlog dircelora wuro uleoled:—Satuuol Hna, W. A. Patton, Obarloe Pugb, U, M. Dorranoe, F, W, Jaaksou, W, J , Sotroll, M, F, Mlddloton, 11. B, Ely, W, II, Short* ridge, J , H. MoOlure, Lewia Perrin,A. O. Dayton and F. P. Abororumblo.

All Wdnen art Biautlfal if they havo a oloar, delicate and rosy sklu and bright, sparkliug oyos. All wonum oan havo those roipdeta to true beauty. Pure blood, strung nerves nud perfect organlo health are all tbat in neecssary, Uloveland's Octory Com* pound Tea tniikoa pure blood, mtrea nil nervn aud functional diseases, nud gives tho sktu tliu elear, perfect blood of youth. Wo will givn you a freo trial paokage. Urge pnekagoi, 2fi cents. For sslo by A, Doll,


Otnilir Hit btil, Per |>artlculan hs our tftuMrateri c«Uiogve (84 p*f*n frta,W EEBER A DON,tn Chsmtnrt Blmt, Ntw York ctty.

i f r o f o e s i o n a l

L a w o f p i c b o p jJtKNB. W.,D4tTOM. ,, ■

O fF o iiT . t» »

JO H N P. LLO VD, " ,/


NOTAiuf rujiuo,Miitftwap -I- W.WjWMfH & v r V s . t c h h u n e , .............a tto h n e v and co d n b e llo h a t L iW1 Solicitor and Usat^r in Ohaacsry, Mjoj

' - N ita r r Publlo. 1 ! “ ;t

OAcelDBaxler fc Burns' Bulidlrffi Broad war, Lon* Braoob. : ■ 1 •15, W . AKKO W ftM ITn i


Solicitor and Blaster lo Chanoer» ": ’“ -• ;! .t;: Tibiun .

B E N JA M IN D. OUDEN, . t w<i»■ I. ■ ■■ , - .. •' ■ 1 -.. OOUNSELLOE AT LAW, . . ,

' M a .U r in Clinn^.rjr, N o U r f r u t ] | . , :'U . I ' / I'J-"..' UJ VT'.'f'1 Commitfilocsr of D««ds, N .Y ., '‘i

p A T R IC K J . DOLAN, 7!. • • : -ii'.-/ .H-tit'j •


I ' IK OFTANOEllY,, . Oflli'e: «n liiwyerVD u U d l u K , *: _______________ • / / . K w u . 'M . ' i , :

h tt . O K W ILL VAN W IC k L B , » 1 J .r f ; . . .11*,i: .U ei, ,j; DENTAL 8DI1QK0N. ;

- Ornoii . ! . ;; ■■' Oor. llroad and Chureh 8ls „ | w 0 t ,: ■ • -si '

. , . . . MatAwab, If.^ J , JA C K 5 0 N , M , 0 ..>

' Main Street, VatkWM'Odtoe at his resldenoe, eoiaer Mala %•

Okurebatreata, . . . - • i <■ -Ortlce llourai 1iWto moa, ia.1, UiM ta I

andttotji.m. ' ' 1 1 1p i . c , . if" ; ,

I'llVH1CIAN AN1) HUllOKON, om.'olHmrai tiWtoSs.m,,

Itotn.Ul. . , •OfBi'o a t lasldonos, two douraihelow tb a

preabytarlanObnrchi . i . ,j .(l •_^ Main Btrset, MatAWsn,‘ N . J i

D hV s t r a u 6h n , : : ; : r >

uoMmoi'ATiusj1, f , ! ' '1*

H iiln B lm d , -I­ l i •,

Offl<ienoursi Untl(t>,Ma,tu»'Froni!te>^ aii From T to® p .m . •••■’ ’<•

N a t h a n i J « y s .mvaioiAN a m i) aDiintGHrl'- ,ii!;

II, l l l l a ib . t , ’ , itfttllvHl!,

oni«« .1 itwUtftnuo, ii'ciiiul tloor io i lh ol ItfU'n Until Hturo,

on iu . l lu iit i i n w to » fc m „ l to smoaad1 Ui * ii. in, 1 '' 1 ‘[)liT W T lL IAM ^O ALLi Z lr 'rZ u

VSTXllINAHY aUDOBONAND D KKT Jir, AMld.no., I.Cmlr. M«ln8|rct.

Offlm »t n. Onwlcrd'i lU rn o t . Shop. - Tfl^phono Oall, n . M a M v .o , H i t

13u 8 i t t 088 I t o t i o ( ) 8 . ’

B E N J . p . 5 . BttOWN, ' ~: Mitftw.n, Hn j .r . . , ,

Btioo.Mor to A. H. L^mbortaon, bpq , I .— F1IIK IMHUIIANOK '

AND ltKAL ESTATE.— I Io u a g .a i id lA U to rR .a t .a J8 * lg ,

B.loi of pro|t.rt, on oomiDl..loa lulllk^lCOJIMlBOIONUll o r DEEDB ‘ '

AND1NOTAU* rUBLIO, ! OIBc. nt JounwiL Oflloc, ! ' 1 ■

c . P . * H. C. SPROUL,

IDJITEYINQ AND XNOINKKRINO. 1rtoDlfltro.t, nilJolnlinDnik, .

K.Tport, N .frJ.ner,rroopUtteotlon-Satlil.otorrwork-M#*.:emte charges, . . , i


Furnishing - :• Undertaker-A N D -

PRO FESSIO N A L E H B A L M E ROIDoi i t Reild.noa, oar. Church tad

M.ln 9U„ H«I«w«b, N. I. 1Wklto ITonrio f.iml.hcil lor OLIMtcn,


ROSE - HILL - CEMETERYl l r n t p , in ,lilm l, lo t i ,u l i ,o i le d find tor •

t l l l fw l , wrnM «W 'il io«rn . w n lk « « f»vo lo d nn,l n il w o rk n p iin r ln ln Ik k to c t 'm e te ry lu t . t i r n n ip l l j n t lv t , iw lto ,

Will tnku onllroohbruoof lull (or 11 » »«*». . .

Orilan Inft nt my ro.ldnnoo noaf tii# ocmolory or At tlio rutfilrnieo of ' J««ob Mljlnnr, Hourly opmnltD tlio ocmetpry; villlt,oelvo i>rompb altenblun'. ,n"r ,v



M P A T W T N E C E S S A R Y . '

N ik ^ 'liu l la f c lo (Hi Hard W u rk H*- 1 ••VpI*’* pbsrv mt [

A a lw a l Food.

lSvery now itud th en one heors of Ih e jfrem o rknb le gaod hu iiltit en jo yed I j ? thQ.B^ w ho ad h e re to p s t r ic t ly veg* elafinii* d ie t, ^ n d m uch ca n b$ enid |riffcV0r_fpf. | U econom y, bb > ‘e }l. l U t th e re 'lB reuson to b e lieve th a t some p e o jjle .o ro .6 o co n s t itu te d th a t th ey c a n g e t u long w ith legs n o u rish m en t than others, M oreover, th e ch a ra c te r and q u a n tity of la b o r perform ed, b y a W a n o r u wotnnn bos nvuch to d ? w ith th e ir food req u irem ents , The ' season o f th » yen r, too, is a fa c to r in , the p rob lem .. la v co ld w e u th e r .o r a .c o ld c l lm a t r fa t* sceja to bo T cq a la lte to th e p roqpcilo i}* o£ in te rn a l/ r w a rw th .; A nd o t i i l l ( l n i e » d y e a r p e rao n re n ^ gaged In hn id p liy s lc a l la b o r app ea r to need a c c r ta ln , a m o u n t o f m eat. N o rbu rne 11, Je n k in s , o f Chicago, re* een D y dluquss^d I h la h m i i tr An f ip iib - llq od drcss .'r ind , & lthoug b(h lB rom nrki} ^ 'f l ro ln le w k 'd t o np p ly q h ic J ly to foe- 1q fy i R n d " n iU lr iK r M lv e « , J.\ h*ev ‘ Aultcdj t j io / f ifp ie r qb w e l l , JT e * j f a ld : (' * , l>' _ “ Thejj w o rk in g m a n ; o f th is* co n n tr jr

h as to th in k n i ho \ v o r M ' H e ls jn no sense a benst 01 b u rd en ! he-cannot' liv e on g ra in , vfc0 iy ;;t .lilr4 o f th e bloodfn hia e n t ire .b o d f. l« nfled«1 to keep h lv b rn ln n c t lvo f ’’H U la b o r la tleroely fu i t nnd com p etit ive . A ll th la und m ore U ln h l i w o rk th n t la n o t In © flier*. J l e nceda ra p id nerve re p a ir ­in g food, s tro ng red m ea tf, >1|e can ­no t dn such w o rk cxo ep t w ith thear« A m a n /m ig h t bp i q u ie t, Jn fe lle c tu n l

' ’ i A jb cn it* lie lutN

. , ’. H c ,u l*n o t d«?flvVcr, ip irvc Bin^aliliig.lQotifipt'tl- tIvo w Ark, o r be A g u o tl w l^ lv r 'w H lu n it m eat nnd p le n ty o f ^, “ O u r needa u c e r ta in rnolal, geo*g ra p h ica l and a in a tn m lo a l) d lipOH|tion

A fnan>mlght bp a quiet, Infell ange oR.Vflgetablea, or «ai> hu a of burflen and live on auoh If I the rl^ht Ui)d ol vincM'rtii,but I

f>o a good .vegetarian, Of nil pen* pits w* AiiU'i'Icmtu nre th'o lewit '•puilllled. Tho v rg f tn rb m rneea have,' on b i i average, live to ten fret m ore of In les tln o a tli ii il i iiitw t ijp trra , nnd ao enn live an il to ll An’ g r i lu und vege­tab les, hu t tlti’y e m w n t build w a r ­ships, bridges, typeset I In g n m iii ln c i, skyscrapers , lo m n iio tlv fs , eja,

M| t la an ff to Mty I hut th is euunir.V 'a iinto'Dric^Piitrd uao o f n lra t him hud n r a r iy ,u » mm'lt to do w ith speeding lu u rfy rn g i^ s iln g e lv lllw it lo n a i o lt liv r c r ili\ v r iron-: \ T l i o . cnnna l dn t h e .a l l i e d M ill speedy w o rk req u ited o f lilm laH d iu fw t flm w o rld 's eoinpctl- t tn n ijt f hu now does, unless ho linn un nhumlUlH’o of in r a ! ' ’1 : .

E L E C T R IC A L H f f i g B , <

Am HtipltsK l>i>rl(i« Inf W«rmin« ' “ l l o a N i i T l m l Hum n i f N i t l l N N i I * .

NatfimiNitHd It;

r t J , , l ) f » > v j i l p g ,.« f J / * iM l'W » 1 iliV olotitrld ti6Vrl(>‘ llliiH tn

haaitlrddealgUlMl .

’ l j f )n w „ t)vhluli n t lenat h»M ')rin i1 liiea»' fthii, nfftlntuN ' ' I t . ' 1 Anw llU hen tfM i h y n g lith cc iit ilh o p luturc lt-l» « lm p ly A H ‘rll‘B 0f ()l0U)fHtrd lik'd, t t fu 'llg llt hUlbN'lttTlHlged lli it IM I'ljlllh ’ /i'llii)i*< w ith r r llcu to m u t llm Im t- lt i 'A iiV d va im l m m ilr r of l lg h U may be iiK 'd , nud it ^ v ltch ,1b provided tn (|W|,olT U iciho not tii uslV I ii hcldltlob to tl(c I'l'fliV to ra tlio stove i» pt'ovliled w ltn ii a < rU i'C f

n ]r in le ts n l jh o l((fV.ohi, thijnijgfij\vlilch;] tne n lr uurrctitB riHootfti, p afik liig iirau nd j t i e h u lbs nnd ou t In to the1 room upon,] iT rlk ln jr .tlio id n n tln g hood a t tho top, ’f t i o j l u i i f t c f W ' l i t i t < t | « t n t u l in tlir ■ r e p lu g “ flneifc p ^ v id M hi Ih o room fig H enit be p laced Inm ty .d cH lred plnoe, ® x leh a r ia lw i 'H ’ naaa lb la ito b r in g tha] flo ye n ea r ii ohnndeUor.fn.r i;?wdlngj»ur*1

.noaps,^ T hv cxtrQino.-llghtppHji .,aud ffitn ii n inm in i o f iU lc u | J« « rcijtifrc<ll w ill rccom m end It In liiiViiy piTKtiiiB,1 y io rfltliiolH\u*nt- of the w ire to n lum p!

ickot nnil tu rn in g on hf thu current,!%l i i lf i l l d i i i t l* r c q i l lr r t l Id 'd tr ir t l l i o |

v o 'R iJ ii| f.-C h lL 'iin n l) i i l ly N ow t. ‘ |

Wli> n tn l l ln i ii UrMik, ' 1 l» *.110 lttUA ^ :nt.LUl rnll mi iim (Iren' i^oi'lliiirni rnihvny' In—ICnjrInlid' liroln Wtii .IT iilnuon, vnimttifr n nuplmm iioiil^ iltn l.l .A «M liD ,lii| i in l l i t(k ilo . , iipiwhitMl to IuvohI Ikm<«•i|ii»« o l tha brnihiiii*. Imit .only v e X iknily ' ninilu 111 'r™>rt, nflitr jfiiui*.; ffcufit of work on tlm mbjeot.' Tliifi tPinmltliMi imcoi'liiliioil Hint tlm |iui'^tlm iln r riilt w h lo li hi'Oke o ii|1 Iio )(io ti«X Uon ilniibHliiiil ‘l in n ^ c lilif il 'e tr l^ lt i nil'; ilofifint fM lu r iw , ll io iH'eulim o r ig in o l [ w h lo W rt t iW lii* um lo lo iimli\ii/l, lin k 't lir f j (nvcallffitttnu Ic i l to lo v c n il ( lb u o v o i lu r lit kblttntlfln nm l p rno llo itl lin iin rtnnoe .l Am oiiK t lin io In t lm ■ iirp rla ln it offiinti Uf ■ ornaUn lit tlio ilp p o r aurfuona ot. n illii, I t w m fo il n il b y o x in r lin p iil thn t a. rn ll n loUoil w it h n o liliio l to a il«|itli o f : ii > ljt ly '/ o u r th o f ■ n il Inch ' brnlto uihIm ' ii w o ln lit o f 1100 pouiid* fiilllu ir /ruiu n h i ’l | { lit n f 19 fo a t jw h llo llio hiimu fn ll 'nnl. n loko il ponU ltil tlio (n il of u ton w cttflit fro m u lie lg h t o f to f o o U . . . ............. 1

I ’ r W E i d k c i o s s i p . •. ■' . i

T h i r t y thoum ind w o iu ru »pi‘nd th<|» Mu** hi f lr id i i j f mid t lc p r if ig Jh t 'i 's g u h boiita in Bou tlieru and TtildUm4 tfii||* land. ’ , • [

Kurm htm da nre bo M*arce In . G c r jim ny tlm t d ifficu lty U evp iT ienc^d in rtiia ing <‘iuni(fh ju ig tir-b frla to i>Vipph tlm dem anda o f th« faotorle^ . > ^ u-t . }\ T lie vuluc of the ch ic le , the'taftls ql cJiiiwing-guui, thut I s . pruduced In Mexico ta three llim 'u ub great in that of the uountiy'B p m u ir ii" ru b b e i' product,, « ,-r y. B luce th c tre a t j f o f p c *c ? >ya« a ig ire i1 In i s r i jSerjim ny has not e x k a d c d h e r

}t>yP? a ^ ln g le ^ n c r e o^,r| h f continent o f Kurojie, but ahe has lu- creased her population by 10,000,000.

W h en a flt*rn»an‘ so ld ie r has been cr ip p led in the field th e governm ent hu^.no fu r th e r , In te re s t in h im . A s u re su lt th e re 'is 'iu n c h b itte rne tis 011 the p a r t o f th e unfortainutcfl and the it fr lunds. ; ; ... :•„? ' •. .

/ r h c r e j w n s .eu ch n Buperahundancc •f f r u i t In S w itz e r la n d ' In th e a\i- tdn in tb ij t In ■'Hern, one d ay in N o ­vein her, jlO .O ^ ftih o o lch lld ren received each a butsketful o f nppl^sr presented b y ije jp h ljo rin ff f a r m e r s Y ' • _

Aco6rdjjng to tv S t , P e te rftb u rg cor- rcs}K»ndent o f (ho lx tndon D u lly Alnll, on In vn lld w ho hn^ reached tlio re* lim rknb lc ngo o f 140 y e a rs in n o w ly ­in g h i tho hoopUnl' p f i T o« ih)c.. . l ie 61111 Rem em ber*.?C a t)i^ r ln o 11.,“ nndtu lkB o f h t if in g ljt iu v ip d fh ls iw t f e ; iu tyu iirH U g o a n d .lilk Hon^p^yrnjri. bnt’k i;,

Inve^tigatlo iiM r i 'c r n t ly mailH .b y ,n m ed ica l ifK innh lU ee , in 1 ICtllnh'urgh •how*, t lm t ’ (l»6 .ptMJr a f (M s « i t y j « r t q \ U t iU * W eU 'fed iii* those In ftho la rge to ^ iu l o f ( I ren t Jliitu lu< ,ov,. A m u r Ira Tb e c n m iu H te tlty 'g i'c th H in t thu old dlttt o f jw i 'r ld g ^ .aud i i j i Ik o f th t^ lnV b u r lt if u Im m a , liiix iK 'e r 'g lv f i i up! fot tea utid b r i 'iu V ^ uUi^ |*plptB<njt( |ha t w h it« hrtiiid na /in (•iiuj,gy>|>iiod ii^U ' it

*w**wr lltlut |A MEDICATED DOG.'

Tba I la W hm . HiwnlArda lle ltnve IM “ •’ l ' * !l<H tl^N illrlriB•tl'*|aMM . ,1

„ . , , ,, r . . T O fIh i\ [ r*yiili nt hrll&f t^^UgV

bnt *11 !f lp «n U li M p4 'n k liig ^ A ttiirr ’••ThW

•u(d « y|»lfpr, fro!*, Vcruth f .tho "m u ll hnlHi'kB fto g ,/ fa n il||* rl,v km>Wn na tlm > 'K n i’ ditg. vOBU f r u io ri»i‘i)i»mtlBiii, I n .L 'i i l i i i i A m * ? '

I^ii M fn II i'Quii|ion t l ilp g f tnpi*opio*iiflllu led' V l t h th a t (IIncabt ta kt'i«p otu> ornioi'i> of the iiu lim iU in h e d , the theory W in g th u t 'th i’ in a liiily pitM ' on from tho innn to l l i f dug, H in iir y i'iira oho I w<i« iu l la v iu iiii nnd ro lled oil ii w i'u lthy ip rn d in n t id iuy acijun liit* nni’Q w h o wiih' In li) up tit IiIh reH lile iiH1 V i t l n o f H ifM iiim lli'g m il.j fm ind liln i ijx tnniliiil pit a utifii* hla Uw i-r tl nlm oftvet'M l iy n hlniik<*l,aut1 Ini 1 nst hnvn t T io llc fd it p ecu lia r look*

iu t i|| i.ln the v h iln lly n f h la iovcw l j ltn i’H, tvlillo .ta lk in g ,

1 M iw><jrJhoiight I hii>v, llit* 'Im hp 'n ihW i nm l, nru (llra» ti). »u,v, 1 wuB VoimUleni- lily nth 1'lli‘ ilj n llliiM igh , lit di’ ferenui' tn

1 fitihfUVfjri'd tQiitin* ei*al j(iiiy jlitillim tljinK d f Hinptlwr, M y uv(>Km |iM lyu m i)»l Iinvi| huv^ nvhlonl, ifiw JVvv//f<y . j iA W u l ly l l i i ' »*lelc hHin’' ' ' ' ' I f t y / i J H w X 1 )n it .( i/ / /o i!n i i i | ; j i i |in!i<)(i inimWiiflt w t ; i i , ' l i u ; ..........................

■ Iiiiih fl.iiilil, looh lnRn lrtl m il'l l (inii|i[i< nf

t lK m y w lf i i 'n h im ,'h eMt 1<I. Ihlld iki'i'1)! lilt III ivitll llilllil |lll!an«ilii/ iV ji ii l/^ iit lJ il jilv iiHi>'ilohiiir iiii'K fih il.’ t i- . . . .M i, 'i ’ t i.lp j,|j|| | |n s . J,ic<i'v)ttifeinirl.v.

|-<fj)fiilqi|i t'J n^ i'fontlife iloHo..C u tt ilf f lit& .im !

I m t W M f r W i T o i W r

■ M K a . ' m . H A ^ . S t t V E ^ 3 . .

•U« l l a a l u i I I 0*h l l o t M t f l » « • !• d ta t Mt the W v k u ' i f t i r i » H a »

. . . T a m n f ra iia e . .

M r«.'r- il)llii|3 M. K r* fjlitve iiii w )in hn« been ir lil i 'c t i 'd prcH ldtM it'of the Worn* <•»)’« ( ’Jji-IhIJmu, T iy n p f^ n c t* union, 1« o n a tive of U u Y iv ^ f t ^ n n i l begun her w o rk ua u te a rh e r In h o r ow n state. A t .21 s lic g m r r lfd y M r .S U v e n ff lm i f p u t w ith ' I ie r In i ib n u f l ' t o ^ i* horn<* licn t l >orUi|i> il,..,ilr*. S te v e n s U rs t m e t . i l iw W il la rd nt Old O rchard in the sum m er o f 1B7& and th lru ijliu s ls ted in ; tha*ov- g a n U a tio ^ of the M ulne W . U, T* U . r j le rD r s t .o n ic f nub th a t.o f tr# A 8 6 rp r o f i h u

t f k . $ — ' 4 $ ’r‘

M orel I ' U h fo r C h o rch C o o io lW a t lo * .K p r , E d w a rd f ie rc e r o f th e K d y p o r t

r r f i ib y t e r la u O b urcu Ise u ilc B vo riD g lo bring ab o o t Ibo conso lid a tio n o f L is ohurob w ftb tbo K e y p o r t Keforrned O hurob iaud haa evo lved a d o tc ! p lan tow ards th a t eud, H e propose* th a t tho cong regation * w o rsh ip together fo r tba. f lp it i l l aM > tb*, h a lf tba tJm c lu OD6 ob n rch and th e o th er h a lf Id tbe o ther, Mr. D orger to p re io b ut botb aervieea an d to he p a id b y botb ooq- g rcgatioo# fo r tbo aam e a a la ry ho fo- oeivea n o w from tbia P re e b y te r Ja o G b tireb , A t tbe end o f t h e a i i onootba the coogregA tiooa Are to decide, opori the oonaolidAtioD. T h e P re a b y te r ia n O h u re h ip lit from the R e fo rm ed C h u rch tw eu ty- tb ree yea rs ago. ‘ .

. L I I . L I A N M . r»*v «T13VI3N8.. ,• (praaldeiit of th* Womw'a Chrlstlun Tern* t i ' / ' " paruuce Unions • '

Atnte: union,;,[;Biitiv iiyxt urMa}*itentjiml iinderher gnWanewthe Alsilnp organlBflUon intn't heeanhe toniildi'uniiB In tlio.natl6|ial unlou nnd Itn president iju lens I'DiiBpU-uoiii ninoiig.,th« la{lles iiiwnrk tn tha tiMiiiieiniH'ccnuse,' Mra. HteVens* adfiineo In lhHutfl)onJVim rnp- I<3, -Hhe wun^leoted v W pi^alnunt dur* Ipg the Hf** of Wlllnrtl nnd mu»- (’(■(‘ded 11ml great reforuuT ua prt*i-l- dent when Alina Willard died, s • Wr.O in lu / ' .U iU :----------

: C O N T R O L ,Y O U R S E L F , ' : 'i

. l 'n i t i . h l ) I k t i l lu | ie iL .Boulh imbor CIUebd: .

About three months ago a man full of palarer and genial way* called on merchants about town aud endcATored to juduoe them to join irliat he called tba Amerirau Protective AaaoolAtioii. B e atAted that au office would be opened in towu, where All mAtten relative to tb* BBflnoitttion nould be obtained, A fe* of was demanded to join, theu the merohaute bualuesB oard would be plaoud in a book, aod these booka to be sold for 01 each, Any persou takiug a hook to tlio advertiser thereto would get a diaonunt on all purobMM,. and Ibualbey would mou receive aiorotban the value of tbo book, Btraugn to say this u a u with a- wily tongue Induced mAny marobauta to pHy over $S to him and from all Anooiiuta be made tlrat* classiwAgea durtuii bia: stay iu tiwu. TheuorobAuta bava uot aeeu nor heard from him slttoe, ami Are now woudor* lug whwre M h tbu uihu astiU IA bill dlAAppfeiived to. j : .

. . . . 'k ^ v ^ t i it i j i l i i i i i 'r a t h li in t lt i ||m y frli'iv<|^ h f l l u t i " lie w'«h W ' tng heitellte#, mint In pi'uof t lm t the cJiiirm \v|i« ln 'g !i) iiliig to 'Vpikjjj.ftlU'd, Vnv afi('iilili)n lo i l ic i l i i i t tho lit -

^□iitlnui»Uj'...Xi'iiui lic a d ,lu ..fo o t,„ w lilu lt

e ltib ljn u .. .A .m o iitli o r-n n lu te r-h e 4 u id reoovered fi*oin ills n ttd e k . an tl.'m ^el* h iff lilm i l l M b cIoim*, 1 uwkuil h ow the ! llujftriMOVtra 43 to 155g( nn>' lttr0-iiHp?ni i li -Ji rt ndai ri ucl»r 1 itf^ l i Ir* ey«% Vi ( k i l l tJitn i M t l l i ’ l i t f t n l l l t '1 tno inont'li 1 I rin in n l. rm liir u It. It) von -

'U i i i ii ln lo 111 o i u 1 ’ I tv ll iu ivitj', l l In un !Oilil I'nlim ldcitU n'tlitl'l t lio ’ Jircijilo o f tlm ! li’ rc im li jirovtni'i'ft lirlU'Vti (|nlt(> (|(.|iim'- !» l ly t lm t B iu in lcl pnji|il(>n w ilt .‘ilrn^vj fe v ff" < f m th f I n iin\«\,lm1|tjf». i Vti>l)iuaieid lM 'la t ir t l ic y ' i i r c I r ' ^ i ’cu t tleliin'ml fo r jt lm t Hjiuulfil pilI-|>OHO,” ,

1 'm n llr L I t I b i T h ren (,'rn n i r I c h I I I il.M l la n o t V a ry o fto n ouo hunra o f li cn»o lu w b lc li » o o u n try l l* l i iK linn biii'ti liciltl b y t h t aa iu# fa m ily w it lio iit n hro iik In t t r c a ■uodtaalVa'tinfittirii'*! V t i l l i l ft fo ir m o n tlia ' tln ia t lin ro w i l l h o .n t ,n n jr .M ta ono onao o f tliu ltlnd In 1-hivinlitl, A T l l l l W olllu ln lotl u t t ll« nmTliiut Ri)llu i'o li/fu f In lt j ii 'l i/ In licrlt* i l i i r i ' , in tl.o hint. (li<«nilo o r ttvo of tlio c lff lito rn lli c o n t iir y i t l ic to In ii lim n n l l t l l l i 'r n lllu ln tln ff, tltcr'u (llli'liiff tlio to lm M Uif l l i o 1 pl'nxont' o i'i it t it 'y ," 'it ii i l, Hn|i|ill.Vi < tliorn. Ih h o i'« i«n tt .t(i(n |ip roti lii'iiil M int it U u t I<t w i l l nnl. b it.found • ill) llllliijf.' l l iu ' l lv ln if lit t l io lic irlti­ll 1 ti o f Hin ftvi u t l i it l i tifiiitin‘-y,: ■' 't 'liilt la it ri'unril nf n fttm lly Imo nr lt i l i l , liiilnm l (iii|tlit, In ho th o ro u g h ly lii'o in l.-!:l.u iiilo it ;K « l i ro»ti f .

