w8 modelling

CHE414 CHE414 ENGINEERING DRAWING ENGINEERING DRAWING MUNAWAR ZAMAN BIN SHAHRUDDIN Faculty of Chemical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam Tel: 03-55436339/019-2490416 E-mail:[email protected]

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Page 1: W8 modelling


MUNAWAR ZAMAN BIN SHAHRUDDINFaculty of Chemical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah AlamTel: 03-55436339/019-2490416

E-mail:[email protected]

Page 2: W8 modelling


3D model drawings make use of the Z coordinate. More than one toolbars will be used to construct 3D models.

The toolbars in AutoCAD 2007 are called Modelling, Solids Editting, and Render. In this session, we will discover the methods of using Modelling and Solids Editting toolbars. Rendering will be discussed in more detailed in the next


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3D TOOLBARS3D TOOLBARS• The toolbars in AutoCAD 2007 are called Modelling,

Solids Editting, and Render. In this session, we will discover the methods of using Modelling and Solids Editting toolbars.

• Rendering will be discussed in more detailed in the next session.

• If you are using any one of the earlier versions of AutoCAD, there are no Modelling toolbar. The tools are put in two different toolbars called the Solids and Surfaces toolbars.


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Learning outcomeLearning outcome

• Students are able to draw 3D objects using AUTOCAD.

• Students are able to draw and viewing from 2D to 3D models.

• Students are able to use 3D modeling tools.


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Basic Tools of 3D Basic Tools of 3D ModellingModelling

• 3D view- Projection of the model• Hide


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3D ISOMETRIC VIEWS3D ISOMETRIC VIEWS• From View dropdown menu, click on 3D Views to select the different

isometric views, OR click on appropriate icons on View toolbar.


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The HIDE ToolThe HIDE Tool• Command: hide or hi• Or from View dropdown menu,• Or from Render toolbar.


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3D Modelling Tools3D Modelling Tools• 3dface (use coordinate to model up object)• 3D Primitive solids• Isolines• Revolved Surface• Surftab• Polysolid• Region tool• Extrude


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Exercise 1-3dface toolExercise 1-3dface tool

• We will produce this drawing:• The next slides will show the steps.





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Step-by-step: Exercise 1Step-by-step: Exercise 1


• Command: 3dface• Specify first point or [Invisible]: 60,230• Specify second point or [Invisible]: 60,110• Specify third point or [Invisible] <exit>: 190,110,150• Specify fourth point or [Invisible] <create three-sided face>:

190,230,150• Specify third point or [Invisible] <exit>: ENTER• Command: mirror

All you see now is this. Pretty disappointing isn’t it?

Mirror the object at mirror line 190,110 and 190,230

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• Now, view SW Isometric.






Before hide

After hide

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Viewed in 3D Modelling


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Exercise 2


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Viewed in 3D Modelling


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3D Primitive 3D Primitive SolidsSolids


• Refer handoutsfor instructions.

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3D Primitive 3D Primitive SolidsSolids


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ISOLINESISOLINES• The isolines system variable will affect the appearance of

the solid model. The higher the setting the smoother the object will appear.

• The higher the value, the longer AutoCAD takes to calculate and regenerate the model, and this will slow down your computer.

• Tip: keep the isolines setting low while working on the model. When you’re done, you can set the number higher.

• In earlier versions of AutoCAD, the function is called SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2.


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• Construct the outline using Polyline. Add the horizontal line using Line.

• Use Revolved Surface tool.

• See instructions in handouts.


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SURFTAB (for earlier SURFTAB (for earlier versions of AutoCAD)versions of AutoCAD)

Command: surftab1Enter new value for surftab1: 16Command:Command: surftab2Enter new value for surftab2:Command: _revsurf


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POLYSOLIDPOLYSOLID• This is a new command for AutoCAD 2007. A

polysolid allows you to draw a solid object while defining the height and the width.

• This command is probably aimed at the architects, who will enjoy the ability to quickly draw solid walls.


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Polysolid ExamplePolysolid Example• Command: PSOLID 

POLYSOLID Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: H Specify height <96.0000>: 96Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: W Specify width <6.0000>: 6Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: J Enter justification [Left/Center/Right] <Center>: L Specify start point or [Object/Height/Width/Justify] <Object>: <Pick 1st point>


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• Draw some primitive solids using the dimensions shown above or make up your own. Try to create a building out primitive solids.


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REGION TOOLREGION TOOL• Construct this outline. • Before attempting to construct 3D models, lines must be convertd

into polylines or into regions (for area).


