wadah perpustakaan bil 5 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Wadah Perpustakaan Bil 5 2013


    Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.5, Mei 2013 Page 1

    WADAH PERPUSTAKAANbruneilibraryassociation.wordpress.com

    Bil.5 Mei 2013 ISSN 1609-4271


    The 3rd meeting was held on Monday evening 22 April 2013 to discuss libraryprojects, and regional activities, training and visit programme, membership drive andpromoting IFLA 2013 and CONSAL 2015 Conferences. It was chaired by BLAPresident.

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    Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.5, Mei 2013 Page 2


    This year saw 43 participants making it through to the final stages, of which 15 were under

    Category One for "Creating a New Product, Process or Technology", while 12 fell underCategory Two for the "Modifying of an Existing Product, Process or Technology".

    The remaining 16 participants were all under Category Three, "Creating New or Modifyingan Existing Product, Process or Technology by Young Inventors", which is a category opento students from Year Nine to 13.

    Categories One and Two each carried the same prizes, with trophies for the top three placesas well as cash prizes, with B$6,000 for first place, B$4,000 for second, B$2,000 for third,while B$500 and certificates were presented as consolation prizes.

    The winner of Category One with a score of 84.8 per cent was a project called the "Stroke

    Meter", a kit and method of detecting strokes by measuring and analysing the presence ofan enzyme in a blood sample. The project was submitted by Fatima Shad Kaneez and DrHjh Fazean Irdayati binti Hj Idris.

    Second place went to "Melayu Islam Beraja - Year 1", a mobile app for children studying inYear One that was designed by Awang Hj Suhardi bin Hj Suhaimi and Dayang Hjh Rohanabinti Hj Md Taha, which earned them a score of 80.5 per cent.

    Third prize was won by the Electronic Solat Assistant (ESA), a device designed to assistnewly-converted Muslims during their prayers. It was submitted by Awang Saifulbahri bin HjMd Ja'afar, Awang Syed Bilal Hassan and Awang Hj Mohammad Adi Mukmin bin Hj Sarbini.

    In Category Two. Awang Azmi bin Haji Ja'afar and his father, Awang Haji Ja'afar bin AwangBesar emerged as winners with a score of 80.8 per cent for their 'Incubator with ChangeableEgg Tray (ICET)' project.The ICET is a modification of an existing incubator that allows forup to a hundred eggs to be moved, as is essential in the incubation process, all at once withone simple flick of a switch.

    Second place with 76.2 per cent went to Awang Sufre bin Haji Muhammad for the "SmartSensor Assisted Windshield Operation", a project that opens windshields to a safe gap toallow hot air to be blown out from the passenger compartment when the temperature is overthe threshold setting.

    Third place was Pg Abd Raub bin Pg Hj Ghani's project, the Motor-Light Jacket, which is amotorcycle jacket that lights up and increases road presence, thus enhancing the safety ofmotorcyclists at night.

    A consolation prize was presented for GZup Paper Coding, which was submitted by AwangHj Zupri bin Hj Kamis and Awang Aidee Suherman bin Hj Suhaili. Go to Page 6

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    Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.5, Mei 2013 Page 3


    The ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN Peoples Forum 2013 (ACSC/APF 2013) was

    declared open by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja

    Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hazair bin Haji Abdullah on Saturday 6 April 2013 in Brunei Darussalam.

    It was attended by over 400 participants.

    During the ceremony, a welcoming address was presented by Pengiran Datin Paduka Hajah Mariam

    binti Pengiran Haji Matarsat, the Chair of the National Organising Committee cum Chair of the

    Regional Steering Committee of ACSC/APF 2013. She stated that ACSC/APF has become the

    annual gathering of the civil society organisations in the ASEAN region, and has functioned as the

    platform to raise and discuss multilateral issues in the bloc, with the goal of strengthening solidarity,

    its voices, concerns, needs and recommendations of all its peoples and civil society in general

    towards the realisation of an ASEAN Community.

    This years theme ASEAN: Building Our Future Together, was chosen to support this years ASEAN

    Summits theme, Our People, Our Future Together, towards achieving a single community of A SEAN

    by 2015 based on the three pillars of the ASEAN Community the political-security, the economic

    and socio-cultural community, as well as the environment.

    The objectives of this years ACSC/APF are to enhance mutual understanding and build solidarity,

    unity and cooperation amongst the people of ASEAN; secure and strengthen mutual understanding

    and critical engagement between civil society and government by fostering a CSO-enabling

    environment within ASEAN; as well as to present recommendations of the ACSC/APF to leaders of

    ASEAN countries for consideration in the promotion of a genuinely people-centred ASEAN.

    A total of eight plenary sessions were held during the three-day ACSC/APF 2013 and eight parallel

    thematic workshops were also held. At the Closing Ceremony the Chairmanship was handed over to

    Myanmar as the next host.

    A Mini Expo on Bruneian products was

    organised by the Womens Business

    Council and supported by Pusat Ehsan

    and SMARTER Brunei at the hotel lobby.

    The conference was organized by the

    Council of Women of Brunei Darussalam

    and supported by the Civil Society

    Organisations in Brunei Darussalam.