' , / i j >' ''-i. ; I l f C itU ia r . i f' V ln llo r— W lm t, W in C im ; iiiiiltep W itli

th t mint t lic y Ju a f lii'in l((h t tn V ' ,Duotui'— H tu n li'l i lx lil'ful th ro ug h It

nit no n f kIiim . • ' ." It o w .ilh l Im lo o k ? ” • ,v i l la M & iW w i 'n i i ' l i t j i t r t i l m b n i*

•lo it ."—N . Y . W orld , 1.- j..; .H li. ilC w f.w .1// ■ !.

‘ I ' l io Itaok A u fu |;7-.l,iW qulil lllco to ■how y o u , t f i l i i l ic n u j l f i i l work.' f t t.U a i lu i i i t t lio ]|[Oijla;of|itt.v ii(Iii.iiiiliitiila ,

W i 'H w h '# ' KilHjf* B t ’ t l i r ' l ) » i i r — 1 don 't u n til III I Iiiivu hiiuit u iu n lu d to u r l l i u e i^ - X Y . W o r ld . . .

| « it l l i la * .A c i.a • ■« O a k M I) ', .a w l fiaV .tf. » , « « r' I 'tM p r r TAorrr,

N rv i 'r k Ivii w a y <tl» Ml u i liiinpn ’i*. K v * ry m 'ti^liilr u u i r a i i . o v i i l i t . '. to :, ho i i W i i i -i’ llm l Imll tiMi||ii’r «infli>i'«>ri‘.vi¥rlll t w i t innn* « j- tn k t» * !Jb .n.^^reulk chnn Iiiit 'i4 id c ( ) l i litith lnA itiid.iunaanK* uail I'liin iili'n tun lif ii» lii '» nml uri'iiin ii anil liillo im ('nil H 'ltiovi' II I il yiM ir'a fill 1 lifu lii(i|ill<>iill(iii, .,I'Ii,vh IiiIiiii> t » « i ' i t U n it uu tn in if i i.i i

am ou n t n f nniwu-fi'i'i'ii ,'*|!V ll.lllVl i l1 U n r y l l t o f IhiiI t « m | ii4 |U n it w linu tun- jlt | l i ! p u rl of i l in iicrv iiiin > j» l«n i l» lu- ju r liii ia ly ulTui’teU. tltii fni'i' llr*t. ifc o n li i It . T lm f.vi'H h rirln III In in I I I " lu it i 'i1 o f y im llii niii«til.n lifi'iin li! tlnb liy , the .k i i i i i f i n i ' . lo I 'l i i i lrn i 'l iii'iio lilliiH ly . am i tlm In itvK iih li' ri'ntilf I t w r ln k i™ . tv iiin im '. t ln 'i'i‘» t m ill n iiia t liml<lImm tor.. • . ■, ' ' •, liiiliilHliiH In n lll of ti'in|iiii' nut onlyiniiliim n wiiiitiiil n lir.liu il,ii)(ljlli)|fiii'iiI i i t Ilm i', Inti I l 'n i ' l i i l i l l . r i i l i t i r l r i i i ' l i r r . Miii'i'nvi'i', ovary I Im i) thn liw i'a until n il

.o f tin 1 I *ltn tllttilliRi'ii » im n'liltiriilu.-i'i'lt .Iinjl weaUnua by H'vot'iil ilu- rirn'n' ii^ i'ciiliiiiilly for.Hiilf-tiimli'ol.

Tltn, nf I ijiicf "Im Inii'iiilta'Iiu^M'lt lo liliiulii* hii W lm t ili.n. bi'lliiviia,. tn i1" ,rl(flitoo|i« ItiillKiiiiHoil,' IJut ‘morn frit- finiiitlly 'ill* lliitln nlnli ()iiMi»liinii |irn- >i‘iilln ir Ilm niM ilii'i, fiir.M Io 1* full of aiiolt li'i'ltntliiK o|i|iol llllim ii«, ,' l|, ln llio.f fn.f|iiUlit iiiltHtnof iiitakliiii.Hint iiriH'iilit.tnniiiiu fronj jfrtiwlnit nld ini britiillfiilly thn l,‘,tlify. *enil-tn m- lulu tlir lr 'y u iit lit l ii itl|rm 'tlM i».. atnli lllio > tri'i-.i hi'iHiinn tnor^ulnlnlilc tvllh tlgt}.‘ '

'• 'A ';,titfltifh ' 1 h« t frftm • h flh ft- "U flH W J t « l f I I I J in .t ig g r ta jf f lU v h m *1 llni» aunti ^ e t lle lT 'h t ti1 \ r l n i *otirv« t lm t w r lle n yuniH p f auu|iipon n wcmunn'«,/in«r, fni<l

tihlu pxprexaluu w i i l t !h m ‘pel|t n il ih- ! i i u w y j 4 i i i t < ? i i ' i “ M f, iiiii'

iimiiiiillitiincoii. J" * O T 'l l i j tW r l iW 1 ^ i1 f f « n i i iH T ir in iiyand ^ (iiM ’inflfli w o fn i^ t t ih y - d lim ijT .im H iiu itfih ] . imi I ooiiipnt'C iMvUh t ha t o f j jw , niu lublu

iiTTj o n ly powt*i‘t ll Is lu t it itn L n ru g iv p lo n , h i'itllb , 1i !i j i ;>1ih ^ h liH tl-IpiiV l lfo U o n i iu V m lf jiih f idVijijb'i f i ' lc in l i nml r iw n lty .^ K i Y,

« a p - ....................... -] vJ o u ea p Du a p e r ie s ,M n t p r ta l^ ln r l i r O lt ln lt ied rop V f r y i l . l l l l f ; [n lM t 'l j |Um t , In M a i i i ’ W a y a .

{ Heiiltiin, Vtiirlii|iH> nrtd' iartlm 'iiR h i t now dyed n i(iht lie iiM ilftil idiitileN, nnd tiro nineli iiK fil fo r w in d o w n iu l iloor

■I I f tlm iltiHlri'd Mimlii la uot III ho fmiiiil III .onit' iiiiiti'i'hil or «lin|i, It ktnoly.tiiiiy, ho i iw ii ir a l liijailiiip .vtli* n n lu ll'll, la Wltll 'lit liny tliii fiiil't|iiiin- Itlly lU'HL'rlhi'd ut. jinuu, im twii |ili'iii'n pinlikiiii i’ijihu-i‘.K.ivifli’f llm m m alimlii. ^Iini'l'y riiil( Il fnaliInnuliln almili. nf t Iki M-HNiui,' koIkiIIii mill f/'lilnii tiluii, (lull '(ircnin, ao/( ..vtUIW/tJ n iu l, (tullll'n b low n* urn y i l f p h 'fifti of.ith(i‘ iu^i,v

...r. ti. \ J -

IImi (inlfir*, D 'l< »h V.......'n yn rd i'h i' lu K a t l i iu ii w l l l i l t i (h ii itiih Ii i i f itw ry. into,i If tint window otii'liiln» urn flint'll wllli IhltSoi-f'mil,. billotc'dv ■iilctiiia.; ni' 'iivittt iiyfap,{Ui(i|i{|rj)iil, Iii,lint hhiylnit-l i i ln iiiH l. 'lif lf HMii|f fliuM |it<uliHil„il from'tllu rnJ'H of thn mill Uii'y tlinillil Inat 'Muviii'nl aniiamia..I A(ti|trr(iirifrlii|f<i >l» Mill liltriwtlrit julOltl(lii,;,iiii(l nlunilil.lio M trn l nil llm jlifittoitinifr anOUKh tfiiiit ' tlm ciIkii thnt both JiihL omtiilin Ihn tliinr, lull, iiltmir tho altloa It alinuld In) mi'vi'ii dlroiilly on tlio ciIkk of tlm niiK iilii.1 i A iirfilty jtnlr of |Hirt|i>ri>n nrrn Idtnly linil n «!k-Jmill httitd iii ttni lop i>v|il«,'lt ,wni» inliiod ‘ l» tlm Irtfiru. '|inrt nf llm ciitKiln liy n Inclnn ol himvy liliuk ntllc iiiibl(i,' cord, W lnro tlm jiliKlhvity la li I if li' nml uiii'rinv tlman lioi'lKtiiitiil 11 ur* will uni tin them *00111 nitmli lower.—l'lillndrliihlii l'rcm.

i '. H ttl l i n k Hnwutif. TIiediTdoo Wntor nml Hacaga 1'it .

itlnatlon Cooi|ianjr of Naw Ydik baa lliealitileil |iUn> anil in a ilr au otTur to1 111# llml Dank Brar.l .if DomiulaalAiirra t» (irrot a ■ imago tli.rnifti plaut In llii) ulA ; |(4a rotor! liullillhg i)ii llrld||o A*(timo. Tlio ayilnin itntilomitlaKii aaratliin tlia anwago altli * fiiKiatl onrruDt of ^lr anilitiyunn toil ohiirtlite .. a. lt'|iaaJi« tliroii|li filter baila’ln tanka, ii«ar>i|lilil|) lining IU ilu|tll(i«to tn uuanili tgalnal oiary rnnti n^oimy.

Tho (inm|iaoj'a roiirraau ia llro >atil It winiltl gnaranten Ita tiding •twultitoly lan lta ry ttiil (u liirlrlt. aiiil d ia l I I would p til In tlm |iU h l by iTuiia lit, ' on •|i|iri)hMluB, not IA Ita pa'.il for until ajijirti.iiil of by tli* Htatn Hawaga (Join, iDlaalon. Tha |irln« ill tliii . J iU h l la iiuito«^*«ofl||T|#llll. " ' .

Jtiiifuh uri', Im m bjr lira , l'liu *l|iail mil llm iirlnol|ial Imlua-

try vl .Tatu««liur», N, wlmu tlm alilrl..iwitwry. of Kollnuitir ft i>Hxlau »a« ImrUDil WmliivaiUy night uf Inal •link, Tha Inaa to llm faiitnr; la about 11110,(1110, '1,'hn «lllagn,a gul out,Ibo •ulli|iiatiid liru amiaratua, Iml II « iu (int of nrilor. lln lilsa tlm factory, lio iili llommtlV grnni’r y , . Onrui'llua Mnuiit'a lintnlmr ilui|i ami Mr., Mniiaghtn'a launilry vara hnruoil. Tlirito liiliiilrnl Imtlila wiitii eiil|iluyml In tlm fanlory.

S llrilaliiH lit Mlllliwrnt IIdk Cam), i Juallo* Jlulaa liaa Juat auuuiliiniiil lila

iliinlkloii In Ihn auil lirouglit by <loaa|)li Natmr of Mllburat aaaloil AVnllcr Abraua .of tlm, aaum |iliin« to roouvrr for, ditniagca wlilnli Mr, Maliar'a ilaugbtar Mary rrcol««il by lining bllton lij Mr. Alirama'dug,, ilnalioo llulwa gatn » viirillnt agatliat Mr, Abiatna,for nliati, | l ,Hit aotllal Uamagm, and 110 oxmiplarjr ilaiaagra.

I.oug llrau i'li l lo ; lliii.'.^i)d.Oil. fili^tt*ti', Ifnriimrlj’, f iiijal^

iloiitlof liOiil ill/aiinli, h»» tii'H )|H iiolniiia by Hbcfolary .ul tlioj N»»/ Jinlig «» #*»lat»nt ilrniiNlitainaii In Iho N»»y ])<ii>arti|iuiil. IIn •tuiiil ilrat ill lila oxaniii)4tliilia1 mid llii alifillontlon ftir tho iioaltlon waa (itiilorncil liy Hu nn tufa 1( 1*1), Dii|)iw aud Hanna ‘ ( ,—j— U-m—• . mm—

Now I,aw Cliamlici'ii, i For llio oouvutiluimu uf tlie Inwyora

of tlm Monmouth Uuiinty Uar Ju d g o J . lfraiilillii Ifort Ima icuiiriiil ia» aliatnliora al Long llrauah for tlio trial ofjaiuur uatoar tiltaotlug partloularl tbo rualdvuta of tho aiiiirii dlalrlol 'fh i lonloca' will lit) aiiu|illinl wllli a ooiuiilotii ««t of .Now iTorHo/ Jaw ru: Ilorla. ,r 1 ’ ’ ‘ ■ " '' • ' 1" ' "

A Cot.ilmr Trnm NlioiiiArlliiir Huwinad of Iioliff Dmiioli ami

Jitiiii1, Murrny of Went Kml lin*o ao* !qoiii«il liiofcliallhrigo of ‘if. It.' Klllott iif Kanana City null if. 13, Orotiu of Wuiil 13ml tn aluiot n niiitiili al biio liiiuiinid blrilii.r 'I'lm inutiih will -t^ko (iliioiiatimit'tlirfa lu April, '■

,l ! i [ "^ * » ! .i ; | •>»--! lllll riliil III Hnlliin TI'I'I', ^

A finv i]u *n ago W ill I mu Moaalor iif HonmuiiHi; Jiiuiltloii (i|io|i|ioil d()WIJ,l< hilllnw gtliii Inin In wlilnli Im liniiul II vi) 'nuiiin »|n( J 11 gt uy^oitlrriiliii l'rmii Aim of lliu lliliw lio luii/rtii n lijvo tf liuun nnd Martfb aluoulit ufjiimuy,1 ” - r » ^

i ’ ' ' f i n fo r i i»i i liin iiig i'itiiii.1 '\ h’runk h, WIIooi, nil nmiituiir pin)- lugriil'lmr of Aabury i'nrk, ruuiintly mint n plnlurit of , itti J Tnlor/Hlciu rent* ilonco to it'Now iYork iii)Wi|iu|ior In oninpatltlotl for a ‘jprl^iv :, ilo awarilut!,tho llrat |irlto o(.#l(i. ■

! MiJitiO iMulii'ri far I'l'otnCiitni'.‘A1 bill waa iiaaaiid liy llio tjcglaliitiiro

whinli iiroffiloa llml Imrnafliir tka l'roMoutor of lha I'Ioiir ot till* ooiiiity alinli riioiilvii a yonrly nalnry ol HI,(HID, llnrutoforo tlio l'riiNi-niiUir Imi uiion tKimponmituil liy llio fon» Im rmiiilttid.

Two hottara to roll I, (ll nud (D. A]i p ly at l l i l " union,

p M T B A L X . K , OS 'V NEW JB B 8EY.Authriclto ooni used exelurtvelr, tnsuiicg

oltianllneM ana «omfort.

TIM K-TAT1LE IN U FFEO T DE0.18, 1000. T ra in s L«Ava M alHwan,. ,

Ft*v Ni^v iVnk, NuVftrk, K llu M th . Av.; vta. t \ \ ^ railrouto-ugo, 1 uu, 7 w, Mua. a 4 i, n « a .p i:, ■ l (a, 4 ini, 4 au, t to |i. in.- Humluyti, U <? Now Yurk only), h j i a. m., B 11, hu6 p. m.

T o r i ’w v Jio k l-fl » , aint94i « : >n.,? iit, & J2.6 bV-’ P. ni.

For Key|H»rt and Atlantlo Etliflilotxie—713.9 i i a m . , n u , a S3. »au, 0 61 p .m . tfundoys,1010 a. in .. a w i», i n . "

Fo r Funnlntfdat^ l^ukcwopd, 10,10 ss’n, t in., 9 47 |t. in, Sundays, iiau a. 111.

ForTrin ifl lllv o r nndDameflnt—010,10 28 a, tn. ’ •J47 i». in. Huudiiyn, IHO 11* m. '

j . n , O LU A U 8 EN , 11. p, h a ld w in ,Uen 'tHupt. . Oen’l 1'aes, Ast,.

T O & K A X D LONG , B B A 1 GK E A IL R O A D ,


STATIO NS IH NEW YO RK,Control K . It. of N. J., foot L iberty and

Whitehall wta.Penn, il. It., foot Cortlandt, D esu r06scsQHd'

Wo»t-2adBts. . , .

L E A v il lA T A W A K : , ,F o r K!l?J»lioth. Niuvark nnd NVw Y o rk H i 47 a,

in.,Thui-mJ«y« only), nau,7 tin, 7 4U, si*.h •p40, 11 46a. 111., 103, UIA, 41W, 4KI, ll3U. 7L1»' li. ni. Hiiiiitiiys, 147,821, io00 «, if11., All,oau. Hoa i>. in, .

For llud llfiuk, Lonir llruneh, Anbury Park aud;I ’oliitJ'louyunt—ll'iftl a,iii„Tliura(t«yH, ll^ l lhtiik only). «igci, IT 1 0 Ilw i Hank only), vau, lu xi.tlii'JH IttHl J lm tk w ly l.a . ra„ t'l^.D M , < < \'i 47 itnnk oul)’}, 6 M, 1 J3 (>, in. Man* tfiiyn. (U B4 lied Hunk only), 1ft 14,11 OT, <11 ao ttad liotili only) a* nt., 6 id, 0 :u p. un

W H u iiiln y trnina do not atop at A sbiiry Parji. ■ urO cim n Cli'uve.

iKiave New York for Matawan 1Foot.LlliOi-lr Klroet~4«i,BIU>, »80. UIU), 11*) u,

til . 1 4f|. 4 in. 4ft), I M , f l 'A ( I I4A (Inyo 11 ml HiiUniliiv* only) p. in, HmulsyH,U U i . lO U U .U I . , - I I U p .lU . .............................

Foot >Vlilti<liall Nt., IHoutli ]'<>i-i-y Ti'ruitiiAl)"* H'jv ua», ro>,- i k 3 u . m f iw ,n o .I l l 40 W«dni«HtlityH and HiituitliiVn only) p in ,H n n d n y fifM .H M A M n ,r«M |vm > r.....

Font W i‘At.'i!id H iiit I- h m u .in ., 1-440, i| 96 Mn, Hunduya,t>-J5 n, in,. 4 U |m ii, . , 1

V iH \ ^cMtiniMt4<| 1*1 »• ni., U M, B W tm. Himill»)»;» u a< in., a in )i. ni.'

FdM.t'rortlilmll H r n M - f 0 0 a.in., i»eo,>sw \>t '> ,ii). Hmt'l.ityf.u 4<|«* in.,, a ^ a : , . ; i .

J.lt .W o o il, I I p, iU M W ltfi HuVuh 11 l.ot>OBtrr«

iu i.'lilld T i.J i K . V . A l l f l l i l l ^ , 1"

p i H B T L V A l l I A B i l L B O A D , '4 -

| o n A N ii K i n m n o V , td, two, ’Trains hMivu M atawnir«n follows i ' ! '•

■ J hibu H iiintli. Aalmi v IM ik. Pi»liitM i*«ai)t tand iiitormiHlfulo nlidlniiM-Hifoii. hi., aiu, a „ wi'i'k tini'H, HimitayK 114r711; in* 0 hii<. au; ‘‘

Fur 'I'linir*-Ittvrr ftiM} lnli‘hn**dlat* AtaUoiw*'' lu J«i i». m.1 #i'i‘k ilay», .Vor N*>r Volk, llrf*'»lf|yn,•Ni'Wlivlr,: ’llflhw*f<

'dayn. Hmulityi*. i» ‘hi it. 111., 11M |i. hi, 1 ’ l ‘nr hu tti AinlM.r-iuo n, in,, tun, (twi n, in , .

.HunnityH, ltiiiua. 111,, ti'Jit 11, 111.For Tri'tHAU nud l'lillailo)|ihta, Vljt. IlliliWfcf- 'U*t«, nt., n ifi.Qittti. 111, Hirndf^n,,i«W.an,

in, jtVHji.m. ,,rTniltiBj«,ih,v Ni*w Vorfc tWniit ftid HI. HtMlait) 1

iiitiwiui -H6(t a, m „ r m j r j A in m ■ vjh n m., |i. in. rn*m i ) r

•iriiiiln in li Hiu -in m it. i i i,, ill«4iM'< mmiwjk, n imi, 11:., a Ih |i, in.

. . . n jn ii . ,tia n I M m u *h <,ii>

J, It. Wvyn*| Puis.

K EY P O R T BO KT T IM E -T A B L E ;The Steamer “ Magenta” '

will i nn iihlullowiHiii nml niter ,M O N D A Y , APRIL I H , 10 0 It

iMVtfa KniriiDit ilnllr, Hiindaya I'ffliihMi al llWliitHiM Ihiii Iiim ai Pint' a, Horili iflvkfill'|ll4«H(lllUft|'it|tllll fill la lit, . , , .1‘W S a ' i i i w y u / k Ilkniiiiliiil

■ ■ ■ ' i i l ’ t t W W J / R : l i t

fui'm i«? .i*i* ,irmii (iiili»rniiil

ly laniiiiulUlMM/llll.l inliiil.

if ll 1 •i>. *n,, nvoiy wttvk <\'iy

[rmii o in itro m u ir I'lnrn .nu i L w lM t V f H frti«/ ,rt i# il*» . tha only InmlliufinmUi-Hi Nn

M lllllFfndMllt Mill*iUHNIIIIUIMM/IIII.

’iirx 'i'iLit'.

»< T ill* Will IM ..... Vink mill iuilli l|itHU'HKllOlllll tiiHi

il i 'i i I ’loi'rtfiom an, nii tu^'

Cgauralon Tlokata, 60 oU. EaclitHlimlii Miiki'la, mm. Itnok* mmtultllHM H'OV* «aiti*Nt ili'tielN. .mooiI only for person t*jir«MlmmNi, tf. ('lit dmii U ymwn aim! ovtir. full flllf», Otllldl’MI M w n a n »O lld iW .r«Wli|H4llit|iJ iliikntN ini*. tiJiLMiialon wu, OhIM iuii iiiuIih ity iiijiK n o itla trJu . • ’ ’ n'i'Ul'lnK'Hiihilill Hnw\

Mntliwim Imki'tNi it..,'wnVof Kiivi'orliVMiH'fty ilmil'i tU'hvl uft'’. wju'uihI'jiV,WlMlrtH'flt«'aiai?llMlU .ivnvvi,..... .

nm , T j’ki'Ui aold oa liiia t iliiiio a rf , „Aliiu lir Mlti«(«i to l/olitifisl ikiiil Killa Kw|Ji,

iiliij nmiil atiign lo nil j iiiiln of tli|i jo**1* rMtnln n m r rnfreafi

piItifH from 7 ii, in., in

,otflijnoti hunt* lW M « l lT V r f ld .A « ! l "ill fnr n ii i ir part of ftm nit yarn! v Ic ln M

Tliu ntoaiijUout O'liajniny reaortea the i itnt tn <iliiiiitff tlmt! Nihla on ^ u o jin l of wmdlny

* v l M m i i i m m k a i o i « « ' -K E Y P O R T S T E A M B O A T 0 0 . ,

' ; A . K , W A I J i l N I I , A x n llt!1

. lillll.....Nfiinaiita

7ii, i n „ i m i | i < i l l . a Keynort unit Maw York nxi

‘ tluoilii. ‘ ‘ '*

n n n w ii , ,, At maauilalitu

. , v , r . . r . . , J i ' W Vork’ nMiiraiA A . tluoilis,/Uillvvrqtl, fttM),n uur tuirl <if Omi olty uiul viclnlly,

• * ................re not vo» tlm ill

Tltn Cleanest, l ’fcUlcat, sud ‘1 Must Durably Warn made. .... ‘

T e a K o ttlo s , T e a a n d floffoe P o ts , W a sh Baflins, D ip ­

p ers , O haflng DishoB - f ;; «uil many o ll io r , t ,„ i

HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES■ i .. i , ............................. ') “ / i | i

' >1 prlnoa imarlr na low aa ooiiimon , till. For aalo aud ou oihlliitlnu a( ;/

T. S. K. BROWN ESTATE,' Cor. Atlautio nml P lia l Bla,, '' I t l f lY I 'O I lT , -l- N 1U W i f H H S K I

(5 R A Y ’S *2 s B a l s a m^wt.^HOT OHY UP A OOUflHlulhlWiKcrflf.foi'itn'l wi'VlM'fl*,|t ..'hiiillr,, T» Ika l*nt kmiwii rn.H ili- MI'lillH I*, l'« I «. .MrillM'llllfS, l ltflf.MII.'..,H & ' l i i s r i i H s I n r J ’,1 * w M " " 'l lillHS IHlHlitiH H''f»'riMlr. fK'M hr <di

S o l t i b y A . D E L L , D r i i g g lo t ,

T A K K N O T I C K ' fAll|ior«ii;mitrg((trlildiliiniiiliigroliiiia

an or nrottuil my proiuluo* unitor pun* ally of iirtmnoiitlon, _ ,■1 W, ll, itANKlNHONi

f r w % 0 0 > <

Villa ■luttntiirt, Iii ini rriiry llua nf ilia kmiiiIii,Laxative llroiiio-Qiilnliic ‘r»i,tiiu•lio r.iusd/ tliat cu rt , li co ld In au« 4«jr


S S w a t o a n J f lc i n m l .


