w2 meso& egypt

WK2 Agenda Art Review, Pimai Buddhist Century? Instant Homework Grading (late work -2/wk) Discussion Cuneiform Emoticon Exercise Lecture Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilization Homework and movie club “Ramses Wrath of God or Man?” Video 1

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Page 1: W2  Meso& Egypt

WK2 Agenda

• Art Review, Pimai Buddhist Century?

• Instant Homework Grading (late work -2/wk)

• Discussion

• Cuneiform Emoticon Exercise

• Lecture Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilization

• Homework and movie club

• “Ramses Wrath of God or Man?” Video


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Art Review


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Mesopotamia and Egypt


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MesopotamiaTime Politic, Economic,

SocietyKnowledge,Philosophy, ReligionTechnology

Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

Literature, Drama

10000 BCE Started agriculture

4000-3500 BCE SumerianCouncil of the Elders

Polytheistic, Anthropomorphic, Pantheistic,Sumerian wheel, Math

Ziggurat of Ur, Post and lintel construction

3300 BCE Gilgamesh ruled the 1st

dynasty at Ur, City StateCuneiform Writing, Irrigation system

Gilgamesh Epic

2350 BCE Sargon of Akkad set up the 1st Empire

Palace of Sargon at Khorsabad(started to use arch), Guardian of the Gate at Khorsabad

2000BCEHittites settled in Anatolia. Later invaded Babylon

1792-1750 BCEAmorite King, Hammurabi ruled Babylon Hammurabi Code

1300-626 BCEAssyria empire also covered Babylon

Asurabanipal built the biggest library

605-562 BCE

Kaldian, Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II reestablish Babylon as the capital

Worship Marduk at ziggurat, Hanging garden of Babylon, day, year, 12 shift of 120 minutes

559-530 BCE

Cyrus II of Persia invaded Babylon. End of Mesopotamia and the area became part of the Persian empire.


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EgyptTime Politic, Economic,

SocietyKnowledge,Philosophy, ReligionTechnology

Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture Literature and Drama

5000 BCE Started agriculture in the Nile river

3200-3100 BCE

Nomes communityMenes 1st pharaoh combine Upper and lower Egypt: capital at Memphis

Religion: Polytheism, theocracy, local court, irrigation, tax, algebra, trade: linen, crystal, fur, oil, and papyrus

Develop Hieroglyphics then Hieratic

2686 BCE Old Kingdom/1st

Intermediate(civil war)

Mega projectsCast: slave, farmer, commerce, skilled artisans, elite

Math, pulley, wind, medical for preserving corpse, anatomy, hieroglyphs, papyrus

Belief in life after death, Mastabatemple, Obelisk, Pyramids2667-2648 BCE: Step Pyramid atSaqqara by King Djoser, Sphinx, King and queen statues2530 BCE Giza pyramid by KingKhufu,

Osiris: Pyramid text, Coffin text, The Dispute of a Man with his Soul

2040-1720 BCE MiddleKingdom/2nd

Intermediate (Hyksos)

Amenemhet moved the capital to Thebes, Hyksos invaded Egypt, the end of Middle Kingdom, Ended the isolation period

Abstract, Book of the Dead, templesat Karnak The Story of

Sinuhe, Hymns (songs of praise to the gods)

1570-1336 BCE New Kingdom

Ahmose1 drove out Hyksos and created the New Kingdom, Religious center moved from Thebes to Armana, LargestEmpire @Thutmose III

Temple of Amun in Karnak

Hatshepsut’s temple (covered entrance to the royal remains)

1347-1338 BCE Tutankhamen

Royal Tomb in the Valley of the Kings

1304-1237 BCERamses II ambitious projects, in war with Hittites for 20 years

Portrait head of Nefertiti, DeltaResidence of Piramesse, House of Ramses of the Bible

332 BCEAlexander the great conquered Egypt, Ptolemy I

City of Alexandria, Musieon at Alexandria library, Rosetta stone

146-30 BCERoman destroyed Carthage and conquered Egypt (Cleopatra VII)

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• What have you learned?

– Location?

– Development?

– Language? Art?

– Need theory?

• What do you know about those two civilizations? Any similarity? Any difference?


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Emoticon Exercise

• Guess the meaning of these emoticons.

• What about these Cuneiform writing? Do you know the meaning?

• Try create your own and ask your friends.


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• Fertile Crescent starts at Persian Gulf, goes through the river valley, and ends at the Mediterranean sea.

• Greek word meaning “land between the two rivers”

• ~1500 years

• Sumerian=>Akkadian=>Babylonian Kingdoms


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• King Gilgamesh ruled the 1st dynasty at Ur,

City States

• Pictograms=>Ideograms=>Phonograms

• Cuneiform, in Latin word cuneus means wedge.

• Gilgamesh Epic: – heroic adventures: brave when face with danger

– human beings are immortal: power of God• Chose friendship with Enkidu rather than

love from Ishta. Got punished to watch his

friend died and began to search for immortality.

