w o r l d w a r i i


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•Hitler believes Germ should build a great empire (the THIRD REICH)

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•Need more land to East (Russia) & Slavic peoples should be used as slaves to build 3rd Reich

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•DON’T WRITE!!•Hitler creates new air force March 9, 1935.

• Begins military draft (Against Treaty Of Versailles).

•Fr, GB warn Germ, but do nothing.

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•DON’T WRITE•Hitler knows they won’t use force.


March 1936

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•DON’T WRITE!Fr won’t act w/o GB.

•GB doesn’t support using force (b/c Germ owns Rhine

any way)

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•Hitler & MUSSOLINI (Italy) become allies, b/c they believe must create big empire

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•1936: Germ & It sign treaty recognizing poli & eco interests called the Rome-Berlin Axis. .

•Invades Ethiopia w/ Germ support, angering GB & FR

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AUSTRIA•DON’T WRITE!!•1937, Hitler threatens to

invade Austria.• Aus Chancellor put Nazis in

charge of govt. •Govt then “invites” Germ

troops to come in & maintain order.

•Annexed March 13, 1938

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•DON’T WRITE!!•Next goal: destroy Czechoslovakia

• Demands Germ be given SUDENTENLAND (NW Cz) on Sept 15, 1938.

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•Policy of APPEASEMENT- belief that if you satisfy demands of unhappy nations, then unhappy powers will be content & there will be peace

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•Fr, GB, Germ & It meet at MUNICH CONFERENCE. France & GB appease Hitler & give him Cz.

•(See chart above for rest)

• Hitler promises to make no more demands. BIG LIE!

• Cz abandoned

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•Neville Chamberlain, GB Prime Minister, says “This will create peace for our time”

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•Hitler thinks Euro weak & won’t stop him. Took over rest of CZ 1939 & demands

Polish port of DANZIG.

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•GB & FR realize they need Soviets to stop Nazis & negotiate w/ USSR

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•ON Aug 29, 1939 Hitler & Stalin (USSR) sign Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, promising not to attack each other (to prevent a 2 front war)

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Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression


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•Pact gave Stalin

E.Poland & Baltics

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•Hitler invades Poland Sept 1, 1939.

•Sept 3, GB & FR declare war.

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•Sept 1933: Japan attacks Manchuria for resources.

• League of Nations sends investigators.

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•US warns Japan that economic SANCTIONS (economic restrictions to enforce laws) will be used unless Japan w/draws to old borders

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•Big Dilemma! •Japan must decide what they need more: Indochina’s

resources or US’s oil & iron

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•Germany’s fast attacks shock world.

•Attacks were called BLITZKRIEG (lightening war).

•Planes bomb, followed by tanks rolling in, & then foot soldiers

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•On 9/28/39, Poland surrenders & Germ & Soviets divide it up.

•On 4/9/40, Hitler uses Blitzkrieg against Norway & Sweden.

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•On 5/10/40 attacks the Netherlands, Belgium & Fr .

•Main assault thru Luxembourg & ARDENNES FOREST.

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• Tanks roll through weak French Maginot line (line of concrete defenses) & around to Paris

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•Splits Allies in half, trapping FR & GB on Dunkirk beaches

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•6/22/40- Fr sign armistice & Germ occupies 3/5 of France.

•Germ set up authoritarian regime

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•Brits ask US for help.

•US passed NEUTRALITY ACTS & cannot take sides

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• • Hitler must invade Britain by air.

•Aug 1940 LUFTWAFFE (air force) bombs bases, industry & cities.

• Brits fight back with air raid plans & Royal Air Force.

•Hitler gives up May 1941

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•Hitler thought Brits waiting for Soviet help

•6/22/41- Hitler invades USSR.

•1800 mile attack, (Russians burn supplies, factories,

but many captured

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•By Nov: Germans took the Ukraine, close to Moscow and Leningrad.

•Hard winter hits early, Germans freeze & strong Rus resistance stops Germ.

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•Dec. 7, 1941 Japan attacks US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

•Try to destroy Pacific fleet. • Thought US would accept Japan’s domination of Pacific

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•KAMIKAZE (divine wind) were suicide pilots.

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•Japan took over much of SE Asia & W Pacific

• US declares war Dec. 8 •Joins the ALLIES•Hitler declared war on US

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•Japan took over much of SE Asia & W Pacific

• US declares war Dec. 8 •Joins the ALLIES•Hitler declared war on US

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•New alliance- US, GB, & USSR are GRAND ALLIANCE

•Agree to focus on military, not political issues.

•Will fight until AXIS POWERS (Germ, It, Japan) have UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER- no conditions attached.

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•women enter workforce. •Some serve as nurses or WACS.