M iU IT ii; aO raoUTB CO., H. h i■ ' IT •


inaioftimoairATABu im advamci._ 4 (Oa«e«rf,l7Mr........................IIMTCBMH40B»«opr(«Moaiht................... M............. 8ft

AdvarUilacrKtMapoD tppUutira. IpailBflBOtleMi eanti • Ua*aratlBMrticaaafl

i fw m riinhf wini, ,Bw lalloai of Ib i i t u M

BoUaatefekareh»BtavtalsiMattl«*ataaliBe.ThetmatowUebaeahacttpUaa I i salt ipynn

aalfeeaaperaroMMer la BalUalaoribm. flab, avlpuota ar# pajraoi* ta aflraiee, and If sot ao_ J prompt BtyaidBtabonld ba Bad* and «• «4ytf»rM iii v l r ia ^ ie a tk * w ir lw w d altar

■tteatora, adnlnlilrator*. ctr.. bava Iba riflbt to aaa* tbs aewsptper In vblcli shill appear ooflef* •adpublloallouaof allklodaaa ara n^ulred order Iba law to ba published, aud wa aaru*aU7 and re- aiMtfalljraab oar frtauda to remember »• ia aut> lanartMa kind.

IO T IO I TO BDB80BIDIU. ffaklaamark (a drawa (farvagk tkla actio* tt

toetaatbatroBranbaorlptiaohtoeiFirad and Ikat Voa ara laapactfalty raquaatad to raeaw at eaoa.

A a J oubiul laoa Hla at J, T. Olowca’ Nava IM M t aad tbo Doloa S««a Btand at sullen, Mata* * U i and at K. K. Clloa'a, Kejport,

ia ta r ii at Iba Matano poatrttca aa ••cond-claM . > BwUmattar*

THUB8DAY. A PR IL 4, 1901.

The Enter unubur of Ike Long Dranob itecord waa ii»ued lail Frida/. I l oomprieeri four aeolluue of nlgbt pifoa eaoh and waa raailj tbe largeal toewB|>a|)«r <im ismied from > Mou* Mouth Cuuutr ofllce. Editor Taylor l i * thorough pe*a|>iper wan. He la located iu a good HeUI, haaau eieelleut fdant, agood oor|>a of aaalaleule and aeada uul one of tbe beat (irltildHl pap* •ra of au/ oonutij ofUct.

Ad opportunity la offered lu Iba people of flfataaan I j bava located Itora an industrial etitorprJae Ibal will (Iva employment to a large number ol man, A mealing will faehoMiotbe Town Hall Friday nlgbt at H o'oUwb, lo vbloli our bitalm'M tiitiu and prop- art/ ovnara ara Invited, vlieu Iba propoiitlou i l l l be auhiuitleil. 11 ia thelrud Ibul it special effort to attend Ibia mwtlug «tll lio inada li/ lb oaa In lurcatod In tbe u|*liultdiu|tol Matavau

Iti recording the rnd of the wwdon the topuNkiiH dcAire* tocxptvM hearty up- pivdutioh or tlm TteiHon cotrcxpomlance lit lhi» newapttprr, by tncaii* of which our rentier*, without M i»g ImrdtMird with tedion* «%iu\ Itrclrvrttil ttutnll, have Wen fully «ml promptly Inilmiinl of nil l.vuU* la ilvc umllcr* or iiitetrat in tlw ir locality. To jmlllU'tmi* tlit idrntitv ol' the writer ii ytWrtUly iinoiitn Hem*!. Toolliera it U only uttffHMrv to My thnt, through« |>iec«* of exceptional gootl (’oitunr the AV/hWA fill* haa hern nhlf tn oll’cr in UiIp conaion a 8tatc ],C|{l!ihtlivo Nctvlcv urioiiil to uona in N ew jetnfv.-VW M .■iiitth'y A'tfuNiwH,

TbaJoUHHAb bad tbu aauto oorro- aitouriaui and drairM to viiireaa ita a|)> ptoolalion of tlio emloo rvoderwl lu our readoia. Without going further info Ibe attlfieol wo ctit^rfnll/ audorM what tbo tmtllalier of tbe liaa ao wall aald.

Son* lllu»laatlag I'lgaraa*Onr aalea of Aravrioan meroltaudiee

U Iba wprid’a maikvle |iav« jaotaaeatl more Ibau 5U |>or rvni, iu ftvo Tean nttdar what lla fora aro pleaaed to obaraoleriiu aa tbo "highnel Protvotifo Tariff ctrr knowu/* Tba favorable balanoa of trad«^that ii, tba axeria of vbat wo evil to lordgtwra over wbat vo bn/ of fcteigiicn—was for tho olgbl monlba ctullbg with Fuhruary $409.* 024,001, an ootu|iftrcri with lu Ibu oorrr»|mmiiiiR oight mouthiof 1900,. and im,47l!,04l) iu th« Uorrnay- V?iliou /oar of 18Utt, Nnvcr bcforc liaa tbia favorable balauco breu io ovnrwbduuug. 1

l i. ia rathvr diioouoorliug to adber* onia uf tlm Frt'o-Trado tbcor/ to Qoia tbal while our eiporta havo niii up |o thoia ouoruoua tlgnrt R our Itu* forla of foreign mertibaudiao bava fallen off. Theev ituporta for K^bruarj 1001, w«ro alnuiht $3,000,000 loan than for Vobruar/, 1001), aud for tho eight ubolba onditiR with Kuliruary the/ vora about $il2|LXH),000 tclow those of tba prooo<litiH /car. Tbo total import! in tho eight woutlm woro SlBO. aa ootuiiaml wltb 90A5 'JM.574 tu tba nraeedtug jrvar, ami $541,104,JW3 iu loth), Iu oihor worda, while onr Jmporla iu llvo /fan havo fallen off our otporta haro incroaiod more than $ 100,000,000.

Thn */uiinm/ coiuutoiidi three il> lnmiuiltufi (iRmra to thucar«fnlrefleo> tlou of our old'tinio Krvo>Tttide |ihll* •oaopbora.— Jaunuit,

SliM IM Caygh aail Warlti Off Ua Gold.U x A tiv o UnMUO'Qulninr ‘t^ h lo u cu rc n

co ld lit on* day. N o m w , uo pay. Vtlcv 43 ccnta.

Miwira for Sale 1 Kimt Oal>oruc A>fl, out ntowora at

inOyaohjon^ Oibnruo y-fork toddpr. all alcol* i i one field and urohard foroo aprator. U. 1). II. Bmock, NVIckatuuk, Nol.

Oawataaupplleai all kiuda.'ai towla HUtloDor; Bloro, tiriiltiiui' Ulwk.

A Kniirul s«iioB.M*w BnjD*«loh P m i!

Tbu arilieiaui* ttjat bava.bueo uiado h/ Ibe Dautooratiu patera uu tbiijear'i Legiglature prove Ibat it baa bueu a remarkably goud one. If tbia i» all the/ can aa/ agai&at ltt tbe llvpubli- oao* l/iiispbaotlj aiolain, tbe Mieiou waa almoat blameleaa.

Aa a nailer of laof, it waa one of tbe baft, tnovl aatiifaetory Lcgietatnrea of reoeol yeari. It would bo difflonll to raeali an/ aeaaibu within tbia geuora* tioo tbat waa tuore fruitful in aota of pubiio beoefloeiice, The tilokea law alobt, tbat devutea $818,000 from Ibe aurplo* io Ibe treaaor/ toward# tbe payment of tbo ecbool tax, givta tbia year'i Legislature honorable promi­nence, Ever/ taxpayer tu tbe titate will experience Ibe aubstantial relief from bia burdena given by tbii act, when ho reoeivee tbia yeer’a tax bill. In tbe rural diatiieta eapreially, in man/ parts of wbieb tbe State school tax compria*i Ibe largMfc item in tbaj tax bill, will ibia enactment be ap' predated.

Tbe abolisbiag of spring elections in oitiea is another good law. Tbe people always'complain that there are loo man? Heotions. Tbii gets rid of one tbat oan eaiily be diapenaed witb. Aa mnnioipal elections bave usually bean conducted in cities tbe/ have limply recorded tbe verdict and carried ont tbe pnrpoie of a few looal politicians. Tbe peoplo would nol generally tarn ont at theae elections. Tbe were run by little loeal maohinee, and small politicians were enabled to nominal* tne ticket#, to vlent 1b?m, and to mn tbo local govarDBeol Tbe now a/item will work a revolution iu theae tbioga, Tbe political leadera will not dare to jeopardite Ibe auoeeaa of tha ticket in tbe fall by load logIt ilowu witb weak nanita for tnanieipal dffloep, kuowing Ibal it will Im lab jeuted to tbe aorutiny and vote of ibe entire public. Tbe aol will alao save tba large eipeoae of a uaeleas el«tiou.

All tbo iiolitioal dutiae developedupon Ibe Legislature thla /eftr -were discharged iu a apiril ol reaarkabW falrneaa, Tbe CoDgresaioual and Aa> sembiy reapportionsunla, nuuar Iba new , ceuiua, are be/ond raaaopableoritlolaMi, .

A largo uuiuhar of enaolmanla of more or leaa iuportaqor, aod all along tba Hue of good govomnetil, ware placed upon the atalule booka. Anting ibew mat be Kvutioned Iba pare footl hill, under wbiob tbe Dairy Cutu- talsalouers Departmvni is merged wilb Ihe IWard of Iteallbi i^e rallaadea 1'ark act; tba bill probtbillog tba hill­ing of an/ other tbaa game birds; pro­viding a method of enforcing thu law agaloat pool tolllngt conferring an* larged powers u|ou Boarda of flsalth; providing for the iirotuullou of public ilehiug rights lu north Juraoy lak«i, and many olht<te of a Ilka oharaeter.

It will t»r» found, aa Iha whole mailer ia dually Ihrrahed ont, and the pvople of Now i1orii>/ ootne lo underatand ihr work of tbe r«*oont aoaaion, that it waa one ot tbe moat productive aud bene* llcial in maoy yeara.

.......... ^ a in .» ■

liniMi BIrtn Awiy,It la ((irtalnly gratifying to tba pub-

lio to knotv of oit«> oobooru wbiob la not afraid lo Ito g«inerous. The proprietor a of l)r. Klttg'a New Dlavovery for oou* aniuptlou, couglu and colila, have giveu away over ten iniftlon trial bottlea aad havo Ibe aatiafaotion of knowing it haa mired thousands of bopelvaa oaaea. Aatbma. brouehllla, la griptu aud all throat, cbvat and Inng diaeaaae ara easily oured by it. Call on Frank II. Hlater, diutgial, aod gat a free sample, llegular aita AOo and $1. Kver/ bottle gnarantvotl,

Head Uartau’s Haater advt.


REDUCED PRICESI hnvo just bought n large

supply of Toilet Soap which will be sold at H A L F T H E IM PO R TERS PRICES.

Tlic soap lias been retailed nt >5 cents b cake. I will sell it for 35 cents a box, 3 cakes to a box. " ’

Also a lot of LA U N D R Y SOAP at Reduced Prices.


FRUIT JARSin nnd quantity at the Groccry Store of

M. fl. WHITE.Is Hr

Ocmiltie VutmcUo AnpnniKUA Roots for nnlc, price f j. jo per thoilBAlul. Apply nt MngnolluVnmi,

J . B . RYER , Prop.





This D i n i n g Chair, full box se t, quartered sawed oak, coldtn fihiih, spindle tiack, cirved legs, highly polished.

Reg. 3.00; Spe­cial 100.

Arm c h a i r to match.

R « . 4.75 Special.. . . 3.15

This Chiffonier,golden oak finish, 5 drawer;, 30 inches wide, trimmed with brass handles, wel l made.

Reg. $.00; Special

3.50Thlc Solid Oak

Sideboard, golden oak finish, 24 x 14 bevel plate' glass, w e l l f inished tarvid top.

Keg. 15.00; Spe­cial

10.95Thii On I den

Oak China Clos­et. 43 In. wide, 5 feet high, nicely finished, r uu 11 d ends, Rrendi le(;j.

Keg, 15.00| Spe­c ia l .


T h i s Reed Rocker, suit­able for porch or s i t t i n g - room, very easy.

R e g . 2.JO; Special


This Rocker, solid oak,sad­dle seat, with arms a n d c a r v e d back, a very comfortable chair.

Reff. 2.?0t S p e c i a l

1.59Thl». Porch

Rocker, large a n d comfort­able reed seat and back; wide arm. '

Regular 2. SO;S p e - | A lc ia l . * • “ *

Thla tlraai Uedauad,4 ft.sin Inch*) wide, I'tM goM he* qticr, 3 ft .1 in. hi|ih,tt In. polls, i In. liKlnif ro.lx. tivi'll fnol end.

k « {. 37.OO1

r i 6 . 9 8

This Rocker, nraple! frame, splint seat, reg­ular 90c, special :

57cThis Iron Bed,

all sizes,: strong and serviceable, head end, 4 ft. 3 in. hi(h, brass trimmings, regu­lar ) .50, special


An Exceltlnr Mattress, full sire, our own hukc, with iiicc joft top,' regular 2.50, special

1.89This S o l i d

0 a k Morris Chair, well fin­ished, complete wltli d e n i m cushion, regular I.OO, special

2.98Carpets, Mattings,Oil Cloths, Linoleums.

Chinese Mattings 15c, I Be. 30c, IRc, J»c yard,

Japancio Mattings 15c, JOc, .15c, .IVc yard.

Plt're Mattings 39c, 45c, 4W, 8*c yard.

Awnings, Porch Screensanil Window Shades.A complete awning, to . fit. any

window up lo 2 feet (> Inches wide,’ ready with Instructions for haiiglngi'i.w.- ’ 1 •

Window Shade, complete hanging, l ie .


Send to us for estimates on furnishing your home, office, hotel or public building. We have seven acres of household goodsof the best character, and oiir prices ar positively the lowest.

H A H N E & G O J bS NO M A II. O K ’ rn O N l ' O n D K IB N L i R h O N : TiiKan qoodk. .


has opened his store in

COMMERCIAL BLOCKand is now ready

for business.

Large Stock, Good floods,

Low Prices.ON IU M .K T O 11AU O I I K h lM l I t t ,

nwira.muk il.Hlnlor, »»*rtt|prpf I'ranlitiu A. HUur,

(InwmkT, lifrtb r bI*t« tw tlff In Ilm tt-ttliiott uf Dio uul ritcwaim ia luina in thrlrtWM*, ilcroiml* •nd tUltu*«fi»(nM Oi*f*l»li*prntd itrmMhl, «0- ilarMlh or alMmutlou, uliitin «ln» monlU* fmw

twwiijr-stecwtl ittr t>r imio, nr ih»*l» futant lAtrtu of m iM tlnn ltiir*for<fi)uit lalvl uteutor. rtu* & U, BLAnn,

R . F . S C H O C K

Satisfactory Footwear.From day to, dpy tt/ll store is

gninini; new friends, mid a friend once gnmcd in nlwnys o frlcijtl. The secret of it i,s.thi; t,\vo ‘jfpfdji—Sntis- factory Footwear. Peoplo know when they conic licrc t iitf the pricc will be MiUisfnctory, the style .satis- fhctntj-, quality sntisfsctory mid the wear satisfactory.

Call nml sec the large ntjortincnt tlmt I lmvc for the Spring nud Sum­mer season I11 Men’s, Women's nnd Childtcu'H Oxford's and Shoes,

R. F. SCHOCK,Solo Agent Tor A, PcnU ^ Co'n

l*ii»e Wnll I'rtiicr.


Monday, Wednesday anil l>*rldny,' W nlUarlhoW niton.

Ordera Taken nnd l’romillf K llM .1H onrv J • OamnholL

W taH ie r Im llrallnrw - for Noiiilar* A|»rlt ?.-O I«KAH atitl W A IIK I,

I More-­Then Etei<!

Dautc l’nshiou sayn thnt Uasler ' is the Uuic when \vc should put o(T | our winter ganuchli and nppcur In Spring tiUire, ’ !

W e nro showing some very choice S l ’k l NO JfQ OTW KAK for nil ahvs atul acxen in Patent Lcnlher, Vic! Kid, Cnlfflkiii, ICtc., uinck or Tan,-. ,

Our N H C K W H A R is entirety new nml tho pnttnnta exchwive, . hnving heen mncle lo our order.

Tho quality nnd atyle of onr HATS hnn never heen qnefttloucd,

Cnll nml examine onr linen— everything entirely new—uot nn old alylo hi the utoiu. r


i m m M i m m m m i

N otion ok b ktti.k« i:n i\ .f iit i lc t f _ JttllN Ml Mil'll Kiiil' OKOIKIK

.. . . .Mlt.I.lUl, Mliiiira,Nnlltv tiltM^it nlv<-n ittni ilm nmninii 0f Um

niMMUr. amwisii nr Mlit mlntiN, will U RiiiUUd aud Malwl br tbr HurrvuitP, aud rriMtrlnl for ml. Ilmrnttfl ill# Ot]tlt»tm’ Omirt r l Itin Oniinly ofMa" KiTKissssi: Isa 4Mi Dr * * * * *

1 jKPWAtui m u iv ;


I f M a i m I duthhL

Matawan MaOlreotory.I’ll H’UI'k, fn r })1)|i|Im i|Io;i 01) nny inMlmt iM<nnliiliitf u* rn- uii'l tln*> will Im |>uXlmli<iiJ

MAU,« CU>«K,For Kcw York, Newark, nnd ait points

North *iul Weat, Philadelphia and tlie 6outb and Atlantic H)j/h!«uiU; 8,13, u.Jo «. ui,, 4 30. 7.00 p. m.

For Haslet, llolmdel, Colts Neck, Red Back, Lohb Ilrancli, Ashnry Park aud all points on the N. V. * L, B. and New Jer* gey Southern Railroads: 9.1s a. ni.» 12. Jo, 4.30, 7.00 p, m.

For Keyportand l’reeltoldi 9.10, n .10 *, m., 4.30 and 7.00 p, m.

MAILS AKKIV8.From New York, Newark, and nil

points North, Cast, West and the South: 7 ,00, 10,00 a, in,, i,oo, 3.00 aud 6,00 p. m.

Prom all point* on the N, Y. a L, B. «nd New Jeriey Southern Railroads; 9.00 «, m,, and6.00p.m.

From Keyport, 9.00 a. m., 6.00 p. m,From Frecuold: 9.00 a. in., 6,00 p, to.Postoffice open daily from 6.30 a. in, to

3 o'clock p. m.BENJ. F. S. BROWN, Postmaster,

TDTJB8DAY, A P R IL 4 , 1001.

io, «ioqMui)<di Wedunaday, laat olghtaoil M ay. A .IJ , him Iv in * ttrn

ralu will uto».a lilaaaiof to

Matawan and Vicinity.. . . . Next Sunday will ba Eaater., , , , John Brewer, tlia local amalear

blcjole rider, ran a 100 jard loot race■ <1 Kanwri lu t Salunlar, (MMtfaji John Wall.ck ind Willie Campbell of Ibat I'laoDi Time 11 aecouds, .

. , , , Obarlea Sotielko baa loll tbe em­ploy ol Otwrge Ho'iacr aod ia 1 unking ftrouod for a placa to opeD a barber ahop lor liltnatlf, Joaeph lUulUnf uf Aabury Park baa taken Hr. Bcbelh.'a place.

,,.. High :winda prevailed during ibe cloalug daja of March and Ihe dnat ■I tiaae nu Wall Bluet waa aonalblng

■Ini. Tuaaday tii|bt a raiu atom.............................. laat

................. tha. . I wrote a lilmia,tbe grata D.ld ol the farnera tbruugb oul llila atclioo.

. ... On Monday allaraonn the graaa on the Hujdam lara near the brook waa aet ou fire aud ll apretd rapidly, doing ooiiaiilarabla damage lo Ibe growing limber i arid a l: 8 ■ o’olook tbiealened lo dtalroy tk* barn. 11; dial of bard work ou lb« pari of a nnmber ol people In Ibat vlclulty the baru naa aared and the lire pul out.

free Ktidlag Hrnim Hrpurl.To iua CqNTmiiUTuua Ann F jiik iiim ;

Qtt January U we opened Ibe reed­ing loom and beopmti <il the Ore ibal ooourredou January 97 we were liiirund oul and Iliil everjthlng we bad, lip ip that tlm# hut FtatiiUiiea were SIMMII ■nil we hare reoeirad naib aubanrlp- Ilona amoiintlug to *40.40, Ita,Ing a diiiloluiioy ill tD.fll. ib la ainii Iua lituu aulimrilMiil ami if llioae wlw liavu not jo l paid will eimio to our ulil wo will be able to moiil all olalma. i To Iboaa wlio liavu Intimated Ibal tb«7 would like lo Imlli a llltlo wo nan offer them a ulianc. Two alovoa wero loaned Ifl llio room and tliaaii wore de- elrojed io lliu lire. Ultima anna autl- aorlpllnn ia reoeirad for thia piiriiuiu tba owner of the a lota., wlio wae al.u a contributor to the fuuil, will Iota ■tore Ibau he ahould bwauae ol bla (eneroaitjr.

Hoping Uila will uot dlaoourage Ihe fulur* pl.ni lor a permanent trading loom I am, joura reapeollully,

■ F. (3. FtitotL, Hao,

. IlWorit urn liiviUttl tu munl iim, iml lulur lluuiW m JiH w JIiyof i i w Ij HM 'k. W i>uhl|«<ntl<...........(l(>ri>iUt|i'ii(lii)tfmir wMlmi tmr lltfllilin HIMVlc.'H Hlumuti'imryt*.)

M, K. Churrlt.Kaatur ierrloei witb •pecJal music

ami <lt*ot>rulioDi on Hiinda/, April 7. “ What Body ia tliu Iloaiirrcolfuu ?" vill be (L« pastor's pulpil tliewe lu tbeujoroiug. Ia Ibe cveojog a pro* gram ul aougi, readings aud recila- lioua wiU he ruodercd Ly ILa Sunday* auknol. The pastor vill delirer ■ short address,

Viral llaptttt CharalieHot, J . V. Irvin of (hia plao« hu

received a call from tbe South Baptist Church at Totteovillee Dominie Irwio baa iho matter ooder oooiiderallon, bat it i i not likely that he will aoeepi it,

A ohnrch aooial vaa beld at W. II. Cottrell's, Browutuwu, on Toosdaj eTeoing, About 100 peraooa were presect and all bad a pleasant time.

Utter te Mayar Via Winkle..ViifrtiPnii, X. J.

Dear Sir:—We want an agent in your town for the foremost paint in the world: Pevoe lead nnd einc, We bespeak a few words to aay how much more tlm means than simply tlie aaleofpocxl puint., Ottr agent lias to ad niniatur tliia agree­ment with every cuntomer,'■ “ I f you have any fault to find with this

(paint, either now in putting it on, or here* irfter in the wear, tell your ueuleroliout it.

We anthorizv him to do wlmt is right nt our exiwnse."

We become, you Ree, Ui« jiartner of eveiy tnnn thut uwh our point, '.ml the purtncnhip lnbta an long tut he chooses to continue it.

Supixue toitjohs of painting are done with iW * ; lend and r.inc this yenr; and aoine or thrill don't turnout mUinfHctory two or three voaru from now. Our'ageut jniN got to Mih» wlmt ia right at our ex* peuse."

Oi course thii means tlmt we know our paint is going turn out nil right.

We have tieen in huiiticM, we and our fnthem iu huHiuru, 145 yenrs; .we hove made u ijrcnt deal of paiut: and we have itvidt with thousands himi Uionaauda of prople. Art not iu thv Iciut afmid to ' ‘do whut is right1' when a joii goes wrong.

Ami, In this age of adiiHcrutinn, we auyMend it to vour Statu chunlat, If he

Jlmls it is niiiiltenili'd, we pay his bill knd MUtd you *ifm,

Th»iv ia Midi a tiling aa honest btui- iieHyct iii Ihe world.

Yours trtily,P. W, <S; Co.

“ Two M ade t in e .”A ilb* letter* eatorUlnment in the

M»' B. Chorob Friday evauin^, April 6tb| Ket« J i F» llaiienman will be as- «iit«dMfollowa: ’

Organ V o luu lflry— M iss IjtaU ie In ilny,U^nrtctU— Uejwlc MUuhell uud

ltessle l)ellett;'Meiuirs.' George l lh rr is nnd jiloier Mitchell.

Recita tion— M Im Ann Avery.Solo—Aloti*o Walling.Tbe laotare Ibeme ie “ Two Made

O n ii" ' 1D fiafaesa C a n n o t B e Onr^fl

by local nmiHcadoni, nn llicy ciiiinot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There |? o iily one w«y tn cm e ileafneiH, nnd (liat In by conntllutioual remedy. Denfnes* it caused by an inllatneilcomlillon <»l tlio imi* cous IlniiiK ef the eustnclilnn lulie. When th\i ttt\« &ets IniUuwd Y«w have a rumliliui* sound or Impeifcct licstmij, and wlieit it fs entirely clnied (jenfnciis In (tic result, and un ien tlie inllimfUlufl u n lie laVen out and this t&be restored to its nurmtd cnmlition, liearlne w ill be dealroyc[|,furever; iiitiecftn-i out of ten “ re cnuse.l by cotnrrh, wMcti ii ^thiug but ihdnmcd condlliou uf (lie mucous mifaces.- W e w ill f iv e one fiHiulred dnllnta for any caie of dcafneii (canned by cntarrh) Ihnt cartnot be cured hy Ifn ll1" Cntarih .Cme.Solid for clrcvdari, free. ..........

1>\ J . C I I B N B Y S: C O ., Toledo, O. M TH n ld )»y dnifiiiliU, 75*:*T la U ’e Family 1m11»»w tho beat.

1’onloffluc at Nurrhvlllei■ Morrlafille In Uolmdol Tovnaliip

w ill1 hereafter bo kuowu as l^vorutl, a poatoflleH having been ostabllalwd tliore. A change In tbo tmiue nl the tdaee vas ncocssary booaiinfl thnrii wr rn a unmber of plaora In the Htato by tlio eartio iiatno. Thuodorc Btllwolt will bu tho uow poetnmstor.

, A Herrlble Oalhreak - 4‘0f largo soroe un my littlu dattgh*

tnr’a lioad developed into 0 oasn of S h la ’1 wrltia 0. V. l.blll of MorlTantoii, Toiiiw. ‘Mint lliiekloii'e AfiiloaHfljvo untnplrtolj curort b«r»M i l ’a a guitrftntooil euro for ooftmifii lot* tori unlk rheuiu. pimples, mum, uloora amVpltcMt Only 25 coula nt Vrnnk H. fllittm'a.