– influence the Bible: Noah’s ark


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• Polytheistic: many gods and goddess

• Anthropomorphic: human characteristic for animal

• Pantheistic: everywhere, in nature and the universe

• Ziggurat of Ur

– Shrine of the moon god Nanna


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Sumerian• Flood once a year

– Irrigation system

• Brick and pottery

– Sumerian wheel

• Math: ×,÷,square root, number in 60 base (minute, second, 360o )

• Measurement: pound


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• Sargon~Moses story, ruled the 1st empire

• Palace of Sargon at Khorsabad

– Arch

– Guardian of the


Do you see

anything unusual?


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• King Hammurabi conquered Amorites and ruled Babylon

• Hammurabi code “eye for and eye”– 282 sections cover economic provision

(prices, tariff, trade, and commerce), family

law(marriage and divorce), criminal law

(theft and assault), civil law (slavery and debt),

– Examples: doctor and patient,

architect and homeowner, debtor and wife


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Babylonian• Hammurabi=>Kassites 400 years=>Assyria

until 730 BCE• Nabopolassar and his son Nebuchadnezzar II

reestablished Babylon• Hanging gardens of Babylon• Worshiped Marduk; especially during the new

year celebration• Divination to predict future with animal

internal organ such as kidney of the sheep• Cyrus II of Persia invaded Babylon. End of

Mesopotamia and the area became part of the Persian empire.


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Egypt• Nilotic culture evolved

continuously because of its geographic environment: deserts and the Nile river

• 40 Nomes with their leaders along the river

• Menes 1st pharaoh combine Upper (500 miles) and lower Egypt (200 miles, Delta area), capital at Memphis

• 26 dynasties in three kingdoms

• Old Kingdom=>Middle Kingdom=>New Kingdom

• Intermediate Period between each Kingdom (famine and war)


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• Peasant life: domesticating animals, improving irrigation system to plant wheat, barley, and vegetables.

• Polytheism:Ex: Thoth (God of wisdom)

Ibis, Amen, Anubis

• Theocracy: a social system controlled by religious leaders, god on earth


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Egypt (Old Kingdom)• Hierarchical Society:• Foreign trade: royal monopoly

– Import: cedar, olive, myrrh– Export: gold and copper– Carrier of African products: ebony, ivory and animal skin

• Other important knowledge: math, algebra, sundial, pulley, medical for preserving corpse, anatomy, hieroglyphics, papyrus

• Belief in life after death• Mega projects:

– Step Pyramid at Saqqara by King Djoser, Sphinx, King and queen statues

– Giza pyramid by King Khufu– Mastaba temples




Skilled artisans




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Egypt (Old Kingdom)

• Located at Saqqara close to Cairo

• For the 2nd king of the 3rd

dynasty (King Djoser)

• Imhotep: the world 1st

architect, doctor, sage, poet, astrologer, chief minister

• 60 meters or 197 ft high, Limestone and granite


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Egypt (Old Kingdom)

• For the 4th dynasty Pharaoh Khufu(Cheop), his son and grandson (Khafre and Menkaure)

• Mastaba, Sphinx, Temple, Cause way

• 3 Chambers

• The tallest structure for 3800 years


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How Mummies are made?

Preparing the body

Organs and after life

The canopic chest


Reserved for eternityWrapping the


Sealed for eternity

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Egypt (Old Kingdom)• Osiris God

– Teach Egyptian cultivation

– Murdered by God Seth

– Pyramid text

• What to do and pray

• How to behave before the judgment day

– Coffin text

• Dispute of a man with his soul

– Desperate mortal choosing the emptiness of death rather than materialistic and violent world

– Meaning?


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Egypt (Middle Kingdom)

• Amenemhet moved the capital to Thebes• Temples at Karnak (the largest ancient religious

site)– Pharoah Thutmos III built it as a reminder

of winning the war over Mesopotamia– Karnak area: the most selected place– Karnak: precinct of Amun-Re

• Hyksos invaded Egypt– Egyptian learned to use chariot– Influenced language and sculptors– End of the middle kingdom and isolation

period• Book of the Dead

– A collection of hymns– A product of the pyramid text and coffin

text– German Egyptologist published a selection

of the text– Ancient Egyptian Bible

• The Story of Sinuhe– Egyptian prince was exiled from Egypt and

became the leader of the barbarian people– Pharaoh permitted him to come back to

Egypt after he read Sinuhe’s letter22

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Egypt (New Kingdom)

• Ahmose1 drove out Hyksos and created the New Kingdom

• Religious center moved from Thebes to Armana

• Largest Empire @Thutmose III (17 wars, step son of Hatshepsut)

• Ramses II ambitious projects, in war with Hittites for 20 years

• Portrait head of Nefertiti

23Hatshepsut’s temple (covered entrance to the royal remains)

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Egypt (New Kingdom)

• Tutankhamen

• Alexander the great conquered Egypt, Ptolemy I

• City of Alexandria

• Roman destroyed Carthage and conquered Egypt (Cleopatra VII)


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• No class on Monday November 16, 2009

• Wednesday evening 4:30-7:30 pm.

• Make the tables for Ancient India and China Civilizations for comparison

• Join the movie club