Command: regionSelect object: window the drawingSelect object: ENTER. Region is created

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EXTRUDE TOOLEXTRUDE TOOL• We will use the previous region outline.

• 3D View the object.• Hide.


Command: extrudeCurrent wire frame density: ISOLINES=4Select objects to extrude: 1 foundSelect objects to extrude:Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] : 50

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EXTRUDE ALONG A PATHEXTRUDE ALONG A PATH• Construct a 5-sided polygon (Top View).• Next, change to side view. Construct an arc starting from

the middle of the polygon.• Extrude the polygon along the arc. Then View Isometric.


Command: extrudeCurrent wire frame density: ISOLINES=10Select objects to extrude: (click polygon) 1 foundSelect objects to extrude: ENTERSpecify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] <194>: p (for path)Select extrusion path or [Taper angle]: (pick arc)Command:

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The Solids Editting The Solids Editting ToolsTools

AutoCAD 2007AutoCAD 2007

The Boolean Operations

To explain the funny name : "It was named after George Boole, who first defined an algebraic system of

logic in the mid 19th century."

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UNION(Boolean) UNI Joins two or more solids into creating one based

on the total geometry of all.


Subtracts one or more solids from another creating a solid based on the remaining geometry.

INTERSECT(Boolean) IN Creates a single solid from one more solids

based on the intersected geometry.

EXTRUDE FACE SOLID EDIT Allows you to increase the size of a solid by extruding out one of its faces.

SLICE SLICE Slices a solid along a cutting plane.

3D ALIGN 3DALIGN Aligns 2 3D Objects in 3D space.

• AutoCAD has some commands that make this easy for you.

• These are the boolean operations as well as some other helpful commands for solids editing.:

Working in 3D usually involves the use of solid objects. At times you need to combine multiple parts into one, or remove sections from a solid.


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UNIONUNION• Below left, there is a box and a cylinder. These are two separate

objects. If you want to combine them into one object, you have to use the union command.

Command: UNION <ENTER>Select objects: <SELECT THE BLOCK> 1 foundSelect objects: <SELECT THE CYLINDER> 1 foundSelect objects: <ENTER>

NOTE: The object that you select first will determine the properties of the united object when it is created.

The UNION command combines one or more solid objects into one object.


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SUBTRACTSUBTRACT• The subtract command is used to cut away/remove the

volume of one object from another. Here is an example:

*Remember that AutoCAD always asks for the object that you are subtracting FROM first, then it asks for the objects to subtract.

Command: SUBTRACTSelect solids and regions to subtract from...Select objects: <SELECT THE BLOCK> 1 found <ENTER>Select objects: Select solids and regions to subtract...Select objects: <SELECT THE CYLINDER> 1 found <ENTER>Select objects: <ENTER>

The SUBTRACT command removes the volume of one or more solid objects from an object.


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INTERSECTINTERSECT• This command creates a new solid from the intersecting volume of

two or more solids or regions. AutoCAD will find where the two objects have an volume of interference and retain that area and discard the rest. Here is an example of this command shown below:

Command: INTERSECT Select objects: <SELECT THE BLOCK> 1 foundSelect objects: <SELECT THE CYLINDER> 1 foundSelect objects: <ENTER>

The INTERSECT command combines the volume of one or more solid objects at the areas of interference to create one solid object.


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SLICESLICE• This command does exactly what the name implies.

You can slice a 3D solid just like you were using a knife.

Command: SLICE Select objects: 1 foundSelect objects: Specify first point on slicing plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>: PICK POINT 1Specify second point on plane: PICK POINT 2 Specify third point on plane: PICK POINT 3Specify a point on desired side of the plane or [keep Both sides]: <Pick on the side towards the cylinder>

This is a very useful command - think of it as a trim in 3D. Make sure you have your Osnaps on for this command and that you pick the correct points. In a complex 3D drawing, this can be tough to see. 32

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3D ALIGN3D ALIGN• Sometimes, you may find it faster or easier to draw

something separately and then move and align it into place. The command to use this in 3D is 3DALIGN.

The goal will be to align the cylinder on the front face of the box where the dotted line is.

The finished 'alignment job' should look like this after using the hide command.


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EXTRUDE FACEEXTRUDE FACE• Works just like EXTEND in 2D drawing, this is just

like stretching a 3D object.• The command is quite easy to use, but you need

to be careful on which face you select.• Not to be confused with Extrude Objects.


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Now let’s try some example exercises!