'O ow i in d B u l l i for B i le . <TroBb oowii wilh eiilvoa for.shlo or

oxohntigo, Oau bo rood on farm. Alio ▼ofifliug bulla for iMo. Apply tuOoo,

illUKC Ii ITKMH. Publle Meetlaf KrMaf Kllllt*A puldio laoeting will bo bold in tho

Towu IJtll at S u'olook Friday nlgbt, wheu tbo pro|waitiou from a mail a* faotnring oQttirpriue will be at|bmlttad to our pooplo. Tbo eouipaoyr should it come heru, will give omploywuut to a largo foruo of workmen at good wages, but io get it hero requires tbat noun iuduoemuuta be made, The properly owners and biiaineas non aboqld b« l^arlietiUrl/ interested and are urged to he at tbe mention and giro Ibeir support to the projeet. . liemember Ibe night aod the hour of meeting.

Magenta’s ArreMgtmtat.Tbeeteamor Magenta oow. landaat

Tier foot ol itoolor Hlraet, Naw York, and it la tba ouly landing made in Now Yorb, Freight will be reeel««d on tlm pier from d a. tit, to 0 p. m. over.r week itay. l ’atrooaof 'ho boat will bear thia in mind. I . W . S M I T H , A g t .

Mew Oarlaetf af Herne.I havo rsltirnml home from the West

witb a oarload of lioraos, In tlio lot aro a number of uiatehvd trains, road* urs and good workers. The/ eau bo iHiughl right.

K, 0. iJanfca.

L l i Z E R V ANI)--


M a t a w a n H o i x h o ,

H. P. LIOK, Prop.

llorsca nnd CiirrlnKcM lo litre. Carting ilone At nliort uoticc. OurileiiH plowed,

CARTAN (5 DEVLIN,Suooaa.oaa to O artah A Oo,,




o f a l l k inds. O u r food i i n inm ifao turod on tlio p ro in lseaan d wh giiarati-

iw , it. in Ub fW s i'O la ii,

r iA B Y won’t be n baby al ^ way9. Why don’t you get his picturc taken now? Wc lake great pains with this sort of work. Six Carbonette Photographs, mounted on Kcmbrant' cards, cost $1.35; (per do?.,, $2),

F. MMG, Photographer,, - Keyport, N, J,


(n tliu lii'Ht Knrly Potato lo plant. Kiirllcnt nnd hcnvlcst yluldlng. 1 lmve 11 fine Block ur tlioiii grown oftjicolnlly Tor ncoil. .

A Ino uIr IiI flue yoting Coivb with tnlvcn by tlid r nlitc»,

Cull nnd ncc tln.111 or ndtlrcHDm . a n x i r n i i ,

Moimuiviiin, n . j." T 'X 'L H IR ’S .... "Separated Cream! (Froah Kvory Morning) ill I'llitH nnrl qnnrlK, nt; Mrs. W.H. Dlggin’eI Urniicli Unkcry,

ltead about Cartau’a Spring gooda.


The child who lias been weaned and derives its princi­pal nutriment from the many excellent “Pure Food" prepar­ations such as are on sale at I. W, Smith's will grow up well, strong, and good hum­ored. If you aro wise yomvill increase your grocery bills and reduce your doctors' and drug­gists’ bills. :

Fresh Shavfd Dried Beef on ha.id. ■ .1

Orders solicited.

Goods delivered free.

Rooting Paper 75c, Nulls, Holts, Rope, Stable Goods, Hay,

; Oats, Corn, Flour ‘ (best) $4.75.

“Prices Lower Thin tlu Loiwt.’

W. A. CLOSET .m c o .

F. H. SLATER.I mu ilow cAtalilUlitd III my temporary qtiarlcrH, next lo the Parnicru' & M*roliniitH' Untile, wllh n good iiHHortuicnt or

DRUGS AND MEDICINES,nnd will be ytad to ■ serve my old friends and cui- tome r». '

P. h. SLATER.Now Is tlio llmo to

Spray Your Treesto prevent tlie rnvngm of

illHCCtA, Tliu

A PPARA TU Scan be Inul f*l munll cost of

Fountain, the Stove Man,Mntitwnn, N, J. ^

N e w Y o r k ' ' ( r ^ ^ Dv;<1i::: :: U nlvcralty j'J frS U Z SISL n w S c i i o ( » i | = ; , K : * . r , s ,,; : f !

Ilr..lu.la0l«"<1"*toliUU. Tuition, »!*>. clrontaia miivm*

Zfc/.ToWl'HlW^JlWlitrsi* WuMnutflh I'lii»r*. H. V. t*Ur.........

Typewriters. S K Sr«iifil«r. Oilagrajili niul otlmr nmlnjH. nt nrliinn mnuftifr Jrtiiu tu io.in |tn r omit Imhiw

. ini liriiiimmy. N. V., j'oimlnln, Hubiim. .N. J.or IT, A.

O N -A JS T D ^ . B ’T E I R

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25,I w i l i Ta© £ 0 -u.m .d. a t m y

OLD STAND,M ^ I I S r S T R E E T , '

■ w h -o ro I - w i l l b e p lo a e e d to m e e t a l l ' . o £ m y , o l d o u B t o m e r s .



10,000 ROLLS 10,000of th ii Spring's newest W all Pupcni now on allow.

Fp rih ls Spring season wc lmve gathered ’together tlie, Enest anHOrtmem of pnpur Imnglnga ever produced In tills wctlon of the county. Our ittock, which con- 1

tnlna About 10,000 rolls, aelected from Llie choicest of three o f the bunt |ntlllu^llctul'ela, Hutu, nre oflercdto'yoli '

, nt prices tlmt are low. 1

V. Tlie extensive buslueiw we do In wall' paptrii eii^, , 1, i ab lcsuatoh iiy ln very large qualities, Uni* getting

the very lowest ptlccs and best dUcounU, nil ot wlilcU . .' results to y b iir iidvnntnge when pinvhsnliig from; tlijs,;’;,'

' atock. ■■ • ■ ■ . ........., ; , , A*ld« from the rm si .quantity of paperlngs cnrrle»l;' ' ' bn. hand, we show a complutvsel of asinpte Iwoks con-1

talnlug cvorylhlug mnile to-day hrtiip wall' piipir line,' i ‘ , from wlilcli wa (111 orders nf any size' In ,|H liottrti tintu ’

nt correct prices. ' , .........W e lmve given special iitlentlon ta the wall paper ;

litisliiess tills yenr nud, have pul fortli every ofTort tn '/ innke tills department worthy of your imtmuaKc. Our books aril freq to look throiiKli nud wo feH miro Hint wo ' l'uii please you In design, color and price, ' 1



W lil lo twuk |wiiora. very litn vy alocli, In litim llfu l ilcal||iil, iloulila fu ll, fu ll lu llH tll .............. ...............................

I ' l l ln Miflf) III e lr«n lll ilr»ljjll» W ill t 'o lW * . . . . . . . . . . . .' (Hitni|ilDM sunt uu rvi|iical). . . . .

li lrn m il Uni’ wnll |in|HM» III diriluu |inttirim nml cnlora, | i t lllllllllo lo ll .»<■•«• 4 C

■iiiIkwwvI koIiI |i»|»r», very ta ry , Him aluuV, |ipr iloulilo r t it l ........................................................ • »

All Cooda Delivered Free.

R. WEST & CO.,Plrat& Church ats., Keyport, N. J.

mwnwnvwiwwvwi imnmnnmivfiminmnimiiminnnniviniv

FREE FOR THE ASKING—Our Ontalogu* of

■nglhea, Bollera, a a w m l l l a ,

Pumpa, Heaters, Ito., Btc.

JAMES BEGGSt CO.,9 Day St., N. Y. City.

Mcntldii (Ills ])u|iv r. '

am m m m m m m m m m m m

ONLY A LITTLE THING EleotrloalSupplies.

Is the oil cup of iiii ctigluo, but wlicu It Kuts

jiimmc^or broken nnd l cu]is tlio oil nway from the

revolving,wjicois, thou tlio niauhlucry g«ts hot slid

tlmrc'N trailblo . all ^long. tlio lllto.v,, Komomlior,- 1 ■ i i ‘ !•'A . 1|. .(■ .. t : i. J. ;.i I < - I'ii.'.' l.rM jt ■

auythiugilii' tlta lliio, or. l'aetory Slipplles cmi Iw

found In our Storo, rt will sitvo tlniol and tlmu

Is money,.' ' ■ ■ "i -i


:wmtu2I&23n s



F A R M ■ o t h e r K R . 0 P E R T I E S


- F p f l S A L E B Y --

BROW N,R E A L E S T A T E ' A N D I N S U R A N C E A G E N T , • -

M a t a w a h ,jp -•»

c j N e w J e r s e y .

— Anyone desiriiJS to see any of the properties described below, or wishing for additional in- fonaation relating to any of them can drop us a line or call at the office,: I will be glad to go. wltb

V* anyone to show them the properties on any week day. except Thursday, if notified a d*y ia advance,13 ' ' -- ■■ ■ -- :: - 1 -- I— ~ . " a '.' V

Ho. 1.Ten Thousand Dollars

wtK-bny 4 well-appointed farm of 113.81 acrc« Bftwat* wtthlti OStf-half mil* 0/ ► rp*io)A. . Hooi* bas* 12 room* aod cellar, bnt(r is cellar, a n la in verrgoodeoodillou. TUrre are tbrea bars* tt>«3u faev and a Dumber of other onlbiilldl'm*. Thera ara.l# aort* inlllelTM l'ratWilyearaold, aod Um •off I* a medium loani, wilb oSay aubaull. I l la dq* rwgted lor |800 a year, 13,000 cu t Urcqntred, balance to remain no boud aud tsarftfag *. ;

f Ko, a. * 'j SJjC'-Thouifani Dollars, ,

uVjo* price for t lao-tcrt-'Itrw at WJe\*tiink;':fi •on* are beary *oll aud ftti acre* ara »(UjiU*l Ui truck faming, - Thar* ta running water In «vcrr li* ra era about J*erm of apale trw* Id bcatiiw. Tba bona* I* u**rly new aud contain* al* room* ami tba tarn* aw alaoaevaad mreiy. i’rJce, |8,UHj RffUU to ba paid bjr purtbaarr ana tie rust ran auy,

'zi v to®*4* ’ • ‘ «”U A Country Hotel,

tbegutr one in tbo towuahlp, ta ©ffcr*d >t btowlll i«lt for a tittlal*** to qtilok buyer. Th* M i l IlMilWI fo t and ilia I10WI la Malltt f**i, uou* U l n HI room* and tu r ie O lm t repair. With tht> hMmtif kom tb* U r flaDirra and loeboi. Upon iba'proporty !■ a »a»li houae »i»U feel, wagou Bb*A IA iU fm*l,barn houao MUM f*«it, In* hniJw aaAwtfoo omnbiuHl W ill f**i aud another M M litt tM Mil* r«H. TUara ar* two walUuf uitar. oa* at &««i tud th* oiiitr «< Mi* be)#). Alaw • jiM M i lOilUft (1# and k cic* atabU yard Mtl<« r«w Tb* property r*ut* lor a year ntid ll,nwomI m d bu/ ti, Ika balaun*lo faioalu on toM and

3 Four Tlioiimtnd DollarsMUftvlll Imy» ft*rtil*farm or 74 aorta in M«naU> Mft;To«ttalil|>»M ftorn uf wktub at* IllUUt*. It iMMlob«*ht* tlia V.ui|1l«btti«Q TilMiiillf ttat«i mim from i¥ipk*ii<&s SUIIdu and full** truw ~ i*atm«m»u. TU<*r« «r« 4 aorMu) a>»w»iitd

1 ti*N au«t IM aoraaof MparaMHa, »«*Jalt#r ' ‘ put mm* aprlM. YtwliniHfiaM

..M»f 0 ntoibt atid tun nutiiiiitdtuiawriM a iarifd Urn and **n w buitae, all «ii (airiltnu, Tit* irtitiiid will t*laa tiaj «ralu «ud all >«|«rop*,. t N», I.

Kurin of 101 Acrcd,7tai Whlrh ar* llllaM’1, ran Iw Ihi\i| I iI I tirll IM* mil l«nofttMp»KtuMini)ii«y van ;«•*'». it l« in 1lM|t“*wtow,»»ltlii, aliiiii tl(« KkkIUIi Iowd plk# at )lol»*rta>tllo kua nljonl i iuU»» Mur*fMYtllaatalloii, tit* h'<w*r«mwli« « ttmma and

1 W*«*t«indltlt>i>, *hlla Ilia oi)tli«illdlnti* ara a lut* atul wastiH Itiuu*. Tli# will la tlt'H Inam,

* ‘ 1 to ralilMH tf'ti’k aa •*ll •« h*}>. iO«l»( |h»*M*i,alo. TbapwpMll oa# tn* mail* ti* (ay f«r tiaaU lulhrt** yatra aulfii* n«v imri*!ft jpu vdftb Pl Iwuat ai»<t t'ljr^hmt jhiU», Tli* fani la wall Wiltml and ba* A acr*« ur H'V'"

varlo'laa ami la i»<aiiitg.■: • mo. 11,- Thirty-five Himilrcd Dollar*

l«ftWaflr*farml« Mar»K>ro Ti>*r)»hlnj Hit a*rw t>ata« UIU**'«. Tb* aoil ta about ball ll«hi batf bHty Uul uf ((till llt*ra «f*a|«|<l* aiut|M4r tw * •M atravtwrrlM, H I* •lluat* *t M»r«Biivili*t ■teM IU MlUa ln>m Mttawaii and 1 mil* rrtmt taMfMd »tatl(m, a|yii<f tli* Kt>«»»>iiown Tumi'lt* TmlaHilU'f* art tltal tt 1* •ultabl* lot ill* luH'limta* bwakbaaa. Yb* li nt** ha* N n«mta and (* la |i«M iMtmllcni, vh>intlt*millmlliUnii* ar* tu fair t*ndw atMf iw * will b**i*ld lor H.HiHl tb* lulauts* (9 l«b)»tu.

j Xo,!l,Tweiily-nl* 1 In ml red Dollnrs

w IlH ny* f>riti »f tfi ai>r*a aln»i Hi* Rmiuitirtwu T*f*i» l»* ,ln .M *M ll', ro l\ '» iii lt iv , v h lj B ut wtiirliaf**(HlUlal'l*, fb*r« ar« 4% a>*r»«<i> |»«*arln*ra, I M im * III *»Mia«uaa«t| I a><rw tu atia«Wril»K, TwtOll Nb#tl ttatil **irt hfarr, Tb* f**M (• ab<wtiU^biU** fa'di Malawait, '!'))* iHt|ilaltt*H.AuT. ....1 1. ■>. ,.,.. 1 .......111 .............fMMfts iit'V It ltt iiwd wml 11lou, wbll* thr- b»ri', waMtt hnu**. csmw »mo»# ki<iw,H4j{*fB»l*rtlt>UtH>0 *!)«)* alnl iirarly nr«,

No.lt.w e iity-s lx l lu m l ic d H o lla rs

l< t*h rw « 'f Mfellttoit Tu«uabt|v*\k<hi jw tlM from UaUwaii, Tttrrr l"'i aoit<a Hi at aiNl>|tot Ultaiiii', ltt* r+*i " f ii>* *<>>1 M u * t>f a l«Mby M atiirvaiid adapted lu trunk ral« ln l. M M tlU IM ttftliiM O ap ld* l i f t * W atnulti* lnl>r*r. T M tlin u ** itoiilalu* A v» *rlt *mt Inm « 4 ootutllltiiu whlla Ibrtw l« a Itaru aud t u n !»*•*• nnOnpNftttr. Ilia I'Im* U v^rr ph»dmj<ttfwatld tb»»wif'rin»ki>n tnonff virry jr*ir, Tlir* bwyar m « 1*1 rtntain nu th* vwp'Tl)1.

His \KT h re e Thou san d Dollnrs

la Iba | i r lf * o r a fann of atvntt fl'VV a**cr««l|ti*l# about c«t*-h»lf (n<iu in « u ; tft ■■'rN illu^ i*. w l l l l ib l and attt Rle(T*r ,|>*ar« and »oin*aftawttwrrirt. r-invsr iallltrs ul walpr. Tl)* boita* c-mUlna • ^ 'iw a and M M ly u *« .and lit* b a rs k Im t* lr At>o<at »»it«*«Laif o f th tp * t+ m * prlewcau twiualu ob th* p rr^ rty .

»r.H.T w e iily - o n e H m n lre d D o lla r*

artli ’bwf • famt 1* ti«arW HM aerv*. H) acrta IHI> abia^lb Madlmn ’l\>*ttabn>, auoul f nill*a fh'irt Matawwn. Tb* Mill U M b IIkM and Iimvt, abnul imt4iU «l w ti. ■ T l* (mil MU«l*i* nt lalf Mr* uttn. U lt ftora tlr*«b«rrl»*. balf aer* tw»|'Hirl«*. H4W*b«llhN>lB*aedH* »>«dltlntt tatr,whl|*th* o itb ttM H i^ b H H n .w a r ^ buu**, c«w ib*il,» io .

i, . ' ' n V ‘ Ilo. 11.\ T w o T h o u s a n d T to lln rs

b u H lU tW i'f cUht aohf* In MatlbotoTowtiahlK attmU' alOB* tli* XtiNllabtowu Tnraprt*. Hull adaid*d.|o irwok nUitiu. On thi> art abaut* or v r>H)tu* (11 v*rj kwhI onuditi««,a ilftr* tnd H*W l‘*THJ 'l Ul* )lTV|*ltj * uw*<t •**«d fot * Mttutry itor* or «»uid iua\* a ooit>«<nteut lti'nt*> lur any ntt* vorklttf In tli* ('liy, 11 will Ukafl.MV PMbt«Vity tbl« v^t^rly. Th* owuor I* tWut t» *B«U* lu another bttiUit**.

No. !*.

. B lg lite e n I lu iu lr e d D o lla rs •w ill b uy a >iii*U vWm* ol It' *11 W in * tt|Ul4*.I t i t a tU idM ft<r«trlj truck r*MI»>K a i id lH u M*n-bore lownahiis alwut l tuti* from r»Uiv*«\ »tall'Mi» T b v r* I t * W' ^r)1 trr** , I rkrwry tr***,Vf *er* ra#i*lir»r»i» »inV*wn* »np** Ut o « |b« I'ffljHTlv. l lt it t * ba* * rtv>m« audta la |(vtK\ Matdlttoh, w Mtr th* huft and w«k<ir »fv a!*rt m Ifprtd w ihIU'i'U. Th* o *it* r w ant* i'| i l itU ltb a H U u M o a H m n a iii.

JtiVW.T w o T lio u sm u l D o llar#

will bu? 1 dfwliaMtt Mtiall truck linn of •>' Mrwa ltt HolmiM atiflitt v iitt»M fhuitMftltwan, A formi'r truant ctraitd ft,*o »» U tu mm> Jft». Th*r* at« I a r** of a|<i>lr li*<w m» «tMHt

anda half *r>f* Of »»)»w MTM. tlm halant* win*Uud twiud tillaltloaudariaotfd ti' trinv uia« t u , I * W*ll I * ItkT *1)4 Mrwln. Th* ti<ui«*' I* Mattd m V, bMahxHtmltd lli«rv U a tt«m and «*|ti'U bAUM tb ioM kli»»vr, ItoitW Ulr*t«H'iw»h lo liter

. iHta \Uan> atul H *lto<tM »**» 1* Iimi«i tu mtliitf a< thla

V lftc cn l lu m l ic d H iillun traab wilt buy a farm ot Ifl *«>r** Ju»t W m td ltt* ItBMttlb tltw»«<‘f MtlawaUi It h** '>«’ T and II4Mt S U n r t ot 11 la |tlaitlrd wlib iwarirwM,(u<

KaM V 11 b f f ' lu ^ a p i i in and 4tl H<«ftnl chMtntti m , i l ba4 * 1'ott'l tn l^a hd\i*a oh

lU b M ^ ca • I'*tit and a w . T b l* I* an M roll*bi t\u«* (>.* nn* w{*hltm Ut ta W W lMId M ty v i w«w>«* v * l * r , ah«4*. wind b r a in iu d i t * * * . ,Tb*t* la n« k«vj»f »u Ibta t^ 'iw rty, but «o *L<*li#«i tioA** »h» !>«<)»Itjr tan !*♦twttlbt ( w IW *, b a ll « t wltl<«h o«ti trinalu ou tha t w ^ H y .

Mft. IT, A K a m i o f v s A cres ,

B M r fr a ito f w llb lw a 4*>arUr mil*• f r r t t t ta a »i«l 1 imII* f r v u U lla w a n , It ia a o ll la

M b bearr and light and la adapted to both geoer* asd truck larmluK> XUar* ta an aom of apole aad pnar tree* oa lb lib*** ulne room bouM In good condition and *l*oftl>*ni, wagjn aud tool hottM poIt In gMd criDdlUoo. .Itio property will be aold lo r audona-bulf of (io pwrcbaa* pile* c*a r*tublnM mortgage. lmincdlaUipotaeatiou gives,.. Wo. a*. r ;

, A 1 6 0 Acre Farm . .naar flofTman’a 8litloD,tu Wddleaai tlouaty.llO acmof whteh arttillaW*, It la I'cat/d aloux Hna of Arrebold aud JaBiMbDVBHtllrwadaadcnMoitTib ulia from atotloni It la M*ptrd to botb truck and g»««ral faralDR.ttbaa afQod hou«a of nloerooM •ltd two lard* b»tn*,*w<4|ou bottaa and other ts*iul farm tiulldiuiaou it*ait is good tVDditiou Tl)f»* are 4 aor*a of apvw tr*«a oq 11 tu l<**rlitf • Tk* property i* rcnt«a to April 1,1900, but will b«»oM at not oaarly Hi ralite, ooMialf of tha pnrcbaaa ®>«*y can rrraa|» ll dattredr Tk* parllculiraM |o pnoawill be gif ao apgllrstloo.-' ■■ ■: H o . ;

Two Tliotisand Dollarsl« wmUd for • *111*11 fans at ri«lio«u.' Thar# MW 9M) fruit tr***->pt«o)i, apple, poar and itharn— «• itaudUit»*oil l«of aniadiuu uottir*. a good *ls room houw, a Urn and wacoo boua* ronip1 Ian l|»a bulldlBtfa, About onr-tblrd a| IM purctit** prtaa oau atay oti aaortna««. Thlaprop*ftr f* al< tig (tw liira|>lk* aud wllblu OLf-fotirtli uul* of KrrUMW *UttoB. ll wo*ll tuik* a iiloo oouutry tiom* far rtty ptoplr, aa it I* atinttl on* lioorW rid* lo Mon y«»k, <virI*Im l?« aor**.: -•

»o .H X. IA Vine Stock Varm ‘

of 1ST *er«a waar BulUbtMii. T*w Mr** of friitlaud aa t*p*r»«ui tt*d, fYltw W W>*< part of wfcltfl Miirawalii. lot** bon** ol 11 r«»»* In good p«j#> AlttM, OwtbulldlnM (Hxiatai nl1 ttarti. oarrikf* btttw, bay *t‘* ¥r4*w WtH», inaf’Ulue Umiit' i h many ntlvr iiiilTd|u(«, Abowl «m Mtlo fr««i atailou along good n»*«t, .

Ka.« . !Vorty-five Dollars an Acre ;

• 111 buy a farM of about Id u rn In MadlUb T<>»n»)i»*)r i)*ar llrowttlowiii Tha laid ll*» u lf« and III* aoll It atlavtod fur Uitli tracking awl imwal farwlog. 'lV f« I# •>«««« aj>t>J* “ robaji n good baortug, *l»o iwart, txaoh aud j'lnm tra«,

l^rrlea and KTtp** *«>l almut one atutvi aapwraatiB, Tbara la alao a war) )4t «iw Iba tiftaila**. Tba limm !• naw and mutatne V riMini*and attlo, wilb orltar wmtrr lit* wfcnl* of It, whlla ll* <?nUHiiltl*ujp am tn bwmI Mmdtlloti ami lira* *uouah for t i l plac*, Th* properly will |>* wld*« w w|ti«l* at (H ■t«iv* i»rWt Jip wul **)) nil aevrral (vld* at IM *• aorr, Jkltoul i'U**tialf of Iba puit'lian prli« tga ramalit, •

Mn, IS.'l'vvciity-six Acres

abmilMt* t»il*fn>m Kryporl, naar th* VattUaUf lartu,all lllltbl* luit oiivavn*, vru It* Itotiglil fM It tKv, Thtrrar* h<>ti>H<H«|OPti llilipn)|*rt/, hbl It Uya w*ll and wnildt* mtd* I. good pl*r«.

Nn.U.Viftccn llundicil Dollais ,

for a ti*« b»nk« iMbi f**t, Urn, w*«nw Imium aadotiinrnul tiiiiMlng* and io arrra t»f )*«d, ii|>ot» «hnb ar* ani')<'*«iidtwarii*i'*,Mrawbfrft**,n*|h bi'itlu* and iil*«fclwirl«»*i atwiut ona.half mtl* frcw

rtiatl l» Madl*ou Tt)wii«bt|H ar*r Hrowutowb. If iiH'Miary lit*' ran rwrualn oti Iwndandwiortga^

Kn, U.T w o Tlutii«nti<l Ddllfltn

Om*i will l<tiy a actw farm In Townahlp,itror lit* llttllattd Mi'boolltmiM. til tmt two aor*a b*t»n lillaiiir. About 4 aom•'» fruit ir*r*—apidNi, phi'ii*. phwh* *#d Ti>» a»tl lalmlh ll«kl«<>tl itptry and th*r* t* nitmlng wairr 111 Hi* fold*, ’ltd' tmu*r Ita* M nutMi« tnaood (Hitidltlon. •htl* I)ir1«*ni atul w#«oti ltou» ari» alio lit noml *h*i>4, llako a *|'l*ltil(d l*rm for rttli'kou |-*\*Uig.

