wakster marketing with entertainment

BizSmart Lunch & Learn Webinar Presenter - Philippe Ingels Company - WAKSTER Everyone’s competing for the attention of new and existing customer. Content marketing is now one of the most important tactics in a marketers’ mix but research shows that the biggest challenges content marketers consistently face are producing enough content, and producing the kind of content that engages their targets. The entertainment industry has been consistently creating and delivering engaging content for hundreds of years – what can we learn from them? . How to use Entertainmen t as a Marketing Tool

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BizSmart Lunch & Learn Webinar Presenter - Philippe IngelsCompany - WAKSTEREveryone’s competing for the attention of new and existing customer. Content marketing is now one of the most important tactics in a marketers’ mix but research shows that the biggest challenges content marketers consistently face are producing enough content, and producing the kind of content that engages their targets. The entertainment industry has been consistently creating and delivering engaging content for hundreds of years – what can we learn from them?.

How to use


as a Marketing Tool

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Why Marketing should care about Entertainment

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On October 27, 1994, Jack Stuart was walking in the park next to his home when he was unexpectedly hit on the head with a banner that read: ‘You Will’.

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Last year, Jack landed in hospital after a mob of over 700 people brutally attacked him with banners.

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When interviewed Jack said these unprovoked attacks happen on a daily basis not just to him but to everyone visiting the park.

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Today Jack goes out prepared. He is protected by … an ad blocker.

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We are bombarded on by between 300 – 700 marketing messages per day.

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In response UK ad blocking grew by 82% to reach 12 million active users in 12 months up to June 2015.

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 One of the main reasons cited were that adverts are interruptive and annoying.

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However, we are not here to talk about how annoying ads can be but about one of the key messages consumers are sending marketers –

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we don’t appreciate you spoiling our online experiences.

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Our brains are wired to better remember stories as opposed to data, facts, and figures.

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A marketing researcher asked students in her class to make a 1-minute pitch.

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Most of the students stuck to traditional pitch elements, such as facts and figures, but a few of them used a story within their pitch.

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The professor then asked the class to write down everything they remembered about each pitch: 5 percent of students cited a statistic while 63 percent remembered the story.

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Whatever business you are in, you also need to be in the business of entertainment.

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Jane Alison wanted buy a new Accountant for her business

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With easy access to the marketplace she had hundreds of options to choose from.

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The question marketers would like to know is: why did she choose to buy Eddy?

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Functional MRI neuroimagery shows that, when evaluating brands, the primary driver is how the brand makes a person feel rather than its attributes, features and facts.

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Research conducted by the Advertising Research Foundation concluded that the emotion of “likeability” is the measure most predictive of whether an advertisement will increase a brand’s sales.

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Jane chose Eddy because of his “likeability”

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Personality, Logic and Emotion, walk into a bar and each order a pint of beer.

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When the drinks arrive they notice that all three pints have a fly in them. 

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Personality picks out the fly, gives it a personality makeover and sends it off to make its fortune.

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Logic picks the fly out of his pint, dissects it and writes down a list of all its features.

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Emotion picks out the fly and after a bit of thought tells everyone in the bar the fly's story - people laughed, cried, took pictures and shared the story on Facebook.

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We know interesting personalities sell.

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We know logic sells, but not many people read manuals.

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We know stories and making meaningful emotional connections sell.

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 It is when you combine those three elements that you have really effective marketing: personality, logic and emotion.

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Personality is who you are.

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Attributes, features and facts are what your product or service has.

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Stories, entertainment and likeability are what your customers want.

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How can I communicate my message in a more entertaining way?

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Choose some emotional triggers:

Funny, surprising, awesome, shocking, dramatic, fun, quirky, off-beat, creative, passionate, light-hearted, whimsical, energetic ...

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How can I be [ add your emotional triggers] in a different way?

Look for metaphors.

Browse the web for ideas.

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Nail down the look and tone of voice.

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Implement and persist!

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Presented by WAKSTER

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• Need a sounding board for your ideas?• Need to know what to prioritise?• Want someone to challenge your assumptions?

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