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•GENERAL ERWIN ROMMEL (Desert Fox) controlled North Africa

•Trapped & defeated by Eisenhower

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•It & Germ armies surrender in May 1943.

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•Hitler goes after Stalingrad (industrial center). -worst battle of the war.

•Many starve during siege, but Nov 1942-Feb 1943 Soviets counterattack, encircling Germs & cutting off supplies during winter.

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•Germ 6th army surrenders


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• Russian factory workers are sent to the front lines to defned Stalingrad (Volgograd)

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At the same time as the war in Europe there is fighting in the Pacific:

•BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA- 5/7/42- US stops Japan’s advance to Australia.

•Battle of Midway Island 6/4/42 US destroys Japan’s navy.


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•DOUGLAS MACARTHUR- US-move into Philippines thru S. Pacific Islands

•A combo of US marines & navy move across Pacific to attack Japanese

held islands, by island hopping.

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•Winston Churchill calls Italy “Soft underbelly of Europe “

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•DON’T WRITE!!!•Allies move into Italy•Muss removed from power. •King Victor Emmanuel offers to surrender

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•DON’T WRITE•Germs free Mussolini & set up puppet Germ state in Italy.

•Germ sets up defenses, takes Allies until 6/4/44 to take Rome

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•Allies open 2nd front & invade Fr from GB thru English Channel

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•Allied Forces under GEN DWIGHT EISENHOWER land at NORMANDY on 6/6/44- aka D-DAY & retake France

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1. 6/5/44- Stormy, men waiting in lSTs. 2. Germans nervous. Radio stations bombed,

Luftwaffe grounded, telephone lines cut. Thought no invasion would occur

3. Commanders away attending a war game subject was naval assault on Normandy

4. At Calais, German radar picks up signals when Brits drop aluminum foil form planes & send up reflector balloons to look like troop transports

5. US & Brits launch parachute and glider drops behind beaches

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6. Beaches at Normandy given code names: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno & Sword. Utah & Omaha taken by US, rest by Brits & Canadians. Use clickers to find way in dark

7. 1:11 AM germ general gets phone call. Word reaches Rommel at

2:15 AM, but doesn't

believe this is the

invasion. Sent message

to Runstedt

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8. 2:55 sends message to Berlin.but not sure if attack is atNormandy or Calais. At 4:15, knows its Normandy

9. Sends message to Jodl, asking for reserves.

10. Jodl wakes up 6;30 & DENIES order.

11. Too late. 150,000 men, 1500 tanks, 5300 ships land. Huge success. Many die in the attacks.

Good thing because one week later, Germans launch V-1 rockets on England and V-2s later. Flew up to 120 miles altitude and could not be stopped.

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JUNE 6th, 1944

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BATTLE OF KURSK• On July 12th, Luftwaffe

& artillery units bombed Soviets.

• SS Divisions “were astonished to see masses of Soviet armor advancing towards them”.

•Battle of Kursk was the largest tank battle.

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•Soviets move west & take Ukraine, Baltics & Warsaw by 1945.

• Enter Berlin in Apr 1945 & swept thru Hungary, Romania

& Bulgaria

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•Hitler moves into bunker.• Commits suicide April 30, 1945, 2 days after Mussolini killed

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•5/7/45 Germany surrenders!!

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1945: HARRY S TRUMAN debates whether to use atomic bomb.

•If US invades Japan, millions die or if US uses bomb, US does not know what damage it might do.

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•8/6/45 drop bomb on HIROSHIMA, & NAGASAKI 3 days later. (levels cities, many die)

•Emperor Hero Hito surrenders.

•Dropped by Paul Tibbets

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Mk-I "Little Boy"

Mk-III "Fat Man"

Width 28 in. 60.25 in.

Length 120 in. 128 in.

Weight 8,900 lb. 10,300 lb.

Yield 15 - 16 Kt 21 Kt

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Emperor Hirohito

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•Total Servicemen worldwide: 16,112,566

•6-10 million in concentration camps•20 million to 50 million civilians

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• http://videopunks.com/index.php?name=Video&op=view&video_id=18

• http://www.metacafe.com/watch/160126/a_small_atomic_bomb/

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Oct. 1 - last day - judges announced verdicts -•12 given death: Goring, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Franck, Frick, Streicher, Sauckel, Jodl, Seyss-Inquart, Bormann (were hung Oct. 16, • Goering committed suicide•2 given life: Raeder, Hess •2 given 20 yrs: Baldur von Schirach, Speer•1 given 15 yrs, 1 given 10 yrs•3 acquitted: •12 more at Nuremberg - 175 convicted•10,000 Germans convicted - 250 death