Ro. t«.Vile lingeu lfarm

it Itmwnlowit, fdart**, nn itf *(tlrli ir* titiiMo, raw at * li'* |'Hop ami wit raajr It*ruiajVp>Mt 11 It a l*i|« tvattMon vf lhtrlr*tt ittoit1*, uoM bittt. wwtfvn hi'itt* arttl clti liaB |r»n*. Th* M i l «tii*li(«»l pr*r«. wbplm *ud |t«|<n, Th*t* t* • inublng bn«k thnHtHb ll twtl attttl i<n Hip prtitilaw Tli'i mu'll imd ha* tmt lt**u t'tn tu »«tr thirty \**r». K iili'li luivar «<au atrlkaa t«rg«1ti In llw proprrl]. i'tlo* •ppUttHuu,

Kn. 0 . ■ ;

Hold nt CllHwoodftm fl.MO. Tbrn la Am aom ^f lwtd hnl iwe »Urlllna» Dll it, twaldM Utn *ltd «agoit ab*d. On* b»UM ba* H rtwtita atul thn oth«r 4 rmntta, Th* pn*iwrtjr uuw rrala lor 4MU B y*«r. aboal 14 \m mtl oti the utvtiry Ittvralrd. It will W aold on r*»y tirin*.

, . ..No.BO, ...................A Three Itundvc<l Acre F*rm ,

\*twi<*n WrlOon and llillfai, H. 0., 1* for »nt* nr ,«i<t Th# f«rtn lia* Iw i i l><a*rd for trtt jrara by Ihn rtlatf and Ihe if*** fiplrnt JiaWit.r 1. >1l»v* aloua III* main minty n«d and th* Koaitok* lilMTla lb* Uitindarjr on onitld*. Tb* lindNmnd- inn the rWrr la a* rkh a* v«tt lif, pr\«luduit M> |iti«|ii'U ff otya In th* »prw, A natural irrowlli of an»« will V<wp IMi In'ad of caul* for A mouth*. Tb* •oil 1* a vplfnitld ml t'lay tub x\li aad agr«rl«ti lop *■'11 It }<nHln< * wlwat, motion, rorti, p*«itttt» nr an>lblug lb* boat laud will pnnhiox. 1'hvro 1* a fptirrwtuboti**, adwHHttf hiujaii tn^l ai prrai'nt for tlnrbB* and alHott *lv onr>t»oin iu'tiar*. Thi* farm »lirin»aold for |H aw arr* nr will r*ut <0S»»l ft'lltbln f*tl> tor |WK1 • year, U wild ouly

oaOi rnitilrfd. Th* oroiwrty adjolu* land of *s»NPUutor Uanaotn of Sort It Utroilna ami I* about 4 mil** from «ltbi‘t Wridon or UaUfai, ■ '. Mo. Rft. <

A 61 -acre Farmfor M.tWO," fwtr ntl!r* front Matawau. (n MadUoit Ia « ti*hl|>, I* not a tirar pltt'o, Tl»* loll Ii U«th Ibthl ami t'fa»;. I ’hrr* «rt W appj* tn««. W \»r»r tr*f*, »tt.Hacmof*lta%lwrrl« Only ttiXv caati r*< qnlrrd, Tha Hsun< hti H room* attd r*lur and la ntarljr w*w, - Th* ontb«tldtii|* rauprtM l*arn, • a ou Iionm and mrral tMhrr baildlnga. CangW* |hw*m*1ou any lliu*.

Ho. 14.Sin Hundred Dollars

Mdi will but* M*rr* farm, of wltlclt IA terra ar* Utl*,,t*.lti Madlann l<iw»*>>!(. Th* l«a)*i>cw of th* purvhai* Biotityt |*ix\ raw rNuitn on mortgag*. Tit '*oilUII|tit,soott tor earl]-trttrk. (I ti ni<**lr hviiod tor ehi«k*n r*i*iujr» Ihrr* h»u>ii traw l •liip*,'Witon, *l«v, ntHMtU. A amall oVthahl of (to aopln tfwa In gotxl Vaarlttg I* Diaklixl andijutnllly ol mill. Thrrw I*a 4-txwut houe*tn tntddltug oon« dllltm aud wo nulhntldtng*. ll laaionu g\x»l Ti(l»>Mrlfel>arrrl»or»)<)dr* w»r* aold fnuu th* plto*, hu***ftktn will l>4 nil'll any tlw*,. Nt», M,

A Filrm of 93 Antes •alxititMa<>r*«tt11a1t1*, fronU^a uf *Uui( u of a nii)«*almig ih* KrMioltl Tnturtko, n tnllra tmu Matawau. twit W tmunht for |t IW, ll baa a \art»l* of Out! <t*f*OA tt and ih* htll la adapts lo «>> kiitdanf fattnlng. Th* ttoua* tt lit jwod ctMtdlllou, (unlalnttf hwnt*, all li? aud I larg* lialla, whtl* th* ninbtillitlnir*tMii»l»tof altarn, wagon lutti***, atu\ nlbrr ti*r«w*arv buildttiaa. Alt **lal>H«ti*d Utlik r\*nto«i|l liaattid wllh tw plto*. Atxmi on^half ul itiaptirt'lit** twwry wn t*ntain on Wnd atul

Tit* t'tf*vnl ttwnrr tlftlh'* lu »rll l « n h ** of 111 hralth Ih Ih* famliy,

Ktwll.Twenty-live Hundred Dullars

t'**h 1* rtoulrrd to buy a vm dHlntWy Kvtalnl taiM 'f tWtitl M aft** in Harilau TflWitahlp. it run* from MlddMownlarnpikololbaN. Y, A J«, U, II. it, Thi toil la both llgltl and h*a«y and tha plarw la will fmitrd wllh am<lr«, fwatw, p*MtiM ahd fit*rrt*a. all In twating, Alan o *u«a of aapm. wu*,lart**otMuipl«fril*a,naM'*, *le. Thi hunt* Ita* <t riHim*»«fair Aindtttort, trhll* Um ontbiilid* mg* <vb*iil or iwo t'atna attd wagon liuti**, in good roitd'llon. Th» ptlo* of Hi» pill* U fd,WC, ,hlt| |A>luO <«n rwmali* on Imud and mottaag 'Tna

, prt<wlhpl«d*ath*hnM*a. fam elock and til«tialla, Vhta {W|»ny 1* about otir-r from thamrporadnn IlmlllOf Koyixirt and A minute* front llaclet *1*. Hon, Will aoll atoiil 91 aciri of tlllalila latul with*

out tbt bnUdtoga for |3,000 If a pvrchaur no be food• . • ■ ■ *, j ' -i -•

j . .. ' vo.ia. • .A Nice Cottage

at Preneao. five mlnulfa from *1allon, nan be bought for H.3U0. Thalnt fa 60s31l fief asd tho boDMbuSmoDaaudoilUraDd it la in'good cob* dittos, 'fbepUoahaaavaribty of fruit trcca aud •uiall fruit ou it,

Ko. 13.A Forty Acre Farm

about lmlla from Atlantic tllgblanda. friea fino per acru, one»l)*lf ««a!i tw|>ilrvd. At*on( 84 actea tillable; twoaprldaud od» |»r»r orchard; mil loituy and mltable lor truck or bcary faniilnit. The place lava alauff tbrco piiMIo inada atd ta (teafraMj* locat­ed, TLabcuti liua l l ivoni*,. limiuaul and Bitlo aud la li) good coudltios, Whll4tbn CQtbw1ldiu| cou> *l«t of big Boru, com barn, aagns bonw, V crib*, aod clbiT ueoraaary btilldluga for AtaKlaaa place.

Ml. Mi ,A l f B itn of i j 5 Acres

InMarllmroTownifcltt, llOMvlh« omintr road for half amlie, la for aala fur flJ,<HHJ, (iaif cwaii and t*lam« oji nit>rtna i', Th'<re I* *u applo orchard of o»*r 14 »or*a attd • peat ONliard of af<«ul | l aar*a all In ririt-claa* l>«*rltitr ootnKilon, Th* looaut la roportrtV to t>a«4 told IWOtierrtla of api>1aalaa|y«*r from It. Tha bona* la large aud twantlfntly tlltial* «t, will# th« ouihi»ll|i*ca air lavgiBUd of aiiBclaal numlH-r lo Uk* rai* ol th* prmltttd uf tit* phtoa. A rhraiar plaodfitrlht noitfyl* bird lo flni tod It la luuailjr ilntatil l l nill*i iroui two railroad at*> tu<m Tlw nphia w-«a«ll wat(<r*d and Iha aail adapiMl taall kliid <u' fari»iit|i. Anypun looklnu for w larg* prodnrttv* plBoa lor lltU* uobay. ilttvild •sauilnu tbia fkilu.

Twelve Hiiiuired Dollarswill buy a 18 aot* farm lu Marltmro Tnwualilp, at ItMgah illn. lb*t«> la b yuwiiM1 ipplf un-hatd no tba ptat'N fntni aliloli about |bx> waa m>*JM la*l year. Tb* bohal watati* Aim rtawa ami Nlo good condition, while ih* b*ru and wagun Imitae ara MPwy. bulliin««ilnfBHi*rrpalr*. AlBowall t4 water It on tbl* pUflt'.wblt h laya wlililn fl«e mln* Utr* »f tlir atalton. i'atl vf Ib* Nioiw fctR mnalu onm*rl#ag*if tiMlfvf, , , , ,,

Vo. 14.l farm of i o Acres1

faring t wn road* and IhmiuiInI by a w»l*r front obtlir ta*l, mittlfy *11 la for aato fur,om>-|)»ll «<l wblrlM’aii »»Wikln oft timrtaag*, Tb«>aollla timlrrUld l«jr valuahl* olay fnr luhlmiafelng pitrptt***, whii* th* (arm propar la in a goti,i aial* of (Hilltvailott. Th*hou*a and Uni* ar* In ||(HhI ciiudillon. Thla pfopftlf la Wltiilti (ita tnlnnto* oflHiatdr railroad vtitloni lit Matawau tuwuaiiip, Tli>rol»attHia|iul|oii Iha place,

Ho. 11.Three Tliimsuuil Dollnrs

caiti la «*B<*d f«#« fifl icfw fatal f t Hoinnlal Tnwii Hhtp.abottl twot<yi*«ti»'half mil** troui Matawan, Abool IS at'rra ar# tlllablni aoll both Unfit and lipavyj Oa Ih* pl»«i ar# 1 ai'rr* Appl* Irtr*, aaort't KlrlTrr i*«ara, 4aBr**Uu|tb«rflw, onw-hatf atir* 1‘litat*, alllu tivONi'il. iloiia* ha* N rootWt atiAIn MlNXl ootid), lion. Wlilll tb* onlbnlliHtigB alri alau lit tfttod *t«aiM'l THvpttcwt'fthlvfUrwitilltMl, Ibi* >r>'tarly I* ofr<<fr<l to do** | i i r*lil4 a lid la cb*ap Bl ill* pi lo*Bii'iilUiii'd,: . , Kt», 10,

Ten Tlioiisnntl Dollnrs,ont-ltalf fBalti wPllniT a fa m nf (04 acrft, atx'iit on».halfof wulrhlt t'lliblo, Th* ttriu llr* aloug lhi>ui*i'*0tin load ltt MitJIaon Tow uilklp, about it mUvafitiitt Matawtn, Th* n>l| ia adaplfd lo *11 hludattl (aritilua, 'llii'iwl* atHiut 4 acra of fiu ll uu Uir plaoo, Tli* lion**, barn and (diior fitilMM* f r^ a r ii ptaotlcailjr iKtr and ««rr 9lo,')(M lo build. 'lli*iv <a a mvni room IpuibI hum* and tiaru al*o oit tho |i(b<><< and Ul g m l i'i»>illih>n. Tha

frt>itndl*ltilbo l««1 of abapn and auy <ily nt*n wklimlora Um rouulty arwt altnuitl tniprft thla

prt>jwiiy, I'vwaalini glvru any tliun,btt.ni. : ,

Six Thousand Dollars,nu*.balf rwali, will boy a flu* farm of about u at'r** lit lUtllioroTowiiklklp. MArllt* Maianan Kuo. Tlit •ulllaa^laptPii |tiJin'i|«)l| to liuok ralaingaudfrnl.•nd ^--- ----------------- - ,k“ — ••Th* Ii•ud tkitwotoB nlutl>«i of Ban* of iba i*tl*r «Wt tt, Th* liiwi* li b i l l tnd, tu g^’l <HtudlUo»lwhtl* Iha l*TneahilmmiBtidtuii*Br* aUnlarg* atul In nood otmdltlou.. Tha bri«»iir Jam* t«r» pnltlloroada and lawllhln IU mfliift* of tmina......ll It now v«iu*A lo g’vil t*n*bt, Tli* piroadaand laWrlihin IU infiiim* of Vronnatt atatlouIt linow r*ni«4 log'** lanttat, Tli* ptti|x>rt9 laolTm'd for aalo in ord*r (o olitMi up aThrownm wrreotfrri'd |iA,U0Ofor Ita |»w year* agts tmt tt waa a good lnv**lnt*nt at tltal prir* aud thar daolln d t»Mll.

l i lg h t Hundred and Vlfty DollarsmOi will bity altacr«*firm (it Mtnala|wn Town, altip, the balathiMil tbup'trcliaso prliv> 1#I,M01 oau roiualnonntortftMft. Allih*lantllaiU1abli>. Th*rc an two lion*** nn tit* proiwtty bnl imt In very otwl tHutdllhm. Il l»*lt\talHt *U*ul9 tollea frvtit Trn* nmt ami a mill'* (roiu KnglUhtowti. Ovrr |l,tMl worth of Uif wa* cut froai thi* pile* Id a aingla )r*r. No.M.

A Fourteen Acre Karmon llolnuMTurtiplkoaltotd on* tnllo fn>m Mala* *Mt ran l« bou lit (or | J,W0. IWO of n blcb reti tr- nialn on th* pn i rl.T. Tli* pltcr 1* u»*d ai a trtiok farm and couulua 1 MaervetrnUtrrre, V aurna of raihUrrliH and 1 acr*»trawl>«rrli<*. Tha pluw la «*lt Attfd up for th* hott*«st btifttn#** and tit* Hud It lit a high Main of cultivation. The htiuu< con- Ulna ft nwina and la In gtml rouiUtlon, «li(l* thn <mll»illril!i«a ('Otnpriaf Iwm, Ma un )>ou«a >uti taah bouaf, all In gotnl wmlttlon,

Ko, f\'.l l o t d nl l la z le t

for atl* for |4,*M, iMtlr |l,MX) cinh rr'iitlml. The lit'lrl haa IS ro ui*. It**tdi<* the btlllar>( room attd rallarBNdla in | ihhI oondllloa. Tltvrw ar* alnnit at>'JBor*aofgtnnndliitli*pnii>frty. l l alao baa a Una barn, rhrd and l<*t* hotiao, An W pond la olt«*bs, ll lapelrotiltM lari*fly liy farnten wlm Wa«*tli*tr tmrar* wlill* on tholr way to th* oily, llaalfd laat^ul a iuIIpi from Ki<>|Ktrt aud uu lit* Ilu* of th* N. Y. ft U it. ll. H.

Ko, »UTeu Acte Truck l7arni

In Mirlboro luwnahln Mh b4 botigltt fir 11,MO, ona h*lfi'*»li. I I I* all lillaltl* nc*pl 1 1*1 acrr*. Tb* nlit.'f hit aNml 114 fiull trr**. M acr* ratnhmlu, l-'J irr* blaoklwrrfM and actn* gripo*, 11 I* a)<o»t 'J M mlli** to Hti» nratrat tatlroad alalUMt, Thar* la b good hmito ot ft rooma and o*llar attd (ti* out* building* ar* barn »>kI row hotme.

Nu, I'M, . , .Six Hmulrcd Dollnrs

will Imy n Iomuo t'f nl.v uhhiih Al Fn'ttivttt—i-JiW iwnviJinJu t*n Diiiirlunjfo, . Tlion' Ik ii Hinnl) twrb oil tlio lol. 'I'ltDinitcr la mucuo foot nnil nitric Oh* <vumvn<ti<K ■ . . . . .

No, ou. ,Twenty-five H m id re t l l^ollnro

w ih m litli* it fnrm ofw ttPfo*. hbotil iwi norrA Ir'Imu OilitWV ,Thnwht\»tw noWA of tHMirw, itoAltii'* mi nwilrt im'lihnl. TttP,mi*o urJMn I’ld ivU ilJw . t ln w lA ft wimmj ftmwrt of loi» t\»i‘li\anml u\xh\ tuiihiilltUiiuii. h In hUiiaKhu MnHhnt'o TowitnlKp, nomit dH inlmii ci%*nt MKlnwnu.

K a lew. 1

Fonr llm u lm l Dollnraonalt will blip a ah room Jiouao nttiV iiiinrtpr W V v r . ^ n'° l lK U»' JW iii'lo l .Tunti'lKn in iI<*Ihh!o! .1 «.iv!i«lifi\ i]»i* I'nlrtiiwof tiio (ttiri' iftiio litimoV*-lft<l--l»olntf loti oil itioHuAmv U u iiUint two mill'll fivtti IioimtM vllltttfo. .

Ko, lot. ; '

OcntictHtiu‘a Country Scut»p : t t

r n ^ ' i n r r y;;‘un it U n llito rcpfiloiti*o of m Inrun iw h ia nml collar (u i'xcoiloiti wtnllHim, nnd n tommt

Iioubo and l»rn . M i l in uood onndflinn. Tlio d »«fj ulioHi}tnijl vlywol Ilu;

i l r «H|iln

innlo iiu IdiVil i^iiiiiiry [mimi

iimuuil iwvnlH mnuli. w

oruiiinli i. ii itiMu

NurrouiiUlnu ooumry i* ulitnititnl. l i I* woll frufUnJ, itoiiUiiiilHtf uppW , Hwhttit. jH.Nirn,j i lm n a , t ir n w B . ruH plto rrloB , *tfrjiwiH*ri1or« itu tl

.......................................' — li ik lt tl|«U t t i t f 1 'lt'p-

furulty i«o|t)o. .N*i.

Fifleen Hundred Dollarsrath And i v j m niflrttftttffl will Lhp ii vor>' !»»• jlimtlvi; NiintlJ fiirni urtwoi«KAon'nih Mnrlfmm Towuviifp. U U n lt'o ly inirii-ttMl to Imt itmiMt fjuriMjooM, lyliiu aloiiif llio rullnmil nml Ittut u lino loftftijr Mill, Tliorourunovt'n tu*rouof nppln oroliHrcM. «Jioon’li»nM*«|jitf |$ year* »ld -»!») In Hut) Iwnrlnu. T lio Iiouko ihjiiIu Iiik n roonw nntl irollar. wlijlotlio Imrii is lurifo cnoutfli /urli)0 Jllfltt! JJJIll ill U‘»»i < ll]|lll>|l.

- Ko. no. , ;Twenty-Tiiree Acre Farm,

all tlliflbli*. vrltliln unn m lki of KoyinirU Prlco W.cwir-41,801) nutli m juirod, ,'i liU In n ^<x>ii truck funn nnd Imt* about 110 npplo nnd jx'nr Iw oBonlt. T holiouw toontaliw ll room* nmi Is hi e<x«l condition. Tho |>ur;i lm>t neeniumo- iltitUniK for in lior«f8. tlioiv bolnw tn box m ii IIh. It uIaoIuw ftuootloiiu-liulf mill* tmek fcir im iri- injf l*uriH>ww orniw j mooui, uml If tlio prnin'r lutmnii eoi hold of lulu i»n)|>ony n Kond oi>nl nf iuoiioj' c.'oiiM (ia tiiu<io by huiilinu njx^riliu/ event*. Tlio plaoo is now roiiKn] atitl tlio own­e r desires to Aell bccaumt lio is onffaiffHl n iMislnpJwJnfliiolhor towii and uumuL ulvu it hia i>cr&onitl aUontlon,

Ko. ill..Five Huudred Dollars

ofwh v ll l tu y ii 1 nr # ncrc farm in H oIiik Il1! To w ih IiI p, :j4 mllo from llii/.ict Hlutlon. T in soil Is llulit nnd iidapU'd to borry nnd fruit otil-turo. JIouho Iiuk a rot.>tuu m d fo lia r in f/iJr ooiulltlon. Tlji*ri> Ih u hiuiiU barn on tlio pluw:, Holtl low to dose nn ostiito.

Ko. n».

Eiglit Acresnl Hit?.lot filnlion, nil tNlnlilo, twiAcrf'ts in fnilf, nix klndh. will lio wold for ifi.ow— fflKli necilctl, llotiHO hn.H t i mnmn uml 3 Inruo ocl- Inn*: nil Ijiipnmniionta, honU-r lit oollrirrJtfootl wvIIh of vvntor. Tlio outliiillillnifti nro bnrn. wu«oii liuUKo.oowliotiMo. I'lilokwi liouuo «n<I wood liniiso, T liis would mnko n cood pliu-o tor rolalntr flilt'koim. Hafl n i l l^ n l froiilnco And j m in u te ^iMfation. I ’h lH iw iu iliv ortv foroountry Hoiit, hdnu ou higli urotiml niulovorlookliiu tlio Riirnuiiidliiif country,

Ka nn,A Farm of Seventy-five Acres

(n Hotiiidol Town«lii|i, nkitH 4 m n toknifcilii/om mmi-uHli ntnl ij.goo oti inorttfn^. TnoronrnHAoi'OMAiiiilntiwM. t l nerfl of pmir {nn'*. It In u iiiIIoh fnni) H n rM ntnllnn, on liluli unttiinl, w iln ninrl pitx on tlio iiroiwriy, Tlio wikh! on tnm iiIium la OKfiuuttod to bo wmtli u.ftwi. T)iur»' l i iv wliitlitilll on tlm pvoit* city. Tlio hotiHo iiM ifl room* and coifnr in tftxnl (Htiitllimn, wlillo Ihoro Ih a mow turn, nml Otliori'iitlnilUlliivH.

K*>. m .

Twenty-Vive Hundred Dollar*MKltftnflW.MKiinoilftiiuo''nro tlm torniK npoi\

5^iiloli ii fnrm of nlioiit U(t iKMiwonn l«ci hotiuftr. 'IiIm proiMMly U In M nillioin T«iwiihIiI|>. nliotit

In tlltn fi'oiu Miiiuniivlllti Htutlmi, mnl iiImiiiI l«incn'«iiiitfiUitlr|o. Tho fo il I* of n Ittonir

good road, Tha M U 19»I«P tM aod Ihar* ta a uO'«l wall of wilrr uu lu Tu* pl*«* ii. Abuui o«f- liall mil* from ibeiehiHil bDttar. Tbo bull** |« lu guud HiinjiUM au^nlMljr jialiiltjl. ,

live TliouMiit\ Dollars,oiitv-lmUounli, will liuy ntj'MHllruckfitrai til^litf tlm oouuty 1'iHui In tlio lH»muult of fijiiiiiw w i-- hi'iwo»>ji lxuiil mm ro^, ntimif l ut.-i-o M u ir In fruit. TIinioiimlwoli'niHOMonthiM pruiwrty, nim of tn rtHiniH ntol ovilur u m l th i) o t ln ir 0 r<N>nia. Tltn lulior re n U fo r W.W iwr uiuiitli. Tlio oullnillilliiuM foiuprlho u fiurn. c*»w Jh iUhoi-• • • ‘ *....................1 Ilv»

lUlQion] «(/>roli'»iiw, Thi« >iroi>4'rty In nlioui (Tvt# inlnut«‘H fiditi nillnwul Million nnd liua ti lluo Iiiw ii. Jt would iiittkofi dwh'ttlrlu urwuj l«wui> forvlty|i(.M>|tlu.

iiiituronmi Htillnlilo to nil klndn of [Bi'iiiiim. Tlmrtiih' uUnii iim friitl tmiA-upi'lo. iwMir. {'bom'mul piion, Tho In-Ufio Ih u *til«lAnUn! (mt* ot *J4 I'ooiiih, wltli vnior tn tlio klti<iion, wltUotlio oiithtiililliitfA tirfi minioroio* mill lit fnlr condition, TM» |UH»iH'ity wn** for yoi«w run tin it liolol unit In all if nviillntilo for thnt fUHjK**', Tlio in'Ait'M hrtlol In M ir uillon front lllla |ilti(Hi. Tint propony Uni tlio Juitrlloit nl OHHtH hWKlrtftllll llO'Hnllllltf |flK«l IIHtd*. ll <>1111 In* hutlotl for 1*41111 your. .

’ ' ' ‘ No, lil. 'Five Thnnsand Dollar* '

onali(indl»,ft«on morlwnuoUtlio prloo ot IHftl'IVplll MnrltK'W ToWIIMIii|1*- IMI Mllrtlllti.Hidl la 111) |ju<l UIm'UI llA liph'N nio In ilmHt, 11 IntwoiulloH front Mitrllmro nittl I* known hh m vorr pnn|iit>ilvo iil/iwi, Knur invfi i'» nppli'B lit llioir pi'ltno t'i'ii*iliiitoH tlio Inill on lint plnoo. Hoiiho [m* niidtt roottiA ittnl Ia In M i otiinlllloii, wlillo tlioio mil llniMt imnia, WIIUOll Iioiiko Hlltl Hliotl 111 limit) Ill'll oil(lio plow. Tlio Hold* new woll tvnloroil,

No. in .

On the Shrewsbury River,Alum! Mi m'h*. tnofwhloh nn»tlllitblt\wltlt*

In turn iitllo of I lot I llnuk. Tlm noil Ia ndnploil o Ht’tii'tnl funtiltiK (ind t iii'iv n n 'fil'o iil ncn^ it |H>iuinuoiil itnatiim. At |ih*witnt lit numt um it wluior i vtt nnil iioh'h In uutaa for Imy, if, mw n rroiiliwo of nlw>ji! I.ooti fi'i ‘1 nlonu lln«

HlnvWHhnry lllv n r 'Hiotv uiit wu uoivh of npiiiotit'oa I'litl tluvo Aortw of (xwr tivotf lit «tn>t| ln»nr tiu. TlioltintHoo«inlnliin Iti I'oontn In KiANM'oiiilllloiuimttlitHniliiiiililiiiiCH nro Inritu htifiL WtitffWt IioUho, tt»w bnrn, 4 o*i in !h»x nlnlTtv lo»»f litttiHo. uto.i In oxotflliMtl ooiiiljtloij. .T ly i prlt'OoftlilAplftColKll^ftKl. <«M0.|tfllf of u w l l rim Im* li'fl on tlio pnm niiy, T liU In 11 vory tl«» ainilili'proiw'Hy rntil (h vvorln Mdimuvtiikt moro ttnui Ilm |»ilt«i«Hkotl. . ., '1 • No, 1.11. .