    BLA is honoured to be involved in theconference as members of the MediaWorking Committee. Go to page 5

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    Ms Debbie Stotland, LLTSEAN Burma of ,SAPAMs.Datin Hajah Masni Hj Mohd Ali, President of BASMIDA, Brunei DarussalamDr. Saiful Azmi Husain, Universiti Brunei DarussalamMs.Datin Paduka Hajah Intan binti Haji Kassim, President of Council of Social WelfareBrunei DarussalamMr.Malai Haji Abdullah bin Malai Haji Othman, President SMARTER Brunei DarussalamMr. Prof. Francisco Nemenzo, Professor EmeritusMs Braema Mathi, President Maruah SingaporeMr Dao Trong Tu, Environment ActivistMr. Supa Yaimaun, the ASEAN Watch ThailandMr.Iswandy Ahmad, President Brunei Darussalam AIDS CouncilMr. Pen Somony, Executive Director of Cambodia Volunteers from Society (CVS) / ASEANYouth Movement, CambodiaMiss Darunee Jaisit, Child Right Coalition AsiaMs Samah Habib, Australian Director of Global Poverty ProjectMs. Jaruwan Supolrai, Thai Volunteer Service

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    A pre-conference briefing attended by representatives of the press was held on 5 Apr 2013at Asma Hotel.

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    Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.5, Mei 2013 Page 6

    From page 2

    In Category Three, for the young inventors, the top three submissions won a trophy and cash prizes,specifically B$3,000 for first place, B$2,000 for second and B$1,000 for third, while the consolationprize was B$250 and a certificate.

    All the prizes in this category went to students from Katok Sixth Form Centre, beginning withMohammad Aminuddin bin Ariffin who went home with first prize, scoring 80 per cent with hisinvention, the "Multifunction Study Table".

    Aminuddin's project is a table that tries to act as an all-in-one workstation, offering shelves, aworkspace, power sockets and even USB ports.

    Second place went to Muhammad Asnol Ariffin bin Hj Mustapa and Mohammad Khairi Waddien bin HjZainal Abidin who scored 76 per cent with their project, the 'Jetty Bridge and. Walkway Lamp'.

    Third place went to Mohammad Khairol Mateen bin Haji Hashim for his project, 'Study Table', scoring75 per cent.

    A consolation prize went to the 'Modern Bench' product submitted by Lennard Chen, Martin Lim ZhiHan and Kelvin Foong Kong Wang.

    The Grand Crown Prince CIPTA Award Trophy was not awarded this year as the minimumrequirement to win it is to achieve at least 90 per cent - a score that none of the participants achieved.Source Brudirect.com


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    The World Book Day was celebrated on 22 Apr 2013 with an event called Library Open Day

    and presentation of Best Book Cover Design Prizes organized by Dewan Bahasa dan

    Pustaka Brunei which was held at PTE Katok. The Chief Guest was Tuan Hj Rozan DP Hj

    Yunus, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports in which he also

    presented a talk on Buku Pelita Hidup Buku. He commented that a readingculture is the

    mark of an advanced and well-functioning society however the lack of a proper reading habit

    among the Bruneian public is very worrying. The younger generation prefers digital

    entertainment and it is a cause for concern".

    BLA President and members were present at the ceremony.

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    It was with sadness that BLA learnt of the demise

    of Dyg Hjh Hasnah Hj Matyassin, beloved mother

    of Dyg Masnunah Hj Md Yassin. The President on

    behalf of EXCO members presented a small

    donation to Dyg Masnunah


    21-14 Mar 2013 RTB Media Carnival25 Mar 20132 Book on Neraca Allah launched. It is based on Perintah Kanun Hukum

    Jenayah Syariah25 Mar 2013 CIPTA Awards29-31 Mar 2013 Pesta Santai Muara4 Apr 2013 Information Department 61


    6 Apr 2013 UBD Literary Festival, Royal Wharf7 Apr 2013 ASTERAWANI Annual General Meeting10 Apr 2013 Launch of Entrepreneruship @ Campus, a collaborative initiative between

    UBD , BEDB and iCentre10 Apr 2013 Saving General Yang; a charity movie supported by QQeStore, HSBC, RBA

    and GHK Motors. Raised $14k for Smarter Brunei and Pusat Ehsan10-14 Apr 2013 1

    stmade in Brunei products expo

    13 Apr 2013 World Health Day15 Apr 2013 Launch of ASEAN Business and Investment Summit16-17 Apr 2013 National Musbaqah20 Apr 2013 Launch of book on Brunei Darussalam National Action Plan for Disaster Risk

    Reduction (SNAP)20Apr 2013 Katakijau 3


    21 Apr 2013 3th anniversary of SEA Write Awards celebrations21 Apr 2013 NFABD Telbru under 16 youth league kick off22 Apr 2013 15THPRYNSA award. Champs STPRI22 Apr 2013 YAM Pg Setia Negara Dr Hj Mohd Yusof was honoured with a Honorary

    Doctorate from Hiroshima University3,4,5 May 2013 Pusat Ehsan Charity Golf Tournament 2013, RBA Golf Club28-30 Jun 2013 Boat and Holiday Expo, Royal Wharf

    Asian Festival of Childrens Content, 25-30 May 2013, Spore79thIFLA General Assembly and Conference, 17-23 Aug 2013, Spore

    16thCONSAL Conference, 26-29 May 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

    All materials are copyrighted and any form of reproduction is not permitted without the permission of thepublisher. WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN is published by Brunei Darussalam Library Association, c/o Class 64Library, SOASC, Jalan Tengah, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8411. email:[email protected]. Editor: NellieDato Paduka Haji Sunny. Photo credits. Nellie, Pelita Brunei, Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Times. Layout: NooralizahMohamad and Nurul Fajrina Kamaluddin