walksfar explorations

A journey of a thousand miles, it starts with our feet.

Upload: nancy-leduc

Post on 11-Aug-2015




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A journey of a thousand miles, it starts with our feet.


Available to private land owners, real estate companies, hunting & fishing guides and to first nations organizations.

 These services provide an accurate GPS based result to land owners who need a layout of property lines, corner post location on their properties and definition of fence lines or boundaries for land clearing operations.

Guides and aboriginal organizations can use the service to map trails and to establish traditional land use areas.


3 –Mapping and field support Services

Walksfar Explorations6014 highway 16 east P.O box 35 New Hazeltons B.C V0J 2J0

Email address [email protected]

Phone (250) 842 - 6777

 Trail mapping rates (Field mapping)

Assistant $750 per day

Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Truck $300.00/day

Equipped 1 ton 4x4 Dodge, crew cab, with 2-way truck radio and safety equipment (first aid kit, tow rope, flares, beacon, etc.)

Quad/ snowmobile $200.00/day

Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Horse/Pony $450.00/day

Complete with all personal Tack/safety equipment and Horse Trailer.

Travel time $40.00/hr

Walksfar Explorations6014 highway 16 east P.O box 35 New Hazeltons B.C V0J 2J0

Email address [email protected]

Phone (250) 842 - 6777

 Mapping property & camp rates

Consultant $155.00/hr

(Mapping property projects & camp) Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Truck $300.00/day

Equipped 1 ton 4x4 Dodge, crew cab, with 2-way truck radio and safety equipment (first aid kit, tow rope, flares, etc.)

Quad/ snowmobile $200.00/day

Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Horse/Pony $450.00/day

Complete with all personal Tack/safety equipment and Horse Trailer.

Travel time $40.00/hr

Involves skills, training and experiences we've gained though

work, our way of life.

We have been trained and We have worked extensively with Exploration

industries and First Nations organizations.

 Experienced in navigation using

compass, GPS, and maps

Seismic survey experienceSupervisor/Team Leader experience

Quality control of: Survey Location (Does line fall in

accordance with regulations/boundaries of

project?) Pre-flagging (For safety,

production, and awareness of environment and wildlife

activities.) Trail cutting (Is the Quality of

Trail safe from safety Hazards /is it clean of garbage?)

Locations of these projects are very important,

What effects they will create to our environment and wild life.


Field Assistance And Field Support

Nancy Leduc
Our Economy, Our Environment.Saturday, April 04, 200912:30 PM These are my thought on the down fall of our Economy. In the civilization of today , we are taught to focus consumption and production .Build more , sell more , buy more , make more ..more, more ,more ….Land Fills … It's not consumption or production that will help us through these hard times that we are facing .It's learning to use what's right in front of us . We need to fine constructive ways to produce energy,Learn to be more self sufficient and less reliant on the Government for our consumption of energies. If the power went out… Any where in North America For any length of time more than a week. No need to say .We know there would be great panic in the larger centers . We as a hole have become….. dependent on the power and energies that is provided through our Government. So much more so than ever before. I'm not saying that these energies aren't needed and very beneficial.But what is being done though our methods of production? To much time and money is being put on production of harmful methods and use of our natural recourses. We know , we can see some of the Hazards and destructive methods create. Yet we just keep at it. consumption and production .Build more , sell more , buy more , make more ..more, more ,more ….Land Fills … looking back in our History. When did the need for so much power and energies begin?Not all that long ago.And as many of us would agree the world was a much cleaner place then. And I'm just as guilty as the rest of us. I was on the front lines of Oil and Gas Exploration. And I loved my job.It wasn't work , It was a way of life.And I have many good memories of that life. Mining exploration was also an experience of a life time. But what is the reason for these explorations?What are the results, if the project is a success? Do I really need to work for Companies, that seem so little concerned about our environment? What Exploration did, was help me remember the great memories off my child hood.The work camps (that I've sometimes stayed in for months) reminded me of the days, weeks, and months spent in the bush with mom and dad. Start my next chapter in life and keep following my dreams. Making a living doing what I love doing. feeling good about the reasons as to why I'm out there... I’d like to bring awareness to our Environment and wildlife. I want to help people understand that Simplifying our ways of life and learning to remember the old ways is a great experience. One that will bring back happy memories, for years to come. Learning How to respect and appreciate the back country can help us though these times. We’ve lost our selves in this modern civilization and we need to take a few steps back. I want to survive the down fall of our Economy and help cleans our Environment of what we created. We need to learn how to Simplify our ways of life and learn to remember the old ways.

Walksfar Explorations6014 highway 16 east P.O box 35 New Hazeltons B.C V0J 2J0

Email address [email protected]

Phone (250) 842 - 6777

 Trail cutting rates

Assistant $850 per day

(trail cutting) Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Chainsaw/brusher $50.00/day

Truck $300.00/day

Equipped 1 ton 4x4 Dodge, crew cab, with 2-way truck radio and safety equipment (first aid kit, tow rope, flares, etc.)

Quad/ snowmobile $200.00/day

Complete with all personal protection/safety equipment

Horse/Pony $450.00/day

Complete with all personal Tack/safety equipment and Horse Trailer.

Travel time $40.00/hr


Personal safety equipment(High-vise Field vest, Wildness Survival and first aid kit, Wildlife deterrent devices,)

Field equipment (GPS, Chainsaws, Brush cutter, Snowshoes, and All Chainsaw Safety Equipment)

Magnetic LocaterSchonstedt (GA-52cx)

TruckEquipped 2003 1 ton 4x4 crew cab, with two-way radio and safety equipment (First Aid kit, tow rope, flares, etc.)

Horses /poniesEquipped with Saddles, tack, and Electric fencing.

Horse trailer with safety equipment (Equine emergency First Aid kit, Netted Hay bags, water buckets, Extra Ropes and halters, and Wildlife deterrent devices, flares, etc.)

Following Work safe practices

Safety meetings will be held daily for all activities on and off the ranch. Only those with proper training running chainsaws will be allowed to work with a chainsaw. All safety gear must be worn while operating chainsaws. It would be best if people had their own personal safety gear, but in the event the people don’t, We have miscellaneous sizes of chainsaw boots, chainsaw paints, high vise vests, and hard hats, for use on the property.

Health and Safety starts at the top.All of us participating in programs and/or projects must be committedif a safe work environment is to be achieved.

Safety is the responsibility of all.

We are all responsible to establish a health & safety programShow support, commitment, and ensure required personal protective equipment is used. Ensure regular inspections are done on work gear, tack, and equipment. Ensure proper training of the people and follow compliance with regulations.Ensure all people know where location of first Aid Station is and that First Aid is provided. We are all responsible to set a good example.Lets play safe!.