Seven teen H u n d red D o I I hthr«*lihmlmt>rhjntfoofii.iwy la tin* pilot' of ncn'Hofuooditiiuloii tMUd ThMtt l'.tnillHl|timii It* HitotwwtHHL tl utllt»H fiviu luttor pini'o., Tltoit* -ivwim'Wjtiniftfeli* nnu Ilm p iit'ii 11 lot nlMitil

ult InW, Tho lintian ooiitnlnA mmin nml ..-In uotttl tsiiiditli 111, wltllo llio luii'ii. tvio,v.)i Iti'iiDo, i'll',, ntv liirun nml hIho In tftmil omtill* lion, OwiioiTonttloHln Kow Vnrk mid will wllIlii'prolH'ily nl it low Hkliiro. im lio in iinnliio lo Klft* ll liU in'WoimliittoiUloii, 1

No, mi, , ,. ;1‘ive Hundred nnd Fifty Dollara

willtmyntKKHltiw|t<>tfyfit Jiml'.offlitttKiul Ifitdluif fh'in Miiltiwitb to QltfTimitl Klnllfttt.'*Itootila(iWI I'twuiiB aiiu tuwioltlAMr W l«'r iiionlli. Tito lot IhaoxM fool nml Is ilvo inliiiiU'H* wnlk fi-om ntuilon.

M A .'T A W A .N .Ko. 41,

Hundred Dollnrs ■lllbtiia*U*roont h'jow Ib'tooA conilitiort1 and oar-half ot an aor* of grmind, uu <t»* plaoo irr sprlf, t*h"\ «j«»|? r* and p*»cli tn>v* and plmly (itgroand for b tilca gaHt*o, Miibla n«* mlmitM walk (-f III* tiradrtl K’liool. lla* a »Khl w*llnfwBl*rtnda1tog«tli*rtho pmpaitf la cbeap taBiiypii*«hoWktil*B*entforlabl*ho|it*,' ' ' ’

No. 41. .Seven Tliotisand Dollnrs

ea*h wlllbnyonwoffltalwat rrald*o(lal prop*rtl<4 In Matawan. Mlliialrd on Mala Ptrrrt wlltln b abort 111*1*110* of itatluu autl noar aobmda aod rhiift ht-a. II ha* hot ami cold *al*r Ibroinjbmilan* Hrn hoiiao, Untied liv |iaa ami lieal^l by furuacw In mllar> tt oonUlua flftomi lOoma, lautidrf and K lar nnilfr wlinl* hint** aud Itln flrat>oli«aonndltlp

|r«ori|il*dr*lribt*pn*p*riy la |ia,000, li •old fitr pari twith and lh<> bat*iuv> lo rwina

lf(l*alr*tl. I'oaaeaalimgUruallluicof diHvory dpHl, '

No. flA,A Desirable Residence

Main Hlrtfll, Matawan, <**11 b* bouaht for)l,0 c»*h and atnortga«*glveii for Iho balinro of. mttthiM pHre, N.WO, Tlirrearalt riK>»ia iml nun** and It la In airMltnt condition, ll hainin erniiui'roT*ninut»audb*at*rln crllar, The lot mi fc*t from by ahoni non irol Cf*p. Within Q uiluul** %alk uf thoalallou. •

No. IS. .Thirty-five I<ota

faring Main, Vlddli'tri andMi'ltenek HlrMi, Mat.. , buhiii-mi Kim pniruea nim n, n ,Iwan, are f«r itlo at prior* riiifi>»K,froiu ITtHilnI.V) Th* lota 4t*M)il4J.wifpi't,«ulilnli ground and 1 BwhI uhiybliorlnwil, iVnmm wlihiuu (0 buy at and build tholr ownhoina locordlug lo lh«lr cwqIdraiwlll find thn* lota allUmi l»olaluit>4 for th'siu'

" HoiT4. " 1 •

An lv‘i(ilit-Koom Housetut Vpper Malt* Hlrr*l, M*tawan, can bo Imupht for l^ iw r ln f whh'li rau rrmaiti on nnirUiag* if d*. t|(*4< liOt I* aloiiiiimiftd front and nf h<hh| tiojiltt. It I* within At* nilitntr* «if •chtHilaudoiinroliM ami eontrnliul lo ilitiou,

• Mo. II,

Kightccn limulred Dollnrslakikedforihnuaaatidtnl on M ilu Nlrrol, our. Half of which ran m n ilu on (mint atul nmrinua, l.ot I* 4Htt!(l l«*| atul lit* b»n** ha* H rtMitn* a.al I* In Mood odndltlnii, Thtre la aim a httn on IliU prti|t#rlT,

Kb. ll).Tlircc Tliouaniid Dollitra

will buy on* of (ba Urgtwit hotta** uu Uatn fllrwtl, MaUwan,indou»<lialf of thapuirtm* inniiny ran rrmiiii nu boud and inorijiajt*, Tha lot It a* a f rutit* •g* M W f*«l ami la ov*r »H) frit d**p, wllh a barn on Ih* m r, Thn mtln part 0} thla h«ti»* waa built alMut los yrarwagoand tbo fraron li aa aointd aa •var. Ulia* thn wlda hall and atatrwaya, and tit* Mmiigiflflheiiiaiitr)*, olit., Arainatyle wltli tlio bc*l hrtur* btilll tn Oolnttlal day*, Tull property tBtlitapetiliapflMBtai'd, ,

Na m,Four Hundred and Piny Dollnrs

uabwltl Imy a good <*room homo amt Ura oo

Ko, 1W. • ■■House and Lot

011 Multi SI root. 1’rloo |t,(*w. I/ it BTiJM foot. ijiiiiHu ))jt» n nioinA, irarrct, ccllur nml vIohoia.Tho moutdoAimblo IkohUoii in town. Tliore it> u variety of fruit tuid u 11 lou tfiinluu,

Ko, IX),Nicely Located House .

of 0 )0 von room«, attic and oellnr on Muln Btroot 1 !»ri« o W.uo, tmo-ittilf out»h. Lot nbout tls'iUO, fn;t. fiit'liitf on itvo fctrofls. TJioro Im n barn and olili.lion liomu* on tlio rrojKtrty., Every- thlntf nliotn tlit* proT*oity Ib in uxuonorlt oniidi- tion. Tlit'iiouuolBlioated from b lllcliardaon \ lloynton Honior lu oullnr, Ima n Dcllnnoo &n<l .. |ta( . . . . . . . . ..(Ioh hhh itll lltmuuli tho liouso, woiFuml olntorn wider In tho kltchon. jind porcolnln ‘ ' ‘ 1 It io within Itvo minutes’ wulk oCluilli tub. . (floatation.

K E Y P O R T .

A Carriage Factory :propertr, lonlt-d ii Sevpnrl, la for *bIb al 14,000, Ik laau olu oniabllkhfdalBud aud tbo building! com- priar a oarrUga rejicailory, brlok biack»iut1h ati4 palut ahop, wliriOwflgbt inop aud th*r* 1* a gootl pood-wbioh anppliM water powor all the year round. It I* Ab«ui X milt from railroad nationandl tnllefrnu itMUibntt dock. ThebutldluB*era in food ?ap4lr and (ba proMrtf formorir r*sted for tMDaf*ar» IIylllpeaulA looloaaan«alal«, ,

’ . No, 47, ' ' , 'Three Stores amVDwelling '

on l*runt Street, Keyport, can br boupbl fpr 14,900* pert of whlph cau ba lerl ob th» vrotwly. The *tw#*r*i>i/orl40aiooi)ih»»aklug a 10 mr com InvrMiueot. To* dw«llliif( part onntiln* teu room* Til* property i* (n tb*foucr<t »f dto bualam.tiarl; o| lUu Iqwu and tbu lol la.lHU tab •.1! v s:., •

; Twp PwelUtigB.and Store ‘llroadway and ^rnal lliwrt K*yporl, are.for aalefot on 12 tW. Th«mrn*r prnpurtr gl.^w *nd Iberihfr |«00( loldoa «aey t*rm. Tb>a'ia nn pHoa>fhr tbceapn)p*rti**BBd I bay abo^d notla long m tnu<U, ,

,--i • 'a « .a i ) " v■ A Store a n d 'D w e lllt ig ,'■!’

wirnwVint Kad jlitfbtW ilrWn, 'tjirorl; |i tor >,lt (a>m,W(l, r«u*kWi m hi luaitand ntorlJBga, Above tb* itor* ar* rvvea IIvJuaM oiniaiio on iha gtaund lloorltttlhi''Bttinrtyfd|>*i and B in ia4 mnei (A tharao r,. T k t to l baa a front- agt> of Mi or wtor* fr*t and run* haok UW lo t , Thu Im IH Ii h h la goad onudllbwi andB ptoHlabla h iiil- :uMfjH>nlib*ei>Bdod*dm |t* ,. • ■ . . ,,: V ...... No,,f7, ; i i . ,

Twtnty-two Hundred, Dollarswillliuv al-reotu fc«uwlnge»Aooudl|toa on Vlrtl Hlrarl BiyporL ThnlollattnilBTfoel and a |arga l«rn a»J Wago» boiiao 4n« ut) iha y*ar of lbs lot.TUaiirwrtjooMi^rmWO* f«« y*era ago tadwould Nitl* ■ I'heBU and oomforlthl* hr)(u«f»r IIMIfr nn'bryi Holy 41,WAI rath H1ttr4d,thaballbi<4 oau rnualu oa inurlgage, ■ -

^0,0%' U tilise 1 'niiii Tw o T.ots

on Main Hlrr*t i i ^otilli K*y)w l« }>an Im liottahl for il.uuo, p a n i f wwoh obb r*nialB on mnitga«*j Tlm lM iu**ooit|alni|0-rottuia*iid<wtiaraiid ia in govtl oonii}ilo ii,# )tll* ilm lo itiaaa lol nf N u ll Hike Oil Hand lk *r* l« plrnty uf ground fa r a narilra , T'hl* propcrtr ta abmtt <ui*iul|efroui ittamlnwld'vfe *nd alwul 10 iAlniil*a walk to itaHon, Th* prli1* of tint propiriy ia a luw on* and i a tniiWottoti of th* prop* *rty wnrili th* v b ll* of au> out iouklntf for a Luuia In (h i fim ntry, .

Nt, TO,lo o l l i i l ld in g I.o ts

ob Umadway and Vnahingbm Alrc*l»i Kajrpotl ratiBlitg abutil 4llklW **t‘li, I'rlra lint tn IMRt. TMilryrunarlgbthyinanyof Ibt in ■ Iha ottiera.a block a war. A r*»(lMlrahlnparl or tlm (own to Umll, Town wal*r, «l*ctrln Uithla ami na* Oil Broadway, U4plo hoargnalthlaofRcp,

• .. Ko,fl,K i l th l T liou sm u l D o lla rs

will buy a gentifitianfa mintry n t ai Keyport*’I'll* pU'W oniilalna about IDacri'naiid la vary dulr- ably lot'alml. Tin* hoit*i* I* laigo and rntuiiv, »l(* oa a kttdiliatl I* k*«jc<t l^wi*ain abd haa all him* orii luipmvtmrut*. A t'oaaervalury la urar (tin Mm** amt lltl* ta alto h*«M by n«<ain, A large brirk Alabla, flulalit’d ia liftrd wood and noatliig ahuiit li.UtW, haa room for Iiuirpb. wbiioiib and al4*|t- Ing aparunatila for cottohmaii and hoatkr. Ola and Inwn water ar* In thla building, A largo tool IiOUm, luiiOMy, vow houan, wagon liunar and ir* Itmti* arw Ih* olhcr oiillnilliliiiit*. An 1<<A pmid In aim tin tho properly. A*ra»l*t*of fiutUm**, gup**, itic,( am int>cai(nit A hatmiiw fmt**" <* along th* water lout I, whit'll fontid tlm 11 nft fnr ou* aldmtf Ihia |uo|i> Ml)', l’*rl nf Hi* purnkBi* Mon*y oau remain.

No. ill,l l r ic k S to re on ilro a d S tree t >

furM .ttuui'ialtnndiiioilffAin of IS.M0.- F illm l ttii for twofdonw wltli mitaoii iwoJIiHirAalxivt^ I'htik'rtynhw it'ttlA for l i f a itiomlt. Town wnli'i* uml uiih tn tin* IniltiiitiK. I>ti 40XIW ftwU nml In llio lm sluo w im itn f town.

. Kw iu. ,• . \ ,. A B e a u t ifu l P ro p e r ty

oi) On*on Orovn Avomm nml Mott Htroot, 1/ifc iwxbMifooU H ouho lAMiilniitoa from atftlftui

ifitit ti« iv cooitiN nnd c<-!lnr nnd oymlitlim, Daa town iN’ulor, duhK. itnlluimry, rnnito uml furniuio in

•oiuir. liioii) uh*n numliorof oiitliinldiiiuHoiv uopin|H)iiy. Kino plum for m m tiy liomo, [Vico IT.Att—oiuutm lf oiutii.

tn In llmt'ti

First-Class Dwelling, .oontor.Mnltt nml Blunt Rfirnfn, fnf |4,iwo-orio- Imlf i'iimIi. lri>l In fttislmi foel nntl \m n.Mtrloiy ofrrnittti’OMoiiIt, Houho oonlnlim iu i'ooiiih.{tnd huttl h x 'n i, lloiiwoIh woll tnilll.i'outfdtiH v uh t lirotmliutit uml I ownin .'VM utl l i t , vu io il lt lP K lin i l l nitlHOO IIl niUHUW Ilwntor on Itivt floor, iih woll uh ruin trrttcr. i)wiu*i* IlyoH oltiowlmni nml win m l nt tills ’ •• prlvo tmllsjiofiotif It.


2^ 12 “ M t l l m r " L m m p mar* uaad ,

Light from Koresene Oil la nest for tho l y n , .

Ti it Simtii, J i m l\rtght%(\n\l mn hi hwl in ju t i ths twitwH that is hut. ,M lllrr latnpi are HaTe, R a iy ta

Bu) the* lor Oltt* {hv'S S ."’KM tit* I n fn - .ir » l»M Lotrr a Ih t iu a n tn t

>!«*, it i lU b l* ft>( t n and «fH4<lw>r

w . M . i i . r J i i ? r a x ,»

oV’T . i l ' i W . W r .


A ll persons arc positively forbid trespnssliiK on the gromiitH o f the siibsL'riliev, either with or without doR or gnu, under auy pretense whatever, under strict penalty of the law.

No Traps or Snnrcs allowed. .“ A word to the wise iauuflicivtit."


ON ltui,» TO 11,Vlt DllKDITOim, k lU IIM ln lU IH lll's NOTKIB.‘

John r . Uoyd, ad iu iiiiitrtlo r nf Alftwd K lrykrri ilfCMUMt, by order of ltt* Nnrrogil* of the Ooiml/ ol Uonr.totilli, hamhy n ltc i notlco lo Ih* orrdlt* ore of the Bald drceaicd to tiring in thalrdebia, dMDimUatid c la Jn iiag a ln il Iha ii la ta of BBldde* wa*N l( tiitd*r uatli or Bfflrm illnni w lililn n ln i tonnth* front the W h day of JV<rK*r/, IPOlt of Ih e ; w ill he forever barred of any »ptjoh tlieiofor agalutt tbe aald atluilnlitrator,JOHN 1*, LLOYD,


18 L I T T L E B O B T U C K E D IN ?

'T v * getter go," all* »nlj, *’un‘ aaa IH H titrM Tb '* tm'km} ]m; ,j •

Jja 'll git hla death l in e « uii< ovi>r«d *"' In thi* eoJ1 lUifmuh' win’."

"O h , Itltls llob 'a a ll right,V aul<) I, V, fte#n (o f l i # him In '

l B8ur llm ra (hla evm lti', ah' l'w ou ld *' ' Hun 'way utiatuira a f'ln ." *

Uut (!ynthy'd worry, fret un' step, * “"An* ratio u drtfflii din: 1

" W ’y , ! mu»' ■<> ng'lo." aara *he, •_? A n ito If U oK n tucked In."

’ I aatd,

' V ' oo*9Ty, Cjrnlhy, J u t ael down

‘*An‘ kit ium« gout] «r |lf»; ,A feller wunin u alm iut fo ta lk

•owe rvt*nln*B with h ii*w ire ," . .Then aho wou!4 take h trk n ltiln * out,

O r work upon her aprvad,A n ' make b'lluve llaaen, though she dltlnV H e a r quarter w 'ut I auld.

8ho wouldn't much roora then git letdown Than Jump right up ag‘ln>

■ A * ’ Bay: "1 tnUB' run up und eee I f JJt ile Hob'* tucbcd In ," .

Young liob was alius on the ju m p ,‘v*^n’ filled thahQU.Bp W lth fllm 'c . i #

A s ' kicked his cullta oft e v 'ry night ' f a s t as the tucked him In.

J i l s Jega th»y went ao fast a ll day/* * \ h i £ Aa lung as tt was light,

M 'g o t W tpeeaso th ^ y c o u iiu 'ts to ^ -l An! kep'a-goln* a ’,1 night. ‘

5 Cynthy'd keepa-gettin’ up, n 'g tttln ’ up agin; • •

ve got to tooksfl’ fpc.Xeaysahe. it I-,.-, «£It little Qob'a tueked;lnW *»* ™ J J - - 1 i'*-•{■’{ . 71' ' .* ' '• >■'.. 1

8ne stood above tha casket there,She bent to kl&s his face,

A h ' pat a stragglln' cur) of hair.Or, fix a bit of lace,-,. a ~ * •- a

H frfceb H Waa'bre&kJri* w llh the IHouebt ThatB p b , «o round an' r a t , .n i n

8a full a lp n iik k an’tturi, ahrfuld a )^ p fi ) / W ith in a crib like that; »*, w 7 J m J 1 u

D iit atlM ih^'d‘ 0* hU .JU tlercbe , , .An1 then cotna back ag'ln. « t • > /

A n ' take a long, laat leak, an* tea • •Her uitla.tfob tycktd in; ^ V V '

T h at night a atorm f r i ’nowcrm ooni An' how the wlnda did r« v « l ■ ■ '

Tho enow fell, llko a coverlid. - 1OnJKtlip BoU'a (icw grpyfl. , j r

" f 'm glad it snitwl.*.’ hla m othtrsa id . •“ I l lonkrrt H9 hard an,' bare,

Bn hard,'io cruel, ou* ao bU’ivk.I c rln l to leave htrn (her»; ' (

Hut floil hne sent the blcs««d anow/.I th lnk-un‘ *tl« no iin — \ : ' *

T h a t Hq hna scM H I* snoW to aci 1 Thqr lU tloHob’s tucked lii;", / ,

<~Bum W a lte r ITusa.'In Huston Jou rn a l


: A CbiaaDan’s Qralilade |

^ \ lfV .l,t/ , {tt'oioV one 'giiftil' thln^ „ }fyf ( j i b o u t , fy mh.vU^wv,^

1u,la f ir a U f ii l/ 'fV it i l i i la c t ’iU jy M ’n itirkkV

c f A cap u lco in lifa d ream y, dopey way '— III* ivrty, riiut Is to *« y , w h m he waa ofE d u ty . W r l l , 1, r ilif fd u vlt , to K in |(» f li*y. W e w ere cjulte jij»9pt .f ro m tlm rcat o f t l ie i i ie n t . 1 •. 1

“ Bu cko / M ild I , lu ita k in d ly a w i y u l oQUld*T>L fe lt a o n y fo r K ln ^ ilp y , w h o ^ a e m ost dUW otm ly a ^ rritlcm an ~ *y « U w w it to cu t i t o u t, Vpu do fo r a fn rt. I t ' l l nu ll you . J t 'a a g a m t you a in 't tjrot* N o b o d y fa n h e a t J I . Jc m i tednee yo u g rn d u u lly— eigh th of n rfrnln a dny. l ie t je r let m « lu k c lioUl 9 f yont ( I t ' I f be an; '* *’rh a t> \good; o f ;)‘orU, p i l , ' rep lied

U ln jra fp y* riever tn k liif j h la 'c je s owny fran^ tlio horlzon to jo o k n t m e . >1 >vo»’t fo r tft t i t . J )u t I 'v e Ir jed retliiu*ItiK befo re . ’- I 'm 'ir o ln ? to m oke thn figh t a lone , l ’jn go ln ff to hang1, on i t It k i l ls me. H ea th la o n ly n l i t t le th ing , n u yh o w ji co inpured 1 f o 1 h la % b larery . .WtjeiL w e h ik e a « '« y fron t ber*, f o r the is ln n d i 'r e x t week,' I ’m goin'ff to lieave n l l j ' v e got..of the s tu ff o ver th e aide. Tiiteh 11*11' bfc’ m e o r the p ow der, I ’ll do t h | b ea t I k n o w , J ’l lb a t r y in g to w in , an yho w . M uch , o b lig ed .to y o J , e ll t^o6ame.V ......................... *‘ 'B q 4 jo p f b re ttk ln ^ .H off a l l o f ft W dAerif* ' I to ld tilth! *■» ‘DanRferoiiB a t Ulftt. i l i ’et y o u ’re a p re tty hupky look* In g fe llo w , .(V ou m a y b en t I t .V ,. : ,

“ I V o s 'p f e t t y s ke p tica l nbont It , b u t $ ^ * 0 to lF iiii., W e ll,th V m li[ ] lio 6 k “ C n m e u p te n d r iy R U t p r i nnd. p w a y n v f rw fn t to H onn ltilu . W o a ia c t id it\ t lie lK io rn ln ff. 1 d idn ’t aeo Iv Jn jjfs ley ,until n long .ipw ard ^ )i(h ^ I/a looked ' p re tty bitil, too l I k iie w t l ia t h f w ns n ifik lug the

* »i v.‘-i ______i .

• SViiKiihi^ton mini who put y i u ooK p|t> (If ^rtuit l tia’jm apnthrenry hV the United Htutrs ituvy, “ Vox inity, uf lalv. lu t lit great uiusa of ruhblah 1lmt!a brott w rltleh iiIm iui Iho aluut* eyt>N, lmve ai'i-ti (hut fm?t cIU^k NmJ j but j Jiia l bupiMMi to UtK.w thnl ti Chi- nVtnuu'K K ri'lfju l. llowrvi'i', In un liT to inittiv 1 he point o lm r I'll jttivif tu f^lfllt nt Ibe lu’tflnnlng, fin Iiert* gnei! i ,V.Wlifn >I,waa arrvlnu(;ot» ,UrtiiVtl u oi'uUcr.un llio . i’uui/lc atadou 1 huil iu

. n'ulilpmnte » prlvnte mitrluv iiitmetl— off, *till|^Tt»jii|KltifeHlti,vViu'Jf Vn^bifh; to lt)/*qi)W i»r’ W|» p^Jp^ .jo^k^nt Mul 1 !o'»,'nn.1 jil’lll living lu I'lilladclplilu/mid llila Uuy lim’t thuni riiounli, so wu'll Juki ninko U Tmn Klnif*ti\v. Kingsley

, 'ablp with ir-dMm'h*m rnt .of miii'luen tjuHu ttwhlle afliM*I \v)inu llnn lird tn Iho v o w t , 1 liotluvit li ln i p n rlltM iliirly iin moimi nu hti onuio

’ nlmjinl—not ru^mtteh betdnim* hr wnnII t(t)l' Unuiil-nhimliliM 'vil,ulup, niu> ^ojnplHi^jy milfllHMort Hi? binfcli lit) Jolitrtl w llli in iip))0tirniui^nm1 Itrnfliiff, na hi'i’iuiKf .1 anw. wljttl hli

iV/i»;rta «)o/r rta’ /'ehipiK'd I’yn'on him, 1 tlnilerattHid un kooii na I mil jo Iho illiodsi'iy w hy KIhhhIi'.v wna wedrbiff lhi* miJforui o f » bn«k prlntti* In 1ho; mnrlno ont’ps, I t , wna Iwvnuap It alitVfry. to whluh hr hnd heeuiiHt ail* dloirtl!.J« ,i*lvll ll/*«- Itm) I'i’iiiUri'tl him

’ unfit nnd lmioinp**ti*nH<vhcnp up with thojproceanlim Id civil life.

ul7 m i 1* to m ,v , I rerrt hro loojta nt Klugaley tn are thnl morphine hnd lilm, I I I " ffray eyca foKiiNNotl to plit>poln(a, tiiid hb had nil of tho other exterior Imlli'ittlon*,of |ht* mini ehnlntid in tho morphin hoiubige.

“ A t tho Inapeatloii on Mu- Runrhty fullowlitff Klugnley'a coming itbtmnl 1 wn(clit'tl nty Immediate chief, the ahlp'a *urfeotit nttrrowfy fo *<•<* If he w u*#o-

; ,Jn ^ lO ,r get on to Kingale^ when he paaicd by tho nu irlr iflM o llrm ln^ after

.•ilte^oiiimiMullnpr ;offlccK r Wh>f? ‘ *h» aiirgeon pnased by the row nf nmrlnen,

- tfyci Rti’hlglit ahend, t observed tlmt.~hu £(Uo mto aharp glance nt.XUigaleyi

; jflhdjtbhl w ftih ll, '• : " | le lo w , In my alororoom , after In* epcfltloni tho jitti'ffedn’ looked h i mo bat

V of (ht* l u l l of h lH fyc .;,. : ; j-VAlInve you nollttw that mnrluei

•‘opolKeqat,yf'jlt«;ns|(jHlin»p.,; \ ■V air,’ I r rp lied .; 1 i I ’m fflutl to lu* oorrqborntort— ye t I w in au re T ootililnH ftnrn boen

: in ld tnken/ anld tho aurgeon, f e t t e r lm v 6 ;n « ex lrn eye to y o u f atqrft f’uf ntoVphln— k«cp I t um lo r oover.'c .Av/r

: • “ jrow fivcr, lC liitfA ltfy .ilJtln 't, b f(O h )« ‘ IttoVim ble. H o W n a - an ,fldmlrublu m \\ t llo f o f th o ia ep v l io w itjt^ iw uy«,,>l,Bbt o itI|l|d ti i^nuti*(' ; q o n ir ifo f<1 a lh ty, n Bplck»itnii*ait«n nm ii n l > b j i ' T h i . lrin rlite oflloer In clm rgu o f (lit* -gtiSrd itevcA 'ftfvO O U W / aiia^ihti4!! tlmt

'f t h iro N w u a nnyth ln ff w rong nbtuit , lilrfga ltfy .V iin ilJ^o th.oiiifJit ap m.tioh Of

th^ ttiu nV .fa l'lh /u in eaa I|»ni ho h iiil him : w u ilo A"corn<mtl ti eou|»le of uiontliR

n t r t r K tnRa ioy Jo ined tm. K liiK s le y w i | iilw fty * iim lv r tho fndm’iicu of tho tlvjtff, flu titw . .,U o tncvtir ijnn o u t.p f t l iC » t t i f f . ' Y o n k h«SV : h ow 'inb rjif iln i'

• glftVCft p rovld f, ngnliiH t ib a t im fn i cun-^n vdtfn n il tin*

t l in M i .n l nuvur Hppvnrod to ovocahoot h ld 'l ln i l i : Jd h ffa lo y a n ra ly wna n'liittn ofJ|»ow crfM l| n c lf«oo n tro l.l« th n t t N * a p jo t: ,’lTow uveri I kn»»w. tfmt I t wntihl <f«? m iiV ln tiino , Ahil Ib ro w him . J i itl> wrtya doca th ro w 111 YlQtlma I f tliuy glVo I t rttpv ouottgh,.yoH k n o w r mul jtio i'phim ’ In oiio o f ilitix r tU Iukh tlm t Ju it tk tn n ix li n lU h o ropo it w iu it*.• ^ K in t fa l l J Vnuw L i^ liiltK H o n t lu it’X W < iw itUout l) l» 'l )n lj l l , iu i(l he avultlctl jiie vu ry .c lii^ V t\ U ly « O n e . iio.DiT*liuui‘,' liciwovor. l -liu[iponi'd' to l)d}n(hoI<lit|f o ' t>l|to n t tho tf^ iff.w ny,; ,K lii«aH »y; w in .iQoU liiif ou t.oyvi' Il io b w u U fu l

_ ^ 'K m gsley ’li' lie eonilnff to mo fo'r the Binfl to-nlRht,’ I thought. ’H o V been KtklrtK ^ o f 40 g rah u ai/il l)o won’l be able to atiind It, Hut i ’ll be b^Hchrd I f lt*M found out. thnt 1i‘u fflren hint tt aixlecnth of n ffrnbi,' I'm sorry for Klngaley, but I.w ouldn't bu able tn help him o u t . '.. ; .

‘‘W ell, Klftfptley didn't rom e^O i»^ uutll nlo|\g ,towiu’| twj> o'til^ck pn ( o following tnornlitg, .• . \ ; '

* *.Tuat un injt'otloii.’ h« Viil*pi»r<*u it>' me, hourMHy. 'l 'in going InsaneiJ i! .

“ 1 couldn't, nml ! told Klngaley ao aa dpoently na 1 enuiii, I t htict titn fottirn him (!i)wn, ,l»ul, Iii'o itlilii 't ! tuko thn ohnmuC lit) a|uit]dei:ed all over, nml atnifgmrt out of my llttlo More room.’ "Jllffh t for’aril of wi.r «!or« room wna the store tooni o l Waitg Woo« thr aklll> p rr’a alewufdi W«iig,: of'ootii’M? M t thr i»{i>e, Moat CMi)Uinr» in tlif tinvy lln, lii’ itli'it (I? lld li;


atore fount*, but no ttfilolaf notion la token of Ihnt, ll 'a lookt'il op^n na pnrt of the Chluamuit'a Rnm«. M’elli Klngaley otiiinbled into Wimir Wno'a alore ntotn. Woo wna ooohhijr hint aelf a pill In Hm* ihtrk. t hoitrtl Klnga loy beg Ib r t-hlnk for a IIH Ih <»f the gtmttnv atolT, olTei'InK H,V!' lll ’ n tnonlh'li wn^oa for It. ,Wim> puased hint’ Op, and KingHlt'.v «(nmhlt*il forward, olntynt inotl, ita 1»p b».‘l ,» rl|fh^ lo ho, llo ’d ntrondy hnvo lioon Inanno had It rb t.b fft1 ln v lil«K ri'a tiim u rfla tm i| {}*\U t>‘elofiW jlhn t ^ to l i i j f^ hour to rk»l«'H t’i i l l t ' U l i # ^Home.tlown tlie nflrt.IntM pr, looking, rrltfhlftil. I lia rocownadmwn io iibno tfro m lila a tilT e r ln g a .'O n o o f . Ilt<i KttH tflvU lo im wna It rn ik ln g o u t, Miv; n fto r

!m ng«aliu 's, llii* l»«li’ht*»t'lo w b lo li1 woro ‘ r ig h t hi Ih o fool o f Ihu lif te r Im ld m ,; T h o hntoht'N w rro w ldo opon, IdiigK*

Ih o o f le r Ind il^ ', saw f l in t tbo y w#r«'’ (ipe|i.;-Uui-VVnH|r Woo, tw in ing u riitihd fn im thn Avnril i^iom a l ii i l l l lo lopo, li> n iM w or Ib o o n il of Mto iklp|>i‘r 'a f r n ^ o n g ir i i Imivp, - wn* lop k lng ntoft tb n p ig h tbo ntulii fintoh lo aoe (h<* mi'nJ<fitgrr boy, m ul h o ilh in ’t aro Ihn npoit io iih ji^Ii i i ' huloboij, W i l l , he I i im I ono foo l tdrom ly o v r r otit* o f tb a hottfhea, nnd won Jn aw n lm tit lo p lu o g n lo tlio b o lto m o f tbo flxi;tl nm ib nn lllo n inngitxlne, w h en tho eo lln r o f hla blotiao tvaa grlppod b y tha hand o f it lotm w Iidmi1 mimi’loa were llho Iron , I moim K lu g a ic y , K lng idoy rained NViuig W oo b o d ily In t h f lad d er a f i 'j f . W a iiff W oo (ilp inst fn ln tiM w hen he anw tbo (tun* t f tr he hotl been In . but h r am lli'd b land" l y a t ’ K lo g a lo y , nnd K ln g a le y fo llonTtl h im In to tho Ch lnntnnti’s atoro room.

"W hy, of tH>nrM>,ChlnuiitpiiiirognilP< ftil. K lngalry didn't report hlttiaolf aiok nt nil. Ho emerged from tho Chi* nninttn'a store Tooin ten inlntilea lntorj looking q tiH i’ «Mftpar,: eompHrnllvely,'.; nnd bin eyca were fociiMed tn pin polntns until wc got to Kdutdulu. T W iiU lugn^ T«*y went naliore, took im om dOar wllh, ull tho dellbenitlon In llfo, ami wuii) found deml in bed at a llttlo ho le l' irf- W nlklkl, w llh suitable lellera, telling’?

j^bout. hla pooido, aenletl nud mldieaard- to t)iDttklpper,‘on the tn\ila beside hint, j ^ "A C h ln an m li'll Hlwayart^keg<r»d tof' f ^ r n received,"— 'WuphliigtouBlur... \

>M? 1 ..f m xiKftr. )‘ A n K ng llH li m laalo im ry tn llH t la l i

O n lnn ii i)in intrftted ti fow yettra .ngo to' thp m tu itc r lo tt le in o n la o f llinno (rop ^

J o a l 'w J Id a / w lu 'r B he wnd eh ierln lnud!, V»y A hnlf-breiMl flrttln r, Iin ro]M>rta one a to ry to W htnv the re on n rn ln y d n y / T K h H o ry 'la - o f In lo re a t fo r Ila dinlout,' ftVW^I fur Ita mlvLMiliirei

H itng ltig over the fcnoo nbonL llier oublu wna » huge l ig o r ak in , Wo Jim i nrrlTM l on ly*A few M tiya a f te r thu nnW nm l wna k illed . “ To ll i in nbinit l l , " t aitld, fo r, l ik e Ih e A th rn ln n a o f old , w o ’ hud n o tlili iK elso to do jn a t llion but to lu ll o r Itt'iir aobtutfilng new* ^

"W t-ll,” in ld /A le o , " n o b h f Im u b le troublo t i l l tro u b le tro ub lo yon . l ) la fo llow tro u lilo n ' wo t(Hj j|iueti, He cnuu' In ild illt f lit nm l a le a l ilv pork, llt f uitnm ’g a in und lo lte n' wo fmvl. Ho wo' w iy i ‘W « uo eK’n 'g i omt' fu 'ih o n k o y f»; ru it 'pun, m id wu tw ren r nnvl fo‘ ilg u h to eM , Bo wa u iila t tut lu ll lut unu t lt J i i u lgh ta.' ' • ! >

‘tThree o f ua g r l ginta, w c (/limb ' j ju ij trodj intrt wo w M i, itnd w p dityi ‘l i l ip r y il»y dobll help lief, one'flriir dm l'iima' liolji wlilohnttiii,' J Jy o iu lb y w« i » W iu jU p , ui'Asaii, Tlgnh^ ooitto tnrry liitf bt»K ,'1'wiMm Ji« llniiff) 'rlgith

uTlgfili roll lln J(o ep a l|llt bui w o iu y i 'Iflblfiy

bltut oyu no aleop.‘ ' W ti glb ho ono mortl D djiyl^ Jlo '^ iV id fo*Trilo.i W « hrttiJ lidup, D o ro - h ira k ln , \No k o lo lic i, ' nO bubpo.M> . ' ' i i , . ‘ . . j if

»4f Ii Mobor,

n » '4 S f l ^ N s u y ^ l | | | | i « ^ T H s l i K l i l f ( io »j* ia £ o a iy ,< )u a M | i le . p l j '■< a W u r lr i P e a ce .

, Ilu a s la ’a d ra t ld y cietrna tb t o to aail pu w ith r e l c n l lm Indlffereni'O to a ll ih o rest o f Ib o w o rld , lik e th u t vuat (lu rk atAr w h ich , aatronom era te ll ua. tra v e ls th ro ug h apace e te ru u lly in a tr a lg b t Iim?, I^ouk w here you like, jv h lle m en a lc e p rth u m ig h ty Uuaaluo >veb la being apun— p lia n t b efore the ffo le- rbn t aMH ho ld ing ou , ,'1'he ex* fcn a lo n o f lluaa la ’ la the inon i notable b lito r lu fau t o f th e laa t th re e ceti- iu r le a , end now , under ou r ve ry eyca. ahe l i . iu ld iu u reg ion a f te r reg ion tc ^ e r dom in ion , w ith th e em p ire C h in a p ra c t ic a lly u t her fee t, 'A lac y h a t w e in K ng land f a l l , t o g raap U ^ o t o n ly the ex tra o rd in a ry tunterfn i p rogress o f Huasliv Jn S ib e r ia ond In ila n c h u r it i , b u t 'th o in ca lpq lab le bene- flta ahe .w ill d e r ly ij fra m . those , inox- hou fillb le fields, n o i olono na an ou tle t lo r .tb e p op u la tion .o f ,h e r }e?& fayor* iBbly endowed landa o f, fo rest^ aud ^ lep pe, b ilt u a a co u n try In . w h ich ^nrmlea cun be ra ised b y th e million^ jW hlle le n v ln g h e r 'o w n 'p o o p lu in the la p eace fu l occupntJona, - ■ ; ; •• A com prehensive o r b l r d V e y e v iew

.O f th eae - re g lo n a .\yo u !d ,b ? a rtjvelo* /Uon to n in e ty -n in e ^ ijg lish m ch out a l ‘a hundred w h o hrivft'tid co iicVp^on o i

m a t co lo ny o f S lb c r l^ ln lo .^ v h ^ h il l ie lib e ra le d aerfa Jm vo been poured, ^covering lia.fitctt >v)tb:tho g o ld e ivg lo ry p f g rn in nnd exp lo it in g U e iun iq tic lied *01!ties o f gold , ailvor, copper, conl nnd p ll. On o il theaib umw'ti ln W d a ’tho ae1 t ie r hna n o th in g to - p n y .fo r flO 'yeiir iro van p rat’D w i ly tfrovf cori\ for Ihe inoro. prlop o f lnb o i-^ h iao w ii'n ttd t lin t o f b la Kona.i l ia la :exem pt fro m m ill* t a r y a o n li 'o fo r toh ’ y ^ ir * , '^ h lu h lenvea h im am ple tim e to ifo t lh d life homo nml catnb llfth^ lijm Rolf on tbe holK I lo |Miya no I n f i l l , loca l o r Im p e rln l j j ia e h lU lr o n n r a ^ d u e t j le d b y Ih o atnto fo r tlio htntoi nnd h ie itiTuli'i i w b y . /»)%<>«uinut ofllutiilH1,an (i n re no t thu *j>orl o f u rban o r ru r iil rd ls trU 't oouim lls U ’bon ho o tr ivo a iu Itia oniony ho »nn p i’oduoii ^Yt*rrv tl|U 'K u o ^ a a it ry (lfi m ake u ^ l i i r l w ilb from goV rrn in o iit K l^ ro i — Implnmottln, li7Hiw-h»l)<!i»tf imitorJrtl, afodn, mult lu (uM ltlon , ho onu aeo tiif iv; lonn oli o li»y to rm i,"a lso from the

jg tjvrrm uoitl, florJoua m*n, s lr lv ) j)«tb o li1 utimiHt. to doyrlop th fl.e o u u lry w iiteh hia Into i'cala, nnd tho apootncli ia t lm t o f i i g m it fioo|ilfl res I Ing in ar> o .urlly nnd undlNtui’bod b y tbo e liilm i o f pollMonl o r im i'lbtm antn i'y oxlgouoy In , J { i iM ln . [|lni,< 'oitinU/itl(ifi o f 1 llm sc Irtmla la oniiMidoi'Hl it v ltn l n tiooa illy i nb iro ati H um nny droitmrt of onnqtioat.w h o th o r ln , liijlln or fllauwhofo.^ .Tbfft j in r aw ing of Ilm p endulum o f th i1 lltiHalnti o iuplro ls f iiM , fit llow lug th r linn o f lonat roiilMtitliiff, Thi» ilo a lliiy o f nnttoiia fo lh n v a .n iili it^ l. litws, tun I

,tho gnat, Ih o fu r oiiitt, la tltn 'd lroo tlon Ib Ktuidftn {i*ITort r ftfi’ h iM iiow talioooaaful, • '!f}>■ jTiCt ua fnthlOy go.to thlii gro«i'J\ui|- afitn oiiipkV,’wltiwo lihnd'rttya (iiiroi, 'tittf worltl, w lio ^ ' fltifmn'nt In innrrl^ir Ig tbo wi'iinililniiffliti'r nf oih1 grout' cm pyoaa unit -iilUMiih.'itliit' KUy'j'ci , fiiofut' wlao moil who giililo J l a ' M m io il^ “ fl’lio world In; .NYltlii.Vpiioiigb*'JmV jiiii1 bulb, tintl mir,, {!i)imin*ri!|iii , jiitUi^sU nuoil hoi- i'lnali.’* , , , ,iTho fflnaarlfiuri*ii'io’ro itorltiiiVly (bin

(imtKtloii o f mt.Aitglii'llunMmi ri-lmulv miip la al.mlliuli tlio nioro oleiirly ilol*i H at nnd out ita tlio oiily-po»oilblo;gitm^ nntoo of Iho ponoo of Iho world,— l<*oi'(i nlgbtly ilwvlow. . ij

THE AtflATH0 S8» V ITA IITY ;W o a d a r fu l l 'o ,w rr o i M a ilu ra a e e i *o i «! aoM Pit h r 'I 'h la t t l n l « | •,1 • • ■> Ibo O r a a n , . . ..

A w r lto r In N nfarn auya filr WM- lim n C o rry told bhn suiuo tlm o ngo th n t ou oiio o f ib o iton iilah lp a vou ilug from N ew Zn tlnm l, nu n lb itltpsn. aitp* posed to horn boon uhokotl il in d t k o )ll In nn lochnx n t it lou i|H !iiittiro w h leh wftw itlwoya.nm oh hclolv fp ii|(/ iiig ,|^ ln t, w «a i (o iind bft ujfi^r o i ' ^ a rn d . of t4ardnim«' Cn p tv l ie iitl/1 n vch him h ti d ot tho vcaaol In o iioation , Bupplouipnts the a to ry w ith ibo a tn io m b n t t lm t the b ird Wita aupponud to bu k illed by be ing atTnttglcdt w ith /twlilo tlod na t lg h M y na |N>aalblo a round Ihe nook, T lie tw ln o .w n a not r e in o r e i t 'H ie bonk wna otoaed n n i l t l i 'd . / f i iu l "H lio toga <|ra*sci! t/ tM u tl'ffto t a l i / jw nn,,thuil; wrtipped Ih . jm ^ W .- tneiit ijlo tli nml p u t w lt lr tb r L ’O 'o th e r b lrda in t lio ro ttirn box, n t tho ond .o f tho p o rt an6w »ln itikV I t roi'nitlt^il th (‘ro fo r u o rln ln ly not Iv a a .llm it ton days. I n tho armw b oy '';(fb irt|)liiliiliig |.h»t -ho b ird “ g ru n lo tl" w iion hn w en t

nonr it , tho it lb iilroahp yaa token ou l. wft^ri i t Vrt«/fn i/Vf <Z' { J f a ^ f <1 ? n* Ua >nocU h b o W itb il' o|to ll' Ita hfliih, and tho oyea w ere open nud llfo llho T ho lo w er fm lf p f i (lit* b o^ yu in d Icga w ere f i w i i hui'd. Tho- h’lK loiilnj/a on ilio bonk h'ltd ootun otT. I t w iih ii1lvur fo r^ w p .f t ’o iira .^ ft^ i; b e iilj, U ty tn ,oiij,? • m i w iU tljutt aLw n g l^ d ]iii« l put lnUho;

j pr" -• (H ra m or i J a h l . t , " 1

A wnm on inrtv l i iK i ' i ’O tl^ lm w l rung }he b»)l o f H’atnttfly uuinalon, *; ' .( " M a y I ilio uu y o u r dooralep, h e re ? " jdio itaKcd, rpJ*pt?ntfiiliy,: '<iM|io b u tler w ho prpB iu itly n jijn 'iir i'ii.

-,jvita thoibruBijuo )‘«plyt) lf V li^woinhit wna liiftilutf Aitdlynwuyi'

H'Jien n lirnutlfiil ulilld, w ith goltlen1 \li‘i' i t t t i i ln . , , , ; , ............ -

^ObV pnpiil" dflftil /lie olilfrt, ‘'plpflJii* ilo lot Ihe wom an ilio on tlio doorstop,"I ‘‘V o i’y 'w f t l l l 'V suld :l1m .fuUiiuv-fot' lip <lbiiftt i l f i iy l l l l llttlrt dftitglil#rfil»<jH

lk» tlio W oiin in ’ dlet]\ou jlic .d ^ o ra liip i fu i l l i i f f th a t thc HVrtrid^wfta f io l'n llO ' ifn lhwr d in k , n ft r r n il.— DolruM. Jou r*^ «‘i W >s

A lou tiiliitf h r C n iiiirpR ,I I I tlitf litddifi’ o t au^o/jJ*l ( jlJu rn m

i u w ) M ) i i i i i t a j o ^ U u l lu H i j y OliU'iJiJ'3 D o tlj; N o tf i. . .

^ : c . m a ^ ' 5 5 A T a A C *

Her t(«rr>Maudo—TTnve ym rheurd thtf‘ atory

M - E f t i S d ^og lu , the tram p , aud hla

* M ny—Ko, How dota i i go'/Muude— W hy, Froyw l Fagln te lls

W eiiry WilHe thbt ha th ink* hia dog Las hydrophobia because he ucta aa If he w a* ufrafd o f water, and Wenry aaka him how, long did he haro the dpg, and K ra je d Kflgltt tella W cury W a iind him four, weeks. VVenry re- innrksi “ Well, no Wonder b<< nola as jf lie" waa afralH of wrater."—Judge,'

**If I.W e re president'of tJje United 6tut^8/r a|ie announced, "eonie oijhc* lows woiild.'rei|d dlf?orently;' ’ ‘ "

iny;det|r,'haTn|tdly protested, "the president doesn't w rite the laws.”• -^Ife'ao^n’t r " ' 1" ■'. /‘Certfilnly ■nok.” r ' * ' I

,“ W ell, i f X were preaidenti” ahe aald. w ith det'laion;4 “tlhe president w*ould w rite the luws.M •'* ’ 1 " ii{ ■ 1,1 , “ t believe you,1 iny 'deaf/' he, nieekly replied,—Chieogo1 l*ost;! : ■:

1 ' . V le i ln o l | lo a iH le l(SN « ,,’j (1 A^ the battle of tbe.Modder river’an oflleer obaervlpd; an Ir|sbn^^ taking abelfrr, frbjij^ iJie ieneJi)y|B j r '? after the engagement. 1 The.ofllcer,’ tlilnklng to take l’fttdowh.apegi.aal^t I ’ |

“ W ell,'Pa t, hoW 'did ’you feel durlng the engagement . , r ‘

•IFeell" aAld,I,ni. “ I #felt iis i f every holr nf nty head Svaa^n‘band of niualc, noil they-were’a ll jtiuyihg’jlbm e.Sivcct H q in e iy^ l H l l t j ; • ; ;

i1 Hasrd at ..the- Dade Cliib,Thoy any,". aald yoimg Mr.'Dolloy-

to young Mr. Ourley^^thnt owoBBlng tbn knuiu ia llko li' to cflwae1 nppendi*

a, <ii Wotidnw i f Hmt fa twue/! ,: j I t onuaen .MmetHlng. ,wome (than>emllultla, dealt boy,” replied yonng


k u taa .^ T d tr itf Tdjilo*.’ 'W ) ,| } 0N « ~Na4«^WIUU JteaViV.. “ Buoukljig of s|nyl;nf,” exolalincil th i

Vlgi'imenlo, anoeiiligly,' “ of yrhat earthly itae> atw, yatiV Vou couldn't touch A high wote In n tluMimnd yeara."

i‘Ohi’1 don't kitoWfV ropllod the bird of pni'iidlm', "Cm llk fly to Imj I’tn* bijlmetl on if bminnt aoiiiii d iy .n iu l tluiU I ’ll UtiiVe.;« not<‘,!<mk HK«t Jn.flcnt*.” . -Jt?H(lt(|llo'l?laitdoril:and 'I'lmea,'/ * L

Wheeler & Wilsofl Sewing Machine.

Rotary Motion aadBall Bearings*

e lf

; - A n i l l ip r f lfn tW l l» # r ~ W l i# " i l l t ( you le t >ilm k lm

J’1,u' ■!<■!>« • K h i i k Ii I h '— !(■( | « t r .a>«|ii<f,'|i«

^ ' i l 1" 11! ' 'lie,'— im t lum 'ii'l, I lu ll) J im ynu

' l l l l l l t Ifltl'll 1(1 Ml}' " .V t lV " ,, ,

h ljf id l i i i f j - T H . (!((> .,, ,,

[ ’ ' I 't i . n n l r Tenttcp I 'n r l ."A 11 Ik i iitf lii 1! h ’hW; tn IH ” ' W itlil't l io ' 11 ti w

liiinriln i', :•! (iiu ju l llin In iH lliiilj' ln\il, .uviiil f/n‘ uni I l i i i ' I f ’m loVeit [iiirt u t l l iu ; a l ih ik rn ." i ‘ ' - r , ,. "W lm l w n li l l i l i i 1)1)l'u tli,u fl. tii» ; » tnr

liim i'iloi', Jm itn im ly ,'. ■ , ', "0(1(11(1 <l(, UlU

^ V.i-i.i.-.riv,.'!-'/"- ' ■

. jijijiy ill) ■ijiii.i"''' " • 'vl 1,1 ’

J lo r n l l iy . '( l ir l» | i l jf ) rH « i| r nm l. I h' (h u t miV W e ll, I'd im lie r no t Im »» alM&luv A'tiil i l lily :! loiij|iii'!— liiilli i l in p iill. ■ W u r ii 'i l.. „ . ......

j t'AvolrilMft llN«l«sa:Ha*^lna. .•'- jjfp <ni Ilm (i|ii'i,il)-“ V ('iiy 'jjiWltV In- iliii'ij, 1. iMil'O.Hlit) w JU .hltur iik iiIii.

Hli«r-1 lli ) i l iw ll] ' l lo ii 'l ,|riiu-'iip|ttnu<t? 116— H liili'l ’itMNiMwrjr. '1‘hi'it! iit'ii

mi t liiiiiy iitliP i'ii U i 'c liiin u iid ' w m m , yi|U k liow .— iln i i j ltl.vo 1.11a. ........ .

i I 11 •’i j t * ' ' 'iit iin rJ , t ..!H, ' ') l f l i l i { » — W lm t ilonH luvn i i m oun t lo

vnm p im iil id i ,iV,i ib >v 4 , : ... ,llr lg K i.- 'A Ktiixl il«n I. W h y , I TO iililn 'l

( ( P t . l i l iy r li 'l i R lr l (u nuirr.v nm t t alie (J)iln ’t lovii mi',— T o w n T o iiIm .

;'•} ’ > » * . W » » . #1 'rt# *.';; V; ' jT K . ti.K illn l.tlii bimrilrr tfow n.il :

Dsimlim h i. [ifccn nr ills m u m m llI Tlm xtilimUillii l.nrfM«l, ,lrtll«il 'i T il tllli k (hPJ'M Nti/iiliiHt all. ^C lilunno T l i im - llm ili l .. , .i " ■ W ll.I.U o 'T « ' n ll l .K lM , "

l l o M i i lm i t . O lil H u n — Now, .1 1i i i | id j'o ii w o n 't n|ii)iiil t i l l , illim i fur Im i'i'llilii Iln im r.• .•/ . "• , ,

l l l i 'K lliir— >'ii, u lrl I ' l l link I " r Ilm il i i ‘k( li«*» tfiit,— Cliloiiifii ;]| iry ii|nl)i. . :

A I'D M lo n fu r K lm n lv i l l t i ' ,. “ W lm l t i l nliiii|rm i| / , i h ln l for ItnowU

t i i p ^MUr.fPti niii'iim In 1111*11."., - ; l " V u m . .v » r y uuw nml lim n ln j> t» K ii

o f n K iw il Jnli. Jiifi l« <ii'" wfcrtt w ill lin|i|ii!ii imxt,1;— Clilimifii lli'im ril.

i n T i / r i W i r i ' i i ' K .iw i t i i- d u i ' . in itiiii' i» i i im iiiii'ii

(ijlrMlffll In Im lot'll I I I I I W " f I ' " " I' l i i l i f l \ i * j i M u tl? .'.^ Iiy ijm m h iiiln r

,t illr f iillli'il n iiu iiiili; 111. 1111- Ilm . lo n l m iij'iit1 Id im liin y bH llo i'I't'I.'.iw lli - ,1 f t,: :

“ .IllllItlllt*. llll JO II lim iw iv lm t II VII-(Hint i l i t r r I . ? " ' - - ..................* :••>• ;: •• “ I (iti/i|«Ml*j. pnjv l*’» ill** »Hjn'o rn, t

I iM iK l'y .,.liig |i,,1l»M,'t d f** ; rn *ff ll)i«MHt.iiti'iiniiiii. 1 .............

' y . 'A K .r a i i i f i i . i l . M i i l i . i i - :,* I"M 'liti'w iilf iiril y w i r l i l o l , \ v liy 'ill| l

y iiiiiiiiiit 'i'y lilm V " ’ 1 • ■■ p ’ iI (‘ llutituiHi, no iiu iiijr n f (lio u l r l . * « w iie a t» ,. r r * i) t , l i| i i| . ; . ;- c i) l i i i i | (o j;o il ,

“ H ' ’ ’

WASHINGTONu D R lf’F T lower m rinstv. .W lH lv M l l , M N T IV A N , ,

. ' HAI A VULL LIKHOV ' f!.»i.siiit=r


Vtrimualllr Mails aold at l«M W i»ar owl !«««•• :m . H u u t i f s D i o t h n r d i a l i r l a t v v a , if

lnoaano«lloa «dtb iha alfitva a lull MaMtf, M

Grocerin, Canned Goods, rflo ir;;; 'llltir, C«fN, Till III Pitt IflMI >il

Nlk«fi aad »ol«t al prln>a ll p»t oaat loaa« l>a« 'sai aouipatllot*.

I alao hanAtfl VIIKMII AKD NAI.T V IIH aa« VACflTNANII VKfitrAllM Il In ir«rf ••Half,1" iWagaas.raa.Aally lo asm oaaliiwais, Tati

Oflaraioilcllad. . , , {GOODS DELIVERED FREE, -

o a o . L iN Z M A rm , j r .BEAaOH or 1SOO.

DAOONIB, 2:10 ,: tvu.i, m ni> vim '/mt hiuhon A t ,W RtNW OOD FAR M ,

. (fiirin.tly CnriiKii I'ntni , iltitr , W ICMTUNK. N. J.

IMi'iiiiIk Ii ii lin iii|.iiiiic Imy 1 . u u t ) . 15,1. Im n il. m ill w i I h I l io Jii tu n mln, l ln In B lu liilim l lirml nml rd No , 1 t IH i.

K D & n v i a i a i f i c » , * n o .W. O, l A IL I V ,

Wlttilmli! lii »• -

SITHENS SPEEDY i RHEUMATIC CURENever r«lln, Try Itauusnoi Oiit) lioi • tin gunrantaad t^ Qiiroatiyaotttnoaflo or Jitofiur raioiid*Qiiroanyaottio r .............ail., A ll rli&umMlHtn tmannoiijMiiiB-urin nuld In (lie blood, lhumivn Ihe.uiuino itiul roil w ill tmvo tm rliAuinatlMtfl.

r w o roinqte, tb« oaiinf) .and., ilfl J i

rtiCToaanrMiB raow ora. ati 0 , lan iJta lln liiiD iitbo t an I'J on dnya' lr«af rnontIn«i%'*lt l„ .v .tin will out cited •j’flri; w iao.. Unl#a of lull* »»l«iuim« wl/l in/iiIi1/* 1M (XifiH/iiiajl iwo /or r aiiartjmrJoo, Jlo llVw illn iiioytM tJitatiissiih as w t lV will iinoni'li lliliKt. ta uunta n t al dt'iigMlaia nml gitmual hImivm,

W . H . 8 I T H E N 8 , M f r . (WiKidl/ury, Ni J

COUGH Juagli Hyrii|i oiiron ttouglio r C0 I1I n t 0111111. C d in iiK ii'* O m u|i, 'W Iinnnlnjr-OtiUKh nm l Mtuuilo-Coiigli wlthiHit fiill. All m o t lio n |ir«lMll. DuoUim pniHorllHi Ib for llranolilU.. IfannwiHiHH, (Ir lliim , V iim iiiw iiIm m i I O o iiw iim itlou , u iilu lt, mini niMill*. I'llce. Mt'ciilii. B .fiiw itlioilcilir'iilltHtlttlta.

COUCH SYRUPAlwayi cure, whin olh.rt hit,

DMlHll'iPlllamrtGoMHratlon. BdplllB (ou*


Do mil fnrgnl tlmt MAKIN I1 (ICIANO It bent nml qnhhi'nl h r ettly ’I 1teuton, mid 11II nikrly irmik, Yuli unu n«t it, nlnuOruiiiiillriiiliiiiiil I'utnlufortlllliuri Nltmlu ul Hutlu, 3'utii.li, olv,, ol. W . r > . 3 3 A .X r iB 3 Y ,

IM u r In Vamii T uuIm, I ' iiIi i I, Oil, - Vnrulnli, ISIn,.

Mulli Hlrui't, ntntnM’ttfi, N, <7, ’...Oii/I iiriil look #rihn K tm W 'N l? WKIIllJKlli tin ({fiint Lnlmi Humi, .

W J| ij1*



4 n r—" - i

co ram f,m n w n n i i xr**a T u u n o x

OVB H O f i W MlaflKafei S*«ott ■■?»—lag Bla*

v h M 'in K t ju im l !«■ la i Omm <i i >i r«i».

A snapping turtle wsigbipg twenty* eight pounds « u caught iu lies! Lskq tbe otfcer day.

B, P. Walling of Kejrport ban closed up biatneat market at tbit plaae. IIu sack $300 in tbe ventare.

Work ai ibe Freehold shirt factory bu picked up considerably lately iud abont 250 are uov employed.

John J . Campbell of KqjrporivM (be first parson to drlro across tbe Mott Btreet bridge at tbat plaoo.

On Monday ibe Steel Trust filed its articles of Incorporation at Trenton aad tba fees amounted to $220,000.

L u t yecr?..]9QkaaQ Joe Lewis gathered 2,754.emply vbiikej^buttlet from tbf residences ia Ocean Grofe.

Mr®. Jnlia 'A. Heron died laat Tburs- day night at tbe borne of Mri, Joseph Oiborn at Middletowti, aged 06 yeata.

Rev, Mr^Wrlgbtof Nov Tort Oilj bai beebjifctended a call to be rector of Bt. Episcopal Charcb, Kej-p01'-- 17; y . ■/: ■ ■ „■

Tlie GImsIs of Monmouth will bold its reguliu ipijog session in Ibe Re* formed UhoKflb, Holmdsl, on Tuesday,April 0, '■....

At an emotion, beld io Oogso Qrore last- Saturday it waa deoidod to appro* priote $1,500 for tbe purpose of ereot* Ing a new engino bouae, s

Oapt. Thom'M L. Hcabrook of Key* port, wbo weqt'tQ Dot spring* on oonat o/aiokuess, baa returned borne mucbimprovudin health. j ■’

TbopiuJ, Atoott of Mobat Hallf baa been appointed ' Uulled Stales Marshall tor tbe dlslriefi of New J«r* •ej by ^r«4ider AIcKiuley, ,

Wbal waa ttwnubt to belbaboriyof a bsbywas washed asbor» al Aabtir* Park ou Tuesday of last week. It turned oot to be a drowned monkey.

Tba Board of Freeholders have pur* ebatod tbe Josrpb F. Alien farm Dear Lo«fj for , 91,nut, tb«amoaUfr ol tke mortgage and interest.

In N tp liw Township tber# i i mmb conplslut ibat aeaoseiuoiitaol properk; were improperly made, Bubo proper* Ilea were asaessod two or three times.

Altfolo Willi* ul Keyport, who wi« ou the> Maine wben alto wae blown up, aud afterwards aumd ou tbe Iowa, baa rcoelvftd a cluck for 910H aa pfinu mousy, •/ • ■ - ■ • • ? • >

(fuorna Matiuing, sou of «T. M. Man* idug furri Qtiy g( tbia plsoc, will have ohirac of tlio bows stand at tbe AIIhu* Ilo IlifltduAa lUtluu tbo ootnlug season. . v

William T, Ooou «f Holtudel Town* •blit la auffyrlBK from mental trouble autl to*day It waa eipMted be WOUR bo taken lo Ihe Htate Uoeplta) al Tran* luu fur treatment. .

Arvoa’tmilb UrolWr# of tbla pises, wbo bavo opened au undertaking labllibmcut al Honth Amboy, haca purobasud a uuw mbb«r ilrud tu\m*\ cur for vsm •! ibal plaoo,

“ Parln” le tbo iiaiitu of a new post- ofHoo wldoh bai tnnm treated‘lot tba eoitvflidi'noe of tho liitutiiatlotmt Djuamlto aiid Hmokt»U»i«i*o«dvrOum* patiy near Huiitb Amboy,

Jnsllcit dolut KUIa of Allantlo lllglt- Iftltri* will Utlii nnlt i^aluat vx*Mayor lVter H, Cumwor (or I'JiMHltt danmgva for aaylt K wax drunk wtiuu bu bail not drank any liquor at alt.

Tbo barns of Kuoob Vauderboef aud Aibur Kty at fiwuutmaus, near Fr«o- bold, were hurciod last Wednesday affemoou, HoIIj flron aroetmpoeed lo bavo bnih of luopudiary origin.( Walter 1), Hoff,’ wbo baa Iwtu poil- luntur at Haelot for dvor twenty years, b»B ruslguvd. Hla puurosaor nM uot bceu apnolnlcd yet, but will probably bo Mr. wlcflftuil, tbo ntatton agent.'

To prDTout a rupotttlou of tbe tv* bli old fovit epldotuio, wlilcb raped in Vlalufldd nouo tt mu ago, tbo lloald of Uealtb liaa pawnnl a atrltigent or* dluanoe govoruiug tbo ealo ol milk.

Tbo dvrfliing occuplcri by Alfred Blotor near Wiokatuuk wm dritroTud by Are last Friday oToniug, Mr, and Airs. HUm'r vrvro avay from homo at Iba llnio and the omieu of tlta Hta U uukuowu.

Dr. A. TrcKAtumnn of South Amboy baa bovu apnoitilcd au eiamluiug pbyii^iiii bf :tnw pouiiou dupsrlmt'al; lor l^f l ’birdtXt'w:,JerXT DlMriri by UultedfHistcV Oommitulonsr of Ptu* ilous Stam.

K. A* Oriflon of Oblon o was laat week awarded tbo ooulrapt tor tbo mpoistruoturo nl tbe New Unmswtok poatdtHoo bulldtuR hr Aaaistant 8ooro.lary of lb« Truasury TayUir, Griofen'B

.'b(4vM9iO,QW.AAAtY I’nltk « 1\\ b^Ugbtvd by Ibo

Wal^irtu Hgbt, InsUad of tdrotrloltyi Id \b*lUlUC* Atom \a alio flbunl to adopr*tbat lyet in. Tha WelsbaoU Company give tlirtio iighta Tor S'j W& thau ouo oiwlrlu aro lamp eo«t«,

Klias ll, of Kujiuut \tamrecently burning in >d« rvenbouse touleitroy Ibaroto on tbo f IauIh. Tbo smoko was mdiri'd by «omo pafcwrsby and Hut Uro dfpurlm^nt waa oalled out, but Ibvrn vfas uu u^d ot Ibtlf Hvtiera.

Tn appoitlonltiir road mmy Ibo

upart for t'ach milo tiudi<r thoperrlaton of a road *u|Htriultmd<eut aud tbla rrqulrvd ST,ltiHK 'I'lu*balauco of tbo appropriation, $1,000, It k«pt *n * rt'H(*rvt« fttud,

for $5,000 damages and was awarded ft mdiet for tbat sum, Tbere ii no ap* pt»aj from this decision.

A tract of (100 aaroi baa been leaded for a term of years al CutflrJlJv by e uttnjber of lioboken sporUmun aud will be used as a game prtibt'rto. Tbuy have already put oirtatxmt 1 UU Kanaaa ijtiall, and will oomplvto tbe ttuuk witb itvlgiau baru aud Kugllab pht«asauta.

Tbe Olerk of tbe Oraubury Hoard of Kdnoation in hla annual report recom­mended tbat tbo sohools of WyekofTa Mills and Craubury Nuofc beabandoceit and tbat mouoy be appropriated for oouirerauoes to carry Iho children of tboso localities to tbe Crinbury tobooL

Tho ooatraot for Ibe ercetion of tba Dew poatofljeo bulldiog at Freehold has beeu awarded lo A, Brower & S od, whose bid waa $Q,GG7.25, William II. Soden was tbe loweat bidder, but be wonld not agree to have tbe flrat atory of tbe building completed so it conld be naed by Ja ly let.

O. E. Davia resigned as a member ot tbe Red Bank Board of Education last week# Mr. Davis will superintend tbe eouatrnoUon o( tbe new blgb ecbcol at that 'place. He will receive 1} per ceut of tbe cost of the bailding for his •errice*. As a member of the board ho oould cot accept tbe position.

T i t im C i l i l i lD i j r .Take Laxative Dronio Quinine Tablets.

AU druggisla refund the money if it tails lo cure. E. W< Grove’s aigtiature is on encli bos, 35c. .

Nlltc, IkiM, Cle.The highest prioea will be paid lor

hides, ski os, fa t, eta, by George L io * i» y ir , J r .

f F M n F T Y T I i i Sam. wmiurit iwihwi

■ a S H B fra *®t f l l t l l H I CCMTV A MTTUC.


Grand Displayof New York ’

Spring Millinery. — attil—

—at tlie— .

CONOVER STORE, ,lately occupied by l f. I. Kitt,

Front St., Keyport, N.J.

A full line of


cnrrlcil In stock »t prlcf* to stilt nil, Cull »u<l liK|)ccl my Hoods nml pvlcts before |mr- clmsliiK clsewliere, *

Mrs. R. VAN 8RACKIE.}> w w w » ^ w w w w anm iw w t»

WHIJN IN NOW VOKK CITVdon't full to vUlt tbo Handsomtat unit Cleanest Tea Store hi AtuiM lcn - It btm boon i*ntlroly n'inoilrilcd ~h«w fmiit, n«*w (MitmriPO, rtn%r divomlloiKt, m>H' ftot k, oto. It ft* liuWd wtll worth 1 vtrib

TEAS& COFFEESnt almonlONH«HALH prloc.

Aut'tUa innkf I* per <*•*. I'ommlaoton.THE SREAT AMERICAN TEA CO..

At A J J Vmty 91., nr .Church M.,N*w Varti, Hun. P .O . f c i H 9 .


iut li t in * Nnaa. uml ivtkW n t .. . .»»«!•* um mh tt Mhii iuiit % j u. n, j. r*M e«.i (W.W •»»> Mt* M« I* ttUilMMl %»■ ilWullriMMl »1i« «ttk «*4tt frkk.U, n«*tkUi ilkliMlini. n«l»lllt ...... - i • -. . Ik, iUt«It «UI k,t ,U . fukni iui.1 M mM hi inmm ir* n. Lmm Mmt w •{*•«»>Hl MH ir»i u» »pp)lr»tl*v '

tni n « M ttiT m u t t , H tn r m u , a, j.

CHARLES J. MflTZ.Custom Tailor,

QldHotol Building, Matawan, N.J.ENA M. COTTRELLE,

TEACHER OF MUSIC.In town Tliandiyt, frld»y» tI tn i lm n W f» n u < l,« t tlw w f i l im i ’n M n.,

AdOrr^v tooji' ncrjlfl' Avr.,J f t i f y C lly , N. J.

T h «0 (it ir l o l K iro ta mill r«»ntiliu.M tin ' jiulttiurtit til Ion lu n fr Afliirt In (ltd. tlntiiKgi' .n it u( l!|l«ulii'lli P iU .H 'V •i(ui|riUli><iti-lxl il^nlii.1 Uni N W l'o tk itnll U 'u # I Im iic Ii H»llr.i»tl Canipxlif. M » . Dttiitm lV littaVtnuil « n k ll lt i l lu a i. llru m l urcrk tutl .lio.ttctl

Or. finiw’s KIDNEY^Backache Cure.tt*r «M Urtnxr

.......... _,,iipmnnllmt, tW iVrittntr,

fVr kll Kl<(»i»wn».Whi _ ____UnfiiUug lu1*oranoWoISn«5rH jtlm lft* tif i ik » lll^ h fJ ',»>W<\*

ndIiI njr a, nri>Ih


8 T E E L P E N SbmplM to ttUt, |9 itifT«t«nt ruxiiwr* fit •t)1« «<t »rHlaii, Imhiillm tin Vt.R'ftCfcL bYbl'KM,wni id lOrtnit.

R i g h t i s u i m for natter.A good, well stocked store in

every department. Nothing left undone to JiQve the right kind 'of goods at prices that cannot be touched anywhere in this vicinity. Our uinrgins small—Everything sold on same basis, hence no mat­ter whfct grade of goods you buy, you get them at way below compe­tition figures.

m i l l i n e r y .Ladies’ Fan cy S traw H at, trimmed w ith

foliage, roses, gold buckle, f t .$3. ,Ladies' Fan cy M eline H at, trim m ed

w ith roses nnd leaves, S 1.9S. . 'M isses 'and C h ild ren 's (rim m ed Straw:

Hats, f t . i s fu td jr .39.In d ie s ' B lack W a lk in g Hats, ve lve t and

straw bows, f l . 25< .T ine bunebfs Mowers, 35 cents up. ,

WASH DRESS GOODS.I fancy Lawns and Diniitlefi, 13 and 13c. Striped I ’ercales, w ide gooda, B^'c, l^ancy Press G ingham s, plaids, etc., at

9> c. * ’Figured all-wool Cliallies, a8’ inches

wide, w ith satin stripe, 32c,

K I D GLOVES,7yfldies’, in red, tan, gray, w hite, 75c,

MEN’S' NECKTIES.A b ig hue four*in*hands, tecks nnd

bows, nil tbe latest, 35 and 50c. :Ito.v'd fancy pu(T tie, s$c.

SHOES.la d le s ' O xford .T ics , doiigola, p tc t i t

tip; you get good vulue for fi.oo , | i . a 5 and 1.50,

O u r lin e Afeii's Kn iiw t I,nee nt #3 and 113,50 are certain ly great value*.

M m 's Ktnuet Oxfords aud Pstent Leather Ovfords also in at nek.

YOUTHS' & HOYS’ CLOTHING.A 3-pioCe veatee Su it, a ll wool, gray,

fancy u iiu tncil, 4 to 7 yeara, ia .98.A a-plece blue Serge, strictly »U wool,

7 to 13 years, f s . 3 4 .

MWNS* HATS.n o ir nud C ru ib , nil colors uud slmpoi,


Dtpnrtmcm iilwnyti up-to-date withpufe, fresh goml«.

C nu im l Long Island Aspamgus tli>s, tH ueuts,

CnihknI Hplnach, >5 cents,3«lb, enn Itest Sauerkraut, m cch U .

CROCKERY— new nrrlvnU for Spring itt bothplnin nnd decornted,

io-plec« Decorated To ile t «Sct( Jf-.VI* 1‘ lnln while H lop Jnr, 73 ccntn.

HARDWARE.tian len Yrowela, s vetdi.W a l l Hvrii|«rs, to eeula.F im t CIusm HnKHdhing IMane, 9,5 cents, Ct-lrhrntcd K oya l H!»e H atchet, 4Hc, ,

ENAMIilAVARH. 'T lw w ItaiUu uud K clt lca

w ith coven in tho brut ware, <b 6 ' nnd H ipuut, aro grent valuta nt 35, 40 and 50 cents,

FURN ITURE.W h ite Uuaiuet lled i, braia- tritum iugs,

sy n . fi hicheii and 4'ft , , lit 'Oitk Hi<hdK«nl, fiuicy cnrvo l, pinto

K la iu ,) ilrawrhi nnd closul, H ill she, m jwtat ut •

Coucli, covcred w ith red flgnnHldcnhu, i|>cch0 nt f j . .

J. OABTAK.Western U n ion Telegraph Oltice.

CARTAN & DEVLINhave a large supply of

the very best

which they will Sell at

prlccs as

Low as the lowestOur stock of

r ,

is very large nnd we are soiling it at

BOTTOM PR ICESWc enrry n Inrgo stock of

Lumber, Lath, Lime, Cement,Nails,&o„

which wc arc selling at

Prices that Can’t be Beat.1 «- v '» , •OAETAN & D E V L IN .

ABOUT THE EASTER DAT.Biggest beauty colltctlou of Haslet Miltiuery our second floor lms ever shown, Exquisite models—.Paris and Newark Princesses of artistic rivalry.

LADIES'EASTER MATS, $4,95 to $35.00 CHILDREN'S EASTER HATS, $1.95 to (20,00

Hata to Order. ,Better ready tlian ever Itt the To-Order Department. Give us : all the time you eatt. '

iKaater Untrltnmed Millinery.H»ts, Flowers, Feathers, Braids, ChifTous, I,aces. Ornaments, and all the correct novelties. - ., »

A i A A A 4 A A A A

io, Afaais. 707 to 721 Broad S t . , rrM 0t|lnrti>'lo Brioeh S(or«. NiWARK, n . J . Ull Ordtn.

< t r y .T T f T T y T » M f f T I M M T T T T ’

I H A V E ^■ Seed Peas, Henna, Onion

Sets, Sweet Corn, Cabbage and everything needed to plant the garden or farm for 1901.

All seeds are guaranteed ns rep* resented. I f tliey prove otherwise I will refill the order free of charge. But can not guarantee (> crop.

Also have fine lot Seed Sweet Potatoes, Address

R. V. CRINI,, , , Rforganville, N, J.



Finn Stock tnd implgmcats IThe wibscrilwr will sell on

WEDNESDAY, APRIL IO* 1901*nt f o’clock p. ui., sharp, at hla farm at J ’HKNItAt’, bia liorsea, wagons, sleigh, a cows (coming tn profit), Iihv. ix»rn and farming Implements of all kinds. Also lot household furniture aid chicken*.

Four Months’ credit on sums of/io tunl over. See inwteni for ftiU twrtlculars.

JOSliVlt Ill.ACK.

ALL ACTUALBulimia. W.W.WlKMM,Prlaoipal.

The Newark Business Collin,7I& IrMl ftt.f Mmrk, N, I. 0

ESTiBUSBKD |U 1 . ,The Isadtng aokool of rsnmaDahl|>t fibort-

naud and Trpewrktn«.Tultiob

ludlvlduat !ii»<r«ettou~Aetu*i (r$<(Kw ft«ai be> ■tnalBfftoaa* of eeum, Short aai soeqrai* iumIumU of aAtUOoit tad atUaatoa.m>».p'm* u. .uiHiiva . iii, wavVHVMfn,

BtDklL«0ui!u#M«oa4ticif4 itaroiubeuUbs aeora*n4 Mwaaata, •• ' '■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ t ••<:Ihonhiad pouraa of H i Knafha, vita iwraaM# vrjiiasatidraadla(«M«l lu aav mMiM of.oaa IwafHi.vsMiipprwlliata. , '>> [ A ■

P#rfMtd(«elplta«siftd«fprlt4«so s, A kttar 1st saaihcmt, ••fSSfar eatstopsf.srWtlir.siH, ‘ ’ f -

T O N I O l S A N T O .

Bool and Shoe Makar,lOWCIftlAIN t t , MATAWAN, N, j,

Dnot, nml Slum of all kliut. Jl.ile lo Onler nt l/)w..t l’ricf. .ml onlv tb. bc.1 ofltatli.r iimiI,

new Hcwltitf M.cimic which Illlclirs Irmlicr a, neatl/ a. It call Im don* anywhere.

t ittn i-H u ii S I ih 4lwtfi on Htni.

SOniBB FOE i ADTERT1SB Id TIB ‘'JOURNAL.”Our “ Naw Proccss’1 Ciujict Cleaning Is cnrofttl nswetlai

thorough. Placo a "try order,”(a)Amo* H. Van Horn, Ltd.

Thnt Amoi H, Van Horn, Ltil,, Is nsDO YOU KNOW

tho twit) to buy your furniture, citrpeta, lieiUltnp, atovea, whether yotita |iliinitlu|; to (urttlHh one room nr nn entire house?

(I.) Stock Is largest. (1.) Styles nro tlio Intent, (1.) Prlcoa aro lowest, (4.) Terms accommodating;. Spring lines uro fast nrTlving-BpocinlsofTarcd in every dapnrtmcnt this week.


$ 1 6 . 5 0

M. . J. . . .1!.... gN__L ____ Iffij

p p0 00 00 a

A B-plece Reception Suit—new 5 1 8 a 4 9 a ui t-R o I d o npattern, cherry I rattle, dnmank cover- fi Dlah, large plato mimtf—valuoing—worth $10 00. #87.00. . ,The space this ad. giro* us is much too small to tell ot all the good bargains

* < tbe store bolds.

CarpetsYou Only


Hkv« to 5et th* Spring Llm and Read tha , 'Prlcta to Flad That Out. : ' 1

' . MCIMIN ,Heavy Ingrains, 19c, 35c, 42c yard up. ,

AU Wool lngntlns, 53c, <0c. (Wc yard up. .Brussels, 49c, Itic. W c yard ttp.

Extra Brussda, 69c, 78c,' 83c ynnl up.Velvets, 69c 75c, 89c yitrd, 1 ;

■ Motiuottos, 89c, 9Sc, I . IS yard. .Mattings ns luw ns Vc yard.


deep tuCtwl, One spring edges, very heavily irlngetl-rvkltio t i l ,

. 2 5 - A Onhlon Oak$ 2 4 .X O tt i,| o b o n r tl-llKnmi'lt I'lnto mlrtoni-awell front -value 130.00.

Tho m Domestici - .

, Rawing Alaciilue,

. Votira. caah or Credll. ThevrerldV ll lttwt, ooilmt-rtmaldg turwhlno-bulU lor long w.u and SpKHl .orvlcd, Votir olil ntaehlao tnkon ai port payinsnt,

Amos' H. Van Horn, L td .lie »«rc tl'i MN#ir Itt" Mttl you ire tlie flnl nnmekl Anio»“ tiefbra cutcrtng our Store.c m 7 «■ MAHK£U J'THEET,iiiiuiVuHlHd. ^7 Ntar rimw fltrwt, Weil (ifllrA«J,' J

A Privais Delivery WAgnti'tirnt mt Xc(|ti<it. *'TcIf|iti(mir aSt)':*' %-•firinl for Kctv Cjtlnli Wf- ( 1